Adw TR RTCF QP Me 002, Rev.1
Adw TR RTCF QP Me 002, Rev.1
Adw TR RTCF QP Me 002, Rev.1
3 After 9.10, make the minimum data requirment make as heading Incorporated
4 add in the section 12.3 weaving shall not be done more than 3times of electrode dia Incorporated
8 In section 15.4.8, add the section completely as per SAES-W-011, 11.7 Incorporated
1. Scope…………………………………………………………………………..3
2. Definition……………………………………………………………………….3
3. Reference…………………………………………………………………………..4
4. Responsibilities……………………………………………………………………5
5. Procedures……………………………………………………………………….. 7
8. Qualification of Welders…………………………………………………………. 10
10. Calibration…………………………………………………..……………………..15
1. Scope
2. Definitions
The following documents shall form a part of this specification in the manner extend
indicated herein
4. Responsibility
4.1. Project Manager
Responsible for overall project package for Design, Procurement, Quality and
• Shall supervise piping works and ensure the compliance with established
construction schedule and project requirements as per applicable specifications,
standards and compliance to applicable codes and approved ITP.
4.4. QC Manager
• He has the overall responsibility to organize, implement, conduct and manage the
quality assurance program. He shall document all NCR’s and implement the
corrective actions. He shall coordinate with field engineering group, Project
• Also he is responsible to report any deficiencies in the quality of work to the project
Manager. He has the authority to stop work in any area where discrepancies
remain uncorrected and shall cancel the stop work order and non-conformance
report upon satisfactory correction of noted deficiencies. The QC Manager shall
coordinate with the Project Construction group, Qc inspectors to ensure that the
Method Statement / Inspection Test Plan (ITP) are property implemented and
verify compliance with the relevant codes, standards and company (Saudi Aramco)
Specifications in accordance with the approved ITP and referenced SAIC.
4.5. QC Supervisor
Coordinate the Inspection activities and verify the QC report for Completion and
sign off the documents and verify compliance with the relevant codes, standards
and company (Saudi Aramco) specifications in accordance with the approved ITP
and referenced SAIC.
4.6. QC Inspector
Perform all inspections as per the approved ITP to ensure compliance to the
requirements of the IFC drawings and company standards, prepare Inspection
Responsible for issue, maintain and controlling all documents required for
construction of final product including filing system and keep log of all completed
RFI and status of inspections and keep and maintain completed test packs and
have electronic format available for end of the job (EOJ) documents.
5. Procedure
5.1. All works shall comply with the respective requirements of company standards and
Specifications, ASME B31.3, ASME-IX, AWSD1.1 and approved construction
drawings, etc.
5.2. The QA/QC Manager with the support of QC Supervisor, in consultation with the
Construction Manager, shall select welding procedures required for the project
from the existing COMPANY approved procedures. If procedure is not available, a
new welding procedure shall be prepared in accordance with the standards and
project requirement.
5.3. Prior to start any welding operation, the welding procedure shall be qualified by a
company approved third party inspection agency and qualified procedure to be
submitted to company for approval.
5.4. All field and shop welding shall be carried out in accordance with, SAES-W-011,
ASME B31.3, and AWS D1.1 as applicable. Welders shall be qualified and
accepted in accordance with SAES-W-011 Para 8, No welding will be performed
prior to issuance of COMPANY job clearance cards. Copy of their qualification
cards shall be available at the field office and the original shall be with the welders.
Welding Inspector will be constantly monitoring the proficiency of the welders (SA
4758-ENG). Refer, SAEP 324 Para 5 and SAIC -W- 2008 for inspector duties.
5.5. For piping fabrication and piping erection the location of the weld shall be marked
on weld map drawings for identification purposes.
5.6. Welding supervisors will ensure that the applicable WPS with current revision is
available at all locations where welding is being performed.
