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S09-10 - Signs in Senghor

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By Kris Leonard
Author • Kris Leonard
Development Lead • Linda Zayas-Palmer
Contributing Artists • Alexandur Alexandrov,
Javier Charro, Concept Art House, Jesper Ejsing,
Dion Harris, Roberto Pitturru, and Ilker Serdar Yildiz
Cartographers • Sean Macdonald and Corey Macourek
Creative Directors • James Jacobs, Robert G. McCreary,
and Sarah E. Robinson
Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn
Managing Developer • Adam Daigle Table of Contents
Development Coordinator • Amanda Hamon Kunz
Organized Play Lead Developer • John Compton
Developers • Crystal Frasier, Jason Keeley, Joe Pasini,
and Linda Zayas-Palmer
Starfinder Design Lead • Owen K.C. Stephens
Starfinder Society Developer • Thurston Hillman Signs in Senghor . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Senior Designer • Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Designers • Logan Bonner and Mark Seifter
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Senior Editor • Christopher Carey Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
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Adam Vick
Franchise Manager • Mark Moreland Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
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Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
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By Kris Leonard

he collapse of Ghol-Gan saw the cyclopes’ decline
from high-minded scholars, prophets, and warriors
Where on Golarion?
into a brutal species of shortsighted giants. During
the Age of Darkness, a powerful asura called Parveen took This scenario begins in Eleder, but it primarily takes place
over one of their profaned temples within what is now known in the port city of Senghor and the long-since abandoned
as the Kaava Lands. She embarked on a millennium-long city across the bay, Boali. Senghor is located on the
meditation on ruin, contemplating Ghol-Gan’s perverse western end of the peninsula known as the Kaava Lands
religions and studying several profaned tablets known as in the southern Mwangi Expanse. Although its founding
the Twelve Rites. These powerful relics once contained deep date 2,000 years ago corresponds with the destruction of
truths and spiritual wisdom, but after the cyclopes’ decline, neighboring Boali, the link between the two settlements
they became a set of blasphemies that harnessed infernal has been lost to time, in part because of Senghor’s strong
powers. Through her studies, Parveen grew in strength, cultural taboo against even mentioning Boali. One of
eventually ascending into an asurendra, among the most Senghor’s largest groups is the Caldaru people, whose
powerful classes of asuras. At the dawn of the Age of Destiny, mysterious origins are evident in their linguistic and racial
two of the legendary mage Jatembe’s magic warriors fought differences from the Mwangi peoples found elsewhere
a challenging battle against Parveen. The warriors eventually in the expanse. For more information on Senghor, the
prevailed, but they knew that if they slew the asura, it would Caldaru people, the Kaava Lands, and the scale of Aspis
only be reborn. They instead agreed to seal the fiend away Consortium’s influence in the Mwangi Expanse see
within its temple. Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle.
The seals stood strong for millennia until the rise of the
Boalisi culture. The Boalisi pushed deep into the Kaava
Lands, uncovering the Ghol-Gani temple within the city of Mwangi Expanse
Kaddodi where the asura slept. Settlers began scavenging
stone from the temple to create a new town, and in the
process they disrupted the old seals and recovered the Twelve
Rites. They sent some of these blasphemous tablets back
to their capital city, Boali, while retaining the others in the
temple for study. The cataclysmic destruction of Boali within
• Bloodcove
a decade left the settlement isolated, and the settlers quickly
Boali •
abandoned the temple—but not before absconding with • Senghor
some of the cyclops’ treasures, including the remainder of the • Eleder
Twelve Rites. From its weakened prison, the asura probed its
surroundings, searching for a way to break through. Recently,
with the assistance the asura Karan, Parveen nearly escaped.
However, a group of Pathfinder Society agents thwarted her Through subtle manipulations in dreams, Parveen
plot, slaying Karan and securing the seals once more. Having convinced her patsies to launch a mining operation within
come so close to freedom, Parveen was not content to sit idle. Kaddodi. Meanwhile, a small contingent of agents under the
She sent visions and dreams into receptive minds, hoping to command of bronze agent Shinri Dells has traveled to the
find someone else to break the seals. These visions took root ruins of Boali. There, they seek the Twelve Rites, which may
in the minds of a few well-placed Aspis Consortium agents. hasten Parveen’s return.


SUMMARY Books, scrolls, and maps are spread haphazardly over the table
The adventure begins in the port of Eleder, capital of Sargava. that Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh currently leans upon. His
Here, Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh briefly explains the brow furrows in thought as he surveys one of the maps that lie
Aspis Consortium’s recent activities and his plans for the before him. “Over the last few months, the Aspis Consortium has
area’s future. The PCs travel to Senghor aboard Pathfinder devoted a surprisingly large number of resources to a mining
Mirian Raas’s vessel, Daughter of the Mist. Along the way, operation somewhere in the Kaava Lands, beyond Bloodcove.”
Raas provides the PCs with additional information about He circles a general area on the map with his finger before
Senghor’s customs and politics. After dropping the PCs continuing, “Since the operation started, we’ve heard quite a
off in Senghor, she departs for Bloodcove, leaving few reports from locals in the Kaava Lands of strange and
the PCs with a fishing boat—and possibly a crew foreboding occurrences, with many pointing the blame
member to sail the vessel—to navigate the waters towards to the Consortium’s mysterious operation.”
between Boali and Senghor. The venture-captain crosses one arm over his
The PCs navigate the Bay of Senghor and chest, stroking his beard with the other. “Several
arrive in Boali, where they can follow the Aspis other Pathfinders are already out in the field
agent’s trail using a variety of methods. They investigating. Juliet Diaz has traveled towards
encounter a hostile group of boggards called Bloodcove on a fact-finding mission of sorts.
the Tralika before finding an Aspis agent Meanwhile, Fola Barun has gone out into
named Gideon Wren nearby, who had the Kaava Lands to dig deeper into
been abandoned by his fellows the locals’ troubling reports.
hours ago. Gideon promises to “Still, their investigations
provide information vital to face a major obstacle. The
their PCs’ investigation in Aspis Consortium wields
exchange for assistance, considerable influence
and the PCs may attempt in Bloodcove, and this
to free him. Before the influence extends far
PCs have the chance beyond the city’s
to question Gideon, borders. If we
the boggards’ so- want to be able to
called Great Queen, a investigate in earnest, we’ll
mobogo, rampages out of need allies. Fortunately, the Consortium
the ruins, crushing buildings Venture-Captain has dropped an opportunity into our laps.”
in her wake. A chase ensues as the
PCs make their escape with Gideon,
Finze Bellaugh Bellaugh smiles. He points to Bloodcove
on the map and then traces his finger south
and Gideon’s Aspis comrades also rush along the coast. “The port of Senghor lies
to escape the creature’s wrath. about two hundred miles to the south of Bloodcove. The Aspis
The PCs escort Gideon to Senghor and learn all they can Consortium doesn’t have a strong presence in Senghor—after all,
from him about the Aspis operation. Upon returning, the the city has strong independent merchants and no tolerance for
PCs must both confront the Aspis ringleader, Shinri Dells, slavery. Now, just a little ways north of Senghor is a ruined city
and convince Senghor’s leadership to support the Pathfinder called Boali. The mere mention of Boali is taboo in Senghor, as
Society against the Aspis Consortium. Between these tasks, it is widely seen to be an accursed and haunted place. We’ve
they may also encounter an asura drawn into Parveen’s service. heard credible reports that Aspis agents have begun excavating
While Shinri has no interest in speaking with the PCs, her for relics in Boali, and this expedition would surely sour their
office contains her records and correspondence with other reputation in Senghor. However, the city’s leaders would not take
agents in Bloodcove. These documents reveal her obsession mere rumors as cause for action without solid evidence. They
with finding more of the Twelve Rites in Boali and give signs also are unlikely to send their own people to Boali unless they
that Parveen’s malign presence was driving her actions. must. That’s where you come in.” Bellaugh excitedly continues. “If
you can find evidence of Aspis activities in Boali, the Society will
GETTING STARTED have a case to gain support from Senghor’s leaders for our future
The adventure begins in Eleder, in the smoky office of operation against the Consortium. The more you can find about
Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh. Bellaugh welcomes the PCs, the Consortium’s activities and objectives, the stronger your case
asks them to close the door, and motions to join him around will be.” He moves towards a desk at the end of the chamber,
a table at the western end of the room. Read or paraphrase the opens a drawer, and produces a sealed envelope. He holds it
following to get the adventure under way. forward and speaks, “This is a letter of introduction from myself


to the Senghor Council of Elders, bearing the seal of the Society. stuck Boali thousands of years ago and the entire Boalisi
It will get you a meeting with some of their representatives in a culture collapsed, from the city proper to all their settlements
reasonable amount of time. A fellow Pathfinder and old friend of within the Kaava Lands. Senghor sprung up around the same
mine, Mirian Raas, will be dropping you off at the port in Senghor. time. What really happened is anyone’s guess.”
He holds a hand forward as though motioning to stop and then Who should we speak to in Senghor about the Aspis?
adds, “Before you get too excited about exploring an accursed city “Unfortunately, I am not completely up to date with
filled with all manner of unknown riches and relics, keep in mind Senghor’s political structure, but I suspect you’ll need to
that local taboo makes it difficult to discern just how dangerous arrange a meeting with several members of their ruling
Boali really is. Be ready to leave the city immediately if you find class after finding information about the Consortium’s likely
yourselves in over your heads.” disreputable activities in Boali. Ask Mirian Raas for specifics
while you are making the journey to Senghor. We will need
The PCs have the opportunity to ask Venture-Captain support from Senghor if we are to be successful against the
Bellaugh questions before they leave for Senghor on the Consortium’s interests in Bloodcove and uncover the secrets
Daughter of the Mist. The following are the questions the PCs behind the mysterious mining operation.”
are likely to ask and Finze’s responses. If there are any PCs in the Exchange faction, Finze
What is the Aspis Consortium mining, and where is their Bellaugh hands each of them a letter, explaining that the
operation? “In truth, we don’t know. Our preliminary missive arrived several days ago. Give the Exchange PCs
reports suggest it is some kind of ruin; however, the Handout: Letter from Aaqir al’Hakam. There is time
specifics of the site are still unclear. However, ever for the PCs to make purchases before they depart.
since their expedition started, the locals have been
reporting all sorts of troubling events: a foulness KNOWLEDGE (HISTORY)
rotting the jungle, seemingly unprovoked attacks The PCs might already know about information
from otherwise docile animals, and even people about the history of Boalisi culture. Based on the
jolting awake from terrifying nightmares before result of a Knowledge (history) check, the PCs
unexplainably bleeding from their ears or eyes.” might know more about this lost civilization.
Why are we moving against the Aspis They learn all of the information whose DC is
Consortium? “The Aspis Consortium has kept equal to or less than the result of their check.
a firm grip on trade and exploration in the 15+: All of Boalisi culture, including the
Mwangi Expanse for decades, but something ruined city of Boali, either vanished or
is off about their activities in the area of late. was destroyed 2,000 years ago due to an
Their organization is driven primarily by unknown catastrophe.
profit, both long and short term, yet for all 20+: Boalisi explorers ventured
their investments in the dig over the last far into the Kaava Lands before the
months, there have been no reported collapse of their culture. The few
relics of any true value popping up in scraps of history that remain speak
the nearby markets. We’re growing of them claiming various ruins, but
concerned about their motivations few other sites in the Kaava Lands
and the effects of their actions have been definitively connected
on the surrounding region. to this exploration.
Additionally, the Consortium’s 25+: The Boalisi frequently built
influence has traditionally their settlements with materials
proved a hindrance to local pulled from ancient ruins and
Society operations. If we claimed all manner of relics
can loosen their grip a bit, from the sites as their own.
we’ll be opening the door 30+: Shortly before the
to plenty of new opportunities.” collapse of their culture,
What is in Boali that the Aspis want? Boalisi people recovered
“I haven’t the slightest idea. My guess dozens of relics from
would be treasures from ages past, the ancient cyclops
but perhaps something else is afoot. city of Kaddodi,
The locals consider it taboo to enter, so
information is all but nonexistent. From Mirian Raas part of the fallen
cyclops empire
what we know, some kind of catastrophe Ghol-Gan.


