Dokumen - Tips Rate Controlled Separations
Dokumen - Tips Rate Controlled Separations
Dokumen - Tips Rate Controlled Separations
Schoo/ of Chemica/ Engineering, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
A Catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available
® Printed on acid-free text paper, manufactured with ANSI/NISO Z39.48-
1992 and ANIS/NISO Z39.48-1984 (Permanence of Paper)
The plan for this book is to start with crystallization which is essentially
equilibrium based. Sorption separations which can be (but seldom are)
operated as equilibrium staged systems are discussed next. Then membrane
separations which are inherently rate processes are discussed. Finally, a
progress report on selection and sequencing of separations is presented.
This book has been used in an elective course for seniors and graduate
students at Purdue over a period of several years. My experience has been that
the students have no great difficulty with crystallization even though this is
their first exposure to population balances. The students find that the chapters
on sorption separations are more difficult; possibly because of the inherent
batch nature of these processes. The average and better seniors and all of the
graduate students have been able to work their way through these difficulties.
The membrane methods seem to pose no unusual difficulty for the students.
Many people have helped me with the writing of this book. My students
have been most helpful in helping me develop clear methods to explain the
separation methods. My teaching assistants (when I had this luxury), Sung-Sup
Suh and Narasimhan Sundaram, have been very helpful in solving problems
and finding errors. Professors Linda Wang and David Graves used parts of this
book in their courses. Their comments were very helpful and have been incor-
porated into the text. Mr. Steve Leeper was very helpful in providing refer-
ences on membrane separations. Dr. Scott Rudge did a very thorough review
of Chapter 11, and he helped me appear to be reasonably knowledgeable in the
area of electrophoresis. Professors Lowell B. Koppel and William R.
Schowalter taught me my undergraduate and graduate courses in separations
and awakened my interest in the field. Professor C. Judson King's book con-
vinced me there were interesting research problems in separations. Professor
L.B. Rogers who was in Chemistry at Purdue gave me my introduction to
The keyboarding of this book was done by Mrs. Karen Parsons and Ms.
J an Gray. Their cheerfulness in the face of endless revisions is appreciated.
Ms. Barbara Hildebrandt patiently drew and redrew the figures.
Phillip C. Wankat
Preface ................................................................................................................. v
1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
10. Moving Bed and Simulated Moving Bed Sorption Separations ............... .499
Index ..................................................................................................................853
Chapter 1
This textbook considers separation processes where mass transfer rates need to
be included for a complete analysis. Included in the book are crystallization,
adsorption, chromatography, ion exchange, electrophoresis and membrane
separations. We will start with equilibrium-based separation processes and
gradually switch to rate processes. This will be done by starting with crystalli-
zation and finishing with membrane separations.
The product from a crystallization is often sold as a solid (e.g. table salt
or sugar). The size distribution and the shape of the crystals is very important
in customer acceptance of the product. (It is annoying to buy a bag of sugar
which is a single solid lump). The crystal size distribution (CSD) and the crys-
tal shapes are not determined by eqUilibrium. Thus, if we stop at Chapter 2 we
will miss a very important part of crystallization. To determine crystal size dis-
tributions, nucleation and growth rates are studied in Chapter 3.
Chapter 2
Phase Equilibria 8
Single Stage Calc.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Fractional Nucleation &
Crystallization Crystal Growth
, r
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Population Balances
&CSD Melt Crystallization
path required to reach a particular topic. Chapter 2 is the basic chapter required
for all other chapters. Note that some topics, such as fractional crystallization,
although very interesting, are not prerequisites for later material.
ion exchange. Since the solid is usually not moved, the solid will eventually
become saturated. A separate desorption or regeneration step is required to
remove and recover the desired solute. Operation is inherently time-dependent,
and is not steady-state as are the equilibrium staged processes.
Chapter 7 Chapter 9
Chapter 8
-! Ion Exchange Basicslt---,
Linear Dispersion Model MTZ Approach
Staged Model Constant Pattern
Ion Movement
Van Deemter Eq. Complicated Situations
Ion Exclusion
Rosen Model Desorption Methods
r+-. Mass Transfer
Large Scale Applications
For Mass Transfer
! ~
and for Problems 0-
For Ion Exclusion and for Problems
Chapter 10
Staged Analysis
Moving Bed
Fractionation I"""'"
are essentially independent of each other except that some problems will use
analysis methods developed in previous chapters. These chapters assume fami-
liarity with mass transfer concepts, but no previous knowledge of adsorption,
chromatography or ion exchange. Chapters 2 to 5 are not prerequisites for
Chapters 6 to 10.
Engineers are problem solvers. Thus the ability to solve separation problems is
critically important. To help you develop this ability example problems are
solved in the text and homework problems are given at the end of each chapter.
many of the examples. The discussion of this procedure closely follows that in
Wankat (1988). The steps in problem solving are:
In step 1 define the problem. Make sure that you clearly understand all
the words. Draw the system and label its parts. List all the known variables
and constraints Describe what you are asked to do. If you cannot define the
problem clearly, you will probably be unable to solve it.
In step 2 you explore and think about the problem. What are you really
being asked to do? What basic principles should be applied? Can you find a
simple limiting solution that gives you bounds to the actual solution? Is the
problem over- or underspecified? Let your mind play with the problem. Then
go back to the Define step to make sure that you are still looking at the problem
in the same way. If not, revise the problem statement and continue. Experi-
enced problem solvers always include an Explore step even if they don't expli-
citly state it
In step 3 the problem solver plans how to subdivide the problem and
decides what parts to attack first The appropriate theory and principles must
be selected, and mathematical methods chosen. The problem solver assembles
required resources such as data, paper, and calculator. While doing this, new
subproblems may arise; you may find there are not enough data to solve the
problem. Recycle through the problem-solving sequence to solve these sub-
Step 4, Do it, is often the first step that inexperienced problem solvers
try. In this step the mathematical manipulations are done, the numbers are
plugged in, and an answer is generated. If your plan was incomplete, you may
be unable to carry out this step. In that case, return to the Explore or Plan steps
and recycle through the process.
E. More Complex Single Answer Problems. These are more complex prob-
lems or derivations.
b drying up points
C fulcrum point
c* equilibrium concentration
D column diameter, m
D diffusivity
K constant, Eq (2-12)
Ko overall coefficient
Lr size of fines, m
MT magma density
MW molecular weight
n population density
N kg solvent/kg salt
R gas constant
S kg salt in solution/hr
t time
T temperature °C or K
T* temperature at equilibium
TM magma temperature
T. solid temperature
V volume of magma, m 3
Ct. exponent in birth and death functions, Eqs. (4-59)
o film thickness
~c concentration supersaturation
~T supercooling temperature
In this chapter we will explore solid solubility and phase equilibria for
crystallization systems. The solubility diagrams will be used to explain and
Solids have widely different solubilities in solvents. Since water is by far the
most common solvent in crystallization, we will focus on the solubility of com-
pounds in water. The effect of temperature on the solubility of different com-
pounds is shown in Figures 2-1a and b and in Table 2-1 (Mullin, 1972). It is
common to list concentration in mass ratio units such as kg of the anhydrous
salt per 100 kg of water as shown in Figures 2-1a and b. Figure 2-1a shows the
solubility of systems where only one crystalline phase is deposited over the
range indicated. The materials with water attached such as CUS04 ·SH2 0 are
hydrates. The crystal is formed from a compound which consists of one
molecule of CUS04 and 5 molecules of H 2 0. This is the stable form of the
solid from 0 to 100°C. Crystals with no water are called anhydrous (e.g.
NaCI). Note that this type of diagram is slightly misleading since concentra-
tions are plotted in terms of the anhydrous salt, but the stable form may be a
hydrate. Obviously it is easy to calculate the kg of CUS04 ·SH2 0 which are
soluble from the kg of anhydrous salt which are soluble. Crystals can also
change phase from one hydrate form to another or to the anhydrate. The phase
transitions are illustrated in Figure 2-1b. A similiar figure for biochemicals is
shown by Belter et al (1988).
100 100
(0) 0", 0 (\J (b)
~ ~
80 80 <f Q,
0 0 +-
(/) C
u0 N N
.60 60 (1) ~ u
CI) -0
0 u
~ 40 40
20 20
0 20 60 80 100 0 20 40 100
Concentration, Ib 1100 Ib water Concentration, Ib 1100 Ib water
Figure 2-1. Solubility diagrams. a Systems without phase change. b. Sys-
tems with crystal phase changes. (Mullin, 1972). Reprinted
with pennission of Butterworths. Copyright 1972.
For ideal mixtures the solubility can be predicted with reasonable accu-
racy using the Vant'Hoff equation.
A, I 1 (2-1a)
lny= - ( - - - )
R To T
Remember to use the absolute temperature in these equations. For many sys-
tems such as CuS04oSH20 a plot of Iff versus In y will give a straight line. If
a phase transition occurs, there will be two straight lines intersecting at the
transition point. Some highly soluble salts such as sodium acetate do not
satisfy Eq. (2-1b) and do not give straight lines on the Iff vs In y plot. Tem-
perature increases can cause either marked increases in solubility as shown for
sodium acetate or even a decrease in solubility (calcium acetate). This
Figures 2-1a and b show the saturation curves for the salts. For example,
at 30°C twenty-five kg of anhydrous copper sulfate can be dissolved in 100 kg
of water (see Table 2-1). This solution is stable and can be held indefinitely
without crystallization. If a crystal of CuS04oSH20 (the stable form of the
solid at 30°C) is added, the crystal and the solution will be in equilibrium.
Regions to the left of the saturation curves are unsaturated while regions to the
right are supersaturated.
Figure 2-2. Miers diagram showing metastable region.
S=~ (2-2b)
The solvent used, the addition of co-solvent and impurities can have a
major effect on the solubility. The impurity may:
Table 2-1. Solubilities of Selected Compounds (Mullin, 1972). grams anhydrous compuound
per 100 g water.
Solubility °C Stable
Compound Formula 0 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 0---25°C
The behavior of common ions can be predicted from the solubility pro-
duct (Belter et ai, 1988; Mullin, 1972). Consider the dissociation of a salt
For a sparingly soluble salt where dissociation is complete and the activity
coefficient is unity, the solubility product is
where Cp+ and c~ are ionic concentrations in any consistent set of units. The
solubility product ks usually follows an Arrhenius temperature dependance. In
the example with KCI and NaCI, cr is the common ion. Adding KCI increases
Ccr. Since k NaCl is constant, increasing Ccr requires that CNa+ decrease which
can occur only by precipitation of NaCl. Salting out can also be explained
using ternary diagrams (see Example 2-3).
The solubility diagrams, Figures 2-1, and Table 2-1, are for systems with
a single solute. When a second component is added or present in considerable
amount, these simple diagrams are no longer adequate. More detailed phase
diagrams are discussed in Section 2.4.
a b
Feed Magma
Refrigerant vapor
Body __
/ Boiling surface
Mother liquor
-, Settling zone
The solubility behavior of the system controls the type of equipment which can
be used for commercial crystallization. This choice can be explored using the
solubility diagrams discussed in the previous section. Most crystallization
operations can be classified into one of five categories based on how the super-
saturation is obtained. More details on the equipment are in Chapter 4 and in
several reviews (Bennett, 1984, 1988; Mullin, 1972; Nyvlt, 1982; Moyers and
Rousseau, 1987; Singh, 1979).
One type is shown in Figure 2-4b (Bennett, 1988). These systems are obvi-
ously very similar to evaporators without crystallization (e.g., McCabe et ai.,
1985; Mehra, 1986; Perry and Green, 1984). Spray evaporative crystallizers
shown in Figure 2-4c (Bennett, 1988) are often useful when contact with air
will not cause contamination problems. This cycle is very similiar to the forced
circulation system.
a -Vapour
Barometric condenser_
b Noncon-
Cooling-water - - - _ densable-gas
Steam inlet
_ Swirl breaker
exchanger __
Circulation Feed
pump slurry
Humidified air
___ -Blower
Spray Feed
chamber --
Hot water
Air Air
Heating element
Product slurry
d v v
s F F
To vacuum
'- Propeller agitator
~}---Dump valve
(a) (b)
Figure 2-5. Vacuum crystallizers a. Batch (Bennett, 1988). Reprinted with permission from Chern. Eng.,
95(8), 118 (1988). Copyright 1988, McGraw-Hill Book Co. b. Swenson draft-tube baffled
(Bennett and Van Buren, 1969). Reprinted with permission from Chern. Eng. Prog. Syrnp. Ser.
65 (95) 44 (1969). Copyright 1969, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
" I
~ --.JS..f.L
'\;... A - MgGI2
8 - NoGI
i\ \ G -
o -
80 N02S04
~ E - MgS04
;0 F - K2 S0 4
60 ~ B
5 ~
O~ ~i'z
'U~ ~ "-
~ ~'-...J.
°0 fO 20 XJ 40 50 60 70 80 90 I00
Figure 2-6. Effect of methanol on solubility of common salts at 30°C
(Lozano, 1976). Reprinted with pennission from Ind. Eng.
Chem. Proc. Des. Develop., 15, 445 (1976). Copyright 1976,
American Chemical Society.
often cause precipitation of the salt. Addition of alcohol has been used to salt
out Alz(S04h and to decrease the viscosity of the slurry. The crystallizer can
be a simple stirred tank, but additional equipment is required to recover the
methanol. A common use of salting out is the addition of CNH4h S04 to pro-
tein solutions to selectively precipitate different proteins. Sodium chloride has
been used commercially to salt out NH4 Cl. More details of salting-out methods
used in precipitation operations are in Section 2.6.
water available is reduced since the stable form of the crystals at O°C is
a hydrate with 3 moles of water (see Figure 2-1b or Table 2-1). A mass
balance on the anhydrous sodium acetate is,
MWanhydrous (2-4a)
Se (kg crystals/hr)( MW ) + c out W out = cin Win
where Sc is the kg of crystals/hr (hydrate form); Cout and ein are concen-
trations of anhydrous Na z C z H 3 0 Z per kg water, and W out and Win are
the kg of liquid water/hour. A water balance is
n MWwater (2-4b)
W out + Se( MW ) = Win
( MWhydrate )(
Cin - Cout )Win
MWanhydrous (2-5a)
Sc = -----'---------
1 - cout ( MWhydrate - 1)
Recovery, Anhydrous = Sc = 38.405 kg/hour
From Figure 2-1A or Table 2-1 we notice that the stable crystal fonn at
IDoC is CuS04oSHzO. A copper sulphate mass balance is,
(Sc,kg crystals/hr)( MW ) + CoutWout + VYsolute = Cin Win
n MWwater
Wout+V+Sc(MW ) = Win
Win MW [Cin - cout (1- V/Win)]
S = anhydrous (2-6a)
c MW
1- ( hydrate - 1)
cout MW anhydrous
Note that Eq. (2-6a) reduces to Eq. (2-5a) when V = O. For a salt such
as NaCI which crystallizes in the anhydrous fonn Eq. (2-6a) reduces to
Anhydrous mass = Sc( ) = 124.88 kglhr
Note in this example that the initial solution was not saturated.
This did not change the calculation procedure. The final solutions are
assumed to be in equilibrium, and thus are saturated.
T,OC 160
o 50 100
mole % anthracene
From the point of view of equilibrium diagrams the simplest binary sys-
tems are solid solutions. These systems are relatively common in melt crystall-
ization. An example is the system phenanthrene-anthracene shown in Figure
2-7 (Walas, 1985). Cooling a liquid slowly to the liquidus line (point A) pro-
duces a solid (point B) in equilibrium with the solution. If the feed is cooled to
a point in the two-phase region (point F) at equilibrium there will be a mixture
of crystals (at pt. G) and solution (at pt. E). Further cooling to the solidus line
(pt. H) will cause complete crystallization of a solid solution. The solid lines in
Figure 2-7 are predictions made by UNIFAC (see Walas, 1985). For many
solid-liquid systems excellent predictions can be made of the equilibrium data.
This type of system requires a multi-stage contactor for purification and is dis-
cussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
0 60
~ 50
o observed
- calculated
30 o
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
mole fraction napthalene
Figure 2-8. Simple eutectic binary system: Phenol and naphthalene
(Walas, 1985). Reprinted with Pennission of Butterworths.
Copyright 1985.
If the cooling is continued to the solidus line, the entire mass freezes.
The solution remaining will freeze at the eutectic concentration which is
approximately 17 mole % naphthalene. Thus the solid will contain crystals of
pure naphthalene and crystals of the eutectic composition. This final freezing
occurs at the eutectic temperature (-30°C). The eutectic is a physical mixture
not a chemical compound. It can be considered as analogous to an azeotrope in
distillation since it represents an equilibrium mixture of constant composition.
.... y
Q) 0 0
a. N
~ -20 V
~ Ice + solution
(!) I
o 02 04 06 08 10
Mass fraction Mn (N0 3 )2
Figure 2-9. Phase diagram for system Mn (N03)2-water (Mullin, 1972).
With permission of Butterworths. Copyright 1972.
To obtain pure naphthalene crystals the feed concentration must be greater than
the eutectic composition; otherwise, pure phenol crystals will be obtained.
Note that a single stage system is capable of producing one pure product.
Methods to produce two pure products are discussed in Section 2.5.1.
02 04 06 08 10
Concentrotion-weight froction of No 2 C0 3
tions. Some compounds will form many hydrates, eutectics, congruent and
incongruent melting points. A commonly cited example is MgS04 in water
(Bennett, 1984; McCabe et al. 1985; Osburn, 1963).
degree of freedom which is used to set the pressure. (One atmosphere in Fig-
ure 2-10.) There are no additional degrees of freedom. Thus temperature is
constant, and the compositions of the two solid phases and the solution (eutec-
tic) in equilibrium are constant in these three phase regions. When two phases
are in equilibrium, there remains one degree of freedom after setting the pres-
sure. Thus, isotherms are shown in these regions.
Mass and energy balances can be done either using the data from the
diagram, or directly on the diagram itself. The procedure is similar to that used
for distillation on Ponchon-Savarait diagrams. This procedure is illustrated in
Example 2-2.
h=160- F
x=0.12 0.2 Xc =0.37
No 2 C0 3 ·IOH 20
Figure 2-11. Expansion of Figure 2-10 for Example 2-2 (not to scale).
Energy removed is
(100 kg)(hF - hM)- = 100(160-(-90» = 25,000 kJ
Note that the solution and the crystals have different enthalpies even
though they are at the same temperature. Continuous calculations will
be very similar to these batch calculations, but will be on a per unit time
For ternary systems with two phases in equilibrium and constant pressure there
are two remaining degrees of freedom. To represent the effect of temperature
and composition a three-dimensional diagram would be required. (see Figure
2-13 as an example.) Since this is inconvenient, the equilibrium is often illus-
trated at constant temperature or with temperature as a parameter. To represent
all three components we can use a triangular diagram similar to those used for
extraction. Two representations for the system KN0 3 - NaN03 - H2 0 at
50 0 e are shown in Figures 2-12a and b (Mullin, 1972). Figure 2-12c shows the
behavior at 25° and 100 °e.
KN0 3
Solution NaN0 3 t Solution
Mass 0.6
KN03 0.4
Feed----- a
of pure NaN0 3 and solution. Tie lines are straight lines through the NaN0 3
vertex to line cb. KN0 3 and NaN03 crystallize as anhydrous salts. If one of
the salts crystallized as a hydrate the tie lines would go from the composition of
the hydrate to the saturated liquid line. This is illustrated later.
The effect of removing water is easily illustrated from any of these
diagrams. For example, if we start with feed F shown in Figure 2-12b and
remove pure water, we will follow the dilution line H2 0 - F until the line inter-
sects curve ab where pure KN0 3 starts to crystallize out. Further removal of
water (say to pt. G) will produce a mixture which will separate into pure KN0 3
solid in equilibrium with solution of composition H. The dotted line to the
KN0 3 vertex serves as a tie line in the a-b-KN0 3 region. When the line H2 0-
F-G intersects the straight line KN0 3 -b, the solid KN03 will be in equilibrium
with solution of composition b. Removal of further water does not change the
solution composition and b is known as the drying up point. The behavior of
the system in the region b-c-NaN03 will be similar when water is removed,
except pure NaN0 3 will be deposited.
In the region KNOr b-NaN03 both salts are in equilibrium with solu-
tion of composition b. Since temperature and pressure are fixed and 3 phases
are in equilibrium, there are no remaining degrees of freedom. The relative
amounts of each phase can change, but compositions and temperature are set in
this region. By adding solvent (water), mixtures in this region can be moved
into either the region a-b-KN0 3 or b-c-NaN0 3 allowing removal of pure
KN03 or NaN0 3 , respectively.
I--_~ L kg/hr
B. Explore. We can assume that the crystals and mother liquor are in
equilibrium at 25°C. Thus Figure 2-12c can be used.
C. Plan. First add the NaN0 3 to the feed to find the mixing point M.
This can be calculated graphically or analytically. Then this mixture
separates into KN0 3 crystals and mother liquor. The concentration of
the liquor can be read from Figure 2-12c while mass balances (graphi-
calor analytical) can be used to calculate C and L.
XNaNO. - 0.32, XKNo. - 0.22 (see Figure 21-12c). To find C and L use
mass balances
Overall: C + L = M = 120
This check is really closer than can be expected considering the size of
the figure. Larger figures will in general be more accurate.
Note in this example that the mother liquor and crystals exit together.
There will always be some mother liquor exiting with the crystals. Some crys-
tallizers also remove an overflow mother liquor which is free of crystals. As
shown in the example, the crystals must be separated from the mother liquor.
This can be done in a centrifuge or filter and the crystals are usually washed to
remove any adhering mother liquor which will contaminate the pure crystals.
).£...--: - - - - - - - - - - - -
~.::: :=-~=-------------IO°
("10 ) No z SO.
(a) MgS04
- -"- =. -- -- -~~~=~-~~-~-~---~
(b) MgSO.
As trokontte
1<-L------"--_"----'~~.,.N_O_2_S0_4_10_H_2_O_ _ -------> N0 2 50 4
Solid solutions also occur in three component systems. The solid solu-
tion may cover the entire range of salt concentrations as does the system Pb
(N03h - Ba(N03h - water. This system is discussed later (see Figure 2-21).
The solid solution may also be discontinuous as is the system KBr - KCI -
water. Systems which form solid solutions cannot be purified in a single equili-
brium stage; thus, countercurrent cascades are used.
Note that the 3 component salt systems all have a common ion such as
Cl- or N03". A system such as KCI-NaN0rwater is really a four component
system. In water the double decomposition reaction
occurs rapidly. Thus all four salts can be present. Since the composition can
be expressed as the composition of three of the salts plus water, this is a four
component system from the point of view of the phase rule. Alternately, it can
be considered a 5 component system with one independent reaction. Then F =
C - P + 2 - NRX • This will give the same degrees of freedom. These recipro-
cal salt pair systems are important in commercial applications. Equilibrium
data can be extremely complex and is discussed by Mullin (1972), Purdon and
Slater (1946), and Fitch (1970).
For systems with two or more salts it is usually desirable to recover both salts
as pure compounds. For instance, in Example 2-3 a method for producing pure
NaN0 3 was illustrated, but no mention was made of what to do with the
saturated solution containing NaN0 3 , KN0 3 and water. Processes which
separate the solutes into two or more pure products are fractional crystalliza-
tion systems.
When solid solutions are not formed, processes using single equilibrium
stage crystallizers with various temperature cycles can be used. When solid
solutions are formed, fractional crystallization schemes require counter-current
cascades. Fractional crystallization can also be done by selective seeding (see
Section 4.5.).
Fractionation cycles for systems without double salts are easily developed
(Fitch, 1970). The basic idea for a batch system is to operate at one tempera-
ture to produce pure crystals and solution at the drying-up point. Then add (or
remove) water and change the temperature to produce pure crystals of the other
component and solution at the second drying-up point. Then remove (or add)
water and readjust the temperature to harvest the first component as pure crys-
tals and return to the first drying-up point. This procedure is illustrated in Fig-
ure 2-15. Start at the drying-up point at temperature T 1 , b(Tl) on Figure 2-15a.
a b
Then add water (following line b(Td - H20) to point a. Change the tempera-
ture to T2 and harvest product which is a hydrate of component A in equili-
brium with solution b(T2). After removing the hydrate, remove water from
solution b(T2) to point c. Change the temperature to Tl and harvest crystals B
in equilibrium with solution beT1). This returns us to our starting point having
harvested pure hydrate and pure B.
This basic scheme with minor modifications can be used for any ternary
system which does not form double salts or solid solutions. A simple
modification is illustrated in Figure 2-15b for the KNO r NaN03 - water sys-
tem. Starting at b(1000), water is added to reach point a and the system is
cooled to 25°C. Pure KN0 3 crystals are harvested in equilibrium with b(25°).
Water is then removed to reach point c, and the mixture is heated to 100°C.
Pure NaN0 3 crystals are harvested in equilibrium with the solution b(I000).
Now the process can be repeated.
The process can be made continuous by adding a feed stream. The feed
can be added to either solution b(Tl) or b(T2). Both approaches should be
investigated. The continuous process is illustrated in Example 24.
B and C. Explore and Plan. Required equilibrium data are given in the
problem statement. External mass balances can be used to find product
flow rates. The equilibrium diagram can be sketched (see Figure 2-17)
and used as a guide. First find fulcrum point c at the intersection of
lines H 20 - b(O) and NaCI - b(30). Since the flow rate of NaCI can be
calculated and point c serves as a fulcrum, the flow rate of stream b(30),
F b (30), can be calculated.
Fb(30) NaCI'c
With Fb (30) and the feed rate known, point M can be found.
= -====-
Fb(O) = Fa - Fhydrate
FH.o,out b(O)'c
Fb(o) H 20'c
Since the water flow rates are unknown, we need external balances for
Na Cl and Na2C03. All NaCI goes out in NaCI product,
FNa.CO"10H.O = ( MWanhydrous )(Fanhydrous)
wt. fraction
Water 0 ~--'---L------'-----'S--L---'
o 0.2 0.4
Plot points b(O) and b(30) which are the drying up points. Then plot
NaCI = 1.00 and the hydrate, xNa.CO,.lOH,O = 0.370. Draw line H2 0 -
b(OO) and extend to extension with line NaCI - b(300). Intersection is
point c. See Figure 2-17. From the lever arm rule,
100(0.25) + 157.7 = 130.6 + 81.07( 285.99 )
lation of fulcrum point c and then the recycle stream flow rate Fb (30)'
Then straight-forward mixing calculations could be used. This some-
what round-about approach is required whenever the flow rate of the
recycle stream is unknown. Again the idea of this procedure can be
applied to other systems.
In the examples up to now the drying up points have been used as the
saturated solutions. This will maximize the yield of the pure products, but is
not always the best choice. For the KCI- NaCI- water system shown in Figure
2-18 (Fitch, 1970) it is more economical to use an operating point (a) which
I /
\ /
\ //
\ b(2) //
-- - .. - -. Noel
Figure 2-18. Cycle for fractional crystallization of KCI and NaCI without
evaporation or dilution. (Fitch, 1970). Reprinted with permis-
sion from Ind. Eng. Chern., 62 (12),6 (1970). Copyright 1972,
American Chemical Society.
does not maximize yield instead of evaporating water to reach drying-up point
bel). The fractional crystallization cycle can be followed by starting at b(2).
After cooling the solution to 20°C, a crop of KCI crystals can be removed. A
saturated solution at 20°C (point a) results. The solution at point a is mixed
with fresh feed and heated to 80°C to reach point c. KCI is leached from this
mixture leaving NaCI and saturated solution b(2). This cycle is used commer-
cially and avoids the need for evaporation or dilution.
No-Rich 50·
Glauber Salt
Crystolliz. Mg-Rch
1 Fi
LIQuor bb)
Evaporate at 50 0
1 1
Na 2 S04 " 10 H2O
Astrokanite -
Llquabll) 1
MgS04" 7H~
- Separate
MgS04 7H 2 O
MgS0 4 7H 2 0
Figure 2-19. Process flowsheet for fractionation for Na2C04 and MgS04.
(Fitch, 1970). Reprinted with pennission from Ind. Eng.
Chern .• 62, (12), 6 (1970). Copyright 1970, American Chemi-
cal Society.
for this process is shown in Figure 2-19 (Fitch, 1970). This cycle requires three
crystallizers; but will have lower evaporation costs than cycling between 0° and
When solid solutions occur, a single equilibrium stage will not give either
solute as a pure component. In this case counter-current cascades are required
to obtain the desired fractionation. An example of a system which forms a
solid solution throughout the entire range is Pb(N03h - Ba(N03h - water.
Pb(N03h is the more soluble salt. A schematic of the counter current cascade
for fractionation of these salts is shown in Figure 2-20. Each box is assumed to
be an equilibrium stage. The more soluble Pb(N03h tends to concentrate in
. :GJ:
... :[j]: ..
C j _1
Ba(N0 3 )2
-U2 -zs:;- Pb(N0 3 l2
the liquid. The less soluble Ba(N03h tends to stay in the crystals. The net
result is movement of Pb(N03h to the right and Ba(N03h to the left. The
solution leaving the right end of the cascade is sent to an evaporator where
water is removed. A portion of the crystals formed are taken as Pb(N03h pro-
duct while the remainder are refluxed. A portion of the crystals leaving the left
end of the cascade are withdrawn as Ba(N03h product. The remaining crys-
tals are dissolved in water and refluxed (stream YN+l).
The equilibrium data (Mullin, 1972) are shown in these units in Figure 2-21
where both a McCabe-Thiele type diagram and a Ponchon-Savarit type
diagram (similar to triangular diagrams) are shown. Equilibrium tie lines on
X or Y
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1,0
~2 I X
PbINO~2 prod
XProd I
1 I
I. 0 "------:-1-"-----+----:::±==-~
Y 0,6
o ,,--,---,---,--,,--,---,---,---,--,..-J
o 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2-21. Fractional crystallization of solid solution Pb(N03h -
Ba(N03h - water. Data from Mullin (1972).
the top diagrams can be obtained from the McCabe-Thiele diagram by the same
methods used for enthalpy-composition or triangular diagrams (e.g., Wankat,
1988). The top diagram in Figure 2-21 is a transformation of the triangular
diagram into the new set of variables.
Yw (2-8a)
YPb(NO,). + YBa(NO,).
YPb(NO,). (2-8b)
YPb(NO,). + YBa(NO,).
XPb(NO,). (2-8c)
where x is mass fraction in the solid and Y is mass fraction in the solution.
Since these mass ratio units are on a water-free basis, all flow rates must
be converted to a water-free basis. Flow rate C is kg salt in the crystals per
hour, and is already in this basis. Flow rate S is kg salt in solution/hr. S can be
related to the total solution flow rate
S = (Total solution flow rate) x (YPb(No,). + YBa(NO,»)
In these units the differences in passing streams to the right of the feed in Fig-
ure 2-21 are,
Sj - C j- 1 = ~l = constant
where PPb(NO,). is the kg/hr of product. The Pb(N03h and water balances are
Similar equations are valid for ~2 on the left side of the feed in Figure 2-21.
These equations allow calculations of the coordinates of ~l and .12, Since
these equations are the same as mixing equations, they indicate that there is a
straight line from the two passing streams (Sj and Cj-l) and the ~ point.
Co ~lSl (2-11)
PPb(NO')2 COSl
and the ~l point can be found. The ~2 point can be found where the extension
of the feed line ~lF intersects the vertical line through XBa(NO,lz,product. This
use of the feed line is the same use as in extraction and distillation. The ~
points are shown in Figure 2-21.
Stages can be stepped off on the Ponchon diagram using the same pro-
cedure used for triangular diagrams, or the McCabe-Thiele diagram can be
used. In Figure 2-21 the McCabe-Thiele diagram is used to find tie lines and
the ~ points are used for the operating lines. Figure 2-21 shows an example
where the Pb(N03h product is 93% Pb(N03)2 while the Ba(N03h product is
5% Pb(N03h. The feed is a 50 % mixture of both salts in crystal form, and a
reflux ratio of 2.0 is used. A total of 3 equilibrium stages are required and the
optimum feed is the second stage. If the McCabe-Thiele diagram is used to
step off stages, curved operating lines must be generated from the Ponchon or
triangular diagram (an example of this procedure is in Wankat, 1988).
Counter-current processes for fractional crystallization are not a common
separation technique. There are only a few solid solutions which form a solid
solution continuously over the entire range as Pb(N03h - Ba(N03h - water
does. Other systems such as KBr - KCI - water form solid solutions over part
of the range but there is a discontinuity in this range. A complete separation
can be obtained only by operating two cascades at different temperatures and
cycling between the temperatures (Fitch, 1976).
Equipment for precipitation is often very similiar to that used for crystall-
ization. Both batch and continuous operations are used, although batch is prob-
ably more common since many precipitations are done for relatively low
volume products. Precipitation operations usually have a mixing operation
where various reagents are added to make the solution supersaturated. This is
followed by a holding period which allows for an induction period before
nucleii form and a latent period before the supersaturation starts to decrease
2. Reaction. Some products are made by mixing reagents which react to form a
precipitate. Examples are ammonium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate, and
ammonium diuranate (Mullin, 1972).
3. Salting out. High salt concentrations often cause the precipitation of solute.
This effect was explored for common ions in Eq. (2-3) and in Example 2-3.
Salting out is also commonly used for protein precipitation (Bell et aI, 1983;
Belter et al, 1988). The Hofmeister series lists the effectiveness of anions as
For the high salt concentrations required for salting out, the solubility of a pro-
tein usually follows the empirical Cohn equation,
c' - - --E
have a net charge of zero at a particular pH called the isoelectric point or pI.
Each protein has a unique pI. Protein solubility goes through a minimum at the
pI. For proteins precipitation is usually done by adjusting the pH to the isoelec-
tric point, and then adding salt or an antisolvent. pH changes are also com-
monly used to precipitate metal ions from acidic sulphate solutions in the min-
ing industry.
1. Explain and classify the types of crystallizers and precipitators used based
on how supersaturation is achieved.
2. Plot solubility data and do yield calculations. Discuss the factors which
effect solubility.
Bell, DJ., M. Hoare, and P. Dunnill, "The formation of protein precipitates and
their centrifugal recovery," in A. Fiechter, (Ed.), Advances in Biochemical
Engineering/Biotechnology, 26, Downstream Processing, Spring-Verlag, Ber-
lin, 1983, 1-72.
Belter, P.A., E.L. Cussler, and W.-S. Hu, Bioseparations. Downstream Pro-
cessing for Biotechnology, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1988, Chapters 8
and 10.
Bennett, RC., "Crystallization from solution", in RH. Perry and D.W. Green
(Eds.), Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1984, p. 19-24.
Fitch, B., "How to design fractional crystallization processes," Ind. Eng. Chem.,
62 (12), 6 (Dec. 1970).
Nyvlt, J., Industrial Crystallization, 2nd Ed., Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1982.
Perry, RH. and D.W. Green (Eds.), Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
Purdon, F.F. and V.W. Slater, Aqueous Solution and the Phase Diagram,
Arnold, London, 1946.
Seidell, A., Solubilities of Inorganic and Metal Organic Compounds, 4th edi-
tion (W.P. Linke, Ed.), Vol. I, Van Nostrand, New York, 1958. Vol. II, Ameri-
can Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1965.
Treybal, R.E., Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
A. Discussion Problems
A2. Sketch the entire process including methanol recovery if methanol were
added to salt out KCl (see Figure 2-6).
A3. Crystallization processes which utilize only energy removal are usually
preferred to those involving addition of a salt or anti solvent if all things
are equal. Explain why. Give some examples of when the addition of a
salt or antisolvent is desireable.
A4. A process for fractional crystallization of KCI and NaCI is shown in Fig-
ure 2-18. Sketch the flow-sheet for this process.
a. hydrate
b. anhydrous
c. Miers diagram
d. metastable
e. labile
f. salting out
g. eutectic
k. double salt
A6. Why is it better to plot the concentration in Figures 2-1 as mass ratios in
units, kg anhydrous salt/lOO kg water, instead of in units kg hydrated
salt/lOO kg water? Focus on what happens at the phase change points.
A8. Why are evaporation costs significantly higher at lOoC than at SOo C?
A9. Construct your key relations chart for this chapter. That is, on one page
list all facts, equations, figures, etc. which you would want to help you
solve problems on a test.
B. Generation of Alternatives
used. Sketch the flow sheets for at least 3 such processes. Then sketch
the processes on a triangular diagram.
B2. Develop at least two different cycles for fractionating MgS04 and
Na2S04 alternating between O°C and lOoC (see Figure 2-14b). Sketch
both the process flow sheet and the process on a triangular diagram.
C. Derivations
C4. Write the Equations for .12 for the cascade in Figure 2-21. Develop the
coordinates of .12,
C5. Prove that points .11 (XL\" NL\), S/Yj , Nj ) and q-1 (Xj-1, 0) are on a
straight line in Figure 2-21.
D. Problems
Dl. Determine if the following compounds in water satisfy Eq. (2-1b). If Eq.
(2-1 b) is satisfied determine the constants a and b. Data are in Table 2-1.
b. copper chloride
c. silver nitrate
d. sucrose
e. sodium sulphate
D2. Determine the yield of crystals deposited at equilibrium and the yield of
anhydrous crystals for the following problems. Data are in Table 2-l.
D3. 100 kg of a solution which is 0.60 wt. fraction Na2C03 and 0040 wt frac-
tion water is cooled from an initial temperature of 80°C. Data is in Fig-
ure 2-10.
a. What crystals are formed? How many kg of steam are removed and
how many kg of magma mixture are present?
b. Data for the partial pressure of aqueous Na2C03 at 20°C is (perry &
Green, 1984, p. 3-73).
wt. % Na2C03 I0 5 10 15
p,mmHg 17.5 17.2 16.8 16.3
D6. What happens if the feed to Example 2-4 also contains 0.02 wt %
NaN0 3 ? Where would you add a purge stream? If we desire to keep the
maximum concentration in the liquor below 1.0 wt % NaN0 3, what
purge flow rate should be used?
D7. Redo Example 2-4, but with feed added to the solution b(OO) instead of
solution b(300). A flow chart of one way of doing this is shown below.
Find crystal product flow rates, the water flow rates and recycle flow rate
Note that you must determine whether water is added or removed from
mixture M.
a. What are the composition of salt and of solution which result after
crystallization is complete?
Dl!. At a particular pH bovine serum albumin (BSA) in (NH4h S04 has con-
stants in the Cohn equation of approximately K = 7.65 and ~ = 21.6
where Cs is in moles/liter and c * is protein solubility in g/liter (Belter et
al, 1988). The initial charge is a saturated solution of BSA at Cs = 2.6M
and we desire a 99.9% yield of BSA. What final salt concentration
should be used?
D 12. Repeat Example 2-1A, but for the case where the solution is initially at
100°C. Show that Eq. (2-5a) gives an impossible result. Explain why.
Hint: Read the paragraph following Example 2-4 which outlines the
The crystal size distribution (CSD) and the shape of the crystals depends on
kinetics and mass transfer in the crystallizer. Equilibrium data is needed to
determine the driving forces for nucleation and crystal growth, but equilibrium
data by itself is not sufficient to predict the CSD or crystal shape. In this
chapter we will first look briefly at crystal shapes. Next, the imperfectly under-
stood area of nucleation will be explored, and some empirical expressions for
nucleation rates will be presented. Then theories of crystal growth and mass
transfer will be developed. These theories will be used in Chapter 4 to predict
crystal size distributions. While reading this chapter you should not think of
this as the "truth". Instead, consider this as part way down the path to scientific
Every chemical compound has a unique crystal shape; however, the crystal
shape depends enormously on the conditions in the crystallizer. This statement
seems like a contradiction but is not. The unique aspect of the crystal is that
the angles between adjacent faces are constant. The sizes of the faces can
change, but the angles do not change and are characteristic of the substance.
This is known as Haiiy's law. These angles can be measured by an instrument
(0) Tabular (b) Prismatic (c) ACicular
· / branch
Secondary branch
called a goniometer. With constant angles but different sizes of the faces, the
shape of a crystal can vary enormously. This is illustrated in Figure 3-1 (Mul-
lin, 1972) which shows three crystals which are all hexagonal. This variation
in shape is called the crystal habit. The habit is affected by the rate of crystalli-
zation, impurities, agitation, solvent used, degree of supersaturation or super-
cooling and so forth. Note that some substances illustrate polymorphism which
means the substance can crystallize into two or more unique forms. A good
example is carbon which can crystallize into graphite or diamonds.
03 011
oil III
liD 110
2io 100
210 010
ooi 120
Iii IIi
Sucrose (monoclinic) Copper sulphate (triclinicl CalCite (trigonal)
101 001
a a a 02i
130 ,2 ~
--. oli
loi 102 Iii
Figure 3-2. Characteristic crystal forms. Miller indices of the faces are
given. (Mullin, 1972). Reprinted with permission of Butter-
worths. Copyright 1972.
1. Supersaturate or supercool.
3. Grow crystals.
Nucleation is the least well understood of these. Part of the difficulty in under-
standing nucleation is there are several types of nucleation. In primary nuclea-
tion no crystals are involved in the nucleation. Homogeneous primary nuclea-
tion occurs in the bulk liquid phase with no solid surfaces present Heterogene-
ous primary nucleation occurs on a solid such as a dust particle or the vessel
wall. Secondary nucleation is heterogeneous nucleation induced by existing
Bgomogen = dN
I nuclei =A exp(-.~G/kT)
where N is the cumulative number of crystals per unit volume which in this
equation is the number of nuclei per unit volume, L\G is the free energy change
upon formation of nuclei, k is Boltzmann's constant = 1.3805 x 1O-23 J/K, and
the preexponential factor A is on the order of 1025. Starting with Eq. (3-2), the
eventual result is,
where VM is the molar volume of the crystal which is the reciprocal of the
molar density. Equation (3-3) predicts an extremely rapid increase in the
nucleation. The seed crystals can be the substance being crystallized or a sub-
stance which is isomorphous to the solid. Seeding is commonly used for pro-
duction of borax from Trona ore, for crystallization of alumina, for production
of sugar, and in citric acid crystallization. Citric acid is an example where
nucleation is difficult if not seeded, but large crystals are easy to grow if
seeded. Seed crystals may also be added accidentially as atmospheric dust or
as crystals retained in tiny cracks from previous batches. When solutions are
seeded, there is often a lag or induction period before secondary nucleation
The presence of macroscopic growing crystals can also cause secondary
nucleation by several different mechanisms (Nyvlt, 1982; Randolph and Lar-
son, 1988; Strickland-Constable, 1972).
1. Initial breeding. Added seed crystals may have crystal dust on their
surfaces. The crystal dust arises when the crystals are dried and retained
mother liquor is dried onto the crystal forming a dust. When added to the
crystallizer, the dust can wash off and serve as additional nuclei if the
dust particles are larger than the critical radius. This can be an important
nucleation mechanism in batch crystallizers.
In all cases the nuclei will grow only if they are larger than the critical radius.
Thus secondary nucleation depends on the supersatuation. Since mixing is
never perfect, the vessel will have higher supersaturation in some localities.
Nucleation is most likely to occur in these places such as at cold walls or at the
liquid surface when evaporation is used. Equation (3-3) is valid locally;
although, for design it is often used for the entire volume. It is possible to have
nuclei formed in one part of the vessel and then redissolve in other parts if the
supersaturations are very different. This will not happen in a well-designed
The nucleation rate is often correlated in terms of the linear growth rate
of the crystal, G. This eliminates the need to know the system supersaturation
which is often difficult to measure. G is defined as
dL (3-5)
In this equation N is the number of nuclei per unit volume and n° (given by the
term in parenthesis) is the population density of nuclei. Usually, the linear
growth rate is proportional to the supersaturation, G = leo (~c), while BO is
related by Eq. (3-4). Then equations
will correlate the data. A more general expression has been used by Garside
and Shah (1980) in their review of experimental data on nucleation. This
expression is
BO = KR(T, hydrodynamics, impurities) CMrY Gi
where MT is the magma density in grams of crystals per liter and i,j are empiri-
cal constants. The dependence on magma density is expected when secondary
nucleation occurs. The exponent i can range from -3.5 to +5 although most
values are positive. The hydrodynamic term is sometimes separated out from
KR • Then
KR = K'R (T, impurities) ~
where N is the stirrer speed in rpm and k is an empirical constant. The expres-
sions and terms in this paragraph will be extensively used later when popula-
tion balances and crystal size distributions are discussed. If this paragraph is
not clear don't panic. Wait until after population balances and CSD have been
Table 3-1. Nucleation Kinetics from Aqueous Solution. Extracted from Garside and Shah (1980).
give negative i. This variation in i and in the absolute value of BO (which can
vary by several orders of magnitude) are an indication of the difficulty in repro-
ducibly measuring nucleation rates. The values of i for salting out tend to be
higher since nucleation is probably primary. The references for each system
are given by Garside and Shah (1980). Nyvlt (1982) reports other values and
Tavare (1987) reviews the literature.
At this point it may appear that the highest possible nucleation rate would
be desired. This is not the case. If a huge number of nuclei are formed, then
the crystals cannot grow very large. (Remember 109 particles 0.1 mm in diam-
eter have the same mass as 106 particles 1 mm in diameter). Since relatively
large crystals are usually desired, nucleation must often be supressed. For
example, urea nucleates readily, but it is difficult to grow nice crystals. When
seed crystals are added, it may be desirable to have a zero nucleation rate so
that each seed crystal will become as large as possible.
one degree of freedom. If the surface is perfect and has no kinks, dislocations
or crystallized units, the unit must crystallize at an edge or as a monolayer
island nucleus. This two-dimensional nucleation requires a considerable super-
satuation, but the energy required is considerably less than for a three-
dimensional nucleation. The approximate ratio of energies is (Mullin, 1972)
- - S= 10
Crystal growth will usually occur at supersaturation levels lower than can
be explained by the two-dimensional nucleation theory. This happens because
growth is much faster at any imperfection (kinks, pits, or dislocations) where
the surface is not a perfect plane. Since crystals are usually not perfect, growth
usually proceeds by a "filling-in" process. With linear imperfections the crystal
will heal rapidly, and another two-dimensional nucleation would be required.
Two-dimensional nucleation is not required if the crystal grows by a screw-
dislocation. Crystal growth with a screw-dislocation mechanism is illustrated
in Figure 3-3. Now the crystal can grow without healing the dislocation, and
additional two-dimensional nucleations are not required. Equations resulting
from this and similiar theories are discussed elsewhere (Garside, 1985; Moyers
and Rousseau, 1987; Ohara and Reid, 1973; Randolph and Larson, 1988).
;1<-----,-- Ci
S'lB',"""",. (""i'b,',.
) I- Hypothetical _I
film - r
fA". thickness 8
Adsorbed layer
Figure 3-4. Schematic of mass transfer process.
Mass transfer or diffusion theory is similar to mass transfer theories for other
processes. However, in crystallization the picture of the process is somewhat
different and different empirical expressions are used. The mass transfer pro-
cess is shown schematically in Figure 3-4. The steps in the process are
where m is the mass of solute transferred across the film and thus m is also the
mass of solid deposited. The film mass transfer coefficient is often written as
kf = % where 0 is the unknown film thickness. Next, steps 2 to 5 are com-
bined as a single surface "reaction" or rearrangement of "order" I1r with rate
constant k r •
dm • n, (3-10)
- =lr A(c· -c)
dt Ar 1
Realize that this is an empirical equation and does not correspond to steps 2 to
5 in detail.
For crystals where the faces are growing at the same rate, the mass and area of
the crystal can be written as
where kv and kA are shape factors (see Eqs. (4-20». Note that Eqs. (3-12) are
not valid for crystals such as needles or plates where faces grow at different
rates. Substituting Eqs. (3-12) into Eq. (3-11), we obtain
This simplifies to
G= dL =k(c-c*)=k1c (3-14a)
where G is the linear growth rate and k is a combined rate constant. For a con-
stant supersaturation ~c, this is
where M- is the increase in linear size of the crystal. When Eq. (3-14b) is
valid, the linear growth rate does not depend on crystal size. This is the
McCabe ~ L law (McCabe, 1929; McCabe et al.• 1985; Mullin, 1972; Ran-
dolph and Larson, 1988).
(surface "reaction" is first order, all faces grow at same rate, constant
coefficients, constant supersaturation in all parts of the crystallizer), it should
not be surprising that many systems do not satisfy this law. Examples are the
crystallization of potassium alum and of potassium sulfate. When the McCabe
& law is not valid, growth is size dependent. An empirical expression known
as the Abegg-Stevens-Larson (ASL) equation (Abegg et ai., 1%8)
is often used. In Eq. (3-15) b < 1 and yare constants, and G nuc1ei is the growth
rate of the nuclei. This result can often be simplified by letting y= (Gnuc1ei'tfl •
This reduces the number of parameters and simplifies determination of the
crystal size distribution. Other models for size dependent growth are summar-
ized by White et ai., (1976).
dm • n (3-16)
- =KoA(c-c)
where n is the "overall growth-rate order." For many inorganic salts n is in the
range 1.5 to 2 (Mullin, 1972). Equation (3-16) allows for correlation of data,
but it has no fundamental significance when n:t; 1.
Temperature will affect both diffusion and the crystal rearrangement pro-
cess. An Arrhenius type equation would be expected for both Ko and k,.. Thus
plots of log KG versus Iff and log ley versus Iff will give straight lines. If
either mass transfer or surface reaction controls, then the Arrhenius equation
will be valid for the linear growth rate. In these cases
dE 1 1 (3-17)
G = G(To)exp[--( - - - ) ]
R T To
When both mass transfer and surface reaction are important, Eq. (3-17) is not
valid. Arrhenius plots for crystal growth data will thus usually give curved
instead of straight lines.
This brief chapter covered crystal shapes, nucleation and crystal growth. At the
end of this chapter you should be able to:
1. Discuss what is unique about crystal shape and define tenns used.
2. Explain the types of nucleation, discuss when they are likely to occur,
and calculate nucleation rates from empirical correlations.
5. Be able to derive the McCabe & law and explain the assumptions
involved in this derivation.
Abegg, C.F., J.D. Stevens, and M.A. Larson, "Crystal size distributions in con-
tinuous crytalizers when growth rate is size dependent," AlChE Journal, 14,
118 (1968).
Davey, RJ., "Looking into crystal chemistry," The Chem. Engr. (London), No.
443,24 (Dec. 1987).
Garside, J., "Industrial crystallization from solution," Chem. Eng. Sci., 40, 3
McCabe, W.L., "Crystal growth in aqueous solutions," Ind. Eng. Chem., 21, 30
McCabe, W.L. and J.C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering. 3rd
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976, Chapt. 28.
Nyvlt, J., Industrial Crystallization, 2nd ed., Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1982.
Ohara, M., and R.C. Reid, Modeling Crystal Growth Rates from Solution,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973.
White, E.T., L.L. Bendig, and M.A. Larson, "The effect of size on the growth
rate of potassium sulfate crystals," AlChE Symp. Ser.• 72. (153) 41 (1976).
A. Discussion Problems
AI. In any field it is important to understand the jargon. Define the following
a. primary nucleation
b. homogeneous nucleation
c. heterogeneous nucleation
d. secondary nucleation
e. two-dimensional nucleation
f. isomorph
g. G
h. BO
1. screw -dislocation
j. McCabe~law
A2. Why is empirical Eq. (3-15) often used instead of the usual mass transfer
Eq. (3-9)?
A4. Explain why the Arrhenius relation is invalid for crystal growth rates
when both mass transfer and surface rearrangement are important.
AS. The "order" for secondary nucleation in Eq. (3-4) is usually less than the
"order" for primary nucleation. What is the significance of this? Which
will have higher ~c critical?
A6. Explain why Eqs. (3-12) are not valid for plates, needles and dendrites.
A7. Why do small crystals often grow slower than large crystals?
C. Derivations
D. Problems
D3. Estimate the nucleation rate for K 2 S04 at 30°C at a supersaturation ratio
S = 1.07. MT is 25 gil.
Data: For S = c/c * = 1.07, G = 8.4 x 10-8 m/s and growth was size
dependent (Mullin, 1972).
F1. Read the classical paper by McCabe (1929) where the McCabe &.., law
was first developed. Write a report on this short paper. Compare the
development of the &.., law in McCabe's paper to the development in
this chapter.
Chapter 4
Population balances will be introduced and will be used to derive crystal size
distributions (CSD) for some simple growth kinetics. The crystal size distribu-
tion tells the number of crystals at each size range. This is important for pro-
duct quality control and for ease of downstream processing. The CSD will be
used to predict physically measurable quantities such as the sieve analysis.
Methods for using an experimentally measured CSD to infer the nucleation and
growth rates will be developed. The effect of equipment modifications on the
CSD and more details of equipment for crystallization from solution will be
discussed. Finally. the effect of the CSD on downstream processing will be
briefly explored.
Population balances are the major theoretical tool used for predicting and
analyzing crystal size distributions. The development of population balances in
the 1960's was a major breakthrough which helped move crystallization from
an art to more of a science. Population balances and CSD have been reviewed
in many books and review papers (Garside. 1985; Larson and Randolph, 1969;
McCabe et al., 1985; Mullin, 1972; Randolph and Larson, 1988; Rousseau,
1986). The most detailed source is Randolph and Larson (1988) while Garside
(1985) has an extensive bibliography. Ramkrishna (1985) explores the general
mathematical framework and other applications of population balances in con-
siderable detail.
we wish to determine the number of children in a school who are between 100
cm and 110 cm tall for a two month period. This number can be determined by
a population balance on children in this height range. This balance can be writ-
ten for the two month time period,
Initial No. children in range + No. children growing into range
+ No. children growing out of range + No. children in range leaving school
The population balance differs from a mass balance in that only the item bal-
anced (children in this example) within a given size range (100 to 110 cm) are
included. In addition, the item (children or crystals) can grow into or grow out
of the size range.
L is a measure of the linear size of the crystal, and N is the cumulative number
of crystals per unit volume at the given size L. The units on n are number of
crystals/m-m3 • The population density is shown schematically in Figure 4-1.
The population density can be related to a count from a screen analysis, particle
size analyzer, or count under a microscope by integrating,
J ndL = No. of crystals in sizes from Ll to LJvolume (4-3)
Figure 4-1. Schematic representation of JX.>pulation density.
In terms of the population density, Eq. (4-1) for crystals can be written as
(terms are in the same order)
Om is the volumetric feed rate while Qout is the volumetric discharge rate, m3/s.
M. = Lz - L1 is the size range. 0 is the average population density over the
size range. n1 and n2 are shorthand for the average population densities over
the range of sizes which will grow into and out of the range M., respectively.
G 1 and G z are the average growth rates of crystals growing into and out of the
range M.. V = volume of magma (mixture of crystals and solution) which is
assumed to be constant. The magma volume is assumed to be well-mixed so
that n and ~c are constant throughout the volume.
where we have also assumed that the volumetric feed and discharge rates are
equal. This implies that the density (kg/m 3 ) is constant.
Solution of Eqs. (4-6) or (4-7) gives an equation for the population den-
sity distribution. From the population density distribution a variety of other
distributions (number, length, area and mass) are easily generated. These crys-
tal size distributions are developed in the next section.
In this section the CSD will be developed for steady-state crystallizers where
the crystal growth rate does not depend on crystal size. This will be done for
an idealized crystallizer known as the Mixed Suspension, Mixed Product Remo-
val (MSMPR) crystallizer for the simplest possible case. The following
assumptions will be made for the ideal MSMPR:
No product classification - crystals removed have same CSD as
those in magma.
Constant magma volume.
Uniform supersaturation, .1c.
No crystal breakage.
Product crystals in equilibrium with mother liquor - no change in
CSD after withdrawal and Dout = n.
No crystals in feed, Din O.
Growth is independent of size. Thus G = constant since .1c is con-
dL G1:
n = nO exp(-l::...)
Equation (4-9) is the result we have been working towards. Taking the
natural logarithm of both sides
In n = - l::... + In nO
which is
L (4-11b)
N = nOG-c[1 - exp( - - ) ]
In n
- Gr
This distribution was illustrated in Figure 4-1. As L~, the exponential term
becomes zero and
where NT is the total number of particles per unit volume. Note that with the
assumptions made for the ideal MSMPR each nucleus grows into one crystal in
the product
The cumulative length per unit volume is the length of crystals per unit
volume if all crystals up to size L were laid end-to-end. Within a given size
range, the end-to-end length per volume is LndL. Then the cumulative length
per volume is
= JLndL = JLnO exp( -
L G1:)dL
o 0
which is
As L4°o the total cwnulative length per unit volume of all the crystals is
where kv is the volumetric shape factor [Eq. (4-20a)] and Pc is the density of
the crystals. This becomes
M~ 6kvp,n G<{(Gt)'
This total cumulative mass of crystals per unit volume can also be determined
from a mass balance. For a steady state process
where Sc is the mass of crystals produced per time. Sc can be detennined from
steady-state equilibrium yield calculations such as Eqs. (2-5a) to (2-6b). Thus
Eqs. (4-18) and (4-19) serve as a check on the population distribution or on the
screen data. If nO is known, comparison of Eqs. (4-18) and the yield calcula-
tion allows detennination of G.
N 0 L (4-21)
-NT = - - = 1- exp( - - )
The first moment is
f LndL
L 0 L L (4-22)
- -- = 1- (1 + -Gt-)exp ( - -Gt-)
f LndL
The second moment is
fL 2 ndL
_A__ 0 = 1- [1 + _L_ + !_(L_)2]exp( __L_) (4-23)
AT fL2ndL G't 2 Gt Gt
The third moment is
M 0 (4-24)
= 1- [l + - L + -I(L 21L3 L
- ) + - ( - ) ]exp( - - )
G't 2 G't 6 Gt G't
MT 0.4
0 4 6 8 10
In Eqs. (4-21) to (4-24) the variable L/(G't) is a dimensionless crystal size. G't
is the size of a crystal which has grown for a period equal to the residence time.
Using the dimensionless crystal size, L/(G't), the CSD can be analyzed without
knowing the dependence of G on supersaturation. The ratio MiMT is plotted in
Figure 4-3. Table 4-1 is a short table of values for MiMT. Complete tables of
values of MiMT are given by Randolph and Larson (1988) and Singh (1979).
Obviously, values of MiMT can be easily determined from Eq. (4-24) with a
In terms of the weight fraction. M/MT' in this size range the differential mass
distribution is,
Figure 4-3 shows that the maximum of the differential mass balance
occurs at L/(G't) = 3. This is called the dominant size. The median size for the
cumulative mass distribution is at L/(G't) = 3.67. Thus one half of the particles
have a weight greater than the particles at this size.
Often G and n° are not available in the literature. In this case laboratory
or larger scale experiments can be done to detennine the kinetics of the pro-
cess. This can be done by screening the crystals and experimentally detennin-
ing a weight distribution. The data collected is:
From the sieve data MT is easily detennined from the total weight of crystals
collected as
The values of nO and G can now be found two different ways. One
method is to generate an experimental cumulative mass distribution. The data
of Wi versus ~ is a differential mass distribution. The experimental cumula-
tive mass distribution is
sieve frac.i
Mexp,i = L (Wi)Ns
mctim under smallest size
The theoretical value of MlMT versus (L/Gt) is known from Eq. (4-24),
Figure 4-3 or Table 4-1. By comparing experimental and theoretical values, we
can determine G and n°. For example, suppose one of the data points
corresponds to (MexpIMT,exp)i =0.4. Then from Table 4-1, 4/Gt =3.21. Since
~ and 't are known, this allows us to calculate G. If <MexpIMT,exp)i is a number
such as 0.442, the complete tabulations of M/MT (Randolph and Larson, 1988;
Singh 1979) can be used, or program Eq. (4-24) on your calculator. This pro-
cedure can be repeated for each sieve fraction. Then, average G according to
the weight fraction of particles collected in each fraction.
- L(GiWJ
G=---- (4-28)
I: Wi
all fractions
Obviously, the two approaches should closely agree with each other.
Once nO and G are known the nucleation rate BO is readily calculated from Eq.
(3-6), BO = nOG. To determine the functional dependence of BO as shown in
Table 3-1 a series of experiments with different residence times and different
stirrer speeds is done.
WT = ~ Wi =MTV s (4-31)
all fractioos
The weight Wi in a given sieve fraction is related to the differential mass bal-
ance, Eq. (4-25a) and (4-25b)
The weight Wi can be calculated for each sieve fraction which will be col-
lected. This is illustrated in Example 4-1. Note that we can calculate Wi
without knowing the shape factor, kv. This is useful since kv will be unknown
if the crystals are not ideal.
IO,OOOkg/hr -
Saturated KCI
where Win is the water flow rate entering the crystallizer, and em and
c out are given in Table 2-1 at 100 and 20°C, respectively. Win can be
determined from a balance on the inlet stream
F=cin Win + Win or Win = -1--
+ Cin
The volumetric feed rate Q =F/Pe and 't =V/Q. Then from Eq. (4-19),
MT = Sc/Q, and M can be calculated from Eq. (4-24) even though nO
and k y are unknown.
D. Do It. From Table 2-1, cin = 0.567 kg KCl/kg water, Caut = 0.340 kg
KCl/kg water. Then
The feed density is -1208 kg/m3 (extrapolated using data from Mullin
(1972) or from Perry and Green, (1984».
Sc 1449 3
and MT = - = - - = 175 Okg/m
Q 8.278 .
3.67 G 't = (3.67)(3.48 x 10-4) = 1.28 x 10-3 m = 1.28 mm
The differential mass distribution can also be obtained from Figure 4-3
using the same multipliers.
For this L, L/Gt = 1.871. Since & = 0.707 - 0.595 = 0.112 mm, Eq.
(4-32) becomes
where Weight fraction crystals in size fraction i = -'-.
The weight fraction can be determined from the cumulative weight frac-
tion as
cum. wt.
Mesh L [ M- frae. frae. LWi n lnn
(in 1000)
14 .119 0.19 .19
14/20 .0841 .10155 .0349 0.385 .195 56,562 1,621 14.3
20/28 .0595 .07180 .0246 0.635 .250 205,162 8,340 15.94
28f35 .0420 .05075 .0175 0.815 .180 418,306 23,903 16.99
35/48 .0297 .03585 .0123 0.980 .165 1,087,793 88,438 18.30
48/65 .0210 .02555 .0087 1.00 .020 372,929 42,865 17.57
-1 -1
G= = (-53.5)(3.97) = 0.0047 cm/hr
(slope) 't
This section will illustrate how the equations can be manipulated to compare
the effects of changing variables. The growth rate will be assumed to be
independent of size. Size dependent growth is treated in Section 4.7.
Consider two cases where secondary nucleation does not occur. Equa-
tions (3-7) are valid and nO = kNGi - l . First, compare two crystallizers where
the suspension densities are equal, but the residence times 'tl :I: 't2' Setting
MT,l = MT ,2 and substituting in Eq. (4-18), we obtain
Canceling out the common terms and using nO = kNGi-l to remove n1 and n~,
this becomes
o 't 4(i-l)
~=(_._l )3+1 (4-34b)
n1 't2
Clearly, the exponent i has a major effect on the growth and nucleation
rates in the two crystallizers. If i=l, n1 = n~ and G 2 = G1 ('ttft2)' Thus growth
rates depend inversely on the residence time and n° is independent of the
residence time. Since G is proportional to ~c, the supersaturation difference ~c
must also depend inversely on residence time. If residence time is halved, ~c
doubles and G doubles.
If i > 1.0, G and n° increase as residence time increases. Then from Eq.
(3-6), BO= nOG, the nucleation rate increases. When i=2, the exponents on
Eqs. (4-34a and b) are equal. For i > 2 the exponent on Eq. (4-34b) is larger
and nO grows faster than G. Thus as i becomes larger it is more and more
difficult to grow large crystals since too many nuclei are formed. This tends to
be the case for homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.
The nucleation rate BOincreases when the residence time is increased for
i> 1.0. Then from Eqs. (3-6) and (3-4) the supersaturation l:1c must increase.
Increasing the residence time increases the supersaturation at constant magma
A second case without secondary nucleation compares two crystallizers
with equal residence times, but different feed concentrations and hence dif-
ferent magma densities. Again we start with Eq. (4-18), MT = kvPc nO(Gt)4.
Set 'tl = 't2 equal for the two crystallizers, and cancel out common terms.
~ = (~)1/(i+3) (4-36c)
Thus sizes are increased at higher magma density if secondary nucleation does
not occur.
