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The Light of Islam

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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Chapter -I


INTRODUCTION;- Mecca the first spiritual city established on earth by Allah

through the father of mankind ADAM and mother of mankind EVE and made the
city a revered dwelling for the Messengers of Islam and to act as threshold to
spread the Luminous light of guidance and the Message of Allah ‘pray none but
Allah. As such, Allah the Mighty One set forth the creation of Universe.

The long cherished history of Mecca goes back to ADAM and thereafter to
Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail. Both of them built the city and the
sacred House of Allah around 2000 BCE. The ancient name of Mecca city is
‘Bekka’(3;96) and while the holy Quran refer ‘as Mecca (48;24) and other
references to Mecca ( 6;92/ 45;5) calls it ‘Umm ul Qura means mother of all
settlements on earth. Another name of Mecca is’Tihamah’ (refer to red sea coastal
plain of Arabia from gulf of Aqba to the Babel Mandeb strait). Another name for Mecca
or the wilderness and mountains surrounding it, is’ Faran’ or Pharan referring to the
Desert of paran mentioned in old testament at Genesis-21;4. Arabs and Islamic
traditions hold that the wilderness of Paran broadly is the Tihamah and the site where
Ismail settled was Mecca. Yaqut ul Hamawi 12th century Syrian geographer wrote that
Faran was an ‘arabized Hebrew word’’ one of the names of Mecca mentioned in Torah.
Greek philosopher Ptolemy called the city of Mecca as Macroba’.

How the universe came into existence? Various theories have been propounded from time
to time. Almost all the Religions of the world agreed that the entire universe and all the
living and non-living things are created by “ AN ALWISE AND ALL POWERFUL
SUPREME BEING- ALLAH“. The Holy Qur’an explains explicitly in clear terms the
creation of Universe, . “ Lo! Your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the
earth in six days , then mounted He the Throne. He covereth the night with
the day, which is in haste to follow it, and hath made the sun, and the moon
and the stars subservient by His command. His verily is all creation and
commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds! ( Sura-Al-ar,af 7 and
verse 54 ). Contemplate the Wonders of Creation in the heaven and the earth, which had
some ultimate purpose directly benefit the Mankind on Earth.

Science and Quran

As a part of the modern days Scientific proposition of “Big Bang Theory“ in 1927 AD and
the Quranic revelation about the’ Creation of Universe’ can comparatively give a clear
picture and remove the ambiguity prevailing in the minds of people that the ‘Holy Quran
’ does not purport Science.

Big Bang Theory

Space and time has a beginning at the big bang and the entire universe was ‘Zero and the
is point entity was innately hot and about 15 to 20 billion years back this point entity
exploded with big bang’. It started expanding at a speed of many lacs (millions) times of
the speed of light*. After 1 second from Big Bang, the temperature of the expanding
universe would have reduced ( 10 billion Celsius ) and after 100 seconds, further
expansion of universe and temperature would have fallen to one billion Celsius.
Deuterium ( heavy hydrogen ) atoms containing one proton , one neutron and then
helium atoms with two protons & two neutrons couple of heavier elements, Lithium and
beryllium would have formed and remained in a static form . After a couple of years (
about one million )the universe would have just started continued expanding, at this
stage, the universe was initially dense smoke where even light could not pass through it,
finally gave scope for passing of light. At the end stage, temperature would reduce to a
few thousand Celsius and the production of Atoms had increased. when become denser,
they would have started the process of ‘Contracting and Spinning ‘as contracting
continued the spinning stopped when Centrifugal force of spinning cancelled
gravitational attraction, thus disc like rotating galaxies were formed and become
elliptical orbiting stably around the Centre .

Time passed, the smoke of hydrogen and helium gases started gathering together and
clouds of smoke started collapsing which increased its temperature leading to ‘’ thermo-
nuclear fusion’’ ,which converts hydrogen to Helium increased temperature of the
clouds which stopped contraction and stabilized itself on the first stage stars, which
burns out causing release of hydrogen in relatively as follows;

These first stage stars burns out their hydrogen in relatively short time of 100 million
years the universe began to shrink a little, due to this shrinkage temperature increases
converting Helium into heavier matter like carbon, oxygen and metals etc., and also for

some unknown reason, become ” Neutron Stars or Black Hole “. The process took
sometime later in the outer periphery get blown off causing tremendous explosion and
become “ Super Nova “ spreading some of their heavier elements as debris into outer
space as Smoke galaxy.

The heavier elements become raw material for the next generation stars, Sun contains 2%
of these heavier elements and in second or third stage star formed about 5 billion years
back. Some of the remaining debris collected together to form planets likes our ‘earth’
which orbit in elliptical orders adjoining stars. Earth was initially very hot without any
atmosphere, in course of time, it cooled down and acquired an atmosphere of poisonous
gases like hydrogen etc, from emission of these gases from the friction from rocks. Some
primitive forms of life could have flourished in that atmosphere developed; they
consumed all these poisonous gases and released oxygen in the atmosphere and under
these atmosphere higher forms of life developed.. The sum total of energy of the universe
is ‘’zero”. Particles created out of the energy in the form of “ Particle /Anti particle pairs
“.The universe is made of positive energy, gravitational energy is negative, of these two
energies which are equal and opposite, however, much matter is produced and the total
of the universe remain “zero”. The universe is vast and large and looks alike at all points
of space and in all direction. The Universe is still continuing to expand, it will stop
expanding and start contracting only when the “ Big Crunch “ set in and “Time Reversal “

Let us compare this scientific finding regarding Creation of Universe with Quranic
revelation. Ch.11: 7 “ And He it is who created the heavens and the earth in
Six days -*-and His Throne was upon the water-that He might try you, which
of you is best in conduct ,But if you were to say to them, You shall indeed be
raised up after death;;. The Unbelievers would be sure to say, ’’This is
nothing but obvious sorcery!’’

Ch 21: 30 “ Have not those who disbelieve known that the heaven and the
earth were of one piece, the We parted them, and We made every living thing
of water ? Will they not then believe ?.

Ch 41 ;11 “ Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it
and unto the earth, Come both of you, willingly or loth, They said; we come
obedient “ ( Answer to Big Bang theory ).

( Note;- The Universe was in a gaseous state, before galaxies were formed,
this state is described in Quran- “Smoke “—Sura Fusilat- 41; 11 ).

“ We have built the heaven with might, and We it is who make the vast extent
(thereof)- Chapter 51;47.

“ He raised the height there of and ordered it ”(Chapter 69;28).

“ Who hath created seven heaven in harmony *,Thou ( Mohammad ) canst

see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation ; then look again ; canst thou
see any rifts ? (Harmony* one above other ).{Chapter 67; 3}.

“ We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty ( in ) the

stars,(Chapter 37;6).

In 1925 an American Astronomer Edwin Hubble has discovered that the universe is
expanding in all direction, Quran answered this in clear terms in verse 51;47 by
implication alludes in verse 79;28.

Quran state Creation of heaven and earth in six periods are clearly indicated the time
relating to celestial creation in various ‘ Quranic Verses .i.e., 10;3, 22;47, 32; 4-5, 25;59 &
70;4. Creation of universe is Allah’s Might that no human mind understand the mysteries
of creation, which abounds many thing that no human soul can challenged and this
dwelling is for Vicegerent-mankind. Apart from celestial objects in the universe, there is a
‘Plasma’ in the interstellar space. This plasma is completely ionized gas containing equal
number of electrons and positive ions in the inter- stellar space. The above verses of
Quran recognizes and refer to the presence of this in the inter stellar space.

The production of heavier elements like metals including iron takes place in the first stage
stars because they can take place only in high temperature. The outer regions of first stage
stars sometimes blown off releasing some of their heavier elements like iron as debris into
smoke galaxy and some of this debris collected on the planets and forms various metals.
The Quran says ,’’ We sent aforetime Our Messenger with Clear Signs and sent
down with them the Book and the Balance ( of Right and Wrong), that men
may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for )
mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it
is that will help, unseen, Him and His Messenger; for Allah is full of Strength,
Exalted in Might ( and able to enforce His Will)-Sura-Al-Hadid or Iron 57;25.

Creation of anything depends on His Command ‘BE’ and ’It is’(36;82).Allah has created
everything known and unknown to humanity in pairs from nothing but only by His
Command-BE and It Is’ ( 36;36/51;49).

Similarly Science also says as the sum total of energy in universe is ’Zero’ i.e. nothing and
whatever amount of PARTICLE/ANTI PARTICLE’’ pairs and are equal and opposite to
each other in energy comes into existence in whole of universe.

Quranic Verse 2; 255- Allah will remain forever as a challenge and the Modern day
Science is not able to provide any proof or alternative force other than Allah so far and it
negates all forms of idol worship. It reads, ‘’Allah! There is no god but He-the living, the
Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the
heaven and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permits?
He known what (appears to His creatures as) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall
they compass anything of His knowledge except as He wills. His Throne extends over the
heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is
the Most High, the Supreme ( in glory).

Scientific theory Big Bang the sum total of energy will always remain Zero and in the end
’Big Crunch took place where everything will join and are annihilated and become ZERO.
Modern Scientific discoveries confirming what Quran narrated in 1438 years ago.

‘’And cry not unto any other god along with Allah. There is no God save him.
Everything will perish save His countenance. His is the command, and unto
Him ye will be brought back’’ ( Sura Al Qasas-38;88).

‘’All that on earth will perish; But will abide (forever) the Face of your Lord-
full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor’’, ( Ar Rahman -55;26-27 ).


Astronomical Science says that all objects in the Universe are having gravitational force
and all celestial bodies are held in position by perfect balancing of gravitation. Modern
Science has found that the Earth rotates on his own axis in the planetary system. Once in
every 24 hours moving in its orbit around the SUN causes day and night and moving for
complete 365 ¼ days cycle in an orbits cause seasons in a year. Because of its own
rotation in orbit develops centrifugal force on all objects and on the atmosphere around it.
The Unique feature on earth is that due gravitational force all objects on earth remain in
balance and move in their circumference without any clash. Modern Science found that
Earth is moving at a speed of about 250 km per second to complete its orbit around Sun.

The atmosphere around earth is bounds by unseen gravitation pull which binds birds fly
in the sky without having contact with the earth, but grasped by earth force or otherwise
they would have grasped into space.

Quran says about this in 1438 years ago ‘’It is Allah Who sustain the heaven and
the earth, lest they cease ( to function); and if they should fail, there is none-
not one-can sustain them thereafter; verily He is Most Forbearing, Oft-
forgiving’’ (Sura Fitr-Originator of Creation -35;41).

Orbit of Sun, Moon and the Shape of Earth

What Quran says about it ?

Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see; is
firmly established on the Throne ( of Authority); He has subjected the sun
and the moon ( to His Law)!Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed.
He regulates all affairs, explaining the Signs in details, that you may believe
with certainty in the meeting with your Lord ( Sura Ra’d- Thunder 13;2).

It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon; all
(celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course (Alanbiya-21;33) .
And the Sun runs his course for a period determined for him; that is the
decree of (Him),the Exalted in Might, the All-knowing;. And the Moon-We
have measured for her mansions (to traverse)till she returns like the old
(and withered)lower part of a date-stalk;. It is not permitted to the Sun to
catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day; each (just) swims
along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).-Yasin 36;38-40).

He created the heavens and the earth in true(proportions); He makes the

Night overlap the Day, the Day overlap the Night; He has subjected the sun
and the moon(to His law); each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is
not He the Exalted in Power-He Who forgives again and again? (Sura Zumar
or the Crowds 39;5).


Concept and Origin of universe in other religions- a bird’s eye view;

In ancient China, the whole universe and everything on earth and in the sky considered a
part of giant organism. Indian religions considered especially Hinduism one of the
oldest pantheist religion of the world based the creation of universe by
trinity Gods- Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara (Creator, Protector and Destroyer)
based on Vedas and Puranas and the concept of pantheism association of celestial bodies

and mundane things as incarnation of god and goddesses. Buddha the founder of
Buddhism considers the origin of world is in accordance with three schools of thought.
First School says the world comes into existence by nature and that nature is not an
intelligent force, however, nature works not on its own accord and goes on changing,
Second school of thought that the world was created by God, Who is responsible for
everything . Third School of thought is that ’’beginning of world and life is inconceivable,
since they have neither beginning nor end ‘’ and in the eyes of Buddha the world is
nothing but ‘Samsara’-the cycle of repeated births and deaths. To him the beginning of
the world and the end of the world is within this Samsara. Since elements and energies
are relative and inter-dependent. Infinite is the sky and infinite is the number of beings.
Infinite are the worlds in the vast universe. Infinite is wisdom- are the teachings of

Jainism another Indian oldest religion was the offshoot of Hinduism considers the Loka
or universe as an uncreated entity, existing since infinity, having no beginning or end. The
basic constituents of Universe as per Jainism is made up of SIX dravya –(i) Jiva –living
substances (ii)Ajiva-Non living substances (iii)Dharma dravya-principle of motion (iv)
Adharma dravya- principles of Rest (v) A kasha-Space and the last (vi) Kaala-Time .

Sikhism; Guru Nanak founded the Sikh religion during 15th century CE in Punjab. Guru
Nanak born in Hindu family but he was influenced by Islamic tenets. Sikhism though
Hindu in outlook but follows Monotheist path. God’ as per Guru Nanak-There is but one
God, His name is Truth and Everlasting. He is the Creator, Fearless and without Enmity.
Timeless Form, Unborn and Self-existing. Sikhs attribute Gods with different name- Ram,
Rahim, Allah, Pritam, Yar, Mahakal. There is no such thing as God of a Hindu, and God of
a Muslim. There is only one God, Who is presence, called as ‘Waheguru’ by the Sikhs.

According to Guru Nanak- ’’There was darkness and chaos for millions of years. There
was mist and clouds and none existed except God. There was neither earth nor sky only
His Will; there was no day/ night, sun or moon. He (God) was in deep meditation, there
was nothing except Himself (Adi Granth page 1035).

God is present in all the things yet they do not cover His limitless expanse seen through
the universe. We think Him as Sagun (Quality- Full), realize His transcendence, and think
Him Nirgun (Abstract. Truly, God pervade universe. He is whole and the world a part of
that whole. By His commands, all forms and creature came into existence and the duty of
man is to study the Laws of universe and realize the greatness and glory as Supreme
Being. He has created number of worlds, constellation and the world in which humans

live is a small atom in this horizon, scientist like James jeans, Hoyle, and Narlikar
confirmed this theory.

Man is made in His own image- God put His divine spark in man called as ‘Soul’ and it
enters bodily according to individual actions , the wall of ego separate the soul from God
and he goes through the cycle of birth and death, Metem psychosis can only be ended
through meditation or acquisition of divine grace. Man is an apex of creation and focal
point in the universe and made of Spirit and matter-Shiva Shakti. The Spirit is subtle and
the body is gross, and body has to be cared because it has housed the soul. Sikh religion
permit household life as it is the best for act of charity and social service and not
Escapism or Ascetism. Guru Granth sahib, a holy book of Sikhs compile by 5th Guru,
consists of collection of the Sikh Gurus writings.

Zoroastrian Religion is an ancient monotheistic Iranian religion of Achaemenid,

Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Religious philosopher Zoroaster simplified the pantheon
of early Iranian into two opposing force-Spenta Mainyu-progressive mentality and Angra
Mainyu-destructive mentality under the One God-AhuraMazda-illuminating wisdom.
Zoroaster ideas led to formal religion bearing by his name in about 6th century BCE and
have influenced other later religions –Judaism, Christianity and Gnosticism and Islam.
Zoroastrianism serves as state religion of significant portion of Iranian people for many
centuries. The advent of Islam in 7th century CE and onwards led the marginalization of
Zoroastrian Religion and the decline of Sassanid Empire.

Zoroastrian theory of creation of universe-Ahura Mazda existed in light in goodness above

while Angra Mainyu existed in darkness and ignorance, both existed independently.
Ahura Mazda first created seven abstract heavenly being as ‘Amesha Spenta’ who support
him and represent beneficent aspect along with numerous yazads the lesser being worthy
of worship. He then Mazda created the universe itself in order to ensnare evil. Ahura
Mazda created floating egg shaped universe in two parts-spiritual ( menog) and 3000
years later the physical (getig) and then created ‘Gayomard’the arch typical perfect man
and the first bull with suffering and death.

Angra Mainyu who instinct is to destroy created demons, evil yazads and noxious
creatures-snakes ants, flies. Angra Mainyu created opposite evil being for each good being
except the humans. The Zoroastrian eschatology says 3000 years of struggle between
good and evil continue until the end of world. Final savior of the world’ Sashaying’ will be
born to a virgin impregnated by the seed of Zoroaster while she was bathing in a lake.
Sashaying will raise the dead including those in hell and heaven for final judgment.

Zoroastrian cosmogony water-apo,abu, Fire-atar, azar are agents of ‘ritual purity’ and are
respectively the second and last primordial elements within the precinct of fire temple
and they pray in the presence of some form of fire .Culminating rites of the principle act
of worship constitute a strengthening of the water. Fire is considered a medium through
which spiritual insight and wisdom is gained and whereas water is considered the source
of that wisdom.

AVESTA;- Religious book of Zoroastrians that contains collection of sacred text in Pahlavi
text Alexander the Great of Greek on conquest of Persia buried the Avesta and scientific
section was scattered in his empire for the use of Greeks. Sassanid emperor Ardeshir
ordered Tansar his high priest to restore the Avesta along with the scientific section.
Under shahpur-II, Aderbad Mahrepandand revived the canon to ensure its orthodox
character and Khusrau-I, the Avesta translated to Pahlavi language.

Islam negates the very beliefs of above religions, which are against the
proclaimed Concept Oneness of God,His attributes and His Creations ,
divinely revealed in Holy Quran(Sura Al-Iklas or Purity of Faith 112;1-4).

Confirmation of Science about Quranic Revelation

Aristotle the ancient Greek philosopher’s cosmology placed the Earth at the center of a
spherical hierarchic cosmos, that is Earth at the center of universe and every celestial
object goes around it and this concept of cosmogony continued. Nicolas Copernicus in
1543 AD work on the heliocentric model of the solar system tried to demonstrate that the
Sun was the center of the universe and all planets including earth goes round it. Few
doubted his finding, Yohanus Kepler an astronomer in 1609 AD discovered and gave the
theory using accurate observation of Tyco Brahe, proposed that planets move around the
Sun not in circular orbit but elliptical orbit and revolves themselves on their own axis at
their own speed. Galileo contributed to the heliocentric system with his telescope and
presented the case for the system using his theory of Inertia . Galileo explains why rock
dropped from a tower falls straight down even if the earth rotates. His observation of
moon, Jupiter, the phases of Venus and the spot on sun, all helps to discredit the
Aristotelian philosophy and Ptolemy theory of solar system. This combined discoveries of
heliocentric system gained support and at the end of 17th century, the Astronomers
generally accepted.

Modern Science discovers that Sun revolves round on its axis and takes 25 days for one
revolution and established now that Sun and its planets are part of ’Milky way’ and the

Sun and planets travels at the speed of 150 miles per second along with Milky way galaxy.
Our galaxy revolves on its own axis and take 200 million (20 crore) of years to perform
one round on its axis. The scientific discoveries made by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543
AD) Sun and not the earth being the center of universe. Yohanan Kepler (1571-1630 AD)
laws of planetary motion, Isaac Newton (1642-1727 AD) the law of motion, Galileo (1564-
1642 AD) father of modern astronomy etc.

All of them laid firm foundation for heliocentric system of Sun and discredited the
Aristotelian model of Earth as the center of universe. Albert Einstein theory of Relativity
regarding speed of light and say light travel faster than the sound. The Quasars (Quasi-
stellar objects and its luminosity was estimated as even more than that of our Milky way
galaxy –Hoyle and Fowler found these Quasar (Qso’s). The force of gravitation of such a
massive star far exceeds any other force present), which are the most distant objects in
the universe travels at a speed approximately 80% of the speed of light but nothing travel
faster than the speed of light.

Al Quran reveals the fact about 1438 years back and the Scientific discoveries
made during 19th Century matches and construed from the above that Sun and
moon are not stationary and are floating in their own orbit. Arabic word ‘Yasbahoon’ as
applied to round objects and implies to sun and moon and the orbit of these celestial
bodies which are fixed and never cross or deviate and traverse for its fixed term appointed
to reach its place of extinction (Quran 21;33/34;38/36;40/13;2).

The shape of earth as per Quran;-And the earth, moreover, He has extended (to a
wide expanse)’’-{ An-Nazi’at;79’30). The Arabic word ‘dhahaha’ has two meaning-
(i)Spacious (ii) Ostrich egg}.Taking into consideration the second meaning, the earth is
made in the shape of ostrich egg, this exactly what science has found out and the surface
at north and south poles as the ostrich egg. The Quranic verse 35;13 says- He maketh
the night to pass into the day and He maketh day to pass into the night. He
hath subdued the sun and moon to service. Each runneth unto an appointed
term. Such is Allah, your Lord; His is the Sovereignty; and those unto whom
ye pray instead of Him own not so much as the white spot on a date stone
(Sura Fatr 35;13).*’ Scientific proof that night and day implies gradual process and it
occur only if the world is round and spinning. If it is flat, day and night can come
suddenly as if what happens when light is switch off.

Light of Sun and Moon

‘’Blessed is He Who made constellation in the skies, and placed therein a

Lamp and a Moon giving light’’(Sura Furqan-Criterion){25;61}

‘’ It is He who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (
of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that you might know the
number of years and the count ( of time), No wise did Allah create this but in
truth and righteousness. (Thus) He explains His Signs in detail, for those
who understand ‘’ (Sura Yunus){ 10;5}.

‘’And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious)
Lamp?( Sura Nuh)-71;16 .

Al-Quran refer Sun as ‘Siraj’-a lamp or lighted torch-Wahhaj- a burning Lamp, Liyavu-a
shining glory. Similarly always, refer the Moon as ‘Noor-light or Muneer-brightness. We
can draw analogy that Quran differentiate the light given out by sun and the moon and
indicated that sun gives out its light by burning as a lamp or torch and the moon is having
brightness or light, which is not given out by burning. Modern day Scientific discoveries
states that Sun gives out heat and the light by heat of thermo nuclear fusion and the moon
is only a reflected body of sun’s light and in astronomical terminology Sun is Self
luminous and moon is not self luminous but reflected light of sun’s light back to earth.

11 Planets to the Sun

‘’Behold! Joseph said to his father; ’O my father! I saw eleven stars and the
sun and the moon; I saw them prostrate themselves to me!’-(Sura

Confirmation by Science;-The world believe until 1999 AD that there are only Nine
Planets in our planetary system that is to Sun-i) Mars ii) Mercury iii) Jupiter iv) Venus (
v) Saturn vi)Earth (vii) Neptune (viii) Uranus and (ix) Pluto’. In the meanwhile during
1978, J.J.Rawal, an Indian astronomer found that two distant planets-Uranus and Pluto
are making significant deviations in their orbital path at two places and deduced that this
is because two more planets are there at those places causing gravitational attraction. He
published his finding and NASA-USA in the year 1988 AD has confirmed from their space
research findings that there is a planet at the 11th place as suggested by J.J.Rawal and gave
details of weight, orbital path etc,which was identical to Rawal’s calculated data. The
presence of another planet at 10th position suggested by Rawal was confirmed by NASA in
1999 AD .The number of planet to sun is now established by science as 11 and confirms
Quran’s revelation.

Expanding Universe;- Another important scientific discoveries made in 1965

regarding ‘background radiation’ confirmed by Big Bang theory together with the

detection of red shift in the spectrum of far away galaxies, gave birth to new
concept that ’universe is expanding’. The confirmation of expanding universe obtained
from spectrum analysis of faraway galaxies when you hear sound- Doppler Effect of
Sound- the siren is wailing at the same pitch all the time-wave of sound emitted by the
siren change in frequency, which causes a change in pitch. In this connection Quran says
‘We have built the heaven with might, and We it is who make the vast extent (thereof)-
(Surat Adhariyat-51; 47). The expanding is used in present tense and not in past tense,
which again in agreement with the fact the expansion of universe is a continuous process.

Time and Space; - Big bang theory provides an explanation to the origin of universe but
it remained necessary to calculate its stage. Astronomers once again rely on red shift to
calculate the speed and distance of the farthest galaxies and Quasars. The most distant
Quasar have a velocity of some 2,40,000 km/sec (80% of the speed of light) are at
distance up to 14 billion light years ( a light year being the distance travelled by light in
one year).

What Quran says in Surat Ma’arij ’’The angel and the Spirit ascend unto Him
in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years’’ (70; 4).

Quran states that ’’Yet they ask you to hasten on the Punishment! But Allah
will not fail in His promise. Verily a Day in the sight of your Lord is like a
thousand years of your reckoning’’. In addition, in another Sura Sajda-30; 5
state that’’ He rules (all) affairs from heaven to the earth; in the end (all
affairs) will go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand
years of your reckoning’’(Sura Hajj;22;47).

If we takes the above parameters for calculations of ‘Time and Space’ of Universe
following data will be arrived;

God’s Day 1000 years for man, therefore, 1 year (of God’s) = 1000x 365 (for man) = 3,
65,000 years; likewise 50,000 years for God’s Day=365,000 x 50,000 (for man) = 18.25

Multiple Universes

Egyptians about 5000 years ago considered that the size of universe seems to be no more
than the dome of the sky covering earth. Greek astronomers 2000 years and more years
ago thought that universe as a sphere but still considered approximately of the same size
and considered that the earth was the center of galaxy.

Nicolaus Copernicus discovered and said that the Sun and not the earth to be center of
spherical universe. Not until 1920 AD astronomers discovers that our galaxy was only one
of millions of other galaxies in the universe and they started to appreciate the wonders of
vastness of universe. The idea of multiple universes is closely link with the ‘Black hole
concept’. The squashing of matter into an infinitely small area inside a Black hole is in
sharp disagreement with the law of conservation. The astronomers say that all the matter
falling in Black hole could be ejected into another time and space universe referred to as
’white hole. Mathematical studies of space and time do show that this is possible in
theory, but does it happen in practice? Knowledge is still incomplete but certainly seems
to be regions in deep space from which material is pouring out into our universe.

An alternatively analysis that could also provide an equally valid justification for the
existence of multiple universe is associated with the speed of light. Albert Einstein in
1905-15 proposed the theory of Relativity and state that the speed of light is faster than
Quasar (Quasar travel at the velocity of 80% of the speed of light).

The Verses of Quran that relates to this subject contains incredible

information concerning existence of multiple universes but also the barriers
that lie in between them. It is note worthy to know that Allah reveals the holy Quran
to Prophet Muhammad (puh) 1438 years ago and made known to him all the mysteries of
Quran. Prophet Muhammad ( puh) keeping in view the pagan Arab standard of
understanding and knowledge of man at that time explains through simple way and
example of local things and the Arabs knowledge of whole universe estimated to be not
more than few thousand kms.

‘’Don’t you see how Allah has created the seven heavens one above
another’’(71;15)- AND ’’O company of Jinn’s and men, if ye have power to
penetrate(all) regions of the heaven and the earth, then penetrate(them)! Ye
will never penetrate them save with (Our) sanction (55;33). The Word*
penetrate implies the existence of some kind of barrier between the zones of the
skies(universe). The universe we see today includes within the Stars and other galaxies
the Scientist discovered so far in the universe, if multiple galaxies exist, they lie outside
and beyond all these galaxies and these too are seems to be in harmony as Quranic
information. Another Verse of Quran states’;- So He completed them as seven
firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and
command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it)
with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, full of
knowledge (Sura Ha- Mim Sajda-41;12).

It is worth mentioning here the suggestion by some interpreters covering the boundaries
that lie in between as mentioned in Quran that the region beyond the earth atmosphere
up till the moon forms second universe, solar system that constitute the third universe
and so on. When man landed on moon he actually moved into higher universe but
Quranic verse states the lanterns(stars) are in the lowest universe, therefore the
interpretation lose its relevance since the stars and galaxies lie outside the comprehension
of mankind. Quran say; None in the heavens or earth, except Allah knows what
is hidden; nor can they perceive when they shall be raised up (for Judgment)
(Sura Al-Namal- 27;65 ).

Modern scientist investigating to find out the mysteries in other planets in universe and
they are continuing their research to find out hidden secrets and the time will
unravels the mysteries of Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad (puh) over
1438 AD years back.

Time Relativity

Quranic Verse-7;54 – Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the
earth in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of authority);He draws the
night as a veil over day, each seeking the other in rapid succession; He created the sun,
the moon, and the stars,(all) governed by Laws under His Command. Is it not His to
create and to govern? Blessed be, Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds!.

-Those six days refer are on Throne, so the frame of reference for creation is the Throne
and not the earth(Al-Araf or The Height).

Quranic Verse-41;9-Say; Is it that you deny Him Who created the earth in two Days;
And do you join equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds (Sura Ha-Mim Sajda
or Fussilat).

Quranic Verse-50;38 ;- ‘’And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all
that is between them ,in Six Days, and naught of weariness touch Us ( Sura Qaf).

All those days are on the Throne; The frame of reference for Creations is still the Throne.
When Allah says that He created the heavens, and the earth and everything in between (
including men) in six days means refers to the period of existence- Earth has been in
existence for 2 days out of six days, hence the earth is 2 days old . Earth and everything in
between six days makes it clear the age of earth to be 1/3 the age of universe ( 2/6=1/3).

Similarly, in earth time, the age of earth is 4.567 billion years while the age of universe is
13.7 trillion years-( 4.567 billion/13.7billion=1/3). Therefore 32.5 is the time v/s distance-
this gives us speed of angels, which turned out to be the speed of light. Quran in 22.47;/
70;4 are time v/s time(no distance),this is time dilation. Quranic verse 22;47 compares
time of earth with the time of paradise/Hell ( one day v/s 1000 days) while Verse 70;4
compares time on earth with the time in worm holes ( one day vs. 50,000 days). Further
Scientific miracle of Quran can be judge by verse 7;54-creation of heavens and earth in six
days and Modern Cosmologist estimate the age of universe is 16 over minus 17 billion (
16over minus 17 billion and Quran six days equate each other).

Albert Einstein theory of time relativity-Time and Space-the passage of time altered
according to space, the speed of the person travelling, bearing this factor in mind the
differences in the passage of time, the period of time in which the universe created
revealed in Quran actually compatible with scientific estimates. The Six-day period
revealed in Quran can think of ‘six periods’. Taking the analogy of relativity of time ,a day
of 24 hours period refer on earth under current conditions, elsewhere in the universe,
however, another time under other conditions ‘a day’ could be much longer period of
time. Indeed the Arabic word ’’sittati ayyamin’ in Quranic verse
32;4.10;3,11;7,25;59,57;4,50;38 and 7;54 means not only day but also refer to age, period
and moment’ and term.

In the first period of the universe, the passage of time took place much faster than that
today and reason for this is that, now of the Big bang the universe was compressed into
very small point. The expansion of universe increase and in its volume ever since the
moment of explosion has extended the borders of universe have had very important
ramification for universal time.

At the moment of Big bang the energy slow down to the relativity of time and equates to
six millions million (six trillion) days or in other words’ a millions million minute on earth
that is equivalent of just one minute in universal time.

When six days period of time is calculated according to the Relativity of time, it equates
to six million millions (six trillion) days, because universal time flows a million millions
time faster than the time of earth-6 trillion/ 365.25= 16.427104723 billion years.

The fundamental book on physical cosmology indicates the calculation of everyday of

creation in terms of earth visa a vis the ‘ Six days’ of Quran, the following situation

1) Looked from the moment when the time began at the first day of creation-first phase
lasted 24 hours and this period is equivalent of 8 billion years in earth time;

2) The second day creation -2nd phase-24 hours lasted as long in our terms as the
preceding day, in other words 4 billion years;

3) The third day-3rd phase lasted half as long as the second, in other words ½ (2 billion

4) The fourth day-4th phase lasted a billion year;

5) The fifth day-5th phase lasted ½ (500 million years)

6) And the Sixth day-6th phase lasted ¼ day (250 million years).

Conclusion; Six days of Creations, in other words sixth phases added together in earth
terms the resulting figure is 15 billion 750 million years and this figure display the age of

All Living Things Made from Water.

The creation of living things on Earth are from Water is another important question
puzzle the human mind. Modern Scientific discovery proved and concur with the
revelation of Allah in Holy Quran 1435 years back.

Chapter 21; 30-Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth
joined (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder? We made
from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Chapter 24;45 –‘’And ALLAH has created every animal from water; of them
there are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and
some that walk on for; Allah creates what He wills, for verily Allah has power
over all things ‘’.

Chapter 25;54 –‘’ It is HE Who has created man from water; then He has
established relationships of lineage and marriage for your Lord has power (
over all things )’’ .

Modern Scientific findings

As per Scientific discovery, all living things are made of cells. The major component of
cells is Cytoplasm; it contains 80% of water. Without water no living thing can survive.
Now Science established that out of all liquids known to human beings, water is only
liquid that can sustain life’s metabolism because of its rare capacity to act both as acidic

and basic solution. Thus, it is clear that Allah alone the Creator of mysteries. Water
became the prime cause of creation of all living things

Sub Atomic particles; What Quran says about it’’ Those who disbeliever say; The Hour
will never come unto us, Say; Nay, by my Lord, but it is coming unto you surely.(He is)
the knower of the Unseen. Not a atom’s weight or less than that or greater escapeth Him
in the heaven or in the earth, but it is in a clear Record ( Sura Saba-34;3).*

Until 19th century, Scientist believes that atom is the smallest entity (particle) of matter
and it cannot be further sub divided. In 20th century scientist discovered that atom is
made up of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons and many more sub atomic particles up to a
particle ’Neutrino’ which has almost no mass. Al Quran statement of particles smaller
than atom is thus established fact.
Extra terrestrial beings; Al Quran says; And among His signs is the creation of the
heaven and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them; and
He has power to gather them together when He wills (Sura Shura or consultation-
42;29).And ‘’Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar
number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His Command; that you may know
that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in(His)
knowledge(Sura Talaq or Divorce-65;12).

Modern Scientist investigating to find out whether there is life beyond our planet earth
and if so in what form, even though they are sure of such existence but they not able to
give conclusive proof so far and their probe is continuing.

Heaven Returns-Al-Quran says ’’By the heaven which giveth the returning rain(At-
Tariq-86;11). The verse refer to sky as the one that returns and a beautiful statement par
excellence expressing a most significant scientific truth-( i) Sky returns as rain only the
water vapor it get. ( ii) ‘Ether’ in the sky returns Radio signals broadcast from ground and
it returns only what it get.(iii) Sky reject the harmful UTRA VIOLLET to space away from

Water cycle; Al- Quran in various verse 23;18,29;31,30;24,46 & 48; 13;17,15;22 &
30 spoke about water cycle through that rain water comes to earth and caused life on
earth .Modern Scientific discovery goes back to 1580 AD by Bertrand Palissy says that
water evaporates from earthen water bodies like sea, ocean ,rivers, lakes etc.,. The wind
raised evaporated water to sky and forms clouds and scatters over various places on
earth. The wind carry watery clouds wherever and caused rains. This cycle continue
repeating for the world to end.

Barrier between two different water; Al-Quran in verses 27;61,35;12,25;53 and 55;
19 stated the existence of barriers between two bodies of floating water meeting together.
Science established the fact and confirms the revelation true to its salt, at the junction of
two different water floating bodies i.e. saline and sweet water are looks alike but does not
mix and maintain their distinct specification even though both of them together.


Al Quran contains in itself a large volume of facts( information) of many branches of

Sciences-Earth Science, Human Science-creations of man and its anatomy, Cosmology-
Astronomy, heaven and earth, Natural Sciences etc., . Many of the discoveries made
during last two centuries and efforts to discover many more about the universe-heaven
and earth and in between are underway. The above facts goes to prove that the
Scripture-Holy Quran of Islam is of a ’Divine Origin’.


Creation of Universe for Whose Sake

Al Quran lays emphasis on the importance of man as Allah’s vicegerent on earth and
for his convenience all these heaven and earth has been created, decorated, and provided
with all facilities for his survival on the planet-Quran says in the following verses about
these facts in clear terms;

6;165- ‘’It is He Who has made you(His) agent, inheritors of the earth; He has raised you
in ranks, some above others; that He may try you in the gifts He has given you; for your
Lord is quick in punishment; yet He is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful’’(Sura An’am
or the cattle).

17;70-‘’ Verily We have honored the children of Adam. We carry them on the land, have
made provisions of good things for them, and have preferred them above many of those
whom We created with a marked preferment’’ (Sura Bani-Israel- 17;70).*So everything in
the universe exists in such a way as to be of service to mankind to be of same use or other
as some known entities and some unknown and unrecognized yet-.

14; 33- And maketh the sun and the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto
you, and hath made of service unto you the night and the day (Sura Abraham-14; 33).*
Further Quran says How He had made the celestial bodies subservient to him?

16;12- He had made subject to you the Night and the Day; the Sun and the Moon; and the
Stars are in subjection by His Command; verily in this are Signs for men who are wise
(Sura Nahl or the Bee- 16;12).

31;20- Do you not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and
on earth, and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measure,(both) seen and
unseen? Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and
without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them! (Sura Luqman-41;20).

10;47-To every people(was sent) a Messenger; when their Messenger

comes(before them),the matter will be judge between them with justice, and
they will not be wronged.

16;36-For we assuredly sent amongst every people a Messenger,(with the

command),’’Serve Allah, and Eschew Evil’’ of the people were some whom
Allah guided, and some on whom Error became inevitably(established).So
travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied(the

Chapter -IV


Chapter 4; 1 - And God said ‘’ O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord,

Who created you from a single Person, created, of like nature, his mate, and
from them twain scattered ( like seeds ) countless men and woman;-
Reverence Allah, through Whom you demand your mutual ( rights), and (
reverence ) the womb ( that bore you);for Allah ever watches over you ‘’.

Allah , the Supreme One intends to place a viceroy on the earth and said to the Angels,
they submitted that they create chaos and bloodshed on the earth, we are enough to
hymn and pray ‘ You’ but God said ‘I know that which you do not know (Quran –Ver-
2:30/15;26&28-29/38;71-72). In addition, He taught Adam the nature of all things, then
He placed them before the angels, and said; ’’Tell Me the nature of these if you are right.
They said ;Glory to You; of knowledge we have none, save what have taught us; in truth it
is You Who are perfect in knowledge and wisdom’’. He said ’O Adam! Tell them their
natures’’ when he had told them, Allah said; ’’Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of
heaven and earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal (2; 31-33& 37as). He
then ordered Angels and the Iblis to prostrate Adam, All the Angels fell before Adam

except the Iblis and refused to follow the commandment of Allah ,on the pretext of pride
that he was created from fire and Adam from the clay soils and he is superior to him and
became Satan the disobedient.( Quran -2 :34 & 36 ).

Allah allowed Adam and Eve ( Allah created Eve from the shortest left rib of Adam, when
he was sleeping ) to dwell in the Garden of paradise happily and hymn the greatness of
Allah and forbid them not to go near the tree and ate the fruits(2;35 /7;19). But Satan the
disobedient was in search of opportunity and prevailed upon them to ate the forbidden
fruit and got the wrath of God and expelled from the paradise and sent down to earth (
Quran 2 ;36&38 / 7;22-25/20;120-123).

Brief Note on creations of Man, Satan and Angels;- Allah created Jinn’s before
human creation (Adam ) from the smokeless flame of fire( commentators gives different
version of Fire like Fire of scorching wind etc.,) and the Satan comes from this category.
Satan lives with Angels in heaven since Allah granted him such a high status, before
became disobedient to Allah’s Commandment and castigated from the paradise. Angels
created from light (Nur), who are innocent and obedient to the Lord and carry out His
Commands faithfully, always in Praise of Thy Lord-Allah. Allah created man from clay
(Potter’s clay of black mud of filth odor into sounding clay which hardness after baked in
fire) the crown of creation and vicegerent on earth, the status bestowed by Allah over all
His creations. Please refer for further details in holy Quran Chapter 2; 30-38/ six; 2, 66/7;
11-25/15; 26-44/35; 1 and 55; 3-4 & 14-15 and its commentaries.

Evolution of Human Race on Earth

When Adam and Eve sent down to Earth as the dwelling place and means of livelihood for
a time on different places, Adam repented for his fault. Adam learnt from his Lord words
of inspiration and his Lord turned towards him and taught some words of repentance (2;
36-37. They said ’’Our Lord! we have wronged our own souls; if You do not forgive us and
do not bestow upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be lost’’ (7; 23). As per Islamic
tradition of Quran and hadiths, they united after forgiveness from His Lord at place
“ARAFAT “near Mecca, both lived in Mecca as per the direction of Allah.

Chapter 2: 38 “ We said, Go down all of you, from hence; but verily there
cometh unto you from Me a guidance ;and whoso followed My guidance,
there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve “ .

Adam and Eve learned the lesson that Obedience to Allah and enmity of Satan is only way
to Heaven and Allah assures that whoever follows My guidance will not lose his way and
fall astray( 20;123 ). Earth the dwelling place for you and enjoyment for time being, there
in you shall live and die and from it you will be brought out (Resurrected) –Quran 7;24-
25). At that time mankind was one single nation obedient to His Lord and Allah sent
Messenger with book for their guidance, after the clear Sign came to them they did not
differ among themselves except through selfish contumacy, Allah guides whom He will to
a path that is straight (2;213). They began to preach the message of Allah and made the
people follow the right path. Adam established Law of God, set out the task of cultivation,
construct and populate, raise children. They had offspring Cain and his sister were twains
and Abel and his sister. Cain plough the land and Abel raised the livestock and the inter
marriage of sisters between Cain and Abel play a major part for enmity.

Prophet Muhammad recite the story of two sons of Adam to Jews of Madina
the truth that each offered sacrifice to God, Cain offer grains and Abel livestock, the
sacrifice of Abel was accepted and Cain threatened Abel to kill him. Abel said if you
stretch your hand against me I will not retaliate and bear and advised him to fear Allah
the Cherisher of the Worlds (5;27-30). The bad omen fall on them as Cain killed Abel on
this pretext, treated as a first crime on earth but at that, it has not prescribed any
punishment for such crime and Cain was carrying the dead body of Abel and thinking
what to do? with the dead body in the meanwhile God sent a crow( raven ) who taught the
ways of disposing the dead one by burying a dead crow and Cain saw the crow doing and
feel ashamed of himself and then buried Abel (5;30-31)and from that days the burial of
dead ones began. The evolution of human race began from Adam and Eve as holy Quran
reveals (4;1), Adam lived 900 and plus years, during this period Allah gave Adam a 3rd
able and righteous son SETH, Eve believed to have said the God has blessed with Seth as
the replacement of Abel. As salutation Adam remained faithful and steadfast Allah sent
down a holy black stone from paradise and commanded Adam to built a ‘’ House of God “
on Earth. Adam with help of Angel Gabriel built the “First House of God‘’ ,which
believes to be an replica of Bait ul Mamoor and fixed the Black Stone in the structure, the
ritual of performing Hajj was taught to him and ways of prayer of God. ( Bait ul Mamoor a
place of circumambulation ( Tawaf) of Angels in seventh heaven, everyday seventy
thousand Angels performed circumambulation and after the tawaf, it is not possible for
them to perform circumambulation again till the day of Judgment ) Sahih Hadith .

Adam advice at Death

Before the death of Adam he called the children and reassured them that Allah would not
leave man alone on the earth but would send His prophets to guide them. The prophets
would have different names, traits and miracles etc., but they would be united on one
platform which would be universal in approach They call to worship Allah Alone .

This was Adam’s bequest to the children and he breath his last sigh and closed his eyes
and passed away(died).

Chapter V

Prophet Seth (Arabic; Sheth)

As per Islamic tradition Seth is considered as true and faithful son of Adam and a gift
bestowed upon him by Almighty and Exalted Allah, he was born when Adam was 100 year
old, by the time of Adam death, he had already made Seth their heir to lead the “ torch of
guidance “ to his people. Allah endowed Seth with wisdom, knowledge about several
aspects of life and the future great flood.

The progress of human race continued from the genealogy of Seth, Islam like Judaism
and Christianity, trace the genealogy of humankind back to Seth. Since Abel did not leave
any heirs and Cain’s heirs were destroyed in the Great Flood (Deluge of Noah).

Seth played a role in Islamic mysticism known as Sufism and Ibn Arabi included a
chapter “ Bezels of wisdom of Seth- Wisdom of Expiration in the world of Seth “.Islamic
crafts are also traced back to Seth like horn comb. Seth preaches the message of Allah as
per revelation and he received 50 chapters from God. He spent his entire life in Mecca
and every year he performed Hajj and Umra, he married to Azura (Hazura) and begat two
children Anoush and daughter Noam. Anoush succeeded Seth on his death, his son Qinan
carry the baton of preaching and he was succeeded by his son Malalabeel. Scholars claim
that he was the king of the seven regions the first person to cut trees to build cities and
large forts and that he built the city of Babylonia. He reigned for a period of 40 years; Son
Yard took up his duties and carried it faithfully, when he on his death bequeathed the
mantle of prophet hood to his son khonoukh called as Enoch (Idris). Seth lived up to 912
years and while on his death bed , he called his children and wife and advised them to
follow the path of Allah and they adhered to the principles of Islam and Monotheism
of God. Allah Crowned Enoch with Prophet hood.

TOMB OF SETH :- There are different version about the place of his burial, (1)Al- Nabi
Shiyth ( prophet Seth ) in Lebanon, where a Mosque is named after him (2) A village in
Palestine “ Bash shit “ stand for” “Beit- Shith “ ( House of Seth ).The village is
depopulated due to creation of Israel in 1948- three Domes structure constructed as
Shith tomb still exists in the Israel, Moshav Aseret built on the site. Abul Hasan Masudi
says “ One of the two pyramids ( Of Gaza with the creation of Agathodaimon (Seth), the
other one is the tomb of Hermes ( Idris- Enoch ) between 1000 years elapsed. (Seth
known in Islam as usually assimilated to Agathodaimon in Hermitic literature).


After the departure of Seth time passed and the people of the book again became the
victim of Satan and began to shift their allegiance towards the worshipping of statues of
Prophet and become polytheists. The Exalted Almighty Allah send Prophet Enoch ( Idris
) to lit the lamp of guidance and bring back from the darkness of polytheism to the
mainstream of monotheism. He was born in Baghdad, ( Babul) 100 years after the death
of Adam.

Prophet Idris ( Enoch ) considered in Quran as “ Worthy “ and “ Patient “,considered to

be one of the oldest prophet of Islam as well as philosopher and an mystic. As Quran
states in chapter 19;56-57 that “And also mention in the Scripture of Idris ( Enoch ) lo! he
was a saint ,a Prophet; AND “ And We raised him to high station “ .

In Ch 21; 85-86 mention that:” And (mention) Ishmael and Idris, and Dhu’l
Kifl .All were of the steadfast “AND “And We brought them in unto Our
Mercy. Lo! They are among the righteous”.

Islamic literature mentions that Idris made Prophet at the age of 40 year, similar to
Prophet Muhammad (p u h); Prophet Mohammad met Idris during the Mi’raj on 4th
heaven. Idris observe the movement of stars and set out scientific invention of astronomy,
arithmetic, introduce the system of weights and measure. Ibn Ishaq narrate that Idris
was the first man to write with pen, he used to stitch clothes and eke out his living but as
Prophet he was frugal in life styles and high on Allah’s Mission.

Idris the Messenger of God teach the Magnanimity and Glory of Allah and the existence
of religion of God. ‘Islam’, he pondered about the majesty and grandiose and glory of God
in universe that is the Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars, Clouds and all other creatures that
have been created by His power and arranged them in order for the benefit of man on

Allah guided Idris towards His worship and 30 chapters (Scroll) were revealed to him. He
advised the people to abstain from drinking of wine and intoxicants, he preached the
people continuously, by this some people became his followers but majority of them
opposed bitterly and mocked him, due to this, he was disgusted about their attitude.He
migrated to Egypt and settled in the bank of river Nile, he preached the message of God
and religion of Islam and made remarkable impact on them and changed the moral and
social life of the people. He lived a life for 365 year and leaves behind wife Edna and two
children Methuselah ( Prophet Salih ) and Barakil. Methuselah distinguished personality
who made a mark in carrying out the baton of Islamic preaching.

Chapter VI


ISLAM regards Noah as one of the most significant Prophet among other Prophets. Quran
made about 43 references about him and a specific chapter named after him ‘Surath-u l
Noah,‘ where the details are noted. Noah is considered as tenth generation patriarch or
1000 years from the father of mankind ‘Adam’. He was born in the valley of Mesopotamia
(land between Euphrates and Tigress River in Iraq) the most arid and dry region far off
from the sea.

The time of descent of Noah is considered to be period of Idol worshipper of Wadd , Suwa
,Yaguth , Qa’uq and Nasr ( Quran 71;23 ).These idols were reminiscence of good and
righteous people, who lived before him. Ibn Abbas and Ibn Jarir say that “ these were
the good and righteous people lived between the period Adam and Noah, and were
treated as embodiment of all virtues, after their demise, people wanted to emulate them,
therefore, made their statues as a sign of remembrance but not of worship .

Over the passage of time, the importance of these good and virtuous people becomes the
epitome of godliness. Since the new generation of people were misled by the arch –enemy
‘Satan ‘who had corrupted their mind and made them to believe that their forefathers
worship and redressed all their grievances through them and induced them to worship as
gods and became polytheists. Noah married a woman among them and had 4 sons
Ki’nan, Sham, Ham, and Japheth,.( Later Ka,nan and his wife discarded his message and
joined the idolaters and died in the flood.). Allah commanded Noah to call the people
towards Tawhid (belief in One true God-Allah) and follow my guidance to reach the goal
and abstain from idol worship (11;25-36).

They rejected the call of Noah which has been recorded in Quran says that -“ Allah ,
Almighty told us “ indeed We sent Noah to his people ( he said ), I have come to you with
a Clear Warning ;. But the Chiefs of Unbelievers among his people said ; We see (in) you
nothing but a man like ourselves; nor do we see that any follow you but the meanest
among us, in judgment immature; nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us; in fact
we think you are liars!’’(11;25-27).

In turn Noah preached the people saying ( Ch.11;32-34 ) “ O my people ! I ask you not
wealth in return, my reward is from none but Allah. but I will not drive away(in
contempt) those who have believe ; for verily they are to meet their Lord , I see are the
ignorant ones!. O my people! Who would help me against Allah if I drove them away? Will
you not then take heed? ‘’ I do not tell you that with me are the treasurers of Allah, nor do

I know what is hidden, nor I claim to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your
eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them(all) that is good ; Allah knows best what is
their souls; I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer’’( Sura Hud-11;31-36).

Noah proclaimed the message of Allah patiently year after year continuously, but the
disbeliever persistently unheeded his message. When they came in contact while
preaching, they thrust their finger in the ears and cover themselves with garments, so that
his message could reach them. Quran explicitly narrate their behavior in clear terms how
arrogant they were to hear the Message of Allah and His Messenger and Noah as a last
resort, out of frustration and prays Almighty Allah for Punishment.

‘’He said O’ my lord! I have called to my people night and day. But my call
only increase their flight from the right way, And every time I have called to
them ,that you might forgive them, they have thrust their fingers into their
ears ,covered themselves up with their garment, grown obstinate, as given
themselves up to arrogance ‘’( cleared in Quran Ch 71; Verse ; 5-7 ) .

The Call of Noah was unheeded by the disbeliever and they remain strongest of strong in
idol worship, even his son (Kena, an) and wife joined with the disbeliever and then began
to mock and ridicule the prophet and torments him. All along his preaching for 950 years,
only 80 people followed his message and became his disciples including his three sons
(narrated by Ibn Abbas). Finally disgusted and became helpless about them and cursed
them and appeal the Exalted Almighty Allah for their Punishment.

The Al-Quran narrates in Ch 71; Verse; 26-27, that, ‘’My lord leave not one of the
disbeliever on the earth, If You leave them they will mislead yourselves and
they will beget none but wicked disbelievers ‘’.


Prophet Noah submitted to God, not to leave any disbeliever on earth, Allah answered
the call of Noah and revealed to him in ‘Sura- Hud ; verse; 37 ‘’ Build the ship
under Our Eye and by Our inspiration ,and speak not unto Me on behalf of
those who do wrong, Lo! They will be drowned.’’

As per the command of Allah, Noah began collecting materials like wood, tar, iron
etc,. and selected a place outside the city in the dry land, far off the sea, the people and
the chief of disbeliever mock and said that he is making a ship in this dry land far off the
sea and ridicule him .

Allah retorted the disbeliever and revelation came ‘’ If you mock at Us ,so do We
mock at you like wise for your mocking. And you will know who it is on whom
will come at torment that will cover him with disgrace as on whom will fall a
lasting torment’’( Ch 11; 38-39 ) .

The ship was built and Noah took all the creatures in pairs (mal & female ) and sat
waiting Almighty command. The God revealed to him beginning of the deluge that’’ when
water miraculously gushed out from the oven at Noah’s house that will the Sign of Great
Flood’’ (Sura Hud - 11; 40).

Allah reveals the details of flood fury in Sura Al-Qamar (Ch 54; Verses; 11-
14). “ So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth ;.And We
caused the earth to gush forth with springs, So the water met (and arose) to
the extent decreed; But We bore him on an (Ark) made of broad planks and
caulked with palm-fiber; She floats under our eyes (and care); recompense to
one who has been rejected (with scorn)!.

The Terrible Day arrived water began to gushed out from the oven of Noah’s house and
over flowed. Noah hurried towards the Ark with their believers and took all the collected
creatures in the Ark, while the disbelievers laugh loudly ! Noah must have gone out of his
head ! what is he going to do with these animals. The Water began to rose from the cracks
of earth, sky opened rain pounded the land incessantly and continued for 40 days (as per
different accounts) and rise over the land, the entire earth was submerged.

Allah call the Noah “ Embark the Ark in the name of Allah, will be its moving course and
its resting anchorage , Surely, my lord is off forgiving, most Merciful “ (11;41).So the ship
sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains, his son and wife drowned in the flood
along with the disbelievers. It is stated that the ship sailed for 6 months, when water
receded, rain stopped and the Decree of Almighty was fulfilled and all the disbelievers
were destroyed and the ship rested on the Mount Judi(11;43-44). The land became free
from the idolaters. As per Al-Quran ( Sura Saffat ;Ver; 77 ),the three Sons of Noah
Sam, Ham and Japheth, would have children and that no one else on the Ark.

Further Al-Quran narrates “O, Noah! Come down ( from the ship ) with peace from Us
and blessings on you and the people of who are with you ( and on some of their offspring
), but ( there will be other ) people to whom We shall grant them pleasure ( for a time)
,but in the end a painful torment will reach them from Us ( Ch 11; 47-48 ).

Qatada and other cited that believers went on the Ark on the 10th Rajab; They floated for
150 days on the Vessel and landed at Mount Judi, staying one month in the ship, before
got out. They came out on 10th of Muharrum. Ibn Jarir stated similarly. The believer
fasted on the day as a mark of “thank fullness to Almighty God “.


After the Great Flood water receded and all the followers and Noah got out of the Ark
and began to settled, after thanking the Almighty Allah. Noah live another 100 years and
guided the people and divided the lands among their sons while leading the ‘Torch of
guidance ‘.

When the death of Messenger of Allah Noah approach ,he admonish his sons ; Indeed I
would give you far reaching advice, commanding you to do two things and warning you
against doing two things.

I charge you to believe that there is no god but Allah and that if the Seven heavens and
the Seven earths were put on one side of a scale and the word ‘there is no god but Allah’
were put on the other side, the latter would outweigh the former. I warn you against
associating partners with Allah and against the Pride, ( Sahih Bukhari ) .

The life on earth as per Noah “When the Noah was about to die, he was asked a question
by the Angels, How did it feel to spend so many years on Earth? Prophet Noah replied, “I
saw the life on Earth like House with two doors, I entered into that life from one door and
I left through the other “, he meant that it was so quickly. In this connection Prophet
Muhammad ( p bh ) Said, “ That this world is like a Farm for the Hereafter .Here you
plants your deeds, and in the Hereafter you harvest. It narrates that Noah lived for 1050
years ,as preacher and well-wisher of his people , other scholars opined slight variation in
the life span, and however, it confirmed that the Noah lived a longer life( He preached for
950 years).

Tomb of Prophet Noah

Quran and other religious books confirm the various references about the place of burial
of Noah. The Ark came to rest on the Mount Judi and they settled and lived in the valley.
It is reported that he died and was buried nearby. Some Scholars claimed that Noah
founded a city called “ Thamanin ( i.e. the Eighty ) because there were 80 people on the
Ark, many exegetes say that the first city founded by Noah where he was buried “ Karak
(Kerak )-Jordan, some say Lebanon, Iraq and Bekka valley, there is also a Noah
Mausoleum built at CIZRE in Turkey .

Chapter VII

Flourishing of Human race on Earth

The spread of human population and branch out of various Nations on Earth
is ascribed to the THREE Sons of Noah “SHEM, HAM AND JAPHETH “The
account of each one will depicted (in abridge) how the human race flourished
on mother earth?

SHEM ( Arabic- Sam )

Islamic literature describe Shem (Sam ) as one of the believing Son of Noah, identify
Sham as a Prophet in his own right and that he was the next prophet after his father. In
one Muslim Legend, Shem was one of the people that God made ‘Jesus ‘ resurrect as a
sign to the children of Israel ( Stories of prophet- story of Jesus by Ibn Kathir ). In
concurrence with this, Josiah Priest ( 1788-1851 ) believed that Shem ‘s descendent of
Adamic line, since Adam was reddish as per Hebrew bible, that Shem too was of the
‘reddish race’, further he believed that ‘Christ’ was a descendant in the line of Shem that
‘Christ ’was of copper colored.

Hellenistic ( Greek );- Islamic world claims the Greeks derived from Shem. Tabari 11;11
state “ Shem the Son of Noah was the father of Arabs, the Persians and the Greeks”.

In the Chronicle of George, the Monk and Symeon together describe the genealogy of
Shem- “To the lot of Shem fell the Orient. His share extended length wise as far as India
and breadth wise from east to South as far as Phinocorura including Persia and Bactria as
well as Syria, Media ( which is beside the Euphrates River ),Babylon, Cordyia, Assyria,
Mesopotamia, Arabia the Ancient, Elymasia, India, Arabia Mighty, Coelesyria,
Commagene and all Phoenicia “.

Indo-Iranian Version –As per Abulgazi, Shem, original land was Iran while Japheth ‘s
country called “ Kuttup Shamach “ lies between the Caspian sea and India. According to
Hisham ibn Al Kalbi, a 19th century Arab historian, Al-Hind and Al-Sind ,are of an Ophir
lineage ( son of Joktan ).

According to Al Tabari- a famous Muslim historian and Quranic exegete recorded in his
‘Tarik-al Rusul- wal muluk ‘ ‘’The history of Messengers and Kings’’, Abdulla Ibn Abbas
cousin of Prophet Muhammad (p uh)” says that ‘’The Children of Shem settled in the
Centre of Earth, which is between Satidma and the Sea and between Yemen And Syria.

Allah made the Prophets from them, revealed the books to them, made them beautiful,
gave them brown complexion, luminous and free of blemish.( The children of Ham
settled in South, Allah gave them black complexion ,luminous and free of blemish. The
children of Japheth settled in Safoun towards North , they are all light and very fair

The Children of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram and
daughters, all these five Sons were the progenitors of the Nations like Elam,
Assyria, Chaldea, Lydia and Syria. The language ascribes to Shem as Semetics, a
subset of Afro-Asiatic languages i.e. Arabic, Aramatic, Akkadian, Ethiopic,
Hebrew and Phoenicians.

It is a happy augury to note that all the Prophets of Islam that is from Abraham to
Prophet Muhammad are the descendent of Sham.

Genealogy of Shem ( Sam )


Elam Asshur Aphraxad Lud @Aram

Eber Uz,Hul Gether,Meshech@

Joktan **(13 Children) Peleg

Nahar Abraham *** Haran
6 children -- Ishmael Isaac Lot
of Abraham ( Ishmaelites) Jacob Moab Beni-Aml
*** (Israelites)
Esau (Edomites) Moabites Ammonites

Note ** (1)13 children of Joktan are ; Almodad, Sheleph,Hazaramveth. Jerah,

Hodaram,Uzal,Dilkah,Obal,Abimael,Sheba,Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab .

(2)*** Six names of Abraham descendent Ishbak, shauh, Joksan,Midan, Midian and
Zimran. The descendent of Joksan were Assurites, teturites and leumit .

HAM ( Arabic- Haam )

Ham the second son of Noah and the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan,
inhabited in Africa and adjoining part of Africa.

Bible refer ‘ Egypt- the Land of Ham ‘ and the Hebrew bible (Torah) the word ‘Ham’ refer
for ‘Burnt, black out or hot’, to Egyptian word ‘Servant or Kmt ‘. Islamic account merged
the two concepts in 7th century, some Muslim scholars state that ‘ the product of a culture
with long history of slavery of blacks Africans refer to the origin and persistence of the
‘Curse of Ham’ by Noah on different account. Many medieval authorities including
Muhammad ibn Jarir al Tabari, Ibn kaldun and even in the book of Zanji, all asserted the
view that the effect of Noah’s curse on Ham descendent included blackness and slavery,
not to let their hairs grow past the ears. This despite the fact that the account of the
drunkenness of Noah is not included in the Quran. Islam holds that Prophets of Allah are
infallible. However, an independent interpretation of the curse being imposed on all the
descendent of Ham persisted in Judaism, especially, since the other children of Ham were
situated in the African Continent that is Mizraim-fathered the Egyptians, Cush- Assyria
and Babylon, and Phut - the Libyans ,Canaan –North Africa, Syria and Jordan.

According to Al Tabari states the Noah’s prayer ‘’ that Ham’s African color would change
so that their descendent would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks ‘’. Cush descendent were
Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabtica, and from Raamah two children- Sheba and
Dedan. Nimrod, who became the first man of might on earth, a mighty hunter King of
Babylon and the land of Shinar from Cush;

Canaan descendent- Sidom,Hath, the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgahites,the Huvites,
the Arkites, the Sinites, the Arvadites, .The Zemorites from Sidom as far as Gerar, near
Gaza and as far as Sodom and Gomorrah ; Mizraim descendent Luddites, animates,
Lehabites, Naphtuhites, Pathrusites, and Casluhites.

Another version available in bible states that Egyptus the daughter of Ham, She
discovered Egypt while she was on floodwater and Pharaoh the son of Egyptus considered
being the descendent of Ham.

JAPHETH ( Arabic; Yafith )

Japheth the youngest son of Noah in order after Shem and Ham, bible regard Japheth the
father of Japhetic race and was often interpreted to mean that the people of Europe were
his descendents and he had seven sons namely Gomar, Magog, Tiras, Javan,
Meshach, Tubal and Madai. The 7th Century historian states that origin of most of
European nations back to Japheth, Saint Isadora’s assertion for Noah through Japheth.
Ivane Javakishvile associated Japheth sons with some ancient tribes like Tubal (Tabals/
Tebareni -Greek), Meshach’s ( Meshekhs/ Mosokh, Moschoi in Greeks) represent Indo-
European and non –Semitic ,possibly ‘ proto- iberian ‘ tribes of Asia minor of 3rd to 1st
millennium BC. Polish tradition-Surmatism were said to be descendent from Japheth’s,
traces their ancestry to Noah through Japheth.

Language ; Japhetic .William Jones and early linguistic became known as ‘Indo-
European language group ‘Soviet linguistic’ follow the Japhetic theory of languages.

Islamic tradition states that Japheth is not mentioned by name in Quran but is referred
indirectly in the narratives of Noah (Ch VII; 64, X; 73, XXIII; 27, XXVI; 119).

Muslim exegesis names all the sons of Noah and these includes Japheth. Muslim exegesis
more or less agreed with biblical tradition. Japheth is regarded as the ancestors of ‘Gog &
Magog ‘tribes and at times of Turks and Khazars. Some tradition narrated that 36
languages of the world could be traced back to Japheth. Proposed correlation to
Deities,19th century biblical syncretists associated the Sons of Noah with the pagan gods.
Japheth has been identified by some Scholars with figures from other religious system
and mythologies including Lapetus ( Japetus ) the Greek Titan, Indian figure Dyauspitar
and Pra-japat, Roman Lu-pater or Father of Jove’ which means ‘Jupiter ‘The children of
Japheth settled in Europe, Russia, Iran and Iraq are light skinned and very fair
complexion( Europe and Asia part ). Lastly the Prayer of Noah regarding their children
Shem, Ham, and Japheth (as per Al-Tabari) will give the clear picture ‘’Shem, the son of
Noah was the father of Arabs, the Persian and the Greeks. Ham was the father of the
Black Africans and the Japheth was the father of the Turks and Gog and Magog who were
Cousins of the Turks .Noah prayed that the Prophets and Apostles would be descended
from Shem, Kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the Africans color would
change so that their descendents would be Slaves to the Arabs and Turks.

Genealogy of Noah, the Ark came to rest on the Mount Judi (Ararat) Turkey

Noah Sham Jahpeth Ham

China Asia Europe Africa
Fahio or Yao Aphraxad 438
Noah Shalah 433 7 Children * 4 Children**
Eber 464
Peleg 239
Reu 239
Serug 230i
Nahor 148
Terah 205
Nahar Abraham-175 Haran
Ishmael Isaac Lot
 Seven Children of Japheth-Gomar, Magog, Madai, Javan,Tubal ,Meshech and
Tiras. Spread in Europe, Russia, Iran and Iraq.

** Children of Ham- Cush, Phut,Mizrain and Canaan’.The descendant of Cush- Nimrod

(Chaldea Ur-Assyrian and Babylonian).

Note-This historical information based on religious records but non biblical



Prophet HUD the Prophet of ancient Arabian Peninsula and his name appeared 25 times
in Quran and the eleventh chapter ascribed to him as ‘Hud’. In old testament descendent
of Noah Eber in some tradition called ‘Heber ‘ known as the father of Hebrew language.
In Islam, Eber is known as ‘Hud’ and is one of four Arabic Prophets of Islam ,the other
three were being Saleh, Shyuib and Prophet Muhammad(p u h ) ,the last Prophet and
Messenger of God in the of line Arabic prophets.

Hud was the 4th generation ( 400 years ) descendent from Noah, his father was Uz, son of
Aram, who was the son of Shem and son of Noah. The period of arrival of Hud in the
ancient civilization known as ‘Aad’ and its fable capital city believed to have been ‘Ubar ‘
known as ‘Iram’. Holy-Quran says ’’Don’t you see how Lord dealt with the Ad (people); Of
the (city of) Iram, with lofty pillars (89; 6-7).

The city said to be located in a remote oasis of a desert and a major trading center
situated in the windswept hills between Oman to Yemen. The people of Aad posses

gigantic personalities ,that is ,very tall and strong, tallest among them was 100 cubes in
height and shortest 60 cubes in height ( 90 ft ),God blessed Aad and its people with fertile
land, abundant water supply for agriculture, many children, ample livestock and many
other facilities for their living. The other tribes claims to be present in Arabia at the time
of prophet Hud were the Thamud, Jurhum, Tasam, Jadis, Amim, Median, Amalek,
Imlaq,Jasim, Qahtan, Banu Yaqlan and others.

The people Aad built lofty towers, beautifully carved out dwelling and castles in the rocky
mountains called as the land of thousand pillars and planted many crops and orchards,
despite of all these endowment from God, they were not thank full to the Almighty God.
This excess wealth made them proud and arrogant and began to worship their idols called
‘ Sada’, Samud, and Haba.

Allah sent Prophet Hud to his own tribe Aad who were Arabs and he called upon the
people of Aad to discard the idol worship and follow the path of God the exalted and
Supreme One ,He only One Who deserves to be worthy of Worship.( Quran 11;50 ) .

If you do not submit, you will face Severe torture from God. Hud reminded them about
the deluge fall on the people of Noah called upon them fear for the ‘Day of Resurrection ‘
but they denied and said that after death the body turned into dust and swept away by
wind, as described in holy Quran “ There is nothing but our life of this world ! We die
and We live ! we are not going to be resurrected ! He is only a man who have invented a
lie against God, but we are not going to believe in Him ( 23; 33- 37) .

The religion that we have is the religion of our forefathers, we shall not divert from that
and they began to worship idols.( 11;53 ).The rulers and the leaders and people of Aad
became powerful tyrant and their arrogance grew leaps and bound.

The people of Aad said that you have dishonored our gods and of their wrath have fallen
on you so you behave like that. Hud call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am
free from that which you ascribe as partners in worship with Him (God), So plot against
me all of you and give me no respite. I put my faith in Allah, My lord and your Lord !
There is not a moving ( Living ) creatures but He has grasp of its forelock. Verily my Lord
is on the straight path ( The truth ).The people of Aad rejected the message of Prophet
Hud in total and further attached believe in their false gods ( Quran 11;53-56 ).

Allah heard the call of Hud and revealed to him to ‘Await the torture of God, I shall be
waiting with you to see the torture be fall you ‘(Quran 7; 71)

God ordered the rain be withheld, causing drought which spread throughout their fertile
land and continued for 3 years, due to this their land become barren and garden withered
and crops destroyed, people looked to sky hoping to see the sign of rain, the punishment
was obvious, but still the people of Aad mock and ridiculed Hud, a delegation was sent to
Mecca to make a supplication to God for rain to come and rescue them from the drought.
God sent black clouds over the people and they thought that they would receive rain but
not aware that it will destroy them.(Al-Quran 46;24-25). The fateful day arrived for which
the people of Aad questioned the prophet Hud, the weather changed and the burning heat
turned into biting cold and the wind began to howl .The Savage wind increased its
intensity and blows with severity with each new day break. The people began to seek
shelter in their dwellings to save themselves from the windstorm. The rage of Allah made
the windstorm to raged for more than a week ( Seven nights and eight days ).It ripped
apart their dwellings, tents, and tore their bodies into pieces .Ibn Kathir states that the
gale did not stop until the entire region reduced to ruins and swallowed by sand dunes,(
Quran 69; 6-7 ). God saved HUD, his small band of followers who migrated to Yemen and
settled in Hadramawth and here he continued his preaching the message of God for seven
years, and people remained faithful to the commandment of Allah and Hud lived for 464
years and died and buried, the tomb of Hud was located in Hadhramaut- Yemen.

Shaddad the Unjust and Tyrant

Iram the dazzling city of high and magnificent pillars described as ‘ Iram Zatl Imad ‘ (
city of pillars ) built by Shaddad son of Aad son of Aus ( Uz ) son of Iram ( Aram ) son of
Sham ( Shem ) son of Noah.The Quran cites the glorious past of the Iram city “ Of the
(City ) Iram with Lofty Pillars “ and ‘’The like of which were not created among ( other )
Cities ? ( Quran 89;7-8 )Quran asserts that there was not any city like that among other
cities. The Commentator accepted that ‘ Iram ‘ was a city but not a tribe, recent
excavation dwell at length the beautiful city in a desert of Arabia and the land of Eden on
Earth with splendid high lofty buildings and its jewels, it appear more than a mythical or
dream city like a real.

There are many stories told about shaddad, who was the son of Aad and his paradise.
These stories are told by people and written in books so abundantly and frequently that’’
his paradise ‘‘and the’’ gardens of Iram’’ are used proverbially in the language, but they
are all myths developed over times while have some roots in reality in it and the story of
Shaddad also found in ‘Arabian Nights’.

When the Aad died, he left behind two sons Shaddad and Shadeed. After some time
shadeed died and shaddad established himself as the King of his people and he ruled
unjustly and became so arrogant that he even claimed to be god and compel the people to
worship him and he kept conquering other countries until he was the dominant ruler at
that time with other kings submitting to him. Allah sent prophet Hud to approach and
advise him to correct his way of thinking and conduct. In response, he asked the prophet
what reward he could expect if he would put his faith in God and worship Him. Hud
replied that he would have place in paradise. Shaddad inquired what sort of place it is,
prophet described it is a blissful place where the righteous and true believer of God enjoy
after death. Over hearing all these he became arrogant and said that sort of similar
paradise he could built better on earth.

Shaddad assembled a big team of men to build what he claimed would be another
paradis.He first appointed 100 men each having one thousand assistants to search the
land in Yemen and they were to find a spot with the finest soil and freshest air and finally
selected and shaddad wrote all the kings under him and ordered them to gather gold,
silver, gems, musk, amber and saffron that their land contained and send it to him.
Shaddad orders divers to go deep in the sea and bring up pearls and other precious Jewels
and he commissioned miners to mined sapphires, emeralds and topaz from the earth.
Once he gathered all these and ordered that the city be built in the lovely spot. The walls
of the buildings were made of gold with silver bricks covered with gems, wide marble
pillars erected, land dug made canals to bring fresh water to flow along side of the street.
The banks of these streams be painted with gold and gems scattered in the streams to give
glittering light, trees of gold were made with jewels hanging off the branches.

Many beautiful palaces built with largest being for Shaddad, which was in the centre of
the city. The streets covered with nuts sided with musk, saffron and amber scattered in
and around it, a huge rock & walls painted with gold and embedded with jewels. A wall
was built around the city 140 meter high, two golden gates were provided richly decorated
opening towards beautiful valley. The radius of the city was 32 km long and wide and
outskirts of the city decorated with hills made of enclosing thousands of high gold and
silver towers and these were to be living quarters of the soldier.

The city took 500 years to be completed, God gave shaddad a long life and he was still
alive when it was completed and he was a ruler for 700 years. HUD again approached
shaddad to follow the right path & commandments of God and refrain from this arrogant
attitude. However, he rejected the call of prophet HUD but his son Marthad followed him
and believe in One God. When the city was, completed shaddad left his son incharge of
city ( Hadramauth ) and went in procession with all his paraphernalia with pomp and
pageantry .

Shaddad on the way at a stone throw distance to his paradise to see, the angel of death
came and hold his horse when saw this , he became angry with the dishonor showed on
him and inquired who are to do this act. The angel replied that he was ‘Angel of Death’ by
hearing these word from the angel Shaddad tremble and beg to allow him to have the
glimpse of his paradise but he was made to die in the way itself and a loud scream came
from the sky killing all his men and the city became hidden under the earth. The city was
discovered recently by Archaeologists and published their finding in National
geographical society magazine and many excavations done at site confirmed the existence
of city of “Iram “ .

People of Thamud and Prophet Saleh (AS)

The people Thamud became the successor and vicegerent after the destruction of people
of Aad who were destroyed by God. The Quran made 23 references about the tribes and 9
times in respect of Saleh. The Abrahamic scripture or contemporary historical text does
not give clear picture of Prophet Saleh, but the Quran give clear account of the people of
Thamud ( pre-Islamic Arab Tribes ) and Saleh in various verses( ch 7;73-79,/26;142-

The historical background of the people of Thamud who came, succeeded the people of
Aad, and became vicegerent of the land (7; 74) .They lived in a region “ Al Hijr’ located
along the trade route from southern Arabia to Syria and North west of Medina. The city is
called as ‘ Mada’in Saleh ‘( Once Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) led the expedition to Tabuk
against the Romans who reported to have attack the region from Syrian region came
across the ‘Land of Thamud’ and hurried through the area fearing the wrath of Allah ).

Allah blessed the people of Thamud with all worldly luxuries, and their dwellings carved
out of huge rocks and the area is made of Rock Mountains and spacious fertile land with
abundant water supply. The availability of water made the region fertile with bumper
crops, which made wealthy (26; 147-148).

Thus, the advance of materialist civilization the people of Thamud became more and
more mundane and growth of materialist sentiment made arrogant, became godless, and
began to worship idols and man made deities. God conferred prophet hood on Saleh who
was from the Thamud tribe after a gap of 100 years from the destruction of Aad tribe.
Saleh was sent by Allah to guide them and bring back to right path and warn them about
the impending doom they would face if they do not mend their ways( Quran 11;61- & 7; 73
). Saleh was raised from their own tribe and had an honorable lineage and descendent
from Noah ( Saleh-Abir-Auf-Masih- Ubayd- Hadzir-Samud –Ars- Iram- Sam- Noah ).

Saleh was most patient, wise and strongest of mind and urged the people of Thamud to
worship ‘One God’-The Creator nor the Creation, stop idol worship which have no power
to help either or harm ( Quran 7; 74 ).

The people of Thamud denied the Message of Allah (26;142), Saleh said that I am faithful
servant of God sent to you and I ask any reward or wages from you but my Lord will
provide me ( 26;143-145 ).

The people Thamud said’ O ! Saleh we had high hope for you in the start before you
started warning and preaching that which our forefathers did not worship and we are in
great doubt concerning what you calls and feel that ‘Thou art but one of the bewitched ‘(
Quran 11;62 & 26; 153 ).O ! my people I have been chosen by God as prophet and given
higher mission to refrain people about selfishness of the wealth and to condemned the
practice of polytheism and remind about the day of Judgment. Saleh continued, his
preaching and calling the people of Thamud to back to right path , they denied the truth
instead demanded a miracle as a proof of his prophet hood and the power of his GOD.
Saleh kept telling the people to look around and remember the numerous miracles of

In monologues of preaching Saleh reminded his people the blessing of Almighty about
countless castles, palatial buildings built as their technological superiority over
neighboring communities. Instead of all his preaching they still insisted of an miracle
from God .

Miracle of She-Camel

The disbeliever demanded a miracle and pointed at the rock and said’’ can you bring a
camel and calf from it ‘’Saleh knowing the stubbornness took from them a commitment
that he perform the miracle as per wish ,they would quit the Idol worship believe in One
God and accept him as a messenger of God. Saleh took this promise from them and
prayed God for a miracle, ‘’ a she camel and a calf came out of the rock with the same
specification’’. Some of the people who saw the miracle became his followers but most of
the people of Thamud did not honor their commitment and block other members of the
tribe to follow Saleh.

Prophet Saleh warned the people of Thamud not to harm the God send camel and said
that the camel be allowed to graze freely on the land and drink water of the well for one
entire day. The people could use the well on the following day and if they did not honor
the commitment, they will face severe punishment (Quran 11; 64 & 54; 27-28). It is

reported that the She camel was so huge it drink all the water of well in the town in a day.
The she camel give enough milk every day to feed the entire population and the camel
lived among the people of Thamud. This closeness of the camel attracted the people to
believe in Saleh and made the disbeliever more scared and feared for their position and
leadership in the tribe(Quran7;75-76 ). The message Prophet Saleh was ordered to convey
from God and the response of the disbeliever did not change and saw that the camel of
Saleh becomes a major threat to them, they wanted to get rid of it. The people of Thamud
hesitated to carry out the mission of killing the she camel.

Two evil women influenced the people to carry out the killing of She camel. One Saduq
daughter of Mahya a high status rich woman offered herself to ‘ Masra’ a man ready to
carry out the mission, other woman ‘Unayzah’ who had 4 daughters come forward to offer
any one of her daughter to Qudar ,if he ready to do so. These two men excited by the offer
and began lobbied among other people and seven men joined them and a gang of 9 men
conspired to kill the she camel ,as per their plan they slew the she camel and the calf
climbed the mountain and disappeared.( Quran 7;77 / 26;157/ 27;48 ).

God informed the Saleh ‘’that they slaughtered the She camel and stay in your houses
enjoying three days and wait the torture of God”. Saleh told the people about the
consequence of killing the God sent Camel and God revealed to me that you stay for three
days then you will receive the severe punishment.( 11;65/). Inspite of the warning, people
of Thamud did not repent and seek God’s forgiveness( 27;46) and instead persuaded the
people not to believe Saleh (26;158).Those people came together and conspired to kill
prophet Saleh and his family and planned to attack in the darkness of night so as to
escape the blame of killing. God send stone from the hill rolling on them during the night
and killed all the conspirator ( Quran27; 50-51 ).

The people of Thamud though ridicule the Saleh but they afraid of the wrath of God, the
first day was Thursday people woke up with pale and yellow faces and the days was over
nothing has happened. likewise on 2nd day and the third i.e. Saturday, their faces were
black at the end of day, but the’ deadline was over’ nothing has happened and they make
fun of Saleh’s premonition of torture. On Sunday, sun rise land began to rocked and
shivered under their feat and strong scream came from the sky with loud sound made
them dumb and earth quake seized all the disbeliever to death prostrating in their
dwelling which razed to the ground and their existence remained in dust on their own
land. (Quran 7;78/ 11;67-68/ 27;52 ). Allah indeed Mighty and Powerful (Quran 26;
159).The God saved Saleh and his family and followers from the punishment. (Quran 11;
66). After the torture, Saleh addressed the believer and said I had endeavored and called

you repeatedly to the religion of God and advised you to stop Idol worship, I tried to take
out from the darkness of polytheism to the light of Islam (Monotheism). Now you
witnessed that pride never saved them and nor their properties and gone in ruins and
became oblivious. God saved Saleh and his followers who later moved to the area ‘Ash
Sham’ and lived in Palestine resided praying God, then moved to Mecca, and remained
there until his death. The tomb of Prophet Saleh is said to have been located in ‘Mada’in
Saleh’ or Hadramawt’.

……………………………. …. @@@@@ ……………………………… ……………………….



God lit the Lamp of guidance to ward off darkness of Polytheism from the area of Iraq
since the people of that area were Idol worshipper and no one knows the ‘Truth’. The king
Nimrod declared himself the god and ordered the people to obey his command and his
kingdom spread far and wide. In this wilderness of ignorance God send the light of Islam’
Prophet Abraham ‘with all the qualities to withstand the persistent onslaught of Idolaters.
Quran made 69 reference about him and called as ‘Father of Prophet’, founder of Mecca
and who constructed the ‘Baitullalah -House of God’ and gone through various ordeals
and test in which he withstood firm in belief of’ One God’ and earned the title’
Khaleelullah-Friend of God’. The lineage of Prophet Abraham goes to Noah as noted here
and his progeny ‘Ishmael and Ishaq through them the line of prophets of Islam arise. The
progeny of Ishmael is Prophet Muhammad(P u h ) the last prophet of Islam unlike the
descendents of Ishaq would be many prophets spread through Jacob( yaqub) as children
of Israel to the Jesus the last in the chain of the prophets. The genealogy of Abraham->
Aazar->Nakhur-> Falagh-> Saru-> Rau-> Falagh->Ghabir->Shalak->Arfakhshad-> Sam-
> Noah.The lofty status of Abraham is one shared by Judaism,Christianity and Islam
alike, he is the epitome of all virtues and staunch followers of monotheism.


Abraham was born 2000 year before Jesus Christ in the family of Idolater Aazar who
carve wooden Idols and sold in the market and he himself a staunch follower and
worshipper of Idols. The historical background of birth goes to that the Astrologer of

court of Nimrod informed him that a child would be born and at his hand the destruction
of his kingdom would occur. The area where the child would be born around Babylon
next to kufa. Nimrod ordered that any new male child born would be killed. The wife of
Aazar conceived and her husband fearing the consequences took her to village ‘Ur’ outside
Babylon between kufa ( Basra ) Iraq. He made her stay in a secluded underground place
(cave) and used to visit of and on and supply food ,drinks and rest of her needs and
Abraham born and grows here without any hindrance under the guidance of Almighty

The time passed without any happening to the reign of Nimrod king, he felt relaxed .Aazar
addressed the king regarding their subjects, the king permitted them to return and such
they came back, Abraham grew rapidly over the years and became a handsome youth. His
father carved Idols, sold them, and also worships these manmade deities with full
devotion and with strong conviction as they were their savior.

Search for ‘Truth’

Quran says that ’’And We verily gave Abraham of old his proper course, and
We were Aware of him’’ (The prophets -21;51 ) .

People worship Sun, Moon, Stars, Sculptures, and Idols representing celestial objects.
Abraham observe and think about how these objects move ?and there would be Someone
Who moves these objects and thinking in this way one night Abraham went up to a
nearby mountain ,leaned against a rock and looked up the sky and saw the stars shinning
and said to himself ’could this be my lord’? when it disappeared in the daylight he
discarded and then saw the moon rising in splendor and believe it could be the Lord but
it also set in day break then he saw the ‘rising Sun’ could this be my Lord? Because the
brightest and biggest in appearance, but when it set at dusk he discarded all the shinning
beauties never to be my Lord. After this constant ordeal the knowledge and wisdom dawn
on him by the blessing of Almighty God and realized that there is ’Supreme being’ who
control all these ( Heaven and Earth and in between). The Real One Who has no partner
and Supreme One’ called “CREATOR’ returned home in peace and tranquil mind with full
conviction that the “TRUTH’ had guided him to the right path. He started a new life with
a mission of “Monotheism’ and firm belief in ‘One God’ and he first started to call his
father Aazar ‘’O! my father why do you worship the man made Idols that which does not
hear, see or benefit you with any things; O! father ,I have got the knowledge which you
have not, so follow me I will guide you to the straight path ( Surat- Maryam 19; 42-45 ).

His father replied angrily ‘’ Do you reject my gods O! Abraham ? If you do not stop I will
stone you to death, get away from me before I punish you, Abraham replied peace be
upon you I will ask forgiveness of my Lord for you (19; 46).Muslim Scholar Ibn ul Jawziyy
cited in his book ’Zadul Masir’’’ Abraham never worship Sun, Moon & Stars as per Quran.
Abraham continued his commitment and remained staunch followers of One God and
called the people to discard the practice Idol worship ,in the course of time the incident of
breaking of their gods took place .

Abraham and Smashing of Idols

When the people of the town celebrate feast going out the town, on that day people
invited Abraham also who say that he was sick “inni saqim ‘ as cited in Quran chapter
‘Saffat’ verse 89. When they all left, Prophet Abraham swore by God to break their Idols (
Quran 21;57 ), some of the people who were the last to leave saw Abraham going towards
their house of gods.

When everyone left the town leaving the place deserted, Abraham went to their house of
idols and saw that all the idols kept in a grand hall one after other and food placed
between their hands. Abraham offered food to the idols and say eat it and make a
mockery of their gods , started breaking idols one after other by an ax and reduced them
to rubble leaving one bid idol intact and placed the ax at his foot so the people could see
on their returned and Abraham back home smoothly. When the people returned and saw
what has happened to their idols felt extremely distressed and enquire who did this to our
gods ? whoever did that act to our gods is a unjust person. The people who left last were
heard of Abraham going towards their house of gods and uttering ill of our gods. The
commotion and anger increased and the matter was reached Nimrod and Abraham was
summoned by king Nimrod. The King Nimrod asked Abraham ‘Did you do this to our
gods ? Abraham said If the idols could utter then it is the largest one idol that did it, so
ask it if he speak. People recognized that the biggest idol did not speak, put their head
down in shame because they knew that Prophet Abraham discredited them (Quran-21;58-
65 ).

Abraham called the people and said ‘’Do you worship other than the God, that which does
not benefit or harm you ? Woe to you people ! Come back to your Senses !!. (Quran 21;
66 ).

Debate before King Nimrod

King Nimrod asked Prophet Abraham about the power of and the Signs of God that
signify the ‘Oneness of God’. Abraham said “God , my Lord is one who gives life and

Nimrod out of stubbornness said ‘I give life and death’ he ordered to take two men one
was deserved to be killed, I will kill one and I will set free the other by this way I am
equally have the power of life and death. Prophet Abraham with sharp brilliance
immediately realized that Nimrod was stubborn. Abraham changed his strategy and told
Nimrod that’ my God bring Sun from the east, if what you say is true, then bring it from
west, that rebuttal startled Nimrod. He changed the topic and called Abraham to “ Ask
your Lord ‘ to revive the dead man whom he killed, if he did not do so I will kill you,
Abraham prayed God to show His power to revive the dead and the dead man became
alive which further startled Nimrod. In extreme stupidity the Nimrod imprisoned
Abraham for Seven years and Nimrod starved two lions to feed Abraham, when they were
let in the prison, it began to lick Abraham and prostrated before him instead of killing,
this incident made him and thought to burn him in the live fire.(Quran -2;258).

Abraham in Fire

Nimrod and his courtier planned to burn alive Abraham in live fire. Nimrod ordered to
light up fire in a big ditch. As per the orders of king, tones of firewood was collected and
started a great fire and the intensity of heat was so great even a bird’s fly over a height will
burn and surrounding wide area was deserted and planned a catapult to throw Abraham
in it. The Abraham was catapult in the fire. Abraham addressed God’ ’There is no God but
You praise thy, Thy art free from all Imperfections , To you are thanks, You are the Owner
of everything, You have no partners. When Abraham was thrown in Fire, God ordered and
made ‘’ fire cool and peaceful on him ‘’Abraham said God’s support is enough for me and
God is the best to rely upon’’ said to Angel Gabriel. Abraham stayed in fire for some time
that God willed for him to stay without being harmed’! .

Days went Nimrod was sure that Abraham was dead and his frustration increased he
ordered a tower may be build so he can see him, a tower was built and Nimrod ascended
the tower and saw Abraham and a man next to him identical to Abraham. Nimrod yelled
to Abraham “o! Abraham can you get out of the fire ? Abraham said ‘Yes’ then Nimrod
asked ‘’ Are you afraid of being burnt if you stay there ‘’ Abraham answered ‘No’ ‘Abraham
came out of Fire( Quran 21;68-70/29;24/37;97-98).

Nimrod asked who was with you, Abraham said an Angel, God sent him to give me good
company, Nimrod refrained from further hurting Abraham, but still did not accept the
message of Prophet Abraham. Nimrod was asked to accept the ‘Religion of God-Islam
‘three times which he refused each time. Nimrod gathered his army to attack Abraham
and his followers God sent swarms of Insects attacking the army of Nimrod, these

insects ate the flesh of soldiers and leave only skeleton on the ground. God sent one insect
into the nostril of Nimrod, which gave great pain and made him unbearable. It is narrated
that he was hit by hammer/ other objects like sleepers etc., on his head for 400 years until
he died ,this was wrath of God and punishment of Almighty for arrogant disbeliever man
like Nimrod.

Abraham was indeed a model, devout, obedient to God and true in faith and he joined not
gods with Allah. He showed his gratitude for the favors of Allah, Who chose him and
guided him to a straight path. God gave him good in this world and he will in Hereafter in
the rank Righteous. God taught him the message ,which left for future messenger of God
‘’ Follow the ways of Abraham the True Faith, and he joined not gods with Allah-
’’Abraham was indeed a model, devoutly obedient to Allah,(and) true in faith, and he did
not join gods with Allah (16;120 ).

The Quran made other references about his firm belief and faith in Almighty- ‘’ Abraham
was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian, but he was an upright man who surrendered ( to Allah
) and he was not of the idolaters ‘’ (3;67 ). And the lesson to mankind- ‘’ Lo! those of
mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who followed him, and this
Prophet and those who believe ( with him); and Allah is the Protecting Friend of the
believers ( 3;68 )*. Allah bestows special attention towards Abraham and provided the
knowledge of heaven and earth’’ Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens
and the earth that he might be of those possessing certainty’’ ( 6;75 ).

Migration of Prophet Abraham

Prophet Abraham left the area of Babylon along with his nephew Lot ( Lut ),who was also
a prophet and being Muslim all his life and strong follower of Prophet Abraham. Lot
went to Jordan as per the instruction and command of God and Abraham first arrived at
‘Haran ( South Turkey ) stayed there for a certain period, the king of Haran had a
beautiful daughter ‘Sarah’ after she believed Abraham ,he married her. Abraham
immigrated towards the countries of ‘Ash Sham’( Quran -37;99 ){the counties comprise of
present day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan & Palestine} .The verse narrates that Prophet
Abraham went into the direction of the blessed Land of Ash Sham, back then to the land
of Prophets where as Iraq, at that time it was the Land of tyrant.

Abraham went wandering in and around Egypt, Palestine and Arabia with sole avocation
of preaching ‘Oneness of God’ day and night. Everywhere Abraham found the
environment of ignorance and idol worship at peak and the priest held swayed over the

people and his mission of ‘ universal Islamic movement’ continued and spent his adult
hood in these areas. He made dent in idolatry and establish preaching missions, Prophet
Lot entrusted Jordan and other surrounding areas and he devoted in Palestine region. As
Quran says;’’ And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain Commands,
which he fulfilled; He said; I will make you an Imam to the Nations’’. He pleaded ’And
(Imam) from my offspring!’’.He answered; But My Promise is not within the reach of
evildoers’’ (2; 124).

Abraham and Sarah in Egypt

Abraham and Sarah leaves Palestine and heads towards Egypt, when they arrived in
Egypt it was learnt that the king of Egypt-Pharaoh was unjust and tyrant and he used to
commit adultery with beautiful married women. Prophet fearing the trouble told her wife
’if the tyrant knows that you are my wife he use force against me to get you’. Abraham told
her ‘if he ask you tell him that you are my sister (which is true and as narrated my sister in
Islam) When the king pharaoh’s assistance informed about Sarah, a woman that had
arrived in our land that she should be yours and not for anyone else due her extreme
beauty, having heard of this explanation pharaoh sent his assistant to bring her.

When Prophet Abraham learned about this, he started praying God for her safety. When
Sarah entered the quarters of pharaoh he could not hold back he tried to hold her, his
hands froze severely, the king requested to pray your God for relief I shall not harm you
Sarah did as the kings request his hands were cured, then the king attempted once again
to reach Sarah his hands froze even stronger than earlier she again supplicate God his
hands were cured and the king attempted third time his hands froze most severely and
the king pleaded that he would not do so again and pray your God for relief, Sarah pray
God and he was cured, then he released Sarah and ordered her to leave my land
immediately and give her a gift’ Hagar’(Hajirah –a slave women ).

When Abraham saw Sarah coming safely he ended his prayer, she said God held back the
hands of king an vulgar man. The slave woman Hagar ( Hajar-Hajirah) was a beautiful
remained with Sarah for certain period of time and She was given to Abraham as a gift.

Birth of Ishmael

Abraham was deprived of children for a long time, one day he made a supplication to God
to grant him a son to carry out his mission’’ O! my sustainer grant me a pious son, We
gave him glad tidings of a forbearing youngster ( Quran 37;100-101 ) . The invocation of
Abraham was accepted in the form of Hajirah falling pregnant and giving birth to a son

‘Ishmael’( ‘Ism’ and ‘Eel’ is synonymous to ‘Allah’ while ‘isme’ means to listen in both
Arabic and Hebrew language). Abraham was 80 years old when Ishmael was born to
Hajirah because Sarah the wife of Abraham though reached the age of puberty but could
not conceive and remained barren and God considered Hajirah. It is reported that
Hajirah, the mother of all the Arabs who came from the offspring of Ishmael. Prophet
Muhammad ( p b u h ) said to his companion ‘’ If you conquer Egypt then pay good
attention to and treat the people of Egypt well because they have a blood tie to me ‘’.The
people of Arabs and Egypt tied to Hagar (Hajirah) as she came from Egypt with her
being the mother of all the Arabs who are the children of prophet Ishmael.

Abraham went out of Egypt and wander around from the land ‘Bir’us sab ( Beer shive )
then he left to an area between Ar- Ramlah and Ilya ( Jerusalem ) all these in Palestine.
Islamic Scholars narrates that Sarah was jealous of Hajirah after the birth of Ishmael and
therefore Abraham took her and son Ishmael to Makkah (Details of Ismail will be noted

Hajirah and Ishmael in Mecca

Abraham took Ishmael and his mother Hajirah to the Land of Ash Sham ( Palestine )
along with Sarah, Prophet Abraham received the revelation of Allah to take only Ishmael
and Hajirah to Makkah. Abraham in accordance with command of AlmightyAllah, took
Hajirah and Ishmael to a place Makkah (Where present day Ka’aba stood )and left them
in the barren land with a bag of dates and a leather bag filled with water, then prophet
returned, while returning Hajirah followed and asked Abraham where are you going
leaving us in the valley that has no source of livelihood(Water, food and people ) and a
deserted and barren place without life near and far off. While asking question ‘She said’
Is it God ordered you to do this ? Abraham said ’Yes’ then she said’ we will not be lost’ and
she returned back .

Abraham made a supplication to God ‘’ O! God I have settled some of my posterity in an

uncultivable valley near unto Thy house, our Lord! That they may establish proper
worship; so incline some hearts of men that they may years toward them, and provide
Thou them with fruits in order that they may be thankful ‘’(Quran 14; 37).


After Abraham left them in the valley of Makkah, Hajirah started nursing Ishmael with
available water and dates, time passed the food and water exhausted and the child was

thirsty and saw struggling. The mother tender heart began to stirrup and she went
towards the mountain and climbed the mountains repeatedly for seven times- Safa and
Marwa, when she was on the last lap she heard a sound she silenced herself and listened
carefully and came down and saw an Angel sitting beside the child.

She saw water gushing out of the ground and she immediately made a pond and
contained water called ‘ Zam Zam’ ( Stop ).’’Prophet Muhammad (p u h ) said May God
endowed the mother of Ishmael with His mercy ,had she left the water flowing without
containing it into a basin, the well of zam zam would have been flowing on the surface of
the earth and people would have taken their needs from it‘’. She had firm faith in God and
remained solitary in a place under the guidance of Almighty God and Allah never let down
His followers in distress for long but for a while to test their perseverance and She got
the bounty of Allah in form of Zam Zam and drank the water and nursed the child .

Establishment of Makkah

Over a period of time Hajirah and child Ishmael lived in the valley of Makkah, until
people of Jurhum tribe came. The Jurhum tribe came across the valley from the direction
of kada-a place south of Makkah and on the way they felt thirsty and in search of water,
saw birds flying and encircling in the sky, they realized that it is the sign of water in that
location, but as per their knowledge of that valley that was without water, however, they
sent one or two person to check out and those men came and saw the availability of water
and invited other people and those people came followed by their tribesmen. They asked
the mother of Ishmael permission to stay with her, Hajirah agreed but she said that water
was hers and no control over it and they agreed and decided to reside in that location.

The settlement of Jurhum tribes made the area accessible for the caravan to pass through
and flourish. Ishmael grew up in the settlement and he learned the Arabic language,
Abraham regularly visited the area { It is narrated that prophet Abraham ride on Buraq
an animal of paradise leaving Ash sham early morning arrived at Makkah have siesta and
then leave by night to sleep to Ash sham –Palestine }.