TRAVELING TO SENGHOR for some information about Boali. With the information
While sailing upon Mirian Raas’ vessel, Daughter of the Mist, the PCs have at present, it is extremely unlikely they can
the PCs have the opportunity to gather information from discover the location of the Consortium’s base of operations
her regarding Senghor. The following are the PCs’ likely in Senghor, Windrell Holdings. Obtaining this information
questions and Mirian’s responses. If the PCs choose not to prior to heading into Boali requires the PCs to succeed at
speak with Mirian, she approaches them directly to provide a DC 26 Knowledge (local) check (DC 30 in Subtier 4–5), as
the information below. Shinri Dells has been particularly careful to avoid revealing
What do we need to know about Senghor? “Senghor is a their affiliation with the Consortium to any but her most
port city on the Bay of Senghor. It was founded 2,000 years trusted contacts.
ago and was built like no other city of its age. Its harbor is
strong enough to protect it from storms coming from the DIPLOMACY TO GATHER INFORMATION OR
Eye of Abendego, and it could hold off a naval assault by a KNOWLEDGE (LOCAL)
fleet far stronger than any that has ever been in the area. As Based on the result of a Knowledge (local) check, the PCs might
far as anyone knows, anyways. The people of Senghor rely know more about Boali. They learn all of the information
heavily on ocean trade, and they will not for any reason deal whose DC is equal to or less than the result of their check.
with slavers, even suspected slavers. The ruling class is also 10+: In Senghor, speaking of Boali is taboo, entry to Boali
heavily focused on expansion as of late, which may soon put is strictly forbidden, and Boali is considered cursed.
them at odds with Bloodcove and the Aspis Consortium.” 15+: Although Boali is largely abandoned, rumors persist
Who should we speak to in Senghor? “Senghor is ruled that on moonlit nights, the ghostly sounds of running
by a council made up of representatives from the nobility, footsteps and clashing swords echo down the empty streets.
the priesthood of Gozreh, the merchants’ compact, and the 20+: A sizable clan of boggards called the Tralika prowls
military. While it would be highly doubtful you would be able the outskirts of Boali, serving a so-called Great Queen.
to speak to the leaders of each faction, you could certainly 25+: The Great Queen of the Tralika is a powerful and
speak with representatives from each. So long as you have a fiercely territorial magical beast called a mobogo.
unanimous decision from at least one representative from
each ruling faction during your meeting, you will have the Development: When the PCs are ready to leave, they meet
full support of the council on whatever matters you are up with Mirian, who wishes them luck on their adventure
discussing. Either during the day or in the early evening, before she sets sail for Bloodcove. If the PCs request a
head over to the council hall and show them the letter of sailor to help operate the ship, Mirian leaves behind White-
introduction you got from the venture-captain. That should Toothed Wallace (N male human expert 1), a surly but
get you a meeting; however, then it’s up to you to present experienced sailor with exceptionally good teeth. He offers
your case. I doubt you’ll get a second chance.” no assistance beyond sailing and navigating the ship.
Faction Notes: While resupplying in Senghor, PCs in
RESUPPLYING IN SENGHOR the Exchange faction could use this time to canvas the
Read of paraphrase the following as the PCs enter Senghor. local merchants and discuss the possibility of lucrative
trade opportunities with the Exchange, promoting it as an
The sunrise illuminates the deep waters of Senghor’s harbor alternative to the Aspis Consortium. Making significant
with shades of orange and red, as the enormous, centuries-old progress in this endeavor requires the PCs to succeed at a
defenses rise against the horizon. Massive towers built with DC 17 Diplomacy check (DC 21 in Subtier 4–5).
immense stone blocks flank the harbor’s entrance, showcasing
the city’s architectural marvels. NAVIGATING THE BAY OF SENGHOR
Traveling through the Bay of Senghor can prove a difficult
After docking, Mirian Raas guides the PCs towards task. Luckily, the PCs happen to encounter calm weather,
Senghor’s grand market, located at the city center and making the trip relatively uneventful. If the PCs succeed at a
bordered by a ring of canals. There she advises them to DC 10 Profession (sailor) check, they can cross in 25 hours; in
resupply as necessary and asks that they meet her back Subtier 4–5, the PCs encounter some troublesome currents
at the Daughter of the Mist by midday, when they are done in the middle of their journey, raising the DC to 14. Only
making preparations for tracking down the Aspis agents in one PC rolls the Profession (sailor) check; up to three people
Boali. She explains that she procured the use of a fishing can use aid another to assist in the attempt. One of these
boat to sail across the bay and back—a journey that takes people can be White-Toothed Wallace. If the PCs ask Wallace
about a day in each direction—and inquires if they require to assist, he succeeds at his skill check to aid another. If
one of her crew to aid them in the ship’s navigation. While the PCs rely on Wallace for navigation, he succeeds at the
making preparations, the PCs could also canvas the locals navigation check, securing a result of 14; however, the PCs


One mile

can use aid another to boost the result. For every 5 by which
Scaling Navigating the
the check exceeds the DC, the duration of the trip is reduced
by 2 hours thanks to clever navigational choices. Failure by
Bay of Senghor
4 or less results in the trip taking an additional 1d4 hours, Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
while failure by 5 or more results in an additional 1d4+4 of four PCs: Mirian Raas has equipped her sailboat with
hours as the PCs are forced to avoid a squall from the Eye magically treated sails to assist in navigation. These
of Abendego. The duration of their journey to Boali directly function as a masterwork tool for Profession (sailor),
affects the difficulty of rescuing Gideon Wren in area A4 and granting all PCs a +2 bonus on their skill checks and
the Great Queen Chase encounter (see page 12). While their increasing Wallace’s result on the navigation check to 16.
journey across the Bay of Senghor is long enough that the
PCs could rest and recover, the small fishing vessel lacks the
comfort required to get a g00d night’s sleep. Each PC must Perception: The PCs search within the city for the Aspis
attempt a DC 10 Fortitude save to avoid becoming fatigued agents’ tracks. Finding their tracks requires a PC to succeed
when she arrives in Boali (DC 13 in Subtier 4–5); PCs who at a DC 18 Perception check (DC 22 in Subtier 4–5) due to
participated in sailing the vessel take a –2 penalty on this Boali’s surprisingly high number of occupants. Have each
saving throw. PC roll this check independently.
Profession (sailor): The PCs scour the surrounding
LOCATING THE ASPIS IN BOALI coastline for boats, requiring a successful DC 13 Profession
After navigating their vessel towards the shores of Boali, (sailor) check (DC 16 in Subtier 4–5) to safely navigate the
the PCs must locate the Aspis agents who have been lurking surprisingly rough waters. One PC takes the role of the boat’s
within the city. The methods the PCs can use to search for navigator, but other PCs may assist with aid another. This
them are outlined below, and each attempt requires 1 hour method is not available if the PCs rely on White-Toothed
of effort. If the PCs come up with other methods, use the Wallace for navigation. If the PCs are successful, they may
DCs presented here as guidelines. show interest in scuttling or otherwise damaging the Aspis


ending up in an abandoned arcane laboratory. There they

Scaling Locating the
found one of the Twelve Rites hidden in a secret chamber.
Aspis in Boali Unfortunately, in an attempt to claim it, an agent named
To accommodate a group of four PCs, lower the DCs of all Gideon Wren accidentally activated an ancient trap put there
skill checks by 2. to protect the tablet. Unwilling to risk their lives to save their
precariously positioned comrade, the remaining agents took
the tablet and abandoned Gideon, continuing onward with
Consortium’s vessel Dreams of Worth, which is anchored little afterthought.
offshore. This strategy is inadvisable, as the ship is currently Several hours later, a pair of boggard scouts happened
occupied by a full complement of 20 sailors (use the statistics upon the trapped Gideon, and while their first thoughts were
of the Senghor guards presented on page 25 if necessary). to capture him as a sacrifice to the Great Queen, they have
Survival: The PCs can survey the city for signs of recent come to find his predicament amusing. Since then, they have
camp. If they succeed at a DC 15 Survival check (DC 19 in spent the last few hours jeering, flinging leeches, throwing
Subtier 4–5), they find a plausible location with signs of a rocks, and herding snakes towards the mostly immobile man,
recent campfire and a discarded pair of muddy boots with knowing that even one misplaced movement from him could
a hole in one toe. Gideon Wren (see area A4) left these boots result in a painful, bloody, and almost certain death.
behind when they stopped protecting his feet. One PC directs The PCs enter the ruin following the trail of the Aspis
the group’s search, but other PCs can assist using aid another. agents, arriving from the southwest corner of the map.


The Tralika are brutal boggards who have taken up
residence in the heart of Boali. This group has pledged The ruined city streets turn damp and sodden as the aged stone
its service to a mobogo that they call the Great Queen. pathways dip under shallow, green water. The surrounding
Ever since a group of Aspis agents first trespassed buildings are little more than collapsing heaps of stone with
on Tralika territory several days ago, the boggards few exterior walls standing upright, save for a large elevated
have been relentlessly assailing the intruders. structure to the southeast that remains mostly intact. The
The boggards have already devastated the remains of a marble statue lies shattered at the knees in the
Consortium’s ranks in Boali, reducing center of the crossroads, its torso and head hidden beneath the
their expedition group from nearly increasing depths.
30 strong to fewer than a dozen members. The
remaining agents fled the Tralika the best they A swamp has formed at the heart of the city, filling the
could and continued their search, eventually area with dark-green water. Nearly all that remains of the
buildings (excluding area A2) are several freestanding walls
where they once stood, and large piles of rubble that quickly
rise to a height of 5 feet. The piles of rubble are surprisingly
solid, providing no adverse movement conditions; however,
a DC 10 Climb check is required to scramble atop them. A
long-since shattered marble statue of a vaguely humanoid
figure rests at the center of the crossroads, its base rising
just inches above the waterline. The bulk of the statue—the
figure’s body from the knees up—lies mostly complete just
north of the base, with its head entirely submerged in deep
water. Any identifying features of the person depicted by
the statue have eroded away, save for its fanciful helmet
and the orb-topped staff that its hand raises above
the waterline.
Creatures: The boggards that have been
tormenting Gideon Wren have been frequently
leaving area A2 to scrounge around the deep
waters looking for snakes, leeches, or other swamp-
dwelling fauna to continue their entertainment.
Boggard While they were tasked with spending the day
hunting down the Aspis trespassers, this pair was