In n
Figure 4-4. Effect of magma density for size independent growth. 'tl = 't2,
MT,2 = 2MTl , i = 3. Calculated: nz/n? = 1.2599 and G2/G 1 =
With equal residence times Eq. (4-35) can again be derived. After substituting
in Eq. (4-37b) for nO, and solving for G2/G 1 , we obtain
In n
Figure 4-5. Effect of magma density on population density when secon-
dary nucleation occurs and j = 1. Mn > Mn
GZ=G 1 ,
Mr.z 0--1) (4-39)
nl M r ,l
Problems can often be avoided by seeding the crystallizer. With added seeds
the metastable region can be avoided. Thus the crystallizer can operate at
lower supersaturations with no homogeneous nucleation and with small nuclea-
tion rates from other secondary nucleation processes. Sometimes seeding is the
only practical way to grow crystals of the desired size range. If there is no
additional nucleation, the weight of seeds required per hour, Ws is
T .+M. wth
W p,1. = [ ~,1 gro]3 W . (4-41b)
Equation (4-41a) or (4-41b) can be used to predict the differential weight distri-
bution. The total weight is
Ws,tot L· + M. (4-42a)
W p,tot = fo (
L .
growth 3
) dWs
L·+M. th
Wp,tot = ~
(5,1 groW)3 W5,1. (4-42b)
all fIacs Ls,i
MT = --
(4-43 a)
MT from mass balances and equilibrium. Equation (4-19) can be used to calcu-
late MT except we should correct for the weight of seeds added. Then
Usually, this correction will be small. Then Eq. (4-43a) gives Wp,lOl' A trial-
and-error procedure is used to find a M..growtb (and hence a G) which will give
this value of Wp,lOl from Eq. (4-42). The shape of the product screen analysis
will be different than the seed distribution since the relative increase in mass is
greater for small particles than for large ones. A detailed example is given by
Foust et al (1980). Experimental data may vary significantly from the distribu-
tion predicted since the McCabe M.. law may not be valid.
Seeding can also be used to provide selective nucleation for fractional
crystallization of a solution saturated in two or more solutes. (Rousseau and
O'Dell, 1980). A modification of this procedure is used commercially for
separation of racemic mixtures of amino acids. Assume we have a saturated
mixture of the D and L isomers. If we cool the mixture but stay in the meta-
stable region, neither isomer will crystallize. Selectively seeding with one of
the isomers (e.g. the D isomer) will cause crystallization of that isomer. If con-
tact nucleation occurs, a large number of nuclei will form. The mixture will
approach saturation in the D isomer, but will remain supersaturated in the L
isomer. After harvesting the D isomer crystals, removing any D isomer nucleii
with a membrane or by heating followed by cooling to supersaturate the L iso-
mer again; the L isomer can be crystallized out by seeding with the L isomer.
Obviously, an operation such as this requires very careful control of conditions
to prevent unwanted primary nucleation.
Clear liquor
-----1=::;;==I=::fun==t=--- overflow
Mixed magma
Figure 4-6. Methods for fines removal. a. partially mixed. b. fines trap.
some type of classification scheme. This is possible since the fine particles tend
to move with the fluid while larger particles will settle out. Different
classification methods are illustrated in Figure 4-6 (Mullin, 1972; Saeman,
1961). Figure 4-6a illustrates the situation where fines classification occurs
because the crystallizer is not well mixed. Fines can be removed near the top
of the crystallizer. By adjusting the level of the withdrawal tube the size of
fines removed can be varied. The optimum size of fines to remove appears to
be approximately 1/20 to 1/10 the mean product size. Once removed the fines
are redissolved by heating and/or by adding solvent. This liquid is then recy-
cled to the crystallizer. A different type of fines trap is shown in Figure 4-6b.
Fines are collected at the level where particles larger than Lt have a settling
velocity greater than the fluid velocity. The fines are then destroyed by heating
the mixture. Fines dissolution can also occur in superheated regions inside the
crystallizer since the small particles are more soluble than large particles.
The CSD can be analyzed using the population balances (Larson and
Randolph, 1969; Randolph and Larson, 1988). Removal of fines decreases the
residence time of most of the small particles. Some of the fines will escape the
trap and grow to become product. Surprisingly, only 0.1 to 1.0% of the fines
are allowed to grow to become product. If we let
then if Qm is the flow rate into the crystallizer, the withdrawal rate of fines by
both destruction and in the product is RQm. The retention times for fines and
product are,
v (4-44c)
dn n (4-45a)
dL Gtr
dn n (4-45b)
dL Gt p
L (4-46b)
n = C exp( - - ) L > Lr
Gt p
I --I
I ,
In nO I
Figure 4-7. Comparison of crystallizer with fines removal (2) to crystal-
lizer without fines removal (1). a. Population density distribu-
tion. b. Dimensionless cumulative weight distribution. Case 1
is from Example 4-1 while Case 2 is from Example 4-3.
without fines removal. This is shown in Figure 4-7a for the population density,
and in Figure 4-7b for the dimensionless cumulative weight distribution. Since
the fines are of negligible mass, MT,l = MT ,2' This condition forces
1 1 R (4-47a)
G2 't G1't G 2 't
G with fines removal > G wlo fines removal
The same production (MT,l = MT,Z) occurs with fines removal but on a much
smaller number of larger particles. Since the total surface area is less for the
large particles, the growth rate must be higher. Figure 4-7b shows that a
significant increase in the mean particle size also occurs. The dominant parti-
cle size for the mass distribution will also increase significantly.
With higher growth rates with fines removal, the supersaturation must be
higher. This will normally cause more nucleation and one would expect
n2 > n]'. In this case fines removal is analyzed for an idealization called a point
fines trap. A point fines trap destroys only nuclei.
We will compare crystallizer 1 to crystallizer 2 which has a point fines
trap. The analysis is similar to the analyses of the previous section. The two
crystallizers have the same V and Q. Hence, t1 = tz. Since nuclei represent an
insignificant mass, the magma densities are equal, MT, = MT•. Then from Eq.
where ~ is the fraction of nuclei surviving the fines trap. Thus, ~n2 is the popu-
lation density of surviving nuclei. The value of ~ can be as low as 0.001 in
practice. Next, the nucleation kinetics found by combining Eqs. (3-6) and (3-
are substituted into Eq. (448). After dividing out equal terms and rearranging,
the result is
Since ~ is usually quite small, l/~ is large. Thus both the linear growth
rate G 2 and the dominant size Lo. are increased substantially. The degree of
improvement is reduced as the order of nucleation i increases.
Both analysis procedures show that fines traps can significantly increase
the median and dominant crystal sizes. Fines traps are often used on a variety
of different crystallizers when large crystals are desired. Fines traps are rela-
tively expensive to operate, but they are a universally valid method of control-
ling nucleation.
A. Define. This is the same system as in Example 4-1 except now there
is a fines trap. We want to find G and plot M versus L.
C. Plan. The residence time for fines 'tp = V/(RQin) = 'tf/R where R =
10. Thus 'tf = 87 sec. The mass distribution M can be generated from
the definition, Eq. (4-17a), and the population density functions, Eqs.
(4-46). Thus some derivation is required. For small crystals,
M = kvPc Jo L noexp( -
3 r~
)dL, L s Lr
Thus for L s Lt, M is the same as Eq. (4~17b). The cumulative mass of
fines Mf at L = Lt is,
Me =6kvp,nOGte{(Gtr)'
M = Mf + kvPc f C exp( - GL)dL L> Lf (4-52a)
Lr 'tp
which becomes
The value of kvnopc can be estimated from the value of MT found for
the MSMPR without fines destruction (Example 4-1) and from Eq. (4-
1 3] exp( - -Lr
+ -G'tpLf - ) + (G'tf)4 - [(G)4
6 G't f
Since MT is known, this represents one equation with G being the only
unknown. Solve for G. Then can find M for L $ Lr from Eq. (4-17b),
M f from Eq. (4-51) and M for L > Lr from Eq. (4-52c).
This is equal to the term in brackets in Eq. (4-53b). A trial and error
solution is required. The result is
M = 175 - (4.1666x1014)(8.048xl~)[5.2134xl0-!O
L (m) M
0.0003 0.2561 0.0015
0.001 6.728 0.038
0.002 41.985 0.24
0.002953 87.5 = Median 0.50
0.0003 89.595
0.004 127.91 0.73
0.005 151.68 0.87
0.006 164.32 0.94
0.007 170.38 0.97
0.008 173.11 0.989
0.009 174.25 0.996
0.010 179.71 0.998
0.011 174.89
0.012 174.96
0.013 174.986
0.02 174.9999 1.0
steps can also be used for detennining the analogous quantities for
classified product removal, or for other complex situations. The
methods for detennining the constant of integration and for detennining
G from MT can also be used in other problems. Solution of the equa-
tion for G and generation of the cumulative mass distribution are
straightforward on a programmable calculator or computer, but difficult
without these tools.
If an experimental crystal size distribution is available, then G
and n° can be detennined. First, calculate the experimental values of
MT and Mi from Eqs. (4-26) and (4-27). The theoretical values for MT
and Mi are given by Eqs. (4-53b) and (4-52c) with C from Eq. (4-54).
Relating (MiIMT )cxpt'% to (M/MT )thcory gives an equation in Gi . The
average G can be found from Eq. (4-28) and nO can then be found from
Eq. (4-53b).
Note that the median at L = 3.67 Gtp is what would be expected
for a simple distribution. This occurs since Mf is so small. Note that
the median = 2.95 mm is significantly greater than the median = 1.28
mm found without fines removal (Example 4-1). Fines removal works!
It is interesting to compare this crystallizer to an equivalent
MSMPR with the same growth rate and same magma density. This
comparison (see Problem 4-D6) shows that the cumulative mass distri-
butions are essentially the same. However, the equivalent MSMPR
must have a nuclei population density significantly less than the crystal-
lizer with fines destruction. Removal of fines is a practical way of con-
trolling nucleation.
'ts = VIQ, L < r"
The population balance Eq. (4-8) can be solved for each residence time.
L (4-56a)
ns = nOexp( - - G ), L < r"
L (4-56b)
nL = C exp( - - G ) , L ~ r"
where G 2 is the linear growth rate in the crystallizer with classified product
removal. At L = r" the population densities are equal, ns = nL. This allows
calculation of the constant of integration C.
The population densities are plotted in Figure 4-8 where they are also
compared with an MSMPR. The MSMPR is assumed to have the same nuclea-
tion population density n° and the same production of crystals. With the same
productivity, MT ,
must be the same for the two crystallizers. This will require that the MSMPR
have a slope intermediate between the two slopes of the classified product
removal case. Thus G 2 > G 1 since 'tl = 'tMSMPR. Since the classified product
removal system has more small crystals (larger n for small L) and fewer large
crystals, the MSMPR has a larger mean and dominant size for the weight distri-
butions. Thus the MSMPR produces larger crystals! The classified product
In n
~ .....
. . . . . . . . MSMPR
Figure 4-8. Comparison of MSMPR and crystallizer with classified product
where supersaturation occurs. May also have fines removal and classified
product withdrawal. This type of equipment can be an MSMPR.
Examples were shown in Figures 2-3 a, b; 2-4 a, b; and 2-5 a. More
examples of mixing methods are discussed below.
2. Circulating liquor. Some type of crystal settling or screen is used so that
only clear liquor is recycled. The method is used in Krystal (or Oslo) type
crystallizers. Some authors (e.g. Saeman, 1961) see no advantage to this
3. Scraped Surface. The wall of the heat exchanger is scraped with some
type of blade. This was illustrated in Figure 2-3c and d. This method
keeps the surface of the exchanger clean and gives high heat transfer rates.
However, scraping the crystals off the walls breaks up the larger crystals.
Thus only small crystals are produced. The effect of breakage of crystals
causes "death" in one size range and "birth" in smaller size ranges (see
the next section). These crystallizers are used to produce seed crystals, for
viscous mixtures, and when very low temperatures are desired.
4. Tank Crystallizers. Both agitated or static tanks are used with cooling to
the atmosphere or through a jacket. Static tanks will not be well mixed
and a wide CSD will result. For example, ammonium alum crystals in the
size range of +6 mesh to 2 inches are produced in tank crystallizers. Tank
crystallizers are used for small throughputs of relatively easy to crystallize
a b
Figure 4-9. Draft tube mixing methods. a. Fast rise-slow fall; b. Fast fall-
slow rise.
with an external pump directing return liquor into the conduit. The fast fall,
slow rise is used on the Oslo-Krystal design. It is also useful when a trap is
used for fines removal, or when classification of product in the bottom of the
crystallizer is desired. Examples of these crystallizers are shown by Mullin
(1972), Nyvlt (1982), Rousseau (1986), and Singh (1979).
Scale-up of the mixing can be difficult. Unless growth is remarkably
fast, all regions of the mixer should have about the same supersaturation. In a
ten liter laboratory mixer a tracer bead may go through the entire mixing circuit
in a few seconds. A commercial-scale crystallizer could easily be IO feet tall
and 15 feet in diameter. The time to traverse the mixing circuit must be longer
if reasonable velocities are to be used. The half-life for supersaturation ranges
from a few seconds to several minutes while circulation times can range from
0.2 seconds in a 0.2 m diameter tank to about 35 seconds in a 3 meter diameter
tank (Garside, 1985). Thus, the two tanks can have significantly different
supersaturations and hence different nucleation and growth kinetics.
Generally, the large scale system is designed to be flexible so that its operation
can be adjusted to give acceptable results.
dn n (4-58)
G - + - = B(L) - D(L)
dL 't
where B(L) and D(L) are the birth and death functions which are obviously
related to each other.
To solve Eq. (4-58) functions for B(L) and D(L) must be developed.
Two-body death and birth effects are usually postulated Experimentally,
larger crystals are more likely to break. Thus a power-law death model is often
D(L) =kn L~
where k is a rate constant and f3 represents the size selectivity. Since contact of
crystals will be proportional to magma density, it would also be reasonable to
include magma density in the death function.
D(L) = k n L~ M¥
The birth function is obviously related to the death function since mass must be
conserved. Depending on the assumptions made, various birth functions can be
derived. If a power law is used for the death function, the birth function will
also have a power law form.
The population balance Eq. (4-58) has been solved for the power law
death function, Eq. (4-59a), with a related birth function (see Randolph and
Larson, 1988). The results show a significant narrowing of the CSD with a
ILl 10"1
ILl 1(J2
Figure 4-10. Population density plot for size dependent growth (Abegg et ai,
1968). Reprinted from AIehE Journal 14, 118 (1%8) with
permission. Copyright 1%8, AlChE.
downward shift in the dominant size. The population density of the largest size
crystals plummets. Thus, when large crystals are desired, breakage needs to be
minimized. This can be done by using gentle mixing and by making impellers
and baffles from a soft material such as polyethylene.
A second situation which commonly occurs is size dependent growth. In
this case, the empirical model shown in Eq. (3-15) is often used. The solution
of the population balance Eq. (4-7), along with Eq. (3-15) is (Abegg et al.,
Table 4-3. Integration Constants for Size Dependent Growth Eqs. (4-61a,
b C1 C2
Equation (4-60a) agrees with Eq. (4-9) if b = 0 and 'Y= 1I(Gnuclei't). This value
for 'Y will be used in the following analysis.
When growth rate increases with size (this is the common case), b is
positive. Examples are the growth of K2S04 and Na2S04 • lOHzO crystals.
Equation (4-60a) is plotted in Figure 4-10. Faster growth as size increases
results in more crystals in this larger size range compared to size independent
growth (b = 0). This is usually desirable. Note in Figure 4-10 that all the
curves converge together for L/(G't) < 2. Thus size independent growth models
give good results for small crystals. Abegg et aI .• (1968) obtained good fits
with experimental data for both Na2S04 • 10 H20 and alum.
The weight distribution can be determined from Eq. (4-60a) or the
parameters for the size dependent growth, Eq. (3-15) can be determined experi-
mentally from weight distributions. The weight distributions are complicated
where C 1 and C z are calculated from definite integrals and are given in Table
4-3 (O'Dell and Rousseau, 1978). Equations (4-61) are valid when
Y= lI(Gnuclei 1:) in Eq. (3-15).
Q = UA (TM - Tco1d )
we can estimate the rate of cooling. This equation is more complicated than it
~ 40
initially appears. The magma temperature, TM, decreases during the crystalli-
zation and the overall heat transfer coefficient U is probably not constant
because of fouling and the increase in viscosity of the magma. However, Eq.
(4-62) can easily be used to estimate the initial rate of cooling when TM = TF
and the heat transfer surface is clean. Q will be large initially, and will
decrease as both U and (TM - T cold) decrease. The cooling curve calculated for
this case is curve d in Figure 4-11 (Mullin and Nyvlt, 1971). This rapid initial
removal of heat will rapidly cool the magma temperature and supersaturate the
solution. The result is likely to be the production of a large number of nucleii
instead of sustained growth on the controlled number of seed crystals. This
uncontrolled nucleation then causes a CSD with a very large number of rather
small crystals. This is illustrated in Figure 4-12 (Jones and Mullin, 1974).
Much better results can be obtained by controlled cooling (Mullin and
·55 80
- -. -..
~ 60 .....
size -----,,-----
---- -
~ ,,
::l \
E \
Crystal size, )Jm
Nyvlt, 1971; Mullin, 1972; Jones and Mullin, 1974; Belter et ai, 1988). In con-
trolled cooling the cooling rate will be slow at first to minimize excessive
nucleation and will be fast after the growing crystals have reduced the supersa-
turation (see Figure 4-11). The improvement in CSD which can be obtained is
illustrated in Figure 4-12.
To determine the temperature versus time or cooling curve desired for
controlled cooling we start with a supersaturation balance (Mullin and
NyvIt,1971; Mullin, 1972).
llc is the supersaturation defined by Eq. (2-2a), A is the total area, Kg and kN
are the rate constants for growth and nucleation from Eqs. (3-16) and (3-4),
respectively, and nand i are orders of growth and nucleation, respectively. The
left hand side of this equation is the change in supersaturation with time. On
the right hand side the first term represents the change in the saturation concen-
tration with time. Since c· is a function of temperature and we are cooling the
solution, this corresponds to the creation of supersaturation according to
dT KgA(Llc)n
-- (4-66)
dt dc· d(Llc)
dT dT
The metastable zone width in Figure 2-2 probably depends upon tem-
perature. Thus, the supersaturation Llc will depend upon temperature. If we
asswne a linear dependance, we have
Often the metastable zone width will not change (a2 = 0), and d(Llc)/dT = O.
We are now left with only the term KgA(Llc)n to evaluate. From Eq. (3-
16) this term equals dm/dt which can be related to the crystal size by Eq. (3-
With no nucleation the seed crystals will grow to the final size.
The summation over a series of growth rates occurs because G can be a func-
tion of both temperature and crystal size. Substituting Eqs. (4-69) and (4-68)
into Eq. (4-66) we obtain
3kv p,G[Lsecd + 1:G]2
dT i=O (4-70)
dt dc" d(tic)
dT dT
The volumetric shape factor kv can be difficult to predict If the seeds grow
without changing shape, we can use Eq. (3-12) to detennine kvPs from the
known weight and size of the seed crystals.
Wseed (4-71)
kvPs = L~
This equation gives the desired cooling rate as a function of time. Numerical
integration of this equation gives the temperature versus time results shown in
Figure 4-11.
Equation (4-72) is somewhat awkward to use. A considerably simpler
form can be obtained by making additional assumptions, but the engineer must
be aware that these assumptions may not be valid for a particular system. If the
linear growth rate does not depend on temperature or crystal size, the summa-
tion in Eq. (4-72) becomes G. Often the supersaturation is constant and
d(tic)/dT = O. Equation (4-72) then simplifies to
dT 3 Wseed G 2 (4-73)
-d-t = (dc*/dT) L~ (Lseed + G)
The cooling curve obtained using this simplified result is compared in Figure
4-11 to the result obtained by numerical integration of Eq. (4-72). The
improvement in CSD when temperature is controlled following Eq. (4-74)
instead of being uncontrolled is shown in Figure 4-12. An example of the use
of Eq. (4-74) is given by Belter et al (1988).
screen opening. For example, needles which are much longer than the screen
opening will readily pass through. If accurate sizing is required, it may be
necessary to grow prismatic crystals.
Bulk storage, movement and packaging of crystals are all made easier
when it is free flowing and not dusty. Large, prismatic crystals with a tight
CSD are most likely to be free flowing. Crystals will produce less dust if
mother liquor is removed before drying; otherwise, drying of the mother liquor
often deposits a dust of solute on the crystals.
In summary, unless the product requires tabular or needle form crystals,
prismatic shaped crystals are best for downstream processing.
This chapter has focused on the theoretical aspects of population balances and
crystal size distributions. The objectives are:
1. Be able to derive the population balance.
2. Solve the population balance for size independent growth. Generate the
number, area and weight distributions.
3. Use experimental weight distributions to determine crystallizer kinetics.
4. Determine the effect of changing residence time and magma density on
crystallizer kinetics with and without secondary nucleation.
5. Explain the effect of and do calculations for fines destruction,. classified
product withdrawal, and different mixing procedures.
6. Utilize CSD for size dependent growth.
7. Determine the cooling curve for batch crystallization.
Abegg, C.F., J.D. Stevens, and M.A. Larson, "Crystal size distributions in con-
tinuous crystallizers when growth rate is size dependent," AIChE Journal, 14,
118 (1968).
Foust, A.S., L.A. Wenzel, C.W. Clump, L. Maus, and L.B. Andersen, Princi-
ples of Unit Operations, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1980, 526-529.
Garside, J., "Industrial crystallization from solution," Chem. Eng. Sci .• 40. 3
Larson, M.A. and A.D. Randolph, "Size distribution analysis in continuous cry-
stallization," Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser .• 65 (95), 1 (1969).
Nyvlt, J., Industrial Crystallization. 2nd ed., Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1982.
O'Dell, F.P. and R.W. Rousseau, "Magma density and dominant size for size
dependent crystal growth," AlChE Journal. 24. 738 (1978).
Ramkrishna, D., "The status of population balances," Rev. Chem. Engr., 3 (1),
49 (1985).
Randolph, A.D., J.R. Beckman, and Z.I. Kraljevich, "Crystal size distribution
dynamics in a classified crystallizer," AlChE Journal, 23, 500 (1977).
Saeman, W.C., "Crystallization equipment design," Ind. Eng. Chem., 53, 612
A. Discussion Problems.
Al. Why is the median size for the dimensionless number distribution,
L/(Gt) = 0.693, less than that for the dimensionless weight distribution,
L/(Gt) = 3.67?
e. L/(Gt)
f. dominant size
g. point fines trap
h. classified product removal
i. clear liquor advance
j. birth and death
A6. When secondary nucleation does not occur and '[2 > '[1 but MT •1 = MT •2 ,
Eqs. (4-34) relate growth rates and nucleation population densities.
Sketch the graph of In n versus L if,
a. i= 1
b. i =3
C. Derivations
C3. Prove that the dominant sizes for differential mass, area, length and
number distributions are U(Gt) = 3,2,1 and 0, respectively.
C4. Prove that the median size for N/NT is at L/(Gt) = 0.693. Find the
median of the cumulative area distribution, NAT'
C6. Complete the details of the derivation of Eqs. (4-47a and b) for a point
fines trap.
8 .n·
9 7
>- ~
t: 6
Z "I:s>... Z N 2
1&1 ""'<:: "<l
o 5
o 'R
~ ZONE 3
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
D. Problems
Dl. For the crystallization of urea in a large draft tube, baffled evaporative
crystallizer the following data were obtained.
Predict the screen analysis if the following screens are used: 14,20,28,
D2. For Problem 4-Dl determine the distribution for n, N, L, A and M. Plot
these distribution. Assume kv = 1.0 and kA =6.0. Do this for the con-
tinuous distributions.
03. For Problem 4-01 determine the sieve analysis distributions for n, N, L
and A.
04. A cooling crystallizer is used to crystallize KCl. At 60°C the following
Tyler screen data are obtained.
Screen 14 16 20 24 28 32 42 60 80 115
Wt,kg 0.001 0.029 0.136 0.139 0.276 0.210 0.209 0.049 0.012 0.002
KCl forms cubic crystals with Pc = 1.98 glml. At 60°C the saturated
fluid has a density of PF = 1.198 glml. V, = 10 liters. Residence time in
crystallizer is 15 min. Find G and n°.
05. An evaporative crystallizer is used to crystallize urea. The following
data are obtained (Bennett and Van Buren, 1969)
't, hrs Tyler Screen Sizes Density,
14 20 28 35 48 65 gIL
a) 5.9 36.0 62.0 80.5 92.5 98.5 100 510
D7. Example 4-3 showed that the crystallizer with a fines trap had a linear
growth rate ofG = 9.251 x 10-7 m/S.
a. Calculate the cumulative mass distribution M for an MSMPR
operating with this G value, 't == 'tp = 870s, and MT =MT,with trap =
175 kg/m 3 • Compare these results to the distribution found in
Example 4-3.
b. What value of (kvPcnO) will this MSMPR have?
D8. When we crystallize potassium chloride without a fines trap, we find that
MT = 175 kg/m 3 , 't = 870 sec, G =4.0 x 10-7 mIs, and the order of
nucleation i = 3.5. We desire the CSD to have a median size of 3 mm for
the cumulative mass distribution when we use a point fines trap. Calcu-
late the fraction of nucleii which can survive the point fines trap to
achieve this median size. Residence times and magma densities for the
crystallizers with and without the point fines trap are identical.
Y= G 1. 1 8 (em-I), b=0.2
= 000
nuclCl't .
Predict the magma density MT and the dominant size Ln. Crystal density
Pc = 1.46 g/cm 3 , kv = 1(2.
E1. A classified product removal is used to remove crystals larger than 1.0
mm at a rate 4 times faster than removal of small crystals. Otherwise,
the crystallizer is the same as the MSMPR explored in Example 4-1.
Assume that the population density of nuclei and the magma densities
are the same for the MSMPR and the classified product removal system.
Determine G, the median size of the weight distribution, and the cumu-
lative weight distribution for the classified product removal system.
Compare your results to the MSMPR.
E2. The product from Problem 4-D4 (crystals + solution) will be fed to a
second cooling crystallizer operating at 20°C. Assume that the feed to
this crystallizer (at 60°) is a saturated mixture and that the product
magma is in equilibrium at 20°C. Assume no nucleation occurs.
Residence time is 15 min.
a. Predict MT
b. Predict the crystal size distribution
c. Predict G.
Saturated KCI solution at 20°C has a density of 1.174 glm!.
Chapter 5
There are also significant differences between solution and melt crystalli-
zation which will be highlighted in this chapter. In solution crystallization a
variety of methods of causing supersaturation are used to induce crystallization.
In melt crystallization cooling is almost always used. Most industrial processes
for solution crystallization use a single equilibrium stage while devices with the
equivalent of many stages are often used in melt crystallization. Since there is
no solvent in melt crystallization, there is no need for solvent removal and
recovery, and there is no possibility of contamination by the solvent. However,
there is also no way to reduce the viscosity, increase the diffusivity or remove
energy by solvent evaporation. In addition, the chemicals being purified must
be stable at the melting point - there is no way to significantly lower the operat-
ing temperature. For systems such as salts where the melting points are very
high, crystallization from solution is less expensive. Lower operating tempera-
tures usually make the separation easier. Distribution coefficients can be orders
of magnitude more favorable at the lower temperatures possible in solution cry-
when the presence of a solvent would be detrimental. This occurs in two situa-
tions: 1. When the melting point is at a convenient temperature and equili-
brium is favorable for separation, melt crystallization is used for bulk separa-
tions. Examples are purification of p-xylene and separation of dichloroben-
zenes. If crystallization from solution were used, a solvent other than water
would be required and the solvent would have to be recovered. The solvent
recovery costs make crystallization from solution more expensive than melt
crystallization for these chemicals. 2. When an ultrapure product is desired,
solvent would be an impurity which would have to be removed. Several dif-
ferent melt crystallization processes such as normal freezing and zone melting
have been developed for ultrapurification. Ultrapure organics, metals and sem-
iconductors are all purified this way.
In the first section of this chapter the fundamentals of melt crystallization
will be briefly discussed. This section will build on Chapters 2 and 3. Then
methods for doing melt crystallization will be explored. First, slurry crystalli-
zation method where the crystals are in a slurry of crystals and liquid melt will
be discussed. Then, ultrapurification methods such as normal freezing and
zone melting are discussed. In these processes the solid is continuous and is
not in a slurry.
5.1.1. Equilibrium
Phase diagrams for three melt systems were shown in Figures 2-7 and 2-8.
Solid solution behavior for phenanthrene and anthracene was shown in Figure
2-7. Eutectic behavior for naphthalene, phenol and naphthalene, I-naphthol
was illustrated in Figure 2-8. Note in Figure 2-8 that quite good predictions
can be made using activity coefficients predicted with computer routines
(Walas, 1985). In ultrapurification only a small section of the diagram (up to a
few percent impurity) is needed.
few ternary systems. Timmermans (1960) also has data on a large variety of
binary systems. Phase diagrams for metals are available in Hanson (1958) and
Rhines (1956). Data on oxides and ceramics are given by Alper (1970-78) and
Levin et al. (1964,1969). Calculations are summarized by Walas (1985).
Any consistent set of units can be used for the concentration measurement.
Distribution coefficients for a large number of inorganic materials (Shoemaker
and Smith, 1967) and a few organic materials (Zief, 1967) have been tabulated.
Selected values are given in Table 5-1. For most impurities k < 1.0 and the
impurity is excluded from the crystal. In some cases such as eutectic systems k
« 1.0 and exclusion is essentially complete for systems at equilibrium.
The distribution coefficient can be related to the complete phase
diagrams. For a solid solution system, illustrated by Figure 2-7, ki can be
obtained at any temperature. For instance, if phenanthrene is considered to be
the impurity, ki at 200°C is
If the liquidus and solidus lines are straight, ~ will be constant. Otherwise, ~
will depend on concentration. For a eutectic system such as Figure 2-8 the
solid will be pure at eqUilibrium. Thus ki = O. The apparent distribution
coefficient will be greater than zero because of inclusions, imperfect washing
and other non-idealities. At low concentrations, the distribution coefficients of
different impurities are often independent However, this is not true for sem-
iconductors where large intemctions often occur (Wilcox and Estrin, 1982).
Heat and mass transfer processes are usually very important in melt crystalliza-
tion. Heat transfer is usually much more important in melt crystallization than
in solution crystallization. The tempemture and composition profiles are shown
schematically in Figure 5-1. The solid tempemture is usually somewhat greater
than the liquid temperature since the latent heat of solidification must be dissi-
pated. The solid is usually assumed to be at its melting point. In very slow
processes such as normal freezing and zone melting the amount of supercool-
ing, Ts - T bulk, may be only a few tenths of a degree.
a b
I - - - - - Tbu1k
j--Film -----I
The heat transfer analysis for a growing crystal can be treated formally in
an approach similar to the mass transfer theory given in Eqs. (3-9) to (3-17).
The heat transfer across the films is,
dq (5-2a)
dt =hA(Ti-n
where A is the area of the crystal and h is the film heat transfer coefficient.
This film coefficient can be written as h = kcoodlOr where kcond is the thermal
conductivity and Or is the hypothetical film thickness. Unfortunately, Or is not
known and Or is not equal to the film thickness for mass transfer. It is often
convenient to express the heat transfer in terms of an overall heat transfer
coefficient U, since the interface temperature Ti is not required.
dq (5-2b)
The energy which must be dissipated is the latent heat of fusion, A..
dq =A. dm (5-3)
dt dt
where m is the mass of solid deposited. The latent heats are readily available
(Mullin, 1972; Nyvlt, 1982; Perry and Green (1984). The rate of mass transfer,
dm/dt, was given by Eqs. (3-9) to (3-11) or Eq. (3-16) depending on the surface
Ifheat transfer controls the rate of growth of the crystal, then setting Eqs.
(5-2b) and (5-3) equal we obtain
Heat transfer will often control in processes such as zone melting and normal
freezing where there is very little impurity and the impurity has little effect on
the kinetics of crystali1ization. When large amounts of impurity are present,
mass transfer will often be limiting and the analysis of Chapter 3 is valid. For
in-between situations both heat and mass transfer need to be included (Meyer
and Shen, 1970).
The melt crystallizer must compete with other bulk separation processes
such as distillation or crystallization from solution. The latent heat of fusion
for organic compounds is approximately 1/3 the heat of vaporization. Thus, a
crystallization process will require less energy than distillation all other things
being equal. However, distillation has much higher mass and heat transfer
rates; thus, distillation columns are much cheaper per equilibrium stage. Cry-
stallization is favored over distillation for bulk separations only when distilla-
tion does not work well. Distillation may not be the separation of choice when:
1. The relative volatility is close to one. Separation factors for crystallization
may be much higher. 2. Azeotropes are formed. Eutectics may not occur, or
may be less of a problem. 3. Very high temperatures or thermal decomposi-
tion occur in distillation. Crystallization operates at lower temperatures. 4.
The product is desired as a crystalline solid. A crystallizer may be able to do
the required separation and produce the desired product in one step. 5. An
existing crystallizer can be used. Capital expenses will be very low if existing
equipment can be used. 6. A pure product is being further refined to higher
purity. For example, distillation is usually very energy intensive when going
from 99.9% to 99.99% purity.
, . . - - - - -..... Recycle
Yit M
can be produced if the feed concentration is greater then the eutectic concentra-
tion. If the concentration of impurity (phenol or I-naphthol in Figure 2-8) is
quite small, a large amount of relatively pure naphthalene can be produced
with a minimal amount of eutectic. The eutectic would then be separated by
other methods (solution crystallization, distillation, extraction, etc.) and be
recycled. For solid solution systems (see Figure 2-7) a single equilibrium stage
will be sufficient only if the feed is already quite pure. The equilibrium calcu-
lations are essentially the same as those for solution crystallization (see Chapter
where F is the feed flowrate, M is the melt flow rate, and C is the flow rate of
crystals in any set of consistent units. To be specific we will treat flow rates F,
M, and C in kg/hr. The weight fractions of impurity in the crystals and melt are
Xi and Yi> respectively. Then the equilibrium expression is
where we assume that the impurities are independent. Combining Eqs. (5-6) to
remove unknown M and Yi, the solution is
X;.=----- (5-6)
1- ~(1-~)
This gives the concentration of the crystals. The adhering melt will con-
tain more impurity. This can be removed either by partial melting and drainage
or by reflux. These methods are discussed later.
The intersection of the operating line and equilibrum curve gives Yi and Xi'
This analysis is obviously applicable to nonlinear equilibria as long as the
solutes are independent
Batch crystallization calculations can be done several different ways. The sim-
plest operation is to load the empty crystallizer with Mo kg of feed mixture of
weight fraction Yi.O' Then cool the charge and crystallize until the desired
weight fraction, g, of the charge has frozen. The melt, (1- g)Mo kg, is then
drained off and gMo kg of crystals remain. Assuming a homogeneous well-
mixed crystal phase, equilibrium Eq. (5-6c) is valid at the end of the batch.
The mass balance on impurity at the end of the batch is
gMo Xi + (1 - g) Mo Yi == Mo Yi.O
Assuming that the impurities are independent and combining Eq. (5-6c) and
(5-8), we obtain
ki Yi.O (5-9)
~ = --:~:--.-+-:":"(I-_g"7"")
- [dm
1x. == d(MyJ
1 dt
g = Mo - M = 1 _ M = (dm/dt) t (5-11b)
Mo Mo 110
Equation (5-11a) was substituted in for M/Mo to give the last equation in Eq.
(5-11b). From Eq. (5-11b) we obtain both
Mo (5-11d)
dt = (dm/dt) dg
These last two equations plus the equilibrium Eq. (5-6c) are substituted into Eq.
(5-10). After rearrangement,
dxi dg (5-12a)
~ (I-g)
Integrating Eq. (5-12a) and applying the initial condition that the very first
crystal is in equilibrium with the initial liquid,
Xi =~ Yi.O, for g = 0
we obtain
fo Xi dg (5-14)
Xi,avg = - - -
Note that when the entire melt is frozen, (g = 1,) xi,.vg = Yi,o which is the
expected result Comparison of Eqs, (5-14) and (5-9) shows that the progres-
sive freezing calculation where the crystal is non-homogeneous results in a
lower Xi,avg that the completely mixed crystal. This analysis for a non-mixed
crystal turns out to be the same analysis as for normal (or progressive) freezing
(see Section 5.3.1).
freezing and thawing in separate vessels. This process has also been commer-
cialized for purification of benzene, naphthalene and other organics (Molinari,
The effect of partial melting and drainage can be seen by a simple addi-
tion to the equilibrium model for batch crystallization. When harvested, the
crystals will entrain some weight fraction, e, of the melt even after the crystals
are allowed to stand and drain.
This entrained melt is assumed to be in equilibrium with the outer layer of the
Ifthis melt is not removed, the melt plus crystals have a total concentration of
which becomes
eYi.O (1 -g )
g -
+ Yi.O [1 ( I-g)ki] (5-18)
Yi.tot = e+l
This is the product concentration which will be observed if the melt is not
liquid with the new melt If ilg ~gl' with perfect displacement all of the old
entrained liquid will be removed. The fraction of crystals collected is now
xi,avg2 = -Yi,O [1 - (1 - g2 )ki]
This equation is obtained from the original crystallization since the interior of
the crystals is unaffected by the partial melting.
The new melt entrained on the crystals can be a mixture of old melt plus
the newly melted crystal layer. If all the old melt is removed, we can assume
that the composition of the entrained material is the same as the melted crystal.
Yi,avg = ilg ilg
where the fraction entrained is assumed to still be e. Excess liquid was drained
off. This equation becomes
Yi,prod = (e + I)
a The results of the initial freezing can be found from Eq. (5-14). Yo =
0.04, g = 0.6, k = 0.125 (from Table 5-1). Then the anthracene concen-
tration is
Then the mix of entrained melt plus crystals is given by Eq. (5-17)
Note that the adhering melt causes a considerable increase in the impur-
ity concentration of the product.
0.04 0066
] = o.
XAvg.2 = 0.5 [1 - (0.5)
Assuming that the old entrained melt is washed away by the newly
melted material, the new adhering melt composition will be given
approximately by Eq. (5-21).
Yavg =
The product composition combining this melt with the crystals is given
by Eq. (5-22).
This product is obviously much purer than the product obtained without
drainage. In fact, this product is theoretically purer than the crystals
before partial melting. This occurs because the most impure layers
were melted off.
22 °10 P- XYLENE
85-88°70 P- XYLENE
99+°70 P-XYLENE
Several different designs for end feed crystallizers have been developed
(Albenino et al.• 1967; Henry and Moyers, 1984; McKay, 1967; Moyers and
Rousseau, 1987). Most of the large columns use the pulsed system shown in
Figure 5-4. The pulses tend to prevent the formation of incrustations, and they
sweep the screens free. Piston systems have also been used particularly for
columns with ice. The piston systems use a piston to push the crystal bed
through the column. The piston systems appear to be more difficult to scale up.
Center feed columns use a liquid melt as feed and form crystals inside
the column. Schematically, the column can be arranged as shown in Figure 5-
5a. The analogy to a distillation column is obvious. At the bottom, crystals are
melted producing a product with the higher melting point. The reflux at the
bottom of the column is equivalent to boilup. At the top of the crystallizer rela-
tively pure lower melting product is withdrawn. Some of the melt is frozen and
returned to the column as reflux. Conceptually, it should be easy to separate a
binary mixture into two relatively pure products.
b Recovery section
C Residue
~ Purifying section
,.--'\-+--~Steam L = Liquid
C = Crystals
Liquid product
inger in the U.S. is based on the Brodie crystallizer (Anon, 1988). It uses
several tanlHype scraped surface crystallizers and has a capacity about five
times that of a Brodie crystallizer.
may not be refluxed. The reflux does cause melting of the outer layers of the
crystals and refreezing of the relatively pure reflux. The main function of the
countercurrent motion seems to be to wash the interstitial melt from the crys-
tals. Thus eutectic systems where the crystals are expected to be pure can be
purified easily in a column crystallizer. Solid solutions which require a large
number of contacts are much more difficult to purify. This is evident when one
determines HElP or HTU values. These values are often large, and may not be
constant when the column is made longer.
For eutectic systems the mass transfer analysis for end-feed crystallizers
is straightforward if solid of eutectic composition is not present. Since equili-
brium predicts that the crystals are pure (see Figure 2-8), the main purpose of
the column is to wash impurities from the liquid adhering to the crystals. For a
plug flow system the rate of mass transfer of the adhering liquid is
M dy (5-24a)
A dz = ka(Yad - y)
where M is the melt flow rate in kglhr, ~ is the column cross sectional area, k
is the mass transfer coefficient based on the interfacial area per volume, a,
between crystals and liquid. The adhering melt has a weight fraction Yad'
M Yout d
L-fo dz - f
~ka Yin (YarY)
where we have assumed that M/(~ka) is constant. This assumption and later
assumptions in the mass balances can be approximately valid for end feed
Yad IN ,eC
'r -- ----,
I :
I I b y= Yad
eC M
-+-r+ __ J
YIN . . . . . : , : . - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yad,OUT Yad
columns which are adiabatic except at the melter. Equation (5-24b) can be
written as
L = (HTU)(NTU)
Yout d
HTU=Acka' NTU- J Y
Yin Yad - Y
eCYad,in + CXm + My = eCYad + Cx + MYout
where we have assumed that crystal and melt flow rates, C and M, are constant.
For eutectic systems Xm = x = O. Solving for Y
eC eC (5-25b)
Y= M Yad + Yout - M Yad,in
This is shown in Figure 5-6b where the difference (y - Yad) is indicated. Solv-
ing Eq. (5-25b) for Yad and substituting this into Eq. (5-24d), we obtain
The usual specifications are Yad,in and Xproduct. Since the product is
melted to produce reflux,
Yin = Xproduct
Since the crystals are pure, the product concentration is related to materialleav-
ing the crystallizer by
eC Yads,out (5-27b)
Xproduct = C (1 + e)
From this equation we can detennine Yads,out. We can then detennine Yout from
an external balance around the crystallizer. With pure crystals this is
eC (5-27c)
Yout = M (Yad,in - Yad,out) + Yin
The analysis of center feed columns is much more complex. Flow rates
are not constant. The column is not adiabatic. Usually solid solutions are
separated and the crystal composition plus the adhering melt must be con-
sidered. This analysis is beyond the scope of this book.
Entrained melt can drastically decrease the purity when we desire to ultrapurify
(see Example 5-1). Entrainment is a problem with slurry processes because of
the very large surface area of the crystals. Entrainment can be drastically
decreased by operating with a continuous solid phase (a single ingot) since
there is very little surface area. Of course, reducing the surface area also
decreases mass transfer rates. Thus the continuous solid phase systems are
used only when ultrapurity (e.g. 99.9+%) is required.
a b c
JE Cool
interface since the entrainment of melt will be greatly reduced. Two ways to
do this in the laboratory are shown in Figure 5-7 a and b. The melt is slowly
lowered into a refrigerated bath or removed from a furnace so that a single
solid ingot fonns. The rate of movement is a few cm/hour or less. More rapid
movement of the container causes the growth of crystals with facets or den-
drites. These greatly increase the entrainment of melt and decrease the purity.
Stirring of the melt will help remove impurity from the interface. The process
can be done on the wall of a heat exchanger as shown in Figure 5-7c. The
planar interface grows slowly into the melt. Laboratory equipment is discussed
by Wilcox and Estrin (1982), Zief and Wilcox (1967), and Wynne and Zief
increase in freezing point may be quicker. Then the melt will be supercooled a
short distance from the interface. If this occurs, the interface can break down
and structures such as grooved cells or dendrites will form which can trap melt
The result will be a large increase in the impurity level. The solutions to this
problem are to freeze slowly and to stir the melt Other phenomena which can
adversely affect normal freezing are adsorption of impurity, variations in the
freezing rate, and gas bubbles trapped at the interface.
of organics such as naphthalene, benzoic acid and fatty acids (with a solvent
present) are commercially separated in 20 plants worldwide using this equip-
ment (Anon, 1988).
The analysis for normal freezing is essentially the same as for the pro-
gressive freezing of crystals in a batch system, Eqs. (5-10) to (5-14). Melting
and drainage are described by Eqs. (5-15) to (5-23). Since application of these
equations to normal freezing is straight forward, no further amplification will
be given. More detailed theories are discussed by Wilcox (1967).
Solid Solid
z=o z
I .£
z=o ....
X-Iy I
Figure 5-8. Zone Melting. a. Schematic of apparatus, b. Bar when z < L -
I, c. Bar when z > L -1.
This method has been extensively studied and used for ultrapurification
of a wide variety of materials. Zone melting was invented by Pfann, and has
since been extensively reviewed (Pfann, 1966; Wilcox and Estrin, 1982; Keller
and Muhlbauer, 1981; Mullin, 1972; Zief, 1967, 1969; Zief and Wilcox, 1967;
Shoemaker and Smith, 1967; Wynne, 1967; Moates and Kennedy, 1967). The
method is easily automated in the laboratory for routine ultra purification. A
home-made unit is sketched by Hudgins (1971), while more complicated units
are discussed by Pfann (1966) and Wynne and Zief (1967). The process is rou-
tinely used for ultrapurification of materials particularly semiconductors.
Between 100 and 200 metric tons of floating zone silicon single crystals are
produced every year (Keller and Muhlbauer, 1981). Although the scale of
operation is small compared to most other chemical engineering separations,
the economic value is significant.
Since zone refining is used for ultrapurification, the initial charge is usu-
ally 99 wt % or more pure. The zone velocity can range from 0.1 to over 100
cm/hr. Typical values are 1 cm/hr for organics, 2.5 cm/hr for metals and 20
cm/hr for semiconductors (Henry and Moyers, 1984). Purification is higher at
lower movement rates. Multiple zone passes are usually employed. Com-
pounds purified by zone melting are surveyed by Shoemaker and Smith (1967)
and Zief (1967).
The separation phenomena occurring in zone melting are very similar to
those in normal freezing. Too rapid movement of the zone can cause the for-
mation of dendrities or crystallite facets. This drastically decreases the separa-
tion. Dendrite growth is also a significant problem if impurity concentration is
beyond one percent or so. Mixing helps to decrease these problems. Perhaps
the major advantage of zone melting compared to normal freezing is the ease of
using multiple zones. This allows many simultaneous passes of the molten
zone and significantly increases the separation.
The molten zone should be stirred to mix the zone and increase mass
transfer rates. For low temperature compounds a mechanical stirrer can be
inserted in the zone. Care must be taken to avoid contamination. Induction
stirring is convenient since it can be done as part of the heating. Electrical con-
ductors can be stirred magnetically. Low melting point compounds can be
stirred by pumping melt through an external heat exchanger.
The equilibrium analysis of batch zone melting is similar to that for nor-
mal freezing. The heater and hence the molten zone moves at a constant rate of
f cm/min. We can relate f to the solidification rate dm/dt in kg/min as,
Note that dm/dt is also the rate at which the molten zone moves in kg/min.
Since the linear zone movement rate f is kept constant, dm/dt is constant Since
tf = z, from Eq. (5-28a) and a mass balance
(dm/dt)t z (5-28b)
Mo =/
where I is the length of solid melted to form the zone, and 110 is the kg of melt
in the molten zone (check the units on Eq. (5-28b) to understand it better). Dif-
ferentiating Eq. (5-28b) we obtain
Mo dz (5-28c)
d -
t- (dm/dt)l
The solute mass balance must be done in two parts. First, consider Fig-
ure 5-8b where z < L - l. The mass balance is
dm (Xo - x) = Mo -dy
dt dt
where x and y are the impurity weight fractions. If we assume that the zone is
well mixed and that the freezing interface is in equilibrium with the melt, we
can use the equilibrium expression y = x/k in Eq. (5-29). Substituting in Eq.
(5-28c) we obtain
k dx (5-30a)
I (xo - x) = dz ' z < L - 1
Before the start of the operation, x = Xo for all z. When the first part is melted,
y = Xo (the melting interface is not in equilibrium with the melt). Then the first
material refrozen is in equilibrium with y, or x = ky = no. Thus the boundary
condition is
- X = 1- (1-k)e-kzJI (5-31)
During the end of the zone pass when z > L - I, the situation is shown in
Figure 5-8c. Now the mass balance is
- [dm
1 X= d(My)
since the size of the zone is shrinking. Note that Eqs. (5-32) and (5-10) are the
same. The final step is essentially a normal freezing. Equations (5-11c) and
(5-11d) can be used to write the equation in terms of g. Then Eq. (5-32)
simplifies to Eq. (5-12a). The solution will be given by Eq. (5-13),
~. . . .
1\112- ... .\, "- . . . . ., 1'1 ...... N ., • • • '" N ••
OIl lOt 1'1 .., ... N •••
'If'll fill ... 0
g 5! b 0
c , d
n 20
, . I
, L ,
~;~ ~
'l\ \
/, ,
", 1.4
:1\ \
,\ \ \
, n ,
~~ '1\ \ \
. k=I.2
, L , \ L/l .. o
:~ fL.)- ./ ,.....- \\ \
....- V ~
'[7 V L /' ./"' V V/ W IA
·l\ \ \\
V V ~~\ 10 \
'z //'Z /' V~
'/ :~ ~~ .
o ,~ V~
00' L "
V ~~ ~ I I
!~~ ~~ K
o 00
, t---~~ ~ ....
>< 006
, , '-
>,,0 I )
-..... ./ >< .
>< '/ ,. , ~
'-':: ~
' 7 L L,,/ // /
\ 1'--"'-~~~
'; / • \ \
L,'/ /1, ~~ l"\\ \
k o.!) ,
'V ~ ~7 // lit
n =
1-20 0.' •
"" "l'\.\ \ \
0°069"L '\.\ \
0000 : 0. ,
000' , "
ULTI ...... TE '\
0006 , L , : PI5TAIBUTION",
/ • , rz
0.00< ' ULTIMATE
.• /L I 0.3 \
'L I 0.2
'v ,, I
, , - . . 0" . - - 10
zle z/f.
Figure 5-9. Relative solute concentration versus dimensionless zone length. n is the number of zone passes
(pfann, 1966). Reprinted with permission from Pfann, Zone Melting, 2nd ed., Wiley, N.Y.,
' -0
1966. Copyright 1966, Wiley. -
where Yo is the concentration of the molten zone when the normal freezing
starts. The value of Yo can be found from Eq. (5-31) with z =L-l
Yo = ~ = ~[1- (1- k)e-k(L-l)/I]
k k
z - (L -1) (5-34)
These results are for a single pass. For the next zone pass, Xo in Eqs. (5-
29) and (5-30a) is the x from the previous zone pass. Thus Xo will be given by
Eqs. (5-31) and (5-13). This makes Eqs. (5-29) and (5-30a) considerably more
complicated. These equations have been solved numerically. This solution is
shown in Figure 5-9 (Pfann, 1966) (see also Problem 5-El).
Equation (5-31) and Figure 5-9 show that for k < 1.0 the purest material
is at the starting end of the bar. Separation improves as k and zone length 1
decrease. As the number of passes n increases the separation becomes better.
As n -+ 00 an "ultimate distribution" results. The ultimate distribution is
approached when (Wilcox and Estrin, 1982)
It appears that one would want to decrease Z and do a lot of passes. Unfor-
tunately, I is limited by heat transfer to a minimum of approximately the diame-
ter of the rod. Usually, LIZ is in the range from 4 to 10.
The purified ingot is usually harvested by cutting off the end of the bar.
If some impurities have k > 1, both ends of the rod can be cut off. The result-
ing average composition is
J xdz (5-36)
Zl = (Z2 - Zl)
where Zl and Z2 are the locations where the ends are cut off. If all ki < 1 and
the front end is not removed, then Zl = O. For a single pass x is given by Eqs.
(5-31) and/or (5-13). IfZ2 < L -I, the result for a single pass is
(1 - k) (-Z2k11
_Xo [1k (Z2 - ZlkllJ + 1] (5-37)
x avg - _ Zl) e - e
For multiple passes the numerical solution for x (e.g. Figure 5-9) can be substi-
tuted into Eq. (5-36). The integration can then be done numerically. This is
illustrated in Example 5-2.
This equilibrium analysis ignores mass transfer resistance and poor mix-
ing in the molten wne. An effective distribution constant kerr can be used
instead of k to include mass transfer effects. When the film theory for mass
transfer is solved, the value of kerr is (Pfann, 1966),
where 0 is the film thickness, D is the diffusivity of impurity in the melt, and f
is the linear freezing rate in cm/sec. olD is the mass transfer coefficient.
Although 0 is not known it can be measured by experiments. D can also be
measured and usually lies in the range from 10-5 to 10-4 cm 2/sec. The value of
o was estimated as 0.1 cm in a horizontal zone of volume 1 cubic inch when
mixing was caused by natural convection. With moderate stirring 0 was
estimated as 0.01 cm while with vigorous stirring 0 was estimated as 0.001 cm
(Pfann, 1966). These values can be used to estimate the actual separation.
Wilcox (1967) lists experimental values of 0 for both zone melting and normal
freezing. More detailed theories are discussed by Wilcox (1967). Detailed
analyses of the hydrodynamics and mass transfer during single crystal growth
are reviewed by Brown (1988).
b. Zone melting is done with one pass and L/I = to. If the bar is cut
at Z2 = 0.75 L, find the average product concentration.
c. Zone melting is done with ten passes and L/I = to. If the bar is
then cut at q = 0.75 L, estimate the average product concentra-
B. Explore. Part a is simple use of Eq. (5-14). Part b is use of Eq. (5-
37) since q = 0.75 L < L -I = 0.9L. Part c requires the numerical
integration of Eq. (5-36).
C. Plan. Parts a and b were explained in the Explore step. For part c
the numerical integration can be done in several ways. For example,
with equal increments of size &,
x avg = - 1 ~x [ z = 2
q 1=1
U\z &
Xo z z Z Z
Xavg = 0.75 (0.2[x( 7=1) + xC 7=3) + x( 7=5)] + 0.15x( 7=6·75)}
(Z2 - Zl) [ ]
6 X/Zl +4X/(Zl+Z2)/2+x/Z2 (5-39)
Xavg = - - - - - -Z2--Zl
we obtain
= (0.75/6)(0.002)[OJ)()21 + 4(0.15) + 0.70] =0 00044
x avg 0.75 .
where 0.0021 is x./X{) at z/l = 0, 0.15 is x/X(j at z/l = 3.75, and 0.70 is
x/xo at z/l = 7.5. This disagrees with the other integration. The reason
for this disagreement is the extreme sensitivity of the calculation to the
amount of impurity near z = 0.75 L. Better agreement would be
obtained by applying Simpson's rule in several steps.
This chapter has been a brief introduction to melt crystallization. At the end of
this chapter you should be able to:
Anon., "CPI warms up to freeze concentration," Chern. Engr., 95, (6),24 (April
25, 1988).
Brown, R.A., "Theory of transport processes in single crystal growth from the
melt," AIChE Journal, 34,881 (1984).
Hanson, M., Constitution of Binary Alloys, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
Henry, J.D. and C.G. Moyers, Jr., "Crystallization from the melt," in R.H.
Perry, and D.W. Green, (Eds.), Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 6th
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984,p. 17-3 to 17-12.
Levin, E.M., C.R. Robbins, and H.F. McMurdie, Phase Diagrams for Ceram-
ists, American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1964 and 1969.
Wilcox (Eds.), Fractional Solidification, Vol. I., Marcel Dekker, New York,
Meyer, W. and P.K. Shen, "Design models for separation of eutectic systems
by continuous countercurrent columnar crystallization," AIChE Meeting, Chi-
cago, NOv. 29, 1970.
Molinari, J.G.D., "The Proabd refiner," in M. Zief and W.R. Wilcox (Eds.) ,
Fractional Solidification, Vol. I, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1967a, 393-400.
Mullin, J .W., Crystallization, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1972.
Pfann, W.P., Zone Melting, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, 1966.
Saxer, K. and A. Papp, "The MWB crystallization process," Chern. Eng. Prog.,
76 (4), 64 (1980).
Wynne, E.A., "Batch zone melting," in M. Zief and W.R. Wilcox (Eds.), Frac-
tional Solidification, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1967,237-255.
Wynne, E.A. and M. Zief, "Laboratory scale apparatus," in M. Zief and W.R.
Wilcox (Eds.), Fractional Solidification, Vol. 1, Marcel Dekker, New York,
Zief, M. and W.R. Wilcox (Eds.), Fractional Solidification, Vol. 1., Marcel
Dekker, New York, 1967.
Zief, M., "Survey of organic materials," in M. Zief and W.R. Wilcox (Eds.)
Fractional Solidification, Vol. I, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1967,649-678.
A. Discussion Problems
AI. Construct a table contrasting and comparing solution and melt crystall-
A2. Suppose ki < 1 in Eq. (5-7). What effect does the flow rate of melt, M,
have on the purity of the crystals? What happens in the limit as M =
O? What happens if kt =0 and M =O? Discuss this from both physi-
cal and mathematical viewpoints.
J xdg (5-21a)
Yavg = Bg
where Bg = eg2 instead of using Eq. (5-21). Explain Eq. (5-21a) phy-
sically. Does (Eq. (5-21) or Eq. (5-21a) predict a purer product?
A4. Why do batch slurry crystallization and nonnal freezing give the same
result for crystal composition? What are the advantages and disadvan-
tages of each process?
A5. What are the advantages of zone melting compared to nonnal freez-
B. Generation of Alternatives
B2. We wish to purify pyrene which contains 0.8 wt % anthracene and 0.2
wt % 1,2-benzanthracene as impurities. A batch nonnal freezing
apparatus is available. Develop a process to do this purification.
C. Derivations
C2. Single stage, batch crystallization can be treated in the same way as
simple Rayleigh batch distillation. That is, assume that crystals are
removed as soon as they are fonned. Set up and solve the equation
equivalent to the Rayleigh equation. Assume that y = x/k. Show that
the results are the same as Eqs. (5-13) and (5-14).
C3. The mass fraction impurity of the crystals for a single stage, steady
state, continuous crystallizer is given by Eq. (5-6). a). If a weight
fraction, e, of melt is entrained, find the average product concentration.
b). If some fraction of the crystals are melted (fraction> e) and the
excess liquid is drained, find the new product concentration.
C4. Derive Eq. (5-28b). Explain why I is defined as the length of solid
melted to fonn the zone instead of as the length of the heater.
D. Problems
El. Repeat Problem 5-D8 except solve Eqs. (5-28) to (5-34) and Eq. (5-36)
by numerical integration for L/I = 10 and k = 0.17. Assume the molten
activities, Chapter 9.
c* equilibrium concentration
equlibrium concentration
CF feed concentration
de coating thickness
D column diameter, m
Dm molecular diffusivity, cm 2 /s
D. surface diffusivity
Dr thermal diffusivity
ED eddy diffusivity, cm 2 /s
h height of packing, m
~H heat of adsorption
j stage number
total flux
diffusive flux
exclusion factor. Zero for excluded ions and 1.0 for non-excluded,
Chapter 9.
L column length, m
n number of adsorbates
n moles of gas
N number of stages
maximum loading
p pressure, kPa.
PH high pressure
r radial direction
R gas constant
pore radius, m
t time, min
temperature, °C or K
equilibrium temperature
Vp vapor pressure
~ valence of ion
a.AB separation factor, Eq. (6-16)
Y VpurgeNf=l in PSA
Yi activity coefficients, Eq. (9-9)
J..l viscosity
cp electrical potential
Ion exchange is a process where ions in solution are exchanged for ions
held to a resin. The best known application is water softening where calcium
~- Holddown Plate
} Po,k,d S."ioe
~ Support Plate
and magnesium ions are removed and replaced with sodium ions. A variety of
other ion exchange separations are also done commercially. The usual opera-
tion is done in fixed beds, and follows a cycle of load, regenerate and wash.
Ion exchange is the subject of Chapter 9.
(within the particle) porosity fp which is the fraction of the particle which is
void space. The interparticle or extra particle porosity, Ee , is defined as
The total porosity, ET, of the bed is the sum of the voids within the particles and
between particles.
Note that all three porosities are dimensionless. The different porosities are
shown in Figure 6-2.
Sorbents are provided in bulk. The bulk density PB including the fluid in
the pores and the fluid between particles is easy to determine. The bulk density
Figure 6-2. Porosites in packed bed.
is related to the particle density pp which includes the solid plus fluid in the
The particle density can be estimated from the structural or crystalline density
PI which is the density of crushed and compressed solid containing no pores.
pp =(1-t;,)PI + t;, PI
When supplied in bulk the fluid is usually air. Thus the fluid density, Pf, terms
are often ignored in estimating pP and PI from I'D.
The pores are not of uniform size. Large molecules such as proteins or
synthetic polymers may be sterically excluded from some of the pores. The
fraction of volume of pores which a molecule can penetrate is called Kd • For a
non-adsorbed species, Kd can be determined from
where Ve is the elution volume, (that is the volume of fluid at which the species
exits from the column), Vo is the extemal void volume between the particles,
and Vi is the internal void volume. When the molecules are small and can
penetrate the entire interparticle volume, Ve = Vi + Vo and ~ = 1.0. When the
molecules are large and can penetrate none of the interparticle volume, Ve = V0
and Kd =O. Exclusion phenomena are used commercially for separations.
Examples are listed in Table 6-1. The zeolites are discussed in Section 6-2.
Sephadex is a cross-linked dextran gel, Biogel P is a cross-linked polyacrylam-
ide, Sepharose and Bio-gel A are cross-linked agarose gels. These are dis-
cussed in Chapter 7 and in more detail by Janson and Hedman (1982) for size
exclusion chromatography (SEC). Styragel is a cross-linked polystyrene
(Bidlingmeyer and Warren, 1988).
For the system shown in Figure 6-2, fluid containing solute flows in the
void volume outside the particles. The processes which occur during a separa-
tion are as follows: (1) The solute diffuses through an external film to the parti-
cle. Here the solute may (2) sorb on the external surface or (3) (more likely)
Table 6-1. Separations using Sterie Exclusion
(Collins, 1968; Janson and Hedman, 1982; Bidlingmeyer and Warren, 1988).
Packing Molecules Molecules Typical
Included Excluded Applications
diffuse in the stagnant fluid in the pores. Ifthe pores are tight for the solute this
diffusion will be hindered. (4) The solute finds a vacant site and then sorbs by
physical or electrical forces or by a chemical reaction. (5) While sorbed the
solute may diffuse along the surface. This is called surface diffusion. (6) The
solute desorbs, (7) diffuses through the pores, and (8) diffuses back across the
external film and into the moving fluid A given molecule may sorb and desorb
many times during its stay inside a single particle.
While in the moving fluid the solute is carried along at the average inter-
stitial fluid velocity, v, until the solute diffuses into another particle and the
whole process is repeated. As far as migration down the column is concerned,
the particle is either moving at the interstitial velocity, v, of the fluid or it has a
velocity of zero when it is inside a particle. The average rate of movement of
the solute depends on the relative amount of time the solute spends inside parti-
cles. Thus the solute movement depends on Ec" £p, Kc!, v, and the sorption
The most commonly used adsorbents are activated carbon, zeolite molecular
sieves, sliea gel, organic polymers and activated aluminas. In chromatography
a variety of specialized packing materials are used. These are discussed in
Chapter 7. The polymeric resins used for ion exchange are discussed in
Chapter 9.
Based on tonnage used and market value activated carbon is the most
commonly used adsorbent. Activated carbon is made by first carbonizing a
carbonaceous starting material such as wood, coal, petroleum coke, or coconut
shells. The material is then partially gasified in a mild oxidizing gas such as
CO2 or steam. This activation process creates the desired porosity and surface
area, and oxidizes the surface. Different grades of activated carbon for both
gas and liquid separations are made (Bonsol et ai, 1988). Activated carbon
properties are listed in Table 6-2. Properties of a variety of commercially
available carbons used for water treatment are tabulated by Faust and Aly
(1987). Activated carbon is used for water and air purification, gas masks, sol-
vent recovery, pollution control, decolorizing sugar, gold recovery. alcohol
purification, adsorption of gasoline vapors from automobiles and a host of other
X 7.4'A 1-1.5 Na 28 14.5 16.6 GLPTU
Y 7.4 1.5-3 Na 26 18.1 19.5 GLPTU
US-Y 7.4 >3 H 11 15.8 18.3 GLPTU
A 3 1.0 K,Na 22 0 0 GLPTU
A 4 1.0 Na 23 0 0 GLPTU
A 4.5 1.0 Ca,Na 23 12.5 0 GLPTU
Chabazite 4 4 °N° 15 6.7 GU
Clinoptilolite 4,0 5.5 °N° 10 1.8 0 A
Erinoite 3.8 4 °N° 9 2.4 0 AM
Ferrierite 5-10 H 10 2.1 1.3 T
Ltype 6 3-3.5 K 12 8 7.4 LTU
Mazzite 5.8 3.4 Na,H 11 4.3 4.1 U
Mordenite 6.7 5.5 °N° 6 2.1 2.1 AU
Mordenite 6.7 5-6 Na 14 4.0 4.5 PTU
Mordenite 6.7 5-10 H 12 4.2 7.5 PTU
Offretite 5.8 4 K,H 13 5.7 2.0 U
Phillipsite 3 2 °N° 15 1.3 0 A
Silicalite 5.5 00 H 10.1 0 U
ZSM-5 5.5 10-500 H 4 12.4 5.9 M
adsorption is modest, the energy requirements for regeneration are often mod-
est. However, some adsorbates such as large organics are almost impossible to
desorb and must be burned off.