Great Sacrifice

Abraham had a dream sacrificing his dear one, Abraham thought it was the trick of
shaytan hoodwinking but the next night he had the same dream like that Abraham saw
the same dream for three consecutive nights and then he realized the motives of dream
that God subjected Abraham.

Abraham being a great prophet of Islam he had already undergone severe tests, he
succeeded in all the tests like ‘Fire’ where he displayed extreme patience, forbearance and
steadfastness. Second commandment to leave his wife and son in Makkah valley after
passing through these test he had to prepared for the third most heart rending and
excruciating test and he obeyed the orders of God to carry out the test under His
guidance. He hurried back to Makkak and told his son Ishmael about the revelation of
God, Ishmael the steadfast son of father Abraham said that the commands of God’s
carried out without hesitation that you would find me in-patient.

Ishmael was thirteen year old when Abraham took Ishmael with a rope and knife to Mina
ground to fulfill the commandment of Allah. On the way Satan appeared to block
Abraham but Abraham banished Satan and throw pebbles at him (Muslim adopt this
ritual during hajj at jamrat-Mina). Satan became hopeless, appeared before Ishmael, and
told him the reason of carrying rope and knife and ‘by God he would slaughter you’ and
‘he claims that his Lord ordered him to do so. Then Ishmael said’ then let him do that
which his Lord ordered him to do’.

When Ishmael did not listen he went to Ishmael mother and began to instigate her about
the purpose, she said he went to bring wood, devil said no, he took him only there to
slaughter his son, she said ‘No’ he is very loving son and too merciful to slaughter him,
devil said ‘he claims God ordered him to do that’ she said ‘if this was the order of God
then we are subject to the orders of God’. The Devil lost his battle, Ishmael said ‘O! father
do that which you are ordered and God willing you will find me patient ’’O! father tied me
well so that none of my blood would flash on you, because the pains of death are strong
and I probably would shake under the throes of death’’ sharpen your blade of knife to be
quicker in finishing me, when you want to slaughter me do it in a way that you cannot see
my face and I do not see the blade, if you take my clothes back to my mother to make it
easier for her, then do so’’. Prophet Abraham told him you are such a good assistant to me
in carrying out the orders of God! Abraham tied Ishmael down and sharpened the blade
as Ishmael suggested and made sure not to look at Ishmael face and place the blade on
this throat ( neck) and pressed with full strength.

Sacrifice from paradise

God ordered the knife not to move nor cut the throat of my dear one and sent Angel
Gabriel with the message of fulfillment of the commands of God. Angel Gabriel told O!
Abraham you have obeyed the commands of God and become dear one friend ‘take this

sacrifice of paradise instead of your son’-a hefty lamb with horns and red wool was
slaughtered {it is narrated that the lamb was grazed for forty years in paradise}. Prophet
slaughtered the lamb at Mina (as per hajj ritual sacrifice of animal at Mina during Hajj).
The two horns of lamb was hung at ka’aba for the people to see, it was remained there for
hundreds of years and prophet Muhammad( p u h )saw during he lived and continued till
when Abdulla ibn Zubayr attack and set fire to ka’aba and these horns were burnt in the

Miracle of Birds

Abraham said to the Lord’’ My Lord show me how Thou resurrect the dead ones, He said
; Dost thou not believe ? Abraham said; ‘yes, but I ask in order to console my heart .God
said’ take four birds slaughter them cut into pieces and mashed together headless bodies
divide in seven parts and put on seven hills. Abraham did as per the Command of Allah
place the mashed parts on the hill and held the heads of birds in his hands.

Abraham said ‘’ come by the will of God’’ and the parts of birds come fly together from the
seven hills and bodies of the birds were reconstructed on the way and joined the
appropriate head. The bird did not accept the inappropriate head when offered and birds
were whole again as it was and flew away’’ (Quran 2;260) .Prophet Abraham bow in
prostration before God and affirmed his full faith in the power of’’ Almighty Who is
Mighty and Wise and able to do anything ‘’.

Scroll of Abraham

Quran refers ‘Scrolls of Abraham’ which have been translated as the ‘Book of Abraham’.
Muslim scholars generally agreed that Scrolls of Abraham revealed by God which he
would have been transmitted in writing did not survive in original contents over the
period of time there is reference to lost body of scripture(B.M wheeler-A to Z of prophets
of Islam-Judaism-Abraham). The exact contents of the revelation are not described in
Quran, however, in Ch 87;9-19 confirms the existence and pointed out about the
purification ,prayer, and consider the life this world was temporal to the next worlds.
because these are the most basic teaching of all the Prophets that are found in all Divine
earlier scripture of Abraham and Moses which Quran highlight in that chapter.

Yet some scholars suggested it to be a reference to’ Sefer Yetzirah’ as a Jewish tradition
generally ascribed its authorship to Abraham. Other scholars, however, wrote of a certain’
Testaments of Abraham’ that they explained, was available at the time of Prophet
Muhammad (p u h).

Both these views disputed because Sefer Yetzirah is a part of esoteric Jewish mysticism,
which originated much later in the 13th Century, such scrolls as testaments not have been
existed at the time of Prophet Muhammad (P u h),which referred to. And if those would
have existed, Quran contains numerous references to Abraham life and tradition and
especially a chapter has been dedicated to him as ”Abraham’. Therefore, verifying the
scrolls of Abraham from other traditions, particularly from Judaism has no basis. The
advent of Islam made clear about the alteration of all the previous scripture by the people.
On a relevant note God directly command prophet Muhammad (p u h ) in ’Sura Al kahf,
not to consult the Jews for verifying the three stories which they inquired (18;13& 58 &
98) And said’’ Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a
matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about ( the affairs ) the sleepers ‘’(18;22).

The people of the Scripts (Jews) used to recite the Torah in Hebrew and they
used to explain it in Arabic to the Muslims. On that matter Allah’s Apostle
said’’ Do not believe the people of the scripture or disbelieve them but say ‘we
believe in Allah what is revealed to us ‘-Sahih Bukhari (6.60; 12) . Therefore the
light of guidance for the Muslims world would be the ‘Holy Quran “and the ‘Saying of
Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) rather than any other scripture or any other persons of any

Abraham-Epitome for Future Generation

Abraham, father of prophets and father of Ismail and Isaac and great grandfather of
prophet Jacob and also the ancestor of prophet Muhammad (p u h ) and descendent from
Sham, and Noah. Judaism, Christianity and Islam called as Abrahamic religion follows
‘monotheistic faith set example as under;

‘’Say Allah,, Speaketh the Truth ;follow the religion of Abraham ,the upright
in faith; he was not of the pagan’’(Quran 3;95 & 6;161/16;120).God christened
Abraham as a devout and true believer of monotheism and ‘’Abraham was
not a Jew nor yet a Christian, but he was true in Faith and bowed his will to
GOD(Islam) and he joined not gods with Allah’’(3;67).

‘’Lo! Those of mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who
followed him, and this Prophet and those believed ( with him); and Allah is
the Protecting Friend of those believers ‘’(Quran 3;68);

Yahya bin sa.id bin al Musayyub state’’ Abraham May Allah bless him and grant him
peace was the first to give hospitality to the guests and the first person to be circumcised
and the first person to trim the moustache and first person to see grey hair, he said ‘O!
lord what is this ? Allah blessed the Exalted said, it is dignity, Abraham said ‘Lord
increase me in dignity’’.

Islam adopts all the principles and deeds of Abraham such as performance of Hajj,
Sacrifice of animal in Dhil Hajj and other rituals associated with it. The circumcision as
Sunnat- e- Ibrahimi,( the practice of circumcision started when Abraham was 80 year
old) etc inter alia the basic concept involving fundamental tenets adopted by Prophet
Muhammad ( p u h ) are included in ‘Islam’ and Muslims are called as Millet Ibrahim .

The Hajirah mother of Ishmael died before Sarah and buried in the land of Hejaz
(Mecca), Sarah died and buried in the land of Ash Sham. It was stated that after the death
of both the wives, Abraham married a woman from the people of Ka’nan and bores six
children and the descendents from this tribe were called as banu qatoora. The Abraham
preaches the tenets of Islam to his end, died at the age of 175 years, Muslim scholars
believes that Abraham was buried along with wife Sarah at the cave of the patriarchs of
Hebron –Palestine known as ‘Sanctuaries of Abraham. Masjide Khaleel in Hebron is built
over a small cemetery where lies the mortal remains of four of the ‘’ illustrious prophets of
Islam and their wives-Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph’’.

PROPHET ISHMAEL (Peace be upon him)

Prophet Ishmael the first son of Abraham ,has special privilege place in Islam, Quran
mention eight times about his qualities and the revelation of God to Ishmael and Isaac
and its progenies and said God made no distinction between them and bow to His Will
and those who repent and make amends and openly follow the Truth, to them God is Oft-
Returning and is Most Merciful(2;136& 160/3;84). Allah bestow His favors on them
above the nations and to their fathers, progeny and brethren and We guided them to right
path (6;86-87). Allah mention in the Book of the story of Ishmael that he was
undoubtedly true to what he promised and he was a Messenger and a prophet ( Nabi &
Rasool ) and he used to enjoin his people to perform prayer and practice Charity (Zakat)
and he was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord (Quran 19;54-55) .Ishmael among
other prophets were the edifice of patience and constancy and the mercy of God on him
because of his righteousness (Quran 21;85-86 ) and God commended that Ishmael was of
a company of good (Quran 38;48 ).

Ishmael was brought up in the Jurhum tribe who settled at Makkah and was in constant
touch with his father Abraham and was in obedience to the will of God and their father in
passing through the test of Sacrifice successfully and earned the laurels of Almighty as
‘Dabi ullah’ . When he grown up he married a woman from Jurhum tribe and his mother
Hajirah died after his marriage, after his father Abraham came to check the welfare of

Prophet Abraham came once to meet Ishmael but he not found not at home and enquired
about him with his wife. She said he had gone out for hunting, asked about the living
conditions, she started complaining, Prophet Abraham told her, once your husband
comes back, give him my salutation and tell him to change the step of the door

Ishmael came back home and ask did any one come. She told him ‘yes’ an older man came
and asked about you and gave his greetings and said to change the step of your door,
Ishmael said that was his father and he ordered me to separate from you so go to your
parent and Ishmael divorced her and married another woman from the tribe.

Abraham visited again and found the absence of Ishmael, and inquired about Ishmael
with his wife, she said he had gone out for hunting for food. Abraham asked her ’How are
your living condition and standard of living? She said we are doing well in all respect.
Abraham asked what kind of food you eat? She said ’meat’ and drink ‘water’. He said O!
God bless them with meat and water.{In this context once Prophet Muhammad said ‘’
that they did not have grains and if they had them, prophet Abraham would have asked
God to bless them grains as well.’’ }.

Abraham after hearing all these from her said that once your husband return give him my
greetings, order him to keep the step of his door (threshold ) intact. When Ishmael came
back, the wife told him that an old man came and she described and praise him, he asked
me about you and living conditions and I told him we are living well, did he gave any
advice, he asked me to gave his greetings and ordered you to keep the step of your house
door intact. He said that was my father and you are the step and ordered me to hold on to

Although Abraham lives in Palestine he frequently visit Makkah during his period he was
commanded by God to build the Ka’aba . In obedience to lord Abraham came to meet
Ishmael, when he was sharpening his arrows sitting under a large tree closing to Zam -
Zam well.

When he saw his father and he immediately stood up to receive him with due honor and
they greeted one another. O! Ishmael, God ordered me to do something, Ishmael said ‘do
that what God ordered you’ Abraham said would you assist me ? Ishmael said’ Yes “ both
were agreed.

Construction of Holy Ka’aba (House of God )

Abraham and Son Ishmael built the Holy Ka’aba the Centre of the ‘Islamic Movement
and the site chosen by Allah ‘’the House of Allah’’ intended to act as the Centre for
spreading the ‘Universal Message of Islam’’. ‘’ The First House ever set up for
mankind was indeed that at Bakkah, a blessed place, and a guided unto all
beings; wherein are clear signs- the place where on Abraham stood and
whoso ever enter it find peace’’ (Quran 3; 96-97 ).

Hafiz ibn Hajar Asqatani quoted a narration in fathul-bari’’ the first foundation of Ka’aba
was laid down by Adam and the Angel Gabriel showed him the place where Ka’aba was
going to built. The lengthy period had effaced its original signs, however ,it was still
evident in the form of hillock covered with mud and shrubs of various kinds. This was the
place divinely indicated to Abraham, when he and son Ishmael began digging the ground
the previous foundation becomes evident, hence the ‘House of God’ began to rebuilt on
the foundation ( Contours ).

When the walls of Ka’aba were raised, Abraham stood on a stone ‘Maqam e Abraham’(
this stone originally came from paradise ,just as black stone ) each time the walls were
raised at a level stone rose to the required height carrying Abraham with each stone they
laid one upon other systematically under the guidance of God. Ishmael bring stones and
other material and placed on the stone which carry automatically with divine power and
Abraham and Ishmael made a supplication’ O! Our Lord accept (this services) from us;
for You are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing (2; 127). Further they pray God to make us
Muslim, bowing to Your(will), and our progeny a people Muslims, show us our place for
celebration of due rites turn to us in Mercy, for You are Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. O
our Lord send amongst them a Messenger who shall rehearse Your Signs to the people
and gave him Scripture and wisdom and sanctify them(2;128-129) .Abraham Pray God to
bless the city of Mecca with fruits and make a place of peace who believe in Allah and Last
Day. God accepted the supplication and said those reject faith-for a while We grant them
their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire-an evil destination

‘’Allah covenanted Abraham and Ishmael that they sanctify ‘My House’ for those who
compass it round or use as a retreat or bow or prostrate themselves(there in prayer ). The
foot prints of Abraham on the stone while construction of Holy House Ka’aba are found
and stone kept intact in the premises of circumambulation place ( Muta’af) called as
‘Maqam-e-Abraham’ where Hajj perform prayer ( two rakat Salaat) after tawaf (2;125-

Abraham and Ishmael finished the construction of Ka’aba, God ordered to call ‘O! People
God ordained to perform Hajj of the House of Allah’. God imparted the knowledge of
performing Hajj and the rituals associated with it, Abraham and his son Ishmael
performed the Hajj. The performing of annual hajj pilgrimage started from the days of
Abraham and became one of the fundamental tenets of Islam (Quran 2;125-129/14;35-
37/22;26-28 ).

Ishmael genealogy & Mission

After the death of Abraham Ishmael continued the message of God in Hejaz area .Ishmael
second wife was the lady Ra’lah the daughter of Mudad from the Jurhum tribes, she
delivered twelve male children and they are Nebaioth, Abdeel, Dumah, Naphish, Mishma,
Jetur, Massa, Kadar, Temah and Kedemah. Among them Nabit (Nebaioth) and Qaydar
were very important ,since from them that is two in particular Allah made the groups of
Arabs multiply. In Pre-Islamic times, there were three distinct groups, the Ba’ida,Ariba
and Mustaribah. Ba’ida was legendry Arabs of the past. Ishmael is grandfather of the
branch of Arabs that are called as ‘’Al-Mustaribah( Northern Arabs)or Arabized Arabs
since it is believed that Ishmael learned Arabic when he settled in Mecca and married an
woman from Arabic tribe Jurhum, as opposed to ‘’ Al-Aribah’’( Southern Arabs). Arabs of
Yemen are called as the Arabs of Al-Aribah( the original Arabs) However ,the branch of
those Arabs who were the Offspring of prophet Ishmael called as ‘Al-Mustaribah’( literary
means ‘those who becomes Arabs).Ishmael link is traced from Adnan down through
Mustaribah to the Quraysh. The Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) is from the ‘Al-Mustaribah)

The luminous Message of God continued by Ishmael and preached the people
uninterrupted, Ishmael passed away at the age of 136 years, by this time his progeny carry
the torch of enlightenment in and around areas. Ishmael remained true to its salt and
spread the message and called the people to Worship ‘’the Oneness of God and not to
ascribe any partner to Him’’ and shun idol worship. The Message of God was spread
through his progeny far and wide to Hejaz, Syria, Iraq Palestine and Egypt and people
were followed the teachings of Abraham and Ishmael.

Prophet Muhammad (p u h) made it clear that the edifice of Islam stands on the
foundations laid down by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ishmael.

The Grave of Prophet Ishmael

The burial place of Prophet Ishmael was in the vicinity of Ka’aba near the grave of Hajirah
his mother. All the Islamic Scholars agreed upon it. As mentioned in Sirat of ibn Hisham
(died in 218 AH), Tarikh of ibn Athir (died in 830 AH) and Tarikh of Ibn Kathir (died in
774 AH). Ishmael made a will that, after his death his grave shall be at the grave of
Hajirah- his mother (Athir), as such Ishmael buried in Hajr with his mother Hajirah (Ibn

Further Abdur Rahman ibn Jauzi ( died in 597 AH ) has mentioned in his book –chapter
‘Ayan al Madfoonin bil Haram from safwan bin Abdullah al Jamhi that ‘’Ibn Zubair was
digging a pit he found a basket of green stones and he asked the Quraysh about it but
none of them had any knowledge of it . Therefore he sent it to my father and told this the
grave of Ishmael do not move it from here, so it left untouched, he further added that the
rugged area towards Rukn of Syria contains the graves of unmarried daughters of

{ Note;- These graves has been razed to ground during the expansion of Ka’aba from time
to time and traces of these graves were effaced from the surface of Ka’aba paving way for
development and widening of Circumambulation area for the benefits of pilgrims}.


Lot (Lut ) son of Haran and Nephew of Abraham born in Ur-Iraq 2000 BC and grown up
under the guidance of Abraham and the first person to believe in the ‘Oneness of God.
He follow the teachings of Abraham’’ and he assisted Abraham in spread of universal
Islamic mission of God and migrated with Abraham to Canaan and commissioned as
prophet when Abraham reached Egypt. He was with him and God commanded him to go
to Sodom and Gomorrah the twin cities situated in the plains of Jordan valley of Siddim
in the vicinity of Dead Sea.

Lot place in the line of Noah, Hud, Saleh and Shoaib and these Prophets represents the
early cycle of prophecy as described in holy Quran. The people of Lot are not of their own
brethren as was Saleh to Shoaib, but Lot looked upon his people as his brethren, and God
endowed Prophet Lot with all qualities of moral and spiritual rectitude.

When Lot went to Sodom & Gomorrah and saw the people transgressed consciously
against the bounds of God, their avarice to inhospitality and robbery that in turn led to
humiliation of strangers by mal treatment and rape. It was an abominable sin of sexual
misconduct which seen as symptomatic of their attitudes (Quran 7;80-/ 26;125 ). Lot
admonishes his people, advised them to obey God and called upon to follow the universal
message of God and worship alone and not to associate anything or anyone with Him’ and
refrain from this sinful act of homosexuality which is a grave crime as such no people in
Creation ( ever ) committed such lewdness before you (7;81/29;28 ).

Lot called the people to give up their lustful activities and said’ if will you not fear God?
Verily fear Allah and obey me, I am a trustworthy Messenger to you, so follow me, I
expect no reward from you for it ( my message ), my reward is only from the Lord of all
that exists ( Quran 26;161-164 ). Their moral degradation reached its zenith, they never
care to listen to Lot and commit unnatural act in public or private and deeply indulged in
all sorts of lewdness, such as no people in Creation(ever) committed before you (26;166/
29 ;28). Lut preached the people as a friend, family member and well wisher but his
efforts failed to refrain them from the wrong path .The people of Sodom/ Gomorrah said
to lot’ if you cease not ‘O’ lot! Verily you will be one who are driven out (26; 167) and
further ridiculed him and said ’bring us the wrath of God if you tell the truth ‘(29; 29) .

Prophet Lut prayed to God to save him and his family from such things as they did, God
accepted the supplication of Prophet Lut and ordered to destroy the lewd city of Sodom
and Gomorrah (26; 168-170). Two Angels came to Abraham house, convey the good news
of Isaac and Yaqub, and said, “we are indeed going to destroy the people of Sodom and
Gomorrah as they transgressed all limits and addicted to unnatural acts of sexuality,
crime, disbelief and polytheist (15; 58/29; 31) Abraham said but there is Lut, they said
‘Well we know who is there we certainly save him and his followers except his wife she is
of those lag behind ( 7;83/29;32 ).

The two Angels in disguise of handsome young boys came to Lut City. Ibn Kathir narrates
that ‘’ Angels approached the city of Sodom they met the daughters of Lot at the nearby
river, she was astonished to see their beauty and feared for their safety, she advised them
to wait at the river for prophet Lot rather than enter the city without protection. When Lot
heard of the strangers, he felt distressed and wonder how he could convince them to
bypass the town-Sodom and continue on their journey. He tried to convince them
understanding the nature of town’s people but only succeeded in convincing the
messengers to wait for nightfall before entering the town.

Lot managed to escort the strangers to his house safely, however, Lots wife slipped out
of house through back door and quickly informed the people that two good and beautiful
men were guests at Lots home. The people came and began knocking the door
demanding to see the guest; Lot became more distressed when he realized the act of his
if for the crowds at his door. Lot pleaded with the mob to disband and fear the
punishment of God and he repeatedly appeal to them to seek sexual gratification through
lawful ways.( Quran 11;77-78/54;37/15;71).

Lot pleaded with the people and offered his daughters to them (marry as per Abdullah
Yusuf Ali commentary of Quran) . In turn for free release of these men, but they were
unrelenting and replied that’ we have no need of your daughters indeed you know well
what we want’ (11; 79).Quran remarks ‘’ They moved blindly in the frenzy of approaching
death’’ (15; 72). Lot was helpless to protect the men, but they revealed their identity to
him that they were indeed Angels sent by God to punish the people for their transgression
(11; 81). They advised Lot to leave the place during night and not to look back informing
him to let his wife leave behind because of her sinful nature and they were about to bring
down the folk of the township and fury from sky because they were evil doers (Quran 29;-

Lot keeping faith in them and the impending orgy left his home and the city during
nighttime with his family and other followers leaving behind his wife. When morning
Gods fury came that turn the cities upside down and rained down on them brimstone
hard as baked clay spread layer on layer putting end to the lives of the people of Sodom
and Gomorrah once for all (11;82/15;73-74). As per biblical narration Lot request was
accepted to migrate to the little city’Bela’, later on called as’Zoar’ which was closer to the
ruined cities.

Tomb of Lut

Bani Naim in Palestine houses the tomb of Lot located in the centre of the town, the tomb
is in rectangular mosque within inner court and minaret .Lots tomb is first mentioned in
Catholic Scholar Jerome in 4th century CE ,. The tomb of his daughters are on an opposite
hill nearby, to the south east of Bani Naim is a shrine dedicated to Lot known as ‘’ Maqam
an Nabi Nabiyatin( The shrine of truthful prophet ).Local legends claims that Lot prayed
at the site and imprints of his feet on a rock there are visible.

Discovery of Sodom & Gomorrah

The archaeological, geographical and epigraphically discoveries made in that area and the

evidence available made it clear that infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have now
been found. The available evidence concurs with the biblical account and the destruction
occurred southeast of dead sea, over 4000 years ago which confirm and denotes in
various chapters and verses of Holy Quran.




We bestowed on him Isaac and, as an additional gift,( a grandson ), Jacob,

and We made righteous men of every one (of them ) –{Quran 21;72} AND ‘’
And We made them leaders, guiding(men) by Our Command, and We sent
them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular prayers, and to
practice regular charity; and they constantly served Us (and us only )-
{Quran 21;73}.

‘’And We gave him the good news of Isaac-a prophet-one of the Righteous’
’{Quran 37;112}

The Angel who came to the house of Abraham as guest told him about the gift of God a
Son “Isaac ‘’ and additional gift ‘’Jacob” at that time Abraham was 100 year old and his
wife Sarah 90 years old, they wonder and Sarah was standing (there) she laugh how they
begets child at the old age, Angels said do you wonder Allah’s decree? The grace of Allah
and His blessing on you, O you people of the house! For He is indeed worthy of all praise,
full of all glory (11; 71-73)-(When they did not eat), he conceived a fear of them. They said,
’Fear not’ and they gave him glad tidings of a son endowed with knowledge (51; 28). We
gave him Isaac and Jacob; all (three) We guided; and before him, We guided Noah, and
among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Harun; thus We reward
those who do good (Quran 6; 84). ‘’Praise be to Allah, Who has granted to me in old age
Ismail and Isaac; for truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of prayer! (14;39).The Sarah gave
birth to Isaac as per the tidings of Allah and brought up under the guidance of Abraham.
Quran mention 15 times the name of Isaac often with his father Abraham and Son Jacob .
All the three major religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam equally considered that
Isaac was the son of Prophet Abraham born from his first wife Sarah. Isaac as a prophet,
messenger, seer and the patriarch father of Hebrew and Quran describe him as’ And We

bestowed on him Isaac and We established the Prophet hood and the Scripture among
his seed, and We gave him his reward in the world, and lo! In the Hereafter, he verily is
among the righteous {Quran 29; 27}.*

Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) praised Isaac, the prophet said that Joseph was a genuinely
generous person as was his father Jacob and similarly father Isaac as was the father
Abraham. All the four were genuinely generous consecutive prophets ( Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob and Joseph).

Prophet Abraham life was drawing to close before he wished to see his son Isaac get
married and he did not want Isaac to marry Canaanites who were pagans so he sent a
trustworthy servant to Haran-to choose a bride . For Isaac, his servant choice fell upon
Rabeccah bint Bethnel ibn Nahar who was the brother of Abraham. Isaac married
Rabeccah and although for some time Rabeccah was barren and Isaac pray God for child
to continue the message of God for future generation. God fulfilled the request of Isaac
and she gave birth to two twins Esau ( Al Eis )and Jacob ( Yaqub ). Quran declares
continuation of progeny who multiply from the two sons ‘’ We blessed Isaac; but of their
progeny are (some) that do right, and (some) that obviously do wrong to their own souls
‘’( 37;113). It is stated that Al Eis son of Isaac married the daughter of Ishmael who deliver
a son “ Ar Rum ‘ ,some Quranic commentator mentioned that when Isaac grown up and
Abraham felt that his claims that the Romans were the descendent of this Son ( not
confirmed ). Whereas Jacob had twelve sons through them twelve tribes arise and
progeny of Jacob (Yaqub) called as children of Israel and about 3500 prophet and
messenger comes from Israelite generation( Jacob to Jesus ).

The Isaac preached the message of God and went to Ash Sham area includes present day
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. Quran also mention that Abraham taught the faith
of pure monotheism to his son- Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob ’’O my sons God has selected
the system for you, so do not die except as ones who have submitted’’. God declare that
Isaac together Abraham and Son Jacob possess the power and vision and therefore We
choose them specially to proclaim the Message of the Hereafter and they were in Our
Sight ,truly of the company of the elect and good (Quran 38;45-47 ). We have sent you
inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messenger after him; We sent inspiration to
Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, to Jesus, Job, Aaron, and Solomon, and to
David We gave the Psalms (4;163) . Further God blessed Isaac and Jacob with prophet
hood and bestowed His Mercy on them and He granted them Lofty honor on the tongue
of truth ( Quran 19;49-50 ) .

Burial Of Isaac

The Isaac was buried next to his father Abraham in the same cave of Al- Khaleel (Cave of
patriarchs) in Hebron, Palestine where other patriarch like Saleh and their wives were


Prophet Jacob son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham and considered to be a patriarch
and the third progenitor of Israelites and named as ‘Israel’( Arabic- Abdullah-slave of
God ) His birth is recognized as a additional gift of God which was revealed by the
Almighty Allah in Quran ( 21;72 ). In Islam Jacob is considered to be a prophet that he
preached the same monotheistic faith as did by his forefather prophets Abraham & Isaac
and his progeny as mentioned in Quran ‘.’We gave him Isaac and Jacob; all ( three
) We guided; and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny,
David, Solomon, Job, Moses and Aaron; thus We reward those who do good’’
( 6;84 ). His name appeared 16 times in the Quran in the majority of references along with
the fellow Hebrew prophets, who remained in the company of elect and resourceful and
with vision and the Almighty had chosen to enforce awareness of Hereafter ( 38;45- 47 ).
Islam revered Jacob for his steadfastness and he preached the ’’Oneness of God’’
throughout his life. Jacob carved a niche in the life of Prophet Joseph. God made a
covenant with Jacob and sent His inspiration and guidance to do good deeds and he
remained a faithful leader and constantly served God to preach the message of
monotheism ( 21;73). In the time of distress God provided him the knowledge ( 12;86 )
.’They are in varying grades in the sight of Allah, and Allah sees well all that they do. Allah
conferred a great favor on the Believers when He sent them a Messenger from among
themselves ,rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah, sanctifying them, and instructing
them in Scripture and Wisdom, while ,before that, they had been in manifest error’’(
3;163-164 ). And We bestowed of Our Mercy on them, and We granted them lofty honor
on the tongue of truth ( 19;50) . All the three major religion Judaism , Christianity and
Islam holds that Jacob had 12 children from two wives and two women slaves he owned
(Jacob married two sisters of his uncle from his mother side and it was permissible in the
jurisprudence of Jacob ) the genealogy of Jacob wives and the children bore are as

-Sons of Israel-

Wives Slave

Rachel (Raahil) Leah (Laiha) Bilha* (Slave) Zilpha **

- Slave)
Joseph (Yusuf) Reuben Dan Gad
Benjamin (Binyamin). Simeon. Naphtali . Ashe. --
. --- Levi
--- Judah (Yahuda). --- ---
- Issachar. - -- - --
--- Zebulon . - -- ---

_Bilha * -House maid of Rachel/Zilpha** house maid of Leah.

The twelve children of Prophet Jacob ( each one of ) which goes on to the father of the
twelve tribes of Israel and the faith of Jacob in God increased as his age advanced . At this
age the heart rending and significant events took place in the life of Jacob was the
separation of his most beloved son Joseph ( Yusuf ),due to this he lost his eyesight in grief
. Further distress was the detention of Benjamin by King of Egypt , later Joseph identity
became known to his brothers and Joseph forgives his brothers for their past sins and
learnt the status of his parents. Joseph sent his shirt with instruction to cover the face of
his father face, so he may regain his lost sight. When his brothers return to Canaan Jacob
said ‘I smell Joseph’s fragrance you will not think that I am weak in Judgment (due to my
love for him) and some gave the glad tidings of Yusuf and Binyamin and Yusuf shirt was
placed on his face and his eye sight was restored. Jacob said to his sons’’ Did I not tell you
that I know about Allah that which you do not know ‘’ ( 12;94-96 ).,

Jacob after getting back his eyesight and knowing the status of his son Joseph, he
immediately went to Egypt with his family, met his son Joseph, he delight to meet them,
and embraced his father and mother. On his advice and request, Jacob remained in Egypt
for 17 years. Jacob last advised to his people and his children and he called the children of
Israel to bow to the faith of Islam (submission to God’s Will) and make sure that his
children die as Muslim he took last promise from them and asked’ whom they worship
after his death ‘.

The Quran narrates about their loyalty in Chapter- 2;132 ‘’ And this was the legacy that
Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; ‘’Oh my sons ! Allah has chosen the Faith for
you; then do not die except in the Faith of Islam’’.

AND -chapter 2;133; Were you witness when Death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he
said to his sons’ What will you worship after me?’ They said; We shall worship your God
(Allah) and the God (Allah) of your fathers-of Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac- the One
(True) God (Allah); to Him we bow ( in Islam )’’. Jacob lived at Egypt and advised his
son Joseph to bury him in his land, as such Jacob lived for 147 years and passed away,
after that Joseph took his body to Palestine and buried in the ‘Cave of Patriarchs’ beside
Abraham and Isaac .


‘’Surely We created man of the best Stature ‘’ ( Al-Quran 95;4 )

Joseph was the son of Jacob, grandson of Isaac and great grandson of Abraham ,he was
born in Iraq the city of ’Fidaan Iram’ over 200 years after prophet Abraham and at the
tender age, he and his - other brothers migrated to Palestine with his father Jacob and
settled there. Joseph and Benjamin were two sons from Rachel ( Rahil),the mother
Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Joseph was a noble line of Patriarch-
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Allah bestowed Joseph the gift of Prophet hood like his
ancestors and kingdom. Quran made 27 references about him and a specific chapter
‘Yusuf (Joseph) is dedicated to him where in the details of his life from humble beginning
as a slave to the kingship of Egypt{ from frugal life to prosperity and high position }
narrated for the people to make out that ‘Allah has power over all things’. Jews of
Madeena ask prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) to tell the story of Joseph who was the oldest
prophet. The story of Joseph distorted in part or marred in others with interpolation and
exclusion in the earlier scriptures, therefore Allah reveals in its minute and careful detail
in Al Quran. We do relate to you the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to you this
(portion of the) Qur’an; before this, you too were among those who didn’t know it (12; 3).
Thus do We relate to you some stories of what happened before; for We have sent you a
Message from Our Own Presence (20; 99).

Jacob paid special attention towards these two sons and they had high degree of
obedience and sylvan manners, because of this the other ten brothers envied .One day
when Joseph was 12 years old saw a dream that Sun, Moon, and 11 Stars were prostrating
to him. Joseph told this to his father, prophet Jacob told Joseph not to disclose to your
brother about it so may harm you, despite the warning they got the news of the dream this
added to their envy and hatred further for Joseph(12;4-5).


The brothers of Joseph discuss the matter that the sons of Rachel( Joseph and Benjamin)
want the leadership among us, that is why he saw the dream, some wanted to kill him but
Yahuda said ‘No’ then he took oath from his brothers that they would not kill Joseph
instead take him to open land and leave him. As per their plan all, the brothers approach
Jacob (father) and said let Joseph came with us tomorrow while we graze the animals
Joseph can play with us. Jacob said I do not like Joseph to leave alone fearing that you
may busy in playing while not paying any attention which may result that wolf would
attack and harm him, but they insisted and assured him about his safety and Jacob sent
Joseph with them( 12;7-10).

They took Joseph along with them, traversed a distance, and reached the open land with a
well. Finally, they succeeded in their plan, throw Joseph in the well, and took back his
clothes. By grace of Allah the Most High, Joseph was saved and at the base of well Joseph
sat on the platform, the brothers called Joseph, checking to know if he was dead , Joseph
hoped that it was a call of help and he responded to them, hearing they throw stones( Al-
Quran-12;11-15)-(well is in Palestine called as ‘Jubb’ ). After this ill deed, the brothers
stained Joseph Shirt with the blood of a baby lamb and waited until nightfall. They came
to their father at night with fake weeping and screaming and Jacob asked them the
reason, they said we went to play a race and left Joseph with our belonging when we
returned around and looked Joseph and saw a wolf had eaten him and left his shirt and
they presented it. Jacob being prophet of God endowed with knowledge and wisdom
knows that they were lying and looked at the blood stained shirt that is not torn and
become grief stricken. Patience is most fitting against what has happened; Allah (alone)
can help us in this situation (12; 16-18).

Capture of Joseph and Sale in Egypt

Joseph was in the well for three days waiting for the ‘ Mercy of God’ to come, a caravan
was on the way, one of the person in the caravan nominated to fetch water from the well.
The person came and lowered his water bowl in the well and Joseph hang on to the water
bucket and came up . When the person saw Joseph he was delighted to found a beautiful
young man alone, he therefore thought of carrying Joseph to sell in Egypt and get some
money and he can convinced the caravan people that the person was a slave carry to sell.
When one of his friend saw Joseph and asked to share the booty after selling at the
market in Egypt and they both agreed not to disclose and limited share to two only and
they claimed that custodian of well had owned him and asked us to take him to Egypt and
sell him on his behalf ..When one of brother approach well to give him food and saw
Joseph was out of the well and he informed all his other brothers( 12;19-).

The Caravan men took Joseph to Egypt in a market place, people were amazed to see the
beauty of Joseph and a very wealthy man ’Quffir’ bought Joseph . Quffir’ title as ‘Aziz’ the
treasurer of Egypt, controlling resources and expenditure, he was under the control of
king of Egypt Rayyan the son of walid, and the king did not die until he believed in the
God of Joseph. Quffir brought Joseph to his house and told his wife be generous to him so
that he would be of benefit to us when he grown up. Joseph stayed with them considering
to be a slave and Allah bestow Joseph the beauty that was the heart throb of each and
every one who see him and the epitome of Almighty God generousness(12;21) . The wife
of Aziz Ra’il (Zulekha) very beautiful woman with high social status and was very pleased
with Joseph and she had no children {though she was married to Aziz an old and wealthy
man but remain virgin not touched by him}.

Joseph was a privileged man in the house and Quffir made him in-charge of all the
servants of the house. Allah bestowed generosity of Joseph and miracle of Allah that
saved Joseph from the darkness of well and brought to city and placed him in a very
comfortable position.

Test of Time-Woman Seducer

‘’The beauty is considered to be a human weakness which lies in his senses and the
attractive qualities of a person in a physical forms attributes the possessing of
intelligence, grace, politeness, integrity, congruence and elegance and overall beauty is
God’s gift to a person, thus Joseph regarded as God’s marvel and ’paragon of beauty’ and
he possess all votaries of virtues’’.

When Joseph was grown up and becomes an handsome man and God gave him power
and knowledge and God reward those who do right (12;22), Ra’il the wife of Aziz fell in
love with him due to his enthralling beauty and attractiveness and desire to make Joseph
as her part of life. When Joseph was 17-year-old Rail made plan to entice Joseph so she
dressed up well and made herself look beautiful sends the entire servant on leave. She
invited Joseph to the room, when Joseph enters the room she closed all the doors and
tried to seduce Joseph, he saw the situation and trembled said I take refuge of God.
Joseph then told that Allah gave me good mannerism and faith that I would never do such
a lewd thing with you and those are unjust will not succeed, this is abhorrent and serious
injustice (12.23-24). She tried to hold on him due to this his clothes were torn from the
back, God saved Joseph from this crime. When Quffir find out that incident Ra’il quickly
said that man Joseph wanted to commit fornication with your wife I pushed him away
and tore his shirt, Joseph refuted her claim and said she tried to seduce me I refused and
went to the door to get away from her she caught me up and tore my shirt( 12;24-25).

The cousin of Aziz with him , said, if Joseph shirt is torn from the front She is truthful
and Joseph is a liar, if it is torn from the back then he is truthful and she is liar( 12;26) .

Aziz saw that Joseph shirt was torn from the back and Aziz came out of the truth and it
would be an embarrassing situation for all and said to Joseph do not disclose to any one(
12;27-29 ).

The news leak out to the woman friends of Aziz wife. They all started to talk loosely about
the incident and mocked Ra’il. Wife of Aziz got the news of whispering of her women
friends therefore, Ra’il wanted to pay back them in their own coin and got an idea to
invite these women friend to a banquet and prepared a sitting place. She gave all of them
fruit and a knife with instruction to cut the fruit at the sight of Joseph the man unknown
to them. Ra’il said to Joseph come out before them. When they looked at Joseph-cupid of
love, they extolled him, and in their amazement cut their hands; they said, ’’Allah preserve
us! No mortal is this! This is none other than a noble angel! The wife of Aziz told them’
this is the man about whom you blame me I tried to seduce him but he refused’ (12; 30-

Joseph in Prison

The wife of Aziz out of envy and avoid embarrassing situation and cool down the matter
prevailed upon Aziz to put him in prison so he may not go out of place and miss her
paragon of love. Joseph said ’the prison is more safer than their snare and I feel in my
youthful folly I may inclined towards them and joined the ranks of ignorant and the Lord
accepted the supplication of Joseph and turned away him from their snare. The Aziz
viewed Rail and Joseph( a Hebrew slave) affair which made him scandalous among the
people and they spoke about the incidents of seduction .Aziz know Joseph well but in
order to cool down the matter Quffir sent Joseph to prison( 12;33-35 ).

Joseph shows his excellence to people in prison every one impressed with his good
manner and Sincerity, trustworthiness and beauty. Two young men among those
prisoners were trusted servants of the king one was baker and the other was a drink
maker who were put into prison on the accusation of trying to poison the king. The two
men saw the worship of God by Joseph in prison and Joseph gained the trust of these two
men and they found out that Joseph possess the knowledge and interpretation of dreams
since each man had seen a dream, both asked Joseph to explain the meaning of dream but
Joseph did not immediately interpret their dream rather he took the opportunity to talk
to them about’ Oneness of God and Islam(12;36-37) .

Joseph called the two men to correct their belief in God and His message and Joseph
asked them to worship God alone and not to worship other than God(12;38-40). Then
Joseph explained the meaning of dream, the baker had seen in the dream with three
bakers on his head and birds were eating from the top basket.

The other who prepared drink to the king had seen three grapevines in his dream and he
was squeezing juice from those wines. Grapevine-‘’ you will get out of prison after three
days and the king will send for you and give back your job’’. Whereas the baker’’ As for
you –after three days the king will send for you, crucify you and the birds will eat from
your head’ (12; 41-42).

As per the interpretation, after three days, the wine pourer released from prison and the
devil made him to forget to mention to the king. In view of this prophet Joseph stayed
seven years in prison and the other prisoner was crucified and thrown to birds to eat
(12;42). Some other version that Joseph remained in prison for another 5 years, thus his
total imprisonment vary from 12 to 14 years.


The King of Egypt saw two dreams in one night, which made him disturbed and scared all
the night. The king had seen ‘seven cows coming at from the side of sea being swallowed
by seven thin and weak cows, he woke up and slept and again he had seen ‘seven green
wheat plants and seven that were dry and the seven dry plants also swallowed the seven
green wheat plants’. When the king woke up from the dreams, he summoned all his
advisors to offer the meaning but none of them gave satisfying answer to his dreams and
he was more perturbed about the dreams. The one who was in-charge of drinks heard of
these dreams and remembered Joseph and said to the king ’I can get you the
interpretation of your dream, this is not through my knowledge but I know someone who
knows the interpretation of dreams and sought permission to visit prison ( 12;43-45 ).

The king given permission to the drink pourer to visit prison and meet Joseph, he met
Joseph and asked the meaning of the dreams the king had in the previous night. Joseph
explained the meaning of dream- ‘’ It means that there will be seven fertile years with rain
and good harvest, you will plants every year in this seven years, hence leave the wheat
grains in the heads except for the amount that you need for eating, by doing this the
wheat will be preserved, store it. Then seven years of infertility will come, you need to
start eating the store food, at first began eating the oldest grain and by this most of what
you stored consume. After that a year of rain will come and these trees will bear fruits you
will squeeze the juice from these fruits( Hajj Read said this is a method of wheat storage
being taught nowadays )the Quran explain how God made ways for the righteous men
will be saved and raise to the high position(12;46-49).

The wine pourer went back to the king and narrated about Joseph’s interpretation of
dreams and the king felt in his heart what Joseph told was true. King then said’ bring that
man to me ‘ the messenger of king came to Joseph and asked to accompany to king, but
Joseph did not go at first to meet the king until the king totally convinced ahead of his
innocence ( 12;50-51).

The king learned the story of the women who cut their fingers and it was imprisoned him
rightfully or wrongfully, the king called the women what is your story? What had
happened, by God we did not see any wrong from Joseph and those women openly
declared Joseph was clear of what he was accused, when Aziz saw God saved Joseph and
that Joseph was now important man to the king, Ra’il ( zulekha ) also came forward and
confessed the truth that she seduced Joseph but he did not do anything to me. Thus,
Joseph released from prison with dignity and honor ( 12;52-53).

Joseph in Royal Court

The king of Egypt convinced of Joseph innocence and he would like to grant him a high
office in his realm .The king announced that ‘ from now onwards you will be an honored
and trusted person amongst us’ Joseph said ‘put me in charge of treasure and land;
indeed I know how to manage ‘. The king found Joseph to be wise and broadminded
man, in response to his request the king given him the management of finance and food
and directed his ministerial colleagues and paraphernalia to treat Joseph as his man.
Prophet Joseph thus becomes the Aziz of Egypt and began his duties and planned that
when famine arrives nobody should starve, the river Nile flooded its banks regularly to
provide water to the fertile soil for bumper growth of food grains. Prophet Joseph was
aware of the imminent famine ,which cause depletion in water supply, therefore, he
preplanned and decided to make a brief tour of Egypt to assess the suitable place
(locations) where intensive cultivation could be carried out, he allocated extra amount to
the farmers in the most fertile areas of Nile delta to grow maximum amount of grains and
identified area where granaries could be established ,therefore he took up construction
of store houses capable of storing several hundred tones of the surplus food grains.
Joseph planned that during first seven years he supplied grains to the people according to
their needs and stored the surplus in the newly built granaries, by the time the seven year
period was over the granaries were full of food grains. The water level in the Nile river
began to decline and fell to distress level and the country began to hit by a severe drought.
However, due to foresight and wise planning of Prophet Joseph with the blessing of Allah,
the country did not face shortage of food grains ( 12;54-56 ).

The famine was also extended to far and wide lands of Palestine and Canaan where
prophet Jacob lived with his sons .One day Jacob called his sons and said ’My sons ! We
are in great distress due to the famine, you may go to the Aziz of Egypt whose reputation
as a kind and just person has spread everywhere of country and leave Benjamin
(Binyamin) with me to look after and go to Egypt.

Joseph Brothers in Egypt

Prophet Joseph brothers arrived in Egypt and met Aziz of Egypt and Joseph was very
pleased to see them but they did not recognized him never expected that Joseph was alive
by the’ Grace of God’ but Joseph recognized them and felt for the absence of his brother
Binyamin. They introduces them self in the royal court and sought provisions, they had
been given enough provision and said to them next time when you come bring your other
brothers also I can give you each of you a certain amount of grains more. I am a polite
host, if you did not bring the other ones do not come to us for, we shall not give you any

The brothers return to home and related their experience to their father praising the
generosity and hospitality of Aziz of Egypt. When they open their baggage they were
delighted to found to see that their money was returned with grains. They were impatient
to go to Egypt to get more, however, they could not go back without Binyamin. So they
tried to convince their father to let Binyamin come with them, the Aziz of Egypt refused to
let grains .Jacob did not agree to send Binyamin saying’ that you would do the same thing
with him as you did with Joseph’(12;57-65).

After repeated request and promised of safety and finally convinced of their father,
Prophet Jacob took oath that they would sincerely looked after Binyamin and let him
accompany them to Egypt, when they reached Egypt the brothers proceeded to the court
of Joseph and presented their brother Binyamin. Prophet Joseph was extremely happy to
see his younger brother and invited all of them to dinner in his house. Later Joseph
provided them accommodation at his own house and asked Binyamin to stay with him in
his room. Prophet Joseph revealed his identity to his brother in the night and explained
how he has been raised from the lowly slave to this lofty position of great power by the
blessing of Almighty Allah and requested Binyamin not to disclosed his identity to them
(His brothers)-( 12;66-69) .

Prophet Joseph devised a plan to detain his own brother Binyamin, after they received
their required provisions the brothers of Joseph sought permission to depart, by the
command of God Joseph put a drinking gold cup in the baggage of Binyamin. A servant
shouted’ people of caravan you are most surely thieves ( 12.70). Prophet Joseph stopped

the caravan and order to search, they deny the allegation, said we did not come to make
mischief in the land and we are not thieves, then a Egyptian said what penalty shall be
imposed if found, they said that whoever guilty should be held as slave, then the caravan
was searched and the cup was found in the saddle bag of Binyamin ( 12;71-76 ).

When they brought before Joseph, he said according to your own words we will detain
Binyamin with us’ they replied ‘O Aziz of Egypt’ our father is old and weak, you may
detain any one of us and let Binyamin as we promised our father for his safety, however,
prophet Joseph said that he could not detain anyone who was not guilty. The brothers
had no choice but to leave for Canaan and his elder brother ‘Yahuda’ refused to return
without Binyamin, rather than face his father, therefore, he remained behind in Egypt(


Brothers of Joseph returned to Canaan with full of grief and narrated to prophet Jacob
what has been happen, when Jacob heard the story from his sons ,he was heartbroken as
he already lost eyesight weeping for his beloved son Joseph, and the loss of second son
Binyamin was almost unbearable and recalled the memory of lost sons and gone in deep
despondency ( 12;81-86 ).He asked their sons immediately return to Egypt to look out for
both Joseph and Binyamin. According to the instruction of Jacob, the brothers came back
to the court of Aziz of Egypt third time and pleaded for mercy and sought release of
Binyamin (12; 87-88).

Prophet Joseph the Aziz of Egypt reminded them how badly they had treated their
brother-Joseph and caused separation between son and father, the brothers were amazed
to hear their secret from Aziz of Egypt, how he spoke the language of the people of
Canaan, they wondered and in sense of doubt and fear asked ‘are you Joseph? He replied
‘Yes’ and this is my brother Binyamin. Allah has been gracious to me’ ’One who is pious
and patient against hardship is always rewarded by Allah for his virtues’’. On hearing this,
the brothers hung their heads in shame and asked his forgiveness and said’’ you need not
be frightful of me! Allah may forgive you and yours Sins (12;89-92). Now take my shirt
and cover my father face with it so that he may regain his lost sight, then come to me
together with all your family (12;93). When their caravan had left the town ( Egypt ) the
father Jacob ( in Canaan) said ‘’ I smell Joseph fragrance, I hope you will not think that I
am weak in judgment ( due to my love for him ),they said By Allah ! you are making same
old error, when someone brought him glad news about the status of Joseph and
Binyamin and his happiness knows no bound. Joseph shirt was placed on his face and his

eye sight restored .He said ‘Did I not tell you that I know about Allah that which you do
not Know?’’. After getting back the eyesight and hearing the news of his sons, he decided
to proceed to Egypt immediately along with his family. Prophet Joseph was delighted to
meet their parents and embraced each other that are his father and mother and raised his
parents on the throne of dignity (12; 93-101).

‘’As a token of their gratitude for Allah at the reunion of his parents and brothers
prostrated on the ground’’. Allah made true the dream of Prophet Joseph’’ ( When Joseph
saw eleven stars and moon and sun prostrating before him ).At the request of Joseph,
prophet Jacob remained in Egypt with his family for 17 years and died and he was buried
in Palestine as per his wish, his clan came to be known as Beni Israel ( Children of Israel ).

Lesson from Joseph

1) Belief in God as long as he keeps himself away from sins despite temptation, he will be
successful. Prophet Joseph taught us this by his cheerful conduct throughout his
enslavement and imprisonment.

2 ) One should always attach to religion .Prophet Joseph does not forsake his duty even
when in the prison where he preached against idol worship before interpreting the
dreams to his cell mate.

3) Prophet Joseph taught a valuable lesson that he refused to accept his freedom from
prison until his innocence not proved to the people, and then he agreed for his release.

4) ‘’ Forgive the guilty on repentance and treat them well ‘’.The Quran narrate the story
for men endued with understanding, it is not a tale invented but a confirmation of what
has happened before and a detailed exposition of all things and a Guide and a Mercy to
believer ( 12;102-111).

Joseph last days

Joseph remained in Egypt and continued his preaching along with looking after the
affairs of kingdom. Joseph established himself as the epitome of an ideal statesman,
pastoral ability, self control and able planner and administrator and over all, Pious, God
fearing and possess the quality of forgiveness and display of goodness to all the people of
Egypt. These sylvan qualities made him powerful and appreciable. The long pending
desire of Ra’il ( Zulekha ) fulfilled by the Almighty God She accepted the religion of
Joseph and eventually married him after the death of Quffir ( It is narrated in multiple
times that she was actually virgin).She bore two children-Ephrain and Manasseh. Islamic

Scholar ibn kathir relates that the king of Egypt had faith in Joseph and that the people
loved and revered him. It is said Joseph was 30 years when he was summoned by the king
and the king addressed him in 70 languages and each time Joseph answered him in that
language. Ibn Ishaq comments that’ the king of Egypt converted to Islam at the hands of
Joseph. Prophet Joseph ruled Egypt for 80 years and died at the age of 120 years.

Burial of Joseph
Historically Muslim Scholars also associate Joseph Tomb with that of biblical figure.
According to Islamic tradition the biblical Joseph was buried in Hebron next to the ‘Cave
of Patriarchs’ where a medieval structure known as ‘Yusuf Kalah’ –the castle of Joseph
stand’s .



The story of Prophet Shu’ayb and his people narrated in Holy Quran in chapter 7, 11
,15,26 and 29, that spread over to various verses and made 11 references. There are
chronological differences, classical commentator ibn kathir say shuayb prophesied four
generation from Abraham, the genealogy of the prophet was Shuayb son of Mikil ,son of
Issachar, son of Midian son of Abraham .Scholars takes this view to be true and believe
that the identification with ‘Jethro’. However, Abdullah Yusuf Ali a modern commentator
refutes the claim that the Jethro who lived at the time of Moses would have been active
hundreds of year later. The main town ’Madyan (Arabic) and Midian (English) is named
after Abraham son ‘Madyan ‘who migrated to Hejaz along with his family and settled in
the area. As time passed, the family of Midyan multiplies and slowly attains in numbers
and become a small tribal belt spread over from the boundaries of Syria, north of Medina
and lies on the way to Syria, Egypt and Palestine situated near dead sea. The city of
Madyan situated very close to the lake of the people of prophet Lot and people of Madyan
Arabic descent and all Muslim lives in Ma’aan (Jordan) and worship ‘One God. Over the
years and accumulation of wealth made them greedy and given up the worship of one
God and began to worship trees, idols and other creation around them. Shuayb born in
Madyan and grown up and lives among them and never participated in their evil practice
of worshipping of trees and holy Quran describe the people of Shuayb as ‘Ashabul-
Aykah’-People of Wood.

The people of Madyan mostly of nomadic tribe takes up trading extensively and go to
various places like Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Egypt earned lot of wealth through unjust
dealing . They said to be notorious for cheating and other dishonest means and their

modus operandi involves them was that they give short measure and weight when they
sell and take full measures and weight when they buy . Even deprive people of their
rightful dues, create mischief and disorder, not satisfy with the settled life but also take
up high way robbery and avoid people to worship God and abuse religion
and piety for crooked purposes and attached their belief towards idolatry(

Allah gives Prophet hood to Shuayb with a Command to preach the people of Madyan not
worship other gods but Him. In addition, give full measure and weights and give up
unjust practices in buying and selling,but only few people followed his advice,majority of
the people remain scornful (Sura Al Araf 7;5-86/ sura Hud 11;84). Prophet Shuayb was an
excellent preacher and spoke beautifully and he advice people in such good manner of
oratory people were forced to listen his message but refuse to believe because of
arrogance and ignorance and he is called as ’khatibul Anbiya’- Orator of Prophets.

The people said O! Shuayb does your religion command you that we leave off the worship
which our forefathers practiced or we leave off doing what we like with our property?
Truly, you are the one that forbear with fault and right-mindedness! Shuayb said do you
not see that I have clear Sign from my Lord and He give me sustenance I do not wish, in
opposition to you, to do that which I forbid you to do. In Him I trust and to Him I look.
And O ! my people ! Let not my dissent ( from you ) causes you to sin, lest you suffer a
fate similar to that of the people of Noah, Hud, Saleh and Lot far off from you. I called
upon you to turn to Him in repentance, for my Lord is indeed full of mercy and loving-
kindness ( 11;87-90 ). Though he was articulate, elegant and simple in speech people did
not accept his message and said we do not understand what you say and find you weak in
your approach, if you were not of our tribe certainly we would have stoned you. Shuayb
replied O! My People is that my family is more important than Allah? God encompasses
all that you do (7;87-89/ 11;91-92).

The chief of those unbeliever said to those who follow Shuayb, be sure you would be
ruined (7;90). Shuayb called the people of wood to fear God, Who created the generations
before you . The people said ‘you are under the influence of black magic and had become
mad, they also said that he was just a human being like us and a great liar called Shuayb
if you are really great true prophet then ask Allah to send a few pieces of the sky. The
prophet Shuayb said that God knows better what they said, but they did not listen and
insulted him even mock and threaten him to kill or drive out of the city, so shuayb left
them saying ‘’O! my people I did indeed convey to you the Message for which I was sent
by my Lord; I gave you good counsel, but how shall I lament over a people who refuse to
believe’’( 7;93 ).

God decided to punish them and sent the punishment of scorching heat that affected
them and their families, they went inside their houses to save themselves but the heat
also enter along with them and the heat was so intense that they could not bear. God send
dark clouds over them and they all ran under the shade of clouds, but the clouds began
raining with fire instead of water. Thunderous earth took all of them underneath the earth
and destroyed all of them in fire and they lay prostrate dead in their homes by the
morning and We saved shuayb and those who believed with him ( 7;91/ 11;94).

Holy prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) stated that on doomsday Shuayb will be the first
prophet along with his people to enter heaven. When the people of wood destroyed
through Gods punishment Shuayb came with his followers to Makkah and stayed there
and after a period of time, again he went to Madyan with his family and lived there at that
time Moses who came from Egypt and stayed with him and married his daughter. Ibn
Abbas has stated that Shuayb was 212 years old when he expired and buried in wadi- e-
Shuayb Jordan.

Tomb of Shuayb

The Tomb of Shuayb is well preserved in Jordan located 2 km west of the town Mahis in
an area called ’Wadi e Shuayb’. The Scholars of Islam attributes other sites located in
Sinai Peninsula and historical Palestine. Another site ‘Druze’ as the tomb of Shuayb called
‘Nabi Shuayb’ is located in Hittin in the lower Galilee, each year on 25 April the people of
Druze gather at the site to discuss community affairs.

Saying of Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) in this regards;-

Abu Huraira report that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said ‘’Anyone who comes arms
against us is not one of us. No one, who cheats is one of us-(Sahih Bukhari 1; 182 ).
2) It was narrated from Rifaa’ah ibn Raafi (RA ) that Messenger of Allah (SA) said ‘’ The
merchants will be raised on the Day of Resurrection’ an evil doers, apart from those who
fear Allah and are honest’’- ( Quran 83;4-5 &Tirmidhi 3;507 No 1210).
3) Al-Quran gives clear warning to the merchants that - ‘’Woe to Al-Mutaffifin or
Dealers of fraud-‘’ who commit fraud in weights and measures when they receive in exact
full measure and when they have to give measure or weight ,give less than due to
them’’(83;1-6). Note;-When Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina, he found that the
merchants of Medina were indulge in these woeful activities, then Prophet Muhammad
(SA) reminded them and recited the chapter 83 verse 1-6, thereafter the merchants of
Medina corrected their weights and Measures ( Ibn Maaja-book of trade).


Job is considered to be the patriarch in Abrahamic religion Judaism, Christianity and

Islam and his lineage goes that Job was the son of Mus bin Razah ( Zerah ) bin Raueel (
Reuel ) bin Esau bin Isaac bin Abraham,. His mother was the daughter of Lot ( Lut ) and
his resident was Huran in the land of Shem in Al Babniyyah part of Damascus as in
Muruj Al Dahab . All his life spent in this area and it is stated that the time and place of
prophecy saying that he became prophet after Joseph in the prophetic series and that he
preached to his own people rather than being sent to a specified community. The proof of
his prophet hood and inspiration of God could be found in Quran ‘’We gave Isaac and
Jacob; all ( three) We guided ;and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny,
David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron; thus We reward those who do good
( 6;84).

Allah praise Job because he was repentant, remembering God with thankfulness, patience
and full of steadfastness, this was the cause of his rescue and the secret and after his test
and ordeal of affliction, he never complain God, but seek His mercy for his qualities, God
said’’ Truly We found him full of patience and constancy. How excellent in
Our service!ever did he turn (to Us)- 38;44.

The main source of story pertaining to Job is derived from narration of Ibn Kathir and
Abdullah Yusuf Ali , the reputed commentator on Quran. The story of Job begins with
the conversation of Angels discussing Allah’s bounty on creatures, those were humble
earned Allah’s pleasure, while those who were arrogant incurred His displeasure. One
of the Angels remarked ‘the best creature on Earth today is Job ,a man of noble
character who displays great patience and always remembers his Generous Lord, he is
the excellent model for the worshippers of Allah. In return his Lord has blessed him with
a long life and plenty of Servants and children and wealth, and he feeds and clothes the
needy and the poor who share his good fortune. He buys slaves and set them free, he
makes the people feel who receive charity that they are favoring him so kind and gentle
is he to them in the area.

Iblis (Satan ) Jealousy of Job

Satan overheard the conversation and planned to tempt Job to corrupt ion and disbelief
so he hastened to him, tried to distract Job from his prayers by whispering him about the
good things done in his life but Job remained true believer and would not let evil thought
tempt him. Thus Satan became more disturbed and began to hate. The test and
turbulence began on Prophet Job one by one which he endures with patience.

Destruction of Wealth

Iblis complained to God about Job that he continuously glorifying Allah but not doing so
out of his sincerity but to satisfy Allah so that his wealth should not be taken away
,therefore it was all a show of greed, if the wealth is removed then You will find that his
tongue no longer remember You and stop praying. Allah told Satan Job was one of His
most sincere devotees, he did not worship Him because of the favor and his worship
stemmed from his heart and nothing to do with material things but to prove Jobs
Sincerity and patience Allah allowed Iblis to do whatever he & his helper wished to do.

The Satan was very happy, he gathered his helpers and set out about destroying Jobs
cattle, Servants and farms until he left with no possession, after doing so Iblis appear
before Job in disguise of a wise old man and said ’’All your wealth is lost ‘ some people say
that’ it is because you gave too much time with your continuous prayers of Allah. Other
say that Allah has brought this upon you in order to please your enemies’, if Allah had the
capacity to prevent harm then He would have protected your wealth. Job true to his belief
replied’ What Allah has taken away from me belongs to Him I was only its trustee for a
while. He gives to whom He wills and with holds from whom He wills’’ with these words
Job prostrated to his Lord.

Destroy Jobs Children

Satan saw that his first attempt failed and becomes frustrated so he addressed Allah ‘ I
have stripped off Jobs wealth but he still remain grateful to You because, he is only hiding
his disappointment for he places great store by his many children, the real test of parents
is through his children. You will see how Job will reject You’ if his children loss, Allah
granted him( Iblis) authority but warned him that it would not reduce Jobs faith in His
Lord nor his patience’’. Iblis again gathered his helpers and set out to carry out his evil
deed, he shook the foundation of the house in which Jobs children were living and sent
the building crashing killing all of them.

Then he went to Job in disguise as a man had come to sympathies with him in a
comforting tone said to Job ‘’ the circumstances under your Lord is not rewarding you
now ready to reject Allah . But again Job disappointed him by replying ‘’ Allah sometimes
gives and sometime takes, He is some time pleased and sometime displeased with our
deeds, whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me I will remain firm in my belief and
remain thankful to my Creator and then Job prostrated to his Lord ,at this stage Iblis was
extremely vexed .

Destroy Jobs Health
Iblis called O ! my Lord Job wealth is gone ,his children are dead and he still enjoy
healthy in body and as long as he enjoy good health he will continue to worship You in the
hope of regaining his wealth and producing more children. Grant me authority over his
body so that I may weaken him and he will surely neglect Your worship and will thus
become disobedient’’. Allah wanted to teach a lesson to Iblis that Job was devoted
servant of his Lord so He granted Iblis his third request but placed a condition that ‘ I give
you authority over his body but not over has Soul, intellect or heart for in these places
reside’’ the knowledge of Me and My religion’’.

Iblis armed with this new authority began to take revenge on Jobs body and filled it with
disease until he was reduce to mere skin and bone and he suffered severe pain. Even
though during his suffering, Job remained strong in his faith, patiently bearing all the
hardship without complaining . Job remains Allah’s righteous servant and did not despair
or turn to others for help but he remained hopeful of Allah’s mercy and in this distress
conditions, his close relatives and friends deserted him. Only his kind wife stayed with
him ,in this hour of need she showered her kindness on him and cared for his welfare and
remained Jobs sole companion and comfort throughout the period of suffering. Job
remained strong in his faith, patiently bearing all the hardship without complaining . Job
remains Allah’s righteous servant and did not despair or turn to others for help but he
remained hopeful of Allah’s mercy and in this distress conditions, his close relatives and
friends deserted him. Only his kind wife stayed with him ,in this hour of need she
showered her kindness on him and cared for his welfare and remained Jobs sole
companion and comfort throughout the period of suffering.

Job remained strong in his faith, patiently bearing all the hardship without complaining .
Job remains Allah’s righteous servant and did not despair or turn to others for help but he
remained hopeful of Allah’s mercy and in this distress conditions, his close relatives and
friends deserted him. Only his kind wife stayed with him ,in this hour of need she
showered her kindness on him and cared for his welfare and remained Jobs sole
companion and comfort throughout the period of suffering.

Job Prayers for Mercy

Jobs was physically afflicted and never a single organ of body was sound except his heart
and tongue ,with both of which Job glorified Allah the Almighty all the times day and
night. His compassion and obedience to the Lord never reduced and express his gratitude
even at the peak of sufferings and never lost his patience in all trial and turbulence. The

Iblis became desperate that his attempt never bear fruits and stop Job from remembrance
of Allah, therefore he consulted his helpers but they could not advise him and asked ’How
is it that your cleverness cannot work against Job, yet you succeeded in misleading Adam
the father of mankind out of Paradise .

Iblis went to Job wife in the form of a man and asked ‘ Where is your husband ? She
pointed to an man almost lifeless form crumbled on the bed and said ‘’There he is,
suspended between life and death’’. Iblis reminded her past days when Job had good
health, wealth and children, suddenly the painful memory of years of hardship overtook
her .She did not reply to Iblis but burst in tears and said to Job ‘’How long are you going
to bear this torture from the Lord ? Are we to remain without wealth, children and
friends forever ? Why don’t you call upon Allah to remove this suffering . Job sighed in
despair and in a soft low tone replied, Iblis must have whispered and corrupted your
brain, tell me how long did I enjoy good health and riches of life? She replied ‘Eighty
Years’, then Job said how long am I suffering like this ‘ She said ‘ Seven years’ ,Job told
her in that case I am ashamed to call my Lord to remove the hardship, for I have not
suffered longer than the years of good health and worldly affluence . It seems your faith in
Allah weakened and therefore, you are dissatisfied with God .If I ever regain health, I
swear that I will punish you with 100 lashes, from this day onwards I forbid myself to eat
or drink anything from your hands ,leave me alone and let my Lord do with me as He
pleases ,you leave and look after yourself elsewhere you like.

Allah bestow Health

She feels sorry for her uttering and crying bitterly with heavy heart had no choice but to
leave him and seek shelter in the nearby place and work in other homes as an maid
servant and eke out her living .In this helpless state Job turned to God ,not to complaint
but to seek His mercy. Quran state in unequivocal terms that - ’’And (remember) Job,
when he cried to his Lord, ’’Truly distress has seized me, but You are the Most Merciful of
those that are Merciful. So we listened to him and We removed the distress that was, and
We restored his people to him, and doubled their number-as a Grace from Ourselves ,and
a thing for commemoration, for all who serve Us ( 21;83-84 ).

Commemorate Our Servant Job Behold! he cried to his Lord; The Evil One has afflicted
me with distress and suffering!’’ (The command was given)’’ Strike with your foot; here
is(water) wherein to wash, cool and refreshing, and(water) to drink’. And We gave
him(back) his people, doubled their number as a Grace from Ourselves, and a thing for
commemoration, for all who have understanding‘’ ( 38;41-43).

Job obeyed His Lords command and immediately his health restored, meanwhile his
faithful wife could no longer bear separation from her husband and returned to him to
beg his forgiveness deserving to serve him. On entering her house she was amazed at the
Sight of Job’s sudden change in healthy, she delighted at the change of health, her joy
knows no bound, and she embraced him and thanked Allah for His mercy.

Job worried about the oath he had taken to punish her wife with 100 lashes if he regained
health and if he did not fulfill the oath, he would be guilty of breaking a promise to Allah.
His wisdom dawned by the grace Allah the Almighty and Wise, came to the assistance of
His faithful servant and advised him, as Holy Quran narrate that ‘’And take in your hand a
little grass, and strike therewith; and do not break (your oath)’’.Truly We found him full
of patience and constancy. How excellent in Our service! Ever did he turn (to Us)-38;44).
Job follows the command of Allah and took bundle of grass gave his wife with 100 lashes
and fulfill his promised and remained faithful to Allah.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali-translator and commentator narrates that’’ Job suffer number of
calamities and he covered loathsome sores from head to foot and false friend came and
attribute his affliction to Sin, inspite of all these severe trails and tribulation Job stood
patience and steadfast and his faith in God further increased day and night. At last Allah
recall all his miseries and restored prosperity with twice as much as he had before, a new
family of seven children, three fair daughters’’ .

Abu Hurairah narrate Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) said that While Job was naked taking
bath a swarm of gold locusts fell on him and he started collecting them in his garments,
His Lord called him O ! Job! Have I not made you too rich to need what you see ? He
said ‘’Yes” My Lord ! But I cannot shun Your Blessings’’ –Sahih Bukhari .

Tomb of Job ( Ayyub )

Job lives all his life in the land of Shem and until he died at the age of 95 years, before his
son Hawmal the leader followed by Basheer bin Job(Dhul kifl) and he made his son
Abdan and after him Isaiah the prophet .There are different places stated to be the
location and burial place of prophet Job.

As per Palestinian folklore the tomb of Job is in palace Al-jura a village outside the town
of Al-Majdal also called Ashketon, God rewarded him with fountain of youth that
removed illness. People of many faiths gathered here for annual festivities and bath in the
natural spring there-( Al-Jura ). Another site northwest of the depopulated Palestinian

village of Dayr Ayyub is an area as per belief, contains the tomb of Ayyub. The town of Al
Shayk Saad in the Hauran region of Syria has been associated with St. Job since last 4th
Century-Karnein was mentioned in’Eusebius. Hammam-e-Ayyub- a fountain town where
Job washed himself when he was afflicted with disease, people believe that the fountain
still exist have had and is reputed to have healing power. Another holy artifact place called
as ’’Rock of Job’ where he sat at the time of disease. City of Urfa ( formerly Edessa ) in
south eastern Turkey claims to be known as location at which Job underwent ordeal and
struck the ground with his feet as described in Quran, there a Tomb of Job located outside
the city of Urfa .The Tomb of Job is also said to be situated and maintain around 40 km
from of Salalah in Jebal Ittin, Southern Oman. There is a mosque and Dargah . The
Druze community maintains the tomb of prophet Job at the El-Chouf mountain district in



Luqman the wise was born in Nubia the present day Ethopia in African continent. The
genealogy stated differently that he was the son of Anqa ibn Sadun or as per As-Suhaili
from Ibn Jarir or Al-Qataibi that he is Luqman ibn Tharan. Luqman also stated to be the
Cousin of Job ( Ayyub ) and very little known about his early life .Many stories about
Luqman contains in Arabic and Turkish literature. Luqman ,Usually associated with long
life and the title ‘Mu’ammar-Long lived’ and indicated he was appointed as Judge in the
time of Prophet Dawood (A.S ).Some Scholars referred to him to the people of Aad (7;65
).After freedom from bondage Luqman travelled and finally settled among the people of
Israel ( Bani Israel )in Jerusalem. The primary source of the story based on the material
available in the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir, Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Moulana Maududi the
renowned commentators of Al-Quran.

Luqman called as a wise man and in commemoration of his wisdom a chapter’ Luqman’
in Quran named after him which give an account of his wisdom, life and faithfulness in
Allah. Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary on Surat 31;12-19 narrate that ‘ he had been
bestowed an type of perfect wisdom, he referred that he belong to a humble station in life
being a slave or a tailor or carpenter refused worldly power and kingdom. Many
instructive apologues are created to him, similar to Aesops fables in Greek tradition.
Identification to Aesop has no historical foundation though it is true that the tradition
about them have influenced each other’.

Story of Luqman-the Wise

The Luqman born in the forest dwelling of Nubia –present day Ethopia and grew up in
the forest environment, he walk bare foot and only the lower part of his body was covered
with loin cloth and he daily encounter with the Jungle animal and the life in the Jungle
made him strong and fearless. It was his habit to think deeply over nature around him, for
which he learnt many new and fascinating things in his daily life.

Dawn of Wisdom

We bestowed ( in the past ) wisdom on Luqman; ‘’ Show ( your ) gratitude to Allah’’ And
who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul; but if any is ungrateful ,verily
Allah is free of all wants, worthy of all praise (Al-Quran-31;12 ).

One day luqman sitting under the shade of a tree fell in deep sleep and he saw a Angel
standing before him and said ‘Allah wanted to bestow a gift upon Luqman and he was
given a choice that he could either chose ‘Wisdom or Kingdom ‘.Luqman chose ‘

WISDOM’ when he woke up from his slumber, he was aware that his ‘sense and
understanding ‘ had sharpened. He felt in complete harmony with nature and could
understand the inner meaning of things beyond their physical reality, immediately he
bowed down and thank God and praised Allah for this wonderful gift.

Slavery and bondage

The story of Luqman started from African continent and at that time slave trade was
rampant in that area, as such slave traders who invaded Africa, took him and sold as
slave, he found that he was robbed of his freedom, he could not move nor speak captured
Luqman. This was his first trial in life as a slave, he had to bear the suffering of bondage
patiently and awaiting Allah’s blessing. The man who bought him was good and
intelligent and he treated Luqman with kindness, the owner was able to detect that
Luqman was not an ordinary man and tried to test his intelligent.

Slaughter of Sheep

The master of Luqman one day ordered him to slaughter a sheep and bring him its worst
part of body. In obedience Luqman slaughter a sheep and took its ‘ Tongue and Heart’ to
his master, on receiving this, his master smiled and fascinated by Luqman choice of worst
part, he understood Luqman was trying to convey some deep meaning, though he could
not make out exactly what, from this moment onwards, his master began to take more
interest in Luqman and showed more kindness .

A few days later Luqman was asked to slaughter a sheep but ordered to bring the best
parts of the sheep, Luqman slaughtered a sheep , to his master amazement he took the
same organs- tongue and heart’. His master asked Luqman ‘how heart and tongue’ could
be both worst and best, Luqman answered ‘the tongue and heart are the sweetest part, if
its owner is pure and if he is wicked they too be wicked’. Thereafter Luqman’s owner held
him in high esteem. Later on, many people came to consult and seek his advice and the
fame of its wisdom spread everywhere of country.

The owner of Luqman had instructed to his family to free Luqman after his death. When
he died Luqman was granted freedom, he travelled far and wide of the country giving
advice and calling people to be faithful to Allah eventually he settled among the people of
Israel ( Bani-Israel )in Jerusalem. It is stated he married and raised children, he was also
appointed as a Judge in the time of prophet Dawood and he was respected by all people
for his wise and fair Judgment, he could be an epitome for the future generation
of people as well as to the legal community.

Majority of Muslim Scholars believe that Luqman was a sage ( wali ) not a prophet. Imam
Qurtabi wrote in Tafsir of surat Luqman- Sayeed bin Al-Musayyib said ‘’ Luqman was a
black man from the Sudan and Egypt, his lips were very large. Allah bestowed him
wisdom and did not give him prophecy, this is the views of majority of Mufassirs ( who
explained Quran ).Imam Ikrimah and sh’abs said that Luqman was a prophet, this means
that they explained ’Wisdom ‘ by prophecy. The correct opinion is that Luqman was a
wise man Allah bestowed him with the gift of wisdom i.e. straightness in belief,
jurisprudence, religion and intellect and becoming a Judge and establishing Justice
among the Children of Israel.

Al-Awazi said Abdur Rahman ibn Harmalah told me that a black man came to sa’id said
Al-Musayyib asking him for Charity. Sa’id ,do not feel distress for your black color
because there were from among the best of all three black men as one Bilal ibn Rabah,and
other Mahja ( the freed slave of Umar bin khattab ) and the third Luqman the wise who
was black from Nubia and whose lips were thick.

Ibn Wahb narrates that Luqman answer to the question about what had raised his status
that people come to him for advice. ‘’Lowering my gaze, watching my tongue, eating what
is lawful, keeping my chastity, undertaking my promised, fulfilling my commitment,
being hospitable to guests, respecting my neighbors and discarding what does not
concern me ,not to join in worship(others) with Allah, false worship is indeed the highest
wrong doing, treat their parent in goodness. All these made me the one you are looking
at’’ .

Further Abu darda added that ‘’ Luqman the wise was granted Wisdom because he was
self restrained, taciturn, deep thinking and he never slept during the day. No one had
ever seen him observing trivialities or foolish laughing .He was eloquent and well versed.
He did not weep or cry when calamities fall on him- the death of his children. He even
used to frequent the presence of men of authority to mediate. Thus, majority of Scholars
mentioned him as a wise man and not prophet.

Luqman, mentioned in Quran and highly praised by Allah the Almighty who narrates his
advice to his son – Behold, Luqman said to his by way of instruction; O my son ! do not
join in worship others with Allah; for false worship is indeed the highest wrong doing’’-

31;14- ‘’ And We have enjoined on man ( to be good ) to his parents; in travail upon his
mother bore him, and in two years was his weaning; ( hear the command ) “ Show
gratitude to Me and to your parents; to Me is(your final ) goal.’’

But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no
knowledge, do not obey them; yet bear them company in this life with justice ( and
consideration ), and follow the way of those who turn to Me ( in love ); in the End the
return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth ( and meaning ) of all that you did

31;16’’ O my son !( said Luqman )’’ if there be ( but ) the weight of a mustard-seed and it
were (hidden ) in the heaven or on earth, Allah will bring it forth; for Allah understand
the finest mysteries,( and ) is well-acquainted ( with them ).

31;17 ‘’O my son ! establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong;
and bear with patient constancy whatever betide you; for this is firmness ( of purpose ) in
( the conduct of) affairs .

31;18- ‘’ And do not swell your cheek ( for pride )at men ,nor walk in insolence through
the earth ; for Allah does not love any arrogant boaster .

31;19 ‘’ And be moderate in your pace, and lower your voice ; for the harshest of sounds
without doubt is the betraying of the ass’’ .

The above Quranic Verses are not direct speech of Luqman but flow by way of
commentary on his teachings. He was speaking as a father to his son and he could not
very well urge respect for himself and draw the sons attention to the limitations of filial

These verses may be supported to be general directions flowing from the mouth of
Luqman teaching to men and not directed to his son though in either case Luqman got
wisdom from God, it is Divine principle that are enunciated. Further be moderate and
bravely face in life, God is All wise and All Knowing . ( Abdullah Yusuf Ali-Commentary
on chapter 31 Verse 12 and note this is an abridge account of Luqman , which teaches
mankind how to be faithful to the Will of God is only a tip of iceberg, those desire to
know more about it may refers the folklores of Arabic and Turkish literature } .


Jonah occupies an important place in Islam Who was faithful to Allah and delivered
messages Of God .Jonah is also called ‘Dhun-Nun’ ( One of the Whale or Fish ) .

Chapter ten in Quran named after him, although in this chapter verse 98 refers to him
directly. It is stated as per Muslim tradition that Jonah descendant of Benjamin son of
Jacob and his father’ Amittai’ { Jonah son of Amittai son of Abumata son of Benjamin
son Jacob }.Jonah only one of the twelve minor prophets of Hebrew bible. Jonah’s
Quranic narrative is similar to the Hebrew bible story.

Jonah was born in Gath-hepher the name of the town retain its identity even today (two
kings 14.2 5). God sent to the city of Nineveh to teach the message of God and refrain
them from Idol worship and he continued teaching the people who persisted in
polytheism and rejected his message, Jonah as a Prophet and righteous preacher of the
message of God though became desperate due to the adamant attitude of people and in
the rage invoke Allah’s wrath that would be fall on them in three days and he deserted
them and fled away to the ship fully laden (37;139-140).

People regret belying Jonah

Jonah departed in rage from Nineveh planning to sail away when his people realized that
Allah’s wrath was about to be fall on them, they repented to God and regretted their fault
for rejection of Jonah’s call. They assemble their people, children and cattle headed to the
nearby desert, the put each female cattle away from their young ones. They invoke Allah
the Almighty and cried, humbled themselves to Him. All men, women and even children
sought Allah’s help and appealed to His mercy, it was a dreadful ordeal. When they
believed, Allah out of His mercy removed from them the penalty of Ignominy in the life of
the present, and permitted them to enjoy their life for a while and did not punished them
( Quran- Yunus-10; 98 and Hadith –Ibn Masood and others ).The Allah sent Jonah on a
mission to the people who were one hundred thousand( men )or more as per Quran (
37;147 ).

Jonah and Whale

When Jonah departed in anger because of his people rejected his call and headed towards
sea and sailed on a ship. The ship was heavily loaded and encountered tough and rough
weather, traveler aboard the ship decided to draw a lot and cast of one of them into water
in order to lighten the burden on ship. The lot fell on Jonah but they refused to cast off,
they repeated the lot over repeatedly but it fell on Jonah for that Allah Will. Finally they
throw Jonah in the water, a big whale in water swallowed him, but Allah orders whale not
to eat his flesh or break his bones ( 37;141-142) .The whale toured all the sea of the world.
When Jonah settled in the womb of whale he thought he was dead, however, when he
tried to move some of parts of body, he realized that he was still alive. He prostrated
himself to Allah and said O ! Lord I have worshiped you in a place where nobody else
worshiped You before ( 37;143 ).

The Islamic Scholars had difference of opinion about the stay of Jonah inside the whale.
Qatadah states he stayed there for three days, Ja’afar As Sadiq says seven days. Ibn Abbas
and other states that the darkness inside the whale womb and that of at bottom of the sea
at night’’. Jonah cried through the depth of the darkness -‘’There is no god but Thou ,
Glory to Thee I was indeed wrong ‘’( 21;87).when whale took Jonah at the bottom of
the sea, he heard the whale Glorify Allah even he heard the pebbles glorify the Lord where
upon he said this invocation of God .

Sa’ad ibn waqqas reported that prophet Muhammad (p u h ) said ‘the Holy name of Allah
upon which He accepts the invocations and grant His grace is mentioned in Jonah’s
invocation, further Sa’ad asked ‘ is this applicable to Jonah or to any other Muslim ?
Prophet replied, it is for Jonah specially and the believers generally, have you not heard
the verse mentioned above (21;87).Whoever invokes Allah with this supplication Allah
will accept it’’ ( 21;88 ).

Prophet Jonah’s glorification and remembrance of God, his repentance and returning
back to Him saved him from staying inside the whale until the Day of Resurrection when
he would been resurrected ( saffat-37;143-144 ). God’s mercy dawned on him and he was
cast off in a barren land and felt sick as if he had been a ‘’ featherless chicken’’ as per Ibn
Masood . God made the gourd creeper grow and its soft leaves covers and provide shade
over him ,flies never comes to him and he ate the gourd and Allah ordered a female cow
come to Jonah every morning so that he would suck its milk, it was all the grace of God
and made Jonah to recover from his sickness (Saffat 37;145-146 and Al qalam-68;48-
50)After the recovery of Jonah God ordered him to return to his people and the people
accepted him and believe in One God and practice monotheism. Al Baqwi states Jonah s
sent to other people after coming out of whale ( Allah best knows ).

Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) about Jonah

Jonah was mentioned in few incidents by Prophet Muhammad (p u h),the incident occur
after ten years of receiving revelation from God. Prophet Muhammad went to Taif in a
hope that the leaders would accept him and allow to preach the message of God from
their land rather than Mecca, but he was cast from the city by the people, he took shelter
in the garden of Utbah and Shaybah two members of Quraysh, they sent their servant
Adda to serve him grapes for sustenance. Prophet asked where he was from and the
servant said ‘Nineveh’. Prophet said the town of Jonah, the just son of Amittai’, the Addas
was shocked to know that pagan Arabs had no knowledge of the prophet Jonah, he then
asked, how he know the man, we are brothers Prophet replies, Jonah was the prophet of
God and I too am the Prophet of God. Adda immediately accepted Islam and kissed the
hands of Prophet.

Prophet said one should not say I am better than Jonah. Prophet emphasize the notion of
equality between all the Prophets and the law of making no distinction between any
Messenger. The Arab tribes of at that time may have begun to exalt Muhammad (p u h )
above Jonah because of the recent revelation prophet Muhammad received which
recounted the story of Jonah fleeing from the mission. Prophet makes it a point clear to
the Arabs not to make any distinction between great Apostles of God (collections of
Hadiths of Imam Bukhari ) .

Tomb of Jonah

Nineveh location is marked by excavation of five gates, parts of walls and four side and
two large mounds, the hill of kuyunjik and hill Nabi Yunus. On Nabi Yunus there was
shrine dedicated to the Prophet Jonah which is revered by Muslim and Christians as
well and it was believed to hold Jonah tomb. People from various corners of the world
visit the sites as a mark of respect before the arrival of Islamic Sate of Iraq and
Syria at Mosul. It is reported that on July 24th, 2014 that Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria and the Levant destroyed the Mosque containing the Tomb
of Jonah as a part of Pan-Islamic campaign that religious sanctuaries are
way for idolatry.

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Moses was born in c 2076 BH ( c 1392 BCE ) in the family of Israelites living in lower
Egypt, his father was Imran (Amraan in Hebrew bible) and mother Jochebed and brother
Aaron. The genealogy of Moses start from Imran son of Qaheth son Azer son of Levi son
Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham. Moses in Hebrew bible considered as a Prophet,
Messenger and the Leader and was sent to Pharaoh and Israelites for guidance and
warning. As per Islamic tradition Moses is regarded as a true teacher and preacher and
practice the religion of his predecessor and confirming the scriptures of Prophets before
him. Quran eloquently mention his name and made about 136 references and the life and
mission of Moses had been narrated and recounted more than that of any individual or
Prophets and he occupy an important place in Islam and Muslim consider Moses with
high faithfulness.

Islamic tradition state that Moses was born at a time when Pharaoh had enslaved
Israelites after the period of Prophet Joseph. Pharaoh had a dream in which he saw Fire
coming from the city of Jerusalem, which burnt everything in his kingdom except the
Israelites. Pharaoh described the dream to soothsayer, they predicted the fall of his
kingdom from Israelites. Further Pharaoh was informed that one of male child of
Israelites will grow up to overthrow him. In order to protect the kingdom he ordered the
killing of all new born Israelites to prevent the prediction. The experts of economics in
Pharaoh’s court advised him that killing the male infants of the Israelites would result in
the loss of man power and they suggested an alternative method that infants would be
killed in one year and spared the next. The Aaron born in the year in which children were
spared while Moses was born in the year in which infants were to be killed. Moses mother
suckled him secretly during this period and when fear grip God inspired her to cast him
into river in a basket, directed her daughter to follow the course of the basket and report
her back.

When the basket adrift along the river bank Pharaoh wife ’Asiya’ discovered the basket
and prevailed upon Pharaoh not to kill the child but to adopt him as he would be useful
to us in future (28;7;9 ).

Asiya ordered wet nurses for Moses, but Moses refused to be breast fed God forbidden
Moses fed by other wet nurses, his sister was worried about that Moses not been fed,
therefore she approached pharaoh wife and informed that she knew a woman who could
feed him. So she was ordered to bring the woman, the sister brought his mother who fed
Moses and she was appointed as the wet nurse of Moses (28; 8-13and 20’37-40).

Israeli Hadith

The Israeli tradition and Hadiths indicate that during the child hood , Moses was playing
on Pharaoh lap grabbed his beard ,this action prompted Pharaoh to consider that Moses
as the Israelites who would overthrow him, the Pharaoh decided to kill Moses but stopped
by his wife Asiya saying that he was just an infant. Pharaoh decided to test Moses. ‘Two
plates were set before young Moses –one contained full of rubies and the other held
glowing coals, Moses reached out to Rubies ,but by God grace Angel Gabriel directed his
hand towards coal, Moses grabbed the coal and put it in his mouth burning his tongue.
After this incident Moses suffered from speech defect and he was spared by the Pharaoh.

Escape to Madyan

Moses reached adulthood and lived in palace. God made Moses to grow up under
Pharaoh the arch enemy of Israelites and had a wonderful life of richness. His foster
mother Asiya a God fearing woman possessing all the sylvan character, she provided
Moses all the facilities of life. One day Moses passing through the city, he came across a
Egyptian fighting with an Israelite and the Israelite asks Moses for assistance against the
Egyptian. Moses intervened and involved in the dispute, during quarrel Moses in the state
of anger struck the Egyptian, which resulted in his death. Moses repented God for his
wrongdoing and God forgave him for, as He is Oft Forgiving and Most Merciful. Next
morning Moses saw the same Israelite fighting with another Egyptian and he asked for his
help, Moses said to him that you really a quarrelsome fellow and then he decided to hold
the man an enemy of Israelite and the Egyptian said to Moses ,is it your intention to slay
me as you have slewed a man yesterday ?.At that moment, another man came running to
Moses and said that Pharaoh had ordered to kill you and his men are on the way out,
therefore get away from the place.

Moses fled to the desert place after being alerted the imminent punishment and arrived at
Madyan at an oasis in a desert wearing and tired of travel at a well and noticed two
women shepherds waiting at well to water their flocks and they were humble maiden.
Moses approached them and inquired about their work as shepherd and their retreat
from the well, upon hearing their answer and old age of their father, Moses watered their
flocks for them and they two female shepherd thanked and returned to home and
informed their father of the incident. Moses was invited by them for a feast, at the feast
Moses met their father Prophet Shuayb ( at old age at Madyan- the land where he
preached the people the Message of God ) and told his story and old man asked Moses to
work for him for a period of eight year in return he would be given his daughter in
marriage and Moses consented and worked for him. Moses stay at Madyan as per the
request of prophet Shuayb and married his daughter after fulfilling and completion of
eight years period Moses decided to return to his home land Egypt.

After obtaining permission from prophet Shuayb, Moses departed to Egypt along with his
family and on the way ,they stay at a place near Mount Sinai (Tur ) in the dead of cold
night and look out for fire to tide away the chill. Moses observed a blazing fire inside a
bright green bush emitting strange and dazzled light and Moses instructed his family to
wait until he returned with fire for them. When Moses reached the Valley of Tuwa, God
called out him from the right side of the valley from a tree on what is revered as blessed
ground in holy Quran. While Moses on way God commanded him to remove his sleeper
and informed him of his selection as a ‘Prophet’ his obligation for prayer and belief God
and the Day of judgment. God ordered Moses to throw his staff on the ground it turned
into snake and later instructed to hold it and Moses was ordered to insert his hand into
his clothes and upon revealing it would shine a bright light. God states these are the Sign
for Pharaoh and order Moses to invite Pharaoh to the worship of One God as he has
transgressed all bounds.

Moses states his fear of Pharaoh and request Allah to heal his speech impediments and
grant his brother Aaron (Harun) as a helper, God blessed Aaron also; prophet hood
made him his mouthpiece and helper. As per Quran, both of them fear Pharaoh, but Allah
assured that, He would be observing them, commands them to inform Pharaoh to free the
Israelites, they departed to the pharaoh.

Moses in Pharaoh‘s Court

Moses and Aaron arrived in the Court of Pharaoh and proclaimed their prophet hood to
him. Pharaoh question him about their God, Moses answering the questions states that
God gave everything in the form and nature and further gave it guidance .Pharaoh
enquired about the generation who passed before them Moses answered that the
knowledge was with my Lord. Pharaoh asked what are the Lord and cherisher of the
worlds . Moses replied God is the Lord of the heaven and earth and what was in between
them and He who has made the earth like a carpet spread out and enabled to go about
there in and sent down rains and produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the
others. ( Quran 20;49-53 and 26;23-28 ).

Pharaoh changed the topic and reminded about his child hood with them and the killing
of a man he had done. Moses admitted that he had committed the deed in ignorance but
insisted that he was now forgiven and guided by God. Pharaoh accused him being mad
man and threatened to imprison him if he continued to proclaim that the Pharaoh was
not the true God, Moses informed him that he had come with manifest Sign from God, in
response Pharaoh demanded to see the Sign s. Moses throw his staff on the floor and it
turned into serpent and he drew out his hand it shine a bright and white light. Pharaoh

counselor advised him that this was Sorcery and on their advice he summoned the
Sorcerers of his kingdom. Pharaoh said that you have come to drive us out of our land by
your magic Moses and Moses call Pharaoh to test between him and your magicians
,Pharaoh asking him to choose a day, Moses chooses a day of festival (20;54-59 ).

Sorcerers and Moses

The Sorcerers came to the pharaoh and he promised them good gifts and they would be
among the most honored .On that day was the festival day in Egypt .Moses granted the
Sorcerers the first chance to perform. The Sorcerers bewitched the eyes of the observing
people, caused terror into them, and throw their ropes and rods on the ground, as they
appeared to have changed into snakes by their magic effect. Moses became concerned
witnessing the tricks of the magicians but was assured by Almighty God not to be worried
when Moses turn came God ordered Moses to throw his staff, it turned into gigantic snake
(Serpent) and devour all the snakes. The Sorcerers realized that they had witnessed
miracle, they proclaimed their belief in the message of Moses and fell on to their knees in
prostration to God despite the threats from Pharaoh. Pharaoh enraged by this account
and accused them of working under Moses. Warned them not to follow Moses, otherwise
he would cut their hands, feet on opposite side and crucifies them and hung on the trunk
of palm trees for their firmness in their faith . The magicians however remained steadfast
to their new found faith and were killed by Pharaoh .This show how they give their life by
the dawn of truthfulness (20; 60-73).

Pharaoh Plot to Slay Moses

Pharaoh, Haman and Karun called Moses a sorcerer telling lies when he learnt the truth
from God, they said slay the sons of those who believe with him and keep the female with
their families, but the plot of unbelievers end in error and delusion. Pharaoh said leave to
slay Moses and let him call his lord, what I fear lest he should change your religion or lest
he cause mischief to appear in the land. (40;24-26 ). Moses said I have indeed called upon
my Lord and your Lord for protecting from every arrogance one who does not believe in
the Day of Accounts ( 40;27 ).

A believer from the people of Pharaoh , who concealed his faith said ‘’Will you slay a man
because he says ‘’My lord is Allah?. Indeed he has come to you with clear Signs, if he be a
liar the sins of lie fall on him , if he is telling the truth ,then will fall on you something of
calamity which he warns, truly God does not guide the transgresses and lies . He then call
his people to follow him who help us to save from the punishment of God, Pharaoh said I
but point out to you that I see myself; nor do I guide you but to the Path of Right. The

man who believed said that , O my people truly I fear for you something the day of
disaster like the fate of people of Noah, the Ad, and the Thamud and those who came after
wards. Allah never wishes injustice to His servants. The day when you turn your back and
flee, no defender shall you have from Allah, any whom Allah leaves to stray, there is none
to guide, O my people follow me I will lead you to the Path of Right and reminded this
worldly life is temporary and the life in Hereafter will be permanent, whoever believes in
God of Moses will be enter the Garden of Bliss. He called upon them not to enjoin with
Him partners of whom I have no knowledge and call you to the Exalted in Power. Who
forgive repeatedly .Soon you remember what I say to you and Allah saved him from every
ill they plotted against him, but the brunt of penalty fall on the people of Pharaoh (Ghaafir
40; 28-33 & 38-46). Pharaoh said to Haman “ O Haman build me a lofty palace that I may
attain ways and means; The ways and means of (reaching) the heaven, and I may mount
up to the God of Moses, I think (Moses) is a liar!’’Thus was made alluring, in the
Pharaoh’s eyes, the evil of his deed, he was hindered from the Path and the plot led to him
in perdition ( 40;36-37 ).

Moses called upon, put your trust in Him and submit, they (followers) said we put our
trust in Allah-Our Lord and do not make us trial for those who practice oppression. Allah
inspires Moses and his brother with a Message ’’Provide dwellings for the People of Egypt,
make your dwellings into places of worship, and establish regular prayers; and give Glad
Tidings to those who believe!’’ Pharaoh did not probably allow them to set up places of
prayer, they were now to be only sojourn in Egypt, Moses prayer in which Harun joined as
he was always with Moses to assist him in preaching the message of God. Harun an
excellent and eloquent preacher who accompany Moses wherever he go and he even in the
court of Pharaoh. Moses bequeaths Allah that You have indeed bestowed him and his
chiefs’ splendor of wealth in the life of present and they mislead men from the straight
path. Our Lord deface the features of their wealth and made their heart hard until
grievous penalty comes ,Allah accepted their prayer and advise Moses and Harun to stand
firm in the straight path and do not follow the path of those who do not know( Yunus -
10;84-89 ) .

The Punishment for Denial

The message of Moses was continuously rejected by the people and Pharaoh began to plot
new schemes of harassment and more repression of Israelites. Moses said to the people to
pray for Almighty’s help with patience and constancy, they said because of you we are
facing the trouble before and after you . Allah the Almighty did not exterminate the
people of Pharaoh except sending their messenger supported by miracles but the people
instead of submitting remain arrogant. Moses convinced the Copts (Egyptians ) the

Pharaoh is not the true god and warned the punishment of God for the wrong doers and
reward for the righteous but they rejected him outright. Then God decreed the
punishment over pharaoh and his people in the form of floods, that demolished their
dwellings, Swarms of Locusts that destroyed their crops, pestilence of lice that made their
life miserable, toads that croaked and sprang everywhere and thus turned the water of
Nile into blood. Each time Pharaoh was subjected to humiliation and they steeped in
arrogance .Every time the penalty fell on them, they appeal Moses to call His lord and we
will truly believe in you and we shall send away the children of Israel with you .When God
removed the penalty they broke their promise (7;128-135 ).

Great Exodus of Israelites and Split of Sea

The Israelites took permission from Pharaoh to attend the festival of their outside the city,
Pharaoh reluctantly gave permission but at the same time Israelites planned to escape the
tyranny and oppression of him. God ordered them to leave by night and they all leave by
night with Prophet Moses and prophet Harun and reached the seafront.

In the morning news of escape of Israelites reached Pharaoh, who immediately pursued
them with his army and reached the spot with face to face and the people of Moses said’’
we are sure to be overtaken’’ by Pharaoh and his army. Moses said by no means? My Lord
is with me soon will He guide us, God told Moses by inspiration ’’Strike the sea with your
staff, so it divided and each separate part became like the huge firm mass of mountain
and allowed the Israelite to pass through, Pharaoh witnessed the sea splitting alongside
his army but as they also tried to pass through, the sea closed on them and drown them
all, as Pharaoh was about to die in the water he called Moses and claimed to believe the
God of Moses but his belief and repentance at the moment was rejected and he died and
his body was thrown out of water and made a sign and warning for all future generation.
Verily God delivered Moses and all who were with him, Verily your Lord is He Most the
Exalted in Might, Most Merciful fulfilled the promised made to them to delivered from
the arrogant Pharaoh ( Al-Quran 26;58-69 ).This part of story is also narrated in other
chapters of Quran ( 7;136-137,10;88-90&103,44;17-33, 40;84-85 and 6;27-28 ).

