This daily lesson plan is for a Year 1 English class. The lesson focuses on lunchtime and involves speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will discuss foods, match foods to where they grow, complete a diary about fruits and vegetables, answer worksheet questions, and make a 3D apple model. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to communicate basic information and understand simple phrases and sentences.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 1 English class. The lesson focuses on lunchtime and involves speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will discuss foods, match foods to where they grow, complete a diary about fruits and vegetables, answer worksheet questions, and make a 3D apple model. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to communicate basic information and understand simple phrases and sentences.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 1 English class. The lesson focuses on lunchtime and involves speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will discuss foods, match foods to where they grow, complete a diary about fruits and vegetables, answer worksheet questions, and make a 3D apple model. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to communicate basic information and understand simple phrases and sentences.
This daily lesson plan is for a Year 1 English class. The lesson focuses on lunchtime and involves speaking, reading, and writing activities. Students will discuss foods, match foods to where they grow, complete a diary about fruits and vegetables, answer worksheet questions, and make a 3D apple model. The lesson aims to improve students' ability to communicate basic information and understand simple phrases and sentences.
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SUBJECT English Language YEAR 1 Karisma
DAY / DATE Friday 28/1/2022 WEEK / LESSON 45
TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Knowledge TOPIC UNIT 4 - Lunchtime Main : Speaking FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary : Reading Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly. CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies. Main: 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases. LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2.3 (ii) Identify and remember high frequency sound and letter patterns. 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to give very basic personal information using fixed phrases. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to identify and remember high frequency sound and letter patterns. SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about Science in English. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Recycled food vocabulary FOCUS / VOCABULARY On the ground, in trees, on plants Pre-lesson Draw two circles on the board. Write Fruit in one and Vegetables in the other. Brainstorm words for each to create word maps. (HOTS) Lesson Delivery 1. Pupils look at the pictures in the Student’s Book. 2. Read the instruction aloud and check understanding. 3. Check understanding of ground and grow and that pupils know what to do. 4. In pairs, they try to match the food with where it grows. 5. Pupils compare their ideas in pairs. 6. Elicit sentences from the pupils and write them on the board. 7. Read the introduction to the activity with the class. ACTIVITIES 8. Make group of four. Hand out paper to each group. 9. Pupils copy the diary on to the paper and complete the diary. 10. Groups can decide if they want to focus on fruit or vegetables or both. 11. Groups display their diaries around the room and pupils walk around to read other groups’ diaries. (21st CA) 12. Teacher distributes worksheet (WB p55). (CBA) TP1-TP2 : Studenys answer the exercises given wirh teacher’s aid (Intervention) TP3,TP4,TP5- : Students answet the exercises given (M2P Strategy) TP 6 : Students facilate others in learning (SELF) 13. Pupils answer and compare. Post lesson Write the following prompt on the board: Today I’ve…. . Elicit from pupils what they learnt today. TEACHING AIDS Superminds 1 p.55 Science and 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY - CCE technology HOTS Analysis VALUES Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: ____________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN YEAR 1
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 1 Karisma
DAY / DATE Tuesday 18/1/2022 WEEK / LESSON 42
TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Knowledge TOPIC UNIT 4 - Lunchtime Main : Writing FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary : Reading Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media. CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies. Main: 4.2.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases. LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences. 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to give very basic personal information using fixed phrases. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to understand specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences. SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can listen to ideas and respond creatively. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Recycled language: toys, food, imperatives FOCUS / VOCABULARY Pre-lesson Tell pupils it is lunchtime. Ask What’s for lunch today? Elicit their ideas / what their favourite foods are. Lesson Delivery 1. Pre-teach lots of. 2. Tell pupils to put their head on their desks, close their eyes and listen. 3. Play the recording (CD2 17). At the end of the recording, speak quietly and tell pupils to listen again and imagine. 4. Tell pupils to draw the picture from their heads. 5. Play the recording again. 6. Pupils draw their own pictures of what they imagined.(21st CA) 7. Go around the class and encourage pupils. ACTIVITIES 8. Pupils write about their picture. 9. Display the picture on the wall of the classroom. 10. Ask a pupil to read out one of the descriptions. Pupils look at the pictures on the wall to guess which one is being described. (HOTS) 11. Teacher distributes worksheet (WB p56). (CBA) TP1-TP2 : Studenys answer the exercises given wirh teacher’s aid (Intervention) TP3,TP4,TP5- : Students answet the exercises given (M2P Strategy) TP 6 : Students facilate others in learning (SELF) 12. Pupils make a 3-D apple. Post lesson Elicit what the monster’s favourite food is. Write some other animals on the board, e.g. dog, cat, elephant, lizard. TEACHING AIDS Superminds 1 p.56 Creativity and 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Stretch to Sketch CCE Innovation HOTS Analysis VALUES Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to : ___________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 1 Karisma
DAY / DATE Wednesday 19/1/2022 WEEK / LESSON 44