5.7. The project welder tracking coordinator / NDT coordinator / welding Inspector is
responsible for tracking all issued JCC's welder performance and revoking of
JCC's either at section level for small to medium projects or on a single mega
6.2.2. The GTAW process shall be used for all passes for butt welds in piping and set-in
fittings less than 25.4 mm nominal pipe size (NPS).
6.2.3. The GTAW process shall be used for the root pass of butt welds without backing
in piping and set-in fittings of 50.8 mm nominal pipe size or less, except for vent
and drain piping open to the atmosphere or Category D piping.
6.2.4. The GTAW process shall be used for the root pass of single-sided groove welds
without backing made with stainless steel or nickel-based consumables.
6.2.5. The use of flux-cored GTAW wires for the root pass of single-sided groove welds
of P-No. 8 or higher materials with or without backing gas is not permitted unless
specifically approved by company (CSD).
6.3.2. GMAW shall not be used for single-sided tee or corner joints (i.e., branch or nozzle
8. Qualification of Welders
8.1. All welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME sec
IX and SAEP-324. AII the qualification documents along with job clearance card
shall be submitted to company for approval.
8.2. The test records of all welders shall be available at all the times at all the work
location for review by the company.
8.3. The JCC's are valid only for the project for which they are issued.
8.4. The first three production welds for each newly certified welder shall be 100%
radiographed and only after the acceptance of the same, shall the welder be
allowed to continue on the project. If there is any defective weld, progressive
examination (as penalty) of two more welds shall be conducted and if both found
acceptable, the welder shall be inducted for further production. If any of the penalty
welds fail, the welder shall be disqualified and sent for further training and
documented evidence & record of satisfactory further training to be submitted to
company for review, he may be permitted for requalification. If both (2) penalty
welds fail, the welder shall be disqualified, Refer appendix Ill.
8.5. Expiration & renewal of qualification shall be in accordance with ASME sec IX QW-
322, All welder’s continuity records shall be updated by AL-ADWANI according to
qualifying organization accepted weld reports / third-party company performance
qualification records.
8.6. Welder performance weekly rejection rate percentage shall be calculated joint
basis and linear basis, it shall not exceed joint basis 5% and linear basis 0.2%. If
any welder exceeds the weekly repair rate above specified limit, his production
welding shall be stopped & welder may be considered candidate for re-training and
8.8. Revoked welder may re-qualify in accordance with clause 8.1 if welder receives
minimum 40hrs training record signed by both TRS and Adwani and the welder
number will changed to XXX to XXXR
8.9. Training must be documented copy of documentation shall submit along with new
JCC approval.
9.2. The following weld identification numbering system shall be used to identify and
track piping groove butt and socket welds as a minimum. Each weld shall be
identified by joint number, line number, and spool number.
Note: For further repairs on Tracer Welds, Progressive sampling as per ASME B 31.3
9.3. W-01- This number shall be given to a weld prior to production welding. If required
examinations are accepted no change is required.
9.4. W-01R1 - The W-01 weld has been completed and examination has revealed an
unacceptable discontinuity that was repaired. If subsequent examinations are
accepted no change is required.
9.5. W-01R2 - The W-01R1 weld repair has been completed and examination has
revealed an unacceptable Discontinuity. If subsequent examinations are accepted
9.6. W-01RW - The unaccepted weld W-01R2 has been cut-out and the joint has been
re welded. The identification Methodology above is to be applied should further weld
repairs be necessary.
9.7. W-01T1 -The W-01 weld has been completed and examination has revealed the
weld is acceptable.
9.9. The following weld identification numbering system shall be used to identify and
track piping groove butt and socket welds as a minimum. Following data are
required to be collected, linked and maintained for each weld till the end of the
9.10. W-01A- Additional joints of Isometric drawing revision, shall identified with the suffix
'A'. W-01S- For joints that are cut & re-welded due to modification, shall identified
with the suffix letter 'S'.