Way to Promised Land

After escape from Pharaoh the Israelite continued their journey Allah directed Moses to
lead to the promised land( Palestine ) which had been promised to Abraham as a land in
which the pious and God fearing and his offspring would live and upholds Allah’s Law.
They came across the people worshipping Idols, the Israelites requested Moses to have an

Idol as gods similar to the Idols of those people, because they had experienced slavery
under Pharaoh and the influence of idolatry persist in them. Moses was shocked to know
the naïve idea and reproached them strongly saying you have been rescued from the
bondage of Egypt, do you hanker after the bondage of dead cult that is even debased them
that from which you have been rescued ( A’raaf 7; 138-141) The another event took place
after they departed from Egypt ,they were near the border of Promised Land ’Palestine ‘at
that time the area is inhabited by the people ‘Amalekites ( Amaalika ) they were
transgressors but strong and powerful giants.

The Islamic literature narrate that Moses decided to send 12 spies to observe the land and
its residents they encounter a giant ’Uj’ often identified as Og, the giant Og astonished by
the presence of Israelites spies and carried them in his pocket to the king Bashan ( from
biblical tradition ),Og displayed them to the king and informed him that the Israelites
wished to fight them, King ordered him to released them so that they may warn their
fellow Israelites. Further states that the Og the giant released the Israelites and saw their
camp, he broke a stone from the nearby mountain to crush them but Allah sends a hoopoe
that created a hole in the rock and it fell like a collar onto Og. Moses attacked the Og and
slew him with his staff. The Israelites witnessed the strength of inhabitants and they
refused to fight them. God promised that the victory is yours and put your trust if you
have faith, the two men among them urged them to fight, however, the Israelites ,as per
ancient Book tells that they were six hundred thousand men, Moses did not found them
but two who were ready to fight, however, all children of Israel were an incarnation of
cowardice and quivered from within and refused to fight and said ‘’ O Moses !while
they remain there, never shall we able to enter, to end of time. You go and
your Lord, and fight you two, while we sit here (and watch)’ ‘Moses express
his feeling and said ‘’O my lord ! I have power only over myself and my
brother; so separate us from this rebellious people!’’ And ‘’ Allah said
therefore the land will be out their reach for forty years; in distraction they
will wander through the land but you do not grieve over these rebellious
people ‘’ ( Al-Quran5;20-26 ).

Punishment of Israelites in Wilderness

The refusal of Israelites to fight the Amalekites and Allah destined them for forty years of
Diaspora or punishment and they wander ‘the valley of Tuwa’ for forty years.
During these periods, many events and miracle took place like endowing them with
shades of clouds to protect them from intense heat of the Sun, for sustenance sending of

narrates that when the wind blew and pass through the hole he had made in the calf,
went in search of illusion, it moaned like a real calf and the Israelites went so Manna
and Salwa (quails) from heaven for forty years. Providing water from rocks, revelation of
Torah, worshipping of calf, raising of Mount Sinai,, Israelite with Heifer, Moses with
Khizr, Moses and Qarun the unjust etc,.

Shades of clouds and Manna and Salwa

Allah blessed the wandering Israelites with shades of clouds over them to protect from
intense heat of the Sun and they ask Moses how we can live in this wilderness
without food. God send them heavenly arranged sustenance by providing manna and
quails, saying; ‘Eat of the good things We have provided for you ‘’ but they rebelled; to Us
they did no harm but they harmed their own Souls’’ (Al-Qura2;57-58 ).Manna the
heavenly supplied food to the Israelites without any effort made them arrogant. As per
Rabi ibn Abbass- Manna, a drink like honey mixes with water and gives queer taste .
Qatada said the Manna sent down to them like snow from dawn to dusk, it was whiter
than milk and sweeter than honey, each of them entitled to take a portion that was
sufficient for him during day and if it exceeds the share, it turn bad and vanish. Friday
each one of them take what was sufficient for him , because Saturday the day of fast and
prohibited all worldly affairs. Sa’eed ibn Zayd said as ‘Kama’ah ( i.e a kind of edible
fungus ) is like the Manna.

Ibn Abbas and others report ‘Salwa-quails like birds. Ibn Jarayh report Ibn Abbas
maintain that Allah gave them ‘clothes’ that never worn out or become dirty. In spite of
Allah’s generosity the mean spirited Israelites began to object that they were disgusted
with one kind of food and desired a change as Quran describe;- ‘’O Moses! we cannot
endure one kind of food (always ); so beseech your Lord for us to produce for
us of what the earth grows,-its pot-herbs, and cucumbers, its garlic, lentils,
and onions’’ Moses said ‘’ will you exchange the better for the worse ? You go
down to any town, and you shall find what you want! They were covered with
humiliation and misery; they drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This
became they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His Messenger
without just cause This because they rebelled and went on transgressing (Al-
Quran 2; 61).

Gushing of Water Spring

When the Israelites asked for water Moses prayed for water for his people .Allah
inspired Moses to ‘’strike the rocks with your staff ’’ then gush forth there from
twelve springs, each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of
the sustenance provided by Allah, and do not evil nor mischief on the face of
the earth (Quran-2; 60).

Ibn Abbas narrates this incident happen during 40 years of wilderness. The rock is from
Mt. Sinai which they carry and fulfill their water requirement. Yahiya ibn Nadr points out
asked by Juwaybir, How did each tribe know their own watering place? He answered
‘Moses put the rock down and from each tribe a man come ,then Moses strike the rock
and twelve spring gushed forth from it, he splashed them with water each from a tribe
certain springs, thus each man summoned his tribe to that prescribed spring .

Moses and the Revelation of Torah

Allah summoned Moses to Mt. Sinai ( Tur ) for enlightenment and bestowing of sacred
scripture. Moses left the people instructing Aaron to take care of them during his absence.
Moses was on Mt. Sinai and God commanded him for thirty days of fasting in the valley of
Tuwa for guidance, after completion of 30 days, Allah order another ten days of fasting
before returning. After completion of his forty days, Moses took a fragrant bark of a tree
and chewed it in order that his mouth will not give bad smell (odour) before God . Ibn
Abbas narrates that forty days were first thirty nights (days) in ‘Dhul Qadah’ and ten
nights in ‘Dhul Hajj “(7; 142).

Moses completed the term of fasting. He then returned to the spot, he took off his sleeper
went down in prostration and prayed God for guidance and begged to have the vision of
Almighty. God told that it would not be possible for Moses to view Him directly but
Moses insistence, Allah said ‘’By no means can you see me directly but look upon mount;
if it abide in its place, then shall you see Me’ When the Lord manifested His glory on the
Mount, He made it as dust, and Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his
senses he said ‘’ Glory be to You ! To You I turn in repentance, and I am the first to
believe’ ( 7;143 ).

Moses was given ‘Ten Commandments’ as guidance and mercy, directing Moses to
uphold the commands of Allah firmly which contains all things, those who behave
arrogantly in defiance of right , I will turn them away even from My signs, even they see
and not believe, see the way of right conduct and not adopt and follow the wrong way and
rejected our Signs they will be doomed and their place in Hereafter as shown you the
home of wicked (Hell Fire) Al-Quran 7;144-147 .

Worship of Calf

Moses left to the Aaron to address the Israelite in his absence the man called Samiri the
wicked created a golden calf proclaiming it to be the god of Moses , they began to worship
it, Aaron reminded them to refrain but Israelites refused and threatened to kill him. God
gave Moses Scriptures and informed him that Israelites had been gone astray by
worshipping a golden calf.

As Quran reveals that the Israelites forget Moses and the Samiri had led them astray
(Ta-Ha- 20; 85).

Moses returned with indignation and sorrow, He said ‘’O my people did not your lord
make a handsome promise to you? Did then the promise seem to you long in coming? or
did you desire that Wrath should descend from your lord on you, and so you broke your
promise to me ? They said’’ we did not break the promise to you, as far as lay in our
power; but we were made to carry the weight of ornaments and we threw them into fire
as per Samiri, suggestion and brought before Moses the golden calf and Moses say that it
had no to answer or harm you . Moses turn to Aaron and seize his beard in anger asked
why you have not controlled them ad lead them in the right path and disobey my order.
Aaron said I have called them to obey my command but they said we would not abandon
this cult until Moses return. Moses understood the situation prayed God for forgiveness,
Moses question samiri, he replied I saw what they did not see; so I took a handful of dust
from the foot print of Gabriel horse, threw into calf and did as my soul suggest. Samiri
was expelled with a curse ‘ Touch me not ; and moreover for a future penalty you have
promise that will not fail; now look at your god, of whom you have become a devoted
worshipper; we will melt it in a blazing fire and scatter it sea’. The wrong doer who
worshipped the calf were ordered to be killed for their crime (Ta-Ha 20; 86-97) and this
part of story is narrated in chapter; A’raaf -7; 148-153.

When the anger of Moses was appeased, he took up the Tablets (Torah); in writing
thereon was Guidance and Mercy for such as fear their Lord (7; 154). Ibn Abbas &
other mention that when Moses came to the Children of Israel with the
tablets ( Torah ), he ordered them to accept and take hold with firmness,
then they said spread them before us and if they contained easy command
and prohibition to be fulfilled, we would accept . Moses said you must accept
what they contain, they argued with him time and again. There upon God
commanded Angels to raise the Mt. Sinai over their head until and became a
canopy and they were told that if they did not accept , Mt. Sinai would fall on
them.Then they accepted and were ordered to prostrate themselves and they
did so looking at the Mt. Sinai ( A’raaf 7;171 & 2; 63-64 .

After that Moses choose 70 men from among the Israelites and ordered them to pray for
forgiveness, shortly thereafter the elders travelled alongside to witness the conversation
between Moses and God, despite witnessing the conversation between them, they refused
to believe until they saw God with their own eyes , so as a punishment for disobeying a
thunderbolt killed them all.

Moses prayed for their forgiveness and they were all resurrected and returned to camp
and set up a tent dedicated to worship God. Aaron taught them the Torah and they all
follow the command contained in the Scriptures and resumed their forward Journey to
the Promised Land (A’raaf 7; 155-157).

Israelites and Heifer

Islamic exegesis narrate the story of an old pious man who lived among the Israelites
earn his living honestly ,at the time of his death he leave behind a calf and instructed his
wife and son take care of the calf and leave in the forest and she did as told by her
husband. Few years later when his son grew up, she informed him about the calf. The son
travelled to forest with a rope, he prayed and prostrated to God to return the calf to him, a
grown up cow stand beside him, son took the cow with him to the house and the son also
pious man like his father and used to earn his living as a lumber jack.

A wealthy Israelite man died leaving behind enormous wealth to his son, the relatives of
the wealthy son secretly murdered him in order to inherit his wealth, and the other
relatives of the son came to Moses and asked his help in tracing the killers. Moses
instructed them to slaughter a cow and cut its tongue and then place it on the corpse this
would reveal the killers. This advice confused the relatives of the deceased and did not
believe Moses and could not understand why they have instructed to slaughter a cow
when they were trying to find out the killer, they accused Moses or think Moses was
joking, but Moses managed to convince that he was serious. The relatives asked the type
and age of the cow, Moses told it was neither old nor young but in between the two ages.
Instead of searching they further asked the color of the cow, Moses replied ‘ A fawn
colored heifer ‘and enquired additional details about the cow, Moses informed it was
unyoked ( did not plough the soil nor it did water the fields, sound and without blemish)
Al Quran 2;66-73. Then the relatives of the deceased went in search of the cow, they
found the cow of the orphaned youth, the youth refused to sell the cow without consulting
his mother, they went to his house the mother too was unwilling to sell despite the
relatives constantly increasing the price, the son refused but the mother agreed to sell it
for its skin filled with gold, the relatives and Moses consented , the cow was slaughtered
and corpse was touched by the piece of flesh, the corpse rose back to life and revealed the
identity of killers ( Story contains in the Masnavi of Jalaluddin Rume, the mystic poet of
Persia ) .

Moses and Al Khizr

Ubay ibn Ka’b report that Messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad (p u h ) said that
Moses got up to deliver sermon before the children of Israelites and he was asked who
more knowledgeable person among the people is . Moses replied I ( am the most learned
person ).

There upon Allah’s admonition came as he did not ascribe knowledge to Allah alone, so
Allah revealed to him, at the junction of the two seas there is a slave of Ours who is more
learned than you, Moses asked ‘O my Lord, how can I meet him ? Allah said, take a fish
put it in a basket and where you lose the fish you would find him there. Moses took a fish,
put it in a basket, and set out along with his attendant Joshua (Yusha ibn Nun –p u h).

Moses said to his attendant Joshua that he would not give up travelling until he had
reached the junction of the two seas or until he had spent years in travelling. Qatadah the
two seas are the Persian sea in the East and Roman Mediterranean Sea towards the west
and Sufyaan ibn Uyanah maintains. When they reached the junction of two seas and
found a rock and rested there, Moses fell asleep and at the rock there was a water spring
‘Anyul Hayat’ (who ever touched its water became alive ) as some of the water fell on the
fish causing it to move and slip out of the basket and jump into the water, Qatadah says
that the fish never head back to the sea but it turned frozen. Ibn Abbas adds that Joshua
said I would not wake up Moses, when Moses got up Joshua forget about the incident and
continued their journey. After walking, a distance Moses asked Joshua to fetch him the
meal as he was tired and suffered much fatigue and at this point of their journey Joshua
said that he forgot to tell him the fish slipped out of the basket and jumped into sea
(stating Satan made him to forget). Moses remember the God’s statement and said that
was the place they wanted, Allah had told him that he would meet Allah’s righteous
servant right at the place of fish slipped into water. They both returned to the place and
found a man whom God bestowed knowledge .Moses approach khizr and greeted him
asked in polite manner ‘Shall I closely follow you on condition that you teach me of what
you have been taught? Khizr warned Moses that he would not be able to remain in
patience and however consented on condition that Moses would not question his actions.
According to ibn Abbas, they proceeded along the sea coast so that they may find a boat to
sail apart. Al khizr asked the crew to give them the lift and they agreed, ibn Jabir said that
the crew member recognized khizr offered them board the ship without any price. When
they reach, the other front khizr took an ax, hammer chopped down a part of it, and
pulled out one of the plank of the boat, Moses noticed what khizr was doing. astonished
and said you have scuttled the boat though the crew had taken them on free on board,
khizr reminded him ‘Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me’? Moses
said rebuke me not for forgiving me by raising difficulties in my case’.

Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) said ‘’ the first excuse given by Moses was that he had
forgotten’’ . Ibn Abbas state they got out of boat and proceed until they came across a
town where they found some boys were playing there among was a boy most beautiful and
handsome, Al khizr took the boy and killed him with his knife. Moses abhorred even more

than the previous incident and not in control said ‘Have you killed an innocent boy who
had some name? The Al Khizr called Moses for questioning again and not keeping his
promise, Moses apologized and said ‘ if ever I ask you after this, keep me not in thy
company’ then wouldst thou have received full excuse from me side’.

They proceeded further after these two incidents until they arrived in a town asked the
people for food but the people of the town denied the hospitality, it was said that the
people were wicked and miser. Moses and Khizr saw a wall which was about to fall. Al
khizr set up the wall with his hands .

Ibn Abbas states Moses got annoyed at what Al khizr did and said to him ,if you had
wished you could have exacted some recompense for it . Ibn kathir explains in phrase ‘’
these are the people to whom we asked for food, yet they neither fed nor received us as
guests ,then you restored this wall for them without asking anything in return, had you
worked ,you could have exacted some recompense from it ‘’. Moses broken his last
promise, Al khizr informed him you have no patience and resulted in end of our company.
Before leaving, I will explain the reasons and actions behind these incidents, (1)
breaking of boat; the crew of the boat were the men of dire need of their livelihood
through it and had no other means. They had to pass by an unjust king who seized the
serviceable boats by force, so I render the boat unserviceable lest he might not seize.

( 2) The boy he killed; His parents were pious believers but the boy was unbeliever
and I feared that he would give them obstinate rebellion and disbelief so I desired that
their Lord would give them a son far better. (3) Repairing of wall;- The house belong
to two orphan in the town there was a treasure buried underneath it, which they were
entitled. Lord desired that they should get it at maturity, Ibn Abbas narrate ‘Allah
preserved of their fathers wealth for them in future ‘ Ibn kathir indicate’ Allah protect the
progeny of the righteous and blessed them because the parents worshipped and piety ‘.Al
Khizr states that he did not do these on his own accord but Allah commanded him and
helped him to fulfill it . In the realm of Islam, every Muslim must use these two terms in
all activities of life because it had wider ramification and a deep love of Allah and pure
faith. ‘’ So whatever work and action to be taken in future prophet
Mohammed(puh) said ‘ Utter’’ Insha Allah-( I will do it by Allah’s will )“ and’’
Masha Allah-( whatever Allah wills)’’ will be under the protection of Allah, ‘as
a Sign of pure belief and monotheism.

Moses and Qaroon the hypocrite

Qaroon was doubtless, of the people of Moses; but he acted insolently toward them; such
were the treasure We had bestowed on him, that very keys would have been a burden to a
body of strong men. Behold, his people said to him; ‘’Do not exult, for Allah does not love
those who exult (in riches) –Al-Quran 28; 76.

According to bible the story of Exodus ( 18-21 ) Qarun is called as Korah and his lineage
traces to the patriarch of Israelite ‘Levi’ – Korah son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi,
making him the great grandson of Levi and the Cousin of Moses { The fathers of Korah
and Moses were real brothers }.

As per Ibn Abbas and many others, Korah was the Moses Cousin. Qatadah claims that
Korah had a very pleasant voice while reciting the Torah, but he was a hypocrite as was
Samiri .

The Qarun rebelled against his own people and became strong supporters of hostile feet,
and then to knees and to shoulder and said to earth bring his treasure, then were all
forces who bent upon to wipe out Israelites. On account of his rebellion against his own
people, he had attained high status in Pharaoh Court with other person like Haman.
Quran states ‘’ (Remember also) Qarun, Pharaoh, and Haman; there came to them Moses
with clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not over
reach (Us)’’ Ankabut-29;39 .

The trustworthy advisors of his people advised him not to boast of what Allah bestowed
on him arrogantly, and they advised him that he should concern himself with seeking the
reward of Hereafter. Which is far better enduring than that and also told him that he
should not forget his portion of lawful food, drinks, home, clothes and wives in this world.
This is because a person has to fulfill certain rights viz right of Allah, right to feet, and
then to knees and to shoulder and said to earth bring his treasure, then were all oneself
and rights to wives etc, and further told him that he should not seek mischief in the land
and wrong Allah’s creatures lest Allah should punish him and deprive him what He has
given to him. Allah does not love those who do mischief (28; 77).

Allah the Almighty bestowed numerous wealth and riches on Qarun which said that its
keys would have been a burden to carry by a body of strong men and it is also stated that
the keys were made of leather and that they used to be carried on sixty mules- Allah
knows the best !

Al Quran Says ‘’ It is not your wealth nor your sons, that will bring you nearer to Us in
degree; but only for who believe and work righteous-these are the ones for whom there is
a multiplied Reward for their deeds*, while secure they ( reside ) in the dwellings on high
! ( 34;37 ) .Emphasize that God never look to their faces nor wealth but their hearts and
work ( as per Sahih Muslim-book of respect of Muslims ).Further state that the arrogant
people who argue without any authority to subdue the truth which they never succeed ; ‘’
Those who dispute about the Signs of Allah without any authority bestowed on them -
there is nothing in their breasts but ( the quest of ) greatness, which they shall never
attain to; seek refuge, then, in Allah ; it is He Who hears and sees ( all things ) – Al Quran
40;56 .’’

Qarun said that the riches he had was due to his knowledge and efforts and he rebel
against Moses and instigate people not to follow him, as he says lies and out rightly
rejected Moses by tooth and Nails . Ibn Abbas narrate that Korah gave a prostitute a sum
of money to say Moses committed adultery with her, she did so and consequently Moses
tremble with fear the allegation made against him, called her, and ask by Allah! who
instigated you to do this, tell me? She said Qarun hired me to do this act, she repented
and sought Allah’s forgiveness, upon that Moses prostrated himself and invoke Allah’s
wrath against Qarun. Allah the Almighty revealed to him that He subjugated the Earth
to obey him. Moses commanded the earth to swallow Qarun and his dwellings
altogether.The Karun went forth among his people in pomp and pageantry, guards,
mules and clothes in a procession( worldly glitter) and pass by Moses while he was
preaching the people, they saw him and their faces turned towards him, Moses called
Qarun why do you do this mischief? Qarun replied ‘O Moses! you have been favored
with prophet hood and I have been with riches, if you want, you may go forth and
invoke Allah’s wrath against me and I would invoke Him against you, thereupon both of
them went forth and Moses said ‘would you like to begin ? Qarun said ‘yes’ and he made
his invocation but they were not answered. When Moses invoked Allah the Almighty
against him saying that ’’O Allah Command the earth to transgressor Qarun to swallow
him to feet, and then to knees and to shoulder and said to earth bring his treasure, then
were all brought and said to them , Moses pointed with his hand saying ‘Go you son of
Levi ! And they all sunk in the earth making the transgressor downfall (28; 79 & 81).

Quran states how the people coveted then dislike ; - ’’And morning found those who
had coveted his place but yesterday crying; Ah, well a day! Allah enlargeth
the provision for whom He will of His slaves and straiteneth it (for whom
He will).If Allah had not been gracious unto us He would have caused it to
swallow us (also). Ah, well a day! The disbeliever never prosper (28;82)*.

Quran clearly say that the place of men in the ‘Hereafter’ that ‘’ If anyone does good
deeds, the reward to him is better than his deed*; but if he does evil deeds, the doers of
evil deeds are only be punished (to the extent) of their deeds (28 ;84 )* .As per Hadith’’
The reward for a good deed will be ten times to seven hundred times or
more and for bad deeds it is limited to the extent of evil’’ .

Ibn Masood narrate that Prophet said ‘’ Allah divided morals amongst you well as He
divided your provision, Allah ,however, gives wealth to whom He Loves or whom He does
not Love, but He gives ‘belief ’ only to whom He Loves .’

Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron

Aaron mentioned in Quran as a Prophet and God praise repeatedly calling him a ‘’
believing Servant of God’’ as well as one who was guided and one of the ‘Victors’ ( Quran
37; 114 & 122/ 6; 84 ).

Aaron was given prophet hood on the request of Moses and remained throughout his life
as an assistant and acted as a mouth piece of Moses . Aaron in Islam occupies an
important place in preaching with his brother Moses to the Pharaoh and event leads to
Exodus of Israelites and his guidance during wilderness in the valley of Tuwa for the
period determined by Allah. Islamic tradition records Aaron the role of patriarch and
that of his priestly descent came through this lineage which included entire House of
Imran ( Abdulla Yusuf Ali note 4-5 and ibn kathir commentary on Chapter 19;28 ).Al-
Quran contains various references about Aaron ;

Aaron the descendant of Abraham and it makes clear that both Moses and Aaron were
sent to Pharaoh to delivered and preach God’s message and the punishment there of for
rejection ( 10;75 ).

Moses also prayed Allah to strengthen his ministry with Aaron ( 20; 29-30 ) and Aaron
help Moses as he too was a Prophet ( 19;53 ), very eloquent and endowed with gift of gab
( 28; 34 ). We inspired Moses and his brother Aaron with this Message; ’’Provide dwelling
for your people in Egypt, make your dwellings into places of worship, and establish
regular prayers; and give Glad Tidings to those who believe!’’(10;87) .

Golden Calf-Aaron positive Light; Aaron was entrusted the leadership of Israelites when
Moses went to Mt. Sinai for 40 days to receive Torah ( 7;142 ) . In the absence of Moses,
the Israelite began to worship the golden calf made by Samiri the wicked man and Aaron
tried his best to persuade the Israelites to stop warship of golden calf (19; 50). When
Moses returns from Mt. Sinai, he rebuked Aaron allowing the worship of calf (idol), that
Aaron pleaded his inability to control (7; 150).

Quran further add that Moses lamented the Sins of Israelites and said ’’O my Lord! I have
power only over myself and my brother; so separate us from this rebellious people! (5;
25). Aaron is later commemorated in Quran as one who had clear authority ( 23;45 ),who
was guided by God to the straight path ( 37;118 ) and the memory of Aaron was left for
people who came after him ( generations comes after him -37;119) .

‘’Peace and salutation to Moses and Aaron! (37; 120). The Quran states ‘’ O sister of
Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil, nor your mother an unchaste
woman ‘’ !(19;28) .

The Muslim Scholars debated as to who exactly the ‘’ Aaron ‘’ was in terms of his historical
personality. Some says that it was refer to Aaron of the Exodus and the term ‘Sister
‘designing only a metaphorical and spiritual link between the two figures, all the more
evident when Mary was a descendant of the priestly lineage of Aaron, while other held it
to another righteous person living at the time of Christ by name Aaron. Most Scholars
agreed to the former perspective and have linked spiritually with the actual sister of
Aaron, her sister name ‘Miriam’ .

Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) said that he said to have met Aaron in fifth heaven when
in the miraculous ascension through the heaven during ‘Miraj’ and spoke to him and
mentioned the beauty of Aaron ( sahih Muslim -309-314 ). Martin Lings the biographer,
‘ Mohammed( p u h ), ‘ speaks Prophet wonderment at seeing fellow prophets in the
heavenly glory during Miraj . Of Joseph that his face had the splendor of a moon at its
full and that he had been endowed with no less than half of all existing beauty ,Yet this
did not diminish Prophet Mohammad wonderment at his other brethren and he
mentioned in particular the great beauty of Aaron ‘ . Islam treat Aaron both a prophet
and a priest and take care of the ‘Ark of Covenant and Tabernacle later on the Temple.
Prophet Mohammad reported to have said that ‘’ Will you ( Ali ) not be pleased that you
will be to me like Aaron to Moses ? but there will be no Prophet after me – ‘’ Sahih
Bukhari vol 5 book 57-No 56 .

Aaron family; Aaron married Ekisheba the daughter of Amminadab and the sister of
Nahshan of the tribe of Judah. The sons were Eleazar, Ithamar, Nadab and Abhhu. The
descendants of Aaron are called’ Aaronites or Kohan means ‘priest’.

Tomb of Aaron;- The Aaron died three years before Moses in wilderness before the
Israelites cross the Jordan River and he was buried in ‘Jabal Harun’ or Aaron Mountain
near Petra Jordan. The tomb Aaron is located at a height of 1350 meters above sea level
on the mountain which is the highest peak in the area and the place has greater sanctity
among the local people. In 14th century, Mamluk Sultan constructed a Mosque with
white dome visible from most parts in and around Petra.

Moses and Bal’am son of Ba’ura

Quran narrates the story of Bal’am son of Ba’ura the pious and saintly person among
Israelites who gone astray and lost Allah’s providence and grace due to inclination
towards worldly unholy acts and a lessons to people who rejects Allah’s message ;

Holy Prophet Muhammad( p u h )was asked by God to relate the story to the people and
to show how a devoted scholar and great spiritual leader in Israelites during Prophet
Moses time was deprived of all the knowledge and fame only following the mundane
desires rejecting the message of God .

Chapter 7- A’raaf (The Heights)

175. ‘’ Relate to them the story of the man Whom We sent Our Signs, but be
passed them by ; so Satan followed him up, and he went astray.

176- If it had been Our Will, We should have elevated him with Our Signs,
but he inclined to the earth, and followed his own vain desires. His
similitude is that of a dog; if you attack him, he lolls out his tongue, or if
you leave him alone, he still lolls out his tongue. That is the similitude of
those who reject Our Signs; so relate the story; perchance they may reflect.

177. Evils as an example are people who reject Our Signs and wrong their
own souls.

The majority of trusted Scholars reported story based on the authority of the followers of
Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ),. Ibn Masood, Ibn Ishaq and Abdullah ibn Abbas and others
maintain s that the above verse relates the story of a saintly person among the Israelites
named Bal’am son of Ba’ura living in Canaan near Jerusalem. He had the knowledge of
certain Books revealed by Allah. This event took place during the wilderness of Israelites
who were near the Canaan land near Syria. Allah commanded Moses and his people to
fight against the people of Canaan. When the army of Moses approaches their territory,
the people came to Bal’am and said that Prophet Moses and strong man with great army
had come to expel us from our land. Pray Allah that He may turn back without fighting a
war Bal’am known to be having knowledge of most gracious name of Allah, he used to
pray with the help of this name and his prayers were generally granted by God. Bal ‘am
said to them that Moses being the prophet of Allah and he had the support of Allah and he
could not pray against him as he knows the rank of prophet Moses held with the Almighty
Exalted God , praying against him he will ruin himself both in this world and in the world
to come.

The people said we have no other choice and they went begging him until he convinced
.Bal ‘am said that he first seek Allah’s consent if He permitted him for such prayer he will
do so. He performed some act to seek Allah’s consent and in dream he was prohibited and
he informed the people .The people presented a considerable gift which he accepted,
subsequent to the gift their insistence increased and some say his wife also advised him to
accepts the gifts and pray for them, being blinded by the love of wealth and wife he started
praying against the prophet Moses and his people. The unusual things happened on that
occasion that by the Will of Allah the words he wanted to utter against Moses in his
invocation uttered against their people themselves.

They cried out and admonished him that he was invoking against them. Bal ‘am said that
he was unable to utter a word against Moses and he had no control over his tongue .The
Allah’s wrath came over him and he ruined his life both in this world and the world to
come and he was deprived of all the spiritual powers he had and afflicted with the
physical punishment that his tongue protruded from his mouth so much so that it
dangled on his chest.

Bal ‘am after losing his favors suggested to the people saying -there is only one way you
can overcome the Israelites. Decorate your beautiful girls and send them to the Israelites
camp giving instructions that they should not put up any resistance against whatever the
Israelites, being away from homes they are likely to involve themselves in adultery being
the most detestable act to Allah through this we can incur the wrath of Allah on them .

When these women enters the camp an prominent person Zamir son of shalun fell prey to
the women and took her with him to his tent to commit adultery , Moses called him to
stop the wicked act but he refuses .

Allah afflicted them with plague. Finhas son of Al- Izar son of Aaron who was the leader
of Israelites came to know what Zamir did and he took his sword and killed both of them.
Then they turned to Allah in repentance and asked His forgiveness. Allah relieved them of
this disgraceful punishment. Quran used the expression of ‘’ wriggle out’ for Bal ‘am
disregard to the knowledge and wisdom Allah had given to him. Allah compares the
people who rejects the Message and wrong their souls to dogs, if you attach him he lolls
out his tongue or if you leave him alone he still lolls out his tongue.

The lesson from this story foretell the Arabs of Mecca through the revelation to prophet
Muhammad ( p u h ) that’’ Deviation from the Commandment of Allah is itself a
punishment and it open the door to ‘Satanic influences ‘’ . Therefore, any one with
knowledge of Allah as per the verse above Satan unable to possessed him and he must
help himself protecting from the evil influence.

Isra and Miraj in Islam and Moses

The memorable Miracle of Isra and Miraj happened on 27th month of Rajab (Islamic 7th
month) half and a year before migration. Prophet was in Mecca in that night Gabriel-
archangel of Allah came with a heavenly mount ‘Buraq-the steed of paradise and took him
to Jerusalem ( Al Qads ) to Masjid Al-Aqsa, this part of journey is called ‘Isra’ the
nocturnal travel. Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) offered prayer at the Mosque as ‘ Imam ul
Anbiya ‘of all prophets of Islam .Then the heavenly Journey begins with Gabriel and
enters the first heaven where he met Adam ‘the father of humanity, he greeted the
Prophet ‘you are welcomed ‘O my son and a Prophet’.

Next ascended to second heaven where he met ‘Jesus, Yahiya (John the Baptist) they both
welcomed with same salutation ‘O brother and a prophet. ‘ In the 3rd heaven prophet met
Joseph and greeted with same that in 4th heaven prophet met Idris ( Enoch ) with same
greeting and in 5th heaven ‘Aaron’ the brother of Moses was met and greeted in a similar
manners. In the Sixth heaven Prophet Muhammad met Moses with the welcome, after
that when Prophet Muhammad proceeded further he started weeping and he was asked
the reason for weeping he said’’ O Lord! The followers of this youth who was sent after me
will enter Paradise in greater numbers than my followers’.

Thereafter Prophet Muhammad (p u h ) ascended the 7th Heaven, there he met Abraham
who said you are welcomed’’ O Son and a prophet, -

‘’ I was shown the ‘Bait al Ma’mur- the House of Allah’ and Prophet asked
Gabriel about it and he said this House of God where about seventy thousand
Angels turn around in prayers and when they leave and they never return again but
always a first batch. Then I was shown the path to ‘Sidratal Muntaha- a tree in 7th
Heaven and saw Nabk fruit which resembled like clay jugs of Hajr ( a town in
Arabia ) and its leaves were like the ears of elephant, four rivers originates at
its roots, two of them visible and two were hidden. I asked about two rivers
and said, the two hidden rivers are in Paradise and the two apparent ones are ‘Nile
and Euphrates ‘ . All of them I left behind passing through the 7 layers of
Heaven reach the ‘ Arsh A’la -the Sublime Throne ‘ and met the Almighty
without any barrier in a place called ‘ Qab Qawsayn ( distance of two
arches ) saw the ‘ Infinite beauty of Light and heard a voice and
conversation with Almighty took place.

Prophet Muhammad (p u h) return with a gift of 50 prayers and descended met Prophet
Moses in 6th Heaven, Moses asked me ‘what have you done? I said 50 prayers have been
enjoined on me, he said I know the people better than you because I had the hardest
experience to bring Bani Israel to obedience. Your followers cannot put up with such
obligation, so return to Lord and request for reduction, like that Prophet Met Allah He
reduced to 40 and met Moses similar discussion took place and returned to Allah, He
made 30, then 20 and again 1o ultimately Allah reduced to 5 times in a day, when I came
again Moses advised for further reduction but Prophet Muhammad said I surrender to
the final orders of Allah, then Allah addressed the Apostle ‘I have decreed My obligation
and have reduced the burden on My servants and I shall reward a single good deed as if it
were ten good deeds - (Sahih Bukhari Vol 4 Book 5 Hadith-beginning of creation No 429

Like that the advice and guidance of Prophet Moses given to Prophet Mohammad ( p u h )
and made the Muslim Ummah to follow and pray 5 times in a day rather than 50 times in
a day which are equal to that counts . There are many similarities between Moses and
Prophet Muhammad (p u h ) that the revelation of Torah to Prophet Moses and Quran to
Prophet Muhammad( p u h ) The ancestral ties of two faiths relates that Prophet
Muhammad invited the pagan Arabs to worship ‘One God’ and Moses also kept steering
his wayward Israelites towards ‘ monotheism ‘.

Qur’an and Torah

Quran proclaim the revelation of Torah from God;-

‘’ It was We revealed the Law ( to Moses); there in was the guidance and light . By its
standard have been judged the Jews, by the Prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah’s
Will, by the Rabbis and Doctors of Law. For to them was entrusted the protection of
Allah’s Book, and they were witnesses thereto ;therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and
do not sell My Signs for a miserable price . If any do fail to judge by (the light of ) what
Allah has revealed, they are ( no better than ) Unbelievers ‘’ ( Maida- 5;44). Islam
considered Moses the receiver of Torah as it contains the guidance and light for Israelites
and teaching of ‘Oneness of God, Prophet hood, and the Day of Judgment. Moses and
Harun taught and preached Torah as it contains the Laws for Israelites. Among the books
of the complete Hebrew bible only the Torah meaning the books of Genesis,
Deuteronomy, Numbers, Leviticus and Exodus are considered to divinely revealed instead
of the whole Tanakh or old testaments. Quran confirms the ‘Ten Commandments ‘given
to Israelites through Moses contained guidance and understanding of all things. Quran
states that Moses preached the same message as Prophet Muhammad .The Torah foretold
the arrival of Prophet Muhammad and the modern Scholars like Mark N; Swanson and
David Richard Thomas cite Deuteronomy 18;15-18, confirmed the fact .

Islamic Scholars states that Torah has been corrupted and the nature of corruption has
been discussed and mentioned. Muslim Scholars Ibn Rabban and Ibn Qutayba stated that
–Torah had been distorted in its interpretation rather than its text. Scholar Al Tabari
states the distortion caused in the ‘meaning and interpretation of the Torah’ . Tabari
considered the learned Rabbis producing writing alongside the Torah , which was based
on their own interpretation of the text, and the Rabbis ‘twisted their tongues’ and made
them appear as though they were from the Torah and added to the Torah. Which was not
the original part of it and these writings distorted the fact at the time of arrival of last
prophet of Islam Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) .

Later on, these writings of rabbis were mistaken by Jews to be the part of Torah and
minority of scholars held the view , as per Al-Maqdisi the Torah was further corrupted in
the times of Ezra when his disciples made addition and subtraction in the text narrated
by Ezra. The Maqdisi also stated that discrepancies between Jewish Torah, the Samaritan
Torah and the Greek Septuagint pointed to the fact that the Torah was corrupted ( Al
Tabari ).

Ibn Hazm considered Ezra who dictated the Torah from his memory and made significant
changes in the text considered as the forger of the Torah and accepted the truth of verses
that foretold the arrival of Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ). A Person who believe and affirm
full faith in Allah, completely surrender to the“ Will of Allah ‘ is a Muslim as declare in
the opening Chapter of Holy Quran. The Quran begins with the word ‘In the name of
Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful’, called upon believer to ‘Praise is to Allah, the
Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day
of Judgment. You do we worship, and You aid do we seek. Show us the straightway, The
way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, those whose ( the path ) is not
wrath, and who do not go astray ‘’ ( Fatiha –beginning-1;7 ) . With this preamble, Allah
set precedents in the Al Quran as chapter 2 states ‘’ Alif Lam Meem ! This is the Book ; in
it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah. Who believe in the Unseen, are
steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for them. And who believe in
the Revelation sent to you, sent before your time, and (in their hearts) have assurance of
the Hereafter . As to those who rejects Faith, it is the same to them whether you warn
them or do not warn them, they will not believe ‘’ ( Al Baqara 2;1-6 ) .

The belief in Unseen involves belief in Allah, His Angels, His earlier Holy Scripture (
Torah, Zabor and Bible and host of Scrolls) and His Prophets . His Earlier Prophets were
from Adam to Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ), Day of Judgment and the Fate ( good or bad
happening from Allah’s ) And Resurrection after death on the day of Judgment . Further
belief in Allah as Omnipotent, Omni mist and Omni Present and His 99 attributes as
enshrined in Islam.

Quran in chapter Al-Imran 3; 1-3 further emphasize that ‘’ A.L.M., Allah! There is no god
but He-the Living, the Self –Subsisting, Eternal , It is He Who sent down to you ( step by
step ), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it ; and He sent down the Law ( of
Moses ) and the Gospel ( of Jesus ) before this, as a guide to mankind and He sent the
Criterion ( of judgment between right and wrong ) . With this assurance, Allah taken the
responsibility to protect the Holy Quran from distortion or corruption by any human ,
thus, the Holy Quran revealed by Allah on Prophet Muhammad ( P u h ) more than 1400

years ago is preserved and protected intact until date. All Muslim Ummah all over the
World affirm full faith without an iota of doubt in the revelation and believe as the “ Word
of Allah ‘’ and follow and practice in total sublimation to Allah and His Prophet as
outlined in Imaan and Kaleema are basic and fundamental article of Faith..

The Moses is called as ‘Kaleemulla – One who talk with Allah, the Hadith
states that;- On the Day of Judgment, ‘Everyone will experience unconsciousness,
Muhammad ( p u h ) will be the first to awake and he will see Moses standing and holding
the throne of God, Prophet narrates that he will not know whether Moses woke up before
him or was exempted from the stroke- Sahih Bukhari 4;55;626 .

Last Days of Moses

The passing of Aaron made Moses for many years without Support, he remained
steadfast, firm in belief of God in Wilderness, at this fag end of his life, Joshua the
attended became for his moral support and the Successor of Moses to lead the Israelite to
the promised land -Canaan. As per Hadith- When the Angel of death came to Moses but
Moses slapped the Angel in his eye, the Angel returned to God and told Him that Moses
did not want to die ( Islamic encyclopedia ). Allah told the Angel to return and tell Moses
to put his hand on the back of an ox and for every hair that comes under his hand; Allah
gives him a year’s life. When thereby Moses heard and asked God what would happened
after the granted period of time, God informed him that he would have to die . Then
Moses realize and requested God for death at the current age near the promised land at
his sight that at a distance of a stone throw away from it – Sahih Bukhari 2;23;423 .As
per his request he was died at the age of 120 years ( death – 1272 BCE ) and buried in the
valley near Jerusalem.

Burial Place

Muslim believes that the grave of Moses is located at Maqam el Nabi Moses that lies 11 km
( 6,8 miles ) south of Jericho and 20 km ( 12 Miles ) east of Jerusalem in the Judean
Wilderness . A side road to the right of Jerusalem and Jericho road i.e. about 2 km ( 1.2
mils ) beyond a signboard indicating sea level leads to the site and Fatimid, Tayabi and
Dawoodi Bohra sects and Judaism also believed in the same place .

The main body of present shrine is dedicated to biblical Prophet and built by Baibars
Mamluk Sultan in 1270 AD. Turkish regime over the year as a part of general policy after
conquering towns and rural area from Lebanon down to Hebron from the crusades held
the land under their control until 1917 and in 1995, the control over the land was of
handed over to Palestinian National Authority under the jurisdictional control of Israel.

Story of Joshua (Yusha) Bin Nun

The story of Joshua begins with Moses as one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to identify
the land of Canaan and in several places as an assistant to Moses as well at the time of
meeting the Khizr and accompanying Moses leading the Israelites in Wilderness for forty
years in valley of Tuwa .

The Hebrew bible-Book of Exodus, Numbers and Joshua bin Nun concur with Islamic
tradition that he was with Caleb one of the two believing spies of Israelites Moses had sent
to the land of Canaan. Quran said in chapter 5;22-23 as the two God fearing men whom
Allah had bestowed His Grace’’ and their names were not mentioned but in other Islamic
literature names applies as Joshua and Caleb and the genealogy of Joshua son of Nun son
of Ephraim son of Joseph son of Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham.

Joshua regarded as Prophet by some classical scholars as the prophetic successor to

Moses ( ibn kathir )and others regard him as a pious man. He was born in Egypt prior to
Exodus and was occasionally associated with Caleb. Joshua leads the Israelites after the
death of Moses and called the people to worship Allah Alone but None and told them that
he was a prophet sent to them by Allah. Then Allah commands us to fight the people of
Jerusalem since the victory is ours. They all marched towards Jerusalem and seized it
until Allah granted them victory on a late Friday afternoon when the Sun was about to
set then they have to enter Saturday into Jerusalem which was their sacred day on which
all activities were forbidden to them and were asked to sanctify . Joshua asked the Sun to
stop setting until they enter Jerusalem on Friday, Hadith of Abu Hurairah report that
Prophet Muhammad said ‘’ Sunset was never prevented for any human being except the
Joshua when he marched to enter Jerusalem .

Another Hadith reports by Abu Hurairah as Prophet said, ‘’ A prophet set out for
fighting, then he said to his people the persons should not follow me, a man married a
woman but did not consummate his marriage with her while he wishes to do so. A man
built a house but did not roof it, and a man bought sheep or pregnant camel waiting for
their Progeny; He marched until he was near the town ( he intended ) when he performed
afternoon prayer or close to that time, He said to the Sun. You are commanded and I am
so, O Allah, postpone its settings for some time and then it was postponed until Allah
granted victory.

They collected the war booty place that a fire would come and consummate it, but it did
not happened and the prophet said there is dishonesty among you, so let a man from
every tribe swear allegiance (shake hands with me).

Whose hand stuck to the hand of a man among them and see dishonesty occurred by
some of your tribe. So let your tribe swear allegiance and shake hand with me this time
his hand stuck to the hands of two or three, He said Dishonesty occurred among you, you
have stolen something dishonestly, they brought a golden head of a cow put it among the
booty, then the fire came and consumed before us. However, Allah knew our weakness
and inability so He made it lawful for us ‘’ ( Ibn Kathir-stories of Prophets ).

When the Allah granted them victory and they conquered Jerusalem, Allah ordered them
to enter the gate of the town in a posture of humility expressing gratitude to Allah for the
great victory He bestowed on them, which He had promised that they would return to
their land, which they inherited, from their forefather Jacob. Allah finally guided them
after a long period of wandering, Allah ordered them to utter ‘’ Hittatun nagfir lakum
khataa-yaakum’’ means that forgive our previous sins , while they enters the towns
with humility.

The Israelites changes Command of Allah and entered the gate of the town raising their
heads in arrogance, dragging themselves on their buttocks and said ‘’ Habbatun fi sha’
ratin’ ( i. e grains ) , and in contrast when Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) on conquer of
Makkah entered the city . Prophet Muhammad (puh) riding on the she camel showing
humility and gratitude to Allah to the extent that the tip of his beard touches the back of
the camel. Prophet on entering took bath and offered eight rakat ( unity of prayers )
which was a thankfulness prayers .The command of Allah and transgression by Israelite
is narrated in Quranic chapters- 2; 58-59 and 5; 161-162 .

Consequent of the disobedience of Israelites to Allah’s command, the wrath of Allah

came in the form of plague. As per sahih Hadiths narrated by Usama ibn Zayd the
Prophet said’’ The disease that is the plague was a punishment sent down to some of the
people who came before you, another Companion of Prophet Annas ( RA ) also confirm
the above .

After their repentance Allah withdrawn the epidemic(plague) and the Israelites dwell in
Jerusalem and believe in the message of Torah, Joshua lived among them and preach the
Torah- Book of Allah revealed to Moses, unlike Joshua died at the age of 127 years and he
lived 27 years after the death of Moses .

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Story of Prophet Elijah ( Arabic-Ilyas or Ilya )

Quran narrate about Prophet Elias as His Messenger in chapter 37 verse 123‘’So also
was Elias among those sent ( by Us ) .He was born in Jordan place called’ Jal’ad’
and in Quran named him as’ Elias or El’yaseen ‘ , the genealogy of Elijah was neither
mentioned in Quran nor in bible ,but some scholars believe he may have come from the
priestly family of the prophet Aaron-Elias son of Yasin son of Finhas son of Al Izar son of
Aaron son of Imran ( by Ibn kathir-stories of prophets ).Elijah figure has however been
identified with number of other prophets and Saints including Idrees in Quran.Elijah was
sent to the people of ‘Baalbek’ to the west of Damascus in Syria (The story of people of the
based on commentary of Holy Quran by Abdulla Yusuf Ali –Note 4112 ). The Hebrew
bible and Muslim literature records Elijah’s primary prophesying taken place during the
reign of King Ahab and Jazebel and his son Ahaziah ( story find in old testament in 1 king
17-19 and 2 king 1-2 and Ahaziah ( BC 874-872 ) kings of( Northern ) kingdom of Israel of
Samaria. He was a prophet of the desert like the John the Baptist unlike our holy prophet
(Muhammad –p u h ) who took part in controlled and guided all the affairs of the people .

Both Ahab and Ahaziah were prone to lapses into the worship of ‘Baal’ the sun god
worshipped in Syria, that worship also included the worship of nature power and
procreative powers, as in the Hindu worship of Lingam . King Ahab had married a
princes of Sidon- Jazebel a wicked woman who led her husband to forsake Allah and
adopt the worship of ‘Baal ‘ . Elijah denounced all Ahab’s sins and Ahaziah eventually had
to his flee for his life ( old testament 4 kings 2;11 ).

Quran mention in clear terms that Elijah preached the people in a concise manner come
to the worship of Allah – Your Lord and cherisher of your fathers of old and leave the
worship of Baal an idol ( 37;123-126 ). But the people rejected his message and continued
to follow idolatry ,only a few devoted servants of Allah followed him ( 37;127-128 ), Allah
left ( this blessing ) for him among generations ( to come ) in later time and Allah praise
him and said ‘ indeed We reward those who do right and he was one of Our believing
Servants ‘ ( 37 ; 129-132 ).

Elijah continued his preaching to the people and they all joined together rejected his
message and threatened him to kill if he continued his message. Elijah fearing the
punishment went away and disappeared. Some say he was taken upon a whirlwind to
heaven in chariot of fire leaving the mantle of Prophet hood to ‘ELISHA ‘ .

Elijah in Islamic Legends

Elijah appears in later Islamic literary legends and folk tales Hamzanama- the Adventure
of Amir Hamza involving Elijah meeting khizr .

Muslim exegetes reports that Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) with his followers once met
Elijah on a journey outside Mecca. Elijah served the prophet with food from heaven and
then left on a cloud heading towards heaven ( regards as Folk tale ). In Islamic Mysticism,
Elijah was associated with Khizr .One legend reported that Elijah and khizr meet together
every year in Jerusalem go on pilgrimage to Mecca. Elijah appear in Hamza nama in
number of times where he spoken of as being the brother of khizr as well drunk from the
‘fountain of youth ‘the Nectar of Immortality’( Abe-Haya).

Story of Prophet Elisha (Arabic-Al’yasa)

In Islam Elisha ( Alyasa ) is also considered as a Islamic prophet and believed that God
directed Elijah (Ilyas) to be the prophetic successor of him .Elisha is mentioned twice in
holy Quran as a prophet along with fellow prophets.
Chapter 6;86 of holy Quran states ,‘’ And Ismail and Elisha And Jonas, and
lot; and to all We gave favor above the nations’’.

Chapter ; 6;87 – (To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren;
We chose them, and We guided them to a straight way .Chapter 38;48- And
commemorate Ismail, Elisha, and Zul –kifl; each of them was of the
company of the Good.

Elisha story was often grouped with that of his contemporary Elijah ( Ilyas ). The
narration of Elisha in Muslim tradition is similar to that in Hebrew bible .He was born in
Samara in the land of Canaan ( Palestine ) North East of the sea coast and he was the
cousin of Elijah (Elyas),his genealogy traces through his father in Islamic tradition named
‘ ukhtub( shaphat ) a wealthy land owner of Abel meholah.

Elisha took up the prophesying through the reign of four kings Joram, Jehu, Iehoahaz and
Jehoash (Abdullah Yusuf Ali commentary on verse 6;86 )and called upon the people to
follow the message of God and stop worshipping the Baal the sun god and guide the
people. He was also well versed in military technique, guides the kings, and shows many
miracles and people come to him for help and solution, which he solved.

A story of how Elisha helps the three kings, taken from Hebrew bible narrated to
determine his prophetic power. For many years the Moabites had been subjugated by the

Ahab king of Israel (of- ten tribes ) when Ahab died, they rebelled and again became a
menace to the land of Israelites. Ahab son Jehoram who was succeeded his brother
Ahaziah as the king of Israel appeal to Jehoshophat, king of Judah for help and he agreed,
then the two Jewish king marched with their armies through Edom and the king of Edom
also joined when the armies were poised for battle against the Moabites, they ran out of
water and faced intense water drought and there was not a drop of water in the valley.
The three kings then went to Elisha and Elisha seeing the face of Jehoram who was
following his father’s steps and continuing to spread Baal worship in his kingdom . Elisha
expressed his anger against the king Jehoram an idolater, but for the sake of king of
Judah who was believer, he took the opportunity to show the Gods kindness to people. He
told them utter the name of God-the Exalted and Almighty One, and dig the ditches
,though there was no wind or rain, by God’s Grace the Ditches would be filled with pure
drinking water for them and to their horses and promised them the complete victory over
Moabites . In addition to this , there were many miracles occurs throughout the life of
Elisha and he helped the people and preach the Message of God and made them to believe
in the message of God.

Tomb of Elisha

Elisha died at an old age and some Muslim believes the Tomb of prophet Elisha is in Al-
Awjam in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The shrine was removed by the Govt., of
Saudi Arabia in December 2012 , and they think that veneration of grave is not in
accordance with Wahabi- Salafi pan- Islamism .A shrine of Elisha is present in the Egil
District of Diyarbakr province-Turkey .


The Quran does not named Shamweel directly but Islamic Scholar based on the
commentary of chapter 2; 246, and in Musnad of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal states that
Allah sent 1,24,000 Prophets and from among them 315 were messenger of God. The
belief circulated in Islamic literature give vent and widely accepted that ‘he was a
contemporary Prophet before David (Samuel in bible). The story of Prophet Shamweel
based from the material available in the Book ’Stories of Prophet’ by Islamic renowned
Scholar and Commentator Ibn Kathir. Prophet Shamweel genealogy traces back to and
considered a descended from Aaron from the family of Imran.

Wahb ibn Munabih and others state that the demise of Prophet Moses, Allah raised
occasionally amongst them the prophet to enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.
Ibn Jareer narrate that the children of Israel deviated from the right path and indulged in

vices and commit sins ,killed more and more prophets, then Allah made the tyrannical
kings rule to persecute and oppressed them and shed their blood instead of the prophets .

The commentary of Abdullah Yusuf Ali of chapter 2;246 state that Next generation after
Moses and Aaron was ruled by Joshua who crossed the Jordan river and conquered
Palestine and settled in the tribes of the region, his rule lasted for 25 years, after which
there was a period of 320 years in which the Israelites had a chequered history. They were
not united among themselves and suffered many reverses at the hands of Midianites
,Amalekites and others tribes at Palestine .They wanders from place to place from time to
time until Allah restored under theocratic commission .The last of their line was Samuel
,who mark the transition towards the line of kings on the one hand and later prophets on
the other, his period may be dated approximately 11th century BC .

At the beginning the Israelites never defeated since they had the Torah and the Ark of
Covenant, which was passed from one generation to the next generation. Whenever the
Israelite fought the battle against the enemy they used to take the ‘relic of Moses’ as a sign
of victory. When they lapsed in falsehood, during one of the battle against the people of
Gaza and Ashketon they were defeated in the battle and the enemy captured the ‘Ark of
Covenant’ and took away along with Torah. Allah ceased to raised prophets from among
their tribes to the extent that whole of Levi tribe from which Allah raised prophets
perished except a pregnant woman whose husband was also killed, therefore, they
confined her so that Allah may bestow upon her a son who would be their prophet. The
God fearing Israelite woman supplicated Allah to bestow her boy and Allah answered her
prayer and give her a boy named Shamweel or Shamun. When the boy grew up and
reached the age of prophet hood Allah sent him to call the Israelites to Worship Allah
Alone and so he followed the command of Allah. The Israelites urged him to appoint for
them a king to lead them in fighting their enemies since they were without a king for long
time. Prophet Shamweel said it is not possible, if you commanded to fight that you will
not fight. They said ‘How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allah, seeing that we
turned out of our homes and our families? But when they were command to fight, they
turned back, except a small band among them. But Allah has full knowledge of those who
do wrong (2;246 ).

Their prophet said to them ’Allah has appointed Talut as king over you. ’They said,’’
How can he exercised authority over us when we were better fitted than he to exercise
authority, and he is not even gifted, with wealth in abundance?’’ He said; Allah has
chosen him above you, and has gifted him abundantly with knowledge and bodily
prowess; Allah grants His authority to Whom He pleases. Allah care for all, and He
knows all things’ (2; 247).

The above verse indicate that the authority of Allah and appointment of Saul (Arabic-
Talut) as king who belong to Judas tribe and was one of their soldier who did not
belong to the households of kingship. That is why the Israelites object his authority but
some say Talut was a water carrier or tanner. ‘’And (Further) their Prophet said to
them; ‘’ A sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the ‘Ark of
Covenant, with assurance there in of security from your Lord, and the relics
left by Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this a Symbol
for you if you indeed have faith’’- (2; 248).

Ibn kathir says that Allah’s blessing in appointing Talut (Saul) a righteous man as a king
of Israelite was that he would returned to them the Ark of Covenant captured by their
enemy( Sakinah- Security). Ibn Abbas explain ‘Sakinah “ a golden basin used by prophets
to wash their body, Allah gave it to Moses and to put the tablet in it, as per relic left by the
family of Moses and family of Aaron. The Ark of Covenant is a chest of acacia wood
covered and lined with pure gold about 5ftx3ftx3ft and it was contained the ‘testimony of
God or ten commandment’ engraved on a stone with relics of Moses and Aaron, its gold
lid was to be the ‘Mercy Seat’ with two cherubim of beaten gold with wings outstretch ).
Further Ibn Abbas says about that the relic was brought by angels and handed over to
king Talut (Saul) which the Israelite saw with their own eyes ( when the Ark of Covenant
back .,it remained in a village (quarya) of Ya’arim (kirjah-jearim) for 20 years and was
taken to capital when the kingship was instituted.

When Talut set forth his armies, he said ‘’Allah will test you at the stream; if any one drink
the water of stream, he does not go with my army, only those who do not taste of it go
with me. A mere sip out of the hand excused , but they all drank of it except a few of them
remain faithful to the instruction of Talut. When they crossed the river,- he and the
faithful ones with him-they said ; This day we cannot cope with Goliath and his forces ‘’
But those who were convinced that they must meet Allah, said ‘’How oft, by Allah’s will,
has a small force vanquished a big one? Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere ‘’(
2;249 ).

Ibn Abbas report the stream was the river of Jordan and added that the first thirst who
took a sip out of hand quenched but the thirst of those who drink of its water never
quenched. The Sahih Bukhari narrates ‘’that Al Baara ibn Aazib saw we the companion of
prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) used to say that the number of the warriors at Al Badr was
the same as the numbers of Saul companion who crossed the river ( Jordan) with him and
all who were with him were believers –that is 313 in numbers.’’

When they advanced to meet Goliath and his forces, they prayed;’’ Our Lord! Pour out
constancy on us and make our steps firm; help us against those that reject faith ‘’( 2;250 ).
Ibn kathir mention that the prayers of faithful was answered by Allah and granted them
victory over the unbelievers.

Likewise, Allah granted victory to Prophet Muhammad ( p u h) and his companion
numbering 313 in the battle of Al Badr over thousand unbelievers.

By Allah’s will, they routed them, and David slew Goliath; and Allah gave him
power and wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not
Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be
full of mischief; but Allah is full of bounty to all the worlds ( 2;251 ) .

David (p u h ) was a youngest among his 13 brothers was a raw youth with no arms, he
was not known in the Israelites camp and Goliath and he was soldier in the army of Talut.
David was not a good shepherd too as his brothers chided him for deserting sheep, he was
expert in sling and staff, which he used to tend sheep. His faith in Allah made him more
than a match to the philistine forces They marched to fight the Goliath (Jalut) and with
his army, while he was with Israelites, a pebble called him, take me for, it is by me that
you will kill Goliath, then second and third and he took them in his bag and moved
further and reached the place. When two armies engaged in warfare Goliath advanced
and called for a challenger, then David advanced to fight him, Goliath said to him ’I hate
to kill you, David replied but I love to kill you.

In order to rouse the Israelites to fight, Talut ( Saul ) said ‘I will give my daughter in a
marriage to the one who killed Goliath and give him a half of his kingdom. David was
expert in sling skillfully, he took the stone and put them in the sling and threw them at
him that split his head and David used the sword of Goliath and slew him and the forces
of Goliath were defeated and fled away. Talut gave David what he had promised. Ibn
kathir points out that David became the king after the demise of Shamweel and David was
granted prophet hood .

Allah defended the Israelites by means of Saul and David and Shamweel courage and
guidance. Allah further reminded the people that He changed one set of people with
others to avoid mischief on Earth.

Story of Prophet David ( Dawood )

The birth of David would be roughly one thousand year before Jesus Christ, he belongs to
the family of Abraham, his descend from Yahuda son of Jacob son Isaac son of Abraham.
The ascendancy of Prophet David to the power after killing the Goliath has been stated in’
Prophet Samuel’ chapter. Allah gave David power and wisdom and taught him knowledge,
he killed the Goliath and as per the promise, Saul (Talut) gave him half of the kingdom of
Goliath and a share with his task. Allah made David an vicegerent on Earth so he judge

between men in truth and justice, nor do you follow the lust of your heart, for they will
mislead you from the path of Allah ( 2;251&38;26 ). Allah made him king as well as
prophet to guide the people in right path , before this, kingship belong to one tribe of
Israelites and Prophet to another. It is reported that kings resemble as Allah’s shade on
earth. Allah reward those who do good deed?(6;84). Allah ,made iron soft and taught him
the making of coats of mail for benefit to guard him from other violence, and rings of
armor will you then be grateful ? (21;80 & 34;10 -11).Allah gave David Psalms and
beautiful voice when he recite the book of psalms in a pleasant voice the birds gather in
assemblies to recite with him and the hill declared in unison with him in praise of Allah(
21;79 & 34;10) .

Saul’s Jealous of David

Israelites love David became popular among them this make the Saul jealous and one day
David found Saul in a worried state and sensed some changed in the attitude of Saul

towards him, that night his wife weep bitterly and said ‘O David I will never keep any
secrets from you and she told him that her father had been jealous of your popularity and
fears that he would lose his kingdom to him, she advised him to be careful. That
information shocked David, he prayed Allah and hope that Saul good nature would
overcomes his dark side of his character .Following day Saul summoned David to
informed that Canaan had gathered his forces and would marched on the kingdom, he
ordered David to advance on them with the army and not to return until victory was

David sense that this was an excuse to get rid of him either the enemy would kill him or
in the thick battle Saul’s henchmen might stab him in the back, yet he hastened with his
troops, meet the army of Canaanites bravely, Allah granted Victory.

Saul plot to kill David

Time passed the popularity of David increase further and his other brothers and learned
men joined him, Saul’s position became weak then he began to rule with heavy hand and
he ill treated the learned men ,tortured the reciter’s of the Talmud, terrorized his soldiers,
this worsened his position and his subjects began to turn against him. He, therefore,
taking the situation decided to go war against David, on hearing the news David
inevitably marched to confront Saul’s army.

David Forgiveness

The king army travelled a great distance and to overcome fatigue they decided to rest in
the valley where they fell asleep. David quietly crept up to the sleeping Saul, removed his
spear and cut off a piece of garment with the sword, David then awakened the king and
told him ‘O king Saul’ you come out seeking me in all matters and never hated you and I
do not want to kill you, if I did I would have killed you when you were asleep, see your
piece of garment, I could hacked your neck instead, but I did not’ my mission is that of
love, no malice’ . The king realized his mistake and sought his forgiveness which David
obliged with heart. Repentance after Sin is the good sign of righteous persons.

David becomes the King

Time passed and Saul fought many battles and he was killed in one of the battle in which
David did not take part. The people of the kingdom forced David to succeed Saul and
elected him as the King of Jerusalem. This was the incidents led David to become King
and the prophet. Allah strengthened the dominion and made him victorious and his
kingdom spread far and wide within a little span of time to Syria, Iraq, Canaan and a part
of Western Jordan .In the first seven years of his rule the capital was ‘Heron’ later it was
shifted to Jerusalem. In the Israelite period, his regime was replete with worldly opulence
and fair administration ( 38;20). The kingdom of David was strong and great that his
enemies feared him engaging in warfare.

Allah gave wisdom & Judgment and knowledge in speech and decision (21;79& 38;20)
Allah guided him ,Ibn Abbas narrates ‘David the Judge between two persons concerning
Cows which one of them claimed that the other seized unlawfully, the defendant denied
it and the claimant had no evidence .

David postponed the judgment in their case, at night, Allah revealed to David that he
should kill the claimant. In the morning, David said to him Allah revealed to me that I
should kill you. So I will inevitably have to kill you, but tell me what about your
accusation against him, is true but I have previously killed his father and no one knows
that, thereupon David commanded that he was to be killed and the Israelites paid him
great respect.

David the best example of Justice, Sincere and intense worshipper of Allah,
he offered several supererogatory devotional acts and made his family to
follow his example to the extent that they spent no hour be it day or night
without offering of devotional acts to Allah . (Remembering Allah round
the clock).Thus Allah praise saying ’’You work, sons of David, with thanks!
But few of My servants are grateful!’’ (34-13) .

One day David was praying niche, he ordered his guards not to allow anyone to interrupt
him, but two men managed to enter and disturb him, David asked Who are you?, they
said don’t frightened, we have a dispute and decide between us with truth, and treat us
not with injustice, but guide us to the even path. David asked what is it, the first man said
this is my brother, he has 99 ewes and I have one yet he says ‘commit her to my care’ and
moreover harsh to me in speech’’. David without hearing from the other party said He did
you wrong by taking the sheep back, and many parties oppressed one another except for
those who are believers ‘’.Then the two men vanished like a cloud and David realized that
they were two angels sent to him to teach a lesson, he should not have passed judgment
without hearing from the opposing party and David asked forgiveness of his Lord, fell
down, bowing (prostration),and turned to Allah for repentance, so Allah forgave him for
his lapse ( 38;21-25).

Imam Muslim –Sahih hadith narrates that prophet said Behold! The dispenser of justice
will be seated on the pulpits of light on the right side of ( Allah ) the Merciful. Either side
of the being is the right side being equally meritorious (The dispenser of justice are ) those
do justice in the rule, in the matter relating to their families and in all that they under take
to do ‘’.

The prophet David set example in the sphere of life as holy Quran glorify him as a king
and a person as prophet. David rule was just and righteous who brought peace and
prosperity on one side and delivered the Allah’s message to the people through his rule,
David with his melodious voice recite the Psalms ( Zaboor ) which leaves a lasting impact
on the people and the creation around him ,who chanted with him. David divided the
working day into four parts, one to earn his living and to rest, one to pray to
his Lord, one to listen to the complaints of and to solve their problem, last
part to deliver Sermons, he appointed deputies to listen to his subjects
complaints in his absence so the problem of peoples could be solved.

Death of David

Prophet David was in habit of locking the house when he went outside. One day when
David left the house, while his wife was walking in the house found a man standing in the
middle of the house, she asked the attendant how this man entered the house when the
door locked.

By Allah David will reproach us today. When David came back, he found the man
standing in the middle of the house, he asked him Who are you? He ( the man) replied I
am not the one who does not fear nor prevented by gatekeepers (chamberlains) David
said ‘’By Allah you are the angel of death, Welcome to Allah’s Command ! Prophet David
was one hundred year old when his death came.

David remained until the angel took his soul, after his body was washed and wrapped in a
shroud. Ishaaq ibn Bishr repot that Wahb ibn Munabih saw people attended the funeral
of David, they sat in the intense heat of the Sun on a summer day, among the people who
attended his funeral over forty thousand anchorites( After Moses and Aaron ) David was
the one whom Israelites grieved most. The people suffered from the heat of the sun and so
they asked Solomon son of David to protect them against it. Solomon went outside and
asked the birds to give shade to David ‘’ the birds did so till it become darken Solomon
said hold on the wings in. Abu Hurairah report that Prophet said that birds held a wing in
and held his arms in and the falcons gave him more shade than other birds that day ‘’.

Tomb of David

According to tradition the site of burial place of David the king of Israel beginning in 12 th
century, it was located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem near the Hagia Sion Abbey. The
tomb is situated in the ground floor corner of the former Hagia Zion . The Sharif Ahmed
Dajani the first to hold who cleaned and renovated the neglected area and around in
1490, he establish a place for Muslim prayer on the eastern part of today complex and the
Franciscan were driven out by the resident in 1524, the Mosque was called as ’Dawood
Mosque’ by the local residents of Jerusalem . Ownership of site was transferred to Dajani
family Al Asharif of Sheik Ahmed Dajani (Descendant of Prophet Muhammad grandson
Hussein) in 1529 under the patronage of Sultan Suleiman.

In 1948 Arab-Israeli war the area fell under Israel in the green line between 1948 -1967.
At present it is under Israelite control and blue cloth covered over the sarcophagus.


Story of Prophet Solomon

Solomon was the son of David and the king of Israel as well the prophet of Allah. Quran
and Islamic tradition holds that Allah made him prophet and divinely monarch and the
inheritors of David throne( 27;16) .

When Solomon inherited the kingdom pray Allah as Quran states, He said ‘’ O my
Lord! Forgive me, and grant me a Kingdom which,( it may be ) ,does not suit
another after me; for You are the Grantor of Bounties ( without measure
)’’{38-35}.The Holy Quran contain 17 references about him ,he was a just and faithful
ruler and Allah bestowed upon him many gifts, as Quran describe ‘’ And Solomon was
David’s heir. He said ‘’O my people! We have been taught the speech of Birds,
and on us has been bestowed ( a little ) of all things; this is indeed Grace
manifest ( from Allah ) ‘’{-27;16} that means he was taught the language of birds to
understand and also granted everything that the king would needed, soldiers,
equipments, Jinn, peoples, birds and beast that was the bounty of Allah given to His
beloved servant, as his kingdom was complete with divinely support and he was humble
and faithful throughout his life ( 27;15-17).

Solomon Kingdom

The kingdom of Solomon not only on people but Allah bestowed in knowledge and
wisdom and power over all things, taught the speech of bird, bestowed knowledge of
creatures, made the wind to flow to his will, made the Jinn to follow his command .Over
all this endowment to Solomon was made the prophet who remain most faithful and
obedient to the Will of Allah. The various aspects of life during his rule as a king and
prophet are narrated in brief based on the Quran and Hadiths.

Wisdom of Solomon

Allah bestowed knowledge and wisdom to Solomon since his child hood. One day King
David was sitting as usual solving the problem of people, when two men approach, one of
them owner of vineyard which he took great care to raise the vineyard said during my
absence, other man’s sheep strayed in night into my vineyard and ate my grapes and he
asked for compensation for the loss. David asked the owner of ship ‘Is it true’ ,he said ‘Yes’
then David said I have decided that you give him your sheep in exchange of field.
Solomon to whom Allah had given wisdom ,Solomon spoke ‘I have other opinion ,the
owner of sheep should take the field to cultivate until the grapes grow, while the other
man should take the sheep and make use of their wool and milk until his field return s to
the former state then the field owner should take his field and gave back his sheep ‘’ (
Quran 21;78 ).

The wisdom of the speech of minor creature like Ant is evident from the Quran 27;17-18,
Solomon once out with his army of people, Jinns escorting him, the birds casting shadow
over him to shield from heat and they kept in ranks and enters into the valley of Ants.
One of the ant said ‘O ants get into your habitation, lest Solomon and his hosts may not
crush you under their feet without knowing it.

Solomon hearing the language of ant smiled and amused at her speech and supplicate
Allah said ‘’O my Lord ! so order me that I may be grateful for Your favors, which You
have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I work the righteousness that will
please You; and admit me, by Your Grace to the rank of Your Righteous Servants ‘’. Az
Zuhari reports that ‘Once Solomon went with some companion to pray Allah for rain and
he saw an Ant raising one of its legs to the sky and praying for rain. So he told his
companion ‘Go back’’ the rain is going to fall as this Ant has prayed for rain and her
prayers were answered by the Almighty Allah ‘’.

Solomon and Hoope

Ibn Abbas narrate that the Hoope was guide to Solomon to find out water whenever in
desert and was ask to locate water .Allah has given the bird the knowledge to find out
water below the surface of earth and the Jinn will dug up the notified place and bring up
water. Solomon was in habit of mustering the birds and he found that the Hoope is absent
among them and became angry and said I will punish him severely if proper reason is not
given. Hoope did not tarried far, he came across a territory which thou have not
compassed and I have come to you from Saba with true tidings { Hassan Basri states
Sheba is Balqis in Islamic tradition the daughter of sharathcil called as Queen Sheba or
Saba, Qatadah adds that her mother was a genie .After the deceased of her father, her
people enthrone a man as a king and she married, upon their marriage she offered him
drink and made him tipsy and in the state of drunkenness she cut off his head and hung it
on her door, thereupon people flocked and enthrone her as the Queen ). The kingdom
was powerful endowed with every requisite of worldly possession. She had a magnificent
throne decorated with all types of gems and pearls. I found her and her people
worshipping the sun besides Allah; Satan made their deeds seem pleasing in their eyes,
and has kept them away from the Path-so they receive no guidance, kept them away from
the path, that they should not worship Allah, Who bring to light what is hidden in the
heaven and the earth, and knows what you hide and what you reveal .Allah –there is no
god but He!-lord of the Throne Supreme! ( 27;20-26).

Solomon and Queen Sheba ( Balqis )

Solomon on hearing the story from the Hoope said ‘’ Soon shall we see whether you have
told the truth or lied, you go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them; them; then
draw back from them, and wait to see what answer they return ( 27;27-28) . The letter
begins with connotation ‘It is from Solomon, and is (as follows )‘’In the name of
Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, you be not arrogant against me, but
come to me in submission(to the true Religion)’’(27;30-31).

Hoope flew away with the message and delivered to Sheba ( Balqis) when she was alone
and step aside waiting for her answer. Sheba next gathered her chiefs and said here is
letter delivered to me worthy of respect and she read the letter and seeks their advice in
the affair, and said no affair will decided without your presence. The Chiefs said we are
lords of might and lords of prowess; but the command is with you; so consider what you
will command.

She said; You chiefs! Advise me in( this) my affair; no affair have I decided except in your
presence. They said; ‘’We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war; but the
command is with you; so consider what you will command’’. She said; Lo! Kings, when
enter a township, ruin it and make the honor of its people shame. Thus will they do (27;
32-34). She was very shrewd, and wise while realizing the future consequences
diplomatically reverted to reconciliation and truth, saying I am sending my ambassador
with present and see what answer we get from him. The ambassador came to Solomon
court with presents Solomon said will you give me abundance in wealth? But that which
Allah has given me better than that that which He has given you! Nay you rejoice in your
gift( 27;35-36) . The Solomon wanted two things from them ‘’abandonment of self
superiority and submitting to the Truth’ which they did not reply but sending presents as
a means of material allurement, therefore Solomon said ‘’Go back to them, and be
sure we shall come to them with such hosts as they will never be able to meet;
we shall expel them from there in disgrace, and they will feel humbled
(indeed)- {27;37 }.

As the Hoope said that Satan made Sheba and her people worshipping sun and worldly
creation because of ignorance and need guidance, therefore, Solomon wanted them to
submit to the truth and obedience, give a warning of war and humiliation and the above
verse does not contrast with principle of ‘’ There is no compulsion in Religion “ (2;256 ).

When they learnt the answer from Solomon, and found they have no alternative except to
listen and obey him, so they immediately answer his call set out with Queen Sheba

showing humble obedience. Solomon learn their arrival, he gathered the Jinn and said
which of you would bring her throne before they came here to meet me. Solomon
intended this to be a display of the grandeur of kingship, Allah has granted him. An Ifrit
among the Jinns said ‘I will bring it to you before you rise from your council; indeed I
have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted.’ Solomon said the job to be done
faster,. at this point said one who had knowledge of the Book I will bring it to you within
the twinkle of an eye. Ibn Abbas elucidates and say he was the Aseef Solomon’s writer,
Qatadah states he was one of Solomon human servant who was a believer(27;38-
39).Solomon went away for prayer and by time off prayer he found the throne place firm
before him. It was transferred from Yemen to Jerusalem in a blink of an eye ,Solomon
said this is by the grace of Allah my Lord test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful, if I
am grateful, truly his gratitude is a gain for his soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly Lord is
Free of all needs, Supreme in Honor ‘(27;40).

him with something that was far better. Allah subjected the wind to his power, to
flow gently to his order, whithersoever he willed (38;33&36).

Imam Ahmed Hanbal mentions that Qatadah and Abu Dardah once encountered a
nomads who told us that the Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) taught me some of what Allah
Exalted be, he taught him saying’ whatever you relinquish something out of fear of Allah,
Exalted be He, Allah grants you something that is far better ‘’ .

Allah bestow Authority

Allah made Solomon to use the wind (obedient) that his early morning stride for a month
journey and its evening stride was a month journey. Al Hassan Basri states’’ Sahih
Moslem states that “ O My bondsmen, even if the first of you or last of you, the whole
human race and that of the Jinns become equally as pious as that of heart and the single
most righteous person amongst you, it will add nothing to My power!.

O My bondsmen, even if the first amongst you or the last amongst you, the completely
human race and that of the Jinns too becomes in unison as wicked as the heart of single
most evil person amongst you, it will cause no loss to My power. O My bondsmen these
deeds of yours which I am recording for, you shall reward you for them. So he who finds
them good should praise Allah, he who find otherwise should not blame anyone but

Solomon asked the throne of Queen Balqis to be transformed and changed in order to test
her ability of perception and recognition or one of those who received no guidance, when
she arrived, she was asked ‘is this your throne? She said ‘It was just like this, she did not

state with certainty whether it was or was not . And knowledge was bestowed on us
in advance of this, and we have submitted to Allah (In Islam).And he diverted
her from the worship of others besides Allah; for she was (sprung) of a
people that had not faith’) - Al Quran 27; 41-43.

Solomon orders Jinn to build a lofty palace for Balqis, with glasses and to have streams
run below it. When she was asked to enter the palace, she saw and thought it was a water
lake and she (tucked up her skirts) uncovering legs, Solomon said this is palace paved
smooth with slabs of glass. Queen Balqis stunned by all that Allah had granted to
Solomon, she showed full submission to Allah and said O my Lord! I have indeed
wronged my soul; I do ( now) submit ( in Islam),with Solomon, to the Lord of the
Worlds.’’(Al Quran 27;44).

Solomon and Horses

To David We gave Solomon ( for a son)-how excellent in Our service ever did
he turn ( to Us )-{38;30}.Solomon was most obedience in the service of Allah and
righteous and constant in remembrance . One day some good breed of horses brought
before Solomon, attracted by the sight of it, forgets remembrance of Allah. As Quran
states ‘’Behold, there were brought before him, an eventide, courses of the
highest breeding, and swift of foot ‘’.And he said ‘’Truly do I love the love of
Good, with a view to the glory of my Lord’’ until ( the sun) was hidden in the
veil (of Night);(38;31-32 ).

Many Muslim exegetes mention that Solomon was so engrossed in the inspection of his
fine breed of horses that he forgot to perform ‘Asr prayer’ before sun set ,Ibn kathir
mention that Solomon did not do deliberately but slipped out of his mind. As if Prophet
Muhammad ( p u h ) forgot to perform ‘Asr ‘prayer during the battle of Trench and
perform it after sunset, these narration are confirmed in two Hadith.

Upon missing the prayer Solomon said bring back the horses so he could kill them, which
come across my prayer, he cut off their legs and hamstrings using his sword. Ibn kathir
states this may have been acceptable and satisfaction of Allah Who compensated Solomon
would set out from Damascus reach Estakhar where he would lunch then travel for a
short distance to reach Kabul where he would spend the night, the distance from
Damascus to Kabul would be covered in a whole month and between Estakhar and Kabul
was a month journey too. Ibn kathir mention that people were well informed in cities and
states. Estakhar was built by the Jinn to Solomon like other cities such as Tadmun and
Jerusalem. Allah made a font of molten brass to flow with him for use wherever the Jinns
worked for him in use in the constructions.

Allah made the Jinns and other evil ones including every kind of builders and divers
(JINNS) under the control of Solomon. The divers would dived in the sea to extract pearls
and gems and also others bound together in fetters, do other task like erecting buildings,
Arches, Images, Basons as large as Reservoir and cooking cauldrons fixed in their places
and do other strenuous work which human being failed to do . Jinns were made to mine
the earth and extract minerals to make tools and weapon for army. Allah favored with
copper and brass metals which were rare in those days. If anyone turned aside from Our
command, We made him taste of the penalty of the Blazing fire. Such are Our Bounties;
whether you bestow them (on others) or withhold them, no account will be asked’. Allah
granted full authority and absolute kingship of full powers to Solomon ‘ . You work, sons
of David, with thanks! But few of My servants are grateful (noted in Quran 34;12-
13/38;36- 39).

‘’And We did try Solomon ; We placed on his throne a body (without

life);but he turned (to Us in true devotion’’(38;34) Ibn Abbas and others explain
that Allah place a demon on his throne, but he did turn in true devotion to Allah. Ibn
kathir state, he went back to his kingdom with power and grandeur. In this regards many
exegetes have mentioned a number of stories, which are all Jewish stories from the old
testament .

Abu Hurairah state that Prophet Muhammad ( p u h )said ‘’ A strong demon from the
Jinn came to me yesterday, so as to spoil my prayer, but Allah enabled me to overpower
him and so I caught him and intended to tie him to one of the pillars of the Mosque. So
that all of you might see him, but I remembered the invocation of my brother Solomon ’’O
my Lord Forgive me, and grant me a kingdom which ( it may be ) suits not another after
me ‘’ so I let go humiliated !.

Another Hadith from Mulim indicate that Abu Dardah (RA) states Prophet Muhammad
(p u h ) said ‘’ I seek refuge of Allah’’ then he said ,‘’I cursed thee with Allah’s curse ‘’ three
times, then stretched out his hand as though he was taking hold of something. when he
finished the prayer, we asked, Messenger of Allah , we heard you saying something
during the prayer, which we had not heard you say before and we saw you stretch out
your hand. He replied ‘’Allah’s enemy iblis, came with a flame of fire to put it on my face,
so I said three times’’ I seek refuge in Allah from thee’’ then I said three times I curse thee
with Allah’s full curse ‘’ but he did not retreat on ( any one of these ) three occasion,
therefore, I meant to seize him. I swear by Allah that had it not been for the supplication
of my brother Solomon, he would have been bound and made an object of sports for the
children of Medina ‘’.

Another Hadith from Amr ibn Al-Aas narrate that Prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) said’’
When Solomon built Jerusalem, he asked Allah Exalted be He three things which he was
granted and we hope to have been granted the third ,he asked Him; 1) Judgment
comparable to Allah –granted 2) Kingdom that suits not another after him was granted,
and (3) Whenever a man left his house with the sole intention of praying in the Mosque (
Al –Aqsa),he would be absolved of all his sins and would become sinless as he was the
day he was born. We therefore, hope that Allah May grants us this’’.

Solomon Temple ( Al-Aqsa Mosque ) and Death

Solomon engage the Jinns to construct a grand and beautiful Mosque in Jerusalem on
huge rock known as ‘’Dome of Rock’’ which was completed and he also entrusted the
Jinns to erect many other building including his royal palace in and around Jerusalem,
when Allah the Exalted ordained Solomon to die. Quran says that ‘’ Then when We
decreed (Solomon) death, nothing showed them his death except a little
worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff; so when he
fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they
would not tarried in the humiliating penalty ( of their task)’’34;14.

Solomon retreat to the site of Mosque of Jerusalem for a year or two, even a longer or
shorter period taking up his food and water with him before he died. He stood up in
prayer holding his staff, there he silently died, but by Allah’s will he did not fall and
remained in the standing position and everyone including Jinns thought that he was still
alive and praying. Finally Ordered the termite to weaken the staff so that the body of
Solomon fell on the ground. It was thereafter believed that the Jinns and other human did
not know everything and only Allah had knowledge of all.

Ibn Masud states that Prophet Muhammad( p u h ) said that’ They kept toiling for a whole
year after his death, people there upon were certain that Jinns lied, because had they
really been able to see the future, they would have learnt Solomon’s death and would not
have toiled and slaved around a whole year. That is why Allah Exalted be He says
‘Nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth ‘’which slowly ate the
staff and then Solomon fell on the ground.

Ibn Jarir and other say Solomon died in his fifties that is, four after he ascended the
throne. Ibn Abbas states that he ruled for twenty years .Bible account gives he died at the
age of 80 years. He was buried in Jerusalem. His son Rehoboam succeeded him as a king,
however, the tribes of Israel refused to accept him as a king causing united monarchy
split into two, the northern kingdom ruled by Jeroboam while Rehoboam continued to
reign in the southern kingdom of Judah .

Tomb of Solomon

There are not accurate account of Solomon grave, but some narration states that
‘Solomon (AS) was buried next to his father prophet David (p u h)-Yakobi Tarikh-v.1,
p.60; Haldon Tarikh v 2 p.66.

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Story of Prophet Zakariyyaa ( A S ) and John the Baptist ( Yahya-AS )

Prophet Zakariyyaa

Zakariyyaa was the illustrious prophet of Israelites .Allah revealed the story of Zakariyyaa
in holy Quran in chapter 3;37-41, 6;85, 19;1-15, and 21;89-90 respectively. The prophet
Zakariyyaa was considered to be most obedient, pious and God fearing servants of Allah
as describe in Quran ‘’And Zakariyyaa, John and Jesus and Elias all in the ranks
of Righteous’’-(6;85).

The Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe Zakariyyaa the patriarch of Israelites and
considered the prophets in the religious dispensation formed one family literally, but in a
wider spectrum, all men of Allah form spiritually one family, if you love and obey Allah,
love and obey the Messenger who is actually present amongst you teaching you obedience
to Almighty Allah and follow the right path and believe in Him.

Kinship between Zakariyyaa and Maryam

Zakariyyaa was the descendants of prophet Solomon (AS) and the Zakariyyaa’s wife
‘Eesha bint Faaqootha (Elizabeth daughter of Faqud) was the sister of Hannah bint
Faaqootha (Hannah daughter of Faqud), that is, Hannah was the mother of Mary (
Maryam)and wife of Imran ( As per Maaliki Scholar Al-Qurtubi ),the same view was also
transmitted on the authority of Al-Tabari. The ‘Eesha’ wife of prophet Zakariyyaa belongs
to the priestly family of Prophet Aaron. The blood relationship between the family of
Mary and Zakariyyaa also extends John the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus to becomes cousins
by blood. Zakariyyaa was actually a priest and her cousin Mary was presumably also from
priestly family, in this capacity of blood relationship and prophet hood, Zakariyyaa
chosen the patron of Mary to act as a spiritual guide and to look after her. Hannah
therefore had the advantage of both a descendant of priestly family of Aaron (who was
brother of Moses and son of Imran) and wife of Imran, a pious man in a double sense.

Zakariyyaa Mission to uphold Mosaic Law

Zakariyyaa was the trustee of Hekal (Alaqsa Sanctuary) and worked as carpenter. Allah
endowed him with prophet hood with a mission to carry the ‘Torch of Mosaic Law’
burning and made the Israelite to follow scrupulously. He used to pray devotionally and
preached zealously, he and his wife were symbol of piety and righteousness. Prophet
Zakariyyaa used to go to temple daily ( Al aqsa sanctuary) to deliver sermons even though
he had grown feeble with age, he was not a rich man but always ready to help those in

need, he was humble in approach never feel tired of to carry out the preaching. His major
disappointment in life was that he had no children and his wife was barren. His fear was
that there was no one after him to carry out his work and the people needed a strong
leader for the purpose, if they were left on their own, they would move away from Allah’s
teaching and change the Holy Laws to suit themselves.

Most of his kinsmen lacked in spirit of true faith and they were seduced and inclined to do
evil work going out of right path and therefore, prophet was much anxious about this
state of affairs. He had no offspring or no suitable person to hold the office of prophet
hood and trusteeship of Hekal after his death. He was desirous of having a son to become
his successor. He did not longer son to satisfy mere his human desire but wanted a son to
uphold the office of prophet hood.

Prophet Zakariyyaa during one of his visit to the temple went to check on Mary ( Maryam)
who was living in a secluded room of the temple, he was surprised to find fresh fruits out
of season in her room, beside no one had entry to her room. When inquired she told him
that the fruits were from Allah which she found every morning .Why was he so surprised,
she asked him, Did he not know that Allah provides without measure for whom He Wills

Zakariyyaa’s Prayer

Zakariyyaa stand in praying “Zakariyyaa call his Lord in secret,’ O my Lord! infirm indeed
are my bones, and the hair of my head glistens with grey; but never am I humblest ,O my
Lord, in my prayer to You!. Now I fear (what) my relatives(and colleagues) (will do) after
me ;but my wife is barren; so give me an heir as from Yourself, (One that)will
(truly)represent me, and represent the posterity of Jacob ;and make him, O my Lord !
One with whom You are well pleased! (His prayer was answered); ‘O Zakariyyaa! We give
you good news of a son; his name shall be Yahya; on none by that name We have
conferred distinction before’’(19;4-7).

While Zakariyya was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels came unto him;
’’Allah gives you the glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and
(be besides) noble, chaste and a prophet,-of the (goodly) company of the righteous
(3;39). He said; O my Lord! how shall I have a son, when my wife is barren and I have
grown quite decrepit from old age? The Angel said ‘So (it will be); your Lord says, That is
easy for Me; I indeed created you before, when you had been nothing (3;40 & 19; 8-9).

Similar to the answer of Abraham ‘’When Sara said Alas for me! shall I bear a
child seeing I am an old woman ,and my husband here is an old man ? That
would indeed be a wonderful thing; The Angel said Do you wonder Allah’s
decree? The grace of Allah and His blessings on you, O people of the house!
For He is indeed worthy of all praise, full of glory!’’(Hud- 11; 72-73).

In another verses Allah reveals ‘’And (remember) Zakariyyaa ,when he cried to his Lord;
O my Lord! Do not leave me without offspring, though You are the best of inheritors, So
We listened to him; and We granted him Yahya; We cured his wife’s (barrenness)for him.
These (three) were ever quick in emulation in good works; they used to call on Us with
love and reverence, and humble themselves before Us’’(21;89-90). Zakariyyaa after that
asked the Lord to give him a Sign in order that his heart might be at ease ’’O my Lord!
Give me a Sign ’’Your Sign’’ was the answer ’’shall be that you shall speak to no man for
three days but with signals. Then celebrate the praise of your Lord again and again, and
glorify Him in the evening and in the morning’ (3;41).

In another verse (Zakariyyaa) said; ‘’ O my Lord! Give me a Sign, ’’Your Sign,’’ was the
answer,’’ shall be that you shall speak to no man for three ,although you are not
dumb,’’(19;10). ‘’So Zakariyyaa came out to his people from the chamber; he told them by
signs to celebrate Allah’s praise in the morning and in the evening (19;11).

Prophet Zakariyyaa was conscious that he was in advanced age and his wife was barren
and unable to raise any issue but he had full faith in Allah Who possess power to do
whatever He wills. And Zakariyyaa came to know through his prophetic vision that Allah
would grant his supplication and indeed he was blessed with a good son ’Yahya’ a
symbol of piety, wisdom, obedience and asceticism, to act as his heir who
could guide the people. Prophet Zakariyyaa satisfied with the bounty of Allah
in the form of Yahya and who would uphold the baton of prophet hood.

Prophet Zakariyyaa continued the religion of Allah even in old age and deliver sermons to
the people, the Israelites indulged in mischief making and develop wickedness, they had
not only ignored the teachings of the prophet but tortured him also.

Quran describe ‘’As to those who deny the Signs of Allah, and in defiance of
right, slay the prophets, and slay those teach just dealing with mankind,
announce to them a grievous penalty’’-(3;21).

Prophet Zakariyyaa did not die a natural death. One day the Israelites decided to put him
to death and they chased Zakariyyaa to slay and Zakariyyaa fearing attack of Israelites
sought the help of tree and he hid himself in the cavern of the tree which in turn the

Israelites found him and saw that part of tree . Prophet Zakariyyaa did not calls Almighty
Allah’s help instead of tree and realized the fault and had to bear the consequences and he
did not even utter a faint cry, but went through the ordeal and his body was cut into two

Lesson;- Allah never let down his believer and reward their supplication beyond their
comprehension. (2) Always believe in Allah and affirm full faith in Allah Who possess
power to do whatever He Wills and never complacent but expect His bounty in the time
of dire need.

(3) Do not ascribe partner to Him but follow His command and teachings of his
messenger .4)Pray and praise Allah day and night.

Shrine of Zakariyyaa

The Tomb of Prophet Zakariyya( father of Yahya) situated in Damascus, Syria .

Prophet Yahya ( John the Baptist)

The supplication of Zakariyyaa ’’O my Lord! Grant unto me from Your presence a progeny
that is pure; for You are He Who hears prayers’. While he was standing in prayer in the
chamber, the angels called unto him; Allah gives you the glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing
the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a Prophet-of the
(goodly) company of the righteous (Quran 3;38-39 and 21;89-90). Thus Allah made
Yahya a blessed child for his parents beautiful in character, humble in nature, pious in
remembrance of Allah and a prophet in young age. He was quite queer to the world of
children who amused themselves in tender age but he was serious and sensible in
behavior during child hood. He was merciful to the animal and feed from his food until
there was nothing left for him and he just ate fruit or leaves of tree. He loved reading
since child hood .When he grew up Allah Exalted One called upon to hold the Book. He
was born six month before the birth of Jesus Christ John the Baptist is regarded as a
prophet by the three major Religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam and he was
regarded as the forerunner of the precursor to Jesus.

(To his son came the command);’’ O Yahya ! take hold of the Book with
might’’; and We gave him Wisdom even as a youth’’ (19;12).

John qualities were that Allah guided him to read the Book of Jurisprudence closely, thus
he became wisest and most knowledgeable man at that time. Allah the Almighty endowed
him with sound faculties of passing judgment on people’s affairs, interpreting the secrets
of religion, guiding people to the right path and warning against the wrong one. Prophet

Yahya moved to the desert of Judea and he dressed himself in frugal dress ( robe made of
camel hairs) and ate simple food and honey. His sermons were most impressive and
people flocked to hear his trumpet message, the whole of Jordan valley was baptized due
his preaching. Prophet Yahya was the cousin of Jesus and precursor of Jesus Christ. His
fidelity to his mission as a staunch preacher soon caused him the liberty and subsequently
his life.

When John (Yahya) reached maturity, his compassion for his parents and people
increased leaps and bound, he called upon people to repent for their sins. Ibn Asaker
relates one instance that when his parents were looking for him and they found him in the
Jordan river side and wept sorely about the devotion to Allah. According to Malik grass
was the food of John and he wept sorely in fear of Allah. A chain of narrator reported the
same, Idris Al khawlawi said I shall not tell you he who had the best food? It is John who
joined the beasts at dinner caring to mix with men. Ibn kathir mention that the
distinguishing attributes of John was that he had piety for all creatures, particularly his
parents. He was kind hearted and devout to them and so obedient to his parent and never
showed disrespect towards them neither by in action nor in words.

Ibn Mubarak state that Wahb Al-ward narrated that Zakariyya did not see his Son for
three days, and he found him weeping inside a grave, which he had dug in which he,
resided. My son I have been searching for you and you are dwelling in this grave weeping’’
O father did you not told me that the distance between Paradise and Hell is only a span
and it will not be crossed except by tears of weepers’’. He said to him weep then my son,
then they wept together’’. Other Narrators said John said ‘’ the dwellers of paradise are
sleepless out of the sweetness of Allah’s bounty; that is why the faithful must be sleepless
because of Allah’s love in their hearts. How far between the two luxuries, how far between
them’’? They say John wept so much that tears marked his cheeks’’.

John son of Zakariya was commanded by Allah to convey the message ‘Monotheism’ to
the people of Israel as reported in Hadith that Imam Ahmed Hanbal quote that Al-
Haarith Al Ash’ari states that prophet Muhammad ( p u h ) said’’ Allah ordered John son
of Zakariya to carry out ‘Five Orders’ and ask the children of Israel to follow suit. As John,
the Baptist well neigh to procrastinate the promulgation of these orders and Jesus (p u h)
said to John ‘you have been ordered (by Allah) to carry out 5 orders and ask the children
of Israel to follow suit, so you must convey the orders, otherwise, I will convey to the
people, there upon John said ’My brother ! I fear if you are to outdo, Allah may pour His
wrath upon me and cause the earth to swallow me’ John went and assembled the children
of Israel in the holy mosque of Jerusalem until it was completely full. Then he sat on the
window and offered thanks to Allah and said’ ’Allah Exalted be He, ordered me to carry
out ‘Five Orders’ and ask you to follow suit;-

i) You must worship Him alone and ascribe no associate with Him, like a man who bought
a slave with his pure money or gold, then the slave used to work and pay the profit to
others than his master, who amongst you can accept this from the slave? By the same
token, Allah has created you & provided you with sustenance, so you must ‘Worship Him’
alone & ascribe no associate with Him;

ii) You must perform prayer for Allah looks at His Servant while praying unless he turns
his face to another direction, so if you pray, do not turn your eyes ( to none but Allah). iii)
You must observe fasting- This resembles a man who has a packet of musk whose aroma
smelt by people surrounding him, such is the case with fasting. The khuluf ( change in
breath of mouth due fasting) is better in Allah’s sight than the fragrance of musk;

iv) You should give charity- This likened to a man who held captive by the enemy. They
then pulled him by the hand & placed him in a place to put to death, thereupon he said
‘May I pay you in order to set me free? He then paid them a lot of money until he set free;

v) You should remember Allah Exalted be He, frequently. This is like a man whom the
enemy was chasing, they traced his footsteps ,but he hid in a fortified place, such is the
case with a person who remember Allah Exalted be He, the desire has no way to penetrate
into his heart.

Prophet Muhammad (p u h ) added I (too) order you to carry out five things which
Allah ordered me to carry out ‘’ . Sticking to the Muslim Ummah, hearing, obeying,
immigrating and striving for the cause of Allah, whoever budges an inch away from the
Muslim Community has relinquished Islam until he returns. And whoever revives the
customs of the pre-Islamic period ( Jahilliyyay) deserves Hell. Even if he performs
prayers and observe fasting’’ . There upon Prophet replied –Even if he prays and fast for
be only pretends to be Muslims’’. For the (true) Muslim ,as Allah the Almighty mentions
is the one Who submit to Allah, believes in Him as is a Servant of Allah’’. (stories of
prophets-ibn kathir).

John’s love of Nature

John the Baptist found comfort in the open environment and never cared for food and
other luxuries of life ,he ate leaves, herbs, sometime locusts, he slept in the mountains or
in holes in the ground, he some met lion or wild beasts as he entered cave or met them,
being observing the praise of Allah, the beasts easily recognized him who care for all the
creatures, so they leave the place bowing their head. John sometimes feed the beasts out
of mercy from his food and was satisfied with prayers as his food for soul. He spent night
crying and weeping and praising Allah for His blessing. When John called the people to
worship Allah, he made them to cry out and love of submission, arresting their hearts
with truthfulness of his words.

