Moving Up Ceremony: A. (Processional)
Moving Up Ceremony: A. (Processional)
Moving Up Ceremony: A. (Processional)
Every educational institution aims to make a better out of its students. And this
year, this call is made clear to every Filipino youth as the Philippines faced with
different problems and issues we together conquer. Regardless of what we have
gone through as a nation, we cannot deny the fact that God chose Potia High
School to become steadfast and resilient with the different struggles and now we
owe to Him this gift of faith that we are all cherishing.
This makes the LHS Junior High Completers of 2021 even more special they
may have undergone the challenges brought about by the Covid 19 virus, this
batch has more reasons to celebrate and be proud of. Being gifted with strong
faith is more than enough to say “yes” as they reap the fruits of their labor.
And today, we are gathered to witness one of the most exciting moment in a
student’s life. This year’s rite will not be possible without the relentless efforts of
our cherished students, parents’ active involvement, and the persistence of our
teachers and administrators. Today, signifies a time of completion, a successful
end to an academic era culminating with a ceremony, it certainly does close the
door on one school yea rand begins a new one.
We are with you in celebrating one of the largest milestones you will face along
your academic journey.
As Henry David Thoreau said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!
Live the life you've imagined.”
And now, the Pillars of this Institution, the ever vibrant and competent
faculty members of Potia National High School.
And now, the marching of our Guest Speaker for this joyous event, Dr.
Serafin L. Ngohayon, to be accompanied by our beloved Principal,
Madam Rubilyn F. Agbayani.
At this point, everyone is requested to stand to pay respect and honor to
our flags.
To set the tone for this afternoon’s event, let us put our
hands together for Osborn Machiavelli A. Marawis, 2nd
Thank you Dr. Serafin L. Ngohayon, for being a catalyst in inspiring the
To award the Certificate of Appreciation to our Guest Speaker let us call
on our Principal, Madam Rubilyn F. Agbayani.
(reads citation)
Congratulations, completers!
At this point, let us be all ears to no less than the batch 1 st Honors
herself as she encapsulates everything junior high school life has to
offer. A big hand for Franz Keigh Allyssa T. Pinkihan for her words of
Thank you so much, Franz Keigh Alyzza Pinkihan. I bet the room where you
are right now is filled with a lot of emotions, your parents and guardians beaming
with pride, asyou are now officially JHS completer ofPotia National High School!
We are all proud of you! You worked hard, you succeeded, and now you
celebrate! This day signifies a new beginning for each and every one of
you. This program
has now come to its closing. Enjoy your day of celebration with your
family and friends.
Thank you, Mrs. Leilani S. Cunanan, for being a catalyst in
inspiring the completers. At this point, let us award the
Certificate of Appreciation to our Guest of Honor.
(reads citation)
The faculty