A new type of carbon adsorbent is the carbon sieve. Carbon sieves differ
from activated carbon since the pores are smaller and the pore distribution is
more tightly controlled. Because of the tightly controlled pore size, gas
molecules may have widely varying diffusion rates. Carbon sieves are used
commercially for separating oxygen and nitrogen based on the different diffu-
sion rates (see Ruthven, 1984; or Yang, 1987). This is of interest since it is
apparently the only rate based adsorption separation being used commercially.
Zeolites are useful and in some ways unique since a rigid, three-
dimensional cage structure with exact dimensions is formed. Molecules which
are too large are excluded and do not adsorb. The most common separations
which utilize steric effects are given in Table 6-1. The 3A zeolites are used for
drying reactive gases since the reactive gas is excluded from the zeolite (Zeol-
ites are also used as catalysts). The water is not excluded and is strongly
adsorbed. The structural details of the zeolites are discussed in detail else-
where (Breck, 1974; Ruthven 1984,1988; Yang, 1987).
Zeolites are also used for a variety of separations where the steric proper-
ties are not used. Examples would include the following:
Drying air to low dew points (see Table 8-2 and Figure 8-11)
The silica surface has a high affinity for water and the most common use of sil-
ica gel is for drying gases and liquids (see Table 8-2 and Figure 8-6). Silica gel
is cheaper and easier to regenerate than zeolites (see Table 8-1), but cannot
produce as dry a gas particularly at high temperatures. Since silica gel can be
damaged by liquid water, it is important to avoid the presence of liquid water.
The physical properties of silica gels are listed in Table 6-5. Other properties
are shown in Figure 8-11 and are listed in Table 8-2.
Organic polymer resins have been used for many years for ion exchange.
More recently these resins in uncharged form have been used for adsorption of
organics dissolved in water (Fox, 1985). In this application the organic poly-
mers compete with activated carbon. Although more expensive, the polymers
A variety of other adsorbents are used for special cases. These include
clays for purification of vegetable oils, calcium silicate for fatty-acid removal,
activated bauxite which is similar to activated alumina, Fuller's earth which has
the same uses as clays and used to be the most commonly used adsorbent, and
bone char which is used in sugar refining. There are also a variety of
proprietary adsorbents which have been developed for very particular applica-
tions such as adsorbing traces of mercury vapor from air.
q =A(T)c
A(T) = Ao exp (-dH/RT)
The linear fonn is shown in Figure 6-3a. The linear form is often approximated
at very low concentrations. This fonn is extremely convenient to use in
theories and for this reason has been used where the data shows some curva-
ture. Equation (6-4b) shows how adsorbents can be thermally regenerated. At
higher temperatures less adsorbate is bound to the surface. The desorbed
material must concentrate in the fluid and hence can be swept out of the bed.
6 I
-15'3· :I I
0·0· :
,/ - -
5l j Adsorption of ethyl chloride on charcoal (wt=10gm)
(after Goldman and Po/anyil
IV Constants: n = 1
E,-EL= 1780 cal
::: 2
vm =5'14gm
c 500~--~--~------------~----r----n
E 300~--4-~-+----~--~--~----+----H
N2at -183 0
vm =124·7cm 3
Figure 6-3.-contd.
e 1-0
.... -;/
0·6 ~ ~~
" ~
~ 0·6 I~
N ~f V
:;; 0·4
'0 0·2 f
V 0·2 04 0-6 0·6 1·0
Mol fraction C2H4 in adsorbate
Silica gel Columbia G carbon
o - O·C • - 25·C
6 - 25·C
o - 40·C
Figure 6-3.-contd.
where lei is the desorption rate constant At equilibrium the desorption and
adsorption rates are equal. Solving for a at equilibrium we obtain,
(kilk- i ) P
1 + (kilk- i ) P
_-k2 (kdlcd p
1 + (kdlcdp
When the surface is fully covered, e = 1, and q = 'IMAx which is the monolayer
coverage. Thus Eq. (6-5) can be written
KA = Kl exp (- !~ ) (6-8)
1 + 1: (Kj Pj)
where Clmono is the amount adsorbed for monolayer coverage and VP is the
vapor pressure of pure adsorbate. The shape of this isotherm depends on the
value of K and is shown in Figure 6-3c for adsorption of nitrogen or argon at
different temperatures (Brunauer et al., 1938). Note that if K» 1 and P «
(VP), Eq. (6-10) reduces to the Langmuir form. The BET isotherm is the basis
of a method for determining the surface area of the packing (e.g. see Yang,
In zeolite molecular sieves the entire pores are filled with adsorbate. In
this case adsorption is not by surface layers, but occurs by pore filling. The
loading rate correlation (LRC) is a simple extension of the Langmuir equation
where <Iron is replaced by the maximum attainable loading N max • For gas
adsorption this equation is (Lee, 1972),
N (6-11)
ac (6-12a)
q= l+bc
where a and b do not have to be <lMAxKM and KM, respectively. The constants
a and b can be fit to experimental data. This is easiest to do if Eq. (6-12a) is
rearranged to,
c b 1 (6-12b)
q a a
<t=--n-- (6-13)
1 + 1:(bj Cj)
This is a convenient form to use but it may not fit experimental data.
A better fit to experimental data for liquids can often be obtained with the
Freundlich equation.
q = A(T) dfn n>1
where ~o. bio • ~i' ~j and bij are empirical constants. Equation (6-15) is not
thennodynamically consistent and needs to be used with caution.
where y and x are mole fractions in the gas and solid phases, respectively. This
is analogous to a relative volatility. To predict the actual amount adsorbed, Eq.
QA 'lB (6-17)
where CIA, q~ are the amount absorbed from a pure gas and QA, 'lB are the
amount adsorbed from the mixture. Equation (6-17) is often valid even if the
separation factor nAB is not constant
ap b>O
where N is the loading of solute on the packing. This shape isotherm is shown
to Figure 6-3f. Absorption systems usually follow Henry's law for much
higher ranges of p than adsorption systems.
Tsou and Graham (1985) measured the sorption of the protein bovine
serum albumin (BSA) on an ion exchanger, DEAE Sephadex A-50.
The conditions were: T = 20 ± 1°C, pH = 6.9, 0.005 M phosphate
buffer. The results for c and q given below were read from a figure
given by Tsou and Graham (1985).
c, mg protein q, mg protein
per g solution per g dry resin c/q
0 0 0
0.05 5767 0.867 x 10-5
0.10 6000 1.667 x 10-5
0.20 6778 2.951 x 10-5
0.30 7578 3.959 x 10-5
0.50 7611 6.569 x 10-5
0.50 7544 6.628 x 10-5
0.70 8422 8.311 x 10-5
0.90 7789 11.55 x 10-5
Does this sorption follow a Langmuir isotherm? What are the values of
a and b in Eq. (6-12a)?
Even though this is ion exchange and not adsorption, we can use the
Langmuir isotherm. Equation (6-12b) shows that a plot of c/q versus c
should be a straight line with a slope = b1a and an intercept of l/a.
Values of c/q are calculated in the table. The plot is shown in the
figure. The line drawn is the best line from a linear regression routine
on my calculator. The resulting parameter values are
254,259 c
q = 1 + 30.79 c
Note that there is some scatter in the data; however, the duplicate data
point is quite close.
c/q X 10- 5
OL-____ ~ ____
J __ _ _ _ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~
As solutes migrate through the bed they can be in the mobile fluid (external
void volume, Ee ~ az), in the stagnant fluid inside a particle (void volume
(1- Ee)Ep ~ az), or sorbed to the particle. (Refer to Figure 6-2.) The only
solutes which are moving towards the column exit are those in the mobile fluid.
Consider the movement of an incremental mass of solute added to a segment of
the bed shown in Figure 6-2. Within this segment this incremental amount of
solute must distribute to form a change in fluid concentration, ~c, and a change
in the amount of solute adsorbed, ~q. The amount of this increment of solute
in the mobile fluid compared to the total amount of the solute increment in this
segment is,
The individual terms on the right hand side of Eq. (6-19) can be determined.
For instance,
Amount solute increment in mobile fluid =
The ~ term is not included in the sorption term (last term in the denominator)
since q is an experimentally measured quantity which will already include any
steric exclusion effects. The solid density, P" is included in Eq. (6-21) to make
the units balance. If q and c are in the same units the solid density is not
included in Eq. (6-21). Ac is the cross sectional area, and z is the axial dis-
Ifthe fluid has a constant interstitial velocity, v, then the average velocity
of the solute in the bed lis is,
u. = v x (fraction solute in mobile phase)
v (6-23)
lis (T) = 1 + [(l-Ec)/Ecl Ep~ + [(I-Ec)/EcJ (l-Ep)p. (6q/6c)
Eq. (6-23) represents a crude, first order description of movement of solute in
the column. It gives an "average" velocity, but because of the randomness of
diffusion and equilibrium there will be spreading of zones. With a few addi-
tional assumptions Eq. (6-23) can be used to predict the separation in the sys-
With linear equilibrium, from Eq. (6-4a) 6q/6c = A(T), and Eq. (6-23)
For Eq. (6-24) the solute wave velocity is the same as the average solute velo-
city. Equation (6-24) allows us to explore the behavior of solute in the column
for a variety of operating methods.
Several facts about the movement of solute can be deduced from Eq. (6-
23) or Eq. (6-24). The highest possible solute velocity is v, the interstital fluid
velocity. This will occur when the molecules are very large and
~ = A(T) = 0.0. For small molecules Kd = 1.0, and with porous packings
small molecules always move slower than the interstitial velocity even when
they are not adsorbed. If adsorption is very strong the solute will move very
slowly. When the adsorption equilibrium is linear, Eq. (6-24) shows that the
solute velocity does not depend on the solute concentration. This is important
and greatly simplifies the analysis for linear equilibria. If the equilibrium is
nonlinear, tJ.q/tJ.c will depend on the fluid concentration and Eq. (6-23) shows
that the solute velocity will depend on concentration. Since linear equilibrium
is usually valid at very low concentrations, Eq. (6-24) is a limiting case which
will be valid at low concentrations.
A convenient graphical representation of the solute movement is
obtained on a plot of axial distance, z, versus time. Since the average solute
molecule moves at a velocity of lIs (1'), this movement is shown as a line with a
slope lIs. This is illustrated for a simple chromatographic separation in Figure
6-4. Figure 6-4a shows the feed pulse while Figure 6-4b shows the solute
movement in the column. The product concentrations predicted are shown in
Figure 6-4c. Note that this simple model does not predict dispersion or zone
spreading, but does predict when the peaks exit. The solute movement
diagrams will be used repeatedly; thus. you should study Figure 6-4 until you
understand it.
If desired, zone spreading can be included, but this will conceptually
complicate the model. The advantage of this model is that it is simple and can
be used to understand a variety of methods of operation. More detailed models
including mass transfer effects are discussed in Chapters 7 and 8.
or 0
CB/C Bo Of.-----'-f~--
isotherm is determined it can be substituted into Eq. (6-23). For example, if the
Freundlich isotherm Eq. (6-14) is used, then
. .1q aq A(T) (n- 1) (6-25)
lim - = - I T = - - C
Ac-+O.1C ac n
lIs = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - (6-26)
A(T) (--1)
1 + [(I-Ee)/EeJ Ep~ + [(I-Ee)/EeJ (l-Ep) Ps - - c n
The result for other isotherms such as the Langmuir isotherm is easily
developed (see Problem 6-C4). Remember that acIf<k is the slope of the equili-
Figure 6-5. Diffuse waves. a Inlet concentration. b. Solute movement. c.
Outlet concentration.
brium isothenn at c. Thus dq(c)c can be detennined from data even if an equa-
tion is not known.
A diffuse wave (that is the solute is diffused or spread out) occurs when a
concentrated solution is displaced by a dilute solution. This is illustrated in
Figure 6-5 where the outlet wave concentrations are calculated. As long as the
concentration is cH. all solute waves move at the same velocity. lIs (CH). When
the concentration decreases. the solute wave velocity will decrease and a dif-
fuse wave or fan is generated. This results in the zone spreading shown in Fig-
ure 6-5c. Note that this spreading is due to the shape of the isothenns and is
proportional to the distance traveled. Thus this is called a proportional pattern.
The diffuse wave shape can be detennined by arbitrarily picking several con-
centrations between CH and CL. For each concentration Us is calculated from
Eq. (6-23) or the fonn written for a specific isothennal such as Eq. (6-26) for a
Figure 6-6. Shock wave analysis. a. Inlet concentration. b. Physically
impossible solute waves following Eq. (6-23). c. Shock wave
following Eq. (6-30). d. Outlet concentration.
Freundlich isotherm. The solute movement line is drawn, and from this one
point on the outlet concentration profile is determined (see Figure 6-5 and
Example 6-2).
must be done on a finite section of the column of length t:.z. If the shock wave
moves at a velocity llsh, then the time required for the shock wave to move the
distance t:.z is
where 1 refers to conditions before the shock wave and 2 to after the shock.
Now we select the time interval ~t = t:.zlush so that the shock has passed
through the entire section. Solving for the shock wave velocity, we obtain
This is shown in Figure 6-6c and the outlet concentration is calculated in Figure
6-6d. Note that this result can also be obtained directly from Eq. (6-23) if we
determine ~qf~c for the discrete step.
The shock wave velocity depends on q and c after and before the shock
wave. Usually equilibrium between solid and fluid is assumed. Then q and c
in Eq. (6-30) are related by the appropriate isotherm equation. For favorable
isotherms (shapes shown in Figures 6-3b and 6-3c)
Because of Eq. (6-31) shock waves sharpen up and retain their shape. The
more the curvature of the isotherm the stronger the tendency for the shock
The physical reasons for diffuse and shock waves can be clarified with a
simple analogy. Suppose we have a line of cars moving on a one lane highway.
If the cars are ordered in terms of speed with the fastest car in front and the
slowest car last, the line will spread out as the cars move down the highway.
This is a diffuse wave. If the slow cars are in front, all of the cars must move
slowly. This fesult is similar to a shock wave.
Temperature A(T) n
4°C 3.646 3.277
60 0 e 3.019 2.428
A. Define. Sketches of the two parts are shown in the figure.
a b
t=O DO t=O t)O
c=O.25 cF =O.05
Vsupe ,= 15
C. Plan. Use shock wave Eq. (6-30) for part a. Condition 1 before the
shock wave is c = 0, q = O. Condition 2 after the shock wave has
~ = CF = 0.25 and <12 is in equilibrium with cz. Plot this wave on a z vs
For part b the diffuse wave velocity is detennined from Eq. (6-
26). The solute velocity is calculated for several concentrations from c
=0.25 to e =0.05. The values are plotted on a z vs t diagram, and the
outlet concentration profile is determined from this.
1 1
qz = A(60)C2n(60) =3.019(0.25) 2.428 = 1.706
0566 0566 (1.82)(1.7Q6-{))
1 + 0:434 (0.57)(1.0) + 0:434 (0.43) (0.25-0)
The shock wave exits at lout = L/Ush = 200/1.32 = 151.5 min. The outlet
profile looks like Figure 6-6d with Clow = 0, Chigh = 0.25 and toot = 151.5
b. Diffuse wave.
lis = ----------------:1-
1-£ l-Ee A(T) (-1)
1 + (e:-)EpKc! + (e:-)(1-Ep)ps-n - c n
1+( :~~ )(.57)(1.0)+( :~~ )(.43)(1.82)( ;:~~~)c( 2.4;8-1 )
L 200cm
c Us, cm/min lout=-=
Us Us
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
mode) or one can change the tempemture of the inlet stteam and have a tem-
perature wave propagate through the column (called the tmvelling wave mode).
For most of the other elution methods (pH, ion strength, etc.) the tmvelling
wave mode is used. Elution may be done either co-flow or counter-flow to the
feed direction.
= [ energy in mobile phase
total energy in segment
The fraction of energy stored in the mobile phase in a segment of the column
The numerator is
Energy in mobile phase = (6z Ac) Ee Pf CP,f (TrTIci')
[ + (I-Ec)(l-tp)PsCp,s (T.-Trcr) ] + (6zW)Cp,w(T w-TIci')
The Cp values are the heat capacities while W is the weight of column wall per
length and T w is the wall temperature. Ifwe have local thermal equilibrium
and the term (T - Tref) divides out Then combining Eqs. (6-32) and (6-34) we
obtain the thennal wave velocity,
Note that with the simplifying assumptions made here 11th is independent of
temperature. Comparison of Eqs. (6-36) and (6-24) show they have a similar
form but there is an additional term in Eq. (6-36) to account for thermal storage
in the column wall, and effectively Kct == 1.0 for energy changes. Just as Eqs.
(6-23J and (6-24) represented the movement of the average solute molecule,
Eq. (6-36) represents the average rate of movement of the thermal wave. A
more exact analysis is needed to include dispersion and heat transfer rate
where 1 refers to conditions before the temperature shift and 2 to after the shift
Note that Eq. (6-38) is an application of Eq. (6-28) and is very similar to Eq.
(6-29) used for shock waves.
a to to +Dot b to to + Dot
In this equation Cz and CJ2 are the unknowns. If we assume that solid and fluid
are locally in equilibrium and that the equilibrium isotherm is linear, then Eq.
l/ 1
(6-39a) reduces to
C(Th) [1 1 [1 1
c(Tc) = Us (Tc) - uth lis (Th) - Uth
,In a typical liquid system where Eq. (6-37a) is satisfied, C(Th) > c(Tc).
Thus, the solute is concentrated during elution. This concentration is calculated
from Eq. (6-39a) or (6-40), and the solute movement diagram can be plotted as
shown in Figure 6-1Oa. Concentrations are shown in Figure 6-1Ob. Note that
the overall mass balance will be satisfied. The expected shape of the solute
movement diagram for a particular example is shown in Example 6-3. If the
equilibrium constant A does not change very much, lIs(Th) "" lIs(Tc) and there
will be little change in concentration during elution. Since A is not usually
strongly dependent on temperature, large temperature changes are required.
An alternative is to use a different elutant which has a major effect on the
equilibrium constant. Eqs. (6-39) and (6-40) are still valid but with UE1utant
replacing Uth.
COO' Ib Tc
C Cchange
Us (Tc)~ .,.:/f::: / I
T, ~~{ I
" Uth I Th I
.,..- / I
CI = CF "'""I
Figure 6-10. Effects of thermal waves for linear isotherms. a,b. Liquid sys-
tems where Uth > Us (T2, C2) > Us (fl' CF). c,d. Dilute gas sys-
tems where Us (T2, C2) > (T I, CF) > Uth·
Equations (6-39) and (6-40) were derived for a typical liquid system
where Eq. (6-37a) is valid. In dilute gas systems it is common to have
A mass balance similar to Eq. (6-38) using the balance envelope shown in Fig-
me 6-9b can again be developed. The result (see Problem 6-C6) is,
and the temperatme in the feed is increased. Now the solute waves for linear
isotherms will intersect at the thermal wave as shown in Figure 6-11a. Since
solute waves from both cold and hot sides intersect the thermal wave, the solute
concentration must increase. Since the theory does not include zone broaden-
ing, this predicts an infinite concentration. To prevent this physically impossi-
ble result non-linear isotherms must be used. Now the concentration builds up
ahead of the thermal wave so that
Obviously, this can occur only with non-linear isotherms. The mass balance
envelope will look like Figure 6-9b and the mass balance is given by Eq. (6-
39b) (see problem 6-C7). This case is known asfocusing (Wankat, 1986), and
Lf---- - - - -~- ---
z 1
Lt---- - - - - - - ~~
Figure 6-11. Effect of thermal waves when focusing occurs, Eq. (6-37c). a.
Physically impossible characteristic diagram for linear systems.
b. Characteristic diagram for nonlinear systems. c. Concentra-
tion profile for nonlinear system.
a +Reverse flow
cF c conc
C 1 Tdesorb
T 1
C 1
or c conc
Top of column
T Bottom of column
JT c
tR tl t?
A. Define. The process is sketched in the figure.
L= I m D t=O
e =O.4g moles/L
C. Plan. Calculate the thermal wave velocity from Eq. (6-36). Since
no information is given on column diameter and wall effects, we will
assume wall heat storage is negligible. This will be a good assumption
for commercial systems, but not so good for laboratory columns. Next
vaupc:r 10 .
where v = - - = - - = 23.04 cm/mm
Ee 0.434
The second term will be small. If we ignore this term for the moment
we have
Now we can calculate Us (C2' 60°) from Eq. (6-26) which is,
(1 1)
1 0.566 (0 57)(1 0)+ 0.566 (043)(1 82) 3.019 (0.857) 2A28
+ 0.434' . 0.434' . 2.428
= 7.354 cm/min
Since Us (60°, ~) < Uth, we have the simple case outlined in the PIan.
For diffuse waves we use Eq. (6-26), but with varying concentrations.
The total solute movement diagram and outlet concentration profile are
shown in Figure 6-13.
z cm
201 30 40 50
10 t, min
C 9 moles/L
10 20 30 40 50
t, min
Figure 6-13. Results of Example 6- 3,
Again assume W Cp,w/Ac = O. Replace Cp,. = 0.25 with Cp,s = 2.2.
Then, Uth = 5.777 cm/min and lut = 17.31 min. Solute velocity at c = 0.4
is given by Eq. (6-26), which gives
Note that this nonlinear equation is significantly different than the non-
linear equation in Example 6-3. Since the unknown condition is now at
4°C instead of 60°C the exponent on cch has changed. This equation
was solved by trial-and-error. The result is Cch = 1.22
This high concenttation displaces fluid with C1 = 0.4 and T = 4°C. This
gives a shock wave. Calculating
we find,
where the values of v, fe, f.p and PI are from Examples 8-1 and 8-3.
This shock wave exits in
The results are shown in Figures 6-11 band c. Note that the concentra-
tion after the thermal wave immediately drops back to CF since a solute
wave at CF and T = 60°C exits at this point.
Obviously, the behavior illustrated in Examples 8-3 and 8-4 is very dif-
ferent (compare Figures 6-11 and 6-13). This occurred when only one
variable, CP,s., was changed; however, this changed the system from a
non-focusing to a focusing system.
If any of these assumptions are invalid the predictions can be way off.
The most critical assumptions are the last three. Assumptions 14 and 15 cause
the predicted outlet concentrations and temperatures to show sharp jumps
instead of the experimentally observed S-shaped curves. Alternate mathemati-
cal models which are more realistic but much more complex are covered in
Chapters 7 and 8. Assuming linear equilibrium can also cause physically
impossible predictions, but fortunately this assumption is easily relaxed.
As we have seen, this model greatly oversimplifies the actual fluid flow
and heat and mass transfer processes occurring in the column. Because of this
the predicted separation is usually better than that obtained in practice. What is
this model good for?
The solute movement model does include the reasons why separation
occurs but not many of the phenomena which limit separation. The model is
Assumption Comments
simple and can thus be used to analyze rather complex processes. The model is
a good guide for setting operating variables. Since this model predicts the best
possible separation, the model can be used to determine if, at its best, a separa-
tion scheme is of interest. Since the predictions made are qualitatively correct,
as long as the model predictions are interpreted in a qualitative or at best semi-
quantitative sense the model is very useful. In addition, the prediction for dif-
fuse waves is often good and can be used for design.
A fundamental study of mass transfer can start with the differential solute
mass balance for the packed bed. For the two porosity model this solute mass
balance is,
_ 3 R, (6-43a)
Ci,pore = R3
J0 C;,pore fl dr
_ 3 R,
-u,pore = -R 3
n. fl dr
The 3/R~ term comes from the volume of the spherical particle. Term 4 in Eq.
(6-42) is the term for (out-in) due to bulk fluid movement, and the fifth term is
the term for (out-in) due to axial dispersion and diffusion.
To use Eq. (6-42) we must relate the average amount adsorbed <t to the
fluid concentration Ci' Many ways of doing this have been proposed (e.g. Ruth-
ven, 1984; Yang, 1987). Generally, fluid concentration in the pores Ci,pore is cal-
culated and CJi is assumed to be in equilibrium with the local pore concentra-
tion. Mass transfer inside the particles occurs due to some combination of nor-
mal (Fickian) diffusion in the pores, Knudsen diffusion in the pores, and sur-
face diffusion. For spherical particles the equation for nonnal pore diffusion is
where D mp is the effective molecular diffusivity in the pore. The effective pore
diffusivity is usually related to the molecular diffusivity,
f.p Dm (6-44b)
D mp = --.:.---
where 't is the tortuosity factor. The pellet porosity Ep in the numerator takes
into account the solid volume which is unavailable for diffusion. The tortuosity
is the ratio of the actual distance of travel divided by the particle radius. Exper-
imental ranges for't are given in Tables 6-2, 64, 6-5 and 6-6. If there is drasti-
cally hindered diffusion or retardation of the solute, 't can be as high as 100 and
D mp can be two orders of magnitude lower than D m' The safest approach is to
use experimental data to detennine D mp' although expressions for estimating
effective diffusivities are discussed by Ruthven (1984).
Flux=-D dq (6-45 a)
surface concentration. For linear systems q = AC and Eq. (6-45b) can be writ-
ten as
The pore fluid concentration at the wall ci,pore ~) can be related to the
fluid concentration outside the pores, Ci, by the mass transfer equation across
the surface film.
In this equation k f is the film mass transfer coefficient in units such as mls and
~ is the external surface area per unit particle volume (m 2jm 3 ). For spherical
particles ~ = 3/Rp • The left hand side of Eq. (646) is the accumulation of
solute in the particle while the right hand side is the transfer rate across the sur-
face film.
Thus c7, the fluid concentration in equilibrium with q, replaces Ci,pore. Equa-
tion (6-47) would be correct if mass transfer across the film were the control-
ling step. However, Eq. (6-47) is often used in other situations. Then lcm is the
effective mass transfer coefficient. Correlations for lcm are discussed in Section
Alternate forms of the mass transfer equation and the solute mass bal-
ance are used when a single porosity model is used. The solute mass balance
where Pp is the particle density of solid including the fluid in the pores and <Ii
now includes both adsorbed solute and solute in the stagnant fluid in the pores.
Terms 1 and 2 are the accumulation terms while term 3 is the convection term
and term 4 includes axial dispersion and diffusion. Equations (6-43) to (6-45)
are unchanged. The coupling equation for mass transfer across the film
When the lumped parameter mass transfer expression is used, this equation is
Equations (6-48) to (6-50) are the appropriate equations for non-porous solids
and for gel-type ion exchange resins. These equations are somewhat simpler
than Eqs. (6-42), (6-46) and (6-47), and thus the single porosity equations are
often used when the two or three porosity models would be physically more
For non-isothermal systems an energy balance for both phases and an energy
transfer equation are required. We will assume that no electrical or magnetic
fields are present, radiant heat transfer is negligible, viscous heating can be
neglected, kinetic and potential energy changes are small, and density is con-
stant. Then the energy balance for both phases is
In Eq. (6-51) T and Tamb are the stagnant fluid and ambient temperatures,
respectively, and hw is the heat transfer coefficient for the column walls.
Terms 1, 2, 3, and 7 represent accumulation in the mobile fluid, the stagnant
fluid, the solid and the column walls, respectively. Term 4 is (out-in) with the
flowing fluid while term 6 is (in-out) due to heat transfer through the column
The temperatures inside the particles can be estimated from a diffusion equa-
where r and Ts are locally in equilibrium (T. = Ts) and ke is the effective
thennal diffusivity including radiation effects. Equations (6-51) and (6-53) are
coupled by film diffusion.
where h is the heat transfer coefficient in units such as m/s. These equations
are analogous to the mass transfer expressions. Equations (6-51) to (6-54) are a
fonnidable set. Suprisingly, the equivalent single porosity set for heat transfer
with no adsorption can be solved with a few simplifications (see Problem 7-E3
and Section 7.8.).
In this equation IIp is the particle heat transfer coefficient, 3p is the particle sur-
face area per unit volume, and Mi.ds is the heat of adsorption, kcal/gm adsor-
bate. Usually Eq. (6-55) is satisfactory.
The single porosity fonns of Eqs. (6-51), (6-53), (6-54) and (6-55) are
often used. These are easily obtained by setting Ep = 0, replacing Ps with Pp '
and replacing Cp,s with CP,p which is the particle heat capacity including solid
and ft uid in the pores.
How do these mass transfer and energy equations relate to the solute
movement theory? The solute movement theory can be derived from the mass
transfer and energy transfer equations if a variety of additional assumptions are
made. These assumptions are all the assumptions listed in Table 6-7. The
results are drastically simplified partial differential equations. With local
equilibrium (assumption # 15) the diffusion equation (6-44) and the mass
transfer Eqs. (6-47) or (6-50) are not required. When the assumptions in Table
6-7 are used, the solute mass balance for a single solute, Eq. (6-42), becomes
Note that with local equilibrium q = q and c = cpore. From the chain rule,
aq aq ac aq aT (6-57)
at ac at aT at
c=co(z), t=O
For isothermal systems or for square temperature waves, iIT(at = 0, and the
right-hand-side of Eq. (6-58) is zero. Then, Eq. (6-58) is easily solved by the
method of characteristics (Sherwood et ai., 1975; Wankat, 1981). A simple
ac dz de (6-60)
at az dt dt
dz (6-61)
then, the left hand side of Eq. (6-58) is the same as the left hand side of Eq. (6-
60). This forces (when aT/at = 0)
dc =0 (6-62)
Thus concentration is constant along the lines represented by Eq. (6-61). This
result is exactly the same as the solute movement theory developed earlier
using a physical argument
The mass transfer equations will be solved for systems with finite disper-
sion and mass transfer resistances in Chapters 7 and 8. Chapter 7 considers
systems where the isotherm is linear and then applies the solutions to chroma-
tography. Chapter 8 uses both the solute movement theory and non-linear solu-
tions of the mass transfer equations to examine a variety of adsorption separa-
At the end of this chapter you should be able to meet the following objectives:
3. Use the solute movement theory for both linear and non-linear isotherms.
5. Write and identify the terms in the mass and energy balances and the mass
and energy transfer equations.
6. Show that the local equilibrium model is essentially the same as the solute
movement theory.
Baker, B. and R.L. Pigford, "Cycling zone adsorption: quantitative theory and
experimental results," Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 10,283 (1971).
Bidlingmeyer, B.A., and Warren, F.V., Jr., "Column watch: Small-molecule gel
BonsaI, R.C., J.-B. Donnet, and F. Stoeckli, Active Carbon, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1988.
Collins, J., "Where to use molecular sieves," Chern. Eng. Prog., 64 (8), 66
Dobbs, R.A. and Cohen, J.A., "Carbon adsorption isotherms for toxic organ-
ics," EPA, Cincinnati, OR, 45268, EPA-600/8-80-023, April, 1980.
Faust, S.D. and D.M. Aly, Adsorption Processes for Water Treatment, Butter-
worths, Boston, 1987.
Sherwood, T.K., R.L. Pigford, and C.R. Wilke, Mass Transfer, Chapl 10,
McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1975.
Tsou, H.-S. and E.E. Graham, "Prediction of adsorption and desorption of pro-
tein on dextran based ion-exchange resin," AlChE Journal, 31, 1959 (1985).
Venneulen, T., M.D. LeVan, N.K. Hiester, and G. Klein, "Adsorption and ion
exchange," in Perry, R.H. and D.W. Green (Eds.), Perry's Chemical
Engineers' Handbook, 6th ed., Section 16, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1984.
A. Discussion Problems
A2. You suspect that adsorption of a particular solute from a liquid satisfies
the Freundlich isotherm. What would you plot to determine if the data
does satisfy the Freundlich form? How could you determine A and n in
Eq. (6-14)?
A5. For the isotherm shapes shown in Figures 6-3b or 6-3d show that Eq.
(6-31) is valid. Do this based on slopes of the isotherm at a given con-
A6. Explain in your own words the formation of shock and diffuse waves.
When does each occur?
A7. What conditions are required for Eqs. (6-6a), (6-6b) , and (6-12a) to
become linear?
AS. Equations (6-42) and (6-4S) are alternate expressions for the mass bal-
ance. Show how these equations are related. Compare the meaning of
q for these two models. Which equation would be appropriate for:
a. ion exchange
A9. Why do liquid systems usually satisfy Eq. (6-37a) while dilute gas sys-
tems satisfy Eq. (6-37b)?
All. Develop your key relations chart for this chapter. A key relations chart
lists everything (equations, words, figures) you want to know on one
C. Derivations
Cl. Show that Eq. (6-16) has the same form as the Langmuir equation (6-
12a) except it is now in terms of mole fractions instead of q and c.
C2. Many models use a single porosity, ee' and treat the packing material as
a solid or gel without pores. This model is appropriate for ion exchange
(see Chapter 9) since gel resins which do not have internal pores are
often used. The model has also been used for adsorbents with porous
particles because it is simpler. The equilibrium expression q = fCc) must
now include solute contained in the pore fluid if there are pores. Use
the single porosity model to derive the solute wave velocity which is
C3. Separation of fructose and glucose often uses a gel type ion exchange
resin in the calcium fonn. Separation is based on different complexa-
tion equilibrium of the fructose and glucose with the calcium (this is not
ion exchange). If Ep = and equilibrium is of the fonn Cli =Ai Ci where
Cli and ~ are both in the units g sugar/lOO mI, derive the equation for
solute velocity. HINT: Read problem 6-C2 first
C4. Derive the expression for the diffuse wave solute velocity for Langmuir
equilibrium (Eq. (r 12a).
C5. Derive Eq. (6-40) for linear isotherms starting with Eq. (6-39a).
C6. Derive Eq. (6-39b) for the case shown in Figure 6-9b and in Eq. (6-
37b). Also derive the equations for linear isotherms equivalent to Eqs.
(6-40) and (6-41).
C7. Derive the equation equivalent to Eq. (6-39b) when Eq. (6-37c) is valid.
Show that the equation equivalent to Eq. (6-40) for linear isotherms
predicts negative concentrations.
C8. Making the assumptions listed in Table 6-7, derive Eq. (6-58).
D 1. Data for the adsorption of propane on silica gel at 0, 40 and 100°C are
given by Lewis et al. (1950a) and are repeated below. Over what pres-
sure range is the Langmuir isotherm a good fit? Calculate the values of
C1max, KA and £lif, (q is gram moles per kg adsorbent, p is mm Hg).
p q p q p q
16.6 0.2137 10.1 0.0418 96.4 0.0531
37.7 0.3960 27.9 0.0900 119.0 0.1471
64.4 0.5678 46.7 0.1407 406.5 0.2087
93.2 0.7307 92.2 0.2580 601.5 0.2781
129.3 0.9010 136.9 0.3352 753.7 0.3360
218.4 1.259 204.0 0.4470
298.8 1.520 282.0 0.568
429.4 1.881 373.0 0.6871
587.1 2.241 462.6 0.7876
762.6 2.582 554.9 0.904
643.0 0.9908
768.9 l.128
D2. The adsorption of acetic acid from aqueous solution onto activated car-
bon was extensively studied by Baker and Pigford (1972). Their data is
available in Example 6-2. We wish to do an experiment at a superficial
velocity of 10 cm/min (superficial velocity = Ec v). A column 100 cm
long is packed with activated carbon at 4°C. The bed is saturated with a
fluid containing 0.020 moles per liter. A feed of concentration 0.50
moles/liter at 4°C is introduced into the column for 10 minutes and is
followed by fluid of concentration 0.020 moles/liter at 4°C. Predict the
complete outlet concentration profile.
D3. Repeat Problem 6-D2, but with feed and following stream (concentra-
tions 0.50 and 0.020) at 60°C instead of 4°C. Bed is initially at 4°C.
04. Ching and Ruthven, A1ChE Symp. Ser., 81, (242), 1, (1985) found that
the equilibrium of fructose and glucose on ion exchange resin in the cal-
cium fonn was linear for concentrations below 5 g/100 ml. Their
equilibrium expressions are: qo =0.51 co, <IF =0.88 CF, at 30°C where
both q and c are in g/100 ml. For this resin Ep = 0 and Eo = 0.4. A
chromatographic column one meter long is operated with water flowing
at a superficial velocity of 15 cm/min.
a. Ifa very short feed pulse (- 1 sec) is input, at what time will the
fructose and glucose peaks exit the column?
c. Once the column is totally saturated with the 20% methane feed,
the column is desorbed with pure hydrogen. Temperature, velo-
city, and pressure are the same as in part b. Predict the outlet
concentration profile.
P q
19.1 0.765
39.8 1.304
67.8 1.825
98.3 2.256
129.8 2.604
168.6 2.953
209.4 3.256
249.3 3.501
D9. A column packed with alumina initially is saturated with pure cyclohex-
ane. At t = 0 a stream containing c = 0.01 gmole/L anthracene in
cyclohexane is input at a superficial velocity (Ee v) of 30 cm/min. After
10 minutes a stream containing c = 0.02 gmole!L is input at the same
velocity. Data are given in Example 7-1.
0.0582 c
pH 8.0:
q = 1 + 1.52 c
0.000165 c
q = 1 + 1.52 c
In this chapter we will focus on linear theories for solving the mass transfer
equations. These results are applicable for both adsorption and chromatography
when the equilibrium is linear. Since chromatography is often operated at low
concentrations where the equilibrium is linear, theories and applications for
chromatography will be explored in this chapter.
In gas systems a carrier gas such as helium or hydrogen is used. The sol-
vent tank and pump are then replaced with a gas cylinder under pressure.
Injection is often done with a syringe into a small heater which vaporizes the
liquid sample. The most common detectors are thermal conductivity detectors
and flame ionization detectors (FID).
Two types of gas chromatographs with packed beds are used. In gas
adsorption chromatography an adsorbent is used. This method is appropriate
for separating mixtures which are normally gases. It has the disadvantage that
the isotherms are often non-linear even at low concentrations (see Figure 6-3b).
This causes the peaks to be skewed and makes analysis more difficult. Com-
mon adsorbents include zeolites, silica gel and activated alumina (Supina,
1985; Zweig and Sherma, 1972) which were discussed in Chapter 6.
u Oven
Feed Injection
Solvent Pump
b B B
(b) 0
Time (min)
coated with a viscous, high boiling liquid. This stationary liquid phase is what
does the separation. An extensive list of GLC stationary phases is given by
Zweig and Sherma (1972). The solid should be inert, have a high porosity and
be inexpensive. Diatomaceous earth is most commonly used although a variety
of other materials are available (Supina, 1985; Zweig and Sherma, 1972). The
solutes in the feed can dissolve (or condense) in the stationary liquid phase and
at a later time vaporize into the flowing gas. Separation is essentially based on
relative volatility and is really an absorption-stripping operation. Equilibrium
is often given by Eq. (6-18). At low concentrations the equilibrium reduces to
Henry's law, Eq. (6-4a). Since the porous solid has a very thin coating of sta-
tionary liquid and the area for mass transfer is large, the rate of mass transfer is
high. Thus the HETP will be low and the column has the equivalent of a large
number of equilibrium stages. GLC was invented by James and Martin (1952)
and revolutionized analytical chemistry. One major advantage of gas chroma-
tographs in analytical systems is the detectors are very sensitive and work for
any compound. Modern systems are covered by Grob (1985) and McNair and
Bonelli (1969). GLC has been tried for large scale separations but has been
significantly less successful. One problem is temperature stability since even
slow vaporization of the stationary phase can, over time, significantly change
the column characteristics. This loss of stationary phase also contaminates the
Capillary gas chromatography is a commonly used analytical method. A
glass or fused silica capillary with a coating of adsorbent or high boiling sol-
vent on the wall is used. Since the amount of stationary phase is small, the
capacity is limited. However, the open capillary has little resistance to mass
transfer and very sharp separation are observed. In addition, the open tube has
a very low pressure drop and hence very long coiled columns (100 m or more)
can be used. The result is a device which can rapidly separate complex mix-
tures. The capillary GC would be difficult to scale up for large-scale applica-
organic compounds. Silica gel and activated alumina are the most common
adsorbents, and were discussed in Chapter 6. Details of chromatographic pack-
ings are given by Zweig and Sherma (1972). In large-scale applications liquid
adsorption chromatography is often cheaper than other chromatography
methods since the adsorbents are quite inexpensive.
In liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC) a stationary liquid phase is coated
onto an inert, porous solid. The separation is thus essentially an extraction
operation. LLC was invented by Martin and Synge (1941) for which they
received the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1951. Modem applications are dis-
cussed by Johnson and Stevenson (1978) and Snyder and Kirkland (1979).
This method is very useful for separating non-volatile compounds which can-
not be separated by gas chromatography. The same porous solids are used as
supports as in GLC. A large number of different stationary phases and
modified mobile phases are used to take advantage of chemical interactions.
Bleeding which is the slow loss of stationary phase into the mobile phase can
be a problem and causes contamination of the product.
Modem liquid chromatography differs from LLC in two major ways.
First, bonded phases are usually used. The stationary phase is now chemically
attached to the inert solid. Very often silica is used as the solid. Great care has
to be taken to cover all the active sites to prevent undesired adsorption. For
large molecules special large-pore silicas with pores up to 300 nm in diameter
are used. The coating still acts as a very thin liquid phase, but there is no loss
of stationary phase by bleeding. The most common bonded phases use C8 or
C I8 compounds attached to silica gel. Water is the most common solvent. For
historical reasons this method is called reverse phase chromatography. The
second major difference is that now short columns containing very small diam-
eter packings are operated at high velocity and high pressure drops. The result-
ing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has the equivalent of a
huge number of equilibrium stages (100,000 is not uncommon). Modem
analytical columns are often 10 to 25 cm long, 4 to 8 mm id, use packings from
3 to 10 JlIl1 (1 Jlm is 10-{i m) in diameter, and have pressure drops of several
thousand psi. One advantage of liquid chromatography is that changing the
solvent can have a major effect on the distribution coefficients and hence on the
separation (Schoenmakers, 1986). See Johnson and Stevenson (1978) or
Snyder and Kirkland (1979) for details of analytical applications and details
about bonded phase packings. Large scale applications are discussed later.
Soya-bean trypsin inhibitor
220 200
Cytochrome c dimer
! -g
200 Chymotrypsinogen 180
'":' 180 1W §
::: 160
Serum albumin 140 l
-.: 140
• Serum albumin dimer 120 t
r t1I
rOb~~~MgIObt j ': S
-" Pseudomonas
?: 120 cytoch rome c-551
?- Cytochrome c
fo 100
:... Ribonuclease
80 (X-Lactalbumin
60 Myoglobin
300 2 X 10 3
Molecular weight
Figure 7-2. Plots of elution volumes, V c against log (molecular weight) for
SEC of proteins on Sephadex G-75 (.) and G-lOO (0) columns
[2.4 cm. x 50 cm.; equilibrated with 0.05 M-tris hydrochloride
buffer, pH 7-5, containing KCI (0.1 M)]. (Andrews, 1964).
Reprinted with permission from Biochem. J .• 91, 222 (1964).
Copyright 1964.
many times and all solutes move at a finite solute velocity given by Eqs. (6-24)
or (6-23). The solute movement diagram for migration chromatography was
shown in Figure 6-4.
tography packing can be very specific for the desired molecule. Thus, theoreti-
cally, one can pull out one molecule from a million undesired molecules. In
actual practice, the presence of a large number of impurities can foul the pack-
ings. Thus affinity chromatography has been used as one of the last steps in
commercial processing of biochemicals (Darbyshire, 1981; Dechow, 1989; Hill
and Hirtenstein, 1983). Large scale applications are illustrated in Section 7.11.
Ion exchange chromatography is also used for purification of biologicals and is
usually used early in the process since ion exchange has high capacities and the
resins are inexpensive. In the on-off mode of operation a molecule stays in the
liquid phase until it finds an open site for sorption (either by specific affinity or
electrical forces). Sorption is so strong that once sorbed the molecule does not
come off. In order to remove the sorbates the conditions of the feed must be
changed. Usually this means eluting with a solution of changed pH, ionic
strength or high concentration of a compound with a specific attraction for the
sorbate. This desorption can be done in several steps to remove one species at
a time. The solute movement theory for on-off chromatography is developed in
the next section. Ion exchange is discussed in Chapter 9.
There are also non-column chromatographic methods which are used for
analysis. In paper chromatography the column is replaced by a sheet of paper.
Solvent rises in the paper due to capillary forces. A spot of feed is placed on
the paper. Separation occurs because of different migration rates of the solutes.
One advantage of paper chromatography is a large number of feed spots can be
analyzed simultaneously. This method was developed by Consden et al (1944)
and modem applications are discussed by Smith (1969). Thin-layer chroma-
tography was popularized by Stahl (1965). A glass or plastic plate is coated
with a thin-layer of adsorbent such as silica gel or alumina. Operation is very
similiar to paper chromatography. In counter-current distribution (CCD)
(Craig and Craig, 1956) a series of extraction tubes is arranged so that only the
top or only the bottom phase is transferred. A pulse of feed is input into one
test tube and is eluted with additional solvent. Counter-current distribution is
thus a liquid-liquid extraction that is operated in the same way as chromatogra-
phy, and is very similiar to the staged model discussed in Section 7.5. A
modem adaption of CCD called countercurrent chromatography was
developed by Ito and his coworkers (e.g. to et ai, 1974). The method winds a
helical coil in a centrifuge. Spinning the coil keeps the phases separate and the
droplets of immiscible liquid will migrate through the coil. The result is essen-
tially the same as CCD, but the apparatus is not as cumbersome. All of the
types of chromatography discussed in this paragraph are commercially avail-
able as analytical instruments.
First, what does the solute movement theory tell us about migration chromatog-
raphy? The solute velocity for linear systems was given by Eq. (6-24). The
solute movement was shown graphically in Figure 6-4b. For a very small feed
pulse the peak maximum exits at a retention time tR,i given as,
For pulses which are fairly wide the retention time must be corrected. The
center of the feed pulse will form the peak maximum. Thus
tR = Llus + tp/2
where tp is the period of the feed pulse. For differential pulses Eq. (7-2)
reduces to Eq. (7-1). In chromatography single porosity models are often used.
An alternate expression for Us is given later in Eq. (7-32b).
The solute movement theory (or a retention time argument) can be used
to determine the linear equilibrium parameter from an experiment. Suppose a
chromatograph is run in the laboratory with a very small pulse of feed and the
result shown in Figure 7-3 is obtained. The non-retained peak which exits at
time tNR shows when a small, non-retained molecule will exit. Thus tNR is a
measure of the void volume between particles and inside the particles. An
example is the air peak in gas-liquid chromatography. The retention time for
solute 1, tR,l, and solute 2, tR,2, can be measured. Assume that 1 is a chemical
which has a known eqUilibrium constant A l . Then the equilibrium constant for
solute 2 can be determined as,
tR,2 - tNR A2 (7-3)
--.:.--- = - = a.2l
tR,l - tNR Al
Equation (7-3) is easily derived from the solute movement theory (see Problem
The selectivity, ~l' is the ratio of the equilibrium constants and is analo-
gous to the relative volatility used for vapor-liquid equilibrium. Note that the
b I
C ~:--======:
__ ______
. t
Figure 7-4. Solute movement theory for one independent, non-linear solute
with a wide feed pulse. Shock and diffuse waves are indepen-
dent a. Feed pulse. b. Solute movement diagram. c. Outlet
selectivity is easily determined from the experiment shown in Figure 7-3 even
if neither Al nor A z are known.
For independent non-linear isotherms the solute movement theory can be
used to predict the outlet concentration. Two situations can occur. When the
input pulse is broad, the peak: will exit at the feed concentration. This is illus-
trated in Figure 74. Note that the shock and diffuse waves do not interact; in
effect, they are isolated by the plateau at c = CF' Thus, the calculation of these
waves and the outlet concentration profile is a straightforward application of
the methods in Section 6.4.
For narrower pulses the shock and diffuse waves intersect before they
C2-C 1
• I
Figure 7-5. Intersection of shock and diffuse waves for a narrow feed puse.
Illustrated for Example 7-1. a Chords on isotherm. b. Feed
pulse. c. Solute movement diagram. d Outlet concentration.
exist the column. Now C2 and qz in Eq. (6-30) are decreased and the slope of
the chord (qz - ql)/(C2 - cd increases (see Figure 7-5a). The result is llsh
decreases and the shock wave is curved as shown in Figure 7-5c. The shock
wave velocity needs to be calculated step-by-step or a mass balance over the
cycle (IN == OUT) can be used to determine when the shock wave exists. This
is illustrated in Example 7-1.
Figures 7-4 and 7-5 both assume that other solutes in the feed are
independent. If the solutes interact such as with a multicomponent Langmuir
isotherm, Eq. (6-9), then the relatively simple picutre shown in Figures 7-4 and
7-5 changes dramaticaly. This more complicated non-linear situation is dis-
cussed in Section 8.5.1.
For on-off or feed-elute chromatography systems the equilibrium isoth-
erm can be approximated as the step function shown in Figure 7 -6a (Wankat,
on qoo
F II: 2 13 1 4
'O~ _----'-I,~lK__":____'~.
1 , - - - 1
2 13 1 4 1 t
1986). The normal operating cycle consists of a feed step, a short wash step to
remove non-adsorbed material, elution, and another wash step. During the feed
the solute will move in a shock wave with the velocity given by Eq. (6-30).
This is illustrated in Figure 7-6b (Wankat, 1986). In the wash step the
adsorbed solute (C) quickly moves through the column until open sites are
found. After sorption, no further movement occurs. Weakly or non-adsorbed
solutes, A, are washed out of the column. Counter-flow elution is illustrated
although co-flow elution is also commonly used. The elutant will move in a
wave (E) in a fashion similar to a thermal wave. The solute first jumps to a
high value when it is desorbed and then moves as a diffuse wave (for example,
Eq. (6-26». The outlet profile is shown in Figure 7-6c. If there are several
adsorbed solutes, the elution can be done in steps with changes in elution con-
centration to remove different solutes. The final wash step is used to remove
the elutant so that the column is ready for the next feed pulse. These systems
can be analyzed in more detail using the non-linear approaches of Chapter 8.
A. Preliminary Calculations.
The particle density Pp can be determined from Eq. (6-2a)
Before the intersection of the shock and diffuse waves we can deter-
mine Ush and Us. For a single porosity model,
Ush =---- ---
1- Ee ~q
1+--p -
Ee p ~c
Before the intersection with the shock wave the diffuse wave velocity is
= - - -v- - - = - - - - - - - - -
1 1 - Ee aq l-E
l+ _ _e P
+ -E-
e- Pp -a-c Ee p (1 + bc)z
Us =------
1+ 44.5
(1 + 375 cf
_ 22 (0.0085)
qz = 1 + (375) (0.00851) = 0.04466
Ugh (0.00S5 to 0) = - - - - [___- -__ ] = 3.071 cm/min
1 + 2.023 0.00S5
Note that the shock wave slows down. This shock will intersect the dif-
fuse wave concentration c = O.OOS at t2, Z2 where
which gives
From this point we can do another step. From C2 = O.OOS to 0.007 the
average concentration C2 = 0.0075. Then
Ush (0.0075 to 0) = [ ] = 2.S176
1 + 2.034 0.0075
Shock slows down more. This shock intersects c = 0.007 at t3, Z3 cal-
culated from
Z2 + Us (0.007) tp - ush t2 .
t3 = = 8.173 mm
Us (0.007) - ush
This tedious procedure can be continued until the shock wave exits at Z
= L. Note that relatively small steps must be used to have sufficient
accuracy. Obviously, this approach is convenient to solve on the com-
Interval C ~t c~t
This is too far (lsh = 20.196 at c = 0.003). We could take smaller inter-
vals to get Area exactly equal 0.045. Instead, will obtain an approxi-
mate answer with linear interpolation.
1m 20.196 + [ ~-:;:::;~~::1 1(26.744 - 20.196) ~ 22.54 min
This procedure gives the outlet concentration profile shown in Figure
7-5d and it gives lsh. The method can be expanded to give the shape of
the shock wave shown in Figure 7-5c. (see Problem 7-D13). The dotted
line shown in Figure 7-5d is the shape of the diffuse wave if the diffuse
wave had not intersected the shock wave. For a Langmuir isotherm the
integration of the diffuse wave can also be done analytically.
The results shown in Figures 7-4c and 7-5d oversimplify what is actu-
ally observed. Instead of a shock wave a constant pattern wave results
(see Sections 8.1 and 8.2). The center of the constant pattern wave is at
the shock wave. The diffuse wave results are often quite accurate.
Thus the extensive tailing shown in Figures 7-4c and 7-5d due to the
non-linearity is often the controlling effect. Profiles with similar shapes
are commonly encountered in practice. The two procedures illustrated
here can be applied to other situations (e.g. Problem 7-E4).
Systems with linear equilibrium are favorites to study theoretically. There are
several reasons for this. At low enough concentrations adsorption and chroma-
tography systems approach the linear isotherm, Eq. (6-4a). Analytical chroma-
tography and removal of trace impurities by adsorption are almost always
operated in the concentration region where isotherms are linear. Finally, the
mathematical manipulations are greatly simplified for linear isotherms. Unfor-
tunately, most commercial applications of adsorption, large-scale chromatogra-
phy, and ion exchange are not operated in the linear concentration range. How-
ever, the linear theories are still useful as a limiting case valid at low concentra-
When the isotherm is linear, the solute mass balances, Eqs. (6-42) or (6-
48) and the mass transfer Eqs. (6-44), (6-47) or (6-50) will be linear. An
extremely useful property of linear equations is superposition. If we have a
solution for some simple operations, the results for more complex operations
can be obtained by adding the solutions. For example, suppose that Eqs. (6-
48), (6-50) and (6-4a) are simplified with some of the assumptions listed in
Table 6-7. These equations are then solved for the breakthrough curve when
an initially clean column has a step input of feed added. This resulting break-
through solution is of the form,
The function XA (z,t) can be any of the solutions for linear equilibrium which
we will discuss later.
Now we wish to use this solution to determine the elution from an uni-
formly loaded column where CA/CA,F = 1 at t = O. Subtracting the breakthrough
solution from the uniformly loaded column solution, we obtain the solution for
XA,elution = 1 - X A (z, t)
Superposition can also be used to find the solution for a pulse input of
feed. If the column is initially clean we have first a breakthrough solution, and
then after time tF a step down. The result is
In chromatography the pulse is often very small. Eq. (7-6) can be written as
{X(z.!) - X(Z.!-IF)}
xA.Pulse = tF ~------~
aX(z,t) (7-7)
XA,differential pulse = tF at
is the solution for a differential pulse. Many other situations can be solved by
superposition once the basic breakthrough curve XA (z,t) is known. The use of
superposition will be clarified by studying Example 7-2.
For linear systems superposition can also be used when several solutes
are separated if the solutes do not interact with each other. Solve for each
solute independently and superimpose the results. This was done in Figure 6-4
for the solute movement theory solution for linear chromatography. The super-
position principle is valid for more complex theories which include mass
transfer and dispersion effects.
o 10 20 30 40
The first term on the right hand side is the initially loaded column. The
second term is the step down to a value of 0.75 Cp and the third term is
the step down from 0.75 cp to zero. The solution X(z, t) could be the
error function solution given in Eq. (7-10), or it could be any other solu-
tion for a step input.
Lapidus and Amundson (1952) started with Eqs. (6-4a), (6-48) and (6-50) and
considered two cases. In the first case they assumed very rapid mass transfer
so that solid and fluid were in equilibrium. Then Eq. (6-50) is not needed.
Equation (6-4a) was substituted into the single porosity mass balance, Eq. (6-
48). After rearrangement, the resulting equation is,
where x = c/cF. For a step input the boundary conditions used were
x = 1 for z = 0, t> 0
x = 0 for t = 0, Z > 0
For sufficiently long times the solution is (Lapidus and Amundson, 1952;
Lightfoot et al., 1962)
z---- ---
1 + __e ppA(T)
4(Dm + ED)t ]172
[ l-e
1 + __e ppA(1)
2 a
erf(a) = - erf(-a) = 1i2 exp(-~2)d~
1t 0
Since the error function is a definite integral it represents a number. Values for
the error function are available in many computers and have been tabulated in
many handbooks such as the CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry. A
short list of erf is given in Table 7-1. The value of the error function can be
approximated to within 0.0005 by the following formula (Vermeulen et ai.,
erf( la I) = [1- (1 + 0.27841a 1 + 0.23141a 12 + 0.0781IaI 4 )-4]
Equation (7-10) is one example of the breakthrough solution used in the super-
position results given in Eqs. (7-4) to (7-7). Thus Eq. (7-10) can be used to
generate the solution for a variety of situations other than breakthrough from an
initially clean column.
Figure 7-7. Breakthrough solution for Lapidus and Amundson model, Eq.
This equation also represents the breakthrough curve, X (z,t). Note that the
cross-sectional area term, Ac, divides out.
What does the breakthrough curve look like? The results of plotting Eq.
(7-13) are shown in Figure 7-7. When the Peelet number becomes infinite (the
sum of molecular diffusivity and axial dispersion go to zero), the solution is the
same as the solute movement solution for linear isotherms. At smaller Peelet
numbers (higher dispersion) there is zone spreading around the wave center
predicted by the solute movement theory.
The dispersion solution, Eqs. (7-10) or (7-13), usually gives a very good
fit to experimental data for systems with linear isotherms when an effective
dispersion coefficient is measured. This gives an effective Peelet number.
Once the effective Peelet number has been determined, Eq. (7-10) or (7-13)
plus superposition can be used to predict the results for a variety of operating
Ee N Pe = 0.2 + 0.011 Re°.48
where the Peclet number is defined with respect to the particle diameter,
Ee Pr v <lp (7-14c)
Be sure to note that the Peclet numbers in Eqs. (7-12a) and (7-14b) were
defined differently. Equation (7-14a) will predict a value for (Dm + ED) lower
than that observed when mass transfer is present. The difference is a measure
of the importance of mass transfer.
Eq. (7-13) into Eq. (7-7). The error function can be differentiated by using the
definition in Eq. (7-11a). The result for a differential pulse is,
_ VF P~1/2 (1 + 'IN)
XAdifferential pulse - -4 (-1t) --'----'---~ exp
[- Pe z (V - '1)2] (7-15)
(V V)lJ2 4V V
1 VF
="2 V 1t
[p~ ]1J2 exp [-pez(V
- '1)2] (7-16a)
A further simplification results if V V:: '12 in the exponential term. This result
XAdifferential pulse
1 VF
="2 V [1t ]
Pez 1J2
[ -P~(V - V)
4 '12
2] (7-16b)
This is a Gaussian distribution and is obviously easier to use than either Eq.
(7-15) or the error function solutions. The peak maximum occurs when V = V
(the exponential term is zero). At the peak maximum the concentration is
1 V F [ P~ ] (7-16c)
(XAdifferential pulse)max :::::"2 V 1t
Synge (1941). (e.g. see King, 1980, Giddings, 1965; or Wankat, 1986). His-
torically, this occurred because countercurrent distribution (a staged system)
was a precursor of the chromatographic theories. The chromatographic column
is broken into a series of N stages each with a height H.
The staged model is shown schematically in Figure 7-8. The unsteady state
mass balance for stage j for any component is,
VMCo',1 + ~A'qo ,1. = P.l'
.l.Y.J.s V=O
Cj,i = 0, j~ 1 and V = 0
The solution for each solute is then the Poisson distribution which is
where the retention time tR = L/lls i, = NH/Us,i. The predicted shape and proper-
ties of the Gaussian distribution are discussed in the next session.
The staged model is convenient, but is not a good model for predicting
what will happen when variables are changed. The staged model does not give
any indication of how to determine the height of an equilibrium stage, H. For a
predictive model a theory which includes mass transfer effects must be
For long columns and very small pulses the linear chromatography solution for
both dispersion and staged models can be written as
where x is the deviation from the peak maximum and (J is the standard devia-
tion in the same units. This is a Gaussian solution. Giddings (1965) developed
a definition of H as
H= d(~) (7-25a)
H= ~ (7-25b)
With this extension Hand N are defined without referring to the hypothetical
staged model. N is a measure of the efficiency of the column.
Any set of consistent units can be used for 0' and x. In time units
The peak maximum for a differential pulse can be determined from the
dispersion model, Eq. (7-16c), and from staged models (see Problem 7-C3).
The results are
A detailed comparison of these results shows that the two models give the same
results if,
Response ~--- Peak Maximum - - - - - - f / >
The value of N and hence H (from Eq. (7-17» can easily be determined
from experiments. The value of N is given from the staged model as,
peak maximum
[ ] (7-29)
N = (constant) width
where the appropriate widths and constants are shown in Figure 7-9. The peak
maximum should be measured from the center of the feed pulse. Note that any
convenient set of consistent units can be used for the peak maximum and
width. One convenient set of measurements is to measure distances on a strip
chart recorder. The most convenient calculation is the width at the half height.
will add. Since the purely dispersive effects can be estimated from the Chung
and Wen correlation Eq. (7-14) and the mass transfer effects have been corre-
lated (in Eqs. (8-15) to (8-19», the effect of extra-column zone spreading can
be estimated. In a well designed system the extra column effects (mixing in
injectors, fittings, distributors, valves, detector, etc.) should be small.
where the terms were shown in Figure 7-3. Note that tR and w are either in
time units or distance on the strip chart, and R is dimensionless. An R = 1.0
represents a separation where the two peak maxima are separated by 40". For
linear isotherms where the peaks are Gaussian this is about a 2% overlap. The
retention times can be determined from Eq. (7-1) while the widths can be found
as 40"t where O"t is given by Eq. (7-27a). The resulting "fundamental equation"
of linear chromatography is,
where CXzl is the selectivity defined in Eq. (7-3), and k' is the arithmetic average
relative retention. The relative retention is
Note that a2I = k~~ = A2/AI . For a single porosity model (see Problem 6-
C2), us.i becomes
us.i = - - , - (7-32b)
1 + k'i
Equation (7-31) assumes that N is the same for both components. Substituting
Eqs. (7-32a) and (7-32b) into (7-31), we obtain (Giddings. 1965)
where ~us = Usl - Us2 is the difference in migration velocities and Us is the
geometric average of the solute velocities. Equation (7-33) is easy to general-
ize to other systems such as electrophoresis (see Chapter 11). This equation
shows that resolution depends on column efficiency (NVl/4) times selectivity
Increasing the average relative retention k' also increases resolution, but
the solute velocities are decreased. Increasing k' from - 0 to 2 dramatically
increases R or decreases N. An optimum k' seems to be between 4 and 6.
Once k' > 6 increases in k' have little effect on resolution, but the solvent
required increases. Most separations have a k' range from 1 to 10. If the ratio
of k' for the last and first peaks is greater than about 30, a satisfactory isocratic
elution (no change in solvent) separation is unlikely (Dolan, 1987). Either pro-
gramming or column switching (see Section 7.10) should be tried. For mix-
tures of an organic solvent and water, k' decreases by a factor from 2 to 3 for
each 10% decrease in the organic fraction (see Figure 7-12, Dolan, 1987). For
example, if a component shows a k' of 20 for a 80:20 methanoVwater solvent,
k' will probably be from 6 to 10 for a 70:30 methanoVwater solvent.
A. Define. We wish to calculate concentration versus time for this
pulse input.
C. Plan. We will do two solutions. First, Eqs. (7-13) and (7-6) will be
used. This involves determining the Peelet number for the 50.4 cm
column. After V is determined from Eq. (7-12c), values of the break-
through solution and the pulse solution can be determined.
2 ' 2
A = 1tD = 1t(0.75) = 0442 cm2
c 4 4 .
where the volume of feed is: Vp = (0.72 rnl/min)(5 min) = 3.60 ml.
Substituting Eq. (7-13) into the pulse expression we have,
which is
~ =!
CA,P 2
{ rf [18.33(V-42.55)]_
e 2 (42.55V)1!2 e
rf [ 18.33 (V-46.15) ]}
2 (42.55V-153.18)1!2
the absence of such a tool Table 7-1 or the more complete tables of the
normal curve of error (e.g. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics) can be
used. The calculation can be done in terms of either volume V or time t
since these are obviously related.
