C B A A: International School of Asia and The Pacific
C B A A: International School of Asia and The Pacific
C B A A: International School of Asia and The Pacific
I.MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer in CAPITAL letter on the space provided
before each number.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question carefully before answering.Encircle the letter of your choice.
Erasures and any form of superimposition means wrong.(30 points)
1. On the 1st January 1958, six countries signed the treaty establishing the European Economic Community
(EEC), in turn establishing the foundations for the European Union. In which European capital was it signed in
from which it also takes its name?
2. The European Union has grown to be one of the world's largest trading blocs and markets. What is the
approximate size of the population of the EU?
a) 500 million people b) 292 million people c) 1.3 billion people d) 127 million people
4. The European Union is one powerful global economic bloc. ASEAN is best described as being:
5. Which of the following EU countries are sometimes referred to as the PIGS countries?
a) Conservation of marine biological resources (common fisheries policies), common market policies,the
customs union and monetary policy for Member States belonging to the Eurozone.
b) The customs union, the environment, agriculture and consumer protection.
c) Monetary policy for Member states belonging to the Eurozone, tourism, transport and industrial policy,
EU regional Policy.
d) The customs union, common commercial (trade) policies, education and culture.
9. EU competition and industry policies have affected the EU airline market. Which of the following
statements is true?
a) EU airlines are now limited to operating in their home markets and the market has shrunk overall
b) The three major carriers are now in a position to dominate the entire market unchallenged.
c) EU carriers are now more competitive and the market is growing rapidly.
d) The EU airline market is now predominantly run on the low-cost operator model.
10. Which of the following is NOT an argument for a country allowing its currency to float freely?
11. A common or single market will have all of the following features except:
a) A common currency
b) Common economic policy
c) No internal trade barriers
d) Common external tariff
13. Which of the following would undermine the case for a customs union?
14. Which of the following was not an objective of early European integration efforts?
a) Peace
b) Social rights
c) Economic reconstruction
d) Political stability
15. Which of the following institutions is not part of the 'institutional triangle'?
a) EU Council
b) European Parliament
c) European Commission
d) Member states
16. By 2015, how many member states were there in the EU?
a) 15 b) 25 c) 28 d) 30
18. Which of the following is not a source of funds for the EU Budget?
a) VAT-based contributions
b) Customs duties and levies
c) National contributions
d) Direct taxes on EU citizens
20. Under the ordinary legislative procedure (OLP) which two institutions 'co-decide' EU laws?
a) European Commission and EU Council
b) EU Council and European Parliament
c) European Commission and European Parliament
d) EU Council and Courts
22. In response to the democratic deficit, which of the following has the EU not done?
a) Implemented the principle of subsidiarity
b) Increased the relative power of the Commission
c) Increased dialogue with civil society
d) Increased the relative power of the European Parliament
24. Which is the correct order in which these treaties were signed?
a) Single European Act, Treaty of Amsterdam, Nice Treaty, Treaty on European Union
b) Treaty on European Union, Single European Act, Nice Treaty, Treaty of Amsterdam
c) Single European Act, Treaty on European Union, Treaty of Amsterdam, Nice Treaty
d) Single European Act, Treaty of Amsterdam, Nice Treaty, Treaty on European Union
26. Two intergovernmental conferences (IGCs) preceded the Treaty on European Union. What were they
a) Treaty of Amsterdam
b) Nice Treaty
c) Single European Act
d) Treaty on European Union
30. Which European institution gained decision-making power through the introduction of the ordinary
legislative procedure?
a) Commission
b) Council
c) ECJ
d) Parliament
------------------------------------------END OF EXAMINATION------------------------------------
"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." -Jesus of Nazareth
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