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Republic of the Philippines (PRY METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | } Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department / PROGRAM ON AWARDS AND INCENTIVES FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE (PRAISE) Revised Implementing Policy and Guidelines 1 OBJECTIVES A. General To encourage, recognize and reward employees, individually and in groups, for their suggestions, innovative ideas, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, heroic needs, exemplary behavior, extraordinary acts or services in the public interest and other personal efforts which contributes to the efficiency, economy and improvement in government operations, which lead to organizational productivity. ‘The PRAISE Committee shall convene every first Month of the year to set the target, the calendar of events/schedule and must prepare a scorecard pursuant to the ageney’s MFO. The criteria and process evaluation must likewise be set thereof. ‘The Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) shall be imposed in the evaluation process and implementation of PRAISE and shall not be discriminatory. Each employee, regardless of political affiliation, ethnicity, gender, civil status, physical features, religion, social status, income, familial responsibilities, and other similar personal circumstances, shall be assessed and evaluated in the same manner and shall provide special tool to measure in case there is disability B. Specific 1, To establish a mechanism for identifying, selecting rewarding and providing incentives to deserving employees at the start of each year, 2. To identify outstanding accomplishments, best practices of employees on a continuing basis. 3. To recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations periodically or as the need arises, 4. To provides incentives and interventions to motivate employees who have contributed ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments and other personal efforts. 5. To encourage creativity and innovativeness for an efficient responsive and progressive public service, Lipage 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 92/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gouph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines / METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department 6. To foster among officials and employees of the MWSS — CO the awareness and desire to maintain or sustain exemplary performance and superior accomplishment; 7. To motivate the officials and the employees of the MWSS ~ CO to contribute to the national development through increased productivity; 8. To promote a more humane, harmonious, and peaceful working condition in the MWSS — CO which will contribute to the attainment of a responsible public services, in general, and the goal of the agency in particular, and 9. To enhance the employees’ welfare and productivity. I. SCOPE ‘The MWSS-CO PRAISE shall apply to all employees in the career and non- career service of MWSS-CO regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion and/or indigenous group membership in the career and non- career service of this Agency including all project site offices with the application of equal opportunity principles. I. DEFINITION OF TERMS > AGENCY - refers to MWSS — Corporate Office and its respective project site offices > AWARD - recognition which may be monetary or non-monetary conferred on individual or group of individuals for ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, exemplary behavior, heroic deeds, extraordinary acts or services in the public interest which contribute to the efficiency, economy, and improvement in government operations which lead to organizational productivity. > EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PRINCIPLE — non-discrimination principle which emphasizes that opportunities in employment, advancement, benefits, rewards and recognition should be freely available to all employees, irrespective of their age, race, gender, or sometimes sexual orientation, disability, religion, political association, ethnic origin or any other individual or group characteristics. > CAREER - positions in the civil services characterized by: (1) entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined as far practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to higher career positions; and (3) security of tenure Ye e 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 + Website: www.mwss.gowph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph > CONTRIBUTION ~ any input which can be in the form of an idea or performance (see also Idea type and performance type contribution) > DISCOVERY ~ is the uncovering of something previously existing but found or learned for the first time, which will improve public service delivery. >» EXEMPLARY SERVICE - refers to laudable or praiseworthy service. > EXTRAORDINARY ACT - refers to exceptional service which is beyond or out of the regular function or duties of an employee > HEROIC ACTS - refers to the display of courage or bravery in the performance of one’s duty. > IDEA TYPE CONTRIBUTION ~ refers to an idea, a suggestion or an invention or discovery for improvement to effect economy in operation, to increase production and improve working conditions. > INCENTIVE ~ monetary or non-monetary motivation or privilege given to an official or employees for contribution, suggestions, inventions, ideas, satisfactory accomplishment or demonstration of exemplary behavior based on agreed performance