General Mathematics: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Evaluating Functions
General Mathematics: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Evaluating Functions
General Mathematics: Quarter 1 - Module 2: Evaluating Functions
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Evaluating Functions
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the key concepts of functions specifically on evaluating functions. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
b. g ( x) = 4 x 2 − 3 x + 8 s ( x) = 2 m − 1
2. What kind of function is being illustrated by f ( x) = 2 x 3 − 3 x + 5 ?
a. Rational Function c. Greatest Integer Function
b. Constant Function d. Absolute Value Function
3. Find the function value given h( x) = 17 + 8 x of x = 4d .
a. 17 − 32d c. 17 + 32d
b. 17 − 32d 2 d. 17 + 32d
b. f ( x) = log 9 81 f ( x) = x − 1 − 8
5. Find the function value given h( x) = 7 x − 11 , if x = 8m + 3 .
a. 56m + 10 c. 56m + 10
b. 56m − 10 d. 56m − 10
6. Which of the following is the value of the function f ( x) = 3 x 2 − 15 x + 5 + 3 given
x = 3?
a. 25 c. 19
b. 16 d. 10
7. Evaluate the function h( x) = x + 31 given x = 2.5.
a. 34 c. -33
b. -34 d. 33
8. Give the value of the of the function c( x) = 5 x 3 − 18 at c(3) .
a. 117 c. 153
b. 27 d. 63
9. Evaluate: h( x) = 5 x 2 − 8 x + 12 given x = 5.
a. 22 c. 97
b. 145 d. -3
10. Find the value of the function h( x) = 5 x − 4 if x = 6 .
a. 80 c. 16
b. 2 19 d. 4
11. Evaluate the function f ( x) = 3x − 5 x + 2 given x = 2 x + 5 .
a. 12 x 2 + 50 x + 52 c. 12 x − 50 x + 52
b. 12 x 2 + 65 x + 77 d. 12 x − 65 x + 77
2x 2 − 5
12. Given h( x) = , determine h(5).
a. -15 c. 15
5 5
b. −
3 d. 3
13. Evaluate the function k ( x) = 5 x if x = .
a. 3
5 c. 5
b. 25 d.
2 x 2 − 3x + 7
14. Given g ( x) = , determine g ( 2) .
3x − 4
9 8
2 c. 7
9 8
b. − −
2 d. 7
3x + 7
15. For what values of x can we not evaluate the function f ( x) = ?
x2 − 4
a. ±4 c. ±2
b. ±3 d. ±1
1 Evaluating Functions
Finding the value of “x” for most of the students is what Mathematics is all about.
Sometimes, it seems to be a joke for the students to evaluate an expression, like
what is shown by the illustration.
Find x.
Here it is!
If you want to learn how to find the value of “y”, well then, you are in the right
page. WELCOME to your second module!
What’s In
Before we begin, let’s go back to the time when you first encounter how to evaluate
1. x − 9
2. 3x + 7
3. x 2 + 4 x − 10
4. 2 x 2 − 6 x + 26
5. 3x 2 − 6
We have learned that, in an algebraic expression, letters can stand for numbers.
And to find the value of the expression, there are two things that you have to do.
However, since variables "vary", the value assigned to a particular variable can
change from problem to problem, just not within a single problem.
If in the activity above, you do the same process in order to arrive with these answers,
then, this module seems to be very easy to you.
1. x − 9
2. 3x + 7
3. x 2 + 4 x − 10
After replacing x by 3, we
= x 2 + 4 x − 10 get the squared of 3 which
= (3) 2 + 4(3) − 10 is 9, add it to the product
of 4 and 3, then lastly, we
= 9 + 12 − 10
subtracted 10 from its
= 11 sum.
4. 2 x 2 − 6 x + 26
Simply each term inside
= 2 x 2 − 6 x + 26 the parenthesis in order to
= 2(3) 2 − 6(3) + 26 arrive with 18 subtracted
by 18 plus 26
= 18 − 18 + 26
= 26
5. 3x 3 − 6
Get the cubed of 3 which is
= 3x 3 − 6
27, then multiply it to 3 to
= 3(3) 3 − 6 get 81 then subtract 6
= 3(27) − 6
= 81 − 6
= 75
Types of Functions
What’s New
Before you proceed to this module, try to look and analyze some of the common types
of functions that you might encounter as you go on with this module.
identity function is the function f ( x) = x ,
for all values of x.
Polynomial A polynomial function is defined by
Function y = a 0 + a1 x + a 2 x 2 + ... + a n x n , where n is a
0 1 2
non-negative integer and a , a , a
,…, n ∈ R.