TIME 60 minutes DURATION THEME World of Knowledge TOPIC UNIT 4 - Lunchtime Main : Reading FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary : Speaking Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts CONTENT STANDARDS by using appropriate reading strategies. Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly. Main: 3.2.4 Use with support a simple picture dictionary to find, list and categorise LEARNING STANDARDS words from Year 1 topics and themes. Complementary: 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases. 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to use with support a simple picture LEARNING OBJECTIVES dictionary to find, list and categorise words from Year 1 topics and themes. 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to communicate simple information intelligibly. SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can use language from the unit to play a game. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Recycled language from the topic. FOCUS / VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson Write ten food words from the unit (at least one for each of the four categories in the lunchbox game) in scrambled letter order on the board. Pupils work in pairs and write each word correctly. (HOTS) Lesson delivery 1. Demonstrate ‘The Lunchbox Game’ for pupils by playing it with one or two pupils at front. 2. Pupils take turns to roll the dice. The first dice shows their position on the horizon scale, the second their position on the vertical scale. They find the food item, say ‘I’ve got also….’ and draw it in their lunchbox. They must fill their lunchbox with one thing from each of the four food categorise. If they land on, e.g. fruit twice, them their go is wasted. The pupils who fill his/ her lunchbox first is the winner. 3. Pupils play the game in groups of four. (21st CA) 4. Teacher monitors and helps as and when necessary. 5. Teacher distributes worksheet (WBp57). (CBA) TP1-TP2 : Studenys answer the exercises given wirh teacher’s aid (Intervention) TP3,TP4,TP5- : Students answet the exercises given (M2P Strategy) TP 6 : Students facilate others in learning (SELF) 6. Pupils answers and compare in pairs. Post lesson Ask pupils what their favourite song, chant or game is from the unit. Do the song, chant or game again with the class. TEACHING AIDS Superminds 1 p.57 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Games CCE Language HOTS Analysis VALUES Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to : __________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 1 Karisma
DAY / DATE Friday 14/1/2022 WEEK / LESSON 44
TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Knowledge TOPIC UNIT 4 - Lunchtime Main : Listening FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary : Listening Main: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts. CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts. Main: 1.3.1 Predict words they will hear by using knowledge of a topic. LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences. 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to predict words they will hear by using knowledge of a topic. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to understand with support specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences. SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can identify the new food and say whether it is healthy or unhealthy. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Recycled topic language FOCUS / VOCABULARY Healthy/unhealthy Pre-lesson Teach pupils new vocabulary: healthy and unhealthy. Make 2 columns on the board: healthy food and unhealthy food. Ask pupils to name healthy and unhealthy food. Teach sweets and fizzy drink if pupils don’t suggest these. Pupils come to the board and write the items in the correct columns on the board. Lesson delivery 1. Tell the story in the Wendy, Nasir and Lisa text, and check pupils’ guesses with them. 2. Give pupils the grid on the next page and read out the text. Ask pupils to complete the grid. Read the text out again if necessary. 3. Check pupils’ answers and tell the story one more time so that pupils can confirm their answers. 4. Ask pupils why healthy eating is important. This discussion will be focus on human well-being and development, and not on language. (21st CA) 5. Give pupils a handout of the text, or write a copy on the board. 6. Put pupils into pairs or small groups and ask them to change Wendy, Lisa and Nasir’s food so that it is all healthy. 7. Make larger groups, and ask pupils to read the text out to their groupmates. 8. Groupmates identify the new food and say whether it is healthy. (HOTS) 9. Teacher distributes worksheet. (CBA) Post lesson Post-lesson task 8: Make a word ladder, using healthy food items. TEACHING AIDS Board st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Brainstorming CCE Global sustainability HOTS Evaluation VALUES Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to : ____________________________________________________
Name : __________________________________________ Class: ____________
Colour the healthy food. Cross out the unhealthy food.
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 1 Karisma
DAY / DATE Thursday 20/1/2021 WEEK / LESSON 44
TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Knowledge TOPIC UNIT 4 - Lunchtime Main : Language Arts FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary : Listening Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts. CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts. Main: 5.2.1 Name people, things or places of interest in illustrations accompanying texts. LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 1.2.3 Understand with a high degree of support very short simple narratives. 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to name people, things or places of interest in illustrations accompanying texts. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to understand with a high degree of support very short simple narratives. SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about the story in their group. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR Review of food vocabulary, fruit and vegetables. FOCUS / VOCABULARY Pre-lesson Put up a picture of healthy foods on the board. Ask questions about it. Lesson delivery 1. Teacher reads a story book titled ‘Noah’s Superheroes’. 2. Put up the pictures showing the healthy foods on the board. 3. Ask pupils to try to arrange them to form a story. This could be whole class or in small groups or pairs. 4. Tell the story, taking care to show meaning as you do it by using mime and gesture. 5. Ask pupils to check the order of the stages of the story on the board. 6. Ask pupils what they think about the story.(HOTS) 7. Teacher distributes worksheet. (CBA) TP1-TP2 : Studenys answer the exercises given wirh teacher’s aid (Intervention) TP3,TP4,TP5- : Students answet the exercises given (M2P Strategy) TP 6 : Students facilate others in learning (SELF) Post lesson Pupils listen and sing a healthy eating song from You Tube. ( ) TEACHING AIDS A text/story about healthy eating food. 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY st Talking Chips CCE Values (cooperation) HOTS Evaluation VALUES Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to : ____________________________________________________ Name : __________________________________________ Class: ____________
What do you like to eat?
Write the name of your favourite food and draw it in your plate.
Solving Word Problem Involving Direct Proportion in Different Context Such As Distance, Rate and Time Using Appropriate Strategies and Tools Grade 6 Lesson Plan
Solving Word Problem Involving Direct Proportion in Different Context Such As Distance, Rate and Time Using Appropriate Strategies and Tools Grade 6 Lesson Plan