Saep 1160
Saep 1160
Saep 1160
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 Applicable Documents................................... 2
4 Abbreviations................................................. 3
5 General Requirements................................... 4
6 Production Welding........................................ 6
7 Tracking and Reporting
Welder Performance............................. 10
8 Pressure Test Verification............................ 11
9 Guidelines for the
Use SATIPS and SAICS....................... 11
1 Scope
This document establishes minimum requirements and responsibilities for the tracking
and reporting of production welding (full penetration grove welds), welder
performance, NDE tracking and pressure test verification associated with In-Kingdom
construction activities at Saudi Aramco facilities.
2.1 Any conflicts between this Procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAES), Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications
(SAMSS), Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEP), Saudi Aramco
Standard Drawings (SASD), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing through the Manager, Inspection Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests for deviations from this Procedure in writing and forward
such requests to the Manager, Inspection Department of Saudi Aramco,
3 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
4 Abbreviations
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
HT Hardness Testing
IR Inspection Request (formerly RFI, Request for Inspection)
QMIS Quality Management Information System (Electronic Logbook of Inspection
MSAER Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
5 General Requirements
The data tracking system(s) shall be maintained and kept current and available
for Saudi Aramco's review at all times. The data shall be available on a daily
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
basis for both current data and cumulative data. Data shall be retrievable by
date for any given day from commencement of the work through project
completion. At the end of the project the archived records shall be submitted in
accordance with contract requirements.
The Contractor shall track welding activities on a daily basis and submit to
Saudi Aramco each week a weld tracking and welder performance report for that
week's work. Cut-off date for submitting weekly performance report shall be
agreed to by Contractor and Saudi Aramco PQM.
5.4 Output for cumulative weld data and welder data required by this document is to
be reported weekly in the weld tracking and welder performance report. Shop
and field weld and welder data may be included on the same report.
6 Production Welding
The following minimum data items associated with full penetration groove and
butt welds and associated special processes for pressure piping or field-erected
pressure vessels and API storage tanks are required to be collected, linked, and
maintained for each weld to the extent it is applicable. The acceptance or
rejection of groove and butt weld special processes shall be indicated as
applicable. When UT is used in lieu of RT the tracking and reporting
requirements shall remain the same. Contractor shall record and track
production, inspection and testing of socket and fillet welds in a separate
database and submit to Saudi Aramco on a weekly basis.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
Retests for HT
Status of HT-rejected test If any reading exceeds the specified limit by no more than
10 BHN, then a minimum of three (3) additional
indentations shall be made near the original high reading
Indicate acceptance or rejection of the required 3
additional HT test on the same weld. If all three (3)
Progressive confirmation retests are below the specified limits, then the joint is
testing acceptable. If any of the retest readings are found to
exceed the specified limits, then the weld shall be
considered unacceptable.
If any welds are found to be unacceptable, then two
additional welds from the same lot shall be tested. If
Selection of Tracer Welds
more than one weld in a lot is found to be unacceptable,
then all welds in that lot shall be tested.
Date of NDT Result Date of acceptance or rejection
W-01R1 The W-01 weld has been completed and examination has
revealed an unacceptable discontinuity that was repaired.
If subsequent examinations are accepted no change is required.
W-01R2 The W-01R1 weld repair has been completed and examination
has revealed an unacceptable discontinuity. If subsequent
examinations are accepted no change is required. No further
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
W-01RW The unaccepted weld W-01R2 has been cut out and the joint has
been rewelded. The identification methodology above is to be
applied should further weld repairs be necessary.
W-01T1 The W-01 weld has been completed and examination has
Welds fabricated in the field shall be prefixed with the letter 'F' and welds
fabricated in a weld shop with the letter 'S'. The above numbering system shall
be applied as a minimum for all types of tests and inspections of pipe welds.
6.2.1 The weld numbering identification system for pressure vessels, tanks,
and other pressure-retaining non-pipe welds shall be approved by the
Inspection Department Representative prior to the start of work.
6.3 Pipe welds are to be tracked and reported by line class as follows. Pressure
welds other than piping shall be tracked and reported by equipment number as
1) Number of welds completed
2) Number of welds subjected to NDT (excluding tracer welds)
3) Number of welds rejected by each NDT method applied
4) Number of welds subjected to PMI
5) Number of welds subjected to PWHT
6) Number of welds subjected to HT
7) Number of welds repaired and rejected
8) Number of repairs outstanding
9) Report actual backlogs:
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
a) PMI Backlog
b) PWHT Welds - Outstanding PWHT
c) Completed Welds - Outstanding (backlog) NDT (by NDT method)
d) HT Backlog
e) Tracer Welds - Outstanding NDT
f) Tracer Welds - Outstanding HT
g) Weld rejection rate by line class and NDT method (joint and linear
h) Tracer weld reject rate percentage
i) Overall production weld rejection percentage
j) SA RTFI results to be reported by number of weld films reviewed,
separate film quality and weld quality results, and percentage
disagreement with initial film interpreter.
Note: A backlog exists when Special Process results are not received and
recorded within a project-specific time, usually 7 days, after the welds have
been visually accepted.
7.1 Welder performance data shall be tracked and recorded on a daily basis and
reported to Saudi Aramco weekly during the Weekly Meeting. Welder
performance percentage rejection rate shall be calculated and reported on a per
joint and linear basis.
7.2 The contractor shall track and report the following welder performance data:
1. Total number of pressure welds made per weld type (e.g., fillet, groove,
2. Total number of pressure welds made per weld process
3. Total number of pressure welds rejected by NDT method
7.3.1 Reporting format shall follow the weld identification scheme as stated in
paragraph 6.2.
7.3.2 Paragraph 6.3 lists the minimum requirements that shall be included in
the weld tracking and welder performance report submitted to Saudi
Aramco each week.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
For each pressure test, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Inspection Department Representative the following, as a minimum, prior to pressure
9.1 Project-specific SATIP witness and hold points may be modified from initial
approved requirements as the project progresses. Requests for SATIP
modifications must be requested and shall have the concurrence of the Saudi
Aramco Inspection Department and should be directed to the appropriate Saudi
Aramco Project Quality Manager.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1160
Issue Date: 10 July 2011 Tracking and Reporting of Welding,
Next Planned Update: 10 July 2016 NDT and Pressure Testing for Capital Projects
9.2.1 One SAIC per day per activity is required for production welding on a
daily or continual basis, e.g., fit-up, in-process, and final inspection.
Applicable weld numbers must be entered in the Remarks Box on the
appropriate SAIC.
9.2.3 NDT subcontractors must complete NDT Checklists on a daily basis per
above but not as an IR with the exception of the start of NDT activities.
Revision Summary
10 July 2011 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with no other changes.
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