Brexit Worksheet PDF
Brexit Worksheet PDF
Brexit Worksheet PDF
worksheet B.55
Try not to look at the transcript while doing these exercises! Always read the
instructions and all the information in the tasks before listening. Listen as many
times as you like.
1 Before listening:
a The word 'brunch' is a portmanteau, a new word made from
joining two others and combining their meanings. It comes from
'breakfast' and 'lunch'. What do these words come from?
_____________ + ___________ = smog
_____________ + ___________ = motel
_____________ + ___________ = Brexit
_____________ + ___________ = Eurocrat
b How much do you know about the EU? Do the extra worksheet
Business: EU from the 'extras' page.
2 Listen for general meaning: watch the whole video or listen to the whole
a Michael Hobbes is an American who lives in Germany, in his video
he asks the question 'Should Britain leave the EU?'
What is his answer? Yes / No
3 Listen for detail: listen again and choose the correct answer.
a Complete David Cameron's quote:
We will give the British people a referendum with a very __________
c There are three problems for leaving the EU but staying in the
European Economic Area. Write in the verbs:
Members of the European Economic Area still have to __________ to
the EU budget...
and they still have to follow EU regulations on everything they
__________ in Europe.
Britain would still have to ___________ all those [weird] rules.
g At the end Michael says: Maybe the exact thing it [the EU] needs is a
big, liberal, pragmatic member to push it in that direction and do it
from the inside. I wonder who that could be?
Turn each sentence into a paragraph and write a short article outlining your
views. Compare your writing with other English language learners, do you
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answers B.55
2 a No
b Republic of Ireland _____ Turkey _____
Norway __2___ The US __1___
Switzerland __3___ Monaco _____