standards and norms of behavior. > INVENTION ~ the creation of something previously non-existent which will benefit the government. > NON-CAREER ~ positions expressly declared by law to be in the non- career service; or these whose entrance in the service is characterized by: (1) entrance on bases other than those of the usual test of merit and fitness utilized for the career service; and (2) tenure which is limited to the duration of a particular project for which purpose of employment was made. » PERFORMANCE TYPE CONTRIBUTION - refers to a performance of an extraordinary act or service in the public interest in connection with, or related to one’s official employment, or outstanding community service or heroic acts in the public interest; or sustained work performance for a minimum period of one year which is over and above the normal position requirement of the individual or group. v SUGGESTION — idea or proposed which improves work performance, systems and procedures and economy in operations that will benefit the government, 31 Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 « Website: www.mwss.gov.ph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines (d a METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | }) Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department. \SSal5 > SYSTEM - the MWSS-CO awards and incentives program for employees or the PRAISE, BASIC POLICIES 1. The MWSS ~ CO PRAISE shall adhere to the principle of providing incentives and awards based on performance, innovative ideas, and exemplary behavior and shall not discriminate based on gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities and shall not discriminate based on gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion and/or indigenous group membership in the implementation of rewards and incentives program 2. ‘The MWSS—CO PRAISE shall give emphasis to the timeliness of giving award or recognition. Aside from conferment of awards during the traditional or planned awarding ceremonies, the spirit of On-the-Spot grant of recognition shall be institutionalized 3. ‘The MWSS ~ CO PRAISE shall provide both monetary and non-monetary awards and incentives to recognize, acknowledge, and reward productive, creative, innovative and ethical behavior of employees through formal and informal mode. For this purpose, the System shall encourage the grant of non-monetary awards. Monetary awards shall be granted only when the suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments and other personal efforts result in monetary savings which shall not exceed Twenty Percent (20%) of the savings generated 4. At least Five Percent (5%) of the HRODL Funds shall be allocated for the PRAISE and incorporated in the Agency’s Annual Procurement Plan (APP) 5, The PRAISE shall be institutionalized through the creation of a PRAISE Committee. 6. The PRAISE Committee shall preferably have the following composition: i, Head of Agency or Authorized Representative who will act as Chairperson; ii, Head of the Finance Department or equivalent, iii, Head of Planning Unit or equivalent, iv. Highest ranking employee in-charge of Human Resource Management of the career service employee directly responsible for management, and Waa 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 92/2887 + Website: www.mwss.gouph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines / METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \S v. Two (2) representatives from the Agency Labor Association (One from the First-Level and One from the Second-Level) 7. The head of the agency or his/her authorized representative shall be responsible in overseeing the System’s operation and the HRODL Department shall serve as the PRAISE Secretariat 8. The MWSS-—CO PRAISE Committee shall ensure that productivity, innovative ideas, suggestions and exemplary behavior can be identified, considered, managed, and implemented on a continuing basis to cover employees at all levels. 9. ‘The MWSS~ CO PRAISE Committee shall be responsible for the development administration, monitoring and evaluation of the awards and incentive system of the agency. 10. The MWSS ~ CO PRAISE Committee shall establish its own intemal procedures and strategies. 11, The MWSS — CO shall submit its Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) and its subsequent amendments to the Civil Service Commission Regional or Field Office concerned which shall provide technical assistance, if deemed necessary, to ensure proper implementation. 12. Establishment of a CSC approved PRAISE shall be the basis for the grant of the awards and other similar incentives. Issues relative to awards and incentives shall be brought before the PRAISE Committee which shall address the same within fifteen (15) days from the date of Submission V. TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION Under the system, any of the following types of contributions shall be entitled ‘to an award: A. IDEA TYPE CONTRIBUTION - this refers to an idea, a suggestion or an invention for improvement to effect economy in operation, to increase production, improve working condition or service or otherwise benefit the government. x SiPage 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. #63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department © B, PERFORMANCE TYPE CONTRIBUTION - this shall refer to: 1, Performance of an extraordinary act or service in the public interest in connection with, or related to, one’s official employment; or 2. Outstanding community service or heroic acts in the public interests, or 3. Sustained