Lore of The Traditions Preview 1 The Council
Lore of The Traditions Preview 1 The Council
Lore of The Traditions Preview 1 The Council
Current State
More so than most aspects of Mage, exactly how the Council of Nine currently works is very
much driven by the type of game you’re playing. In some styles — low powered games focusing
on local people and problems — the Council might not matter at all. Mages might not even know
about them. Those who Awakened after Horizon fell might never hear about it: maybe their
mentor isn’t in the know, doesn’t want to cry over spilt milk, or thinks Tradition hierarchies are
irrelevant. Maybe the Council doesn’t exist in any meaningful form.
One thing is true in most variants of the Mage timeline. Assuming the Council of Nine exists,
it’s adapting and changing. The loss of Horizon — if it happened in your continuity — hit them
hard. Even if they still have their chantry and realm, they’re in a new age. The Technocracy is
changing and the Disparates are organizing. Playing politics in the safety of their private
dimension isn’t an option anymore. Survival requires relevance, and relevance requires taking an
active role in the world and being visible (to other Tradition magi; we’re not talking about
vulgar, disruptive acts of magick… unless that’s your jam). If you’re going to use the Council of
Nine, get them up off their collective ass and use them to drive big changes in your setting.
Different members of the Council have different priorities. A newly energized Council might
focus on outreach work forging connections with the Disparate Alliance and other factions. That
won’t be easy. The Council must demonstrate its utility, which might lead to Tradition mages
being dispatched to assist with other groups’ problems. The Council has plenty of past
transgressions and errors to atone for, too. This work might be less about performing favors and
more about paying debts. For example, the Council lost the Ahl-i-Batin’s support by ignoring
their concerns and needs; can it win them back with support now?
Alternatively, the Council might well decide it needs a new enemy to once again give it purpose
and prove its value. That’s probably the Technocracy which has the potential to fracture the
Traditions. Some Tradition mages would question whether the Technocracy is the most pressing
problem. Despite its own internal problems, the Technocracy will always be more than a match
for any Tradition show of force. That’s why they’re such a useful enemy for the Council.
If you don’t want history to repeat itself, the Council might see the Disparate Alliance as the
more pressing threat. A strong alliance of mystic mages who don’t recognize the Traditions’
centrality and dominance undermines newly Awakened mages’ willingness to support the
Tradition cause by default. The more progressive the Council is, the more likely they are to reach
out to the Disparates rather than oppose them, but that could easily lead to the Traditions, as a
distinct faction, dissolving. Force of habit is the only reason this arbitrary group of nine magical
groups as a discrete set. Some Traditions, like the Kha’vadi, already recognize this truth and feel
more kinship with groups outside the Traditions than within them.
In general, it looks like a post-Horizon Council of Nine will be composed of younger and more
progressive mages but that doesn’t mean there’s no pushback. There are still old conservatives
and hardline Ascension warriors out there. There might still be people who think the Ascension
Warrior was right. If the Council is more progressive, and that’s what your players want, make
sure it’s not easy for the next generation to steer the ship.
The Sphinx (Mage, p. 143-144) is a powerful dramatic device to challenge protagonists with a
progressive agenda. The Sphinx is widely assumed to be an Oracle, a collection of Archmages,
or the Horizon Council. This doesn’t have to be true to be a strong plotline. The Sphinx’s
messages are a rallying cry for mages who want a return to the old days, and old ways, of the
Council. Characters who oppose it find natural allies in the Technocratic Panopticon (Mage, p.
The Council might be a problem for your players’ characters. Most mages are used to going their
entire lives without thinking about ‘Tradition leadership,’ let alone interacting with it. Some
Adepts and even Masters — who might be the characters’ patrons, mentors, or rivals — won’t
appreciate orders from above. But the Council might decide it needs to show its power. This
could lead to conflicts within a Tradition or between Traditions, and those have a way of
spiraling. A Council determined to show its dominance makes a good antagonist and a truly great
In a chronicle featuring a mix of Tradition mages, Orphans, Disparates, and Technocrats the
Council of Nine’s bid for relevance takes on a more sinister note. For Orphans and Disparates,
it’s a bid to assert unearned authority over them. For Technocrats, it’s likely that the Council will
conclude it needs its old enemy more than a new ally and fan the flames of that conflict. To some
extent that depends on which Traditions have the most influence (see Conflicts Within p. XX),
but the divisions between progressives and conservatives offer a great opportunity for
Technocrats or Disparates to manipulate or destabilize the Council of Nine — an excellent
chronicle storyline, either as the focus or a parallel, secondary plotline.
