Budget 2022-23 Final
Budget 2022-23 Final
Budget 2022-23 Final
Power 2022-2023
Overall Actuals Budget Efficiency Actuals Budget
Month Milk Handled(Ltrs) Units/KL
Apr 12742832 14576580 1.00 75 71
May 13000530 14722857 1.00 82 77
Jun 13514065.9 17696874 1.00 75 71
Jul 13058615.6 15331445 1.00 78 74
4.95 Aug 12742832 16851144 1.00 80 76
5.85 Sep 12239616 15361789 1.00 91 87
Oct 13073594 15773026 1.00 75 71
Nov 12087780 14062854 1.00 81 77
Dec 15115640 16825466 1.00 55 52
Jan 16694100.0 18705252 1.00 54 51
Feb 17528805.0 13786540 1.00 54 51
Mar 18405245.3 14335213 1.00 49 47
Total 170,203,656 188,029,040 69 66
Actuals Budget Actuals Budget Actuals Budget Actuals
Units/Consumption Rate Value Cost/Ltr
953,860 1,036,568 6.79 5.5 6,474,930 5,701,126 0.51
1,060,200 1,140,624 6.42 5.5 6,807,855 6,273,431 0.52
1,011,920 1,258,868 6.88 5.5 6,958,580 6,923,776 0.51
1,019,900 1,137,541 6.97 5.5 7,112,781 6,256,477 0.54
1,024,300 1,286,809 6.88 5.5 7,049,551 7,077,451 0.55
1,119,700 1,335,055 8.20 5.5 9,180,374 7,342,805 0.75
975,900 1,118,533 8.18 5.5 7,983,796 6,151,934 0.61
984,900 1,088,536 6.60 5.5 4,000,340 5,986,946 0.33
829,600 877,269 6.84 5.5 5,672,958 4,824,981 0.38
904,100 962,367 6.31 5.5 5,702,966 5,293,017 0.34
949,305 709,304 6.31 5.5 5,988,114 3,901,171 0.34
901,840 667,291 6.97 5.5 6,287,520 3,670,103 0.34
11,735,525 12,618,767 6.75 5.50 79,219,765 69,403,218 0.47
Coal and Furnace Oil 2022-2023
Total Milk Sales LPD Coal Kgs Coal ' Kg / KL Fuel rate
wder Preparation -800 MT Actual Furnance Oil Qty is 1,96,130 Actual Furnance Oil Value is Rs.88,61,629
owder Preparation -850 MT Budget Furnance Oil Qty is 2,25,296 Budget Furnance Oil Value is Rs.1,26,16,560
Cost per Lit
Diesel 2022-2023
Genset 'units/ KL
Milk Handled Genset Units Sales Diesel Cons./Ltrs
Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual
Apr 12742832 14576580 1184 1354 0.09 0.09 300
May 13000530 14722857 5976 6768 0.46 0.46 1391
Jun 13514065.9 17696874 2072 2713 0.15 0.15 55
Jul 13058615.6 15331445 768 902 0.06 0.06 60
Aug 12742832 16851144 1128 1492 0.09 0.09 112.5
Sep 12239616 15361789 704 884 0.06 0.06 212.5
Oct 13073594 15773026 384 463 0.03 0.03 332.5
Nov 12087780 14062854 3760 4374 0.31 0.31 332.5
Dec 15115640 16825466 5712 6358 0.38 0.38 1451.25
Jan 16694100 18705252 2584 2895 0.15 0.15 844
Feb 17528805 13786540 2713 2134 0.15 0.15 886
Mar 18405245 14335213 2849 2219 0.15 0.15 691
Total 170,203,656 188,029,040 29,834 32,556 0.18 0.17 6,669
Diesel Cons./Ltrs Rate Diesel Ltr Cost Units Cons./Ltr Diesel Cost ' Rs. Diesel Cost /ltr' Rs.
Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget
343 78.93 99.87 3.95 3.95 23679 34273 0.002 0.002
1575 78.93 99.87 4.30 4.30 109792 157325 0.008 0.011
72 96.51 99.87 37.67 37.67 5308 7193 0.000 0.000
70 99.08 99.87 12.80 12.80 5945 7035 0.000 0.000
149 98.91 99.87 10.03 10.03 11127 14858 0.001 0.001
267 98.91 99.87 3.31 3.31 21018 26636 0.002 0.002
401 98.91 99.87 1.15 1.15 32888 40064 0.003 0.003
387 98.91 99.87 11.31 11.31 32888 38633 0.003 0.003
1615 98.91 99.87 3.94 3.94 143543 161333 0.009 0.010
946 96.03 99.87 3.06 3.06 81049 94446 0.005 0.005
697 96.03 99.87 3.06 3.06 85102 69611 0.005 0.005
538 96.03 99.87 4.12 4.12 66379 53769 0.004 0.004
7,061 92.78 99.87 98.70 98.70 618,718 705,175 0.003 0.004
Water With Man Power 2022-2023
consumed in
Milk Handled Ltr ETP Treated water /
Raw water RO products water
Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget
Apr 12742832.0 14576580 54,000,000 58682289 -
May 13000530.0 14722857 51,000,000 54868719 - -
Jun 13514065.9 17696874 57,000,000 70910245 - -
Jul 13058615.6 15331445 54,000,000 60228676 - -
Aug 12742832.0 16851144 57,000,000 71608058 - -
Sep 12239616.0 15361789 54,000,000 64385989 - -
Oct 13073594.0 15773026 54,000,000 61892410 - -
Nov 12087780.0 14062854 54,000,000 59682126 -
Dec 15115640.0 16825466 58,900,000 62284425 -
Jan 16694100.0 18705252 58,900,000 62695945 - -
Feb 17528805.0 13786540 58,900,000 44009038 - -
Mar 18405245.3 14335213 58,900,000 43581427 - -
Total 170,203,656 188,029,040 670,600,000 714,829,346 - -
Milk to water
Ratio Water Cost Cost /Ltr
Total water
Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget
54,000,000 58,682,289 4.24 4.03 162294 174,919 0.013 0.012
51,000,000 54,868,719 3.92 3.73 167993 176,674 0.013 0.012
57,000,000 70,910,245 4.22 4.01 158541 212,362 0.012 0.012
54,000,000 60,228,676 4.14 3.93 624980 183,977 0.048 0.012
57,000,000 71,608,058 4.47 4.25 637512 202,214 0.050 0.012
54,000,000 64,385,989 4.41 4.19 623170 184,341 0.051 0.012
54,000,000 61,892,410 4.13 3.92 650377 189,276 0.050 0.012
54,000,000 59,682,126 4.47 4.24 591258 168,754 0.049 0.012
58,900,000 62,284,425 3.90 3.70 171899 201,906 0.011 0.012
58,900,000 62,695,945 3.53 3.35 180494 224,463 0.011 0.012
58,900,000 44,009,038 3.36 3.19 189089 165,438 0.011 0.012
58,900,000 43,581,427 3.20 3.04 197684 172,023 0.011 0.012
670,600,000 714,829,346 3.94 3.80 4355291 2256348 0.027 0.012
Including ETP Water Cost
Including ETP Water Cost
Cost /Ltr Cost /Ltr
Actual Budget Actual Budget
781832 849,624 0.061 0.058 169538 450000
787531 847,271 0.061 0.058 169538 450000
778079 967,961 0.058 0.055 169538 450000
1244518 1,388,068 0.095 0.091 169538 450000
1257050 1,579,209 0.099 0.094 169538 450000
1242708 1,481,722 0.102 0.096 169538 450000
1269915 1,455,520 0.097 0.092 169538 450000
1210796 1,338,201 0.100 0.095 169538 450000
791437 836,913 0.052 0.050 169538 450000
800032 851,592 0.048 0.046 169538 450000
808627 604,192 0.046 0.044 169538 450000
817222 604,681 0.044 0.042 169538 450000
11789747 12804954 0.072 0.068
Total Milk Ltr Repairs Maintenance+ Labour Consumable Cost
Months Cost
Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
Apr 12742832 14576580 1276679.80 1387380 212955
May 13000530 14722857 1288789.80 1386554 237006
Jun 13514065.9 17696874 1292569.80 1608008 235634
Jul 13058615.6 15331445 1301789.80 1451946 245324
Aug 12742832 16851144 1294642.80 1626436 238140
Sep 12239616 15361789 1275548.80 1520879 202808
Oct 13073594 15773026 1263322.80 1447965 236799
Nov 12087780 14062854 1293299.80 1429387 236622
Dec 15115640 16825466 1291822.80 1366052 185345
Jan 16694100.0 18705252 1627488.00 1732375 221564
Feb 17528805.0 13786540 1292145.10 965468 217795
Mar 18405245.3 14335213 1291640.52 955714 215836
170203656 188029040 15789739.82 16878162 2685829
BMC 2022-2023