A. Boali Ruins B : Boggard N

G : Gideon Wren




A4 G

1 square = 5 feet

lucky enough to find Gideon less than an hour after setting

Scaling Encounter A1
out. They have relished the opportunity to shirk their duties
for a while. They eventually plan to return triumphantly with To accommodate a group of four PCs, apply the sickened
their prize for the Great Queen. condition to the boggards. They have been eating some of
For the same reasons, they likely don’t listen to the PCs’ the fauna they have gathered to torment Gideon, In their
attempts at diplomacy; however, if the PCs indicate they excitement, they mistook some poisonous vegetation
are here to track down the Aspis and succeed at a DC 20 they meant to throw at him for tasty moss slugs.
Diplomacy check (DC 24 in Subtier 4–5), they can convince the
boggards to leave them alone, so long as they do not attempt
to free Gideon. If the PCs approach Gideon in this case, check can topple over any single 5-foot section, as well as each
the boggards warn the PCs against assisting the struggling 5-foot section directly adjacent to it. Anyone caught under one
man, promising to destroy the PCs if they try. They boggards of these walls must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save or take 1d8
attack the PCs if they try to help Gideon in area A2, claiming, points of bludgeoning damage (DC 16 Reflex save and 3d8
“Nobody steals from the Great Queen!” points of bludgeoning damage in Subtier 4–5), and gain the
If the PCs succeeded at the Diplomacy check and attack the pinned condition for 1d4+1 rounds as they try to escape from
boggards first before attempting to free Gideon, the boggards beneath it. A successful save halves the damage and reduces
are taken aback by the sudden betrayal. The PCs gain a the duration of the pinned condition to 1 round.
surprise round on the boggards.
Hazard: Most of the streets, as well as the collapsed SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 3)
buildings to the northeast and southwest, are filled with
water to a 1-foot depth, functioning as shallow bog. The area BOGGARD YOUTHS (2) CR 1
to the northeast has begun to sink and is instead filled to Young boggard (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 295, 37)
roughly a 4-foot depth, functioning as deep bog. The walls CE Small humanoid (boggard)
are reasonably stable. A PC who succeeds at a DC 22 Strength Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4


DEFENSE by the same boggard’s croak for 24 hours. Creatures that are
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural, already shaken become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead. The
+1 size) save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 SUBTIER 4–5 (CR 6)
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. BOGGARD SAVAGES (2) CR 4
Melee morningstar +4 (1d6), tongue –2 touch (sticky tongue) hp 61 each (Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex 12, see page 28)
Special Attacks terrifying croak TACTICS
TACTICS Before Combat Unless the PCs go to great lengths to mask their
Before Combat Unless the PCs go to great lengths to mask their approach, the boggards notice them splashing about and
approach, the boggards notice them splashing about and attempt to use Stealth to ambush them from the deep waters,
attempt to use Stealth to ambush them from the deep waters, mistaking them for Aspis reinforcements.
mistaking them for Aspis reinforcements. During Combat The boggards try to engage the PC in deep
During Combat The boggards try to engage the PC in deep water whenever possible.
water whenever possible. Morale The boggards are both loyal to and terrified of their Great
Morale The boggards are both loyal to and terrified of their Great Queen. As such, they would rather fight to the death than
Queen. As such, they would rather fight to the death than flee and risk being devoured—and slowly digested—for failing
flee and risk being devoured—and slowly digested—for failing their task.
their task. Base Statistics When not raging, the boggards’ statistics are
STATISTICS AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17; hp 51; Fort +10, Will +2;
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10 Melee mwk greatclub +10 (1d10+6), tongue +3 touch (sticky
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12 tongue); Str 19, Con 18; CMB +8; Skills Climb +9, Swim +17.
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (morningstar)
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+16 to jump), Perception +4, Stealth +5 Development: After the combat concludes, Gideon begins
(+13 in swamps), Swim +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, calling loudly for help from area A4, believing that his fellows
+8 Stealth in swamps have come to their senses and returned to save him from
Languages Boggard the life-threatening peril they left him in. If the PCs choose
SQ hold breath, swamp stride to ignore him or otherwise leave the area, give them to
Other Gear leather armor, morningstar opportunity to double-back to investigate further. However,
SPECIAL ABILITIES if they make it clear they have no interest in helping Gideon,
Hold Breath (Ex) A boggard can hold its breath for a number of proceed directly to the encounter in area A5.
rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks
drowning or suffocating. A2. ENTRY HALL
Sticky Tongue (Ex) A creature hit by a boggard’s tongue attack The interior of the structure has masonry walls, smooth
cannot move more than 10 feet away from the boggard and stone floors, and 15-foot high ceilings. The illumination in
takes a –2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached this room comes from the natural light from areas A1 and
(this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). A3 and, if it is still functional, the sunrod near Gideon in A4.
The tongue can be removed by making an opposed Strength A set of heavy stone double doors currently stands open on
check as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of slashing the north end of the chamber, while the stone doors on the
damage to the tongue (AC 11, damage does not deplete southeast and southwest walls are stuck in place requiring
the boggard’s actual hit points). The boggard cannot move the PCs to succeed at a DC 28 Strength check to open. The
more than 10 feet away from the target, but the boggard chambers farther south are accessed by crossing over the
can release its tongue as a free action. Unlike a giant frog, a dense rubble where the south wall once stood prior to the
boggard cannot pull targets toward itself with its tongue. collapse of the ceiling in A3.
Swamp Stride (Ex) A boggard can move through any sort of
natural difficult terrain at its normal speed while within a A3. COLLAPSED LABORATORY
swamp. Magically altered terrain affects a boggard normally. The most striking feature of this dilapidated chamber is the
Terrifying Croak (Su) Once per hour as a standard action, a immense portion of the ceiling that has collapsed onto the
boggard can emit a loud and horrifying croak. Any non- floor, destroying the walls that once separated areas A2, A3,
boggard creature within 30 feet of the boggard must succeed and A4, as well as leaving a gaping hole to the outside. A
at a DC 13 Will save or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. stone table lies against the north wall, an iron cage stands
Creatures that succeed at this save cannot be affected again in the northeast, and a decayed wooden desk rests in the


southwest. This desk, as well as the other wooden furniture

Scaling Conjuring Hall
in this building, is a remnant of a group of explorers who
used this ruin as their base 20 years ago. To accommodate a group of four PCs, lower the DCs of all
Have each PC who investigates this room attempt two DC 15 checks in this encounter by 2. Reduce the number of hours
Perception checks (DC 19 in Subtier 4–5), one for the stone it takes for the PCs to free Gideon from the floor to 2.
table and one for the cage. If they succeed, they notice the
following details: the stone table bears several channels
carved into it along its edges, with strange symbols etched within a secret vault in the southeast corner. The more
along their lengths, and the steel cage is forged of cold iron recent explorers inadvertently covered the secret door with
and lined with alchemical silver. a bookcase. However, the bookcase’s decay revealed the wall
If the PCs succeed at both of these checks, they can to the Aspis explorers, who moved the bookcase out of the
attempt additional skill checks. A PC who succeeds at a DC way. A silver circle at the heart of the room bears a number
14 Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 18 in Subtier 4–5) suspects of cyclopean runes from the Twelve Rites and functions as a
that this chamber was likely some sort of arcane laboratory. A permanent, inwardly focused magic circle against evil (CL 15th)
PC who succeeds at a DC 17 Knowledge (planes) check (DC 21 with the following exceptions: the circle increases the DC
in Subtier 4–5) reveals that the equipment was likely used to of Charisma checks to break free by 10, and it has the evil
study all manner of fiends, such as asuras, demons, and div. descriptor rather than the good descriptor.
Treasure: The once-superior lock on the drawer has Creatures: After realizing the southeastern bookcase
corroded. The PCs can open it by succeeding at a DC 20 concealed a hidden vault, Gideon moved the bookcase and
Disable Device check (DC 25 in Subtier 4–5). Alternatively, opened the secret door. In so doing, he triggered an ancient
the PCs can pull the rotten drawer out by succeeding at trap placed there to protect it, effectively immobilizing him
a DC 13 Strength check (DC 15 in Subtier 4–5). Within is a and nearly killing him. The stone block beneath his feet
masterwork cold iron dagger, a wand of summon monster II was affected with transmute rock to mud and transmute mud
(12 charges), two oils of bless weapon, and two flasks of holy to rock cast in quick succession, trapping the lower half of
water; in Subtier 4–5, the wand is instead a wand of summon his body in the floor. Immediately afterward, a spiked iron
monster IV (3 charges). contraption sprung out from the surrounding walls toward
Rewards: If the PCs do not recover the items within the him. If not for the aged gears of the device, it would have slain
lockbox, cross its contents off each PC’s Chronicle sheet. If him; however, the delayed speed of the trap allowed him to
they do not recover them or defeat the boggards, reduce each jam his gauntleted hands into the device’s inner workings,
PC’s gold earned by the following amount. rendering it temporarily inoperable. Unfortunately, this
Subtier 1–2: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 130 gp. solution only delays his inevitable demise, as it requires
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 356 gp. all his strength to hold his hands in place, which only
Subtier 4–5: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 583 gp. diminishes with each passing hour. Rather than risk their
own safety in an attempt to free Gideon, the other Aspis
A4. CONJURING HALL agents instead took the tablet and left him for dead.
Gideon Wren has been working with the Aspis
This large chamber is encircled with bookcases filled with Consortium as a freelance agent under Shinri Dells for over
moldering works of all sorts. A single bookcase lies flat upon the 2 years. While he doesn’t always agree with Consortium’s
floor to the southeast, revealing a hidden vault beyond, where tactics, he enjoys the wealth the work has brought him. His
a spiked iron contraption remains partially triggered. A silver usual self-satisfied smirk is currently replaced with a weary
channel is set into the floor, resembling an inner and outer ring expression. If he notices the PCs, he puts on a strenuous
divided into equal quadrants, cyclopean runes at the heart of each. smile and addresses them as politely as possible, trying to
downplay his peril: “The name’s Gideon Wren. What brings
A sunrod softly glows on the floor near Gideon Wren, you folks to my humble home?”
and light seeps in from area A3. The bookcases within this Gideon is willing to do or say just about anything to escape
chamber and the materials upon them are utterly destroyed. from his current predicament. He explains to the PCs up
A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Linguistics check or a DC 20 front that he was here as a part of an Aspis expedition, that
Perception check can discern that the writing was originally he has been trapped in the floor since the trap went off, and
in Common and that at least some of the books pertained to that his fellows apparently left him here to die. Hoping to
conjuration magic while others covered local flora and fauna. gain sympathy, he is also extremely vocal about the way the
Thousands of years ago, this room was used to conjure boggards have been treating him. He also promises to reveal
and contain fiends using the blasphemies described in one to the PCs everything he knows about the Consortium’s
of the tablets of the Twelve Rites, which was kept hidden activities in the Boali, as well as the location of his boss’s