Conflict with the Ruler

There are two versions about the cause of Conflict with the authority which cause him to
lose his liberty and life;- (1) The Roman ruler Herod Antipas was the ruler of Galilee had
an illicit relation with the wife of his brother Herod Philip . Prophet John reproached him
for the Sin, which angered and annoyed him so he imprisoned John until his execution?
Once Herod Antipas arranged a grand feast, Herodia allowed her daughter Salome to
dance and the ruler was fascinated with her Performance, and King declared Salome to
asked whatever she want, Salome made immediately the head of John on instigation of
her mother Herodia. Herod was fixed to do as he had no alternative but to adhere to his
promise made ,therefore he order the execution of prophet John who was beheaded .

The Second version is that the Herod Antipas the ruler of Palestine was in love with
Salome the daughter of his brother Herod Philip .He planning to marry his beautiful nice,
the marriage was encouraged by her mother and some of the learned men of Zion ,either
out of fear or to gain favor with the ruler. On hearing the plan of the Ruler Herod Antipas,
John pronounced that such a marriage would be incestuous and he could not approve it
under any circumstances as it was against the law of Torah.

John cruel death

Prophet John the Baptist pronouncement spread like a wild fire. Salome was angry for it
was her ambition to rule the kingdom with her uncle. She plotted to achieve her aim,
dressed attractively and sand and dance before her uncle arousing Herod Antipas lust and
he embraced her and he offered to fulfill whatever she desired. At once she told him ’I
would love to have the head of John’ because he has defied your honor and mine
throughout the land, if you grant me this wish I shall be very happy and will offer myself
to you’. Bewitched by her charm the cruel king submitted to her monstrous request John
was executed and his head was brought to Salome, the cruel woman gloated with delight.

Wrath of Allah

The death of Allah’s beloved prophet John the Baptist was avenged, not only the king and
his beloved but all the children of Israel by invading armies of Nebuchadnezzar who
destroyed the kingdom and razed to the ground the entire Palestine. Such was the wrath
of Allah for the transgressor and a lesson to the future generation, which has been
narrated in Holy Quran.

The grave of prophet John the Baptist ( Yahya) is in the Umayyad Mosque in

Quran in chapter 19 ; 15 narrate John’s life circle that the beginning , sad end and the
resurrection on the day of judgment ;

‘’So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that
he will be raised up to life (again) !’

Three phases that man undergoes as mentioned in the verse are inevitable in life and
death cycle;-

( i)Human comes to the mortal world through the tender bowls of her mother’s womb. (ii)
The man faces various ordeals in life like sorrow ( woes) and pleasure ( affluence) during
his lifetime.

( iii) The baby cries when it delivered, and the same analogy applicable to the mortals (
man) at the time of death, which leaves behind worldly pleasures and luxuries and
ultimately goes to grave. Thus, every human being inevitably has to pass through the
trials of life and death cycle.

After ones death no one with him/her in the grave ( first phase of life Hereafter) except
his/her alone in full of darkness in grave and no one come to his/her rescue but his past
deed in the mundane world he did. If the deed of his/her are good will rescue he/her
from the fury of Allah or otherwise he/her made to face the punishment until doomsday(
day of resurrection), the final day of judgment where he/hers final destination will be
decided and made he/her permanent abode, either Paradise or Hell, depending upon
he/her deeds. The Mercy of Allah the Exalted is He will prevail over the believer. As
Quran put it in nutshell ; He takes an account of them ( all),and has numbered
them( all) exactly; And everyone of them will come to Him Singly on the Day
of Judgment ;(19;94-95).

Allah spared John the son of Zakariyyaa any kind of hardship in each of these three
difficult occasion. May Allah Blessed His Apostles and the followers, because He is Most
Gracious, Most Merciful .

John the Baptist was 32 years of age, when he beheaded, and his follower takes out the
head of him and buried with full honor.



Introduction-Legacy of Islam;

In the generation after the departure of Jesus Christ (AS), the followers (Christians)
distorted the teachings and the divine book “Bible-(Injil) and elevated to him to the status
as son of God, began to propagate the ‘Trinity Concept’. Such blasphemous act totally
negates by the descent of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the last chain of Prophet of Islam in
6th century AD. The truth of Jesus Christ finally retold in the true forms and preserved
eternally in the last testament (holy Quran) a divine revelation.

’’It is He who sent down to you (step by step),in truth, the Book, confirming
what went before it; and He sent down the Law( of Moses) and the Gospel (of
Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the Criterion ( of
Judgment between right and wrong)-Sura Al Imran3 ;3 .’’

Jesus Christ a eminent figure occupies in Islam appears in 93 Verses of Quran and a
complete chapter ’Maryam’ dedicated to emphasize and elaborately told the truth, which
had been distorted by Jews and Christians alike. As Quran reveals;

‘’ The Jews calls Uzair son of Allah and the Christians call Christ the Son of
Allah. That is a saying from their mouth ;( in this) they imitate what
Unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them; how they are
deluded away from the Truth!( Sura Tauba 9;30). Further; Gods says about the
belief that Jesus of Trinity, which refutes their false claim and calls them to repent since
Allah Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful as Quran states;

‘’They do blaspheme who say; God is one of three in a Trinity; for there is no
god except God (Allah). If they do not desist from their word ( of
blasphemy),verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among
them; Why do they not turn to Allah, and seek His forgiveness? For Allah is
Oft forgiving, Most Merciful; Christ the son of Mary was no more than a
Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His
mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See
how Allah makes His Signs clear to them; yet see in what way they are
deluded away from the truth; Say’ will you worship, beside Allah, something
which has no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allah.-He it is that
hears and knows all things (Sura Maida 5;73-76).

Background; The Story of Jesus Christ retold in Quran begins with the birth of Virgin
Mary ( Arabic –Maryam) that Hannah wife of Imran and maternal grandmother of Jesus
Christ had hitherto barren, poured her heart deep in meditation and prays Almighty Allah
to grant a child and that would be dedicated to the service of God’s temple at Jerusalem.
Allah accepted her supplication and granted a female child ‘Mary” as she was yearning for
a son as Quran describe;

Behold ! a woman of Imran said ;’’O my Lord! I do dedicate unto You what is
in my womb for Your special service; So accept this of me; for You hear and
knows all things; When she delivered of a female child!’’- and Allah knew
best what she brought forth-‘’ And nowise is the male like female. I have
named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Your protection
from the Evil One, the Rejected ( Al-Imran 3; 35-36).

Hannah wife of Imran waited the child Mary to be big enough to fend herself, later
Hannah took the daughter Mary to the temple to hand over for special service of temple.
Every priest of the temple wanted to be the godfather of this marvelous child, they all cast
lots with arrows for her like tossing of coin. Eventually by the grace of God, she fell to the
lot of Prophet Zakariyyaa and given her under his guardianship. Mary withdrew herself
from her family to the place east of temple in a separate chamber and she placed a screen
(to screen herself) from them (Sura Maryam 19; 16-17). Mary grows under the protection
of God as Quran state’’;

‘’Right graciously did her Lord accept her; He made her grow in purity and
beauty; she was assigned to the care of Zakariya. Every time that he entered
(her) chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said; O
Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?’’ She said; ‘’From Allah; for Allah
provides sustenance to whom He pleases, without measure (Al-Imran 3; 37).

Muslim as well as Christians believes that Mary a chaste and virgin woman involves
herself in deep meditation and prayer, never waiver and a firm believer in Allah. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) said that the best women of mankind are four, Mary daughter of
Imran, Aasiya wife of Pharaoh, khadijah wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and Fatimah
the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) - Shahih Bukhari/Muslim.

Birth of Jesus Christ

One day Virgin Mary went outside the temple, Angel in a form of complete man appear
before her and she said’ I seek refuge from you to (Allah) Most Gracious(come not near) if
you fear Allah; Angel said’ Nay, I am only a messenger from Lord( to announce) to you

the gift of a holy son’. She said How I should have a son, seeing no man has touched me,
and I am not unchaste. Angel said’ So (it will be); Your Lord says That is easy for Me’ and
(We wish) to appoint him as a Sign to men and a Mercy from Us’’ it is matter (so) decreed
(Sura Maryam 19; 17-21 & 3; 45-47). Jesus Christ created from the act of God’s Will and
the similitude can apply with the miraculous creation of Adam and Eve and in the same
analogy an answer given to Zakariya, how his wife Elizabeth could conceive a baby as she
was very old ( Quran 3;59 and 19;8-9).

Quran gives an account about Mary suffer the pangs of birth ‘’ And the pain of childbirth
drove to the trunk of a palm tree; She cried (in her anguish); Ah! would that I had died
before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight’’! .But ( a voice) cried
to her from beneath the (palm tree); Do not grieve ! for your Lord has provided a rivulet
beneath you; And shake toward yourself the trunk of the palm tree, it will let fall fresh
ripe dates upon you, so eat and drink and cool( your) eye. And if you see any man, say I
have vowed a fast to ( Allah) Most Gracious, and this day I will not enter into any talk with
any human beings (Sura Maryam 19; 23-26).

Virgin Mary brought the baby to the people, who saw and questioned her chastity as
Quran describe’’ O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a man of evil, nor your mother an
unchaste woman (19; 27-28). Virgin Mary did not speak but pointed to the baby and
people said how can baby talk to one who is a child in the cradle. Christ speak from the
cradle that ‘’ I am indeed a Servant of Allah;. He has given me Revelation and made me a
Prophet. ‘’ And He has made me blessed wheresoever’s I be, and has enjoined on me
Prayer and Chastity as long as I live;’’. (He) has made me kind to my mother, and not
over bearing or miserable; So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and
the day I shall be raised up to life (again)!’’. Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary; (it is) a
statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute ( Sura Maryam 19; 29-34).

Virgin Mary nourishes the child and the time of Crucification of Prophet Zakariya by the
Jews and the fear of King Herodotus made her to migrate to her relatives in Egypt. She
stayed there for 12 years and after She return to Jerusalem, when Jesus Christ grows up
and become 30 year old. Allah commanded him to preach the children of Israel, who had
deviated from the straight path.


Muslim believes that Jesus Christ the Messenger of Allah was no different from the
previous Prophets chosen by God, who called the people to worship God and God alone as
well as obedient to His command. Likewise Jesus Christ invited the people to worship

God alone and not to ascribe any partner and said that he never be the son of God, but
Messiah and illustrious prophet of God and Allah reveals the Gospel to guide the people
as per His Command as Quran describe;-

We have sent you inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messenger after
him. We sent inspiration to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to
Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and David We gave the Psalms (4;

And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law
that had come before him; We sent him the Gospel; therein was guidance and
light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him; a guidance and
an admonition to those who fear Allah(5;46).

When Jesus came with Clear Sign, he said’’ Now that I have come to you with Wisdom, in
order to make clear to you some of the( points)on which you dispute, therefore, fear Allah
and obey me. For Allah, He is my Lord and your Lord, so you worship Him. This Straight
Way; But sects from among themselves fell into disagreement, the woe to the wrong doer,
from the Penalty of a grievous Day (Sura Zukhruf 43; 63-65). (I have come to you) to
attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (before)
forbidden to you. I have come to you with a Sign for your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me
( Sura Al- Imran 3;50).

Muslim believes Jesus Christ the Apostle and an emissary of Allah on earth sent to the
children of Israel , who had deviated from the teachings of Moses and fell in the quagmire
of vices and ascribe partner to Almighty Allah as Quran describe;

Jesus says ‘’O people of Book! Commit no excesses in your religion nor say
Allah anything but truth. Christ Jesus son of Mary was ( no more than) a
Messenger of Allah and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit
proceeding from Him; so believe in Allah and His Messenger. Do not say
Trinity’ desist it will be better for you for Allah is One God; glory be to
Him(far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the
heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs (Sura An
Nisa- 4; 171).

In Mathew 5;17-18 Jesus Christ stated’’ Think not that I have come to abolish
the Law and the (ways) of Prophets. I have come not to abolish them but to
fulfill them!

Muslim negate the very concept of ‘Trinity’ as Quran openly proclaim that ascribing Jesus
Christ the attribute of ’Son of God’ or part of Trinity is indeed a great blasphemy. (5; 72-

The reasons of their assertions are quite contrary to the fundamental attributes of Allah;
Allah is Unique in all respect and unlike any of His creations as well as His Essence. He is
Unique in His Divinity, His attributes and His Lordship, all of above make up the Strict
Monotheism which He revealed in His all Scripture (Previous and present);

Ten Commands

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other god before me {Exodus; 20; 1-3).

Al Quran

Ascribing partner as son to God is clear opposition to the principle for which He created
the creations and sent Prophets for guidance of humanity as Quran describe;-

And I have not created Jinns and men, except that they should serve (
worship) Me ; No Sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they
should feed Me; For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance-Lord of Power-
Steadfast ( forever)-Sura Adhariyat;51;56-58.

Allah also reveals in holy Quran that His Message sent to all the humankind on earth so
they shall not complain about non-delivery of His divine guidance;-

The worshipper of false gods say; ‘’If Allah had so willed, we should not have
worshipped anything but Him-neither we nor our fathers, - nor should we
have prescribed prohibitions other than His,’’ So did those who went before
them. But what is the mission of Messenger but to preach the Clear
Message?.For We assuredly sent amongst every people a Messenger,( with
the Command),’’Serve Allah, and eschew Evil’’; of the people were some
whom Allah guided, and some on whom Error became inevitably
(established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those
who denied ( the Truth)-Sura Nahl or Bee 16;35-36.

Allah’ Divinity is confirmed by holy Quran, He is the Creator of everything, free from
human limitations, needs and wants, He has no partner in His Divinity and all worship is
to be directed towards Him alone;

Say; He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute ; He begets
not, nor is He begotten! And there is none like unto Him. (Sura Al Ikhlas 112;

Muslim believes that Allah raises Jesus Christ on the Day of Judgment and asks about the
Message as Quran states;

And behold! Allah will say; ‘’O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say to men,
‘worship me and my mother’ as gods in derogation of Allah’’? He will say;
‘’Glory to You! Never could I say what I had no right (to say).Had I said such a
thing; You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart,
though I do not know what is in Yours. For You know in full all that is
hidden. ‘’Never said I to them anything except what You commanded me to
say, to wit, ’’Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord;’’ And I was a witness
over them whilst I dwelt among them; when You took me up, You were the
Watcher over them, and You are a Witness of all things (Sura Ma’ida5;116-
118 and also refer 4;159).

Miracles of Jesus Christ

Allah supported Jesus Christ right from his conception, birth and childhood, supported
by numerous miracles to prove that he was the Messenger of Allah. Muslim like
Christians believes that Jesus Christ performed various miracles by the Will of God. Allah
sent all prophets with numerous miracles specific to the nations sent to prove the veracity
of their message. The miracles performed by Prophet not according to their own accord
they were rather only manifest in their hand by the Will of God. The miracles performed
by Jesus Christ not different since Jews(children of Israel) were all advanced in the field
of medicine, accordingly Jesus Christ brought the miracles suitable to their nature to
prove the truth and message of Allah, in order to convince the people, as Quran describe;-

And (appoint him) a Messenger to the Children of Israel, (with this message); ’’I have
come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the
figure of a bird, and breath into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave; . and I heal
those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah’s leave; and I declare to
you what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if
you did believe (Sura Al-Imran 3; 49).

Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Message of Jesus Christ was not welcome by the Jews and they began to reject it, but
amongst them some believes his message and follows as Quran states;-

When Jesus found unbelief on their part, he said;’’ Who will be my helpers to
(the work of) Allah?’’ Said the Disciples; ‘’we are Allah’s helpers; we believe
in Allah, and you bear witness that we are Muslims; ‘’Our Lord! We believe in
what You have revealed, and we follow the Messenger; then write us down
among those who bear witness’’ (Al-Imran 3; 52-53 & 5; 111).

Once the disciples ask Jesus Christ the son of Mary viands from heaven and Jesus said
fear Allah, the disciples said we wish to eat the heavenly food to satisfy our heart as Quran

Behold! The Disciples said; ‘’O Jesus the son of Mary! Can your Lord send
down to us a Table set (with viands) from heaven?’’Jesus said fear Allah, if
you have faith,’’ They said; We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts,
and to know that you have indeed told us the truth; and that we ourselves
may be witness to the miracle.’’ Jesus the son of Mary said; ’’O Allah our
Lord! Send us from heaven a Table set (with viands), that there may be for
us- for the first and the last of us- a solemn festival and a Sign from Your; and
provide for our sustenance, for You are the best Sustainer (of our
needs).’’Allah said;’’ I will send down to you; but if any of you after that
resist faith, I will punish him with a penalty such as I have not inflicted on
any one among all the people’’( Sura Ma’ida 5;112-115).

Crucification of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ went place to place to preach the Message of God and called the people to
Pray Allah(Exalted One He is) and do not ascribe partner and Allah gives him the Divine
revelation ‘Gospel(Injil) to guide the Children of Israel. Jesus Christ message spread
everywhere, Allah supported him with miracles, which attracted people towards him, and
the Jews feel greater danger for their survival.

The Children of Israel follower of laws of Torah thought a plan to kill Jesus Christ and
they went to the king, prevailed upon him, and corrupted his mind by saying that Jesus
Christ has changed the Laws of Torah and made the people unbeliever of Moses Law. The
king came under their influence and order to arrest Jesus Christ and crucify him
immediately as Quran describe.

And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the
best of planners is Allah (Sura Al-Imran 3; 54).

The Disciples of Jesus Christ assembled in a house to hear his Sermons and the Jews
surrounded the house and attacked and killed and crucified a fake person resemble alike,
as Quran refute the claims of Jews and that they killed the Jesus Christ;

That they said( in boast),’’we killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the
Messenger of Allah’’;- but they did not kill him, nor crucified him, but so it
was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts,
with no(certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of surety they
did not kill him;-Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself, and Allah is Exalted
in Power, Wise (Sura Nisaa 4;157-158).

There is difference of opinion about Jesus Christ crucification, as most of the western
scholars, Jews and Christian too believes that Jesus Christ crucified, but Muslim affirm
full faith in the revelation and Quran and believes that he ascended to heaven without
being put on the cross and Allah transformed another person Simon of Cyrene to appear
exactly like Jesus Christ, who was crucified believing to be Jesus Christ.

The Second belief of Christian that Jesus Christ came to earth with the purpose of
sacrificing himself for the sins of Adam and the rest of humanity freeing from its burden.
Islam rejects this notion that any person bears the sins of another as Allah said ’’If you
rejects (Allah), truly Allah has no need of you; but He does not like ingratitude from His
servants; if you are grateful, He is pleased with you. No bearer of burdens can bear
the burden of another. In the End, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you
the truth of all that you did (in this life).For He knows well all that is in (men’s) hearts
(Sura Zumar 39; 7).

Allah’s mercy extends to all creations, believers and unbelievers alike, the door for
forgiveness is open to anyone who seek it before death, as Allah is able to forgive all the
sins if the person truly repent by heart and refrain from repeating it and believes in the
‘Oneness of God and follows His Commandments. Allah does not need any blood sacrifice
nor descend to earth in the form of man to atone the sins of human beings or to die for
the sins of every one and this false notion Islam totally disregard.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ

As Christian, do Muslim also believes in the return of Jesus the Messiah to Earth and as
per Muslim tradition the role and reason attributed for his return totally differs from
Christians. Muslim belief that Jesus Christ returns to earth first and foremost to prove his
mortality and refute the false claims of the people of Book(both Jews and
Christians).Jesus Christ live a normal life as human being ,marry and dies as a normal
human. As per Islamic tradition, which describe graphically Jesus Christ descent will be
in the midst of war between Imam Mahdi (rightly guided one) known in Islamic
eschatology as the redeemer of Islam against Dhajjal (Anti-Christ or false Messiah) and
his followers.

Jesus Christ will descend at the point of white arcade east of Damascus dressed in yellow
robes, his head anointed and offer prayer behind Al Mahdi and joined him in his war
against the Dhajjal (Anti Christ). Eventually, Jesus Christ slays the Dhajjal and every one
of the people of Book-Jews, Christians (Ahale kitab) will believe him. There will be one
community of followers that is ‘Islam (Sahih Muslim 41-7023 og 33 part 2) As per another
Hadith that ’’Allah’s Apostle said; ’’The hour will not be established until the son of Mary
(Jesus) descends among you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, abolish
Jizya (tax) as money will be in abundance and no one accept it( charity or gift) ( Sahih
Bukhari Vol 43 kitab ul Ilm-(book of Knowledge)Hadith no 656).

After the death of Al Mahdi, Jesus Christ will assume the leadership and by the time the
appearance of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog & Mog) a ancient tribe, who disperse on earth and
cause much disturbance among the people. Jesus Christ prays Allah for universal peace
and justice and Allah responded to his supplication and sent a type of worm that kills
them in napes necks. As per Islamic traditions, Jesus Christ rules said to be 40 years,
after which his burial took place and he will be buried in the vacant place left of the graves
of Prophet Muhammad (SAS), Hazrath Abu Bakr and Hazrath Omar bin khattab (RAA).


Muslim venerate Jesus Christ son of Mary the last Prophet of Children of Israel and a
precursor of last Prophet of Islam Hazrath Muhammad (SAS) as described in Quran in
Chapter Saff or Battle Array (61;6);

And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said; ’’O Children of Israel! I am the
Messenger of Allah(sent) to you, confirming the Law(which came) before me,
and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall
be ’’Ahmad’’ .But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, This is
evident sorcery!’’.

Quran remains as the last Word of God and remains as a divine and eternal
proof for all the people for generation to come, which confirm the Law of
Moses and Gospel of Jesus and a Criterion of judgment between right and
wrong and also confirm all the Prophet of Islam from Adam to Last chain of
Prophet Muhammad (SAS).

144 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Allah the Exalted One states in holy Quran ‘’ Of some Messengers We have already
told you the story; of others we have not;- and to Moses Allah spoke
directly’’ (Sura Nisaa of The Woman-4;164).

On this lines Allah describe some of the other Prophets sent to preach the people of Bani
Israel, who were deviated from the main path. Likewise, stories of some of
Prophets mentioned in Glorious Quran and some of them based on later
Islamic exegetes are mentioned here.

Story of Ezekiel (Hizqeel)

The glorious Quran mentions by name ‘Dhil Kifl’ and not ‘Ezekiel’ in various verses, but
the Quranic commentators based on the previous facts equates Ezekiel with Dhul Kifl
and identified with various Hebrew Prophets, who preached and administered Justice to
the people of Israel. In order to clear the ambiguity, stories of both the prophets of Islam
are narrated simultaneously based on the Quranic Commentary.

Ibn Jareer states that many scholars of Ummah unanimously agrees that Ezekiel
succeeded Joshua(Yashua) son of Nun and Calib son of Bufna one of the companions of
Prophet Moses at the time of Exodus of Israelites from Egypt to the home land Jerusalem
. They disobeyed the Commands of Allah, and then Allah made them to wander in the
valley of Tuwa for forty years as Quran narrates;-

(But) among (their) God fearing men were two on whom Allah had
bestowed His grace; they said;’’ Assault them at the (proper) Gate; when
once you are in victory will be yours; but on Allah put your trust if you have

Ezekiel son of Yuzi succeeded Joshua in leading the children of Israeli and once God
commands them to fight or follow His command, which they disobeyed and Allah made
them to ‘Die’ and raised again on the prayer of the Messenger ‘Ezekiel as Quran

Did you not turn your vision to those who abandoned their homes, though
they were thousands ( in numbers),for fear of death? Allah said to them;
’’Die! Then He restored them to life. For Allah is full of bounty to mankind,
but most of them are ungrateful’’ (Sura Al Baqr-2; 243).

In the light of the above verse Ibn Abbas and others states that there was a town called
’Dawirdan’ near Wasit affected with plague and the inhabitants fled and went to a place
closely and those who remained in the town perished and those who fled survived and
returned to their homes after the epidemic ended. Opinions prevailed that those who fled
were wiser than those who remained, perished, and thought if they would fled could have
survived. In the following year the town was again afflicted with plague, so all the people
fled until they reached a vast valley. They were more than 30,000 in numbers and Allah
send two Angels to the valley and the Angel caused the death of all the people by the
Command of Allah ’Die’, thereupon all died and their bodies did not decay. Then prophet
Ezekiel passed by dead bodies, upon seeing them, he exclaimed ‘’ How Allah shall
resurrect them to life? Allah inspired him and said ’would you like to see how I can bring
them back to life? Ezekiel said ‘yes’ then Almighty Allah commanded him to call in His
name’’ O ye bones, Allah commands you to come back together, the bones flew and
gathered together forming skeletons’’. Again Allah inspired him to call’’ O ye bones, Allah
commands you to wear flesh, so they were all fleshed with blood and clothes in which they
had died’’ then he called ’’O ye bodies Allah commands you to stand, so they all stood.

Mujahid said ‘’as soon as they all raise up from the slumber of death, they said ‘’O Allah
glory and praise be to You, there is no god but You alone worthy of worship. They
returned to their people alive, knowing they have been dead, the mark of death showing
on their faces and they lived through the end of their prescribed ages.

Ibn Juraih reports on the authority of Ata that this was set as a parable to indicate
’’caution does not change destiny. Muslim exegetes believes that this incident actually
occurred as revealed in Quran to show that Almighty Allah has Power to raise from death
and vice versa.

Story of Dhul Kifl

The Glorious Quran reveals the name of Dhul Kifl along with other Prophets and there
is difference of opinion about him among the Muslim exegetes as Quran describe Dhul
Kifl ;-

“And (remember) Ismail, Idris, and Zul Kifl, all (men) of constancy and
patience’’; We admitted them to Our Mercy; for they were of the Righteous
Ones’’(Sura Anbiya or the Prophets-21;85-86).

‘’And Commemorate Ismail, Elisha, and Zul Kifl; each of them was of the
company of Good’’(Sura Saad -38;48).

Ibn Jareer narrated that Zul kifl was not a prophet but a righteous man supported his
people to suffice their needs and administered justice among them that why he was called
‘Dhul Kifl-possessor of or a giving double requital portion.

Other Quranic commentator assumed that Zul kifl name mentioned in glorious Quran
along with other prophets and also consider as a Islamic prophets, who had been
identified with various Hebrew bible prophets most commonly ’Ezekiel’ believed to have
lived for 75 years and preached the children of Israel what is called today the modern Iraq
area. In another version of story that Abdal Aleem said that he sent a letter to Imam
Muhammad Al Tariq to ask the name of ’Dhul Kilf whether he was a prophet? In reply
Imam stated that Allah has sent 1 24,000 Prophets/Messengers in the world, among them
313 of them were Apostle of Allah, Dhul kifl was one of them and he was appointed after
Prophet Sulayman(AS) to lead the people and he was calm natured and quiet person.

Ibn Babawayh stated that people ask Prophet Muhammad(SAS) about Dhul kifl and he
said ‘’Dhul kifl lives in Hadramaut and his first name ‘’Owaidya’’, his father was ‘’Oriyan’.
Yasa’a (Elisha) once asked ‘’who will be successor after me upon certain conditions that’’
preach the people calmly and never become angry with them? And as per other traditions
one should used to fast in day time and pass the night in prayer and not be angry on any
one’’. Owaidya stood up and said’’ I accept your terms, Yasa’a again repeated this twice,
Owaidya said again ’I will follow your terms’’. After the death of Yasa’a, Owaidya became
the successor and preached the people as per the terms of reference made during the time
of Prophet Yasa’a.

The story of Zul kifl patience ‘ one day Iblis asked one of his companion who will go to
Owaidya make him angry and compel him to break his promise? A companion named
”Abyaiz’’ said that he was prepared for this job, the Iblis then granted his wish and
ordered to go and try. Dhul Kifl routine work was to attain to the problems of people and
take rest afterward; the Satan came to him and said that someone has harassed him.
Prophet Dhul kifl said to the Satan to go and call the person who harassed him, in turn
Satan said he will not come if I ask him, then Dhul kifl gave his ring as a sign of
recognition and told him to show and bring that person to him,. Satan took the prophet
ring and went away. Zul kifl could not take rest and slept at night, next day Zul kifl usually
after solving the problems of people decided to take rest, Satan knowing the situation
approached and said that the person who harassed him had not accepted the ring and
refused to come. The servant said that wait or go away and come next day since his master
could not sleep last night and the whole day he was busy with people’s problems, but the
Satan said he wanted the Justice right know, the servant informed his master. After
hearing this, prophet wrote a letter, gave it to Satan and told him to show the letter to his
foe, Satan then took the letter and went away and the prophet could not sleep and pass
the night in prayer.

Satan appeared again on the 3rd day and complains that his foe had not accepted his letter
too and refused to come. Hearing these words from the Satan, Dhul kifl arose, held his
hand and went along with him as the day was very hot and the prophet walking in severe
heat of the sun without an iota of disapproval or rage on his face. Satan saw the patience
and perseverance of Dhul kifl got himself ashamed of his failure in his mission and in
disappointment thought he cannot control him or succeed in his plan, left his hand and
disappeared and that why he was called Dhul Kifl.

A narrator describe in his book that Dhul kifl was the son of Prophet Job(Ayyub AS) the
epithet of patience and perseverance and one of Allah’s apostle. After the death of Job
(Ayyub-AS), Allah granted apostleship to Dhul kifl and sent to Rome for preaching and
the people accepted him as a prophet. Allah ordered them to fight the enemy, but the
people said they would like to live in the world peacefully and do not like to die. Dhul kifl
prayed Allah’’ You have ordered me for the battle with the enemy but, You know better
what my community says, You are all knowing and hearing and I am afraid of Your
Chastisement’’. Allah inspired him that He has heard him and his people and their wish is
granted and they will not die unless and until they ask for, make them to follow you and
My orders’’, this why he is called Dhul kifl.

The result of bounty of Allah made the population of the community increases day by day
and their conditions become worst and weak, the people again approached Dhul kifl to
pray Allah for them to let them live and die according to Almighty Allah’s desire. The
Prophet prays Allah and He reveals that your community not knowing what was better
for them, after that they were all lives and dies as per the law of Allah.


Al Kifl (Arabic- ibnul kifl) is a town in Southeastern Iraq on the Euphrates river between
Najaf and Al Hillah. Various names assigned to the shrine within Al Kifl are; Dhul kifl
Shrine, Marqad Dhul kifl, Qubbat Dhul kifl, Qabr al Nabi Dhul kifl. Qabr Hazqiyal shrine
(Hazqiyal is Arabic translation of Hebrew Y’hezqel’ mostly utilized by Jew shepherds and
after they adopted Arabic, Jews equated Ezekiel and Dhul kifl and Muslim exegetes follow
suit). The Ilkhanid sultan uljaitu acquired the rights of guardianship over the tomb in
1316 CE (715-716 AH), consequently the shrine was renamed according to Islamic
nomenclature. The ilkhanid Sultan Uljaitu added to the structure a Mosque and a Minaret
and restored the shrine with alternations resembling Muslim structure. In 19 th century a
wealthy Jew Menahim ibn Danyal took back and converted the site into Jewish traditions,
the minaret built in 14th century remains as only witness as a Islamic site.


Islamic traditions name Uzra an Israelite Prophet, most often identified with Judea-
Christian Ezra, a prominent figure mention in holy Quran(Sura Bani-Israel-9;30),whom
Jews revered as’ Son of God’’ which Islam negated and falsified their approach. The
genealogy of Uzair goes back to Harun- Izar- Uzair ,belongs to the family of priestly
Prophet Harun, who was sent in between David-Solomon and Zakriyya-Yahya. Uzair
came at the time that Children of Israel could not memorize the Torah and Allah inspired
Uzair to memorize and convey it to them. Wahab ibn Munabh reports that Allah ordered
Angel to enlighten Uzair’s heart and the Angel inscribed Torah in his heart until he lives.

Background-(1)Destruction of Jerusalem;- The Glorious Quran reveals that Allah

sent His servant as punishment to the children of Israel who deviated from the right path
and spread corruption on the earth who held sway over them as a fitting recompense for
their transgression and killing of Prophets as Quran describe;

‘’And We gave (clear) warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that
twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty
arrogance (and twice would they be punished)! When the first of the warning
came pass, We sent against you Our servant given terrible warfare; they
entered the very in most parts of your homes; and it was a
warning(completely) fulfilled(Sura Bani-Israel-17;4-5).

There is difference of opinions between the early and late Muslim scholars over the people
whom Allah sent forth for the first time against tyrannical Israelite as a terrible
punishment. Ibn Abbas and Qatadah (RAA) opine was the Goliath who held sway over the
Children of Israel and David killed him and relieved them. Whereas, Saeed ibn Musayyib
opine that Allah sent His servant to punished the arrogant Israelites for killing of His
Prophets- that is Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, marched his troops to Syria and
enter Jerusalem and destroyed it completely. Terminated the lives of notables and
scholars, killed many Israelites, destroyed their homes continues trail destruction until no
one Israelite who memorize Torah survives. He enter Solomon temple annihilate
whatever remains there and destroyed Torah ,made Israelite suffer humiliation in the
world and inflicted severe punishment and took large number of them to Babylon as
prisoners and left the place leaving behind the city in utter ruin. Nebuchadnezzar coming
back to Damascus saw blood boiling over a heap of garbage, he asked ‘what is this blood’’?
People said that this blood have found boiling since the time of our ancestors as soon as
garbage was covered, the blood began to boils over it again.

Thereupon realizing the arrogances of Israelites in the past, he killed about 70,000
Israelites and others and put their blood on it and as a result ‘’the blood ceased to boil’’.

Commenting on this incident ibn Kathir states that the blood supposed to be the previous
prophets/righteous predecessor persons-‘Allah best knowledgeable about this’ and the
narration by Sa’eed ibn Musayyib is correct and believable.

(2) Reconstruction of City of Jerusalem

Allah reveals in holy Quran that how He repopulated the ruin city again back to life with
all pomp and pageantry and raised the dead to life to show His power to His beloved
Messenger as Quran describe; ’’Or(take) the similitude of one who passed by a
hamlet, all ruins to its roofs. He said; ‘’Oh! How shall Allah bring it (ever) to
life, after (this) its death ?’’ But Allah caused him to die for a hundred years,
then raised him up (again). He said; ’’How long did you tarry (thus)?He
said’’(Perhaps) a day or part of a day’’. He said ;’’Nay, you have tarried thus a
hundred years; but look at your food and your drink; they show no sign of
age; and look at your donkey; and that We may make of you a Sign unto the
people, look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe
them with flesh’’. When this was shown clearly to him, he said; ’’I know that
Allah has power over all things’’(Sura Al baqr or Heifer-2;259).

Commenting on the above verse, Ibn Abbas, Qatadah and As Suddy , Ibn kathir reports
that person named in the verse is Ezra(Uzair) the prophet of Israelites and place was
Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon who had destroyed the city, killed the
people and leaves the place in complete devastation. Thereupon seeing the place in utter
ruin express his feeling in despair ’’Oh! how shall Allah bring it( ever) to life after(this) its

‘’Allah caused him to die for 100 years and then Allah raised Ezra from the slumber of
death to life. Allah restore his eyesight first to show how He bring life to the rest of the
body, having got back his life, the Angel asked Ezra ;;how long did you tarry (this)?
Ezra said perhaps a day or part of the day, this is because, Allah has taken his life in the
morning, when he opened his eyes he saw the sunshine that is why he said only a day or
part of the day. Angel said Nay, you had slept for 100 years, look at food and drink
which did not decay and the Angel further commanded him to ponder how Allah restore
the life of your donkey, whose bones were scattered in different directions. Allah caused
the wind to blow and gather the scattered bones from every corner, thereupon caused
the bones to reunite until it becomes a complete skeleton, after that Allah clothes the
donkey with skin and blood and make the donkey brayed.

Allah shows His miracle to Ezra ’How He bring back life after death and Ezra praise Allah
and said Allah has power over all things. Ezra saw how Allah resurrected the ruined city of

Jerusalem, was reconstructed and repopulated with Israelites with increased wealth and
in numbers as Quran reveal ;

‘’Then We granted you the Return as against them; We gave you increase in
resources and sons, and make you the more numerous in man power’’( Sura
Bani Israel-17;6).

Revival of Torah

Ishaq ibn Bishr states Ezra mounted on the donkey and reached his house and he saw 120
years old blind and crippled woman seems to be the house cleaner of the house. He ask
her ‘’Is this house of Ezra’’ she replied in affirmative and burst into tears and said people
have long forgotten Ezra, thereupon he said ’’I am Ezra’’ Allah caused me back to life,
glory be to Allah’’. She said we have lost Ezra a hundred years ago and we no longer heard
of him. Again he said I am Ezra, on this reply she wanted to ascertain the genuineness of
his claim, she said the Ezra used to pray for sick and distressed and cured and relieved
them .If you are indeed Ezra, pray for me that I may get back my eyesight. Ezra then
massage her eyes and prays for her eyesight which was restored immediately, then he
took her hand and said ‘’get up by the will of Allah’’ she stood up and walked as usual. In
consequent upon this, she looked at Ezra and said ’I bear witness that you are Ezra, she
rushed to the assembly of Israelites, Ezra son was 118 years old and his grandson was the
chief of the assembly. She told them this Ezra coming back to you’’ on hearing this, they
accused her of lying, but she affirm with faith and said I am your old and crippled house
cleaner, he has prayed Allah for me and I have regained my eyesight and health. She
exclaimed that Allah caused him to die for a 100 years and then brought back to life, upon
this people got up and looked at Ezra, meanwhile, his son said my father had a mole
between his shoulders and Ezra discloses his shoulder and confirm their doubts and all of
accepted that he is Ezra.

The Israelites said none among them memorized Torah since Nebuchadnezzar burnt it,
Save Ezra wrote it for us ? On the other hand Sarukha father of Ezra buried a copy of
Torah on the day of the attack of Nebuchadnezzar and the place was known only to Ezra,
thereupon Ezra led the people to that place and took out the Torah from the ground and
found the paper had rotten and the book perished. Ezra sat under the shade of the tree,
Allah caused two shooting stars fell down from the sky and pierced his heart reviving his
memory. Ezra dictated and rewrote the Torah for children of Israelites and they said’’
Moses could not convey the Torah except from the Book, whereas Ezra copied it from his
memory, that is why Jews began to call Ezra ’’Son of God’’. Allah curse both the Jews and
Christians for corruption of holy books ’’Torah & Bible’’ as ascribe partner to Almighty
Allah as holy Quran reveals and falsified their claims.

‘’The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the Son of
Allah. That is a saying from their mouth;(in this) they but imitate what the
Unbelievers of old used to say .Allah’s curse be on them; how they deluded
away from the Truth!(Sura Tauba or Repentance-9;30).

Falsification of Torah

Ibn Hizm an Andalusia Muslim scholars explicitly say that Ezra corrupted Torah while
interpolation of biblical text and provide polemical list stating various contradictions,
inaccuracies and theological impossibilities and lack of reliable transmission of original
text overtime. Havalalazarus-yafeh states in response to attack on the personality of Ezra
that Byzantine emperor Leo-III defended him as a pious and reliable person. Al Samaw’al
(D 1175 CE), a Jewish convert to Islam accuses Ezra in interpolation of stories such as
genesis 19; - 30-38 in the Torah and bible to sully David origin. further to prevent the rule
of David dynasty during the second temple attack* (*Quranic Verse 17;7 clearly state the
passing of second warning that is the Israelite again became arrogant and deviated from
the right path and killed Prophet Zakariyyaa and later attempted to crucify Jesus Christ,
but Allah lifted him alive to heaven. As a punishment Allah sent His Servant ‘Titus of
Rome’’, who disfigure their faces, enter the temple as entered before by Nebuchadnezzar
and destroyed whatever there and burnt the Torah and displaced the Jews from
Jerusalem permanently and made them wanderer in the world and this trial destructions
occurred in 70 CE).

Quranic narrator blames the Jews for addition and alteration and interpolation in the
original biblical corpus (Torah) by the Rabbis, who elaborated the ‘Septuagent’ creating a
legend ’’Ezra the Son of God’. Scholar Darnell Newby notes on the topic of Uzair- ’’A
History of Arabia-From Ancient Times to their eclipse under Islam’’. While bringing up
the topic ’creator-Angel Metatran ( Some lesser YHUH- one of Sons of Allah) which had
been involved in debate between Orthodox Judaism(or Rabbinism) and Karcute Judaism,
also mentioning the topic of ’Bene Elohim-Son of God’ particularly found in Genesis 6,2.

Lastly, the later Muslim Scholars updated the writings of Ibn Hazm and Al Samaw’al up
to contemporary times and falsified the legend of orthodox Rabbis, ultimately the holy
Quran stands as a final testimony to negate their belief in total.


Jeremiah is one of the major weeping prophet of Hebrews, whereas the Islamic traditions
consider Jeremiah a prophets of the Children of Israel listed by Ibn kathir in his canonical
collection of ’Annals of Prophets’’. Christians also regard

Jeremiah as a prophet reported in the New Testament. Overall Jeremiah considers as a
Prophets in all the Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam equally.
Jeremiah son of Hilkiah comes from the house of Levi ibn Jacob.

Background;- Jeremiah born and brought up in the village Anothoth few miles
Northeast of Jerusalem in a priestly family and from childhood he learned some of the
traditions of his people particularly prophecies of Hosea, whose influence can be seen in
the early messages. The Era of Jeremiah lives mark the transition of ancient culture to
Neo-Babylonian times, as the Assyrian empire was dominant for two centuries began to
decline. Ninevah was captured by Babylonian king in 612 BCE and the Medes of Egypt
had a brief period of resurgence under 26th dynasty (664-525 BCE), which could not
possess enough strength to establish their empire. The rise of new world power at that
time was the Neo- Babylonian Empire under the Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar, a small
comparatively insignificant state of Judah-vassal of Assyrian. The fall of Assyrian herald
the independence of Judah for a short period as it vacillated its allegiance between
Babylonia and Egypt, ultimately Judah became a province of Neo-Babylonian Empire.

Jeremiah Mission

Jeremiah began his prophetic mission in 627/626 BCE, the 13 th years of king Hosiah’s
reign. He responded to ’YAHWEH’S (ALLAH’s) call to prophecy His message to the
Children of Israel. Jeremiah said ’’I do not know how to speak to the people since I am
only a youth, but he receives Allah’s assurance that Allah would put His own words into
his mouth and made him the prophet of Nation and few scroll of Jeremiah served as a
official sermons in the temple.

Jeremiah’s early message was the condemnation of their false idol worship and social
injustice and reveals their sins and called them to repent or otherwise Allah will punish
with severe punishment and said the impending disaster that the destruction of
Babylonian army and captivity of the people. The people hearing this words attack
Jeremiah by his own brothers, put into the stocks by priest and false prophets,
imprisoned by king and thrown into a cistern by Judah’s officials.

Josiah the king in the earlier time that is 621 BCE instituted far reaching reforms based
on the Book into the temple of Jerusalem, establishment of social justice following the
principles of earlier prophets ( Deuteronomic Reforms). Jeremiah travelled in and around
Jerusalem and surrounding villages of Judah exhorting people to follow the reforms.
Later he became disillusioned with the reforms that it dealt only for external religion and
not ethical aspect and inner spirit. After the death of Josiah succeeded by his son

Jehoiakin in 609/ 598 BCE was a different person and not like his father and Jeremiah
denounced Jehoiakin harshly for his selfishness, materialism and practice of social

Battle of Carchemish; In 605 BCE, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar decisively

defeated the Egyptian and the remnants of Assyrians, in this connection, Jeremiah
delivered an oracle against the Egyptians as this battle made great difference in the world
situations. Jeremiah soon dictated to the scribe Baruch’ a scroll containing all his
messages he had delivered in the Solomon temple and the same was read before the king
Jehoiakin, who cut it into pieces and burnt it and Jeremiah fearing went into hiding and
dictated another scroll with additions.

The Jehoiakin with held the tribute to the Babylonian king (601 BCE), Jeremiah warns
the Judeans about the impending danger, but they refused to hear his advice and
persisted in resisting Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylonia sent an army to
besiege Jerusalem and the king Jehoiakin died before the siege and his son Jehoiachin
succeeded him and surrender the capital to Babylonian in March 597 BCE and he was
taken along with others subjects to Babylonia as prisoners. The Babylonian placed
Zedekiah on the throne of Judah favorable to them in 597/586 BE, who was more
inclined to Jeremiah’s counsel than Jehoiakin and his son, but he was weak and
vacillating and his court was torn by conflict between pro-Babylonian and pro-Egyptians.
Zedekiah pays tribute to Babylonia and made alliance with Egypt and rule for about 10

Early in Zedekiah reign, Jeremiah wrote letters to the exiles in Babylonia advising them
not to return to the homeland as false prophet and anti forces are encouraging them to
believe, but he said to settled in the exile peacefully and seek the welfare of their copters.
When emissaries from surrounding states came to Judah in 594 BCE to enlist support in
rebellion against the Babylonian,. Jeremiah put a yoke upon his neck and went around
proclaiming that Judah and the surrounding states to submit to the yoke of Babylonians,
for it was ‘Yuhweh’ had given them unto the hands of king of Babylonia and same
message ’submit to the yoke of Babylonia’’ remained even after the fall of Jerusalem to
the Babylonians.

Siege of Jerusalem

The Second time Nebuchadnezzar sent his army to Jerusalem to the affairs and teach a
lesson to the Children of Israel who raised an banner of revolt and indulged in all sorts of
vices and killed prophets and imprisoned Jeremiah. The army of Nebuchadnezzar laid the
siege of Jerusalem and temporarily lifted at the approach of Egyptian forces, Jeremiah

started to leave Jerusalem and to go to the land of his tribe in Benjamin. He was arrested
on charge of desertion and placed in prison (in a abandon cistern),where he would have
died but by the help of Ethopian eunuch ’Ebed-melech’ with the permission of king put
him in less confining place, king Zedekiak summoned him twice for secret interview and
Jeremiah advised him both the times to surrender to Babylonia.

Jerusalem finally fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE and Jeremiah was released from the
prison by the Babylonian and offered him safe conduit to Babylonia, but he preferred to
remain with his own people and preach them the message of Allah. So the Babylonians
entrusted him to ’Gedeliah’ a prominent Judean, appointed as the governor of Judah and
Jeremiah continued to oppose those who opposed or rebel against Babylonia and
promised them a bright and joyful future.

Later the people turned against Gedeliah and assassinated him and Jeremiah taken to
Egypt against his will by some Jews fearing reprisal from Babylonia, even in Egypt
Jeremiah continued to rebuke his fellow in exiles. As per biblical sources, Jeremiah
stoned to death in 570 BCE by his exasperated fellow Countrymen in Egypt.

Children of Israel did not Repent

Prophet Jeremiah said’’ woe to us! We have disobeyed Allah; we must repent to Allah-
Great and Majestic, for what we have done. I shall pray to Allah to accept our

repentance. He prayed so and Allah revealed to him that He would not’’ if they are
sincere, they must stay with you in this country(or towns).Jeremiah told them what Allah
had revealed, they said how can we stay in this town which had been devastated and
Allah’s anger with its people, so they refused to stay.

Ibn al kalbi said that since that time the Ire of Allah over them and made the Children of
Israel widespread over the world, some went to Hijaz, Taif and Medina, others settled in
wadi al Qurra, some went to Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar wrote to its vassal kings demanding
severe punishment for those who had escaped and refused to return. In order to teach a
lesson he marched his army, who fought, defeated and captured them. He marched to the
extreme of Morocco and returned to Egypt , Jerusalem, Palestine and Jordan and made
many captives and leaves a trial of destructions in these areas as a punishment for
disobedience to Almighty Allah, which had been prophecy Jeremiah.

Story of Prophet ISAIAH ( Arabic-Shi’a)

Isaiah a Hebrew Prophet sent between the periods of David & Zakariyyaa to the
Children of Israelites. Isaiah was born in 8th century BC and martyred by his own people
in 7th century BC and he was equally honored in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Isaiah not mentioned by name in Quran or in Hadith, Muslim sources have accepted him
as a prophet and some Muslim scholars such as Ibn kathir and kisai reproduced Jewish
traditions transmitted through Jewish converts to Islam. Modern writers Muhammad
Asad and Abdullah Yusuf Ali commenting on the Quranic chapter 17; 4-the Book of
revelation given to the children of Israel, here it seems to have refer to the burning words
of prophets like Isaiah.

The Old Testament stories regarding Isaiah, which are not confirmed by holy Quran or
prophetic traditions. He was referred to as ’Isra’iliyyah’ are not considered strong enough
to be used as evidence in Islamic law, but Isaiah is mentioned as a prophet in ibn kathir
’story of prophets’ .Isaiah is well known in Muslim exegetes and literature notably for his
predictions of the coming of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (SAS).

Muslim exegetes preserve a traditional parallel to the Hebrew bible, which states that
Hezekiah was the king of Jerusalem during Isaiah time and he heard and obeyed the
advice Isaiah but he could not quell the turbulence in Israel. The traditions maintains
that Hezekiah a righteous man and the turbulence worsened after his death ( king
Hezekiah).Isaiah told the people not to forsake Allah and warned Israelites to cease
from the persistent sins and disobedience as holy Quran reveals in 17;4-6 , coming of
Allah’s punishment. Muslim tradition maintains that unrighteous Israelites in the garb
of anger martyred Isaiah being sawed in half (Source; Encyclopedia Islam, Al Tabari
and ibn kathir).

Story of Prophet DANIEL (Arabic Daniyal )

Prophet Daniel is usually considered by Muslim to have been a Prophet, although he is

not mentioned in Quran or Hadith . Muslims believes that he was a saintly man, some
Muslim records suggests that book regarding ‘Apocalyptic’ revelation was found in the
coffin ,which supposed to have contains the remains of Daniel, brought to light at the time
of Muslim conquest of ‘Tustar’ and he was buried again at the request of Hazarath Omar

Background;-Muslim traditions have retained some records of the two figures viz
Daniel in the Hebrew bible, first being the sage of ancient times mentioned by Ezekiel and
the second being the visionary of who lived at the time of captivity in the ‘Book of Daniel’
canonized in the current Hebrew Bible.

Daniel in Islamic Literature;- Muslim traditions recounts that Daniel preached in

Babylonia exhorting the people to return to Allah and not to ascribe any partner nor
associate with any mundane things. There is difference of opinion about his presence

some say he lived during the time of ‘Titus of Rome’ other says during the time of
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylonia and he taught the prince the ‘unity of Allah and the
true religion of Islam. Key events from Daniel life recounted by the exegetes are the
presence of Daniel and his companion Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel was carried off to
Babylonia after the destruction of Jerusalem. Al Tabari retells how Daniel interpreted the
king dreams of a statue made of four metals destroyed by a rock from heaven.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his Quranic commentary says ’’Daniel was a righteous man of
princely lineage and lived about 620- 583 BC, he was carried off to Babylonia in 605 BC
by Nebuchadnezzar, the Assyrian, but he was living when Assyrians were overthrown by
the Medes and Persians. Inspite of his captivity by the Jews, Daniel enjoys highest office
of state at Babylon and he remains true to Jerusalem. His enemies under the Persian
monarch got a penal law against anyone who asked a petition of any god or man for 30
days except the Persian king, but Daniel continued true to Jerusalem. Daniel kneeled
down thrice a day, prayed Allah and gave thanks before God, as he did afore time at
Jerusalem and never deviated from the right path.

Jeremiah meets Daniel

The friction between Daniel and his detractor, his miraculous delivery from the den of
lions and Belshazzars feast and the deciphering of the mysterious writings are the legends
that are not fund in Jewish traditions. Muslim writings is that Jeremiah meets Daniel ,a
significant event involving Habakkuk and Daniel, however, is found in the lives of
Prophets, ibn Abi Al Dunya narrated the following event based on a chain of citations;

Nebuchadnezzar captured 2 lions and threw them in the pit and then he brought Daniel
and put him in it. The lions did not pounce at him rather remained as Allah wish. When
he felt the need of food and drink, Allah reveals to Jeremiah who was in sham land
’’prepare food and drink for Daniel’’. He said ‘’O Lord I am in Jerusalem while Daniel is in
Babylon’’ Allah revealed to him ’’Do what I have commanded you to do, and I shall send
you one who will carry you and what you have prepared’’. Jeremiah did so and Allah send
him something that would carry him until he arrived at the brink of pit, Daniel ask who
are you, he answered I am Jeremiah, he then ask what brought here? He answered,’’ Your
Lord sent me to you,’’ He said ‘’and my Lord remembered me? He said ‘Yes’ Daniel said
‘’Praise be to Allah, Who never forgotten me! Moreover, praise is to Allah, Who never
forgets those who appeal to Him! And praise be to Him Who compensates good with
good’’ rewards patience with safety, dispel harm after distress, assures us when we are
overwhelmed and is our hope when skill fails us’’. Later he rescues from the lion den with
help of Jeremiah and continues his preaching. His tomb-Susa(Shus in Southern
Iran)known as ‘Shush e Daniyal’’.

Torah and Talmud

How the Rabbis created similitude’s with holy Hebrew bible and a parallel text ‘Talmud
as a means to understand Torah- the five Books of Torah- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Torah was destroyed by the Nebuchadnezzar the
Babylonian king and rewritten by Prophet Ezra and all the five Books of Torah written in
the Scroll that was read in the synagogues every week and all these five books took
written forms in the period 1200 to 100 BCE well before the Talmud took shape.

Talmud is the compilation of the historic Rabbis ‘discussing’ or ‘debating’ what the Torah
means, some of the tractates come to conclusion but many leaves the debates open ended.
Jewish can study Torah and Talmud and continues to debate its meaning in all cultural
changes as the entire Talmud contains 63 tractates. The Talmud written by Rabbis called
Babylonian Talmud, earlier known as Jerusalem Talmud or Palestinian Talmud.

The major difference between Torah and Talmud is that the Jewish tradition
tell us ‘God give us Torah and the Rabbis give us Talmud’’. Jewish believes that
God handed down the Torah directly to Moses, who dutifully recorded it word for word,
it is written word( Ten Commandments)and the Talmud the oral word of God handed
down at the time . The American Jewish Community explains that the Torah is like the
Constitution of united State and the Talmud is like Supreme Court ruling.

Holy Quran reveals as a precautionary step to the children of Adam about ‘Satan’ the arch
enemy of People;

‘’Did I not enjoin on you, O you children of Adam, that you should not
worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed? ‘’And you should
worship Me,( for that) this was the Straight Way?’’ But he did lead astray a
great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand?’’This is the Hell of
which you were (repeatedly) warned!( Sura Ya-Sin 36;60-63).

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GLOBAL CONDITION;- The avowed concept of Islam is Tawheed’-belief inOneness

of Allah and His attributes, this Universal message was preached by all the prophets of
Islam right from Adam the father of mankind to the last chain of prophet Muhammad
(SAS). To perpetuate this noble & Universal call, Allah sends thousands of
Prophets/Messenger to the nook and corner of worlds with a prime objective to
illuminate the minds of human being and imbibe in them the spirit and belief of
’Oneness of God. Quran state ’’To every people (was sent) a Messenger, when
their Messenger comes (before them), the matter will be judge between them
with justice and they will not be wrong’’ (Sura Yunus 10; 47 and also Sura Nahl or
Bee 16; 37).

Human being born as a weak entity and Quran says’ Allah would make the burden light
for you for man was created weak’’ (Sura An-Nisa 4; 28 & 2;286). At the beginning,’’
Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and
warnings; and with them He sent the Book of Truth, to judge between people in matters
wherein they differed; but People of the Book did not differ, except selfish contumacy..
Allah by His Grace guided the Believers to the Truth wherein they differed, Allah guides
whom He will to a path that is straight (2;213). Over the passage of time man became
victims of satanic activities and fell in the cobweb of polytheism and began to worship
God’s creations rather God. Sun, Moon, Stars, Rivers, Mountains, trees, and animal as
gods beside calls Angels the daughters of God and ascribe partners and name them god
and goddesses and offers prayers and prostrate before them for all their needs. Holy man
/Sages become their living deity and incarnation of god and the whole humanity on earth
engulf in the whirlpool of pantheism.

Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful never let down His crown of creations and the
vicegerent on earth, for whose sake the entire Universe created and decorated for his
convenience. Prophets/Messenger the infallible guides of all, who come to eradicate
ignorance, from the people , which hover over them, and even the people of Abrahamic
religions, Judaism and Christianity fell astray, ascribe partners to Almighty Allah, and
deviated from the path of Tawheed. The world witnesses the supremacy of two super
powers Romans and Persian respectively and dictates terms to other regimes those follow
them and act as vassal states.

Roman Empire (Byzantine);- The decline of Greeks power and rise of Roman as
super power of the world and Christianity being the religion of the state rules whole of
Europe and African continent and at the zenith of power and no other power challenge
their authority. The Romans saw their downfall from 6th century AD, due their
involvement in internal struggle and mal administration, moral degradation, limit less
enjoyment of power, indulge in luxuries thus Epicureanism became their way of life.

On religious front, the Christian corrupted the holy bible and began to believe in the
divinity of Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Virgin Mary and openly declare Jesus
Christ the Son of God. Papacy dominates the religion and act as nodal authority, in
accordance with the Trinity Concept, they made suitable changes in the holy bible,
adorned the churches with the statues of Jesus and Virgin Mary and pray before them and
the original concept of Tawheed lost its form.
Persian Empire (Sassanids);-The Persian follows Zoroastrian religion believes in one
God and ascribe partner by worshipping Fire and Water as a source to reach the Almighty
Allah or Ahura Mazda. Persian rule a major part of Persia covered by Iran, Iraq and a
part of Syria and surrounding areas and at the zenith of power and parallel super power
to Romans ( Byzantine) power.
Judaism Religion- Another Abrahamic religion follows Prophet Moses and believes in
one God and practices the rituals and customs laid down by Moses. Allah blessed the Bani
Israel’ with many divine bounties and holy Scripture ’Torah’ the guiding light of Almighty
Allah and they claims to be followers of Moses. After the departure of Moses, people of
Bani Israel or Jews commonly deviated from the path , and slay many of Allah’s Apostles
and fell in the quagmire of moral degradation. Polytheistic ideas slowly made inroads in
their belief, indulge in all sorts of unlawful activities, corrupted the Torah to their needs
and called ‘Uzair (Ezra) the Son of God. Even they attempted to execute Jesus Christ,
which Allah saved him and lifted to heaven, in this way the people of book (Jews) lost
their main path as enshrined in the original Torah.
Indian Front;- India witnesses the major and old polytheist religion ’Hinduism’ and
people of this region major ‘Idol worshipper’ as the source of reaching their supreme
trinity gods ’Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara.
In addition to this, they had countless gods and goddesses estimated around 330 million
or more and these god and goddesses rule the minds of Indian idol worshipper. Brahmin
the priest command authority over masses in religious matters and treated as custodians
of Vedas, Puranas, over all protector of their religions, sages and rushis lives in forest,
forms the cream of hermitage and rebirth after death as incarnation of gods assume vital
importance and belief, their mythological stories abounds many such kathas or tales.
Another oldest religion an offshoot of Hinduism in India is Buddhism founded by
Gautama Buddha in 6th century BC and the Buddhist does not directly worship idols of
Hindus but started to worship the idol of Buddha as the incarnation of God. The
Buddhism made to escape India due to Brahmins power and prevailed over kings to
protect Hinduism in place of new religion, the Buddhism took other pasture of survival to
Far East including China and Japan.
Jainism another polytheist religion of India remains intact because of its unassailable
attitude and remains in close coordination with Hindu philosophy. The Jainism traces
its origin through the concept of ‘Thirthankara’ begins with Rishaba ends with Mahavira.
The Jainism system of religious activities prevails amongst the non-Aryans races belongs
to Indus valley civilization. Mahavira (599- 527 BCE) became the most influential teacher
of Jainism based his philosophy-Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigha.
They had no concept of God but believe in ’kalachakra of soul, which undergoes countless
incarnation in transmigratory cycle of Samsara. There are two sects among them
Digambara Jains (wear no clothes leads sage and celibacy life) and Swetembara Jains
(wear clothes and have family) and this unique philosophy culminated in queer idol
worship of Thirthankaras.
Condition of Arabian Peninsula

Background - Arabian Peninsula considered largely as an arid volcanic region, difficult

to carry out agricultural activities except near oasis or spring in the desert, whereas Mecca
and Medina cities most flourishing regions and act as nucleus financial centre at that
times. The life had become very hard to live without communal harmony amongst them,
the indigenous native tribal groups based on kinship and blood relation began to arise for
survival in the desert life. The indigenous tribal groups either nomadic or sedentary, the
former wander from place to in search of water and pastures for their flocks and the latter
settled and focused on trade and commerce. Nomadic tribes involve in highway robbery
as their other occupation, they take pride by doing so, and this unlawful act viewed as no
Politically Arabia divided into two tribal confederates Banu Qais allied with Byzantine
Empire (Romans), who originally powerful in Northern and Western Arabia and Banu
Kalb originally comes from Yemen allied with Sassanid Empire (Persia) and act as rival
and they continues to fight on trifle issues that lasted for years together.
Idol worship in Arabia - The people of Mecca continues to practice the tenets of
Abrahamic religion and worship one God. Beside by 6th century CE Judaism and
Christianity made considerable inroads in Arabia and extends their sphere of influence
over pagan Arabs, Jews mostly settles in and around Medina and Christian in Syria and

scattered in Arabia. Khuzah tribes gained control of ka’aba and one person by name Amr
ibn Lahiyya (original name Harith ibn Amr Lahiyyah) a wealthy man of this tribe became
the controller of holy ka’aba due his position. This man is responsible for change of
Abrahamic religion and prompted the Arabs to adopt idol worship. As per narration once
Amr ibn Lahiyya travelled from Mecca to Syria-Palestine (Al Sham) to seek a cure for a
disease and arrived at the land of Balaqaa at the city of Moab and there he saw the
Amaliqah people( Children of Amlaq or Amleeq bin lawidh ibn sham ibn Nuh) .
Who were worshipping idols, he inquired them what they are worshipping and they
replied these are the idols, which we worship, because they gave us rains in time of
drought, helps in wars and in times of needs. Amr bin lahiyya said ’can you give me an
idol to introduce to the people of Arabia to worship as you do and Amaliqah people gave
him an idol ’Hubal’. Amr ibn lahiyya brought to Mecca and installed in ka’aba later many
more idols placed in and around ka’aba and ask the people to worship them, as they give
what you want. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said that’ Amr ibn Lahiyya the one who broke
the traditions and innovated the Buhairah, Saa’ibah and Ham and altered the religion of
Prophet Ismail and spread idolatry. (Note; These are the terms refer to four domestic
animal used during Jahiliyya era and called as sacred as holy Quran in Sura Ma’idah 5;
103 says ‘Allah has not prescribed anything a Buhairah, Saa’ibah and Ham).
Background;-Custody of ka’aba originally under Jurhum tribe who reside in the vicinity
of Mecca protested and rebelled against khuzah tribe who came after the fall of Sheba rule
to Meccan led by Tha’labath ibn Amr ibn Amr and wanted to reside in the same location
that of Jurhum tribe reside. This leads to war between Banu Harith from khuzah and
Jurhum tribe, khuzah prevailed over Jurhum, and occupied ka’aba under the leadership
of Amr ibn lahiyya, who drive away Jurhum tribe from Mecca.
In the line shahnat ibn khulf says ‘’Oh! Amr you have set numerous gods around the
ka’aba, when we sole worship One Lord, but you have establish number of gods for the
people. You know that in future Allah will choose another custodian to replace you and
the idolater Amr ibn lahiyya live a longer life of 345 years and the authority of ka’aba
remains with the khazah tribe and later it pass on to Hashemite and lastly under the
control of Islam regime.
Condition of Arabs before Islam

The major part of Arabian peninsula indulge in idol worship with the
exception of few places like valley of Qura, khyber, Fedak and surrounding area of
Medina inhabited by Jews and small number of Christian scattered in Mecca, who follows
Abrahamic religion. Polytheist activities on a wider scale and the people believes in single
god as the greater God and calls other idols as smaller gods, which assist us to reach

greater God and helps us in worldly matter, they calls idols like, lat, Manat and Uzza the
daughters of god. They used to worship trees, idols stones, and jinn and offer sacrifices to
please them and the idol worship was so deep rooted in them that even any beautiful
stone or object found began to worship. If nothing been found, least as a last resort make
a mound of clay give shape to it, sprinkle goat milk over it and offer prayer.
Meccans religious distortions so was much deep rooted that made them blind to truth,
adhere to the age-old customs of burying alive the newborn female baby and indulge in
usury, fornication, highway robbery, plunder and domination over the weak and fighting
for trifle issues was the way of life of people. Their heinous crime reach to such a level that
no other nation come on par with and no king on earth ready to rule over them. In short,
Arabs submerged deep into polytheism, moral degradation in social values and political
bigotry and all of them fell in quagmire of sins that no other nation equals them.
Why Allah Chosen Mecca for Islam

The whole world including Arabian peninsula engulf in darkness of idol worship and the
concept of ’Oneness of God’ nowhere to be found and people desperately needed a
guiding lamp to dispel the darkness and light the path for Allah’s slaves. Allah the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful never let down people on earth, sent Messengers to
reinvigorate the past memory of Adam father of humankind. The city of Mecca became
the mother of all settlement and Allah chooses this memorable city of Mecca to rekindle
the light of enlightenment and legacy of Abraham the father Prophets through the
descent of last beacon Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to spread the light of Islam.
The important geographical feature of Mecca is that it lies in the center of world and the
first House of Allah situated in Mecca added to the benefits of Arabs, the launching pad
for conveying the message of Allah to all parts of the world. The Arabic language of Arabs
rich in vocabulary and simple in understanding, as no other language had such potential
is another feather in the cap of Arabs, besides, Allah the Exalted One wanted to
refine the worst of all to the best of all, through the last Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) and to manifest His greatness. Allah wanted to shows
the world that once pagans fell in abysmal pit of ignorance becomes the
master of world, who dictate terms to the Super Powers and shines on the
world horizon as jewels in the crown.
Despite all vices, the Arab also have some virtues, which act as a boon for the dawn of
Islam, since Arabs never be under any foreign rule nor under slavery as two super power
Romans and Persian at their door. They never bow to their direction or act and remain
extremely chivalrous and fearless and posses strong will power and valiant fighting
tactics. Beside the Arabs had sharp memory and power and ability to learn things fast and

poetic in character, generous, self esteem and adhere to promise and self respect
dominates over their tribal life. Once they decide never, go back until it finish and the
desert life made them strong and practical to meet any challenge, as all these sylvan
qualities act as plus point, which Allah consider for the birth of Islam in Arabia.
Background of Arabs; - Ancient Arabs were brave and expert in warfare and they
conquered the land of Babylon, Syria and Egypt and established powerful govt., and
founded culture and civilization in the conquered land. Hammurabi the famous ruler and
well known legal expert of Babylon belongs to Arabian lineage .Arabs responsible for
development of culture and civilization of Aad and Thamud in Hadramaut the land
situated to east coast adjacent to gulf of Persia. Prophet Hud and Saleh born in Arabia
and before the dawn of Islam Saba dynasty(established around 1000BE) lasted up to 300
years BC existed in Arabia and Yemen regarded as developed and culture city in whole of
Arabia and the people too were idolater with exception of few Jews and Christians.


Allah consider Mecca the mother of all settlement to spread the light of Islam through last
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as holy Quran says;-
O People of the Book! There has come to you Our Messenger, revealing to you
much that you used to hide in the Book, and passing over much(that is now
unnecessary); There has come to you from Allah a (new) light and a
perspicuous Book’ ( Al Ma’ida 5; 15) .
’’ And as one who invites to Allah’s(Grace) by His leave, and as a Lamp
spreading Light(Sura Ahzab 33;46).
The Creation of Light of holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) before the creation of Universe
can be judge from hadiths narrated by various scholars inter alia. One day the holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked Gabriel that’’ what is your age, the angel Gabriel replied
that I do not know exactly what my age is, but the only thing I know is that Allah’s Arsh
(Throne) was on water and nothing was present at that time apart from that. There was a
star, which I saw shine once in every 70,000 years and I saw this 72,000 times’’. After
hearing from Angel Gabriel, holy Prophet (SAS) smiled and asked ‘do you know who the
star was? The Angel replied O Prophet I do not know about this, then the Prophet (SAS)
said’ I swear upon Allah the Almighty that the star was of my ‘Noor (light), I was the star
at that time, no stars were made nor any creation, only Allah and Prophet’s Noor. Al

Quran reveals- ’’No partner has He; this I am commanded, and I am the first of
those who bow to His Will’’-( An’am 6;163). Commentator Ruzbahan Baqil (d
606/1210) said this verse indicate the primacy (taqaddun) of his Spirit’ and his substance
over everyone else in existence in the ‘Divine Presence’. Imam Al Qurtubi in his Tafsir’’I
am the first of those who bow to His Will’’ says that there is no one who first other
than Muhammad (puh),if someone ask, Are not Ibrahim and the Prophets before him?
We reply that he comes first before them because of his primacy in creation over them.

When Allah intends to create the universe, He first created the Noor of Prophet
Muhammad (SAS)-Al Qastalani in Al Muwahibu’l –ludunniyah –vol I page 5,9,10).

The topic of “Noor’’(Light) purely relates to believers with utmost faith and love of
Prophet Muhammad and the Ahle Sunnah wal Jama believes that is permissible to call
the holy Prophet (SAS)’ Noor’ and the holy Quran has chosen to addressed Prophet
Muhammad(SAS) as Noor (light) of humanity and guidance. The Verse of
Light(24;35),commentator of Quran concur that the ‘’Shimmering Star-Kawkabun
durriyun’’ refers to Prophet Muhammad(SAS). Further the Verse in Ahzab-the
Confederates (33;7)-’’And remember We took from Prophets their Covenant; as
(We did) from you; from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary;
We took from them a solemn Covenant’’.

Imam Qurtubi said ’’Qatada (RTA) narrates that the Prophet (puh) said ’’I was the first
of the Prophet to be created and the last one to be sent’’. This the reason he was
mentioned ‘first’’ in this verse before Noah and others. The Holy Prophet (puh) himself
gave the aforesaid explanation by pronouncing the above hadiths after reciting this verse
(33;7) then he added’’ thus the sequence began with me ahead of them ( Ibn Abu Hatim –
Tafsir 10; 3116 Quran 33;7) . This was also narrated from Abu Hurayra (RA) by Al Razi in
his ‘Fawa’d( 4; 207 g 1399), Al Tabarian in Musnad al shamiyyun( 4;34 g 2662) and Abu
Nu’aym in Dala’il al Nubuwwa ( p 42 g 3) .

How the Light transfer? Muhammad (SAS) light adorned the Arsh(Throne) of
Allah,when Adam was created light is put in his forehead and it continued till Isma’il the
eldest son of Abraham(AS).

The holy Prophet said ‘’ Verily Allah chose Ismail from the progeny of Abraham and
chose Banu kinana from the progeny of Ismail and chose Quraysh from Banu kinana and
the Banu Hashim from Quraysh and chose me from Banu Hashim(Al Tirmidhi-wathilah
ibn al Asqa is Sahih(correct). Whilst Abdul Muthalib was walking with his son Abdullah, a
woman saw a light on the forehead of Abdullah, she approached them and offered one
hundred camel so that Abdullah may marry her, but they refused her offer. Sometime

later Abdullah married Aamina, and he confronted the same woman but this time she
made no such offer and said’’ the Noor (light) upon your forehead is no longer
present’’(Tareek ibn kathir vol 2 –sirat un Nabi and Ibn Jareer ‘Tareek chapter ‘Miludin

Abdullah ibn Abbas reported the Verse’’ And your movements among those who
prostrate themselves’’ ( Shu’ara-poets 26 ;219)- means that the ‘Noor’ moved from
one Prophet to the next and thus carried on until it reaches Aamina house and then the
holy Prophet (SAS) was born .

Symptoms of descent of Muhammad (SAS)

Abu sa’id Abdul Malik al kharkushi related that ‘on the night in which the luminous lamp
of earth and the Last Messenger of Allah Hazrat Muhammad(SAS) born, the palace(Iwan)
of Kaiser e Rome( Khusraw) so shaken that 24 domes (kangurey) fell on the ground. The
sacred fire of Persia burning for thousands of year extinguished and the lake Sawah
disappeared. Mubadha the chief priest of Zoroastrian dreamt that strong camels leading
Arab horses and they cross Tigress River and spread out in the land. Next morning
khusraw awake with fear and despondency and immediately summon his folk and
recounted what he had dreamt last night. A letter also came from Persian vassal about the
extinguishing of sacred Fire beside the priest narrated his dream and a total confusion
prevail among them.
The king khusraw wrote a letter to Nu’man al Mundhur, king of Arabia a vassal of Rome
narrating entire episode with a request to depute a knowledgeable person to explain this
happening. Nu’man sent Abdul Masih bin Amr(ibn Hayyan) ibn Buqaylahal Ghassani and
he came to the court of khusraw and learnt the details and said the meaning of this is with
my maternal uncle Satih lives in eastern Syria. King order to go and came back with the
interpretation of these happenings and Abdul Masih went to Syria and found that Satih
on his deathbed, who opened his eyes and said in rhythmic prose ‘Abdul Masih came
wandering on camel to Satih and the Satih on his last leg of his journey (near grave).
He said Byzantine king had sent you to know the shaking of palace, extinguishing of great
Fire of Persia and disappearance of Lake Sawah and the dream of priest. Listen a man of
Staff will appear when the Sawah valley flooded and disappear, sacred fire extinguish,
Syria shall no longer been the Satih. Muslim kings shall rule as numerous as the Domes of
khusraw palace and all these shall inevitably happened and then Satih breathed his last.
Abdul Masih returned to king khusraw and narrated what Satih had told and the king said
this shall happen only after 14 kings reigns and the events follows in such a way that ten
kings ruled only during 4 years of reign and the rest last 4 kings rule until Othman and Ali
ibn Talib caliphate.
Another incident happen on the night of the birth of beacon of light Muhammad (SAS),a
Jew named Yusuf saw stars moving and meteors falling. Yusuf came to know and
exclaimed a prophet have born in this night as we find in our book Torah that when last
prophet shall born , Devils will be stoned (with meteors) and prevented from approaching
In the morning he went to the assembly of Quraysh in ka’aba and asked ‘is there a child
was born amongst you last night ? They answered a child was born to Abdullah ibn Abdul
Muthalib last night. They all went to the house of Aamina and asked to see the child and
the child brought in swaddling clothes. Yusuf looked into his eyes, uncovered his back and
saw a black mole between the two shoulders covered with few soft hairs, when he saw all
these symptoms on his body of the child, he fell down and becomes unconscious and the
Quraysh laugh at him. When Yusuf regain consciousness and said to the Quraysh, do you
laugh, O people of Quraysh, shall he not soon comes to destroy you and said the prophet
hood shall moreover depart from the children of Israel to Quraysh which herald the end
of Bani Israel regime’’.
Prophet Abraham prayer

Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall rehearse Your Signs to
them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom and sanctify them, for You are the
Exalted in Might and Wise ( Sura Al Baqr-2;129).
Prophecy of Prophet Moses;- Prophet Moses referred to Muhammad (SAS) in Torah,
a man whom I trust told me that Muhammad(SAS) appear from the progeny of Twelve
Imams, who shall be ruler, I shall grant him multitudes of flowers.
Prophecy of Jesus Christ - ‘’ And remember Jesus, the son of Mary, said ‘’O Children
of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the law (which come)
before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be
Ahmed’’. But when he come them with Clear Signs, they said, this is evident Sorcery’-’
(Sura Saffat-61; 6).
Prophet Muhammad himself said ‘’I am the answer to the prayer of Abraham and
the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ (mentioned in Quran) and the dream of my
mother that a light would proceed from her, which illuminates the palaces of Syria.

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the last chain of Prophet of Allah born in Mecca about
2500 years after prophet Ismail (AS) and 570 years after Jesus Christ and there is slight
difference of opinion about the date of birth of Muhammad (SAS). Generally believes that
Muhammad (SAS) born on 12th Rabiul Awwal, 52 years before Hijri (corresponding to 23
April 570 AD), while some other states 9th Rabiul Awwal (52 AH) corresponding to 20
April 571 AD, however, there is common consensus about the day being Monday at Mecca
at Dawn. Abdul Muthalib names the newborn child as Muhammad (SAS), performs
haqiqa of the child, and distributes charity among the poor on the auspicious birth of
child. The Prophet Muhammad (SAS) belongs to Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh a
prominent families in Mecca, the custodian of Holy Shrine ka’aba came from the offspring
of Hazrat Ismail ibn Abraham (AS).
The wet nursing, sucking and fostering, few days after the birth of Muhammad (SAS)
some women from Havazan tribe came to Mecca and Halima Saadia one amongst them to
adopt and foster children, Halima Saadia could not to get any child as her arrival being
late due to weakness of her she camel. She thought to take any available child instead of
going without a child, as she fortunate enough by Grace of Allah to accept the
responsibility of suckling and fostering the Aamina’s son Muhammad (SAS).
Background of Quraysh- The Prophet Muhammad (SAS) belongs to Quraysh dynasty
one of the distinguish dynasty among Arabs, since many persons Nadr, Fahr, and Qusai
ibn kalaab posses honor and wealth. Initially Qusai appointed trustee of the sanctuary of
ka’aba and he did commendable works like providing water to Hajj pilgrims and this work
continued by his successor. The reverence of the dynasty was so high that no other
dynasty had the courage to challenge their leadership and later the trustee of ka’aba goes
to Abdul Muthalib (Hashim clan of Quraysh) and continues with them.
Abdul Muthalib had ten or twelve sons, only five of them gained fame and recognition for
their association with Islam and the Abdullah son of Abdul Muthalib married to revered
woman Aamina daughter of Wahab ibn Abd Munaf an eminent personality in Quraysh
tribe. The marriage solemnized at the age of 17 years and stayed with his father in law for
three days as was the custom at that time and set off to Syria for trade and on his way to
Mecca he fell seriously ill and died and Aamina was pregnant at that time. Abu Talib the
second son of Abdul Muthalib did not embrace Islam but acted as guardian and protector
of Muhammad(SAS) for a long time and others Hamzah and Abbas (RAT) who later
embraces Islam and gain fame and reach high status in the history of Islam. Abu Lahab
the most notorious uncle who tortured prophet to his last and forced his two sons to
divorce the daughters of Muhammad on declaration of Islamic message. Allah’s wrath fell
on him, his two sons and her wife for their anti- Islamic activities and by every Muslim
utter Quranic Sura Al Lahab;111;1-5 until the dooms day as a curse on them.
Wet nursing at birth and Childhood of Muhammad

Muhammad (SAS) born few months after the death his father Abdullah and the
responsibility of care vest with his grandfather Abdul Muthalib and the nursing of child

start with his mother Aamina and initially Aamina suckled Muhammad (SAS) then Abu
Lahab’s maid Thaubiya suckled the infant. The Arabs customs allows the infants to be wet
nurse and up bring in rural areas to get fresh air and learn the eloquent way of speaking
Arabic, since village lingo considered as more favorable than the urban life. Rural woman
visits Mecca every year to take babies Halima Saadia daughter of Abdullah bin Harith and
wife of Harith Abu Zowaib, took Muhammad (SAS) under her guardianship and began
fostering the last light of Islam. The day of adoption herald’s bright future in her life,
while she was returning her old and weak camel became so sturdy that it started fast in
running, which outstrip other camel of caravan. Halima Saadia had a barren and weak
goat, by virtue of Muhammad (SAS), adoptions; it began to give ample milk that suffices
her family, surplus given to her neighbor. Allah showers His bounty on her like a spring in
the desert. Muhammad (SAS) spend two years at Halima Saadia house with her other
children( Shaima bint Harith and Abdullah bin Harith) and the poor conditions of her
family turned into riches. Anas ibn Malik (RA) narrates that when Muhammad (SAS)
playing with other boys, Angel Gabriel came and took away him and laid on the ground
then open his chest. He took out his heart and remove a clot of blood and said ‘’this is the
shaytan share of you’ and washed it in a vessel of gold filled with zam zam water and put it
back together and returned to its place. The boys went running to Halima Saadia wet
nurse and informed her that Muhammad (SAS) been killed and when she runs to him
and saw that Muhammad (SAS) color had changed and Anas added that I saw the mark
on his chest. In this connection Hasan Basri commenting on Quranic Sura ‘Inshirah or
Expansion (94; 1-8) that Allah opened the chest of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in order to
fill it (his heart) with wisdom, knowledge and faith.

Halima Saadia soon after this incident fearing his life brought back Muhammad (SAS) to
Mecca to handover to their parent after two years of wet nursing and fostering. Aamina
sent Muhammad (SAS) back with her, since Mecca was reeling under epidemic and like
this Muhammad (SAS) stayed with Halima Saadi until he reaches six years of age.
Muhammad (SAS) attained six years of age and came to his mother Aamina and live with
her, once Aamina took him to Medina, perhaps to visit her husband Abdullah grave or to
meet her relatives in Medina and she stayed for one month. On her return to Mecca she
fell ill on the way itself and died at a place called ’Abwa’ and buried at the same place.
Muhammad (SAS) became posthumous child and his grandfather Abdul Muthalib took
up the responsibility of fostering his grandson, he took utmost care and love and that he
never leave him alone and kept always with him. Ibn Abbas said that Abdul Muthalib
custodian of ka’aba used to sit on a cushion placed under the shade of holy ka’aba a place
reserved for him and no one dares to sit on it. The Sons of Abdul Muthalib sits around
that cushion until he arrives and the Messenger of Allah still a child used to come and sit
on the cushion and his uncle hasten to remove him from that place.
Abdul Muthalib advise his sons not to disturb his grandson to sit and play on my cushion
and he shall have a great future, I see a day will come when he rule your master. I saw his
forelocks as one that will exercise authority over men and then he took Muhammad (SAS)
pat on his back and kissed him with love. He says that I have never seen anyone before
him such a sweet and pure child and then turned to Abu Thalib and said ‘O Abu Thalib
this child have a great future, guard him well, care for him as he shall the be unique and
treat him like his own son . Abdul Muthalib took Muhammad (SAS) on his shoulder
circumambulate ka’aba seven times and he never took Muhammad (SAS) near the idols
Lut, Manat and uzza, since Muhammad from childhood never like to see and go before
them. When Muhammad (SAS) attains eight years of age his grandfather Abdul Muthalib
passes away, Abu Talib took up the task of fostering and he kept his promise and look
after him beyond expectation and remains true to his salt. Abu Talib took special care,
paid attention more than his own children pay, and took him wherever he goes like his
late father Abdul Muthalib did.
Abu Talib as a trader used to visit Syria for trade and once he intended to visit Syria, he
took Muhammad (SAS) a lad of 12 years old along with him and the trade caravan
camped near Syria. One Christian monk Bahira saw Muhammad (SAS) a cloud shadow
over him and he invited the caravan for dinner, served well and said you are my guest and
I wish to treat all with generous hospitality. He said to Abu Talib beware of Jews, by Allah
,if they came to know and see Muhammad (SAS),I fear they would surely harm him, as I
found in my scripture the last Prophet of Allah and his description, thereafter Abu Talib
took special care of him.
Muhammad’s (SAS) Adulthood

Muhammad (SAS) grown up and gain sufficient trade experience and adopted trade as
his profession and took several trips to Syria, Basra and Yemen and earned the reputation
as most honest, righteous, fair in his dealing and kept words. These sylvan and sterling
qualities of Muhammad (SAS) earned him extreme respect amongst Quraysh and people
began to call him Al Ameen (Trustworthy), Al Sadiq (Truthful) and kept deposit of money
and other precious belonging with him for safe custody and believe him as most virtuous
of all Quraysh.
Construction of Ka’aba

Ka’aba then was roofless and walls of holy shrine at a height of a man,which was in a
dilapidated conditions and the structure in a low lying area ,during rains water enters the
structure and made the foundation very weak and about to worn out and fall. The
Quraysh decided to rebuild the holy ka’aba with strong structure so it can withstand
against the rain and storm water and remained intact. All the Quraysh tribe joined
together, pool the resources and build the structure, holy Prophet (SAS) also participated

in the reconstruction of ka’aba. The Quraysh did not have sufficient fund ,therefore, they
d not include the entire foundation of the ka’aba built by Prophet Abraham, a portion of
ka’aba left out is called ‘Hateem’ and for the first time the Sacred House-Ka’aba acquired
critical shape ,it has now unlike the rectangular shape which had earlier. Once the walls of
ka’aba erected, a dispute arise over the installation of Hajr- e- Aswad (Black Stone) and
every tribe claims the honor to fixed the stone and the matter reached to draw swords and
the dispute lasted for four days without a solution. On 5th day Abu Umayyah, an elderly
man from Quraysh suggested that we should appoint a judge to decide the issue and the
issue amicably resolved and decided that whoever enters into sanctuary of ka’aba first in
the morning would be the judge. By the grace of Almighty Allah, the holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) enters the ka’aba in the next early morning and the Quraysh
wholeheartedly agreed upon and appointed Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as judge to decide
the dispute.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked all the claimant tribes to appoint their representatives
and each tribe will send a man and he spread a sheet of cloth on the ground and put the
relic on it. Muhammad (SAS) asked the representatives of all tribes to hold onto the
corner of the sheet of cloth and raised it in a manner to a proper height and Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) then lift the relic and fixed at the appropriate place. This way the a
bloody war over the fixing of Black stone amongst the Quraysh was averted and every one
satisfy themselves as involved in the ceremony. (The Quraysh builds a new ka’aba with
roof and while construction they left a part of land due to insufficient materials and funds
and the part today known as Hateem).

Marriage of Muhammad (SAS)

Muhammad (SAS) continues as usual the trade practices and Quraysh began to invest
their money in the trade activities, earned suitable profits and the reputation of
Muhammad (SAS) spread in Mecca. This honesty draws the attention of khadija a rich
and prestigious woman (widow) of Mecca, sent words to Muhammad (SAS) to transact
her business with an offer to pay same remuneration that others paid. Muhammad (SAS)
accepted the terms of transaction and began to carry the merchandise and set off to Basra
with her slave Maisarah. After three months, khadijah got the feedback from her servant
and impressed with way of business, the sylvan qualities possess by Muhammad (SAS),
and the proposal came from her for marriage. Muhammad (SAS) intimated the matter to
his uncle Abu Talib, got his consent, and solemnized the marriage with 500 gold dirham
as alimony (Mehr) and Abu Talib readout the Nikah Nama sermon.
The marriage with khadijah proved very happy and gave him rank among the nobles of
Mecca and khadijah stand firm throughout her twenty six years of marriage life for the
cause of Islam, Muhammad (SAS) remained devoted to her and never took any other
wives during her lifetime and took other wives after her demise in 619 AD (10th AH).
Muhammad (SAS) always mention before other wives the services of khadijah with great
reverence and said that by ‘Allah’s grace khadijah the first woman embraced Islam, testify
my prophet hood when others rejected it. She give her wealth and stood firm in all times
of turbulence and acted as a guide, advisor and good wife which I never see another
woman like her in my life and she occupies a higher place in my life and such a noble,
decent and well mannered great woman of Islam the generations people remembers.
Chapter XVII

Sign of Prophet hood

Muhammad (SAS) feel drastic revolution and a change in his life and his heart always
inclined to solitariness and solace in remembrance of Allah. Muhammad (SAS) feel
desperate about the moral degradation of Quraysh, who give immense attachment to
polytheist ideas and indulge in idol worship. Muhammad (SAS) since childhood remained
firm believer of One Allah, hates idols never goes near them and always ponder over their
depressed state affair and thought of how to reform them and spent long hours in
solitariness. Muhammad (SAS) in a depressed mind intends to spent time in solitariness
remembering Allah, so he went to a cave near Mecca’ Hira’ secluded place spent long
hours and stayed days together, when he ran out of food khadijah used to send eatables
for him to the cave.

First Revelation

Muhammad (SAS) continues to spend his time in meditation in the Hira Cave as a usual
practice and this solitariness gave him some solace and contentment. The month of
Ramdan being intense heat and in one night towards the end of the Ramdan month when
Muhammad (SAS) resting or in trance. The first revelation came to him through
Archangel Gabriel in cave Hira. Gabriel appeared before him and ask ’Read’ Muhammad
(SAS) replied’ I cannot read,’ hearing this words Gabriel pressed Muhammad so hard he
got tired, then loosen his grip and said ’Read’, again Muhammad (SAS) said the same
words. Then Gabriel hard pressed him third time and loose his grip and asked to read,
Muhammad (SAS) began reading the first command of Allah ;(1) Read! (Proclaim) in
the name of your Lord and Cherisher who created; (2) Created man, out of a
(mere) clot of Congealed bloods ;( 3) Proclaim! And your Lord is Most
Bountiful; (4) He who taught (the use of) the pen; (5) Taught man that which
he did not know (Iqra or Read or Proclaim; 96; 1-5).
Divine Message (knowledge) of Allah transferred to the bosom of Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) through the Archangel Gabriel, which confirms the ‘Prophethood’ on him.
Muhammad (SAS) came out of the cave on the hillside and heard the awe- inspiring
voice’’ O Muhammad! Thou art Allah’s Messenger and I am Gabriel,. Then
Muhammad (SAS) raised his eyes and saw the Archangel in the form of a man standing in
the sky above the horizon and at the same time , the dreadful voice came again ‘O
Muhammad! Thou art Allah’s Messenger and I am Gabriel.
Muhammad (SAS)-(God blessed and keep him) stood firmly still turning away his face,
there always stood the Angel confronting him and he remained there long while standing
still until the Angel disappeared.
Muhammad (SAS) returned home in great distress of mind with trembling heart beat and
asked khudejah ‘wrap me up in blanket’ and she did so and waited to know the detail
silently and after sometime when Muhammad (SAS) settled down and became calm told
the entire story to khudejah and further said that my life in danger. She sympathetically
told and assured him that never such threat arise to you since Allah will not disgrace you
as you take care of your relatives, help destitute and needy people, entertain travelers,
take burden of others as yours. When Muhammad (SAS) pacified with the assurance of
khudejah, she took him to her cousin Warqa bin Naufal, a very old man waraqah knew the
scriptures of Jews and Christian and told all the whole incidents. Waraqah bin Naufal
explains that the Angel (heavenly messenger) who came to Moses had come to
Muhammad (SAS) and he crowned him with prophet hood.
Waraqah further added I wish if I alive when your people would banish you, then Prophet
(SAS) with surprise said ‘will my people force me to leave my home land? Waraqah said
’yes’ what you have brought is the message earlier Prophets had brought to the people
who targeted them. Likewise, if I remained alive until that time, I would help you and he
died after some time later.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) continued visiting the Cave Hira and indulge in meditation
like this six months passed after first revelation and this gap helps him to overcome the
effect of first experience. Now Prophet (SAS) curiously waiting for further revelation
from Almighty Allah and day by day the curiosity increased what my next step would be in
this direction.
Propagation of Islam

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) awaiting in cave of Hira, the second revelation came in the
form of initial seven verses of Sura Al Muddathir;- (1) O you wrapped up ( in a mantle)!
(2) Arise and deliver your warning,(3) And your Lord do you magnify (4) And keep your
garments free from stain (5) And shun all abomination (6) Nor expect ,in giving, any
increase (for yourself);(7) But ,for your Lord’s (cause),be patient and Constant!(74;1-7).

The second revelation of Allah clearly confirmed the mantle of prophet hood on
Muhammad (SAS), He commanded him to arise and deliver the Message of Allah to the
people of Mecca. The Propagation of Islam classified into two major periods that is first
period starts at Mecca s from 610AD to 622 AD and the second period at Medina from
622AD to632 AD the post migration period (Medinite period) to his demise in 632 AD.
Meccan Period

The Meccan era reckons as most significant period, which heralds propagation of Islamic
message in most difficult and in myriad manner i.e., he laid the foundation of Islam in the
storm of disbelief, ignorance and enmity. The part of holy Quran revealed and Prophet
Muhammad (SAS)’ saying as ‘Hadiths’ throw light’ how the seeds of Tawheed’ sows in the
minds of polytheist Arab and their revolt against him and the followers. This period mark
the struggle between ‘Islam’ and heathenism and the life of Prophet Muhammad prior to
migration can further divided into four segments;-
1)The First phase span over 3 years, when Prophet Muhammad initiated ground work
2) The Second phase spread over two years, when holy Prophet (SAS) proclaimed his
prophet hood and the people of Mecca laugh at him and shower allegation and revile
language, dwell on false propaganda to suppress truth;
)3 The third phase span 5 to 6 years and Muslim face excessive atrocities, torture, ill
4) The fourth phase span over 3 years marks the demise of Abu Talib (his uncle the
towering strength) and Khadijah ul kubra, the wife of Prophet (SAS).

