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S2-Tarea 1

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Nombre de la Asignatura General Linguistics

Unidad N° 1 Language and Linguistics

Tema N° 1 What is Human language and Linguistics ?

Tipo de Tarea
Tarea (N1)
Create a PDF document

Objetivo de la Tarea
Measure students’ comprehension about topics along the unit.


Read the instructions.

Instructions to do the activity:
1. Watch the following video
2. Answer the questions for comprehension. Provide details from the video.
3. Give your reflection or opinion about the video .
4. Add all of your evidence to a single word document .
5.Record a 1-2-minute video where you explain what you have learned from this activity. Add
the link for the video on the comment section in MOODLE

1. The activity is individual
2. Check the rubric before doing the task. Upload the Task on time.
3. Make sure the link from the video you recorded is active and shared .
4. Upload the Pdf document . Make sure the document is not in blank
5. Save it with your name and submit it in Moodle.
Question 1
What is displacement and what examples can be given about this?
Question 2
What is productivity and what examples can be given about this?
Question 3
What is arbitrariness and what examples can be given about this?
Group 4
What is duality and what examples can be given about this?
Question 5
What is cultural transmission and what examples can be given about this

INDICATORS Excellent Very Good Fair Bad
5 specific
instructions are
4 specific
followed. The 3 specific Less than 3
instructions are
final work is instructions are specific
followed. The
exceptionally followed. The final instructions are
final work is
attractive in work is followed. The final
good in terms of
Written section: Presentation & terms of design, acceptable; work is
design, font,
Accuracy font, organization, font, distractingly
harmony of
organization, harmony of messy or very
harmony of colors, design, and poorly designed. It
colors, layout, layout affect the is not attractive.
layout and
and neatness, visual impact. (3) (2)
neatness. (4)
creating a good
visual impact. (5)
Information is
Information is
well structured
well structured Information is
and evidences
and evidences structured but
introduction, introduction,
development development and Information is not
and conclusion.
and conclusion. conclusion are not well structured
Information is
Information is well defined. OR Information is
according to the
according to the Information is not not relevant to
topic and
topic and totally relevant to the topic and not
focused on the
focused on the the topic even if it focused on the
task responding
task responding is focused on the task. OR The task
to the prompt.
to the prompt. task. The task does not provide
The task
The task does not provide supporting
Information quality and Mastery of provides
provides supporting evidence and/or
knowledge supporting
supporting evidence and/or relevant
evidence but
evidence and relevant details/examples.
specific and
uses specific and details/examples. OR It is evident
relevant details
relevant details It is evident that that it is
and/or examples
and/or there are copy/paste from
are missing. It is
examples. It is copy/paste the internet. OR
evident that it is
evident that it is fragments from Knowledge and
not copy/paste
not copy/paste the internet. class information
from the
from the Knowledge and is not applied. (0)
internet. class information
Knowledge and
Knowledge and is minimally
class information
class information applied. (2)
is partially
is applied. (4)
applied. (3)
There are no There are 1-3
There are 4-5 There are more
mistakes in mistakes in
mistakes in than 5 mistakes in
punctuation, punctuation,
punctuation, punctuation,
Written section: Mechanics spelling, spelling,
spelling, grammar spelling, grammar
grammar use grammar use
use and/or run-on use and/or run-on
and/or run-on and/or run-on
sentences. (1) sentences. (0)
sentences. (2) sentences. (1,5)
The quality and
The quality and
The quality and materials used in
materials used in The quality and
materials used in the video are
the video are not materials used in
the video are somehow
organized but it the video are
highly organized organized and
can or not be disorganized and
and clear, there clear, there is
clear, there is not clear, there is
is only relevant only relevant
some relevant irrelevant
information in information in
information in the information in the
the slides. The the slides OR The
slides OR The slides OR The
image quality image quality
image quality and image quality and
Video section: Characteristics & and sound is and sound is not
sound is not sound is not bad
Content stable and stable and
stable and and student's face
student's face is student's face is
student's face is is not visible all
visible all the somehow visible
not visible most of the time OR It is
time. It is most of the time
the time OR It is evident that
evident that OR It is not
not evident that he/she is
he/she is NOT evident that
he/she is NOT READING. The link
READING. The he/she is NOT
READING. The link is not able to be
link is able to be READING. The
is able to be opened to
opened to link is able to be
opened to everybody. (0).
everybody (2). opened to
everybody. (1).
everybody. (1,5).
The student The student does
The student speaks most of The student not speak
speaks naturally, the time speaks somehow naturally, fluently
fluently and naturally, naturally, fluently and does not
applies correct fluently and and applies apply correct
intonation and applies correct correct intonation intonation and
pronunciation intonation and and pronunciation pronunciation.
but he/she can pronunciation but he/she can He/she
mispronounce 1- but he/she can mispronounce 6-7 mispronounces
Video Section: Speaking time &
3 words. The mispronounce 4- words. The more than 7
student speaks 5 words. The student speaks words. The
the time student speaks less than the time student speaks
required by the the time required by the less than the time
teacher. It is required by the teacher. It is not required by the
evident that the teacher. It is evident that the teacher OR it is
student is the evident that the student is the one evident that the
one who is student is the who is speaking student is NOT
speaking (2). one who is (1). the one who is
speaking (1,5). speaking (0).