The PCs can disarm the trap by succeeding at DC 18

What about Gideon Wren?
Disable Device check (DC 22 in Subtier 4–5), tear out some
The adventure assumes that the PCs rescue Gideon of the inner workings with a DC 17 Strength check (DC 19 in
Wren in area A4. If the PCs do not rescue him, make the Subtier 4–5), or jam it by replacing Gideon’s spiked gauntlets
following adjustments to the scenario. with nearby rubble or another suitable object by succeeding
The Great Queen Chase: Increase the DC of each at a DC 16 Sleight of Hand check (DC 20 in Subtier 4–5).
check required to overcome an obstacle by 2. The The PCs can attempt these checks any number of times.
mobogo impedes one random PC during each However, if they fail a check by 5 or more, Gideon suffers
of phases 2, 4, 6, and 8. This impediment a debilitating wound. If Gideon suffers four or more
is thematic to the obstacle and debilitating wounds due to failed checks, the trap
represents the PC getting briefly springs, severing one of Gideon’s hands from his
separated from the rest of the body entirely and reducing him to –5 hit points.
group. It deals no damage, but it The PCs can remove Gideon’s lower half from
prevents that PC from helping the the floor by chiseling him out with physical
PCs overcome that obstacle. attacks. If the PCs are forced to chip away at the
After the chase, the PCs find a floor in this way, assume that it takes the PCs
fatally wounded Aspis agent nearby, 3 hours to free him. The PCs may have other
uttering what would have been the tools or methods at their disposal
final words of Gideon Wren if they to speed up the process. Cut
succeded at 2–3 obstacles. the time taken in half for
Returning to Senghor: each of the following
The PCs do not recieve resources that the PCs
the information Gideon have: an adamantine
would have provided in weapon, a pickaxe or
this section. other mining tool,
a Strength score of
16 or greater, or a
spell suited to freeing
hideout in Senghor, someone from rock
but only after the PCs Gideon Wren (such as grease or shatter).
have freed him from his If the PCs have multiple of any
predicament. of these resources, continue cutting
To free Gideon, the PCs must first disable or destroy the time in half for each one they expend. Other creative
the trap and then liberate him from the stone block in the solutions might help the PCs free Gideon.
floor. The difficulty of the first step depends upon how If statistics for Gideon are necessary, use the statistics for
long Gideon has been stuck in place. The methods outlined the subtier-appropriate Aspis agent in B3 (see page 17).
below assume that the PCs took 25 hours to cross the Bay Development: Regardless of what kind of deal Gideon
of Senghor, meaning Gideon has been in peril for 12 hours. made with the PCs, he doesn’t provide the promised
The DCs decrease by 1 for every 2 hours earlier the PCs assistance or information until he is safely outside of Boali.
arrived and increase by 1 for every hour later. Proceed to the Great Queen Chase below after the PCs
Gideon’s situation grows increasingly dire as he suffers conclude their exploration of areas A2, A3, and A4.
debilitating wounds. Each debilitating wound represents
some kind of injury that he can heal only with a regenerate THE GREAT QUEEN CHASE (CR 3 OR CR 6)
spell or with weeks or months of natural healing, such as a A few minutes after the PCs leave the part of the ruins
crushed hand or broken bone. where they found Gideon, a new danger finds them. Read or
If the PCs free Gideon in 12 hours or fewer, he starts paraphrase the following.
the encounter with 1 debilitating wound. He suffers one
additional debilitating wound for every 3 additional hours What starts as a distant murmur quickly turns into loud,
before the PCs free him Keep track of the number of reverent chanting. Two words repeat over and over, a noticeable
debilitating wounds Gideon has suffered, as they come into excitement building with each syllable: “Great Queen! Great
play during the chase (see below). He has both the exhausted Queen!” Suddenly, a thunderous crash shakes the structure. As
and sickened conditions for as long as he has at least one the building begins to crumble, a half dozen Aspis agents rush
debilitating wound. past the entryway. A roiling torrent of water follows on their heels.


After abandoning Gideon Wren to his fate, the surviving

Scaling the
Aspis agents continued their search for the remaining two
tablets of the Twelve Rites, leading them into the heart
Great Queen Chase
of Tralika territory and into the domain of their Great Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Queen, a mobogo. While the agents succeeded in locating of four PCs. Lower the DCs of all checks in this encounter
their prizes, they also drew the ire of the formidable beast. by 3. Additionally, shift all of the thresholds for success by
The mobogo began chasing them, much to the boggards’ 1. The PCs receive the best result with 6–8 successes, the
delight. The Aspis agents’ retreat has brought them back second best with 3–5 successes, the second worst with
toward the sunken crossroads and led the creature directly 1–2 successes, and the worst result with 0 successes.
into the path of the PCs. It is virtually impossible for PCs in
Subtier 1–2 to combat a mobogo, and even those in Subtier
4–5 have little hope for victory, so running away is the most consequences. Keep track of the number of obstacles the
likely chance for survival. PCs fail. See Development below for details on how the
Escaping the wrath of the Great Queen uses a variation number of successes and failures affects the PCs’ efforts
of the chase rules (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 232). in completing their mission. After the PCs attempt to
However the PCs are fleeing pursuit rather than chasing overcome the eighth obstacle, they pass beyond the border
someone else. They must work as a team to overcome each of Tralika territory and are safe from the rampaging Great
obstacle, and they are likely trying to keep the debilitated Queen. (In Subtier 4–5, increase the DCs of all checks in this
Gideon Wren safe all the while. The mobogo’s primary encounter by 4.)
targets are the Aspis agents, but it wouldn’t hesitate to eat Obstacles: Each of the obstacles is described below.
the PCs if the don’t flee. All of the rules necessary to this Through the Breach: A sudden torrent of water engulfs
encounter appear below. the entryway, sweeping away the crumbling structures and
For each obstacle, each PC should choose between one of rushing through the streets. As the PCs flee ahead of an
two options: attempt a check, or use one of their character 8-foot high wave, they spot the mobogo perched upon the
abilities, such as casting a spell. At least one PCs must now-collapsing building, using control water to conjure the
attempt a check. At the end of the turn, use the highest check roiling tides.
result. Treat any other checks with a result of 10 or higher
as though that PC had instead used the aid another action
to assist that roll. Gideon Wren can aid the PCs in this
way only if he currently suffers no debilitating
wounds; otherwise each such wound
instead increases the DC to overcome
each obstacle by 1. If more than one
PC rolls a natural 1 in the same
turn, Gideon Wren suffers an
additional debilitating wound.
If a PC uses a spell or ability
that seems appropriate to the
situation, such as casting
burning hands to destroy
overgrown vegetation, or
creating a barrier to block the
mobogo, grant the highest check
result a bonus between +2 and +4.
Alternatively, grant this bonus
if a PC uses an ability to assist,
protect, or otherwise aid
Gideon in some way, such as
by casting cure light wounds or
expeditious retreat.
If the PCs fail to overcome The Great
as obstacle, they still proceed to the
next one, but their failures have Queen


Vile Croak: The mobogo’s throat swells. It releases a mighty sail across the Bay of Senghor once more. If Gideon lives,
croak that pushes forth a shock wave of concussive power. he suggests that they take the Consortium’s vessel, Dreams
Aspis Stampede: Gideon’s former Aspis comrades fill the of Worth. He promises the PCs that he can cover for them
congested street. as long as they keep obvious signs of being Pathfinders
Leap Dragon-Frog: The mobogo launches itself high into hidden. Taking the Dreams of Worth has advantages and
the air and crashes down upon the streets, attempting to disadvantages. It is faster and better crewed than the PCs’
crush all those caught beneath its hefty frame. fishing boat, and as such it arrives in Senghor in just 18
Hurricane Alley: The mobogo takes flight and unleashes a hours. It also has more comfortable crew chambers, allowing
gust of wind into the narrow alley ahead, forcing its prey to the PCs to get a proper night’s rest. This clears any fatigue
move against the buffeting winds. or exhaustion they may be experiencing. However, taking
Sudden Overgrowth: After herding its terrified quarry into Dreams of Worth also guarantees that the PCs arrive in
a patch of poisonous vines, the mobogo uses plant growth to Senghor at the same time as any surviving Aspis agents who
rapidly engulf the pathway ahead. are also on the ship; this has no consequences if the PCs
Crumbling Archway: A dilapidated archway resembling the succeeded at 7 or 8 obstacles, as there are no Aspis survivors
lower half of an unidentifiable humanoid figure straddles other than Gideon. If the PCs did not excel at the chase, they
the road ahead. The mobogo follows at ground level, close may wish to take their own boat for a chance to outrun the
behind the fleeing groups. survivors. If the PCs manage to make the return journey and
Tongue Tied: After being temporarily trapped beneath go to Windrell Holdings in less than 21 hours, limit Shinri’s
the rubble of the archway, the mobogo launches its tongue preparations as if the PCs had cleared 7 or 8 obstacles. This
forward, grabbing Gideon Wren and attempting to pull him 21 hours includes both the time needed to sail and the time
toward its gaping maw. needed to find and travel to Windrell Holdings. Use the
Development: The success of the PCs in this encounter rules outlined in Navigating the Bay of Senghor on page 6.
determines what kind of assistance or information Gideon PCs who are already fatigued become exhausted if they fail at
can provide to them as well as the number of Aspis agents a DC 10 Fortitude save (DC 13 in Subtier 4–5), and exhausted
who report to Shinri Dells in Senghor, affecting the difficulty PCs fall unconscious. PCs who participated in sailing the
of the encounter in area B4. Adjust the rest of the scenario vessel take a –2 penalty on this saving throw. Note that the
based on the number of obstacles the PCs successfully chance to limit Shinri’s preparations is the only mechanical
overcame, as follows. benefit of returning quickly.
7–8 Obstacles: The PCs easily escape. The mobogo devours If the PCs managed to safely escort Gideon Wren out of
the Aspis agents, and the PCs managed to take both of the Boali, he joins them on their journey back to Senghor and
tablets of the Twelve Rites that the Aspis have recovered in hold up his end of their bargain to the best of his ability.
Boali. In addition, Shinri Dells receives no warning about The PCs likely inquire about the Aspis Consortium, but his
the PCs’ activities. She does not have time to cast resistance or information is limited to what he has directly been involved
drink her potion of bull’s strength prior to the combat in area with or overheard, which is by no means as incriminating as
B4. Reduce the number of Aspis agents in area B4 by 1. what Shinri Dells knows. The most likely questions and his
4–6 Obstacles: The PCs escape just as the Aspis agents slip responses are below.
away, and the PCs recover one of the Twelve Rites from them What do you know about the mining operation in the
during the chase. The Aspis agents arrive in Senghor before Mwangi Expanse? “Not much. I’ve heard that some of the
the PCs to warn Shinri Dells of their activities. higher-ups were working on something big. Digging up
2–3 Obstacles: The PCs barely make it out. The mobogo some kind of ruin or something—the usual payday. We
devours Gideon before he can share what he knows the PCs, weren’t really involved in that. The boss was sent to Senghor
except for his final words, “Why did I ever trust Dells in the to start up the explorations in Boali with her usual crew and
first place? Go to Windrell Holdings, and curse her for me.” a few other groups of freelance agents.”
Each PC gains the exhausted condition. What were you doing in Boali? “The boss wanted us to
1 or fewer: The PCs survived the chase, but the Great Queen collect some stone tablets with weird-looking markings
severely injured one of them. In addition to the results of etched onto them. I was in the process of procuring
completing 2–3 obstacles, the mobogo gets close enough to one earlier when I was so rudely interrupted by the floor
attempt to bite one random PC: bite +20 (2d6+9). In Subtier swallowing me up. If I recall correctly, that going to be the
4–5 the mobogo’s attack is instead bite +22 (2d6+11). tenth one in Shinri’s set. Once, I overheard her calling them
the Twelve Rites during her meditations. She’s begun talking
RETURNING TO SENGHOR to herself when she thinks no one is listening.”
After fleeing the Great Queen of the Tralika and briefly What are the Twelve Rites? “I’m not sure, but they
encountering the Aspis agents in Boali, the PCs can set definitely aren’t just some hunks of old stone. When I


Phase 1: Through Phase 2: Vile Croak Phase 3: Aspis

the breach Stampede

There Is a Way: Cover Ears: Make Way:

Escape Artist DC 26 Reflex DC 20 Intimidate DC 24

Ride the Wave: I Can Take It: There’s Another One!:

Swim DC 24 Will DC 19 Bluff DC 26

Phase 4: Leap Phase 5: Hurricane Phase 6: Sudden

Dragon-Frog Alley Overgrowth

Those Are Poisonous:

Move Around: Winds Won’t Stop Me!:
Knowledge (nature)
Acrobatics DC 24 Fortitude DC 20
DC 24

Dive for Cover: Charge Ahead: Take the High Ground:

Reflex DC 20 Strength DC 18 Survival DC 24

Phase 7: Crumbling
Archway Phase 8: Tongue Tied

Knock It Down: Break Him Free:

CMB 24 Strength DC 22

Weak Knee:
Cut Him Loose:
Attack AC 24
(engineering) DC 20

touched that one earlier, I could feel the magic inside of it— better to be standing behind her than in her way. Shinri was
dark magic. It sent chills down my spine worse than when born on the streets. She’s a natural fighter, tough as crocodile
I saw the boss punch that guy in the head so hard, one eye and furious as a hippo, but lately she’s been even more ‘Shin-
popped clear out of his skull.” rey’ than normal. That’s a word we use when we’re safely out
Where could we find your boss? “Shinri? Why would you of earshot. Over the last few months, she has been meditating
want to go see her? She is the most terrifying person I’ve ever for four or five hours at a time, and she’s been using all kinds
met, and keep in mind I saw the inside of a giant dragon-frog of strange fighting techniques she never used to, things you
earlier. She stays at the base in Senghor, a place called Windrell don’t learn on the streets. This might sound strange, but I
Holdings near the pier. Her office is in the back, but she always think she is actually talking to someone when she meditates.
has cronies on lookout, usually a pair outside her office and Someone, or maybe something?”
one watching the front desk keeping away the riffraff.” The PCs may even convince Gideon to accompany them
Why are you so scared of Shinri Dells? “Because I like eating to their meeting with Senghor’s leadership. Convincing him
solid food, that’s why. She earned her spot with the Consortium to betray his former employer so brazenly requires the PCs
as a Bronze agent by coming up with good plans and cracking to succeed at a DC 16 Diplomacy check (DC 20 in Subtier
any skulls that popped up along the way. I’ve been a part of her 4–5), with a –2 penalty for each debilitating wound he has
crew in Bloodcove for two years, and let me tell you, it’s much suffered (see the sidebar in page 16).


door (hardness 5, 20 hp, Break DC 25), but doing so makes a

Building a Case
considerable racket.
If the PCs question Gideon Wren, they gain a +2 bonus
on the Diplomacy checks in Vying for Senghor’s Support. B2. CARGO ENTRANCE
If they manage to convince him to speak at the meeting The south entrance into Windrell Holdings is along the
with Senghor’s leadership and he arrives in Senghor pier. This pair of tall double doors opens outward from the
safely, this bonus increases to +6. structure and is held in place with removable pins on the
exterior walls of the building. The PCs can remove these
pins with a DC 15 Knowledge (engineering) check or DC 25
BUSINESS IN SENGHOR Disable Device check (DC 18 Knowledge [engineering] or DC
Before long, the PCs find themselves in Senghor. They have 28 Disable Device in Subtier 4–5), allowing them to remove
two tasks ahead, which they can accomplish in any order. the doors. The double doors remain barred from the inside
They must confront Shinri Dells at Windrell Holdings to at all times unless the Aspis agents in area B4 have case to
acquire evidence for their case against the Consortium. open them. If the PCs succeed at a DC 18 Bluff check (DC 21
Additionally, they must bring their case against the Aspis in Subtier 4–5) to pass themselves off as fellow Aspis agents
Consortium to the offices of Senghor’s leaders. If at least returning from Boali, the guards unbar and open the doors.
one hour remains in the scenario after the PCs finish the
first of these tasks, the PCs face an optional encounter (see B3. GREETING ROOM (CR 1/2 OR CR 2)
encounter C).
Locating Windrell Holdings in Senghor is a relatively Oil lamps beside the doors to the west and south warmly illuminate
simple task once the PCs know the building’s name. The PCs this room. Pairs of heavy cabinets sit against the north and south
can find it if they succeed at a DC 12 Knowledge (local) check walls, and a desk sits in the center of the room. On the center of
or Diplomacy check to gather information (DC 15 in Subtier the desk rests a thick ledger, while a surprisingly large piece of
4–5), and they can travel there in half an hour. If the PCs are decorative pottery sits precariously close to the southern edge.
traveling aboard Dreams of Worth, the sailors dock right next
to Windrell Holdings. They are not eager to face Shinri’s Creatures: A lone Aspis agent is on guard in this room,
wrath for their troubled expedition, so they immediately go prepared to turn away anyone he does not recognize.
into Senghor in search of a stiff drink, returning a few hours If he encounters anyone suspicious, he is supposed to
later when the PCs are not present. They do not participate “accidentally” knock the pot off his desk to alert his fellows
in any encounters in Windrell Holdings. Alternatively, of the intruders before escorting them into an ambush in
if the PCs choose to speak with Senghor’s leaders first, B4. Although the agent was once resolute in his duties,
Harbormaster Takule Kanwo at the council hall can tell weeks of inactivity have made him succumb to boredom.
them where to find Windrell Holdings. He spends most days leaning back in his chair with his
feet up on the desk (usually on the ledger), leafing through
B. WINDRELL HOLDINGS an immense book titled Renswald’s Complete Encyclopedia
The Aspis Consortium’s base of operations is an import of Fish.
company called Windrell Holdings. Built upon the pier, it If the PCs approach, he briefly looks up from behind his
allows easy access for the crew of Dreams of Worth to unload book and tells them “Windrell Holdings is not currently
their shipments of cargo and relics from Boali without accepting any new business opportunities right now. Please
raising too many eyebrows. Windrell Holdings is a large come back next week.” He then returns to his studies. If the
wooden structure with an arched rooftop. The ceilings are 15 PCs mention anything about the Aspis operation, including
feet high in most rooms, rising to a height of 20 feet in the the Aspis Consortium, Boali, or Shinri Dells, he puts down
warehouse. Twin skylights over the center of the structure his book and replies, “We just deal with imports here. Look,
let natural light in to the warehouse. it’s almost my break; let me take you in the back so you can
see for yourself ”. He rises, “accidentally” knocks over the
B1. FRONT ENTRANCE pot, muttering “Just my luck”, and tries to further stall them
A relatively plain sign displaying the company’s name hangs while he brushes aside the broken fragments. The PCs can
above the main entrance into Windrell Holdings. During recognize what the agent is up to before he knocks over the
the day, this entrance remains unlocked to maintain the pot by succeeding at a DC 18 Sense Motive check (DC 21 in
facade of a legitimate business. After dark, however, its Subtier 4–5). The DC decreases by 3 after he knocks over the
strong wooden door is secured with a built-in lock. This pot. If the PCs make any aggressive moves against him at any
lock requires a DC 22 Disable Device check to unlock (DC time, he attempts to flee into area B4, yelling “Boss! We’ve
26 in Subtier 4–5). Alternatively, the PCs can bash down the got company!”


B. Windrell Holdings
B6 D
B3 A3


A : Aspis Agent

1 square = 5 feet D : Shinri Dells

SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 1/2)

Scaling Encounter B3
ASPIS RECRUIT CR 1/2 Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Male human rogue 1 of four PCs. The Aspis agent is fatigued because Shinri
NE Medium humanoid (human) is making him pull a double-shift. His sleepiness also
Init +2; Senses Perception +5 interferes with his bluff, reducing the DC of the Sense
DEFENSE Motive check to notice his intentions by 2.
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1 Feats Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting
OFFENSE Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +3, Bluff +4, Disable Device +6,
Speed 30 ft. Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (local) +3,
Melee heavy mace +3 (1d8+3) Perception +5, Sense Motive +5
or heavy mace +1 (1d8+3), spiked gauntlet +1 (1d4+1) Languages Common
Ranged dart +2 (1d4+3) SQ trapfinding +1
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 Other Gear studded leather, heavy mace, spiked gauntlets (2),
TACTICS darts (5), thieves’ tools
During Combat The recruit rushes in to the warehouse to fight
with his allies. SUBTIER 4–5 (CR 2)
Morale The recruit attempts to surrender or flee if he cannot
reach the warehouse or if the PCs defeat Shinri. ASPIS FREELANCE AGENT CR 2
STATISTICS Male human fighter 1/rogue 2
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 NE Medium humanoid (human)
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15 Init +2; Senses Perception +6


most likely forgeries written by someone without full

Scaling Encounter B4
understanding of cargo manifests.
Make the following adjustment to accommodate a group Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat at least one of Shinri’s
of four PCs. allies within the warehouse, reduce each PC’s gold earned by
Subtier 1–2: Remove one Aspis recruit. the following amount.
Subtier 4–5: Remove one Aspis freelance agent. Subtier 1–2: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 68 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 181 gp.
Subtier 4–5: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 294 gp.
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, B4. WAREHOUSE (CR 2 OR CR 5)
+1 shield) Natural light pours in through the pair of skylights in this
hp 24 (3 HD; 2d8+1d10+5) warehouse’s arched roof. Two wall-mounted oil lamps flank
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 the double doors to the south, while single lamps rest on
Defensive Abilities evasion the floor by the doors to the east and the northwest. Piles
OFFENSE of crates ranging from 4 feet to 8 feet high are scattered
Speed 30 ft. about. The crates contain little of value, mostly ropes,
Melee mwk longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20) sailcloth, and various trade goods in poor condition. The
or mwk longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20), spiked gauntlet +3 Aspis Consortium inherited most of the crates when they
(1d4+3) took over the structure, and they use them to maintain the
Ranged dart +4 (1d4+3) facade of a legitimate import company. The ceiling of the
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 warehouse is 20 feet high.
TACTICS If the PCs choose to enter Windrell Holdings through the
During Combat The freelance agent rushes in to the warehouse skylights in the center of the roof, they find it no simple
to fight with his allies. task. They must first scale the walls onto the rooftop with
Morale The freelance agent attempts to surrender or flee if he a successful DC 20 Climb check. The rooftop has suitable
cannot reach the warehouse or if the PCs defeat Shinri. anchors for grappling hooks, ropes, and other tools the
STATISTICS PCs can use to make this task easier. Afterward, the PCs
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 must break through the skylights, which have no opening
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 18 mechanism. Shattering the glass is simple—each pane
Feats Dodge, Double Slice, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon has hardness 1 and 1 hit point—but loud enough to alert
Fighting, Weapon Focus (longsword) everyone within the building. Alternatively, the PCs can
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +5, Bluff +5, Disable Device +7, carefully remove a pane of glass without shattering it or
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, letting it fall to the ground with a DC 16 Disable Device,
Perception +6, Sense Motive +6 Knowledge (engineering), or Sleight of Hand check (DC 20
Languages Common in Subtier 4–5).
SQ rogue talent (weapon training), trapfinding +1 Creatures: Three Aspis agents sit around the crate on the
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk longsword, spiked gauntlets east end of the room playing cards. They have worked with
(2), darts (5), thieves’ tools Shinri Dells for years and know better than to cross her, so
it is unlikely the PCs can convince them to parley. If they
Treasure: The copy of Renswald’s Complete Encyclopedia of know the PCs are coming, they take up positions behind the
Fish contains surprisingly detailed drawings of all manner crates on the southeast and northwest end of the room and
of aquatic denizens, namely fish, and can fetch a price of 250 use Stealth to prepare an ambush.
gp. In Subtier 4–5, it is a first edition and can fetch a price
of 550 gp. SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 2)
Development: If the PCs inspect the cabinets or the
desk drawer, they find documents of all kinds. However, it ASPIS RECRUIT (3) CR 1/2
is obvious that all of them predate the arrival of the Aspis hp 10 each (see page 17)
operation in Senghor by at least a year. The ledger upon the TACTICS
desk appears much of the same, except for the newest few During Combat An Aspis recruit moves to flank with her allies
pages that detail cargo moving in and out of the building. and engages foes in melee using Two-Weapon Fighting
A PC who examines the ledger and succeeds at a DC 13 whenever possible.
Linguistics or Profession (merchant) check (DC 16 in Subtier Morale As recruits, their loyalty extends only so far. They attempt
4–5) notices that the most recent entries are incomplete, to flee or surrender if the PCs defeat Shinri.