Total Milk Ltr Repairs Maintenance Consumable Cost
Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
Apr 6828160.50 9687238.73 20295 27353 29250
May 6756213.30 9391877.11 51696 68270 1650
Jun 5643666.50 7805711.09 0 0 0
Jul 5062166.30 7112654.70 75020 100137 35490
Aug 4296483.20 6165096.02 104884 142975 0
Sep 4837086.30 7071616.56 0 0 14300
Oct 6186345.90 8854675.46 68689 93401 18850
Nov 7521171.80 10366667.80 22625 29626 7800
Dec 9204054.20 11858617.00 72414 88634 27650
Jan 9664256.91 11809939.00 42305 49113 13975
Feb 10050827.19 10097955.30 44420.3 42397 14673.8
Mar 10251843.73 10758494.80 46641.3 46499 15407.4
86302275.83 110980543.57 548990 688404 179046
Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
Apr 6828160.50 9687238.73 6515 8781 102815
May 6756213.30 9391877.11 14460 19096 78764
Jun 5643666.50 7805711.09 9955 13080 80136
Jul 5062166.30 7112654.70 530 707 70446
Aug 4296483.20 6165096.02 8767 11951 77630
Sep 4837086.30 7071616.56 23306 32369 112962
Oct 6186345.90 8854675.46 20970 28514 78971
Nov 7521171.80 10366667.80 9400 12309 79148
Dec 9204054.20 11858617.00 8850 10832 130425
Jan 9664256.91 11809939.00 8130 9438 94207
Feb 10050827.19 10097955.30 8455 8070 97975
Mar 10251843.73 10758494.80 8624 8598 99934
86302275.83 110980543.57 127962.50 163745.50 1103413.39
Consumable Cost Spares Cost Total Maint. Cost Total Maint.Cost ' Rs. / Ltr
Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
231420 1591485 1729481 3223745 3503273 0.253
254985 1587282 1707689 4086131 4396094 0.314
293138 1585543 1972478 4099522 5099967 0.303
273621 1590415 1773863 3818879 4259371 0.292
299171 1588415 1995497 2827882 3552616 0.222
241815 1580665 1884679 2505805 2987754 0.205
271408 1600665 1834611 5090955 5835027 0.389
261521 1577173 1743130 2425600 2680833 0.201
195995 1571270 1661556 3369831 3563463 0.223
235843 1536175 1635177 3369831 3587007 0.202
162733 1532950 1145393 3369831 2517878 0.192
159702 1529565 1131759 3369831 2493413 0.183
2881352 18871603 20215314 37347172 44476697 0.248
Consumable Cost Spares Cost Total Maint. Cost Total Maint.Cost ' Rs. / Ltr
Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
39423 70313.75 94768 119859 161544 0.018
2179 42730 56429 96076 126878 0.014
0 63183 83019 63183 83019 0.011
47372 328230 438124 438740 585634 0.087
0 16998.5 23172 121883 166147 0.028
19861 56880.4 78999 71180 98860 0.015
25631 155527.4 211480 243066 330512 0.039
10213 128776.74 168622 159202 208461 0.021
32062 153296.05 187633 253360 310111 0.028
15370 60766.4 70545 117046 135882 0.012
13268 63804.7 60899 122899 117301 0.012
14552 66995.0 66791 129044 128650 0.013
219932 1207502 1540480 1935538 2452997 0.025
Consumable Cost Spares Cost Toll Gate Cost Road tax + Insurance cost
Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22
138573 9180 12373 6345 8552 17770
104016 13383 17674 4060 5362 0
105293 15122 19869 4785 6287 0
94032 10250 13682 4990 6661 0
105824 12250 16699 3900 5316 0
156888 20000 27777 8455 11743 0
107382 0 0 4395 5976 18622
103638 23492 30761 4610 6036 0
159639 29395 35979 6637 8124 0
109366 64490 74868 6390 7418 0
93512 67715 64630 6710 6404 0
99629 71100 70883 7045 7023 0
1377792.94 336376.73 385195.06 68321.48 84902.26 36392.00
otal Maint.Cost ' Rs. / Ltr
Budjet 2022-23
Budjet 2022-23
oad tax + Insurance cost Total Kms Total Ltrs Total Maint. Cost
Actual 2021-
Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 Actual 2021-22 Budjet 2022-23 22
23950 11903 16043 1291 1740 142625
0 4857 6414 989 1306 110667
0 9780 12850 997 1310 109998
0 9999 13347 882 1178 86216
0 8604 11729 810 1104 102547
0 11171 15515 1163 1615 164723
25321 7726 10506 902 1226 122958
0 9999 13093 842 1103 116650
0 12805 15673 1388 1698 175307
0 9203 10684 1014 1178 173217
0 9663 9223 1065 1017 180854
0 10146 10115 1118 1115 186704
49271.54 115856.46 145191.48 12461.40 15589.22 1672466.09