work performance for a minimum period of one (1) year which is over and above the normal position requirements of the individual or group; or 4, Exemplary Service and conduct, 5. Enhancement of employees’ welfare and productivity. VI. TYPES OF AWARDS and its CRITERIA A. NATIONAL AWARDS ‘The MWSS-CO shall participate in the search for deserving employees who may be included in the screening of candidates for awards given by other government agencies, private entities, NGOs and other award giving bodies such as, but not limited to: a.1 Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award — conferred on an individual for consistent, dedicated performance exemplifying the best in any profession or occupation resulting in the successful implementation of an idea or performance, which is of significant effect to the public or principal affects national interest, security and patrimony a2 Outstanding Public Official/Employee or Dangal ng Bayan Award — granted to any public official or employee in government who has demonstrated exemplary service and conduct on the basis of his or her observance of one or more of the eight (8) norms of behavior described under the Republic Act No. 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Government Officials and Employees. a.3. Civil Service Commission or the PAGASA Award — conferred on a group or individuals or team who has demonstrated outstanding teamwork and cooperation, which resulted in the successful achievement of its goal or has greatly improved public service delivery, economy in operation, improved working conditions or otherwise benefited the government in many other ways. 6|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 « Website: www.mnwss.gov.ph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines GG Pw METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM ) ‘Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department / a4 Other Awards — given by other government agencies, private institutions or NGOs to an individual or team for contributions of an idea or performance that directly benefited the government. ‘A monetary award (Cash) of Ten Thousand Pesos (Php 10,000.00) shall be granted to National Awardees coming from MWSS Corporate Office, chargeable against the Corporate Operating Budget of the current year B. MWSS-CO Department or Agency Level Awards Under the System, MWSS-CO initiate the search for deserving employees who may be included in the screening of candidates for awards to be given such as; b.1 Outstanding MWSS Employee Award ~ granted to an individual or group of individuals in recognition of contributions from idea or performance resulting in direct benefits to MWSS-CO or their respective Departments. The awardee/s may be nominated to the Presidential Lingkod Bayan or CSC Pagasa Award ‘The PRAISE Committee shall evaluate the nomination for this category and recommend to the Head of Agency the most qualified nominees. ‘The award shall consist of gold (gilded) medallion and a plaque of containing the citation and signature of the Administrator/Chairman of the Board. A cash amount of Php 5,000.00 for each awardee shall be allocated for the purpose. Criteria: Given in recognition of an “extra-ordinary achievement” i.e. successfully implemented an idea, project, suggestions that contributed to the efficiency and improvement of individual, department's productivity or improvement in operations and performance of the Agency’s mandate or in the welfare of co-employees. | i. The extent to which the idea, | suggestion, innovation or invention is Impact of Performance / being used and its result; Achievement ii, The number of Persons who benefited; ii. The Paradigm shift it has caused; and liv. The amount of money saved. ji. ‘The extent to which the innovation/idea Reliability and Effectiveness | has effectively addressed pressing needs/improved service delivery — 7iPage 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 92/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gouph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Phil METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM b.2__ Best MWSS-CO Official / Employee Award ~ granted to individual or individuals who excelled among peers in a functional group, position or profession. A cash award of not less than Php 10,000.00 or the amount provided under relevant existing laws as approved in the Annual Procurement Plan shall be given to the best employees plus a certificate of recognition or other forms of incentives as the committee may decide, €.g., Best Department Manager, Best Division Manager, Best Engineer, Best Legal Officer, Best Driver, Best Utility Worker, and other similar awards, Crit ia and Category: Given to an individual or individuals who excelled among peers in a functional group, position or profession, (e.g. Best Department Manager, Best Division Manager, Best Engineer, Best Legal Officer, Best Driver, Best Utility Worker, and other similar awards.) Executive/Managerial Category For Salary Grade 24 to Salary Grade 28, who provide leadership to supervisors and staff and are accountable for the performance and results of the divisions under them. Functions includes the development of Departmental Plans, Office priorities, control resources and policy formulations in the area of responsibility. There shall be a maximum of Five (5) awardees for this category. Supervisory/Professional/Technical Category For Salary Grades 23 to Salary Grade 13 involved in managing employees and are accountable for the performance and results of a team, There shall be a