Even if you’re playing a ‘street level’ game where Tradition politics are way outside the
protagonists’ concerns, the actions of powerful Mages should still trickle down. Nodes and
chantries, however small, are unlikely to escape some kind of diplomatic overture. Maybe the
protagonists’ corner of the setting is exactly the place for someone out of favor with the Council
to hide from their enemies. Or local antagonists’ strategies and goals might be colored by what
‘the Traditions,’ who they wrongly perceive to be a unified faction, are doing.
There are rich narrative pickings in storylines where the Council are close instead of distant.
Some Council seats are empty, others are held by mages with a tenuous grasp, whose Traditions
are changing around them. A chronicle could revolve around characters identifying where their
needs and agenda depart from the Council’s and putting in place candidates who represent them
better. They might even end up as Primi themselves. They might set out to rebuild Horizon. Or
they might decide the entire institution is rotten and outdated and work to bring it down.
Like any political storyline, the key to running satisfying and relatable Council plots is making
the politics matter. Decisions made by the Council must affect the players’ characters’ world in a
meaningful way. A power play could mean an important resource (a Wonder, Chantry, or Node)
changes hands, or an antagonist gets stronger or weaker. An alliance or rivalry higher up the
chain could mean a local ally suddenly can’t be trusted. It could also open up the chance of a
relationship with someone who previously had no reason to work with the characters. The hubris
of political ambition could drive a powerful Mage into Quiet, affecting everyone around them.
At its most blatant and dangerous, a powerful and proactive Council could provoke a violent
reaction from Technocrats, the Fallen, or even other supernatural creatures.
Conflicts Within
Every Primus on the Council has an agenda and every Tradition has issues of their own. Each of
them is untangling themselves from their past and looking to the future. Without Horizon, old
orthodoxies crumble and new viewpoints emerge.
The Akashayana benefit from the stable leadership of Hyeonmyeong Sunim (or Nu Ying, see p.
XX). They continue their long-term plans of popularizing East Asian philosophies and practices,
but they’re also taking an interest in the Digital Web. Whether that turns into a beautiful alliance
with the Virtual Adepts or a turf war remains to be seen.
The Celestial Chorus is distracted. Its numbers are shrinking, and a movement to excise any
groups who don’t align with the current agenda of community building and protecting Sleeper
flocks is only hastening the disintegration. The Chorus is accustomed to being strong and self-
sustaining, but that may be in jeopardy.
The Cult of Ecstasy, long dismissed as deadheads and club kids, are reclaiming their ancient
name: Sahajiya. It was a Sahajiya mage who brought the Traditions together for the Grand
Convocation, and another who ended the Ascension Warrior’s assault on the Traditions. It’s not
unthinkable that the Sahajiya plan on stepping forward and taking a more active role in guiding
the Traditions into this new age, and a Council shaped by the Sahajiya would look very different
to the conservative, complacent organization that came before.
The Kha’vadi are also making moves. Depending on your continuity, they’re either pulling away
from the Council — because they have issues of their own to confront, and no interest in holding
the hands of an organization that’s done very little for them — or becoming more determined to
be heard. In the former case, the Council might not find itself with an empty chair again, but the
Kha’vadi’s disaffection is clear, and it’s hard to make a case for the continuing validity of a
ruling Council when an entire group of mages is apathetic. Alternatively, if they’re more
assertive, the Kha’vadi could be a powerful progressive force, insisting that the Council
confronts its biases.
The Verbena, too, are changing. They, like the Sahajiya, are grappling with gender essentialism.
The witches have also chosen to confront their history of elevating Celtic and Euro-paganism at
the expense of other traditions of folk magic. Younger mages, as well as some older ones who
had no interest in the previous iteration of the Council, come forward to lead the Verbena
through these issues and, in turn, help guide other Traditions through their own post-Horizon
transformations. And yet, the Verbena have reason to believe their own First Cabal member,
Eloine, is still out there. If they’re right, and if Eloine is at all interested in the organization she
served and helped to grow, the Verbena might find a strong counterweight to their progressive
Between the Sahajiya and the Kha’vadi, and the Verbena’s willingness to listen to them, the
Council is getting a hard shove away from its Euro- and US-centric roots into a global
organization with global concerns.
Just as the Sahajiya and Kha’vadi step forward, the Order of Hermes, once the backbone of the
Council, is taking steps to distance itself from its history. The Order is reckoning with how to
treat its ‘minor’ Houses and how to acknowledge but transcend its history of privilege and
hardline stance in the Ascension War. A shift in the Order of Hermes’ position leaves remaining
conservatives on the Council adrift without a reliable anchor.