The following minimum data items associated with full penetration groove and Butt
welds and associated special processes for piping erection & fabrication equipment’s
are required to be collected, linked, and maintained for each weld to the extent it is
Date of Inspection
SATR Number This number may be the same as IR no or .Quality record
SAIC Number This number may be the same as IR no or Quality record
In-Process Weld Inspection
Welder Identification Indicate approved welder or welders by identification symbol{s)
who are welding the joint.
WPS Identification Indicate the approved WPS(s) used to weld the joint.
WPS Parameters Verified - Yes/No. reference Inspection Checklist number
SATR Number This number may be the same as IR no or Quality record
SAIC Number This number may be the same as IR no or Quality record
Selection of Tracer Welds Two tracer welds will be selected for each rejected weld in a
Identify Original rejected 10% RT system (ref: ASME B31.3) I SAEP 1160
Date of NDT Results Date of acceptance or rejection
10. Calibration
parameter. The requirements and method of power source and meter calibration will
depend on the type of power source whether it is a flat or drooping characteristics
power source. Table1 shows the calibration accuracies of standard grade power
sources. All Welding machines shall be calibrated in every 6 months as per project
schedule Q. Doubted or out of order machine must be check with calibrated clamp
meter after confirmation it can be re used.
11.1. WPS and Welder in Process Monitoring shall follow the requirements of approved
inspection and test plan.
11.3. Each weld will be marked with a unique ID number that will be tracked by data
base. Welder ID (symbol) will also be marked.
11.5. During the fabrication and erection of stainless steel and corrosion resistant
materials, the welding inspectors will monitor that the current working practices
are in compliance with the provisions of approved test plan and procedures.
11.6. Welding Inspectors will monitor compliance with the provisions of the above
requirements as well as with applicable standards.
11.7. During the execution of actual welding, the welding inspector shall check the
11.7.1. Cleanliness of grooves- area to be welded should be free from oil, rust, scale and
other loose foreign.
11.7.2. Materials at least 50 mm from the weld area to assure sound welds.
11.7.3. All pre-heating shall be done as per the requirements of and relevant WPS.
11.7.4. The occurrence of unacceptable defects such as pinholes, blowholes, cracks etc.
11.7.5. Each weld pass shall be thoroughly cleaned and all slag or other foreign matter
removed before the next pass is deposited. All slag, flux, and spatter shall be
removed from the completed weld and surrounding areas.
11.7.6. Proper identification of welder I welding operators and weld numbers. Welder code
should be marked and placed on the side of weld work done, for SS material low
chloride (below 50ppm) marker shall be used.
11.7.7. Welding shall not be performed when the wind is strong enough to affect arc
stability or shielding gas coverage Wind velocity in the weld areas for GTAW.
GMAW or gas shielded FCAW shall not exceed 8 kph (2.2 m/s). Windshields or
tents shall be required when the wind or blowing sand is sufficient to adversely
affect weld quality. Contamination from the environment such as wind-blown sand
shall be prevented by the use of adequate shielding.
11.7.8. Welding shall not be done when surfaces are wet or damp or exposed to rain or
snow or when the welder I welding operators are exposed to inclement conditions.
Any wet or damp surfaces must be dried by heating and shall be warm to the hand
before welding.
11.7.9. All appropriate safety precautions shall be taken for each inspection method.
12.1. Porosity: during the welding work, if the entrapped (into the weld metal) air does
not immediately escape, this will be get porosity. The following situation is likely to
be the causes for the porosity welders should take care to prevent porosity from
12.1.1. Too much rust or oil around the bevel area, bevel area is not properly cleaned.
12.1.2. The fit up gap is too big, so fusion depth too deep to make the air difficult to escape.
12.1.3. Using the unqualified electrode or electrode not properly baked before using.
12.1.4. During welding the arc is too long, or welding speed is too fast, or voltage is too
12.2. Crack: during the welding and cooling period, rapid temperature changes and un-
suitable operation is likely to be the causes for the occurrence of crack. Care
should be taken to the following to prevent crack occurrence during welding:
12.2.1. Choose the low hydrogen rod, completely clean oil, rust, water etc. from the groove
area to control the entrapment of hydrogen content into the metal during welding.