First Phase of Islam (610 to 613 AD)

After confirmation of Prophet hood Muhammad (SAS) thought whom the Message of
Allah shall be conveyed first ,since the prevailing situation in Mecca was quite contrary to
the belief of ‘Oneness of Allah-Tawheed’’ as the people were staunch idolaters in outlook
and practice.
In view of stiff opposition first 3 years of period marks the invitation of people secretly, as
a first instance Prophet Muhammad (SAS) decided to invite his close friends and relatives
to Islam. He first invited his wife Khadejah, and other three persons Hazrat Ali (cousin),
Zaid bin Haris, Prophet Slave and Abu Bakr, close bosom friend, all of them accepted
Islam whole-heartedly and became first group of Muslims. Hazrat Abu Bakr co-
operated Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in all respect and pioneer in the task of
spreading Islam and conveys the message of Muhammad (SAS). Abu Bakr
then contacted his friends Othman bin Affan, Zubair, Abdur Rahman bin
Auf, Sa’ad bin Abi waqqas and Talha, convinced them the fact about Islam
against idol worship. He brought all of them before the holy Prophet (SAS),
they all embraced Islam on the hands of Prophet (SAS) and followed the
tenets of Islam and they were second groups of converts to Islam. In this way
‘Islamic mission’ continued secretly unabated and impacted the nearest and
dearest of Meccans and the numbers began to increase steadily.
The people who embraced Islam early had some good qualities that prompted them to
accept the invitation of Prophet Muhammad (SAS), since they have fed up with
polytheistic rites and were in search of truth, which Islam provides them. Until now, the
Islamic activities carried out secretly and one day Prophet Muhammad (SAS) performing
Salah in some valley on the country side with Ali (RA). Incidentally Abu Talib passed
through the way and saw Prophet Muhammad(SAS) and Ali (RA) way of praying and he
asked them ’what is this religion? Prophet Muhammad (SAS) replied, this is the religion
of our grandfather Prophet Abraham (AS), Abu Talib said though I can’t adopt your
religion, but you are allowed to practice, I see that nobody will resist you.
Second Phase of Islam

The fourth year of revelation, Allah Commanded Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to invite the
Meccan openly to Islam, one day Muhammad (SAS) climbed Safah hill and called out –
’’Ya Sabaaha’’ (Arabs custom to call people at the time of needs to climb on the elevated
place). Meccans on hearing the voice large number gathered, amongst them Prophet
Uncle Abu lahab also present. Prophet addressed the people’’ O people! If I tell you that,
a grand army is behind this hill to attack you, will you believe me? All replied in
affirmative and said; we regard you as truthful, trustworthy and never told lie. Then
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said ‘O my people! I call you towards to ‘One God’-worship
the Creator nor the Created objects’’ and refrain from the evils of idolatry, if you
deny Allah’s religion, I warn you of a severe and painful chastisement awaits you in
future’’. On hearing these words, Quraysh was incensed with anger and Abu Lahab said
angrily, did you call us only to convey this? They all went away with anger and
resentment. This moment provided Prophet Muhammad (SAS) an opportunity to
proclaim Allah’s message to the Meccan openly that Allah the Creator, Ruler, Cherisher of
whole Universe and its creations on earth suborninate to Him.
No one other than Allah deserves to be worshipped, the worldly life is a time bound test,
after death man will be resurrected on the last Day of Judgment and he has to go back to
his Lord and to answer his past deeds ,Allah decide his fate according to his deeds’

whether he goes to Paradise or Hell . This proclamation not an ordinary one but Quraysh
were extremely angry because it hurts their religious sentiments and everybody in Mecca
began talking about the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAS) new religion.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS), few days later ask Ali (RA) to make arrangement for a feast
of Abdul Muthalib clans and invited them, on this occasion his Uncles Abbas, Hamza and
Abu Talib were present. After the feast Prophet Muhammad (SAS) called upon them to
help him in the cause of Islam, this was a tense moment for them since, ‘help’ means
inviting trouble and enmity of whole of Arabia. Thus a pregnant silence dominated the
scene, to their surprise Ali (RA) a lad of 13 years rose and said I am weak, my eyes are
infected, my legs are thin and I am youngest too would actively support you’’.
Over the period of time there were little not more than forty persons in the fold of Islam
and one day Prophet Muhammad (SAS) enter ka’aba and proclaimed ’Tawheed-
Oneness of God’ within the Sanctum Sanatorium of holy ka’aba . The polytheist of
Mecca regards it a great insult to holy ka’aba, evoke a furor amongst them and they all fell
avidly on Prophet Muhammad (SAS). Seeing the tense situation Haaritha ibn Abi
Halah (RA) rushed to the spot and rescued him but he became the target of
scores of swords and succumb to multiple injuries and got martyrdom, he
was the first martyr drank the wine of martyrdom for the sake Islamic cause.
Reason for opposition to Islam

Open invitation to Islam was more perplexing question to Quraysh and they reject call
vehemently .Ka’aba the source of honor and dignity to Meccans and the Quraysh were the
trustees and caretaker, in this way Quraysh were ruling whole of Arabia from religious
point of view.
People sought their counsel in religious affairs and regarded them most reliable, they
were the first people shall be affected by the Islamic invitation. Quraysh among other,
were strong followers of ancestral religion affirm blind faith in idolatry, the Quraysh elites
and men of power views their downfall of their religious dominance, if they accepted
Islam and they oppose the call of Islam tooth and nail. Quraysh engaged in unlawful
activities, which were contrary to their religious status. Polytheistic religion did not
prohibit them from their wrong doings as they enjoy lofty status and the masses
overlooked their misdeeds due to the status and dignity enjoyed by them.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) on the one hand continues to enumerate the evils of idolatry,
invited people towards Tawheed. On the other, he describe their wrong doing, exposed
the weakness of their moral values and warned them their doom at the end as the
respectable Quraysh had no courage to give up their evil acts nor they could justify their
actions. The handful of Neo converts stand as strong protagonist of Islamic movement

and took courage to spread the Islamic message as far as possible. Frequent battles
among the Meccans made Quraysh broken and after the war of Fijaar, they totally
frustrated with wars. Small number of Muslims belongs to various tribes of Mecca, in
those days killing those means waging war against all those tribes, even killing of one
person of a tribe means inviting disgrace from the whole tribe. A single murdered resulted
into loss of hundreds of people, since the Quraysh feared that whole of Mecca would not
turn into battle field, so they decided to adopt other means to curb this movement.
Quraysh turn to adopt other tactics like making fun of followers, showers abuses and tried
to incriminate them wrongly, invented novel ways of mocking. They even called Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) insane, poet and sorcerer and disturb the gatherings, wherever people
assembled to hear the message of Islam. The part of Quran revealed during Meccan
period gives full instructions to cope with this situation and Almighty pacified Prophet in
chapter 68; 1-9 & 44-48.
Impact of Prophet Mission

Quraysh anti-Islamic propaganda cause wide spread curiosity among the people and they
wanted to see and listen Prophet Muhammad (SAS) sermons to know the reality. The
pilgrims to holy ka’aba or traders who visited Mecca invariably visit Prophet Muhammad
secretly and impressed by his compassionate behavior and Allah’s message, embraced
Islam and return to their hometown with nectar of truth, made other to accept Islam in
their respective regions. Gradually large number of people from surrounding areas began
to visit Mecca to have the glimpse of light of Islam and Abu Dharr’s incident is a good
example ‘how the Mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) impacted the people’.
Ghifar tribe reside on the way to Syria was used by Quraysh for trade, the message of
Prophet attracted Abu Dharr and curious to meet him, so he sent his brother Anees to
Mecca to know about it. Anees did as his brother instructions and informed Abu Dharr
that holy prophet bears sylvan character, teaches good manner and invites people to
worship One God and recite Divine words ,which are different from poetic words. Abu
Dharr became more curious to meet the holy Prophet, he reached Mecca and he could ask
anyone about him, when he was in the sanctuary of ka’aba, he met Ali (RA), stayed with
him for three days. Then Ali took him to Prophet Muhammad (SAS), where he embraced
Islam, the holy Prophet advised him to go back and convey the message to his people.
However, the spark of Tawheed made him to proclaim the kalima in the vicinity of ka’aba,
by hearing his words people fell like vampire on him from all direction and began to
assault him mercilessly. Allah Almighty sent Abbas at that time, he told the gathering that
the person is from Ghifar tribe and you all passed regularly through their area with
merchandise, if the man is killed, they might stop you, this warning worked and they let
him free.
Abu Dharr went back to his people and conveyed the message of Islam, half of the tribe
responded positively and embraced Islam and Aslam tribe located in their vicinity
embraced Islam. In this way, Islam began to spread in and around Mecca; this made the
infidels of Mecca fear of losing their identity. Some elites and chiefs of Mecca called on
Abu Talib and complain that ‘your nephew (Muhammad-SAS) insults our idols, call our
ancestor astray, termed them foolish and wrongdoers’, so persuade your nephew to
refrain or permit us to settle score with him once for all.
Abu Talib realized the gravity of the matter and the strength of Quraysh, went to holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and said ’’My dear nephew! Don’t burden me with the load
that is unbearable’’. Holy Prophet realized that Abu Talib is retreating, said calmly ’’by
Allah, if these people put the sun on my one hand and the moon on the other,
I will not desist in fulfilling my duty towards Islam, either Allah will
accomplish the task or I will sacrifice myself for this noble cause’’. By hearing
this words of determination of Prophet (SAS) Abu Talib replied ‘Go on ,nobody
would be able to harm you’’.
Opposition offer to Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

Abu Talib the lost hope of Quraysh failed to secure their objective and they decided to use
a soft option to stop Islamic mission and sent Utabh ibn Rabee’ah to meet and offer
whatever he want. Utbah asked Prophet (SAS)’’Tell us, O Muhammad, do you want to
marry high status girl, desire for wealth, we can provide you all this or we will made you
king of Mecca or any other demands as well, so you should give up this Islamic mission
and stop abusing our gods. Utbah ibn Rabee’ah confident that his offer will prevent
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) from his mission, as the infidels intellectual faculties limited
to mundane things and they could not comprehend the sole motive of Prophet descent.
Holy Prophet comes to the world with avowed objective to preach ‘Oneness of God’ and to
disregards materialistic greed of human beings, to show the path of truth and light. On
hearing the materialistic offers of infidels, holy Prophet recited few verses from holy
Quran to elaborate the Mission of ‘Tawheed ( Worship the Creator not Created),
his message and prophet hood etc,. Utbah ibn Rabee’ah hearing this reply impressed very
much and went back to Quraysh chiefs and told them-the divine verses recited by
Muhammad is not poetry and advised you to leave Muhammad (SAS) to his fate, if he
succeed, he will dominate whole of Arabia and the matter of pride to you people, if it
reverses, Arabs would kill him.
All the attempts of Quraysh met their waterloo, gradually over time Islamic mission began
to gain momentum and the Quraysh left with no option but to adopt aggressive means of

torture, intimidation, inflicting unbearable atrocities on the followers and leave no stone
unturned in teasing and mocking to their fullest extremely possible. The holy Prophet
(SAS) the embodiment of character as Quran says’’ And you(stand) on an exalted
standard of character’’(Sura;68;4).
Third phase of Islam

Until now Islamic movement manifested different forms, some fortunate accept Islam
and ready to serve the Islamic cause, but majority of infidels rejected Tawheed due to
their blinkered vision, selfishness, personal pride and position, most of them fearing of
losing their high status and chief position and strong attachment to their ancestral
religion and passionate idolaters. Despite the hurdles, Islamic roots began to spread in
and outside Mecca and this made the infidels fearsome and they wanted to block the
tempo, so they adopted to inflict extreme & endless series of atrocities and inhuman
punishment on the neo- converts to Islam.
Most of the neo-converts were from downtrodden, slaves and poor, Quraysh made easy
target with severe torture and they became helpless at the hands of tyrant master. The
history of early Islamic converts speak eloquently despite oppression by Quraysh, they
never leave the mantle of Islam, and some of the incidents of cruelties inflicted on these
poor Muslims are given below;
Sumayyah bint khabbab (RATA) woman slave of Abu Jahl embraced Islam, consequent
upon this he inflicted severe punishment ,killed her by piercing spear in her sacred part
when she refused to give up Islam and she was first woman martyr of Islam.
Ammar bin Yasser (RA) and his family members came from Yemen embraced Islam, the
infidels of Mecca made him to lie on burning sand and beat him and his family members
mercilessly till they fainted ,Prophet Muhammad (SAS) while passing said’ be steadfast
Allah provide you bounties in ‘’ paradise’. Further, the infidel tied his legs to two different
horses and made to gallop, by this he meet the martyrdom.
Bilal (RA) slave of Umayyah ibn khalaf, on acceptance of Islam, he made him to lie on the
burning sand at noon and put heavy stone on his chest and ask him Deny Islam otherwise
you die in this sand, but ’’Bilal (RA) uttered ’Ahad, Ahad ( the One, the One). Umayyah
tied rope around his neck and hand over to street urchins to drag around Mecca, inspite
of this, he never budge and remained true to the salt of Islam.
Khabbab (RA) Umm Ammar’s slave embraced Islam and became target of Quraysh
atrocities. One day the infidel laid him on the burning coal and a man put his leg on his
chest so that he could not turn one side to other till the coals cooled down under his back.
The burning marks were visible for a long time and once Umar bin khattab asked him
about the punishment and saw his back with burning mark, expressed his gratitude for
bearing such inhuman punishment.
Lubaina (RATA) bondwoman under Omar (RA) before Islam, used to beat her mercilessly
until he himself get tired, but the pious woman repeated her words -’’If you don’t embrace
Islam, Allah will punish you’’. Zubairah (RATA), another bondwoman in Umar’s clan
accepted Islam, once Abu Jahl the notorious infidel beat her so much that she lost her
eyesight. Besides there are many more Shahabas (followers) of Islam suffered at the
hands of infidel of Mecca for the cause of Islam (For details please refer Hadiths and
Islamic literature on the ‘Life of Sahabas’).
The patience and endurance of new entrants to Islam bearing all the inhuman atrocities
from infidels of Mecca is a acknowledge fact that ‘Truth always prevails over the
falsehood’ and forced the Quraysh to increase the atrocities and all forms of torture and
other inhuman punishment. The dawn of truth on the followers of Islam and firm belief
in’ Oneness of Allah-Lord of heaven and earth and in between, Worthy of Worship’-the
main plank of Islam made the followers to stand as colasses against the
Quraysh Tornado’’.
Migration to Abyssinia (5th Nabavi)

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) almost completed 5 years of Prophet hood and realized that
the continuous atrocities perpetrated by Quraysh could not divert a single Muslim.
Moreover, holy Prophet thought the hardship faced by Muslims beyond their endurance,
performing Islamic duties become more and more difficult day by day in Mecca. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) decided to allow some Muslims migrate to Abyssinia situated on the
eastern coast of Africa and a Christian king was at the helm of affairs in the land.
The first batch of 12 men, 4 women includes Othman (RA) and his wife Ruqiyya prepared
for migration to Abyssinia, the journey took place in the month of Rajab 5 th Nabvi year
(615 AD), got ready two cargo ships set sailed on nominal charges. The news of migration
reached Quraysh and they began to chase the caravan, by Mercy of Allah, the ships
avoided their chase and reached Abyssinia (present day Ethiopia). The migrant’s lives
peacefully and new hospitable conditions at Abyssinia made the Quraysh of Mecca angry
and they decided to send a delegation to king Negus of Abyssinia (Arabic-Najashi), with a
request to extradite the migrants.
Abdullah ibn Rabee’ah and Amr bin Al Aas selected as emissaries and they set off to
Abyssinia, in the land they met a clergy and told him that these immigrants follow a new
religion. They took shelter in your country to escape punishment for change of coats, and
requested the clergy to recommend their case before the king for extradition to our land.
Muslims in Negus Court

The Quraysh appeared before king Negus, presented the request for extradition of
immigrants, the Negus called the Muslim and asked them ’’what is that new religion you
have invented?’ Muslim migrants chose Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib (RA) brother of Ali to
present the case, in reply to Negus questions; Ja’afar (RA) delivered a lengthy speech
elaborating Islam and the faith of Allah. The gist of it is noted here( speech preserved in
Islamic literature and in Sirat books);
O king! We were groping in darkness of misguidance for centuries, we were
worshipping hundreds of idols in place of one God. We take pride in committing
wrongful acts like fornication, plundering, thefts,, mutual fights for trifle matters, every
powerful man suppress the weak, in short we were beasts in human garb. Allah
showered His Mercy on us, sent a Messenger amongst us a man like us with noble
genealogy. He is extremely pious, trustworthy, steadfast and his descent made us
humans in all respect, he invited to Islam, ask us to give up idol worship, acknowledge
Allah the owner and Master of our souls. He asked us to pray only Allah alone, speak
truth, give up blood shedding, usurping of orphan’s and weak wealth, help the poor,
weak and needy people and the neighbors alike and spend wealth in the way of Allah.
The infidels of Mecca that is our people began oppressing us to return back to their
ancestral religion and practices, so these two people (Amr & Abdullah) have came here
to take back us & forces to reconvert, which we never do it again, even at the cost our
King Negus heard this speech then asked Ja’afar to recite some of Allah’s revelation to the
Messenger. Ja’afar recited the verse of Surah Maryam , king Negus was so impressed
tears rolls down from his eyes and said ’’by God these verses and the bible are the
reflection of same lamp’’ and in turn told the Quraysh that these Muslim will not be
handed over to you.
King Negus embrace Islam ;-Next day the Quraysh played another trick and
approach the king , said him to ask these Muslim their belief about Jesus Christ,
presuming that these Muslim call Jesus Christ son of Mary rather than son of God
contrary to Christian belief, when Negus come to know this, certainly become angry and
expelled them from his land.
King Negus again sent for Muslim and initially Muslim hesitated but Ja’afar replied’ we
will say what is truth regardless of consequences’’. Ja’afar appeared in the court of Negus
full of courtiers and said’’ our Prophet told us that Jesus Christ (Esa-AS) a Prophet of
God, hearing this Negus picked a straw from the ground and said’’ By God! Whatever you
said, ’Jesus was not more than that by the size of this straw’’. In this way the trick of
Quraysh failed and return to Mecca, the king Negus allowed Ja’afar (RA) and his
companion to live peacefully, later Negus accepted Islam named A’s’hamah, when he died
Prophet (SAS) , offered funeral Salat in absentia.

After few days later the migrants received the news that Meccan had stopped atrocities on
the followers, on hearing the news migrants returned to Mecca, when they were near
Mecca, realized the new was false. However the followers including Abdullah ibn Masood
appeared before Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and said Salam when holy Prophet offering
Salat, never answered the salutation (As per Zaid bin Haarith Prophet instructed us No
salutation or Salam shall be said or answered during prayer).
The infidels of Mecca increased the atrocities and cruelty on the followers, Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) permitted another batch of 83 followers (64 men including Ammar bin
Yasser and 19 women) to Abyssinia. On Rabiul Awwal 7th Nabvi year, (617 AD) Prophet
wrote a letter to king Negus through Amr bin Ummaiah, invited him to Islam, on this
Negus accepted and embraced Islam. In 622 CE, some of the migrants i.e., 35 men and 8
women returned to Mecca on hearing the Prophet permitting followers to migrate to
Medina. Prophet further requested the king Negus to provide transportation facilities to
the remaining migrants to leave for Medina and king Negus did so by providing ships
under the leadership of Amr binUmmaiah.
Another notable courtesy shown by king Negus was that Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
asked Negus to provide shelter to Umm Habeeba, erstwhile wife of Abdullah bin Jahsh,
who came to Abyssinia, converted to Christianity, and died in this way, leaving her in
helpless condition. Negus proposed her into the wedlock of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) by
paying 400 Dinar as alimony and Khalid bin walid solemnized the marriage and king held
a grand feast on this occasion, such were his contribution to Islam.
Hamza and Umar Embraced Islam

Quraysh oppression and torture increased day by day, simultaneously steadfastness and
endurance of Prophet Muhammad and his companions increased suo motto, created an
environmental change amongst the prominent personalities of Mecca to come under the
fold of Islam. It was another feather in the cap of Islam, which boost the morale holy
Prophet’s followers in myriad way.
Hamza Embrace Islam;- One day Abu Jahl showered extreme disrespect and abuses
on Prophet Muhammad (SAS),when Hamza was out on hunting, on return, one of his
bondwoman narrated the incident, he got incensed, took his bow and arrow and reached
ka’aba, lambasted Abu Jahl and said’’ I have embraced Islam’’. Though he had uttered
these words overwhelmed with love for holy Prophet, but his heart still unwilling to give
up his ancestral religion, this utterance dominated his mind all day, at last call of truth
prevailed over him and he embrace Islam with love and devotion, this incident took place
in 6th Nabvi year.
Umar bin khattab embrace Islam;- Before conversion to Islam, Umar bin khattab
the deadly and bigoted enemy of Islam, both Abu Jahl and Umar, were hide-bound
enemy of Islam and Prophet attempt to take these two into Islamic fold failed . Holy
Prophet made a plea to Allah that ’’O my Lord, honor Abu Jahl or Umar, whoever
is dearer to you with Islam’’ Allah favor Umar with the Nectar of Islam. Umar
narrates that (before conversion to Islam) , one night he came out of the house to trouble
holy Prophet(SAS), he saw that Prophet going to ka’aba and enters the Mosque started
offering prayer, he recited Quranic chapter ’Al Haqqa (69)’’ . I was amazed to hear the
divine words coming from the mouth of holy Prophet like flowers petals falling on the
ground. It came to my mind that holy Prophet is a poet, as soon as this idea flash my
mind, I heard holy Prophet reciting verse ’’That this is verily the word of an
honored Messenger; It is not the word of a poet; little it is you
Then I realized that holy Prophet came to know what is in my mind, perhaps he is
soothsayer, by that time, holy Prophet recited another verse ’’Nor is it the word of a
soothsayer; little admonition it is you receive,(This is) a Message sent down
from the Lord of the Worlds’’(69;42-43). Prophet recited the entire chapter and
conclude with last verse ’’So glorify the name of your Lord Most High’ (’69; 52).
Umar felt that Islam is nesting in my heart, but he overcame the emotional feeling and
kept on moving on the path of enmity with Islam.
One day fuelled by frenzy Umar left his house with naked sword in his hand with the
intention to do away the holy Prophet once for all, on the way he met Na’eem ibn
Abdullah ( also converted to Islam) feared and asked him ’’where are you going? Umar
replied ’ ’Today I want to settle the issue with Prophet Muhammad(SAS), to divert his
attention Na’eem told that his sister Fatima and brother-in-law Sayeed bin Zaid had
embraced Islam. This enraged Umar more than before and declared with fury. ’’Oh! Then
I first should deal with them’’, with this intention he turned to his sister house, at that
time both of them reciting Quran. As they saw Umar coming, she hid the holy Quran,
Umar who had heard her recitation asked her what were you reading? Umar uttering that
renouncing the religion of our ancestors, he started beating both of them mercilessly until
bleeding. Both of them told him plainly that they had embraced Islam, whatever
punishment you can give us, we will tolerate to bear but never give up the nectar of Islam
at any cost. Umar seeing their determination, soften his stand and said to his sister
’’Okay! then let me see what you were reading ‘Fatima(umar sister) presented before him
the parts of holy manuscript, Umar started to read chapter ‘Ta’ha’ when he come at the
verse;;Verily, I am Allah; There is no god but I; so you serve Me(only), and
establish regular prayer for celebrating ,My praise(20;14). Overwhelmed with
the call of Almighty Allah, Umar utter suddenly ‘’There is no god but Allah’’ and he
expressed his intention to meet holy Prophet (SAS) and embraced Islam.

Umar set out to meet holy Prophet and accept Islam, at that time Prophet
Muhammad(SAS) staying with Arqam, the companion of holy Prophet saw Umar coming
with naked sword in his hand towards them, Hamza (RA) said; Let him in, better if he is
with good intention, otherwise, I will behead him with his own sword.’’ Umar entered the
house, the holy Prophet advanced and got hold of his garment and ordered to tell ’what
brought you here? Overawed, replied with extreme humility, ’’To accept Islam’’ hearing
his word the holy Prophet (SAS) spontaneously called ‘Allahu Akbar (God is Great) and
the companion followed suit .
Allah answered the supplication of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in the form of Umar bin
khattab accepting Islam. Islamic fraternity gained strength after Umar (RA) embraced
Islam. Until then Muslims performs their prayer secretly and could able to perform in the
vicinity of Ka’aba. Umar declared, hereafter we should offer congregational prayer in
ka’aba, that I will see who will challenge me. In this way, Muslim started offering
congregational prayer in ka’aba and the strength of holy Prophet increased twofold.

Confinement in the Pass of Abi Talib (7th Nabvi year)

The acceptance of Islam by Umar bin khattab and others made the Quraysh chiefs more
distressful and charting out plans to curb the movement. One day all the tribes of Mecca
joined and arrived at an agreement and declared public boycott. The written agreement
put up at the gate of ka’aba stating that’ nobody would retain link with Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) and his clan, no body transact any business, nor give eatables until
they handover Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to them. Hashim clan led by Abu Talib left with
two options viz handover Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to the infidels of Mecca or ready to
face the consequence of economic and social boycott. Abu Talib accepted the latter option
and decided to move whole of Hashim clan except Abu Lahab to the mountain pass as a
sign of allegiance to Prophet Muhammad (SAS). The inhospitable conditions made them
to face severe difficulties for a period of three years, sometimes they chew leaves to put off
hunger, the intensity of hunger compelled them to boil dry leather and eat it. Children’s
wailing due to hunger made the hard- headed Quraysh a matter of joy and the wailing
sound reaches the infidels, though some of them feel sorry but to obey the chiefs. The
Hashim clan remained in the pathetic conditions for three years in the valley, during this
period, Quraysh soften their hearts since the social and economic boycott influenced their
life and thought of revoking the agreement.
In the meanwhile Allah reveals to Prophet Muhammad (SAS) that the agreement is in
dilapidated condition as termite had eaten a part of it except the name of’ Allah’’. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) informed to Abu Talib, that termite eats the agreement and it is no
longer in existence. Abu Talib informed the matter to the Quraysh ‘’If the information
proved false we will abide by agreement, if it is true then the agreement is no longer in
force. As such, both agreed and found to their dismay, that termite as told by Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) eats the agreement, Abu Talib and his entire clan came out of the
mountain valley in 10th Nabvi year (620 CE).
Fourth Phase of Islam

This period reckoned with most extreme in oppression and hardship to Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) and his followers, as Prophet Muhammad (SAS) came out of Abu Talib
pass and got a temporary relief from the affliction for few days. Khadaji (RAA) left her
mortal abode in 619 CE and Abu Talib died few days later and this period known as ‘’
year of sorrow’’ . The death of Abu Talib caused a void in the leadership of Banu
Hashim, passed to Abu Kalb, who later withdrew the clan’s protection to holy Prophet and
this situation made the Quraysh to deal freely and Prophet in dangerous condition and
thought to seek support outside Mecca
Visit to Ta’if

Many prominent people of Mecca accept Islam but majority of Quraysh became blood
thirsty of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) because of Islamic mission gaining ground in
Mecca. The Meccan began to inflict more atrocities on them and the environment at
Mecca is not conducive in absence of protection by Hashim clan, Abu Lahab the notorious
enemy of Islam was at the helm of affair of Hashim clan can expect least hope. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) thought of to go out of Mecca and spread the message of Islam.
Ta’if an rich and influential people if they embraced Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
thought will be added strength to counter the Meccan atrocities, in this hope set out with
his slave Zaid bin Haarith and reached Ta’if invited people of Ta’if to Islam and remained
for ten days and continuously meet the people and invited to Islam. The people of Ta’if
refuse to hear the message instead; they cause much more trouble than the infidels of
Mecca do. Prophet meet chief of Ta’if, invited them to Islam, but they behave arrogantly
one of them said ‘was there none other you Allah make a Messenger? Another said’’ I
cannot talk to you, if you are honest then out of respect, but if you are liar(God save us)
then you are too mean to talk. Prophet (SAS) ,who was a rock of steadfastness and
perseverance, did not lose heart over the behavior of Chieftain and tried to approach the
common people but of no avail. In short, these elders took the message of holy Prophet
lightly. Incited local goon to intercept and made mockery of his preaching and one
occasion they stoned, made holy Prophet bleeding and the blood oozed down filling his
shoes and began stoning until holy Prophet took shelter in a garden of Utbah and

Shaybah the two Quraysh, who became sympathetic seeing the plight of holy Prophet
(SAS). They sent their servant Adda with instructions to serve him grapes and juice, then
Adda went to holy Prophet (SAS) and offered them the grapes, the holy Prophet (SAS)
and Servant Zayd bin Harith took it, while eating the grapes holy Prophet (SAS) uttered
the name of Allah. Adda astonish to hear the name of Allah and asked about it, in the
conversation Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked Adda from where he comes, he
replied’Nineveh’,then holy Prophet (SAS) mention the city of Jonah, he asked how do you
know Jonah and Nineveh. Holy Prophet (SAS) replied Jonah is my brother, as he was a
Prophet and I am also the Prophet, by hearing these words he embraced Islam and kissed
the hands of holy Prophet (SAS).
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) rested and implore Allah, about his weakness and never
complains about the treatment meted out by Ta’if people, which manifest the Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) steadfastness in the face of hardship.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) prays Allah after the torture by the people of Taif and
supplicate Allah as ‘’ O My Allah ! To You I complain of the feebleness of my strength, of
my lack of resources and being unimportant in the eyes of people. O Most Merciful of all
those capable of showing mercy! You are Lord of the weak, and You are my own Lord!
to whom are You to entrust me; to an unsympathetic foe who would sullenly frown at
me or to an alien to whom Thou hast given control over my affairs? Not in the least have
I care for anything except that I may have thy protection for myself. I seek shelter in
Your light-the light which illuminates the Heaven and dispel all sorts of darkness, and
which control all affairs in this world as well as in the Hereafter., May it never be that I
should incur Your wrath or with me! I must remove the cause of Thy displeasure till You
are pleased. There is no strength nor power but through YOU’’ ( Seerath book from
Faza’il e Aamaal).
The Heaven was moved by the prayer of holy Prophet (SAS), Allah sent a Angel in charge
of mountains and the angel implore holy Prophet (SAS) to permit him so he could crush
the people of Taif in between the two mountains for the inhuman treatment meted out to
him. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the epitome of steadfastness and
perseverance, said ; even if these people do not accept Islam, I do hope from
Allah that there will be persons amongst their progeny who would worship
Allah and serve His cause.
On the way Prophet camp near date palm grove in Nakhlah valley at night. In the
morning Prophet offering Salah ( prayer) and reciting Quran, at that moment a group of
Jinns passed there and heard the holy Quran Surah-Al Ahqaf (46;29-31) and Prophet
came to know this incident by a revelation, the details are mention in chapter ’Surah Jinn
or Spirit (72).
On the way Zayd bin Haarith asked holy Prophet how you would reach Mecca? Prophet
replied Allah would help His Messenger in the mission. Prophet reached Mecca, sought
the protection of Muta’am bin Adi, member of khaza’h tribe and he assured protection
and sent his sons and tribesmen to take swords and stand guard at the gate of ka’aba , he
declared openly to the Quraysh that he had given protection to Muhammad (SAS),
whoever obstruct him will have my wrath over them. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and his
slave Zayd bin Haarith enter ka’aba, offer prayer and Muta’am bin Adi stand guard and
addressed the Quraysh that we have given protection to Muhammad (SAs) no one should
harm or cause any kind of trouble him and led holy Prophet safely to his house and left.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) never lose heart but gained courage and steadfastness under
the Divine guidance of Allah and continues to propagate the message of Allah.
In the time, Hajj, holy Prophet approaches tribesmen, invited them to Islam. Likewise, he
visited fairs and festival gathering, addresses the people, and put before them the concept
of Tawheed-Oneness of Allah, Abu Lahab and other infidels followed holy Prophet and
urged the people not to listen to his sermons. They said ‘’Don’t listen to him, he has
deviated from the right path and tell lies, but holy Prophet never cares them and recite
some verses of Quran , which touches the hearts of masses and yielded results that many
of them embraced Islam and the message reaches remote areas.
Islam in Medina (10th year of Nabvi)

Islam spreading fast everywhere in Arabian Peninsula and the spark of light of Islam
enter Medina also. The Jews had inhabited Medina for a long time and established
strongholds in the city, as they built castles. Aus and khazraj the two brothers from
Yemen came and settled in Medina. Later their progeny developed into dynasties which
were called as ’Aws and khazraj and these people were idol worshipper, but due to
interaction with the Jews , they were familiar with the concept of Prophet hood, divine
Books and beliefs regarding doomsday and deeply impressed by the Jews and give ear to
They had heard from the Jews scholar that a Messenger was due to come to this world
and whoever follows his message would overcome whole world. These foretelling of Jews
attracted their attention towards Prophet Muhammad (SAS). In the 10th year of Nabvi, six
men (Asad bin Zarara, Jabir bin Abdullah,, Qutba bin Aamir, Uqbah bin Aamir, Auf bin
Al Harith, & Rafa’a bin Malik) from Medina came, heard the Quranic verse recited by holy
Prophet. They looked each other and said’’ Lest it not happen the Jews take lead over us
in accepting the faith’’ uttering these words accepted Islam and went away.
First oath of allegiance (Aqabah in 11 Nabi year)

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) message reached Medina and in the next year i.e., in the 11 th
Nabvi year 12 persons came from Medina, accepted Islam and request the holy Prophet to
send someone who could teach Islamic rules and regulation. Prophet Muhammad (SAs)
sent Mu’s’ab ibn Umar (RA) along with them. He went to Medina, recited Quranic verses
and teaches the tenets of Islam to the people of Medina, one or two people comes daily
and accept Islam, slowly Islam started spreading outside Medina also. Chief of Aus tribe
Sa’ad ibn Mu’aadh on invitation of Mus’ab embraced Islam and the entire tribes follow
suit and converted to Islam.
Second oath of allegiance ( 2nd Aqabah in 12th Nabvi year)

Medina became the cardinal point for Islamic movement, in the 12th Nabvi year about 72
men came during Hajj period, accepted Islam, and promised to stand firm in any
circumstances. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) selected 12 out of these persons to act as
chiefs, nine of them from khazraj tribe and rest three from Aws tribe. All of them took
oath of allegiance with holy Prophet; they will worship Allah alone, not steal nor commit
fornication, not killed any child, not bring false allegation against any one, over all, and
not to disobeyed the commands of Prophet.
After taking oath of allegiance, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said,’’ If you comply with these
conditions, then there is glad tidings of heaven for you, otherwise, you matter is in the
hands of Allah, He can forgive you or chastise you’’. The people taking oath, as one As’ad
ibn Zararah (RA) stood up and said, ’’O brethren! Do you know the meaning of taking
oath? Keep it in your mind, this is like declaration of war against Arabs and Non- Arabs.’’
All of them replied ‘’Yes’ we stand by it and some other made similar speeches. An
agreement reached between these Neophytes Muslim and Prophet Muhammad(SAS) that
if holy Prophet came to Medina you should stand by his side until the last gasp, at this
juncture Bara’a (RA) said ‘we have been brought under the shadow of swords and we all
stand by the oath of allegiance in any circumstances.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS)- Miracles and Ascension ( Isra’a)

The two important aspects of Prophet life in Meccan period noticed many miracles and
the Celestial journey (Mira’aj) as a testimony to his prophet hood, to show the Meccan
idolaters to refrain from idol worship and pray Allah the Supreme One, Eternal and
worthy of Worship. Allah bestowed upon the holy Prophet many miracles, among them
three important miracles like, revelation of Quran, Splitting of Moon and Mira’aj are
narrated here;-
i) Miracles;- In religious terms a miracle means the event that appears so inexplicable by
the law of nature that held to be called supernatural in origin, divine in appearance and
the act of Allah-Omnipotent- to manifest His power of Greatness as Creator, Eternal,
Cherisher and Sustainer of Universe.

Allah bestows with miracles to His Messenger as proof, but these miracles rarely dent the
minds of infidels to accept faith. When the people denied a Prophet even after display of
miracles, Allah’s wrath had fallen on them and their existence have been erased from the
face of the earth, Allah reveals such stories as parables to the Meccan in holy Quran as a
testimony to their demands of miracles. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and his followers
wished that something miraculous happened so that these infidels believe and accept
faith, Allah the Almighty plainly tells the holy Prophet that these infidels will not believe
even if you dig a tunnel in the ground or set ladder to the sky. Allah has certainly power to
send down a sign( miracle) but most of them do not understand (6;35-37).
Allah bestows many miracles to Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as an authenticated proof of
his Prophetic status, among them, three important miracles like revelation of holy
Quran, Splitting of Moon and Celestial Journey(Isra’a or Mira’aj) are narrated in abridge
forms as a tip of iceberg.
Al Quran;-A Miracle of miracles- Central religious text of Islam verbally revealed to
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) through archangel Gabriel in Arabic the Lingua-franca of
Arabs. The first revelation started at ‘Cave Hira ‘ in the end of Ramadan month ( 27 th of
Ramadan) i.e., 22nd Decr, 906CE, when prophet Muhammad(SAS) was 40 years of age
and concluded at 632 CE the year of his demise and the complete Quran was revealed to
him in 23 years period of his prophet hood(17;105-107). Initially the revelation of Quranic
verses scribed on leaves, stones and other available parchment and kept it safely, besides
some of the followers memorized the entire Quran by heart based on Prophetic recitation
of Quran.
Majority of memorizers of Quran killed in the battle of Musaylamah kazzab fitna, which
prompted Hazrat Omar bin khattab to impress upon Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq the first
Caliph of Islam, to compile the Quran, fearing the loss of divine scripture, Abu Bakr first
hesitated but later realized the exigency of matter agreed to do so.
Zayd bin Thabit a scribe at the time of prophet Muhammad (SAS) appointed to collect
and compile the entire Quran and he collected all the parchment and produced an hand
written manuscript, scrutinized with the memorizer and complete manuscript given to
Hafsa bint Omar-prophet widow for safe custody. In the time of Caliph Othman due
differences in recitation, a standard version prepared duly certified and copies of Quran
been distributed throughout the Islamic world.
In the times of Umayyad Caliphate Hajjaj bin Yusuf added ‘diacritic points’ to Arabic
script further made easy for ‘Ajmees (Non Arabic people) for reading correctly and
understating it meaning as per Hadiths without distortion. Muslim Ummah affirms full

faith that the present wordings of Quran corresponds to that revealed to Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) , protected by Allah from corruption (15;9). The greatness of Al
Quran is that it testifies all the previous Prophet of Islam, the earlier Divine books and
Scrolls revealed to messenger them from time to time. Quran act as an standard means of
enlightenment and proof (Please refer for details the Quranic verses-3;184 /53;36/
35;25/5;44/87;18-19). Muslim regards Quran a divine Jewel given to humanity as a last
torchbearer of truth and guidance, since it contains all the aspects of man’s requirements
during lifetime and after death. Quran impress upon human being to believes in “Oneness
of Allah’’ the central line of monotheistic message to humanity, its call remains eternal
till doomsday . Quran gives ample proof about the life after death, Paradise for believers
and Hell for polytheist and other who ascribe partners to Allah and in His attributes,
power etc.,. The doctrine of Commands and Message convey by Quran is itself a miracle
emphasized that Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as an Ummi (unlettered in appearance)
recites the verses in eloquent manner that contains higher human faculties to understand.
Al Quran the media to understand holly Prophet and his mission, Bibi Ayesha once
asked Prophet Muhammad, how he should be remembered after his departure from this
world, the holy prophet replied’’ by reciting Quran’’. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the first
interpreter of Quran, over the centuries all Muslims understand Quran through holy
Prophet interpretation. Prophet Muhammad said during his farewell hajj that he leaves
behind two things i) Quran and ii)My Sunnah (hadiths-saying of holy Prophet),
whoever uphold these two never go astray ( narrated by Jabir (RATA) –Tirmidhi-219
vol2 i).

Quran is an ocean of knowledge, whoever dives into this Divine ocean, the more he will
go deep into it, he will be blessed and honored with knowledge. The previous Divine
books revealed to previous Prophet corrupted over time by the people to suit their needs.
Hence Allah taken responsibility to vouched safe the holy Quran as state’’ We have,
without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (
from corruption)- 19;9. The Quran revealed 1400 CE ago to Prophet Muhammad
(puh) and preserved intact ever since.

Splitting of Moon

Splitting of Moon (Shaqqal Qamar) a miracle attributed to Prophet Muhammad(SAS)

mentioned in Quranic verse 54;1-2 and Hadiths, narrated by prominent followers of
prophet ( Tafsir Qurtubi, Sahih Bukhari 4;56; 830,832 & 5;58;210, also contains in
Masnad Ahmed, Tirmidhi and Sahih Muslims hadiths).
The miracle took place in Mina-Mecca, five years before migration to Medina, upon the
demands of polytheist of Mecca. On the night of miracle many companions such as Anas
bin Malik, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Huzayfa bin yaman, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin
Masud, Abdullah bin Jubayr bin Muta’im were present with holy Prophet in Mina.
The leaders of Quraysh such as Abu Jahl, Walid bin Mughers, As bin wail,As bin
Hisham,Aswad bin Abdi yaghus,Aswad bin Muthalib,Zama bin Aswad,Nadr bin Harith
were also present at the place. They asked the Prophet ’’If you are truly the Prophet of
Allah, then split the moon in half, let it be in such a way that one half will appear over Mt.
Abu Qubais and the other over Mt. Quayqian.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked them, if I do it, would you become Muslims.
Moreover, the polytheist answered ‘Yes’ we will. The occasion was the 14 th night and the
moon was full in shape (full moon) shining bright. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) with all
praise to thy Lord Allah and His will pointed his finger towards the moon and the moon
split into two and one part move towards one mountain and other part to other mountain
and later joined as usual. Prophet called ‘O Abu Salama bin Abdul Asadi, Arqam bin Asil-
bear witness. The polytheist said’’ this is one of the spell of Abu kabsha son! Abu kabsha
son cast a spell on you! They said Muhammad (SAS) cast spell on us! Some of them also
said ’if Muhammad (SAS) had cast a spell on us then he could not have cast a spell on
everyone! Let us ask the wayfarer who come from surrounding areas, if they saw what we
The Polytheist of Mecca ask the people, who came from everywhere, they all said ‘Yes’
indeed we saw the moon split into two halves and each parts of it saw on either mountains
of Mecca and later joined together and became as usual. There was no one who had not
informed about it, however, the polytheist rejected the miracle and said’’ Abu Talib
orphan affected the sky with spell’’ and left the place. Large number of people around the
world could not have seen the Splitting of Moon-a miracle of Prophet Muhammad (SAS);
it would have been daytime or late night or early morning in many parts of world.

Time sequence differ over the areas of world example taking Mecca as nodal centre the
time 9 pm and the time in other places of world will be, India 11.30 pm, Perth (Australia)
2 am, Reykjavik (Russia) 6 pm, Washington DC(USA) 2 pm , Riode Jenaro 3 pm,
Tokyo(Japan) 3 pm, Beijing(China) 2 am.

The miracle has seen in Kerala in India and the state stretches for 360 miles (580 kms)
along Malabar Coast on the southern side of Indian peninsula. The king Chakravarti
Perumal of kodungallure of Cheri dynasty recorded to have seen the ‘Split of moon’ and
it is documented in a manuscript at the India office Library London (Ref no Arabic 2807,
152-173 and in Kerala encyclopedia Britannia-art 9111226 and Muhammad Hamidullah

Book on Muhammad (SAS)}. The Chera King Perumal learned that a holy Prophet at
Mecca had performed this miracle and leading the light of Truth; he appointed his son as
regent and set out to meet him. He embraced Islam at the hands of holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAS). After accepting Islam he return to India, on his way he caught in the
tempest and his ship wrecked and died, his body washed ashore was buried in Zafar –
Yemen( Zafar-biblical Sephar,classical Sapphar or Saphar,an ancient Arabian site located
Southwest of Yarim in Southern Yemen .

The news of his accepting of Islam reaches Kerala through the Sufi saint Malik bin Dinar
and many people accepted Islam. The people of Lakshadweep and the Mappillas from
Calicut and other places of Kerala became Muslim. The lamp of Islam lighted in Kerala
with the accepting of religion by Chera king named Tajuddin Perumal, and later a
contingent led by Malik Bin Dinar reached Kodungallur the Chera capital and built the
first Indian Cheruman Juma Masjid, is thought to have been built in 629 CE in Thrissur,
Kerala, which stand as testimony even today.

The meeting of Indian king Cheruman Perumal also documented in Hadiths that Abu
Sa’id Al Khudri a companion of Prophet Muhammad(SAS) said’ the Indian king gifted the
holy Prophet with a jar of ginger, the companion ate it piece by piece and I took a bite as
well’ (Reported by Hakim in ’Mustadrik Vol 4 page 150). The evidence of Splitting of
moon’ a miracle by Prophet Muhammad (SAS) also confirmed by NASA, by a photograph
taken them from Apollo 10 in 1969 that a scar on the surface of the moon is noticed and

Mi’raj ( Isra’a)

Mi’raj means ascension, climbing up, Prophet Muhammad used this word to describe his
celestial journey and the other name is ’Isa’ra’ means a night journey. Isra’a wal Miraj
consist of two parts of night journey, which holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) undertook on
27th Rajab 10th Nabvi year -620 CE in a conscious state of mind, Muslim believes that the
Mira’aj event occurs in both by physical and spiritual manner. The first part of journey
starts from Masjid e Haram in Mecca to Masjide Aqsa in Jerusalem ( Isra’a) and
thereafter 2nd part of journey to heavens(Mira’aj). The Quran termed as Isra -’ ’Glory ‘to
(Allah) Who took His Servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque
to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bliss-in order that We show
him some of Our Signs; for He is the One Who hears and see (all things)-

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said that I was at the house of umm Hani daughter of Abu
Talib and sister of Ali in a midway sleep and wakeful state, I heard the voice of Archangel

Gabriel in my ear and I rise from slumber. Gabriel spoke that Lord Almighty had send you
greetings and peace and invites you to come with me. Gabriel had brought a golden tray
with, took me to holy ka’aba slit my chest and washed with Zam Zam water and filled my
heart with wisdom and faith. Gabriel presented before an animal to ride which was
smaller than a mule and bigger than donkey, white in color called as ‘Buraaq’. I set out
with angel Gabriel and reached Masjid- e- Aqsa , Jerusalem and tied the Buraaq at the
entrance of Mosque and leads other Prophets in prayers. Anas bin Malik narrates that
Archangel brought a vessel with wine, a vessel with honey and a vessel with Milk and
asked me to chose, I chose Milk, Gabriel said you have chosen Fitrah (natural instinct-
Religion of Islam ).

After that, second parts of celestial journey begin with Buraaq and reached the nearest
heaven, Gabriel said to the custodian to open the gate, he asked ‘Who is it? He said I am
Gabriel, he asked who is accompanying you? Gabriel said Muhammad (SAS), custodian
said he has been called? Gabriel said ’yes’, the custodian said such a personality is most
welcome, when we enters we saw Adam, Gabriel said to me’’ He is Adam- the father of
mankind, said me to salute him, I saluted him and he replied ‘O my noble son and
messenger welcome. Then we ascended 2nd heaven and faced the same question and
replied with same answer, the gate opened and we entered and saw Yahya and Jesus,
Gabriel introduced me and I saluted them both warmly and they replied and said
’Welcome! O noble brother and a Prophet. Thereafter we ascended 3 rd heaven and enter it
after same question and enter, where we met Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) we exchanged
greetings and he said ‘welcome O my brother and a Prophet.

Next ascended the 4th heaven and same question and similar answer gate was opened we
enter and met Prophet Idrees and exchange greetings in between and he welcome O my
brother and a Prophet. Then ascended the 5th heaven and enters into it after similar
question and answer, where we met Prophet Aaron, he greeted me with salutation
welcome O my brother and a prophet. Then ascended 6th heaven and enters into after
same question and answers and saw Prophet Moses and I greeted him and said Welcome
O my brother and a Prophet, when we proceeded further he started weeping and on being
asked why he was weeping, he said O Lord! followers of this youth who was sent after me
will enters paradise in great numbers than my followers!.

We finally reached 7th heaven a place of bliss and enters after similar queries and answers,
where we met Prophet Abraham, in response to my salutation Prophet Abraham said
’Welcome O my noble son and a Prophet. In 7th heaven Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
observed lot of unimaginable things that human mind difficult to comprehend but
Muslims believes to be true. I was shown ‘ Baitul Mamoor’ (house of God) for Angels,

Gabriel said where 70,000 Angels performs prayers daily when they leave they never
return to it but a fresh batch of Angels enters the sacred place daily such a gigantic place.
Then I was taken to ‘Sidratul Muntaha’ situated near the garden of abode(53;14)- a lot
tree and I saw Nabuk fruit which resembles the clay jugs of Hijr(a town in Saudi Arabia)
and its leaves as big as the ears of elephant. Four rivers originates from its roots, two of
this apparent and two are hidden, Gabriel said the hidden rivers are in paradise (as per
Islamic tradition the hidden rivers are ‘Salsabeel and Kauser) and other two apparent
rivers are Nile and Euphrates.

At Sidratul Muntaha ( upper most boundary that everything comes from earth and
heaven stop here) ,archangel Gabriel stopped , Prophet Muhammad(SAS) asked him why
he stopped here, Gabriel replied this is my limit, if I go beyond the place even an distance
of ant, my wings will be burnt. As per Islamic tradition Gabriel said now it is up to you,
and your Lord, hereafter Prophet Muhammad(SAS) standing in the realm of the Paradise,
throne of God and God himself .

As per Mishaqaat states that Allah sent a green throne as a ride to holy Prophet ’RafRaf’
and holy prophet sat on it and began his journey ,Gabriel called from behind ’O
Muhammad(SAS),Allah’s praise on you hear it and do obedience and don’t get scared.
Prophet heard the sound of pens writing saw the placed called ’Sareer-e- Aqlam’ that
place where Allah’s order towards His creations record are written in ‘Looh-e-Mahfooz’.
Holy Prophet heard a voice from the uppermost horizon saying ’Come O best of
creation, come closer O Ahmad ‘! So Allah brought me closer, so closer that at
a distance of but two-bow length or even closer! Allah bestowed upon me
three things at the place-50 times prayer, last verses of Surah Al Baqarah-
2;285-286-which described Islamic belief and completion of faith and
indicated the period of hardship was about to be over and good news that
whoever avoid polytheism would be absolved.

Prophet on his return journey saw Heaven, all its virtues for believers of faith and Hell for
polytheist, hypocrites and Mushriq (assigned partner to Almighty in His attributes, deeds
and power) who reap after death.

When holy Prophets descended 7th heaven met Moses and he enquired about my gifts, I
said I was given 50 times of prayer. Moses said I know the people better than you do,
because I had the hardest experience to bring back the Israelites to obedience and your
followers cannot put up with such obligation so please returned to Lord and ask for

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) returned to Lord and submitted for reductions, at the first
instance Lord made it 40 times, but on the advice of Moses I met Lord subsequently and
submitted for reduction, then the Lord brought it to 30, next to 20 and 10 and ultimately
brought it to 5 times. I came to Moses , he again said what have done? Allah made it 5
times, he repeated the same advice, but I said I have surrendered to Allah’s final order.
Allah addressed the holy Prophet that I have decreed My obligation and I have reduced
the burden on my Servant and I shall reward a single good deed as if it were same good
Bukhari vol5 book 54 No 429).

Prophet Return from Mira’aj

Prophet return to Al Haram Mecca, on his way back saw three caravans of Quraysh
coming back towards Mecca, first caravan saw at Rooha-people of this caravan searching
for their missing camel, holy Prophet feel thirsty so he reached the place and drank water
from a water bowl. Continue his journey Prophet saw the person who was searching for
missing camel came back and greeted him, some other people of caravan recognized the
voice of Prophet. When Prophet reached Zil Fajja , saw 2nd caravan and two people riding
the camel when Buraaq passed by them they got scared and ran as both fell on the ground
and one of them broken his hand(Prophet told their names to Quraysh). The 3rd caravan
at Talween , saw a brown camel with 2 sack over it, one with black and other white lines.

Prophet Muhammad made his way to Umm Ayman house to tell her his miraculous
journey (Prophet describe Umm Ayman as my mother after my mother and a faithful
servant of his mother Aaminah remained with Prophet through the death of his mother
and grandfather and always been very close to holy Prophet). She responded O !
Messenger of God do not tell anyone about this’’, Umm Ayman had perfect faith in holy
Prophet and believes the journey but she afraid of how others would respond. Prophet
responded saying that he would tell the people about the wonderful night and to convey
the message of God without afraid of any consequence and he left the house quietly with
somber contemplation and straight away to the holy Mosque-Ka’aba.

Response of Quraysh

Prophet sitting alone in the Mosque thinking that people will not accept his words (about
miracle), Abu Jahl approached him after seeing him sitting sad and asked casually’ O
Muhammad’ is there anything happen to you? Prophet replied ‘Yes’, Abu Jahl sat beside
him and asked’’ has something happen to you? Prophet replied in affirmative, he asked’
what happen? Since Abu Jahl the deadly enemy of Islam, responsible for torture,
punishment, murder and harassment of neo converts throughout the early days of Islam.

Even though Prophet was aware of the animosity and hatred of Abu Jahl, he answered
truthfully and said ’this night I have travelled to Jerusalem and back’’ Abu Jahl
unable to control his amusement responded by requesting Prophet to repeat these words
in front of people of Mecca and Prophet said ‘Yes’. Abu Jahl left the Mosque, calling out
people. When sufficient number of people gathered in the Mosque and Abu Jahl
requested the Prophet to repeat the words, Prophet say this night I have been to
Jerusalem and back’’. The crowd started to laugh, whistle, clap and call it as a big joke and
fell on one another in laughing and Abu Jahl thrilled by the sight. They ridicule and
belittle the Prophet claim, among them people who visited Jerusalem asked the Prophet
to describe what had seen. Allah brought the Mosque of Jerusalem before him, Prophet
answered the question in details in front stating brick by brick and the travelers
confirmed the description. When Prophet telling all the things correctly the infidels
change the topic and asked about three caravans, and Prophet told the details of every
caravan and incidents. Non- believers thought to see if it is true or not asked when the
caravans reach Mecca and which caravan will reach Mecca.

Prophet replied that first caravan reach on the sunrise tomorrow, 2nd caravan reach when
sun will be in middle and the 3rd would reach just before the sunset. May by the Mercy of
Allah, made it true and the caravans arrived as per holy Prophet Prediction.

When the non believers had no answer of this miracle, they said we don’t believe it, this is
clear signs of magic and left the place .When the miracle was told to Abu Bakr ,he
confirmed that was the truth that why he was called as ‘Siddique’. One of companion of
holy Prophet asked, if he saw the God, to which Prophet answered ‘’He is veiled by
light, how could I see him’’. There are difference of opinion about seeing God by holy
Prophet by eyes or heart in various hadiths , Quranic verse 6;103 and narration by various
companions of holy Prophet( Abu Dharr (RA),Ibn Abbas, Ayesha (RATA) and others).
However, Muslims ( Ijmaha-e- Ummath) believes that the Holy Prophet saw
God as a light surrounded in between Allah and him.(Quran chapter 17;1-2 and
53;14-18 and various hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim may be refer for further

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) Prayers

Al Quran reveals’’ Establish regular prayer-at the sun’s decline till the
darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading; for the prayer
and reading in the morning carry their testimony-(Sura Bani Israeli 17;78).

Praise be to Allah Who made compulsory on his slaves and ordered them to establish &
perform prayers, since prayer distinguish ‘Imaan and Kufr. Once holy Prophet says,
narrated by Ibn Abbas (RATA), to his companions ’pray as follows ’O Allah Do not make

anybody amongst us rebellious and deprived people’’. Then he asked, do you know who is
rebellious and deprived? The companions said ‘who? O Messenger of Allah’’, the Prophet
said ’he who does not perform prayer (Ibn Hajar-Az Zuwajirl Abu lays Samarqandi-
Qurratul Aiyun).

The holy Prophet (SAS) practiced prayer from the beginning of revelation in the yard of
holy Ka’aba before the idolaters, who gave him hardship and tortured him mercilessly.
Some of the idolaters attacked him while he was praying and yet holy Prophet did not
stop his prayers. He practiced all the five obligatory prayers besides non-obligatory
prayers regularly without any lapse. Aisha (RATA) narrates that Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) talked to us and we talk to him , however, he was as if had not recognized us when
it was time for prayer, he turned to Allah with his excellence (Faza’il i Am’al).

Once a companion asked holy Prophet(SAS) that Allah the glorious One forgive you
totally, why are you still practicing prayer so long and infinite prayer’’, Holy Prophet
replied’ why shall I not be thankful servant of Allah’’. Ummul Momineen Aisha (RAA)
narrates that holy Prophet was so humble in prayer and practice prayer in humility, a
sobbing cry sound like of grinding mill used to hear from his blessed heart. Holy Prophet
attached much importance to ‘Salat (prayer) and called it ‘ the coolness of his eyes’, made
the human closer to the Creator and the way for right path, a believer without Salat is not
a believer at all, but for namesake. Prayer is the light of body and soul, it protect believers
from vices and made them to tread on right path. Prophet Muhammad said Allah stated’’
It (prayer) made compulsory to your Ummah to perform five daily prayers. And I made
promise to myself, if someone comes to me by paying attention to performing five daily
prayers, I will send him to ‘Paradise, I have nothing to say for the one who does not pay
attention to prayers’’-(Abu Dawood) and refer Quran chapter 29;45/ 15;88-89/35;29-30/
20;14 also.

Holy Prophet (SAS) never leave Salat even during battles, Abu Hurairah (RATA) narrates
that during a war expedition the Messenger of Allah encamped somewhere Dajnan and
Usfan. Idolaters said’ They (Muslims) have got a prayer , which is more precious for them
than their fathers and children, it was Asr prayer the idolaters get ready to attack them
altogether at once. Gabriel the archangel came and informed the holy Prophet to divide
his companions into two groups, one group to wait in alert together with their weapon,
while the other group practice prayer with the Prophet. He told him to perform one
rakat with the first group and then one rakat with the other group, so that each group
would prays one rakat with Prophet and the Prophet would have performed two rakat
in this way( Tirmidhi-Tafsir 4/3035). Hazrat Ali (RATA) reports that in the battle of
Badr, we all of us slept except the Messenger of Allah indulged in prayer and supplicate
Allah until morning under a tree.

Allah directs the holy Prophet (SAS) to perform additional prayer as you did not find
time in day time due to preoccupation with normal duties (73;8-9). The tahajjud prayer
means the prayer offered in night by remembering Allah in a calm and serene
environment with heartfelt supplication. Quran states ’’And pray in the small watches of
the morning;( it would be) an additional prayer ( or spiritual profit) for you; soon will
your Lord raise you to a Station of Praise and Glory’’- (17;79).

And in another verse Lord stress the importance of tahajjud prayer ’’O you folded in
garment, Stand (to prayer) by night, but not all night; Half of it- or a little
less; Or a little more; and recite the Qur’an in slow measured rhythmic tones.
Soon shall We send down to you a weighty Message; Truly the rising by night
is most potent for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (framing) the
Word ( of Prayer and Praise)- {73;1-6}.

The holy Prophet (SAS) in obedience and gratefulness to Allah, used to practice night
prayers in sublime and humble manners and stand in prayers very long hours till the
break of dawn and supplicate Allah. Huzaifa (RATA) narrates that’ one night I started
prayer together with holy Prophet (SAS), he started reciting chapter Al Baqr, I thought on
close of it, he would bend for ruqu,but he started chapter Al-Imran, when he finished ,he
started chapter An-Nisa. When invocation verses came he said ’Subhanallah, at ‘Istiaza’
verse he sought refuge with Allah. After this, he bent for ruqu saying’ Subhan Rabbiya’l
Azim’ and his ruqu lasted as long as his qiyam, then he stood up saying ‘Samiallahu liman
hamida Rabbana lake’l hamd. He stayed in qiyam as long as he stood in ruqu, then he
goes prostrate and uttered ‘Subhan Rabbiya’l A’la’, the prostration (Sajda) also as long as
his qiyam (standing)-(Muslimn-sahifatul Musafirin 203).

The Messenger of Allah desires to be in the presence of Allah, as a measure of gratitude

and loyalty, he never miss any prayer. Once Aisha (RAA) saw that the holy Prophet (SAS)
used to practice tahajjud prayer at night for a very long time , as his blessed feet swelled.
His revered wife impressed by this act of submissiveness and supplication with tears full
in his eyes to the Lord of Creation, asked ‘O! Messenger of Allah, although you have
already been forgiven all the sins, why are you still doing this, holy Prophet replied ’O
Aisha shall I not be very thankful servant of my Lord’-(Bukhari-Tahajjud Prayers).

The importance attached to the prayer can be judge by the act of holy prophet(SAS) at
this last time of his illness that he was so weak but came to Masjid e Nabawi (Mosque)
with the help of two people and attended Zohr and Asr prayer. He was writhing with pain
and ailment but never miss the prayer and urged his followers adhere to Prayer and

uttered this word in three times and impressed upon them to fear Allah about your slaves,
treat them as of your own(Abu Dawood-Adab-133). Quran and Corpus of hadiths contains
details about the importance of’ Salaat- the virtues for practice and the punishment for
leaving it.

Prelude to Migration

The Second part of Islam marks the post migration period ushered in changing the infidel
regime to Islamic regime. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) from the outset worked for the
refinement of infidels of Mecca to bring them under the fold of Islam. The infidels of
Mecca instead inflicted atrocities, torture, made them to suffer the most degraded
punishment , despite all the neo converts to Islam never bow to their punishment and
face it with determination. They did not found a way out to carry out or has no other place
where one can lead an Islamic life or could work to perpetuate Islamic System. In the
meanwhile some of followers of Islam migrated to Abyssinia, where also the infidels does
not permit them to stay and caused trouble and spread rumor to leave the place At last
the followers of Islam found Medina the ultimate sanctuary to perpetuate the cause of
Islam on sound footing.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) permitted the common Muslim, who were being victimized by
the infidels to migrate to Medina. The infidels of Mecca seeing the trend of migration
stepped up their oppressive activities and tried their best to keep these migratory people
in their claws. But Muslim at this juncture preferred to endanger their life, wealth and
children for the sake of Islam. Temptation and pressure could not resist them, slowly
sizeable number of companions left Mecca to Medina. At the first instance Abu Salma
(RATA) and his family try to migrate to Medina but the infidels of Mecca obstructed to
leave his wife and children, so he alone migrated to Medina leaving behind his wife and
child for one year at Mecca, after that many Muslim migrated to Medina.

The prominent one Abu Bakr and Ali (RATAA), were left with holy Prophet (SAS) and
there were some Muslim who could not travel due to extremely handicap or helpless or
unable to bear the journey due to poverty or illness, were exempted from migration.

Plot to kill Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

The advent of 13th year of Prophet hood, lot of Muslims had migrated to Medina. This
trend of migration made the infidels of Mecca worry some and feared that these Muslim

would become more powerful and may subdue us in future, since Islam was spreading
fast in and around Medina, more people were coming under it fold day by day. They
therefore, charting plans to abolish it by its root itself by killing the holy Prophet (SAS)
and the senior chiefs representing each clan gathered at a house ‘Dar ul Nadwa’-house of
counseling, discussed the ways. Some of them said that Prophet Muhammad (SAS) may
be chained in a lonely house, But majority of them rejected the idea, said in such case the
companions of the Prophet(SAS) would rescue him or even defeat us. Some other said
Prophet Muhammad (SAS), should be banished and this idea, also was rejected on the
ground that wherever he would go, his words would attract people and follow him and the
Islamic movement would gain momentum. At the end Abu Jahl said’’ select a youth each
from every tribe make a group and attach enmasse and killed him, in this way all tribes
would be involved in the attempt and not possible for Hashim dynasty to wage war single
handed against all the tribes of Mecca. The suggestion of Abu Jahl accepted by the chief of
tribes and decided to laid siege of his house by night and when he comes out in the
morning for prayer they would attack and killed him as the Arab tradition does not permit
them to enter any house during night time.

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Chapter -XIX

Migration of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to Medina

Background ;- Yathrib renamed Medina by holy Prophet(SAS),during 7th Century

inhabited by two types of people-Jews and Pagan Arabs. The Jews had three principal
clans; Banu Qaynuqa,Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza and the Arab pagan had two tribes
Aws and Khazraj. Jews had upper hand with large settlement and possessed huge
properties, Aws and Khazra the rivals fought for centuries and in the battle of Bu’ath
many personalities of both sides died and some of them left Yathrib (Medina) leaving the
state in disordered condition. The traditional rulers for maintaining law and order
became dysfunctional and without a neutral man acceptable to both of them and
situation in doldrums. Since the pagan Arabs lives in close proximity with Jews of
Medina, gained considerable knowledge of their scripture and had heard from them
that they are awaiting a Prophet arriving in future. This knowledge and the condition of
Medina made Islam an rich place to grow faster than in other place and the arrival of
holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in Medina would be a boon for them.

Allah made aware the plans of infidels of Mecca through revelation of Archangel Gabriel
and ordered to leave Mecca and hearing the divine command holy Prophet(SAS) went to
Abu Bakr house and discussed two or three day prior to migration and made all plans to
leave by night. The migration took place in 13th year of prophet hood (13 th N.B.Y-8th in
the month of Rabi ul Awwal corresponding to September 20th -622 CE).

On the night of migration holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) called Ali (RATA), told Ali
(RATA), that the infidels of Mecca had plan to siege my house and assassinate me,
therefore ’I got the Command of Allah for migration to Medina to night. I would set off to
night ,the people of Mecca had given me some deposits, return them in the morning and
came back to Medina. Lie on my bed to night so that the infidels may get the impression
that I am in the house.

The Infidels of Mecca as per plan besieged Prophet house, as scheduled in the night and
awaited. When the night progressed the holy Prophet (SAS) came out of the house calmly
reciting Quranic verse of chapter ‘Yaseen-’’ And We have put a bar in front of them
and a bar behind them and further, We have covered them up; so that they
cannot see’’-(26;9).

threw a fistful of dust towards them and passed away smoothly through them un noticed
by the Grace of Allah, the besieger could not see the holy Prophet treading amongst them.
He went to the house of Abu Bakr (RATA) and the both were left Mecca in the darkness of
night under the blessing of Allah and reach Thaur cave where they took shelter. In the
morning, the infidels came to know that holy Prophet (SAS) left the house and got worry
some and started looking hither and thither in search of him . Infidels made wide
publicity and announce a reward of 100 camels, whoever arrest the holy Prophet, bring
dead or alive. Meccans unable to resist the temptation of monetary reward pursuers
scattered in all direction and began search. It so happened by the decree of Allah spoider
spun cobweb over the entrance of cave and a pigeon lay eggs at the entrance of cave.
When the pursuer came near the cave Abu Bakr (RATA) expressed fear of notice but holy
Prophet(SAS) console him said “Have no fear, for Allah is with us (9;40) ; and the pursuer
came near the cave and found divinely made sign and went away un- noticed.

The holy Prophet (SAS) and Abu Bakr (RATA) remains in the cave for three days, during
these period Amr bin Qasyra in guise of shepherd came to cave, supplied foodstuff and
intimate the happening at Mecca. On the last day, Abdulla bin Arqathasi, a experience
travel guide brought horses and on the fourth day, both of them left the Thaur cave along
with Amr bin Qasyra and the slave of Abu Bakr left the Thaur cave and began their further

Journey to Medina

On the fourth day Prophet Muhammad (SAS) came out of the Thaur cave and travelled
throughout night and day , on the second of journey ,when the sun was too hot in the
noon, they halted near a cliff to take rest, there they met a shepherd, who gave them milk
to drink. When the Prophet on way out a man name Suraqa ibn Malik saw him and
pursue to catch them to get reward, so he galloped his horse towards them, Abu Bakr
Siddiq turn again and again, inform holy Prophet about the chase of Suraqa . The holy
Prophet (SAS) supplicate Allah for succor, his horse stumble and he fell down, he tried
again to catch Prophet Muhammad (SAS) , next time his horse legs submerged into
ground up to knees. Suraqa realized intervention of divine power in his attempt, and got
frightened and said ‘’O Muhammad (SAS) ,if I was released I would surrendered to holy
Prophet (SAS) and assured him that he would not inform the other pursuers. He also
assured to divert the attention of search parties,so holy Prophet (SAS) prayed he was
freed and on this he declared that one day Prophet Muhammad(SAS) religion would
prevail and requested an written confirmation that he would be honored when the holy
Prophet b(SAS) become the head of Islamic state. Abu Bakr give him a written statement

at the behest of holy Prophet (SAS), which he preserved till the conquest of Mecca. When
he was about to return Prophet Muhammad (SAS) told him that’’ he one day wear the
bracelets of Khusraw of Persia,he asked in wonderment,it means the bracelets of khusraw
bin Hormuz ,the king of Persia, holy Prophet (SAS) nodded in acknowledgement.

When Mecca was conquered Suraqa bin Malik came to holy Prophet(SAS) and embraced
Islam and remain in Mecca ,came to Medina on thedemise of holy Prophet.In the times of
Umar bin kattab caliphate,Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas the commander of Muslim army
conquered Persia and sent one fifth of war booty to Umar bin khattab at Medina, it
contains the crown of khusraw, a gold belt studded with pearls/rubies and gold
bracelets.Umar bin khattab called Suraqa bin Malik,put the crown on his head, don with
golden embroidered dress and bracelets, but Suraqa bin Malik a man with Islamic
convictions felt uncomfortable in the royal insignia,he raised his hands towards sky and
prayed in humble manner’’ O my Lord how could I put on something which your
Prophet deserved far more than I? He then turned to Umar bin khattab (ra) and
requested to distribute all those royal appendages among Muslims ( Sahih Bukhari- vol 4
book 56 No 812 and vol 005 book 58 No 250 and similar hadith with subject in Sahih
Muslim vol-023-No-4984). The Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) fuilfilled during
the time of caliph Umar bin khattab and there were many such prophecies of holy
prophet(SAS) became true during later years of Islamic caliphate,which are available in
the Corpus of hadiths, so suraqa bin Malik lead the frugal life and died in 24 AH during
the time of caliph Othman bin Affan.

On the return Suraqa saw many infidels of Mecca searching the holy Prophet (SAS), as
per assurance, he diverted these search parties in other way. Prophet (SAS) continues his
journey and reach near the tents of Umme Mua’badh khuzai’a , ask for food, but she
pleaded her inability due to poverty. Holy Prophet saw a goat tied to tent, ask her milk,
Umm Mua’badh replied that goat was weak, unable to give milk. Prophet (SAS) supplicate
Allah ,began to milk the goat in the name Allah, the goat gives ample milk full of vessels,
drank all the people including holy Prophet and left the place and the holy Prophet
traversed for eight days to reach Medina.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) arrival in Medina

The news of Prophet’s departure towards Medina had spread and the whole city was
eagerly awaiting his arrival. Children and elders used to come out of city in the morning
everyday and would go back in the afternoon. And then, one day the auspicious occasion
arrived, what they awaiting for, they saw the rising of dust at a distance and the whole city
resounded with the Praise of thy Lord-Allah o Akbar.

Every one became happy and their faces began to shine with, glory,
happiness and gaiety, decorated the city for the hearty welcome of holy
Prophet (SAS) and a festive look appear on Medina. Holy Prophet (SAS) reached
outskirts of Medina a place called ’Quba’ three miles from the city, there was an Ansar
settlement, the distinguish family of Omar bin Auf’’s chief Kulthoom ibn Alhadam had the
honor of hosting the holy Prophet(SAS),Ali ibn Abu Talib joined the Prophet after three
days at Quba.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) stayed in his house for 14 days, during his stay at Quba the
holy Prophet (SAS) expressed his desire to build a mosque, so he laid the foundation with
his blessed hands, along with other companions he constructed the Islam first Mosque
(Quba Mosque). After his stay at Quba he set off to Medina on Friday by afternoon they
reached Bani Salim locality and it was time for Friday prayer. Holy Prophet (SAS) gave his
very first Friday sermon and performed congregational first Friday prayer.

After the Friday prayer holy Prophet (SAS) set to enter the blessed city Medina and
followers standing in queue to receive the holy Prophet (SAS) and wished to get honor to
accommodate him ,every one pleaded and bequeathed to stay in their house and laid a red
carpet welcome and everyone was full of enthusiasm. On the terrace of houses women
standing singing’’ full moon appear from the valley of Wida’a hill’’ and innocent girls
playing tambourine and singing ‘’ we are the daughters of Najjar dynasty, what a good
neighbor is Prophet Muhammad (SAS)’’. Prophet seeing their faces asked these innocent
girls ’’Do you have affection for me ? They replied ‘Yes’ and the Prophet (SAS) said ‘’I too
love you’’ this was the scene of love and affection exhibited by the people to the holy
Prophet (SAS) at Medina.

Time line of migration

DAY Julian & Islamic dates Julian & Islamic dates Events
. by F. A. Shamsi by Fazlur Rahman Shaik
Day –I- 9th Septr 622 17 th June 622 CE Conference of
Thursday 26 Safar 1 AH ,
th 1 Rabiul Awwal 1 AH Quraysh &
departure of holy Prophet from Mecca.
Day-5- Monday. 13th Septr 622 CE . 21 June 622 . Departure from
. Rabiul Awwal 1 AH 5th Rabiul Awwal Thawr Cave
DAY 12 20th Septr 622 CE 28 June 622 CE Arrival at Quba
Monday 8th Rabiul Awwal 1 AH 12 Rabiul Awwal -
DAY 16 24 Septr 622 CE 2 July 622 CE
nd Enter into -
Friday 12th Rabiul Awwal 1 AH 16th Rabiul Awwal 1AH. ( Medina).
DAY 26 4th October 622 CE ---- Finally holy Prophet
Monday 22nd Rabiul Awwal --- Medina.
Note; Muharrum the first month of Muslim year, causing confusion among the Muslim
Ummah. But the holy Prophet had planned the migration in Muharram and awaited
Allah’s command which came in the month of Rabbiul Awwal month. The holy Prophet
took the migration in 19th April 622 CE(as per Fazlur Rahman Shaik system of
calculation).Hypothetical calculation by Gregorian date from retro calculation 26th Rabiul
Awwal 1 AH (16th July 622 CE).Even though the first visit to Medina for Friday prayer
actually occurred on 16th Rabiul Awwal i.e. 2nd July 622 CE.

Prophet in Medina

The people of Medina anxious to host the Prophet (SAS), urged him to stay at their house
and this was a difficult decision, holy Prophet said that’’ the house where my she- camel
would halt, I would stay there. She-camel traverse a little distance and sat at place but
stood up and walk further distance and sat in a place at Banu Njjar(The place belong to
the Prophet’s grandmother relatives)and the honor of hospitality usually goes to them.
Ayyub Ansari (RATA) came forward and took the seat of She-camel to his house and
Prophet (SAS) said the man usually lives with the seat of She-camel. Asad bin Zarara
(RATA) came and took care of the She-camel( Quswa).

Ibn Abbas said that when Prophet (SAS) in Mecca, Allah give command to migrate and
the revelation came ‘’Say; O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and
Honor, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor, and grant me
from Your Presence an authority to aid (me)’’-(17;80). Hazrat Fatadah
(RATA) said that Allah removes Prophet (SAS) from Mecca to blessed place
Medina and He had shown him the migration place the land of date palm
with black small pebbles in between two parts previously.

Ayyub Ansari got the honor of hospitality of holy Prophet and he had two storied house
and offer upper story but holy Prophet(SAS) preferred lower storey to facilitate
interaction with people and Ayyub Ansari and his wife shifted to the upper storey. Holy
Prophet (SAS) stayed in his house for seven months, then shifted to the newly constructed
rooms near Masjid al Nabawi, within few days holy Prophet’s relatives, family members
and other remaining followers arrived in Medina.

Construction of Masjid –al- Nabawi (The Prophet’s Mosque)

After settling in Medina, the first step the holy Prophet took was the construction of a
mosque and a fallow land near Ayyub Ansari house where prophet stayed. The land
belongs to two orphans Ansars- Sahl and Suhail boys and Prophet took the land for
construction only after they boys were paid the price of land. Prophet (SAS) himself took

part in the construction and fetches stones with other laborers and Mosque was built in a
simple style, mud bricks were used for walls and open roof with dry date palm leaves for
thatched covering and date trunks as pillars. The Qibla (direction of prayer) was the
Dome of Rock (Baitul Maqdis) till then it was changed towards Ka’aba( 2 AH the Qibla
changed towards Ka’aba). The floor of Mosque un cemented, rainwater enters resulted in
mud and sludge, in the corner of the mosque a platform’ Suffah’ provided for homeless
Muslims as a shelter, after battle of khybar the Mosque was enlarged and paved the floor
with stones. After completion of mosque, holy Prophet (SAS) got some rooms constructed
near the mosque for his wives, the size of room 7x10x 6 feet with thatched roof and
blanket curtains at the door.

The Mosque remains unaltered during the period of first Caliph Abu Bakr and after that
the Mosque underwent tremendous changes beginning from Second Caliph Omar bin
khattab until kingdom of Saud Arabia took it to new heights with modern amenities with
Islamic architectural affluence. In order to meet the demands of pilgrims in Septr 2012
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced a $ 6 billion project, a gigantic expansion
program to accommodate 1-6 million people at a time for prayer.

The Masjid al Nabwi have some of the very important revered places (1) Riadul Jannah(
Garden of Paradise)- it is situated beside the holy Prophet(SAS) tomb, Pilgrims visit this
place for supplication and prayer, it is stated that supplication and prayer offered at this
place is never be rejected. As per hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RATA) the holy
Prophet (SAS) said ‘’the area between my house and my member is one of the gardens of
Paradise and my member is on my Cistern’’.

Prophet Rawda; Prophet Rawda in the Mosque floored with green carpet just to
identify it, and the entire mosque is covered with red carpet.The mosque housed the
Prophet tomb with the graves of two prominent companion Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
and Hazrat Umar bin Khattab and the fourth place is vacant. Muslims believe that Jesus
Christ will come to world as the followers of Islam and lives for 40 years after his death he
will be buried at that vacant place, the holy site is covered by Green Dome constructed in
1817 CE by Ottoman Sultan Mahmud and painted in 1837 CE.

Mehrab;There are two Mehrab in the Mosque, one built by holy Prophet (SAS) and the
other by 3rd Caliph Othman(RATA), Prophet Mehrab is commemorative Mehrab, besides
the mosque has other niches which act as indication for praying Tahajjud, built by holy
Prophet for tahajjud.

Membar; The original member used by holy Prophet (SAS) was wood block of date palm
tree and was replaced by him with tamarisk one, had dimension of 50 centimeter( 0.50 x
1.25 meter(4.10 ft), in 629 CE three stair ladder added to it. Abu Bakr and Omar bin
khattab did not use the third step due to respect for the prophet (SAS). Othman 3rd Caliph

placed fabric dome over it and the rest of the stairs covered with ebony. Later the Membar
replaced by Baybers in 1235 CE and Shayk al Mahmud in 1419 and Qatibay in late 15 th
century by marble which is still in use in Mosque by Aug 2013 CE.

Minarets; Four number of minarets were added by Caliph Omar, later renovation
project in 1994 CE 10 minarets of 104 meters ( 341 ft) high with architectural design that
upper , bottom and middle portion of minarets in cylindrical, octagonal and square
shaped respectively.

Importance of Prayers in Masjid al Nabawi

The multiple rewards for prayer offered in Prophet (SAS) mosque, said by holy Prophet
(SAS) narrated by various companions give the importance of first Islamic Centre of
learning. Holy Prophet said’’ prayer in Masjid al Nabawi is better than 1000 prayers in
any other mosque with the exception of Masjid al Haram, where the prayer is better than
one hundred thousand prayers’’ (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).This hadith is
narrated by Imam Ahmed in the Masna and also by Ibn Majah on the authority of Jaabir

Abu Darda (RATA) reported the reward for praying at the sacred mosque in Mecca is
equal to one hundred thousand regular prayers, the reward for praying at Prophet
Mosque in Medina is equal to the reward of one thousand regular prayer. The reward for
praying at the Al Aqsa Mosque(Jerusalem) is equal to the reward of 500 regular

Another hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RATA) that Prophet (SAS) said a prayer in the
mosque of mine is a thousand time greater that a prayer in other mosques except for the
Masjid al Haram ( Sahih Muslim/ Sahih Bukhari).

Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in his Talkhis al Habir mentions other variant narrations. Among the
reports of Abu Darda narrated in Tabarani’s Mujam al kabir is akin to a hundred
thousand prayer in Masjid al Haram, a prayer in my mosque a thousand prayer and a
prayer in Baitul Maqdis is 500 times. The increase of one hundred thousand prayer in
Masjid al Haram by Tabarani is also narrated by Bazzar in his Musnad, ibn Hajr in his
Fathul Bari, states Bazzar said it is authentic (Hasan). The increase of 50,000 times in
Masjid al Nabawi , seems not clearly established to support except the narration of Anas
bin Malik, which has been weak in his commentary on ibn Majaah. Al Sindi stated in the
Zawaid, mentioned that its chain is weak because the status of Abu al khahat al Dimashqi
is not known (Sharah al Sindi).

Another hadiths, about 40 prayers in Masjid al Nabawi narrated by Anas bin Malik that
Prophet (SAS) said; ‘’ Any person who offer 40 prayers in my Mosque in such a
way that no Salaat is missed, for that person is freedom from Hell and relief
from punishment of Hell is decreed and that person is saved from
hypocrisy’’-(Musnad Imam Ahmed –hadith no 12123 vol 4 page 8). The author
of Majma uz Zawaid by Ali bin Abu Bakr bin Sulaiman Haithami (RA) writes after
mention this hadith , Imam Tirmidhi has recorded a part of this hadith. Imam Tabarani
in his Mo’jam Ausat- vol 5 hadith no. 5602 with slight change in wording and the narrator
of this hadith are reliable and trustworthy. Some Scholars classed this hadith as
‘Daeef(weak about chain of narration) , but Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmed recorded
by ibn Hazm ’’Weak hadith is more beloved to us than the opinion of men’’ and
remember that this hadith, as authentic by others and has been recorded in number of
principle collection of hadiths.

Fatwa ibn Buz 17/406

Instead of this hadiths, we should look at the hasan hadith narrated by Al Tirmidhi no
241-concerning the virtues of always being present for takbeer saying’ Allahu Akbar’ of
prayer in congregation . Narrated by Anas bin Malik(RATA) the Messenger of Allah(Puh)
said ‘’ Whoever prays for forty days with the congregation always being present for the
first ‘Takbeer’, it will be written that he will be safe from two things( i)Safe from Hellfire(
ii)Safe from hypocrisy’’. Regardless of going into detail analysis of the narrations by
various Companions of holy Prophet and the subsequent chain, which is the domain of
scholars/ Jurist, who specialized in, hadiths and Quran. The common belief among the
Muslim in general, that praying in the holy Mosque ‘Ka’aba’ in Mecca and Prophet
Mosque in Medina assume immense importance. The reward of Allah in praying in these
holy sites as mentioned in various hadiths only a tip of iceberg, since Allah’s bounty over
His believers knows no bounds.

Visit to the grave of Holy Prophet (SAS)

Hadith ‘whoever visit my grave- Imam al Darqutuni narrated in his Sunnah from ibn
Umar that the Prophet said’’ Whoever visit my grave, my intercession will be guaranteed
for him(Sunnah al Darqutuni- vol 2 page 244-Imam al Bayhaqi in shu’ab al Imaan 3/ 490
& others) .

Hadith 2; Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar’’ Messenger of Allah said’’ whoever visit my
grave after my death, it is same as him visiting me in my life time’’- (Imam Tabarani in his
Al kabir vol 12-p 191-Imam Bayhaqi in shu’ab ul Iman vol 3 hadith no 489).

Scholars called this hadith that the chain of narration of this is totally different hence
this has become hasan (good and sound).

Imam ibn Qudama (rah) said ;’’ It is recommended to do Ziyarat of holy Prophet (SAS)
grave, as it is narrated by Darqutuni with his Isnaad from ibn Umar that ‘’Whoever
performs hajj after my death then he should visit my grave, because it is as if he has
visited me during my life time. In another hadith visit my grave then my intercession
becomes wajib for him (Imam ibn Qudama in Al Mughni- Vol 5 page 381).

Ibn Umar (RATA) narrates that holy Prophet (SAS) said’’ Anyone who comes to visit me
and he came solely for this purpose, then it becomes wajib upon me to do intercession on
the Day of Judgment( Imam Tabarani in Mu’ajin al kabir- Vol 2-page 291 as mentioned in
Al Talkhis al Habir by Al Asqalani 2;241).

(Note) the chain of narration of this hadiths is totally different from the earlier above two
hadiths, due to overwhelming difference in Turuq (path of narration),the hadith definitely
become hasan if not Sahih.

Imam al Bahuti al Hanbali ( Ra) has also said this in his book’ Al kashaf al Qanna-vol 2
p.290. Qadhi al Ilyaad (ra) the magnificent lover of holy Prophet(SAS), said in his world
renown top ‘Sirah Book’- Ash- Shifa’-Chapter order of visiting the grave of holy Prophet,
offering ’Salaam’ becomes’ Masnoon’ for all the Muslim and they have ‘Ijmah’ over it. This
is such a virtue that has been prescribed to us by Umar (RATA) by narration the hadith’’
Whoever visit my grave, my intercession will be guaranteed for him’’.

Hadith ‘’ The holy Prophet (SAS) said’’ Whoever does hajj of bait Allah but does not visit
my grave then he has been rude to me’’ Ibn Adi has narrated it as hasan chain( Hashiya
Tahfawi vol 1 page 403). Shaikul Islam Taquiddin in his magnificent book’ Shifaus
Siqaam fi Ziyarati khayr al Anaam’ and Imam ul Fiqah ibn Hajr al Haythami (ra) in al
Jawahar al Munazzam’, who have written whole works on these hadiths, established all
rulings in regards to ‘visiting the blessed grave of Prophet(SAS) including detailed verdict
’Tawassul and Istighatha’ through him to be fair. These hadiths combined together reach
the status of hasan at least, if not sahih. The accepted rule (usool) in hadith terminology
that hadiths coming from different ways become hasan , even if the chain is weak.

Taking into account of Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmed (RAA) ruling on the above hadiths ,
it has become incumbent on the part of every Muslim who performs hajj should set out to
visit the grave of holy Prophet (SAS) and offer 40 prayers in his blessed Mosque and send
salaam on holy Prophet(SAS). Seek Allah’s blessing through supplication’’ O Allah
open for me the door of your mercy and bestowed upon me through the

blessed Prophet(SAS), forgive my past sins and show me the right path, the
way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, those whose portion
is not wrath , and who do not go astray’’ Ameen!.

Azan of Prayer call

Azan or prayer call had not yet, been introduced in the initial stage of Islam, in Mecca
Muslims were in minority and could assembled for prayer from the neighborhood by a
call in an ordinary voice. But in Medina when Prophet Mosque was built and ka’aba was
fixed as the direction of Salaat and the increasing number of Muslims who joined the fold
of Islam, the question of inviting people for Salaat who resides at a longer distance arises.
Prophet sought the suggestions, some people say the blowing of horn, some other
suggested beating of trumpet and other say a signal by burning a fire on the top of a
mound, but all these suggestion not feasible to be acceptable.

At last by the Grace of Allah, a Medinate companion of holy Prophet (SAS) Abdullah ibn
Zaid khazraj, had a dream at night in which someone dressed in a green apparel taught
him the words of Azan in a loud voice and uttered few additional words at Iqama (
standing in congregation for prayer)- ‘Qad Qamatis Salat (prayer to be started). On
waking up he came to holy Prophet (SAS) and narrated his dream. Thereafter Umar
Farooq (RATA) came to holy Prophet (SAS) and narrated a dream similar to that of
Abdullah ibn Zaid khazraj (RATA).The holy Prophet (SAS) accepted the Azan and Iqama
and appointed Hazrat Bilal (RATA) as the first Muazzan of Islam, this is how the
Almighty Allah, introduced Azan in Islam. The Bilal (RATA), constantly in attendance
with the Holy Prophet (SAS) and never endure separation from him, his love and
affection towards holy Prophet (SAS), forbearance for the cause of Islam, earned the
honor of being the first Muazzan in the Mosque of Prophet(SAS).

The Azan is the divine revelation, which has universal approach for Muslim to attend the
prayer and the message of Islam is for entire mankind of the universe, Allah sent the holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as ‘’Rahamathul alaameen’ .

Fraternization of Muslims

And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah (stretches out for
you),and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude
Allah’s favor on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love,
so that by His Grace, you became brethren; and you were on the brink of the
Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Signs clear to
you; that you may be guided’’(Al-Imran ;3;103).

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) implemented the concept of ‘Brotherhood’ practically
amongst the Muslims of Mecca at a time when the Muslims bear the brunt of,
persecution, torture, humiliation and attacked etc., at the hands of Quraysh of Mecca, but
still they were on the right path with perseverance. This beautiful concept of brotherhood
spans many races, tribes and languages and made them one under the umbrella of Islam
e.g., Hamza (RATA) uncle of holy prophet, Salman Farsi, a Persian and Bilal a African
black came together on a single platform for the cause of Islam.

When Muslim migrated to Medina, holy Prophet (SAS) implemented another bond of
brotherhood between the Muhajirs(migrants) and the Ansars(One who helps). The
Muhajreen had left Mecca leaves behind their hearth and home were in dire need of
rehabilitation. The Ansar belongs to two rival tribes of Aws and khazraj, before accepting
Islam they fought over hundred years and in the battle of Bu’ath many of them from both
sides died and left the miserable impact over their lives. When holy Prophet (SAS) came
to Medina( sixth month after Hijra) the first and foremost thing did was ‘’ The
establishment of brother hood’ among the Muhajirs and Ansar . Under the system,
individual Muhajir made the brother of an individual Ansar and the tribal enmity between
Aws and Khazraj also erased becomes brothers. The Muhajirs became co sharer of
properties and wealth of Ansar, who equally enthusiastic in helping the Muhajirs and set
an example to world for centuries to come and there is no parallel example available
anywhere in the history of human kind .

The Concept of brother hood as narrates by holy Quran’’ The Believers are but a
single Brotherhood; so make peace and reconciliation between you two
(contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that you may receive Mercy’’(Sura
Hujurat 49;10 and also refer 9;11, 21;92).

Hadith narrated by An Nu’man ibn Bashir that Messenger of Allah said’’ the example of
the believer in their affection, mercy and compassion for each other is that of a body,
when any limb aches the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever ( Sahih Muslim
2586). Another hadith ‘’ Anas ibn Malik reported the Messenger of Allah said- None of
you has faith until he loves for his brother or his neighbor what he loves for himself
(Sahih Bukhari- 13-Grade Muttafaqun Alayhi).Further ‘’ Abu Musa (RATA) reported, the
holy Prophet(SAS)said The believers are like a structure, each supporting other (Sahih
Muslim 2585).

The Muhajirs and Ansar became brothers and set an example for the Muslims to come
and established fact that as long as they hold the mantle of brotherhood nobody can

subdue them. The hadith of ‘’ Holy Prophet said that ‘’You will not enter Paradise
until you believe and you will not believe until you love one another ( Sahih
Muslim). Further ‘’ Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said ‘’you will not be believer
until you love for your brother what you love yourselves (Sahih Bukhari).


The feeling of love and brotherhood among Muslims bring together, give us true
pleasure and satisfaction and the essence of Islam. The holy Prophet (SAS) said’’ -There
are three things if anyone has will be true Muslim;-

(i) He will find sweetness of faith that ‘’Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him
than anything else’’.

( ii) That he who loves a person for no other reason than for the sake of Allah and ( iii)
He who hates to go back to disbelief, as he hates to be thrown into fire’’ (Sahih Bukhari).
There are many instances how the Muhajir and Ansar lives together e.g. Abdur Rahman
bin Auf (RATA) made the brother of Sa’ad ibn Al Rabee, one of the wealthiest man among
Ansars. Sa’ad told him’ half of my wealth is yours’ Abdur Rahman bin Auf replies’’ May
Allah blessed your wealth, is there a market, where you trade? Sa’ad led him to the
market, where he immediately began to work. After some time Abdur Rahman built his
own house, earned enormous wealth and became rich trader of Medina ,whose charity
know no bounds in the cause of Islam. Holy Prophet (SAS)discourage Muslim to lend a
hand of begging for trifle issues ,unless one is desperate and encourage Muslim to be
hardworking, productive and prevent laziness one of the weak link for ones survival.
(Note;-The Corpus of hadith contains many hadiths that deals about the concept of
Brotherhood, which may be refer/ or enquire with Islamic Scholars for further details).

First Written Constitution of Medina

The holy Prophet after completion of Prophet’s Mosque or the first Islamic center and
rehabilitation of Muhajirs,the third step he took was the ‘Political one the threshold of
Islamic polity. Holy Prophet (SAS) viewing the fluid situation held deliberation and
discussion with the people of Medina representing Muhajirs, Ansars,two pagan tribes Aws
and Khazraj and three Jewish principle clans Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu
Qurayza and skeleton Christian groups of Medina. After the consensus declaring them to
constitute ‘Ummah e Wahida ( One Nation),formed a basis for multi-religious first
Islamic State in Medina in 622 CE.

The holy Prophet (SAS) to give shape to this alliance ‘ a charter of Medina(Sahifatul
Medina or Mithaqal Medina) known as’’ Constitution of Medina’’ was drafted . The
Constitution created to end the bitter inter-tribal fighting between Aws and Khazraj, to
coordinate with the principle Jewish groups and to ensure peace and co-operation among
all groups of Medina and fasten them into social unity. The Constitution envisages
freedom of religious beliefs as practiced by all citizens and assured representation of all
parties. Muslims and Non-Muslims should be present, when the consultation and
negotiations held with foreign state and holy Prophet (SAS) act as a mediating authority
between all the groups and no group would go to war or support any outside power or do
such act as detrimental to unity and peace of Medina. It ensures security of women with
the consent of her tribe, stipulated a tax system to support the community in times of war,
and initiated a judicial system for resolving the disputes.

According to the article of the charter, that in case of attack on Medina by external power,
it was the duty of all the citizens of Medina to defend the city and lend support to the holy
Prophet (SAS) in the conflict. The holy Prophet (SAS) and his followers abide by the
charter in letter and spirit, but the Jews of Medina proved to be disloyal and faced
expulsion in later stage.

The city of Medina became sacred place where no blood of the people shed and provision
was included blood money or ransom payment in case of murder or unjust bloodshed
incorporated in the constitution.{Note; The authenticity of this historical document
acknowledge by both Muslims and Western Scholars}.

Birth of Hypocrisy in Medina

Background; Abdullah ibn Ubay also called as ibn Salul in relation to his mother, was
the chief of Banu Khazraj tribe and a leading man of Medina. The Banu Khazraj tribe was
in conflict with other Arab tribe-Banu Aws and in Fidjar or Sacrilegious war ,ibn Ubay led
part of Khazraj tribe on the first day of the battle but held back on the second day and he
did not participate in the battle owing to differences with other leader over the execution
of Jewish hostages. It appears that at one point during the battle his life was saved by the
Jewish allies from Banu Qaynuqa , as he would later exclaim’’ 300 soldiers armed in mail
and 400 unequipped defended him on the field of Hadaick and Boath from the foe.
Abdullah ibn Ubay used every effort to end the fratricidal strife and he achieved partial
reconciliation between the two factions- Aws and khazraj, they recognized him as their
leader. Due to this, he occupied a high status in pre-Islamic Mediniate society and his
supporters aimed to crown him as their king in Medina, but his dream of kingship

shattered, consequent upon the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in 622 CE in
Medina. The tribal conflict in Medina was not completely resolved and they were at
loggerhead and looked forward another arbitrator suitable to solve their conflict in
amicable manner and they ,therefore, invited holy Prophet to Medina to fill the void. The
holy Quran narrates the status of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) sent as a universal
Messenger of God to save human beings from sins, but most of the people does not
understand (Sura Saba 34;38).

The holy Prophet (SAS) being embodiment of perfection hold exalted standard of
character ( Sura Qalm-Pen 69;4) and had privileged by lots of prerogatives of perfection
that no one else endowed with. No other personality in the world so honored and loved,
those who knew him from close quarters (Suhabas) and believers fascinated and
enchanted by his characters.

The followers (Suhabas) were so fascinated that they were ready to sacrifice their lives for
his sake and they never tolerate a nail of injury or hurt. Thus the message of holy Prophet
(SAS), who speak truth in the name of God revolutionize the life of Mediniate and change
their destiny, who came from darkness to light, eclipsed Abdullah ibn Ubay influence.
This provoked his jealousy against holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) throughout his life
until his death, Ibn Ishaq (RATA) called ibn Ubay a thorn in the flesh.


After the entry of Holy Prophet (SAS) in Medina, large parts of Arab peninsula accepted
Islam and Ibn Ubay (hypocrite) followed suit. Maxim Radisson words ‘’Ibn Ubay thought
it wise to join than to stand out against it’’. Islamic tradition views Ibn Ubay conversion in
most treacherous ways, earned a title as ‘’leader of hypocrites’’. Ibn Ubay position
being second to the holy Prophet(SAS) in Medina and he became a major figure head for
those Arabs of Medina, who openly or secretly sneered at the prophet’s teaching. Ibn
Ishaq wrote that some Ansar were not altogether convinced of the political wisdom of
supporting the Apostle, give lip service to Islam hiding treachery in their hearts and
reviled as hypocrites. Allah vividly portrays the hypocrite’s character in Quran chapter
chapter59;12-14 and chapter 63;1-7, as cowards, terror in their heart devoid of
understanding and wisdom, liars, make oath as a screen to hide their misdeeds, break
promise and obstruct men from the path of Allah, they look good and their speech like
worthless hollow pieces of timber propped up. They are the enemies of Islam , can term as
the embodiment of all vices, so beware of them and the curse of Allah on them and they
are deluded away from Truth.

Abdullah ibn Ubay’s treacherous acts in the battle of Mustaliq that a dispute arise
between Muhajir and Ansar leading to drawing of swords and he instigated the Ansar to
stop spending and fight the Muhajir and drive them out of Medina(Sura63;7-8).

When the matter came to the notice of holy Prophet (SAS) ,on his advice the matter was
amicably settled leaving him alone is disrespect state by his son Abdullah bin Abdullah,
who was the staunch follower of Islam. (ii) In the battle of Ahud, Abdullah ibn Ubay
withdrew 300 of his men from the battlefield leaving 700 Muslim to fight the strong
infidels of Mecca. (iii)Once Ayesha (RAA), accompanied holy Prophet (SAS) in a
campaign and on return she was separated in a desert, Safwan bin Mu’athal brought her
and later she joined the caravan. Abdullah ibn Ubay chief hypocrite fabricated a lie and
spread slander against Bibi Ayesha (RAA) and the rumor went on spreading like a wild
fire, which caused embarrassment and agony to her as well as holy prophet and Allah
clear the ambiguity through revelation of chapter ‘Noor-24; 11-21, absolved her from
accusation. Abdullah ibn Ubay’s disruptive activities in the cause of Islam brought his
personality into focus before the people, who realized that he is more dangerous to
Muslim than the worst Non –Muslim enemies of Islam.

Inspite of all this, why holy Prophet (SAS) still treat him so kindly was that he had large
band of hypocrites behind him and even many chiefs of Aws and khazrah were his
supporters. The holy Prophet (SAS) does not like to vitiate the peaceful environment of
Medina and sacrilege of Islam and does not give scope to other Medianite that he ordered
the killing of his own people. When Abdullah ibn Ubay died, his son Abdullah bin
Abdullah ibn Ubay, came to holy Prophet and said’’ O Messenger of Allah, please give
your shirt to shroud him in it, ask Allah’s forgiveness for him. So holy Prophet (SAS) gave
his shirt and said ‘inform me when the funeral is ready, when informed the holy Prophet
(SAS) went and intend to offer the funeral prayer, Hazrat Umar (RATA) took hold of his
hand and said’’ Has Allah not forbidden you to offer the funeral prayer for
hypocrite? Holy Prophet (SAS) said ‘ I have given choice and Allah says ’It
does not avail, whether you (O Muhammad) ask for forgiveness for seventy
times, Allah will not forgive them (Sura Tauba ;9;80). So holy Prophet
offered the funeral prayers of the hypocrite, thereafter the revelation from
Allah came ‘’ not to pray for any of them that dies (Sura Tauba; 9;84).

Islamic Scholars/Commentators offer many reasons why holy Prophet (SAS) leads the
prayer of a man who worked hard to divide the Islamic community throughout his life,
the most important amongst them was that holy Prophet (SAS) said that my shirt and
funeral prayers I performed would not save him from torture from my Lord. However, I

hope that his one thousand followers from his tribe would become sincere Muslims.
Thanks to Allah, when the followers saw that the holy Prophet (SAS) treated Abdullah ibn
Ubay so graciously, the one thousand people from his tribe, indeed became true Muslims.
The holy Quran gives hundreds of verses in various chapters about the deeds and
characters of hypocrites. More detail please refer Quranic Verse- 2;8-20/4;61-64, 88-89,
138,145/ 8;49/9;64,73, 80/ 10; 11/ 33; 1, 12-20, 25-26, 48, 60-62,73/ 47; 16, 25-30/ 48;6,
/57;13-15/58;8-14/ 59;11=17/63;9,And Corpus of hadiths-Bukhari, Muslim ,Abu Dawood

Change in direction of Qiblah

Allah put the Arabs Converts to Islam in severe test and ask them to face Dome of Rock in
Jerusalem instead of ka’aba, this Qiblah was used over 13 years from 610 CE to 622 CE
and later the year of migration for 16 to 17 months of Islamic Prophet (SAS) arrived in
Medina. The believers made to stand this trial dutifully and obeyed the command of
Allah. Their heartfelt devotion, love and affection to holy Prophet (SAS) ,more than their
lives. The Quran states;’’ The answer of the Believers, when summoned to Allah
and His Messenger, in order that he may judge between them, is no other
than this; they say, ’’We hear and we obey’’; it is such as these will attain
felicity(Sura Noor; 24;51).

On the other hand it preyed upon the minds of the Jews that Islam had established itself
in Medina and making rapid strides day by day. They were sane enough to realize that if
the popularity of Islam continued unabated for an extended period of time, it would be
difficult for them to stand against their potential force. They decided to put up a joint
front against the Muslims and launched a campaign to slight, vilify and ridicule them , the
Muslim were, however, not permitted to return the tirades, hurled against them and
commanded to be patient and forbearance. The Jews put forth question ‘’Muslims
offering prayer facing Baitul Maqdis, and said Prophet Muhammad (SAS) claims that, his
is an independent religion and his laws supersedes all previous laws, yet he does not have
an independent Qibla and offers his prayers facing the Qiblah of Jews.

There are other reasons also attributed for the change in direction of Qiblah, as we find
from the history of Islam. (i) ka’aba reconstructed by Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail
on the command of Allah(ii) ka’aba –the first house (of worship) appointed for men was
that at Bekka, full of blessing and guidance for all kinds of beings(3;96). The sacredness
and glory of Holy ka’aba vividly manifested in various verse of holy Quran ( 2;144, 149-
150,158/ 3;96-97/ 5;2.95-97/ 9;19/17;1/22;26-29, 33/ 48;27/52;4/106;3).

The ka’aba has long cherished history from time immemorial, Adam the father of
mankind first constructed ka’aba. Later reconstructed by Prophet Abraham and Ishmael,
since then the Arabs revered ka’aba as sacred House, and its significance further
recognized by holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) after the dawn of Islam , it became the
Nodal Islamic Center for prayers and other Islamic tenets(Hajj).