V = Qt = 0.720t or t = 1.389 V
The resulting concentrations are shown in the table below and in Figure
For the alternate solution the retention time when the peak max-
imum exits for a differential pulse would be,
Since the pulse is 5 minutes long the peak will exit 2.5 minutes later
(see Eq. (7-2».
cp Vp 1/2
CMAX = . r --=- (pe) = 0.437 Cp
2 'J1t V
= 0 437
• exp
The results at different times are listed in the table and are shown in
Figure 7-10.
E. Check. The results of the two solution methods are not in perfect
agreement, but they are reasonably close. Thus although the pulse is
not a differential pulse, this assumption is reasonable, and the two
models check each other. Equation (7-15) can also be used instead of
Eq. (7-24). This result is also reasonably close (see Problem 7-D12).
We can also use Eq. (7-29) to estimate N from Figure 7-10. The value
of N calculated using the width at half height agrees within 2.5%.
0.1 [!]
I:J) [!]
30 35 40 45 50 55
V,cm 3
the center of the feed pulse using Eq. (7-2). Without this adjustment the
linear chromatography model would predict a peak maximum at 59.09
minutes which is considerably in error. Obviously, Eq. (7-26) is
simpler to use. Note that Cmax < CF. Eq. (7-28a) will predict cmax > CF
for large pulses. In this case the peak will have saturated at Cmax = CF
and the Gaussian solution cannot be used. As a very rough rule of
thumb, if cmax > 0.5 CF the Gaussian solution should not be used.
included. Lapidus and Amundson (1952) solved a second case where the rate
expression is given as,
When equilibrium is linear, this equation reduces to Eq. (6-50). The solutions
obtained are very difficult to use. A major simplification was made by Van
Deemter et al. (1956) who assumed linear equilibrium, a very small (differen-
tial) pulse of feed, and a long column. Their solution is,
Ci = Fi
[ - [.!::.v (I + k /)_t]2] (7-36)
where Fi is the moles of feed input, A; is the linear equilibrium constant, k' is
given by Eq. (7-32) and
B (7-38)
H=A+ -+Cv
Equation (7-38) is known as the Van Deemter equation. This equation results
from the property of linear systems that variances add. H is proportional to the
variance (standard deviation squared) for the chromatographic system.
where y is a labyrinth factor since diffusion paths are not straight. In gas sys-
tems the B term can be important, but in liquid systems it is often negligible.
The C term includes the mass transfer resistances, and can be expanded as
(Giddings, 1965; Snyder and Kirkland, 1979; and see Section 8.3).
The constants a and b are approximately a = 1.4 and b = 2/3 (see Section 8.3).
Note that in film diffusion there is a velocity dependence. Csm is due to diffu-
sion in the stagnant mobile phase (often called pore diffusion).
Finally, C s is due to diffusion in the stationary liquid phase coating the solid or
due to diffusion on the solid,
(7-41 d)
where de is either the average thickness of the coating or is <lp for adsorbents,
and D s is either the diffusivity in the stationary coating or the diffusivity on the
The Van Deemter equation is plotted in Figure 7-11 for a gas system
where the B term is significant. Note that there is a fluid velocity which minim-
izes H. Typical values for gas chromatography are A = 0 to 1 mm, B - 10
(mm)2/s, and C = 0.001 to 0.01 s which gives HETPmin = 0.5 to 2 mm and vrnin
= 1 to 10 mVs (Moody, 1982). Unfortunately, Vmin is much too low for com-
mercial applications. Usual operation is at significantly higher velocities where
the C term is dominant. Usually, pore diffusion is the controlling mass transfer
resistance. Thus combining Eqs. (7-38), (7-41a) and (7-41c), we obtain,
vd 2 (7-42)
H ex. --p + constant (high v)
A variety of other equations for the plate height have been developed
(Giddings, 1965; Grushka et al, 1975; Horvath and Lin, 1978). The modified
Van Deemter equation
B 1 (7-43)
H= -+Csm v+ - - - - - -
v l/A + l/(Cro v)
is usually considered more accurate than the Van Deemter equation. Other
forms such as the Knox equation (Grushka et aI, 1975) are considered even
more accurate. A very simple fonn to correlate the effect of velocity is the
Snyder equation (Grushka et al., 1975).
where cr;ot is the actually observed zone spreading. Since crr,col = HL while
crl,ec is independent of length, crr,ec can be detennined by doing two experi-
ments with the same apparatus but with different column lengths. (see Problem
7-DI4). In a well-designed apparatus cr~ «cr~ol' Note also that the extra-
column effects cause zone spreading (cr~), but they do not cause separation
(N). If good design principles can be followed, theoretical analysis shows that
productivity (kg product/hr-kg packing) is significantly higher with short, fat
columns packed with small diameter particles and operated with rapid cycles
(Wankat and Koo, 1988).
Rosen (1952, 1954) developed an extraordinary solution for linear sorption sys-
tems. Assuming dispersion to be negligible and velocity to be constant, he
simplified Eq. (6-48) to
a- (7-48)
ax as
~= Dmp ~
[r(aq)j (7-50)
ae rar ar
where the same substitutions used to obtain Eq. (7-49) were used.
_ 3 R,
q(x, e) = - 3
Rp 0
q(r,x,e) r dr
Finally, Rosen solved the problem for an initially clean bed with a step
input of feed. These initial and boundary conditions are,
q(r,x,O) = 0, QO
The solution for other boundary and initial conditions can be obtained by
(t-Z/v) 1
VE -
e Az(I - Ee)Pp
~=! l+erf
cp 2
film diffusion controls and the value of D mp is unimportant. This occurs when
kf is small or DmpA is large. Equation (7-55) is simplified for film diffusion
control by setting d~/(60 Pp (l-Ee) D mpA) = O. Note that strong adsorption
(large A) favors film diffusion control.
then pore diffusion controls. This is the more common case. Equation (7-55)
is easily simplified by setting <lp/(6kf ) = O.
Equations (7-54) and (7-55) are error function solutions. Thus they
predict S-shaped curves which will be similar to the dispersion solutions dis-
cussed in Section 7.4. However, there are differences between Eqs. (7-55) and
(7-10). The argument of the error function depends linearly on tin Eq. (7-55)
while it depend linearly on z in Eq. (7-10). Thus, by careful experimentation it
is possible to determine if axial dispersion or mass transfer is the dominant
mechanism. Equation (7-55) clearly shows that the total resistance,
[dp /(6kf ) + d~/(60 Pp (l-Ee) DmpA)), is important. For long columns any com-
bination of pore diffusion and film diffusion which gives the same total resis-
tance will give the same curve. Thus, from a single experiment one cannot del-
ineate the contribution due to pore and film diffusion. The film diffusion
coefficient can be estimated from Eqs. (8-15) or (8-16) and Dmp can be
estimated from Eq. (6-44b).
Rosen's solution can also be applied to pure heat transfer with no adsorp-
tion (see Problem 7-E3). A solution similar to Rosen's has been obtained for
zeolites with both macropore and micropore diffusion (Cen and Yang, 1986).
Carta (1988) solved essentially the same equations as Rosen but for the
periodic input of square waves in production chromatography.
The linear models have the unique advantage (or disadvantage depending on
how you look at it) that they all predict similar results if they use the same total
variance. Thus, once the results have been generated, it is difficult to determine
what caused the total variance without independent determination of axial
dispersion or mass transfer coefficients. This was illustrated in Example 7-2
where two models gave essentially the same results. Thus the dispersion
model, Eq. (7-13), can model systems where mass transfer is important if the
Peclet number is adjusted.
Since the mass transfer solutions are more complicated to use than the
relatively simple dispersion solution, the dispersion solution can be used
instead. If a chromatographic experiment is run, N can easily be determined
from Eq. (7-29). Then the Peclet number equals 2N. The effect of changing
conditions such as particle diameter, velocity or temperature can be determined
by calculating H from Eq. (7-17) and then using the Van Deemter equation or
other correlations to predict new values for H. Then N and Pez can be recalcu-
lated and the dispersion solution can be used. Note that the dispersion solution
is now applicable to a variety of operating approaches such as breakthrough or
elution, not just the pulse solution. Another advantage of the dispersion model
is it can easily be written in a two-porosity form (see Problem 6-C5) and thus
can correctly model systems where steric exclusion is important.
The reason for programming is easily explained using the system illus-
trated in Figure 7-13a. The column length or the size of the feed pulse is set by
the most difficult separation which is the separation of the two key species A
and B. The time to input the next feed pulse and hence the throughput of feed
is set by species C and A. Thus, the easiest separation controls throughput!
The spreading of the solutes can be predicted by Eq. (7-34) or (7-26). Inside
the column 0'1> Eq. (7-27b), will be approximately the same if the H values are
similar (this is commonly the case). The spread of the peaks exiting the
::- 1.0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0/0 methanal
Species C will be spread significantly more than A and B as it exits the column
since its velocity is lower.
this solvent is easily determined from Eq. (6-23). Since the solvent is chosen
so that C is less adsorbed at high S concentrations, species C moves
significantly faster. In addition to exiting sooner, the C peak will be spread
much less. This is referred to as compression. After removing S from the
column (which may be difficult if S is strongly adsorbed), the next feed pulse
can be input. Comparison of Figures 7-13a and b shows that there can be a
considerable increase in throughput. In addition, component C is obtained as a
much more concentrated species. It is possible to have cout > CF (see Problem
7-A9). Both step gradients (Figure 7-13b) and continuous gradients are used.
Step gradients are more convenieat in large scale systems while continuous
gradients are more common in analytical applications (McDonald and Bidling-
meyer, 1987).
f r
(~J ° °J
12 OU) 0",
00 o
~ 00 I
o J.-ooJ
E 60 8
- pH~-1 r------;
40 6
4 e. \
20 • e'P.
-e-e-- ~O
/1 0
2 0
0 6
4000 5000 6000 7000
Figure 7-14. Displacement chromatography of amino acids (GLU = L-
glutamic acid; VAL = L-valine; LEU = L-Leucine) using 0.1
M NaOH as displacer on Dowex 50W-X8 cation exchange
resin. Solid line is result of model. (Carta et al. 1988).
Reprinted with pennission from AIChE Symp. Ser .. 84 (264).
54 (1988). Copyright 1988. Amer. Inst. Chern. Engrs.
Solute at pH < pH} will be overtaken by the pH wave while solute at pH> pH}
will overtake the pH wave. The result is focusing at the pH wave. Focusing
was illustrated for thennal waves in Figure 6-11. The result with a pH or sol-
vent gradient will be very similar.
: : A Product : B Product
Time or Volume
Figure 7-15. Chromatogram illustrating mixed recycle and recycle of frac-
tions Rl, R2, R3. (Wankat, 1986).
A and B
f---i><I-- C
-t><J- F
Figure 7-16. Simple column switching system.
Cone. \
100 Y ~
30 60
70 MK
50 Through A
20 c:
10 ~2
0 T
de~ature the protein are often used. Since these gels tend to be compressible,
special design procedures are often required (Janson and Hedman, 1982).
Rigid particles are used where they are compatible with the chemicals being
separated since much higher flow rates and pressure drops can be used. (Hag-
nauer, 1987).
The usual pressure drop equations are given in Eqs. (8-22) to (8-24).
Section 8.5 argues that adsorption systems will have higher productivity if the
columns are short and fat, are packed with small diameter particles, and cycling
is rapid. These designs can have the same pressure drop, same throughput of
feed, and the same separation as more typical designs. Similar arguments can
be made for chromatography (Wankat and Koo, 1988). When expensive pack-
ings such as bonded phases are used, the reduction in amount of packing can
~ 6
? ~
'c ~
:> 1
'1 ~ q
al 0
I '"
:I: I I
M < I
~ A 280
2 '-:I 'J-O.c' t:)
result in significant cost reductions. Guiochon and Colin (1986) also suggest
small diameter packings, but for different reasons.
The on-off, or feed-elute cycle is commonly used for large scale ion
exchange (see Chapter 9) and affinity chromatography. These processes can be
operated with essentially irreversible sorption during the feed step. Thus the
column is loaded with a very large feed pulse. Then nonadsorbed material is
washed from column, and the desired product is eluted. Additional separation
can be obtained by eluting with step changes in the elutant concentration. An
example of a large scale (1.8 liter column) for the affinity chromatography
purification of an enzyme is shown in Figure 7-19 (Darbyshire, 1981). Note
Feed Feed
'I I :
I : : Packing .L
'I I) I I
I fI I
1.... I I I
I --3)
r-- ~I
'T t: -...~ -)
..... ~-- ---- --
that most of the proteins (which absorb at 280 nm) pass through the column
without adsorbing. The 1 M KCI was used to desorb the desired enzyme. The
product pulse is quite sharp, is significantly purer than the feed, and is much
more concentrated than the feed. The use of a 1.8 liter column may not appear
to be large-scale, but for many affinity systems it is. The product enzymes may
be worth thousands of dollars per kilogram, but the market is small. Dar-
byshire (1981), Dechow (1989), and Hill and Hirtenstein (1983) contain more
information on large scale affinity chromatography.
(Brandt et ai, 1988). Note that other geometries could be used (see Problem 7-
1. An inexpensive packing material with a long life, high capacity and high
selectivity (ex > 2) is available.
If some of the first four conditions are not met, large scale chromatography
may be feasible only for much more valuable products.
Finally, it should be noted that chromatography is rarely the last separa-
tion method used. The desired product exits as a dilute solution in a solvent.
Usually this solution needs to be concentrated by membrane separation (see
Chapter 12) or evaporation. If the product is desired as a solid, which is usu-
ally the case for pharmaceuticals, then an additional crystallization or precipita-
tion step (see Chapters 2 to 4) is needed. Thus chromatography solves one
separation problem but adds one or more additional problems.
2. Use the solute movement theory to explain both migration and on-off
8. Use Rosen's model when the simplified long column solution is appropri-
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Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984, Section 16.
Wankat, P.e., Large Scale Adsorption and Chromatography, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 1986.
Wankat, P.e. and Y.M. Koo, "Scaling rules for isocratic elution chromatogra-
phy," AIChE Journal, 34, 1006 (1988).
Yau, W.W., J.J. Kirkland, and D.D. Bly, Modern Size-Exclusion Chromatogra-
phy, Wiley, New York, 1979.
A. Discussion Problems
A2. Explain the physical measuring of the boundary conditions in Eq. (7-9).
A3. Explain how the dispersion model with no mass transfer terms can fit
column breakthrough data where mass transfer resistances are impor-
A4. When might the B term in the Van Deemter equation be negligible?
What type of chromatography is most likely to have a negligible contri-
bution from molecular diffusion. What does Figure 7-11 look like when
the B tenn is negligible?
A6. Explain physically why large molecules exit before small molecules in
size exclusion chromatography. Convert Figure 7-2 to a plot of ~
versus log (MW).
A7. When similar chemicals are separated, the HETP will be approximately
the same. This implies that the zone widths inside the columns are
approximately the same. However, the widths observed on a strip chart
recorder are quite different. Explain why.
A8. Explain how to use the Lapidus and Amundson model when v = 0 and
only diffusion occurs.
B. Generation of Alternatives
B 1. Develop a problem for linear systems not done in this chapter and show
how the solution can be obtained by superposition.
B3. Develop alternatives to the annular flow column shown in Figure 7-20
which will have short flow paths and high surface areas.
C. Derivations
C2. Derive the linear isotherm, effective dispersion model solution Eq. (7-
16c) for a differential pulse starting with Eqs. (7-7) and (7-13).
C3. For the staged model for chromatography, show that Cmax is given by
Eq. (7-28a). Also, show that Eq. (7-22a) satisfies Eqs. (7-20) and (7-
C5. The Lapidus and Amundson dispersion model with local equilibrium
was originally solved for a single porosity model. With the assumption
of local equilibrium c = c .. (or x = x*), the two porosity model can also
be used. By inspection and analogy determine the two porosity equa-
tions equivalent to Eq. (7-10) and to Eqs. (7-12c) and (7-13). The result
you should obtain equivalent to Eq. (7-10) is,
CA 1
x = -- =- 1 - erf
C6. The Lapidus and Amundson dispersion model with local equilibrium
can easily be applied to study the zone spreading of thermal waves.
Develop the appropriate equation for a single porosity model. Do this
for a step input from Tinitial to Tp. Use the dimensionless variable
'tT = (T - Tinitial)/(Tp - Tinitia1 ). List the necessary assumptions.
C7. Although not commonly used, the staged model can be applied to tem-
perature pulses. Develop this staged energy balance model for adia-
batic equilibrium stages including the wall heat capacity. Write in
terms of the dimensionless temperature 'tT = (T - Tinitial)/(Tp - Tinitial)'
Solve for a pulse of volume Vp of temperature Tp input to stage a at V
C9. Plot N vs ~l for k' = 5, and R = 1.0. What does this mean in terms of
column length or allowable velocity?
CI0. Write a computer program and use Eq. (7 -11 b) to calculate erf(a) values
for the values of a given in Table 7-1. Compare these numbers with the
exact values given in Table 7.1.
CIL Assume that Eqs. (7-53) and (7-54) are correct (trust me). Derive Eq.
D 1. The solute velocity for linear systems is easily determined from pulse
chromatography experiments. The following data were obtained from a
bed 50.4 cm long.
c. For the column length determined in part b at what time can the
next pulse be input to just separate the components?
The analysis used linear isotherms. We now wish to utilize this analysis
to determine what happens in vacancy chromatography in a column of
length L. In vacancy chromatography the column is initially saturated
at Co and then a "negative pulse" of concentration zero is input followed
by feed of concentration co. Thus feed input is:
o t,
What is the solution for this input in terms of the breakthrough curve
solution, X(z,t)?
CA = CA,F X(z,t)
o 10 25
D5. The purification of hydrogen is a process which can be carried out over
Columbia grade L, 18-20 mesh coconut activated carbon. It is desired
to remove ethylene from a 1% ethylene feed at 150°F. Predict the time
D6. For the system of Problem 7-D5, predict the outlet concentration profile
if a 10 second pulse of the 1% ethylene feed is input into a 100 cm long
column. Other conditions are the same. (Note that Pez does change.)
You may assume the outlet curve is Gaussian.
D7. In Example 7-3, the linear dispersion model and the Gaussian chroma-
tography solution are used to calculate the outlet concentration profile
of anthracene. It is now desired to see if this same system can separate
a solution of anthracene and a molecule of similar size and chemistry.
The second component has a linear adsorption coefficient which is 10%
greater than that of anthracene. Flow rates, column id, and packing are
the same as in Example 7.3.
DlO. Repeat Example 7-3 except for a feed pulse which is 12 minutes long.
csm d~
C::: -----':....
D12. In Example 7-3 the Gaussian approximation Eq. (7-16c) or (7-24) was
used instead of the somewhat more accurate Eq. (7-15). Recalculate the
outlet concentration profile using Eq. (7-15). Compare your results with
Example 7-3.
Dl3. The integral approach illustrated in Example 7-1 gives a point on the
shock wave at z ::: L. Extend this method to obtain other points on the
shock wave. Find c and lsh for z ::: 30 cm. HINT: Set L = 30 cm and
adjust the tables in Example 7-1.
Note: Wateh your units since q and e are in the same units.
D16. We are testing a column with dilute glucose solutions. The packing is
an ion exchange resin in calcium form. Predict the outlet concentration
profile from a 1 meter long column. Initially the column contains pure
b. Use the local equilibrium model to determine the solute path for
the temperature gradient aT/at =b (Note: in Eq. (6-58) aT/at::f:. 0.)
E4. A 1 meter column is packed with activated alumina. The column ini-
tially contains c = 0.01 gmole/L of anthracene in cyclohexane. At t = 0
a stream of pure cyclohexane at a superficial velocity (ee v) of 20
em/min is input. After 10 minutes a stream containing c = 0.011
gmole/L of anthracene in cyclohexane is added at the same velocity.
Predict the outlet concentration profile. Data are in Example 7-1.
Fl. The article by Van Deemter et al., (1956) is a classical paper in chroma-
tography. Read this rather long paper and write a two page critical
F2. Another long classical paper is that by Martin and Synge (1941). They
used a staged model that was rather different than the one developed
here. If the number of stages is large, show that the two staged models
are equivalent.
The basic packed bed system was shown in Figure 6-1. The operation is
cyclic with the feed (adsorption) step followed by a regeneration (desorption)
step, and a preparation step to prepare the column for the next feed step. Dur-
ing the feed step, adsorption continues until breakthrough occurs. Then the
packing is regenerated usually with counter-flow of a hot fluid or by purging at
low pressure. Usually the column is not completely regenerated but some
solute is left in the column. This is done since significantly less desorbent is
required. A variety of operating modes are used for adsorption and regenera-
tion and will be explored in this chapter using the theories of Chapters 6 and 7.
In actual practice shock waves will spread due to the dispersion and mass
transfer terms in Eq. (6-42). However, this spread is opposed by the isotherm
Figure 8-1. Concentration profiles inside column at different times for cQn-
stant pattern system.
effect which tends to fonn shock waves. The net result of these two QPposing
forces is to fonn a constant pattern wave which does not change shaw as it
moves in the column. This is shown in Figure 8-1 where the concentration of
the fluid inside the bed is shown at different times. Once fonned the wave does
not change shape as it moves through the column. This behavior will occur
whenever the solute movement theory predicts a shock wave.
o ~~~~~L-~ ____~~________L-________L-______~
10 15 20 25
Time, min
inside the column. The mass transfer zone must move at the shock wave velo-
city Ush. Then,
Note that since the shape is not changing, all parts of the wave move at the
same velocity. The shock wave velocity can be estimated from Eq. (6-30) or it
can be. found experimentally. The stoichiometric center of the wave (c = 0.5cF
for a symmetric wave) must also be part of the local equilibrium solution (see
Figure 8-3). Then
L (8-1b)
Usb = --
The advantage of determining Usb from experiments, Eq. (8-1b), is the equili-
brium isotherm does not have to be known.
This equation allows us to calculate the breakthrough time as the column length
is varied. Since the concentration in the mass transfer zone is varying, the sor-
bent is not saturated through the entire length of the bed. Only the shaded part
of the bed in Figure 8-3 is used. Thus the fractional bed utilization can be
determined as,
% Bed 60
Figure 8-4. Fraction of bed used as a function of L/LMTZ for constant pat-
tern step. Excerpted by special pennission from, Lukchis,
G.M., Chern. Eng. 80, (13), 111, (1973). Copyright 1973,
The ratio (Area not used)/(TotaI Area in M1Z) is the fraction of the mass
transfer zone which is not useful for adsorbing solute at the saturation concen-
tration. This ratio can be detennined from Figures 8-1 or 8-3. The areas are
shown in Figure 8-3. If the breakthrough curve is symmetric the ratio is 1{2.
Then Eq. (8-3a) simplifies to:
Frac bed util. = 1 - .S(LMTZ / L)
In both Eqs. (8-3a) and (8-3b) LMTZ must be in length units. The fractional bed
use for symmetric beds is shown in Figure 8-4 (Lukchis, 1973).
Capacity = (Frac bed util.) x (Mass of adsorbent) X'lsat
where 'lsat is the saturation capacity of the adsorbent for the given feed concen-
tration. The saturation capacity is found from the appropriate equilibrium
isothenn calculated at the feed concentration, CF, or from experiment. The
saturation capacity depends on the adsorbent used, the feed concentration, and
1. For the conditions of the feed step, detennine llsh , L MTZ , and Ckt. This
can be done with a single experiment in a laboratory column.
2. Design the adsorption step using the mass transfer zone approach.
Optimum design and theoretical detennination ofLMTZ is discussed later.
4. Design the desorption step (proportional pattern wave) using the solute
movement theory.
This combined approach uses the MTZ method where it is valid and it uses the
solute movement theory where it is approximately valid.
In this section we will see how the constant pattern shape can be predicted
theoretically from a mass transfer analysis. Constant pattern shapes occur
when the solute movement theory predicts a shock wave. The isothenn effect
which tends to fonn a shock wave is balanced by the dispersive effects of mass
transfer resistances and dispersion tenns. The net result is a constant pattern
wave which moves at the shock wave velocity, Ush. This pattern will always
fonn when the conditions are right (Cooney and Lightfoot, 1965).
Eq. (6-48), ignoring the dispersion and diffusion term. The system is assumed
to be isothermal. Equation (6-48) simplifies to:
Since the constant pattern wave has a constant shape, concentration must
depend only on a single variable. This variable can be a measure of the time or
distance from the center of the pattern. The variable 't,
't =t - z/llp
is a measure of time from the center of the pattern which moves at velocity IIp.
Since the constant pattern wave depends only on 't, the partial differential equa-
tion, Eq. (8-5), can be reduced to an ordinary differential equation. After a few
manipulations, the result is,
v pp(1-Ee)q (8-7b)
(1 - -)c + = constant
IIp Ee
If the bed is initially clean then c = q = 0, and the constant must be zero. Since
any uniform initial state can be reached from a clean bed, the constant will
always be zero.
We can write Eq. (8-7b) for the conditions after the wave has passed, ca
and qa. Dividing Eq. (8-7b) by this form and rearranging, we obtain,
c q (8-8b)
So far, we haven't used the mass transfer expression Eq. (6-50). We will
substitute the mass balance result, Eq. (8-8b), and Eq. (8-6) into Eq. (6-50).
The result is
q. dc .. (8-9)
(1-£e)PP - - =- Oem 3p)(c - c)
c. dt
Since there is a constant pattern, c must depend on a single variable and an
ordinary differential equation results. To integrate this equation we need a
relationship for c... The usual method is to assume that this stagnant fluid is in
equilibrium with the solid. However, remember c ':I' c·. With c· in equilibrium
with q, the isotherm can be used to replace c· in Eq. (8-9). Then Eq. (8-8b) can
be used to replace q with c. This can be done for any isotherm which will give
a constant pattern wave.
For example, assume that equilibrium can be fit with a generalized Lang-
muir expression of the form given in Eq. (6-12a). Then a constant pattern wave
will result when a step input of feed is used. Solving for c" from the Langmuir
equation and substituting in Eq. (8-8b), we obtain
The conditions after the wave are the feed values: Ca = CF and qa = QF.
Thus qalea = QF/cF = a/(1 + bCF)' Substitution of this ;esult into Eq. (8-11a) and
simplifying gives
1 + beF - be 1
dc = kmap(1 + b CF) (8-11b)
c(b CF - be) d't Pp (1 - Ee)a
The integration of Eq. (8-11 b) is straightfOIward. After some algebra the result
The result is
This equation can be interpreted two ways. If we fix the length at the column
outlet, Z = L, then
Note that both tMrZ and LMrZ are inversely proportional to Ocm~) since ~'t is
inversely proportional to k.n ~.
The shape of the constant pattern curve can be obtained by evaluating the
constant in Eq. (8-11c) or by evaluating (Eq. 8-11c) from a known point
(c,zhnown to an arbitrary (c,z). It is often convenient to do this from the center
point c'12 = Y2 (CF + Cinitial) at 't = 't'12 (Lapidus and Rosen, 1954). This integra-
tion assumes the profile is symmetric, but is usually accurate enough. Equation
Eq. (8-11c) gives,
The use of Eqs. (8-12a,b,c) are illustrated in Example 8-1. Typical constant
pattern profiles are shown in Figures 8-1, 8-2b and 8-3.
One reason for illustrating this derivation in detail is the same steps can
be followed for other eqUilibrium and mass transfer forms. Any equilibrium
form which gives a shock wave with the solute movement theory can be used
to replace Eq. (8-10). In addition, a variety of mass transfer expressions can be
used instead of Eq. (6-50). Thus the constant pattern solution for almost any
type of equilibrium and a variety of mass transfer expressions can easily be
developed. This analysis is also applicable to ion exchange (see Problem 9-
DS). Unfortunately, this solution is restricted to the constant pattern part of the
A second limit on the constant pattern solution is the assumption that the
column is isothermal. Commercial gas adsorbers are usually adiabatic and
have non-negligible values of ~Hads which often leads to significant tempera-
ture increases in the bed during adsorption. During desorption the bed cools
down. Since a temperature increase will decrease adsorption equilibrium (see
Eq. (6-8», these effects should be included. Approximate (Leavitt, 1962) and
analytical (Sircar and Kumar, 1983) constant pattern methods have been
developed for adiabatic systems. Adiabatic systems are discussed in more detail
in Section 8.5.2.
In most cases the lumped parameter Eqs. (6-47) or (6-50) are adequate for
modeling packed beds. In order to use the theory a good estimate of the mass
transfer coefficient kut~ is required. kut is an "effective" mass transfer
coefficient For spherical particles
6 (8-14)
where <lp is the particle diameter. For non spherical particles an equivalent
diameter is used.
Sherwood number
At low Reynolds numbers the dispersion terms must be corrected for. Wakao
and Funazkri (1978) also review a large amount of data to measure kr . An
alternate correlation for the film transfer coefficient is (Sherwood et ai., 1975)
The results obtained from Eqs. (8-15a) and (8-16) will differ somewhat from
each other. Since Eq. (8-15) was corrected for axial dispersion, this result
should be used if the model includes axial dispersion. If the model ignores
axial dispersion a better fit will probably be obtained with Eq. (8-16).
For diffusion inside the pores we really want to solve Eq. (6-44a) with
appropriate boundary conditions. This was done in Section 7.8 for Rosen's
solution. The appropriate way to sum resistances is shown in Eq. (7-55). Since
Clp = 6/dp, the term dp/6kf is I/(kf ~). Then the other term in the summation in
Eq. (7-53) is l/(k Clp)pore (see Eq. 8-19a». Thus, we would expect an
equivalent solution when
A= [~l avg
The equivalence of the solutions to Eqs. (6-44a) and (6-50) disappears for very
non-linear systems, at very short times, and for rapid cycling separations. In
these situations Eq. (6-44a) should be solved.
This result is also used for nonlinear isothenns by using A defined in Eq. (8-
17b). Note the similiarity of the results for pore and surface diffusion.
The effective mass transfer coefficient ~8p can be related to the indivi-
dual coefficients by the usual sum of resistances model if either pore or surface
diffusion control transfer inside the particle. For pore plus film diffusion,
For liquid systems the surface diffusion tenn is always neglected, and Eqs. (8-
19a) and (8-19b) are appropriate. When surface plus film diffusion occur
which is
If both surface and pore diffusion are important, the sum-of-resistances model
cannot be used, and the diffusion equations must be solved simultaneously.
difficult to estimate. Methods for estimating the molecular diffusivity are dis-
cussed by Perry and Green (1984), Reid et al. (1977) and Sherwood et al.
(1975). Extensive tables of parameters for the parameters in theories, and
references for experimental values of D m are given by Marrero and Mason
(1972). The effective pore diffusivity Dmp can be estimated from Eq. (6-44
a,b), although experimental data is usually required to determine the tortuosity.
Surface diffusivities depend on surface coverage and are discussed by (Ruth-
ven, 1984) and (Yang, 1987). Estimation of these values is illustrated in Exam-
ple 8-1.
Sircar and Kumar (1983) fit data for carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen
and hydrogen adsorption onto BPL activated carbon to a Langmuir
isotherm of the form.
We must first convert the equilibrium data to the form q = ac/(1 + be).
For the gas c = Y CT where CT is gmoles/vol. For an ideal gas CT = p/RT
and c = Y p/RT.
Thus Y =CRT'/P = (298.16)(82.057)
(1) C=
24466 12
. C
(CJmaxK RT/p)c
q = 1 + (KRT/p)c
Since the mass balance was solved without a dispersion term, Eqs. (8-
17) to (8-19b) are appropriate.
F ac dq a
or q = 1 + be ' de = (1 + be)2
InEq.(8-19b),A= [~~l = a
(1 + be)avg
Js [1
MW -1/2 1/2 MW 1/4
let He =I, C~ =2
i j MW.jMW·
1 J J..LJJ..Lj «I>ij ~x·«I>··
J 1)
1 1 1.000 1.00 1.00
2 0.25 1.69 2.548
R = (0.0001757)(55)(0.1) = 5 38
e (0.0001796) .
Dm = 0.675 cm 2 js at 1 abn
(1.17)(55)°·585 (0.0001757)0.252(0.675)213
kf = = 24.27cm/s
(0.1)°.415 (0.000 1796)°·252
From Eq. (8-17a) Ckap)pore = (60)(0.0514)(28.986)(0.61) = 5453
, (0. I?
6. (0.61)(0.793)(37.32) {l [0.05]
't = (1149.3)[1 + (1O,224.4)(2.044xlO~)] n 0.95
_ [1 +(1O,224.4)(2.044xl0~)]
In [[ 0.05] [0.05]]}
0.95 0.95
L\q q(CF) - 0
where - = O' Note that q vs c equilibrium data was
L\c CF-
obtained in a manner consistent with a one porosity mass balance.
From the Langmuir isotherm,
(37.32)(2.044xlO--6) = 7.472xlO-5
1 + (10224.4)(2.044xl(J 6)
We stop the feed step when breakthrough just starts. This occurs
when the front of the mass transfer zone reaches the end of the column.
From Eq. (8-2) this is
Note that more than half of this example was involved with correlations
to determine physical properties.
How long should the column be? What size range of particles should be used?
How rapidly should the bed cycle? These questions are all part of the optimi-
zation process. A complete optimization requires a complete economic
analysis for each particular case. Since this is beyond the scope of this section,
we will only partially answer the question by giving general guidelines. The
argument will parallel that presented by Wankat (1987) for adsorbers and Wan-
kat and Koo (1988) for chromatography. We will show that beds should be
short, small particles should be used. and the beds should cycle rapidly.
which can be determined from Eqs. (8-15a) or (8-16). When pore diffusion
For liquid systems packed bed adsorbers and chromatographs often have mass
transfer inside the particle (pore diffusion) controlling and ~8p is inversely
L L (8-21)
LMI'Z v d~
Ap __Jl_v_,uper~L_ (8-22)
- Kd 2
ratio of ULMrZ (Eq. 8-21). Thus the fractional bed utilization during the con-
stant pattern step will be constant This assumes that £e and the equilibrium
isotherm do not change as <lp is varied.
taking the ratios of conditions for old and new designs. We assume that the old
design is adequate but is not optimized. Thus, from Eq. (8-22),
where we have assumed that Ee and fluid properties are constant. If ~ = 1.0,
the pressure drop will be the same for the two designs.
For a Langmuir isotherm we can find LMfZ from Eqs (8-12a) and (8-
12c). Talking the ratios for the old and new designs, we obtain.
When RN = 1.0, the fractional bed use (see Figure 8-4) will be constant in the
two designs. If pore or surface diffusion controls, Eq. (8-26a) becomes
For a Langmuir isotherm we can find LMTZ from Eqs (8-12a) and (8-
12c). Taking the ratios for the old and new designs, we obtain
RN = [Qold
] [Dnew
]2[ Lncw
] (8-30a)
When pore diffusion controls, Eqs. (8-29) and (8-30b) can be considered as two
equations with two unknowns and four knowns. The six variables are l/Rp,
l/RN' (~ew/QoId)' (Dnew/Dold)' (Lnew/Lold), and (<ip,ncw/<ip.oId)' Any four of
these can be selected as known. A case study approach to solving Eqs. (8-29)
and (8-30a) when pore diffusion does not control is illustrated in Example 8-2.
Once the new design has been determined, the adsorbent volume is 1tD2L/4.
3. The classical rules of thumb for length to diameter have been violated.
The columns are now short and fat instead of long and skinny. This will
5. The valves must be designed for more rapid cycles. More accurate timing
is required.
6. Since the packed column will act as an efficient filter, the feed must be
free of suspended solids. However, since cycles are shorter there is less
time for suspended solids to build up and clog the bed. Feeds containing
suspended solids can be processed in fluidized beds (see Chapter 10).
7. The desired small particle size may not be commercially available, and
when they are available may be more expensive than large particles. In
addition, the lifetime of small particles may be shorter.
All of these practical arguments are true, but they can usually be taken care of
by proper design. There are other conditions where these scaling methods may
be useful (Wankat, 1987). Scaling of chromatography systems is quite similiar
(Wankat and Koo, 1988), but will not be developed here.
The analysis in Eqs. (8-20) to (8-31) has been concerned only with the
packing. As the length of packing L decreases the volume of fluid outside the
packing can become important Referring to Figure 8-6, we see that the extra-
column volume on the feed side is
Vec,feed = V valve 1 + V pipe + V distributor + V frit
The equation for Vec,product will be similar.
Head Support or
Space Frit
Packing -\---CKI------ Carrier
Consider a very simple two step cycle: Feed and Regenerate. At the end
of the feed step, the fluid in volume Vec,fccd is unprocessed feed. This material
will reduce the recovery of carrier and will contaminate the regeneration pro-
duct In addition, the pores of the column contain unprocessed feed. Assuming
that the mass transfer zone is symmetric, we obtain
as the volume of unprocessed feed in the pores. The fraction of feed not pro-
cessed per cycle is
To consider the effect of this unprocessed feed, we can take the ratio of
Eq. (8-34) for the new and old designs.
We will consider the simple case where pore diffusion controls and
Qold = Q,ew. Then, the previous analysis showed we want Vnew = VoId,
Dnew = Doid , (L/d~)new = (L/d~)Old' and tF,new/tr,old = LnewILold·
First, consider the case where Vec,fccd « Vpore,feed for both designs (this
is often true for long columns). Then, Eq. (8-35) becomes
This equation equals one since the scaling procedure makes (LMrZIL)new =
(LMTZiL)old' This result shows that the pore volumes scale appropriately. If
Vcc,feed is not negligible compared to Vpores,fccd; then Eq. (8-35) equals 1 if
As the volume of packing is reduced the volume outside the packing must also
be reduced.
Since both film and pore diffusion are important, we will use a
case study approach with (<lp,new/<lp,old) = 0.5. We want Rp = 1,
RN ~ 1.0, and Onew/Qold = 1. Equations (8-25) and (8-26a) need to be
satisfied. In Example 8-1 ~llp = 1149.3 S-l was calculated from Eq.
(8-19a) where the individual values of kf and kpore were found from
Eqs. (8-16) and (8-17a), and IIp is from Eq. (8-14). Note that the ratio
~ ~,oldlkm IIp,new) does not simplify when both pore and film diffusion
are important.
Trial-and-Error Case Study Approach:
a Guess vnew
b. Calculate kfllp. Ckap)pon: and ~llp
c. Find (Lold/Lnew) from Eq. (8-25) with Rp =1
d. Calculate RN from Eq. (8-26a)
e. IfRN = 1, are finished. If not, start over.
Note that (k8p)pore is not a function ofvsuper. Then from Eq. (8-19a),
Step d. RN =(0.8)(3.2) [1149.3]
2947.6 =0.998
[ Dncw]2
= [~]/[~]
Vncw Qncw
= [1.]/(1.0)= 1.25
IIp,new = IIp.old - - = (3.043)(0.8) = 2.434 crn/s
The new design is shorter and cycles faster, but has the same separation,
same ~p and same throughput. Obviously, the new design uses less
This series of chapters only skim the surface of theories for adsorption,
chromatography and ion exchange systems. The theories were kept simple
(remember, this is relative to other theories) by discussing only isothermal,
linear adsorption with several solutes or isothermal, non-linear, single solute
adsorption. In this section we will briefly look at the results of more complex
experiments and theories where there are several interacting solutes or the
column is adiabatic. Most of the theories required for these analyses are
beyond the scope of this book; however, references for further study will be
In general, when there are several solutes they will interact. Thus the equili-
brium for one solute depends on the concentration of all solutes. The simplest
equilibrium form which expresses this dependence is the multicomponent
Langmuir expression,
qj = N (8-38)
1 + l:(KiCi)
:~ 1.00 ,.--- i--=-C>o
o_p"..!. LUB ---- :'r',..a'""'"' ~
In I••d
I I 0
+ "_hexon.
,.,-Pentone - "'Pentone
. o
~ o 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The strength of adsorption follows D > B > A > C. Thus the displacer
pushes out B which pushes out A which pushes out pure C. The result is a
series of bands: pure C followed by A in C followed by B in C followed by D
in C. This was illustrated in Figure 7-13. Each band is separated by a shock
wave. The solute movement diagram is shown in Figure 8-8. The dotted lines
represent transient behavior which requires the more detailed theory.
The band widths of A and B must become constant to satisfy a mass bal-
ance. This is also observed experimentally. Since the band widths are con-
stant, the shock wave velocities must be equatl.
llsh,l = llsh,2 = Ush ,3
The concentrations CA,band and CB,band are unknown; however, the concentra-
tions of D are known and the amount adsorbed can be calculated.
Note that <lD can be calculated despite the coupled isotherm (Eq. 8-38) since D
and B never occur simultaneously. We can now calculate Ush,3
llgh.3 =--------------- (8-41)
l-Ec l-Ec II <lD
1 + ~ tp KcJ,o + ~ (l-Ep) Ps - -
Ec Ee II Co
From Eq. (8-39) this is also the value ofush.2' We can write Ush.2
ush.2 = ---------------:----:----:- (8-42)
l-Ec (l-Ec) (l-tp)ps q ( - 0
1 + - - Ep KcJ,B + ------=--
Ee Ec CB,band - 0
The unknowns are now ~ (CB,band) and' These unknowns are related by
Eq. (8-42) and the isotherm which is Eq. (8-38) or any other coupled, favor-
able isotherm. Solving the isotherm and shock velocity equations simultane-
z c•.•
~/ 1
Fe,bOOd CO,F
/ 1//
Curved, / Y/.
Shock V /b
// /D
ously, we obtain cB,band and <In (CB,band)' This is illustrated for a Langmuir
isotherm in Example 8-3. A very similiar calculation can be done for com-
ponent A to determine CA,band and <lA (CA,band)'
Since band concentrations are known, we can use a mass balance to find
the band widths.
CB,F tp = CD,band fB,band
The times the bands breakthrough are easily determined.
lo,br = lJU.h,3 + lp
fB,br = tD,br - la,band
tA,br = tD,br - la,band - tA,band
The removal of displacer D with pure C gives a diffuse wave. This wave is
easily calculated using the methods of Chapter 6. This step may be a major
expense of displacement chromatography because of excessive tailing. In ion
exchange chromatography column regeneration may be easy (see Problems 9-
D6 and 9-D7).
Note that the only important detail we cannot calculate is the column
length necessary to generate the pure bands. This calculation of the dotted
lines in Figure 8-8 requires more detailed theories (Rhee and Amundson,
This dilutes the A band. Ush,S (CA,F) will be greater than ush,3 if
and a separate A peak forms. Ifus (CA = 0) > ush,3. the A peak will move com-
pletely away from the B band (they will be separated by carrier), and the A
peak will have a diffuse tail. This occurs if
The shock wave velocity for displacer can be found from Eqs.
(8-40) and (8-41). From the equilibrium expression, we obtain
~ qo = 52.56 = 1.314
~CD 40
Ush,D = 0.4 + (0.6) (0.4) (1.0~ + (0.6) (0.6) (1.314) = 0.8984 cm/min
The shock waves for A and B must have the same value. From the
Langmuir isothenn
Combining this result with Eq. (8-42), we obtain after some algebra.
Note that the six minute feed band is compressed to 5.82 minutes.
Until now we have assumed that the column is isothennal or has step changes
in temperature. Large columns are often adiabatic not isothennal since a sub-
stantial amount of energy may be released when the solute adsorbs. The same
amount of energy is later required to desorb the solute. Thus the temperature
of the column rises during adsorption and drops during desorption.
To study adiabatic systems the energy balances are required. The energy
balance for both phases was given in Eq. (6-51) while the energy transfer equa-
tion is Eq. (6-55). The mass and energy balances and the equilibrium relation-
ship are all coupled. The coupling of the energy balance with the mass balance
occurs in the heat of adsorption term of Eq. (6-55). Equilibrium is coupled to
the energy balance since the equilibrium parameters depend on temperature
(Eq. (6-8». The mass balances are coupled to equilibrium since the mass
transfer rate and the amount adsorbed depends on the equilibrium.
o 20 40 60
Z, eM
Gas systems where items 1, 2 and 4 do not apply will have significant
temperature effects. This is illustrated in Figure 8-9 (yang, 1987). Note the
large increase in temperature due to the heat of adsorption. Because of the cou-
pling the thermal wave moves slightly ahead of the concentration wave.
Although gas mole fraction y is constant after the concentration wave, q will
vary since T varies. Since all the equations are coupled, the exact solution of
the partial differential equations is difficult. Equilibrium solutions can be
obtained using methods very similar to those used for interacting solutes
(Sweed, 1981; Yang, 1987). Complete solutions including heat and mass
transfer resistances require numerical methods (Ruthven, 1984; Basmadjian,
1983; Yang, 1987). The mass transfer zone will be wider in adiabatic systems
The behavior of gas systems can be studied qualitatively using the solute
movement theory of Chapter 6. When a gas is adsorbed, its density approaches
that of a liquid. Thus, ifadsorption is strong there will be much more adsorbate
on the solid phase than in the fluid. In Eq. (6-23) this means the first two terms
in the denominator will be very small compared to the third term. Then,
In most gas systems at modest pressure (CPfPf) <: (PsCPs ). Thus the
amount of energy stored in the solid is much greater than the amount in the gas
phase. Then the first two terms in the denominator of Eq. (6-36) will be small
compared to the third term. In commercial systems the column diameter is
large, W/Ac is small, the wall effect is small, and the fourth term in the denom-
inator of Eq. (6-36) can be neglected. Thus,
are possible. This is the case in Figure 8-9 (yang, 1987). Although theoreti-
cally complex, this operation can be advantageous. Since the loading step is
stopped before breakthrough of the solute wave, the thermal wave also remains
in the column. The energy released during adsorption is now available for
desorption. This principle is commonly used in PSA systems where the cycles
are only a few minutes long. Recently, operation with RT near one has been
used in thermally regenerated adsorbers drying ethanol vapor (Ladisch et al.,
1984; Garg and Ausikaitis, 1983). The energy required for regeneration can be
significantly decreased. Unfortunately, the theory of these systems is beyond
the scope of this book.
Up to now we have usually assumed that the fluid interstitial velocity v is con-
stant For liquids, the density of the adsorbed material is approximately equal
to the liquid density. In addition, changes in pressure or temperature do not
markedly change the density. Thus the velocity will remain approximately
For gases there can be large velocity changes. The density of the
adsorbed material is approximately the same as a liquid and is much greater
than the gas density. Thus, as material adsorbs the gas volume decreases since
solute is removed from the gas phase. The velocity must be lower ahead of the
solute wave than it is behind the solute wave. This causes self-sharpening or
shock type behavior even for linear isotherms. Upon desorption the opposite
happens. The gas volume increases, velocity increases, and a spread or diffuse
wave results. This velocity effect has been called the sorption effect. and it can
be calculated quantitatively (Ruthven, 1984; Wankat, 1986).
The sorption effect causes shock and diffuse waves under the same con-
ditions a Langmuir isotherm will. Thus they reinforce each other and are
difficult to tell apart. For gas-liquid chromatography (OLC) where the isoth-
erms have the opposite curvature (they are unfavorable), the sorption effect
causes a shock wave when the isotherm causes a diffuse wave and vice versa.
Thus the sorption and isotherm effects tend to cancel each other in OLC. By
tuning the column temperature, OLC peaks can be made to be sharp and sym-
metrical for concentrated systems where both sorption and isotherm effects are
important (Roz et al.• 1976). This will be true for any sorbent with an unfavor-
able isotherm.
In gas systems temperature and pressure changes will also change the
density and hence the velocity. If temperature increases, the gas velocity
behind the thermal wave increasys. Thus hot waves are compressive. For a
temperature increase from 20 to 80°C the velocity increase is about 20%.
Cooling waves will be dispersive by the same percentage. Changes in pressure
will have similar but opposite effects. The pressure effects occur very rapidly
and are probably important only with very rapid cycles (1 second or less).
Adsorbing the desired solute is often fairly easy. The trick of economical
operation is the desorption step. The most commonly used desorption methods
are thermal desorption, pressure swing desorption, purge gas desorption and
desorption using a desorbent. These methods will be considered separately.
The solute movement theory for this type of operation was shown in Fig-
r - - - - Concentrated
Adsorb Desorb
Figure 8-10. Two column system with thermal desorption.
ure 6-12 for a system with linear isotherms and a negligible heat of adsorption
term. This figure is for one of the two columns. The linear solute movement
theory does not illustrate all of the important features of the cycle shown in
Figure 8-11. To do this more complex theories are required. The non-linear
isotherm theory with negligible L~Hadsdq!dt is illustrated in Figure 8-11. Note
that the column is not completely regenerated but some solute is left in the
column. This is called a heel and may be quite large. This diffuse wave is then
resharpened by the shock wave during the next cycle. The shock wave in Fig-
ure 8-11 is curved. This occurs because the concentrations upstream of the
shock wave are continually changing; thus, the last term in the denominator of
Eq. (6-23) changes. In practice, the shock wave will result in a constant pat-
tern wave. The M1Z approach can be used to predict the shape of this wave.
Partial regeneration means that the entire equilibrium capacity of the column is
not available for adsorption. However, partial regeneration is usually much
cheaper than complete regneration since an excessive amount of hot gas would
be required to completely remove the slow diffuse wave.
Figures 6-12 and 8-11 have assumed that the term 6Hads dq/dt in Eqs.
(6-53) or (6-55) is negligible. This term will be important in many gas streams
and Figures 6-12 and 8-11 will not be valid. A more complex form of the local
F Concentrated
z Wave
Treated Gas
Figure 8-1l. Solute Movement diagram for column shown in Figure 8-10
for non-linear isotherm. The term MIads dq!dt is assumed to be
C02-C~-5A molecular sieves -230
H20-air-5A molecular sieves >600
H20-air-silica gel -250
H2S-CH4-5A molecular sieves -400
Acetone-air-activated carbon -300
equilibrium theory can be used to analyze adiabatic adsorbers when the heat of
adsorption term is important (pan and Basmadjian, 1971; Basmadjian et al.,
1975a,b). The term ~H.ds dqldt couples the mass and energy balances, and
thus a mathematical uncoupling of the equations is required. The results of
these theories shows that efficient desorption occurs above a characteristic tem-
perature To. The characteristic temperature is the temperature at which the
slope of the adsorption isotherm at the origin equals the ratio of heat capacities
CPs/Cpf. Characteristic temperatures for several systems are given in Table 8-1
(Basmadjian, 1975a). Below the characteristic temperature regeneration is
inefficient and large volumes of purge gas are required. Above the characteris-
tic temperature the regeneration is slightly more efficient, but the reduction in
purge gas volume is very modest. Since heating the purge gas is expensive,
regeneration is usually done slightly above the characteristic temperature. The
use of too low a regeneration temperature also decreases the amount adsorbed
in equilibrium studies (Joshi and Fair, 1988). The regeneration temperature
required for essentially complete equilibrium regeneration is below the charac-
teristic temperature.
The basic system shown in Figure 8-10 can be used for a variety of
separations (Keller, 1982; Kohl and Riesenfeld, 1979; Ruthven, 1984; Wankat
1986), but operation by thennal swing is economical only for feeds with low
adsorbate concentrations (usually under 5 mole %). With higher feed concen-
tratios the energy costs for regeneration become excessive (Keller, 1982).
Thennal swing cycles do have the advantage of providing high (90 - 99%)
removal and recovery of adsorbate. Systems similar to Figure 8-10 are used for
removal of traces of S02, mercury and NO x from waste gas streams. Zeolite
molecular sieves are used for adsorbing S02. During desorption the concentra-
tion can rise as high as 4% compared to the feed concentration of 2000 to 4000
ppm. A 4% S02 stream can be reused to make sulfuric acid. Thus a major
advantage of adsorption with thennal desorption is the de sorbed solute is at a
much higher concentration than in the feed.
Drying of gases with adsorbents is a very common industrial and labora-
tory practice. You probably did this in chemistry laboratory using a solid such
as Drierite which changes color from blue to pink when water is adsorbed.
Industrially, activated alumina, silica gel and molecular sieve zeolites are used
for adsorption drying. Typical adsorbent properties are listed in Table 8-2
(Basmadjian, 1984). Equilibrium isothenns for drying air using several adsor-
bents are shown in Figure 8-12. If very low water concentrations are required,
molecular sieve zeolites are preferred. Molecular sieve zeolites are more
expensive than silica gel and activated alumina, and Table 8-1 shows the zeol-
ites require a higher regeneration temperature. The cheaper adsorbents are
often used for less demanding applications, or when the feed gas is very con-
centrated. A layer of cheap adsorbent such as silica gel followed by molecular
sieves is useful to achieve low moisture constant at low cost particularly for
concentrated feeds. Basmadjian's (1984) review contains data and infonnation
on adsorbent drying.
Regeneration of silica gel and activated alumina is typically done at 100
to 200°C while zeolite molecular sieves require 200 to 300 °C or higher (see
Table 8-1 for specific examples). The energy required for the molecular sieve
systems is also higher. Counter-flow regeneration, shown in Figures 8-10 and
8-11, uses less energy than co-flow regeneration; however, co-flow regenera-
tion (see Problem 8-A 7) is simpler and has lower capital costs. Both are used
industrially. A short cooling period (co-flow to the feed step) is often used.
Fast cycles increase the adsorbent productivity and smaller equipment is
Density (g/crn 3 )
Type Particle Bulk Particle Surface Pore Pore Specific Maximum
size,mm area,m2 /g Volume, Diameter, heat heat of
crn3 /g run J/gK
Activate d alumina
1. Alcoa F-l <12 0.85 1.42 250 0.40 2.6
2. Alcoa H-151 3-6 0.85 1.38 360 0.43 4.3
3. Laporte Actal 6-12,3-6 0.64 1.15 275 0.50 2.8 0.88 2.88
4. Rhone-Poulenc 2-5,5-10 0.77 345,315 0.40
5. Kaiser A-201 <12 0.75 1.4 350 0.46 5.2
Silica gel
6. Davison 03 2 0.72 1.2 750 0.43 2.2 0.92 3.26
7. Davison 59 2-7 0.40 340 1.15 14
8. BASFE 3-5 0.75 750 0.43 2.3 1.0
9. BASFWF 1-2 0.46 370 0.97 10.6 l.0
Molecular sieves
10. unde 4A 1.6,3.2 0.66 0.4 l.0 4.19
11. linde 13X 1.6,3.2 0.61 1.0 1.0 4.19
12. Davison 513 (4A) 2-5 0.72 1.65 0.4 0.96 4.19
13. Davison 542 (13X) 2-5 0.69 LO 0.96 4.19
14. BayerT143 (4A) 1.5-2.5 0.71 1.15 0.4 0.92 3.77
15. Bayer W894 (9X) 1-4 0.65 L05 0.9 0.92 3.77
at 100% R.H .
~ ~ ~ 00 ro 00 ~ 100
Figure 8-12. Typical adsorption capacities for removal of water vapor with
fresh, activated adsorbents. Numbers refer to Table 8-2.
(Basmadjian, 1984). Reprinted with permission from A.S.
Mujumdar (Ed.), Advances in Drying, Vol. 3. Copyright 1984,
Hemisphere Pub. Co.
required. Slow cycles usually have longer adsorbent life and are somewhat
simpler to control. The trend has been to shorter cycle periods since major
reductions in capital cost can be achieved.
A modification of the basic system is used for solvent recovery using activated
carbon. This has been an extremely common industrial practice since the
F~Co" 0r--__.
Figure 8-13. Activated carbon system for solvent recovery using steam
1920's (e.g. see Mantell, 1950). This is illustrated in Figure 8-13. The air
stream containing low amounts of the solvent (from painting, printing,
adhesives, coating operations, etc.) is slightly compressed, filtered, cooled to
80 to 90°F and then sent to an activated carbon adsorber. Activated carbon is
an excellent adsorbent for a large variety of solvents particularly at the low
concentrations encountered in solvent recovery. Concentrations are low since
for safety reasons the solvent must usually be kept below 1/4 to 1!2 the lower
explosion limit (LEL). Typical values for the LEL of common solvents are
(vol %): 3.3; acetone, 2.6; n-butyl alcohol, 1.7; chloroform, non-flammable;
ethanol, n-hexane, 1.2; methanol, 6.7; methyl ethyl ketone, 1.9; and toluene,
1.2. The air exhausted is clean. Before breakthrough, the adsorbers are
switched and the carbon is regenerated using steam or hot gas. Steam is con-
venient since condensation of the steam rapidly heats the adsorber, serves as a
purge gas, and the steam minimizes fire hazards. The outlet vapor is con-
densed. If the solvent is immiscible with water the two liquid phases can be
separated as shown in Figure 8-13 and the solvent can be reused. The steps to
cool and dry the carbon are optional. They are often included since hot
activated carbon may catalyze oxidation of the solvent, and water in the bed
can interfere with solvent adsorption. Addition of a cooling step usually
increases capapcity by about 4%. Usually the MTZ is quite short. Thus shal-
low (from one to three feet) wide beds can be used. The beds are usually held
in horizontal cylindrical vessels. A variety of other adsorber geometries such as
cylindrical canisters, pleated cells, flat cells, rotating cylinders and fluidized
beds are used (Turk, 1968; Wankat, 1986). Low pressure drop is important
since operation of the blower is a major expense. Typical pressure drops are
approximately 0.5 inch water per inch of bed. More details are provided by
Fulker (1972) and Turk (1968).
Yw,b and Ystm are the water mole fractions in the vapor before the thermal wave
and in the steam, respectively. Aw is the latent heat of vaporization of water. If
steam is not used and there are no condensible vapors, Ystm = Yw,b = 0, and Eq.
(8-52) reduces to Eq. (6-36). The condensing steam wave moves considerably
slower than the gas velocity v, but considerably faster than a thermal wave cal-
culated from Eq. (6-36).
Small scale activated carbon solvent recovery adsorbers (less than about
10,000 pounds of carbon) are usually purchased as packaged units. These sys-
tems show an economy of scale and become cheaper per pound of carbon as
the size increases. In the exponential cost equation for scale-up the exponent is
0.48 (Vatavuk and Neveril, 1983). Larger systems must be custom designed.
The exponent becomes 1.20 and there is no economy of scale.
There are many alternatives to steam desorption (Wankat. 1986). All
these methods have the advantage of not adding water to the system.
1. Hot gas desorption can be used. This operation will be very similar to the
thermal desorption methods discussed previously. The major disadvan-
tage of this approach is that large volumes of hot gas are required to
transfer the required energy into the adsorber. This method is used com-
mercially when it is important to avoid adding water to the system and in
isolated locations where steam is not available. Applications include
recovery of easily hydrolyzed esters which react with water and recovery
of solvents which form homogeneous azeotropes with water.
Figure 8-14. Isothenn illustrating vacuum desorption.
removed first. Thus, Ysolute ~ 1.0 and the partial pressure during evacua-
tion is
Pvac = Ysolute Ptot,low - Ptot,low
0.01 L:--:----L.---.-..JL.-~:...L_L.L.J_,l;:__:__---L-...l....-...l....-L....l.....l....L~::;____----'l...----'-----'--...I.......J.-'--'-~
10-3 10-2 10-1
Fractional Saturation
Adsorption is also commonly used for processing liquid streams. Packed beds
are used for dilute feeds while simulated moving beds (see Chapter 10) can be
used for concentrated systems. Drying of solvents is a major application.
Figure 8-15 shows the equilibrum uptake of water on 4A zeolite molecular
sieves for a variety of solvents (Basmadjian, 1984). Liquid feed is usually
introduced with upwards flow to avoid entrapping gas (Keller, 1982). These
systems are regenerated by first draining the column, and then using hot gas
with downwards flow to heat the adsorbent. Before the next feed step the bed
is normally cooled with gas. Because of vaporization of residual solvent in the
bed, energy requirements are relatively high; however, water concentration in
the solvents are usually low. Thus the cost per kg of solvent treated is usually
modest, and is often cheaper than drying by distillation.
A second application for liquid adsorption is the treatment of drinking
water and waste water with activated carbon (For example, see Faust and Aly,
1987). A grade of activated carbon different from that used for gases is com-
monly used. Parts per million of contaminants can be removed. Since the feed
concentrations are low and the equilibrium capacity is high, a very slow mov-
ing shock wave results. Thus very long adsorption cycles (several months) can
be used. Unfortunately, the mass transfer rates are often very low and the M1Z
can be several feet long. Thus long columns or columns-in-series are required.
The columns in series idea is illustrated in Figure 8-16. In Figure 8-16a the
first column is almost saturated and much of the M1Z is in column 2 which is
fresh. Column 3 is unloaded and freshly regenerated carbon is added. In step
B the first column has been saturated so the carbon can be removed and fresh
carbon can be added. Column 2 is now the lead column while column 3 does
the final cleanup. This columns-in-series approach is commonly used when-
ever the M1Z is long. Stirred tanks are also used (see Chapter 10).
Activated carbon is commonly used for treating drinking water in homes
and in bottling plants. In addition to removing traces of impurities, the carbon
will remove traces of chlorine. The chlorine does not adsorb but reacts with
the carbon,
a b
Feed Feed
I new
2 2
Treated Water
add 3 3
Treated Water
Figure 8-16. Use of columns in series for waste water treatment with
activated carbon.
Note that the product water will be slightly acidic. This is not normally a prob-
lem in a bottling plant. In bottling plants fairly pure water is treated and the
carbon will last from six months to two years.
cal to try and recover these impurities. The usual method of regeneration is to
unload the adsorber and send the spent carbon to a kiln (Faust and Aly, 1987;
Hutchins, 1979; Perrich, 1981). In the kiln the adsorbed material is burned off
the carbon. Naturally, some of the carbon also burns and this carbon must be
replenished. Design of systems for wastewater treatment is difficult There are
usually a large number of compounds present, and some of them may be
unknown. Also, the feed concentration usually fluctuates considerably.
Current design procedure is to use laboratory or pilot plant studies to determine
the M1Z under the loading conditions. The M1Z or LUB approach is then
used for design. Regeneration conditions are also determined empirically.
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) regenerates the column by dropping the pres-
sure and using a portion of the pure product gas as a low pressure purge gas.
Vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) regenerates the column at vacuum pressures
where the amount adsorbed is quite low. A purge step is often not used in
VSA. PSA is illustrated in Figure 8-17a for the simple two-column system
known as the Skarstrom cycle (Skarstrom, 1959). When the right column is
close to breakthrough, the feed is switched to the left column which has been
regenerated. To achieve complete regeneration the volumetric purge-to-feed
ratio, 'Y, must be greater than 1.0. The purge to feed ratio uses volumes calcu-
lated at the conditions of each column.
VPurgc (8-55)
'Y = - - > 1.0 , usually 1.50 > 'Y> 1.05
V Fced
When 'Y> 1, a larger volume of gas sweeps through the column during the
purge step than during the feed step, and the column is regenerated. The
expansion of gas from high pressure, PH, to the low pressure, PL, allows the
designer to have 'Y> 1.0 and still produce product If the ideal gas law is
obeyed the ratio of moles of purge to moles of feed is,
v ......
Desorb PL PH Adsorb
~ t
Low Pressure Feed
Waste at P L
Each column in Figure 8-17a goes through the four steps shown in Figure
The solute movement theory can be used to describe the feed and purge steps
which are at constant pressure. The compression and decompression steps
require solution of the partial differential equations governing the system.
(Chan et ai, 1981; Ruthven, 1984; Yang, 1987). The theory for linear isoth-
erms shows that the solute wave velocity for the feed and purge steps is given
by Eq. (6-24). The waves also move during the repressurization and depressur-
ization steps. The results then look like Figure 8-18. The dotted lines in Figure
8-18 indicate that the exact path is not known when the pressure varies, but the
ends of the step are known.
Purge Gas
L~________ t~____ ~~~______________
t ~
2 !l
3 5
7 6
T '-YF
Feed YProd
Figure 8-18. Solute movement theory for PSA. Numbers refer to Example
The change in locations of the solute waves during compression and
decompression for both PSA and VSA can be determined from,
where the axial distance Z must be measured from the closed end of the column
where is the molar density of the gas. If the inert gas does not adsorb, Amcrt
= O. The term PA is the ratio of total amount of inert gas which could be stored
in the column to the total amount of solute A which could be stored. Compres-
sion and decompression steps also change the mole fraction of solute in the gas.
This change is,
The use of these equations and the characteristic diagram is ilustrated in Exam-
ple 8-4.
In practice the waves are spread by dispersion and slow mass transfer. In
usual operating procedures the column is not completely regenerated and only
part of the equilibrium capacity can be used. This is illustrated in Figure 8-19.