SUBTIER 4–5 (CR 5) Knowledge (religion) DC 14 or Wisdom DC 12: After

continued contact during her meditations, Shinri realized
ASPIS FREELANCE AGENT (3) CR 2 the being was in fact a powerful fiend. The fiend offered
hp 24 each (see page 17) Shinri blasphemous knowledge of blood magic in exchange
TACTICS for her loyal servitude, and Shinri accepted.
During Combat An Aspis freelance agent moves to flank with Knowledge (religion) DC 18 or Wisdom DC 16: Shinri
her allies and engages foes in melee using Two-Weapon soon learned her master was bound somewhere within the
Fighting whenever possible. Mwangi Expanse, and that a number of Ghol-Gan relics
Morale As freelance agents, their loyalty extends only so far. would be required to hasten the fiend’s return. Her task was
They attempt to flee or surrender if the PCs defeat Shinri. to acquire the Twelve Rites, which were taken to the now-
ruined city of Boali centuries ago by the Boalisi people.
B5. SHINRI’S OFFICE Knowledge (religion) DC 22 or Wisdom DC 20: Shinri’s
This office is dark, as Shinri has not used it in several days. strict adherence to the fiend’s teachings and continued
A pair of lamps hangs near the door on the west wall, while contact with a growing number of the Twelve Rites have
the doors on the north and south walls remain unadorned. allowed the fiend’s essence to manifest itself within Shinri’s
Books of all ages are scattered haphazardly around the room. psyche. She appears as a grotesque six-armed female giant
Maps hang in loose layers on an easel to the northwest. with blackened flesh and three heads. Each of her heads
Development: Shinri’s journal rests open on the desk, sports a dozen eyes and a splayed crown of golden horns.
with several letters tucked within its pages. By leafing
through the journal and the letters—a process that takes B6. SHINRI’S QUARTERS (CR 3 OR CR 6)
about 20 minutes—the PCs can learn more about Shinri. This room is scarcely illuminated, as Shinri prefers to keep
The letters are several pieces of correspondence that she the lamp near the south door snuffed out, allowing the room
has received from various Aspis agents. It is clear from the to remain dark while she sleeps in her bed or trains with the
replies that Shinri has been asking everyone to keep an wooden dummies in the east corners.
eye out for tablets matching the description of the Twelve Creatures: Whatever time Shinri Dells doesn’t spend
Rites, promising to pay well anyone who can bring one to meditating in area B7, she spends here plotting, training,
her. One of her pieces of correspondence is with a man and sleeping. Shinri usually keeps her bronze badge carefully
named Lutebu Alrati. Lutebu informs Shinri that his mining hidden away, wearing it only when she is in a meeting with
enterprise has been quite successful and that he has located other Aspis agents or working in her own quarters.
an object that matches her description. He requested that If Shinri knows that the PCs have arrived, perhaps
she come to Bloodcove to inspect it personally and come to because of hearing the pot shattering in area B3, she makes
an arrangement for its purchase. preparations for combat before moving to engage them in
area B4. Shinri wants to give her agents the chance to prove
THE JOURNAL OF SHINRI DELLS themselves before jumping in to the fray. She is hoping
Despite her reputation as a brute, Shinri Dells was wise that one of them may prove a worthy disciple to receive
and thoughtful. She kept a journal of her activities, plans, advanced training from her. Give the PCs time to take out
and contemplations. While she eventually abandoned this one or two of the guards in the building before Shinri
practice recently, the journal documents her darkening makes her entrance.
thoughts in unerring detail. The last pages of the journal
reflect an obsession with recovering the Twelve Rites and SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 3)
studying them to “reach enlightenment.”
By delving deeper into Shinri’s erratic and confusing SHINRI DELLS CR 3
contemplations within the journal, the PCs may be able to Female aasimar monk 3/sorcerer 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
glean further insight. Based on the result of a Knowledge LE Medium outsider (native)
(religion) or Wisdom check, the PCs might know more about Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
Shinri’s activities and those of her peers. In Subtier 4–5, DEFENSE
increase the DCs of the Knowledge (religion) checks by 4 but AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +2
do not increase the DCs of the Wisdom checks. Wis)
Knowledge (religion) DC 10 or Wisdom DC 8: Several hp 28 (4 HD; 1d6+3d8+8)
months ago, Shinri made contact with a malign presence Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8; +2 vs. enchantment
during her meditations. The presence offered Shinri Defensive Abilities evasion; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
forbidden martial techniques so long as she continued to OFFENSE
contact it regularly. Speed 40 ft.


Melee unarmed strike +5 (1d6+3), or unarmed strike flurry

Building a Case
of blows +4/+4 (1d6+3); Ranged mwk shuriken +4 (1d2+3),
If the PCs recover the journal of Shinri Dells, they gain a or mwk shuriken flurry of blows +3/+3 (1d2+3); Str 16; CMB
+2 bonus on the Diplomacy checks in Vying for Senghor’s +6; CMD 19.
Support. In addition, for every piece of insight that they STATISTICS
gained journal with a successful check, the Diplomacy Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 12
check gains a further +1 bonus, to a maximum total Base Atk +2; CMB +8; CMD 21
bonus of +6. Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Mantis StyleUC, Sorcerous Strike
(corrupting touch)UC, Stunning Fist
Scaling Skills Acrobatics +8 (+12 when jumping), Diplomacy
+3, Heal +6, Knowledge (history) +3, Perception +8,
Encounter B6
Sense Motive +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy,
To accommodate a group of four +2 Perception
PCs, apply the sickened condition Languages Celestial, Common
to Shinri Dells. Her obsession with SQ bloodline arcana (+2 DC for charm spells), fast
Parveen’s message has begun to affect movement, maneuver training
her both mentally and physically. Combat Gear potion of barkskin (CL 6th),
potion of bull’s strength; Other Gear mwk
shuriken (15), 50 gp
Melee unarmed strike +7 (1d6+5) SPECIAL ABILITIES
or unarmed strike flurry of blows +6/+6 Blasphemous Studies (Sp) Shinri’s
(1d6+5) connection to the Twelve Rites has
Ranged mwk shuriken +4 (1d2+5) granted her additional spell-like abilities
or mwk shuriken flurry of blows +3/+3 that lesser asura typically have. The
(1d2+5) rites that she has already studied
Special Attacks flurry of blows, stunning grant her the ability to use both
fist (4/day, DC 14) feather fall and spider climb as spell-
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; like abilities once per day. If her
concentration +5) Shinri Dells agents recovered one of the tablets
1/day—feather fall, daylight, spider from Boali and she has had at least 2
climb hours to study it, she can additionally use
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2) levitate once per day. Finally, if her agents recovered both
4/day—corrupting touch (1 round) of the tablets from Boali and she has had at least 4 hours to
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +2) study them, she can use mirror image once per day.
1st (4/day)—protection from chaos, true strike
0 (at will)—open/close (DC 11), read magic, resistance, touch SUBTIER 4–5 (CR 6)
of fatigue (DC 11)
Bloodline Infernal SHINRI DELLS CR 6
TACTICS Female aasimar monk 5/sorcerer 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
Before Combat Shinri drinks her potion of barkskin. If she has LE Medium outsider (native)
enough warning of the PCs’ approach, she also drinks her Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
potion of bull’s strength and casts protection from chaos DEFENSE
and resistance. The benefits of barkskin, bull’s strength, and AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge,
resistance are included in her statistics. +4 natural, +3 Wis)
During Combat Shinri adopts Mantis Style and engages her hp 47 (7 HD; 2d6+5d8+14)
foes directly using her unarmed strikes in combination with Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +10; +2 vs. enchantments
Stunning Fist, Sorcerous Strike, and flurry of blows. If a PC Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune disease; Resist acid 5,
proves unusually difficult to hit, she uses true strike. cold 5, electricity 5
Morale Driven by a desire for self-perfection and loyalty to her OFFENSE
mysterious patron, Shinri fights to the death. Speed 40 ft.
Base Statistics Without barkskin, bull’s strength, and resistance, Melee unarmed strike +10 (1d8+5), or
her statistics are AC 14, flat-footed 12; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7; unarmed strike flurry of blows +10/+10/+5 (1d8+5)


Ranged mwk shuriken +6 (1d2+5), or lesser asura typically have. The four rites that she has already
mwk shuriken flurry of blows +6/+6/+1 (1d2+5) studied grant her the ability to use feather fall, levitate, and
Special Attacks flurry of blows, stunning fist (6/day, DC 15) spider climb as spell-like abilities once per day. If her agents
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +8) recovered one of the tablets from Boali and she has had at
1/day—feather fall, daylight, levitate, spider climb least 2 hours to study them, she can additionally use mirror
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3) image as a spell-like ability once per day. Finally, if her agents
4/day—corrupting touch (1 round) recovered both of the tablets from Boali and she has had at
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +3) least 4 hours to study them, she can use dispel magic as a
1st (5/day)—mage armor, true strike spell-like ability once per day.
0 (at will)—message, open/close (DC 11), read magic,
resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 11) Treasure: A tall cabinet in the southwest corner of the
Bloodline Infernal room is unlocked and contains several Ghol-Gan relics that
TACTICS Shinri collected during her explorations in Boali before
Before Combat Shinri casts mage armor and drinks her potion of her descent into madness. It contains a Large masterwork
barkskin. If she has enough warning of the PCs’ approach, she cold iron bastard sword and a set of special muleback cords
also drinks her potion of bull’s strength and casts resistance. (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 267) that also provide the
During Combat Shinri adopts Mantis Style and engages her benefits of a cloak of resistance +1. In Subtier 4–5, the muleback
foes directly using her unarmed strikes in combination with cords also provide the benefits of a cloak of resistance +2. The
Stunning Fist, Sorcerous Strike, and flurry of blows. She makes blade of the sword is engraved “Oathkeeper,” while the
use of her bodywrap of mighty strikes +1 on her first attack leather cords are emblazoned with a rune for “Indomitable,”
each round, using Stunning Fist and Mantis Wisdom to further both of which are in Cyclops. Shinri left several notes with
enhance this potent unarmed strike. If a PC proves unusually the blade, and a PC who reads these notes and succeeds at
difficult to hit, she uses true strike. She uses her ki pool a DC 15 Knowledge (history) check (DC 18 in Subtier 4–5)
to augment her offense or defense if she deems it more knows the items predate the fall of Ghol-Gan, when the
advantageous than Sorcerous Strike. Cyclops’ civilization declined from a gathering of high-
Morale Driven by a desire for self-perfection and loyalty to her minded scholars and warriors into a tempestuous and
mysterious patron, Shinri fights to the death. brutal society. PCs who do not read Shinri’s notes can still
Base Statistics Without barkskin, bull’s strength, mage armor, attempt the check, but the DC is 10 higher.
and resistance, her statistics are AC 15, flat-footed 13; Fort Development: While Shinri Dells won’t surrender, the
+6, Ref +5, Will +9; Melee unarmed strike +8 (1d8+3), or PCs can attempt to capture her in order to question her
unarmed strike flurry of blows +8/+8/+3 (1d8+3); Ranged directly, or possibly present her to the Senghor leadership to
mwk shuriken +6 (1d2+3), or mwk shuriken flurry of blows further their case against the Aspis Consortium. If they do,
+6/+6/+1 (1d2+3); Str 16; CMB +9; CMD 22. Shinri provides little insight into her activities. She believes
STATISTICS that she will be reincarnated into a higher being upon death,
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 12 so no threat is enough to persuade her to speak.
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 24 Rewards: If the PCs do not recover the items within the
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Improved cabinet drawer, the GM should cross its contents off each
Unarmed Strike, Mantis StyleUC, Mantis WisdomUC, Sorcerous PC’s Chronicle sheet. If they do not defeat Shinri, reduce
Strike (corrupting touch)UC, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus each PC’s gold earned by the following amount.
(unarmed strike) Subtier 1–2: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 152 gp.
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+17 to jump), Diplomacy +3, Heal +9, Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 334 gp.
Knowledge (history) +4, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9; Subtier 4–5: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 516 gp.
Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Celestial, Common B7. MEDITATION CHAMBER
SQ blasphemous studies, bloodline arcana (+2 DC for charm
spells), high jump, ki pool (4 points magic), maneuver This dark chamber currently bears no illumination of any kind,
training, slow fall 20 ft. and its lamp beside the north door has been shattered. A circle is
Combat Gear potion of barkskin (CL 9th), potion of bull’s drawn in the center of the room in blood, surrounded by a ring of
strength; Other Gear mwk shuriken (15), bodywrap of mighty twenty-four unlit candles of various heights. Small stone tablets
strikes +1UE, 20 gp are laid out along the circle, forming an irregular ring.
Blasphemous Studies (Sp) Shinri’s close connection to the Shinri Dells uses this room for her hours-long meditations
Twelve Rites has granted her additional spell-like abilities that during which she often communes with Parveen.