The taunts of Jewish people of Medina inter alia the significance of Ka’aba, the Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) came out of his house in midnight and looked at the sky and awaits
command of Allah as the answer to these Jews. When the holy Prophet (SAS) offering
noon prayers in the oldest Mosque of Medina, revelation from Allah came instructing him
to take ka’aba as the Qiblah, literally commentator says that Archangel Gabriel held the
hand of holy Prophet and turned him towards ka’aba-Masjid e Haram in Mecca and the
followers did so. The mosque now known as Masjid- e- Qiblaytain ( Mosque of two

The change of Qibla occurred on 28th Jan 624 (other give 11th Feb 624 CE) i.e., 2nd year of
Hijra in the month of Sha’ban ( Sha’ban- after 18 months of migration) later Muslim
adjusted the Qiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca and reoriented their prayer facing Ka’aba as
the Qiblah(2;143-144). The Jews and Christians began to mollify the Muslim on the
grounds that they did not adhere to one direction(Qiblah), but change their direction of
prayer as they would like and Allah gives the answer through revelation ’’The fools
among the people will say;’’ What has turned them from the Qibla to which
they were used?’’ Say’’ To Allah belong both East and West; He guides whom
He will to a Way that is right’’ (2;142).

Further Allah console holy Prophet that ‘’ Even if you were to bring to the people of
the Book all the Signs(together),they would not follow your Qiblah; nor are
you going to follow their Qiblah; nor indeed will they follow each other’s
Qiblah. If you after the knowledge has reached you, were to follow their
(vain) desires,- then you were indeed (clearly) in the wrong(2;145).

Thus it has become mandatory for Muslim to offer prayers facing Ka’aba, where so ever
you are(2;149-150). Cheraman Juma Masjid in South India, Kerala believed to have build
in 7th century by Malik bin Deenar (RA), seems to be the oldest Mosque in India and
second oldest mosque in the world to offer ‘Juma(Friday )Prayer’. The Mosque
constructed during the life time of holy Prophet (SAS)and the special features of this
Mosque is that unlike other Mosques in Kerala state with face west ward ( towards Qibla)
but this Mosque faces eastward.

In commemoration of Sacred Mosque, Allah made hajj–the 5th fundamental pillar’s of
Islam, ordains the rich and well to do Muslim, to make the annual pilgrimage to Mecca
ones in life time obligatory ,for others it remains a non obligatory one(Al-Imran 3;97).
Scholars differed concerning the year in which hajj made obligatory i.e., 5 AH or 6 AH or
9 AH or 10 AH and the most likely year as majority favors the last two opinions-9AH or 10

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Beginning of Arms Conflict

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) settled the affairs of Muhajirs and Ansars of Medina as
brothers through the establishment of brotherhood among them, rehabilitated them
successfully in Medina .Beside the holy Prophet (SAS) made peace treaty with Arab pagan
tribes Aws and Khazraj and Jews tribes Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nazir and Banu Qurayza of
Medina. These steps made the Islam to flourish rapidly in Medina and surrounding areas.
The migration of holy Prophet (SAS) and other Muslim to Medina meant Islam acquired a
settling ground and this message clearly herald a new era for Islamic Movement and
destruction of hegemony of Meccan over them. Another aspect made the Meccan more
restless that their economy largely depended on trade and commerce with Yemen and
Syria and Medina situated along the trade route to Syria that pass along the Red Sea. If
migration took place, then the Muslims would become more powerful in Medina

On wider scale and made him to accept Islam. They accepted holy Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) as their leader, which resulted in loss of hope of becoming king and made him to
develop hidden jealous. Quraysh of Mecca addressed him’’ Your people have given shelter
to our enemy, we swear by God, either you fight with him and send him out of Medina or
we will attack you and kill your men and take your women under slavery’’. This letter
proved sop to Abdullah ibn Ubay to nurtured his plan ,but holy Prophet (SAS) convinced
him at the right time and said’’ Will you fight your own brethren and sons’’, as majority of
Ansars had accepted Islam and therefore he shun his evil design. At that very time that a
chief of Medina Sa’d ibn Mu’adh went to Mecca to perform Umra (off seasonal mini hajj),
at the entrance of holy ka’aba, he met Abu Jahl, he said ‘’you gave shelter to our apostate
(Muslim) and expect that we let you circumambulate in the holy Mosque. If you had not
been the guest of Umayyah ibn khalaf, we would not have spared you’’. Sa’d ibn Mu’adh
hearing this words said ’’Swear by Allah! If you hinder me from doing circumambulation
(Tawaaf), I would desists you from passing through and they feel that their trading
activities in danger and therefore the Quraysh met its waterloo.

Conspiracy of Quraysh of Mecca

The Quraysh of Mecca decided to intimidate the Muslims in Medina through subversive
tactics and they wrote a letter to Abdullah ibn Ubay, chief hypocrite-prior to migration
people of Medina wanted to make him their king, but when the people of Medina started
embracing Islam and the migration of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) along with other
Muslims. Which became an eye sore to Meccans,who wanted to intimidate Muslims but

Medina lies on the way to Syria-the main mercantile centre for the Quraysh, in this way,
if the Quraysh did any mischief, they would lose the trade route which passes through

The Muhajirs of Medina faced difficulties in economic affairs and decided to establish
firmly in Medina for the cause of Islam . They thought to resort for caravan raid, as a first
step, small troops of Muslims started to intimidate the Quraysh of Mecca by intercepting
convoys only to warn them, as a indication to them that they should trim their sails
according to the prevailing wind and fight with the Muslims at this juncture will cause
economic loss.

Caravan Raid

The opinion prevailed in Medina against the caravan raids, but Allah justified and
permitted the Muslims to defend themselves against Meccan persecution and
intimidation through caravan raids( Sura Alhajj 22;39-40).The holy Prophet (SAS) took
to Military expedition, as per Islamic traditions, there were two types of expedition i)
Ghazwa ii) Sariya. A Ghazwa in Arabic term refer to that in which holy Prophet (SAS) took
part and a battle or military expedition in which holy Prophet (SAS) did not participate
instead deputed a group of his illustrious companions in the form of small army called in
Arabic Sariya (plural Saraya). Islamic Scholars reports that as per Imam Bukhari,17
battles, Imam Muslim 19 battles, Hakim 21 battles and others said 22 to 27 battles, but
Ibn Ishaq quoted 27 battles in which holy Prophet (SAS) took part. Of all battles the 27
battles/expeditions, only in 9 battles fighting took place i.e., battle of Badr, battle of
Uhud, expedition of Bani Mustaliq, battle of Khandaq (Trench), expulsion of Banu
Qurayza, battle of Khyber, Conquest of Mecca, battle of Hunain and expedition of Ta’if.
Islamic Scholars reports that 36 to 100 Saraya, Ibn Ishaq has given preference to 47
Sarays. These Ghazwas and Sarayas took place from 1AH (623 CE) to 10 AH( 632 CE).

The caravan raids were generally offensive in nature with a view to gather intelligence or
seize the trade routes of Quraysh so as to weaken the economic power and fighting
capabilities of the Quraysh. The early coverts to Islam saw this as a means to settle scores
with Quraysh for their persecution and intimidation inflicted during Meccan period.

The Meccans seized and sold the properties of Muslims left behind after migration and
invested in caravan trade.

The first caravan raid led by Hamza (RATA)ibn Muthalib(uncle of Prophet) 7 month of
Hijra comprise of 30 to 40 men assembled at the sea coast near Al-Is, situated in between

Mecca and Medina, where Amr bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) the leader of caravan camping
with 300 Meccan riders. Hamza (RATA) attacked the caravan but Majde bin Amr al
juhani a Quraysh, friend of both the parties intervened and separated them without any
fight and Hamza (RATA) returned to Medina and Abu Jahl to Mecca.

The Second caravan raid led by Ubayda ibn al Harith with 60 Muhajirs to intercept
Quraysh caravan returning from Syria protected with 200 bodyguard led by Abu Sufyan
in 8th month of Hijra and few weeks after the first expedition at Al –Is. Muslim camped at
Thanyatul Murra- a watering place in Hijaz, no fighting took place as the Quraysh were
far off the place of Muslims offing to attack. Nevertheless, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas shot an
arrow at the Quraysh known as first arrow of Islam (Sahih Bukhari 5-57-75).Despite this
surprise attack,. no fighting took place and the Muslim returned empty handed.

Kharrar raid; Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas led the raid consisted of 20 Muhajirs, after one
month(9th month of Hijra) in the valley of kharrar on the way to Mecca. They waited to
conduct raid on the Meccan caravan returning from Syria, but the caravan already
passed away and they returned to Medina without fight.

Waddan or Al Abwa raid;- This is the first offensive invasion of Waddan in which holy
Prophet took part with 70 persons mostly Muhajirs after 12 month of Hijra. The aim was
to intercept the Quraysh, as the raid party did not meet Quraysh during the invasion, but
the caravan of Banu Damrah (Al Abwa) was raided, negotiation began and the two leaders
signed a treaty of ‘non-aggression’ and the Banu Damrah pledge not to attack Muslims or
side with the Quraysh. The holy Prophet also pledge not to attack or seize the goods of
Banu Damrah.

Buwat Caravan raid;-The holy Prophet (SAS) personally led 200 men( both Muhajirs
and Ansars) to Bawat a place on the caravan route of Quraysh merchants consist of 1500
camels, 100 riders under the leadership of Umayyah ibn Khalaf.

According to Muslim Scholars ibn Hisham and Ibn Ishaq the purpose of the raid was to
plunder the rich Quraysh caravan. No battle or interception took place since the Caravan
takes untrodden and unknown route and holy Prophet (SAS) went up to Dhat al Saq in the
desert of Al khasar and back to Medina without chase.

Dhu Ushayra( Al Ushayra) raid; Two to three months after the return from Buwat, the
holy Prophet appointed Abu Salamah to take his place in Medina, while he was away
commanding another raid with 150 to 200 followers joined the operation at Al Ushayra,
Yanbu in either Jumad al Awwal or Jumad us thani. They had 30 camels arrived at Al

Ushayra expected to raid the Meccan caravan heading towards Syria led by Abu Sufyan.
Prophet (SAS) had the knowledge of this caravan’s departure from Mecca and waited for
about one month, but the Meccan caravan had already crossed the boundary. The holy
Prophet (SAS) entered into an alliance with Banu Madlaj, a tribe inhabiting the vicinity of
Al Ushayra and concluded a treaty similar to Banu Damrah previously. All these treaties
help to establish good political rapport to him.

Nakhala raid;-Holy Prophet appointed Abdullah ibn Jahsh Asadi( maternal uncle of
holy prophet) with 12 members on a fact finding mission about the Meccan caravan in 2
AH ( 16th month of Hijra) at the valley of Nakhala.

Prophet (SAS) give a letter to Abdullah ibn Jahsh and instructed not to open it until he
travelled for 2 days and to do what he was instructed to do in the letter, without putting
pressure on the companions. Abdullah ibn Jahsh proceeded for two days, then he opened
the letter, it told him to proceed until he reached ‘Nakhala’ that lies in between Mecca and
Ta’if, wait there for the Quraysh Caravan to come and observe what they would do. On the
way to Nakhla Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas and Utbah bin Ghazwan lost his camel and they went
in search of it leaving behind Abdullah ibn Jahsh and his companions. Abdullah ibn
Jahsh and his companion reached Nakhala valley and saw Quraysh trade caravan
carrying loads of raisins(dry grapes),food stuff and other commodities with Quraysh
notables( 1 to 4 members). The Muslim held consultation among themselves with respect
of fighting in the month of Rajab sacred month along with other Dhul hajj, Dhul Qaida,
and Muharram months(Arab pagan regards these months were sacred, war activities
would be suspended).

Abdullah ibn Jahsh and his companions thought, if they allow the caravan to pass
through to night unmolested they will reached holy territory of Mecca tomorrow and
thereby become forbidden to attack. If you kill them to day, you would have committed a
crime of killing in the sacred month( it was last day of Rajab), in this dilemma after
deliberation and convinced themselves, would not let the rich caravan to escape. Finally
they decided to attack the caravan, one of the Abdullah ibn Jahsh men Ukkash ibn
Mihsan shaved his head to hide the identity and create an impression of umrah (lesser
hajj), when the Quraysh saw him they thought he was from pilgrimage and got relieved
and set up camp.

Abdullah ibn Jahsh sensing the opportunity to attack told the companions whoever chose
martyrdom shall join us and whoever did not could go back, but all of them agreed in
total. When the Quraysh preparing food the Muslim attacked, Waqid ibn Asadullah shot

an arrow at Amr bin Hadrami leader of Quraysh and killed him and they manage to
capture 2 Quraysh tribesmen( Othman bin Abdullah and Hakam ibn kaysan). Naufal ibn
Abdullah escape, Abdullah ibn Jahsh returned to Medina with booty and the two captives
and they planned to give 1/5th of the booty to holy Prophet (SAS).

The Quraysh of Mecca spread the news that Muslims resorted to raid and killed Quraysh
leader in the sacred month of Rajab . The timing of carrying out the attack without the
sanction of holy Prophet (SAS), became a matter of curiosity among the people and the
holy Prophet (SAS) was also furious about the incident and rebuked them’’ I did not
instruct you to fight in the sacred month’’ and did not accept the booty. Allah reveals in
chapter 2;217 and 47;20, validating the attack in the sacred month and permitted Muslim
to fight in the month, which were considered sacred by pagan Arabs( 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th
months).This revelation brought relief to Muslims and the holy Prophet (SAS) accepted
his share of booty and soon after he releases the captives.

Al kudur invasion; This expedition against the Banu Salim tribe known as ‘Al kudur
invasion’ occurred directly before the battle of Badr in early 2 AH (623 CE) . The
expedition ordered by holy Prophet (SAS), after the receipt of information that the Banu
Salim were planning to invade Medina. This was the first interaction with the people of
Bahrain, so holy Prophet (SAS) responded by launching pre-emptive strike against their
base at Al kudr, which was the watering place at that time. When the tribe heard of the
attack, they fled the place, the holy Prophet captured 500 camels and distributed among
the fighters and kept 1/5th the spoils. This event is mentioned in Ibn Hisham biography of
Muhammad (SAS) and other historical books and Indian modern biographer
Mubarakpuri award winning book’ Ar Rafeeq al Mukhtum(Sealed Nectar).


The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) second year of migration received information about
the coming of Meccan caravan from Syria under the leadership of Abu Sufyan. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS), fully aware of the developments in Medina that hardly two years
passed in Medina and Muhajirs still had their belongings in Mecca confiscated by the
infidels and the Ansar were novice in the matter of warfare. Besides many Jewish tribes
raising their ugly head against the spread of Islam and presence of hypocrites and
polytheist were another matter of concern, despite all holy Prophet (SAS) decided to
attack the caravan.

Abu Sufyan sensing the fear of attack by Muslim of Medina, sent a messenger towards
Mecca to bring reinforcement and the messenger who reached Mecca raised the alarm

bells that the caravan being attacked by Muslims as they should rush for help, since the
merchandise belongs to many of those Meccan infidels. It therefore became a common
issue and the honor of Meccans, so all the chiefs set off with an army of one thousand
youth with pomp and pageantry. They had resolved to settle the issue once for all and to
avoid day to day skirmishes and had also desired to save their wealth on one hand and
severe enmity and passion. In short they rushed with strong force towards Medina with
frenzy and splendor. The holy Prophet immediately called Muhajirs and Ansar for
deliberation and consultation about the strategy to be adopted to intercept the rich trade
caravan of Quraysh or to fight the infidels of Mecca. The Allah reveal in this regards as
that ‘’Behold! Allah promised one of the two(enemy) parties, that it should be
yours; ye wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but Allah willed to
justify the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of
Unbelievers ( Sura Anfal 8;7).

Holy Prophet (SAS) told the Muhajirs and Ansars that the mercantile caravan was in the
north of Medina and from western side the army of Quraysh is advancing. Allah promised
holy Prophet (SAS) that they should get on to only one of them and asked them as to
which of them they wanted? . In response to the question most of the companions
expressed the desire that mercantile caravan should be attacked first , but the holy
Prophet (SAS) had a different picture before his eyes, so he repeated his question. Then,
one of the immigrant Miqdah ibn Amr stood up and said ‘’O Prophet of Allah, we are with
you, act according to Allah’s Command, we shall never say ‘no to you’ as the Israelites said
to their Prophet Moses ’’Go you and your Lord fight (enemy) we are sitting here to see’’.
Before reaching a final decision, it has become quintessional to know the opinion of
Ansars of Medina, so holy Prophet (SAS), turn to Ansars and repeated the same question
thrice. Then Sa’d ibn Muadah stood up and said ’’O Prophet of Allah, we have complete
faith in you and we have certified your prophet hood, we have witnessed that whatever
you brought is true, we have taken oath to obey you. So ,‘O Prophet of Allah! Do what you
want to do, we swear by Hand (Allah),Who has sent you with Truth. If you take us to sea
and enter it, we will dive into it with you, no one of us turn back, we will be firm footed in
the battle and fight with you from all the corner(right, left, back and front). We will
exhibits our true devotion, if Allah willed, we will please you by our valor and courage
depending upon the ‘Omnipotent Allah takes us with you’’.

All these answers pleased the holy Prophet (SAS) and concluded that the army of Quraysh
will be attacked first. It was not an easy task, since Muslims were less in numbers and
poorly armed as they were little more or less 313 in numbers, only two or three of them
possess horses and 70 camels, sixty Muslims had chain armors and as it appears that they
were knowingly going into the jaws of death.

The holy Quran reveals’’ Just as your Lord ordered you out of your house in
truth, even though a party among the Believers disliked it; Disputing with
you concerning the truth after it was made manifest, as if they were being
drives to death and they(actually) saw it ‘’(8;5-6). The Quranic verses acted as
morale booster, since Allah promise the Muslims victory over the infidels of Mecca.

Muslim march from Medina

Despite lack of means, the holy Prophet (SAS) with his 313 followers marched on 12 th
Ramdan in 2 AH with full faith in Allah in south west direction towards the place Badr
village situated in South west of Medina. The holy Prophet’s (SAS) companion includes
among others prominent followers like Abu Bakr, Umar bin khattab, Ali ibn Abu Talib,
Hamza ibn Abdul Muthalib, Mus’ab ibn Umar, Az Zubair ibn Al Awwam, Abu Dharr al
Ghaffari. Othman stayed back to look after his wife Rukiya (daughter of holy Prophet) and
Salman farsi also could not joined the battle as he was still under bondage. Ali ibn Talib,
who ride ahead of main column captured two Meccan water carrier at Badr wells and
heard from them about the main Quraysh army and the names of all Quraysh nobles
accompanying the army. Holy Prophet exclaimed ‘’Mecca hath thrown unto you the best
morsel of her liver’’. The holy Prophet (SAS) had a dream in which Allah shown the
strength of Meccans as few in order to encourage and boost the morale of Muslims, since
Allah knows well the secrets of all hearts and He accomplish a matter already enacted(8;

The next day holy Prophet (SAS) ordered a forced march to Badr and arrived before the
Meccan force arrived and Badr wells located on the gentle slope of the eastern side of
valley ‘Yalyal’. The western side of valley was hemmed in by a large hill ’Aqanqal’ and the
Muslim army arrived from eastern side. The holy Prophet (SAS) initially chosen the first
well and he encounter Hubbab ibn Al Mundhar (RATA) and he asked the holy Prophet
(SAS),if this choice is divine instruction or Prophet (SAS)own choice. When holy Prophet
(SAS) responded the latter, Hubbab bib Al Mundhar suggested that Muslims shall occupy
the well closed to Quraysh army and block off other ones, holy Prophet (SAS), accepted
his suggestion, moved right away.

Infidels march from Mecca

The Meccan strategy that they brought women and children along with the army to
motivate and care for men scattered throughout Hijaz. The Quraysh army heavily armed

consisted more than one thousand soldiers includes with hundred commanders, had very
good supply lines and Utbah bin Rabiah the supreme commander of the army led the
force. When the Quraysh reach Juhfah just South of Badr received the message from Abu
Sufyan that the mercantile caravan is out of the reach of Muslim, they could reach safely
to Mecca. Abu Jahl thought they had outnumbered the Muslim army three to one and
expected easy victory as Satan came in the garb of Suraqa ibn Malik, a chief of Banu Bakr
bin kinana tribe allure the Meccan saying ‘’No one among men can overcome you this
day, while I am near to you’’(8;48). The chiefs of Zohra and Adi tribes said it is not
necessary to fight now, but Abu Jahl did not acknowledge them, so they went back and
the rest of Meccan force advancing. Quran says’’ And remember when you met, He
showed them to you as few in your eyes, and He made you appear as contemptible in their
eyes; that Allah might accomplish a matter already enacted. For to Allah do all questions
go back (for decision)-8;44).

Scenario of Battle field of Badr

The Quraysh arrived in the Badr village occupied solid ground and the Muslim force on
the sandy ground. All the Muslims took rest at night, while holy Prophet (SAS) praying all
the night imploring Allah for succor . Prophet (SAS) supplicate Allah ’’God, this is
Quraysh has come with all arrogance and boastfulness, trying to discredit thy Apostle of
God, I ask thee to humiliate them tomorrow, God, if this Muslims band will perish today,
Thou shall not be worshipped. Two pleasant things happened that night which symbolizes
Allah’s grace that Muslims enjoyed sound sleep and woke up afresh in the morning.
Secondly , Allah caused rain that very night which hardened the sandy surfaced beneath
their feet, while the Quraysh army camped become muddy and their feet used to get
submerged in the ground. By Allah’s grace the Muslims could store water in the pond for
bathing and ablution, since the fast was imposed in the very year, all soldiers were
observing fast and they were now ready to fight and their hearts free from fear and had
full faith in Allah assurance and help( Anfal 8;11).

Day of the battle

On 17th Ramdan 2 AH ( Tuesday- 13th March 624 CE) in Badr-the Hijaz region of western
Arabia the ‘battle of Badr’ was fought. Holy Prophet (SAS) after offering morning prayer’s,
addressed the troops according to the strategy of war. Both the army came face to face,
that one side there were 313 Muslims poorly equipped but had full faith in Almighty
Allah. Who reveals-’There has already been for you a Sign in the two armies that
met ( in combat); one was fighting in the Cause of Allah, the other resisting
Allah; these saw with their own eyes twice their number. But Allah supports
with His aid whom He pleases. In this is a warning for such as have eyes to
see’’ ( Al Imran 3;13).

Holy Prophet (SAS) exclaimed that Allah has promised me that He would definitely help
me. I am taking an oath by Allah’s excellent names, here will be the graves of Abu Jahl
and Utbah bin Rabiah, and Prophet(SAS) mentioned 14 different names of unbeliever
leaders and shows their graves before the battle ( Muhammad -Sahih Bukhari).

The battle begins with champions from both armies emerging to engage individual
combat, Utbah ibn Rabiah, his son Al walid and his brother Sheibah(all from Umayyad)
stood in front of the pagan army and asked the Prophet (SAS) to send their equal for a
duel. Three Ansar came from Muslim ranks, the Meccan shouted back who were nervous
to fight the Ansar starting unnecessary feud with them and they wanted to fight Muslim
Quraysh of Mecca. Hence Hamza ibn Abdul Muthalib (RATA) came forward and called
Ubaydah Al Harith and Ali to join him and they engaged the Meccan Infidels. Hamza
(RATA) killed Utbah ibn Rabiah, Ali ibn Abu Talib killed walid ibn Utbah and Ubaydah
was injured by his opponent Sheibah ibn Rabiah, but eventually Ubayday killed him, so
this was the victorious traditional combat. Later Obedah Al Harith lost his leg during the
battle and died and he was the first martyr at this battle.

Thereafter both the armies began showering arrows, as a matter of fact few Muslim and
unknown number of Quraysh were killed, before the battle holy Prophet (SAS) ordered
the Muslim ranks to attack first with their ranged weapons and only after wards advised
to engaged the Quraysh with melee weapons. Then holy Prophet ( SAS) throw a handful
of dust towards the Unbelievers, by grace of Allah caused blurriness in their eyes(8;17)
and orders to charge throwing a handful of pebbles at the Meccans in what was probably
traditional Arabian gesture while yelling’’ deface be those faces’. The Muslim forced
yelling ’’Yah Mansur amit- O thou when God hath made victorious, slay’’ rushed in the
Quraysh lines and the Meccan infidels scattered and made retreat or some of them run
away. The prayer of holy Prophet (SAS) answered by Allah and announced that angels will
be sent down to assist the Muslim army. An army of one thousand angels descended
under the command of Gibrael, Mikaeel and Israfeel in the middle, left and right
respectively so that Allah’s warriors may be helped from every corner and the dress &
turban of Angels were white riding spotty horses came through deep clouds along with the
breeze. When the Muslims heard that kuzar bin Jabbir coming to help the Quraysh with
greater force, Allah also increased the support of Angels (Al Imran 3;124-125/ Anfal 8;11-
12). Satan saw the descent of heavenly body-Angels for the help of believer, said ’’Lo! I am
clear of you; lo! I see what you do not see; lo! I fear Allah ; for Allah is strict in

The descent of Angels confirmed by Abu Sufyan, after his return from battle told to Abu
Lahab and others about the cause of defeat. The Muslims were great in number, there was

no scarcity of arms, ammunition and we saw among them people with faces wearing white
dress and turban riding on spotted horses. They never missed their aim, whenever they
attacked our friends and fled between heaven and the earth, we could never compete with

Another notable event in the battle Badr narrated by Abdur Rahman bin Auf that when he
was standing in the row and saw to my right and left two young boys (Ansars) ,and called
my attention saying’ O uncle do you know Abu Jahl? I said ’Yes’ and asked ’what do you
want from him, O my nephew? He said ‘’ I have been informed that he abuses Allah’s
Apostle, by Him Whose Hands my life is, if I should see him, this is my body will not leave
his body till either of us meet his fate. I was astonished at that talk, then the other boy
draw my attention saying the same as the other one had said-, After a while I saw Abu
Jahl walking among the people ,I said(to the boys)’’look this is the man you asked me
about’’. So both of them went and attack him with their swords and struck him to death
and returned to Allah’s apostle to inform him about it. Allah’s Apostle asked ’’which of
you has killed him? Each of them said ’’I have killed him’’ Allah’s Apostle asked’ have you
cleaned your sword?. They said ‘No’, then he looked at their swords and said’’ no doubt’
you both have killed him and the Apostle of Allah said to the two boys Muadh bin Amr bin
Al Jamu’ah and Mu’ad bin Afra, that spoils of deceased will be given to both of
them(Sahih Bukhari vol 4; book 53 ;No 369).

Casualties of War

The war itself lasted for few hours and over by early afternoon, Muslim forces became
victorious with the help of Allah, about 70 people of Quraysh died in the battle and equal
number (70) of them taken into custody. Those killed includes all the major chiefs of
Quraysh –Shaibah, Utabah, Abu Jahl, Zam’ah,Aas, Umayyah binkhalaf, Among Muslim
casualties includes six Muhajirs and eight Ansar(total no 14).

Spoils of war

The pre-Islamic tradition of keeping the war booty with themselves created
unpleasantness among the followers , so Allah laid down the principles of distribution of r
spoils of war in chapter ‘Anfal’, clear the cobweb of pre-Islamic Arab paganism. A true
believer is one who draws swords only for the cause of Allah and never prey to material
benefits and obey the command of Allah more than his soul and body. At the time of
distribution of war booty, complete obedience is observed , since all this belong to Allah

and His Messenger and their decision is final. Since Allah made the distribution of war
booty (spoils of war) legal among the followers and the Apostle of Islam as holy Quran
reveals ’’They ask you concerning (things taken as) Spoils of war. Say’( Such)
spoils are at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger; so fear Allah, and keep
straight the relations between yourselves; obey Allah and His Messenger, if
you do believe(8;1). ‘’ And know that out of all the booty that you may
acquire( in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger,
and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if you do
believe in Allah and in the revelation We sent down to Our Servant on the
Day of Testing,- the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For Allah has power
over all things’ (8;41).

Aftermath of Battle of Badr

Prisoners of battle;-70 infidels of Mecca became the prisoners of battle ,holy Prophet
(SAS) ordered the killing of two prisoners- Nadr ibn al Harith and Uqbah ibn Abi Mu’ayt.
These two infidels persecuted the Muslims in Mecca and harbored deep hatred towards
holy prophet (SAS), Uqabah ibn Abi Mu’ayt forgotten his pride and cried out’’ who will
look after my children-O Messenger. Prophet (SAS) said (Fire of Hell), did Uqabah not
remember the day when he had thrown the entails of a sheep on the head of Prophet
(SAS) while he was prostrating himself in prayer. Fatimah the daughter of holy Prophet
had come and washed it off him. He had also strangle the Prophet (SAS) throat with his
cloak, if it had not been Abu Bakr to intervene and released the holy Prophet(SAS),finally
the heads of both criminals struck of by Ali ibn Abu Talib (RATA).

Holy Prophet (SAS) consulted Abu Bakr and Umar bin khattab as to’’ what he should do
with the prisoners’’, Abu Bakr suggested that he should ransom them explaining and
saying ,’’They are after all our relatives, and this money would give us strength against the
disbelievers, moreover, Allah could guide them to Islam. Umar bin khattab advised killing
them saying ‘’ They are leaders of kufr (disbelief), but holy Prophet(SAS) preferred Abu
Bakr suggestion.

A hadith reported by Abdullah ibn Masud explains this events’’ on the day of Badr the
Prophet asked his companions ‘what they thought he should do about the prisoners of
war. Abu Bakr said’’ Messenger of God, they are your own people and your tribesmen,
spare them and offer them the chance to repent of their past attitude.

Umar said’’ Messenger of God, they have accused you of lying and they have chased you
out of your city, put them to death. Abdullah ibn Rawahah said’’ Messenger of God, you

are now in a valley, where there is a lot of wood ,light a big fire and throw them into it.
Holy Prophet (SAS) remained silent making no rejoinder, then he went into his house,
some people thought he would take Abu Bakr view, others thought Umar’s view would
be upheld, while still felt hat the Prophet (SAS) might adopt the view of Abdullah ibn
Rawahah. The Prophet (SAS) ,then came out of the house and said’’ God makes some
people heart so soft that they become softer than milk and He(God) make other people
hearts harden until they become harder than bricks. Abu Bakr, your attitudes is similar
to that of Abraham (Puh) as he said,- ’’Our Lord ! they have indeed led astray
many among mankind ; he then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that
disobey me,- but You are indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Sura

And you are also like Jesus Christ (Puh) as he said,- ’’If You punish them, they are
Your servants; if You forgive them, You are the Exalted in power, the Wise’
(Sura Maida; 5;118). As per you ‘Umar’ you are like Moses (Puh) as he said’’
Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his Chiefs splendor
and wealth in the life of the Present, and so, our Lord, they mislead (men)
from Your Path . Our Lord, deface the features of their wealth, and send
hardness to their hearts, so they will not believe until they see the grievous
Penalty’ (Sura Yunus; 10;88).And you are also like Noah (AS) as he said’’ O
My Lord! Do not leave of the Unbelievers, a single one on earth !(Sura Noah;
71;26). You are in poverty, so no one may be set free without ransom or else,
he should be beheaded.

In another hadith Imam Ahmed relates on the authority of Umar bin khattab same
contents with different chain of transmission. Further Umar bin khattab continues his
account of this event. On the next day I went to the Prophet (SAS) to find him and Abu
Bakr with tears in their eyes. What makes you and your companion cry? If I find it in me
to cry, I will, and if not, I will pretend to join you in your crying. The Prophet (SAS) said
that they were crying because of what our companions (advised) taking ransom. I have
shown the punishment you would have suffered closer to you than this tree(pointing to a
nearby tree) as revealed in Quran’s chapter’ Anfal- means Spoils of war’, (8;67-68). Later
Allah relax the norms and made clear that Spoils of war are lawful and good for Muslim to
take (Sura Anfal 8;69).This hadith is also related in Muslims, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi
with different chains of transmission.

Allah given the choice to holy Prophet through divine ordainment either generosity or
ransom or smite their necks or taken prisoner or let free (47;4). Prophet ordered the

release of prisoner of Badr on payment of ransom depending upon the financial position
of prisoner ranging from 4000 to 1000 Dirhams. Those did not posses either ordered to
teach 10 children the art of writing and reading, once the child was proficient enough, the
captives would be set free.

Another incident of un ransomed on the ground of being hardship, Zainab daughter of

holy Prophet and wife of Abul-As paid the ransom with her Necklace, the holy Prophet
(SAS) saw the saw the Necklace given to her by his wife Khudeja (RATA). Holy Prophet
(SAS) recollect her memorable role in propagation of Islam, tears rolls down from his
cheeks, the followers saw this, their heart melt down and became more kind in the
treatment of Abu As, they set free him and return the Necklace and allowed them to
migrate to Medina. ( Note; Prophet (SAS), earlier to this extent exhorted the Muslims to
treat the prisoners well, the followers treated the prisoner so well to such an extent that
the captors used to give the captives their bread and they keep the dates for themselves).


The battle of Badr, manifest clearly the divine intervention of Allah, as Quran reveals’’ It
is not you who slew them; it was Allah. When you threw ( a handful of dust), it was not
your act, but Allah’s; in order that He test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself;
for Allah is He Who hears and knows ( all things)-(Anfal ;8;17).

2) This battle being the first major military engagement of holy Prophet (SAS), which
recorded as a landmark victory over Quraysh in Islamic history, alters the power axis in
Arabian Peninsula. The Prestige of Quraysh damaged to a considerable extent, while
strengthen the political position of Muslims in Medina and established Islam as a viable
force to be reckoned with and made Medina as the ‘first Islamic State’’.

3) The battle Badr set rules and regulation in distribution of war booty, treating of
prisoners, release on ransom or through benevolent acts and treatment of women and
children during war, as revealed in various chapters of holy Quran-( 2;177/ 24;33/
90;13/4;36/ 9;60/ 24;5/ 4;92/5;92/ 58;37).

4)The give rise to the rise of two influential personalities on Arab horizon, who
determines the course of history for the next century in Arabian peninsula. The first and
foremost personality was the holy Prophet (SAS) which forced the Arabs of Mecca to
regards Muslim a formidable force, who inherits the prestige and political role in
determining the destiny of Quraysh of Mecca . This resulted Abdullah ibn Ubay, chief
hypocrite in a weak and docile position and forced him to toe the line of holy Prophet

The other beneficiary of this historic battle was Abu Sufyan, consequent upon the death
of Amr ibn Hisham (Abu Jahl) as well as many other prominent Quraysh. Which caused
void in the leadership of Mecca and this opportunity give by default to Abu Sufyan to
become the chief of Quraysh. He leads the Quraysh until the holy Prophet (SAS) marched
into Mecca six year later Abu Sufyan helped to negotiate the peaceful surrender of Mecca
(Conquest of Mecca). Subsequently Abu Sufyan embraced Islam and became high ranking
official in the Muslim Empire and his Son Abu Muawiyah later go on to found the
’Umayyad Caliphate’.

Battle of Sawiq

The invasion of Sawiq , a small reconnaissance by the Quraysh after suffering

ignominious defeat at the battle of Badr, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb the leader of Quraysh in
rage gather 200 mounted men, took eastern road through Nejd. He secretly arrived at the
settlement of Banu Nadir-a Jewish tribe and the chief of the Jewish tribe Huwey refused
him admission to the Jewish quarters(reported out of fear). Abu Sufyan then went to
Salam ibn Muskan another leader of Banu Nadir and took refuge with him. Salam gave
Abu Sufyan hospitable welcome, provided intelligence regarding Medina. At the dark of
night, Abu Sufyan took his men to the corn field-Urayd- a place about 2 to 3 miles to the
North- east of Medina, he burnt the farm and killed 2 Muslims. When Prophet (SAS)
received the information, he gathered his men and went in hot pursuit, but they could not
catch them. So the Muslim collected some of provision thrown away by the Quraysh and
brought back some sawiq ( a type of corn).(Note; The event occurred in 623 CE 2 AH and
the event mentioned in Ibn Hisham biography ‘Muhammad’ and other historical book
like Safiur Rahman Mubarakpur-’ The Sealed Nectar).

Expulsion of Banu Qaynuqa

History and Background;- Banu Qaynuqa one of the three Jewish tribe living in 7 th
Century in two fortress in south western part of city Medina. The look mostly Arabic but
ethnically belong to Jewish (religiously),they owned no land and earned their living
through commerce and crafts man ship and gold smithy in market place of Medina,
where they lived. They were, the allies of local Arab tribe khazraj and support them in
conflict against their rival Arab tribe Aws.

Ibn Ishaq writes that a dispute broke out between Muslims and Banu Qaynuqa( allies of
khazraj tribe ) soon after, when a Muslim woman visited a jeweler’s shop in the Qaynuqa

market place. She was presented to uncover her hair and the goldsmith a Jew played
mischief that he pinned her clothing in such a way that upon getting up, she was stripped
naked. A Muslim coming upon the scene resulting in commotion and killed the shop-
keeper and in retaliation a mob of Jews from Qaynuqa tribe pounced on the Muslim and
killed him. This incident escalated leads to chain of revenge killing and enmity grew
between Muslims and Qaynuqa tribe.

Traditional Muslim sources viewed this episode as a violation of constitution of Medina

and holy Prophet (SAS) regarded as Casusbelli. The western historians did not find these
events underlying to attack Qaynuqa- F. E. Peter- the precise circumstances of the alleged
violation of constitution of Medina are not specified the source. Fried Donner says’
available sources do not elucidate the reasons of expulsion of Qaynuqa. Donner argues
that Prophet (SAS) turned against the artisans and traders as the latter were in close
contact with Meccan merchants.

The Prophet (SAS) approached Banu Qaynuqa and called upon at the market place and
said’’ O Jews, beware lest God bring on you the like of the retribution in which he brought
on Quraysh. Accept Islam, for you know that I am a Prophet sent by God. You will find
this in your scriptures and Gods covenant with you’’. The Jewish tribe replies ‘’ O
Muhammad, do you think that we are like your people? Do not be deluded by the fact that
you met a people with no knowledge of war and that you made good use of your
opportunity. By God, if you fight us, you will know that we are real men. Shibli Noamani
and Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri, views this response as a declaration of war. According
to Muslim tradition Quranic verse 3;10-13/8;58, revealed following the exchange of

Then the holy Prophet (SAS) led the force and besieged the Banu Qaynuqa fortress for
fourteen to fifteen days, thereafter the tribes surrendered unconditionally. Prophet (SAS)
initially wanted to kill the members of Banu Qaynuqa but ultimately yielded to Abdullah
ibn Ubay the chief hypocrite insistence and agreed to expel them from Medina.(Note;-
Tabari cites Ibn Ishaq, Asim bin Umar, ibn Qatada in the chain of narration).

The Banu Qaynuqa left for the Jewish colonies in ’Wadi al kura’ North of Medina and
from there to Der’a in Syria west of Salkhad and in the course of time they assimilated
with the Jewish communities pre-existing in that area strengthening numerically.

Invasion of Dhi Amr

The invasion of Dhi Amr also known as raid on Ghatafan tribes occurred directly after the
invasion of Sawiq by Abu Sufyan ( one month after it), in 3 AH ( 624 CE) during the

month of Muharram. The expedition was ordered by holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS),
after he received intelligence report Banu Muharib and Banu Talabah tribes were
planning to raid the outskirts of Medina and amassing troops at Dhi Amr in Nejd.

Holy Prophet (SAS) based on the information launched pre-emptive strike with 450
fighters to search and disperse them and Othman (RATA) made in-charge of Medina.
This was largest military expedition led by holy Prophet (SAS) prior to the battle of Uhud
and the enemy got wind of imminent arrival Prophet (SAS) and took to hiding. The
Muslim forces able to capture a man(later he was converted to Islam), who gave
information of Ghatafan hide out and holy Prophet ( SAS) went in search of them but they
fled away.

Attempt of Assassination ;- According to Muslim Scholars and reported in

Bukhar(5;59;458), the event of assassination bid by a Bedouin is narrated that
Ghawarath ibn al Harith followed the holy Prophet(SAS) all along the expedition. when
the Muslim forces enters in the valley full of thorny trees and dispersed among the thorny
trees seeking the shade of tree. Apostle of Allah dismounted from the horse and took
shelter under Samurai tree hung his sword and slept and the afternoon nap overtook him.
The Bedouin took the sword out of sheath while I was asleep, when I woke up and saw the
naked sword in his hand and he said ‘who can save you from me? I replied Allah,
Archangel Gabriel came and thumped in his chest and forced him to drop the sword and
holy Prophet then took the sword and said’ who will protect you from me?.Ghawarath
replied no one and I testify that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah and then he
converted to Islam, as Quran says ’’O you believe! call in remembrance the favor
of Allah to you when certain men formed the design to stretch out their
hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you; so fear Allah.
And on Allah let Believers put (all) their trust’’ ( Sura Maida 5; 11).

Holy Prophet (SAS) spent 11 days on this expedition and then came back to Medina. This
event also mentioned by Sa’d in kitab al tabaqat al kabir vol 2 and in biographical

Expedition of Abdullah ibn Unais

The expedition of Abdullah ibn Unais also known as the Assassination of Khalid bin
Sufyan al Hathali ( also known as Hudayr) chief of Banu Lahyan tribe. He was inciting
people in Nkhala or Uranah to fight Muslim, so holy Prophet (SAS) sent Abdullah ibn
Unais (RATA) to kill him and to nip in the bud the uprising.

Abdullah ibn Unais went in search of him and found Hudayr in the company of his wife,
when he saw the emissary of holy Prophet, he asked about my identity, Unais replied ’I
am an Arab tribesman heard of you that you are raising an force to fight Prophet
Muhammad (SAS), so I have come to join your rank. Khalib ibn Sufyan trusted me then
Unai asked to talk him privately, while talking Abdullah ibn Unais walked a short distance
with him and found the opportunity to execute his plan of assassination. Abdullah ibn
Unais took his sword strike him at once and killed him, then took his head to the holy
Prophet (SAS) as a proof, holy Prophet (SAS) saw him ‘ gave him his staff as reward and
said’’ This will function as a sign of recognition for you and me on the day of resurrection-
Musnad Ahmed -3;496. The assassination of Hudayr had the effect of silencing the Banu
lahyan tribe for time being, but another branch of Banu Lahyan wanted to take revenge
for killing of their leader but lack means to do so. This event mentioned in ibn Hisham’s
biography of Muhammad (SAS), Jurist ibn Qayyim in Al-Jawziyya, biography of
Muhammad- Zad al Ma’ad and modern source by Safiur Rahaman Mubarakpuri in
Sealed Nectar(Ar Rafeeq al Makhtum).Muslim Jurist Tabari in biography of
Muhammad(SAS), Abu Dawood –book 2 no 1244.

Expedition of Abdullah ibn Atiq also known as Assassination of Salam ibn

Abi al Huqaiq (Abu Rafi) that took place in Decr,624 CE. . He was a Jew who aided
and abetted pagan Arabs against Muslims by provisioning and financing and
degenerating holy Prophet (SAS) with his poetry ( hija). When Muslims settled affairs
with Banu qurayza’s betrayal of Muslims in Medina, the Al khazraj tribe a rival of Aws
asked Muhammad (SAS) permission to kill Abu Rafi in order to merit a virtue equal to
that of Al Aws who had killed ka’b ibn Ashraf.

The Messenger of Allah sent a group of 5 men from Banu khazraj tribe( all Ansars) under
the command of Abdullah ibn ibn Atiq, who was familiar with the language of Banu
Nadir to Khyber. Where Abu Rafi fort was situated, when they approached the fortress
Abdullah ibn Atiq advice his men to stay a little behind, then he went ahead in disguise in
his cloak, as if he had been relieving himself. When the people of fort went in, the
gatekeeper called him to enter thinking he was one of them. Abdullah ibn Atiq went in
and lurked inside, them he began to unbolt the doors leading to Salam,’s room, there it
was absolutely darkness, I did not know where he was in the room. I said ‘Abu Rafi’? he
replied ‘who is that? I rushed towards the sound and gave him a blow with my sword, but
I was in a state of confusion and did not achieve anything. He gave a shout! I then went in
again and said’’ what was that noise, Abu Rafi? God damn it, he said, there is a man in the
house who had just struck me with the sword. Then I hit him and thrust sword into the
stomach until it came out of his back, at that point I knew that I had killed him.

Then I open the door one by one until I reached a flight of stairs and reached the ground,
I put my foot out but fell into moonlight night and broke out my leg and I bound it with
my turban and return to Medina. I went to holy Prophet (SAS) and narrated the entire
episode, who listened it and then asked Abdullah ibn Atiq to stretch his leg, which he
wiped and the fracture healed on the spot.

In another version, all the five men participated in killing of enemy of Islam-Abu Rafi
and this event took place in Dhul Qadah or Dhul hajj in 5th years of hijra. ( This event also
reported by Al Tabari/ Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri in-Sealed Nectar and in Bukhari -
4;52;264/5;59;370/ 5;59;371/ 5;59;,372, and many more with slight variations).

Killing of Ka’b bin Ashraf

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) live in Medina, gains power day by day ,more and more
people began to converted to Islam which made the Jews to develop hidden animosity
and jealousness and plotted many conspiracies and unsavory attempts to kill holy
Prophet (SAS). One among them was Ka’b bin Ashraf, whose father an Arab Tayy tribe
and mother a Jewish woman from Banu Nadir tribe and he was recognized from mother
tribe in which he was a leading man.

Ka’b bin Ashraf went to Mecca after the battle of Badr and provoked Quraysh against holy
Prophet and he composed poems bewailed the victims of Quraysh killed in the battle of
Badr. After return to Medina he composed another unsavory poem insulting a Muslim
woman. Later Commentator like Zamakshari, Al Tabari, Al Razi and al Baydawi- ka’b was
killed because Gabriel had informed holy Prophet about a treaty signed with Abu Sufyan
creating an alliance between Quraysh and forty Jews against holy Prophet’s killing.

Al Bukhari narrated this event in a lengthy form, but quoted the main event in abridge
form- Narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah that ‘’ Allah’s messenger said ‘’Who will kill Ka’b bin
Ashraf? Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying’’ O Allah’s Messenger ! would
you like that I kill him? The Prophet said ’Yes’. Muhammad bin Maslama said then allow
me to say a thing ( i.e., to deceive ka’b by a lie) Prophet said ‘You may say it’’. Then
Maslama went to Ka’b and said’’ That man (Muhammad-puh) demand Sadaqa from us
and he has trouble us, I have come to borrow something from you, on that ka’b said ’’By
Allah, you will get tired of him! Maslama said ’’Now we have follow him, we do not want
to leave him unless and until we see his end going to be’’, Now we want you to lend us a
camel load or two camel load of food. Ka’b said ‘Yes’ (I will lend you) but you should
mortgage something to me, Maslama and his companion said’ what do you want? Ka’b
replied ‘mortgage your women to me, they said, how can we mortgage our women to you,

as you are the most handsome of the Arabs? Ka’b said then mortgage your sons to me,
they said ‘How can we mortgage our sons as the people abuse us that we have mortgage
for a camel load of food and this would caused us great disgrace. But we mortgage our
weapons and promised him that they would come to you at night along with Abu Na’ila
(silksan bin salma-ka’b’s foster brother).

Ka’b bin Ashraf invited Abu Na’ila and Maslama to his fort and then he went down, his
wife asked him where are you going at this time? He replied none but Muhammad bin
Maslam and my foster brother Abu Na’ila, his wife said ‘I hear voice as if blood is
dropping from him, ka’b said they are none my brother Muhammad bin Maslama and
milk sucking brother Abu Na’ila a generous man. Muhammad bin Maslama went with
two men(some narrator mentions the names Abu Abs bin Jabr,Al Harith bin Aus, and
Abbad bin Bishr). So Muhammad bin Maslama went together with two men and said to
them ’when ka’b comes I will touch his hair and smell it ,when you see that I have got hold
of his head strike him’’. So they killed him and went to holy Prophet (SAS) and informed

Battle of Uhud

The battle of Badr was the first decisive battle fought between Muslims and infidels of
Mecca and the Muslims inflicted severe defeat on them and caused the loss f their father,
sons and brothers, stir a hornet nest and wailing their wings to take revenge. When
Abdullah ibn Rabi’ah, Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl and Safwan bin Umayyah, approached the
Abu Sufyan, who was at the helm off affairs in Mecca and urged him to conduct a
retaliatory war against Muslims again. Some of the tribes aligned with Muslims infringe
the pact and showed sympathy to polytheist of Mecca, especially ka’b bin Ashraf a Jew of
Nazir tribe showed extreme meanness and expressed his animosity through his poetry
and started inciting polytheist of Mecca openly to wage a war against Muslims of Medina.
Now all the major chiefs of Mecca had vowed to take revenge and light the flame of frenzy
and the Jews of Medina further blew the fire of revenge. Holy Quran narrates’’ The
Unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder(men) from the path of Allah, and
they continue to spend, but in the end they will have (only) regrets and sighs,
at length they will be overcome; and the Unbelievers will be gathered to
Hell’’(Sura Anfal;8;36).

Abu Sufyan raised a strong force of 3000 men , all are well armed with 700 coats of mail,
300 camel and 200 horses. Wives and daughters of slain chiefs and Hind the daughter of
Utbah was the leader of women section accompanied the Meccan forces to give vocal
support. Her husband Abu Sufyan the commander in chief of Meccan forces with other

major persons like Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Khalid bin walid set out on March,11,625 CE(3
AH). The Meccan forces reached near Medina and Abu Sufyan plan not to attack the city
since it was populated with numerous stronghold that would have long siege to overcome,
therefore, they camped in the Northern side of Mount Uhud, hoping that Muslims would
come out to meet them.

A scout alerted holy Prophet (SAS) about the presence of Meccan army at the mount uhud
waiting to attack. Of late holy Prophet convened the Muslim war council and plan ’how to
repel the Meccan?,holy Prophet and other senior figures suggested to fight the Meccan
forces within Medina and take advantage of its heavily fortified strongholds. The Young
Muslims argued that the Meccans were destroying their crops and that huddling in the
stronghold would destroy Muslim’s prestige. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS0
eventually conceded to the wishes of the latter and made arrangement for the battle.

Quraysh of Mecca camped at Mount uhud near Medina and the holy Prophet (SAS) set
out late on Friday with one thousand men poorly armed with 50 archers, 4 cavalry to the
mount Uhud. Shortly before the battle, Abdullah ibn Ubay, chief of hypocrites withdraw
300 of his supporters and returned to Medina on a false pretext of marched out of Medina
to meet the Meccan forces. Allah censure the hypocrites for their betrayal ‘’And the
Hypocrites also. These were told; ‘’Come, fight in the way of Allah, or (at
least) drive ( the foe from your city).’’They said; Had we known how to fight,
we should certainly have followed you.’’ They were that day nearer to
Unbelief than to Faith, saying with their lips what was not in their hearts. But
Allah has full knowledge of all they conceal’’ (Al’Imran 3;167).

Thus the holy Prophet (SAS), left with 700 men marched and stationed the force on slope
of Mount Uhud facing Medina with the rear being protected by the towering mount itself.
Before the battle, holy Prophet (SAS) stationed 50 archers under the command of
Abdullah ibn Jubair on the west side of hill facing Muslim camp and holy Prophet (SAS) a
genius in military strategy and foresee the future danger, instructed the archer. He said
’Stick to your place and don’t leave it even if you see birds snatching us, or till
I send for you or if you see that we have defeated the infidels and made them
flee or even we lost the battle, but you should not leave the place till I send
for you’’. The strategic decision of holy Prophet was to shield the vulnerable Muslim
flanks against the outnumbered Meccan forces. The archers protect the left flank while
the right flank protected by Mt. Uhud situated at the eastside of the Muslim camp.
Protecting the flanks of Muslim army means that the Meccan army would not be able turn
around the Muslim camp surrounded or encircle, keeping in mind Meccan cavalry, which
outnumbered the Muslim with 50; 1 ratio.


The battle of Uhud fought on Saturday March 19th 625 CE( 3 Shawwal- 3 AH) in the valley
of Uhud situated at Medina at the North-Western Arabia. Islamic forces led by holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) with 700 followers, Zubair bin Awwam was the commander of
right wing, Mundhar bin Amr given left wing of army. Hamza bin Abdul Muthalib (uncle
of holy prophet) was made the advance guard and Mus’ab bin Umair was chosen as the
standard bearer of Islamic banner and Abu Dujanah was fortunate enough to receive the
sword of holy Prophet Zulfikar’.

Allah’s message to the believer ,’’So lose no heart, nor fall into despair; for you
must gain mastery if you are true in Faith’ (3;139).

Meccans army positioned itself facing the Muslim lines with main body led by Abu
Sufyan, left and right flanks commanded by Ikrimah and Khalid bin walid respectively.
Amr ibn Amr ibn al As named as the commander of cavalry and his task was to co-
ordinate attack between the cavalry and infantry wings. Talhah bin Abi Talhah al abdari,
standard bearer of Meccan force.

The battle begins with individual duel fight, Talhah ibn Abi Talhah al Abdari advanced
and challenge the Muslim for a duel, Ali the young cousin of holy Prophet (SAS) came
forward and struck Talhah down in a single blow and he fell down. Immediately his
brother Abu Sa’d ibn Talhah-brother of Talhah came round forward and pick up the
banner, challenge the Muslims saying ’companion of holy prophet (SAS) that your dead
go to paradise and our dead go to hell-by Allah you lie,. If you are so confident, some of
you could have faced me, let one of you come to fight me. Ali came to him and Abu Sa’d
was not luckier than his brother Talhah. The men of Abdul Dar continued replacing the
bearer of their banner with their men and the Muslim continued annihilating them, Ali
destroyed Artal ibn Sharhabeel, Shureih ibn Qaridh and their servant Sawab and the
Meccan women encourage them with songs and began beating of timbrel loudly. It is
reported by Islamic Scholar that Ali alone destroyed all the standard bearer at the battle
of Uhud (This is also reported by Al Tabari).

The death of standard bearer of banner heightened the moral of Muslim forces and shook
the hearts of pagan, following the mortality of infidels Muslim undertook a general
offensive led by Ali ibn Abu Talib, Hamzah ibn Abdul Muthalib, Abu Dajanah and others.
Meccans general attack initially led by Medinan exile Abu Amir, which was thwarted by
shower of stones from the Muslims, Abu Amir and his men were forced to retire and came
back to camp and stayed behind Meccan lines. The Muslims attack fiercely cutting the
Meccan lines and the repeated attempts by infidels to push back Muslim forces negated

and over run their cavalry and pierced through their lines and made the Meccan army to
flee the battle field. Muslim forces see apparent victory in their sight and they reached the
camps of Meccan and began to collect the spoils of wars and utter despair dominated in
the hearts of infidels.

The Muslim archer guarding the valley behind the battle front decided to avail the
opportunity of collecting the spoils of war as other Muslim forces doing at the battle from
and said to themselves ‘It is useless for us to stay and it is profitable that we too should
also collect the spoils of war(booty).

The commander Abdullah ibn Jubair reminded them that holy Prophet (SAS) had
ordered that’’ whether Muslim forces gain victory or defeat, they should not
move from the post’’. Majority of archers opposed the commander and said’’ our
staying here is useless and the Prophets (SAS) meant only that we should guard the
passage when the battle was in progress but now the battle has ended. Muslim archers on
this false presumption, 40(forty) of the archers came down the hill and only ten person
remained on the hill. The holy Quran reveals the reason behind deserting the place as a
means of disobedience and loss sustained due to worldly wealth and Allah the Most
graceful assures His forgiveness for the believers. The Quranic verse states ‘’Allah did
indeed fulfill His promise to you when you with His permission were about
to annihilate your enemy; until you flinched and fell to disputing about the
order, and disobeyed it after He brought you in sight( of the booty) which you
covet. Among you are some that hanker after this world and some that desire
Hereafter. Then He diverted you from your foes in order to test you. But He
forgave you; for Allah is full of grace to those who believe’’) 3;152).

Khalid bin walid who was brave and experienced warrior and know from the very
beginning of the battle the mouth of the passage was the key to victory and he had
attempted many times to reach at the back of war front through it, but the presence of
archers thwarted his attempt. He found later the passage deserted with little archers, he
took advantage of the small no. of guard at that time. He led his soldiers towards the back
sides of Muslim army making a surprise attack and reach all the parts of Muslim forces
who were indulged in collecting war booty. The small archers stationed at the passage
could not prove effective till all the 10 persons putting up tough fight were killed.

Khalid bin walid sought the assistance of defeated Quraysh who were in the state of flight
regrouped with Ikrimah and others, surrounded the Muslim warrior. Intense fighting
commenced between them, since Muslim forces were in utter confusion as scattered one
without liaison and they could not succeeded in defending themselves as a result in this

fighting melee Muslim suffered heavy casualties. The heart rending casualty of Hamzah
ibn Abdul Muthalib was that he fought valiantly and killed many Quraysh nobles and cut
through their ranks like a ‘mighty wave lashes the shore’. Hind the wife of Abu Sufyan
promised Wahshi Abyssinian black slave expert in the use of javelin freedom from his
master Jubayr ibn Mu’tam, if he killed Hamzah(Hamzah killed her uncle in Badr).
Wahshi prowled amongst the field and saw Hamza (RATA), and pierced his spear in his
abdomen, which went other side of body and he held it till he died. Hind wife of Abu
Sufyan mutilated the bodies of Muslim dead particularly vented her fury on the body of
Hamza cutting his nose, ears and slit his chest take out liver and chewed it but unable to
swallow. Wahshi says that he had no quarrel with any one, but I killed Hamza only to be
set free and later he embraced Islam and served the cause of Allah and he killed
Musailamah, the imposter Prophet during the time of Abu Bakr caliphate.

Another daring hero of Uhud was Hanzlah bin Abu Amer, newly married had first
consummated his marriage and heard the call of jihad in the battle of uhud, he left his
bride unbathe and rushed to the battle field, fought valiantly and martyred. When the
companion of holy prophet saw water dripping from his hair, Prophet (SAS) said the
angels had bath his body and he was remembered as ‘Ghaseel al Malaika( one bathe by

The Jews of Medina waiting the outcome of the battle of uhud, in the safer dwelling, one
Mukhairiq a person amongst the Jews told his people that they must lend support to
Prophet (SAS). They said ‘we cannot fight for, this is Saturday’, he said ‘’ this is the fight
between prophet and the disbelievers’’ so Saturday can’t stand in the way’’. He took his
sword and pronounced, in case of his death, give all his properties to holy Prophet and
none should go against him. He joined the battle and died in fighting the disbelievers,
when holy Prophet came to know of this, he remarked’ he was the best of the Jews’’.

Qatada bin Nauman received blows on his face fighting the Quraysh, which made his eyes
popped out of its socket, the holy prophet (SAS) restored it back in its place with his own
hand and it was completely healed that it even become more functional than his other

The blood crazy infidels surged towards the Prophet(SAS) being attack from all sides to
kill him and five of the notorious Quraysh determined in their attempt ;- (1) Abdullah bin
Shahib throw stone which hit the holy Prophet(SAS) and wounded his forehead. (2)
Utbah ibn Abi Waqqas ,who fling four stone at holy Prophet (SAS),which hit and broke
his ruba’iyat (Ruba’iyat are the teeth four in number) which are between the front teeth

and the canine teeth-teeth of right side. (3) Ibn Qumiyah laythi who inflicted wounds on
the face of the Prophet (SAS),the wound was so severe that the rings of the Prophet
helmet penetrated into his cheeks. These rings were extracted by Abu ubaydullah ibn
Jarrah with his teeth and he lost four of his own teeth by doing so. (4) Abdullah Hamid,
who attacked the holy Prophet and was killed at the hands of Abu Dajanah.

(5) Abu bin khalaf infidel was in search of holy Prophet (SAS) saying that ‘I had said to
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) at Mecca that I would kill him and he said in reply that he
would kill me and he never say a lie ,if I miss today I will be doomed. He faced the holy
Prophet at the time when the holy Prophet (SAS) manage to reach the valley, some of the
companion come round the Prophet and Abi khalaf advanced towards the Prophet to
attack. Prophet (SAS) took spear from Hasis bin Simmah and thrust it in the neck as a
consequence he fell down from the horse and sustained minor injuries. Abu khalaf was so
terrified, when some of his friends console him, he said do you know who has hit me? The
Prophet (SAS) and the pain is so severe that I could not tolerate and it was reported that
he began to bark like dog and died on the way back to Mecca.

Rumor of assassination of Prophet Muhammad(SAS)

Muslims in utter confusion , amid this laythi attack Mu’sab bin umayr(RATA),the holder
of standard bearer of Islamic banner, after exchange of number of blows between the
infidels, they cut his hand, so the flag might fall. He took the flag in other hand, the enemy
cut other hand also, then he held the flag to his bosom with bleeding arms. At last, the
enemy pierced his body with an arrow then he fell dead, while another Muslim ran and
took the flag. At the time of burial he had only sheet to cover his body, it was too short to
cover his body, the feet left uncovered and vice versa. Holy Prophet (SAS) said ‘cover his
head with the sheet and his feet with Azkhar leaves.

Muslim warrior covers their faces and the Laythi thought the person(Musaib bin Umayr),
he killed was the holy Prophet and he spread the news and informed the Meccan chief of
army that he had killed the holy Prophet (SAS). This rumor spread like a wild fire and the
chief of army were happy that voices were ringing in the battlefield and all the infidels
were saying ’O people! Muhammad has been killed. ? This false rumor encourage the
army of Quraysh into motion, everyone was keen to participate in the desecration of holy
Prophet (SAS) body, so that he might secure important status in the world of polytheist.

On the other this rumor weakened the morale of Muslims much more than it gave
strength to the Quraysh, so much that a considerable majority of Muslims abandoned
fighting and took refuge in the mountain except a few remained in the battle field. Ibn

Hisham famous Scholar write this, Anas bin Nazr (uncle of Anas bin Malik) says, ’’when
the Muslim army came under pressure and the news of death of holy Prophet (SAS) was
afloat, most of the Muslims thought of their own lives and every person took refuge in one
corner or other. He adds further that’’ he saw a group of Muhajirs and Ansars including
Umr bin khattab, and Talhah bin ubaydullah taymi sitting in a corner and were anxious of
themselves. I said to them with a tone of protest ’why are you sitting here? They replied,
’The Prophet has been killed and it is no use fighting, ’I said to them ‘if the Prophet has
been killed, it is no use of living, get up and meet the martyrdom in the same way in which
holy Prophet lay down his life. Further ‘Anas bin Nazr said, ’Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
has been killed, his Lord is alive, and then he added ‘I saw that my words had no effect on
them. I put my hand to my sword and began to fight with determination as Ibn Hisham
says that Anas bin Nazr sustained 70 wounds on his body that none could identify his
dead body except his sister.

When holy Prophet (SAS) saw the fleeing Muslims and call them that’ the Prophet
Muhammad is alive, come back and fight the infidels and Allah shows the plight through
revelation’’ Behold! You were climbing up the high ,without even casting a
side glance at any one, and the Messenger in your rear was calling by way of
requital, to teach you not to grieve for ( the booty) that had escaped you and
for ( the ill) that had befallen you. For Allah is well aware of all that you do;
After (the excitement) of the distress, He sent down calm on a band of you to
overcome slumber, while another band was stirred to anxiety by their own
feelings, moved by wrong suspicion of Allah- suspicion due to ignorance.
They said; What affair is this of our? You say; ‘’Indeed this affair is wholly
Allah’s’’. They hide in their minds what they dare not to reveal to you. They
say (to themselves) ;’’If we had had anything to do with this affair, we should
not have been slaughter here’.’ Say; ’’Even if you had remained in your
homes, those for whom death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to
the place of their death’’; but ( all this was) that Allah might test what is in
your breast and purge what is in your hearts. For Allah knows well the
secrets of your hearts (3;153;154).

Muslim hearing the call and voice of holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and came to know
holy Prophet (SAS) alive, became happy, regain their loss of confidence with renewed
vigor, regrouped and gather around holy Prophet (SAS) and began to resist the attack of
Quraysh from all round. Talhah bin ubaydullah protected holy prophet from the arrows
shot by the enemy with his hand until his fingers bleed profusely and his hand paralyzed.

Holy Prophet(SAS) wanted to climb the mountain but he could do so due to the weakness
caused by injuries, Talhah bin ubaydullah squatted beneath him and helps holy Prophet
to climb up the rock. Holy Prophet (SAS) performed noon prayer sitting on the rock due
to the impact of injuries. Besides, Ziyad bin As Sakan and five other Ansars were holding
the enemy back from the Prophet (SAS), the friends of Ziyad fought and died one by one
and Ziyad became disabled by numerous wounds and he died keeping his head on the foot
of holy Prophet (SAS). Another martyr of Islam Amr bin Jumah, who had lame legs and
his sturdy sons(4 in no) prevented him to take part in the battle of Uhud. He called on the
holy Prophet (SAS) and told him that his sons prevent him from taking part in the Jihad,
yet by God, I wish to be slain so that I may stroll lamely in paradise. Prophet (SAS)
replied, ’’God has not made Jihad incumbent on you and to his sons. He said’’ what is the
problem if you allowed him to go? Amr bin Jumah went with the army, took part in the
battle and martyred.

Zayd bin Thabit narrates that Prophet (SAS) asked him to search Sa’d bin ar Rabi and I
went and found him wounded among the dead and breathing his last and he found that
Sa’d bin ar Rabi sustained about 70 wounds by swords, arrows and javelins on his body.
He conveyed the message of Prophet (SAS) to Sa’d bin ar Rabi, he replied’ convey my
greetings to the Prophet (SAS) and tell him I smell the aroma of paradise and tell my
people- you would have no excuse before Allah, if the enemy lays their hands on the
Prophet (SAS), while you are still alive and breathing’’, as he had hardly finish his words,
he relinquish his life.

Finally the fighting ceased and both the camps claims victory, Scholars believes, a defeat
for the Muslim as they had incurred greater losses than the Meccan. Montgomny watt
disagree ,noting that while the Muslim did not win and the Meccans failed to achieve their
strategic aim of destroying holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and his followers and Meccan
ultimately withdraws indicated weakness on their part’’. This battle also witness the
emergence of military leadership and tactical military genius of Khalid bin walid, the most
famous of all Arab generals, who fame heightened after he became Muslim and serve the
cause of Islam. The devotion of faithful followers was that, when the Meccan army
departed from uhud and gone far away, infidels complaining against one another and
accusing their leader of withdrawing without pressing home their advantage.

On the other hand holy Prophet (SAS) decided very next day-Sunday to move out in
pursuit of retreating enemy. At that the time, most of the Muslims were tired and
wounded, but Prophet sent some persons to announce that everybody who had been
present in the battle of uhud should get ready to pursue the enemy. None demurred, none

protested, every Muslim who had fought at Uhud the day before followed the Prophet
(puh) on the way out of Medina despite fatigue and wounds. The Prophet (puh) camped
at Hamral Asad about 13 km from Medina, where he remained from Monday to
Wednesday with no more possibilities of enemy resurgence and then holy Prophet (puh)
returned to Medina. The holy Quran beautifully describe the obedience and devotion of
followers despite suffering’,’’ ‘’Of those who answered the call of Allah and the
Messenger, even after being wounded, those who do right and refrain from
wrong, have a great reward ( 3;172).

Casualties of Uhud

Around sixty five Ansars and four Muhajirs drunk the nectar of martyrdom in the battle
of Uhud and there were 22 fatalities of polytheist of Mecca. The Holy Prophet (puh)
buried all the martyrs, the holy Prophet directed the companion to shroud the martyrs in
paired and the martyrs who learned Quran were buried first. The holy Prophet (puh)
paying glowing tribute to their sacrifice in the cause of Allah said’’ I shall be a witness
unto them on the Day of Resurrection’’. The Quran says about the status of martyr and
plain answer to the hypocrites as; ‘’(They are) the ones that say,(of their slain
brethren), while they themselves sit ( at ease);’’If only they listened to us,
they would not have been slain’’. Say; ‘’Avert death from your own selves, if
you speak the truth; Do not think of those who slain in Allah’s way as dead.
Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the Presence of their Lord’’(3;168-

The holy Prophet (SAS) visit the graves of the martyrs of Uhud as a means of
remembrance of their sacrifice and as a lesson of emulation for the Muslims.

Loving regard for Prophet (SAS)

There are many events happened in the battle of uhud, which unfold the love and
devotion of companions of holy Prophet (SAS) shown towards Allah and His messenger
as holy Quran reveals in various verses of chapter Al Imran(quoted by Mufassir Ibn
kathir,Al Tabari and Ibn Hisham etc) and in many hadiths (Bukhar and others). One such
event of love and affection shown by a woman of Medina is narrated here ‘’on the way
back to their homes, certain Muslims passed by a woman whose husband, brother and
father had been killed at Uhud. She ask, Tell me first how about our Prophet? People
replied- ’’Thank Allah, the Prophet (SAS) is safe’’, but she was not satisfied with the
answer. Therefore people took her to the Prophet (SAS) and she saw him and said’’ Now
that you are safe, every adversary has gone’’(ibn Hisham- volume II- p. 99). The ultimate
lesson one can derive from the battle of Uhud, as explicitly holy Quran reveals that-’’
What you suffered on the day the two armies met, was with the leave of Allah,
in order that He might test the Believers’’(3;166).

Expedition of Hamra al Asad

This event occurred in March 24th 625 CE –that is 8th Shawwal 3 AH after the battle of
uhud. When the Quraysh returning to Mecca, on the way talk about the folly of their
leaders losing the golden opportunity to exterminate the Muslim once for all by attacking
Medina but they failed to utilize this moments and return to Mecca.

The holy Prophet (SAS) thought that the idolater may not attack the Muslims, give a call
to the followers to join in hot pursuit of the returning Quraysh army. He gave a general
order of mobilization with the condition that those who had participated in the battle of
uhud were eligible for this new operation. One Muslim that was Jabir, who could not
participate in uhud due to his father ,now allowed to join, besides the sons of martyrs of
Uhud and wounded soldiers were permitted to join the expedition. Little before the
expedition holy Prophet (SAS) sent two Spies to gather the information of departing
Meccan army and two of them met the Meccan army at ’’Hamra al Asad’’ situated about
13 km from Medina. Abu Sufyan had already learned about Prophet (SAS) venture to
pursue the Meccans. The two spies heard the discussion ’’whether they should go back
and finish the Muslims once for all or to continue their journey to Mecca’’. Abu Sufyan
was in favor of inflicting a deciding blow on Muslims, but with the counsel of Safwan bin
Umayyah, they decided against and to proceed to Mecca. Prior to their departure from
Hamra al Asad, the Quraysh spotted the two Muslim spies, captured and killed them
leaving their corpses on the road.

The Muslim forces under the leadership of holy Prophet (SAS) went to Hamra al Asad and
found two dead bodies of their spies, thus the Prophet (SAS) learned that Quraysh were
not there to attack him further and decided to spend three or five nights according to
Sa’d, until Wednesday(March 25-27-625 CE), before returning to Medina.

To deceive the enemy while at Hamra al Asad, holy Prophet order 500 camp fire , which
could be seen from a great distance, to be lit on the adjoining height to make it appear as
if Prophet was chasing the Meccan with strong military force. Prophet (SAS) while at
Hamra al Asad made agreement with Mabad al khuzah al Tihamah and he pledge not to
conceal anything from him and the Mabad was sent to Mecca to spread false information.
Mabad met Abu Sufyan and give the disinformation that holy Prophet (SAS) gathered a
strong force to fight the Meccans. Prior to that Abu Sufyan and his companion were
planning a massive and decisive attack on Medina to finish off the Muslims once for all,
and hearing from Mabad the great military strength of Prophet, Abu Sufyan retreated
from his plan of an immediate attack on the Muslims. In this way the holy Prophet

successfully manage to prevent the massive onslaught of Meccan. Allah praise the love
and affection of the followers of holy Prophet (SAS) in holy Quran’’ Of those who
answered the call of Allah and the Messenger, even after being wounded,
those who do right and refrain from wrong, have a great reward;’’(3;172 ).

Ibn Hisham recorded in his tafsir of the verse 3; 172 that’’Ikrimah said- ‘when the
idolaters returned towards Mecca, after Uhud hey said’’ you neither killed Prophet (SAS)
nor collected female captives, woe to you for what you did. Let us go back’ when the
Messenger of Allah heard this news, he mobilized the Muslims forces, they marched until
they reached Hamra al Asad. The idolater said- Rather we will meet next year’’ and
the Messenger of Allah with affirmative went back to Medina.

After staying 3 days at Hamra al Asad, Prophet (SAS) return to Medina, on the way he
captured Abu Uzza Amr bin Abdallah al jumahi as prisoner, as he was previously a
prisoner of Badr and was treated kindly by Prophet. Abu Uzzah a poor man with daughter
had no means to pay ransom was released on the condition that he should not take up
arms against Muslim. He had broken the promise and participated in the battle of uhud
and he pleaded for mercy, but Prophet (SAS) ordered his execution and Az Zubair
executed him. In another version as per Asim bin Thabit’’ Abu Uzza a influential poet
who used his poetry to mobilize masses against Prophet (SAS), during the battle of uhud
he used his poetry again to mobilize masses against the Prophet. He accompanied other
Arab pagans in the battle of uhud and fell to Muslim hands again and pleaded mercy’O
Muhammad (SAS) let me free’’ I was forced to come’.

Meccan spy Muawiyah bin Al Mugheera cousin of Othman(RA) was captured in uhud,
Othman gave him shelter and allowed him to stay for a grace period of 3 days and
arranged provision and a camel for his return journey to Mecca. Othman departed to
Hamra al Asad . Muawiyah overstayed and fled by the time of army return, Prophet (SAS)
on hearing this, order his pursuit and execution and this order was carried out faithfully.

Tragedy of Bir Mona and Al Rafi

Muslim Scholar Al Tabari described the event that a delegation of Banu Amir came to
holy Prophet (SAS) after 4 months of the battle of Uhud and presented a gift. The
Messenger of Allah declined to accept the gift saying to Abu Bara’ I did not accept
presents from polytheist, if you want me to accept it, embrace Islam and become Muslim.
He explained the advantage and Allah’s promise to believers and recited Quran. Abu Bara
did not accept, but was not far from doing so, saying to the Prophet (SAS),this matter of
yours to which you call me is good and beautiful. If you send some of your companion to

the people of Nejd to call them to your religion, I would hope that they would respond to
you. The Messenger of Allah said at the first instance that’ I fear that the people of Nejd
would do them some harm’’, Abu Bara replied’ I will guarantee their protection so send
them to call the people to your religion.

The Messenger of Allah thereupon under the leadership of Al Mundhir bin Amr one of the
member of Banu Sa’ida nicknamed ’Freed to die’. Ibn Ishaq claim 40 men and in Sahih
Bukhari it is stated 70 members ,all were best and most learned in Quran and in Islamic

Attack on Muslim Missionaries

The Muslim missionaries camp at Bir Maunah and sent a messenger Haram bin Milham
with a letter of holy Prophet to Amir bin Tufayl, cousin of Abu Bara and chief of Banu
Amir. The Amir bin Tufayl did not read the message but rather ordered his men to spear
Haran bin Milhan in his back and killed him. Later Amir bin Tufayl took the help of Banu
Saleem ,together attack the Muslim missionaries and they fought back but in the end all
of them were killed except Ka’b bin Zaid an Najjar who was carried wounded among the

The news of massacre of Muslim missionaries reach holy Prophet (SAS) and he grieved
the loss greatly and sent Amr bin Umayyah al Damri an Ansari to investigate the whole
matter back. Amr bin Umayyah on return rested at a place’ Qarqara under the shade of a

Two men of Banu Kalb joined him, when they slept, Amr bin Umayyah killed both of
them thinking that, by doing so that he would avenge for some of his companion killed.
Later he found that holy Prophet (SAS) had given the pledge of protection to those men
killed by him in mistaken identity. He told the holy Prophet (SAS), what he had done and
the holy Prophet (SAS), in turn said to Amr bin Umayyah to pay the ransom or blood
money, since they were under his protection.

The holy Prophet (SAS) deeply moved by the tragedy of Bir Maunah and a Quranic verse ‘
Al Qunut’ was revealed and the holy Prophet (SAS) used to recited it and invoke evil for
30 days in the Dawn prayer. He also invoke evil upon the tribes of Ri’l, Dhakwan, Bani
Lihyan, Usaiyya, who disobeyed Allah and His Messenger. Anas bin Malik narrates that
we used to read the verse but later it was cancelled. The holy Prophet (SAS) says in this
connection that’’ Convey to our people on our behalf the information that we have met
our Lord, and He is pleased with us and has made us pleased’’ Anas added that the 70
men killed at Bir Mauna well were all Ansars (Sahih Bukhari hadith No-4093, 4095 and

Expedition of Al Raji

This incident occurred after the battle of Uhud in the year 4AH(625 CE), as a group of
men from Adal and Qarah came to holy Prophet and requested him to send some
instructors to teach the religious tenets to the people who had embraced Islam. Holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) agreed to their request and send six men under the leadership
of Asim bin Thabit(who was the grandfather of Asim bin Omar bin khattab). They set out
and reach a place between Usfan and Mecca at Al Rafi and took rest for the night and
mentioned one of the tribe of Banu Hudhail, they informed the Bani Lihyan tribe, who
wanted to avenge the killing of their chief Sufyan bin Khalid al Hudhayli in the expedition
of Abdullah ibn Unais.

The Bani Lihyan sent about 100 archers who came to the journey station of the emissaries
and they attacked them with swords on the six Muslims to extract the money from them
and promised not to kill them but to derive money as ransom for they had killed their
chief. The Muslims refused to believe the promise of polytheist and fought back, during
the fight three Muslims were killed and three men Zayd bin Al Dathinnah, Khubbab bin
Adi and Abdullah bin Tariq surrendered as prisoners. They were taken to Mecca and sold
as prisoners, that Zayd bin Al Dathinnah was sold to Safwan ibn Umayyah and Abu
Sufyan wanted to spare his life in exchange of the life of Prophet. Zayd bin Al Dathinnah’s
love for holy Prophet (SAS) was so great that he did not want to see holy Prophet (SAS) to
be hurt by ‘thorn prick’ and declined his offer point blank. Hence the polytheist Safwan
bin Umayyah killed Zayd bin Al Dathinnah to avenge his father killed by him. The
Quraysh ordered Khubbab bin Adi to be crucified by Uqba bin al Harith because he had
killed his father Uqbah al Harith. Khubbab bin Adi the one person who set the tradition of
praying in prostration before execution, he utter the words like‘’ O Lord count them
one by one, exterminate them to the last’’(as per Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri in
his award winning book ‘Sealed Nectar). The Infidels Bani Hudhail after killing Asim bin
Thabit , wanted to sell his head in Mecca. The Holy Prophet (SAS) grieved very much and
recited Al Qunut for 30 days in the Dawn prayer and invoke curse on the tribes-Bani
Hudhail and Bani Lihyan.

As per Sahih Bukhari (5;59;412) describe this event as Sariya, where the holy prophet
sent spies under the command of Asim bin Thabit . Whereas Safiur Rahman ‘’It was
mentioned as the holy Prophet sent men as instructor to teach Islamic religion to people
and not as spies, quoted a part of the hadith 412 and failed to mention they were the

Expulsion of Banu Nadir Tribe

Banu Nadir a Jewish tribe lived in Medina in the Northern Arabic until 7th Century at the
Oasis of Medina and they bore Arabic name but spoke distinct dialect of Arabia. They
earned their living through agriculture, money lending and trade in weapons and Jewels
and maintain trade links with Arab merchants of Arabian peninsula. Their fortresses were
located half a day march to the South of Medina and were wealthy, own some of the best
agricultural lands of Medina.

When Holy Prophet (SAS) arrived in Medina, he established pact between Ansars and
Jewish tribes of Medina to regulate the matters of governance and to maintain inter
community relation. The condition of pact outlines that they should boycott Quraysh and
abstinence from extending support and render assistance in case of foreign attack. After
the battle of Badr ,one of the Banu Nadir chief ka’b bin Ashraf openly incited Quraysh to
take up arms to regain their loss. He visited Mecca conclude a treaty with Abu Sufyan
stipulating co-operation between Quraysh and Jews against holy Prophet. Some other
historian cite Ka’b bin Ashraf a gifted poet, wrote poetic eulogy commemorating slain
Quraysh nobles and wrote erotic poems about Muslim women, which Muslim found
offensive. The constitution of Medina states’’ Loyalty gives protection against treachery
and this document will not(be employed) to protect one who is unjust or commit a
crime’’. On this pretext holy Prophet (SAS) call his followers to kill him and Muhammad
bin Maslama did so faithfully.

The killing of Ka’b bin Ashraf of their chief haunts their minds ever since, wanted to take
revenge and they made attempt to assassinate him by many times but failed. After the
battle of Uhud Banu Nadir challenge holy Prophet as the leader of Medina and July 625
CE same years two men killed in the skirmish in which Muslims were involved. Prophet
(SAS) and his followers went to Banu Nadir to seek their help in raising blood money,
which had to pay to the Banu kalb for the two men that Amr bin Umayyah killed by
mistake in expedition of Bir Mauna. The Banu Nadir tribe except Huyayy ibn Akhtab
inclined to accept Prophet request to share the blood money and ask him his companion
Abu Bakr,Umar bin khattab and Ali and other to sit under a wall of the house and wait.
Archangel Gabriel came and revealed the plot of Banu Nadir’s assassination plan, so
Prophet (SAS) and his companions hurried off from the house to Medina and holy
Prophet (SAS) told this on the way to Medina.

Norman Stillman describe that’’Prophet found this as casus belli by claiming to have
receive the divine revelation (59;2), that Banu Nadir had plotted to assassinate him by
dropping heavy stone on him’’. As per Encyclopedia of Islam ’Muhammad bin Maslama

states that holy Prophet order the Banu Nadir to leave Medina in 10 days, at first the tribe
decided to comply, but Abdullah ibn Ubay the chief of hypocrites of khazraj tribe
persuaded them to resist in their fortresses promising to send 2000 men to their help.
Huyayy ibn Akhtab decided to put up resistance hoping help from Banu Qurayza, despite
opposition. Quran reveals, ‘’Have you not observed the Hypocrites say to their
misbelieving brethren among the People of Book?-‘’If you are expelled, we too will go out
with you, and we will never hearken to any one in your affair, and if you are attacked ( in
fight) we will help you’’. But Allah is Witness that they are indeed liars’’( Sura Hashr

According to Muslim Jurist Muhammad ibn Jarir al Tabari, Abu Salmah gave ultimatum
to the Banu Nadir on orders of Muhammad(SAS) 10 days time . Banu Nadir hopefully
relied on what Abdullah ibn Ubay said and regained their lost confidence and determined
to fight, so the chief Huyayy bin Akhtab sent a message to Prophet Muhammad (SAS), ‘’
We will not leave our houses, do whatever you like to do’’. On the receipt of
message of Chief Huyayy ibn Akhtab, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) led his force, laid Siege
of the fort of Banu Nadir and ordered them to surrender their properties and leave
Medina. The Siege continued for 14 days and during the siege Banu Nadir resorted to
their castle, mounted on the wall of it and started shooting arrows and pelting stones at
the Muslim.

Further the castle was surrounded with thick palm trees giving added strategic advantage
to Banu Nadir, and posing a grave problem of visibility to the Muslim force. The Prophet
(SAS) ordered to cut down trees and burn them as Allah reveals in Quran read as-

’’Whether you cut down (O you Muslims) the tender palm trees, , or you left
them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order that He
might cover with shame the rebellious transgressors’( Sura Hashr 59;5).

Banu Nadir forced to surrendered after 14 days of Siege, as the promised help from
Abdullah ibn Ubay or from Banu Qurayza failed to materialize. The Holy Quran
characterize the hypocrites , -’’ If they are expelled, never will they go out with
them; and if they are attacked( in fight), they will never help them; and if
they do help them, they will turn their backs, so they will receive no
help’’(Sura Hashr; 59; 12). Prophet (SAS) ordered the Banu Nadir to take with them
what they could carry on camels with the exception of weapons.

Banu Nadir left Medina on 600 camels through the street of Medina with music and
tambourines, Al Waqidi describe their impressive farewell, women decked in litters

wearing silk brocade, velvet and fine red and green silk. People lined up to gape at them,
most of Banu Nadir took refuge amongst the Jews of Khyber while other migrated to
Syria. As per Ibn Ishaq the Chiefs of Banu Nadir Sallam bin Ab’ul Huqayq, Kinana ibn Al
Rabi and Huyayy bin Akhtab arrived in Khyber and the Jewish inhabitants of Khyber
becomes their subjects.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) divided the lands amongst Muhajirs until then the Muhajirs
had to rely upon Ansars of Medina for financial help. Prophet (SAS) reserved a share of
the seized land for himself, which made him financially independent.

Invasion of Nejd

The invasion of Nejd occurred in Rabi at thani or Jamada al Ula 4 AH( October 625 CE).
Prophet (SAS) led his fighter to Nejd to scare off tribes, he believed that they (tribes) had
suspicious intention and some scholars says that Dhat al Riqa took place in Nejd as a part
of the invasion.

Background; After the invasion and expulsion of Banu Nadir Jews, holy Prophet (SAS)
stayed in Medina for two months and he received the news that certain tribes of Banu
Ghatafan were assembling at Dhat al Riqa with suspicious purpose(Ghatafan were an
Arabian tribe from Qais). Meanwhile Muslim Scouts group reported to the Prophet that
Bedouin tribes of Banu Muharaib and Tha’labah of Ghatafan building a force around

As per Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri in his book’ Sealed Nectar’ states that’ the holy
Prophet with Muslim warrior hurriedly set out to discipline these new outlaws, cast fear
in their heart and deter them from this nefarious practice. These determine operation
carried out and did produce effective result, which made the Bedouin to fled the area and
seek refuge in mountains and Medina became free from such raid.

As per the claims of some Scholars that the’ Dhat al Riqa’ campaign took place in Nejd( a
large area of table land in the Arabian peninsula) in Rabi ut thani or Jamada al ula in 4
AH. The saying that it was strategically necessary to carry out this campaign in order to
quell rebellion of Bedouin in order to meet the exigencies agreed upon to meet the
polytheist of Mecca in ‘Minor Badr in Shab’an 4 AH.

According to Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri, the most authentic opinion that Dhat al Riqa
campaign took place after the fall of Khyber ( and not as part on invasion of Nejd). This is
supported by the fact that, Abu Huraira and Abu Musa Al Ash’ari witnessed the battle.

Abu Huraira embraced Islam only some date before the fall of Khyber and Abu Musa Al
Ash’ari came from Abyssinia (Ethopia) and joined the holy Prophet (SAS) at Khyber. The
rules relating to the ‘prayer of fear’, which Prophet (SAS) performed at Dhat al Riqa
campaign were revealed at the Asfan invasion and this scholar say ’took place after the
battle of trench.

Expedition of Badr Minor

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) led an expedition in Shab’an 4 AH ( January 626 CE or March

625 CE) as per William Muir in his book ’life of Muhammad (SAS). A year after the battle
of Uhud, Muslim has to meet the polytheist of Mecca and start a war again to determine
which of the two parties worthy of survival ( Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri-(Sealed

Background; The two opposing forces were to meet again at Badr as pr their declaration
soon after the battle of Uhud. The year was a great drought in Mecca, Abu Sufyan the
leader of Quraysh reluctant to fight and wish to defer the fighting to another more
plentiful season. He ,therefore ,told Nauman from neutral tribe to give exaggerative
account of Meccan forces to holy Prophet to deter the fight and Nauman scared some of
the Muslims and there was some disinclination among Muslims to fight. Holy Prophet
(SAS) rejected the cowardly spirit and declare an oath that he would go to Badr even if he
went alone’ to honor the commitment made to Abu Sufyan at the time of Uhud. These
bold words inspired confidence amongst Muslims and able to collect double the strength
what had expected.

The Quran declare that’’ Men said to them; A great army is gathering against
you’’; and frightened them; but it (only) increased their Faith; they said;’’ For
us Allah is sufficient, and He is the best Disposer of affairs’(3; 173).

The holy Prophet (SAS) as per the promised to meet the polytheist of Mecca at Badr, set
out with 1500 fighters with 10 horsemen, Ali ibn Abu Talib standard bearer of Muslim
banner, Abdullah ibn Rawahah was given the authority of Medina during the absence of
holy Prophet and reach Badr and stayed there waiting the idolaters to come.

Abu Sufyan forces comprised of 2000 footmen,50 horsemen reached Mar Az Zahran,
some distance from Mecca and camped at a water place’Mijannah’. He was reluctant to
fight and addressed the Quraysh in a cowardly manner to dissuade them for going to
war in this distress year. He says’’ O tribe of Quraysh! Nothing will improve the
conditions you are in but a fruitful year- a year during which your animals feed on plants

and bushes and give you Milk to drink. And I see that this is a rainless year, therefore, I
am returning now and I recommend you to return with me (ibn Hisham 2/209). His
army was also possessed the same fear and apprehension, for this they readily obeyed
him without the least hesitation.

The Muslim stayed for 8 days in Badr waiting their enemy to come and they took
advantage of stay in goods trading and earns double the income as much as the price of it.
When the idolaters did not come to fight, the Prophet and his followers return to Medina
and the Quranic verses 3;173-176 revealed to Prophet (SAS) during this event (Verse 3;173
stated above and the remaining verses are narrated hereunder).

And they returned with Grace and ? Bounty from Allah; no harm ever
touched them; for they followed the good pleasure of Allah ; and Allah is the
Lord of bounties unbounded. It is only the Evil One that suggests to you the
fear of his votaries; do not be afraid of them, but fear Me, if you have Faith.
Let not those grieve you who rush headlong into Unbelief; not the least will
they do to Allah; Allah’s Plan is that He will give them no portion in the
Hereafter, but a severe punishment’( 3;174-176).

The retreat of idolater from Badr without any fight on the flimsy pretext of drought, made
the balance of power shifted in favor of Muslim, who thus regained their military
reputation and the dignity and manage to impose their presence in whole of Arabian
Peninsula. The invasion called by various names- Badr-the Appointment, Badr-the
Second, Badr the latter and Badr Minor.

Expedition of Dumat al Jundal

Background;-(1) Pre-Islamic history; Dumat al Jundal is an ancient City of ruins

located in North Western Saudi Arabia in the Al Awf province, Duma literaly means’
Duma of Stones’, since the city of Duma named after one of the twelve sons of Ishmael.

The Akkadian inscription of Assyrian empire dating back to 845 BC referred as’
Adummatu’ capital of Arab kingdom. Sometimes call as Qedar(Qidri),five powerful
Queens ruled the region-Zabiba,Samsi, Mabua’s,Te’elhunu and the latter also given the
title of high priestess Atarsain a deity of love, and war associated with Ishtar.

In Holy Prophet’s time, the Damutal Jundal region became a hot spot of robbers who
waylaid caravan and loot it due to famine in the area. After six month lull of military
activities, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) received the intelligence report that tribes in the
vicinity of Syria involved in highway robbery and plundering the caravan that pass

through the region and assembling people to attack Medina. The holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) set out with 1000 men on Rabiul Awwal 5 AH i.e., June or July 625 CE
towards Dumatal Jundal- located at about a distance of 15 day march from Medina and
five days from Damascus. Whereas Montgomery Watt said 500 miles from Medina and
William Muir said that due to famine in the area some tribes resorted to raid the
travelers. The holy Prophet undertook the Journey with his men under the guidance of
Madhkur from Banu Udrah and march was during night and hide in the day so that they
take the enemy by surprise. Siba bin Arbatah al Ghifari made in charge of Medina to look
after the affairs during the holy Prophet (SAS) absence.

When the holy Prophet (SAS) and his men arrive near their destination-Dumatal Jundal,
found that the tribes had moved to another place and Muslims captured their cattle and
shepherd. Holy Prophet (SAS) stayed in the region for five days, during which, he
dispatched expeditionary forces to hunt for the enemy personnel and detected none. Holy
Prophet (SAS), made a treaty with Uyainah bin Hisin on his way back to Medina. William
Muir states that the robbers fled without offering opposition and he further added that
the expedition made the distant tribes to fear his name, while the political horizon of holy
Prophet (SAS) expanded beyond Medina

Battle of Trench

The battle of Trench also called as ‘battle of Ahzab, Ghawza- e-Khandaq and the battle of
Confederates ,fought between 27th March to 27 April 627 CE or the other date Jan to Feb
627 CE ,corresponding with Islamic calendar i.e., Shawwal to Dhu- al Qid’ah 5 AH, by 27
days long siege of Medina city.

Background; Muslim fought with the Quraysh of Mecca the battle of Badr became
victorious in 624 CE, but the battle of Uhud in 625 CE, Muslim neither won or defeated
completely by divine help and the Quraysh had the grievance of lost the opportunity to
annihilate the Muslim. To take revenge Abu Sufyan promised to meet the holy Prophet
(SAS) next year that is in 626 CE at Badr second, which did not materialize and
theMuslim’s military power gradually began to grow. The treachery of Banu Nadir tribe in
the battle of Uhud and dishonored the pact made with holy Prophet (SAS) caused them to
expelled from Medina to Khyber and Syria including their leader Abu Sallam bin Abu al
Huqayy, Sallam bin Mishkan and Kenanah. These leaders nursed grudge against holy
Prophet (SAS) and his followers, so they enter into alliance with other expelled tribe Banu
Qaynuqa and Quraysh of Mecca and incited them to attack and take revenge. The
formation of alliance with all the Arabian tribes and Jews, began to gained ground in the
form of ‘Confederate’.

The birth of Confederates

Early in 627 CE the Jews of Banu Nadir’s leader Huyyay bin Akhtab along with other
leaders of Khyber travelled to Mecca and meet Safwan and swear allegiance to help them
in fight against Muslims and the grand alliance of all the Arab pagans and Jews began to
materialize into a gigantic force of 10,000 men with armory as detailed below;-

i) The Quraysh of Mecca mobilized 4000 men , 300 horsemen and 1000- 1500 men
on camels as a fighting force from Arab pagan led by Abu Sufyan.

ii) The Banu Nadir roused the passions of nomads of Nejd ,enlisted the Banu Ghatafan by
paying half of their harvest and added an contingent of 2000 men,300 horsemen led by
Unaina bin Hasan Fazari. The Banu Ahad also agreed to join led by Tuleha Asadi from
Banu Salaym, and Banu Nadir secured 700 men.The Banu Amir, who had pact with holy
Prophet (SAS) refused to joined.

iii) The Other tribes include Banu Murra with 400 men led by Hars bin Auf Murri and
Banu Shuja with 700 men led by Safyan bin Abd Shams.

The Confederates strength estimated to be around 10,000 men, 600 horse men led by
Abu Sufyan as the commander of Confederates march on 627 CE towards Medina. The
Meccan forces began their march from the South along with the coast and the other
force from the east.

Muslims Defense

The men from Banu Qurayza travelled for 4 days to reached Medina and met holy
Prophet (SAS) , warning him the confederates strength of armies that were likely to arrive
in a week times. The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) gathered the Medinians to discuss
the best strategy to overcome the enemies onslaught with minimum casualties . They
discuss the pros and cons of meeting the enemy in the open(which led to victory in battle
of Badr) and waiting for them inside the city ( learnt the lesson of defeat at Uhud).

Ultimately, the Muslims opted to engage the huge enemy in a defensive battle and on the
advice of Salman farsi the digging of trench as a barriers along the Northern front. The
holy Prophet (SAS) mobilized an army of 3000 men and involved in digging of trench on
Northern front was commenced and holy Prophet himself participated in the work

Medina was surrounded by houses and oasis, rocky mountains and trees impenetrable to
the large army (especially cavalry) on the three sides, only Northern side was open and
the digging of trench was started at that front with 5 yard depth . While digging a hard
rock became the hurdle, Omar bin khattab (RATA) needed help to dislodge the rock. The
holy Prophet came forward hit it with pickax, which flared up as lighting flash back to the
South, in order to loosen it gave another blow, again there was a flash of light in the
direction of Uhud mountain and beyond it towards the North. A third blow split the rock
into fragments, this time the light flashed east Wards and the rock was split into
fragments. Salman Farsi saw the three flashes of lights, he thought it must have some
significance, and asked the holy Prophet (SAS) for interpretation. The holy Prophet (SAS)
answered ’’by the light of the first blow I saw the castles of Yemen, by the light
of 2nd blow I saw the castles of Syria and by the light of third blow I saw the
palaces of kisra (chosroes the king of Persia) at Mada’in. The Prophecy of holy
prophet came true later times that Allah the Almighty One first open me Yemen, through
the second Syria and the West and the third from the East.

The whole work was completed in 20 days times, then the Prophet (SAS) ordered to
harvest the crops and moved the women and children in the inner side of Medina’.

Prophet (SAS) establish army headquarter’s at the hillock’Sala’ and the army arrayed
there as the position give the holy Prophet an advantage, if the enemy cross the trench
and the total Muslim force to defend the city of Medina from the enemy consisted of 3000
men. The Banu Qurayza (though they supplied instrument and tool for digging) did not
participate and the hypocrites offering excuses left the battlefront as Quran portrays’ And
behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease(even) say;’’
Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusions!’’(33;12).

Siege of Medina

The Confederates army arrived at the spot laid the Siege of Medina, since the Siege was
uncommon in Arabian warfare and Confederates were unprepared to deal with the
Trench dug by Muslims. The confederates try to attack with horse men in hope of forcing
a passage but the Muslims were rigidly repulsed their crossing by arrows and pelting of
stones. Both armies gathered on either sides of the Trench and spent 2 to 3 weeks
exchanging insults in prose and poetry back up with shooting of arrows from a
comfortable distance.

The Quraysh veterans grew impatient with the deadlock, and a group of army men led by
Amr ibn Wudd( thought to be equal to 1000 men in fight), and Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl
attempted thrust through the Trench and managed to cross and occupy a marshy area

near the hillock of ‘Sala’. Amr ibn Wudd challenge the Muslims for duel ,in response the
holy Prophet (SAS) sent Ali ibn Talib, who accepted the challenge, both the fighters were
lost in the dust as the duel become intense, it was unclear which of the two was successful,
but the loud voice of ’Allahu Akbar’ from the dust confirmed Ali’s victory. The
Confederates were force to withdraw in a state of confusion and later made several
attempt but failed.

