Questionnaire Nebico Biscuits
Questionnaire Nebico Biscuits
Questionnaire Nebico Biscuits
Dear Respondents,
I am collecting the data concerned with" Effects of advertising on buyer's behavior" with
reference to Nebico biscuits for the research work in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of bachelor of business studies (B.B.S) and it would be great
value if you help me in filling up following questionnaires;
Name: - Address: -
a) Yes b) No
b) Curious about it
c) Just watch it
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No.
a) Yes b) No
13. If there are similar kind of product in the market in term of price and quality
which product would you choose?
14. Have you brought any product after getting information from advertisement?
c) Television
d) Radio
e) Pamphlet
16. What suggestion would you like to give to improve the product’s feature and
schemes being provided from the company? Please mention them.
Below 15 16 – 25 26 – 35 36 - 45 Above 45
b)Marital Status:
Single Married
18. What type of advertisement you found more effective? Please tick any point.
19. How far do you think advertisement can help you in purchasing a product?
20. To increase the purchasing decision, which of the following factors would you
22. Are you loyal toward and aware of the brand which you buy?
a) Yes b) No
23. What is your opinion about the advertisement of Nebico Biscuits?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Bad
24. Mark on the following scale how much you believe in the advertising message
delivered to you by sponsor/ companies through various means of advertising?
a) 100%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) 25%
e) 0%
25. Do you think that schemes are important to attract customer towards product?
a) Very much
b) Quite important
c) Indifferent
d) Not so important
a) Yes b)No
30. Have you brought the product after getting information from advertisement?
a) Yes b) No.
31. Have you found any difference between other biscuits and Nebico Biscusits?
a) Yes b) No
32. If yes, in what term it is different from other biscuits ?
a) Quality
b) Price
c) Schemes
d) Advertisement
33. Do you think old age people prefer food like biscuits ?
a) Yes b) No
34. If No, can you please explain the reason to dislike it?
b) Need it
c) Both of them
b) 1 hour
a) Yes b) No.
37. What types of Advertisement you found more effective that result in high sale?
38. Which factor do you suggest is more important to increase sale of product?
b) Effective advertising
increasing popularity. Entry of multinational advertising companies made Nepalese
advertising world creative and competitive than ever before.
In Nepal, there are various newspapers available with nationwide circulation, such
as, The Kantipur Daily, The Kathmandu Post, Nepal Samacharpatra, Rajdhani Daily,
Gorkhapatra, The Himalayan, The Rising Nepal, The Annapurna Post, etc. Many other
daily, weekly, fortnightly, and monthly magazines such as (Himal, Nepal, Nari, Samaya,
The Nation, etc.) with nation-wide circulation are also available. Similarly, Radio/FM
broadcasting as well as the TV channels are also growing in numbers rapidly day by day,
which makes the advertising easier to be reached to the ultimate users of the products. So,
there is problem of which media to choose for effective advertising. This study tries to find
out the effectiveness of advertising on FM broadcasting.