12.2.2. Keep the rod in dry storage area, use the correct rod. properly bake rod before use
and follow the welding consumable control procedure.
12.2.3. Properly preheat before welding if the weather is cool, if multiple layers welding
has to be applied, proper controls shall be given to the inter pass temperature and
cooling rate after welding.
12.3. Incomplete fusion& penetration: during welding, this may happen if the electrical
ampere is too low, the rod travel speed is too fast, bevel angle and width is not
proper, which leads the base metal nearby the bevel cannot be completely fused
and mixed with the molten electrode. Weaving shall not be done more than 3 times
of electrode dia. Preventive ways are:
12.3.1. Carefully clean the bevel area and remove the oil, rust etc.
12.3.5. Pay attention to the rod weave range and avoid the rod eccentricity during welding.
12.4. Slag inclusion: This normally occurs due to the slag is difficult to be removed from
the fusion metal because low electrical ampere and slag does not have enough
time to float up due to the fast welding speed. Items below shall be kept in attention
to prevent slag defect from occurring.
12.1. Follow the WPS and control the root gap, bevel angle. root face, etc.
12.2. Clean the edge of the bevel completely, remove the attached slag if any, remove
oil, debris etc before the startup of weld.
12.3. Select proper electrical ampere, travel speed and wave range according to WPS.
12.4. If multiple layers welding are required, slags shall be removed carefully before the
next layer welding starts.
12.5. Tungsten inclusion: during the GTAW welding, if selected electrical ampere is too
high, the tungsten crystallization may be formed and stays in the weld seam during
cooling time, which results in tungsten fusion. Preventive measures is showed
12.5.1. Select the good quality tungsten and select the tungsten with proper
diameter according to pipe diameter and pipe materials.
12.5.2. Select proper electrical ampere according to tungsten diameter.
12.5.3. Enforce the tungsten gas protection and prevent the tungsten from
12.5.4. During welding, attention shall be paid to avoid tungsten touching fusion
metal or welding wire.
12.5.5. Select the frequency of electrical arcing as high as possible.
12.6. Undercut: The main reason of undercut is the high electrical ampere and rod travel
speed during welding. So during welding, select the proper electrical ampere and
control the arc length and rod welding angel, and special attention should be paid
to control travel speed from being too fast.
12.7. Concavity: This is caused due to the frequent shut down of arc or the arc is too
long, wrong welding rod is selected and bevel gap is too big. The better way to
avoid it by the following steps:
12.7.3. Before arc shut down, the rod should stay a little more time with proper
weave to make more rod fusion in the concavity, weaving width and
weaving method shall be controlled as per approved Welding procedure
12.8. Excess penetration: the welding electrical ampere too high or rod travel speed too
slow is the main reason; also the welder operation skill and the rod angle can cause
it happen. The correct preventive way includes:
12.8.3. Adjust the electrical ampere and travel speed according to the fusion
12.8.4. Control the fit up gap, the rod angle and the inter pass temperature
according WPS requirement during welding.
13.2. In multi-pass welding the interpass temperature must be checked before starting
each pass. The locations at which the interpass temperature must be checked are:
on the base metal surfaces to be welded (on the side to be welded), within three
inches of each weld joint edge and along the entire length of the joint to be welded.
13.3. The pre heat temperature shall be established over a minimum distance of 75 mm
of each side of the weld.
13.4. If the thickness exceeds 25 mm and pre heating to be done from the same side as
the welding, then the heat source shall be removed for 1 minute to allow for
temperature equalization prior to measuring the temperature.
13.5. Preheat to be applied all types of welding, including tack welds, repair welds, and
seal welds on threaded joints.
13.6. Electric element or heating torch may be used for achieving the required WPS
specified preheat temperature.