Keeping the mass transfer zone inside the column will make the waste gas
more concentrated, and less purge gas is used. The working capacity of the bed
Figure 8-19. Working capacity in PSA.
is represented by the shaded region in Figure 8-19. The working capacity may
be only a few percent of the total capacity of the bed. Very steep, highly favor-
able isotherms will make the adsorption wave very sharp, but the desorption
wave will be very diffuse and spread significantly. The opposite is true for
unfavorable isotherms. The optimum isotherm shape will be close to linear.
Of course, in most cases the engineer must live with the adsorbents which are
readily available.
A wide variety of PSA and VSA processes are used and are reviewed in
detail elsewhere (Ruthven, 1984; Tondeur and Wankat, 1985; Wankat, 1986;
Yang, 1987). One and two column systems (Figure 8-17) are commonly used
for small-scale applications such as laboratory driers. In larger installations it
is very important to have the waste gas as concentrated as possible to avoid
loosing product in the waste stream. Multibed systems are used to include
pressure equalization steps to recover product gas. A variety of more complex
systems using a variety of steps have been developed. In addition to or instead
8. Some rapid cycle processes require a delay step to allow time for mass
PSA systems typically operate with gas velocities in the range from 0.01
to 0.5 m/sec. The typical cycle lasts for a few minutes. The adsorber heats up
during the feed step and then cools during desorption. For air drying the typi-
cal temperature swing is from 2 to 4°C. For more concentrated feeds the tem-
perature swing can be greater than 50°C. Since the cycles are rapid, part or all
of the temperature wave stays in the column. Thus part of the energy released
during adsorption is stored in the column and is available for desorption. In
concentrated systems such as adsorption of nitrogen from air to produce oxy-
gen, the thermal wave will pass out of the column during the feed step, but will
u. 40
011 30
"Iii 20
011 0
o 0·5 1·0 2{) 3{) 4·0 5·0 6{) 7·0 S'O
Bed depth (feet from support screen)
stay in the column during purge. This occurs because of the reduced gas den-
sity during purge. The result is a steady state bed temperature well below
ambient. This is illustrated in Figure 8-20 (Collins, 1977).
A. Define. The four step cycle was shown in Figure 8-17b. We wish
to find the outlet concentration profile during the purge step.
24), but velocity must be corrected for the increased purge-to-feed ratio.
Finally, Eq. (8-59) is used to calculate the mole fractions.
D. Do It.
= 0.43+(0.57)(0.336}+(0.57)(0.664)(0.21)(35.6) = 0.0215
The value of ~A is small since AA is large.
which is 4.8 em from the open end. This is point 1 on Figure 8-18.
UA = ----------
l-Ee l-E
(uA)(58) = 90.24 em
Net distance for wave starting at t = 0 is 90.24 + 4.8 = 95.04 em. This
Blowdown step. Use Eq. (8-57) again measuring z from the closed end
of the column. Then to determine point 4 in Figure 8-18,
(z after )4 = 4 •% (_1_)-{).215
10 = 5 .21 cm
Purge Step. During the purge step the interstitial velocity increases
since y = 1.1. The new interstitial velocity is,
t = 89.68
7 1.712
=52.38 sec
From 114.38 sec to 117.37 sec the solute wave was first pressurized and
then depressurized. These results approximately cancel and
YProd - YF = 0.005. This result is not exact because the exact nature of
the repressurization and blow down steps is not known. From 117.37 to
120 sec pure H2 exits and YProd = O.
Adsorb Displace Desorb Separation
( condensation
or distillation)
Figure 8-21. Apparatus for desorption by purge gas stripping or displace-
ment adsorption.
desorbent must then be separated. The separation shown in Figure 8-21 would
be done by partial condensation in a device similar to flash distillation. For the
harder to desorb C 10 to C20 hydrocarbons a desorbent which is adsorbed is used
(this is called displacement adsorption). Desorbents have included n-pentane,
n-hexane, ammonia and alkylamines. The separation scheme required depends
on the desorbent used but is often distillation. Because an additional separation
scheme is required, purge gas and desorbent systems are more complicated
than PSA or thermal swing. Thus purge gas and desorbent systems are used
only when necessary. Distillation will probably be preferred if the relative
volatility is greater than 1.2 to 1.3 (Keller, 1982).
The clever answer is to superload the adsorption column (Fox, 1979; Fox
and Kennedy, 1985). This concept can be understood from the isotherm shown
in Figure 8-22b. The resin near the feed inlet is saturated at concentration CF.
Waste Water wash
10% Phenol
Separator Distil
Adsorb Desorb and
Figure 8-22. System for phenol recovery using acetone as desorbent. a. Pro-
cess. b. Isotherm illustrating superloading.
The desorption and purge cycles can produce both a pure non-adsorbed
product and a pure strongly adsorbed product This is a major advantage of
these cycles. The major disadvantage of these cycles is they are complex. The
processes shown in Figures 8-21 and 8-22a are considerably more complex
than the other cycles shown in this chapter. Additional separation devices such
as distillation are required.
l·j':" I /\.
~ ,fr'
,., JI/I
.' /
Figure 8-23. Canister adsorption system used for removal of trace contam-
inants from air. Balston (1986). Reprinted with pennission of
Balston, Inc., 703 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02173.
Copyright 1986, Balston, Inc.
tern is less expensive since the regeneration facilities and extra plumbing are
not needed. When on-stream life is one or two years, regeneration facilities are
used so seldom that they may not pay for themselves. Non-regenerated adsorp-
tion systems are used for removal of trace contaminants from both air and
water, and for removal of traces of solvent with activated carbon. Guard
columns for removal of heavy organics are often designed to have the adsor-
bent discarded and replaced with fresh adsorbent. As a rule-of-thumb non-
regenerated systems should be considered for concentrations less than 2 ppm.
The adsorbent in a non-regenerated system is often held in a canister or car-
tridge as shown in Figure 8-23 (Balston, 1986). Additional canisters in parallel
are used for higher flow rates. Canisters are commercially available prepacked
with a variety of adsorbents.
The packed column system was shown schematically in Figures 6-1 and 8-6.
The support and holddown plates need to be sized to prevent movement of the
adsorbent. Movement of the adsorbent is likely to cause excessive attrition and
adsorbent loss. The support is usually a screen, net or frit Care should be
taken to prevent clogging of the support since this will cause excessive pressure
The distributor should add the feed mixture evenly across the packing.
This helps prevent channeling and uneven velocities which will reduce separa-
tions. An even withdrawal at the bottom of the column is also desired. The
effects of the volume of the piping, distributors etc. was analyzed in Section
Both upwards and downwards flow are used. Upward flow may fluidize
the particles in the bed causing attrition. Fluidization will not occur if (Ledoux,
Pf Ph dp g
where G is the mass velocity of the gas in and g is the acceleration due to grav-
ity. Fluidization can also be prevented with a holddown plate. The advantage
of upward flow is channeling is probably less of a problem particularly for
liquids. Downward flow is useful when a liquid must be drained from the
column prior to regeneration.
modest pressure drop and short mass transfer zones can be obtained by keeping
L/d~ constant. This means short colwnns packed with small diameter particles
with rapid cycling should be used. This is not yet a standard design procedure.
Standard design uses particles in the range of 0.1 to 10.0 mm with fairly long
colwnns (a few meters) and long cycles (minutes in PSA to days for thermal
If Ap, <lp and L are set, then vsuper can be determined from Eq. (8-22).
This allows determination of the appropriate column diameter since vsuper can
also be calculated from the required feed rate, F kg/hr.
F (8-61)
v =--
super Ac Pf
Diameter = -V ~ v F P =
super f
4 F ilL
7t Pf (Ap)specK d~
Note that feed rate F affects the diameter, but has little effect on column length
unless a rule of thumb is used to set the ratio L/Diameter. Usually, two or more
colwnns are used in parallel so that feed can be continuously processed while
one column is desorbed.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to satisfy the following objectives.
b. PSA
d. Desorbent Operation
a. Drying gases
d. Superloading
7. Discuss qualitatively:
8. Calculate column diameter and pressure drop, and determine the dimen-
sion of systems which will give the same separation, throughput and pres-
sure drop.
Basmadjian, D., K.D. Ha, and C.-Y. Pan, "Nonisothennal desorption by gas
purge of single solutes in fixed-bed adsorbers. 1. Equilibrium theory," Ind. Eng.
Chem .• Process Des. Develop .. 14, 328 (1975a).
Basmadjian, D., K.D. Ha, and D.P. Proulx, "Nonisothennal desorption by gas
purge of single solutes from fixed bed adsorbers. II. Experimental verification
of equilibrium theory," Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des Devlop,. 14. 340 (1975b).
Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena. Wiley,
~,1960,p. 196-200.
Chan, Y.N., F.B. Hill, and Y.W. Wong, "Equilibrium theory of a pressure
swing adsorption process," Chem. Eng. Sci., 36. 243 (1981).
Cooney, D.O., Activated Charcoal: Antidotal and Other Medical Uses, Marcel
Dekker, New York, 1980.
Faust, S.D. and O.M. Aly, Adsorption Processes for Water Treatment, Butter-
worths, Boston, 1987.
Fox, CR., "Removing toxic organics from waste water," Chem. Eng. Prog. 75,
(8) 70 (1979).
Garg, D.R. and J.P. Ausikaitis, "Molecular sieve dehydration cycle for high
water content streams," Chem. Eng. Prog. 79 (4),60 (1983).
Joshi, S. and J.R. Fair, "Adsorptive drying of toluene," Ind. Eng. Chem. Rsch,
27,2078 (1988).
Kohl, A. and F. Riesenfeld, Gas Purification, 3rd, ed., Gulf Pub. Co., Houston,
1979, Chapter 12.
Liapis, A.T. and D.W.T. Rippen, "The simulation of binary adsorption in con-
tinuous countercurrent operation and a comparison with other operating
modes," AIChE Journal, 25, 455 (1979).
Marchello, J.M., Control of Air Pollution Sources, Marcel Dekker, NY, 1976,
Michaels, A.S., "Simplified method of interpreting kinetic data in fixed bed ion
exchange," Ind. Eng. Chem., 44, 1922 (1952).
Perry, RH., and D.W. Green, (Eds.) Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
Reid, RC., J.M. Prausnitz, and T.K. Sherwood, The Properties of Gases and
Liquids, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977.
Sherwood, T.K., R.L. Pigford, and C.R. Wilke, Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1975.
Vatavuk, W.M. and R.B. Neveril, "Pan XIV: Costs of carbon adsorbers,"
Chern. Eng .• 131 (Jan. 24,1983).
Wankat. P.C., Large Scale Adsorption and Chromatography. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 1986.
Wankat. P.C. and Y.M. Koo, "Scaling rules for isocratic elution chromatogra-
phy," AIChE Journal. 34, 1006 (1988).
A. Discussion Problems
AI. Explain how feed can be continuously treated in a batch adsorption pro-
cess by using 2 colwnns. How would 3 colwnns be useful?
A2. Explain how each solute movement line in Figure 8-11 is calculated.
Sketch the concentration profile (concentration in column versus axial
distance) at the end of the feed step and at the end of regeneration.
A3. Sketch the concentration profiles in the columns which are adsorbing in
Figure 8-16. Explain why columns in series allows more complete use
of the bed.
A4. Explain in your own words how PSA works. Why is temperature often
close to constant?
A5. Figures 8-21 and 8-22a show recycle streams. Why might recycle be
A6. Explain in your own words the formation of constant pattern and pro-
portional pattern behavior. Why must the constant pattern wave move
at a velocity llm when v is constant?
A7. Sketch a co-flow regeneration system for drying a gas. Develop the
solute movement diagram for a nonlinear system for co-flow. Compare
this with Figures 8-lO and 8-11, and show that counter-flow regenera-
tion requires less energy.
b. Why does this process work best when the feed gas is very concen-
trated >3%?
d. Sometimes a short purge step with hot gas is added to the vacuum
purge step. What is the advantage of this? Would co-flow or
counter-flow vacuum be advantageous?
These systems are used for treating the gas saturated with gasoline
when storage tanks are filled.
A12. Explain how water can condense in a capillary even though the relative
humidity of the air is less than 100%.
B. Generation of Alternatives
B 1. Activated carbon is commonly used in water filters for home use.
These filters are typically mounted below the sink or on the countertop.
Examples of these systems can be seen at a hardware store, a plumbing
shop or a Sears store. One major difficulty with these units has been the
owner cannot tell when the unit is exhausted (in other words, he can't
tell when breakthrough occurs) except by tasting the water. Thus he or
she is likely to either discard the cartridge containing the carbon too
soon or keep it installed too long. Generate a variety of ways which
could be used to cheaply and easily determine when a new cartridge
should be installed (see Anon, 1983, for details of these units). Could
the homeowner easily regenerate the canister at home?
B2. Your boss has read a copy of this book. He wants to apply the process
intensification ideas of reducing particle diameter to an adsorption sys-
tem for removal of one adsorbate. List all the reasons you can think of
why this might be a bad idea. Briefly (1 sentence) explain each reason
on your list.
B3. Temperature swings in PSA processes can be 50°C or more for concen-
trated feeds. This is detrimental. Brainstorm at least five ways to
reduce these temperature swings.
C. Derivations
C8. Develop the solute movement diagram for superloading. The cycle
steps are: 1. feed, 2. superload, 3. counter-flow solvent, and 4. water
wash. Equilibrium is shown in Figure 18-22b for steps 1 and 2.
Assume solvent is not adsorbed. Assume that adsorption still occurs
when solvent is present, but is approximately 1/4 its value from water.
Note that the colwnn must be long enough to not breakthrough during
both steps 1 and 2.
a. If we operate at the same velocity, how long should the large unit
be? What is ~r ?
D3. We have a 100 cm long column packed with 0.1 mm diameter rigid par-
ticles. The fluid is water with a viscosity of ~ = 1 cpo Ee = 0.4. Find the
superficial velocity for a pressure drop of 100 cm water. Watch your
units. This corresponds to SEC with compressible gels.
D4. We have an adequate design using 1.0 mm diameter particles and 75%
of the bed is used (LILMrZ = 2). We wish to increase fractional bed
utilization to 85% and reduce pressure drop to 0.9 t.pold' Volumetric
flow rate is unchanged. We wish the new length to be 1/2 the old
length. What particle diameter is required? What is the required ratio
of (DnewlDold)? Assume pore diffusion controls.
D5. Your boss has decided that the ~p for Example 8-1 will be too high. He
wants Rp = 0.75. For the same particle size, same throughput, and the
same fractional bed use as Example 8-1, determine DnewlDold, LnewlLbed
and vncw/Vold'
D6. Repeat Example 8-4 with the following changes in the cycle:
Repressurization is done with pure hydrogen product gas
from 0 to 2 sees. (Counterflow to the feed).
D7. A PSA system is being used to remove traces of methane from hydro-
gen. The feed is 1.1 % methane and the remainder is H2 • Feed pressure
is 8.9 atm. Column operates at 28.2°C. At this temperature and at low
D8. We are testing the adsorption of unknown pollutants from water onto
activated carbon. Superficial velocity in the columns is 12 cm/min.
D9. Suppose in Example 8-3 that we want CA,band = 25 mM. What value of
Co is required? What are new values of cB,band, tA,band and ~,band?
Other parameters are same values set in statement for Example 8-3.
Fl. We wish to recover toluene from an air stream using activated carbon.
The toluene concentration is 0.30 vol. %. Air flow rate is 50,000 ft3
Ion exchange involves the exchange of one ion for another. A common
application is water softening where Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions are removed and
replaced by Na+ ions. Other common applications include water demineraliza-
tion, sugar refining, hydrometallurgy applications, and a variety of biological
separations such as protein fractionation. Ion exchange resins are also used for
adsorption, complexations and exclusion separations where ions are not
For monovalent ion exchange the ion exchange reaction for cations (positive
ions) is
In this reaction R- represent the fixed negatively charged ionic sites on the
resin. The oppositely charged ions, A+ and B+ are the counterions which are
exchanging. Ion X- of the same charge as the fixed group is called the co-ion.
The co-ions do not appear to enter into the reaction, but in some cases may
effect the exchange equilibrium. Equation (9-1) is for monovalent ion
exchange where all mobile ions have a single charge. An example would be
adding KCI to a resin in the Na+ form. The counterions are K+ and Na+ while
Cl- is the co-ion. Anion exchange will be similiar except anions X- and y-
will exchange and be counterions while cation A+ is the co-ion (see Problem
Concentrations in the fluid, C;, and in the resin, CR,i, are usually both
measured in equivalents per liter or equivalents/m3 based on the total column
volume. Note that some authors use actual resin volume for CR, and the two
definitions will differ by a (I-Ee) term.
Once the resin has been manufactured, the total resin concentration is fixed.
This is the concentration of negative charges in Eq. (9-1). Because of the prin-
ciple of electroneutrality (positive and negative charges match), Eq. (9-3) must
be satisfied. Thus as counterion B+ leaves the resin it must be replaced or
exchanged by another ion, A+. (Hence the name ion exchange). The total
ionic concentration, CT, can be changed by adding a more concentrated solution
to the column. Until this happens Eq. (9-2) must always be satisfied. Increas-
ing the ionic concentration in the feed will cause an ion wave in the column.
This is a wave where there is a change in the total ionic concentration CT. After
the ion wave, Eq. (9-2) is again satisfied, but with a new value for~.
Now the divalent ion takes up two fixed sites on the resin. An example is the
removal of Ca from water by exchanging it for Na+. Regeneration can be done
with a concentrated NaCI solution.
Equations (9-2) and (9-3) are still valid if CD and CRB are replaced by CD
and CRD. These equations are valid since the units are in equivalents. In equili-
brium equations it will be convenient to define the equivalent fractions of ions
in solution
Although different materials are used, the most popular backbone for ion
exchange resins is polystyrene. To make the resin insoluble the polystyrene is
cross-linked with divinylbenzene (DVB). The greater the percentage of divi-
nylbenzene the less the resin will swell when ions are exchanged, but the resin
will be tight and have low mass transfer rates. The range available commer-
cially is from 2 to 12% DVB. A common compromise is to use 8% DVB. The
polymer matrix serves to hold the functional side groups which give the resin
its fixed charge. By adjusting the chemistry of these functional side groups the
behavior of the resin can be changed. This is similar to changing the chemistry
of solvents in solvent extraction.
Resin beads are made in two forms: gel and macroporous. The macro-
porous resins are polymerized in the presence of a third component which is
insoluble in the polymer. After removal of the precipitate, large pores remain
in the beads. These pores make the inside of the beads more accessible to ions.
Macroporous resins can be particularly useful for large ions such as proteins.
Unfortunately, the macroporous resins are more expensive, have lower capa-
city, and are harder to regenerate than gel resins. For both types of beads the
external porosity is typically Ee = 0.38 to .40. Physical properties of gel type
resins are given in Table 9-1. Properties of macroporous resins are given by
Faust and Aly (1987).
Acidic resins have negative fixed charges and can exchange cations as in
Eqs. (9-1) and (9-4). Basic resins have positive fixed charges and can
exchange anions. Exchangers are also classified as strong or weak. Strong
resins are fully ionized and all the fixed groups are available to exchange coun-
terions. Benzene-sulfonic acid groups on a polystyrene-DVB polymer is the
Table 9-1. Physical Properties of Ion-Exchange Resins. (Miller et a11984, Vermeulen et ai, 1984)
Polystyrene HCI
-Sulfonic acid or H2 SO4
4%DVB 0.75-0.85 10-12 120- 0-14 1.2-1.6 30 or NaCI
8-10% DVB 0.77-0.87 6-8 150 0-14 1.5-1.9 30
Quaternary 0-7 -20 60- 0-14 1.3-1.5 17 NaOH
Ammonium 80
- tert-amine 0.67 8-12 100 0-7 1.8 17 NaOH
a. b. I. II.
c. CH - CH 2 - i - - t - Ct - CH 2 d. CH -CH -
12 2
@ I
HO 0 CH - CH - CH 2
/ 2 I
n N
CH 3
most common strong acid resin (Figure 9-1a). This is essentially an immobil-
ized sulfuric acid. The commercial resins have dry weight capacities of 5.0 ±
0.1 eq/kg. This corresponds to a typical wet capacity of CRT = 2.0 eq/L;
although this number will vary as the degree of swelling changes (see Table 9-
1). These resins are very stable and can commonly have 20 or more years of
The two most common strong base resins are also based on polystyrene-
DVB polymers. Now the positively charged fixed groups have a quaternary
ammonium structure. Two types are shown in Figure 9-1 b. Both of these
resins are fully ionized and are essentially equivalent to sodium hydroxide.
Typical wet capacities are in the range of CRT = 1.0 to 1.4 eq/L. The strong
base resins can degrade, and temperatures above 60°C are detrimental particu-
larly at high pH's. See Table 9-1 for other properties.
Weak acid and weak base resins are only partially ionized at most pH's.
In effect, this often results in a lower exchange capacity, but makes regenera-
tion easier. Since the weak resins can operate near the stoichiometric require-
ments of Eqs. (9-1) or (9-4), they require less regenerant than the strong acid
and base resins. This can be a major advantage; however, the weak resins are
not always applicable.
g 2.5
c No
Solution pH
Figure 9-2. Titration curves for weak acid resins in O.03M NaCI. A)
Acrylic acid, B) Methacrylic acid. (Anderson, 1979; p. 1-378).
Reprinted with permission from P.A. Schweitzer (Ed)., Hand-
book of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers, 1979.
Copyright 1979, McGraw-Hill.
A variety of speciality and selective resins are also available for particu-
lar applications. (Anderson, 1979; Calmon, 1979; Streat and Cloete, 1987).
Some of these resins have a very high selectivity of one ion because of selec-
tive chemical reactions or complexations. Additional details on ion exchange
resins are available in sources such as Anderson (1979); Arden (1968), Calmon
and Gold (1979), Dechow (1989), Dorfner (1972), Helfferich (1962), Kunin
(1960), Naden and Streat (1984), Rodrigues (1986), and Streat and Cloete
For the exchange of monovalent ions shown in Eq. (9-1), the law of mass
action gives an equilibrium constant
a b
Figure 9-3. Equilibrium curves for ion exchange. a. Monovalent exchange,
Eq. (9-11). b. Divalent-monovalent exchange, Eq. (9-15a).
Parameter is KDB CRT/cT
where the a;. are activities. Although this K is a true constant, this equation is
not easy to work with since the activities are not known. Activities can be
related to concentration by
where y is the activity coefficienL Substituting Eq. (9-9) into Eq. (9-8), assum-
ing X- concentrations and activity coefficients are constant and rearranging,
If we use Eqs. (9-5) and (9-6) the equilibrium can be written in terms of
the equivalent fractions of ions, x and y.
Equation (9-7) for binary exchange was used for the last equality in Eq. (9-
lOb). Note that KAB is essentially the same definition as a relative volatility or
as the separation factor for exchange adsorption (Eq. 6-16). If the activity
coefficients are constant, then solving for YA gives,
In this form Eq. (9-11) is the same form as the Langmuir isotherm, Eqs. (6-6)
and (6-12a). This is an important result. If KAB is constant, theories developed
for Langmuir adsorption can be used for binary monovalent ion exchange and
vice versa. KAB will be constant for dilute systems where all the 'Yi = 1.
The equilibrium curves for Eq. (9-11) are shown in Figure 9-3a.
Approximate values for KAB for both anions and cations are given in Table 9-2.
With weak base resins the resin structure can have a major effect on KAB (Clif-
ford, 1982). Equilibrium data can be checked for fit to Eq. (9-11) as in Eq. (6-
12b) and Example 6-1.
Thus, Table 9-2 can be used to find selectivities for a variety of pairs of ions.
If divalent and monovalent ions are exchanging as in.Eq. (9-4) the mass
action law gives an equilibrium constant
Introducing the equivalent fractions of ions from Eqs. (9-5) and (9-6), we
cRT)_ YD xB2
KDB ( - (9-14b)
Equilibrium now depends on the groups (KDB CRT/CT) and will change when
the feed concentration is changed. This effect is utilized in water softening and
is illustrated in Example 9-2. Substituting in the summation Eqs. (9-7), we have
1 xfi (9-1Sb)
l-YB (KDB CRT/~) (l-xB)
Equation (9-15a) is plotted in Figure 9-3b. Note that the curves are symmetric
around the y = x axis. These equations are also valid for anion exchange where
the charge signs on D, B and R are changed in Eq. (9-4). Note in Figure 9-3b
that the shape and relative selectivity can be changed by changing the fluid
concentration, Or. For more accuracy Eqs. (9-15a or b) are easily solved if
either xo or Yo are known (see Example 9-2). A nomograph is also available
(Vermeulen et oJ .• 1973).
Approximate values of KOB for strong resins are given in Table 9-2. A
large number of mass-action constants are reported by Marcus and Howery
(1975), and have been correlated by Vermeulen et al .• (1984). For exchange of
two divalent ions, E and D,
Thus Table 9-2 can be used to estimate the selectivity for a variety of ion
exchange systems.
where y and x refer to the equivalent fractions of the ion being studied. KE is
an exclusion factor to include the effects of Donnan exclusion and electroneu-
trality. If the ion is excluded KE = 0 while otherwise KE = 1. For the coun-
terions, A+, B+ and D++ in Eqs. (9-1) and (9-4), KE = 1. For the co-ions, X-,
KE is zero at low concentrations. The (I-Ee) P. term which appears in the
denominator in adsorption calculations (Eq. (6-23», is not required in ion
exchange since CRT is defined in terms of the total volume, and is in
equi valen ts/liter.
Equation (9-17) can represent either shock or diffuse waves. Figure 9-3
shows that when KAB > 1 or when (KOB CRT/Or) > 1 the equilibrium isotherms
have a favorable shape. Then shock waves will result if a solution with low
fraction of species A (or D) is displaced by a solution with a high fraction of A
(or D). This is exactly the same conditions which give a shock wave for
adsorption (see Eq. (6-30) and Example 6-2). For shock waves Eq. (9-17) is
where a refers to after the shock wave and b to before. Both before and after
the shock wave liquid and resin are assumed to be in equilibrium.
For monovalent ion exchange equilibrium data (YA vs XA) does not
depend on the total resin capacity, CRT, or the total fluid concentration, CT.
However, both shock and diffuse waves depend on the ratio CRT/CT. If CRT/CT
is high the resin capacity is large compared to the ionic concentration in the
fluid. Waves move slowly since sites on the resin are filled slowly. If CRT/cT is
low, the resin is easily saturated. The waves move quicldy in the column.
Regeneration usually uses this phenomenon. The ionic concentration of the
regenerant may be orders of magnitude higher than the feed concentration. The
column will then quicldy saturate with the regenerating ion and regeneration is
When the ionic concentration of the liquid is changed, an ion wave will
pass through the column. A simplified picture of the ion wave is that the resin
is already holding all the counterions it can. Counterions can exchange accord-
ing to Eqs. (9-1) or (9-4), but more equivalents cannot be held up or supplied to
the fluid. Thus, for an overall balance the ions are excluded and KE = 0 in Eq.
(9-17). The resulting ion wave moves at the interstitial fluid velocity.
Utotal ion = V
For concentrated solutions this picture is modified since some co-ions can
penetrate into the resin. The co-ions take counterions with them. Thus the
effective capacity of the resin is greater than CRT and Urotal im < v. This effect is
usually not large, and will be ignored in our calculations.
For monovalent systems the ion wave does not affect equilibrium, thus
xib = xia and Yib = Yia. The ion wave does change shock and diffuse wave velo-
cities following Eqs. (9-18) and (9-19), respectively. The pattern of shock,
diffuse and ion waves for monovalent ion exchange is illustrated in Example
9-1 and in Figure 9-4.
Since KKN. > 1.0 and the bed initially has a zero concentration of
K+, a shock wave will result when the feed is introduced. Equation (9-
18) can be used to calculate Usb. For this step Ks = 1, YbK = XbK = 0,
and the fractions after the shock are in equilibrium following Eq. (9-11)
with XaK = xFeed = 0.70.
From equilibrium,
(0.7)(1.54) = 0.782
Other values are: Ee = 0.4, CRT =2.38, CT = 0.2, KE = 1.0, YK.b = XK.b =
The diffuse wave for the first regeneration step uses Eq. (9-21b)
with Ee =0.4, CRT =2.38, CT = 0.2, KE = 1.0, and KKN. = 1.54.
Thus UK = ---45-.-8-15--
[1 + 0.54xKf
The total ion wave is Uu,tal ion = V = 12.5 starting at t = 20 minutes. This
is plotted on Figure 9-4a At the intersection points of the total ion
wave with the diffuse and shock waves these wave velocities change.
Thus we must recalculate Ush with CT = 1.0.
UK = ---=--~--
1+ 8.163
[1 + 0.54XK]2
The diffuse wave values are given in the table above. These changes in
slope are shown in Figure 9-4a
The solute movement diagram can serve as a guide for the exact
calculations. For example, for the shock wave point 1 on Figure 9-4a
can be calculated as the point of intersection of shock and ion waves.
Figure 9-4. Solute movement and concentration profiles for Example 9-1.
Ion exchange reaction:
K+ + R-Na+ + Cl- ~ Na+ + R- K+ + Cl-
That is,
or t:: 20.60 min and z = Utotal ioo (20.6 - 20) = 7.5 cm. Then point 2 at z
=L = 15 is the continuation of the shock wave but at a new value of CT
and thus a new shock velocity.
which gives t = 25.19 minutes. Similar calculations can be done for the
diffuse wave at different concentrations.
is satisfied since the outlet total concentration is 5 times the inlet total
Note that both K+ and Na+ have shock waves at the same time
and have diffuse waves at the same time.
If the column in Example 9-1 were longer, the shock and diffuse waves
would intersect. The peak concentration would decrease below XF = 0.7. Also,
the shock wave would become curved since x. and y. in Eq. (9-18) decrease.
When the total ion wave passes through the system, a mass balance on a
segment of the column shows that YD. = YDb' This balance is essentially the
same as the balance for thermal waves, Eq. (6-39a), but with Utotal ims = v
replacing uth (see Problem 9-C3). Although fractions on the resin are constant,
the equivalent fractions in the liquid change since Or changes. Equations (9-
15) can be used to calculate XD and XB after the total ion wave passes. These
calculations are illustrated in Examples 9-2 and 9-3.
Mass transfer and dispersion have the same qualitative effect on the
predicted breakthrough curves for ion exchange as they did for adsorption.
Thus the shock waves will be spread out and will form a constant pattern wave
as in Figures 8-1 to 8-3. This spreading can be predicted from the mass
transfer zone and constant pattern arguments discussed in Chapter 8. For
higher values of the particle diffusivity or smaller particles, mass transfer will
be more rapid and the breakthrough curve will approach the shock wave shape.
For diffuse waves the isotherm shape is usually the controlling effect Thus the
predicted diffuse waves will agree with experimental data except when mass
transfer is very slow (for example, with proteins).
The simple theory presented here is not applicable to systems with more
than two ions. More complex theories (for example see Helferrich and Klein,
1970; Aris and Amundsen, 1973; or Tondeur and Bailly, 1986) are required
since equilibrium depends on the concentration of all ions. These theories are
beyond the scope of this book.
A 100 cm long bed packed with a strong acid resin is saturated with a
feed with Or = 0.1 equivalents/liter. xH = 0.4 and XMg at 0.6. At t = 0
An ion wave will pass through the column at velocity
Equation (9-15a) can be used to find Yo before the ion wave. Since Xo
=0.6 is known, we can solve for Yo. The result is a quadratic
b=- [
K;B ~RT 'D 1 (9-22b)
The solution is
-b- ...Jb2=4
= ---:2:----
b [
=- 2+ 1]
(39.05) (0.6)/(0.4)2
. 3
Now Yo,. is known and we solve Eq. (9-15a) for xO,.' The result is
again a quadratic
X5 + b' Xo + I = 0
Note that the parameter KOB CRT/~ has changed values because of the
ion wave. The result from Eq. (9-22c) is XMg,a :;:; 0.8333.
This stream is now pushed out with a feed containing CT :;:; 0.8
and XMg = 0.6. The result will be a diffuse wave. The ion velocity is
given by Eq. (9-19) which is
UO,dif =-------- (9-25a)
1 CRT dyo
1 + - - - KE - -
Eo CT dxo
Z, cm
0 5 10 15
0.8 b
ouf 0.4
0 5 10 15
t, min
Figure 9-5. Solution to Example 9-2. a. Ion movement diagram. b. Outlet
Mg+ concentration in equivalents/liter.
xMg YMg UMg t= L/UMg CMg
0.8333 0.9207 0.5017 9.0678 11.028 min. 0.6666
0.700 0.85035 0.5567 8.371 11.9455 min. 0.56
0.6000 0.792 0.6128 7.7636 12.881 min. 0.48
If CT after the wave was high enough so that K MgH CRT/Or < 1, then a
shock wave instead of a diffuse wave would follow the total ion wave.
This is illustrated in Example 9-3.
Water softening usually uses a strong acid polystyrene resin with around
8% DVB for cross linking. Packed columns are used and regeneration is done
with concentrated salt (NaCl) solutions. The entire process is usually
automated. A good idea of this process can be obtained by looking at a home
water softener (try the local Sears store or a Sears catalog).
2 meters
26 wt% Wash
Noel Water
1 CRT K Y.,Ca - Yb,C.
1+ - -- E ----'----
Ec CT X.,C. - xb,Ca
Before the shock the column is in Llte sodium form. Thus Yb,C. == xb,Ca ==
Ush == 25 = 0.0113 cm/min
1+ (1)(2.0)(1.0)(0.8827)
(0.4) (1.1x1o-2) (0.1818)
where KE = 1.0 since ions are not excluded. Note the low velocity of
the shock wave. This occurs because the resin has a high capacity com-
pared to the liquid concentration, and the resin is selective for Ca++.
200cm .
IF = 00 3 I ' = 17,664 mm =294.4 hours
. 11 cmmm
The total ion wave moves at velocity v = 1.25 cm/min and takes
200 cm/(1.25 cm/min) = 160 min to exit.
When the ion wave passes, Ya.Ca = Yb.C. = 0.8827, but xc.
changes since CT has changed. Use Eqs. (9-15a) and (9-24) to calculate
1 CRT [ - Yb.C.j
1+- --KE
Ee CT X•.C. - Xb.C.
Wash: The wash step has v = 1.25. Since the salt contained in the void
volume is excluded (the resin is always at capacity), KE =0 and Uwuh =
v = 1.25. (This can also be considered another total ion wave which
gives the same result). The wash step requires 160 minutes; however,
we can start the wash step so that the wash wave exits shortly after the
regeneration shock wave exits. This saves time and regenerant solution.
% on stream time = 299.48 x 100 =98.3%
u sh
__~__ - L__ - '__ ~ __ T-1-
ush CT =0
Figure 9-6. Solute movement diagram for water softener for Example 9-3.
Ion exchange reaction:
Ion exchange is extensively used for recovery of metal ions. This is done
both in mining operations and in industrial reprocessing such as plating opera-
tions. Examples are recovery of uranium, copper, gold, silver, rare earths, and
transuranic elements (for example, see Naden and Streat, 1984 or Streat, 1988).
These applications often use moving bed systems which are discussed in
Chapter 10.
o 100 200 300 400 500
Elutoon volume. htr.
Figure 9-7. Use of ion exchange chromatography for commercial purification of albumin. (Curling et al.
1980). By permission ofPharmacia Fine Chemicals AB, Uppsala, Sweden.
Very large scale applications of ion exchange may not use packed bed
systems. In these cases the moving bed systems discussed in Chapter 10 are
Ion exchange resins are also used for separations where ion exchange
does not occur. For example, (the polystyrene-DVB resins will adsorb many
organic compounds from water. Macroporous resins are normally used. These
adsorption applications were covered in Section 8.6.5.
UNC = --1---- (9-26a)
1 + - X Kci,NC
where X is the volumetric fl'dction of the swelled resin taken up by water, and
Kci.Nc is fraction of the volume available to the non-charged molecules. Note
that at high concentrations X and ~,NC will be a function of the ionic concen-
tration. The factor (X Kd,Nc) can be treated as a distribution coefficient which
needs to be determined experimentally. At low concentrations the co-ions are
excluded by the Donnan exclusion effect and stay in the external void fraction
l1co-ion = v
Obviously, the co-ions move faster and can be separated from the non-charged
molecules. Because of electroneutrality, a counterion must move with the
excluded co-ions.
O.S 0.10 Vo (0 )
0.0 L-_-'-----<Dl--'--.iI2lI>---L-_---""'-_----L_---'
00 05 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
1.0 ~----------------,
0. 25Vo (b)
U 0.6
U 04
00 L-_.L---(£(ll.-<lII!llo!::.L..02m:~-----.:;.!lnL_ __l
o0 L-_"-----~'-LDl"'-----'-----=:u----'-""W----.J
00 05 10 15 2.0 2.5 30
Thus, at low concentrations the local equilibrium dispersion model, Eqs. (7-12)
and (7-13) can fit the outlet concentration profiles. To do this we modify V
from Eq. (7-12c) to
V= (Acz) [Ee + Kci,NC X]
The (l-Ee) term in Eq. (7 -12c) disappears since CR is based on total bed
volume. Equations (7-12a), (7-12b) and (7-13) are unchanged. Superposition
principles are valid and the equations for differential pulses (Eqs. (7-15) and
(7-16a,b» are valid. For small pulses and hence low concentrations this dispet-
sion model fit the glucose data shown in Figure 9-8a (Neuman et aI, 1987). For
larger pulses (higher concentrations in the column) X ~,NC varies and the
model did not fit as well. This model is applied to ion exclusion in Problem 9-
D8. With appropriate data Rosen's model (Section 7.8) can also be used to
model ion exclusion at low concentrations.
where <I> is the induced electrical potential, <1 is the concentration in moles/liter,
Zj. the electrical valence and ~ the ionic mobility. For ideal solutions the
mobility can be determined as
where F is Faraday's constant. Equation (9-29) is also valid inside the ion
exchange resin.
The net flux is the sum of diffusional flux and the electrical transference
F (9-30)
J.1 =J.1 dif +J.1 e1cc =-D·(V'r.
1 "'l
1 1 RT 'I'
Even very small deviations from electroneutra1ity will produce strong electrical
fields. If one counterion diffuses faster than the other counterion, the excess
flux produces an electrical field. This field slows down the faster counterion
and speeds up the slower counterion. The net result is the two fluxes (in
equivalents) will be equal, and Eq. (9-32) is satisfied
where the effective diffusivity is given by the term in brackets in Eq. (9-33).
Note that the effective diffusivity is concentration dependent. If CA <: CB then
D ef:f =D A while if CB <: CA. D ef:f =DB. Thus the ion of lowest concentration
controls the transfer.
and ~ from Eq. (8-17a). For ion exchange D mp in Eq. (8-17a) is replaced by
D off from Eqs. (9-33) and (9-34).
If the effective diffusivity is not constant, then k.n will be concentration
dependent. Unfortunately, this is often the case. For instance, if an ion
exchanger is exchanging ions with different diffusivities, the rates (or k.n
values) for loading and elution will be different Exchange rates are faster
when the faster species is initially on the resin (Helferrich, 1962). Theoretical
methods for these cases are beyond the scope of this book.
The design of packed bed ion exchange columns is similar to that of adsorption
columns, except the large volume changes which may occur must be designed
for (see Table 9-1). The simplest way to allow for expansion and contraction is
to leave free space above the packing. When the resin swells, it moves up to
occupy the free space. For easy separations such as water softening this
approach works well and is inexpensive. The extra mixing which occurs in the
free space and because of resin movement is relatively unimportant. The free
space can either have a water or an air dome (Anderson, 1979). Water dome
operation is simpler, but involves more mixing. Some free space is also useful
for backwashing the column. If the feed step is done with downward flow, the
column will fluidize when backwashed. This is useful for removing suspended
solids and other crud which will tend to clog the column.
Distribution is very important to prevent channeling, and to minimize
dilution. If the feed mixture is denser than the wash liquid, downard flow of
the feed with a water dome works well. The denser feed will flow from the dis-
tribution pipes and layer directly above the resin. There will be minimal mix-
ing of the feed with the liquid in the water dome. The distributors should be 1
to 2 inches above the resin when the resin is fully expanded. Feeds which are
less dense than the wash liquid will mix with the liquid in water dome opera-
tion causing significant dilution. Air dome operation is used to minimize dilu-
tion. In an air dome the liquid layer is kept 1 to 2 inches above the resin layer.
This requires continual adjustment since the resin bed moves up and down.
Since it is much simpler to operate, water dome operation is more common.
Typical beds are from 1 to 3 meters long although special short beds a
few cm long using fine mesh resins are available (Eco- Tech, 1983-84; Brown
and Fletcher, 1988). The wider the bed the more important fluid distribution is.
Once resin swelling has been designed for, scale-up is straightforward. The
period of cycles may have to be greater than some minimum time such as 20
minutes to allow the resin time to swell and shrink during the cycle. Since the
heat effects balance in an exchange reaction, large systems can be designed
directly from laboratory data. If care is taken to have good liquid distribution,
the large scale system will often preform better than the lab unit
2. Derive the equilibrium expressions from the mass action law. Explain the
difference in equilibrium between monovalent exchange and divalent -
monovalent exchange.
3. Use ion movement theory for binary ion exchange. Determine the effects
of changing total ion concentration.
4. Describe and use ion movement theory for the following processes:
a. Water softening
b. Demineralization
5. Use both ion movement and dispersion models for ion exclusion.
6. Discuss the effect of electrical fields on mass transfer. Apply the solutions
of Chapter 8 to ion exchange when the effective diffusivity is constant.
Anderson, R.E., "Ion-exchange separations" P.A. Schweitzer (Ed.), in Hand-
book of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers. McGraw-Hill, NY,
1979, Section 1.12.
Anon., "Hard water may lower heart disease risk," Chem. Eng. News. 30, (Sept.
24, 1985).
Arden, T.V., Water Purification by Ion Exchange. Plenum, New York, 1968.
Brown, CJ. and CJ. Fletcher, "The Recofto short bed ion exchange process,"
in M. Streat (Ed.), Ion Exchange for Industry, Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester,
England, 1988, 392-403.
Calmon, C. and H. Gold, (Eds.), Ion Exchange for Pollution Control, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1979.
CalmoD, C., "Specific ion exchangers" in C. Calmon and H. Gold (Eds.), Ion-
Exchange for Pollution Control, Vol. II, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,
Curling, I.M., I.H. Gerglof, S. Ericksson, and I.M. Cooney, "Large scale pro-
duction of human albumin by an all-solution chromatographic process", Ioint
meeting of the 18th Congress of the International Society of Heamatology and
the 16th Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, Aug. 16-22, 1980.
Dorfner, K., Ion Exchangers, Principles and Applications, Ann Arbor Sci.
Pub., Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.
Eco-Tec, Ltd., "Eco-Tee ion exchange systems", 1983 and "Recofto - A break
through in water deionization systems," 1984,925 Brock Rd. South, Pickering
(Toronto), Ontario, Canada, LIW 2X9.
Faust, S.D. and O.M. AIy, Adsorption Processes for Water Treatment, Butter-
worths, Boston, 1987, Chapt 10.
Miller, S.A., J.D. Darji, and A.W. Michalson, "Liquid-solid systems - ion
exchange and adsorption equipment," in R.H. Perry and D. Green (Eds.),
Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
1984, 19-40 to 19-48.
Neuman, R.P., S.R. Rudge, and M.R. Ladisch, "Sulfuric acid-sugar separation
by ion exclusion," Reactive Polymers, 5,55 (1987).
Sherwood, T.K., R.L. Pigford, and C.R. Wilke, Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill,
NY, 1975, Chapt. 10.
Streat, M. (Ed.)., Ion Exchange for Industry, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, Eng-
land, 1988.
Tondeur, D. and M. Bailly, "Design methods for ion exchange processes based
on the equilibrium theory," in A. Rodrigues (Ed)., Ion Exchange: Science and
Technology, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers BV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Vermeulen, T., G. Klein, and N.K. Hiester, "Adsorption and ion exchange," in
R.H.Perry and C.H. Chilton, (Eds.), Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 5th ed,
McGraw-Hill, NY, 1973, Section 16.
Vermeulen, T., M.D. LeVan, N.K. Hiester, and G. Klein, "Adsorption and ion
exchange," in R.H. Perry and D. Green (Eds.), Perry's Chemical Engineer's
Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1984, Section 16.
Wheaton, R.M. and W.C. Bauman, "Ion exclusion. A unit operation utilizing
ion exchange materials," Ind. Eng. Chern., 45, 228 (1953).
A. Discussion Problems
AI. As in any field, ion exchange has its own jargon. Define the following
a) counter-ion
b) co-ion
c) electroneutrality
d) Donnan exclusion
e) cation
t) anion
g) strong and weak exchangers
h) selectivity coefficient
i) water softening
j) demineralization
k) mixed beds
1) water dome and air dome operations
01) ion exclusion
n) effective diffusivity
A2. Write the reactions analogous to Eqs. (9-1) and (9-4) for anion
A3. Table 9-2 gives KAB and KDB with selectivities compared to Li+ and
a-. Explain how to determine selectivities with respect to other
cations or anions. For example, what is KDB for Ca++ - Na+?
A4. In Example 9-1 and Figure 9-4 the shock and diffuse waves will inter-
sect if the column were longer. What happens to the peak concentration
when this occurs? If the column is very long what is the ultimate peak
A5. Why must cation and anion exchange resins in a mixed bed be
separated before regeneration?
A7. In binary ion exchange if one ion has a diffuse wave the other ion must
also have a diffuse wave. The same is true for shock waves. Explain
why this is true.
A8. Explain the differences between size exclusion chromatography and ion
exclusion chromatography.
C. Derivations
Cl. Equilibrium expressions for monovalent ion exchange and for divalent
ion exchange are derived in the text Derive the equilibrium equation
corresponding to Eqs. (9-11) and (9-15a) for trivalent-monovalent ion
exchange with the following reaction:
C3. Derive the result that YD,. == YD,b when a total ion wave passes through a
column undergoing divalent-monovalent exchange.
C4. For divalent-divalent ion exchange show that the equilibrium expression
is the same as for monovalent-monovalent ion exchange (that is Eq.
(9-11» if KAB is constant
C6. Derive the equilibrium expression for the general ion exchange reac-
01. A strong base (fype II) ion exchange resin has a resin capacity of CRT
= 1.2 eq/L. The total ionic concentration of the solution is 2.0 eq/L.
Generate the eqUilibrium curves for
a. C~ , OIr exchange
02. A strong base resin is being used to exchange NO) with cr. The resin
capacity is CRT = 1.25 eq/liter. The column is initially in the NO) fOnTI.
At time t = 0 minutes a feed which has XNo, = 0.6 enters. This contin-
ues for 10 minutes. Then a feed with xNO, = 0 enters. The total ionic
concentration is ~ = 0.85 eq!liter throughout the process. The column
is 0.55 meter long. Superficial velocity is 12 cm/min. Ee = 0.4. Predict
the outlet concentration profiles for NO) and for cr. Use Table 9-2 for
equilibrium data. Use ion movement theory.
Data: CRT = 2.1 eq/L, Ee = 0.4, KE = 1.0, and selectivity constants are in
Table 9.2.
D4. A strong acid resin is being used to exchange Ca++ and Mg++. The
resin has a capacity of CRT = 2.0 eq/liter. The column is initially in the
calcium fonn. The column is 1 meter long, has a superficial velocity of
10 cm/min, and Ee = 0.39. The fluid has a total ionic concentration of
~ = 1.0 eq/liter which is constant At t = 0 a feed which has an
equivalent fraction of 0.95 Mg++ and 0.05 Ca++ is introduced into the
column. This continues until t = 30 min when the feed becomes 0.05
fraction Mg++ and 0.95 Ca++. Use equilibrium from Table 9-2. Predict
the concentration profile for calcium using ion movement theory.
D5. Lapidus and Rosen (Chern. Eng. Prog. Syp. Ser. 50 (#14), 97 (1954))
studied the breakthrough of Na+ on Dowex 50X4 resins initially in the
W fonn. For Na+ concentrations> 120 x 10-3 meq/ml constant pattern
behavior was observed. Equilibrium data could be fit by the equation n
= 60.6c/(1 + 60.6c) where c = meq Na+ in solution/ml and n = meq Na+
on resin/mt. The mass transfer expression was
dn •
- =kf~ (c-c )
where kf~ was measured as 3.0 ml/(min)(meq) for 50 to 100 mesh par-
ticles (dp = 0.446 mm). With a flow rate of 11.0 ml/min in a 15 cm
long, 1.4 cm ID column containing 11.65 grams of packing, cleF = 1/2
when 335 ml had passed through. Feed concentration CF = 173 X 10-3
meq/ml. Ee = 0.4.
a Calculate L MrZ •
Use the Constant Pattern equations, but be careful with your units.
D7. A strong-acid resin bed is saturated with an Ag+ solution XAG = 1.0 at
CT = 004 eq/L. We wish to remove this Ag+ solution with a concen-
trated acid solution (W) with CT = 2.5 eq/L and XH = 1.0. Predict the
outlet concentration profile of Ag+ in equivalents/liter. Information:
Co-ion is C1-, vsuper = 20 cm/min, e,. = 0.39, CRT = 2.1 eq/L, Column
length = 75 cm. Use Table 9-2 to predict selectivities.
Three different types of staged systems with countercurrent flow of solids and
fluid are currently used commercially for removal of one solute. Since the bed
on each stage is fluidized, particulates in the feed will pass through without
clogging. Sieve tray columns with downcomers are used commercially for sol-
vent recovery from dilute air streams using activated carbon (Anon, 1977;
Wankat, 1986). An example is shown in Figure 10-1. The solid is fluidized on
~ Adsorbent How
AdSOQJ110r. <
l Steam 10r
- Gas Hft hot-!
_~~ Preheat ~ng tube
De"QrpllQn j
~ct!or; ~
1 t
each stage and flows like a liquid on the stage and into the downcomer. These
systems were first commercialized in the 1950's, but were plagued by exces-
sive attrition and loss of the carbon. A special very hard, spherical activated
carbon is now used and it is claimed that this prevents excessive attrition.
Stage efficiencies as high as 90% have been reported in commercial units.
a t b c +
.t~~ •.
'l~ - -
t.:-. -: t ~.
Lb --
t ~
Figure 10-2. Intennittant counter-current flow of solid and fluid. a. Solid
fluidized while fluid flows. b. Fluid flow stops while solid set-
tles. c. Pulse of fluid carries solid down to next stage.
Wesselingh and van der Meer, 1986). These systems are used for large-scale,
continuous, countercurrent ion exchange for recovering metals and could be
applied in biotechnology. During upflow of the liquid the solids on each stage
are fluidized. To transfer the solids down the fluid flow is stopped, the solids
are allowed to settle, and then a pulse of fluid is used to push the solids down.
This type of operation is illustrated in Figure 10-2. The time dependence of
concentration in a four stage Ooethe-Streat contactor is shown in Figure 10-3
(Dodds et al, 1973). Each stage repeats the same concentration profile each
cycle (this is a cyclic steady state.) The operation is not continuous, but closely
approximates continuous countercurrent operation. The number of stages
required or the separation obtained can be estimated from staged models such
as a McCabe-Thiele analysis. A variety of other intennittent, pulsed movement
systems with packed beds during liquid flow are used for continuous ion
exchange (see the next section).
One advantage of the pulsed, intennittent flow contactors is solids and
liquid flows are decoupled. Liquid flow rates are chosen to fluidize the solid
resin without eluting it from the bed. For loading columns (columns receiving
the feed) linear fluid velocities in the range from 15 to 23 m/hr are used com-
mercially in uranium processing (Cloethe, 1984). Any desired flow rate of
3 5
c 3
c 2
0.0391- *-
o 10 t 20 305
solids can be obtained by adjusting the time for liquid flow in step A of Figure
10-2. Ratios of liquid flow rate/solid flow rate as high as 300 are commonly
used in the uranium mining industry. Such a large ratio would be very difficult
to maintain in a continuous countercurrent system. These systems can also
treat feeds containing up to 10% suspended solids. Design details and
The third type of staged system uses mixers followed by filters, screens,
or settlers to separate the resin and liquid. These systems are used for waste
water treatment with powdered activated carbon where only one or two stages
are required. Agitated staged systems are also used in processing of gold and
uranium ores where the feed can contain up to 40% finely suspended solids
(Bansal et al, 1988). In this latter case large resin particles are used so that the
resin is easily separated from the suspended solids. Similar systems are used
for the batch ion exchange purification of biologicals such as proteins
(Dec how , 1989). The stirred tank does not clog with particulates such as cell
debris. After the resin is loaded, it is often transferred to a column for gradient
elution of the desired solutes. Treybal (1980) discusses agitated tank adsorbers
in considerable detail.
All of these staged systems can be designed using the procedures used
for other countercurrent staged systems. If the system is isothermal, the design
is conveniently done on a McCabe-Thiele diagram which is very similar to the
McCabe-Thiele diagrams for absorbers and strippers. (e.g. Brian, 1972; Ruth-
ven and Ching, 1989; Treybal, 1980; Wankat, 1988) A steady-state staged
adsorber is shown schematically in Figure 10-4. Since the flow rate of clean
adsorbent plus fluid in the pores, S kglhr, is constant and the flow rate of carrier
gas or non-adsorbed solvent, G kglhr, will often be constant, it is convenient to
use mass or mole ratio units. Then solute mass ratio on the adsorbent is q kg
solute/kg clean adsorbent plus pore fluid, and in the fluid the mass ratio is Y kg
solute/kg solute-free fluid. In these units the adsorbent flow rate and the carrier
gas or solvent flow rate are constant
With these constant overall flow rates, the solute mass balance for the balance
envelope shown in Figure 10-4 is
Sqo + GYj+1 = GY 1 + SC}j
This balance includes solutes in the pores with q. Thus eqUilibrium must
p, T constant
include the solute in the pores with the amount of solute adsorbed which is
essentially a single porosity model. The ratios q and Y can also be in units of
moles solute/kg without changing Eqs. (10-1) to (10-3). Equation (10-2) is
easily put in the form of an operating line by solving for Yj+1'
Y .... 1
= -GS <J.i
+ (Y1 - -G qo)
This is the equation for a straight line since S/G is constant The McCabe-
Thiele diagram is now easily developed on a Y vs q diagram. This is shown in
Figure 10-Sa. Note that the equilibrium curve requires both isobaric and isoth-
ermaloperation. Stage efficiencies can be included in the analysis.
The loaded solid from the adsorber is then sent to a regenerator. Since
less solute is adsorbed at higher temperatures and lower pressures, the regen-
eration is done by operating at higher temperature and/or lower pressure. Thus
the mass balances are given by Eqs. (10-1) and (10-2), and the operating line is
again Eq. (10-3). Only the concentrations and the equilibrium curve change.
The result is shown in Figure lO-Sb. The outlet mass ratio Y 1 from the regen-
erator is usually much higher than the inlet mass ratio into the adsorber. For
1j ,p
Figure 10-5. McCabe-Thiele diagram for adsorption. a. Loading step. b.
Regeneration step.
Fluid flow rates in regenerators are usually much lower than in adsorbers.
With very low gas flow rates the stages will not fluidize properly. Thus regen-
erators usually use compact moving beds such as those shown in the bottom of
Figure 10-1. For liquid systems the intermittent fluidized bed system shown in
Figure 10-2 is commonly used for the loading step in ion exchange. The regen-
eration is usually done in a compact moving bed. The staged model and
McCabe-Thiele diagrams can be applied to compact moving beds if an HE1P
is measured. Then the length of moving bed required is
(N) (HE1P) =h
Although this method is commonly used, a theoretically more satisfying
approach is to use the mass transfer analysis discussed in Section 10.2.
For ion exchange and exchange adsorption the systems will be isother-
mal. Stage-by-stage or iterative matrix methods are easily employed for these
isothermal systems. If the selectivity Kij is constant, multicomponent systems
are easily analyzed using a non-iterative algorithm (Wesselingh and van der
Meer, 1986) which is the same algorithm used for distillation with constant
relative volatilities (e.g. see Wankat, 1988, Chapter 8). If the operation is not
isothermal, then the simple analyses shown in Figures 10-5a and b are not
applicable. In this case energy balances must be included. An exact stage-by-
stage calculation requires a trial-and-error solution which will be similar to
those for non-isothermal absorbers (Treybal), 1980; Smith, 1965). Alterna-
tively, the matrix approach used for absorbers can be applied to staged
adsorbers (e.g. Wankat, 1988, Chapt 15).
a b
Figure 10-6. Batch staged sorption. a. Apparatus. L,xo and S,qo are initial
charges. b. McCabe-Thiele solution.
Lxo + S qo = Lx + Sq
Solving for q, we obtain
L L (10-6)
This is a straight operating line as plotted in Figure 1O-6b. Mter a long period
of operation, equilibrium will be reached. Then the final values, <ltin and Xfin
are at the intersection of the operating line and the equilibrium curve (see Fig-
ure 10-6b). If mass transfer is slow and equilibrium is not reached, a mass
transfer rate analysis is required. Equations (10-5) and (10-6) and Figure 1O-6b
are also applicable to a continuous steady state stirred tank if L and S are flow
1.0 gIL. Inlet resin contains 0.25 g glucose/L. The ratio of volumetric
flow rates of resin/solution is 2.5 (L resin/hr)/(L solution/hr). Find the
number of equilibrium contacts required.
We will illustrate the solution using both the McCabe-Thiele
method and the Kremser equation. From Problem 6-04 equilibrium is q
= 0.51 c where q and c are in gIL. Assuming that volumetric flow rates
of resin, V R L/hr, and of solution, Vs L/hr, are constant, we obtain the
mass balance
for the column shown in Figure 10-4. This leads to the operating equa-
Staged Solution
The equilibrium and operating lines are shown in Figure 10-7. Step off
stages. Need 7 equilibrium stages.
Kremser Solution
The Kremser equation is easily applied to this problem since
operating and equilibrium lines are straight. Many forms of the
Kremser equation are available (e.g. see Wankat, 1988). In the units of
c, giL 6
qlN 2 3 4 5 6
q, giL
Figure 10-7. Solution to Example 10-1.
this problem the Kremser equation for the number of equilibrium con-
tacts N is (modification of Eq. (15-30) from Wankat, 1988),
N = In [ rII ---
m Vs]
[CN+1- c.7 ] + -
Cl -Cl
m Vs
1/ [In -
Several types of moving bed systems are commonly used commercially. With
granular activated carbon for waste water treatment pulsed beds are often used.
An example is shown in Figure 10-8a (Storm, 1981). The bed acts as a packed
bed during the upward liquid flow step. Then intermittently, the solid is pulsed
downward and part of the carbon is removed and sent to a kiln for regeneration.
The solute movement theory for operation of a pulsed bed is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1O-8b. The feed is stopped (time fp) before breakthrough. The carbon
removal pulse has a length Ip. This pulse moves the mass transfer zone back to
the starting position, and the feed is started again. This requires that
where fp is the feed period between pulses. Note that at time fp all of the car-
bon removed is completely saturated. Since the pulsing introduces additional
mixing, pulses are usually quite small. Typically, L/lp is about 20. The result-
ing operation is then very close to a continuous countercurrent contact. The
pulsed beds can usually be operated at considerably higher flow rates (5 to 9
gpm/ft2) than beds in series (3 to 7 gpm/ff) or single beds (1 to 4 gpm/ft2)
(Hutchins, 1981). Thus, although they are somewhat more complex than a
packed bed, the pulsed bed systems can be smaller and cheaper.
The Asahi system shown in Figure 10-9 (Arden, 1968; Dechow, 1989;
Rodrigues, 1986; Slater, 1980; Streat, 1981; Wankat, 1986) is commonly used
for ion exchange systems. During the feed step (Figure 10-9a), the upward
flowing water pushes the resin against the top grid and a dense packed bed is
formed. Treated water exits at B, and ball valve D is pushed shut which
prevents addition of more resin. A small amount of feed water is used to push
resin out of cone C into the resin hopper for the next unit. To pulse the resin
a ~
~ ~
~-=~~....- ____ -. HEADER
T b
o tp
Figure 10-8. Pulsed bed system. a Equipment for activated carbon waste-
water treatment (Storm, 1981). Reprinted with permission
from J.R. Perrich (Ed.)., Activated Carbon Adsorption for
Wastewater Treatment, 1981. Copyright 1981, CRC Press. b.
Solute movement diagram.
Resin to
succeeding unit
(a) (b)
Figure 10-9. Asahi system for moving bed adsorption and ion exchange.
(Alders, 1968). a. Fluid flow step. b. Addition of new resin.
Reprinted with permission.
downwards, valve A is shut (Figure 1O-9b). Resin now drops due to gravity
and valve D opens allowing fresh resin into the vessel. Since a normal ion
exchange cycle consists of feed, regeneration and wash steps; three columns
are required for the Asahi system. Since the three columns have different func-
tions, they are optimized separately. The loading column has a high flow rate
and operates with a slowly moving constant pattern wave. This column can be
wide and short. The regeneration column will have a very low liquid flow rate,
and this column is narrow. Since a diffuse wave occurs during regeneration,
the regeneration column is usually quite long. Washing can be done in a single
mixed tank. The Asahi system has been used extensively for water treatment
and in sugar refining.
O•• rf1ow
Pul ..
Rinse watf'r
Resin \teflon
flo ..
Regen"lnt In
resin acts as a packed bed in the treaunent, rinse and regenerant sections, but is
fluidized in the resin reservoir section where the resin is backwashed to remove
suspended solids. The solids movement step uses a counterflow pulse of water
to push the resin. The Chem-Seps system has been extensively used for water
treatment and hydrometallurgical processes.
A variety of other systems have been developed. Regenerators have
quite low liquid flow rates and satisfactory intennittent operation can be
obtained in empty pipes (Wankat, 1986). Pulsed upward flow of the solid
appears to work well. Fluidized beds can be used when affinity is very high,
but there tends to be considerable mixing if the bed is not stabilized
(Lochmuller et ai, 1988). Truly continuous plug flow of solids can be obtained
in magnetically stabilized fluidized beds. (Rosensweig, 1979; Lucchesi et ai,
1979; Burns and Graves, 1985, 1987). In these systems either magnetic parti-
cles are used as the sorbent or a mixture of magnetic beads and a non-magnetic
sorbent are used. The flow of the particles is stabilized with a magnetic field.
The advantages of this system are that true plug flow without mixing can be
attained and particulates in the feed will not clog the bed as they will in packed
or dense moving beds. Unfortunately, the magnetically stabilized systems have
proven to be difficult to scale-up and have not yet been commercialized. This
technology has been applied both to gas and liquid systems and to adsorption
and chromatography systems. It's major use may be in medium-sized equip-
ment for biotechnology. Other designs are reviewed by Slater (1981), Streat
(1980) and Wankat (1986).
where x is the adsorbate mass fraction in the fluid and YE is the fluid concentra-
tion in equilibrium with the solid. The overall mass transfer coefficient K is
based on the interfacial area per unit volume, "P, between solid and fluid. K
can be estimated from a sum of resistances model such as Eq. (8-19a), while 3p
is given by Eq. (8-14) for spherical particles.
h xin
h- Jdz - AclCap
L J dy
(x - XE)
o "out
h = (HTU)(NTU)
HTU= AclCap
NTU= J dy (1O-12c)
YoupL S
r- -,
I I b
t-.- ~t~IdZ
Figure 10-11. Mass transfer analysis for moving bed systems. a Schematic
of column. b. Determination of y - YE. c. Graphical integra-
tion to determine NTV.
shown in Figure 10-11a. The operating equation resulting from this mass bal-
ance is,
S S (10-13)
X= L q+xout - L <tin
Both the operating fUld equilibrium curves can be plotted on a McCabe-Thiele
type diagram of x versus q. This is shown in Figure 10-11b for adsorption.
The value of (x - XE) is easily detennined as the difference between the operat-
ing and equilibrium curves. The NTU integration can be done graphically,
numerically, or using Simpson's rule. The graphical integration is shown in
Figure 10-11c. Simpson's rule will be
Xin - Xout
1[ x - 1 XE
Xin + x-
Xin+Xout + _1_
2 x- xE
IXout 1 (10-14)
Additional accuracy can be obtained if more complicated forms of Simpson's
rule are used, or if the integral is divided into parts.
then the integration can be done analytically. This result is known as the Col-
burn equation.
NTU = [
~lIn {(1-
mL) [ Xin - (mQm + b)
S Xout - (mQm + b)
1+ mL}
To use Eq. (1O-12b) for design the value of the HTU must be known.
This requires a value for Kap. The value of Kap can be determined experimen-
tally or from correlations such as Eqs. (8-15) and (8-17a). In correlations the
velocity should be the relative velocity between the solid and fluid.