Building a Case
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 insight, +3
If the PCs recover at least one of the Twelve Rites and natural, +1 size)
present it as evidence against Shinri, they gain a +2 bonus hp 25 (3d10+9); fast healing 2
on the Diplomacy checks in Vying for Senghor’s Support. Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +5; +2 bonus vs. enchantment
This bonus increases to +4 if they recover all six of the DR 5/good or cold iron; Immune curse effects, disease, poison;
Twelve Rites that appear in this adventure. Resist acid 10, electricity 10
Speed 20 ft.
Melee sting +6 (1d6+1)
Optional Encounter
Special Attacks poison
Encounter C is an optional encounter that takes place after Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
the PCs complete either area B or Vying For Senghor’s Constant—detect magic
Support. Run this encounter only if more than 2 hours At will—feather fall
remain in which to complete the scenario. 3/day—levitate, locate object, spider climb
Before Combat The giant tripurasura casts spider climb and then
Scaling Encounter C
approaches the PCs under the guise of a human child begging
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group for spare change.
of four PCs. During Combat On the first round, which is likely to be a
Subtier 1–2: The giant tripurasura is sickened, having surprise round, the asura returns to its natural form. On future
made a long journey to Senghor without rest. rounds, it attacks with its stinger. When reduced below half its
Subtier 4–5: Reduce the number of tripurasuras by 1. hit points, it withdraws from combat and scurries up a nearly
building, allowing its poison and fast healing to do their work
before reengaging once more.
Treasure: Several of the Twelve Rites lie upon the floor Morale The tripurasura is loyal to its master, Parveen, and fights
forming the irregular ring on the circle drawn in blood. to the death.
Shinri has at least four of the rites; however, if her remaining STATISTICS
agents returned from Boali aboard Dreams of Worth, she Str 12, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 13
might have up to two more. These rites can help the PCs’ Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15
case against Shinri (see the Building a Case sidebar above). Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (sting)
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+3 when jumping), Appraise +4, Bluff +7,
C. PARVEEN’S SPY Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge
Moving through the streets of Senghor is for the most part (planes) +7, Perception +10, Perform (dance) +5, Spellcraft +4,
pleasant. Most people in the city have a high standard of Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +6 Escape Artist, +4 Perception
living, and there is a strong sense of community. The average Languages Common, Infernal
buildings range from 12 to 16 feet high, and the streets are SQ change shape (any Small humanoid; alter self), elusive
both paved and clean. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Creatures: The malign influence of Parveen has drawn Change Shape (Su) The tripurasura has only one alternative
lesser asuras to Senghor. One or more of these asuras form—when it uses change shape, it always appears as the
approach the PCs in the guise of destitute children. They same Small humanoid. Most take the form of gnomes or
each hold out their hands, begging for spare coins. A PC who human children.
succeeds at a DC 17 Sense Motive check (DC 20 in Subtier Elusive (Su) The tripurasura and items it carries are considered
4–5) notices that children seem out of place, as though they to be under the effects of a nondetection spell. A caster must
aren’t locals. succeed at a DC 14 caster level check to overcome this effect.
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round for
SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 3) 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Wis damage; cure 1 save.


Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 291, 26
LE Small outsider (asura, evil, extraplanar, lawful) GIANT TRIPURASURAS (3) CR 3
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10 hp 25 each (see above)


C. Parveen’s Spy N



T : Tripurasura

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Streets


TACTICS they wait. The secretary also gives the PCs the names of the
Before Combat The giant tripurasuras cast spider climb and then people who are currently representing the interests of each of
approach the PCs under the guise of a group of human children Senghor’s factions, as outlined below.
begging for spare change. The PCs have some time to recall knowledge about these
During Combat On the first round, which is likely to be a surprise individuals or ask the clerks in the Council Hall. For each
round, the asuras return to their original form. On future name, a PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Knowledge (local) check
rounds, they attack with their stingers in an all-out melee (DC 20 in Subtier 4–5) pertaining to a council member
offensive, relying on their natural defenses and healing to knows enough about that person to glean which skill other
improve its durability. When reduced to 10 hp or less, they than Diplomacy the PCs can use. Alternatively, a PC could
withdraw from combat and scurry up a nearly building, ask around the council hall to glean the same information
allowing their poison and fast healing to do their work before by succeeding at a DC 18 Diplomacy check (DC 20 in Subtier
reengaging once more. 4–5). Each PC has enough time to ask around the hall about
Morale The tripurasuras are loyal to their master, Parveen, and one NPC.
fight to the death. Each faction representative requires the PCs to succeed
at a DC 28 Diplomacy check (DC 32 in Subtier 4–5) to sway
VYING FOR SENGHOR’S SUPPORT in favor of the alliance. This DC is particularly high, but
The main purpose of the PCs’ mission is to secure Senghor’s the PCs need to face it without significant bonuses only
support for the Pathfinder Society’s investigation into the if they didn’t gather any evidence during the adventure.
Aspis Consortium’s activities in Bloodcove, as well as their Alternatively, each faction has an alternative skill that PCs
mining operation deeper within the Mwangi Expanse. can roll in place of a Diplomacy check, using all the same
Unfortunately, Senghor is fiercely independent and not bonuses earned throughout the scenario in the Building a
easily inclined to forge such an alliance. The PCs need Case sidebars (see pages 16, 20, and 22). The base DC of this
proof of the Aspis Consortium’s illicit or unscrupulous alternative check is 24 (DC 28 in Subtier 4–5). While the PCs
activities in the region to build their case. Without the can attempt to influence each representative once, other
support of three of the four faction representatives, the PCs can assist with aid another using either a Diplomacy
alliance fails. check, or the alternative skill check.
When the PCs present their letter of The Nobility: Senghor’s most influential
introduction to the aide at the front desk of noble families elect their representatives
the council hall, the secretary informs the PCs to the council. They are heavily focused on
that he can secure them an audience within 30 expansionism and are likely to vote in favor
minutes. He stresses that the councilors are of the alliance, offering a +4 bonus to a
busy and that the PCs had best ensure they are PC’s Diplomacy check. Lord Servitor Vance
prepared before the meeting. As long Kagoshe (NG male halfling aristocrat 6)
as the PCs affirm that they have no currently represents the nobility.
other preparations they want to He is an elderly fellow with a
make, he leads them to a waiting clean-shaven head, an overly
room, where he offers them curly beard, and a pleasant
simple refreshments of water and demeanor. He respects those
dried fruit. The PCs can enjoy with an understanding of
the refreshments or wander the etiquette and unspoken
the nearby hallways while subtleties of the courts.



As such, the PCs can attempt a Knowledge (nobility) check

Scaling Vying for
instead of a Diplomacy check.
The Priesthood of Gozreh: Made up of representatives
Senghor’s Support
drawn from the ranks of Gozreh’s indoctrinated faithful, To accommodate a group of four PCs, reduce the DCs of all
the priesthood of Gozreh are not easily swayed to take a skill checks in this section by 3.
stance against the Aspis Consortium, so the DC to influence
their vote is increased by 2. If the PCs can provide evidence
that the Consortium is conspiring with fiends, the DC to SUBTIER 1–2 (CR 1)
influence their vote is instead reduced by 4. Windspeaker
Belbi (N female human cleric of Gozreh 2/ ranger 1) currently FOOT SOLDIERS (3) CR 1/3
represents the priesthood of Gozreh. She is a middle-aged hp 8 each (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 286,
woman of Caldaru descent, with weathered, sun-battered see page 28)
features, green eyes, and stick-straight hair. She leans on a TACTICS
driftwood walking staff as she moves. She respects those who During Combat These guards do their best to apprehend their
understand her faith and the nature of the winds and waves. foes without violence, but if met with resistance, they do not
The PCs can attempt a Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge hesitate to respond with lethal force.
(religion) check instead of a Diplomacy check. Morale The soldiers take directions from the PCs. They flee if the
The Merchant Compact: Senghor’s most powerful and PCs flee, but they otherwise fight to the death.
prosperous merchants make up the Merchant Compact.
Attea “Iron Lady” Mbansa (N female human bard 3) SUBTIER 4–5 (CR 4)
represents this group. She is a young woman of Bonuwat
descent with dark skin and a penchant for vibrant clothing. GUARDS (3) CR 1
She has a keen mind for business—just 2 years ago, she hp 19 each (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 260,
inherited a struggling arms company that is now flourishing see page 28)
under her direction. She respects those with mercantile skill TACTICS
and an eye for financial opportunities. The PCs can attempt During Combat These guards do their best to apprehend their
an Appraise check or Profession (merchant) check instead of foes without violence, but if met with resistance, they do not
the Diplomacy check to gain her favor. hesitate to respond with lethal force.
The Military: Made up of representatives from Senghor’s Morale The soldiers take directions from the PCs. They flee if the
navy and city guard, the military is currently represented by PCs flee, but they otherwise fight to the death.
Harbormaster Takule Kanwo (LN male human fighter 4). He
is an overworked man of Caldaru descent with green eyes Faction Notes: PCs from the Exchange faction can
and a trimmed handlebar moustache. As a former officer approach Attea Mbansa about forming trade agreements
in the Senghor navy, he respects military experience and with her and other members of the Merchant Compact. The
naval expertise. The PCs can attempt a Profession (sailor) or Iron Lady is a skilled merchant. She has heard all kinds of
Profession (soldier) check instead of the Diplomacy check. offers that seem too good to be true, so convincing her of the
If the PCs convince him to support them against the Aspis Exchange’s interest in promoting free trade is no easy task.
Consortium, he comments that he did not realize that First, she asks the PC to pass a test to determine their
the Consortium “flew upon shrieking wings.” If the PCs eye for quality, providing three daggers of near similar
seem confused by the expression, he explains that it is an appearance. Two of them are crafted from quality steel, while
old phrase that refers to lurking and malevolent threats. the third is made from low-quality materials. A PC who
Windspeaker Belbi says that it comes from Caldaru legends succeeds at a DC 12 Craft (weapons) check (DC 16 in Subtier
about the perils that can ride upon the winds. 4–5) or a DC 16 Appraise or Profession (merchant) check
Development: After the PCs state their case and (DC 20 in Subtier 4–5) identifies the quality of the blades.
attempting to sway each representative to vote in favor of the If the PCs pass her test, she is willing to hear out the PCs
alliance, the representatives withdraw for several minutes. regarding trading with the Exchange. However, convincing
When they return, they provide their verdict. If they vote in Attea to work with the PCs requires them to succeed at a DC
favor of the alliance and the PCs have not yet encountered 22 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check (DC 26 in Subtier
Shinri Dells in Windrell Holdings, the leaders enlist the PCs 4–5). Apply the bonuses that the PCs have earned on their
to capture her. They provide the PCs with a trio of Senghor checks to influence Senghor’s leaders on this second skill
guards to assist in the raid. These guards are clad in the check but not on the test.
scarlet and black uniforms common to their occupation. Treasure: If the PCs earn the support of the group of
Use the statistics below for the Senghor guards. Senghor’s leaders, the leaders present the PCs with a token