13.8. If a weld joint is wet or has surface moisture or condensation, it shall be dried by
heating for a distance of 100mm from the weld joint and shall be warm to the hand
before welding unless a greater preheat temperature is required.
13.9. Unless specified otherwise, the maximum interpass temperature shall be 177Cfor
P-No 8,P-No 3X and P-No 4X materials and 315C for P-1,P-3,P-4 and P-5 steels.
14.1. The heat input (HI) of each production weld must be calculated, if notch-toughness
tests are specified in design condition, and then confirmed not to exceed the heat
input limits listed in the welding procedure specifications.
15.1. General
15.1.1. Limitations imposed by the essential variables of the procedure qualifications shall
be adhered to in production welding. No welding shall be carried out prior to
approve the WPS and issued approved welders JCC, Preparation and welding of
piping components shall be in accordance with the appropriate qualified WPS &
15.1.2. The surfaces to be welded shall be smooth, uniform and free from laminations,
tears, scale, slag, grease, paint and other deleterious material that might adversely
affect the welding.
15.1.3. Current return cables of welding equipment shall be connected directly to the pipe
on which the welding Is to be done. If the pipe size exceeds 16 inches at least two
welders shall weld simultaneously around the pipe circumference. Arcs shall be
struck only on fusion faces or on striking plates provided as an aid to arc starting.
Stray arc strikes shall be removed by grinding away all material which has been
affected by the arc heat. Where this results in the minimum thickness being below
tolerance, the limited thickness reduced section may be repaired welding then
grind smooth.
15.1.4. A circular cap to prevent entry of foreign material, of a design which will not
damage pipe ends, shall be used to cover the open ends of the pipe and shall be
placed on the line during interruptions in the work expected to last more than two
hours. Caps shall not be removed until recommencement of the work. All open
ends of pipe strings shall be capped off and sealed when welding is completed.
15.2.1. The direction of welding conforms to the WPS. Each weld pass is thoroughly
cleaned and all slag or other foreign matter removed before the next pass is
15.2.2. The GTAW process shall be used for the root pass of butt welds without backing
in piping and set-in fittings of 50.8 mm nominal pipe size or less.
15.2.4. steel and non – ferrous materials Each weld pass shall be thoroughly clean and
all slag other foreign matter removed before the next pass is deposited.
15.2.5. All slags, flex and spatters shall be removed from the completed weld and
surrounding areas.
15.2.6. Stainless shall be clean with grinding wheels or stainless steel brushes not
previously used on other materials.
15.4.2. All tacks or temporary welds shall be performed with the same care, materials,
electrodes, minimum preheat, and procedures that are used for permanent welds.
15.4.3. Tack welds shall be of sufficient size to maintain joint alignment. The tack
thickness is 3.2-4.8mm and length is 12.5-25.4mm. The minimum number of tack
welds are:
a) Pipe diameter of 101.6mm or less: three equally spaced tacks.
b) Pipe diameter above 101.6mm: minimum of four equally spaced tacks. The
designated inspector should determine if more tacks are needed.
15.4.4. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be thoroughly
cleaned, prepared at each end, and inspected for cracks. Any cracked tacks shall
be removed before welding the joint.
15.4.5. If the tack welds are to be incorporated into the final root pass weld and are made
with a different process or electrode than the root pass, then the tack weld process
and electrode shall have been used as the root pass for an appropriate procedure
15.4.6. Bridge tacks shall be done above the root area but within the groove area and
shall be completely removed prior to completion weld. If any tacks made outside
the groove will be MT/PT examined.
15.4.7. Arc strikes, gouges and other indications of careless workmanship shall be
removed by grinding.
15.4.8. Any Temporary welded attachments or temporary tack welds shall be ground off
attachments may be cutoff no closer than 3mm to base metal surface., prior to
the required grinding.