✓ Linear The polynomial function with degree one. y = 2x + 5
Function It is in the form y = mx + b
✓ Quadratic If the degree of the polynomial function is y = 3x 2 + 2 x + 5
Function two, then it is a quadratic function. It is
expressed as y = ax 2 + bx + c , where a ≠ 0
and a, b, c are constant and x is a
✓ Cubic A cubic polynomial function is a y = 5 x 3 + 3x 2 + 2 x + 5
Function polynomial of degree three and can be
denoted by f ( x) = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d , where
a ≠ 0 and a, b, c, and d are constant & x
is a variable.
Power Function A power function is a function in the form f ( x) = 8 x 5
y = ax b where b is any real constant
number. Many of our parent functions
such as linear functions and quadratic
functions are in fact power functions.
function f: R→ R is defined by f ( x) = x , it y = x−4 +2
is known as absolute value function. For
each non-negative value of x, f(x) = x and
for each negative value of x, f(x) = -x, i.e.,
f(x) = {x, if x ≥ 0; – x, if x < 0.
Greatest Integer If a function f: R→ R is defined by f(x) = f ( x) = x + 1
Function [x], x ∈ X. It round-off to the real number
where x is the
to the integer less than the number.
Suppose, the given interval is in the form greatest integer
of (k, k+1), the value of greatest integer function
function is k which is an integer.
What is It
Evaluating function is the process of determining the value of the function at the
number assigned to a given variable. Just like in evaluating algebraic expressions,
to evaluate function you just need to a.) replace each letter in the expression with
the assigned value and b.) perform the operations in the expression using the correct
order of operations.
Answer: Given g ( x) = 3x 2 + 7 , g (−3) = 34
Answer: Given f ( x) = 5x + 1 , f (h + 1) = 5h + 6
g (9) = 5
4x + 8
Example 6: Given h( x) = , find the value of function if x = −5
2x − 4
4(−5) + 8
h(−5) = ✓ Substitute -5 for x in the function.
2(−5) − 4
− 20 + 8 ✓ Simplify the expression on the right
h(−5) =
− 10 − 4 side of the equation. (recall the
− 12 concepts of integers and simplifying
h(−5) = fractions)
− 14
h(−5) =
4x + 8 6
Answer: Given h( x) = , h(−5) =
2x − 4 7
Example 7: Evaluate f ( x) = 2 x if x = .
3 2
f =2
2 ✓ Substitute
for x in the function.
3 2
f = 23
2 ✓ Simplify the expression on the right
3 side of the equation. (get the cubed
f = 8
2 of 2 which is 8, then simplify)
f = 4•2
f =2 2
Answer: Given f ( x) = 2 x , f = 2 2
Example 8: Evaluate the function h( x) = x + 2 where x is the greatest integer
function given x = 2.4 .
Example 9:Evaluate the function f ( x) = x − 8 where x − 8 means the absolute
value of x − 8 if x = 3 .
f (2 x − 3) = (2 x − 3) 2 − 2(2 x − 3) + 2
✓ Substitute 2 x − 3 for x in the
f (2 x − 3) = (4 x 2 − 12 x + 9) − 4 x + 6 + 2
f (2 x − 3) = 4 x 2 − 12 x + 9 − 4 x + 6 + 2
✓ Simplify the expression on the
f (2 x − 3) = 4 x 2 − 12 x − 4 x + 9 + 6 + 2 right side of the equation.
f (2 x − 3) = 4 x 2 − 16 x + 17
What’s More
Your Turn!
Independent Practice 1: Fill Me
Evaluate the following functions by filling up the missing parts of the solution.
1. f ( x) = 3x − 5 , find f (2)
f (2) = ___________________
f (2) = 6 − 5
f (2) = ___________________
2. g ( x) = 3 2 x , find g(6)
g (6) = _________________
g (6) = 312
g (6) = _________________
p(2a) = ______________
p(2a) = ______________
5. g (t ) = t 2 − 2 , find g (−2)
g (−2) = ________________
g (−2) = ________________
g (−2) = ________________
4. Evaluate: f ( x) = − x − 1 , find f (a 2 )
5. Given f ( x) = 4 x − 5 , find f (2 x + 3)
Analyze the following functions by evaluating its value. Write TRUE of the indicated
answer and solution is correct, if not, rewrite the solution to arrive with the correct
answer on the space provided.