maximum of Five (5) awardees for this category General and Clerical Staff Category For Salary Grade 12 to Salary Grade 1 who are responsible for performing clerical and administrative support tasks. Their job is prescribed and completed under the close supervision or under clearly defined procedures. There shall be a maximum of Five (5) awardees for this category. b.3 Best Organizational Unit Award — granted to the top organizational unit on the basis of meeting the Department's performance targets and other pre-determined criteria such as Practice of Good Housekeeping Practices (5’S) ete. B|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No, #63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines (GBR METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \ Ss ‘The performance targets or pre-determined criteria, which shall be based ‘on the MWSS-CO goals, shall be agreed by the unit Head of Agency at the start of the rating year or at the last twelve months before the rating period. A cash award of not less than the amount of Php 15,000.00 or the amount provided under relevant existing laws as approved in the Annual Procurement Plan plus a plaque of appreciation shall be awarded to the selected Best Department Unit Award, Criteria and Category: CATEGORY A Granted to the Top Organizational unit of the MWSS ~ Corporate Office which may be a Group / Department / Division or implementing ‘Team/Group working on the MWSS-CO’s key/priority programs and projects / activities, on the basis of meeting the organization's performance targets and other pre-determined criteria, ‘The awardee in this category may be nominated to the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award of CSC’s Pag-ASA Award — Group Category, provided that group members does not exceed Ten (10). Based on the Civil Service Commission’s Guidelines for the Search for Outstanding Public Officials and Employees, the term “Group” shall refer to the following: Two or more individuals bound by a common objective, a taskforce, a technical group, or a special working team, formed created organized formally or informally to undertake certain projects/programs. Maximum membership for both Presidential Lingkod Bayan and Civil Service Commission or PAG-ASA awards group team shalll not exceed ten (10) employees. The group or team should have demonstrated teamwork/camaraderie shown by constant communication, coordination, cooperation, and cohesiveness among its members. Each group/team member should have verifiable/actual contribution in the attainment of the group/team’s accomplishment. g|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +#63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2] 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gov.ph / Email: info@mwss.govph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department CATEGORY B: It may also be granted to the Groups / Departments / Division who applies the Good Housekeeping Practices (5S) 58 Principle | POOR FAIR EXCELLENT 1.SORT(SERT) [A lot of | Unnecessary | Unnecessary Take out | unnecessary | items are | things not found at unnecessary items | things are at the | disposed but not | any time and dispose workplace right away 2 2. Employee Necessary things | Necessary things | SYSTEMATIZE | often spend | are arranged but | are always (SEITON) time looking | not in systematic | arranged in order Arrange necessary | for necessary | order (not easy to | for quick use items in good order | things retrieve and use) for use 3. SWEEP | Workplace as | Workplace and and (SEISO) well asthe | machines / | machines / Clean your | machines /| equipment are | equipment are workplace equipment are | partially cleaned. | completely completely dirty and| (Center and | cleared. Area is untidy. Many | Surface Only) | free of dust things are scattered around S| 4.SANITIZE | No attention is | Workplace is tidy | Dust and Dirt are (SEIKETSU) _| given to keep | but not | completely — shut Maintain high | workplace neat | completely clean | out | standard of | and tidy housekeeping _ 5. SELF- | No work | People follow | Prepares for work. DISCIPLINE _| discipline. rules. But just to | Comes early to (SHITSUKE) —_| People do what | start work on | check equipment / Do things | they like. time, without | machines simultaneous enough condition. Cleans without being told preparation for | work area before orordered work, and after work DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS: Category A ~ Office Performance Commitment Review (OPCR) Category B~ Photos/Pictures of the Office Lay out THERE SHALL ONLY BE ONE (1) ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT AWARDEE PER YEAR PER CATEGORY. Voasrease 44th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. #63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gov.ph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Phil METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM \ @ Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \S Ques b.4 — Gantimpala Agad Award ~ given outright to employees commended by clients for their courtesy, promptness, efficiency and dedication to duty Criteria: Any MWSS — CO clients will be the one to submit nomination letter to the MWSS — CO PRAISE Committee for the said award and must be supported by justification detailing why he/she is deserving of the award. A maximum of Five (5) awardees each year. b.S Exemplary Behavior Award — based on the eight norms of the conduct as provided under RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards) The awardee will be automatically nominated by the