The Confederates does not willing to engage Muslims at close quarters as formers regard
the latter as superior in hand to hand fighting, besides the Muslims made a embankment
made from the earth and prepared to bombard the attackers with stones and arrows so
the attack could cause more casualties.

Banu Qurayza-breach of pact

Huyayy bin Akhtab ,Banu Nadir from khybar,a Jewish exile returned to Medina seeking
their support against Muslims. So far the Banu Qurayza remain neutral and hesitant
about joining the confederates, since they had made a pact with holy Prophet (SAS)
earlier, when Huyayy bin Akhtab approached them, their leaders refused to allow him in
the city. However, Huyayy bin Akhtab eventually managed to enter and persuade them
that the Muslims would surely be overwhelmed. The sight of the vast army surging over
the land with soldiers and horses as far as the eye could see and the show of strengths
enemy swing the opinion of Banu Qurayza in favor of confederates. This news of
renunciation of pact and joining with confederates leaked out, the Umar(RA) promptly
informed the Prophet (SAS),about the suspicious movement of enemy troops to the
strongholds of Banu Qurayza. Holy Prophet became anxious about their conduct, realized
grave potential danger as they possessed weaponary-1500 swords,2000 lances,300 armor
suits and 500 shields.

Prophet (SAS) send 3 leading Muslims to bring the details of recent development and
advised the Banu Qurayza openly declare their loyalty, so as to increase the morale of
Muslims fighters. However Prophet (SAS) warned Banu Qurayza against the spreading of
news of a possible breach of pact and avoid any panic within the Muslims rank. The
leaders found that the pact indeed had been renounced, they tried in vain to convince the
Banu Qurayza reminding the fate of Banu Nadir and Banu Qaynuqa at the hands of holy
Prophet. The findings of the leaders were signaled in a metaphor’ Adal and Qarah, as the
people of Adal and Qarah had betrayed the Muslims and killed at the appropriate times.
Maulana Maududi believes the metaphor mean the Qurayza were thought to be about to
do the same.

Crisis in Medina

The holy Prophet (SAS) hide the knowledge of the activities of Banu Qurayza, however,
the rumors soon spread that a massive onslaught on the city from Qurayza side was
imminent, which severely demoralized the people of Medina. Muslims found great
difficulties day by day, running shortage of food, night were colder, lack of sleep, made
the situation tense . For the first time canonical daily prayers were neglected by Muslim
community, only in night when the attack from enemy stopped due to darkness, they
resume their regular prayers. Ibn Ishaq remarks that the situation becomes serious and
fear grip everywhere.

Holy Quran describe the situation in chapter Ahzab;’ Behold! they came on you
from above you and from below you, and behold ,the eyes became dim and
the hearts gaped up to the throat, and you imagined various( vain) thought
about Allah! In that situation the Believers tried; they were shaken as by a
tremendous shaking. And behold ! The hypocrites and those in whose hearts
is a disease (even) say; Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but
delusion!’’.Behold! A party among them said;’’ You men of Yathrib! You
cannot stand (the attack)! Therefore, go back! And a band of them ask for
leave of the Prophet, saying, Truly our houses are bare and exposed,’’ though
they were not exposed; they intended nothing but to run away. If any an
entry had been effected to them from sides of the (City), and they had been
incited to sedition, they would certainly have brought it to pass, with none
but a brief delay!............. They think that the confederates have not
withdrawn; and if the Confederates should come (again), they would wish
they were in the deserts (wandering) among Bedouins, and seeking news
about you( from a safe distance); and if they were in your midst, they would
fight but little………….….. .When the Believers saw the Confederates forces,
they said; ‘ This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah
and His Messenger told us what was true.’’ And it only added to their faith
and their zeal in obedience’’ (33;10-22).-Transliteration by Abdullah Yusuf

Muslim response

Soon after hearing the rumors about Banu Qurayza, holy Prophet sent 100 men into inner
city for its protection, later another batch of 300 horsemen were sent to lent support to
other men, who were on guard in the city of Medina. The troops prayed with loud voice
every night to create an illusion of a large force. The crisis showed holy Prophet (SAS)
that many of his men reached their limits of endurance, he sent words to Ghatafan tribes
to defect and offered them a third of Medina’s date harvest.

The Ghatafan tribe asked for half of the harvest, eventually agreed to negotiate with
Prophet (SAS), before drafting of agreement, the holy Prophet (SAS) consulted the
Medinian leaders, and they sharply rejected the terms of the agreement protesting that
Medina had ever since such levels of ignominy. The negotiation broke off, while the
Ghatafan did not retreat but compromised themselves by entering into negotiation with

The Prophet (SAS) received Nu’man ibn Masud a well respected Arab by entire
confederacy and he was converted to Islam secretly that unknown to them says that the
internal dissension among the confederacy thereby increased . Prophet (SAS) asked
Nu’man bin Masud to end the siege by creating discord among the confederates. Nu’man
then came up with an efficient strategy that he first went to Banu Qurayza and warned
them about the intentions of the rest of confederacy, saying that if Siege fails the
confederates will not be afraid to abandon the Jews, leaving them at the mercy of
Prophet Muhammad (SAS). The Banu Qurayza should demand the Confederates leaders
to give hostages in return for co-operation. This advice touched upon the Banu
Qurayza’s heart , who had already harbored this dangers in their minds.

Next Nu’man went to Abu Sufyan, the confederate leader, warn him that Banu Qurayza
had defected to Prophet Muhammad (SAS) side and the Jewish tribe intended to ask the
confederacy of hostages, ostensibly in return for co-operation, but really to hand over the
hostages to holy Prophet (SAS). Thus the confederacy should not give a single man as
hostage and Nu’man repeated the same message to the other tribes of confederacy.

Collapse of Confederacy

The Nu’man stratagem worked, after this, the leaders of confederacy consulted and sent
Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl to the Banu Qurayza signaling united invasion of Medina, on this
point, the Banu Qurayza demanded hostages as a guarantee that the confederacy would
not desert them. The Confederacy doubted that Banu Qurayza might hand over the
hostages to the holy Prophet (SAS) and they refused and the messenger were repeatedly
exchange between them, but each held to its position stubbornly.

Abu Sufyan summoned Huyayy ibn Akhtab informing the Banu Qurayza response,
Huyayy ibn Akhtab was taken aback and Abu Sufyan branded him as’traitor’,fearing for
his life, Huyayy ibn Akhtab fled to the Qurayza’s strong hold.

The Bedouin, the Ghatafan and confederates from Nejd, already been compromised by
the holy Prophet (SAS) negotiation. They had taken part in this battle in the hope of
plunder rather than any particular prejudice against Islam. They lost hope as the chance
of success dwindled ,uninterested in continuing the siege and two confederates armies
marked by recrimination and mutual distrust.

The provision of the confederate armies were running out, horses and camels were dying
out of hunger and winds, for days the weather had been exceptionally cold and wet,
violent wind blew out the camp fires taking away from the confederates army their service
of heat as holy Quran describe’’ O you who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah,
(bestowed) on you, when there came down on you hosts( to overwhelm you);
but We sent against them a hurricane and forces that you did not see; but
Allah sees( clearly) all that you do’(33;9).

Whereas the Muslims camp, however, was sheltered from such winds and the enemy’s
tents were torn up, their fire extinguish ,the sand and rain beat in their faces and they
were terrified by the portents Allah’s rage against them, as they had already well nigh
fallen out among themselves due to dissensions and mistrust. The Confederates army
battered by Nature’s fury withdrew during night and in the morning the ground was
cleared of all of the enemy forces.


The whole of the battle is the cobweb of wits in which the holy Muhammad (SAS) strategy
, maneuvers, patience, perseverance acted as towering strength for Muslim forces and his
disciple Salman farsi prodigal suggestion saved the city of Medina. And’ through ‘Divine
‘intervention weaken the enemy in the form of tornado, cold and rain made the enemy to
withdraw from the Siege of Medina. The battle of trench is described in Chapter ‘Ahza’-
Confederates’ how the Allah’s revelation guided and boosted the morale of Muslims to
overcome the orgy of infidels of Mecca and deceit of Jews of Medina successfully.

Siege of Banu Qurayza

After the battle of trench the Confederates withdrew in haste and the holy Prophet (SAS)
returned to Mecca and laid down their arms as the Muslim tradition states that Aisha
(RAA) narrates ‘’when holy Prophet (SAS) returned from(the battle) al khandaq(trench)
and laid down his arms and took bath.

Gabriel came to him while he(Gabriel) was shaking the dust off his head and said ‘You
have laid down your arms? By Allah, I have not laid them down, go put to them( to attack
them),Prophet (SAS) said ‘where’? Gabriel pointed towards Banu Quraizah’’ ( Sahih
Bukhari 5. 448 A).

Prophet (SAS) immediately after the divine instruction, led an force of 3000 men with 3o
horse men set out in Dhul Qadah during February-March 627 CE towards Banu
Quraizah-the treacherous ‘friends’ who had betrayed his city in the hour of danger and
joined hands with the confederates treacherously aided them in laying of Siege of Medina.

After the Siege was raised and the confederates fled in hot haste and Medina city was free
from the Quraysh danger. The Banu Quraizah shut themselves up in their castles which
was situated 3 to 4 miles to the East ( or North East) of Medina and holy Prophet (SAS)
immediately laid the Siege of their settlement which continued for 25 days.

The Banu Quraizah sustained the siege for 25 days and their morale waned and Ka’b bin
Asad suggested to them 3 alternative way out of their predicament i) Embrace Islam ii)
kill their own children and women, then rush out for a charge to either win or die and( iii)
make a surprise attack on the Sabbath. The Banu Quraizah accepted none of these
suggestions, instead they asked to confer with Abu Lubaba, one of their allies from Aws

According to Ibn Ishaq ‘ Abu Lubaba felt pity for the women and children of their tribe
who were crying, when asked whether the Quraizah should surrender to Apostle and
advised them to do so. However, he also made a sign with his hand toward his throat
‘indicating that (their fate) at the hands of the Prophets. Next morning the Banu Quraizah
surrender and the Muslims seized their strongholds and their stores. As holy Quran
reveals ‘’And those of the people of the Book, who aided them- Allah took them
down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts, ( so that )
some you slew, and some you made prisoners’( 33; 26).

The Aws who wanted to honor their old alliance with the Banu Quraizah, asked holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to treat the Quraizah leniently as he had previously treated
Banu Qaynuqa for the sake of ibn Ubay. Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) suggested to
bring the case before an arbitrator chosen from the Aws to which both the Aws and
khazraj agreed, then Sa’d bin Mua’dh from Aws tribe was appointed to decide the fate of

According to Scholars like Hashmi,Buchnan and Moore- the Banu Quraizah agreed to
surrender on the condition of a Muslim arbitrator of their choice. According to Khadduri (
as cited by Abu Numair)’’ both the parties agreed to submit their dispute to a person
chosen by them in accordance with the Arabian tradition of arbitration. Muir holds the
view that Quraizah surrendered on the condition that ‘Their fate would be decided by
their allies Banu Aws.

In all accounts they appointed an arbitrator Said bin Mua’dh a leading man amongst the
Aws tribe, when Sa’d bin Mua’dh arrived his fellow Aws pleaded for leniency towards
Banu Quraizah and on this request pledged that they would honor his judgment. Sa’d bin

Mua’dh knew Jewish Law and handed a sentence in accordance withTorah-Deutoronomy
20; 12-14 that Adult male may be put to death and hapless women and children may be
taken as prisoners. Holy Prophet(SAS) took all these prisoners and confined then in
Medina in the house of ’ al Harith a women from Banu Najjar. As per ibn Ishaq the
number between 400- 900 men placed under the custody of Muhammad ibn Maslamah-
the man who killed ka’b bin Ashraf , while the women and children numbering 1000 were
placed under Abdullah ibn Sallam- a former rabbi who converted to Islam. Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) went out to the market of Medina (which is still today the market) and
dug trenches in it, then sent the prisoner in batches in those trenches and beheaded them
accordingly, amongst them Huyayy bin Akhtab and ka’b bin Asad their chiefs beheaded.

It is also reported that one women who had throne mill stone from the battlements which
killed a Muslim also beheaded, Banu Kalb a clan of Arab clients of Banu Quraizah were
also killed alongside of the Jews.

The Spoils of Siege including the enslaved women and children of the tribe were divided
amongst the Islamic warrior who had participated in the Siege. Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) collected their share1/5 of booty, which was later redistributed to the Muslims in
need as was the customary practice of the Apostle of Islam. Holy Prophet selected one of
the women ‘Rayhana’ for himself and took her as part of war booty, he offered to free and
married her, according to some sources she accepted Islam (encyclopedia Islam-Watt).
Some of the women and children enslaved by Muslim, later bought by Jews in particular
Banu Nadir, argues this is because they were responsible for their fate.


Quranic Verses briefly refers the incident in Chapter 33;26 and Muslim Jurists have
looked sura 8; 55-58 as a justification of the treatment of Banu Quraizah, arguing that the
Banu Quraizah broke their pact with the Apostle of Islam. The Apostle of Islam justify in
repudiating his side of the pact and ordered killing of Banu Quraizah enmasse ( Peter-
Muhammad and Origin of Islam). The 8th to 9th century Jurist Ash Shafi based their
judgment and decree supporting collective punishment for treachery on the account of
demise of Banu Quraizah with which they were well acquainted. The events is also
mentioned in Hadiths-Abu Dawood 14; 2665; 38; 4390 and Shahi Bukhari 4;52; 280.

Treaty of Hudaybhiyah

Background;- In the 6th year of Hijri in the month of Shawwal the holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) was shown in the dream that, while the Muslims were still in Medina,
they had entered in the holy City of Mecca and performing the rites of Umrah (lesser hajj)
and their heads were being tonsured. Allah’s Messenger soon after that

informed the Companions about the dream and all of them were overwhelmed with joy as
they revered Mecca and holy ka’aba and yearned to do ‘tawaf’ there. The dream of holy
Prophet are true vision and the revelation from Allah, they knew that Allah the Exalted
had fulfilled their desire to perform pilgrimage.

In Dhul al Qidah 6 AH ( March 628 CE) the holy Prophet (SAS) along with a group of
1400 Muslims marched peacefully towards Mecca in an attempt to perform Umrah (lesser
hajj). They all attired in white dressed (Ihram) as pilgrims and carry sacrificing animals
with a hope that the Quraysh would honor the Arabian customs of allowing pilgrims to
enter the city of Mecca. They Muslims had left Medina in the state of ‘Ihram’ , a
premeditated spiritual and physical state, which restrict their freedom of action and
prohibited fighting and paucity of arms indicate that they were intended to perform
pilgrimage in a peaceful manner.

The Quraysh of Mecca got wind of Prophet (SAS) approaching Mecca, they gathered a
large groups of slaves to stop the Muslims and sent Khalid bin walid and Ikramah ibn Abu
Jahl with 200 horsemen to intercept the Muslim and prevent their advancement to
Mecca. The Juna tribe had not entered Islam till that time but were sympathetic to the
cause of Muslim, a person from the tribe went to holy Prophet and gave him about the
developments. The holy Prophet (SAS) consulted his companion as to what course of
action they should adopt and the consensus was to go ahead, if they were stop, we would
fight otherwise not. Holy Prophet (SAS) ascertained whether any one of them could lead
us to Mecca by a path other than this. One of the Companion volunteered to show an
alternative way and he led through rough ravines and rocky valley of Mudniya,after
wearisome march Muslim reached Hudaybiyah on the lower side of Mecca within the
sacred territory .

Muslims camped at Hudaybiyah ,Urwa bin Masud came to see the holy Prophet on behalf
of Quraysh, he talked in a diplomatic language and tried to impress Muslim that Quraysh
were strong and would not allow Muslims to visit Mecca in a hope that the followers of
Prophet (SAS) would relent and likely to leave him. Thereupon the Companions said’’
May God curse you, how dare you think that we will abandon the holy
Prophet-rest assured that we will fight to the last for him’’.

Urwa bin Masud returned to the Quraysh and he gave the impression of Muslims’’O
people of Quraysh, I have been to magnificent royal courts of Rome and Persia, nowhere
did I witness any ruler as dear to his people as Muhammad (SAS) to his followers. His
companion have such deep love and high regard for him that when he perform ablution,
they struggle to get the water he used and did not let it fell on the ground. If a hair of his

body falls they pick it up, and if he speaks, everybody listen to him with complete
attention, nobody even dares to look straight into his eyes(due to respect). They cannot
leave Muhammad (SAS) at any cost, accept what Muhammad (SAS) has explained to you
and strike a peace deal with him’’. But the Quraysh thought that allowing the Muslims to
enter Mecca mean disgrace and humiliation for their tribe and negotiation went without
results. Holy Prophet sent Othman (RATA) to Mecca, he met Abu Sufyan and other chiefs
of Quraysh and assured them that they would leave Mecca peacefully after performing
Umrah. The Quraysh refused , instead they allowed Othman(RATA) to go to ka’aba and
perform tawaf, but Othman refused and said’ How is it possible that I
circumambulate while holy Prophet is denied it’’. Then Othman rejected their
offer , 3 days passed Othman did not returned from Mecca, rumors afloat that he had
been killed by the Quraysh.

Pledge of Tree;(Bait Ridwan or Pledge of Satisfaction)-The rumors of killing of Othman

spread, Umar (RATA) damned his arms and accoutrements and waited on holy Prophet
and submitted that the Quraysh has killed Othman, the Muslims should fight Meccans to
the bitter end. The holy Prophet asked all the companions to assemble and take a vow
binding themselves to fight against the Meccan. The holy Prophet (SAS) sat under a tree
and all the companions took oath by turn and Allah approved of this measures . . Quran
narrates that ‘’Allah’s Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore
allegiance to you under the Tree; He knew what was in their hearts, and He
sent down Tranquility to them; and He rewarded them with a speedy
Victory’(Sura Fat’h-48;18).

Peace Treaty

After that Othman returned from Mecca to Muslim’s camp at Hudaybiyah with some
emissaries Suhail bin Amr of Quraysh to negotiate the terms of treaty that later became as
‘’Treaty of Hudaybiyah’. They agreed for peace deal and Holy Prophet (SAS) ask Ali
(RATA) to draft the treaty and Ali wrote the preamble that’’ Bismillah hir Rahman Nir
rahim’, Sohail ibn Amr asked what is Bismillah the contentious name . the Prophet asked
Ali to strike out that word and wrote ’Prophet the Messenger of Allah’ then he said ‘what
is the Prophet of Allah’ as the Quresh object it ,if we accept you as the prophet of Allah,
then there remain no dispute, what object you in writing your name and your father
name. Then holy Prophet told Ali to delete the words ‘Prophet of Allah’ and insert
‘’Muhammad son of Abdullah , but Ali said ‘I will not be the person to rub out’’. Holy
Prophet (SAS) himself took the pen and strike off the words and inserted’ Mohammad bin
Abdullah’ and treaty was drafted as follows;

’’ This is the treaty of peace between Muhammad (SAS) ibn Abdullah and
Suhayl bin Amr( Sahih Bukhari 3;49;826 and Sahih Muslim 19; 4404). The
terms of treaty are as follows;’’

1) They agreed to allow their arms to rest for 10 years- During this period each
party shall be secure and neither shall injure the other, no secret damage shall be inflicted
but honesty and honor shall prevail between them.

2) Whoever in Arabia wishes to enter into a treaty with Muhammad (SAS)

can do so. Whoever wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with the
Quraysh can do so.

3) Any Qurashite comes to Muhammad (SAS) without the permission of his

guardian, he shall be delivered to the Quraysh. On the other hand if any one
of Muhammad’s (SAS) people comes to the Quraysh, he shall not be

4) This year Muhammad (SAS) and his companion must withdraw from
Mecca but next year he may come to Mecca and remain for three days, yet
without their weapons except those of travelers, the swords remaining in
their sheath.

The holy Prophet (SAS) agreed to the terms of treaty, there was great resentment fury
among the companions. Umar (RATA) felt very bitter about the terms of treaty and
looked at Abu Bake to persuade holy Prophet (SAS) to revise the terms. But Abu Bakr
said’’ the holy Prophet (SAS) knows things better than we do, what the holy
Prophet has done is in the interest of the Muslims. Have faith in God,donot
be critical and hold fast to the stirrup of the holy Prophet (SAS)’’.

Prophet (SAS) addressed the Suhabas (companions) ‘O Muslims! We will not be able to
perform Umrah now. Therefore, get your head tonsured and come out of Ihram and
perform sacrifices. The Sombre group remained quite shell shocked as if they were in
delirium, eyes were wide open, but mind was unable to comprehend. The Prophet (SAS)
asked them to change and then entered his tent with sad countenance. It was the practice
of holy Prophet (SAS),whenever he traveled took one of his spouse (Umm ul Momeneen)
and on this occasion he took Umme Salma,she noticed the unhappiness on the face of
holy Prophet (SAS) and asked him the reason of his moroseness. Prophet (SAS) informed
her the Stubbornness of Suhabas (Companions), Umme Salma advised the holy Prophet
(SAS) that the Suhabas were in the state of utter shock and unable to understand

anything. Therefore, set an example before them to change the Ihram, tonsured the head
and sacrifice the animals. The Prophet (SAS) did so and all the Suhabas saw the Prophet
(SAS), going through the rituals and they emulate the Prophet’s (SAS) action (Women
tonsuring head is taboo but cut one or two hairs of her wig).

When the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was on his way back to Al Medina after the treaty of
‘Hudaybiyah’ Allah the Exalted One declared’’ Verily We have granted you a
manifest Victory’’(48;1). The Allah’s Messenger said upon this revelation tonight! An
Ayah that is dear to me than all the earth carries, was revealed to me (Musnad Ahmed).
The Allah the Most Exalted and Most Honored caused to happen to the companions on
account of the ‘Peace treaty’ between them and disbelieving enemies. The treaty of Al
Hudaybiyah resulted in great goodness, even though Suhabas disliked it but they obeyed
Allah and His Messenger of Allah, the fruits of their obediency made them to gained
abundancy,continuous benefits like conquer of Khyber and Mecca.

After the Hudaibiyah pact, Abu Jundal bin Suhail accepted Islam and a captive with
Meccans escaped and came to seek refuge in the Muslim camp. Suhail followed his son
and demanded to return his as per Hudaybiya pact, but Umar bin khattab advocated that
Abu jundal did not want to return, it was unfair to force him to return’. The Holy Prophet
(SAS) allowed Suhail to take away his son and turning towards Abu Jundal, holy Prophet
(SAS) said’’ be patient God in His bounty will Himself devise some way to facilitate your
return to the Muslims’’. Umar (RATA) went with Abu Jundal some distance with open
sword with the indication to take the sword and killed his father but Abu Jundal was
confused and depressed. Umar bin khattab feel unhappy with the deal as the Quraysh
had upper hand and chapter - Al Fat’h-48 reveals ’’Verily We have opened wide for thee
the gate of Victory . Holy Prophet (SAS) called Umar bin khattab and told him God has
revealed to him the ‘Hudaybiyah pact’ would lead to victory of the Muslims ,this made
Umar bin khattab (RATA) to rejoice.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (RATA) assessed the Hudaibiyah treaty as ‘’ No victory of Islam
has more importance than the treaty of Hudaibiyah, men for always hurrying things as
,but God lets them ripen previously, there had subsisted a wall of partition between
Muslims and the rest of the men. They never spoke to each other, wherever they meet
they began to fight. Subsequently hostility died down, security and mutual trust took
place, every man of moderate intelligence who heard of Islam joined it. The 22 months in
which the truce subsisted the number of conversions was greater than throughout the
whole of previous period. The Faith of Islam diffused itself in all directions among the

Post Hudaibiyah pact developments

The Hudaibiyah pact stipulates that if any persons from Quraysh accepted Islam and gone
out to Muslims sanctuary must be returned to them. Later a crisis develop when some
Quraysh women accepted Islam against the wishes of their parents/husbands. The
Quraysh wanted such women should be returned to them, the holy Prophet (SAS) refused
to return these women to the Quraysh, in the meantime Allah reveals that such women
should not be returned, since they are not the lawful wives / husbands after they embrace
Islam and pay the money spent to the unbelievers (dowry). They becomes lawful to marry
them on payment of their dower the money spent on them, Allah is full of Knowledge and
Wisdom’ (Sura Saff -60;10).

Another verse on the same subjects provides that do not marry idolaters women until they
embraced Islam, despite allurement . Allah says that a man slave who believes is better
than unbeliever, despite he allure you. Unbelievers beckons you to Fire but Allah beckons
by His Grace to the Garden(of Bliss) and forgiveness. Allah makes His Sign clear to
mankind that they may celebrate His praise(2;221).Umar bin khattab had 3 wives Zainab
bint Mazaunjamiah, Malaika bint Jarut kuzzai and Qariba bint Abi umayya Makhzuma.
Zainan bint Mazaun accepted Islam and migrated to Medina and the other two did not
accepted Islam and did not choose migration.After Hudaibiyah pact Umar bin khattab
divoreced two wives-( Malaika married Abu Jahm bin Hazifa ,while Qariba married
Abdur Rahman son Abu Bakr who remains still an infidel.

The first woman who fled and sought refuge with Muslim was Sabiha bint Al Haris,when
Quraish demanded her restoration,holy Prophet (SAS) refused to return her to Quraish
saying the condition of pact applied to men only and not to women, then holy Prophet
(SAS) married her to umar bin khattab.


The lesson derives from the peace treaty as holy Quran narrates’’ To Allah belongs the
East and the West; whithersoever you turn, there is the Presence of Allah. For Allah is All-
Pervading, All knowing; They say; ‘’ Allah has begotten a son’; glory be to Him. –Nay, to
Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth; everything renders worship to Him’ (

The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said that’’ By Him in whose Hands is my Soul, Allah
does not ordain a Decree for a believers but for his good; and this merit is for no one
except a believer (Sahih Muslim).

The Peace treaty resulted in great goodness, even though Sahabas disliked it but they
obeyed Allah and His Messenger. Quran narrates ‘Truly did Allah fulfil the vision of His
Messenger; you shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure heads
shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what you did not know, and He
granted besides this, a speedy victory’(48;27).

Further Quran narrates ‘’And He provides for him from (source) he never could imagine.
And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely
accomplish His purpose; verily ,for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion (Sura
Talaq 65;3).

The holy Prophet (SAS) said’’ Believers should always be satisfied with the Decree of
Allah. He should pleased and thankful to Allah, when he is granted easy and pleasure of
life,likewise he should become patient when calamities affect him.

Advantage of Treaty

The Muslims hither observing Taqayya or dissimulation to safeguard themselves agains

persecution from infidels, after the treaty the Muslims in Mecca can freely and openly
start practicing their creed( 48;27).

The Iron curtain- Mecca and Medina people become closer to each other and visit their
relatives in Mecca and exchange gifts and the infidels of Mecca too started interacting
with the Muslims. Smaller tribes inclined to Muslims in friendly manner. The tribes
inhabited in Hudaibiya-Banu kuza’ah who had long links with Banu Hashim since the
time of holy Prophet (SAS) grandfather,were kept apart fearing reprisal from
Quraish,after the peace treaty they declared and sided with Muslims.

The peace treaty made by the Infidels of Mecca with the Muslims under the leadership of
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) as a sign of recognition of holy Prophet (SAS), the Messenger
of Allah, so also the Islamic State of Medina, which open the gate for open propagation of
Islam on a wider scale in and around Arabian peninsula.

Prophet Muhammad letters to the Heads of States

The Prophet Muhammad (SAS) after the treaty of Hudaibiyah decided to write letters to
the neighboring kings including those of the two Super powers’Romans and Persians

inviting to ‘ISLAM’ the universal religion of Allah to mankind.One day the holy Prophet
(SAS) after the obligatory prayers addressed the companion and said’’ O people! Allah
has sent me in the world as a messenger of mercy ( my message is for all and
it is a mercy for the whole world). Now, do not contradict me like the
apostle’Christ-the son of Mary. Go and convey the message of Truth (Islam)
to all’’.

In this way in the end of 6th AH and the beginning of 7th AH, the Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) wrote letters and delivered to various kings and heads of States through his
companions.The letter to Heraclius, the Caesar of Rome delivered by Di’hyah ibn kalbi
(ra), Letter to Cyrus the king of Persia delivered by Abdullah ibn Huzazafah Sahmi (ra) .
Letter to Muqawqis the king of Egypy was delivered by Haatib ibn Abi Balta’ah (ra).Letter
to Negus the king of Abyssinia delivered by Amr ibn Umayyah.Letter to Harith Gassani-
governor of Syria delivered by Shuja bin Wahab al Asadi(ra).And the letter to Al Mundhir
bin Sawa,the ruler of Bahrain delivered by Ala bin Hadrami(ra).

The Heraclius delivered by Di’hyah the emissary of holy Prophet through Harith Ghassani
in Basra who was the governor of Syria appointed by Caesar of Rome. He dispatched it to
Caesar, whoat that time was a Jerusalem on pilgrimage to express gratitude for his clear
victory over Sassanids at Ninevah aftermany years of war to gained back the True Cross’
from them. Caesar read the letter, which begins with Quranic verse 3;64 and ordered his
men to bring any Arab before him. In those days Abu Sufyan was in the region on a
commercial trip and the men took him to his royal court.The conversation between them
about holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) is as follows;

Caesar; What kind of dynasty he belons to? Abu Sufyan replied-he belogs to a noble
dybnasty; Caesar- had anybody claimed Prophethood in his dynasty before him? Abu
Sufyan said ‘No’, never. Caesar; Are the people who accepted his faith rich or poor and the
number of disciples increasing or decreasing? Abu Sufyan- They are poor peopleand the
number of disciples increasing continuously. Caesar;Has any one of you people found him
telling lie and does he break his promise? Abu Sufyan; No, never and he never said
anything contrary to his commitment and resolution.

Caesar;- Have you ever fought against him and what was the result? Abu Sufyan; Yes, we
fought a battles with him and he defeated us twice and we defeated him once. Caesar;
what does he teach? Aby Sufyan; He asks us to worship only One God,never make a
companion to Allah,he offer Salath(prayers),he is pious, speak truth,behave with each
other in noble manner with compassion and mercy.

The dialogue between Caesar and Abu Sufyan highly enraged the Courtier and Caesar, he
feared that they might revolt against him, this fear engulfed light of guidance emerging in
the heart of Caesar. When Caesra was about to return to Constantinople, he again advised
his Courtiers to follow the holy Prophet (SAS) and mentioned that their holy Scripture
contains the descriptions of Prophet Muhammad (SAS), clearly and unequivocally
indicate that he is true Prophet of Allah. The Courtier said their acceptance of the lordship
would means the subjugation of biggest kingdom of the world and their greatest Nation of
the world, thereon the Caesar said that although you are not prepared to accept Islam,then
very shortly Muslims would overpowered you. Caesar (Heraclius) was much disappointed
by the arrogant attitude of the courties and immediately left the Syrian territory, while
departing he looked the territory of Syria and said’’ he was leaving Syria forever’’, and
it was true that he never returned to Syria.

The letter to Chosroes of Persia (Parvez) delivered by Abdullah bin Hudafah al Salmi, the
king of Persia by reading the letter of holy Prophet (SAS), became angry over his name
having been wriiten after the name of Muhammad(SAS), and he tored the letter into
pieces and demanded information about the Prophet (SAS), from the governor in Yemeb-
Badhan. The Prophet (SAS), was disappointed upon being informed of Chosroes having
torn up his letter, the holy Prophet (SAS0 entreated Allah to punish the Persian ruler due
to impudence. Not long period passed,,when the governor of Yemen Badhan sent two of
his men to Medina, Prophet (SAS) received divine revelation that Chosroes had been
killed by his own son and his empire develops cracks. Prophet (SAS) asked the two men to
convey his message to Badhan that he would be left in his post of governorship in event of
his acceptance of Islam. Thereupon Badhan together with the people of Yemen embraced
Islam and he had been regarded as the first Muslim governor of Yemen.This eventmade
Islam to spread in the region ,sending various delegation at different times made many
Arab tribes announced openly their acceptance of Islam.

Amr bin Umayyah delivered the holy Prophet (SAS) letter to Negus of Abyssinia (Ethopis)
inviting to Islam as he had the privilege of providing sactuary to Muslims at the critical
times and had the honor of great patron of Islam. Negus responded positively to the letter
of holy Prophet (SAS) and accepted Islam, he sent various gifts to the holy Prophet (SAS)
and upon the latter request of holy Prophet (SAS) he sent the remaing emigrants to
Medina along with the emissary by special ship.

Khatib bin Abi Batta’ah delivered letter to Byzantine Emperor’s governor general of Egypt
Muqawqis (Juray), he welcome the emissary of Prophet with regard and treated him well
and decline to accept Islam but remain sympathizer. After collecting some information

about Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and the religion of Islam, he sent the emissary back
with a response letter as well as some important gifts and presented two woman
slaves’Mariya and Shirin(a eunuch), 1000 shekels of gold,white steed(Duldul) and
expensive fabric., as holy Prophet (SAS) married Mariya and child Ibrahim born from
her. Another letter sent with Shuja ibn Wahab to Ghassanid king Harith ibn al Shimr,he
was infuriated by reading the letter of holy Prophet (SAS) and throw it on the ground and
threatened to attack Medina.

Prior to the advent of Islam the inhabitants of Bahrain(eastern part of Arabian peninsula)
were idol worshipper and Nestorian Christians. Islam swept the entire Arabian peninsula
in 7th Century overturning idol worshippers and Christians.Prophet Muhammad (SAS)
sent Al Ala’a al Hadrami with a letter to Munzir ibn Sawa Tamimi the ruler of Bahrain,
responding to the call of holy Prophet (SAS announced his conversion to Islam and all
Arab inhabitants of historical Bahrain became Muslims. This step herald a new beginning
of Islamic era in Bahrain and holy Prophet (SAS) advice to the ruler, whoever want to
continue in the Jewish or Majusi faith,should made to pay ‘Jizya’.Holy Prophet (SAS)
appointed Al Ala’a al Hadrami as his representative in Bahrain to collect zakat.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) sent letters to many tribal leaders , sometimes to even
individual living in various parts of Arabian peninsula with succinct styles referred by
titles. Inviting these leaders to believe in One God and Muhammad (SAS) as His Servant
and Messengerand, these letters ensure the safety of tribal chiefs to continue to enjoy the
same status and rule their territory in event of becoming Muslims. The life and property
would be protected,lands or mining area would be given and they need to embrace Islam
and obey Allah and His Messenger,perform five times prayer and pay zakat. The Jews,
Christian and Zoroastrians who did not accept Islam but recognized the sovereignity of
Muslim should pay Jizya (the name Jizya- tax of protection and exemption from military
service was imposed in 9th AH (630 CE) after revelation of Sura Tauba 9;29).

Expedition of Zaid ibn Haritha Hisme

This expedition took place in Octr 628 CE that is 6th month of 7AH of Islamic calendar and
attack was inresponse to Dahi’yah ibn khalifa al kalbe call for help after attack by robbers.
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) sent Dahi’yah ibn khalifah al Kalbi to king of Basra who inturn
send him to Caesar (Hiraclius) of Rome. After finishing his trip,Dahi’yah ibn khilafah was
returning to Medina, a group of bandit belonging toBanu Judham tribe looted him of
everything at’ Hisma- a place on the way to Syria. Dahi’yah ibn khilafah approached Banu
Dubayb( a tribe who converted to Islam and had good relation with Muslims) for help.
When the news reached holy Prophet (SAS), he immediately dispatched Zaid bin Haritha
with 500 men to punish them.

The Muslim army fought with Banu Judham,killed several of their men including their
chief Al Hunayd ibn Arid and his son, inflicting heavy casualties and captured 1000
camels,5000 of their cattles and 100 women and boys. The new Chief of Banu Judham
embraced Islam and appealed to holy Prophet (SAS) to release their tribesmen, holy
Prophet (SAS) released them all.


The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) mercy for people/being the last in the line of Prophet
and possessing noble charater as holy Quran explicitly reveals as follows;

‘’And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all people’’ (Sura Anbiya

‘’ Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger
of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all
things(Sura Ahzab 33;40).

The holy Prophet the summoner to Allah by His Permission and as lamp that
giveth light (Sura Ahzab 33;46).

The holy Quran abundantly reveals that right way for salvation is Prophet
Muhammad(SAS) and the people will find in him a good example( Quran,
4;170/5;19/6;161-163/ 33;21/37;37/48;10.

The above Quranic Verses clearly indicate that holy Prophet (SAS) from the very
beginning had been sent by Allah not to any one people or territory but for all the people
of the world- as a mercy of the world (Rahmat ul Alameen). It is true that the letters
received by addressees in different ways, some of them accepted Islam at once. Others
treated with consideration, but did not accept Islam,still some other treated it with
ordinary courtesy and others showed contempt and flows with pride and prejudice
towards holy Prophet (SAS). The history witness to the fact, that the receipients of these
letters or their people met with a fate in accordance with their treatment of these letters.

Conquest of Khyber Oasis

Background; The township of Khyber located 150 kms(93 milkes) from Medina lies in
North western part of Arabian peninsula.Long before the descent of holy Prophet(SAS) of
Islam,Khyber and surrounding valleys in North and South were inhabited by Jews.

These Jews were not only renowned farmers of the country but also leaders in industry
and commerce. In the time of holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) the best arsenals of Arabia
were all in Khyber. The banished Jews of Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir tribes took refuge and

morefully well settled in Khyber, as most of them were noted for their skill in metallurgy.
Khyber vallwey lies in volcanic or harra track well watered with many gushing springs
from ballistic rocks, provide excellent irrigation system and made them to produce rich
harvest of dates and grains.These factors made them to live in riches and became strong
to face any eventuality in Arabian peninsula.

The Jews of Khyber heard about the treaty of Hudaibiyah and its terms and
conditions.Just as Quraysh of Mecca, Umar bin khattan and other Muslims in Medina
interpret the treaty as’surrender of the Muslims’’.The Jews of Khyber also considered it a
symptom of the incipient decline of Muslim in Medina. The presence of banished Banu
Nadir tribes, who through their gained wealth and intrigues incited neighboring Arabs
against Muslims of Medina to attack and take revenge of their failure in the battle of
trench (khandaq).The Ghatafan tribes also allied with the Jews of Khyber and began to
raid the green pastures around Medina and the pastures of holy prophet. On one occasion
the son of Abu Dhar al Ghiffari (ra) was grazing the camels of holy prophet (SAS),when
the Ghatafan struck and killed him and captured his mother who was with him and drove
away with him the herds of camels. Muslims however, just in time were able to over took
the marauders and rescue the wife of Abu Dhar al Ghiffari (ra).

The holy Prophet (SAS) decided to put an end to these gratuitous provocations once for
all, thought it would not be prudent to wait until the Jews and their allies would laid
another siege of Medina. After fajr(dawn) prayer holy Prophet(SAS) set out with his
companions in May 28, 628 CE,Muharran 7 AH with 1600 men of which 200 horsemen
accompanied by some women including Umme Salma(wife of Prophet) towards Khyber
fighting the strength of 10,000 strong men well equipped protected by castles and

The political situation in the Arabian peninsula was that the war with holy Prophet (SAS)
seemed imminent,the Jews of Khyber entered into alliance with the Jews of Fadak, they
pervaded the Bedouins Ghatafan tribes to join their side in the war in exchange for half of
their produce. Khyber seemingly fully prepared for upcoming battle, Banu Fazara related
to Ghatafan tribe also offered their assistance to Khyber after their unsuccessful
negotiation with Muslims.

The Muslim contingent was small but brave men march swiftly and reached khyber with 3
days . The city dwellers caught in surprise by the appearance of Muslim force, the holy
Prophet (SAS) asked them to submit but they ridiculed the offer and said that their forts
were impregnable and they shut themselves in forts. The Muslims besieged them,

fort Naim was captured after fierce battle, Muslims commander martyred, in the
following day they captured small fortresses and the main fort ‘al Qamus’ regarded as
impregnable and the siege draws for 21 days. Holy Prophet (SAS) sent Abu Bakr on the
first occasion, Umar bin khattab on the other occasion, but both their attempts meet its
waterloo, some other also tried but failed, these repeated failures began to undermine the
morale of Muslim force.

Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAS0 realized that some dramatic steps had to be taken to
restore the witting morale of Muslim fighters, immediately another attempt to capture al
Qamus had also aborted. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) made up his mind and declare’’
Tomorrow I shall give the banner of Islam to a hero, who loves God and His
Apostle, God and His Apostle love him, he is one who attack the enemy but
does not run, he will conquer Khyber’’. The prediction of holy Prophet (SAS) made
the companion to believe that Khyber would be conquered, next day, everyone of them
aspire to become the darling of Prophet’s offer for the glory and honor of conquering
Khyber. Many of the Companions kept awake all the nights in the ambitions to become
the darling of God and His Messenger-who become the hero of Khyber. On the following
day companions gathered in front of holy Prophet (SAS) tent, as each one of them decked
in marital array vying with others , in looking best impressive fighters.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) came out of his tent, each one tried to make more conspicuous
than the others in the hope of catching the eye of the master. Prophet (SAS) did not took
notice of anyone but asked ‘Where is Ali? Ali (ra) at that time was in his tent and holy
Prophet (SAS) sent for him, when Ali (ra) came, Prophet (SAS) solemnly placed the
banner of Islam in hands, invoke Almighty Allah’s blessing upon him and prayed for his
victory, thereby place his Scimitar-Dhul Fiqar and bade farewell. The Young hero Ali (RA)
advanced towards the formidable fortress in all Arabian decorum where the bravest of
Hebrew warrior was waiting.Ali (RA) fought hand to hand with Jewish commander Al
Hareth and slewed him in one stroke with his sword Dhul Fiqar, thereupon Al Merhab the
brother of slain commander advanced to avenge his death. Merhab possess gigantic
stature with a double cuirass, a double turban wound around helmet of proof, in front of
it a sparkling diamond. He had a sword girt each side a brandished 3 pronged spear like

Ali (RA) and Merhab met and boasted each of them, I am the Jew Merhab armed at all
points and terrible in battle that no one can challenge my supremacy, whereas Ali replied
that I am the Ali,my mother at his birth surnamed ‘Al ?Haider-the rugged lion’.

The battle begins Merhab make short work of thrust at Ali with his 3 pronged lance but it
was dexterously parried, before he could recover, a blow from Scimitar-Dhul Fiqar

divided his buckler passed through the helmet of proof double turban, stubborn skull
cleaving his head even to his teeth, he fell lifeless on the ground. After victory over
Merhab Ali returned , the holy Prophet (SAS) greeted him with smile, kisses and
embraced and prayed and conferred his best reward upon him ’’HIS LION’.

The Jewish retreated into their citadel and holy Prophet (SAS) order for a general attack
and Ali led the onslaught. In the heat of action the shield of Ali was severed from his arm
leaving his body exposed , to protect himself against the attack he wrench a gate from its
hinges and used it as a bucker through the remainder of fight. Abu Rafe a servant of holy
Prophet (SAS) testified to the fact that ‘they examined the gate in company with seven
men, all eight of us attempted in vain to wield it’’(this spontaneous feat of Ali recorded by
historians Abul Fida, Abu Rafe and others).


The Jews could not survive the siege and sent ibn Abi al Huqaq al katibah and Al Watih to
discuss the terms of surrender, as a part of agreement the Jews of Khyber were to
evacuate the area,surrender their wealth and Muslims would cease warfare not hurt any
of the Jews. After the agreement some Jews approached holy Prophet (SAS) with a
request to continue to cultivate their orchards and remains in the oasis, in return they
would give one half of their produce to the Muslims.Hisham version of the pact with
Jews;; were that Muslims may expel the Jews of Khyber if and when they wish to expel
them. The holy Prophet (SAS) agreed to their request allowed them to continue in their
land and share the produce as per their agreement.

Among the captives were Safiyya bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab Banu Nadir chief and widow of
kinana ibn Al Rabi and the treasure of Banu Nadir, The companions informed holy
Prophet(SAS) about Safiyyas good family status and requested him to accept her as his
wife so as to preserve her prestige. Holy Prophet (SAS) freed her and married here, as a
result then she acclaimed the status of Umm ul Momeneen-mother of believers.

Kinana ibn al Rabi when asked about the treasure they brought with them at the time of
leaving Medina, denied having any wealth, he was told in case the treasure could found
hidden, he could face death penalty, kinana agreed to this. A Jew told the holy Prophet
(SAS) that he had seen Al Rabi near a certain ruin every morning. When the ruin was
excavated, it was found that some of the treasure of kinana was excavated, as a result he
was executed. Shibli Noamani rejects this account and argue that kinana al Rabi was
killed, because he had earlier murdered Mahmud ibn Maslamah brother of Muhammad
ibn Maslamah. Norman conclusion was that Merhab killed Mahmud in the course of
battle, and Al Rabi killed himself a few days later.

The victory of Khyber gave the holy Prophet(SAS) great status as a result local Bedouins
tribes who saw his power increasing swore allegiance and embraced Islam and the
captured booty, weapons strengthened the army and made the Muslim economically
viable force to reckon with. The holy Quran revelation promise the Prophet (SAS) about
the capture of Khyber’’ Allah promiseth you much booty that ye will capture, and
hath gives you this in advance, and hath withheld men’s hands from you, that
it may be a token for believers, and that He may guide you on a right
path’’(Sura Fat’h 48;20).

According to several Muslims tradition-A Jewish lady Zainab bint al Hareth held a feast
in the honor of holy Prophet (SAS) and his companions and invited them for a dinner,
which the holy Prophet (SAS) accepted and went along with the companions. Zainab bint
al Hareth attempted to kill holy Prophet (SAS) to avenge her slain relatives, she poisoned
a piece of lamb that she cooked, putting poison the favorite part-the shoulder. The
assassin attempt failed as holy Prophet (SAS) first took a morsel of meat and after
chewing it threw it aside saying the meat was poisoned, a companion Bashir bin Bara ate
a good deal of it and died on the spot. Zainab bint Hareth put her explanation and
admitted her guilt ,she pleaded that she had poisoned the meat to test that if Muhammad
(SAS) really a Prophet, he would find that it was poisoned and if he was not a Prophet, the
world would get rid of him’. There are different versions that she became Muslim and was
pardoned other says she was executed.

Ghatafan failure; In the battle Muslims were able to prevent Khyber ally-Ghatafan
(consist of 4000 men) providing Jews with reinforcement, one reason is that Muslims
were able to buy off the Bedouin the ally of Jews with similar offer favorable to them to
withdraw support to khyberans.

As per Watt- the rumors of Muslim attack on Ghatafan stronghold might also have played
a role to withdraw support to khyberans. Tabari version that Prophet (SAS) first step in
the conquest of Khyber was in the valley of Al Raji, which directly between Ghatafan
people and the Khyber. On hearing the news of Muslims position,the Ghatafan organized
and rode out to honor the alliance, another story saying that a mysterious voice warned
Ghatafan of the danger and convinced them to return to their homes.


The Conquest of Khyber is a landmark in the history of Islam ,as it is the beginning of the
‘Islamic State and Islamic Empire ‘’. Shibli Noamani –Indian histrographer and eminent
biographer of holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) says’’Khybere was the first campaign in
which Non-muslims were made the subject of Islamic State’. It was the first time that the
principles of govt’, in Islam were defined and applied,therefore, Khyber is the first
successful Campaign.
At Khyber the Nascent Islamic State’ acquired new subjects and new territories.It was the
beginning of Islamic State but also its expansion. The Conquest Khyber the herald of
Islamic State ,then Ali ibn Abu Talib its conquerer is its chief architect.

Before the conquest of Khyber the Muslims were destitute or semi destitute-khyber
suddenly made them rich. Abdullah ibn Umar bin khattab saying’’ we were hungry at all
time until the conquest of khyber’. And at the same authority has quoted’’Ayesha (RAA)’it
was not until the conquest of Khyber that I could eat dates to my heart content’’(Sahih
Bukhari). Muhajireen in Medina had no means and they barely managed to survive until
the conquest of Khyber, once the Khyber was conquered, sudden change in their fortune.
Allah at the first instance opens the gates of opulence to them for their obedience and
steadfastness in the path of Almighty God-the One and the only One-Tawheed. Prophet
(SAS) was still in Khyber when his cousin Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib returned from Abyssenia
after an absence of 14 years and came to know that Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was in
Khyber. He headed towards there as an coincidence the arrival of Ja’afat in Khyber
synchronized with the capture of famous fortress Al Qamus by his brother Ali ibn Abu
Talib, since holy prophet (SAS) lovedJa’afar as his own son.

Casualities of battle

The Muslim force consist of 1400-1600 men of which 100-200 horsemen and the
khyberites were 10,000 strong well equipped with arms protected by fortresses and
citadels supported by 4000 Ghatafan tribesmen. The Muslims casualities were fewer than
20 killed and 50 men wounded. On the other hand 93 Jews were killed and many more
injured and surrendered ( Ahadith Sahih Muslims 4437-4441 and Sahih Bukhari).

The Estate of Fadak;- After the conquest of Khyber Muslims marched to Fadak another
Jewish settlement not far off from Khyber. The people of Fidak earlier had supported the
khyberian and seeing the fate of khyberites , the people of Fadak voluntalily sent their
representative Muhayyisa bin Masud to holy Prophet (SAS) offering to negotiate terms of
surrender and a peace treaty on the same terms and conditions of Khyber agreed to pat
annual tribute. The holy Prophet (SAS) accepted their offer of surrender and gave them
the right to stay on their lands as subjects of the ‘Islamic State. Fedak was acquired in the
manner without any effort by Muslims army and land was considered to be the sole
property of Prophet. The Ptophet (SAS) utilized the income from Fidak for the welfare of
widows,orphans, needy ones,distressed and wayfarers.

Prophet (SAS) distributed the wealth among the members of Muslim armed forces
according to Quranic injunctions. The Prophet Muhammad (SAS), given the estate of

Fedak as a gift to his daughter Fatima (raa) as a recompense for the great sacrifice, her
mother (Khadeji) made for the cause of Islam.

The Jews of wadi ul Qura, Taymah and other in oasis of Hijaz also agreed to surrender to
the holy Prophet (SAS) on the same terms and conditions of Khyber and stayed on their

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) Umrah after treaty of Hudaybiyah

The Prophet Muhammad (SAS) after a year passed since the signing of peace treaty of
Hudaibiyah made preparation to perform Umrah (lesser hajj) and the companions of holy
Prophet (SAS) were unequvocally enthusiastic to participate in the historic event. The
pilgrimage took place on the morning of 4th day of Dhu Qa’da towards the close of 7th
AH(629 CE) and the holy Prophet (SAS) ordered the people who witnessed Hudaibiyah
truce in particular.Then Prophet Muhammad (SAS) proceeded with 2000 men beside
some women and children, took 60 camels for sacrifice to the eventful journey to holy
sanctuary Mecca. The Muslims took their weapons with them fearing violation of treaty
by Quraysh of Mecca, so they colud defend themselves if need be and stationed 200 men
with all the weapons some distance away from the precinct of Mecca. Prophet (SAS)
called the pilgrims to discard their weapons and placed all it with the gurads incharge of
weapons and told them that at once the other Muslims could perform the umrah,he
would replaced them with a new set of guards and they could then offer the pilgrimage.

The Quraysh of Mecca were true to their words,when the news reached Mecca that the
pilgrims had reached its outfits,they vacated Mecca to stay in the surrounding hills and
mountains.As for the Quraysh chieftains,they stay themselves on the mount Abu kubays
so that they could view ka’aba and monitor the movements of Muslims.

The Quraysh gazed down from the mountains as holy Prophet (SAS) riding his favorite
she camel Quswa led the procession of pilgrimage into Mecca with Abdullah ibn Rawah
walking holding the reins of Quswa. The pilgrims arrived on camels and foot dressed in
white whilst chanting the name and greatness of Allah ’’Labbayak Allahuma Labbayak,
Labbayak La Sharika Laka Labbayak,Innal hamda won Nymata lakawal Mulk- La Sharika
Lak!( Here I am O Allah, Obedient to You with pleasure and happiness).

At the entrance to the precincts of holy ka’aba Prophet (SAS) mounted on she camel
rearranged his pilgrimage attire tucking it under his right arm so that his shoulder was
bare,then he crossed the two ends over the left dshoulder so that one piece hung down in
front and the other at the back. Rumors at rife that Muslims were weak by fever in
Medina, to allay the rumor that Muslims are strong enough to face any eventuality,

Holy Prophet (SAS) ordered them to jog around ka’aba in the first 3 rounds and walk in
the remaining 4 rounds, which companions obeyed. Prophet (SAS) rode to the south east
cornor of ka’aba and reverently touched the’’Black Stone’ with his staff, then he
circumambulate ka’aba 7 times. After the circumambulation of holy ka’aba completed,
holy Prophet (SAS) made the way to the foot hills of Safa and Marwah,walked quickly
between the hill seven times as Hagar had done many centuries before in search of water
for her son Ishmael.

The sacrificial animals had been led to the foot of Marwah and Prophet (SAS) sacrificed a
camel, then the lesser hajj(Umrah) was completed and he returned to the sacred house
with the itent to enter in it. But the Quraysh before vacating Mecca had locked the doors
of ka’aba,which still had numerous idols in it as the man from the Abd Ad Dharr had
taken its keys,Prophet (SAS) sent one of the companion to fetch the keys. The Quraysh
chieftains refused saying that entry into sacred house had not been part of the agreement
and it was great disappointment the Prophet (SAS) and the companions as none entered
in to it.

After completion of rites of Umrah(lesser hajj) the Prophet (SAS) sent a party of Muslims
to relieve those guarding their weapons so they might come and offer their pilgrimage.
The time for Zohr prayer approached, holy Prophet (SAS) asked hazrat Bilal to climb
upon the top of the roof of the ka’aba and make call for prayer. Bilal climbed upon the top
and his dulcet penetrating voice call the pilgrims to prayer. Bilal voice did not go
unnoticed by the chieftais of Quraysh,who were extremely agitated and realized the caller
the Bilal – a former slave and was calling from the roof of holy ka’aba.

Three days allotted for the pilgrimage were the happiest days, they had since the days of
migration, the Prophet (SAS) had pitched his tent near the sacred House. His uncle Al
Abbas visited him despite the frowns of the Quraysh,during this brief stay in Dhul Qa’dah
7 AH(629 CE), and suggested to the Prophet (SAS) , he would like to take his widow
relative ‘Maymunah’ to be his wife and Prophet (SAS) accepted the marriage proposal.

The Time to leave

The three days drew to a close, the Prophet (SAS) sitting with Sa’ad ibnUbadah and others
Ansars,when Huwytib and Suhail came down from the Abu Qays mountain and said
abruptly’’Your time has reached its end’’ so go! The Prophet (SAS) requested a little more
time saying’’ would it harm you to give me a little moretime,so that I may
prepare a feast and celebrate my marriage amongst you’’. The reply was
sharp’’ we do not need your feast, leave us!’ we ask you by Allah and by the
treaty we had with you to leave our City’’.

The time of three days coming to close, the 3rd night has now passed and it time to leave,
Sa’ad took offensive at their abruptions but the Justice of the Prophet (SAS) prevailed and
he stopped him saying, ’Sa’ad do not speak harshly to those who came to visit us in our
camp’’ . Holy Prophet (SAS), then gave instructions that no pilgrims should remain in
Mecca after dusk. However, he made one exception, which was that Abu Rafi should
remain behind to bring lady Maymunah to him as soon as she was ready to travel. By
dusk the pilgrims had left the holy ka’aba and lady Maymunah joined the Prophet (SAS)
at Sarif and the marriage was consummated.

Joining of Umarah daughter of Hamza

Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima had accompanied the Prophet (SAS) on the pilgrimage,
when Abbas told the Prophet (SAS) that Umarah daughter of Hamza’s widow wife Salma
was living with them. On account of his wife kinship to her, Ali suggested that when they
returned to Medina,Umarah should return with them in lady Fatima howdah. The
arrangement was accepted and the time came the ladies travelled to Medina together.
Salma shared the same mother as Umm e Fadl and Lady Maymunah as did her full blood
sister Asma. However Umm e Fadl and Maymunah had another half sister on her father
side who was also called Asma,as Asma was the widow of the Makhzumite chieftain
Waleed through which union Khalid was born and so through this the bonds of kinship
Khalid was related to holy Prophet (SAS).

Dispute over the care of Umarah

Several days had passed since the return,a disput arise over the care of Umarah the
daughter of Hamza,eversince Umarah arrival in Medina,she lived with lady Fatima and
Ali. One after the holy Prophet (SAS) awakened from his afternoon nap by the sound of
heated voices, the holy Prophet(SAS) discern the voices growing persistently of Zayd bin
Harith and two others sons of Abu Talib Ali and Ja’afar. Holy Prophet called them to him
and inquired the reason for their dispute, the companions told the Prophet (SAS), as it
was a matter of honor over whoshould be the guardian of Umarah bint Hamza. Ali (ra)
told he had the better right than the others to her guardianship, as he was her parental
uncle, as he had the privilege of keeping safe on the journey and brought her to Medina.
In turn Ja’afar told the Prophet (SAS),that she was his uncle’s daughter and his wife Asma
was her maternal aunt.On account of the brotherhood established by the Prophet(SAS)
between Zayd and Hamza ,Zayd was of the opinion that he should be her guardian as he
had been left incharge of Hamza’s affairs after his martyrdom.

This shows how the noble characters of these companions, who were all willing to take
Umarah under their guardianship and Prophet (SAS) praised them accordingly. Prophet
(SAS) then told Ja’afar you are like me both look and character,you have most

right to her guardianship ’’A mother’s sister is like a mother’’.Ja’afar was delighted
but arose to dance around Prophet (SAS) in a circle,what is this? Asked the Prophet (SAS)
with amusement, Ja’afar replied’’I have seen Abyssinian honor the Negus in such a
way,when Negus gave anyone a good reason to be happy,that person would rise then
dance around him.

As for the Abyssinian dance of honor,it is the spirit of Islamic civilization to absorb
anything which good,no matter from which culture it is derived. In the months passed the
Prophet (SAS) later arranged Umarah to marry Salamah the son of lady Umme Salma and
her martyred husband Abu Salamah.

Battle of Mu’tah

The battle of Mu’tah was fought in September 629CE-5th Jumadal Awwal 8 AH as per
Islamic calendar near the village Mu’tah, east of Jordan river and karak in karak
governorate between the forces of Islamic Prophet(SAS) and Eastern Roman Empire-
Byzantine power.The Muslim source describe as Muslim retribution against Ghassanid
chief for taking the life of Emissary. It ended in draw and the safe retreat of both sides.
The Byzantine account that Muslim planned to launch their attack on a feast day,the local
vicarious learned of the attack and collected in the garrison in the firtresses and routed
the Muslim’s three general and the victory over them.

Background;- The treaty of Hudaibiyyah initiated a truce between Muslims forces of

Medina and the Qurashite forces of Mecca. Budhan the Sassanid governor of Yemen
converted to Islam and many of the South Arabian tribes also joined Islam giving rising
power in Medina.

Prophet (SAS) sent Al Harith ibn Umayr al Azdi as his emissary to Al Ghassanid the
Byzantine governor of Arabian province carrying a letter meant for the Byzantine
Emperor Heraclius. While on his way to Basara, he was executed in the village of Mu’tah
by the orders of the Ghassanid official. That was a first messenger of Islam killed contrary
to the norms of protocol, as the emissary of any country could not be harmed in any

The Prophet Muhammad (SAS) learnt the new of martyr of Muslim emissary by the
Ghassanid tribes and to avenge the death of Muslim messenger and also to stop their
frequent provocations. Prophet (SAS) dispatched 3000 men to the area for quick
expedition for attack and punish the tribes and the holy Prophet (SAS) assigned the
leadership of the army in tandem to and said’’ if Zayd ibn Haritha is wounded,let Ja’afar
ibn Abu Talib succeed,if Ja’afar is wounded let Abdullah ibn Rawaha succeed him (
Hadiths from Sahih Bukhari & Muslims).

The leaders of Ghassanids is said to have received word of expedition of Muslims and
prepared their forces estimated to be One laks and also sent the Byzantine Emperor
Heraclius for help, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius gather an army of one lakh and
hurried to the aid of his Arab allies like Lakham,Juthaam, Balqayn and Bahraa.

When the Muslim arrived and stopped at Ma’ana a village near Mu’tah to the east Jordan
river and learnt the size of Byzantine army,they held consultation session,some suggested
to inform the Prophet (SAS), so he could send reinforcement or ordered them to return.
Others suggested a safe return because the Muslims had already entered the country and
scared its people. Zayd bin Haritha asked Abdullah ibn Rawahah his view, he said’’O
people what you hate is the thing for which you set out for- martyrdom. We do not fight
other by virtue of troops, military gears or multitudes, but we fight them by virtue of this
religion with which Allah-the Almighty honored us’’. Proceed and it will be one or two
things-either gaining victory or martyrdom, hence Muslim soldiers approved of his
truthful words.


The Muslim strategy to fight the huge Byzantine force, engaged them at the village
‘Musharif and then withdrew towards Mu’tah,it was the main battle was fought. Some
Muslim source says that the battle was fought in a valley between to heights which
negated the Byzantine their numerical strength in movements and suffered many

The two armies engaged and fought relentlessly,Zayd bin Hariths was the first from
Muslim side martyred whilst he was fighting vigorously. Thereafter Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib
took the Standard with his right hand and chanted lines of poetry referring to paradise
and determination to fight the Romans. His right hand was cut off so he held the
Standard with his left hand which was also cut off,he then enfolded the standard using the
upper parts of his arms until he was martyred. Abdullah ibn Umar said I was present
amongst them in the battle and we searched for Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib and found his body
amongst the bodies of martyred ones, found about 90 wounds over his body caused by
stabs, shots of arrows and all these wound found in front side of body and not on the
back’’(Sahih Bukhari). This event also referred in Abu Dawood, that ’’ my foster father
said to me- he was one of Banu Murrah ibn Awf and he was present in that battle- battle
of Mu’tah. By Allah, as if I am seeing Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib,who jumped from his reddish
horse and hamstrung it,he then fought with the people until he was killed(Abu Dawood

Abdullah ibn Rawahah grabbed the standard (banner of Islam) and endeavored to
dismount his horse,he recited lines of poetry swearing and went wondering how his soul
hated to be killed. While it would later enjoy paradise and said to himself that if he was
not killed in the battle field,he would eventually die anyway.After that he dismounted,in
the meanwhile, one of his cousin offered him a piece of meat to eat, so that he would have
enough strength to fight, than he heard people shoving for combat. Thus, he threw down
the piece of meat, went straight into battlefield and fought with his sword until he was
martyred. After the fall of giants commanders, soldiers began to rout,Thabit ibn Arqam
ibn Thalabal al Ansari seeing the desparate state of Muslim force took up the banner of
Islam and rallied his comrades saving from complete destructions, troops asked him to
assume command,however, he refused and asked Khalid bin walid to take the lead.

The Divine revelation informed the holy Prophet (SAS), the incidents of battle before the
people had received the news that Zayd bin Haritha, Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib and Abdullah
ibn Rawahah were martyred. Holy Prophet (SAS) narrated the incidents of the martyrs of
three one by one in the battle of Mu’tah and shed plentiful tears and said after their
masrtyrs; A sword from the Sword of Allah took it until Allah the Almighty granted him
victory (Al Bukhari).

Khalid bin walid reported that the fighting was so intense that he used nine swords which
broke in the battle, seeing the situation was hopeless,prepared to withdraw. He continued
to engage the Byzantines in skirmishes but avoided pitched battle, Khalid said to have
killed one Arabian commander Malik. One night he completely changed the troop
position and brought forth a rearguard that he had equipped with new banner.

All these tactical arrangement were made to give an impressions that reinforcement had
arrived from Medina. He also ordered his cavalry to retreat behind the hill during
night,hiding their movement,then return in day timewhen the battle resumed .He ordered
to raise as much dust as possible, to create an impressions that further reinforcement
were arriving. The Byzantine believed in this fictitious reinforcement and withdrew thus
allowing Muslims force to safely retreat to Medina.


When the Muslim forces arrived in Medina,they were berated for apparently withdrawing
and accused of fleeing,Salamah ibn Hisham brother of Amr bin Hisham reported to have
prayed at home rather than goig to Mosque to avoid having to explain himself about this
withdrawals. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) ordered them to stop saying that they would
return to fight the Byzantine again and bestowed upon Khalid the title’’Saifullah’ means
the Sword of Allah’’.

Muslims had challenged the Byzantine and had made their presence felt amongst the
Arabs Bedouin tribes in the region. A mausoleum was later built at Mu’tah over the graves
of martyrs.

Casualties of War

Muslim Commanders Christian commanders

Zayd bin Haritha Theodore,Heraclius
Ja’afar ibn Abu Talib Shurabbhil ibn Amr
Khalid bin walid Malik-Christian commander.


3000 men 10,000 or one to two lakhs


Moderate 12 Muslims Moderate , 3000-Christians

The exact number of casualties in Muslim recorded handful and Christians casualties
margins is uncertain,however, some exegesis put the number of hundreds while othere
put around 3000-men.

Khalid bin Waleed- The Sword of Allah

Khalid bin Walid once the enemy of Islam became the darling of Islam by the grace of
Almighty Allah, the story of his becoming the dearest and bravest Muslim who never
tasted defeat in his life’s time in the battles he fought.

Background;- Khalid was born in 592 CE in Mecca and the clans of Qurash at that time
were Banu Hashim,Banu Abd ad Dhar and Banu Mukhzum and his father Walid bin
Mughira-Sheikh belongs to the Banu Makhzum clan being responsible for in the matters
of warfare, were best horsemen in Arabia. Khalid bin walid brought in Bedouin arabian
tradition of desert life through foster mothers. His mother Lubbabah al sughra bint al
Harith a paternal sister of Maymunah bint al Haritha wife of holy Prophet (SAS), so he
was related to holy Prophet (SAS) from his mother. He was the cousin of Umar bin
khattab from his father sides and looks very similar to him.Khalid learnt the art of warfare
and use of weapons such as spear, lance and bow and Sword ,lance was said to be favorite
amongst the weapons. In his youth days he was renowned and admired warrior and

Prophet Muhammad era-610 to 632 CE

Not much is known about Khalid’s early life during the preaching of holy Prophet(SAS),
but his father was known for his hostility againt Prophet (SAS), after the migration of holy
Prophet (SAS),many battles were fought between the new Muslim community of Medina
and the confederates of Mecca. Khalid did not participate in the first battle-the battle of
Badr but his brother walid bin walid, was caught and made a prisoner.Khalid and his
elder brother Hasham bin walid went to Medina to ransom him,soon after his release on
way back to Mecca,walid bin walid escape and went back to holy Prophet and converted to
Islam. Khalid role in the battle of Uhud,(625 ce), and the ‘battle of Trench( 627 CE) being
the last battle against Muslim as infidel. After the treaty of Hudaibiyah (628CE) holy
Prophet told to Walid bin walid that’’A man like Khalid,can’t keep himself away from
Islam for long’’. Walid wrote a letter to Khalid to convert to Islam,he went to share the
matter with his child hood friend Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl,who opposed him and Khalid was
threatened by Abu Sufyam ibn Harb with dire consequences,but was restrained by
Ikrimah who reported to have said’’ Steady O Aby Syfyan! Your anger may well lead me
also to join Muhammad (SAS)’’, Khalid is free to follow whatever religion he choose’’.

In May 629CE Khalid set out for Medina, on the way he met Amr ibn al As and Uthman
ibn Talhah going to Medina for conversion to Islam.In May 31 st 629 CE they went to the
house of holy Prophet (SAS),received by walid bin walid and three of them converted to

Khalid in Muhammad (SAS) Era-610-632 CE

The Khalid first expedition as a Muslimin 629 CE was the battle of Mu’tah,where he
showed his brilliant military genius and saved the Muslim force from annihilation and
brought safely to Medina. Holy Prophet(SAS) praise his tactical strategy and conferred
the title ‘’Saifullah-Sword of Allah’’.In 630 CE Khalid bin walid participated in the
conquest of Mecca ,he led one of the 4 armies that conquered Mecca. Later years he
participated in the battles of Hunayn and Siege of Ta’if, he was also a part of Tabuk
campaign under the command of holyt Prophet (SAS),from there he was sent to Daumat
ul jandal ,where he fought and captured Arab province of Daumatul mJandal forcing
them to submit. In 631 CE Khalid participated in the ‘Farewell hajj ‘of holy Prophet
(SAS),during which he said to have collected few hairs of Prophet as a holy relic believing
that they would help him win his battles(from Seerath books).

Khalid in Abu Bakr era-632-634 CE

After the demise of holy Prophet (SAS) in 632 CE,many powerful Arab tribes broke away
and openly revolted against the rule of Medina. Abu Bakr sent Khalid to counter the
rebels and Apostate,Khalid set out to rebel tribe Tayy and Jahda where Adi ibn Hatim a
prominent companion of Prophet (SAS) and chief of Tayy tribe arbitrated and submitted
to Calip Abu Bakr(first Caliph of Islam). Later in Sept 632 CE Khalid defeated Talaiha a
rebel leader who claimed prophethood and went to punish another rebel leader Malik ibn
Nuwayrah accused of rebelling and abetted Sajjah the self proclaimed prophet,Khalid
arrested Malik was arrested and executed. Abu Qatada a companion of holy Prophet
(SAS) who was under Khalid command told to Abu Bakr about the murdered of Malik and
taking his wife Layla,created controversy.Umar the cousin of Khalid put pressure on Abu
Bakr,who called Khalid back to Medina to explain himself, although Khalid declared
Malik an apostate.

Khalid crushed the most powerful threat to nascent state of Medina from Musalamah a
self- proclaimed Prophet. Khalid was sent to tackle this menace to Islam. In the third
week of December 632 CE Khalid won a decisive victory against Musalaimah in the battle
of Yamama,where Musalimah died and all the resistence of rebels by the tribe collapsed.
With collapse of rebellion, Arabia united under the central Authority of Caliph Abu Bakr.
Then Abu Bakr decided to expand his Caliphate, sent Khalid with a army of 18,000
volunteers to conquer the riches province of Persian Empire’ Euphrate region of lower
Mesopotomia(present day Iraq)’. Khalid before engaging Sassanid forces wrote a letter to
the king of Persia,’’ submit to Islam and be safe or agree to the payment of Jizya (tribute)
and you and your people will be under our protection. Else you will have only yourself to
blame for the consequences,for I bring the men who deserve death as ardently as you
desire life’’-khalid bin walid.

Khalid fought four consecutive battles-battle of Chains-April 633 CE, the battle of River-
April 633 CE(third week of April), battle of Walaja,May 633 CE and in the battle of Ullais
fought in the last week of May 633 CE at Hira used double envelopment manuvre and the
lower Mesopotomia fell to Khalid. The inhabitants were given peace on the terms odf
annual payment of Jizya(Tribute) and agreed to provide intelligence for Muslims. After
resting his army in June 633, laid Siege of Anbar which despite fierce resistance fell to
Khalid in July 633 CE, in the last week of July 633 CE, Khalid moved towards South and
captured ‘Ein ul Taimur’. By then nearly all of lower Mesopotomia (Northern Euphrates
region) came under the contol of Khalid. Meanwhile Khalid received a call for relief from
Northern Arabia at Daumatul Jundal another Muslim

Arab general Ayaz bin Ganam were surrounded by rebel tribe in August 633 CE,Khalid
went to Daumatul Jandal and dfeated the rebels in the battle of Daumatul Jundal
capturing the fortress. Khalid on his way back to Mesopotomia,said to have made a secret
trip to Mecca to participate hajj. On his return to Arabia Khalid received intelligence
about the concentration of large Persian army and Christian Arabs(auxiliary of Persians)
based in Euphrates region camped at Hanafiz,Zumail,Saniyy and the largest force at
‘Muzayyah. Khalid avoided pitched battle with large united Persian forces and decided to
attack and destroy the camps in a separate attack from three sides, he divided his army in
3 units and attack the Persians forces during nights starting from the battle of Muzayyah,
then the battle of Saniyy and finally the battle of Zumail in Novr, 633 CE. The string of
Muslim victories curtailed the Persians efforts to recapture lower Mesopotomia and left
the Persian capital’Ctesiphon’ unguarded and vulnerable to Muslim attack.

khalid tactical strategy was that before assaulting the Persian capital, decided to
eliminate all the Persian forces from South and West and thus he marched to border
city’Firaz’ where he defeated combined forces of Sassanid Persians and Byzantine Roman
and Christian Arabs and captured the city’s fortress in the battle of Firaz in December 633
CE. This was the last battle of Khalid in the conquest of lower Mesopotomia,while Khalid
was on his way to attack the Qadissiyah-a key fort on the way to Ctesiphon, he received a
letter from Caliph Abu Bakr to move to Byzantine front in Syria to assume command of
Muslim army. This was intended to capture Roamn Syria, as during the stay in Iraq
Khalid was also acted as a military governor of the conquered territories and he remained
as military governor from 632-633 CE.

Invasion of Byzantine Empire

The successful invasion of Sassanid Persia a province of Iraq, Abu Bakr sent expedition to
invade Levant (Roamn Syria) by 4 corpse each with its own assigned target. The
Byzantine responded by concentrating troops at Ajnadayn a place in Palestine (probably
at Lajjun) from different garrisons, this moved tied down at border region without free
movements. Abu Ubaidah the chief Commander of Syrian front requested immediate
reinforcement from Calip Abu Bakr,the latter responded by sending Khalid bin walid.

There were two routes to Syria from Iraq, one via Daumatal Jandal and the other through
Mesopotomia passing through Al Raqqah,since the Muslim force in Syria were in dire
need of help. Khalid avoided these conventional route to Syria and selected a rather
shorter route to Syria passing through Syrian desert, and marched his troops through the
desert, as the traders tells that the soldiers marched for two days without a

single drop of water before reaching pre decided water source at a oasis. Khalid solved the
water problem and made them to drink water and used the Bedouin methods of making
camels to drink lot of water,who store water in their stomach which could be used at time
of need by slaughtering camels.

Khalid enter Syria in June 634 CE and quickly captured the border forts of Sawa,Arak,
Plmyra,al Sukhnah,al Qaryalayin and Hawarin as the latter two forts were capture after
the battle of Qaryalayn and the battle of Hawarin. After subduing these desert
forts,Khalid army moved towards Bosra a town near Syria and the capital of Ghassanid
kingdom a vassal of Eastern Byzantine Empire. Khalid bypassed Damascus while crossing
a mountain pass Sanita al Uqba(named of Khalid army standard) ,routed the Ghassanid
army in the battle of Maraj ul Rahat and news of arrival Khalid army,Abu Ubaidah
ordered Shurhabil ibn Hasana one of the four commander to attack Bosra. The Byzantine
made a sally likely to annihilate the Shurhabil force meanwhile Khalid reinforcement
arrived from the desert and attack the Byzantine forces relieving Shurhabil army and
Byzantines retreated to ciy fortress. Abu Ubaidah joined Khalid and as per Caliph’s
instructions khalid took command of Muslim forces and the fortress of Bosra surrendered
in mid July 634 CE effectively ending the Ghassanid dynasty.

Khalid instructed all the corpse to join at Ajnadayn where they fought a decisive battle
against the Byzantine on 30th July 634 CE and won and the Byzantine defeat made Syria
vulnerable to Muslim army and Khalid decided to capture Damascus the stronghold of
Byzantines. Thomas son in law of Emperor Hiraclius was incharge of the city defense,on
receipt of intelligence of Khalid march towards Damascus,he prepared the defense of city
and sought help from Heraclius,whowas at Emesa at that time. Thomas prepared for siege
and sent his army to fight and was defeated on mid August at Yaqusa and on 19th August
at Maraj as Saffar and Heraclius reinforcement arrived in Damascus before Khalid laid
siege on 20th August. Khalid placed detachment South on the road to Palestine & North of
Damascus- Emesa route .

Heraclius reinforcement were intercepted and routed in the battle of Sanit al Uqba-30
km fromDamascus.Khalid conquered Damascus on September 18th 634 CE after 30 days
siege ,some other version says that the siege lasted forfour to six months. Heraclius
received the news of fall of Damascus and left for Antioch from Emesa.Khalid cavalry
attacked the Byzantine garrison,which was heading towards Antioch at the battle of Maraj
al Debaj -150 kms from Damascus and Abu Bakr died on 22nd August 634 CE, during the
siege of Damascus and Umar bin khattab became the Caliph. Umar dismissed his cousin
Khalid bin walid from the command and appointed Abu Ubaidah the new Commander in
chief of Islamic forces of Syria, Abu Ubaidah got the letter of his appointment and Khalid
replacement, but he delayed the announcement until the city of Damascus conquered.

Umar bin Khattan Era-634- 642 CE

The first move after he became second caliph of Idslamic State was the replacement of
Khalid bin walid from the supreme command of Muslim forces and appointment of Abu
Ubaidah ibn Jarrah as the new commander in chief of Islamic army. Umar bin khattab
contention of Khalid replacement is,’’I did not fire Khalid ibn walid because I am
angry with him or because of betrayal of trust or responsibility but the
reason was just that I wanted people, to know it is Allah, Who gives victory’’.
Abu Ubaidah ibn al; Jarrah moved slowly and steadily and was more cautious,the
conquest of Syria continued under his generalship,since Abu Ubaidah being admirer of
Khalid and treated him as younger brother gave him the command of the cavalry and
used him as a military advisor. Khalid gave a pledge of loyalty to the new caliph and
continued to serve as a ordinary commander under Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah and said’’If
Abu Bakr is dead and Umar is caliph we hear and obey’’.

Conquest of Central Levant

Abu Ubaidah sent a small contingent to a fair at Abu al Quds(modern day Abla near Zahb)
50 km of Beirut,where Byzantine and Christian guarding the fair and the Muslims
miscalculated the size of military garrison as a result they were encircled before it could
rout out completely. Abu Ubaidah on receipt of intelligent reports sent Khalid bin walid
to rescue the Muslim army, Khalid immediately rushed to the area fought and defeated in
the battle of Abu al Quds on 15th October 634 CE and returned with tons of looted booty
and hundreds of prisoner from the fair.

The captured of Central Syria by Muslims dealt a decisive blow to Byzantine and the
communication between North Syria and Palestine was now cut off. Ubu Ubaidah decided
to move to Fahl(Pella) about 500 ft below sea level,where a strong Byzantine garrison and
the survivors of Ajandayn were sheltered. Khalid lead an advance guards only to find the
plain being flooded by Byzantine engineers blocking the Jordan river,eventually the
Byzantine forces were defeated in the battle of Fahl on 23rd Jan 635 CE.

Battles of Emes and Damascus

The victory at the battle Fahl,the Muslim army split,Amr bin Al As and Shurhabil ibn
Hasana moved South to capture Palestine,whilst Abu Ubaida and Khalid bin walid moved
to North to capture Norther Syria. Heraclius sensing the Muslim preoccupation at Fahl
sent an army under general Theodras to recapture Damascus,shortly after Muslim
finished the business at Fahl were on their way to Emesa and the Byzantine army met
Muslims half way to Emesa at Maraj al Rome. The Theodras during night

time sent half of his force to Damascus to launch a surprise attack on Muslim
garrison.Khalid spy informed about this,quickly he moved towards Damascus with his
mobilr guard while Abu Ubaidah fought and defeated the Roman army at Maraj al Rome.
Khalid moved to Damascus with his mobile guard attacking and routing Theodras in the
2nd battle at Damascus and a week later Abu Ubaidah captured Baalbek(Heliopolls),where
the great temple of Jupiter stood and sent Khalid towards Emesa.

The people of Emes and Chalcis asked for peace for a year,Abu Ubaidah accepted the offer
rather invading Emesa and Chalcis and consolidated his rule in new conquered land
ofHama,Ma’arrat an Nu’man. The peace treaty was on the instruction of Heraclius to lull
the Muslims and to secure time for preparation of defenses of Northern Syria.He
mustered sizeable army at Antioch reinforced strategically in important areas of Northern
Syria,notablt the fortress of Chalcis,and the arrival of Byzantine new force in the city led
to violation of peace treaty. Kaid and Abu Ubaidah then marched on learning the ground
situation to Emesa,that Byzantine army that halted khalid advance guard were routed and
Muslim besieged Emesa,which finally fell to Muslims in March 636 CE after 2 months

Battle of Yarmouk

After Emesa Muslim moved to capture the whole of North Syria,meanwhile Heraclius had
concentrate troops at Antioch to roll back Syria.Khalid got the news from the prisoners
that Heraclius avoiding pitched battle with Muslims and his plan was to isolate Muslim
corps from each other and encircle and destroy. Five massive armies were launched in
Syria from different location in June,636 CE to recapture it. Khalid sensing Heraclius
plan feared that Muslim armies would indeed be isolated and destroyed. Khalid suggested
to Abu Ubaidah to withdraw Muslim armies at one place to fight a decsive battle, Abu
Ubaidah ordered all Muslims armies in Syria to evacuate the conquered territories and
concentrate at Jabiya. This manoeuver give decisive blow to Heraclius plan as he did not
wish to engage his troops in a open battle, with the Muslim’s light cavalry against their
heavy and less mobile cavalry.

Khalid suggested to Abu Ubaidah to move the Muslim army to the plains of Yarmouk
river which had a good supply of pasture and water and their cavalry could be used more
effectively. Abu Ubaidah then transferred the supreme command of the Muslims forces to
Khalid who acted as a field commander in the battle and was a mastermind in
annihilation of Byzantine army.

Birds eye view of strength of both armies is given to show ‘’…..

Christian Strength Muslim Strength

15,000 t0 1,50,000 15,000 to 40,000

Modern estimate- 1 ,00000 to 400000 24,000 to 40,000

Primary Roman Source 1,40,000 24,000 to 40,000


3000 killed-Roman source- 70,000 t0 50,000 killed

1,20,000 men,

Allah said’’How oft, by Allah’s will, has a small force vanquished a big one ?
Allah is with those who steadfast persevere’’(Sura Al Baqr-Heifer-2;249) .

Khalid’s strategy withdrawing from occupied areas and concentrated his troops for a
decisive battle forced the Byzantine to concentrate their five armies created logistical
problems since Damascus was closest but Mansur leader of Damascus could not supply
the required provisions and materials. Summer was at the end and there was decline of
pasture, Vahan’s disobedience to Heraclius command not to engage in large in scale battle
with Arabs giving massing of Muslim army at Yarmouk. There was p[ower struggle
between the commanders Trithurios, Vahan,Jaraja,Qanateer and Jabalah Christian Arab
leader and the atmosphere of mistrust between the Greek,Armenians and Arab and lond
standing ecclesiastical feuds among Monophysite and Chalcedonian faction impacted
their defeat and gave Khalid better option to launch attack and reap the harvest.

The battle was fought from 15- 20th August 636 lasted for 6 days caused and the battle of
Yamouk considered as one of the most decisive battle of history . The historic defeat of the
Byzantine that sealed the fate in the Levant, the magnitude of loss was so intense that
Byzantine forces unable to recover for some time to come made Byzantine Empire
vulnerable to the Muslim Arab armies.The battle of Yarmouk was the greatest battle ever
fought on Syrian soil and said to the tactical marvel of Khalid.

Conquest of North Syria

Emesa already on hand Abu Ubaidah and Khalid moved towards Chalcis which was
strategically significant fort of Byzantines,through Chalcis the Byzantine would guard

Anatolia,Heraclius homeland Armenia and the Abian Zones capital’Antioch’. Abu
Ubaidah sent Khalid with his elite mobile guard towards Chalcis. The fort was guarded by
Greek troops under the command Mena,who was reported to be high in prestige second
only to emperor himself.Menas diverting Byzantine tacts decided face to face and destroy
khalid the leading elements of Muslim army before the main body could join them at
Hazir-5 km east of Chalcis.

The Roman army was totally annihilated at the battle of Hazir,which ,made umar bin
khattab to praise Khalid military genius’’ Khalid is truly the commander,May Allah
have mercy upon Abu Bakr,he was a better Judge of men that I have been’’.

Abu Ubaidah soon joined Khalid at the impregnable fort of Chalcis,which finally captured
in June 637 CE,with this strategic victory the territory of North Chalcis lay open to
Muslims. Khalid and Abu Ubaidah next captured Aleppo from the desperate Byzantine
troops in October 637 CE. The next objective was the splendid city of Antioch the capital
of Asian zone of the Byzantine Empire.

Khalid and Abu Ubaidah decided that before marching towards Antioch,it would helpful
to isolate the city from Anatolia. This was done by capturing all the fortresses that prove
strategic defense to Antioch and most important fortress A’zaz at Northeast of Antioch.
Inorder to save Byzantine empire from total annihilation a desperate battle was fought
outside the city near ‘Orontes river known as ‘battle of Iron bridge’ and Byzantine were
defated and retreated to Antioch and the Muslim besieged the city. They having little hope
of help from emperor ,Antioch was surrendered on 30th October 637 CE with the terms
that all Byzantines troops would be given safe passage to’Contantinople’.

Abu Ubaidah sent Khalid to North wards while he marched South and captured Lazkia
Jabla ,Tatus and coastal areas west of Anit Lebanon mountains. Khalid raided the
territory upto Kizil river and Heraclius left Anatolia for Edessa before the arrival of Khalid
force,while he made defenses at Jazira and Armenia and moved to Constantinople.
Heraclius took hasty move through citician gates is reported to have said’’ Farewell-a
long Farewell to Syria,my fair province,thou art on infidel’s(enemy’s) now
,peace be with you,O’ Syria-what a beautiful land you will be for the
enemy’’Emperor Heraclius.

With the devastating defeat at Yarmouk,Byzantine Empire was extremely vulnerable to

Muslim invasion and he had few military resources and was not in a position to attempt a
come back in Syria,so made the Muslims occupy in the affairs of Syria. He sought the help
of Christian Arabs of Jazire,who mustered up a large army and marched against

Emesa,Abu Ubaidah headquarters.Consequent upon this,Abu Ubaidah withdrew all the
forces from Northern Syria to Emesa before the Siege of Emesa by the Christian army of
Jazira. Khalid was in favor of open battle but Abu Ubaidah rather sent the matter to
Caliph Umar. Who brilliantly handled the issue,he sent immediately a detachment from
Iraq to invade Jazira-home land of Christian Arabs from three different routes and
another detachment sent to Emesa from Iraq under Qa’qa ibn Amr a veteran of Yarmouk
who was at the battle of Qadissiyah

Umar himself marched ahead with 1000 men from Medina, on hearing the Muslim
overwhelm march, the Christian Arab of Jazira abandoned the siege, hastely withdrew to
Jazira to face the onslaught. At this juncture, Khalid and his mobile guard came out of
Emesa, attack the moving army from the rear and the Heraclius last attempt to come back
meets its end in failure.

Campaign in Armenia and Anatolia

After the battle Umar ordered to move to Jazira to teach a lesson , which completed by
late summer 638 CE,by the fall of Jazira to Muslim ,Abu Ubaidah sent Khalid and Ayadh
bin Ghanim to invade the Byzantine territory North of Al Jazira. They marched
independently and captured Edessa,Amida,Malatya and raided Byzantine Armenia upto
Ararat region and also raided central Asia. Heraclius left and abandoned all the forts
between Antioch and Tartus to create a buffer zone or no man’s land between Muslim
controlled area and mainland Anatolia. Caliph Umar stopped his armies further into
Anatolia and instead order to consolidate his rule in the conquered land of the Levant, at
this point umar is reported to have said’’ I wish there was a wall of fire between us and
Romans,so that they could not enter our territory nor we could enter theirs’’. The Plague,
famine and dismissal of Khalid,Muslim army were kept from invading Anatolia and thus
the expedition Armenia and Anatolia marked the end of military career of Khalid.

Dismissal of Khalid

Khalid was at the height of his career and became famous for the Muslim community and
national hero publicly known as Saifullah-Sword of God . He fought about 100 battles
major/minor as well as single duels during his military career and he remained
undefeated and claimed to be one of the finest military general in the history. His military
genius and tactical strategy made him as an undisputed avowed hero of Arabs, until
Khalid the Arabs were basically raiders, but he turned them experts in battles /skirmishes
In one occasion when Khalid stayed at Emesa had a special bath with perfume mixed with
alcohol, umar spies informed the incident to caliph, as alcohol is forbidden in Islam.
Another event shortly after the capture of Marash in the Autmn of 638 CE, he came across
a famous poet Ash’as and warrior on Persian front reciting the poem in praise of Khalid.

Khalid pleased with the poetry of Ash’as and gave a gift of 10,000 Dirham. Umar and his
senate indentified this act as misuse of State treasury and wrote a letter to Abu Ubaidah to
bring Khalid before congregation ,his turban and cap off. Umar wanted Abu Ubaidah to
ask Khalid from what funds he gave to Ash’as-from his pocket or from the State treasury?
If he confessed to have used spoils ,he was guilty of misappropriation or so he gave from
his pocked,he was guilty of extravagance. In either case he would be dismissed, so Abu
Ubaidah would take charge of his duties, since Abu Ubaidah a admirer of Khalid and
loved him as his younger brother ,so he said he was not capable to do it. Instead Bilal ibn
Ribah was appointed for this task .Khalid was called back from Chalcis to Emesa where he
was publicly charge,Khalid explain he gave money out his pocket and thus declared
innocent of the charge, Though the Abu Ubaidah told Khalid that he was dismissed on the
orders of Caliph Umar and he had to go back to Medina to meet him.

Khalid went to Chalcis and bade farewell to his mobile guard and then he went to Medina
to meet Caliph Umar and his cousin and protested about what he considered to be
injustice. Umar said to have praised him ‘’ You have done,and no man has done as you
have done , but it is not people who do, it is Allah who does’’. Later Umar explained
Khalid dismissal ‘’ I have not dismissed Khalid because of my anger or because of any
dishonesty on his part, but because people glorified him and were misled! I feared that
people would rely on him, I want them to know that it is Allah,Who gave us victory and
there should be no mischief in the land’’- Caliph Umar.

Khalid Death

Though the relation between them seems to be something short of cordial,but both of
them have bored no ill will towards each other, upon his death he bequeathed his
property to Umar and made him the executor of will and estate.

Khalid bemoan that he fought so many battles seekin martyrdom, that no spot in my body
left with scar or wound made by spear or sword. And yet here I am dying on my bed like a
old camel-May the eyes of coward never rest’’. The wife of Khalid hearing such a painful
words her husband said’’ you were given the title of Saifullah-Sword of Allah’’ is not
meant to be broken and hence it is not in your destiny to be a martyr but to die like

In less than 4 years of his dismissal Khalid died in at Emesa in 642 CE , where he lived
eversince his dismissal from military service, his tomb is a part of Mosque called’’khalid
ibn al walid Mosque’’ and his tomb stone depicts a list of over 50 battles that he
commanded without defeat. The Khalid military career span from 632 to 638 i.e.,
Commander in chief 632- 634, field commander of mobile guard from 634- 638, Military
Governor of Iraq 633- 634 and Chalcis 637-638.

Umar bin khattab (RA) regretted his earlier decision of Khalid dismissal , it is said that
after the hajj of 642 CE,he had decided to reappoint Khalid to the military service,
apparently to command Muslim conquest of Persia that was to begin shortly. But fate had
decided otherwise,when he reached Medina the news of Khalid death broke a syorm over
Medina. The women took to street led by Banu Makhzum wailing ,beating their
chest,though umar from the first had given order that their would be no wailing for the
departed souls as forbidden in Islam. But in the case of Khalid death Umar said’’ let the
women of Banu Makhzum say what they will about Abu Slaiman(Khalid) for they not lie
over the likes of Abu Sulaiman weep those who weep’’.

It is also recoded that once Umar was sitting with his companions,some recalled
Khalid,Umar said’’By God he was Islamic Sheikh against the enemies,his heart was pure
from every animosity’’.

Khalid Generosity

The historian Waqidi writes that after the battle of Maraj al Debaj,Emperor Hiraclius sent
his ambassador to khaild with a letter to return his daughter,which reads as follows;-

I have come to know what you have done to my army, you have killed my son-in law and
captured my daughter. You have won and got away safely. Now I ask you for my
daughter,either return her to me on payment of ransom or give her to me as a gift, honor
is a strong element in your character’’-Emperor Hiraclius. Khalid byreading the letter said
to the Ambassador’’Take her as a gift,there shall be no ransom’’ then the ambassador took
her to Antioch.

Khalid Family

Walid bin Mughira had many wives and many childrens ,only names of few are recorded;
Sons ;-(1i)Hisham bin walid 2) walid bin walid ( 3) Ammarah bin walid (4)Khalid bin
walid (5) Abdul shams bin walid. Daughters ; Fakhlah bint walid (2) Fatimah bint walid
(3) Najiyah bint al walid.

Khalid bin walid had childrens but the names of 3 Sons and one daughter are recorded in
history; (1) Sulaiman bin khalid (2) Abdul Rahman ibn khalid (3) Muhajir bin khalid .

Sulaiman bin Khalid eldest son of Khalid bin walid killed during Muslim conquest of
Egypt. Muhajir killed in the battle Siffin while fighting calipg Ali side and Abdur Rahman
remaine governor of Emesa during the time of Uthman and participated in the battle of
Siffin, as one of the general of Mauwiyah (Umayyad dynasty) and took part in siege of


Conquest of Mecca

The conquest of Mecca is a historic event in the history of Islam, which heralds an new
beginning of Tawheed, purification of holy Ka’aba from idolism and eradication of
Polytheism from Mecca the holiest city of Islam. This event occurred on Ramdan 20- 8
AH ( Jan,4,630 CE) .

Background;- The treaty of hudaibiyah ensure peace for 10 years and allows the Arab
tribes to align anyone freely,as such the Khuza’ah tribe entered into alliance with Muslims
and the Banu Bakr the staunch enemy of khuza’ah allied themselves with Quraysh. The
agrrement lasted for 1 ½ years,during the period a shirmish broke out between khuza’ah
and Banu Bakr,this was happened when Banu Bakr launched an attack on
khuza’ah,Quraysh helped Banu Bakr as they were angry with khuza’ah due their alliance
with Muslims. Both Banu Bkr and Quraysh joined hands and began killing khuza’ah
people so much so that even when they took shelter in the holy Ka’aba ,were not spared
and shed their blood in the sactuary of ka’aba.

Khuza’ah tribe under compulsion informed the holy Prophet (SAS) of the cruelty of them
and sought help, on the basis of pact they had with holy Prophet (SAS). The holy Prophet
(SAS) heard the miseries of khuza’ah and shocked. He therefore, to honor the alliance,
sent an envoy to the Quraysh of Mecca asking them to stop this unholy blood shed on
them and set three conditions to comply;(i) Quraysh should pay the blood money to the
khuza’ah deceased (ii) Quraysh should stop backing Banu Bakr (iii) Breach of the
Hudaibiyah treaty should be announced.

In reply to these conditions,one amogst Quraysh Qartah ibn Umar said;;we accept only
the third condition’’,after the reply the envoy set off, in the meanwhile,Quraysh got
wooried about their reply and sent Abu Sufyan as an envoy to get the Hudaibiyah treaty
renewed. Holy Prophet (SAS) assessed the prevailing conditions and vacillating attitude
of Infidels of Mecca not live up tokeep the terme of agreement, refused to accept the
proposal of Abu Sufyan.

Preparation for an attack on Mecca

The holy ka’aba the centre of Tawheed (One of Allah) the House of God built by Abraham
with the sole purpose to worship Allah. The centre of Tawheed, become the place of
polytheist, who adore the place with many idols in the precinct of holy shrine. Prophet

Muhammad (SAS), the progeny of the Abrahamic religion thought this the right time to
cleansed the holy shrine from the evils of idolism,sent messages to all the allied tribes
secretly so that Quraysh might not aware of it. When all the preparation of attack was
completed the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) marched towards Mecca on 10th of Ramdam 8
AH ( Jan 4th -630 CE ) comprise of 10,000 venture faith ful soldiers with high zeal and
the fervor of Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and his companion travelled and reached a place called’’Marr
uz Zahran’ near Mecca and ordered every man to light a fire so as to make Meccan
overestimate the size of Muslim army. Abu Sufyan, Hakim bin Hizam and Buddail bin
warqa came to place and saw the fire and Abu Sufyan said what is this? It looked like the
fires of Arafat, Budail bin warqa said Banu Amr are less in number than that’’. Some of
the guards of Allah’s Messenger saw and took them to holy Prophet (SAS),Abu Sufyan the
front runner in opposing Islam should have been instantly killed ,but Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) said’’Go today no explanation would be sought from you,May Allah
forgive you,?He is the Most Merciful’’. Prophet’s treatment of them, open their eyes, the
spark of guidance kindled in their heart and then Abu Sufyan embraced Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) enter Mecca

Mecca lies in the valley surrounded by rugged hills and four routes passes through in the
hills-North west, South west, South and North,holy Prophet (SAS) divided Muslim’s army
into four columns,that one to advance through each pass. The main column in which holy
Prophet (SAS) is present commanded by Abu ubaidah ibn al Jarrah enter Mecca through
main route from North west near Azakhir,Prophet cousin Az Zubayr commanded the 2 nd
column enter Mecca from South west. West of kudai hill the column entering South
through kudai hill led by Ali ibn Abu Talib and the last column led by Khalid bin walid
enter from North through khandama and lait. The strategy adopted to advance
simultaneously from all sides to target the central objective and to disperse the enemy
forces and prevent concentration on any one front. Another reason was that if any one or
two of the attacking column faces stiff resistance the other flank would render assistance
and prevent the Quraysh from escaping.

The holy Prophet (SAS) enter Mecca on 20th Ramdan 8 AH ( 14th Jan 630 CE), reciting
the Quranic Verses,-’’Verily We have granted you a manifest Victory; That
Allah may forgive you your faults of the past and those to follow; fulfil His
favor to you; and guide you on the Straight Way; And that Allah may help you
with powerful help’’ ( Sura Fat-h 48;1-3).

The entry was peaceful and bloodless on three sections except of khalis’s column,the
hardened enemy of Islam Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl and Safwan gathered a band of Quraysh
fighters and attacked khalid’s column with swords and bows. The Muslims charged the
Quraysh position after a short skirmish with the Quraysh that gave ground after losing 12
of their men and Muslims lost 2 men in the attak and counter attack. Holy Prophe t(SAS)
enter Mecca with humility that he has bent his head on the camel that touches back of it
,as a mark of gratitude to Allah the Almighty who fulfilled the long cherished desire of
Prophet (SAS).