1 Language and Linguistics 2 10/12/2021


Permitir entregas desde: 10 /12/2021

Fecha de entrega: 17/12/2021

Fecha límite de entrega: 17/12/2021

Fecha de publicación de la calificación:

Formato en el que el estudiante debe entregar la Tarea (Marque una casilla con una X)







Detalles Adicionales para configurar en la actividad

Enviar el documento a tiempo. No se hará extensión de fechas

Question 1
What is displacement and what examples can be given about this?

The displacement which is the property of language that allows us to talk about the future
and past time it is a property that only human communication has because animals cannot
talk about nor past neither future events they can only refer to the present this placement
also allows us to refer about things which we are not sure about their existence such as
angels hell and heaven; for example talk about outer space, talk about past wars, the
future, etc.

Question 2
What is productivity and what examples can be given about this?

The second one is productivity which is the human capacity of manipulating language
creating new words just as William Shakespeare did a few examples are lit meaning really
cool hella used as an intensifier to say that something incredibly big is hella big on the
contrary something really small is hella small and of course thanks to social media we have
developed a series of verbs depending on the app used if you post something on
Instagram you Instagram it same happens with a snapshotting or Google something.
Example you can create an infinite number of sentences when combined according to the
rules of grammar, is the case of poets, or literary.

Question 3
What is arbitrariness and what examples can be given about this?

Arbitrariness is when there is no natural connection between the linguistic forum and its
meaning that is to say when you write a word or see it written you get a mental image
according to the meaning of that word however that connection we make between the
word and the meaning is because of social convention not because the word has that
meaning in its nature for example when you see the word tree you will imagine a tree
because we socially conveyed it nonetheless there are some exceptions called
onomatopoeias in this case there is a clear connection between the word and the
meaning it is actually because the word represents the exact sound for example with the
word now you will imagine a cat because cats say meow. For example, the word table, or
the word box, both did not have an exact relationship until we can visualize them in our

Group 4
What is duality and what examples can be given about this?

Another one is duality in which language appears to be organized at at least tw o levels

the primary level consisting of the units and the secondary level consisting of the elements
the elements of the secondary level combine the units of the primary level we can consider
the elements of verbal language to be speech sounds consonants and vowels these speech
sounds at a secondary level combine to form words or units for example how the word hat
is formed by the combination of three speech words the consonants C T and vowel a these
speech sounds are meaningless because if I just say the sound C it has no meaning but if
I say the word hat is meaningful because cat is an animal.

Question 5

What is cultural transmission and what examples can be given about this

Cultural transmission which is described as the process where a language is passed on

from one generation to the next for example if a Chilean couple adopt a child from Korea
the child will tend to learn Spanish and not Korean.


The teaching of the properties of language occupies a preponderant place in current

studies and research because language constitutes the fundamental tool to apprehend
the world and interact in various contexts and situations and because the results on
the communicative competence of language users are worrisome. Faced with this
reality, the study of properties and their correct application in students helps to
provide the essential parameters on which the line of research should be sustained.

Link of the video


Lezana, T. Properties of language. 22 de octubre, 2014. You tube,

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