of their favor: a phylactery of faithfulness. The leaders explain Cross off two boxes on each Chronicle sheet if the PCs
that no matter which member of the council wore it, the recovered two or three tablets, or one box if they recovered
phylactery always warned against going to Boali. In Subtier four or five tablets.
4–5, they also provide the PCs with a set of gloves of swimming.
These gloves are detailed on the Chronicle sheet. REPORTING NOTES
Rewards: If the PCs do not gain Senghor’s support, If the PCs rescued Gideon Wren and he arrived safely in
reduce each PC’s gold earned by the following amount. This Senghor, check box A. If the PCs forged an alliance between
represents the value of the council’s reward, as well the value Senghor and the Pathfinder Society, check box B.
of several antiques that Finze Bellaugh is forced to donate
to Senghor’s leaders to convince them to give the Pathfinder PRIMARY SUCCESS CONDITIONS
Society another chance. If the PCs manage to convince the representatives from each
Subtier 1–2: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 152 gp. of Senghor’s ruling factions to lend their support to the
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 334 gp. Pathfinder Society against the Aspis Consortium, they fulfill
Subtier 4–5: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 516 gp. their primary objective and earn 1 Prestige Point.


With Shinri Dells defeated and several of the Twelve Rites If the PCs defeat Shinri Dells and secure at least two of the
in the hands of the Pathfinder Society, the PCs stop one of Twelve Rites for the Pathfinder Society, they fulfill their
Parveen’s plots. If the PCs successfully allied with Senghor, secondary objective and earn 1 Prestige Point.
they can proceed with their plans to strike against the Apsis
Consortium in Bloodcove and hopefully gather further FACTION NOTES
intelligence about the mysterious mining operation. If PCs from the Exchange faction can promote the Exchange’s
the PCs were unsuccessful in this endeavor, Venture- interests by presenting them as an alternative to working
Captain Finze Bellaugh manages to convince the Merchant with the Consortium, as well as forming alliances with other
Compact to provide its full support, but only after weeks local merchant groups. The PCs can accomplish this by both
of deliberations and the donation of several antiques from canvassing local merchants in Senghor and speaking with a
their vaults. representative of the Merchant Compact, Attea Mbansa.
If the PCs recovered at least two of the Twelve Rites, The Exchange: If the PCs belonging to the Exchange
each PC earns the Student of the Twelve Rites boon on her faction successfully canvas the local merchants in Senghor
Chronicle sheet. The PCs earn all three checkboxes on this and convince Attea Mbansa to support them as a trade
boon only if they recovered all six of the tablets that appear partner, the PCs earn the Connections in Senghor boon on
in this scenario. their Chronicle sheets.


Handout #1: Letter from Aaqir Al’Hakam

Most Esteemed Associate,

I was delighted to hear that you were one of the agents selected for the investigation into
potential unsavory Aspis activities around Senghor. I’ve been monitoring the situation
through the contacts I have, but the Consortium’s influence on the markets of Bloodcove has
provided a significant barrier. I don’t have anything to add to what Venture-Captain Bellaugh
can already tell you, I’m afraid. I spoke to Aya Allahe, master merchant of Nantambu;
however, she had not heard much, and actively investigating the Aspis Consortium’s activities
would be a great professional risk for her. After all, trade flowing out of Nantambu must
pass down the Vanji River and through Bloodcove, which controls the river’s mouth. Still,
I understand that she’s working with several prominent local Pathfinders to prepare a deeper
investigation into Bloodcove once you have uncovered enough evidence to justify it.
More so than your fellow Pathfinders, you understand that the weakening of one major
trade faction leaves room for others to grow and flourish. With you on this mission, we can lay
the groundwork for our organization to seize this opportunity. While you are in Senghor, do
your best to impress the city’s mercantile compact with your trade knowledge and negotiating
skill. Don’t just talk to the most powerful merchants, though the more you can spread the
word about the benefits of working with the Exchange, the more likely we are to make inroads
in the city’s markets.
The Aspis Consortium tends toward a singular focus on profit above all else, not hesitating to
extract profit from misery. Their actions in the Mwangi region are, to be frank, exploitative.
Let us rise above their example, forging agreements that are beneficial to all involved parties.

Safe Travels,
Trade Prince Aaqir al’Hakam


APPENDIX: STAT BLOCKS Init +1; Senses Perception +0

The following creatures appear in this adventure. DEFENSE
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
BOGGARD SAVAGE hp 8 (1d10+3)
This frog-like creature’s bulbous eyes seethe with rage. A multitude of Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
warts and bumps decorate its greenish skin. OFFENSE
Speed 20 ft.
BOGGARD SAVAGE CR 4 Melee longspear +3 (1d8+3/×3) or
Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex 12 greatsword +3 (2d6+3/19–20) or
Boggard barbarian 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 37) dagger +3 (1d4+2/19–20)
CE Medium humanoid (boggard) Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+2)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
AC 15, touch 8, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 natural, –2 rage) Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9
hp 61 (5 HD; 3d8+2d12+30) Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +4 Feats Step Up, Toughness
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge Skills Craft (weapons) +3, Profession (soldier) +4, Survival +1
OFFENSE Languages Common
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear chainmail,
Melee mwk greatclub +12 (1d10+9), tongue +5 touch (sticky greatsword, dagger, javelin, longspear, 2 gp
Ranged javelin +4 (1d6+6) GUARD CR 1
Special Attacks rage (10 rounds/day), rage powers (no escape), Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 260
terrifying croak (DC 12) Human warrior 3
STATISTICS LN Medium humanoid
Str 23, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8 Init +0; Senses Perception +3
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 18 DEFENSE
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub) AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+8 armor)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+22 when jumping), Climb +11, hp 19 (3d10+3)
Intimidate +4, Perception +10, Stealth +0 (+8 in swamps), Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Swim +19 OFFENSE
Languages Boggard Speed 20 ft.
SQ fast movement, hold breath, swamp stride Melee halberd +5 (1d10+3/×3) or
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon, potions of cure moderate heavy flail +5 (1d10+3/19–20) or
wounds (2); Other Gear +1 studded leather, javelins (3), mwk sap +5 (1d6+2 nonlethal)
greatclub, 269 gp Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19–20)
SENGHOR GUARDS Str 14, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
These tall, dark-skinned people wear red-and-black uniforms. Their Base Atk +3; CMB +5 (+7 sunder); CMD 15 (17 vs. sunder)
eyes shine with determination to protect civilians from harm. Feats Alertness, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +5, Perception +3, Ride –3, Sense Motive +2
FOOT SOLDIER CR 1/3 Languages Common
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 286 Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2); Other Gear half-
Human warrior 1 plate, heavy crossbow with 10 bolts, halberd, heavy flail, sap,
N Medium humanoid 5 gp




Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-10: The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
Signs in Senghor 1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners
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Character Name
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Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware
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Character #
Prestige Points Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary
Character Name Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Liberty’s Edge Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–10: Signs in Senghor © 2017, Paizo Inc.;
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court Author: Kris Leonard.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #9-10: Character Chronicle #

Signs in Senghor
Core Campaign

SUBTIER Slow Normal

A.K.A. ­- 1–2 251 502

Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction
SUBTIER Slow Normal

This Chronicle sheet grants access to the following: Out of

603 1,206


Connections in Senghor (Exchange Faction): You have made a name for yourself and represented the Exchange SUBTIER Slow Normal
well in the markets of Senghor. You may purchase the following vanity, which originally appeared in Pathfinder
Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide, even if you do not own that book. As long as your business is
4–5 955 1,909
in Senghor, you can start your store for 3 PP instead of 5 PP. If you do so, you become a member of Senghor’s
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Merchant Compact, which grants you a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks while in Senghor
in addition to the vanity’s normal benefits. — — —
Mercantile Store (5 PP): When it comes to commerce, you dabble in wares of all sorts, selling the works of
others as a general merchant. If you use ranks in Profession (merchant) to calculate your bonus on Day Job
checks, your business provides you with a +1 circumstance bonus on all such checks. In the city where you have
your store, you can treat the gold limit for buying items as 5% greater than normal because of the many inside Starting XP

connections you have within the region’s markets and trade organizations. Initials

Student of the Twelve Rites: You have recovered several of the tablets of the Twelve Rites from the
monk Shinri and her agents. The blasphemous knowledge contained within these ever-shifting tablets is XP Gained (GM ONLY)
dangerous to ponder for too long, but you can tap into it briefly to learn Shinri’s abilities.
You can use this knowledge to replace some of your own abilities with Shinri’s. You can check a box before
this boon to retrain one of your feats into one of Shinri’s feats using the retraining rules from Pathfinder Final XP Total
RPG Ultimate Campaign at a reduced cost. Retraining into one of the following feats takes 2 days, rather than
5: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mantis StyleUC, Mantis WisdomUC,
Sorcerous StrikeUC, Stunning Fist, or Weapon Focus. Feats with the superscript “UC” are from Pathfinder RPG Initial Prestige Initial Fame
Ultimate Combat. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you can check a box before this boon to retrain one of Initials

your spells known into one of Shinri’s spells using the retraining rules from Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign +
at a reduced cost. Retraining into one of the following spells takes 1 day per spell level rather than 2: dispel Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)

magic, feather fall, levitate, mirror image, or spider climb.

Alternatively, you can check a box before this boon to use feather fall as a spell-like ability, using your
Prestige Spent
character level as your caster level. If you are at least 3rd level, you can check two boxes to cast levitate, mirror
image, or spider climb. If you are at least 5th level, you may check all three boxes to cast dispel magic.
Gloves of Swimming (aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; 2,500 gp): These gloves grant their wearer a +5 Current Final
competence bonus on Swim checks. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to function. A PC can pay 3,750 gp Prestige Fame
to upgrade these gloves to gloves of swimming and climbing (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 237).
Muleback Cords of Resistance +1 or +2 (aura faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; 2,500 gp or 5,500
gp): These sturdy leather straps combine the benefits of muleback cords (Ultimate Equipment 267) with the Starting GP
benefits of a cloak of resistance +1 or cloak of resistance +2, respectively. A PC who buys the +1 version of the cords GM’s

can later upgrade into the +2 version by paying 3,000 gp, and a PC who finds the +2 version can purchase the +
+1 version instead. GP Gained (GM ONLY)

Subtier 1-2 Subtier 4–5


muleback cords of resistance +1 (2,500 gp) bodywrap of mighty strikes +1 (3,000 gp; Ultimate Day Job (GM ONLY)
phylactery of faithfulness (1,000 gp) Equipment 214)
potion of barkskin (CL 6th; 600 gp, limit 1) gloves of swimming (2,500 gp) –
wand of summon monster II (12 charges; 1,080 gp, muleback cords of resistance +2 (5,500 gp) Gold Spent
limit 1) potion of barkskin (CL 9th; 900 gp, limit 1)
wand of summon monster IV (3 charges; 1,260 gp, =
limit 1) Total
For GM Only

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Pathfinder Society #

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