agency PRAISE Committee to the Dangal ng Bayan Award. Criteria: ‘The criteria in the selection of the candidate shall be based on the observance of behavior described under the R.A. 6713, such as: Commitment to Public Interest Professionalism Justness and Sincerity Political Neutrality Responsiveness to the Public Nationalism and Patriotism ‘Commitment to Democracy Simple Living eee reece The awardee will be automatically nominated by the MWSS ~ CO PRAISE Committee to the Dangal ng Bayan Award, Nominations shall be duly supported with facts/proofs, video presentation write-ups, etc. b.6 Cost Economy Measure Award — granted to an employee or team whose contributions such as ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries or performance of functions result in savings in term of man-hours and cost or otherwise benefit the agency and other government as a whole. The monetary award shall not exceed 20% of the monetary savings generated from the contribution sient 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1108 Philippines Tel. Nos. #63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gow.ph / Email: nfo@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the PI METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \ b.7 Service Award ~ conferred on the retirees whether under optional or compulsory retirement schemes held during a fitting ceremony on or before the date of their retirement and/or who have rendered at least Fifteen (15) years of satisfactory government service Asa reward, plaque of appreciation will be given, the design and citation of which shall be determined by the PRAISE Committee. A token of appreciation may also be granted subject to availability of MWSS— CO Memorabilia or Corporate Giveaways products in the amount not exceeding Php 15,000.00. b.8 Best in Attendance Award ~ conferred to an individual, who rendered perfect attendance for the year, records of which shall be based on acceptable time recording system of the MWSS-CO. MONETARY CRITERIA CATEGORY |" AWarp The PRAISE Secretariat shall review all the Daily Time Records of Permanent and Contractual Employees for the entire year or equivalent of Twelve (12) months. Whoever surface with the highest number of months in compliance with items A to E shall qualify as nominees for the year Pore A. Have no absences except for Five (5) Attendance | Php 5,000.00 | 48¥S mandatory leave and Three (3) days Special Leave Privileges. including | + Plaque Attendance to . . Flos Reising | Five(s) | B-Didnot incur tardiness and under tim. and Flag | awardees will -_ Retreat besclected |C. Blank entries in DTR should ve nae suppo wit ravel Order, Memorandum, Official Business Form, Notice of Meeting, Certificate of Appearance, ete. D. Have no outstanding cash advance during his/her nomination. E, Has not received any form of reprimand for non-compliance of office rules and regulations. 12| Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel, Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No, +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.govph Republic of the Philippines 7 mn METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department An employee who is out for Official Business shall be considered to have rendered a full day’s work, as log as it is authorized by his/her immediate supervisor and supported by an approved Travel Order, Certificate of Appearance, Notice of Meeting, Memorandum, ete. Only official business will be accepted as reason stated DTR of the employee to be considered as present during the blank entry in his/her DTR and attendance sheets during the flag raising/retreat ceremonies. Eligible employees for this award are those occupying the position of Division Chief and below. DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS: Certified True Copy of DTRs Certified True Copy of Attendance Sheets for Flag Raising Retreat Ceremonies ‘© Other attachments such as Certificate of Appearance, Special Orders, Travel Orders, Memorandum, etc * Certification from the Finance Department that the nominee has no outstanding Cash Advance b.9 Such other award which the Agency may decide to give. VII. TYPES OF INCENTIVES To motivate MWSS-CO shall continuously search, screen and reward deserving employees to motivate them in improving the quality of their performance and install excellence in public service, the following types of incentives shall be regularly given: 1. Loyalty Incentive ~ granted to an employee who has served continuously and satisfactorily the agency for at least ten (10) years. The recipient shall be entitled to a cash award of not less Php 1,000.00 per year during the first ten years. Succeeding awards shall be given every five years thereafter. Aside cash awards, a loyalty memorabilia/souvenir shall given: 10 and 15 years = Bronze service pin 20 and 25 years - Silver service ring 30, 35 & 40 years - Gold service medallion Or other tokens such as wristwatch, necklaces with pendant, ring and the like not exceeding the amount of Php 15,000.00 may also be given to those ‘employees who have rendered Twenty-Five (25) to Forty (40) years of service, subject to the approval of the PRAISE Committee and Funds Availability. Ye sateace 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines /a METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM ( } Effective January 1, 2002, continuous and satisfactory services in government for purposes of granting the loyalty award shall include services in one or more government agencies without any gap. 2. Length in Service Incentive — given to an employee who has rendered at least three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service in the same position. The cash award shall be incorporated in the salary position, The cash award shall be incorporated in the salary adjustments following the Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, . 