Total Maint.Cost '
Total Maint. Cost Total Maint. Cost/Km
Rs. / Ltr
Budjet 2022- Actual Budjet Actual 2021- Budjet
23 2021-22 2022-23 22 2022-23
192228 0.116 0.110 11.98 11.98
146147 0.062 0.059 22.79 22.79
144530 0.122 0.116 11.25 11.25
115082 0.142 0.135 8.62 8.62
139790 0.111 0.105 11.92 11.92
228777 0.099 0.094 14.75 14.75
167194 0.098 0.093 15.91 15.91
152743 0.126 0.120 11.67 11.67
214574 0.098 0.093 13.69 13.69
201091 0.098 0.093 18.82 18.82
172617 0.099 0.094 18.72 18.72
186134 0.102 0.096 18.40 18.40
2060907.29 0.106 0.101 14.44 14.19
Budget Amount-2022-2023
Steam Power Water Diesel R&M
2022-2023 2022-2023 2022-2023 2022-2023 2022-2023
April 2876619.80 6474930.00 781832.00 23679.00 3223745.00
May 2792256.80 6807855.00 787531.00 109791.63 4086131.00
June 4332176.85 6958580.00 778079.00 5308.05 4099522.00
July 3391205.40 7112781.00 1244518.00 5944.80 3818879.00
Aug 3180944.80 7049551.00 1257050.00 11127.38 2827882.00
Sep 3306785.60 9180374.00 1242708.00 21018.38 2505805.00
Oct 3581063.60 7983796.00 1269915.00 32887.58 5090955.00
Nov 2970464.60 4000340.00 1210796.00 32887.58 2425600.00
Dec 6412236.20 5672958.00 791437.00 143543.14 3369831.00
Jan 7960372.45 5702966.03 800031.95 81049.32 3369831.00
Feb 4773804.00 5988114.33 808626.95 85101.79 3369831.00
Mar 5012494.20 6287520.05 817221.95 66379.39 3369831.00
Total 50590424.30 79219765.41 11789746.85 618718.02 3463153.58
Over All
S No Plant Initiator Area
Occupational Health center asper factory standard with basic equipment 1 0.00 improve
Industrial sockets to portable tools with RCCB 15 1.00 improve
Life Line to Milk tanker sampling 2 0.00 Improve
Hot water extraction Pump 1 1.00 Improve
As per PCB norms Bag filter should be fixed to control pollution PCB Department not giving
Compliance permissions without Bagfilters to run boiler
Cost Present Air compressor is old 30 years old at APS and Milk Processing area needs to replace
Quality Improves the quality
Cost As present TTO's are 7 Years old needs to replace Machine life 7 years given by the company
Quality At present conveyor totally damaged needs to replace
At present Mother boards are 7 Years old needs to replace Machine life 7 years given by the
At present 51MM line is theer milk flow is very low due to high speed packing machines has to
Quality change to 63MM line to increase flow and will decrease under weight Milk pouches
At present no insulation to SS milk lines from process to Packing there will be 1 degree
Quality temperature loss by fixing of insulation temperature loss will reduce and no condensate water
wont flows on floor
Quality To decrease the temperature losses in cold room while loading Milk crates at loading time
To decrease the return Chilled water temperature and decreas the load on compressor increase
Quality the quality of milk
Quality To maintain cold room temperature below 4°C
Cost To reduce the maintenance cost
cost To Reduce the powerconsumption as of all the motors are 10 years old motors almost 10 times
rewinding done
cost There is no spare motors for boiler incase of breakdown
cost to increase of Quality of power
Quality For improving data capture and analysis and improvements it is required
Safety To Improve safety while electrical operations
Incase of emergency there will be no lighting in production halls it will increases safety while
For Every 200SQM one fire extinguishers required and insception it was informed to replace all 2
KG FE and increase the capacity
Compliance 0.00
Safety To Improve safety while electrical operations
Safety To improve Road safety & traffic management
Safety Emergency for Medical safety in factory premises
Compliance Emergency for Medical safety on factory premises
Quality For standarisation of milk and checking the levels of Silos at processing
Benefits Quantified Priority Remarks