On the eve of Abu Sufyan openly adopted Islam,holy Prophet (SAS),asked him about his
feeling, Abu Sufyan conceded that Meccan gods had proved powerless and there was
indeed ‘No god but Allah’. Thereafter Prophet Muhammad (SAS) declared general
amnesty and announced that; (i) Who enters the house of Abu Suyfan house will be safe
(ii) Who shuts his door and stay inside would be safe and (iii) Who ever take shelter in the
holy Ka’aba would be safe.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) also declared ‘’ Allah has made Mecca a sanctuary,since the
day He created the Heaven and Earth and it will remain a sanctuary by virtue of the
sanctity. Allah has bestowed on it until the Day of Resurrection, fighting in it was not
lawful to any one before me nor will be made lawful to any one after me, and it was made
for me lawful except for short period of time. Its animals (that cannot be hunted) or
should be chased, nor should its trees be cut or its vegetation or grass uprooted or its
inqata ( most things) picked up except by one who made a public announcement about it.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) enters ka’aba

When holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) enter ka’aba, he saw there were 360 idols adore
the holy shrine , picture of idols drawn on the walls, he first broke the idols by his stick,
hitting one by one, while reciting the Quranic verse- ’’ Truth has (now) arrived, and
Falsehood perished; for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish’’, (Sura
Bani Isael 17;81).

Thereafter all the idols were removed and pictured erased, in this way ,the ‘House of
Allah’ was consecrated from the evils of polytheism. After cleaning the precinct of holy
ka’aba, Prophet Muhammad (SAS) circumambulate the holy ka’aba and offered salath at
the station of Ibrahim. The victory surpassed the infidels and the companions were

neither boasting nor exaggerating or shows any pomp and pageantry after such a grand
victory . Rather they were bowing their head before their lord with extreme humbleness
and humility and praising Allah reciting takbeer ‘Allah u Akbar-Allah the Great’’,infidels
uttering that ‘neither it is monarchy nor conquest but it is something else’’.

The people assembled in ka’aba and the holy Prophet(SAS) delivered the sermon’’ There
in no god but Allah, He has no associate, He has made good His promise that He held to
his bondmen and helped him in defeated all the confederates. Bear in mind that every
claim of privilege whether that of blood or property is
abolished, except that of the custody of ka’aba and the supplying of water to the pilgrims.
Bear in mind that for anyone who is slained the blood money is a hundred camels. O
people of Quraysh surely God has abolished from you all pride of the time of ignorance
and all pride in your ancestry, because all men are descended from Adam and Adam was
made of clay’’.

Prophet (SAS) turning to people’’ O Quraysh what do you think of the treatment that I
should accord you? And they said in one voice’’ Mercy’ O Prophet of Allah ! We
expect nothing but good from you’’. Thereupon Prophet (SAS) declared ‘’ I speak
to you in the same words as Yusuf spoke to his brothers’’ This day is no
reprieve against you,’’ Go you away you are free’’. The magnanimity of holy
Prophet (SAS) grew great and after the conquest of Mecca in a peaceful manner without
bloodshed all the emissaries and chief of tribes came from all over Arabia to Medina and
accepted Islam.

The people who were liable to be killed for their animosity towards Islam- Ikrimah ibn
Abu Jahl, Abdullah ibn sa’ad,ibn Abu Sarh,Habbar bin Aswad,Miqyas subabah
laythi,Huwairah bin Nuqayd,Abdullah hilal and four women, who had been guilty of
murder or other offences or had sparked off war and disrupted peace.

However, they were not killed but forgiven for their past sins and they accepted Islam,
Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl accepted Islam and became the part of future Islamic battles, two
singing women who were outlawed by Prophet (SAS) ,one was slained other spare
because she accepted Islam.

Prophet (SAS) pardoned the slave Wahshi and Hindah bint Utbah wife of Sufyan who
killed Hamza in the battle of Uhad,as she caused the body of Hamza rend ghastly chewed
his lever and heart. Hindah often say’’ Muhammad (SAS) was person whom I hated the
most before I accepted Islam but now he is dearest of all for me’’.

After the conquest of Mecca the holy Prophet (SAS) stayed few days in Mecca, after
accomplishing the affairs went back to Medina. He could have again stayed in Mecca but
he did not as he promised to the people of Medina that he never leave them. The People
comes from nook and corners of Arabia and accepted Islam and the religion to flourish
widely day by day and gain momentum in polarization of people under the Umbrella of

Battle of Hunayn

Background; The conquest of Mecca triggered massive conversions of pagan Arabs to

Islam from many parts of Arab peninsula, but Thaqeef and Hawazin tribes living in East
and South east of Mecca did not wish to abjure idolatry. They alarmed at the rapid pace of
the spread of Islam in and around Arabian peninsula and feared that if this trend
continues unabated they would soon surrendered to Muslims and isolated from other
pagan tribes. They met Malik bin Awf an Nasri and made up their mind to proceed to
fight against Muslims. Malik bin Awf an Nasri persuaded other tribes to joined in their
fight, the confederates of tribes consist of Nasr, Sa’ad bin Bakr, Bani Hilal,Bani Amr bin
Amir, and Bani Awf gathered at Autas along with the Thaqif and Huwazin and mobilized
a force of 20,000 men equipped with arms.

After the conquest of Mecca the Prophet stayed in Mecca for two week, when the news
broke out that a big force had been mobilized by Thaqif and Hawazin in the valley of
Hunayn to attack Mecca and undo the victory of Muslims. They feel that Quraysh
surrendered to Prophet Muhammad (SAS) without any bloodshed, attributed the failure
of Meccan’s weakness, but they were confident and more powerful than Quraysh in the
battle field.

Prophet (SAS) in Jan 630 CE received intelligence that Thaqeef and Hawazin moving
towards Mecca to lay siege, Prophet (SAS) ordered immediately mobilization, since the
holy Prophet (SAS) did not want the sanctity of Mecca could be disturb.

Holy Prophet (SAS) left Mecca on 6 Shawwl 8 AH ( 27th Jan 630 CE) with 12000 warriors
to meet and punish the enemy( of the 12,000 men ,10,000 from Medina and 2000 newly
converts to Islam from Mecca). Abu Bakr impressed with the strength of Muslim force
and exclaimed ’’We cannot be defeated this time because of lack of numbers’’ . This self
exaggeration made the Muslim in the battle field to eat the humble pie , because not
relying faith in Allah, which they later repented for their self boasting relying on number
rather than Divine assistance.

Equipment of Muslims

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) aware of the strength and obstinacy of the enemy before
leaving Mecca, he took loan of 30,000 Dirham from Abdullah ibn Rabiah a step brother
of Abu Jahl, who was rich to meet the expenditure of food and other provision . He also
called Safwan bin Umayyah ( not yet converted to Islam), borrowed 100 coats of mail
from him and guaranteed its return.


Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) mounted on the mule, which had been presented to him
and moved on behind the army of Islam in the rear guard, while the tribe of Bani Sulaym
arrived in the passage of Hunayn under the command of Khalid bin walid before the day
yet fully dawn. Malik bin Awf who had entered the valley previously by night and gave
orders to his army to hide inside the steep valley of Hunayn awaiting the arrival of
Muslim army. The first column of Khalid bin walid enters the valley of Hunayn from
South east of Mecca, enemy forces were already lying in ambush ready to attack with
weapons. The pass was narrow the road was very rough and the Muslims advancing
unaware of the presence of enemy force just before dawn, all of sudden the Hawazain
launched their attack. The surprise attack was complete and the charge of enemy force
was so impetus that the Muslims could not stand, the vanguard of Bani Sulaym broke and
fled and body of army was just behind them. The Khalid column run amuck in panic and
their force also turned their back and began to run creating chaos and confusion, as a
result Muslim army was also running, it was long before holy Prophet (SAS) left alone
with a handful of faith full eight followers around him.

Apostle of Islam did not abandon his post and stood firm like rock with 8 brave followers .
Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abbas ibn Muthalib, Fadl ibn Abbas, Abu Sufyan, Rabia-brother of Abu
Sufyan, Abdullah ibn Masood,Usama ibn Zayd,ibn Haritha and Ayman ibn obaid (of the
eight men five from Bani Hashim), watching the spectacle of the flight of Muslim army .

Ali ibn Abi Talib the hero of the battle of Hunayn as he was the hero of all preceding
battles, at the time of desertion of all the companions from the battle field, among the
eight persons present with holy Prophet (SAS), were,Ali ibn Abi Talib stood between him
and the enemy and defended the holy Prophet (SAS). The tribesmen charged repeatedly,
but each time he repulsed them, as he done same in the battle of Uhad. He eventually
turned the table when Uthman bin Abdullah leader of enemy force fell from camel and
lost his balnce,killed, further in hand to hand battle Ali killed Abu Jerdel,the Hawazin
leader ,this result in lost of heart by enemy force. Shibli Noamani remarked that ,’’ Banu
Malik of the Thaqif fought with determination bravely but when their leader Uthman bin
Abdullah was killed they began to waiver’’.

In the melee of war and flight of Muslim army, the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked
Abbas ibn Abdul Muthalib to call the fleeing Muslims, since Abbas ibn Abdul Muthalib
had very powerful voice and he shouted ‘’ O ye Muhajireen and O ye Ansari! O ye victors
of Badr,O ye men of the Tree of Fealty! Where are going? Messenger of Allah is here come
back to him . The voice of Abbas ibn Abdul Muthalib boomed in the narrow valley, almost
every one heard it and it proved effective in checking the flight of Muslims. Prophet (SAS)
said ‘’O Allah send down Your Help’’ later, the Ansars were the first to halt and return to
battlefield and other followed ,soon they were able to regroup , put up fierce skirmish.
Holy Prophet pick up a handful of earth and hurled it at their faces while saying ‘May your
faces be shameful’’ as their eyes were thick with dust and the enemy began to retreat in
utter confusion. After the enemy was defeated, Prophet (SAS) gave orders to troops on the
eve of victory mandating them to shun the women, children, men hired for non-
combatant purposes and the slaves from the wrath of their hands. In the battle about 70
men of Thaqif tribe alone were killed and 6000 women and children taken as prisoners
beside 24,000r riding camels, 40,000 goats and 4000 awqiya Silver and weapons fell to
Muslim hands as war booty. This was the largest spoils of war, Muslims ever have in their
hands. Allah reveals the event through Quranic Verse –‘’ Assuredly Allah did help
you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain; behold ! your great
numbers elated you, but they availed you nothing; the land, for all that it is
wide, did constrain you, and you turned back in retreat’’; But Allah poured
His calm on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which
you did not see; He punished the Unbelievers; thus does He reward those
without Faith’’.- (Sura Tauba 9;25-26).

Some of the enemy fled and holy Prophet (SAS) chased after them, similar battalions
chased after other enemies, Rabia bin Rafi caught the Durayd bin As Simmah ,an old
man, important asset of pagan force due to his experience in battle, who possess
knowledge of terrain and war tactic was killed.

Holy Prophert (SAS) generosity towards prisoner of war impacted the Banu thaqif and
other tribes to embrace Islam- 14 leaders from Banu Sa’ad and Hawazan came to holy
Prophet (SAS) under the leadership Zuhair ibn Surad and Abu Bareqa(foster uncle of holy
Prophet ) and pleaded for release of their captives through their heart touch teching
bequeath. They said’’ there in those huts among prisoners are your foster mother and
sister (refer to Halima Sadia and her daughter Shaima), they have nursed thee and
fondled thee in their bosoms, we have known thee suckling a weaning child, youth
generous and noble ,And now thou hast risen to this diginity,be gracious unto us,even as
the Lord hath been gracious unto thee’’. The holy Prophet (SAS) was so moved with these

words that he arranged for the release of all the 6000 men,women and children and each
one was given a gift. Later the generous gesture of holy Prophet (SAS) won the heart of
these people and they embraced Islam.The incident mainly relates to the generous status
of holy Prophet (SAS) foster mother Halima Sadia and her dayghter Shaima and son
Abdullah,with whom the holy Prophet(SAS) pass his childhood.

Distribution of Spoils of War

After Muslim won victory over pagan Arabs in the battle of Hunayn, the holy Prophet
(SAS) distributed the larger share of spoils of war booty to Muhajireen (Meccans) than
Ansars, some young men of Ansars disgruntled at what they considered to be ‘unfair’
distributions of the spoils of war overlooking the Ansars. When the holy Prophet (SAS)
heard this, he ordered the Ansars to assemble in a tent and he address them this ‘’what is
it that I heard from you O Ansar about the apportionment of booty? And holy Prophet
(SAS) said; Did you not welcome me with love and generosity when I was homeless? Have
you not the right to say to me ’’ You come to us rejected as an imposter and we believed in
you, come as helpless fugitive and we assisted you, poor and an outcast and we gave you
shelter, comfortless, we gave you comfort. Had you replied to me in this manner you
would have said nothing but truth and I would have to agree. O Ansar, are you angry
because I have given away some goods to those whom I seek to win to Islam.

O Ansar why disturb your hearts because of the things of this life? Are you not satisfied!.
O Ansar that all the people return from this conquest loaded with goods and camels ,
whereas you return with the ‘ Prophet of Allah’! By Him Who dominates Muhammad’s
Soul in His Hands, there are no people whom I love to belong beside Ansars. If all
mankind went one way and the Ansar went another, I would certainly joined the Ansars.
O Allah show mercy to the Ansars and bless them and their children, show your Mercy to
them and keep them under Your protection’’.

After these words of holy Prophet (SAS) the tears rolled down from their cheeks and
repented for the fault , Ansar’ feel they were most happy persons on earth as they have
Prophet of Allah with then rather than worldly things.

Siege of Ta’if

The Siege of Ta’if took place in 630 CE and the Muslim besieged the Ta’if after the victory
in the battle of Hunayn and Autas.

Background;-The enemy soldiers who fled after the battle of Hunayn took shelter in
Ta’if and joined with other tribes and opposed Islam and the people of Ta’if began to show

animosity towards Islam with arrogant attitudes exhibited from time to time. The poet
who satirized holy Prophet (SAS) and Muslims, fled to Ta’if, as a consequence Ta’if
became a enemy location , Hawazin and Thaqif tribes become most prominent among
the people who shows animosity to Islam.

After reconnaissance the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) led a strong force of 1000 men
under the command of Khalid bin walid arrived in Tai’if and besieged the thaqif and
Hawazin who took shelter in the fortresses. The people of Ta’if inside their fortresses were
able to mount a strong defense by constantly shooting arrows at the Muslims who were
attacking from the open field around the fortresses. In this Siege Muslims adopted
various strategies and tactics and used weapons like catapult and Roman tetsudus to
breach the walls and gates of fortresses, however each time Muslims try to get through
the breach, the pagan defenders pushed them back dumping hot iron upon the Muslim
armies and the Siege was lasted for a month. In the meanwhile, Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) repeatedly told them that he would burn and cut down their vineyard as he saw no
other way to make the people of Ta’if surrender. He offered amnesty to those who
surrender themselves to Islam, only 20 people surrendered and became Muslims. Holy
Prophet (SAS), desired to get the chief of Banu Huwazan-Malik on his side and promised
that his family will be released and all the properties will be given back if he become
Muslim. Malih accepted Islam and helped the only Prophet (SAS) in the blockade of Ta’if .
Malik took the cattle of Muslim to graze wherever they go, his acceptance of Islam made
the Hawazan to follow suite in accepting Islam in due course. Holy Prophet (SAS) gave
up the siege of Ta’if and retreated as sacred months approached and vowed to resume
the war on Ta’if after the sacred months were over (Haykal and Quran Sura Tauba; 9;5).

During this period the Banu Thaqif sent a delegation to Mecca, but holy Prophet (SAS)
would accept peace until they accept Islam and to destroy their temples. Banu Thaqif
willing to accept Islam but asked that they would allowed to keep their idol Allat for 3
years, Prophet (SAS) refused their condition, then they reduce to 2 years and one year
finally to one month. Prophet Muhammad (SAS0 reported to have replied’’ You accept
Islam or else I shall send one to you, who is from me, he will cut your neck and enslave
your women and children and confiscate your wealth and property.

Banu Thaqif finally consented on the condition that they woud not themselves involve in
to destroy their temple. Prophet (SAS) agreed to their condition and appointed Abu
Sufyan and Mughira bin Shu’ba to go to Taif and destroy their idol. Abu Sufyan and his
men (Mughira bin shu’ba) obeyed, when Mughira bin shu’ba hit the idols with axe whilst
the woman of Banu Thaqif watched moaning and crying but none dare to stop the Muslim
and place was cleared from all idols.

After the martyr of Urwah ibn Masud, his son Abu Maleh bin Urwah and Qarib bin Aswad
appeared before holy Prophet and embraced Islam, they became Muslims. They then after
separated from his tribe Bani thaqif and said to their tribe to choose their own leader as
they no longer associated with them.

The people of Bani thaqif replied that they never choose any one except Allah and holy
Prophet (SAS) as their leaders, likewise all the people embraced Islam. Urawah’s son Abu
Maleh pleaded to holy Prophet (SAS) to used the wealth obtained from idols to cleared
the debt of his father, holy prophet (SAS) permitted him to do so. After that Qarib bin
Aswad also made the similar plea, but holy Prophet (SAS) said his father died as idolater.
On this Qarib ibn Aswad urges that the debt of his father falls on him , if permitted a great
help on the poor Muslim redemption from erstwhile debts, on this holy Prophet (SAS)
permitted to cleared the debt of his father also from the booty. Islam bloom in Taif and
people began to convert to the religion enmasse , which cleared to deck to have a national
identity in Arabian peninsula.


Ta’if once in 619 CE the fortress of antagonism, persecution and hat redness but the
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) stood as rock of steadfastness and perseverance did not lose
heart despite the treatment meted out to him . He prays for mercy and forgiveness of the
people of Ta’if with a hope that’’ even if these people do not accept Islam. I do
hope from Allah that there will be persons among their progeny who would
worship Allah and serves His cause’’. The Siege and captured of Ta’if in 630 CE by
holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) bears the fruits of his prayer that the arch enemy Banu
Thaqif clan conversion to Islam,and thus Islam began to gain momemtum became a
launching pad for future strategies.

Battle of Tabouk (Tabuk)

The expedition of Tabouk was a land mark in the life of Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) that eventually catapulled the Muslims as the masters of Arabian
peninsula as well as in the continuity of Islamic mission on long term basis
that laid firm foundation for glorious conquest and spread of Islam in and
around Arabia.

The Tabouk campaign was undertaken by holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) in Rajab 9th
year of Hijri ( on October 630 CE), on the rumors of Byzantine concentration
of giant force by Hiraclius on the borders of Syria and Jordan that way to
Tabouk,. The encounter actually did not occurred but Muslim returned victorious

that made them a force to reckoned with in the annals of Arab history. As per Safiur
Rahman Mubarakpuri, many verses of chapter 9 Sura Tauba related to the battle of
Tabouk, ibn kathir mention verses 9; 42-48, 9;29, 9;49, 9;81 all revealed during the battle
of Tabouk.

Background;- In the 9th year of migration of holy Prophet (SAS) marks the magnificient
spread of Islam in Arabian peninsula, Large numbers of people comes to Medinah and
pay allegiance to holy Prophet *(SAS)and converted to Islam. The holy Prophet (SAS)
send official missionaries to various governarate to set right the affairs of tribes who had
become Muslims.

On the other hand there were some states, who could not tolerate the magnificient spread
of Islam and feared for their survivals. One such state was Hiraclius the Byzantine
Empire, which was strongest state at that time. The battle of Mu’tah was still afresh in his
mind, Hiraclius failure to humble the Muslim minority force by his giant force in the
battle of Mu’tah pricked his mind quite often and was waiting for an opportunity to take
stock of the situation. The Byzantine Emperor Hiraclius decided to reduce the growing
power of Islamic State, so in his opinion to strike the iron when it is hot and thought to
achieve his plan to attack before the Muslims becomes more powerful. He, therefore
provoked the adjacent Arab Christian tribes to create trouble as well as he collected a
large strong army of 40,000 to 100.000 men beside the tribes like Juzam,Lahm,Amila
and Ghassan joined the Hiraclius army and planned to attack Medina. Syria was one of
the colonies of Roman Empire and its capital” Contantinople’’,the people were Christians
and took orders directly from Hiraclius. On this road leading to Hijr to Damascus was a
strong fort of Tabuk and Hiraclius army marched towards it.

Many rumors of the dangers threatening Muslims was carried by Nabateans who trade
from Syria to Medina informed the holy Prophet (SAS) about Romans concentration of
troops on the borders of Syria, North of Medina and planned to attack Medina.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) Strategy

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) realized the threat to Muslims State,so he immediately sent
messages to Mecca and in and around Medina asking the Muslims to come to joined the
campaign,but some of the Arabs of desert showed lukewarm response and gave lame
excuses to participate in the expedition. The usual practice of holy Prophet (SAS) was not
to disclose the campaign but led the force directly to fight but this time he has openly
declare the campaign to tackle the giant Romans and the long distance to go for fight.
Abdullah ibn Ubay the hypocrite spread rumors weaking the spirit of Muslims by

warning them the great strength of the enemy and the difficulty of marching a long
distance to Tabouk in the intense heat,famine in the state and the summer season was on
peak and the date crop were about to ripe. Allah reveals,- ‘’ O you who believe! Fight the
Unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you; and know that Allah is
with those who fear Him’’(9;123) . In this crticle situation, holy Prophet Muhammad
(SAS) able to gathered an giant force of 30,000 men the ever greater than previous
strength, of which 10,000 cavalry men and rest were infantry men.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) asked the rich Muslims to contribute for war preparation
and equipment and the rich companions as well as poor companion equally answered the
call of Prophet (SAS) immediately.

Hazrat Umar bin khattab was the first person to answer the call of Messenger of God. He
said to himself ‘’I will surpus Abu Bakr today,he brought half of his wealth to the holy
Prophet (SAS). The holy Prophet (SAS) asked’’O Umar what did you leave to your family?
He said as much as I brought.

Hazrat Abu Bakr the ‘Embodiment of Charity-brought all of his wealth amounted to 4000
dirhams of silvewr to holy Prophet (SAS). Holy Prophet (SAS) asked Abu Bakr ‘’O Abu
Bakr what did you leave to your family? He answered ‘’I left God and His Messenger at
home’’the charity of Abu Bakr knows no bound and at that time he was wearing a dressed
of tattered gunny cloths with babul strings tied to it. Allah send archangel to holy Prophet
(SAS) and said that Allah pleased with Abu Bakr dress and orders his Angels to wear such
dress in heaven. Upon the sacrifice of Abu Bakr, Umar started crying and said’’; My
mother and father be sacrificed for you O Abu Bakr you always surpass me in all the races
of goodness’’.,I have now realized that I will never be able to surpass you!.

Hazrat Othman-Dhun Noorayn(possessor of two lights) had planned a trade caravan to

Damascus,when he heard the call of holy Prophet(SAS) he gave up sending the caravan to
Damascus and gave 300 camels with goods loaded over it, 50 horses and 1000
dirhams(gold cins). Upon this sacrifice holy Prophet (SAS) said’’ O God I am pleased with
Othman,You be pleased with him too!

Abdur Rahman bin Awf joined the campaign with 4000 dirhams ,said to Messenger of
God I am giving 4000 dirhams ,left equal amount for my family.Holy Prophet said May
what you brought here and left for family be abundant. The effect of holy Prophet prayers
,when Abdur Rahman died,each of his 4 wives received 18,000 mith of als of gold as
inheritance. Abu Aqil came to holy Prophet with one sa of dates in his hand,said to

Messenger of God I carried water all the night, in return for two sas of dates,I left one sa
to my family and brought on sa to you in order to attain my Lords consent. The
Messenger of God pleased with the sacrifice and said May God make what you brought
here and left for your family abundant. He ordered the dates to be placed on top of

Aliya bin zayd was very poor wanted to join and help the campaign but he had nothing to
give, he prayed God’ O God ordered me to take part in Jihad on and help the holy Prophet
in his mission. In the morning holy Prophet (SAS) said Todays night who has given
Sadaqah? Nobody stand up to answer, then in the second time holy Prophet (SAS) said ‘O
Aliya stand up, Allah accepted your prayer last night’’.

Muslim women equally contributed to the cause of Jihad,they gave their Jewels. Umme
Sinan of the tribes of Aslam says’’ I saw in the house of Aisha (umm ul Momeneen) cloth
spread on the ground,there were bracelets, arm bands rings, anklets,ear rings,belts to tie
the feet of camels and the things that could be used in making preparation of war.

Abdullah ibn Ubay and his men stay back and lagged behind from Tabuk expedition, as
Quran reveals that,’’ Those who were left behind ( in the Tabuk expedition) rejoiced in
their inaction behind the back of the Messenger of Allah; they hated to strive and fight,
with their goods and their persons in the Cause of Allah; they said’’ Do not go forth in the
heat’’ Say,’’ The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat.’’ If only they could understand’ ’(9.81) and
also refer verse 9;87 in the same context.

There were three Companions Ka’b bin Malik, Hilal bin Umayyah and Murara bin Rabi
stayed behind from Tabuk expedition not for any doubt or disaffectioin but for negligence
and indolence.
All of them were earlier converts to Islam and undergone hardship for the sake of religion,
Murara bin Rabi and Hilal bin Umayyah had taken part in the battle of Badr and they
never languid in accompanying the Prophet(SAS) in the previous campaigns, this time
their failure to tookk part in the expedition partly on account of worldly means and
objects. They did not thought the urgency of matter as it deserved and partly perhaps the
will of providence and Allah wanted to set example.

In opposite the fear of Allah and love of Prophet (SAS) made Abu Dharr (RA) and Abu
Haythama to bear the burnt of sacrifice and difficulty to take part in the Tabuk

Abu Dharr (RA) companion of holy Prophet (SAS); Islamic army proceeded
under the command of holy Prophet (SAS) despite scorching sun in the desert.

Mujahid meanwhile said ‘’O Messenger of Allah,Abu Dharr (RA) stayed behind because of
his camel does not walk’’. The Messenger of Allah said’’ If there is some goodness in it ,
Allah will make him catch up with us’’. Abu Dharr (RA) realized that his camel was weak
could not able to walk, therefore, he put up his possession on his back and began to walk
under the scorching heat of the sun to catch up the army.

When the Islamic army rested at a place they saw some one approaching, they informed
the Prophet (SAS),he said he is Abu Dhar,later it was found to be he. Holy Prophet (SAS)
said’’ May Allah show mercy on Abu Dharr! He will be alone, die alone and will be
resurrected alone’’.Later during the caliphate of Othman (RA) Abu Dharr lived in
Damascus, one he recited a Quranic verse’’ And there are those who buy gold and silver
and spend it not in the way of Allah, announces unto them a most grievous penalty’’.

Muawiyah the governor of Syria objected to him and complaint to Othman (RA) about the
matter, which may cause disturbance in the country. Othman (RA) recalled Abu Dharr
back to Medina asked him to stay with him, but he rejected the offer of worldly things
then Othman suggested if you wish to move a place near here and stay there. Abu Dharr
accepted the offer and went to live in Rabaza. After a while he fell ill and at that time only
his wife and servant with him, he said to them when I die washed my body and enshroud
me then put my body in the middle of way, tell the first travelers that come with their
animal. This is Abu Dharr a companion of Prophet (SAS) help us to bury him’’ ,he died in
32 AH, a group of Iraqis on way to Umrah came, Abdullah ibn Masud famous Scholar and
companion of holy Prophet was among them. When he heard about it he wept for his
distress conditions, then he was buried as per his wish.

Another Companion Abu Haythama a sincere Muslim stayed in Medina and did not
joined the Islamic army because of his negligence to joined the expedition. After few days
of the departure of Islamic army, when he returned home from work found his wives had
cleaned the arbor and prepared soft drink(Sherbet) for him to cool his temper under
scorching heat. When he saw it reality dawn on him and realized that Messenger of Allah
was leading the Islamic army for the cause of Allah under the scorching sun, wind and
heat and Abu Haythama is sitting under the shade with two beautiful wives among them,
which is against the will of inner one ‘soul- conscious’. He turned to his wives and said
’’By Allah, I will not enter the arbor or touch either of you unless I go and catch up with
holy Prophet (SAS), go prepared some food for my journey. He set off from Medina
towards Tabuk,when Mujahid said to holy Prophet (SAS) that a man fast approaching us.
Prophet (SAS) said is he Abu Haythama, I hope he is coming, when he reached the
companion realized he is Abu Haythama, he straightly went to holy Prophet (SAS) and
presented before him. Holy Prophet (SAS) said Abu Haythama you were completely
destroyed, when he narrated what had happened, holy Prophet (SAS) prayed for him.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) stay at Tabouk

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) led the strong force of 30,000 men, reached Tabouk and
stayed there for about 20 day awaiting the Byzantine force to come. Heraclius the
Byzantine Emperor came to know that Muslims despite knowing the strength of his army
moving to fight him. He saw the chivalry of Muslims in the battle of Mu’tah that a handful
of 3000 men clashed with the mighty Roman force of about 2 lacs. He also came to know
that holy Prophet (SAS) was himself leading the army and his decision to attack Muslims
under the leadership of holy Prophet (SAS) is a uphill task feared more casualties and
defeat. Heraclius therefore retreated from the place and did not come to Tabouk.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) awaited the Byzantine force to come, which did not turn up
and rumor of Romans invasion cool down and there was nothing to fear ,the environment
of tranquility dawn on them. Allah revelation came at that time ‘Fight those who do
not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been
forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of
Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay Jizya with
willing submission, and feel themselves subdued’’(9;29).

Prophet Muhammad scouted the area during his stay at Tabouk, many surrounding tribes
,which were allied to Romans now joined the holy Prophet (SAS) and converted to Islam.
Holy Prophet (SAS)saw ukdar bin Abdul Malik a Christian chief enjoyed the patronage of
Byzantine Empire reported to be harboring hostile design. There holy Prophet (SAS)
dispatched Khalid bin walid with 400 men to Dumatul Jundal to punish the Christian
king Ukdar bin Abdul Malik al kindi with instruction to capture and bring him alive when
he was hunting blue cow. Khalid bin walid went and saw the fort of Dumatul Jundal and
stayed in the moon lit night, when the wife of king saw a blue cow tossing her horn
against the palace gate and told the king to hunt. When the king came out of the palace
Khalid bin walid captured him and his brother Husain killed in the fight. Khalid bin walid
brought the Ukdar before holy Prophet (SAS) and the Prophet spared his life on the
condition of surrender unconditionally and agreed to pay the Jizya.

Prophet letter to Christian prince Ayla(Aliah) called as Yahna bin Raubah to submit to
Islam or pay Jizya if you did not face attack from us. The letter was in Arabic translated
into English (William Muir) read as follows;

To John ibn Raubah the Chief of Ayla peace be upon you, I praised God for you beside
whom there is no Lord! I will not fight against you until I have written this unto you.
Believe or else pay tribute, And be obedient unto the Lord and His Prophet( and the
Messenger of his Prophet),honor them and clothe them with excellent vestment not with

inferior raiment . Specially clothe Zaid with excellent garments, as long as my messenger
are pleased, so likewise I ye know the tribute. If ye desire to have security by sea and by
land, obey the Lord and His Apostle, he will defend you from every demand whether by
Arab or foreigner, saving the demand of the Lord and His Apostle.

( Seal of Muhammad)

( Note the letter is genuine and authentic and retained by Ayla as a proof of the rights
Prophet gave to the people of Ayla for their conversion).

Local tribes came gave their allegiance to the Prophet (SAS) and agreed to pay Jizya. As
per Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri the author of Sealed Nectar mention that Yahna bin
Raubah came to holy Prophet (SAS) and made peace with him, paying each Jizya and holy
Prophet (SAS) in return gave each tribe a letter of guarantee, similar to Yahna, this letter
especially guaranteed the freedom to practice Religion.

Prophet (SAS) Sermon in Tabouk

When the Byzantine threat was over and the Prophet (SAS) and his companion having a
free and fearless environment, the Prophet (SAS) stood up leaned against the date palm
and delivered the following Sermon;

Shall I tell you who is the best and worst person among people? The best person is the one
who works in the way of Allah on his horse, camel or on his two feet. The worst person is
the one who reads the Book of Allah but does not benefit from it’.’ Verily ! the most
veracious discourse is the ‘Book of God’. The most trustworthy strong hold is the word
‘piety’, the best of the religion is the religion of Ibrahim. The best of the precedent is the
precedent of Muhammad. The noblest speech is the invocation of God. The finest of
narration is this Quran. The best of affairs is that which has been firmly resolved upon.
The worst in religion are those things which are created without sanction, the best of the
ways is one trodden by the prophets.

The noblest of the action is that which is beneficent, the best guidance is that which is put
into practice and the worst blindness is the blindness of the heart. The upper hand (the
hand that give) is better than the lower hand (the hand that receives). The little that
suffices is better than what is abundant and alluring, the worst apology is that which is
tendered when death stares one in the face and worst mores is that which fall on the day
of resurrection. Some came to Friday Prayer with hesitation and delay! And some of them
remember God with reluctance, the tongue which is addicted to false expression is a
bubbling spring of sins. The most valuable possession is the contentment of heart, the
best provision that of piety, highest wisdom is fear of God-the Mighty and Great. Best
thing to cherished is the heart is faith and conviction; doubt is infidelity.

Impatience waiting and fulsome laudation of the dead is an act of ignorance, betrayal
leads one to the fire of Hell! Drinking amounts to burning of fire , wine the mother of all
evils, obscene poetry is the work of devil. The worst things eaten is one which belongs to
orphans, blessed is he who received admonition from others. Each one of you must resort
to a place of four cubits(grave),your affairs would be decided ultimately in the next life,
the worst dream is the false dream, whatever in store is near. To abuse a Believer is
transgression, raising arms against him is infidelity, to back him is disobedience of God,
inviolability( and sacredness) of his property is like that of his blood. He who swearing by
God(falsely) infact falsifies Him .He who pardons others is himself granted pardon and
He who forgives others is forgiven by God. He who represses anger, God rewards him. He
who faces misfortunes with perseverance God compensates him. O God ! Pardon me and
my Ummah, Oh God Pardon me and my Ummah ! Oh God Pardon me and my
Ummah(utter three times). I seek forgiveness of God for me and You!.

The Holy Prophet (SAS) given this advice to Ummah and sought Almighty Providence for
the Ummah. One night during the stay at Tabouk the Islamic army waiting Holy Prophet,
after performing Tahajjud prayer the Prophet (SAS) came out and said to the Companions
waiting around him. I was given five things that had not been given to the Prophets before
me.(1) Every Prophet used to be sent to his own nation only but I have been sent to all
mankind. (2) The earth has been made me(and for my followers) a place of praying and a
thing to perform Tayammum,therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the
time of prayers is due. No Prophet before me was granted this privilege, their nations
could perform prayers only in churches and synagogues. (3) The Spoils of war (war booty)
made halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for any Prophets before me. (4)I have
given the rights of intercession ( Rights of Shafa’at on doomsday). And (5) I was helped
by God by His frightening my enemies from a distance of one month journey (Hadith
Bukhari, Muslim, Nesai and Ahmed bin Hanbal).

Conspiracy of the hypocrites

When holy Prophet (SAS) returning from Tabuk they have to pass through a valley or by
hilly track, the hypocrites planned to push down the Prophet (SAS) from the top of the
hillock while traversing with him. The plan was revealed to holy Prophet (SAS) by
archangel Gabriel, so he said to followers whoever willing to go by valley that was wide in
space may go and he took up hilly track to traverse, other followers took up opposite way.
The hypocrites were covered their faces ,walk along with the holy Prophet, the follower
Huzafa bin Yaman and Ammar bin Yasser accompany the holy Prophet (SAS). Holy
Prophet (SAS) ordered Ammar bin yasser to hold the reigns of she- camel and Huzaifa bin
Yaman followed him. Walking with the holy Prophet caravan after a while, a group of

hypocrites surrounded the holy Prophet to attack, but holy Prophet (SAS) shouted with
rage to Huzaifa bin Yasser to remove them from before him . Huzaifa holding staff in his
hand immediately swing and hit the camel mouth, as a result of melee they became
frightened feeling their conspiracy has been unfolded, they began to spread themselves
and joined with other followers evading their identity, as they had covered their faces with

Holy Prophet (SAS), subsequently asked Huzaifa ‘’ Do you identify any of them, he replied
due to darkness of night he could not know who are those masked men ‘and said Allah
and His Messenger will knows better. Holy Prophet (SAS) said the hypocrites planned to
push me down from the hillock, then Huzaifa asked Why they may not be killed one by
one? Prophet Muhammad (SAS) said the people may mistake me that Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) began killing his own people, thereafter holy Prophet (SAS) narrated
the names of each these hypocrites one by one and ordered to keep it in secret.

Zarar Mosque

Background;- Before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (SAS), Abu Aamir a Christian
monk was very famous ,people believe in him, he feared that spread of Islam would
endanger his showmanship and his influence began to decline. He was awaiting the
opportunity to launch attack on Prophet and his mission, when the Quraysh were
defeated at Badr he got incensed and used all his energies to incite Quraysh.

The battle of Uhud, and Ahzab (Trench ) was the result of this man strategy, he therefore
left no stone unturned to put off the ‘Lamp of Islam’. Allah’s verdict made him to eat a
humble pie, he never sit idle but instigated Heraclius Byzantine Emperor to do whatever
possible to stop the surge of Islam, but the attempts of Heraclius meet its waterloo and in
the end he left Syria unsuccessful.

A gang of hypocrites of Medina involved with Abu Aamir in his anti-Islamic activities,
they used to hatch conspiracies to harm Islam. One such was on the advice of Abu Aamir,
some hypocrites decided to build a separate mosque so that they could carry their anti-
Islamic activities. There were two Mosques in Medina at that time-one was Quba Mosque
in one corner of the city and the other Holy Mosque of Prophet- Masjid e Nabwi situated
in the centre and there was no need for any more mosque at Medina. Hypocrites put forth
the excuse that some elderly and physically challenged men find it difficult to reach these
mosques for prayer in time.

They therefore, pledged holy Prophet (SAS) to permit them to construct another mosque
near to their dwelling so these people could attend prayer regularly ,as a result the
hypocrites constructed a mosque and requested holy Prophet (SAS) to lead prayer once

in the mosque so the place become blessed one. Holy Prophet (SAS) replied ‘’ presently I
am busy in preparation of Tabuk expedition, let us see after I come back’’. When holy
Prophet (SAS) on the way back to Medina Allah’s revelation came’’ And there are those
who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity-to disunite the
Believers- and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His
Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing
but good; but Allah declares that they are certainly liars’’ (9;107).

Holy Prophet (SAS) ordered some men to go and demolish that mosque prior to his
arrival at Medina as an open declaration of Muslim’s future agenda against the
hypocrites, which was carried scrupulously.

When the holy Prophet (SAS) returned to Medina as was his routine practice, first he
visited his mosque offered two raka’at salah and sat to meet the companions. The
hypocrites came and began to narrate their excuses and tried to convince the Prophet
(SAS) ,they were little more than 80 peoples. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) listened to their
concocted stories ,accepted their excuses and left the matter to Almighty Allah and
forgave them(Quranic verse 9;94).

The tales of three companion Ka’b bin Malik, Hilal bin umayyah and Murarah bin Rabi
runs as the Ka’b bin Malik came and saluted holy Prophet (SAS), he looked at me and
smiled said’’ Tell me what hindered you ?

I humbly narrated the Truth and put forth I had the capability to accompany you and
accepted his indolence. Holy Prophet (SAS) said ‘’He is the person who spoke the truth,
well now stand up and wait until Allah decide your fate, I got up and joined people of my
tribe. Two other persons Hilal bin Umayyah and Murarah bin Rabi also narrated the truth
as Ka’b did. After this holy Prophet (SAS) passed an order that nobody would talk to these
three until Allah decide their fate. Those two were confined themselves to their houses but
Ka,b used to come out and perform congregational prayer ,move to market but nobody
talked to him.

He feel that the world had change and became a stranger, sometime I looked to holy
Prophet (SAS) stealthily to see how Prophet would react at me, one day out of perplexity
went to my cousin Abu Qatadah, to my dismay he did not talk to me but remained silent
at my insistence at third time he said’’ Allah and His Messenger knows the best’’ by this
reply I broke down and wept.

In those days the Emperor Ghassan sent me letter ,I opened and found that’’ We heard
that your master is torturing you, you are a great person, come to us we would give you

shelter and respect, I said to myself that’’Oh yet another trouble’’ I threw away the letter.
Likewise forty days passed, when suddenly the word came from Prophet (SAS)’’ Desert
your wife too’’ I asked ‘’ Do I divorce her? I got the reply ‘No just leave her’’ I sent my wife
to my in laws and said ‘wait until Allah send His verdict’’. On fiftieth day after fajr prayer I
was sitting on the roof of my house suddenly a voice came’’ Congratulation O Ka’b bin
Malik’ hearing this words, I fell in prostration as a sign of gratitude to Almighty Allah and
straight away went to Prophet’s Mosque and saw the face of holy Prophet (SAS) gleaming
with pleasure. I saluted holy Prophet (SAS).he said ‘’Congratulation Ka’b’ bin Malik, I
asked, Is this forgiveness from you or Allah? The holy Prophet said ‘Allah’’ and recited
verses 118 -119 from chapter 9 (Sura Tauba) mentioning the acceptance of penitence.

After my penitence, I humbly said to holy Prophet (SAS) that I will give all my wealth in
charity, holy Prophet (SAS) said retain some, it is better, so I retain Khyber property and
gave rest in charity. I promised Allah I would remain steadfast on truth, for which Allah
may forgive me throughout my life, I hope Allah would save me from future

Aftermath of Tabouk

This expedition laid down clear policy instruction to Muslims and hypocrites to follow
and develop a system that safeguards Muslims from conspiracies. Secondly Muslim
became a force to reckon with militarily in the Arabian peninsula, the strategic long term
consequence was that many Arab tribes allied with Byzantine Empire changed coats ,
joined the holy Prophet , who all embraced Islam while enlarging Muslim State.

Amir bin Al Tufayl refused to convert to Islam and even claimed himself equal to the
Prophet of Islam. Prophet (SAS) called him, tried to convinced him the truth of Islam but
of no avail. Amr bin Al Tufayl walked away threatening the holy Prophet (SAS) with war,
by God he swore’ I shall fill your space with men and cavalry, holy Prophet (SAS) prayer
to restrict Amir, on his way home he was struck with cancer in his neck and died.

Another persistent associationist Arbad ibn Qays,too refused to embrace Islam and
returned to Banu Amir tribe, by God’s curse he was hit by lightening at the market place
and died.

Tribes who came to embraced Islam

Ibn Sa’d biographer(historian) in his’Tabkat al Kubra’ mention about fifty long pages
about the tribes who declare their faith in Islam are ; Muzaynah, Asad,Tamim,
Abs,Fazarah,Murrah,Thalabah,Muhraib, Sa’d bin Bakr,Kilab,Ru’as ibn Kilab,Uqayl ibn

Ka’b, Ja’dah. Qushayr ibn Ka’b,Banu al Bakka,,Kinanah,Ashja,Bahilah,Sulaym,Hilalibn
Amir,Amr ibn Ss’sa’ah,Thaqif,the Rubiah group,of Abdal Qays,Bakr bin wail,
Taqhlib.Hanifah,Shayban,the Yamani tribes of Tay, Tujib, Khawlan, Juiyy, Suda,
Murrad, Zubayd, Kindah, Al Sadif, Khshayn, Sa’d Hudaym, Baliyy. Bahra, Udrah,
Salaman, Juhynah, Kalb,Jurm al Azd,Ghassan ,Al Harith ibn Ka’b,Hamdan,Sa’dal.
Ashirah, Ans, Al Dariyyin,Al Rahnawyyin branch of Madhaj.Ghamid, Al Nakha, Bujilah,
Khath’am, Al Ash’arayn, Hadrawmaut, Azd, Uman, Ghafiq, Bariq, Daws, Thumalah, Al
Hddan, Aslam, Judham, Mahrah, Himyar, Najran and Jayshan’’. There remains no one
of the tribes in Arab peninsula or its clan but had entered into Islam. All these events
accomplished after Tabouk.

Chapter XXII

Hazrat Abu Bakr leads the Pilgrimage

Backgound;The Campaign of Tabouk fulfilled the ‘Word of Allah’ throughout Arabian

peninsula, the holy Prophet (SAS) had firmly secured against the threat of any attack. In
fact, as soon as the holy Prophet (SAS) return to Medina from Tabouk, the associates of
Arabs began to ponder their fate, their survival and the religion. Muslims who
accompanied holy Prophet (SAS), on their march to Tabouk face many hardship, bore the
heat and thirst of desert, somewhat disappointed nay resentful that they miss the chance
to fight or meet martyrdom in the cause of Allah. The Byzantine withdrawn to the interior
where they stood better fortified. Nonetheless, their withdrawals before the arrival of
Muslim army, left the Southern Arab tribes of Yaman, Hadrawmaut and Oman in lurch
and these tribes were especially most affected, since their association with Byzantine
made them to feel the fear of their survival which become hard nut to crack.

The Byzantine once vanquished Persia, recaptured the cross and reinstated in Jerusalem
with imperial pomp and pageantry, this was happened when Persia had dominion over
Yaman, and surrounding areas who had ruled for many decades. Now Muslims were very
close to Yaman, indeed very close to every quarters of Arab peninsula. These tribes
realized their folly of not associating with the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) under the
aegis of Islam. Such a step would saved them from the Imperialism of Byzantine and
Persia, the tribal chiefs know very well that holy Prophet (SAS) would honor their
leadership and grant them sovereignty, if but they converted to Islam. Indeed if they did
not joined the holy Prophet (SAS) they will lose and their tribal power structure would

The 9 AH mark the ‘Year of deputation’ in which many people entered into Islam
enmasse, the holy Prophet (SAS) remained in Medina and instructed Abu Bakr Siddiq
(Ra) to lead the Pilgrimage as the head of the convoy to holy city of Mecca. Hazrat Abu
Bakr in obedience to the instructions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS), proceeded with
300 Muslim pilgrims to Mecca to perform hajj. Holy Prophet (SAS) send 20 camels for
sacrifice under the care of Najia bin Jundab Aslami (ra),of which 5 camels with Abu
Bakr’s care.

The period of deputation coterminous with year in which the Unbelievers continued to
perform pilgrimage to the holy Sanctuary mingle with Muslims. There was a general pact
between holy Prophet (SAS and the Arabs that none should be prevented from
performing hajj rituals around Ka’ba,and none should be attack during holy month.
Likewise the relationship with various Arab tribes were governed by the pact, whose
terms not yet expired. As long as this pact not expired, the Associations had the same
privilege to perform pilgrimage to holy Ka’aba with Muslims side by side.

Allah reveals Sura ’Ba’raat ( Chapter 9;Tauba-repentance) to communicate

Commandment of Allah regarding performance of hajj and renouncement of old
traditions and its ways.

The revelation came at the time of hajj season begins and thousands of pilgrims
converged in Mecca, and they accustomed to perform hajj in their way. Obviously this is
not the time to implement the Allah’s revelation but to proclaims it let the
associationist(unbeliever-infidels) knows that, henceforth their ways of performance of
hajj is no longer in practice.

The holy Prophet (SAS) for this purpose sent Ali ibn Abu Talib to Mecca through his
camel to Mecca to join Abu Bakr and to address the congregation of pilgrims assembled at
Arfat.Ali was entrusted with the duty to proclaim the Commandments of God and His
Prophet! When Ali ibn Abu Talib met Abu Bakr, he asked Ali’Do you come to us as
commander or Messenger’’ Ali ibn Abu Talib answered, indeed as Messenger and
informed Abu Bakr of his mission. When the pilgrims congregated at Mina, Ali rose and
delivered the message of Allah quoting the verses from holy Quran; ’This is a complete
absolution from God and His Prophet (SAS) regarding all obligations arising from pacts
made with the Associationinst. The Unbelievers may travel throughout the land for 4
months in freedom for them. Certainly they cannot frustrate the plans of Allah, nor will
they escape His final humiliation of them. This proclamation is from Allah and His
Messenger for the benefit of all people on this day of the greater pilgrimage. Allah and His
Messenger are clear of all obligation towards the associationists. It is better for them to

repent, if they do not repent or turnaway,they should know that they will not frustrate
Allah’s plan, rather to them belongs the tidings of severe and painful punishment’’(Sura
Tauba; 9;1-36).

After Ali ibn Abu Talib finished his recitation of Quranic verses, he further continued
and declare the Commandments ;( 1) O men! Unbelievers will not enter Paradise (2) No
Associationist will perform pilgrimage after this year(3) No naked men will be allowed to
circumambulate the ‘Holy Ka’aba’ (4) Whoever has entered into an covenant with the
Prophet of Allah- May Allah’s peace and blessing upon him, will have his covenant
fulfilled as long as its terms lasts.

After Ali ibn Abu Talib communicated the above 4 covenants of Allah to the people and
then he announces 4 month times of general peace and amnesty, during this period
anyone could return safely to homes. After 4 months time no one is allowed to practice
the age old rituals as outlined above will be dealt with severe punishment.

Those infringe the treaties and conspire against Islam, they either decide their fate
through battle or leave the place or embrace Islam consciously and enter Islamic fold. The
administrative affairs of ‘ Holy Ka’aba’, the polytheist would not have any say and they are
not allowed to perform any Un-Islamic rituals in the precinct of Holy Ka’aba. Those who
jumped to conclusion concerning ‘Islam’ and Prophet as Allah calls to fight the
associationist and kill them wherever they may be found without compassion or mercy’’
was the warning to infidels who disobey the conditions (1) To accept Islam or (2) to pay
Jizya, if they want to live in the land under Islamic rule.

Amir bin Al Tufayl refused to convert to Islam and even claimed himself equal to the
Prophet of Islam. Prophet (SAS) called him, tried to convinced him the truth of Islam but
of no avail. Amr bin Al Tufayl walked away threatening the holy Prophet (SAS) with war,
by God he swore’ I shall fill your space with men and cavalry, holy Prophet (SAS) prayer
to restrict Amir, on his way home he was struck with cancer in his neck and died.

Another persistent associationist Arbad ibn Qays,too refused to embrace Islam and
returned to Banu Amir tribe, by God’s curse he was hit by lightening at the market place
and died.


Allah’s revelation of Chapter 9-(Tauba-repentance) saying Muslims in particular,

mankind in general that there is no ideology greater than the ‘’faith of God’’ alone. No
idea, no faith and no conviction of any kind can exercise greater power over the ‘Soul’ of a

man than that Soul’s entry’s into the communion with ‘Reality ‘ as a whole. Chapter 9 –
Sura Tauba ultimately lays down the principle that Man without Master except Allah, his
conscience without judge except Allah! As Sura Tauba (Chapter 9) lays down the
principle that those who flout the general conviction which ought to be the ‘’foundation of
Islamic State’ are the rebels, the immoral and the nucleus of subversion and hateful
destructions. If the rebellion against general faith of the State, then they should be fought
and brought under subjugation. If it is not overt as was the case of Tabouk campaign, they
should pay ‘Jizya’ in acknowledgement of their subjection.

The revelation of Sura Taubah at the last leg of holy Prophet’s campaign leads to mass
conversion of people in and around Hijaz, Tihmah and Nejd and all those territories and
many tribes of South made their common cause with Prophet Muhammad (SAS). The
Whole of Arabian peninsula bloom with “Islamic flowers ‘ the embers of Taw heed
flourished on a wider scale became Islamic State and Medina the capital. The mission of
holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) completed successfully with change of Polytheist of
Mecca and Medina to Islam, once discarded and felled into abysmal pit of ignorance
became the darling of world, who dictate terms to the world Super power- Byzantine and
Persia at that time.

Farewell Pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (SAS) mission to spread the ‘Message of Allah’-Tawheed
began in 610 AD with initial setbacks from the idolaters of Mecca. Allah bestow greater
responsibility on holy Prophet (SAS) as says.,’’ We sent you not, but as a Mercy for
all creatures (21;107) .

Holy Prophet(SAS) efforts brought fruit and the revelation of Allah that the days are not
far off that people enters the Islamic fold in multitude ‘’’When comes the Help of
Allah, and Victory; And you see the People enters Allah’s Religion in crowds;
Celebrate the Praise of your Lord, and pray for His Forgiveness; for He is
Oft-Returning(in Grace and Mercy)’’-{110;1;3}. This revelation made the Muslims
to conquer Mecca and host of territories in Arabian peninsula, which made the Idolaters,
ultimately succumb to ‘Reality’. As a result, they all converted to Islam, thus the land of
Abraham became a place of Sanctity and Righteousness free from any kind of pantheism.

The history records that the last hajj performed by Prophet Muhammad(SAS) as’ Hajj at
ul wida-the Farewell hajj, the holy Prophet(SAS) performed this hajj only one in his
life in the last days of Prophet hood. He had previously performed two Umrah (lesser
hajj) and this historic Pilgrimage herald a new chapter in Islam that the task entrusted by

Almighty Allah was successfully accomplished in spread of ‘Islam’ far and wide in Arab
peninsula. In perpetuation of the proclamation of Abraham,; ‘And proclaim the
Pilgrimage among men; they will come to you on foot and (mounted) on
every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys through deep and distant
mountain highways(22;27). The holy Prophet (SAS) made this true the ‘House of
God’ a place of annual congregation ‘Hajj’ by including it as one of the pillars of Islam.

Holy Prophet (SAS) understood Allah was pleased with his humble work and impression
of his end fast approaching realized to announce his intention to undertook his last
‘Pilgrimage’ to Mecca to perform hajj, the ultimate rite of every Muslims and he advised
his companions to do likewise.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) reveals his intention to take his last hajj ,in order the
rituals of hajj had to be established in its entirety, so the Muslims might learn to follow it.
The intention of holy Prophet(SAS) to go on Hajj spread like a wild fire in and
around Medina, thousands and thousands of people from all corners of Arabia came to
Medina, tents were erected to accommodate the people, the gathering was an inspiring
evidence of ’’Victory of Truth’ .

On 25th day of Dhul Qadah 10 AH ( 23rd Feb 632CE) Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) set
forth towards Mecca accompanied by all his Wives and daughter Fatima and Ali ibn Abu
Talib riding on their own carriage followed by a great multitudes numbering 1,00,000 t0
1,25,000 people. They all reached Dhul Hulafah at the end of the day, holy Prophet(SAS)
put up ‘Ihram’( Yamani Ihram of two pieces of white cloth unstitched) followed by
Suhabas as a absolute means of equality among themselves .They all recited Talbiya ‘’O
Allah! At Your Service! You have no associates! At Your Service,O Allah! Praise be to Allah
! Thank be to Allah ! At Your Service; O Allah! You have no associates! O Allah ! At Your
Service O Allah !All the Companions repeated these words with humility, the valley was
reverberated with the sound about the’ Praise of Allah’.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and his companion reached Mecca on 4th day of Dhul hajj,
upon arrival holy Prophet (SAS) followed by Suhabas hastened to Ka’aba through Dar
ussalam gate’ went to black stone kissed it. Then he circumambulate the holy Sanctuary of
Ka’ba,first 3 round he did marching(Raml) and subsequent 4 round in ordinary walking
way, after completion he proceeded to the ‘Muqam Ibrahim- Abraham Sanctuary’
performed two rakat Salah . Returned to Black stone kissed it once ,then proceed to Zam
Zam well drank its water ,thereafter proceeded to Safa and Marwa hill to do Sa’ay, he
completed 7 rounds of Sa’ay, in the initial place he run for while, as a resemblance of bibi
Hajri for hankering for water to Ishmael and completed the Sa’ay.

Prophet (SAS) in Mina and Arafat

On 8th Dhul hajj Prophet (SAS) and his Suhabas reached Mina ,stayed for a night ,on 9 th
Dhul Hajj(Friday) he reached Arafat on his camel’Qaswa ,ascended the mount Arafat
followed by multitudes of people chanting Talbiya and Takbir ‘Allah u Akbar’. Holy
Prophet erected his tent eastside of Mt. Arafat-’Nimrah ,when the sun at the zenith
he rode to Uranah valley, where he delivered the historic Sermon known as’
Hajj at ul Wida Sermon’. At the sunset he reach Mash are Haram and collected
pebbles to stone the devil at Jam rat. Next day the 10th Dhul hajj holy Prophet (SAS) rode
to Jam rat-stoning place of devils and completed the stoning of first devil and on 11 th & 12
the Dhul Hajj holy Prophet (SAS) stoned the three devils consecutively. On 10th Dhul hajj
holy Prophet (SAS) offered 100 camels for sacrifice, he himself sacrifice 63 camels and
Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib sacrificed 37 camels. The Holy Prophet (SAS) completing the hajj
pilgrimage return to Medina on 18th Dhul hajj 10 AH.

Historic Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

This historic Sermon was delivered on 9th Dhul Hajjah 10 AH (6th March 632 CE) known
as ‘khutbatul wada or Muhammad final Sermon’ in the Uranah valley of Mt. Arafat in
Mecca. This Sermon contains many useful general exhortation inter alia commandments
of Islamic mission to be followed by Muslim Ummah after his departure from the world
and remains it as carte Blanca of Islam. The final sermons narrated in various hadith in
part of Sahih Bukhari/ Sahih Muslim/ Sunan Abu Dawood/ Abu Majah- / Musnad
Ahmed ibn Hanbal /narrated by various companions of holy Prophet- Jabir ,ibn
Abdullah, ibn Ishaq & others ,are put into nutshell after collations.

After praising and thanks giving Allah, the Prophet (SAS) said’’ O people ! Lend your
attentive ear for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you.
Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those
who could not be present here today;

O people! Verily your blood, your property are as sacred and inviolable as the sacredness
of this day of yours in this town of yours! Behold everything pertaining to the days of
ignorance (Jahilliya period) is under my feet completely abolished, abolished are also the
blood revenge of the days of ignorance. The first claim of ours on the blood revenge which
I abolished is that of the ‘son of Rabi’ah bin Harith ,who had nursed among the tribe of
Sa’ad and killed by Hudhail !( fight occurred among the two tribes and during the fight
one stone struck the boy and dead).

An Usury of pre-Islamic period is abolished and the first Usury I abolished is that of
Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib for it is all abolished, henceforth all interest obligation is
waived only capital is yours, Allah has judged that there shall be no interest.

Fear Allah ! concerning Women, verily you have taken them on the security of Allah and
made them lawful unto you in married life. They have right over you that you should
provide them food and clothing in fitting manner. Do treat your women well and be kind
to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they
do not make friends with any one of whom you dislike and they should not be unchaste. If
they do unchaste act, then you have right to chastise them but not severely ( hit them but
without causing injury or leaving a mark) ,leaver them if they obey you ( Ibn Maja

O people ! I indeed Your Lord is one and Your father is one, there is no superiority of an
Arab over Non-Arab nor a Non-Arab over Arab. Nor a white over black or a black over
white except ,‘Taqwa’. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to other Muslim, as Muslims
constitute ‘One brotherhood’. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslims which belongs to a
fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly, do not therefore do injustice to
your selves.

O People! Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion, he has lost all hope that he will
ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of him in small things also. O
people! Intercalating a month is an increase in unbelief, whereby the Unbelievers go
astray. One year ,they make it profane and allow it another,(in order to) agree with the
numbers that God has hallowed ,and so Profane. What God has hallowed ,what God has
made profane. Time has completed its cycle (and is) as it was on the day that God created
the heaven and earth. The number of months with God is 12 (they were) in the Book of
God ,on the day He created the heaven and earth, four of them are sacred, three
consecutive(months) and the Rajab (which is called the month of) Madar;which is in
between Jamada and Sha’ban.

O people! Listen to me in earnestly worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast
during Ramdan, give your wealth in charity and Zakat and perform hajj if you can afford
to do so.

O people! Allah has apportioned to every deserving heir his share of the estate, and no
deserving heir may accept a special bequest, and no special bequest may exceed a third of
the estate. A child lineage is that of the (husband) who owns the (bed), and adulterers

shall be stoned. Whoever claims to be son or a bondman who claims to belong to other
his master shall bear the curse of Allah and the angels and all men; no deflecting of it or
ransom for it shall be accepted from him,

O people! Remember one day you will appear before God for your deeds; so beware!, do
not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. On the day of Judgment some
people will get my intercession and some will be taken back from me by angel for the
intercession. I beseech Allah that my people were denied intercession on this day , on that
Allah says ‘ you do not know these people after your departure innovated new things in
Deen’’, ( narrated by ibn Masud inIbn Maja).

Allah reveals the Sura Ma’ida ,verse 3 ( chapter 5; 3) on the day of Arafath to holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) stating the completion of ‘Deen e Islam’, reads as ;
‘’Forbidden to you (for food) are; dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which the name of other than Allah has been invoked; that which
has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or
by being gored to death; that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal;
unless you are able to slaughter it ( in due form); that which is sacrificed on
stone(alters); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with
arrows; that is impiety. This day those reject Faith have given up all hope of
your religion; yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your
religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you
Islam as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to
transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful’’ .

The companions ask holy Prophet about lawful food, chastity of women, marriage prayer
and other aspect, Allah reveals in remaining verses of in Sura Ma’ida .It is conclusive that
Prophet Muhammad (SAS) progeny/followers attested that Sura Ma’ida was the final
revelation supported by authentic book of Sunnis.

When the 5;3 -Sura of Ma’ida reveals? Once a Jew said to Omar (ra) ‘’O leader of believer!
There is a verse in your Book! i.e. Quran, which is read by all of you(Muslims). Had it
been revealed to us(i.e. Jews), we would have taken that day ( on which it was revealed) as
a day of celebration’’. Omar (ra) asked’’ what verse is this’’? The Jew replied ‘This day I
have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion;; (5;3). Omar (Ra) replied ‘No doubt, we know when and
where this verse was revealed to the Prophet (SAS), It was the day Prophet (SAS) was
standing at’Arafah’ on a Friday’.(Sahih Bukhari/Sahih Muslim). Moreover, Ibn Hajar
(rah- alai) in his interpretation of Bukhari hadith mentioned some narration which was
reported with a different wordings’’ And both of them are the days of Eid for us( i.e. the
day of Arafah and the day of Friday). Allah knows best.

Abu Bakr Siddiq(RA) started crying on hearing the revelation of Sura 5;3 and realized
that the beloved Prophet )puh) mission had been completed would stay only for a short
among us. The arch angel come to holy Prophet(SAS) to listen to recitation of Quran
usually once in a year, but at the last year he came twice to hear the recitation of holy
Quran ,which he recited to everyone to correct any mistakes they have while reciting or

Addition from Ibn Ishaq (RA) narration of hadith quoted by ibn Hisham’Sirah an
Nabawiyah and Al Tabari ‘Tarikh with minor differences(vol 1x-The last years of Prophet-

Ibn Hamayd –Salamah –Muhammad bin Ishaq – Yahya bin Abbad bin Abdallah bin
Zubayr narrates father Abbad ‘’The Man who used to repeat the Messenger of God’s
words loudly to the people was when he was in Arafah was Rabi’ah bin Umayyah bin
khalaf. The Messenger of Gods say to him’’ say O people the Messenger of God says ‘’ do
you know what month this is? And they say The sacred month. Then he would say to them
God has made your blood and your property sacrosanct until you meet your Lord, like the
sanctity of this month of yours, the Messenger of God says’ O people do you know what
land this is? Rabi’ah would call out loudly, He and they would say The Holy land. He
would say God has hallowed your blood and your property until you meet your Lord like
the sanctity of land.O People do you know what day this is? They said The day of greater
Pilgrimage, He said God has made your blood and your property sacrosanct until you
meet your Lord like the sanctity of this day of yours’’.

O people the holy Prophet said; No Prophet or Apostle will come after me and no new
faith will be born, reason well before you, O people I have left two things among you-the
Book of Allah and My Sunnah-way of life of prophet. If you holds fast to it, you would
never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others, those to
others again and may last one to understand my words. And you would be asked
about me (on the Day of Resurrection), now tell what would you say? They (audience-
followers of Islam) said’’ we will bear witness that you have conveyed(the Message of
God), discharged the ministry of prophet hood and given wise(sincere) counsel. Then the
Holy Prophet (SAS) raised his forefinger towards heaven pointing it at the people said’’ O
Allah! Be witness! O Allah be witness and’’ O Allah be witness’’ thrice he uttered).

Quran exhorts the believer to be steadfast in all times and the lesson they learn should be
that, ‘’ Has not the time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all
humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which
has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to
whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and
their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors
(57; 16).

Ghadir Khumm

The account of Ghadir Khumm the holy Prophet (SAS) delivered a sermon on 18th Dhul
hajj (Sunday 15th March 632 CE) at ghadir Khumm, which is located near the city of Al
Juhfah present day in Saudi Arabia. The hadith read as follows;

On the way back to Medina, holy Prophet (SAS) ordered his companion to stop at Ghadir
Khumm and delivered the Sermon’’ O people, Allah the Most kind, the Omniscient has
told me that no apostle lives to more than half the age of him who had preceded him. I
think I am about to be called (to die) and thus I must respond. I am responsible and you
responsible, than what do you say? They said’’ we witness that you have informed
,advised and striven, May Allah bless you! He said’’ Do you not bear witness that there is
no god but Allah and that Muhammad (SAS) is His Servant and Apostle. And Heaven is
true, His Hell is true, death is true, the Resurrection of death is true, that there is no
doubt that the ‘Day of Judgment will come and that Allah will resurrect the dead from
their graves? They said ‘Yes’ we bear witness. He said’’ O Allah bear witness; then he said’’
O people Allah is my Lord and I am the lord of the believers. I am worthier of believers
than themselves; of whomsoever I had been the Master (Mawla), Ali here is to be his
Master’’O Allah be a supporter of whoever support him(Ali) and an enemy of whoever
opposes him and divert the Truth to Ali’’.

O people, I will go ahead of you and you will arrive at my pond(in Heaven) ,which is wider
than the distance between Basara and Sana’a. It has receptacles as numerous as the Stars
and two cups of gold and two cups of Silver. I will ask you about two weighty things I have
left for you, when you come to me to see how you dealt with them. The greatest weighty
thing is Allah’s Book-the holy Quran-one end is in Allah’s hand and other is in your hand.
Keep it and you will not deviate. That other weighty thing is my family (Ahl al Byt) and my
descendants. The Most kind and Omniscient had told me that both of them would not
separate they come to my Pond.

Another similar narration ,of a part of the hadith goes as follows;

O people! Reflect on the Quran and comprehend its verses, look into its clear verses and
do not follow its ambiguous parts for Allah, none shall be able to explain to you its
warning and its mysteries, not shall any one clarify its interpretation. Other than the one
that I have grasped his hand, brought up beside myself ( and lifted his arm),. The one
about whom I inform you that whomsoever I am his Master, this Ali is his Master, he is
Ali ibn but Talib my brother, the executor of my will(Wasiyye),whose appointment as
your guidance and leader has been sent down to me from Allah ,the Mighty and the

There are other versions of this hadiths that say’’ I have left two things with you, as long
as you hold to them, you will not go the wrong way. They are the Book of Allah and the
Sunnah of His Prophet ‘as per Imam Malik in Mawatta,narrated by Anas bin Malik -the
oldest book on Islam after Quran).The hadith had been narrated by others- Sahih
Muslim 15/19 nu 1218, Sunan ibn Majah 25/84, Sunan Abu Dawood 11/56 with variation
in wordings .

(Note-term Mawla refers to; Client, Patron, Friend, Partner, ally or numerous other
similar relationship. 27 different meaning had been given for’Mawla,hence exact meaning
should be derived from syntactical and structural context).

The Shia Muslim takes this hadith as an announcement and in vesture of Ali ibn Abu
Talib as the first caliph, the Shia takes this event 18th Dhul hajj every year as ‘Eid al
Ghadir’’. Many Sunni Muslims also accept that holy Prophet (SAS) declares Ali ibn Abu
Talib as the’ Mawla’,however, refuse to accept the explanation that this meant succession
to holy Prophet (SAS). There are some Sunni Scholars argue that holy Prophet’s (SAS)
announcement that Ali ibn Abu Talib is my ’Mawla’ simply to urging the audience to hold
his cousin and son-in-law in high esteem and affection.


Demise of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) completed the rites of farewell Pilgrimage and
returned to Medina feeling satisfactory fulfillment of his Mission-Spread of Taw heed
message in the Arabian Peninsula resulted in beaming of Arabian peninsula with the
‘Light of Islam. After two month on his return from Mecca , one the night, the holy
Prophet (SAS) woke up in the midnight, asked his servant Abdullah to saddle his mule,
both of them left and reach the ‘Baqi ‘graveyard. Holy Prophet (SAS) stood in front the
graves and prayed over them, later Abdullah reported that Prophet (SAS) told me that he
was ordered to pray for the dead and that I was to go with him.

After the prayer holy Prophet (SAS) turned to Abdulla and said ‘’ I can choose between all
the riches of this world, a long life and then paradise or meeting my Lord and entering
paradise now’’. Abdullah begged him to choose a long rich life followed by paradise, but
the Prophet (SAS) told him that he had already chosen to meet his Lords now rather than

remain in this world’’. On 18th or 19th Safar in 11 AH the holy Prophet felt uneasiness with
head- ache, days passed the condition of holy Prophet deteriorated gone bad to worse,
despite the illness, holy Prophet (SAS) continued to lead Salah till his condition become
severe, the last Salah he offered was Maghreb( Post sunset prayer) tied hand kerchief to
his forehead and lead Salah recited sura Mursilaat and the holy Prophet (SAS) could not
come to Isha(night prayer due fever and ask Abu Bakr to lead the Salah for next days to

One day holy Prophet (SAS) felt better, he took bath and came to Mosque and gave a
sermon –this was his last sermon, he said’’ Allah granted an option to a man ,he
was free to choose earthly blessing or Hereafter, but he chooses the blessing
of Lord of Hereafter, Abu Bakr (ra) understood to whom the Prophet (SAS) is
signaling; he broke down in tears. Holy Prophet (SAS) kept on saying ‘’I am grateful to
Abu Bakr for his company and wealth, if I could make someone my friend among
disciples, it could be Abu Bakr, but the relation of Islam is enough for friendship. O
people Listen carefully; the Nations prior to you, started worshipping the graves of their
messenger and saints, I forbid you from doing this. Do not attribute lawful and unlawful
to me, I differentiated between lawful and unlawful according to Allah’s will’’.

One day holy Prophet (SAS) addressed his family members and said’’ O daughter of
Allah’s messenger Fatima and the aunt of Allah’s messenger Safia! Do something that
would benefit you on the Day of Judgment, I cannot save you from Allah. One day before
his departure he felt severe pain and covered his face with sheet and uttered
something,Ai’shah (RAA) his blessed wife heard him uttering these words’’ May Allah’s
curse be on Jews and Christians, they worshipped the graves of their messenger’’. In this
critical condition holy Prophet (SAS) asked ‘’ Ai’sha! Where are those guineas? Would
Muhammad meet Allah as a distrustful? Go and give them as charity in Allah’s way.

Final call of Allah

Holy Prophet (SAS) was struggling in the conditions between severe indisposition and
relief, as the day advanced unconsciousness overtook him and in this condition of
repeated fainting ,the holy Prophet uttered these words’’ With those whom, Allah
bestowed His reward’’ and sometimes’’ Allah is the greatest companion’’ and
some time ‘’Now I need no one but the greatest companion’’ . Thus ,the conditions
further worsen to the point of no return to normal, finally on Monday the 12th Rabi ul
Awwal 11 AH ( 8th June 632 CE), the last light of world left the mortal world
but the Message he brought to mankind remains as torch bearer of guidance
for generations( Al Quran says 5;16/10; 57/14;2/ 21;10/ 33;;45-46/ and 59;7).

A’isha (raa) said to herself , so by Allah, he is not choosing us When the people in Mosque
heard that the holy Prophet (SAS) no more, the mosque filled with gloom of grief, the
news spread like wild fire . At that time Abu Bakr was at place’’ As Sunah’(Al Aliya) ,
Umar stood up and said’’ By Allah! Allah Apostle is not dead, nothing occurred to my
mind except that ‘verily ! Allah will resurrect him and he will cut the hands and legs of
such men who say Apostle Allah is dead’’. Abu Bakr came and uncovered the face of
Allah’s Apostle kissed his forehead and said’’ let my mother and father be sacrificed for
you(O Allah’s Apostle), you are good in life and in death, By Allah in Whose Hands myself
is, Allah will never make you taste death twice’’. Then he went out and said’’ O oath taker!
Umer sat down, Abu Bakr praised and glorified Allah and said’’ No doubt , whoever
worshipped Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, the
Allah is Alive and shall never die’’. Then he recited Quranic verse’’ Truly you will die(
one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day)’’ (Sura Zumar 39; 30). Then
he further recited Quranic verses ‘’ Muhammad is no more than a Messenger;
many were the Messenger that passed away before him. If he died or were
slain, will you then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels,
not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will
swiftly reward those who serve(serve Him) with gratitude; Nor can a soul die
except by Allah’s leave, the term being fixed as by writing. If any do desire a
reward in this life, We shall give it to him; and if any do desire a reward in
the Hereafter, We shall give it to him. And swiftly shall We reward those
that( serve Us with) gratitude’’ (3;144-145).

The people wept loudly and there was discussion between Ansar and Muhajreen over the
leadership of the Ummah. Sa’d bin Ubaida of Banu Saida claims to lead one man from
Ansar and one man from Arabs(Mecca), Abu Bakr , Umar and Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah
want the ruler from their side said ‘’ we are the rulers and you (Ansars are the
ministers(Advisors). Hubab bin Mundhir said No by Allah we won’t accept it, in this
negotiation the name of Abu Bakr was proposed and oath of allegiance was given by all .
Abu Bakr accepted and said’’ Obey me so long as I obey Allah and His Messenger, but if I
disobey Allah and His Messenger, you owe me no obedience, arise for your prayer, Allah
have mercy upon you’’ .The rose and asked where will the prophet(SAS) be buried? Abu
Bakr remembered that the Prophet (SAS) had said’’ No Prophet dies who is not
buried on the spot where he died’’.

The hadith narrations that’’ Al Bahaqi from Al Ash’ath bin Tulayq al Bazzaar from

Asfhaani- both reporting from Murrah from Ibn Masud and Abdullah ibn Masud (
considered to be weak by some theologians) states about the Shroudh and funeral prayers
of holy Prophet (SAS);The haiths ;(1) When is the time of death? Our Prophet informed us
one month before his demise- the time of death drawn near, time of returning to Allah, to
Heaven, to Sidratul Muntaha, to Rafiqul Ala, to Destiny and to blissful and blessed life
has drawn (2) O Messenger of Allah who should wash you? We asked- Whosoever closest
to me from my household he said; (3) Who Shall cover you and enshroud? Enshroud with
the clothing of mine, if you wish or Egyptian fabric or cloth.

(4) Who shall perform your funeral prayers? Prophet said, when you washed or enshroud
me, put me on that wooden bed of mine and place next to grave in my house! Because,
firstly my two friends Gabriel and Mikael,then Israfil later angel of death Izrael together
with his army of angel will perform my funeral prayers. After that enter in group and
perform my funeral prayers and send me your revering and compliments! However, do
not disturb by praising and crying. (5) Let the men from my household began performing
my funeral prayers first! Then let their women perform. Then you perform send my
compliments to those from my companions, who are not present here ! And send my
compliments , also to those to come from my tribe and those to follow my religion and me
until the Day of Resurrection’’. (6) Who shall place you in grave ? My household and lots
of angels, whom you do not see but who see you; he said.

In accordance with that explanation; Ali ibn Abu Talib(cousin) Abbas ibn Abdul
Muthalib(his uncle) and his two Sons Al Fadl and Qutham , his two freed men Usamah
and Shaqran washed the blessed body of holy Prophet; (Abbas, Al Fadl and Qutham) turn
the body and Usamah and Shaqran poured the water on the body and Hazrat Ali washed
the body). The clothes were left on out of respect as nothing impure left on his body ,so
they enshrouded him. Thereafter the body was placed in the house where the grave was
dug. Then left for while , so 4 angels perform the funeral prayers and then the other
angels. After that Abu Bakr came to the presence of Prophet and performed the funeral
prayers, then Hazrat Umar bin khattan, Talha,Zubair then others Muslims performed the
funeral prayers-all one after others. There is difference of opinion that individual prayers
were held without imam ( ibn Abiden in his Ashiya reference author of Al Mabsut as Abu
Bakr was busy in settling the affairs as Caliph and lack of space to offer enmasse prayers
with other reasons attributed by various hadeeths).Allah knows better’.

Holy Prophet (SAS) died on Monday and buried in the night between Tuesday and
Wednesday, ibn Ishaq narrated that the holy Prophet (SAS) was buried on Wednesday
(reliable account). Ali ibn Abu Talib, who got the honor of funeral bath to holy Prophet
and lowered him in his grave-(Tarikh al khamis).

Conspiracy to shift holy body of Prophet (SAS)

The City of Medina became the centre of veneration, due to the grave of holy Prophet and
became a place of importance, and thousands of Muslims visit the grave of holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) to gave their salutation and regards. This popularity became a thorn in
the eyes of Jews and they planned to unearth and shift the mortal remains of holy
Prophet(SAS) from Medina. Two Jews who came to Medina in the guise of Moroccan
pilgrimage and stayed in Medina near Prophet Mosque. This incidents happened in 557
AH(1162 CE) during the reign of Nooruddin Mahmood Zangi the Eyptiam Mamluk.They
began to dig secretly until that they had reached near by the grave of holy Prophet (SAS),
then the holy Prophet (SAS) told the king ‘’Rescue me from the two men’’ via dreams
showing the faces of two blond men.

The Sultan immediately headed to Medina and looked out these two men ,he found and
arrested them, after hearing their plan executed them. He then ordered to dug a deep hole
around the grave of holy Prophet and filled with melted leads or some say melted brass
that nobody would attempt to dig his grave. Thereafter another attempts was made by Al
Ubaydi the Egyptian ruler to shift the bodies of Abu Bakr and Umar but Allah the
Almighty protected it. Therefore the sacred place remain protected by Allah since
then.(Muslims believes and accept the truth and it is mentioned in Abu Dawood that one
can refer Jamul Fawid vol no 1-hadith 1924).

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) Alive in his grave?

The mainstream belief of Ahl e sunnah wal jam’ah is that ‘’Our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (SAS) and Other Prophets (AS) are alive in their respective graves except Isa
(AS) who comes near doom day.Therefore, the bodies of all Prophets, Muslim martyrs,
Saints and true Muslims have found fresh with flesh and blood.

The Companion asked holy Prophet”” O Messenger of Allah,how can it be that our
blessings will be submitted to you while your body is decayed ‘’? He
replied’’Allah the Exalted has Prohibited the earth from consuming the
bodies of Prophets’’ (Hadith book 3 –kitab al Salaat ,Sunan Abu Dawood No 1047-
english translation book 3 no 1042).

Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates that Prophet (SAS) said’’ The Prophets(SAS) as living in their
grave, they perform Salat (Majmuz Zawaid-vol 8 p 211). The lives of Prophets(AS) are also
proven through the Ahaadiths on‘’Miraj’ , narrated by Bukhari and Muslims, where it is
mentioned that Prophet Muhammad (SAS) led the Prophets (AS) in Salaat and also his
meeting them in heaven and paradise.

Another hadiths’’ Narrated by Aws bin Aws that the Apostle of Allah said’’ Among the
most excellent of your days is’Friday’ , on it Adam was created; on it shall be the day of
Nafakhah(Sur); on it all creations be swoon.So send a great dealing of blessings upon me
on this day, your blessing will be presented to me. They (companions) asked’Apostle
Allah; how can our blessing be submitted to you when your body is decayed? He said’’
Allah has Prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of the Prophets’’( Sunan ibn
Majah-vol 1 hadith 1261 and 1627).

Hadiths narrated by Abu Darda (ra) that Abu’l Shayk transmitted in kitab ul Zawaid with
good chain from him in maruf form’ that the Messenger of Allah said,’’He who sends
blessing near my grave ,I hear it, and he who sends blessings on me from far, it reaches
me;Al Hafiz mentioned it in ‘Al Fath(6;488 chapter 48 from kitab al Anbiya). Abu
Dawood transmitted it from Abu Hurairah with the words’’ send blessing on me! For
indeed your blessing reach me wherever you may be’’.

The holy Quran says the people slain in the way of Allah ; they are dead; Nay,theyare
living, though you do not perceive(it); finding their sustenance in the Presence of their
Lord(2;154 /3;169) and further refer Quranic verse 9;111/22;58/41;53).

Fresh bodies of Companion of Prophet

The belief of Ahl e Sunnah wal Jam’ah that the bodies of Prophets,Suhabas and Saints
never decay in their grave but remains intact can be judge by the unusual events occurred
in Iraq.

In 1932 CE(135 AH) king of Iraq Shah Faisal had a dream that addressed by two
companions of holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) ‘Hudhaifa al Yamani(ra), who said’’ O
king transfer Jasbir ibn Abdullah and me from the bank of river Tigress and bury at some
safe place,because my grave is already waterlogged(full of water) while Jabir ibn Abdullah
grave is slowly getting water-logged.

The dream was repeated again the next night but the king king Faisal did not pay
attention to it on account of his pre-occupation with state affairs. On the third night
Hazrath Huddhaifa al yamani(ra) was seen in the dream by the grand Mufti of Iraq.
Hazrat Hudahifa al Yamani (ra) said to grand Mufti,’’I have been directing king since two
nights to transfer our bodies, but he has not paid attention, tell him emphatically to
arrange to the transfer of our graves. The grand Mufti met the king Faisal appraised the
dream and king Faisal, grand Mufti of Iraq and his prime minister decided to carry out
this work after discussing the matter. It was decided that grand Mufti should issue a fatwa
on the matter, the prime minister will issue statement to press so the public may know
about the great event.

The king Faisal declared that on 10th Dhul hajj after noon prayer, the graves shall be
opened and the holy bodies shall be transferred to another place, since it was the hajj
season pilgrims gathered at Mecca,they requested king Faisal to postpone the event for
few days so that they will also could attend event after performing hajj. The king
postponed the event to 20th Dhul hajj, on the day large number of people gathered at
Baghdads to view the event , after the noon prayer first the grave of Hudhaifa al Yamani
was opened,water was found inside the grave, the body was lifted with crane in such a way
that it safely came on the stretcher,then the stretcher was lifted by king Faisal,grand
Mufti, prime minister and prince Farooq of Egypt and brought to a glass box made
especially to keep the holy bodied. The body of Jabir bin Abdullah al Ansari was lifted in
similar scrupulous manner.

The crowd saw the bodies of two companions of holy Prophet(SAS) in a fresh and
intact,while their eyes open and divine light that emit from their eyes,the spectators eyes
were dazzled.Their coffin clothes were also intact and fresh as if appeared that the heroes
of Islam were alive. These two bodies were taken away and buried afresh near the grave of
another great hero of Islam’ Salman farsi (ra) in Salman park 30 km from Baghdad. The
german doctor who came across the event and reality dawn on him he embraced Islam
and many more Jews and Christian followed suit and enters into Islamic fold.

Lastly the renowned Islamic Scholar Sheikh Abdul Huq Muhaddiths Dehlvi (rah..
alai)express his opinion states that;‘’The Prophets are alive and every one believes that
they are alive, there is no disagreement in this. Their life (in their graves) is’Real’,Physical
life(like they possessed in the world)’’ not like the martyrs whose life is only
spiritual(Ash’at al Lam’at –Vol 1-Page 574).

Family of Prophet Muhammad (SAS)

Background; Genealogy of holy Prophet(SAS) traces back to Prophet Abraham and his
son Ismail ,after 40th generation of Ismail i.e Hadir to Add- then from Adnan- M’ad-
Nazar-Muzir- Ilyas- Mudreka-khuzaima-Kinana-Nazar-Malik(Quraish) Fahr-Ghalib- Loi-
Ka’b- Murra-Kilab- Qusai-Abd-e-Munaf- Hashim-Abdul Muthalib-he had sons among
them –Abdullah- Hazrat Muhammad (SAS)-holy Prophet of the Islam(details see chart –
Family tree of prophets).

Islam the religion of God does not favor monastic life but based on the nature of human
being, which teaches worldly life connected to to the life Hereafter.The fountainhead of
Islamic teaching revolve around Quran and the Sunnah of holy Prophet (SAS). So the
greatest teacher of mankind Hazrat Muhammad (SAS) showed practically how to lead
family life.

Prophet Muhammad (SAS) first married Hazrat Khudijaj(RAA) at the age of twenty five,
and he did not marry anyone during the life time of Khadijah, After her demise he
married 11 ladies based on the circumstances favorable to the spread of Islam and to
maintain cordial relation with the tribes.Except Ai’sha (RAA) others were widows, ,holy
Prophet(SAS) wanted to change age old Arab culture , champion the cause of widow
remarriage,uphold the rights of women visa vis men , orphan ,slaves and parent
enshrined in Islamic culture. The wives are called ‘’Ummul Momeneen-Mothers of
faithful’’ all were famous for their devotion, Charity, knowledge of Islamic tradition,
Sunnah Theology and Jurisprudence and acted as ‘ guiding light of Islam’ during and
after the demise of holy Prophet.

Wives of holy Prophet (SAS)

Sl No. Name Married Died

Khudijeh bint khuwayid 595 CE 620 CE
Sawda bint Zama 620 CE 33 AH
Ai’sha bint Abu Bakr 623 CE 58 AH

4 Hafsa bint Umar bin Jan-Feb-625 45 AH


5 Zainab bint khuzayma Feb/March-625 627 CE

6 Hind (Umme Salma bint Apr-626 CE 59 AH
Abi Umayyah
Zainab bint Jahsh March 627 20 AH

8 Juwariyah bint Al Harith 628 CE 56 AH

9 Ramlah(umme Habiba) July 628 CE 44 AH

bint Abu Sufyan

10 Safiya bint Al Huyayybin July 628 CE 50 AH


11 Maymunah bint Al Harith Feb 629 CE 51 AH

Mariyah bint Shamoon al June 629 CE 637 CE(20 AH)
(Note; Holy Prophet (SAS) died on Monday 12th Rabiul Awwal, 11 AH( 8th June 632 CE).

Hazrat Zainab eldest daughter married to her cousin Abul As, she died in 8th AH. Hazrat
Ruqaiya second daughter married to Othman bin Affan after she was divorced by Abu
Jahl son utbah.She died in 2nd year of Hijra, Hazrat Umme kulsum the third daughter was
married to Hazrath Othman bin Affan , after she was also divorced by Abu Jahl son
utaibah, she died in 9th year of hijra.

Hazrat Fatimah Zohra the fourth daughter was muched loved by holy Prophet (SAS)
married to Hazrat Ali (RA) ,who was also much loved by him.All the four daughters were
born to Hazrat Khudejeh.

Hazrat Zainah had issue and Hazrat Ruqaiya had a son Abdullah Kubra but died at the
age of 6 year , Umme Kulsum had no issue. Fatimah Zohra had 3 sons and two daughters,
the sons were Hasn, Husain and Mohsin ,the daughters Hazrat Zainab kubra and Umme
kulsum Soghra.(Hasn died by poisoning, Husain was martyred in karbala and Mohsin
died at infancy).Hasn and Husain well known in Islamic history and their descendants
spread through out the world.

Holy Prophet had three sons, of these, two Hazrat Qasim (eldest) son died before
prophethood, Second Abdulla also died in childhood,these were from khudejeh(RAA) and
one Hazrat Ibrahim born in 8th AH to Mariya al Qiptiya(Mary of Copt) could not survive
but died with two months.


Prophet Muhammad (SAS) Companions (Suhabas)

The followers of holy Prophet (SAS),who saw him, heard him, obeyed and were in his
company from the beginning to his demise called as ‘’Companions-Sahaba’. The holy
Quran describe Sahabas in clear term as’’The vanguard (of Islam)-the first of those
who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and(also those
who follow them in (all) good deeds-well-pleased is Allah with them, as are
with Him; for them He has prepared Gardens under which rivers flow,to
dwell therein for ever; that is the supreme Felicity’’(Sura Tauba 9; 100).

The people who were Muslims at the time of battle of Badr- Muhajireen (Immigrants) and
Ansars (inhabitants of Medina) held in high esteem and were ideals for other Muslims-
Well pleased is Allah with them-(Radi allah wa Anhu) as Quran terms’’ Allah turned
with favor to the Prophet, the Muhajirs, and the Ansars-who followed him in
a time of distress, after that the hearts of a part of them had nearly swerved
(from duty), but He turned to them(also); for He is to them Most kind, Most

Allah further called them as true Muslims and friends of Allah’ Those who believed, and
adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause
of Allah, as well as those who gave(them) asylum and aid,-these are(all) friends and
protectors, one of another.As to those who believed but came not into exile, you owe no
duty of protection to them until they come into exile; but if they seek your aid in religion,
it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom you have a treaty of
mutual alliance. And(remember) Allah sees all that you do’’( 8;72) and also see ( Sura
Anfal 8;74-75 & SuraFat-h; 48; 29, Sura Hadid ;57;10).

Those Muslims who were Muslims before victory of Mecca and fought for the cause of
Allah held high and those Non- Muslims at the time of victory of Mecca and became
Muslims also considered as ideals for others ( Ashaabat Tulaqa’a).

The Ten Sahaba (Ashratul Mubashara) whom holy Prophet (SAS) gave good news of
‘Paradise’; after death, when they were still alive. The glad tidings of Paradise is the
vouchsafed message of holy Prophet (SAS). They are(1)Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (2) Hazrat
Omar Farooq (3) Hazrat Othman bin Affan-Ghani(4) Hazrat Ali (5) Hazrat Abu Obaidah
(6) Hazrat Zubair (7) Hazrat Talha (8) Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (9) Hazrat Abdur
Rahman bin Auf and (10) Hazrat Sayeed bin Zaid (raa).


Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) reported Messenger of Allah(PUH) said’’ The best of men are my
generation, then those who come next to them , then those who come next to them. After
wards people will come who will give testimony before swearing an oath, and swear an
oath before giving testimony’ (Bukhari and Muslim).

Messenger of Allah said’’My companions are like Stars,whoever among them you use for
guidance, you will be rightly guided’’ narrated by ibn Umar by Abdi ibn Humayd in his
Musnad as stated by Suyuti in Manhil al Safa-p 183- nu 1027- but the Salafi School of
thought considered this hadith as ‘Daeef.

Some Scholars considered multiple chains, the hadith may be accepted and reliable-
Shayk Abdul Hayu al laku nawi-in his book Iqamah al Huffah ala annaa- iksar-fi at
Ta’abbud laisa bi Bid’ah’’ with annotation of the Shayk Abdul Fattah Abu Uhoddah-pp 48-

There is another hadith which suggestion something similar to it’’ Abu Musa al
Ash’ari(RA) narrated Messenger of Allah said’’ The Stars are a source of Security for the
sky’ and when the stars disappear,there will come to the sky what is promised. I am

source of Security for my companions, and when I am gone, there will come to my
companion what they are promised. Any my companions are a source of Security for my
Ummah, and when my companion are gone,there will come to my Ummah that they are
promised’’ (Sahih Muslim No 6466-207-2531 –Darussalam).

Imam al Bahaqi (d 458 AH) also narrated this hadith in it ’’Itiqad(1/318).Ibn Amir Haj(d
879 AH) in al Taqrir wal Tahbir(3/99) and Mulla Ali al Qari(d 1014 AH) in his Mirqat al
Mafatih(9/3876, 3882) also mentioned the proximity of meaning. Further, Hafiz ibn
Hajr(d 853 AH) commenting on Al Bahaqi words said’’al Bahaqi said the truth, it shows
the reliability of the particular likeness of the companions with the stars. As to (proof of
them) it is not evident in the hadith of Abu Musa Ash’ari but ‘yes’it is possible that he
found a hint for that in guidance with the stars (i,e in the purpose stars serves in night)-
Talkis al Habir-4/464. Indeed the Companions of the Prophet (SAS) are likethe (guiding)
Stars- Allah knows better.

Hazrat Ali (RA) reported that Messenger of Allah said’’every Prophet has seven eminent
men who are guardian, but I have been given ‘fourteen’. Ali (RA) was aked who they were,
and he replied’ I, my two sons(Hasn and Husain), Ja’far, Hamza, Abu Bakr, Umar,
Mus’ab bin Umar, Bilal, Salman farsi, Ammar, Abdullah ibn Masud, Abu Dharr and al

The Asahab e Suffa another group of chaste and poor Muslim companions of holy Prophet
(SAS) who were nourished and guided under his tutelag.

The Companions of holy Prophet hold a special place in the realm of Islam and their
veneration is indispensible on the part of everty Muslim. The hadith says about them’’
Abu Sa’id khudri (RA) reported that Messenger of Allah said’’ Do not revile my
Companions, by Him in Whose hand my Soul is, if one of you contributed the amount of
gold equivalent to Uhud, it would not amount to as much as the handful of one of them or
half of it’’(Abu Dawood).

We the Muslim Ummah glorify Allah and ask blessing and satisfaction of
peace for the Noble Prophet (SAS) and his companions and those who follow
him in upholding the cause of the right religion. In the matter of obedience
to Allah and His Messenger and Companions, see further the Quranic Verse-
Al Imram 3;152-154/An Nisa 4;64-65/Sura An Noor 24;62-63/Al Mumtahana
;60;1/and Al Juma’a 62;11. To know more about the sacrifice of Sahabas in
the cause of Islam, please refer ‘’Hayatus Sahaba’ by Maulana Muhammad
Zakriya kaan dhalawi.

Muslims Scholars considered Wali-Saint- the fourth chain of holy and pious people who
comes after the glorious chains of followers of Islam-Sahaba- the Tabi’in who follow
Sahabas and Tabe Tabi’in who follows Tab’in and then comes Auliya-wali.

Wali (Plural form; Auliya)

Who is the Wali? Islamic understanding of ‘Wali’ means ‘Support’. Love, honor,
Friend, who command respect and being loved in both ‘’Spiritual and material sense. In
Allah’s description-two distinct characteristic for any one to be among the Auliya of Allah;
Imaan @) Taqwa-God consciousness. In holy Quran Allah-all praise and glory be to Him
says’’ Behold! Verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they
grieve; Those who believe and (constantly) guard against evil; For them are
Glad Tidings, in the life of the Present and in the Hereafter, no change can
there be in the Words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme Felicity’’(Sura
Yunus 10; 62-64).

Hadiths says ‘’O people! Listen, understand and know it well, Allah’s Servants who are
neither Prophets, nor Martyrs and whom Prophets and Martyrs yearn to be like due to
their seat and proximity in relation to Allah’(Abu Dawood). Another hadith’’ Umar bin
khattab(RA) saw once Mu’adh ibn Jabal(RA) sitting and crying near the grave of
Prophet(SAS). He asked him’’why are you crying? Mu’adh (RA) said’’ I remember Prophet
(SAS) said’’the slightes ostentatiouness is Shirk’ and’whoever harms any of Allah’s
Deputies has surely earned Allah’s wrath’’.Umar (RA) said ‘’some of the Allah’s blessed
Servant are neither Prophets nor Martyrs, they are special people,who on the ‘Day of
Resurrection’, the Prophets and Martyrs envy them for their rank and nearness to their
Lord’. Some one asked’’O Prophet (SAS) who are they, and what kind of deeds do they
perform so that we may love them as well’’?. Prophet (SAS) said’’ They are people who
love one another in Allah, even though they have no consanguineous ties, money to
exchange or worldly business to barter with . I swear by Allah, on the Day of
Reckoning,their faces will be effulgent light and they will raised on ‘’Pulpit of
Light’’(Sahih Bukhari)

Another hadiths e Qudsi ; Allah the Almighty says about ‘Wilayah( closer servant of
Allah);;Whosoever acts with enmity towards a closer servant of Mine(wali), I will indeed
declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have
made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw near to Me with
supererogatory (nawafil prayers day/night) prayers,so that I shall love him.

When I love him I shall be his hearing with which he shall hear, his sight with which he
shall sees, his hands with which he shall hold and his feet with which he shall walk. And if
he ask (something’s) of Me, I shall surely give it to him, and if he takes refuge in Me, I
shall certainly grant him it ‘’ (Al Bukhari).

Purification of Soul

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was sent to purify the ‘Souls’ of people ( Sura Jum’ah
62;2).The methods of purification of soul as mentioned in Quran and hadiths are;

(1) Purify our beliefs and cleanse ourselves of any Shirk or association partners with Allah
in whatever manners and circumstances; Love and Fear Allah ; Belief or faith in Allah and
His Messenger;Devotion,honesty and Sincerity ;Remembrance of Allah is a nectar that
keep the soul afresh with Divine integrity i.e., recite Quran ,establish regular prayer
(SuraAnkabut 29;45) .

2) Strive to love Allah by performing deeds that are ‘’Obligatory upon them;

3) Strive to perform extra-voluntary good deeds, which will make us even more beloved to

4 ) Follow strictly and uphold the covenants of holy Quran and Sunnah of Prophet(SAS)
in matters-Spiritual and worldly affairs without any Ostentatiousness and Shirk.

Islamic Scholars outlined these points inter alia, which helps a Muslim Wali or Auliya to
tread this correct path of purification of Soul. Any one claims that one can draw closer to
Allah by means other than this., such as through other practices or assistance of pious
person is no difference to ‘idol worship, feared he may go astray.

The Sufis and Saints follows different kinds of purification methods based on different
class or order ( Chistiya/Naqshbandiya/ Sahrwardiya/and Qadariya)., Whatever order
one can follow that a true’ Wali who ’shall not contradict , deviate, the path of Allah but
adhere strictly to the basic tenets of Islam-Deen (Kalima), Salat. Fasting, Zakat , hajj and
Sunnah of holy Prophet (SAS). Whoever does not follow these tenets strictly, but preach
only ,will not be considered to be a true ’Wali or Auliya’ in the realm of Quran or Sunnah.

‘’May Allah blessed the Muslim Ummah to tread the correct path-Ameen’’.

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Family tree of the Prophets


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