1990. 3. Productivity Incentive — given to all employees who have performed at least satisfactorily for the year covered in accordance with the agency’s CSC- approved PES. This incentive shall follow relevant existing guidelines 4, Career and Self Development Incentive - granted in recognition of an individual who has satisfactorily completed a course or degree within or outside the country at one’s own expense, A plaque of recognition shall be given to qualified individuals during the MWSS-CO anniversary celebration. 5. Merit Incentive - granted to an employee who has garnered two (2) consecutive Outstanding Ratings. One-time cash award may be given plus plaque of recognition and preference in promotion, provided the qualification requirements for promotion are met. 6. Special Achievement Incentive — granted to an employee who was recognized by other institutions due to his/her outstanding talent or skills, although not necessarily related to her work, which gave an honor to MWSS-CO. 7. Performance-Based Bonus ~ given to officials/employee in accordance with their contribution to the accomplishment of the Agency’s overall targets and commitments to motivate higher performance and greater accountability. This incentive shall follow relevant existing guidelines. 8. Other Incentives — which the MWSS-CO PRAISE Committee may recommend on the basis of special achievement, innovative approaches to assignments, exemplary service to the public and recognition by an outside group of a particular achievement. VIIL FORMS of AWARDS AND INCENTIVES 1, Compensatory Time-Off — granted to an employee who has worked beyond his/her regular office hours on a project without overtime pay. Me tea 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No, #63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gov.ph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \SS _” 2. Flexiplace — work arrangement allowed for qualified employees! who has demonstrated responsibility, initiative and capacity to produce output/result and accomplishment outside of the workplace subject to established guidelines. 3. “Salu-salo” together — meal hosted by superiors or supervisors for employees who have made significant contributions 4. Personal Growth Opportunities — incentive which may be in the form of attendance in conferences on official business, membership in professional organization, books, journals, tapes, travel packages and other learning opportunities, 5. Trophies, Plaques and Certificates 6. Monetary Award 7. Travel Packages 8. Other Incentives — incentives in kind which may be in the form of merchandise, computers, pagers, cellular phones, reserved parking space, recognition posted at the Wall of Fame, feature in agency publication and others. IX. PRAISE Committee ‘To implement the awards and incentive system of MWSS-CO, the PRAISE Committee is hereby created, composed of the following: Chairperson - Administrator or authorized representative, Members - Head of Administrative/Financial Division or unit or equivalent, - Head of Planning Division or unit or equivalent.; - Highest HRMO or any officer/employee in-charge of personnel; - Two (2) representatives of the career rank-and-file employees who shall serve for a period of two years (2) and chosen through a general assembly or any other mode of selection to be conducted for the purpose or designated by the registered union in the absence of an accredited union (one from the first level and one from the second level Secretariat — Human Resource and Organizational Learning and Development Department 15|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines : METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \ Sli To implement the System effectively, the PRAISE Committee members are expected to possess positive attitude, be capable of implementing submitted ideas, open-minded, decisive, have high tolerance for stress, or pressure and actively participate in all committee meetings. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The MWSS-CO PRAISE Committee shall be responsible for the development, administration, monitoring and evaluation of the awards and incentives system of the MWSS-CO. As such, the committee shall meet periodically to perform the following tasks: > Establish a system of incentives and awards to recognize and motivate employees for their performance and conduct; > Formulate, adapt and amend an internal rules, policies and procedures to govern the conduct of its activities which shall include the guidelines in evaluating the nominees and the mechanism for organizing the awardees, 7 Determine the forms of awards, incentives to be awarded; > Monitor implementation of approved suggestions and ideas through feedback and reports; — Prepare plans, identify the resources and propose budget for the system on an annual basis; > Develop, produce, distribute a system policy manual and orient the employees on the same; > Document best practices, innovative ideas and success stories which will serve as promotional materials to sustain interest and enthusiasm; > Submit an annual report on the awards and incentives system to the CSC ‘on or before the 30" day of January; v Monitor and evaluate the systems implementation every year, and make essential improvements to ensure its suitability to the agency; and » Address issues relative to awards and incentives within fifteen (15) days from the date of submission. 