1. Evaluate f (t ) = 2t − 3 ; f (t 2 )
f (t 2 ) = 2(t 2 ) − 3
f (t 2 ) = 2t 2 − 3
5x − 7
3. Given the function f ( x) = , find the value of the function if x = −3 .
3x − 2
5(−3) − 7
f (−3) = Answer:
3(−3) − 2
− 15 − 7
f (−3) =
f (−3) =
f (−3) = −2
5. Evaluate: g ( x) = 3 x if x =
g = 3 3 Answer:
g = 3 34
g = 3 81
g = 3 27 • 3
g = 33 3
2. h(t ) = x 2 + 2 x + 4 ; h(2)
Answer: _______________________
3x 2 − 1
3. k ( x) = ; k (−3)
2x + 4
Answer: _______________________
4. f ( x) = 2 x 2 + 5 x − 9 ; f (5x − 2)
Answer: _______________________
5. g ( p) = 4 x ; x =
Answer: _______________________
A. Complete the following statements to show how you understood the different types
of functions. Answer using your own words,
1. A polynomial function is _______________________________________________________
2. An exponential function _______________________________________________________
3. A rational function ____________________________________________________________
4. An absolute value function ____________________________________________________
5. A greatest integer function ____________________________________________________
What I Can Do
In this part of the module, you will apply your knowledge on evaluating functions in
solving real-life situations. Write your complete answer on the given space.
1. Mark charges ₱100.00 for an encoding work. In addition, he charges ₱5.00 per
page of printed output.
a. Find a function f(x) where x represents the number page of printed out.
b. How much will Mark charge for 55-page encoding and printing work?
P(t ) =
1 + 15(2.1) −0.3t
Where where P(t) is the proportion of the population that has the virus (t) days
after the acquisition of virus started. Find p(4) and p(10), and interpret the results.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is not a polynomial function?
a. f ( x) = 2 x − 10
b. g ( x) = 4 x 2 − 3x + 8
c. p( x) = x 3 − 7
d. s ( x) = 3 x − 4 − 9
3x − 11
2. What kind of function is being illustrated by f ( x) = ?
a. Rational Function
b. Constant Function
c. Greatest Integer Function
d. Absolute Value Function
3. Find the function value given h( x) = 9 − 5x of x = 3m .
a. 9 − 15m
b. 9 − 15m
c. 9 + 15m
d. 9 + 15m
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11
7. Evaluate the function h( x) = x − 11 given x = 3.5.
a. -8
b. 8
c. -9
d. 9
8. Give the value of the of the function c( x) = 3x 2 − 36 at c(5) .
a. -21
b. 14
c. 111
d. 39
9. Evaluate: h( x) = 5 x 3 − 3x + 9 given x = 3.
a. 45
b. 63
c. 135
d. 153
x 2 − 2x + 5
14. Given g ( x) = , determine g (4) .
b. −
d. −
15. For what values of x can we not evaluate the function f ( x) = ?
x2 − 9
a. ±4
b. ±3
c. ±2
d. ±1
Additional Activities
Difference Quotient
f ( x + h) − f ( x)
this quantity is called difference quotient. Specifically, the difference
quotient is used in the discussion of the rate of change, a fundamental concept
in calculus.
Example: Find the difference quotient for each of the following function.
A. f(x) = 4x - 2
B. f(x) = x2
A. f(x) = 4x - 2
f ( x + h) = 4( x + h) − 2 = 4 x + 4h − 2
f ( x + h) − f ( x) 4 x + 4h − 2 − (4 x − 2)
h h
4 x + 4 h − 2 − 4 x + 2)
B. f(x) = x2
f ( x + h) = ( x + h) 2 = x 2 + 2hx + h 2
f ( x + h) − f ( x) x 2 + 2hx + h 2 − ( x) 2
h h
x + 2hx + h − ( x)
2 2 2
2hx + h 2
= 2x + h
f ( x + h) − f ( x)
Find the value of , h ≠ 0 for each of the following function.
1. f ( x) = 3x + 4
2. g ( x) = x 2 + 3
What's More
What I Assessment
Know Independent Practice 1
1. D
1. A 2. A
2. D 3. A
3. C 4. C
4. B 5. B
5. A 6. C
6. B 7. A
7. D 2.
8. D
8. A 9. C
9. C 10.B
10.B 11.A
11.A 12.A
12.C 13.D
13.D 14.C
14.A 15.B
15.C 4.
Independent Assessment 1
1. -2 Independent Assessment 2
2. 6
3. 5 Independent Practice 2 1.
1. TRUE 2.
5. 2. 3. -13
3. 2
4. 5. 8
Answer Key