15.4.9. If any grinding reduces the base metal thickness to less than the design minimum,
the ground area shall be re-welded and ground flush with the original base metal
surface or the component shall be replaced.
15.4.10. For all materials inspection by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods of
areas shall be performed where temporary welds have been removed or weld
repairs to ground areas of the base material have been made or arc strikes after
repair grinding.
15.4.11. Coated and clad or overlaid surfaces shall be protected from the welding arc,
associated weld spatter, and damage from ground clamps or other associated
15.4.12. All threaded joints and fayings surfaces shall be sealed welded by a continuous
fillet weld (Required weep holes shall be left un welded) connections or
attachments designed for periodic removal maybe exempted from seal welding.
15.4.13. Sealing compounds or tapes shall not be used on joints that are to be seal
15.4.14. Seal welding of threaded connections shall covered all exposed threads and
shall have a smooth contour between the two surfaces.
16.1. All weld joints shall be marked for identification by a weld number and a welder
symbol. These identifications shall be made with a suitable weather-proof marking
material. The markings shall be placed in a location such that they will be easily
observed and remain visible for a time suitable to the inspector.
16.2. Groove welds shall be made with slight or minimum face reinforcement (cap). ln
the case of butt-weld, the face reinforcement shall not exceed above the limit of
specified in ASME B31.3.In height and have gradual transition to the plane of the
base metal surface, free from undercut. They shall be free of the discontinuities.
Welds shall be free from overlap
16.3. Arc strikes outside the area of permanent welds should be avoided on any base
metal. Cracks or blemishes caused by arc strike shall be ground to a smooth
contour and check to ensure soundness with dye penetrant method.
16.4. Slag shall be removed from all completed welds. Weld and adjacent base metal
shall be cleaned by means of brushing, grinding, chipping etc.
16.5. The faces of fillet welds may be slightly convex, flat or slightly concave, as specified
in the drawing, but shall meet the minimum designed throat dimensions and leg
length dimensions.
16.7. The leg size of fillet welds shall be as per the construction drawing.
16.8. All slag, flux and spatter is removed from the weld and surrounding area.
16.9. All arc strikes, gouges and other surface imperfections shall be removed grinding
16.10. Temporary attachments have been cut off no closer than 3 mm to the base metal,
16.11. Grinding does not reduce the base metal thickness to Less than the design
16.13. Inspection of all welds includes a band of base metal at least 25mm both side.
16.14. Visual defects found in completed welds & at least 25 mm wide on each side of
the weld be within the allowable weld imperfections listed in ASME B 31.3.
16.15. Cracks shall not be permitted in any size. (Zero imperfection allowed).
16.16. Lack of fusion and incomplete penetration shall be evaluated per ASME B31.3.
16.17. Weld inclusions, surface porosity, undercut and weld reinforcement shall also be
evaluated per ASME B31.3.
16.18. Acceptance criteria of completed welds shall be as per ASME B 31.3 and SAES
W-011, refer below table for ASME B 31.3 acceptance limits.
16.21. If SMAW welding is being utilized the largest size of the electrode that is permitted
is 3.2mm diameter.
16.22. The requirements for minimum separation between adjacent welds are listed in
16.23 & 16.24. The distance shall be measured between the edges of the adjacent
cap passes. These restriction don’t apply if one of the welds has been Post weld
heat treated prior to making second weld or both welds have been post weld heat
treated and inspected.
16.23. The minimum distance between paralleled butt welds shall be 20mm or three
times the wall thickness of the joint, whichever is greater.
16.24.2. Hot tap split tee and welds which cross the pipe longitudinal seam.
17. Assessment of Production Weld (Status Report) and Weld Repair Rate
17.1. The assessment of production weld and repair weld shall be evaluated by either
by visual or by NDE and declaration of defects shall be based on the construction
codes (refer to: ASME B31.3). The rejected weld will be identified and recorded
determination of acceptable weld repair rate as stated in the contractor procedure.