2. The Human Resources Management unit shall serve as the system secretariat. 16|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +63{+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 + Website: www.mwss.gow.ph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph pines (PR Republic of the PI / METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | } Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \Sals/ 3. The Head of Agency or authorized representative shall be responsible in overseeing the systems operations ‘The MWSS-CO may, however, employ an external or independent body to assist the MWSS-CO PRAISE Committee to judiciously and objectively implement the system of incentives and awards. SELECTION PROCEDURES ‘The procedures of nomination for any NATIONAL / AGENY AWARD, except those conferred by other government agencies or NGOs motu proprio, are as follows: ‘© The immediate supervisor or any person/s or association including those from the Private Sector, shall make the nomination to the MWSS ~ CO PRAISE Committee; ‘© The Committee shall screen the nominations and evaluate the justification contained therein following an identified set of criteria; * The Committee shall submit its recommendation to the Management Committee for consideration and approval ONLY recipients of NATIONAL AWARDS such as Lingkod Bayan, Dangal ng Bayan and CSC PAG-ASA Award shall be considered for automatic promotion to the next higher VACANT POSITION, if any, provided they meet the minimum requirements for the same subject to deliberation and assessment of the Human Resource Merit, Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB). Records of awards as well as letters of commendation/s shall be kept in the Official’s/employee’s 201 File Officials and employees for any award/incentive mustL. ‘* Have been employed with the MWSS — Corporate Office for at least one (1) year at the time of the nomination or granting of any award / incentive; ‘+ Have been rated at least Very Satisfactory for two (2) appraisal periods immediately preceding the nomination or granting of any award / incentive * Have not been found guilty of any criminal or administrative offense or does not have any pending administrative or criminal case involving graft and corrupt practices. 17 [Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gowph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines (2 METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \ Sis X. REQUIRED NOMINATION DOCUMENTS (GENERAL) © Nomination Form; * Nominee’s updated CSC Form 212 or Personal Data Sheet with passport size (4.5em x 3.5cm) photo taken within the last six (6) months prior to the nomination; * Copy of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) of the individual nominee for the year prior to the nomination certified true copy by the Records Officer or authorized officer of the employing agency * Updated Service Record duly certified by the Agency’s Human Resource Management * Proof of Evidence of outstanding accomplishments like photos, videos, clippings, ete. XI. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS OF NOMINEES (GENERAL) Have rendered at least three (3) years continuous government service At least attained Very Satisfactory rating for two (2) rating periods prior to the nomination ‘* CESB Rating for two (2) rating period prior to the nomination (For Officials) ‘* Have not been found guilty or any administrative or criminal offense involving moral turpitude at the time of nomination XII. FUNDINGS The MWSS-CO shall allocate at least 5% of the HRODL funds for the PRAISE and incorporate the same in its Annual Procurement Plan. Note: All monetary awards are subject to availability of funds and the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. XIN. EFFECTIVITY The MWSS-CO PRAISE shall become effective after annual evaluation by the CSC. Subsequent amendments shall likewise be submitted to CSC for evaluation and shall take effect immediately. XIV. REPEALING CLAUSE All previous issuances of the PRAISE Guidelines in conflict with this Revised Implementing Guidelines are hereby repealed accordingly 18|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos, +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gowph / Email: info@mwss.gouph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \S XV. COMMITMENT I hereby commit to implement and abide by the provisions of this MWSS-CO PRAISE, which shall be the basis for the grant of awards and incentives, including Productivity Incentive Bonus ‘The annual PRAISE report shall be submitted to the CSC Regional Office concerned on or before the 30" day of January to enable our employees to qualify for nomination of CSC-sponsored national awards, Approved PLTGEN ath V. VELASCO (Ret), Ph.D. DATE Chairman, Board of Trusigegatnd concurrent OIC, Administraor CSC Action: CSC Regional Director (Signature over printed name) DATE, 19|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No, +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philip METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM. ‘Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department R&R Form No.1 Outstanding MWSS — CO Official of Employee Award 1 Passport Size NOMINATION FORM Photo (3.5cm x4.5em) NAME OF NOMINEE: Last Name First Name Middle Name POSITION: SALARY GRADE: DEPARTMENT/UNIT/SECTIO! No. of YEARS in SERVICE: Level of Position: [_] Exec./Managerial [7] Supervisory/Professional [_] General/Clerical CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: NAME OF NOMINATOR: GENDER: POSITION SG PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT : No, of YEARS in SERVICE: Level of Position: [] Exec./Managerial_[[] Supervisory/Professional []General/Clerical CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: NARRATIVE REPORT OF OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS / ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE NOMINEE: 20| Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gouph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph R&R Form No. 2-A Best Organizational Unit Award Category A - Performance Targets NAME OF DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION / SECTION HEAD OF DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION / SECTION NO. OF PERSONNEL (AMES OF PERSONNEL [nf fe I i Io fo | > 10. ui 12. 13. 14. 15. NAME OF NOMINATOR : SIGNATURE: DATE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 21|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department R&R Form No. 2-B Best Organizational Unit Award Category B — Good Housekeeping Practices (58) ME OF DEPARTME! DIVISION / SECTION HEAD OF DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION / SECTION NO. OF PERSONNEL MES OF PERSONNEL POSITIO! re ie ie i I ja > a 10. i 12. 13. 14. 15. NAME OF NOMINATOR : SIGNATURE: DATE: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 22 [Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel, Nos, +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 + Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department R&R Form No. 3 Gantimpata Agad Award NOMINATION FORM NAME OF NOMINEE: Last Name First Name ‘Middle Name POSITION: SALARY GRADE: DEPARTMENT/UNIT/SECTIO! No. of YEARS in SERVICE: Level of Position: (_] Exec./Managerial [[] Supervisory/Professional ["]General/Clerical CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: NAME OF NOMINATOR: GENDER: POSITION St OFFICE / BUSINESS NAME ADDRESS Level of Position: [.] Excc./Managerial_[] Supervisory/Professional [_]General/Clerical CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: NARRATIVE REPORT OF OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS / ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE NOMINEE: 23|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel. Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.govph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph Kaa Republic of the Philippines / m\ METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM | } Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \ Sl PRAISE SYSTEM FLOWCHART HRODL Department / PRAISE Secretariat ‘Submission of Complete Requirements ‘+ HRODL assists in the preliminary evaluation of (on or before First Monday documents and consolidation of Letters of of January) ‘Nomination/ Nomination Forms (Second Week of Jan.) PRAISE COMMITTEE CONVENES: (Third Week of January) + EVALUATION of the Nominees and Awards tobe ranted ‘Adopts Resolution on the Awards and Categories to ‘be Awarded forthe Anniversary Celebration IF the Nominee/s is/are evaluated in the same awards or categories in the previous rating period SCREENING PERIOD (JAN. 20- DEC. 31) PRAISE COMMITTEE © CIRCULATES the PRAISE COMMITTEE RESOLUTION within Two (2) days upon approval PRAISE COMMITTEE convenes Every First Week of Every Quarter of the Year to rate each nominee ‘© Nominees shall submit supporting documents every last Friday of the Month or as often as may be required by the PRAISE Committee PRAISE Committee decides ‘© Partial Approval of the inclusion of the nominees ‘+ Deferment or Cancellation of Nomination/s Final Inclusion ofthe nominees (Final Eval.) PRAISE Committee and HRODL (uly 1-15) ‘© Consolidates points earned by the Nominees, © Prepares preliminary results and recommendations. * Notifies the Nominees. ‘© Validation evaluation results. Nominees Submit Letter of Consent (LoC (January 16-20 in the ensuing year) CONFERMENT OF AWARDS AND MIDTERM EVALUATION (uly 1-15) FINAL TERM EVALUATION (January 1-10 in the ensuing year) PRAISE COMMITTEE APPROVAL (Ganuazy 15 inthe ensuing year) BOARD APPROVAL é RELEASE OF INCENTIVES ose Is esta eet (FEBRUARY - During ices Celebration / Ceremony) 24 [Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel, Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/2887 » Website: www.mwss.gowph / Email: nfo@mwss.gov.ph Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Human Resources and Organizational Development and Learning Department \“Sbe:/ CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES PERIOD ACTIVITY 5 Submission of all nomination Forms aaa eee for the various PRAISE Awards Current Year: HRODL Department / MWSS-CO PRAISE Secretariat (Conduct of Preliminary Evaluation of the Letters of Nomination and/or Nomination Forms JANUARY (Second-Fourth Week) Ensuing Year: Praise Committee evaluates, validate and issues a resolution to the Awardees for the Anniversary Celebration. | Current Year: MWSS — CO PRAISE Committee issues PRAISE Resolution for the partial approval of the inclusion of the nominees. FEBRUARY Ensuing Year: ‘Awarding Ceremony during the Anniversary Celebration Screening Period for the Nominees in | ee ee the Various Awards JULY Midterm Evaluation and Validation 25|Page 4th Floor, Administration Building, MWSS Complex, 489 Katipunan Avenue, Balara, Quezon City 1105 Philippines Tel, Nos. +63(+2) 922-3757; 922-2969 Fax No. +63(+2) 921/287 » Website: www.mwss.gouph / Email: info@mwss.gov.ph

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