Langue Vivante Europeenne: Compréhension Écrite Connaissances Lexicales Et Grammaticales Rédaction D'un Courrier
Langue Vivante Europeenne: Compréhension Écrite Connaissances Lexicales Et Grammaticales Rédaction D'un Courrier
Langue Vivante Europeenne: Compréhension Écrite Connaissances Lexicales Et Grammaticales Rédaction D'un Courrier
Compréhension écrite
Connaissances lexicales et grammaticales
Rédaction d’un courrier
Durée : 60 minutes
The European Union’s thinking about corruption goes roughly like this. It is a problem for governments,
chiefly in the new member states. The best way to fight it is by making entry into the EU conditional on
progress. That will create the political will which must, sooner or later, bring results.
That approach is not working. Anti-corruption efforts have stalled or reversed. Countries such as Slovenia,
Romania, Latvia and the Czech Republic have closed down or weakened their anti-corruption offices. [...]
The real story is that the prospect of EU membership encourages elites to pay lip service to the anti-
corruption cause, but no more than that. Once the conditionality is gone, the pressure stops. [...] In a phrase
familiar from western development efforts in non-European countries, “the solution is the problem”: in other
words, the agencies and officials being entrusted with the means to fight corruption are just as bad (weak,
corrupt or incompetent) as the people that they are supposed to be policing. [...]
One answer is to set up a much better means of measuring anti-corruption efforts. The existing benchmarks
focus on the creation of formal institutions, not on their impact. They also create an unhelpful mixture of
smugness in some countries (“What us, corrupt? No way—try next door!”) and paranoia in others (“Why
pick on us? What about them? And you?”). It would be good if new yardsticks included all the EU members,
not just the new and future ones.
Nov 20th 2008, from
1) “Prospect” means:
a) proposal
b) possibility
c) customer
d) purpose
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet
The prime minister’s problems may prove terminal for the Lisbon treaty
BRIAN COWEN, who succeeded Bertie Ahern as Ireland’s prime minister (taoiseach) in May, calls it the
worst economic crisis in a century. It is certainly the worst of times to be in government. The economy will
shrink this year and probably next, for the first time in 25 years. The Celtic Tiger decade of high growth and
huge budget surpluses has ended in a spectacular bust. Tax revenues have collapsed: the budget deficit may
hit 7% of GDP in 2009.
He (=Brian Cowen) is struggling with three problems from a politically weak position. First is an economy
in free fall, second a dramatic loss of support and third the vexed issue of Ireland’s future in the European
In June the Irish rejected the Lisbon treaty in a referendum. Yet 24 of the 27 EU members have ratified the
treaty, and the Poles and Czechs (whose constitutional court has just cleared the text) are ready to do so. At
next month’s EU summit, Mr Cowen will report on his intentions. The French EU presidency wants an
agreement that Lisbon should come into force by 2010, meaning that Ireland must hold a second referendum,
probably next autumn.
5) “Shrink” means:
a) get better
b) get smarter
c) get smaller
d) get down
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet
10) If _____________ be, the bank will grant you a bigger loan.
a) necessary
b) necessity
c) needs
d) needed
11) During the French presidency in the EU, the environment was put on top of the ___________.
a) timetable
b) agenda
c) schedule
d) planning
12) Their customer cancelled the order because they did not ___________ the deadline.
a) respect
b) make
c) meet
d) do
13) On account of the economic __________, dividend payments to shareholders have been postponed.
a) increase
b) bankrupt
c) rise
d) slump
15) What are their current projects as ___________ the Far East?
a) regarding
b) regard
c) regards
d) regarded
16) The firm’s ___________ has always been the same: “low prices and an overall good quality for all
a) motive
b) motto
c) motion
d) mobile
17) We must __________ the supplier about the rest of the delivery.
a) relaunch
b) recall
c) remind
d) refer
18) Please, let them know we have postponed, not ____________, tomorrow’s meeting.
a) erased
b) cancelled
c) put off
d) delayed
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet
19) Surveys show an upward trend in sales of _________ food whereas junk food is on the decrease.
a) organical
b) biologic
c) biological
d) organic
22) The product alone has generated a ten - __________ dollar profit.
a) million
b) millions
c) millions of
d) million of
23) Sales of champagne rose _____________ the général fall in the luxury goods market.
a) due to
b) because of
c) in spite of
d) owing to
24) As she didn’t like her job, she decided to give it _______.
a) away
b) up
c) back
d) off
27) We will provide accommodation __________ the whole length of her stay.
a) in
b) while
c) since
d) for
28) We _____________ problems with them ever since they sent us their first delivery.
a) had
b) have had
c) have
d) having
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet
29) You will have to report directly ______ the CEO.
a) to
b) for
c) under
d) over
31) He forgot to save what he _____________ and had to resume everything from scratch.
a) typed
b) types
c) had typed
d) has typed
32) She can’t get ________ to the French keyboard, which results in many typing errors.
a) uses
b) use
c) used
d) using
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet
Correspondance commerciale:
“The magazine Time is Business is looking for a full-time journalist to start as soon as possible in its
London office. If you...
No previous experience in business journalism is required BUT the ideal candidate should have a real
interest in other countries and cultures, and should be quite flexible as schedules may often change.”
Time is
You letter should be dated today and should include the following elements:
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UC B1/B2/B3 ANG Ecrit – Sujet