This analysis includes fluid in the pores with the solid phase. Thus the
equilibrium isotherms must also include solute in the pore fluid along with the
adsorbed solute. An alternate analysis is to treat the adsorber as a three phase
contactor (solid, pore fluid and external fluid) (Wankat, 1986). In most cases
the analysis presented here will be adequate. The most serious limitation of
this analysis is the isothermal assumption. Non-isothermal systems can be
modeled numerically (Liapis and Rippin, 1979).
Data for moving bed systems is relatively scarce. Burns and Graves
(1987) present the following results for human serum albumin (HSA)
sorption by Cibacron Blue F3GA attached to calcium alginate-
magnetite beads in a magnetically stabilized fluidized bed.
Feed Concentration = 0.2 mg HSA/ml solution
Input solids = 0.0 mg HSA/g solids
Fluid flow rate = L 10 mVmin
Solids flowrate = S = 0.5 g/min
L kci
K=S ~= 1.6
where kci and Ie. are desorption and adsorption rate constants.
Percent HSA adsorbed = 56%
Bed Length, h = 8.0 cm
0.2 -- I - - ---.-- --,--- ----,--
C mg/ml C-C E
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
q. mg/g
NTU= J dc
em + Caul
were 2 = 0.2 +20.088 =.
0 144
- 0.112 [_1_
NTU - 3
0.088 + (0.144 - 0.0896)
+ 1
(0.2 - 0.179)
NTU- [ 1mL
- 1-5
1 {[1 - -1
In mL
1+ -
The solute movement theory can be applied to this system. The solute
wave velocities calculated from Eq. (6-23) or (6-24) were with respect to a sta-
Figure 10-13 . Counter-current separator for fractionation of two solutes.
tionary solid. The appropriate fluid velocity is then the interstitial fluid velocity
relative to the solid. Thus
vsupa: (10-18)
V= - - + IVlolid I
where vsupc:r is the superficial fluid velocity and Vso\id is the superficial solid
velocity. Now Us calculated from Eqs. (6-23) or (6-24) is the solute velocity
with respect to the solid The solute velocity which an observer will see is
obtained by subtracting the solids velocity
(10-19) = Us - IVsolid I
u..ccis positive when the solute flow is up the column and negative when it
flows down.
Vsupcr.l = Vsupcr.2 + F/(PfAc)
where the product and feed flow rates in kg/min are shown in Figure 10-13.
Since vaUpel" changes, will change from zone to zone. In addition, if the
desorbent affects the adsorption of solute then the equilibrium constant A(T)
will vary from zone to zone and will change. This latter effect is very use-
ful, but is not necessary to make the counter-current column work.
UA ce.l , UA ce.2 > 0 > UA ec,4
s 4
Figure 10-14. Solute movement diagram in continuous countercurrent
column for linear isotherms.
UB <:<:,3 > 0 > uB ce,l , uB ce.Z
Equations (10-21) and (10-22) are an important result since they control the
operation of the continuous counter-current column. These equations are valid
for both linear and nonlinear isotherms. For nonlinear systems the solute velo-
cities are obviously concentration dependent (see Problem 1O-C5). If the sys-
tem will work, there are ranges of values for P 1 , Pz and D for a given feed flow
rate which will satisfy these inequalities. In actual practice it is desirable to
choose the flow rates so that all the inequalities are as large as possible.
The appropriate solute waves are shown in Figure 10-14. In the ideal
case at steady state there will be no solute A in zones 4, 2 or 3 and no solute B
in zones 1,3 and 4. Because of dispersion and finite mass transfer rates solute
A will appear in zones 4 and 2, and B will be in zones 1 and 3. The size of the
zones required depends on these dispersion and mass transfer rate effects. In
addition, any axial solid or fluid mixing caused by non-perfect flow will require
a larger column. Extreme mixing or channeling can destroy the desired separa-
The solute movement theory does not include mass transfer effects. This
can be done using the steady-state counter-current theory of mass transfer dis-
cussed earlier. A staged analysis can also be used. When there are two adsor-
bates and a diluent. the analysis will be similar to fractional extraction analysis
(e.g. see Brian, 1972; or Wankat, 1988, Chapter 16).
Currently, there are no announced moving bed systems being used com-
mercially for fractionation. If separation is easy, other separation techniques
such as distillation have been cheaper. If separation is difficult, mixing of the
solids must be minimized. Unfortunately, this has been very difficult. New
developments such as the magnetically stabilized fluidized beds discussed
briefly in Section 10.2 may eventually solve these problems.
t t t
/~ /// /// Product
/// /// Pro ///
/// Pro duct ///
- duct
/// /// ///
t t t
tl to t2 t2 to t3
Figure 10-15. Simulated countercurrent system.
The first simulated counter-current system was the Shanks system which
has been applied to leaching, adsorption and ion exchange. The Shanks system
uses a series of columns with plumbing arranged so that feed can be input and
product withdrawals removed from any column. Thus the counter-current
separator shown in Figure 10-13 can be simulated. A modem adaption of the
Shanks process simulating the system shown in Figure 10-13 has been exten-
sively commercialized by Universal Oil Products (UOP) (Broughton, 1984-85;
Dechow, 1989; Ruthven and Ching, 1989; Wankat, 1986; Storti et ai, 1989).
UOP used a pilot plant scale system which is a series of columns for scaling up
their commercial scale units. The commercial UOP simulated counter-current
process, Sorbex, uses a single column with many packed sections and has a
rotating valve for distributing feed, desorbent and products. This is shown
schematically in Figure 10-16. The UOP process was first commercialized as
Molex for separation of linear paraffins from branched-chain and cyclic hydro-
carbons using 5A molecular sieves (see Table 6-1). Since then, processes for
p-xylene purification (parex), olefin separation (Olex), and separation of fruc-
tose from glucose (Sarex) have been commercialized. Pilot plant scale separa-
tions for a variety of other problems have been demonstrated. A large number
of patents have been granted on simulated moving bed systems.
The Universal Oil Products system works very well, but is complex and
expensive. The rotary valve in particular is expensive since it must be custom
.----..... A
.---..... 8
Figure 10-16. Universal Oil Products Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) System.
designed and machined. Simpler and hence cheaper systems are also commer-
cially available and are commonly used for separation of fructose from glucose.
One such arrangement is shown in Figure 10-17 (Wankat, 1986). Here there is
one column per zone. Thus, the approach to a truly countercurrent system is
only approximate, but the system is simple. The system shown in Figure 10-17
requires 4 solenoid valves per column. In commercial columns a fifth valve
may be added to allow bacldlushing the resin.
In the second analysis the observer fixes himself on the ground and he
sees the solid as stationary. With the fluid flowing up the column, he sees all
the inlet and outlet ports move up the column at discrete times. When a port
A -+--4 j 3 4
5 (\ 7 8
<;) 10 11 12
D ~~--~------7---L------7--~------'-~
F ~)__~*_1_3________*~14_________*~15________~*16
Figure 10-17. Arrangement for 5MB with one column per zone and four
zones. (Wankat. 1988).
Zone Inlet Valve Open Outlet Valve Open
I 13,14,15 or 16 1,2,3 or 4
n none none
III 9,10,11 or 12 5,6,7 or 8
IV none none
Reprinted with permission from P.C. Wankat, Large Scale
Adsorption and Chromatography, CRC Press, 1986. Copyright
1986, CRC Press.
reaches the top of the column, it recycles back to the bottom. In between the
shifting of port locations, the adsorber is a fixed bed system. Thus the solute
wave velocity can be determined from Eqs. (6-23) or (6-24). The fluid veloci-
ties in each section will differ. The superficial fluid velocities are given by Eq.
(10-20) and the interstitial velocity v equals vsuper/Ee. The shifting of ports does
not shift the solute waves, but does change the wave velocities since it changes
I 3 14
.L _B Prod_ 3 _ _
I ~-.L
Z 3 1 4 14
2_ _BProd_l_ ~ _1_ ~ _1 ____ 1_
2 3 3 4 I4 II
B Prod l i D 1 1 A Prod
- -I 3-1 --I 4" T~-I~
3_ _I _ D_ _I _ -.L ~ A Pro6Y ~ _ 1_
3 1 4 1 4 117 1 I 12
D I I A Prod 1 A 1 A+ B 1
I--t~ Recycled
which zone the solute is in. This is illustrated in Figure 10-18. If the desorbent
changes the equilibrium constants, this will also change the solute velocities.
Note in Figure 10-18 that the movement of both species is up, but the
more strongly adsorbed solute B moves down with respect to the port locations.
Feed would be introduced continuously at the port marked A + B, but was illus-
trated for only one time period. The zone numbers corresponding to Figure
10-13 are shown on Figure 10-18. The fluid velocities and hence the solute
velocities are different in each zone. When fluid reaches the top of the cascade
it is recycled to the bottom. Thus the solute waves are also recycled. If the
timing of the switches is appropriate, solute A will appear in zones 1,2 and the
lower section of zone 4, and solute B will appear in zones 1, 2 and the upper
section of zone 3. Solute A goes into zone 4 since only a portion of the fluid is
withdrawn as product Pl' Solute B goes into zone 3 because of the switching
of ports. Dispersion and mixing effects will naturally spread out the solute
waves in each zone. Figure 10-18 needs to be studied carefully since the simu-
lated countercurrent motion is somewhat subtle.
where lport is the packing height between ports and fp.m is the time between
switches of ports. The conditions to achieve separation are then
UB,3 > \lport,avg > UB,l , ~,2
These conditions follow the same order as Eqs. (10-21) and (10-22).
for each zone requires a detailed time-dependent model (Ruthven and Ching,
1989; Storti et ai, 1989).
moving bed they involve moving the solids without mixing. Currently, the
simulated counter-current systems have been the preferred choice for large-
scale adsorption installations to fractionate two solutes.
A. Define. The 5MB will have the 4 zones shown on Figure 10-13.
We need to find product velocities, superficial velocities in each zone,
Iport, and product concentrations.
110.1 and 110.2 and check if Eq. (10-24) is satisfied. Detennine a 110,4
which also satisfies Eq. (10-24). Then detennine vsupc:r,4. The product
withdrawal rates can be detennined from Eqs. (10-20). This procedure
gives a set of feasible operating conditions, and does not give optimum
operating conditions.
Vsupcrj vsupc:rJ
upJ = Eo + (1- £0) Ap = 0.4 + (0.6) (0.88) = 1.078 vsupcrj
1Ig,4 19.0
vsupcr,4 =- -=
= 1342
. cm/mm
F. Generalization. This is clearly not the only solution and not the only
solution method. To see the effect of some of the arbitrary choices
made in the solution, I tried the following alternate set:
Each of the contacting methods discussed in this chapter has different design
considerations. Fluidized plate columns such as the Cloethe-Streat contactor
must operate within certain hydrodynamic limits (Wesselingh and van der
Meer, 1985). The lower limits are the fluid velocity must be greater than the
minimum fluidization velocity, and the velocity in the holes of the sieve plate
must be greater than the settling velocity of the largest resin particles. If we
d* =dp/dnt , dnt = [
]1/3 (lO-26a)
g (pp - Pr)
* = vIvref • vref =
[g(Pp - Pr)V ]1/3 (lO-26b)
where v is the kinematic viscosity and g is the acceleration due to gravity, then
the settling velocity is
v~ =0.25d* 3 < d* < 30
v:cwm g = d*2/18 d* < 1 (Re < 1)
Equation (1O-27a) is in the normal range of diameters for ion exchange parti-
cles and leads to vsettling from 2 to 3 cm/s.
Since usually At.olJAc. s 0.05, the hole velocity is significantly greater than the
superficial velocity. If Vhole is less than vsettling given by Eqs. (10-26) and (10-
27) weeping will occur. Either the number or size of holes can be decreased.
Wesselingh and van der Meer (1985) suggest 0.3 cm holes in laboratory
columns and 1.2 cm larger systems.
A good rough estimate which is easier to use is (Wesselingh and van der Meer,
vmf == 0.02 vsettling
This limit is usually not a problem since holdup becomes too small before Eq.
(10-30) is satisfied. As the fluid velocity increases, the fluidized bed expands
and holdup decreases. Thus, extremely high stages may be required to hold
enough resin for mass transfer. Wesselingh and van der Meer (1985) suggest
that holdup is too low if
The pressure drop of the bed is the same as the pressure drop in a packed
bed when vsupe:r < vrnf. Thus, Eqs. (8-22) and (8-23) can be used to calculate
~p. Once the bed fluidizes dP = dP (Vrnf) is a constant
where vsolid is the superficial velocity of the solids and n can be determined
5-n [ d· ] (1O-32b)
n-2.5 = -=;-
This last equation leds to n - 5 for small particles and n - 2.5 for large particles.
Wesselingh and van der Meer (1985) give a graphical solution for Eqs. (10-
32). At the minimum fluidization velocity e - 0.6.
The 5MB is really a packed bed, and the packed sections are designed as
packed beds. The regions between packed sections and the valve network
shown in Figures 10-16 and 10-17 have to be designed to minimize
extracolumn volume and mixing. Because it is a fixed bed, the 5MB will filter
out suspended solids and eventually clog if there are suspended solids in the
feed. The moving bed systems all have the advantage that some suspended
material can be processed.
The purpose of this chapter was to introduce you to moving bed and simulated
moving bed adsorption systems. At the end of this chapter you should be able
to meet the following objectives.
3. Use a stage model for design of staged moving bed systems and for
approximate design of both continuous contact moving bed and simulated
moving bed systems.
4. Use the mass transfer analysis to design isothermal moving bed systems.
Anon., "Beaded carbon ups solvent recovery," Chem. Eng., 39 (Aug. 29,
Bon sal, R.c., I.-B. Donnet, and F. Stoeckli, Active Carbon, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1988.
Ermenc, E.D., "Designing a fluidized adsorber," Chem. Eng .• 68, (11), 87,
Ford, M.A., "The simulation and process design of NIMCIX contactors for the
recovery of uranium," in D. Naden and M. Streat (Eds.), Ion Exchange Tech-
nology. Ellis Horwood Pub., Chichester, England. 1984, p. 668 to 678.
Higgins, 1.R. and RC. Chopra. "Municipal waste effluent treatment," in C. Cal-
mon and H. Gold (Eds.), Ion Exchange for Pollution Control, Vol. II, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1979, Chapt 7.
Liapis, A.I. and D.W.T. Rippin, "The simulation of binary adsorption in con-
tinuous counter-current operation and a comparison with other operating
modes," AlChE Journal. 25.455 (1979).
Lochmuller, C.H., C.S. Ronsick. and L.S. Wigman, "Fluidizied bed separators
reviewed: A low pressure drop approach to column chromatography,"
Preparative Chromatography, I, 93 (1988).
Lucchesi, P J., W.H. Hatch, F.X. Mayer, and R.E. Rosensweig, "Magnetically
stabilized beds. New gas solids contacting technology," Proc. 10th World
Petroleum Congress, Vol. 4, SP-4, Heyden & Sons, Philadelphia, 1979,49.
Neuzil, R.W. and R.H. Jensen, "Development of the Sarex process for the
separation of saccharides," paper 22d, AIChE meeting, Philadelphia, PA (June
6, 1978).
Treybal, R.E., Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
van der Wiel, J.P. and J.A. Wesselingh, "Continuous adsorption in biotechnol-
ogy," in A.E. Rodrigues et al (Eds.), Adsorption: Science and Technology,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1989.
Wankat, p.e., Large Scale Adsorption and Chromatography, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 1986.
Wesselingh, J.A. and A.P. van der Meer, "Counter-current ion exchange," in A.
Rodrigues, (Ed.), Ion Exchange: Science and Technology, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers BV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1986,289-318.
A. Discussion Problems
AI. In your own words explain how the intermittant transfer system shown
in Figure 10-2 gives counter-current flow. What advantages might this
method of operation have compared to using continuous fluidized beds.
A3. Study Figure 10-18. Relate solute movement in Figure 10-18 to zones
in Figure 10-13 and to concentration profiles shown in Figure 10-19.
A4. Relate Eqs. (10-21) and (10-22) to Figures 10-13 and 10-18.
AS. Show how to include a Murphree efficiency based on the fluid phase in
Figures 1O-5a and 10-5b.
A6. Show that the units in Eq. (10-2) are correct for a solute mass balance.
A7. Explain why the curvature of the isotherms in Figures 1O-5a and 1O-5b
are the opposite of those shown in Figures 6-3b and d even though they
could represent the same adsorption system.
A8. Write a time schedule for switching the valves in Figure 10-17 to simu-
late a moving bed.
A9. Sketch a system similar to Figure 10-17, but with 8 columns (2 per
zone). Explain the time schedule used for switching the valves. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of this system compared to Figure
A12. Film mass transfer rates in fluidized beds are usually lower than those in
packed beds. Explain why.
C. Derivations
C2. Convert the Kremser equation to the appropriate units for a staged
adsorber with a linear isotherm.
C3. (Challenging!) The staged and solute movement theories agree qualita-
tively. Show that this is true for complete removal of a single solute in
a moving bed system for linear isotherms.
Hint: Start by comparing the slopes of the operating and equilibrium
lines in Figure to-5a to achieve Y1 - o.
C4. Derive the equation to relate Y to c.
C5. Expand Eqs. (10-21) and (10-22) or Eqs. (10-24) and (10-25) to include
the concentration dependence of the solute velocities. Using a typical
favorable equilibrium isotherm, explain why satisfaction of this set of
equations is more difficult for nonlinear systems than for linear systems.
Dl. A staged adsorber (as shown in the top section of Figure to-I) is used
to adsorb propane from hydrogen on a silica gel at 40°C. The adsorber
operates at a total pressure of 2 atmospheres. Inlet silica gel is pure (q =
0). Inlet gas is 0.10 mole fraction propane. Outlet gas should contain
0.005 mole fraction propane. Use a S/G = 1.5 x (S/G)min, and determine
the number of equilibrium stages required. S = kg/hr clean silica gel, G
=kg/hr of H2 •
Equilibrium data was given in Problem 6-D1 for a single porosity
D4. A staged contractor is being used to soften water. The feed contains 2.0
meq/L Ca+2 and 9.0 meq/L Na+. A strong acid resin with CRT = 1.7
eq/L is used. A Murphree stage efficiency based on liquid concentra-
tions of 80% is expected. The system has four real stages. Entering
resin is entirely in the Na+ fonn. We desire an outlet product which is
0.01 meq/L Ca+2 • What ratio (liquid flow rate/solids flow rate) is
Equilibrium data is available in Table 9-2.
D5. The resin from Example 10-1 is regenerated in a staged contactor with 4
equilibrium stages. The inlet resin concentration is qo = 4.52 gIL while
outlet is <IN = 0.25 gIL. Entering solution is pure hot water. At the
higher temperature of operation equilibrium is q = 0.05 c. What value
of VR/Vs is required?
D6. Example 10-2 presented one set of data from Burns and Graves (1987).
For another experiment under different condtions they found:
Feed concentration = 1.0 mg HSA/ml solution
Input solutes = 0 mg HSA/g solids
Fluid flowrate = 10.0 mVmin
Solids flowrate = 0.5 g/min
L kci
K= S k;=3.1
% HSA adsorbed = 25%
Bed length, h = 5.0 cm
Find NTU and HTU. Speculate on why H1U increased.
D8. A 4 zone 5MB is being used to separate pyrene and anthracene. The
system will have one colwnn per zone. Each of the 4 columns is 150
em long. The value of lp = 937.5 s. Eo = 0.37. Measurements in a
packed bed give solute velocities: 1lp = 0.0664 v and UA = 0.1066 v.
Isotherms are linear. The following superficial velocities are used:
c solute concentration
Cp specific heat
fc friction coefficient
F force, Newtons
F Faraday's constant
I current, amps
kT thermal conductivity
L length, m
N number of plates
P power, watts
r radial direction, m
R resolution
R resistance, ohms
Rp radius, m
t time,s
T absolute temperature, K
electroosmosis velocity
v voltage, volts
w width, m
~ coefficient volumetric expression, Eq. (11-11)
6R p shear boundary is at Rp + ~p
11 viscosity
The theory of electrophoresis is well understood. but can rapidly become quite
complex. We will first start with a physical picture of the basic reasons why
We will use SI units for electrical terms. Great care must be taken when
comparing with equations in other units since the equations may differ. Some
of the SI conversions are listed in Table 11-1. The proportionality factor
1/(47t Eo) for Coulomb's law is required for SI units, but does not occur in other
charge move towards the anode (the positive pole). The acceleration caused by
this electrophoretic attraction is opposed by friction, electrophoretic retardation
and a relaxation effect At steady state the sum of the forces is zero and the
particle moves at a constant migration velocity u. This is usually written as
NH z - C -COOH
There are only five principal bases in polynuc1eotides all of which are purines
or pyrimidines (see Lehninger, 1970 for details). Since the phosphate groups
are usually very negatively charged, the polynuc1eotides usually migrate to the
anode. The polynuc1eotides often have an almost constant charge-to-size ratio,
and thus sieving gels are used to utilize frictional forces (see Section 11.2.2.).
where Q is the net charge on the molecule or the particle. The primary force
which deaccelerates the particle is the friction force
Friction Force = - fc u
where fc is the friction coefficient For spherical particles at very low Reynolds
numbers in free liquids fc can be determined from Stokes law
where Tl is the viscosity of the medium and Rp is the radius of the particle or
molecule. In stabilizing media such as gels or paper fc needs to be determined
For isolated ions we can set the sum of these two forces to zero. Solving
for velocity, we have
QE (ll-4a)
QE (11-4b)
zeE (11-4c)
Comparing Eqs. (11-4c) and (11-1), we obtain the mobility of an isolated ion
Note that viscosity should be in Pa·s (Ns/m2) = 0.001 centipoise so that units
Potential '"
Figure 11-1. Potential around a negatively charged particle. a. Schematic.
b. Potentials at different values of 1(.
which is shown in Figure ll-Ib. The potential at the surface of the sphere. '1'0'
where Q is the total charge on the particle and SI units are being used. The
term lC
is the Debye-Huckel constant. The summation tenn is twice the ionic strength.
In this equation e is the elementary charge which is 1.602 x 10-19 coulombs,
NA is Avogadro's number 6.02 x 1023, Ci,o is the bulk molar concentration of
the ion, Z is the charge number of the ions including the sign, E is the dielectric
constant of the medium, k is the Boltzmann constant, 1.38066 x 10-23 JIK, T is
the absolute temperature, and Eo = 8.85 x 10-12 Coulomb2 /Joule m. The units
of x: are m-1 • This can be seen by writing out the SI units in Eq. (11-6).
(lOOO ~) (C? (_1_) ( mole)
m3 mole L
(C2 /lm) [ ~ 1K
The thickness of the double layer is imprecisely set at 1/x: (see Figure 11-1 b).
Then KRp is the ratio of the particle diameter to the thickness of the double
layer. Typical values of 1/x: in aqueous solution are (Overbeek and Bijster-
bosch, 1979): c = lO-5 M, 1/K = 1.0 x lO-7 m; c = lO-3 M, 1/ K = 1.0 x lO-8 m,
and c = lO-1 M, I/K = 1.0 x lO-9 m.
Electrophoretic Retardation Force = [41t Eo ECR p f(x: Rp) - QJE
Values for f(K Rp) at various values of ~ are given by Hiemenz (1986). For
small particles with ~ < 0.1 this simplifies to Huckel's solution.
Electrophoretic Retardation Force = [41t Eo E~p - QJE
There is a fourth force which occurs because the double layer is distorted
since the charged particle and the ion atmosphere move in opposite directions.
The distorted atmosphere exerts a force on the particle which is known as the
relaxation effect. If we are willing to assume that the relaxation effect is negli~
gible, we can easily determine J.1. This assumption is usually made in
simplified treatments, but more exact numerical solutions include the relaxation
effect (Overbeek and Bijsterbosch, 1979). We sum Eqs. (11-2) and (1l-1), and
solve for J.1. The general result is
For free solution systems at low Reynolds numbers Eq. (11-3) can be inserted
forfe in Eqs, (l1-B). The general result is
Eo £ ~ (11-9c)
Note that some references present these equations in cgs units. The cgs result
can be obtained by dividing Eqs. (11-9) by 41t Eo.
H+ 36.2 x 1~
C~ 8.13 x 10-4
Rb+ 8.03 x lQ-4
K+ 7.67 x lQ-4
NH:t 7.6 x 10-4
CH3 NH! 6.0 x 10-4
(CH3 hNH! 5.4 x 10-4
(CH3h~ 4.8 x 10-4
(CH3 )4 W 4.7 x 10-4
Li+ 4.02 x lQ-4
(C ZH S )4 W 3.6 x 10-4
(C4 H9 )4 W 2.0 x 10-4
N0 3 -7.4 x 10-4
cr -7.9 x 10-4
Br- - 8.1 x 10-4
OH- - 20.5 x 10-4
From these equations we can deduce quite a bit about the electrophoretic
behavior of a molecule or particle. From Eqs. (11-9) and (11-1) it is clear that
particles are retarded by high viscosities, and particles with higher CJX>tentials
move faster. The dependence of the CJX>tential on operating variables can be
deduced from Eqs. (II-Sa) to (11-6). Remember that Cis the value of 'I' at the
shear boundary (r=~+~). The value of '1'0 and hence Cincreases as the
charge Q increases or the particle radius Rp decreases. For practical purposes C
and hence J.l and u are proportional to the charge to size ratio Q/Rp. Since the
net charge Q on a molecule is very dependent on the pH, C, J.l, and u are very
dependent on pH. Both the thickness of the double layer, 11K, and Cdecrease
rapidly as the concentration or the valence of the electrolytes increase. Increas-
ing temperature increases 1/K and hence ~ and decreases the viscosity 11, and
thus both J.l and u are increased. Of course, temperature is limited by the stabil-
ity of the molecule and convection effects.
[ (1000) (1.602 x 10-19 )2 (6.02 x 1023 ) (0.01)
(8.85 x 10-12 ) (78.30) (1.38066 x 10-23 ) (298.16)
which gives
[0.89 x 10-
3 N: 1 (1 x 10-9 m2/sV)
~= m = 0.001284 N Jm
(8.85 x 10-12 C2/Jm) (78.30) V C2
which is
~ = 0.001284 +-
= 1.284 x 10-3 V
where I is the current in amps, V is the voltage in volts, and R is the resistance
in ohms. Then the power consumption P is in joules/sec = watts. This power is
dissipated by heating the electrophoresis cell. This I2R heating is undesireable
since the local differences in temperature causes local differences in density
and hence convection cells. In addition, large increases in temperature may
destroy fragile biochemicals.
The amount of convection depends upon the value of the Grashof number.
Gr = p2 ~ g h3 ~T = Pg h3 ~p (11-13)
T\2 T\2
The second equation in both Eqs. (11-12) and (11-13) is obtained by substitut-
ing in Eq. (11-11). In these dimensionless groups p is the average fluid density,
g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is a characteristic length such as the half
distance between parallel plates or the pore radius, kT is the thermal conduc-
tivity, Cp is the specific heat of the fluid, O"c is the electrical conductivity in
l/(ohm-cm), and ~T is a characteristic temperature difference. The Grashof
number is the ratio of buoyancy to viscous forces while the Rayleigh number is
the Prandtl number (Cp T\/kT) times the Grashof number. For very small Ray-
leigh numbers there will be no convection, while for larger Rayleigh numbers
convection occurs. The critical Rayleigh number depends on the geometry
(Ostrach, 1977). The convection becomes stronger as the Grashof number
Equation (11-9c) is used because the wall can be considered as a particle with
infinite radius and hence KRp is very large. The effect of electroosmosis is to
reduce the separation. The amount of reduction depends upon the geometry
and will be discussed in Section 11.2. Electroosmosis can be reduced or elim-
inated by using walls or gels which have no residual charge. This can be done
by coating the walls with a material such as methylcellulose which has a very
low zeta potential.
a Cover
(±) ~=~:::~~:=:=:=37/L
Anode ......... """""L--l-c
Bridge e
Cooling Plate
that Joule heating can be removed. The gel layer is kept quite thin (usually less
than Smm) to have better heat dissipation and for increased mechanical
strength. The entire apparatus is covered to control evaporation and for safety
reasons (high voltages may be used). A variety of modifications to the basic
apparatus are used, but they do not change the function of the device. These
modifications include the use of vertical slabs or tubes, and two-dimensional
methods (see Sections 11.2.5. and 11.2.6.).
applications the solutes need to be Ittovered from the gel. Recovery can be
done by scrapping some of the gel into a beaker, by blotting onto paper, or by
eluting electrophoreticall y or with flow. The final concentrations observed will
have a Gaussian shape as shown in Figure 11-3b. (see Section 11.2.3).
b. CH 2 =CH
a. CH2 -CH
given by Andrews (1986) and Blackshear (1984). The gel slab can be polymer-
ized with a gradient in pore size so that molecules will slow down and eventu-
ally stop when they reach a limiting pore size. This is called pore limit electro-
phoresis (Gianazza and Righetti, 1979).
stacking gel. The theory behind this method is explored in Section 11.3.) The
sample is then concentrated in the stacking gel. The separating gel operates at
a higher pH which causes the glycine to dissociate and hence move faster. In
the separating gel the glycine move immediately behind the chloride and the
sample molecules separate as in zone electrophoresis. Andrews (1986) and
Blackshear (1984) give recipes for the gels and buffer solutions.
Another common method used for PAGE is to treat proteins with sodium
dodecyl sulphate (SDS) (see Figure 11-4c). This method was first developed
by Maizel (1966) and modem methods are spelled out by Andrews (1986) and
Blackshear (i984). When a solution of proteins at pH 7 is treated with 1 w/v%
SDS and O.IM mercaptoethanol to destroy disulfide bonds, the polypeptide
chain is unfolded and the protein is converted to a rod-like molecule. What is
remarkable is that with very few exceptions 1.4 grams of SDS will be bound to
each gram of protein. The result is that each protein is converted into a com-
plex with the same charge-to-mass ratio, and all complexes have essentially the
same electrophoretic mobilities in free solution. The SDS-protein complexes
are different sizes and can be separated on the basis of protein size by using the
sieving property of polyacrylamide gels. SDS-PAGE is commonly used as an
analytical method and to estimate relative masses. The method is also used to
look for subunits since breaking the disulphide bonds breaks apart subunits.
Other gels are also used for electrophoresis. Agarose gels are used
because they can have larger pores than polyacrylamide gels and thus can
separate larger molecules. Agarose is a polymer of D-galactose and 3,6 anhy-
drogalactose. The repeating unit in agarose, agarobiose, is shown in Figure
11-4d. The alternating sugar groups are substituted with sulphate, methoxyl,
pyruvate, and carboxyl groups, and this substitution has a major effect on the
gel properties. Chains are held together by hydrogen bonds. For vertical slabs
an agarose concentration as low as 0.8 w/v% can be used. Molecules as large
as 50x106 molecular weight can migrate into the gel. For horizontal slabs con-
centrations as low as 0.2 w/v% are mechanically stable and will admit
molecules as large as 150xl~ molecular weight into the gel. Agarose gels are
commonly used for electrophoresis of DNA. The agarose gels do contain sul-
phate and carboxylic acid groups which are charged and can cause elec-
troosmosis. This can be minimized with an alkali pretreatment. In addition,
the properties of agarose gel are very temperature dependent and precise tem-
perature control is important to obtain reproducible results. Agarose gels are
used in pulsed electrophoresis which is discussed in Section 11.2.5.
Polyacrylamide-agarose composite gels are sometimes used for electrophoresis
of RNA, DNA, and large proteins. The composites have intermediate proper-
The first gel used for gel electrophoresis was starch (Smithies, 1955).
Starch is cheap and easy to use, but is not commonly used today. It is difficult
to control pore size with starch and there are negative side chains which can
interact with the protein and cause electroosmotic flow. Recipes for starch gel
electrophoresis are given by Andrews (1986).
Filter paper was the first anti-convective medium used for zone electro-
phoresis. The filter paper replaces the gel in Figure 11-3a. This method is con-
venient and simple, but has disadvantages. The paper has fixed negative
charges which interact with proteins and cause electroosmotic flow. An
advance over paper is the use of cellulose acetate membranes since the
hydroxyl groups have been esterified. Cellulose acetate membranes are advan-
tageous for analysis since the membrane can be made transparent with a
mineral oil of the appropriate refractive index.
shown in Figure 11-3b. The net velocity observed by a molecule is the sum of
electrophoretic migration and electroosmotic flow.
unet = J..l V /L + J.l.osm V/L
~L (11-17a)
tR.i = ZJ~ = ~ + J..losm) V = lexper
O'f,i = 2 D eff,i tR.i = 2 D eff,i lexper
where Deff is the effective axial dispersion coefficient in the electrophoresis
system. Combining Eqs. (11-17a) and (11-18), we obtain
Equation (11-19) can be combined with Eq. (7-26b) with a migration distance
~ to obtain.
2 2
[~~ + JJum ~ ]2lcxper (1l-20)
Ni = Zdcri = W L
= W
Note that as long as the value of V/L is high a large N is achieved. The time of
the experiment. lcxpcr. is usually set so that the fastest migrating species travels
a distance L. This is often a dye added as a marlcer.
L L2
lcxper = - - =
+ ~m V
This result is somewhat suprising since it says that the efficiency of the electro-
phoretic system (Ni) does not depend on the migration length~. Note that if
we let the marker dye determine L or lcxpcr. then the marker we choose helps
determine N. Equation (ll-21b) implies that the marlcer should have a mobility
close to that of the sample. The easiest way to increase N in electrophoresis is
to increase the applied voltage V.
Generauon I
. 0 f pates NI' 2 D eff.l·
= - - = -::-----'---"""]""2
t...., r ~ +~ ~
where Eq. (11-20) was used. The higher the generation of plates the more
efficient the device is.
In these equation J..I.i is the electrophoretic mobility of species i; and jl, N, and
Deff,;are the arithmetic average values. Note that resolution can be increased
by increasing V.
The experiment is run at E = 125 volts/em for 2.5 hours. Assume the
width of the feed well is very small. Determine the location of the
peaks (distance from feed well), the peak widths, and the resolution of
the two proteins.
This problem is a straight forward application of the theory
developed in this section. The migration distance is:
which is
0-[; = 2 D err lR,i = (2) (1.5 x 10- 7) (2.5) (3600) = 0.0027 cmz
which gives 01,i = 0.0520 cm which is the same for both proteins.
1 V texper Ih 1 [
R = 4" L [ 2 D err ]
(Jll - IJ.z) = 4" E 2 D eff (Jll - IJ.z)
which is
Antigen Zones Feed Well
e ~~ ~ 0 ~~ 8
Trough Preci pitate
j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Standards Samples
upon the antigen concentration in the feed. Thus, the method can be made
quantitative by running a series of standards of known antigen concentration at
the same time as the unknown samples are run.
phoresis. Free solution electrophoresis can also be done with zonal develop-
ment and in small capillaries. The application of free solution electrophoresis
of most interest to chemical engineers is continuous two-dimensional electro-
phoresis which is discussed in Section 11.2.7.
The use of a free solution is essential for electrophoresis of very large
molecules such as some proteins, RNA, and DNA. (Molecules of molecular
weight less than 150 x 106 are usually done in agarose gels.) In addition, the
electrophoresis of particles must be done in free solution. This is of particular
importance for the separation of whole cells. In free solution electrophoresis
there is no gel or paper to stabilize flow. To prevent convection thin chambers
are normally used. This makes the h3 term in the Rayleigh number, Eq. (11-
12), small, and makes efficient cooling easier so that ~T is also small. Since
the critical Rayleigh number is higher for horizontal plates than for vertical
plates (Ostrach, 1977), the plates are usually laid horizontally.
a b
I -0
- 0
), l .-.
- z
Even with a very large N, molecules with the same electrophoretic mobilities
will not separate. In addition, biological mixtures often have thousands of
components which is more than can be separated and observed in a single elec-
trophoretic experiment. To overcome these problems a variety of sequential
two-dimensional methods have been developed for analysis. The basic idea
behind sequential two-dimensional development is illustrated in Figure 11-6.
The sample is developed in the first direction using an electrophoretic or
chromatographic technique. Then the plate is developed in the second direc-
tion using a different technique which utilizes a somewhat different mechanism
for separation. For example, if the first development uses ordinary electro-
phoresis the second development could use SDS-PAGE. Then the first
development is essentially separating on the basis of the charge to size ratio
while the second development is separating on the basis of size only.
Molecules with the same size-to-charge ratio will not separate during the first
development, but will separate during the second development if the molecular
sizes are different It is important that different experimental conditions be
used for the two runs; otherwise, nothing is gained from doing development in
two directions.
Giddings (1984) showed that the maximum number of compounds n2D that can
be detected by a two-dimensional method is
where n1 and n2 are the maximum number of peaks which can be detected by
the two separate developments. If the two developments are not independent
n2D will be significantly less than predicted by Eq. (11-25).
where subscript 1 refers to the first development. After both developments, the
total variances will be
The solution for the total concentration is the sum of the Gaussians in the y and
z directions.
(y - YJ2 (z - ZJ 2 ] (11-28)
Ci (y,z) = ci,max exp [ - 2 O'~ - 2 0';
where n is the total moles of solute and Yi and ~ are the location of the peak
(or spot) center. Note that Yi =~.1 t1 and Zi =Ui.2 t2. Equation (11-28)
represents an elliptical spot on the y-z plane. The widths of the spot are
Wy =4 O'y and W z = 4 O'z. The four effective dispersion coefficients can be
different. Since developments 1 and 2 may represent completely different
processes on different media, it is reasonable that 0'1 and 0'2 will be different.
These effective dispersion coefficients can be measured from experiments.
u (11-29)
a b
Figure 11-7. Continuous two-dimensional electrophoresis. a. Apparatus. b.
Vector addition of velocities.
ponents which can be separated is n1. When Eqs. (11-14) to (11-24) are
applied to the continuous two-dimensional apparatus the retention time is the
same for all components.
1 [
L ]
V (11-31)
R= 4" 2 D eff Vbuffer (Jl1 - J.12) w
The basic process shown in Figure 11-7a has been used for paper electro-
phoresis (Durrum, 1951; Strain and Sullivan, 1951). If there is no adsorption or
ion exchange, the results are two-dimensional electrophoresis and the theory
presented earlier can be used to predict the location of peaks and the amount of
zone spreading. If ion exchange or adsorption occur, the separation is a combi-
nation of these effects plus electrophoresis. The paper in Figure 11-7a can
obviously be replaced with a variety of gels (Smith, 1968). If sieving occurs in
the gel, then separation will be a combination of size and charge effects. One
can also use size exclusion chromatography particles (this is different than hav-
ing a gel since the space between particles is available to all molecules) to pro-
duce a combination of size exclusion chromatography and electrophoresis
(Epstein, 1977). The devices with paper and gels have relatively low flow
rates, and apparently have not been scaled-up to much larger sizes.
The major scale-up efforts have been made for continuous, two-
dimensional electrophoresis in free solution. Early versions of this method
were demonstrated by Svensson and Brattsten (1949) in Sweden and Grassman
and Hannig (1950) in West Germany. The flow rates can be significantly
greater than in gel or paper, and particles can be separated. The basic
apparatus is the same as Figure 11-7a. This process has attracted considerable
attention and has been extensively reviewed (Hannig, 1978; McCann et al,
1973; Just and Werner, 1979; Kolin, 1979; and Wankat, 1984-85). Scale-up is
difficult because of the need to control convection and the relatively low
resolving power of the system at modest voltages. Early efforts at scale-up
were aimed at the basic apparatus shown in Figure 11-7a. Since no stabilizing
medium is used, a thin chamber (0.6 to 1.5 mm) with cooling on both sides is
used. The apparatus has usually been used vertically, but horizontal operation
is probably preferable since the critical Rayleigh number is much higher. Use
of chambers with a width less than 5mm will stabilize the flow, but limits the
separation which can be acheived. Special 'fan' collectors need to be used for
these very narrow designs (Kolin, 1979). Currently obtainable volumetric
throughputs using the basic apparatus are about 4 mL/hr. A commercial
apparatus called the Elphor YaP 21 is available from Bender and Hobein of
Munich (Mosher et al, 1987). This device is quite versatile and can also be used
for isotachophoresis and isoelectric focusing (see Sections 11.3. and 11.4.).
Devices similiar to Figure 11-7a have been flown in the space shuttle as a
way to prevent thermal convection since gravity is very small (Morrison et al,
1984). Both the Rayleigh and Grashoff numbers, Eqs. (11-12) and (11-13),
will be small since g is small. This approach works, but is rather expensive.
Once it became clear that the basic geometry had almost insunnountable
difficulties, a variety of clever methods were devised to overcome these
difficulties. Perhaps the first attempts to stabilize the flow was the addition of a
density gradient (Philpot, 1940; Mel, 1964). Chemicals such as sucrose or
cesium chloride are added to the carrier fluid in layers of increasing density.
Migration is then normal to the density gradient in either a vertical or an hor-
izontal device. If the added density gradient is steep enough, thermal convec-
tion can be prevented. A related approach is to add a thickening agent such as
methylcellulose to increase the viscosity, 11 (Dobry and Finn, 1958). This
reduces the Rayleigh number in Eq. (11-12) and may prevent convection. If
convection occurs it will be reduced since the Grashof number in Eq. (11-13)
becomes smaller. However, increasing viscosity also decreases (see Eq.
(11-9c», and probably decreases resolution (Eq. (11-31». Unfortunately, both
these methods require addition of chemicals to the separating mixture and these
chemicals must eventually be removed.
The fluid can also be stabilized by superimposing a rotational flow per-
pendicular to the migration direction. The most direct way of doing this was
developed by Philpot (1973). Philpot's device is shown schematically in Fig-
ure 11-8 (philpot, 1973; Beckwith and Ivory, 1988; Mosher et al, 1987). Car-
rier fluid flows vertically between two concentric cylinders which are separated
by a gap of about 3 to 5mm. The inner cylinder is the cathode and is fixed.
The outer cylinder serves as the anode and rotates at speeds up to 150 rpm.
This rotation produces a steady angular flow in the annulus which is superim-
posed on the vertical parabolic flow. Feed is introduced into the carrier along
the entire circumference of the inner cylinder. Migration of the molecules is
radially outward, and product is collected at different radial positions but
around the entire circumference of the annulus. Despite the 5mm distance
between cylinders, 29 separate fractions are collected in the commercial Bios-
tream device. Since the feed is introduced along the entire circumference of
the inner cylinder, the feed rate which can be processed is much higher than
with the parallel plate device shown in Figure 11-7a. This device can process
protein solutions at throughputs greater than two liters per hour which
8 c±)
Migration Fixed"""-
Figure 11-8. Philpot-Harwell rotating electrophoresis device.
Figure 11-9. Endless fluid belt electrophoresis (Kolin, 1979). Reprinted with
permission from P.G. Righetti, C.J. van Oss, and J.W. Van-
derhoff (Eds.), Electrokinetic Separation Methods,
Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 1979.
Copyright 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press.
corresponds to a maximum of 150g of protein per hour. On the other hand, the
resolution and the number of components which can be separated is higher in
the parallel plate device. About a 20°C temperature increase is observed in the
flowing liquid, but thermal convection is totally prevented. To prevent thermal
degradation of proteins the feed is first chilled to about 2°C. The short 15 to 60
second residence time also helps to prevent protein degradation. Beckwith and
Ivory (1988) presented a detailed analysis of the solute trajectories. The
Philpot-Harwell device is commercially available from Harwell as the Bios-
tream separator. Unfortunately, further scale-up of the device is likely to be
Kolin (1979) devised an alternate method of superimposing a rotational
flow on the flowing axial fluid. Kolin put a magnet inside the loop of fluid to
produce a rotational flow which represses thermal convection. Several dif-
ferent devices were developed; one of the more sophisticated, a racetrack
design, is shown in Figure 11-9 (Kolin, 1979). The combination of rotational
flow and particle migration causes a helical flow path for all particles. The
addition of a carrier flow in the same direction as the electrical field serves to
change the pitch of all particles. The particles can be made to form several
loops; then
Distance Traveled, L = n x circumference
shifted one or more ports back. This shift is important since it essentially pro-
duces the countercurrent motion. The solute retention time for one pass is
given by Eq. (11-30) and the solute migration velocity in the y direction is
given by Eq. (11-16a) where E = V/W. The net lateral movement of a solute i
Yi,net = L/vbuffer - Yrecycle
where Yrecyc!e is the distance the recycle stream is shifted. IfYi,net > 0, then the
net solute migration is to the right These solutes will eventually exit as high
mobility product. All solutes with Yi,net < 0 (includes positive charge and no
charge) will have net migration to the left. These solutes eventually end up as
low mobility effluent The regenerators shown in Figme 7-9 have the same
purposes as zones 3 and 4 in counter-current adsorbers (Figure 10-11). The
right regenerator where Yi,net < 0 for all components is analogous to zone 4
while the left regenerator where Yi,net > 0 for all components is analogous to
zone 3. These regenerators allow the use of reflux at both ends and elute
without excessive dilution. The slope of the left regenerator must be adjusted if
there are positively charged solutes in the feed The device shown in Figure
11-10 acts as a steady-state, countercurrent separator and separates the feed
into two products. Thus, it is a binary separator. Because of the large amount
of recycle, separation should be quite sharp even for solutes with close to the
same mobility. This approach is still experimental, and is it not clear if this
apparatus can be scaled-up.
81: T llG
Anode Cathode
Cothod, j
W ~I
The total current I is the sum of the current carried by cations and anions.
where z is the valence, e = 1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb, and ze is the charge on each
ion. N is Avogadro's number 6.022 x 1023 , Ac is the cross-sectional area of the
apparatus, and c is the concentration in g moles/cm3 • Note that eN = F,
Faraday's constant. Electroneutrality requires that
which becomes
when we substitute in Eq. (11-1). Since the current I is constant, Eq. (11-39) is
valid for i = L,I,2, ... ,T. Setting Eq.(11-39) equal for components Land i, and
substituting in Eq. (11-35) to remove the field strengths, we obtain
This result, which is valid for isotachophoresis of dilute systems with com-
pletely ionized salts, allows the calculation of the concentration in each band.
Obviously, if CL is fairly high then Ci in the band will also be high. Note that Ci
does not depend on the feed concentration of component i. Thus, if the feed is
dilute rather high concentration ratios can be achieved. In fact, the solubility of
proteins places a limit on the value of CL which can be used (Holloway and
Battersby, 1984). The band widths can be determined from a mass balance
which is
CF,i (feed width) = (bandwidth)
quickly in this buffer. In the high conductivity buffers the field strength and the
solutes slow down; thus, solute accumulate at the two interfaces. This
approach is thus a binary separation.
The order of the ions will be H+, Rb+, K+, and then Li+. Detennination
of other details about the operation such as the distance required to
reach steady state and the exit locations of the bands require more com-
plicated theories (Evereaerts et ai, 1976).
Charge Of----!t------+--+----
4 5 16 7 8 \,0
I pH I I
b I I
z I
pH 4 5 I6 7 8 19 110
81 18
Anode I B C Cathode
e I I I
cone. I
equilibrium separation with each protein focused at its pI. This is shown
schematically in Figures 11-12b and 11-12c. Molecules which differ by as lit-
tle as 0.02 pH units can be separated. The resulting bands can be very concen-
trated compared to the feed concentrations. lsoelectric focusing is a very
powerful separation method which has been extensively used for separation of
biological compounds.
We will first briefly consider the history of isoelectric focusing since that
will clarify the difficulties which had to be overcome to make the technique
successful. Then, a simple zone spreading theory will be presented. Finally, a
variety of preparative methods for isoelectric focusing will be reviewed.
Righetti (1983) has presented a detailed and very readable account of the his-
tory of isoelectric focusing. In 1954-1955 A. Kolin developed a method for
focusing ions in a continuous pH gradient stabilized with a sucrose density gra-
dient. His pH gradients were produced by placing the sample between acidic
and basic buffers, applying the electric field and allowing diffusion to produce
the pH gradients. Unfortunately, the pH gradients were transient and long-tenn
focusing runs were not possible.
In the late 50's and early 60's Harry Svensson (now Rilbe) did funda-
mental theoretical work which predicted the requirements of a stable isoelectric
focusing system (Svensson, 1961, 1962a, 1962b; Rilbe, 1973). To generate a
stable pH gradient a carrier ampholyte was required. A carrier ampholyte is:
2. A carrier. This means that the species can carry current which
requires that it be a good conductor, and that it can 'carry' pH
which requires that it be a good buffer. The value of !pI - pKll
should be small.
Whilst developing the theory Svensson searched through chemical catalogs for
appropriate compounds. He was partially successful, but no appropriate com-
pounds were found in the very important range between pH 5 and 7. The first
seven compounds listed in Table 11-2 are from Svensson's list (Svensson,
1962a). Svensson then found that peptides fonned from cleaving proteins
could be used to fonn a partially successful carrier ampholyte.
steady state for any component which focus is (Righetti, 1983; Svensson, 1961)
d (q.lE) = ~ D dc (11-42)
dz dz dz
This equation is not valid for compounds which do not focus (neutral or not
amphoteric compounds). It is convenient to set z=O at the center of the focused
band with positive z towards the cathode (see Figure 11-12b). Doing the first
integration we obtain
de (11-43)
where the constant of integration must be zero since the protein concentration
is zero outside the focused zone. The left hand side is Cu which is flow of pro-
tein into the zone due to the electrophoretic force. The right hand side is the
diffusion away from the zone.
Before doing the next integration, we need to know how J.l varies with
distance z. Define
dJ.l -dJ.l d(pH) (11-44)
p=-"dZ= d(pH) ~
Because of the choice of axis, d(PH)/dz is positive. The value of d(pH)/dz can
be determined experimentally by locating marker compounds such as those
listed in Table 11-2. dJ.LId(pH) is always negative since C in Eqs.(11-9)
decreases from positive to negative as pH increases. Thus, p in Eq. (11-44) is
an inherently positive quantity. p is considered to be a constant since the
focused bands are quite narrow. Then dJ.LId(pH) will be approximately constant
and d(pH)/dz can be linearized. At the center of the band (z=O) J.l = O.
Integrating Eq. (11-44), we obtain
J.l = - pz
If p, E and D are all constant in the focused zone, Eq. (11-46) can be
-PEZ 2 } (11-47)
C= cmax exp { 2D
When z=O, C = Cmax which is the maximum concentration in the focused zone.
Equation (11-47) is a Gaussian distribution and is shown in Figure l1-12c.
Comparing this result with Eq. (7-24), we see that the standard deviation
for isoelectric focusing is
0"= (11-48b)
The standard deviation will be small for molecules which have low diffusivities
and high values of dWd(pH). These conditions are both valid for proteins
which means that isoelectric focusing will give sharp bands for proteins. How-
ever, D is the effective diffusivity in the isoelectric focusing system. Thus, it is
important to stabilize the system to prevent convection. This is done with a
gel, density gradient, thin chambers, or other methods.
The conditions required for adequate resolution can be derived from this
Gaussian solution (Righetti, 1983; Rilbe, 1973). If the peak to peak distance
between two adjacent zones is equal to three times the average value of cr, then
the peaks will overlap but will be definitely resolved. This leads to the differ-
ence in pH of the two peaks being
i5 [d(PH)/dz] (11-50)
!J. pI = 3
E [ - d J.l/d(pH)]
This result shows that the required difference in pI values of the two proteins is
less for molecules with low diffusivity and high values of -{ij.J/d(pH), and less
for systems with shallow pH gradients and high field strengths. The estimated
minimum value of !J.pI is about 0.02 pH units with carrier ampholytes. One
advantage of immobilized pH gradients is that quite shallow pH gradients can
be generated to maximize the resolution of proteins with close to the same pI.
The minimum value of !J.pI may be as low as 0.002 pH units (Dunn, 1987).
Th en ~ = 7.47 -7.33 00515 H .
7.84 _ 5.12 =. p. uOlts/cm.
width = 4
~pI = 3 .
'VI(- dWd(PH)
i5 d(pH)/dz
A variety of methods for preparative IEF have been developed. Most of these
methods are based on modifications of electrophoresis systems. In fact, many
commercial electrophoresis systems are designed so that electrophoresis, isota-
chophoresis and isoelectric focusing can all be done in the same apparatus.
Base ~~
s~~~~:@3 ~ P""
A "d" --"""""L C
sucrose---' G
Figure 11-14. Continuous-flow density gradient isoelectric focusing
apparatus. Cathode along the top, anode in side limb. Density
gradient flows from left to right Modified from Fawcett
the bottom of the system. If the system is cooled from the bottom only, the
temperature gradient will help stabilize the system.
One problem with the devices shown in Figures 11-12b and 11-14 is the
residence time may be too short to complete focusing. If the flow rate is
decreased, throughput obviously drops. Ifthe voltage is increased, cooling can
be a problem. One solution to this problem is to use the continuous flow, recy-
cling IEF apparatus shown in Figure 11-15 (Righetti et ai, 1980; Righetti, 1983;
Bier et ai, 1986; Mosher et ai, 1987). This device uses a compact focusing cell
with a cathode to anode distance of 3 em. The cooling is done in a separate
heat exchanger which cools the recirculating streams. This arrangement effec-
tively uncouples the focusing and cooling functions which are done simultane-
ously in Figures 11-13 and 11-14. The flow channels in the focusing cell can
Upper Electrode/Electrolyte
Voltage or
Supply Polyacrylamide Gel
Lower Electrode
unet =~E+~sm E-us
protein can enter all the pores, Kc! = 1. With the proper choice of velocity and
electrical field the net velocity of the desired protein given by Eq. (11-53) will
be positive in the agarose. The result will be focusing of the desired protein at
the interface of the two gels. As the protein concentration increases
significantly in the focused zone, the electrical conductivity will increase. Thus,
the electrical field E will locally decrease and J..LE in Eq. (11-53) will decrease.
At high enough protein concentrations the net velocity will become zero or
negative. The result is the development of an equilibrium zone containing
quite concentrnted protein in the agarose gel layer. As more protein is added
the size of this equilibrium zone will increase.
The engineer can adjust operating conditions so that proteins which are
not desired will not focus at the gel boundary. If these proteins have a positive
charge, there is no upward force and they will be swept downwards to the
cathode. Negatively charged proteins will not focus if they have a net upwards
velocity in the polyacrylamide layer which can happen if Kd > O. These pro-
teins also will not focus if they have a net downwards velocity in the agarose
layer which can occur if Kc! < 1. The result is the equilibrium zone will be both
significantly concentrated in the desired protein, and will be somewhat purified.
This method will probably not separate very similiar proteins.
Beckwith, J.B. and C.F. Ivory, "The influence of diffusion on elution profiles in
the Philpot-Harwell electrophoretic separator", Chern. Eng. Commun. 54, 301
Bier, M., N.B. Egen, G.E. Twitty, R.A Mosher, and W. Thormann, "Prepara-
tive electrophoresis comes of age," in CJ. King and J.D. Navratil (Eds.),
Chemical Separations, Vol. I, Principles, Litarvan Literature, Denver, 1986, p.
Davis, BJ., "Disc electrophoresis II. Method and application to human serum
proteins," Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci., 12] ,404 (1964).
Dean, J.A. (Ed.), Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, 13th ed., Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1986.
Gobie, W.A., J.B. Beckwith and CF. Ivory, "High resolution continuous flow
electrophoresis", Biotechnol. Prog .• l, (1), 60 (1985).
Gordon, MJ., X. Huang, S.L. Pentoney, Jr., and R.N. Zare, "Capillary electro-
phoresis," Science. 242,224 (1988).
Hiemenz, P.C., Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 2nd ed., Marcel
Dekker, New York, 1986.
Ingram, V.M., "A specific chemical difference between the globins of normal
human and sickle-cell anemia haemoglobin", Nature, 178, 792 (1956).
Karol, P.J. and M.H. Karol, "Isotachophoresis", J. Chem. Educ .• 55, 626
Lester, E.P., P.F. Lemkin, and L.E. Lipkin, "New dimensions in proteins
analysis", Anal. Chern .. 53, 390A (1981).
Locke, B.R and RG. Carbonell, "A theoretical and experimental study of
counteracting chromatographic electrophoresis," Separ. Purific. Methods. 18, 1
Morrison, D.R., G.H. Barlow, and C. Cleveland et al., Adv. Space Res.. 4, 67
Overbeek, J.Th.G. and B.H. Bijsterbosch, "The electrical double layer and the
theory of electrophoresis", in P.O. Righetti, C.J. van Oss and J.W. Vanderhoff
(Eds.), Electrokinetic Separation Methods, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical
Press, Amsterdam, 1979, p. 1-32.
Rilbe, H., "Historical and theoretical aspects of isoelectric focusing," Ann. N.Y.
Acad. Sci. 209, 11, (1973).
Smith, 1., "Zone electrophoresis on paper, thin layers and pevikon block", in
P.G. Righetti, CJ. van Oss, and J.W. Vanderhoff (Eds.), Electrokinetic Separa-
tion Methods, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam (1979), p.
Tiselius, A., "A new apparatus for electrophoretic analysis of colloidal mix-
tures", Trans. Faraday Soc., 33,524 (1937).
A. Discussion Problems
b. Zone electrophoresis
c. Isoelectric focusing
d. Isotachophoresis
e. Paper electrophoresis
f. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
g. Immunoelectrophoresis
h. Rocket electrophoresis
i. Fingerprinting
j. Capillary electrophoresis
k. Free flow electrophoresis
1. Recycle electrophoresis
m. pI
o. Zeta potential
p. Electroosmosis
q. Carrier ampholyte
A2. Explain why the "rockets" shown in Figure ll-Sc form.
A3. Why is isolectric focusing a more robust separation method than electro-
B. Generation of Alternatives
B 1. Brainstorm at least 20 different sequential two-dimensional development
methods. A matrix may be useful for doing this.
C. Derivations
C2. Equation (11-15) can be derived by solving the appropriate partial dif-
ferential equations. The Lapidus and Amundson dispersion model (see
Section 7.4) can be used to develop the solution. Do this derivation.
03. Tiselius (1937) reported the following data on two proteins: A = R. Phy-
cocyan and B = R. Phycoerythrin.
pIA =4.85 pIB =4.25
04. A sequential 20 experiment is done for a protein which has D y,l - 10-8
and D y.2 - 2 x 10-7 cm2 Is. Assume D y,1 = D z,l and D z.2 = 5 x 10-6. The
first development is for 4 hours and the second is for 10 hours.
b. If the spot center is at Y = 5.0 cm, Z = 10.6 cm, plot the constant con-
centration line where c = 0.5 Cmax on a y,z plane.
solution cr is the anion. Once the bands have been fonned. detennine
the concentrations of CH3NHt. (CH3h NW. (C 2 H s )4 W and (C4H 9 )4
N+. Also. find the widths of the CH3 NHt. (CH3h NH+ and (C 2 Hs )4 N+
bands. Data is in Table 11-3.
07. The two proteins in problem 11-03 are to be separated in a batch IEF sys-
tem. The system length is 10 cm. pH varies linearly from pH 3.0 to pH
5.0 over this length. Note that this is a very easy IEF separation. Assume
Deff = 0.0004 cm 2/s which is high for an IEF system.
b.) At the field strength calculated in part A detennine crA. crB and the
widths of the two zones. (width = 4cr).
c.) IfE = 80 volts/cm, detennine crA and crB and the widths.
08. An isoelectric focusing experiment was done on a cooled plate. The fol-
lowing data were obtained at steady state at E = 100 V/cm:
Ovalbumin 6.2
~-aspartyl-histidine 7.0
Evans blue (PI = 5.35) 8.5
Congo red (pI = 5.80) 10.1
D9. A continuous flow, two-dimensional, free solution, IEF system is used for
separating proteins. The carrier ampholyte is prefocused. Assume that
steady state is obtained. Dimensions: L = 20 cm, W = 10 cm, 2h = 0.5
cm. There are 50 outlets and each covers 0.2 cm of the width. From a
given outlet the product is well mixed. Operation is at 25°C. The pH gra-
dient varies from 3 at the anode to 10 at the cathode. Assume the gradient
is approximately linear. Assume cooling is adequate and there is no con-
vection. Ports are numbered starting with 1 at the anode.
Cb bulk concentration
cg gel concentration
em . concentration in membrane
Cp penneate concentration
Cw wall concentration
d,D diameter, cm or m
D Diffusivity, cm zIs
energy, joules
I current, amps
L length, cm or m
MW molecular weight
n total moles solute, Section 12.5.
high pressure
low pressure
permeate pressure
partial pressure
r radial direction
R radius, cm
R retention
R gas constant
RO inherent retention = 1 - c;,/cw
~ pore radius, cm
t time, s or days
tm membrane thickness, cm
T absolute temperature, K
T f , T; freezing temperature of solution and pure solvent, K
v voltage, volts
v volume, cm3 or L
VP vapor pressure
w width, cm
x axial distance, cm
Y' y/h
gas mole fraction on high pressure side
Greek Letters
n selectivity, KsolvlK.olute in RO
£ porosity
a cut = Fp/Fin
v kinematic viscosity = Wp
~ efficiency of current utilization, Eq. (12-67)
7t Pi,3.141592654 ....
P density, g/cm 3
A membrane is a physical barrier between two fluids. In over 99% of the cases
of current industrial interest the membrane is made from a polymer. This poly-
mer is cast or spun or extruded to form a continuous film without holes in the
desired geometry. The simplest geometry used for membrane separators is the
stirred cell shown in Figure 12-1. The fluid enters into the upper chamber. Part
of the feed stream is transferred through the membrane to the lower chamber.
With a perfect membrane only species A will transfer through the membrane
while species B will remain in the upper chamber. Either species may be the
desired product. The stirrer is used to improve mass transfer rates and prevent
the buildup of species B at the membrane surface.
,- I
Membran e
t +
High fluxes are usually very desirable since the transfer area required
will be lessened. Thus we want a high driving force. In the cases of gas per-
meation, reverse osmosis (used for purifying water) and ultrafiltration (used for
concentrating large molecules) this means a high pressure drop across the
membrane. The membrane must be mechanically strong to withstand these
high pressures. Mechanical strength requires a thick membrane. However,
a Feed Phase
Eq.(12-1) shows that thick membranes will have low fluxes and hence large
are$ will be required to achieve the desired transfer rate. A fundamental prob-
lem which stopped the commercial use of membranes for many years was how
to make a membrane which was thin enough to have high fluxes while at the
same time it was mechanically strong.
The solution to this problem was found in the late 1950's and early
1960's by Sidney Loeb and S. Sourirajan (Loeb and Sourirajan, 1960, 1963).
Their solution was to make a membrane which was asymmetric or anisotropic.
This type of membrane is illustrated in Figure 12-2. The membrane was cast to
have a very dense thin layer or skin on one side. This layer was typically 0.1 to
1.0 microns thick. The thin skin does the actual separation of the species.
Thus in Eq.(12-1) the thickness term is very small. The thin skin is supported
by a much thicker porous layer. This layer provides the required mechanical
strength, but it is so porous that no separation occurs in this layer. These mem-
branes can be operated at pressure drops in excess of 1000 psig. The Loeb-
Sourirajan membrane was made from cellulose acetate for desalination of
water by reverse osmosis. Methods for casting these membranes are reviewed
by Kesting (1985) and Soltanieh and Gill (1981). The use of asymmetric mem-
branes has been extended to a variety of other polymers and to other membrane
separation methods. The history of membrane separations is discussed by
Lonsdale (1982). Not all membrane separators use asymmetric membranes.
The exceptions will be discussed in the individual sections.
The most common structures are shown in Figure 12-3 (Kesting, 1985;
b c
(-C- y- )
\ C=N n
H ~ cf H n
) -CF2,C-) n
(-(CF2 CF2,
O-(C~ yF )y-OC~C~S02F
CH 3 n
Pusch and Walch. 1982; Soltanieh and Gill. 1981; Ward et al., 1985). Addi-
tional examples of polymers used for membranes are discussed by Kesting
(1985). Lloyd and Meluch (1985). Finken (1985). Pusch and Walch (1982), and
Ward et al., (1985). For example. Figure 12-3 shows only one of the possible
polyamides (Kesting, 1985; Pusch and Walch, 1982). The cellulose (Figure
12-3a) and cellulose acetate membranes were the firstcommercialIy successful
membranes. Although still commonly used, considerable research has gone
into developing membranes with better chemical and thermal resistances.
Polysulfone (Figure 12-3c) and Nafion (Figure 12-3f) have outstanding resis-
tances to chemicals. Polystyrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene (Figures 9-1
a and b) also has excellent chemical resistance and is used as a backing for
composite membranes and as the basis for electrodialysis membranes.