17.2. The target for maximum project repair rate (calculated on a joint basis) should
normally not exceed 5%.
17.3. Project weld repair rate and individual welder repair rate should not exceed
maximum weld repair rate agreed upon in the project. Progressive examination
shall be performed for every weld of the welder whose weld has failed in RT, root
cause or causes of weld defects shall be determined, evaluated and recorded.
17.4. Corrective actions on the root causes will be initiated to prevent reoccurrence of
the weld deficiencies.
18.1. Buttering or weld build-up on prepared surfaces shall not exceed the lesser of 1/3
of base metal thickness or 10 mm, without the approval of COMPANY. If the
buttering or build-up exceeds this, then the following requirements shall apply:
18.2. The buttering operation shall be witnessed by COMPANY Inspection.
18.3. The buttering shall be inspected by RT and PT or MT after completion of the build-
up but before final welding of the joint. Buttering of joints between dissimilar metal
joints requires prior approval by COMPANY. (Through WPS review process).
19.1. If the line modification is required due to an engineering need, this modification
shall be recorded in accordance with Al-Adwani Procedure for Management of
Technical Documentation at site. All the subsequent quality records will follow the
provision of previous items concerning the weld database part of this procedure.
The rework may be required due to one of the following reasons:
19.2. Weld joint misalignment & damage.
19.3. Rework to achieve specified fabrication tolerances.
19.4. Rework for any drawing & piping specification revisions that may or may not affect
existing identified welds.
19.5. Rework due to unacceptable root pass.
19.6. Weld modification (Repair) of a previously welded joint requires shall be given a
unique welding 10 number and accepted by the QC inspector responsible for fit-
19.7. The minimum distance between parallel butt welds shall be 20mm or 3 times wall
thickness of the joint, whichever is greater.
19.8. Distance shall be measured between the edges of the adjacent cap passes.
These restrictions do not apply if one of the welds has been PWHT'd prior to
making a second weld or both welds have been PWHT'd & inspected.
Radiography of butt weld is always required when minimum separation is not
19.9. Welds requiring re-work shall be physically identified on site, marked & verified by
inspection prior to performing any repair I rework.
19.10. Method of identifying weld re-work follows a procedure.
19.11. Procedure or method statement for repair/rework will be submitted and approved
19.12. Weld map shall indicate the location of weld to be re-worked, all temporary
attachment locations/positions shall be captured on a weld map to coordinate
NDT done after removal of temporary attachments. Temporary attachments shall
be welded in accordance with approved welding procedure.
19.13. Welds requiring re-work by cutting and re-welding shall be prepared and
inspected with applicable code and standard care must be given as a new joint.
19.14. Applicable inspection checklist or a separate checklist shall be use for all repairs.
19.15. Welds requiring re-welding shall be inspected using the original testing method.
-- To monitor
Should passthe welding
three performancetests
(3) consecutive of each welder.
to automatically qualify for WPQT.
QC Inspector - After completing the refresher training course the welder will be
- prepares RFI for scheduled WPQT with the WTC Inspector /Con. QC
Inspector/Subcontractor QC Inspector.
Welder Performance of each candidate shall be kept ready for verification purposes
Supervisor of the Welding Testing Center (WTC).
Qualification Test /
- Welding Testing Center (WTC) conducts the Welder
and QC Inspector.
Welding Engineer
Project Inspector.
- All- approved
Reviews JCC will be forwarded
certifications of welderstoprior
the Project
to start Inspector
of work. for
proper issuance
- Issues JCC totothe
welders.prior the welders will take the
initial production welding.
Terminate Qualified
- Receives Identity Card from the Welding Engineer.
- Receives JCC from the Project Inspector prior to start of work.
- Each welder shall be allowed only to weld within the limit of his
(Field Testing)
qualification range.
Re-certification - Execution of such welding works shall be in accordance with this
- Monitors the production welds of each welder to ensure acceptable
(QC Group)
Maximum 5%
Repair Rate