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Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah
Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah
Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah

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Few of people knows about the Scientific Miracles of the Quran and Sunnah .There's so many discoveries in different fields of sciences occured in the last two centuries by the human, despite the Quran and Sunnah mentioned them for more than fourteen centuries ago.What are those discoveries and the fields belonged to them.What are the proofs that make them credible?

Release dateAug 25, 2022
Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah

Mohamed Cherif

Mohamed Cherif is a writer in different fields of knowledge, politics, and sciences. He has physics sciences master's degree. He writes in English and French languages. He has several books like Truth About Extraterrestrials, Hidden History of the Giants, Islam As You Never Knew, Blue Beam Project a Zionists-illuminatis Advanced Weapon for the 21 st Century. He is an environment Activist and supports Civil Societies and Anti-Tyranny movements around the world. 

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    Scientific Miracles Of Islam In Quran & Sunnah - Mohamed Cherif


    I dedicate this book for all who wants to know the truth about Islam by themselves and not manipulated by the mainstream media.





    3. IN HEALTH








    I want to thank Allah God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad for his helping me to write this Book.


    The First sky(Heaven ):

    Surat 37Assafat(The Aligners) verses 6 to 10 :

    6. We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the planets.

    7. And guarded it against every defiant devil.

    8. They cannot eavesdrop on the Supernal Elite, for they get bombarded from every side.

    9. Repelled—they will have a lingering torment.

    10. Except for him who snatches a fragment—he gets pursued by a piercing projectile.

    As known that there’s seven heavens mentioned in Tawrat, Evangile and Quran .

    In this verse Allah describe the existence of first heaven or lower heaven as the heaven which contains the planets of our solar system.

    There’s any other explanation for this verse like that those planets are planets for other heavens in other universe .The Quran come to the humans and Jinns on earth and the heavens are the known ones.

    So our solar system exist in the lower or first heaven from seven.

    The seven skies(Heavens) are a Built:

    Surat 50 Qaf verse 6:

    6. Have they not observed the sky above them, how We constructed it, and decorated it, and it has no cracks?

    The sky is decorated with planets, galaxies, nebulas, stars, etc and there’s no cracks which means no pores that you can detects with naked eye or via telescopes.

    Surat 2 AlBaqarah(The Cow) verse 22 :

    22. He who made the earth a habitat for you, and the sky a structure, and sends water down from the sky, and brings out fruits thereby, as a sustenance for you. Therefore, do not assign rivals to Allah while you know.

    Surat 40 Ghafer(Forgiver) verse 64:

    64. It is Allah who made the earth a habitat for you, and the sky a structure. And He designed you, and designed you well; and He provided you with the good things. Such is Allah, your Lord; so Blessed is Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

    Surat 78 Annaba (The event) verse 12 :

    12. And built above you seven strong ones?

    Surat An-Nazi'at  (The Snatchers) verse 27 :

    27. Are you more difficult to create, or the heaven? He constructed it.

    Surat 91 Ashams(The sun) verse 5 :

    5. And the sky and He who built it.

    In all those verses there’s some vocabularies which they repeated like : structure, constructed, construction, built, etc.

    Those words come from a one single word in Arabic language which is : Binaa.

    Unfortunately, the translation to English can’t give the real meaning of the word in Arabic.

    The most common word I English between all these words is : Building.

    So through the Quran, the sky is built by Allah or God, God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them all .But how could be a building and the sky or heavens are unlimited?

    When Astronomer began to discovering the universe they named it space because they thought that it's full of vacuum, but after the development of Astronomy and astrophysics, they saw a cosmic network building and they began to name it : cosmic web.

    It's confirmed that the distances between galaxies are not empty in contrary they are full of different gas masses like the nebulas and multiple composition spreads of gases mostly in hydrogen beside the cosmic dust which contains atoms of calcium, sodium, potassium, titanium, iron, etc beside also water globules, Ammonia, Formaldehyde and many other chemical composition.

    Between the galaxies exists the universal gravitation or intergalactic gravitation, between the stars exists the inter-stars gravitation and between the planets it's exists the interplanetary gravitation that we can find easily with the influence of the moon on earth.

    Also it's exist the influence of gravitation between stars and planets like our beautiful sun and our great house the earth.