With a high flux rate species B which does not transfer through the mem-
brane may build up to a high concentration at the surface of thel membrane.
This is called concentration polarization and is illustrated in Figure 12-4.
Since the transfer rate of species B through the membrane is low, the permeate
concentration is low, cp «Cb' Species A (which might be the solvent) has a
high flux through the membrane. Thus. there must be a convective flow
towards the membrane. This convective flow carries B to the membrane sur-
face. Since the flux of B is low. the concentration of B will build up at the
membrane wall. Thus, a concentration gradient is produced. This buildup of B
+ Back Diffusion
Convective Flow
---:--- cb
Figure 12-4. Build-up of retained species at membrane wall (concentration
is counteracted by diffusion into the bulk fluid. If diffusion rates are high as is
true in most gas systems, then the concentration buildup will be modest and
concentration polarization will not be a problem.
The general design requirements for any membrane system can now be listed.
1. Thin active layer of membrane.
2. High permeability for species A and low permeability for
species B.
3. Stable membrane with long service life.
4. Mechanically strong.
5. Large surface area of membrane in small volume.
6. Concentration polarization eliminated or at least controlled.
7. Easy to clean if necessary.
8. Inexpensive to build.
9. Low operating cost
This list of desirable design conditions is general. Items specific to each of the
membrane devices will be discussed later. A historical perspective on mem-
brane modules with many early advertisements is given by Kremen (1986).
Currently, spiral wound and hollow fiber systems have most of the market.
The simplest geometry for a membrane separator is the stirred cell shown
in Figure 12-1. Stirred cells are commonly used in laboratories, but the mem-
brane surface area is small. Thus for large scale commercial applications other
a b
Porous Tube
I \
( \
\ I
\ I
- - - - - - - - - ~ ...'
Membrane Coating
(Inside or Outside)
----..:: Spacers
... :~
Permeate channel
Feed--(]lilililililililllll: ·
L Hollow fibers
Figure 12-5. Geometries of commercial membrane systems. a. Plale-and-
frame. b. Tubular. c. Spiral wound. d. Hollow fiber.
geometries are required. The most commonly used commercial systems are
shown in Figure 12-5. The plate-and-frame system is similar to a plate-and-
frame filter press with a series of flat membrane sheets. The area per volume
ratio is significantly higher than stirred cells but lower than spiral wound or
hollow fiber systems. The sheets can be quite close together to reduce concen-
tration polarization. The major advantage of plate-and-frame systems is they
can be taken apart for cleaning if necessary. Their major application has been
in the food industry where fouling is a major problem. The plate-and-frame
geometry is also used for electrodialysis.
The hollow fiber system shown in Figures 12-5d and 12-6 is also one of
the two most popular designs. The fibers are extruded from polymers such as
Nylon or polysulfone. A typical reverse osmosis hollow fiber would have a
inner diameter of 42 microns, an outer diameter of 85 microns, and a 0.1 to 1.0
micron skin on the outer surface (Applegate, 1984). For gas permeation the
fibers are made somewhat larger to reduce the pressure drop inside the tubes.
For ultrafiltration the fibers are much larger (500 to 1100 micron i.d.) and the
skin is on the inside of the fiber. These numbers indicate that a considerable
amount of engineering design can be done with the fibers. The fibers can have
fairly thick walls and with flow radially inward large pressure gradients can be
- 1126mm------·---1
-+ Solution outlet
Hollow-liber membrane
handled. The major advantage of the hollow fiber systems is that a huge
number of fibers (4.5x106 ) can be packed inside a 25.4 cm (10 inch) diameter
cartridge. Thus the area/volume ratio is very high (about 5000 ft2 per ft3) and
costs are kept down. A major disadvantage of hollow fibers is particulate
solids can permanently clog the tiny fibers. Thus dirty fluids must be
thoroughly cleaned before being sent to the hollow fiber separator. Details of
hollow fiber systems are given by Orofino (1977) and Caracciolo et al., (1977).
All of the basic systems are usually built in a few basic modular sizes. A
"module" is a complete unit such as a hollow fiber separator capable of pro-
cessing a given amount of fluid with a given separation. The details of a hol-
low fiber module used for ultrafiltration are shown in Figure 12-6 (Warashina
et al., 1985). A single module is often not sufficient for the required flow rate
and/or separation. Thus modules are cascaded in a variety of ways to produce
the desired separation. One advantage of modular construction is the modules
- -~
a b
~:~: 1 001 OOOOfOOOOOO
C d
~'I~iQt~ ~ ~ -- i-- ~
! ~
-- ---
e f
Figure 12-7. Idealized flow patterns for flow inside module. a. Completely
mixed. b. Mixed on feed (high pressure side). c. Mixed on per-
meate (low pressure) side. d. Cross-flow. e. Co-current. f.
The flow patterns inside the module have a large effect on the outlet con-
centrations and flow rates of the high and low pressure products. Several ideal-
ized flow patterns are shown in Figure 12-7. The completely mixed case, Fig-
ure 12-7a, is the easiest to analyze but the least advantageous for separation.
The system which is mixed on the feed side, Figure 12-7b, is close to the flow
pattern which occurs for most hollow fiber systems for gas permeation and
reverse osmosis. Figure 12-7c shows the idealized flow pattern of a hollow
fiber system for ultrafiltration where the feed is inside the fibers. The solution
is well-mixed on the permeate side. Plate-and-frame and spiral wound systems
can have a modification of the cross-flow system, Figure 12-7d, or they could
~ ~
~B d41r'
~ Recycle
~ C A
Figure 12-8. Cascades for membrane separators. a. Parallel. b. Series. c.
Parallel-series. d. Recycle. e. Permeate in series. f. Counter-
current fractionation. g. Batch. Species A is more permeable
and species B is less permeable.
operating costs will be high and the use of this countercurrent cascade in a
membrane process will be unusual. In the batch operation shown in Figure
12-8g recovery in a single pass is insufficient, and operation is continued until
enough of the more permeable species has been recovered. Batch systems are
common in applications such as food processing where frequent cleaning is
required. Modifications of these cascades used for gas permeation are shown
in Figure 12-11.
thus this process introduces new concepts. Following this, pervaporation which
involves vaporizing a liquid at the membrane surface will be considered.
Finally, the experimental liquid-membrane systems will be briefly discussed
where h is the volumetric flux, Fp,A is the steady state volumetric transfer rate
of species A through the membrane, A is the membrane area, PAis the permea-
bility of the membrane for species A. the driving force L\p is the change in the
partial pressure of the species across the membrane, and lm is the thickness of
the membrane skin. Obviously, consistent units must be used. The usual units
for permeability are cm3 [S1P)crn/cm2 s (cm Hg). Since the partial pressure is
the mole fraction times the total pressure, PA = YAPtot, Eq. (12-2) can also be
written as
For the completely mixed system in Figure 12-7a the external mass bal-
ance at steady state is
FinYin = FoutYout + Fpyp
where F is the molar flow rate and y is the mole fraction. This mass balance is
often written as
Yin =(1- 0) Yout + 0 yp
where the cut 0 is the permeate flow rate divided by the feed flow rate.
The cut is usually one of the design parameters. With a specified, we can solve
Eq. (12-6) for Yom
Yin - a yp (12-8)
Yout = 1- a
F p (1 - yp ) = P B1m
ApB [PH(1- Yom) - pdI - yp) ]
where PA and PB are the molar densities at the permeate conditions, and A is
the area for mass transfer. Dividing Eq. (12-9a) by (12-9b), we obtain
Yout - [~ 1 yp
-"--- = ClAB -,..- I:'H
1- yp PB PL
(1 - Yout) - - (1 - Yp)
Yp PA (12-11)
--=ClAB -A-
I- Yp PB 1 _ Yin - a yp _ PL (1 _ Y )
I-a PH p
a= [_9 + PL
1-9 PH
1[a PB~A
AB -1]
b=(I-aAB)- A [
-+--+-- ---
1 1
PA (12-13c)
c=aAB -A- Yin
[ 1-9
and then
The root which gives yp between zero and one is used. For ideal gases
PA/PB = 1 and the equations simplify. Alternate manipulations of these equa-
tions are shown in Example 12-1.
unit 10-10 [CC (STP) cm]/[cm 2 scm Hg] is defined as 1 Barrer. The gas is
perfectly mixed on both sides of the membrane. The high pressure feed
gas is 90 mole % C~ and 10 mole % CO2 , The permeate pressure is 1.1
atm, and the cut e = 0.5. Determine the membrane selectivity, Yp,eo" the
CO2 flux and the Cf4 flux if Lm = 1 J..UTI.
SeIecUVlty, Pea, 15 = - - = - - = 31.25. The permeate mole frac-
Pea. 0.48
tion Yp = Yp,eo, can be determined from Eqs. (12-12) to (12.14). From
Eq. (12-13),
a= r 0.5
L1- 0.5
+ Q]
(31.25 - 1) = 31.91
c (31.25) [~:! ] ~ 6.25
Where we have assumed PAIPB = 1.0. Then from Eq. (12-14)
Since O:s; yp :s; 1, use the minus sign. yp = 0.183. Now using mass bal-
ance Eq. (12-8)
= 0.1 - 0.5 (0.183)
Jeu. - [ 0.481~~0- 10
1(76) [20 (0.9832) - (1.1) (0.817)1 - 6.85 x 10-'
Notes: l.) Most of the CO2 is removed, yet permeate gas is still
mainly C~. This is important since driving force for CO2
transfer remains positive.
3.) JCll. > J co• despite much higher CO2 permeability. This
occurs because of the much higher driving force for C~
6.) Note that transfer of CO2 is "uphill" in the sense that CO2
mole fraction is higher on the permeate side. The pressure
drop allows this direction of mass transfer since
Pin,co. > Pp,co •.
,. 140
,.. 15 150 ..
EU ~C02 ......
~ ~
-, 100
tH2 100 III U
8 80
'u \ U = il-;' 60
§~ ~~ r:
5 \
50 e.!!
i =
Q, U
0 Co CH.
'iii .!!!. ::.
= H. 02 JiI.::: 2 .. E
C OJ. H4 0 Cu
3.5 4.0 4.5
III ..
%CII 0
0'2.5 3.0 u
0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Lennard-Jones collision diameter (i) !
Lennard-Jones cOllision diameter (i)
a b
He H. O. N. C02
1,000 rubber /
.-- - 'V
Natural f
rubber I
.... ~ I.
)... '\/ L
Poly->(" \. /I
styrene~ \ -- /
:::. Cellulose _"- \ 1/
acetate '\ -/
o 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Lennard-Jones collision diameter (i)
Silicone Rubber
}-Thin Skin
Support Layer
easiest to measure the ratio Pltm and to not separate the tenns. Other commer-
cial applications are discussed by Schell (1985) and Stem (1986).
A first cut at design of a gas penneator can be made once the penneabili-
ties, pressure drop, thickness of the active layer, and area per volume of the
spiral wound or hollow fiber system are known. To detennine the amounts and
compositions of both high and low pressme products the flow patterns inside
the separator and the product cut must be specified. These details are discussed
in Chapter 13.
The single stage systems shown in Figures 12-5 to 12-7 are often not
optimal and modifications of the cascades shown in Figure 12-8 are often used.
Three cascades used commercially for gas penneation are shown in Figure
12-11 (Spillman, 1989). The two-stage process with recycle shown in Figure
12-11a is used to improve recovery of the slower penneating species at the cost
of additional compression and membrane area. If the concentration of the per-
meating species is very high, the "premembrane" shown in Figure 12-11b can
be useful for bulk removal. According to Eq. (12-3) a low penneate pressure
will decrease membrane area or increase product recovered; however, if
recompression is required a low penneate pressme increases recompression
costs. One compromise is the two stage process shown in Figure 12-11c where
the penneate pressures are different. Since gas compression is done in stages,
the two penneate pressures are chosen to match the compression scheme.
~~~~~~--~8 E
Bulk Removal Ptrification
c 60% Hydrogen
20% Nitrogen _ _ _ _ ....-,
20% Hydrogen
20% Inerts r-
,--_ _ _ - , 4;~%N:~r~r~:n
2,000 psi
1,000 psi
gas composition and flow rates, temperature and pressure, and the required
outlet gas composition for both high and low pressure gases. The manufacturer
then designs and builds a system which he guareentees will meet the required
specifications. Unfortunately, this arrangement is not as full-proof to the pur-
chaser as it sounds. If the actual operating conditions are different than
specified, the guareentee may be voided. In addition, the supplier will tend to
over-design to be sure he meets the specifications. Finally, tum-key units tend
to be more expensive than systems where the buyer does the design. It is best
if the buyer knows as much as possible about the separator even when he is
buying a tum-key system. This allows the buyer to write a more advantageous
contract and to do a better job bargaining. Additional factors which can be
important in design are discussed in Chapter 13.
The economics of gas permeation separation compared to competing
processes is discussed in detail by Spillman (1989). He concludes:
definition is useless unless we know what osmosis is. Thus we need to digress
slightly into the thennodynamics of membranes.
Jll.solvent = Jl2,solvent
Note that the equilibrium condition is on solvent only. Since solute does not
pass through the membrane, solute ~s not in equilibrium. Thermodynamic
arguments can now be used to derive equations which allow calculation of the
osmotic pressure (for example, see Reid, 1966). Assuming that the liquid is
incompressible and that activities can be estimated from vapor pressure meas-
urements, the result is
VPpure solvent
= TIT In [ VP .
1 (12-17)
where vsolvent is the partial molar volume of the solvent Equation (12-17) is
usually quite accurate, but is not always convenient to use since it requires
7t in atmospheres
The osmotic pressure of solutions is not widely tabulated and vapor pres-
sure data may not be available. Fortunately, the osmotic pressure can be
related to freezing point depression which is easy to measure and is widly tabu-
lated (e.g. in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics). The osmotic pressure is
related to freezing point depression by (Reid, 1966),
Jso1v = --(.1p - .11t)
where K.olv is the permeability of the membrane to the solvent (usually water),
.1p is the pressure drop across the membrane, and .11t is the osmotic pressure
difference across the membrane. Note that the pressure driving force is
reduced by the osmotic pressure difference. As the solution becomes more
2. To find productivity at any other concentration i ! I
.. __
and pressure, multiply data in Table I by the ~T-~
appropriate factor
II: 2.0
~ I
·. f-
~ -~
N()CI leeO c.-- l--
.-- -
l-- V
t .\,'!l~: ....--V V
. r::
...- ...
j:; . \O,~ ...-::. .. '
V k-
..- i-"'""
p. .
~ :. I
.. 009911\
... 'l:,
00 . ;::;...,.-- V
. . .. 11\
:.;- ~ ~
" ,.
... '!)o,oo~j...--
,. t'
.. L--I-
"-j • 1" " • I • •
V~ r-
k ~ l-- ttO~
>-:: ...
.. "1'
· t~ •• , t
400 500 600 700 800
-= =
Real membranes are partially permeable. Thus there will be some solute
flux through the membrane. Neglecting concentration polarization, the flux of
solute is
where Ksolutc is the permeability of the membrane to the solute, and c p is the
permeate concentration. Conservation of mass requires that
which relates the two flux equations. Experimentally the rejection coefficient
As M increases the solute flux increases since any solution which leaks through
the membrane is more concentrated.
Note that this predicts that solvent flux decreases as M increases. Combining
Eqs. (12-22), (12-23), (12-25) and (12-27), we obtain an expression for the
rejection coefficient when there is concentration polarization.
A. Define. The problem is clearly defined in the problem statement.
B. and C. Explore and Plan. Although the definition is clear, the path
to solution is not. We obviously need to determine osmotic pressure.
Equation (12-17) is accurate. Vapor pressure data (perry and Green,
1984), p. 3-73) at 30°C is:
From the pure water flux we can find Ksolv/t.n from Eq. (12-20a). Then
for part a J so1v is obtained from Eq. (12-20a) when M = 1.0 and from
Eq. (12-27) when M = 1.2. For the real membrane with M = I, cp can
be found from Eq. (12-23). Then Jso1v is determined from Eq. (12-20a).
We can also use the measured value of R to find a = K.olvlK.olute from
Eq. (12-24a). This gives us K.olute/tn,. This value is needed when M =
1.2. Combining Eqs. (12-22), (12-25) and (12-27) we can solve for Cp.
Once Cp is known Eq. (12-27) is used to find Jso1v .
x = 0.5 (27.2) = 544.5c, or a = 544.5
Ksolv 2
Jsolv = - - (Ap - Ax) = (60) (49 - 27.2) = 1306.6 LIm day
When M = 1.2, J solv =- - [~p - M 1t (Cb)]
J so1v :;;:; (60) [49 - (1.2) (27.2)] =979.9 L/m2 day
Pan b. Real Membrane. For M = 1 we observe c p = 0.005. Rearrang-
ing Eq. (12-23a), we obtain
Note that solvent flux of the real membrane is greater than that of the
ideal membrane since ~1t is decreased.
Ksolv R (12-24c)
a = Ksolute = -:-----:---:-:---=:-:-
(~p - ~1t) (1 - R)
For M = 1.2 we need to solve Eqs. (12-22), (12-2S) and (12-27) simul-
taneously. The resulting equation is
K.olv ( A
- - LlP-
M 1t (» Ksolute
Cb + - -
t.n t.n
= 60 [49 - (1.2) (27.2)] + 163.3 = 1143.2
- - - M Cb = - (163.32) (1.2) (O.OS) =- 9.8
E. Check. Can use Eq. (12-22) as one check. For Part b with M = 1.2
(the most difficult problem),
1. Note that the units on the gas constant R controls the units of 1t.
2. The value K.olv/lm determined from data can be used under dif-
ferent conditions.
7. If we do not have perfect mixing, Cb and c;, will both vary. Thus
1t (Cb) and 1t (c;,) vary which means the flux varies as we go down
the membrane. Mass balances for other situations are illustrated in
Section 13.3.
Since D/o = k, the mass transfer coefficient, this result is often written as
- [J 1
3. The diffusivity increases. This shows that large solutes will have
worse concentration polarization.
The spiral wound and hollow fiber configurations are commonly used for
RO. The common membrane polymers include cellulose acetate, polyamides
(see Figure 12-3), and a composite membrane developed by FilmTec. The
composite membrane is a crosslinked polyamide barrier layer supported by a
microporous polysulfone coating on a JX>lyester web. This complex membrane
has high flux, high salt rejection, a pH range from 4 to 11, and a wide range of
temperature stability. Other membranes are listed in Figure 12-3 and Table
The skin of the RO membranes have pores which are several Angstroms
or larger in diameter. These pores are larger than the hydrated ions, yet the
ions are excluded. The separation is clearly not a sieving effect. The current
physical model of the separation effect can be summarized as follows (Kesting,
1985). The water molecules are preferentially attracted to the hydrophilic
membrane surface. An ordered water sheath of thickness t (- ~) exists at the
membrane surface and repels ions. This water sheath pours into pores. If the
pore is less than 2t (- 10~) in size the ordered water sheath will be continuous
and ions will be excluded. In the occasional large pores (imperfections) with
diameter > 2t, the ordered water sheath does not fill the pore. In the center of
these pores ordinary water plus ions pass. The observed rejection coefficient is
the sum of the almost pure water from the small pores and the contaminated
water from the larger pores. These membranes are often called "solution-
diffusion" membranes.
Table 12-2. Rejection coefficients and fluxes for a variety of RO membranes (Cadotte et al, 1988; Pusch
and Walch, 1982). HF = hollow fiber, PF =plate and frame, SW = Spiral wound.
Pressure Bypass
Valve Waste Water
to Disposal
penneators with bypass lines is shown in Figure 12-13. The bypass lines are
used to mix in raw water if less pure water is required. The water which does
not pass through the membranes is more concentrated in the dissolved solids.
Usually, this stream is a waste stream which must be disposed of. The product
water is sent to a storage tank where additional chemicals may be added. For
example, if the water is for drinking chlorine or ozone will be added here.
Chlorine is detrimental to the membranes and thus is added after the mem-
branes unless it is required to stop biological growth. When treating highly
fouling materials such as food products, a cleaning cycle must be added. This
requires shut-down of the equipment, and it requires quite a bit of hardware in
addition to that shown in Figure 12-13. Details of cleaning cycles and the
chemicals used for cleaning are given by Eisenberg and Middlebrooks (1986).
Unfortunately, this can greatly increase the costs.
Membranes have a finite lifetime which depends upon the operating con-
ditions. Membrane replacement is usually treated as an operating cost. In
addition, there is usually a long tenn flux decay caused by membrane compac-
tion and fouling of the membrane. To take this into account the initial flux of
the membrane is usually not used in the design calculations. Instead the flux
after a few months of operation is used since the additional decay after this
time is quite slow. Obviously, the membrane must be protected from chemical
upsets since the membranes can be destroyed quite quickly.
the economics of the particular case. The economics of RO are often favor-
able, and RO is used very extensively for treating brackish water, seawater, and
tap water. One of the largest RO units is at Ras Abu Janjur, Bahrain, which
produces 12.7 million gallons of potable water per day from brackish well
water. The system consists of seven trains of hollow-fiber RO units with 2100
membrane modules per train. RO applications and economics are discussed by
Belfort (1984), Cheremisinoff and LaMendola (1983), Applegate (1984), and
Eisenberg and Middlebrooks (1986).
Reverse osmosis has also been used for separation of organics from
water. Although this is not yet a common industrial separation, it may be
important in particular cases. For example, dilute £-caprolactam solutions are
concentrated commercially using RO. If the organic recovered dissolves poly-
mers or if the module needs to be steam sterilized, ceramic membranes can be
used (Hsieh, 1988). Data is presented by Eisenberg and Middlebrooks (1986),
Leeper (1986), and Sourirajan (1977).
Ultrafiltration (UP) is used for retaining larger solutes than in RO, but many of
the operating characteristics are very similar to RO. The osmotic pressure in
UP is invariably quite low since the molar concentration of the high molecular
weight molecules separated by UP is quite low even when the weight concen-
trations are high. Because a large osmotic pressure does not have to be over-
come, much lower operating pressures are used in UP than in RO. Typical
operating pressures are in the range from 10 to 100 psig.
The membranes used in UP are usually asymmetric polymers used in one
of the geometries shown in Figure 12-5. A variety of polymers such a cellulose
acetate, aromatic polyamide, polysulfone, polyvinyl chloride, polyacrylonitrile
and polycarbonate have been used to cast membranes (see Figure 12-3).
Polysulfone has a wide temperature tolerance (to 93° C) and a wide pH range
(0.5 to 13) and is probably the most commonly used membrane material
(Applegate, 1984). The membranes are formed so that the dense skin is
microscopically porous. Thus the separation mechanism can be considered (in
a somewhat over-simplified form) to be sieving of the molecules. The mem-
branes can be tailor made to fix the desired pore size distribution and thus pro-
vide for different molecular weight cutoffs. The molecular weight cutoff is
loosely defined as the molecular weight below which species begin to pass
through the membrane. The values for molecular weight cutoffs can range
from 1000 to 80,000. Values for a variety of membranes are listed in Table
12-3. Molecular weight cutoffs should be employed with discretion since siev-
Table 12-3. Molecular weight cutoffs and fluxes ofUF systems. (pusch and Walch, 1982; and
Warashina et ai., 1985). HF:;: hollow fiber, PF:;: plate and frame, SW:;: spiral wound
.: 06
~ 04
, Nominal molecular welCJht
exclusion of membrane
Molecular welCJht
Figure 12-14. Solute retention on Amicon Diaflo membranes (porter, 1979).
Reprinted with permission from P.A. Schweitzer (Ed.), Hand-
book of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers (1979).
Copyright 1979, McGraw-Hill.
ing depends on size and shape of the hydrated molecule, and molecular weight
is only a rough guide to size and shape. In addition, there is considerable reten-
tion of molecules of lower molecular weight. Roughly, a sharp cut-off UP
membrane will have R = 0 when the molecular weight is 1(2 the molecular
weight which has R = 0.9. Diffuse cutoff membranes have a much broader
range of fractionation. Typical retention data are shown in Figure 12-14
(porter, 1979). A comparison of Tables 12-2 and 12-3 is interesting. Note that
the UP membranes with their much larger pores have considerably larger fluxes
at lower pressures than the RO membranes. Details of UP membranes are dis-
cussed by Blatt (1976), Cooper(1979), Kesting (1985), Lloyd (1985), Porter
(1979), and Pusch and Walch (1982).
For the large molecules separated by UP the molar concentration will be quite
low even if the weight concentration is high. Thus, the osmotic pressure differ-
ence ~1t will be small and is usually ignored. The resulting solvent flux equa-
tion is,
J I01v = - - ~p
For small and intennediate macromolecules (5000 or 100,000 daltons) it may
be necessary to include the osmotic pressure tenn. This is discussed further in
Chapter 13.
For sieve type membranes flow of both solvent and solute is in pores.
Let R represent the fraction of solvent flux carried by pores which exclude the
solute. Then l-R of the solvent flux is in pores which do not exclude solute.
With no concentration polarization the liquid passing through these pores will
have a solute concentration Cb. This gives a solute flux of
In addition, Eq. (12-22) must remain valid since it represents a mass balance.
Combining Eqs. (12-22), (12-33) and (12-34) and solving for R, we obtain
Eq.(12-13). Thus in sieve type membranes the solute rejection can also be con-
sidered as the fraction of solvent flux in pores which reject solute molecules.
J I01uIe =MCb (1 - R) J I01v
cp (12-36)
= 1- -
=1- M (1 - R)
J lalV = --.-!;....-- (12-37)
Kaalv Kg
where tg is the thickness of the gel layer and Kg is the permeability of the gel
layer. Since 19 can vary throughout a run, Eq. (12-37) is usually not useful for
predictions. Often, the gel layer will have far more resistance to flow than the
membrane and the gel will control the solvent flux. In these cases it does not
matter what type of membrane is used as long as it retains the solute and causes
a gel to form. The value of Kg can be estimated from the Carman-Kozeny
equation (Blatt et ai, 1970).
Note that the gel permeability will be very sensitive to the particle diameter ~
in the gel layer. If e=O.5 and the viscosity is 1.0 cp, then Kg = 3xlO-ll for one
micron particles and Kg = 2x10- 16 for 30 Angstrom particles. Thus a one
micron layer of these gels with a pressure drop of 100 psi across the gel would
have solvent fluxes of 200 and 0.0013 cm 3 /cm 2 sec, respectively. Obviously, a
gel layer can have a major effect on the solvent flux.
Since cg and Cb are constants, the solvent flux is the variable. This is different
from Eq. (12-32) where Cw was unknown. The solvent flux is set by the rate at
which the solute can diffuse back from the gel layer to the bulk fluid. Increas-
ing the pressure drop will cause a brief temporary increase in the solvent flux.
However, during this period of increased flux transfer of solute to the gel layer
is greater than the rate of transfer of solute back into the fluid. The gel layer
must then become thicker. According to Eq. (12-37), J I01v will then decrease.
This decrease in J I01v continues until the gel layer is thick enough so that the
solvent flux has obtained the value predicted by Eq. (12-29). In other words,
the engineer has no control over the flux rate except by increasing the dif-
fusivity (increase temperature) or decreasing ~ (stir or use thin channels). For
high molecular weight polymers diffusivities are quite low and the solvent flux
is low if gels form. The mass transfer coefficient k can be estimated for many
flow geometries. This analysis is done in Chapter 13.
Experiment a: Run pure water and obtain Jsolv = 7000 L/m2 day with
~p= 5 atm.
a. From the pure water data we can find Ksolv/1m from Eq. (12-33).
~. n3 L
k = In (Cg/Cb) = In (0.14/0.02) = 119.74 m2 day
Mter a short period of time, tg increases and J so1v is given by Eq. (12-
39). Since k, c g and Cb are unchanged from part a, J so1v = 233. Solving
for tg/kg
Note that in both parts the resistance of the gel, fglKg, is significantly
greater than the membrane resistance, tmlKm. This is commonly the
case when proteins are ultrafiltered.
Although simple and very appealing, there are significant problems with
the gel layer model (Fane, 1986; Porter, 1979; Wijmans et aI., 1984). The con-
centration cg found by extrapolation may depend upon equipment geometry.
The measured cg may be too low and independent experiments show no gel-
ling. In addition, c g may be estimated as > 100% which is physically impossi-
ble. The mass balance, Eq. (12-31) does not include convection in the axial, x,
direction and the boundary condition at y = 5 is hypothetical. However, the
model is useful for correlating data. Modifications of this model are discussed
in Chapter 13.
The presence of a gel layer may have conflicting effects on the rejection
of solutes. If the gel layer is very viscous, but remains fluid so that molecules
diffuse in the layer, solute molecules will continue to pass through the mem-
brane. Since Cw>Cb, the fluid passing through pores which do not reject solute
will be concentrated. This will cause the apparent rejection coefficient to drop.
This situation is similar to concentration polarization without a gel layer. The
second case occurs when the gel layer has a solid-like nature and solute
molecules are essentially immobile. Now the rejection coefficient can increase
since the gel layer traps the solute molecules and very few of them can diffuse
into the pores.
The fonnation of a gel layer also has a large effect on the separation of
mixtures containing several solutes of widely different size. Suppose we wish
to separate a low molecular weight compound from a very high molecular
weight polymer. When run separately, the low molecular weight compound
has R=O while the polymer has R=l. What happens when the mixture is
ultrafiltered? Our first guess is probably to use superposition and assume each
molecule is unaffected by the presence of the other molecule. If no gel layer is
fonned, this assumption is probably close to true. Then the small molecules
have R=O and the polymer has R=1. The separation is easy. If a gel layer
fonns, the gel serves as a membrane which has different retention characteris-
tics than the original membrane. The gel layer may retain the small molecules.
If this happens both solutes may have retentions near 1.0 and separation will
not be obtained. Thus gel layers change the fundamental nature of UF.
Once fonned, the gel layer may not come off easily. In this case the
membrane is said to be fouled. Fouling often occurs when the solute is
adsorbed to the membrane or when charges OR the membrane attract colloidal
particles of opposite charge. The entire UF installation is often controlled by
the presence of gel layers and fouling. Fouling can also occur from precipita-
tion of salts, and is discussed in detail by Fane (1986) and Potts et al. (1981).
The batch system shown in Figure 12-8g is easily analyzed for simple
cases. A mass balance on the entire system (tank + pipes + UP module) is
dV (12-40)
dt 1
Where V(t) is the volume of liquid in the tank + pipes + UP module. If osmotic
pressure is negligible and no gel forms, Jso1v is given by Eq. (12-33). Then
If a gel forms then J. olv is a constant given by Eq. (12-39). Now Eq.
(12-40) becomes
dV (12-43)
- = -A k In(c ICb)
dt g
Since R = 1, the total moles of solute in the system, n, must remain constant
n = c(t) V(t) = constant
dV (12-45)
""(it = - A k In (cg VIn)
+ 1
[(In V)3 - (In V )3] + ...
o = -A kt In (cg/n)
= _ A K.olv l\p
[1 - [al\pMn 1~V 1 (12-48)
with the initial condition V = V0 when t = 0. The solution to Eq. (12-48) is (see
Problem 12-C4),
V _ V _ a Mn In aMn
vo - - -
[ V _ a Mn
1= _ A
P t (12-49)
o l\p 1m
Note that when a = 0, Eq. (12-49) reduces to Eq. (12-42). Equation (12-49) is
also valid for batch operation of RO when R = 1.
Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems are often used together. For
example, cheese whey is the left over liquid from making cheese. The whey is
approximately 1% protein, 5% lactose (milk: sugar), 1% salts, and the
remainder is water. The whey has a very high Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) and is expensive to dispose of properly. One processing route which
utilizes all of the components of whey is shown in Figure 12-16. The protein is
recovered by UP. This protein concentrate is quite valuable and can either be
dried and sold or it can be added wet to cottage cheese or ice cream. The per-
meate from the UP system is sent to RO where the sugar and salts are concen-
trated by removing water. This is desirable since it makes both the downstream
processing steps smaller and cheaper. The concentrated solution can then be
fermented with yeast to produce a dilute ethanol solution. The ethanol is
recovered by distillation or other separation scheme. The waste liquor contain-
ing about 3% salts is sent to evaporators to recover the salts which can be used
as fertilizer. Note that the UP system is first. The UP system serves to protect
the RO system from particulates and protein which can cause fouling and gel
formation. Both UP and RO systems would be cleaned at least once a day.
r====t-- Permeate
Tanks ''----95wt%
Disti Ilation
Water Vapor
L---=r- Stea m
Figure 12-16. Simplified flow diagram for whey processing.
processing fruit juices (Stana, 1977). In concentration of fruit juices the pro-
cessor wants to recover all of the pulp, the sugar, and the volatile flavor
ingredients. The final product may be from 20 to 25% pulp and 20 to 25%
sugars. This product is very viscous and has a very high osmotic pressure.
(Open a can of frozen orange juice and let it melt. This is the desired final pro-
duct) A high recovery of sugar is desired; thus, the permeate leaving the RO
system should be close to zero concentration. A 50 wt% solution of sugar has a
very high osmotic pressure (see Table 12-1), and any leakage through the
membrane will cause significant contamination of the waste stream. Thus a
single RO module will be difficult to use and the membrane arrangement used
in Figure 12-16 for whey processing is not a good scheme. Instead, the pro-
cessing scheme shown in Figure 12-17 can be used (Stana, 1977). Note that
the UF system is again placed first to protect the RO systems. Since the UF
membrane does not retain the sugar, the sugar concentration is the same in the
permeate and the high pressure products. Thus, although 7t is significant, d7t is
approximately zero and the usual UF equations can be used. The first RO sys-
tem produces the desired low concentration waste water, but the sugar solution
is concentrated to only 25%. This keeps M reasonable. The second RO sys-
tem produces the desired sugar solution, but the permeate is a 10 to 15% solu-
tion which is recycled to the first RO system. This keeps d7t modest in the
second RO system also. The pulp and sugar are then mixed to produce the
desired final product.
be in the opposite direction from the solvent flux. Dialysis also usually does
Rot use asymmetric membranes, but instead uses homogeneous membranes
without skins.
The major commercial use of dialysis is hemodialysis for removal of
waste products such as urea and creatine from patients who have had kidney
failure. This application is commonly known as the artificial kidney even
though hemodialysis is not a good mimic of the way the kidney functions (Col-
ton and Lowrie, 1981; Ward et ai, 1985, Lysaght et ai, 1986). Other commer-
cial applications include the recovery of caustic in the manufacture of rayon,
salt removal in pharmaceuticals manufacturing, and recovery of spent acid in
the metal industry. Except in medical applications, the engineer is more likely
to be involved with RO, UP, or electrodialysis than with dialysis. Both plate-
and-frame and hollow fiber dialyzers are available (Lacey, 1979; Klein et ai,
As small solutes pass through the microporous membrane, concentration
gradients will develop on both sides of the membrane. This is illustrated in
Figure 12-18. The flux of the permeable solutes through the membrane can be
written as
Ksolute (12-50)
J solute = (c m h - cm '!)
lm .
where Cb and Cd are the bulk fluid concentrations on the feed and dialysate
sides, and k~lute is the total or overall mass transfer coefficient. If the solvent is
Flux of small
--l-+- molecules
- - - c b Small molecules
Feed Side
- - - - - Macromolecules
Figure 12-18. Concentration gradients in dialysis.
stagnant, the overall mass transfer coefficient can be found from a sum of resis-
1 1m 1 1 (12-52)
--- +--+--
k;olute - Ksolute k~olute k~olute
where k!olule and k~lute are the mass transfer coefficients on the feed and
dialysate sides of the membrane. The individual mass transfer coefficients can
be estimated from standard correlations such as those in Chapter 13. The three
terms on the right hand side of Eq. (12-52) are often the same order of magni-
Solvent flux (see Eq. (12-27» can be in either direction in Figure 12-18.
If the pressures on both sides of the membrane are equal, the solvent will flow
from the dialysate to the feed side because of osmosis. This osmotic flow can
be drastically increased by the concentration polarization of macromolecules,
and in turn will tend to reduce the concentration polarization. Unfortunately,
the osmotic flow also decreases the flux of the small solutes since the convec-
tive flow is in the opposite direction to the solute diffusive flux. The solvent
flow can be stopped or reversed by applying a positive pressure on the feed side
of the membrane. Dialyzers are often operated with essentially no solvent flux,
or with a small flux of solvent into the dialysate.
Any of the flow patterns shown in Figure 12-7 can be used in a dialyzer.
Hemodialyzers are usually countercurrent If the volumetric flow rates of
liquids on the feed <IF and dialysate sides Qd and the overall mass transfer
coefficient kT can be assumed to be constant, a variety of steady-state flow case
can be solved (Michaels, 1966). The correct average concentration difference
in Eq. (12-51) is the logarithmic mean of the inlet and outlet concentration.
where 1 and 2 are the two ends of the dialyses. For example, if countercurrent
flow is used,
Solving Eqs. (12-51), (12-53) and (12-54) with the mass balance
In the derivation of Eq. (12-57) the volumetric flow rates Qp and Qd were
assumed to be constant. At equilibrium, cP,out = Cd,in' Thus the denominator on
the LHS of Eq. (12-57) is the maximum possible concentration change in the
feed stream while the numerator is the actual concentration change. The LHS
of Eq. (12-57) is thus the fraction of maximum solute removal which is
Results for other geometries are also easily obtained Michaels (1966).
For parallel flow of feed and dialysate the result is,
1 + Qp/Qd
If the dialysate is completely mixed and the feed is in plug flow, the
result is
pass amino acids and salts which it is desirable to retain. This latter problem is
solved by using a dialysate fluid which is a physiological electrolyte solution
containing the appropriate concentrations of the salts. Since salt concentrations
are the same on both sides of the membrane, there will be no transfer of the
salts. In hemodialysis a positive pressure is applied to the feed (blood) side in
order to remove some water (which can be considered the solvent). Equipment
used in medical applications must satisfy a large number of constraints such as
preventing blood clotting. Details of hemodialysis are discussed by Colton and
Lowrie (1981), Lysaght et al (1986), and Ward et al (1985). Other membrane
separations used in artificial organs are discussed by Lysaght et al (1986).
In the usual dialysis process exclusion of large solutes is based on steric
effects. In ion exchange dialysis anion exchange membranes are used. The
membranes are the same as those used in electrodialysis (see the next section).
These membranes will exclude cations (ions with positive charge), but the
exclusion of H+ cations is poor (see Chapter 9 for a discussion of Ion
Exchange). Thus, if a solution of acid and metal salts is on one side of the
membrane and water or a dilute acid solution is on the other side of the mem-
brane, the anions (ions of negative charge) readily transfer through the mem-
brane. To keep electroneutrality cations must also transfer. Since the only
cation which can transfer through the membrane is H+, the acid is separated
from the metal ion. This is illustrated in Figure 12-19a. Ion exchange dialysis
is used commercially to recover metal ions in the plating industry. The systems
use plate-and-frame arrangements similar to those used in electrodialysis
except no current is required. Water and feed solutions are alternated in the
different compartments. Other geometries could also be used.
Donnan dialysis is another variant using ion exchange membranes. The
stack utilizes all cation or anion exchange membranes. For purposes of this
explanation we will assume that all of the membranes are cation exchange
membranes since our purpose is to concentrate a valuable cation. A dilute
solution containing the valuable cation (for example Cu++) is circulated in the
odd-numbered compartments. In the even-numbered compartments a concen-
trated solution of cheap acid is circulated. One cell is illustrated in Figure 12-
19b. The W ions will transfer through the membranes due to the concentration
driving force. To keep electroneutrality, either the anion must transfer through
* +
! CuS0 4 acid
Anion conc.
dilute CUS04
H2 S0 4
Salt Acid
t \ Cation
\ ~ Membrane
* Anion
the presence of the electrical field the cations will migrate towards the cathode
and anions towards the anode. The cations can pass through the cation
exchange membranes but not through the anion exchange membranes. The
anions can pass through the anion exchange membranes but not through the
cation exchange membranes. Because of the alternation of the cation and anion
exchange membranes the result is to concentrate ions in the odd numbered
compartments and to dilute the ions in the even numbered compartments in
Figure 12-20. In this way a desalted water and a concentrated brine are
formed. In commercial systems from 100 to 600 unit cells (pairs of mem-
branes) are in a stack. Reviews of electrodialysis are given by Applegate
(1984), Hwang and Kammermeyer (1975), Klein et al (1985), Komgold
(1984), Lacey (1979), Mintz (1963), Solt (1976), and Spiegler (1984).
used in special cases. Ion exchange membranes are discussed in detail else-
where (Kesting, 1985; Flett, 1983; Klein et al, 1987; Komgold, 1984; Lacey,
1979; Pusch and Walch, 1982; Solt, 1976; Strathmann, 1985). Lists of sup-
pliers and membrane properties are given by Komgold (1984), Spiegler (1984),
and Strathmann (1985).
The anode can be made from the same materials as the cathode or from stain-
less steel. The anode and cathode compartments are separated from the stack
by membranes. These compartments are vented to remove the gases fonned.
Since the stack is in series, the current flow through each membrane and
each compartment must be the same. The reason for using a large number of
unit cells is to use this current many times and thus produce more desalted
water. The current is carried by the ions. The fraction of current carried by an
ionic species is the "transference number". This fraction can be different for
the different ions since current is the product of the charge times the velocity
times the number of ions transferred. Small ions such as W will carry more
current than large ions such as Cl- since the H+ have a higher velocity. In a
solution such as KCI where the ions are approximately the same size and thus
have the same velocity, the transference numbers will be approximately equal.
cations onions
I Well Mixed 1
I Zone I
1 I
1 1 1 1
18 81 18 81
1 1
Ion Concentration
Cation Anion
Exchange Exchange
Membrane Membrane
where R(CF) is the resistance per cell determined at the feed concentration. For
example, if we recover a product water which is one half as concentrated as the
feed this result is
where n is the number of unit cells, 11, is the efficiency due to the semipennea-
bility of the membrane (co-ions transfer through a membrane that they should
be excluded from), l1w is the efficiency related to water transfer through the
membrane, and 11m is the efficiency since some of the current invariably leaks
through the manifold holding the membranes. All of the efficiencies are less
than 1.0 and the overall electrical efficiency is often about 0.9. However, n
often varies from 100 to 600. Thus, ~ will usually be significantly greater than
1.0. An important exception to this occurs as the feed concentration becomes
high (3 to 5 mol/liter). As this happens 11, and hence Elec. Eff. approach zero
since the coions are not strongly excluded from the membrane. At these high
concentrations ~ becomes small and energy requirements become too large for
electrodialysis to be economical.
The membrane area A for the cation and anion membrane can be
estimated from
The area Am is set by the dimensions of the plate-and-frame module which are
standardized by the manufacturer. Substituting in
1115 11m l1w
a Rearranging Eqs. (12-66) and (12-67),
- g [ 1 equiv ]_ eq
CF - Cdil - (1.2 L) 58.45 g - 0.0205 L
= 0.920
Assuming that cell resistance is inversely proportional to concentration
Eq. (12-65) is valid. Rearranging,
Since there are 300 Ljmin, this is 1412 joules/L = 337.5 callL.
3.) If the cell design and size or spacer design are changed,
R and Elec. Eff. may not be the same for laboratory and
commercial units. Also, if the high concentrations are
very different 115 may be different in the two units.
VP Vacuum
liquid side and dry on the vapor side, the diffusivity varies markedly across the
membrane. The evaporation at the vapor side may have a major effect on the
observed selectivity. For the separation of trace organics from water, the rela-
tive volatility of the trace organic is often very high even though the boiling
point of the organic is higher than water's boiling point. This occurs because
these are very nonideal solutions with high activities. Finally, because of eva-
poration the process is nonisothermal. The temperature change affects solubil-
ity, diffusivity, and evaporation. Currently, a complete model including all
these effects is not available.
Since flux is proportional to dcJdx, the steady state form of Fick's second law
'1 = '1,1 at x=O , Ci = Ci.2 at x=tm
D(c) =Do exp (ac)
The parameters Do and a are functions of temperature and the properties of the
where S* is the Henry's law constant and is a form of solubility. Then the flux
Note that Eq. (12-77) does not fit the standard form given in Eq. (12-1). If we
force fit pervaporation into the form of Eq. (12-1) using ~P as the driving force,
we obtain a "permeability" P of
P= - = -
[exp(aS "Pl)-exp(aS "P2)]
~P Mp
This result shows that the permeability is a function of the partial pressures, in
addition to the diffusivity and the solubility. Since both solubilty and dif-
fusivity usually increase as the temperature increases, the permeability and per-
meation rate increase with temperature increases. The selectivity between dif-
ferent species may decrease as temperature increases, although for commercial
alcohol-water pervaporation there is little decrease in selectivity (Sander and
Soukup, 1988).
Pz = YiP
The flux and concentration profiles are assumed to be unchanged by the pres-
ence of the other diffusing components. Unfortunately, superposition is seldom
valid. The presence of a second component affects the permeation rate of the
-2 15
o 10
Weight fraction of benzene in liquid
o = permeation 40° e • =equilibrium 40 0 e
t:l. = permeation 5Qoe • = equilibrium 50° C
o = permeation 60 0 e • = equilibrium 60 0 e
If selectivity and flux are known from laboratory data, we can design the
z-Oyp (12-80)
Xout - I-a
Equations (12-81) and (12-82) apply to local values at the same location of the
membrane. For a perfectly mixed system
yP =Y , Xout = X
yP = 1 + (ClAB
, - 1) Xout
The global character of this expression for perfectly mixed systems greatly
simplifies the remaining analysis.
This equation can obviously be solved for yp with the quadratic formula (see
Example 12-5). Equation (12-85) is linear in z and 9; thus, if yp and 9 are
Cl~ (Cl~ 1) z Yp - Yp
9= (12-87)
Z- -
, 2
(ClAB - 1) (Yp - yp)
These equations are obviously valid and easy to use if Cl~ is constant.
However, Figure 12-23 shows that Cl~ is a function of liquid mole fraction x.
The equations are still valid, but must be used in a trial-and-error fashion. For
1. Guess Xout.guess
The value of the cut is often controlled by the energy balance. For the system
shown in Figure 12-24 the energy balance is,
which is
The high temperature, Tin, is limited by the stability of the membrane. The low
temperature, Tout = T p' is limited by the need to have a vapor on the penneate
side. Thus, if T p is decreased a very low pressure may be required. Since
latent heats are significantly greater than specific heats, the amount of energy
Permeate Recycle
Product I Product 2
required to vaporize the permeate will not be available in the feed unless the
permeate rate is low. For removal of trace organics permeate rates will be low
and sufficient energy is usually available in the feed. For breaking azeotropes
conentrations are usually significantly higher and heat effects become
important. A recycle stream and/or interstage heaters (see Figure 12-25) are
used when necessary to provide sufficient sensible heat for the vaporization.
Additional heat input into the pervaporation unit is provided by the hot distil-
late streams. The value of e per pass is low, but e..r for the entire unit shown in
Figure 12-25 can be high. It is desireable to keep the temperature drop quite
modest (5 to lO°C) since fluxes are significantly higher at higher temperatures
(Sander and Soukup, 1988). Thus a large number of stages or high recycle rate
is desirable. The use of these equations for a one-pass system is illustrated in
Example 12-5. Recycle systems are left to Problem 12-C3.
often has much larger selectivities but lower fluxes than RO. For trace oganics
the high activity of the organic gives high relative volatilities and thus both
high selectivities and high fluxes. In addition, pervaporation will not be limited
by osmotic pressure.
(1) Includes 2 wt% sodium citrate. (2) Includes 2 wt% benzoic acid.
We can find the cut a from Eq. (12-90b). First, we need consistent
= 0.625 caV °C [
1000 kca1
g 1= 0.046 kcal
gmole °C
Note that z = 0.1 refers to water mole fraction since a' = a~. Then yp
is also water mole fraction.
yp = 10.45 ± 4.35
10.5 0581 mo Ie fracllon
=. . water
Area = Feed Rate/Flux = 2 = 500 ft2
0.2Ib/hr ft
A liquid membrane has a layer of liquid which serves as the separation medium
instead of the solid polymer used in the other membrane methods discussed
a b ~ Feed Phase
o 00 0
Feed Phase o 00 0 Recelvlng
0 0 00 0
o 0 0 Phase
Liquid 0
Liquid Exploded
Receiving Phase
previously. Two types of liquid membrane systems have been extensively stu-
died. In supported liquid membranes the liquid is held in a porous matrix
which serves to support the liquid (Danesi, 1984-85; Noble et ai, 1986; Ward,
1970; Noble and Way, 1987; Way et ai, 1982, 1985). The equipment and
operating procedures for supported liquid membranes are very similar to those
for the other membrane separations discussed in this chapter. In emulsion
liquid membranes a double emulsion is formed with the receiving liquid encap-
sulated by an immiscible material which is also immiscible with the outer fluid
(Cahn and Li, 1976; Li, 1971; Marr and Kopp, 1982; Noble et ai, 1986; Way et
ai, 1982). The emulsion liquid membrane systems are operated in a manner
very similar to liquid-liquid extraction. Liquid membrane systems have been
an area of considerable research, but only waste water treatment and gas sen-
sors for ion selective electrodes are commercial (Noble and Way, 1987). In the
future these separation techniques may become important as commercial
separation devices.
the feed phase and the receiving phase. The feed and receiving phases can be
essentially the same liquid and in many cases will be an aqueous solution. The
liquid membrane serves to separate the feed and receiving phases. In order to
increase the capacity of the receiving phase, it will often contain a chemical
which will react with the diffusing solute. The supported liquid membrane sys-
tems can use one of the geometries shown in Figure 12-5. One of the major
problems with this type of liquid membrane is bleeding which is loss of the
liquid membrane as it dissolves into the feed and receiving phases. Supported
liquid membrane systems have apparently not been commercialized yet.
The emulsion liquid membrane system is shown schematically in Figure
12-26b. The system is a double emulsion with the receiving phase distributed
within the liquid membrane drops which are dispersed within the feed phase.
The emulsion type systems are fairly simple to make and have a very large sur-
face area. Normal extraction equipment is used for the contacting. Mter the
extraction, the liquid membrane usually must be broken to recover the solute.
The receiving phase usually contains a chemical to react with the solute to
increase the capacity. Emulsion type systems have been extensively designed
and piloted for a variety of commercial processes such as copper recovery,
phenol removal from waste water, and hydrocarbon separations.
Both types of liquid membrane systems can use facilitated transport
(Cussler, 1971; Goddard, 1977; Noble et ai, 1989). Facilitated transport is
shown schematically in Figure 12-26c. A carrier contained within the liquid
membrane reacts with the solute and then diffuses across the membrane. In the
receiving phase the carrier-solute complex is broken and carrier diffuses into
the receiving phase. The carrier then diffuses back across the membrane to
pick up another "load". This mechanism is similar to the carrying of oxygen in
blood by hemoglobin. In the second mechanism shown in Figure 12-26c a
second molecule of A is back-transported across the membrane. The back-
transported molecule supplies the energy for the process (Cussler, 1971).
Examples of this process are using W to supply energy to separate cations.
Facilitated transport is of interest since it can provide much faster mass transfer
rates with higher selectivities than the liquid membrane alone, and because
facilitated transport appears to be important in transfer across cell membranes
in living systems. In terms of a solution-diffusion membrane, facilitated tran-
sport involves increasing the solubility and/or the diffusion rate of the solute.
Noble et al (1989) list a large number of systems which have been developed
for facilitated transport. Note that these facilitated transport chemical systems
can often be used to advantage in other separation processes such as absorption
or extraction, and these alternatives may be cheaper than liquid membranes.
At the end of this chapter you should be able to meet the following objectives.
4. Describe gelling and fouling, and estimate the effects on flux and
rejection. Explain why flux is determined by back-diffusion when
a gel layer exists.
Beaver, E.R., P.V. Bhat, and D.S. Sarcia, "Integration of membranes with other
air separations technologies," AIChE Symp. Ser .• 84 (261), 113 (1988).
Belter, P.A., E.L. Cussler, and W.-S. Hu, Bioseparations. Downstream Pro-
cessingfor Biotechnology, Wiley-Intersciences, 1988, Chapt 9.
Blatt, W.F., A. Dravid, A.S. Michaels, and L. Nelson, "Solute polarizatio,' and
cake formation in membrane ultrafiltration: Causes, consequences and COl trol
techniques," in J.E. Flinn (Ed.), Membrane Science and Technology, Plenum
Press, NY, 1970,47-97.
Caracciolo, V.P., N.W. Rosenblatt and V J. Tomsic, "Du Pont's hollow fiber
membranes," in S. Sourirajan (Ed.), Reverse Osmosis and Synthetic Mem-
branes, Ottawa, Canada, National Research Council of Canada, 1977, Chapt.
Chern, R.T., WJ. Koros, H.B. Hopfenberg, and V.T. Stannett, "Material selec-
tion for membrane-based gas separations," in D.R. Lloyd (Ed.), Materials Sci-
ence of Synthetic Membranes, Am. Chern. Soc., Washington, DC, 1985, Chapt.
Colton, c.K. and E.G. Lowrie, "Hemodialysis: Physical principles and techni-
cal considerations," The Kidney, Vol. 2, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders
Co. 1981,2425-2489.
Cussler, EL., "Membranes which pump," AIChE Journal, 17, 1300 (1971).
Flett, D.S. (Ed), Ion Exchange Membranes, Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester,
England. 1983.
Finken, H., "Asymmetric membranes for gas separations," in D.R. Lloyd (Ed.),
Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes, Amer. Chern. Soc., Washington,
D.C., 1985, Chapt. 11.
Gienger, J.K. and R.J. Ray, "Membrane-based hybrid processes," AIChE Symp.
Ser.,84 (261), 168 (1988).
Henis, J. M.S. and M.K. Tripodi, "The developing technology of gas separating
membranes," Science, 220 (4592), 11 (April 1, 1983).
Klein, E., R.A. Ward, and R.E. Lacey, "Membrane processes-Dialysis and elec-
trodialysis", in R.W. Rousseau (Ed.), Handbook of Separation Process Tech-
nology, Wiley, New York, 1987, Chapt. 21.
Li, N.N. and RB. Long, "Permeation through plastic films," AIChE Journal,
15, 73 (1969).
Lloyd, D.R and T.B. Meluch, "Selection and evaluation of membrane materi-
als for liquid separations," in D.R. Lloyd (Ed.), Materials Science of Synthetic
Membranes, Amer. Chern. Soc., Washington, DC, 1985, Chapt. 3.
Lysaght, MJ., D.R. Boggs, and M.H. Taim isto , "Membranes in artificial
organs", in M.B. Chenoweth (Ed), Synthetic Membranes, MMI Press, Mid-
land, MI, 1986,100-117.
Noble, RD., C.A. Koval, and JJ. Pellegrino, "Facilitated transport membrane
systems," Chern. Engr. Prog., 85 (3), 58 (March 1989).
Noble, R.D. and J.D. Way (Eds.), Liquid Membranes, Theory and Applications,
ACS Symp. Ser., No. 347, ACS, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Noble, RD., J.D. Way and A.L. Bunge, "Liquid membranes," in Y. Marcus
(Ed.), Ion Exchange and Solvent Extractions, vol. 10, Marcel Dekker, NY.
Potts, D.E., R.C. Ahlert and S.S. Wang, "A critical review of fouling of reverse
osmosis membranes," Desalination, 36,235 (1981).
Stannett, V.T., W J. Koros, D.R. Paul, H.K. Lonsdale, and RW. Baker,
"Recent advances in membrane science and technology," Adv. Polymer Sci ..
32.69 (1979).
Stem, S.A. and H.L. Frisch, "The selective permeation of gases through poly-
mers," Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci., 11, 523 (1981).
Ward, R.A., P.W. Feldhoff and E. Klein, "Membrane materials for therapeutic
Way, J.D., RD. Noble and B.R Bateman, "Selection of supports for immobil-
ized liquid membranes," in Lloyd, D.R (Ed.), Materials Science of Synthetic
Membranes, ACS, Washington, DC, 1985, Chapt 6.
Way, J.D., RD. Noble, T.M. Flynn and E.D. Sloan, "Liquid membrane tran-
sport: A survey," J. Memb. Sci., 12, 247 (1982).
A. Discussion Problems
A2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each module shown in
Figure 12-5?
A4. In gas permeation too high a selectivity can be detrimental and may
actually limit the removal of the permeating gas from the feed. Explain
this phenomenon.
A8. Figures 12-4 and 12-15 show no concentration polarization on the per-
meate side. Figures 12-18 and 12-21 show mass transfer on both sides
of the membrane. Explain these differences.
B. Generation of Alternatives
B 1. The RM membrane is a clever and commercially successful solution to
the problem of how to make essentially defect free gas permeation
membranes. Brainstorm at least 5 other solutions to this problem.
C. Derivations
Cl. Show that Eq. (12-32a) is a solution to Eq. (12-31) and the appropriate
boundary conditions.
C2. Show that Eq. (12-39) is a solution to Eq. (12-31) and the appropriate
boundary conditions.
a. Calculate a
D. Single-Answer Problems
D2. Data for a hollow fiber RO module from Dow Chemical is given in
Table 12-2. Details of how the test were done are not complete.
a. If there was no concentration polarization, calculate Ksolv/tM for this
b. IfM = 2 during the experiment, determine K.olv/tM'
You can use the van't Hoff equation.
b) This membrane had RO = 0.96. What was the salt permeability for
a In the stirred cell find Jso1v and Jsolule if .1p = 5 atm and Cb =20g/L.
b. In the hollow fiber system find J so1v , RaP!' and J so1uIe if .1p = 5 atm
and Cb = 2Og/L. Other conditions are the same as in previous
Dl1. We are separating oxygen and nitrogen by gas permeation with a sil-
icone rubber membrane. The membrane module is perfectly mixed.
Inlet gas is 21 mole % 02' We desire a permeate product which is 27
mole % 2 , Membrane has a selectivity (lAB =P AIPB = 2.1. Pressure
ratio is PL/PH = 0.35. Treat the gases as ideal gases. What cut e must
be used?
flux is 0.416 x 10-5 m3 /m 2 sec. Assume the gel layer has a porosity of E
The basic concepts, definitions, and theories for a variety of membrane separa-
tors were presented in Chapter 12. In order to cover the entire area of mem-
brane separations while at the same time keeping that chapter a reasonable
length some of the more involved analyses were not included. These more
involved analyses will be discussed in this chapter. Chapter 12 is a prerequisite
for this material.
The bulk flow patterns in the membrane modules have a large effect on
separation. In Chapter 12 fluid on both sides of the membrane was assumed to
be perfectly mixed. In Section 13.3 perfectly mixed modules with concentra-
tion polarization are studied. Countercurrent flow is studied in Section 13.4.
The usual picture of concentration polarization was shown in Figure 12-4. The
solute mass balance was given by Eq. (12-31) when the rejection is 1.0 and cp
= O. When the rejection is not 1.0. the mass balance can be written as:
dc (13-1)
]solv cp +]solv c +D -
where the first tenn represents solute which passes through the membrane. The
boundary conditions are
c=cw at y=O
c = Cb at y= 0
This mass transfer coefficient k can be calculated from mass transfer correla-
tions for different flow regimes. This is the subject of Section 13.1.2. Substi-
tuting Eq. (13-4) into (13-3a), we obtain
JI01v is given by Eq. (12-27). Note that Equations (12-27) and (13-3b) are valid
at each point of the membrane since, in general, Cb, c w, cP ' J solv , and M vary
throughout the membrane module. For a mixed system Cb = COul is constant and
hence Cw, cP ' M, and Jsolv are constant. When RO = 1, simultaneous solution of
Eqs. (12-27) and (13-3b) gives J so1v and M. If RO < 1, we must simultaneously
solve Eqs. (12-22), (12-25), (12-27) and (13-3b). For high flux membranes
Eqs. (13-4) and (13-5) are both suspect.
Equations (13-3), (13-4) and the expressions for k are convenient to use
when Jsolv is constant and specified. If Jso1v is unknown, these equations must
be solved simultaneously with Eq. (12-27). Unfortunately, the polarization
modulus M is required to calculate J so1v in Eq. (12-27) and Jso1v is required to
determine M in Eq. (13-3). Thus an iterative trial-and-error solution is often
required Fortunately, if Jso1vlk «1.0 an approximate solution can be
developed (Rao and Sirkar, 1978). This solution is particularly simple for ideal
semi-impermeable membranes where RO = 1. Assume that the osmotic pres-
sure is a linear function of concentration following Eq. (12-18b) which is rea-
sonable for dilute solutions. When J101v/k « 1.0, the exponential tenn in Eqs.
(12-32a) and (13-3) can be expanded as
cw J 1 JIOIV
, (13-5)
M =-=exp - - - 1 +--
( so v )
Cb k k
Equations (13-5) and (13-6) can now be solved simultaneously for J so1v '
J lmv = -1m- - - - - (13-7)
1 Ksolvacb
+ 1m k
When using this equation, the assumption that JI01v/k« 1.0 should be checked.
Equation (13-7) is useful when Cb is known. If Cb is not known, we need to
include mass balances (see Section 13.3.2.).
IfRO < 1 and/or (JlOlvlk) is not very small, the result from Eq. (13-7) can
be used as the first guess for J101v ' Then Eq. (13-3b) can be solved for M. Now
the solvent flux equation with RO < I, Eq. (12-27), can be solved simultane-
ously with Eqs. (12-22) and (12-25). This value of J solv can be used in Eq.
(13-3b) and the procedure can be continued until there is convergence.
Once M and JI01v have been detennined the required membrane area and
module length can be found. An external mass balance for the module is
J lmv A Cp + (F - J I01v A)cout =F Cp
In this equation F is the volumetric feed rate to the module (e.g. liter/hr) and
cout is the concentrated product on the feed side of the membrane. Since cout is
usually given, Eq. (13-5) can be solved for A. For tubular or hollow fiber sys-
A = (xLd)n
where n is the number of tubes of diameter d and length L.
. SC-2/3
k = UbJD (13-lOa)
where f is the Fanning friction factor which in turbulent flow can be estimated
f = 0.0791 Re-1/4
k = 0.023 ~ ReO. 83 Sc 1/3
Fully developed turbulent flow on tubes will certainly occur for Re > 20,000
and in UP devices appears to occur at Re = 2000 (porter, 1979). These results
can be substituted into Eq. (13-3) to estimate the concentration polarization
modulus in turbulent flow. Note that concentration polarization in turbulent
flow does not depend upon the distance down the tube. For turbulent flow
between parallel sheets the same correlation can be used except the equivalent
diameter of the channel deq should be used
0.33 [ 2] 0.75
k=0.0443 ~;
[ ] 00:
where d is the vessel diameter in cm, is the stirrer speed in radians/sec, v is
the kinematic viscosity in cm 2 /sec, and D is the diffusivity in cm 2 /sec. This
form is useful for laboratory stirred tanks, but the stirred tank configuration is
unlikely to be used on a large scale. An example calculation is part of Example
Turbulent flow can be important in tubular (Figure 12-5b), stirred tanks
and plate-and-frame (Figure 12-5a) modules. Qualitatively, Eq. (l3-3b) shows
that M decreases if the mass transfer coefficient k increases. This can be
achieved with high velocities ~, high diffusivities, and low viscosities.
Operating at high temperature increases D and decreases)J.. Increasing Jsolv
increases concentration polarization. Thus high flux membranes have more
concentration polarization.
For laminar flow conditions the average mass transfer coefficient can be
estimated from (Blatt et al. 1970; Porter, 1979)
where Yw is the fluid shear rate at the membrane surface and L is the length of
the flow channel. The fluid shear rate in laminar flow in a round tube is
4~ (13-15)
3 Ub (13-17)
These laminar flow correlations are used when the concentration polarization
layer is thin, which holds when the axial distance is much less than the entrance
length (see Example 13-2). These correlations be used when a gel does not
form to estimate Jso1v and Musing Eqs, (13-3b) and (13-7), or when a gel forms
(Section 13-2).
id tubes is being used. The average fluid velocity Ub = 1300 cm/sec and
oM> =50 atm. The cut S =0.10. Operation is at 18°C.
Find the average concentration polarization modulus M, the average
solvent flux Jaolv , Couto and cpo
at 18°C: DNaC! (0.4 gmoles/L) = 1.17 x 10-5 cm 2 /s
DNaC! (0.8 gmoles/L) = 1.19 x 10-5 cm2 /s
(Sherwood et aI. 1975, p. 37)
Eq. (13-3b) and R and hence S, from the solution to Eq. (12-29). We
can then check that Coo.ll is not changed significantly.
cc attn]
The factor [82.057 gmole K / [ 1.9872
gmole Cal]
K .
converts two different
values of the gas constant. The values ~ and Renc::rgy depend on the
units of .1~, v.olvent, and the desired pressure units for 7t.