The Society of Ether have always teetered between madness and the Fall, with brazen departures
from Sleeper science on one side and power trips and doomsday devices on the other. That
hasn’t changed but they’ve added new projects to their to-do list. Wrestling with a history of
imperialism and a serious lack of diversity takes time away from their agenda of pushing back
against Consensus and ‘re-Wondering’ the world. The Society, as always, has big plans. It needs
to execute some of them.
The Virtual Adepts are finally old enough to have their first schism and their first generation of
crusty old folk who don’t understand the new generation. They’re fracturing into diehard Digital
Web fans and the new Mercurial Elite, who have a more abstract set of beliefs. Who holds the
Council seat depends on the timeline (and whether the Avatar Storm happened), but whoever’s
technically in charge the Old Guard still hold a lot of cards and the relationship between the two
halves of the Tradition is rocky. Who ends up in charge could have a major impact on the nature
of the Council: it needs the Adepts more than ever, for their ability to connect mages in a post-
Horizon world, so the Council needs to keep them happy.
Senex of the Euthanatoi — remarkably unchanging, for a Tradition that prides itself on the
natural order of death and change, the old making way for the young — sees the Traditions as
standing on the brink of change. Nobody knows quite what the Old Man is planning, as is
Senex’s preference.
There’s a real chance that with so many new factions and approaches emerging, the Council of
Nine might shake itself apart: old ties are unraveling, and it remains to be seen whether
circumstances will call for the creating of new ones.
The simplest relationship is with the Nephandi. It’s generally agreed there’s no common ground
to be found with the Nephandi. They’re warped perversions of everything a mage — hell,
everything a human being — should be. And yet, after the Euthanatoi cleaned house and erased
the corrupted House of Helekar from existence, the archmage Senex, of the Madzimbabwe sect
of the Euthanatoi, took on one of the fallen chantry’s students as his own apprentice. He’s now
the Euthanatoi’s Council member and that young woman, Theora Hetirck, is now his Herald.
And so, there’s room for argument even there. Maybe the Fallen can be redeemed, or maybe it’s
okay if they can’t as long as their usefulness outweighs their threat. Both lines of thinking are
dangerous, and either one could split the Council at any time. Worse, the precedent could lead to
more rescues and alliances, and sow seeds that will bloom into a fresh crop of corruption
amongst the Traditions.
The Council exists to oppose the Technocracy. And yet, depending on whom one asks, the
Ascension War is either over or fundamentally different now. Sometimes the Technocracy are
the best, or only, allies a Tradition mage has. And that presents a huge philosophical problem for
the Council: if not the enemies of the Technocracy who are they, when they’ve always defined
themselves by their opposition? Why should a Tradition technomancer continue to prioritize
bonds with magical sects they don’t understand over connections to other technomancers? Heylel
Teomim knew within twenty years of the Council’s founding that it needed an enemy, or it
would disintegrate. That hasn’t changed.
The Council has nothing to gain by erasing the old battle lines but if they don’t, they risk
irrelevance. For an organization that’s frequently accused of being out of touch and out of step
with modern mages, that’s a serious danger. An official missive on the Traditions’ relationship
with the Technocracy is almost certainly coming, but only when the Council can no longer avoid
The Council accepting an alliance with the Technocracy is a little like a mom and pop store
welcoming a megacorporation to town. The Technocracy is big, organized, and efficient, and if
the Council opens the gates to them, it could find itself forever trapped in the Technocracy’s
shadow. Worse the Traditions could end up devoured and digested, their ideals becoming a
palatable, fast food version that make it easy for Technocrats and Traditions to work together.
And working together means doing the Technocracy’s work. They’re the ones with the money,
guns, stability, and pension plans.
The Council’s most complex relationship of all is with the Disparates, or Crafts. To outsiders, the
Crafts look like natural allies for the Traditions. Most Technocrats, for example, don’t care much
about the difference between a Knight Templar and a Celestial Chorister. One god-bothering
reality deviant looks a lot like another. That simplistic assessment glosses over centuries of hurt
feelings and disrespect from the Council of Nine towards the Disparates.
The way the Council, and therefore most Tradition mages, tell the story of the Grand
Convocation, there was a seat at the table for everyone. When has reality ever been that simple?
Sh’zar never reached some groups and may not even have known about them. Some of those he
did reach, chose not to come; the Order of Reason, after all, was a largely European threat that
would later spread to the new world with wave after wave of European colonization. Some of
those who did attend were alienated by European mages’ insistence on grouping together dozens
of different practices and philosophies under the umbrella of ‘Dreamspeakers’ or co-opting them
into other groups that had little in common but shared regional origins.