    The different types of gravitation and chemical compositions are a kind of invisible networking mesh built between all the cosmic bodies to make them related .

    The scientists begin to see a perfect engineered building, the galaxies and their groups considered as cosmic bridges and walls and the dark matter is their manipulator.

    Some scientists like Paul Miller prefers the term: Blocks instead of galaxies, he declared:

    The first galaxies or rather the first galaxy building blocks will form inside the threads of the web. When they start emitting light they will be seen to mark out the otherwise invisible thread much like beads on a string.

    Other great scientists declares also the same statement that the universe is a building covered by beautiful pearls :

    Scientists say that matter in the Universe forms a cosmic web in which galaxies are formed along filaments of ordinary matter and dark matter like pearls on a string.

    This description provided by Astrophysicians confirms completely the different verses above whose talking about the beautiful engineering of a universe built like a strong texture composed from the visible and invisible meshes.

    In the twenty first century the scientist did a simulation of the universe with a super computer including all the new discovered information and the super computer gave a reality of the construction of Universe as a complete Building.

    The Quran give besides the verses above another verse who describe perfectly this new universe discovering  in :

    Surat 51Adh-dharyat(The Spreaders) verse 7:

    7. By the sky that is woven.

    The sky mentioned in this verse means the internal atmosphere  of the earth and it’s outside the universe.

    Woven a past participle coming from weave to form or construct something by interlacing materials or combining elements.

    The woven also can be considered as a roads in the galaxies and in the known universe .As known today, the planets have their orbits and the natural and artificial satellites has theirs orbits.

    The woven also means the cylindrical roads discovered by the scientist Albert Einstein to travel in the universe with speed of  light.

    So the woven is mentioned in Quran for more than fourteen hundreds years and the humanity begin to discover this truth in the beginning of the twenty first century.

    The Expansion of the Universe :

    Surat Adh-dharyat(The spreaders) verse 47 :

    47. We constructed the universe with power, and We are expanding it.

    Until the second decade of the twenty century, scientists still believing in static form, it’s means the stars, nebulas and galaxies still in their places without movement .In the nineteenth century, Christian Doppler the Austrian scientist discovered his theory of : Doppler Effect, which is based on the growing of sound when a source like a train become more near to the receiver and then the sound become less and less when the train moves away with the time.

    The same theory applied by Doppler on the light sources: when the source of light become more and more near to the receiver the light become blue and when the source moves away the color become yellow then red .

    That’s why when you see a blue star in the night sky that’s means this star is in the young age because its near to earth and distance between it and earth is short so its age is this distance .When the color become yellow that’s means the distance is more and its age is older and when the color become red, that’s means the distance is far away and the age of the star is more older and may dying at any time then the great explosion occurs and a new cycle of formation of new star begin.

    The scientists Slipher, Edwin Hubble and his assistant Milton and Albert Einstein confirmed the expansion of galaxies in the universe and as a consequence the expansion of universe.

    The expansion of universe becomes a reality in the scientific communities and it’s become a known thing not a strange one.

    The word expansion in Arabic has not the same meaning as English, unfortunately, it’s mentioned as present participle which is available for all the times : past, present and future.

    The universe expanded he still in expansion and it will be in expansion.

    All this mentioned in the verse above for more than fourteen centuries, the humanity believe on it in the second half of the twenty century .This is the miraculous effect of the Quran.

    What do you think ? This Quran is great or not and what’s about his creator and sender Allah Do you believe in his existence and unicity?

    Eleven Planets in the Solar System not Nine:

    Surat or Chapter 12 Yusuf(Joseph) verse 4:

    4. When Joseph said to his father, O my father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the moon; I saw them bowing down to me.

    Here prophet Yusuf or Joseph peace be upon him said to his father Yaacoub or Jacob peace be upon him that he saw eleven planets and sun and moon bowing down or do Sujud which is a step in the daily five prayer of Muslims .

    The explanation coming later after he become a minister in Egypt when his eleven brothers, his mother and his father did this action.

    But, those eleven months are also the eleven months of the solar system .As the astronomy said today there’s nine planets in the solar system with exception of planet Pluto which is considered as a gas form and not yet a planet, there’s of course discussion and contradictions between scientists.

    The two undiscovered planets, unfortunately, up today by the technology of Hubble

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