Since osmotic pressure data for NaCI is readily available (perry and
Green, 1984, p. 17-23), the purpose of this calculation is illustrative.
Interpolating between concentrations and extrapolating to 18°C using
the tabulated data, we find 7t = 18.57 which is a 0.6% difference.
Assuming 7t is linear with concentration, a = 7t/c = 18.69/0.422 = 44.29
2. Calculate k.
A 0.422 gmole/L solution is about 2.4 wt% (same Table as Freez-
ing point depression). Linearly interpolating, p(WOe) - 1.0174 and p
(25°C) - 1.0140. Then doing another linear interpolation p(l8°C) -
1.0156 glee. [This is not the best way to estimate density, but since the
differences are small it will not cause much error].
Viscosity of a mixture can be estimated from (Reid et ai, 1977, p. 462)
where the Xi are mole fractions. Here component 1 is pure water and
component 2 is 25 wt% solution. From the same table which gives
freezing point depression:
3. Solvent flux.
J -
(1.24 x 10-5 ) (50 - (44.29) (0.422» = 0.000386 cm/s
101v - (1.24 x 10-5 ) (44.29) (0.422)
1+ 0.0418
4. Solute.
Ksolv RO 0.995
0.= = =- - - - - -----
Ksolute (AP- An) (l-RO) (70 - (44.29) (0.4» (1- 0.995)
0.= 3.806
Now the solution to Eq. (12-29) gives~. Constants for the quadratic
formula are
- - up- M 1t (»
Ksolv ( A
Cb +
1m 1m
~ = 0.0039 gmoles/L
Gel formation was discussed in Chapter 12 following Eqs. (12-37) and (12-39).
In this section more details of the calculation procedures will be given. The
formation of a gel depends mainly upon the solute type and concentration
although the membrane characteristics and hydrodynamics also affect gel for-
mation (Blatt et ai, 1970; Fane, 1986). Rigid chain, solvated macromolecules
such as polysaccharides can gel at concentrations well below 1 wt %. Flexible
chain, linear macromolecules often gel in the range of 2 to 5 wt%, while highly
structured spheroidal macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids gel in
the range from 10 to 30 wt %. Colloids can also form gels. Submicron pig-
ments or minerals gel in the range from 5 to 25 vol % while polymer lattices
require from 50 to 60 vol %.
For membranes with R=I, the solute mass balance was given in Eq. (12-
31) and the solution was given in Eq. (12-39),
cg (12-39)
J I01v = k In-
The mass transfer coefficient can be estimated from the mass transfer theories
discussed in Section 13.1.2. Experimental UP data can be used to easily esti-
mate k and cg • If J solv is determined at a series of bulk concentrations, Cb. a
plot of J solv versus In Cb will have a slope of -k and an intercept on the concen-
tration axis of In cg (see Problem 12-D4). The resulting k and cg values are
then useful for correlating data. Changes in conditions such as velocity or tem-
perature will change the mass transfer coefficient and can be correlated with
Eqs. (13-11), (13-13), (13-16) or (13-18).
Although very appealing the gel formation theory often does not agree
with experimental data (Fane, 1986; Le and Howell, 1984; Porter, 1979; Wij-
mans et ai, 1984; Zydney and Colton, 1986). For instance, the model does not
include any affect of the membrane, velocity, or feed concentration on cg , but
experimental results show such effects. Since cg is usually much less than the
solubility limit, it is difficult to determine fundamentally exactly what cg is
measuring. Solute-solute and solute-membrane interactions are important
experimentally, but are not included in the model. Experiments with colloids
show fluxes which can be one or two orders of magnitude greater than expected
(porter, 1979). (This is very helpful and helps explain why the earliest com-
mercial applications of UP were for processing colloids, but it is a major prob-
lem for the theory.) Finally, the theory predicts a limiting flux which is
independent of.1p while experiments often show a.1p dependence on the limit-
ing flux.
Many attempts have been made to explain these problems. For example,
in medium molecular weight applications the osmotic pressure can be impor-
tant and should be included in the model (Fane, 1986; Wijmans et ai, 1984).
Unfortunately, models with osmotic pressure or with gels have very similar
predictions and it is difficult to determine which is correcL For macro-
molecules> 100,000 daltons the osmotic pressure cannot have much influence.
Porter (1979) suggested that the colloid data can be explained by the tubular
pinch effect. This is the tendency of small particles flowing in small rubes to
migrate away from the tube walls. This effect will increase the mass transfer of
particles away from the wall and will increase the solvent flux. Although this
effect definitely exists, it does not appear to produce a large enough effect to
completely explain the data (Le and Howell, 1984). Other explanations for
high fluxes with particles are the particle diffusivity is much higher than
Brownian diffusivity because it is caused by particle-particle interaction
(Romero and Davis, 1988; Zydney and Colton, 1986). Other models which
include variable diffusivity or cake aging or adsorption or leaky pores all seem
to be able to explain only part of the phenomena. The mass balance, Eq. (12-
31), does not include axial convection of solute and the boundary condition c =
Cb at y = is hypothetical. Shen and Probstein (1977) and Trettin and Doshi
(1980) improved the model by including convection in the x direction (e.g. see
Eq. (13-48» and writing the boundary condition as c = Cb at Y = 00. They also
allowed for a concentration dependent diffusviity. Their results for the limiting
flux agreed better with experimental data for protein UP than Eq. (12-39). At
the current time gelling in UP must be considered only partially explained.
Future research will eventually unravel the complexities involved. The simple
gel formation model still serves as a simple physical picture and as an excellent
method for correlating data.
Fouling can occur in both RO and UP although it is often worse in UP
since dirtier streams are often processed. Fouling is a plugging or coating on
(external) or in (internal) the membrane which is partially irreversible. That is,
in normal operation the fouled membrane will stay fouled until a separate
cleaning step is employed. After clean-up part or all of the original flux will be
recovered. Fouling is complex because it can be caused by many different
phenomena such as precipitation, adsorption, electrostatic attraction, biological
growth, chemical reaction or polymerization.
In RO fouling can be classified as inorganic, particulate, or biological
(potts et aI, 1981). Inorganic fouling occurs when compounds such as CaC03 ,
Caso 4 , MgC03 , and silica or iron precipitate out onto the membrane. Since
the purpose of RO is to remove water and since the concentration of salts is
highest at the membrane wall, it should not be surprising that precipitation can
be a problem. The higher the water recovery the more likely precipitation is to
be a problem. Fortunately, precipitation can often be controlled by adding sul-
furic acid to adjust the pH in the range 4 to 6, and by adding compounds which
bind calcium (e.g. Calgon). Fouling from particulates can be caused by parti-
culates in the feed. This is relatively easy to control by prefiltering the feed. A
more serious problem is the presence of both inorganic and organic colloids.
Methods for solving these problems will be very specific for each case since
the chemistry will differ from case to case. Some membranes such as cellulose
acetate are susceptible to biological growth. This can be controlled by operat-
ing in the pH range from 4 to 6, removing dissolved oxygen, or chlorinating.
All of the above types of fouling can also occur in UF. In addition, since
macromolecules are often ultrafiltered, polymer precipitates or gels may form
which can be attached to the membrane by adsorption or electrostatic forces.
The polymer may also react to form a cross-linked gel layer. Generally speak-
ing, the higher the molecular weight of the solute the worse fouling will be.
Modules should be designed to have no stagnant regions since fouling is invari-
ably worse in these locations. Separate cleaning steps are often employed.
These include pulsing clean water, back-flowing clean water through the mem-
brane, mechanical cleaning with sponge balls or other methods, and chemical
cleaning such as a caustic wash. Fouling may also be reduced by changing the
membrane properties. For instance, electrostatic attraction can usually be
reduced by giving the membrane a negative charge since fouling colloids are
often negatively charged.
where Jso1v(t), Jinit , and Jasy are the fluxes at time t, initially and asymptotically.
The time t is often measured in days, and JlO1v(day 1) = Jinito The empirical
constant m is negative. An m = -0.1 corresponds to about a 45% decline in
flux in one year while an m = -0.03 corresponds to about a 16% flux decline in
one year. If the membrane is chemically or mechanically cleaned, much of the
original flux can be restored. The decline will then start again from this
restored flux. Every time the membrane is cleaned some flux is. pennanently
lost. Thus the membranes will have a finite life. This lifetime can vary from a
few months to several years depending on the service conditions. Membrane
replacement should be included as an operating cost. Membrane systems are
usually designed with an average flux. For a parallel cascade membranes can
be replace in a staggered pattern so that some membranes are always fresh and
others are near the end of their useful life.
In Chapter 12 the mass balances for completely mixed systems were con-
sidered. In this section we will first develop the external mass balances for
reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration with concentration polarization. The possi-
ble occurrence of a gel will be included in Section 13.3.2.
The balances will be done for the system shown schematically in Figure
13-1. The overall external mass balance is
Fin = Fout + Fp
Fin em = Fout Coot + Fpcp
Figure 13-1. Schematic of completely mixed RO or UF with concentration
The volumetric permeate flowrate can be determined from the flux as Fp = JA.
For a perfectly mixed container Coot = Cb' Equations (13-20) and (13-21) can
be solved to find Couto
which is Eq. (12-30). Note that these equations are essentially the same as Eqs.
(12-5) to (12-8) since the external balances are unaffected by what happens
inside the system. The permeate concentration is related to the wall concentra-
The wall concentration can be removed from Eqs. (13-23) and (13-24) by sub-
stituting in Eq. (13-3b). The results are
Cb = ------------
8(I-RO) exp (Jsolvlk)
(1-8) + - - - - - - -
RO + (l-RO) exp (JlOlvlk)
Note that if RO =1.0, cp=O and Cotlt=cuJ(I-8). When RO =1, the flow patterns
and solvent flux are unimportant for determining concentrations.
For R O <1 Eqs. (13-25) and (13-26) are very useful if Jso1v is known.
Unfortunately, J so1v is usually not known. The solvent flux must now be deter-
mined from the flux Eq. (12-27). We will assume that the osmotic pressure
depends linearly on concentration so that Eq. (12-18b) is valid. Combining
Eqs. (12-27), (12-18b) and (13-23), we have
The wall concentration can be removed using Eq. (13-3b), and this result can
be solved simultaneously with Eq. (13-26). The equations are nonlinear and a
closed form solution cannot be obtained. If the exponential term is approxi-
mated as in Eq. (13-5), an algebraic solution can be obtained. The wall con-
centration becomes
which gives
These two equations can now be solved simultaneously. After some manipula-
tions the following quadratic equation results.
a' Jtolv + b' Jso1v + C' = 0
After determining k from the appropriate mass transfer correlation, J solv can be
found from the quadratic formula.
Once Jso1v is known, Cp and Cb can be calculated from Eqs. (13-25) and (13-26).
If gel formation is possible, calculate Cw from Eq. (13-28). If Cw < c g a gel
won't form and this solution is correct. If Cw > cg , a gel forms and this solution
is not correct (see Section 13.3.2). Also, this solution is based on Jso1vlk < < 1
and this restriction should be checked. If the assumption is invalid, we need to
solve Eqs. (13-3b), (13-26) and (13-27) simultaneously. Equation (13-33) can
be used for a first guess.
for R=1
J solv 1
w. COllC pol.
where we assume that the solute is mobile in the gel and does not change RO.
Since cg is known, Cp and Cb can be calculated immediately.
which reduces to Eq. (12-39) when RO = 1.0. We can determine k from the
appropriate correlation and then calculate l solv • For laminar flow Eqs. (13-16)
and (13-18) are convenient for first estimates of the average value of k.
Find Cp, Cb and J I01v for feed concentrations of 0.04 and 0.20 wt frac.
albumin ifa = 0.5.
We will first assume a gel does not form and use Eqs. (13-32) and
(13-33) to find J 101v • Then we will find Ct, from Eq. (13-26) and Cw from
= 0.00594 cm/s
To estimate a in Eq. (12-18b) we will use Eq. (12-18a). Since the solu-
tion will be approximately doubled in concentration, use c = 8 wt%
albumin. Then for 1 liter have approximately: 960 g water = 53.3
gmoles water and 83.5 g albumin = 0.00119 gmoles albumin.
= 0.0285 atm
from Eq. (12-18a). We can use Cin as 0.08 wt. frac in Eq. (12-18b).
1t 0.0285 atrn
a =- = 0 .08 wt fraC =0.356 atrn/wt frac.
= 0.00243 cm/s
where the positive sign is used to make J ao1v positive. To check the
assumption calculate
There will be some error in the calculation (see Notes) and a second
tria' would be required for accurate results.
Cb =
em = 1.9763 Cin
0.5 + 0.5 (0.008) exp (0.409)
0.992 + (0.008) exp (0.409)
(1.9763) em (1.409)
Cw :::: 0.992 + (0.008) (1.409) :::: 2.775 Cin
Note that since osmotic pressure is negligible, em does not affect the
calculation of J so1v and the other concentrations can be detennined as
functions of inlet concentration.
Thus, for the 20 wt% solution we need to use the solution when a gel
forms. With a gel formed we use Eqs. (13-37) to (13-39).
J so1v ::::
(0.992) (0.45) / (0.3964)
(0.00594) In [ 1 _ (0.008) (0.45) / (0.3964)
1:::: 0.00076 cm/s
A. There are several approximations involved in this solution.
~ L _____
Figure 13-2. Schematic of countercurrent gas penneator.
-d [ql (l-Yl) ] = -d [<U(l-Y2)] = P~B [(l-Yl)PH - PL (l-Y2)] (13-40b)
In these equations ql and qz are the flow rates in moles/hour on the feed and
permeate sides of the membrane, and Yl and Y2 are the mole fractions on the
feed and permeate sides of the membrane, respectively. A is the membrane
area PA and PB are the permeabilities of the membrane. The second equation
in each set comes from the flux Eq. (12-3). The molar density, is required to
convert the volumetric flux JAto a molar flux. These two mass balances can be
rearranged. Adding Eqs. (13-40a) and (13-40b) we obtain
A third equation is also required. This can be obtained from the overall
and component mass balances for the mass balance envelope shown in Figure
Removing the unknown flowrate 'l2 and solving for Y2, we obtain
Equations (13-41), (13-42), and (13-43c) are solved simultaneously. The boun-
dary conditions are:
In Eq. (13-44a) Y2.0 is the penneate mole fraction corresponding to Yout. This
penneate mole fraction can be obtained by taking the ratio of flux Eq. (12-3)
written for components A and B at the outlet. This result is
Yout - PH Y2.0
Y2.0 PA (13-44c)
- - = aAB - --------
l-Y2.0 PB PL
l-Yout - - (I-Y2.o)
Note that Eq. (13-44c) is essentially the same as Eq. (12-10) for a perfectly
mixed system.
0.28 \':0:,
, '.,
.... ',
'\ ...... ',
0.27 \. .....
', '"
'\,".. ,, ,
~ '\, U
ClJ '~~
"..... ,,
0.26 "\, ". ~
ClJ ,,', ".
\', .••.. " c
" 012
c \ '..... ,
" 0.25
OJ) ~ 0.10
x ". c
'. \.'<-'." \ , 0
c \ ':,.... \ .;::;
0 u
.;::; 0.24 Countercurrent .' \ ".'\;" ,\ - - - Countercurrent
u .::'" 008[
.::'" ---- Cross-flow " '';;.,'. \ - - - - Cross-flow
........ Cocurrent " 'i:. \ 0.06 ....•..... Cocurrent
___ ._ Constant yp '. \ •...'\;." \ \ \ ----- Constantyp
_ •. _ Well mixed
",:\.\ ---- .. Well mixed
, \\' '" 0.02
°T0 0.2 04 06 08 10
Cut, !:I Cut
(a) (b)
Figure 13-3. Product concentration for air separation (ex =2.05, prJPH = 0.359, YF = 0.209). a. Permeate con-
centrations. b. Low pressure product concentrations. (Blaisdell and Kammermeyer, 1973).
Reprinted with permission from Chern. Eng. Sci., 28, 1249 (1973). Copyright 1973, Pergamon
Press. 0\
other than completely mixed and countercurrent are developed by Hwang and
Kammermeyer (1975).
In laminar flow both concentration and velocity boundary layers will form.
Since diffifusivities are low, the concentration boundary layer will be thinner at
the beginning of the tube. Both boundary layers become thicker as one
progresses down the tube. If the tube is long enough (or the channel is thin
enough) both boundary layers will eventualy fill the tube. Thus, one should
expect two solutions for laminar flow: an entrance region solution and a fully
developed far-downstream solution. The solutions have been generated for the
case where the velocity profile is fully developed immediately, but the concen-
tration profile is not. The solute was assumed to be completely rejected. Solu-
tions for both parallel plates and round tubes are available (Sherwood et ai,
The geometry for RO between two parallel sheets is shown in Figure
13-4a For laminar flow the velocity must first be calculated from the following
Navier-Stokes equations,
u=O at y=±h
t t t t t
yLx tv .. u th
th -
• tv w
• • •
v= Vw at y=±h
au (13-46c)
ay at y=O
-u= -
3 [ 1 -Vw
--x (1-y')
Urn h
1 - h- [ 2-7y'2_7y'4 J
2 [ 1 -Vw
420 v
v y' ,z vwy ,2 I(j (13-47b)
- = - (3 - y ) - - - (2 - 3y - y )
Vw 2 280 v
where Ujn is the average fluid velocity at the channel inlet, and y' = y{h. This
solution reduces to the usual solution for laminar flow between flat plates when
vw =0.
These solutions for velocity can be inserted in the steady state mass bal-
ance for solute. When rejection is perfect, R = I, this balance is,
a [uc - D ax
ax ac] + ay
a [vc - D ac] = 0
b) at the wall the flux of solute to the wall equals the backward difussion of salt
c Vw
= D ay at y= ± h
~=O at y=O
Sherwood and his coworkers also obtained asymptotic solutions for cer-
tain regions. The solutions are written in terms of the dimensionless variable
l:::,. a =0.0677
o a =0.27
o a =0.50
o.I 1..-----'L-...J'---'-J'-'---'--...L-L-'-'---'----L-.<-L-.l----1.----1.--'--I...J..-"----"-,--'-'
~ =8L/3a 2
Figure 13-5. Solutions for laminar Bow between parallel plates (Sherwood
et ai, 1965). Reprinted with permission from Ind. Eng. Chem.
Fundam .. 4, 113 (1965). Copyright 1965, Amer. Chern. Soc.
M = 1 + 1.536(~)1!3
For larger values of ~ the approximate solution for the entrance region is
M = 6 + ~ - 5 exp(--.J'fj3)
Very far downstream ( large ~ ) the boundary layer will completely fill the
tube. Once this occurs M will be constant.
A similar but more complicated analysis can be done for laminar flow in
round tubes. The geometry is shown in Figure 13-4b. The Navier-Stokes
equations were solved by Yuan and Finkelstein (1956). Sherwood et ai. (1965)
used this velocity solution in the solute mass balance. The approximate solu-
tion for the entrance region for v! x R/(4llm D2) s 0.02 is
M= v3XR2
w + 6 - 5 exp [v3
- ( w XR 2 )112 1 (13-55)
4 Uin D 12 llm D
Note that the concentration polarization depends upon the axial distance x.
Far downstream the boundary layer will completely fill the tube. Once
this occurs M will be constant. This far-downstream solution was obtained
numerically and was presented in graphical form. This result is shown in Fig-
ure 13-6 (Sherwood. et ai, 1965). To determine if the entrance region solu-
tions, Eqs. (13-54) or (13-55), or the far-downstream solution (Figure 13-6)
should be used. calculate M by both methods. The smaller M should be used.
Although usually quite accurate, these results for both turbulent and lam-
inar flow are approximate for a variety of reasons. The no-slip boundary condi-
tion at the wall is not strictly true for a porous solid since there can be lateral
fluid movement in the pores (Fane, 1986). Fluid properties P,1l and v and
60 -
M-I 10
Figure 13-6. "Far-downstream" solution for round tubes. (Sherwood et ai,
1965). Reprinted with permission from Ind. Eng. Chern. Fun-
dam .. 4, 113 (1965). Copyright 1965, Arner. Chern. Soc.
are D = 5.2 x 10-7 cm 2 /sec, P = 1.01 glee, J.L = 0.0095 cm 2/sec, CL = 0.99
gH 2 0/ml (solvent concentration). The operation is inside round hollow
fibers which are 0.01 cm in radius. Bulk v~locity at the inletis 3.2
cm/sec. Flux rate is 1.8 x 10-4 glsec cm 2 • The totaIlength of each hol-
low fiber is 50 cm. Assume RO = 1.0 and Ppc:rmeate = 1.0.
If the hollow fibers are increased to 500 cm long, estimate the average
concentration polarization.
vw _- - - -_ 1.8 x 10-4 -
flux _ 1. 80 x 10-4 Cm/S
Pw 1.00
_D_ =
Vw R
5. 2x 0- 7
(1.8 x 10 ) (0.01)
[- [- 3 - ]'h] =2.98
= (0.421) -250 = 4.21
4lljn D2 25
As a check on the solution for L = 50 we can use Eqs. (13-27) and (13-
Note that 0 = D/k = 5.2 x 10-7 /1.555 x 10-4 = 3.34 x 10-3 cm < R.
If we apply this correlation when L = 500,
k =0.00007218, M =12.108
In this section two models for ttansport inside the membrane will be developed.
The structure of irreversible thermodynamics will be used for these models and
will be briefly presented first Then the solution-diffusion model appropriate
for RO membranes will be developed in a simplified form. Finally, a frictional
model appropriate for UP membranes which have small pores will be dis-
Ji = Flux i = Ln (Force on i) + L ~j (Force on j)
Thus the flux of species i is proportional both to the force on that species and to
the force on other species. This is usually written as
1 ~ 1
~ T··XJ
~ '-'iJ
Equation (13-59) states that a species will move in the direction of the force
applied on it Equation (13-58) requires that ~j =0 if Lii = O. Thus, if a com-
ponent will not move through a membrane due to forces acting directly on the
component then it will not pass through the membrane at all. Thennodynami-
cally, ~j can be either positive or negative since Eq. (13-58) only limits the
absolute magnitude of the coupling coefficients L ij . In practice all known Lij
are ~ O.
One other condition on the phenomenological" coefficients is Onsager's
reciprocal relationship.
~j = Lji
This states that coupling of two species is the same regardless of which is
experiencing the force and which flux we are considering. This relationship is
based on microscopic reversibility.
where Ili is the chemical potential of species i and Yi is the external force on
component i. The external force in ion exchange membranes is an electrical
force. In porous membranes where separation is based on sieving the Yi are
frictional forces between the component and the membrane.
where we have assumed that Vl is constant so that we could do the last integra-
tion in Eq. (13-64). Note that &t is from one membrane interface to the other.
That is, from c'm to C"m in Figure 13-7.
It will be our purpose to first determine the appropriate terms for the
external forces, to then arrange the equations in a form which allows experi-
mental determination of the coefficients Ln and ~j' and finally to predict the
Assume that there is no coupling of fluxes (Lij 0), and that external forces are
unimportant (Yi = 0). This assumes that convective flow of water or carrier gas
through pores or pinholes is negligible. This is appropriate for solution-
diffusion membranes used in reverse osmosis and gas permeation. Combining
Eqs. (13-57), (13-61), and (13-66), we obtain
where we have approximated grad as ~Itm. J' is the mass flux in units such
as g/cm 2 s, and J'solv = J solv Psolv. This result agrees with Eq. (12-20a) if we
_ Kao1v Psolv
L 11- (13-68)
The minus sign in Eq. (13-67) comes in because the +x direction shown in Fig-
ure 13-7 is in the direction of osmotic flow for the irreversible thermodynamic
argument. The solvent density appears because mass and volumetric fluxes are
Assume that sorption and desorption at the membrane surface are rapid
so that diffusion controls. Then Lu can be related to the concentration within
the membrane Cim and the mobility IDjm .
The mobility is the velocity per unit force on one mole of particles. In dilute
solutions the mobility can be related to the diffusivity.
mim =D 1m /RT
where R is the gas constant and D 1m is the solvent diffusivity within the mem-
brane. Since the diffusivity and the solvent concentration are often approxi-
mately constant, Lll is often approximately constant. Now the solvent flux is
]'solv =
Remember that .rut refers to the osmotic pressure difference across the mem-
brane. The solvent permeability can be estimated by comparing Eqs. (13-71) to
(13-67) and (13-68)
where J 2 is a mass flux which is the same as in Chapter 12. Since the last term
is usually negligible, we obtain
The phenomenological coefficient Lzl can again be related to the mobility and
for dilute solutions to the diffusivity.
D'}m (13-75)
~2 = m:an C']m = - - '2m
Since c'}m can change significantly in the membrane, L22 may not be constant.
For dilute solutions
[ ~l
dC:an T,p
RT (13-76)
D 2m K z D 2m Kz (13-79)
Jsolute = ---(czw-cZp) = - (M CZb - cp )
t.n t.n
This result agrees with Eq. (12-25) and shows that
Note that this result also agrees with Eq. (12-15) used for gas permeation which
is also a solution-diffusion process.
g salt
cm 3
1 = J'
J, [~l
[g water 1
[g water
cm 3
1 (13-81)
101v cmz s
Assuming that cZw » CZp and defining Kl = Clm I Cl p as the water distribution
coefficient in the membrane, we obtain
From Eq. (13-83) we can estimate the properties required to obtain a given con-
centration ratio. Note that the concentration ratio in RO membranes is propor-
tional to (Ap - Ax). More separation is achieved by increasing Ap.
~= 1(8.095 cc/gmole ::.:: 0.000752 atm-l
RT 82.057 (cc atm)
(293.16 K)
CZw c2b
c2p c2p
The solute flux is due to the sum of contributions from the convective
flow and diffusion.
Jz = c2m U + J2djf
where u is the center-of-mass velocity of the pore fluid. The term c2rn u
represents -~1 dJlddx. The diffusive flux can be written as LzZX 2 • Lz2 can
again be related to the mobility, and X z is the force from Eq. (13-61). Thus,
aJl2] dC2m
J2di[ = m2 c 2rn [- [ aC2m p,T ~ + Y2
1 (13-85)
where Y2 is the frictional force on the solute due to friction against the mem-
brane. This external force can be related to the solute velocity within the pores
where f23 is a friction factor between the solute (2) and the membrane (3). The
mobility mz can also be related to a friction factor except now it is the friction
between the solute and solvent
mz = l/fz1 = D21 / RT
where (2) is solute and (1) is solvent. Combining these equations and solving
for J 2, we obtain
As u approaches zero this gives us diffusion with a drag factor applied. The
solute flux can also be related to the solvent flow as
J 2 = E U c2p
which allows one to predict the permeate concentration once the solvent velo-
city is known. For high negative velocities Eq. (13-91) simplifies to,
The terms .11t' and .11t" are the osmotic pressure differences at the two
membrane-liquid interfaces.
~1t" = c'~2m J-
1t [ 1t(c2p)
u = -.!!.
[ddxP+ Y E(MWh
c2m 1
where Y2 is the force per mole of pore fluid given by Eq. (13-86), and
C7m/e(MWh is the molar concentration of solute in the pore fluid. The product
of these is the force per volume of the pore fluid. Combining Eqs. (13-86),
(13-92), and (13-97), we obtain
u =- H
[.11mpA. +
m fn J2
1 (13-98)
The solute flux J2 is given by Eq. (13-90). If this equation is substituted into
Eq. (13-98) and the result is solved for u, we obtain
u =- H
[ H
1 + (MW)
j.11mpmA. (13-99)
Note that u is negative because of the chosen direction for x. Solution of Eqs.
(13-91) and (13-99) simultaneously allows prediction of the solvent velocity
and the permeate concentration through the membrane. (See Problem 13-C3).
In Eq. (13-91) C2w is considered to be known since it can be calculated from the
concentration polarization analysis. The solute flux can then be determined
from Eq. (13-90). The solvent flux can be found from Eq. (13-81) which after
substituting in Eq. (13-90), is
J'lOlv = EU Cl p
At the end of this chapter you should be able to meet the following objectives.
1. Predict the polarization modulus for both laminar and turbulent flow
when no gel layer is formed using mass transfer correlations.
2. Predict the mass transfer coefficient and the solvent flux for UP when a
gel forms. Determine whether or not a gel does form. Discuss the problems
with the gel formation theory.
3. Explain the mass balances for a completely mixed RO systems with con-
centration polarization. Estimate the solvent flux for this system.
4. Explain the mass balances for countercurrent gas permeation and explain
qualitatively why countercurrent operation is superior to other flow patterns.
5. Use the exact solutions for laminar flow to predict the concentration
polarization modulus in tubes or between flat plates.
Berman, A.S., "Laminar flow in channels with porous walls," J. Appl. Phys.,
24, 1232 (1953).
Blatt, W.P., A. Dravid, A.S. Michaels, and L. Nelson, "Solute polarization and
cake formation in membrane ultrafiltration: Causes, consequences and control
techniques," in J.E. Flinn (Ed.), Membrane Science and Technology, Plenum
Press, NY, 1970,47-97.
Le, M.S. and I.A. Howell, "Alternative model for ultrafiltration," Chern. Eng.
Res. Des., 62,373 (1984).
Potts, DE., RC. Ahlert and S.S. Wang, "A critical review of fouling of reverse
osmosis membranes," Desalination. 36. 235 (1981).
Rao, G. and K.K. Sirkar, "Explicit flux expressions in tubular reverse osmosis
desalination," Desalination. 27. 99 (1978).
Shen, J.J.S. and RF. Probstein, "On the prediction of limiting flux in laminar
ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions," Ind. Eng. Chern. Fundarn., 16,459
Sherwood, T.K., P.L.T. Brian, RE. Fisher and L. Dresner, "Salt concentration
at phase boundaries in desalination by reverse osmosis," Ind. Eng. Chern. Fun-
darn .• 4. 113 (1965).
Soltanieh, M. and W.N. Gill, "Review of reverse osmosis membranes and tran-
sport models," Chern. Eng. Commun .• 12. 279 (1981).
Yuan, S.W. and A.B. Finkelstein, "Laminar pipe flow with injection and suc-
tion through a porous wall," Transactions ASME. 78.719 (1956).
Zydney, A.L. and C.K. Colton, "A concentration polarization model for the
filtrate flux in cross-flow microfiltration of particulate suspensions," Chern.
Eng. Commun., 47, 1 (1986).
A. Discussion Problems
A2. Why are there multiple solutions for concentration polarization in lam-
inar flow?
A3. Theoretical analyses of turbulent flow are much more complicated than
laminar flow analysis. However, the concentration polarization analysis
for turbulent flow is simpler than the exact analysis for laminar flow.
Explain this paradox.
A5. How can you determine if the solution obtained with Eqs. (13-3b) and
(13-16) or (13-18) is reasonable?
A6. On one page develop your key relations chart for this chapter. This will
be a challenge because you will have room for only the more important
C. Derivations
C1. Derive the ratio of k/.1p for both laminar and turbulent flow. Compare
these results.
C3. If a constant b < < 1, then exp (b) - l+b. Using this approximation,
simplify Eq. (13-91) when (- u lmAf21IRn < <1. Then solve Eqs. (13-
91) and (13-99) simultaneously to determine c2p' Note u < O. Note that
this assumption of small b will often not be valid.
C4. Prove that the lowest driving force for a countercurrent gas permeation
module equals the driving force for a completely mixed module.
D. Single-Answer Problems
D7. An experimental gas permeation system with flat plates is being tested.
Rejection, R O = 0.96. The flow path is 100 cm long and the plates are
0.02 cm apart. The high pressure side is at ten atmospheres and the low
pressure side is at one atmosphere. The total gas flux through the mem-
brane is J = 1.0 x 10-3 cc (SzTP). The inlet gas velocity is 100 cm/s.
cm s
Operation is at 25°C and the system is an ideal gas. Find the average
concentration polarization modulus.
D8. We wish to use a cellulose acetate membrane to purify tap water for an
electronics planL The tap water contains 120 ppm IDS (total dissolved
salts) and we wish a product which is 1 ppm or less . .1p = 110 atm.
D9. Merten (1966) reports values for transfer of sucrose through a cello-
phane membrane at 25°C. At infinite dilution, E = 0.67 and
b. ~
Note: Watch your units.
Part IV
distillate rate
L column length. m
p pressure
p permeate rate
R gas constant
T temperature, K
To surroundings temperature, K
Ts steam temperature
1t osmotic pressure
Throughout this book we have been discussing mainly known results - we now
move into the unknown area of selection and sequencing of separations. This
is an area which has been extensively studied for distillation and to a lesser
extent for extractive and azeotropic distillation - all equilibrium staged
processes. Very little research has been done for the rate controlled separations
which are the subject of this book. In this chapter we will discuss what has
been done, and extend by analogy the results obtained for equilibrium staged
processes to rate controlled processes. The results obtained are logical, but are
not proven; thus, they should be used carefully.
However, there are a few abstract ideas which are useful in looking at the
separation problem.
Vitamin 8-1: •
\\ined gold •
Gold from
Penicillin _
sea water
• Bromme from sea water
Sulfur from
stack gas (cost)
-4 0 12 14
-log (.:on,~ntration. mole fraction)
Figure 14-1. Relation between pure product cost and raw material concen-
tration (Sherwood et ai, 1975). Reprinted with permission
from T.K. Sherwood, RL. Pigford and C.R. Wilke, Mass
Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1975. Copyright 1975, McGraw-Hill.
Mechamcal DiffusIOnal Modifications
Electrostatic Separator
Emulsion Separator
Expression Homogeneous
Filtration Mass Spectrometer
High-gradient Magnetic
Impingement Separator
~ Pressure Diffusion
Thermal Diffusion
Magnetic Electrophoresis
Sedimentation IEF
Non-Equilibrium Equilibrium
Scrubber ITP
Molecular Sieve Clathration Azeotropic
Gas permeation Distillation
Sublim/Desublim Crystallization Extractive
Precipitation Flash
Zone Melting Reactive
Gas Diffusion
Ion Exchange Steam
Ion Exc'~s'on Vacuum
Leaching Evaporation
Washing Foam Frac!.
Drying Solids Stripping
Ion Ex.
Dual Temp. Exchange
Liquid Membrane
LSC 3-phase
PC Dialysis
Figure 14-2 has over 70 separation methods listed, and it does not
include all methods. In addition most methods have many variants which are
not listed, and many methods can be done with a variety of solvents, adsor-
bents, additives, or membranes. The result of all these variations is there are
literally thousands of separation methods available if one includes all the varia-
tions. The engineer's job is to select methods which will solve the problem
The separations listed in Table 14-1 are also marked as to whether they
use an energy (E) or mass (M) separating agent. Separations using an energy
separating agent use heat (e.g. crystallization) or pumping energy (e.g. gas per-
meation) to effect the separation. Separations using a mass separating agent
add an additional species such as a solvent or purge gas to the mixture to be
separated. Note that the insoluble membrane, adsorbent or packing material is
not considered to be a mass separating agent. However, the solvent or carrier
gas in chromatography and the purge gas or displacer in adsorption is a mass
separating agent The disadvantage of adding a mass separating agent is that
usually the mass separating agent has to be removed before the product can be
used. Thus, a separation scheme using an energy separation agent is usually
required in addition to the mass separating agent processes. Separations such
as precipitation or adsorption can use either an energy or a mass separating
agent depending on how they are operated. Separations such as electrochroma-
tography use both energy and mass separating agents. Gradient chromatogra-
phy systems have two or more mass separating agents.
where Xi,1 is the mole fraction of component i in phase 1. Phases 1 and 2 are
assumed to be in equilibrium. For distillation Cli,j is the relative volatility. For
Table 14-1. Property Differences for Separations otv
(King, 1980; Null, 1987; Rudd et al., 1973)
Differences Molecules Macromolecule Particles
flash dist. (E)
vapor distillation (E)
pressure absorption (M)
(reI. volatility) sublimation/desublimation (E)
stripping (M)
evaporation (E)
high vacuum distillation (E)
solubility crystallization
absorption/stripping (M)
leaching (M)
precipitation (E or M)
Property ~
Differences Molecules Macromolecule Particles
~ isotachophoresis (E) ~
f- LC (M) ~
adsorption (M or E)
~ foam fractionation (M) ~
high gradient
magnetic mag. separation magnetic separator
electrical electrostatic
conductivity separator
~ k~ (14-2)
J AJ k.J
The value of the separation factor required before the separation method
is of interest depends on several factors. The ease of multi staging is very
important. In this context multistaging means that the separation acheived can
be multiplied many times and the separation agent can be reused. A packed
bed chromatograph and a packed bed distillation column are both multistage
systems even though no physical stages are present Equilibrium processes
such as distillation, adsorption and chromatography can easily be operated with
many stages, and the separation agent can be reused many times with low addi-
tional capital investment. Thus the separation acheived with a low separation
studied. Although energy use may be high, the energy is usually supplied by
low pressure steam which is often very cheap. The net result is that if distilla-
tion can be used it should be considered as one of the alternatives. Guidelines
for when distillation cannot be used are discussed in Section 14.5.
The minimum reversible work required for the complete separation of a mix-
ture of ideal gases is (Keller. 1982)
If the feed, PF. and product, pp. pressures are equal this result simplifies to
Wmin,T,p =-RT 1: (Yi,F In Yi,P)
}----..- I at T,pp
2 at T, Pp
Feed _
PF ,T, Yi,F
1------< } - - - . n at T, Pp
W rev =RT In (Pfinal / Pinitial)
Since Plinal = Pp and Pi,initial = Pi in Eq. (14-8), the reversible work for one gas is
W~v,i = RT In (Pp / Yi,F PF)
The total reversible (and hence minimum) work for the separation is the sum of
Wrev,i for all components. The result is Eq. (14-5). More detailed develop-
ments which include partial separation and nonisothermal operation are given
by King (1980).
W'nun,T ,p Wmin,prod
xE,F (cal/gmole feed) (cal/gmole EB prod)
0 0
0.1 247.52 2475.2
0.2 381.01 1905.1
0.3 465.12 1550.4
0.4 512.44 1281.1
0.5 527.77 1055.5
0.6 512.44 854.1
0.7 465.12 664.5
0.8 381.01 476.3
0.9 247.52 275.0
1.0 0 0
Note that the minimum work required to separate a 0.0 and a 1.0
mole fraction feed are both zero since these feeds are already pure.
The minimum work required for separation per mole of feed is
symmetric around a feed mole fraction of 0.5. For nonidealliquids
this will not be true. The third column in the table is of consider-
able interest since it shows the minimum energy required per mole
of ethylbenzene product. As expected, this value decreaBl!s as the
feed becomes more concentrated in ethylbenzene.
Weq=Q [ T-T
TO 1Ep (14-12)
E 6
>, c-
.!!:! ~ 4
.5,? ro
E 2
Figure 144. Maximum energy efficiency for simple distillation (Ho and
Keller, 1987). Reprinted with permission from Y.A. Liu, H.A.
McGee and W.R. Epperly (Eds.), Recent Developments in
Chemical Process and Plant Design, Wiley-Interscience, 1987.
Copyright 1987, Wiley-Interscience.
where Q is the heat supplied at absolute temperature T and the surroundings are
at To. The efficiency Ep is the power cycle efficiency compared to a Carnot
cycle. From this definition of equivalent work Null (1980) derives approximate
equations for the energy requirements of several commercial separation
processes. The following development is based on Null's (1980) development.
where ~ and Qc are the reOOiler and condenser heat loads, respectively; Dis
the distillate product rate; A. is the latent heat of vaporization of the distillate
product; and RD = LID is the external reflux ratio. Combining Eqs. (14-12) and
~ ..,
~ N
T s' F (el
Figure 14-5. Equivalent work requirement for normal distillation. To =
37.8°C (Null, 1980). Reprinted with permission from Chern.
Eng. Prog., 76(8),42 (1980). Copyright 1980, American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers.
(14-13), we can determine the equivalent work required for simple distillation.
where Ts is the temperature of the stearn used to supply the heat. Note that Ts
> Treboiler since some temperature difference is necessary for heat transfer. To
is the temperature of the cooling water used. The predicted equivalent work
values normalized by DA. are given in Figure 14-5 (Null, 1980). Null (1980)
also presents results for somewhat more complicated distillation columns.
Although the relative volatility does not appear explicitly in Eq. (14-14) or Fig-
ure 14-5, a. is an important parameter in determining Weq since a. controls the
required external reflux ratio. The value of Weq for distillation can now be
compared to the results for other processes.
where Be is the bottoms product of melted crystals, At- is the latent heat of
freezing, and RM is the external reflux ratio for the melter. If the heat is sup-
plied to the me Iter at temperature TIM where TIM> TM• then the equivalent
work for the heated end of the crystallizer is
where ER is the Carnot cycle efficiency of the refrigeration system. The total
equivalent work for the melt crystallization process is the sum of Eqs. (14-16)
and (14-17).
W =B (R +1)'L[Ep(TSM-To)+(To-Te)] (14-18)
eq.cry e M "'f T1M T0 E
Since latent heats of freezing are typically about 1/5 of the latent heat of vapor-
ization, Eqs. (14-19) and (14-20) often show an energy advantage for crystalli-
zation. However, Fair (1987) notes, "The specific energy advantages of cry-
stallization have not been a factor in its selection for commercial use." These
results do show the potential of crystallization particularly if energy costs
where Cp•sorb and Cp,B are the heat capacities of the sorbate and the bulk adsor-
bent in kJ/kgmole K and kJ/kg adsorbent K, respectively, and 'lavg is the aver-
age adsorbed phase loading at the end of the feed step. For a symmetric mass
transfer zone,
<lavg = <laat (L - 0.5 LMfZ) / L
'l'in Eq. (14-21) is a factor to account for the use of excess regeneration gas,
Tads is the average bed temperature at the end of the feed step, Trcg is the aver-
age temperature of the bed after the regeneration step, Mlads is the heat of
adsorption in kJ/kgmole, Nads is the average rate the adsorbate product is pro-
duced in kgmole/hr. Then; is the total regeneration heat required per kg mole
where TRG is the supply temperature of the regeneration gas, TRG > Treg. This
result can be compared to Eq. (14-14) for distillation. Adsorption uses less
equivalent work when
Usually, MladJI > A., and hence C;/A »1. Adsorption typically adsorbs the least
volatile componenL Thus, NadJI/D corresponds to BID if either adsorption or
distillation can do a separation. Adsorption will be favored if BID is small
which means that a small amount of nonvolatile material is to be removed.
Adsorption is also favored if distillation is difficult and a large reflux ratio is
required. Null's (1980) numerical results are shown in Figure 14-6.
Reverse osmosis directly uses mechanical energy and the work required
is easily calculated. The mechanical work required is the volumetric flow rate
times the pressure increase. Although the entire feed stream is pressurized, part
of the mechanical work can be recovered from the high pressure waste stream.
Only the permeate product is completely degraded. Assuming that the permeate
pressure and feed pressures (before pressurizing) are the same, we obtain
where P is the volumetric flow rate of permeate product and ~p is the pressure
u. co
..... -
(/) 0
.c co
G) .,
..a N
Ix: 500 600
200 300 400
(93.3) (149) (204) (260) (316)
Ts ,F(C)
Figure 14-6. Comparison of equivalent work requirements for temperature
swing adsorption with regeneration at 316°C versus simple dis-
tillation (Null, 1980). Reprinted with pennission from Chern.
Eng. Prog .• 76(8), 42 (1980). Copyright 1980, American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers.
drop across the membrane. We have also assumed that the efficiency of energy
recovery from the high pressure waste stream is 100%. Obviously, ~p must be
greater than the osmotic pressure difference. From Eq. (12-27) ~p can be
related to the volumetric solvent flux Jso1v = PIA and the osmotic pressure
Ap __
~--'-~- + M 1t (Cb) - 1t (cp) (14-26)
K so1v 11m
where 1t is the osmotic pressure, A is the membrane area, and M is the concen-
tration polarization modulus. Combining these equations, we obtain
With reasonable values for fluxes and permeabilities the work calculated
from Eqs. (14-25) or (14-27) is very low when compared to the equilibrium
processes which involve a phase change (note that there is no latent heat term
in these equations). Thus, from an energy point of view reverse osmosis and
the other membrane separations are very appealing. However, RO is not a
complete separation process since the reject stream is a concentrated solute in
solvent, and cannot be pme solute. The concentration of the reject stream is
limited by the osmotic pressure which increases rapidly at high concentrations.
If a complete separation of solute and solvent is required then RO can be
advantageously coupled with another separation method in a hybrid process.
The appropriate strategy to use for process design and synthesis has been
extensively studied recently (Douglas, 1988; Rudd et al, 1973; Westerberg,
1982). We will follow Westerberg (1982) and present some guidelines without
examples. Detailed examples are given in these references, and in Blumberg
(1988) for liquid-liquid extraction.
will be made in the design that the use of complex and time-
consuming detailed calculation methods is unecessary. Douglas
(1988) discusses short-cut calculation methods for equilibrium
staged processes. Detailed calculation methods should be used in
the later stages of design.
5. When trying to prove that concepts will not wolk, use optimistic conditions.
Most initial design concepts will not work. During the screening
process the designer's job is to prove things will not work or can-
not be economic. This type of comparison is convincing only
when optimistic guesses are made (e.g. make the optimistic
guesses that there is no entrainment in a crystallization process or
that there is no concentration polarization in a membrane separa-
tion). If one were conservative in making the guesses, the failure
of the design might be due to the guess and one does not have a
clear reason for rejecting the design.
One problem with heuristics is that different heuristics often conflict with
each other. Then the proper choice of heuristic is unclear. All of the heuristics
should be preceeded with the words, .. IT all things are equal ... " Liu (1987) has
rank ordered heuristics for distillation and modified distillation systems.
In this section a large number of possible heuristics for the selection and
sequencing of separations will be listed and the reasoning for the heuristic will
be explained. These heuristics were developed either by generalizing the
heuristics developed for the equilibrium staged separations or from comments
in the literature. Except for the distillation heuristics, these heuristics have not
been rigorously tested and should always be checked with calculations.
20. In developing a flow sheet select the separation schemes first before
adjusting temperatures or flow rates.
This heuristic is stated by Rudd et al (1973) and Kelly (1987). Compared to
temperature and flow rate adjustment separations are much more expensive and
require more energy. Thus, the separation problems should receive priority.
8G. Favor separation methods which are known within the company.
The separation methods which the company is familiar with will require the
least design and development time. These methods will also be easiest to sell
to management. Heuristic #lG should not be forgotten when applying this
9G. For new products look for separations which can be put on stream quickly.
With new products the company which gets to the market first often captures a
large proportion of the market Thus. separation schemes which will take a
long time to develop are not favored for the first plant Known separation
processes will be favored (See heuristics 7G and 8G).
1OG. Consider hybrid plants when one separation method by itself is not ideal
for a given separation problem.
Hybrid plants use two or more separations for the same problem. An example
would be concentrating a stream by reverse osmosis before doing evaporation
even though evaporation by itself could do the separation. Hybrid plants can
utilize the strength of a separation in the concentration range where it is best,
and avoid weaknesses.
2D. If a mass separating agent is used remove it early and do not use a mass
separating agent to recover a mass separating agent.
This heuristic is commonly stated (Kelly, 1987; Liu, 1987; Nath and Motard,
1981; Rudd et aI, 1973). It probably does not strictly apply when solutes must
be dissolved in a solvent so that they can be processed. Rudd et al (1973) also
suggest considering the use of a chemical already present in the process even if
it is not optimum based on its properties alone.
3D. Prefer processes with only one and not two mass separating agents.
The use of an additional mass separating agent such as a gradient in chroma-
tography makes the downstream recovery more difficult However, Mazsaroff
and Regnier (1986) note that gradients are required for elution of
macromolecules when separation is due to surface forces.
6D. Avoid solids and if they are present remove them early.
Solids cause processing problems. Separations involving solids (e.g. adsorp-
tion and chromatography) are difficult to operate as countercurrent processes.
70. When a solid material needs to be processed consider putting the sample
into solution and removing insolubles to be a separation step.
This heuristic is explicitly stated for chromatography by McDonald and
Bidlingmeyer (1987), but can be extended to any process such as extraction,
crystallization, or adsorption where solids are first dissolved.
5C. If component compositions are similiar, favor 50/50 splits or equal size
This was also derived for distillation and serves to balance the distillation
column (Douglas, 1988; Kelly, 1987; Liu, 1987; Rudd et aI, 1973). Its use for
other separations is not clear.
3S. If the product is sold as a solid the last purification step should probably be
Crystallization can be used both to pnxluce crystals with the desired size distri-
bution and as a final polishing step.
b. An azeotrope forms.
c. lightgases
g. there are two sets of compounds with boiling point overlap. Note that
extraction is also commonly used in this case.
This set of heuristics is from Keller (1982).
6S. Consider displacement adsorption only when a.ds > 2 and (ldist < 1.2 to
Keller (1982) notes that displacement adsorption processes are quite complex,
and the process should be considered as a last resort.
7S. In adsorption and chromatography consider methods with cheap pac kings
This heuristic is related to heuristic 5D. For adsorption this heuristic favors
activated carbon. For chromatography it favors plain silica, activated
alumina, or ion exchange chromatography systems.
lOS. In large scale liquid chromatography always optimize the solvent sta-
tionary phase system.
McDonald and Bidlingmeyer (1987) note that the selectivity ex is the most
important parameter, and increasing ex by optimization is well worth the
effort. However, Kopaciewicz and Regnier (1983) note that solvents need to
be compatible for chromatography columns in series or an extra separation
will be required between columns. Solvent selection is also very important in
absorption (Keller, 1982), azeotropic and extractive distillation (Van Winkle,
1967; Wankat, 1988), and extraction ( Blumberg, 1988; King, 1981).
As was noted at the beginning of this section many of these heuristics have
not been rigorously tested. In addition, an ordering of these heuristics for
nondistillation applications is needed. This implies that considerable research
is needed. In the meantime the heuristics must be used with caution.
Heuristic 5S suggests TSA may have high energy costs for break-
ing the azeotrope. An alternative such as PSA should be con-
Heuristic 9S probably rules out chromatography.
Heuristic 12S would be applicable if solids were present in the
The net result are the flow sheets shown in Figure 14-7. Figure
l4-7a is a fairly standard distillation column followed by azeotro-
pic distillation. Reverse osmosis is optional as a preconcentrator
(Note: because of the unusual shape of the VLE curve this precon-
centration has little effect on the reflux ratio RD' Then according
to Eq. (14-13) 0& is not changed much by preconcentration.
Although suggested by the heuristics RO is probably not useful for
ethanol-water and is not shown on the other flow sheets. Precon-
centration by RO can be useful for other systems.) Figure l4-7b
uses distillation followed by liquid phase adsorption. This requires
a drain step, evaporation of liquid, and then thermal regeneration.
Since energy requirements will be quite high the vapor phase
adsorption alternative shown in Figure 14-7c should be considered.
The adsorption can be done as TSA or PSA. TSA is done com-
mercially, but from heuristic 5S we should also consider PSA.
This will require operating the distillation column under pressure.
This may be advantageous since a smaller diameter distillation
column can be used although equilibrium is less favorable.
Water + EtOH
b EtOH
c EtO
1. Generate each possible neighbor using the two rules. This will
result in a lot of possibilities.
It should be evident that this method can involve a lot of work. Thus, one
needs to use short-cut estimation methods in the evaluation of flowsheets.
These heuristics are used in the order listed to generate the initial fiowsheet.
The following evolutionary rules are then applied:
Liu (1987) notes that rules 1,3, and 4 may be very valuable in developing less
expensive designs.
These evolutionary rules can be applied in a variety of ways. The stra-
tegy chosen by Nath and Motard (1981) makes this a global method. Evolu-
tionary rule 1 is done first. Then rules 2 to 5 are treated equally. When a
At the end of this chapter you should be able to meet the following objectives.
5. Use heuristics to develop an initial flowsheet Discuss the rationale for each
7. List and discuss the areas which need further research in selecting a separa-
tion method.
Bravo, J.L., J.R. Fair, J.L. Humphrey, CL. Martin, A.E. Seibert and S. Joshi,
Fluid Mixture Separation Technologies for Cost Reduction and Process
Improvement, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, N.J., 1986.
Evans, FL., Jr., Equipment Design Handbook for Refineries and Chemical
Plants, 2nd ed., Gulf Pub. Co., Houston, TX, 1980.
Garg, D.R. and J.P. Ausikaitis, "Molecular sieve dehydration cycle for high
water content streams," Chern. Eng. Prog .• 79 (4) 60 (1983).
Hendry, J.E., D.P. Rudd, and J.D. Seader, "Synthesis in the design of chemical
processes," AIChE Journal. 19, 1 (1973).
Ho, F.-G. and G.E. Keller, II, "Process integration", in Y.A. Liu, H.A. McGee,
and W.R. Epperly (Eds.), Recent Developments in Chemical Process and Plant
Design, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1987, Chapt 4.
Jacobs, L.J., Jr., and W.R. Penney, "Phase Segregation", in R.W. Rousseau
King, CJ., Separation Processes, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980.
Perry, R.H. and D.W. Green (Eds.), Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 6th ed.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
Robinson, C.S. and E.R. Gilliland, Elements of Fractional Distillation, 4th ed.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950.
Rudd, D.F., G.J. Powers, and J.J. Siirola, Process Synthesis, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ., 1973.
Seader, J.D., "Distillation," in RH. Perry and D.W. Green (Eds.), Perry's
Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984, Sec-
tion 13.
Seader, J.D. and AW. Westerberg, "A combined heuristic and evolutionary
strategy for synthesis of simple separation sequences", AIChE Journal, 23, 951
Sherwood, T.K., RL. Pigford and C.R. Wilke, Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1975, Chapt. 1.
Tedder, D.W. and D.F. Rudd, "Parametric studies in industrial distillation. Part
I. Design Comparisons", AIChE Journal, 24,303 (1978).
Westerberg, AW., "Design research. Both theory and strategy", Chem. Eng.
Educ., 16, 12 (1982) and 16,62 (1982).
A Discussion Problems
a. Minimum work
b. Equivalent work
c. Heuristic
d. Evolutionary method
e. Local evolution
f. Global evolution
g. Separation factor
h. Diffusional separations
i. Mechanical separations
j. Hybrid process
k. Neighbor
j. Top-down!Bottom-up
A2. When one is developing new separation processes, distillation is often con-
sidered "the enemy". Explain why.
A3.Heuristics can be misleading. For example, heuristic 4D could be mislead-
ing when high pressure gas streams are processed. Explain why one prob-
ably wants to do the separation at high pressure.
A5.Explain the differences and similarities between local and global evolution.
A7.0n Figure 14-1 "Water from sea water", vitamin B-12, and "gold from sea
water" all falloff the empirical straight line. Hypothesize why each of
these three is different
AlO. What are "optimistic conditions" for comparison of the following separa-
tion processes?
a. zone melting
b. UP
c. ED
d. LC for protein purification
a. crystallization
b. adsorption
c. membrane separations
A12. Westerberg (1982) suggests that theories evolve from simple to complex.
Explain how one can do this for
a. Chromatography
b. Reverse osmosis
c. Solution crystallization
B. Generation of Alternatives
B1. Hybrid processs allow the designer to stretch his/her imagination. Mem-
B2. Suppose you work for a company whose business is selling processes.
Brainstorm and then pare down a list of separations which should be
explored further by R&D. Explain your final list of 5 items.
B3. Generate possible separations to recover acetic acid from a dilute aqueous
C. Derivations
C1.Develop a local evolutionary process which uses Nath and Motard's (1981)
evolutionary rules.
C4.Many of the heuristics in this chapter were developed from material in pre-
vious chapters. Generate two additional S heuristics based on information
in previous chapters.
D. Problems
Assume the melt product is essentially at the eutectic composition (13 mole
% p-xylene). Pressure is 101.3 kPa Determine the ideal equivalent work
(ep = eR = 1) for melt crystallization if a lOoC approach temperature is used
in the melter and the crystallizer. The ambient temperature To is 18°C.
Melter reflux ratio RM = 0.5. Use a feed rate of 100 kglhr as a basis.
(perry and Green, 1984, p. 3-123) Ar,M =26.045 calIg, Ar,p =38.526 cal/g
D3.Find the equivalent work in calI(kg product) required for the RO system in
Example 12-2b for M 1.2. Watch your units. Use a water density of 1
Fl. Different chromatographic methods used for protein purification have dif-
ferent solvent requirements. Read Kopaciewicz and Regnier (1983) and
develop heurispcs for sequencing chromatography columns for protein
Chapter 2
2-Dl1. 3.503 M
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
5-D7. b. x = 0.0024
Chapter 6
6-D2. e = 0.02 until t = 24.6 min then c = 0.50 until t = 25.5 min. At this
point get a diffuse wave.
c = 0.34 at t = 28.0 min
c=0.10 at t= 42.0 min
c = 0.02 at t= 92.2 min
Chapter 7
7-D2. AB = 4.25
7-D3. x = 1 - X (L,t) + X(L, t - t1)
7-D7. a. R = 0.317
b. L=799cm
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
10-D 1. N = 4 stages
1O-D3. 88% of protein is recovered.
Chapter 11
ll-D1. C= 19.265 mV
ll-D2. ~ = 7.907 x 10-6 cm2 /sV
D = 3.07 x 10-8 cm 2/s
Chapter 12
12-D4. cg = 0.314
12-D6. a. 1= 57.27 amp , V = 343 volts
b. E = 705.5 cal/L
c. Power = 19.68 kilowatts
12-D9. e =0.160
12-DIO. yp =0.889 , Yout =0.247
12-DI2. a. tg = 6.98x 10-5 cm
b. tg = 1.48 x 10-4 cm
Chapter 13
13-D7. M ~ 1.0
Chapter 14
Amino acids 128,482, 552-553, 589 Azeotropic distillation, 795, 799, 802,
Ammonia, 416, 433 810,824,831-834
Ammonium bicarbonate, 24
Ammonium diuranate, 68 B
Ammonium sulfate, 33, 34, 68, 69, B term, 327-329
90-91, 101-102 Backftush, See Backwash
Ampholytes, 596-597, 660,602 Backwash, 489, 526
Amyl acetate, 416 Barium ac~tate, 21
Analytical chromatography, Barium hydroxide, 24
See Chromatography, Analytical Barium nitrate, 52, 62-67
Anhydrous,20,35 Basic resin, 455-459
Anions, 453, 461 Batch crystallization, 34, 105, 146-151
Anisotropic membrane, Bed utilization, See Fractional bed use
See Asymmetric membrane Benzene, 162, 172
Annular flow, 346-347 Benzene-sulfonic acid, 455-457
Answers, 847-851 Benzoic acid, 25, 186
Antibiotics, 343-344 BET isotherm, 231, 234-235
Anthracene, 39,162, 174-176, 185, Biochemicals, 342-346,482-484,490,
300-305,321-326,448-449 550,579
Antibodies, 575-576 Biogel, 220-221, 602
Antigens, 575-576 Biostream, 585-587
Antisolvent, 33, 69 Bis, 567-568
Arginine, 553 Bleeding, 292, 718
Argon, 231 Blood proteins, 69, 482-483, 688,
Arrhenius kinetics, 85, 97 690-692, 731-732
Arrhenius relationship, 229, 234 Blowdown, 423-424, 427-431
Artificial kidney, See Hemodialysis Boltzmann constant, 557
Asahi system, 510, 512 Bonded phase, 292-293
ASL equation, 97, 14 Bone char, 228
Aspartic acid, 553 Boric acid, 24
Astrakanite, 50-51 Boundary layer, 635, 666, 678-680,
Asymmetric membrane, 632-635, 651, 696, 734-735
667,673,682 Bovine serum albumin (BSA), 78,
Attrition, 437, 500, 536 237-239,553
Azeotropes, 710-711, 714 Brackish water, See Water, brackish
Classified product removal, 138-140, Copper sulfate, 20, 21, 24, 36-38,
155-156, 158 692-693
Clatlrration,799,803 Costs, 796-798, 808
Clay, 228 carbon adsorption systems, 415
Cleaning, See Membrane, cleaning large-scale chromatography, 437
Clear liquor advance, 140 membrane, 641-642, 654, 672, 700,
Cloethe-Streat contactor, 500-503, 714
534-536 Counter ion, 452
CO2 , See Carbon dioxide Counteracting chromatographic
Cohn equation, 68 electrophoresis, 605-607
Cohn fractionation, 69 Counter-current chromatography,
Co-ion, 452 295-296
Colburn equation, 517,520-521 Counter-current distribution, 295-296,
Colloids, 678, 687, 745-748 314
Column crystallization, 176-183 Countercurrent moving bed, See
Column design, 330-331, 344-345, Moving bed
383-393,437-438,489-490,537 Countercurrent processes, 62-67,
Column diameter, 330, 387-388,438 521-524,587-589,758-762
Column-in-series, 419420 Coupled systems, 365, 393405
Column switching, 340-341, 828 Cross-over ratio, 403404
Compression, 338 Cryohydric point, 41
Concentration polarization, 635-636, Crystal birth, 141-144
638,657-666,676-685,688-689, Crystal death, 141-144
696-697, 703-704, 733-745, Crystal dissolution, 93-94, 98
749-758, 762-770, 773-774 Crystal growth, 92-98, 122-126
Congo red, 619 Crystal habit, 81
Congruent melting, 41 Crystal morphology, 2, 80-83
Constant pattern, 247, 305, 366, Crystal shape, 80-83
370-375, 379-388, 394-395 Crystal size distribution, 2,80, 103-159
Contact breeding, 87-88 Crystallization, 799, 803, 808,828-830
Controlled cooling, 146-151 batch, 34,105,146-151,169-176
Convection,562-563,577,584-585 continuous,32,34
Cooling curve, 146-151 equilibria, 19-26,38-52,161-163
Copper,482,692,693, 718, 797 fractional, 52-67, 77, 79, 128
Copper chloride, 24 kinetics, 84-98, 122-126
MSMPR,I06-113 o
M1Z, See Mass transfer zone (M1Z) Olefin, 525
MWB process, 185-186 On-off chromatography, 294-295,
Multilayer adsorption, 234 299-300,345-346,482-484
Multistaging, 807-808 On sager relationship, 771
Myglobin, 553, 600-601 Optical isomers, 83, 128
Myosin, 553 Optimization, 383-393
Osmosis, 654-657, 673
N Osmotic concentration, 673
Nafion, 634-635, 694 Osmotic pressure, 654-657, 673, 677,
Nanofiltration, 669,672 684,686,740-741,746,772,780
Naphthalene, 39,40, 162, 172, Ostwald-Freundlich equation, 85
185-186 Ovalbumin, 553
Naphthol,162 Oxygen, 649-650, 760-761, 797
Natural rubber, 649-650 Ozone, 416
Navier-Stokes equations, 762-763, 766
Needle breeding, 87 p
Nernst-Planck equation, 487 Packed beds,
<N"H4h S04, See Ammonium sulfate breakthrough, See Breakthrough
Nitrogen, 231,432, 643, 649-650, 653, canister systems, See Canister
760-761 Systems
Nomenclature, 13-18,207-216, desorbent regeneration, See
547-549,551,623-629,793-794 Desorbent regeneration
Nonisothermal theories, 365, 375, energy balances, 273-274
400-404,407-408,506,518 intensification, 383-393
Nonlinear isotherm, 229-239 mass transfer equations, 268-272
solute movement with, 242-251, nonregenerative design, 435-437
298-305,407 particle diameter, 344-345, 383-393
Nonlinear theories, 365-375, 379-405, regeneration, 365, 405-434
507,523 scaling, 383-393
Normal freezing, 161, 171, 183-186, schematic, 218, 365
189,192,194-196 simulated moving beds, 524-533
Nuclear industry, 435 solute movement theory, See Solute
Nucleation, 84-93, 122-126 movement theory
Nylon, See Polyamide thermal regeneration, 406-417
Wall effect, 330 Zeolite, 220-221, 224-226,360,
Washing, 176, 180-183, 799 394-395,408-409,411-412,
Wastewater treatment, See water 418-419,434-435,525,799,
treatment 803-804, 810
Water, brackish, 670, 672, 700 Zeolite molecular sieves, See Zeolite
Water demineralization, 452, 481-482 Zeta potential, 55-561
Water dome, 489-490 Zone melting, 161, 183, 186-196,799,
Water softening, 217-218, 452, 462, 803
471,475-481,489,672 Zone refining, See Zone melting
Water treatment, 419-421, 435, 447, Zone spreading, 305-306, 317, 329,
503,510-512,670-672,717 336-338,356,471,550,570-574,
Water vapor, 408 577,581-583,597-601