The mages who became the Traditions, and the Council, set their agenda and largely ignored
groups who didn’t align with it. The Council of Nine can’t reasonably claim to represent all
mystics. It might not even represent the majority of them: there are dozens of Crafts, ranging in
size from dozens of members to hundreds or even more. The Disparate Alliance is growing in
numbers and influence, and the Council hasn’t yet reacted. Time will tell whether the Council
will treat the Disparates with paternalistic condescension (which the Disparate Alliance won’t
appreciate), see them as competition or a threat, or learn to work with them as equals and allies.
The Council’s attention has always been on Europe and America. This narrow focus pushed
away the Ahl-i-Batin, who withdrew from the Council in the mid 20th century to look after their
own interests: maintaining the Web of Faith and addressing Technocratic incursions into the
Middle East. Their needs didn’t align with the Council’s agenda, and rather than adapt and
support, the Council lost them, and left the seat of Correspondence open until the mid-20th
century. To continue to thrive in their second millennium, the Council must learn and adapt, and
consider giving more than it takes.
Time will tell, too, whether the Disparates are interested in working with the Council in any way.
Historically the Council have been inflexible: they advance their own priorities, and only theirs.
The Disparates simply don’t share their agenda. Even if the Council’s attitude changes, the
Disparates may have no interest in finding out.
Future Fates
So far, this chapter presented the most probable situation and direction for the Council of Nine,
based on a couple of keystone events. But there’s no canon in Mage 20 and there are many
weirder ways the wavefronts of probability could collapse together.
To begin with, why stop at one Council of Nine Mystick Traditions? Once Horizon is gone, and
the whole infrastructure of the Traditions with it, by what authority do newcomers to the Council
Seats take up those posts? What makes a new Council official? It’s not as though mages are
holding global elections. Any claim to authority can only mean some, maybe many, powerful
people support a set of candidates. It follows that any other group can make an equally good
claim. 14th century Europe had three simultaneous popes, and Tradition mages are a lot more
fervently opposed to assumed authority than devout Christians. If that happens, chaos abounds,
and the whole concept of the Traditions is weaker for the conflict. One way for a Council of
Nine to achieve primacy and recognition would be to make serious strides in defeating an enemy.
It might have to find one first; if Technocrats and Disparates don’t work, there’s always the
option of aliens, fey, or a third Massassa War.
If Horizon wasn’t destroyed, or even attacked, the Council continues to be a largely irrelevant,
isolationist institution. As science, faith, and mysticism develop and recombine in new ways
around the world and across generations of Sleepers, it’s probably even more irrelevant. It might
be time for planned obsolescence. A chronicle could see the Council put its affairs in order, settle
some debts, and disband. This would likely follow one or more Traditions formally departing
from the Council, and there would be groups within the Council who refused to move on quietly,
deciding to go out in a blaze of glory rather than live to watch themselves become unimportant.
If the Council disbands, there are thirty-thousand refugees from Concordia, the only truly
magical city in reality, to deal with, plus the bygones who sought shelter in Horizon. That’s
thirty-thousand people without legal identities, money or home, who justifiably think Tradition
mages will take care of them. That many people, returned to this side of the Gauntlet, could
seriously shift a regional paradigm if they all stayed together. And that, for anyone who doesn’t
enjoy dragons and fireballs, is a problem.
Rumors have swirled around the magickal community for years that the Council masters were
corrupt, or even corrupt. Nephandi corrupt. Those rumors were only ever buried in a shallow
grave, and the fall of Horizon disturbed the dirt. Some speculate that the Ascension Warrior was
a Nephandus. Others think he was coming to clean out the Nephandic taint within Horizon. If
that’s true, the corruption likely goes all the way back to the March of the Nine, via Akrites
Salonikas. Did Teomim lead their allies into an ambush to trap the Nephandi among them? Did
Akrites escape because he was the first to react or because his infernal allies gave him advanced
warning? There’s potentially a whole secret history for players to pick at, here. If the Traditions
are riddled with Nephandic corruption, the philosophical basis of the Ascension War is in doubt.
Were the Technocracy right about the dangers of Reality Deviants all along?
Or maybe the Ascension Warrior was the Nephandus after all, and the destruction of Horizon
was a ploy to clear a path for a new generation of tainted leaders who’ll poison the Traditions
from within. In the World of Darkness, misery doesn’t need to be coordinated by a great,
powerful conspiracy. It’s equally valid to decide there’s no guiding hand, but the trauma of
Horizon’s destruction and the fear and uncertainty of the 21st century made Infernalism — a
promise of certainty and power — extremely appealing.