Orphanage Management System
Orphanage Management System
Orphanage Management System
Rashmi Raj
Ashwin K Cherian
Hemanth Desai
October - 2020
This is to certify that the report titled ORPHANAGE
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a bona fide record of work done by
Rashmi Raj(1947254), Ashwin K Cherian(1947207) and
Hemanth(1947224) of CHRIST(Deemed to be University),
Bangalore, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of III Semester
MCA(Computer Applications) during the year 2020.
Name : Ashwin K Cherian
2. Date of Exam :
The satisfaction that we feel at the successful completion of the RDBMS project titled
“ORPHANAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” would be incomplete if we do not mention
the names of the people whose valuable guidance and encouragement has made this project
work a success. It is a great pleasure to express our gratitude and respect to all those who
inspired and helped us in completing the project .
It is our immense pleasure to thank our HOD , Prof. Joy Paulose who has given us an
opportunity to come up with this idea and successfully complete the project .
It is our pleasure to thank our internal guide Prof. Dr. Ramamurthy B who has given us ideas
and guidance to make the report highly successful and a knowledge base experience .
It is also a pleasure to express our gratitude to all Teaching and Non – Teaching Staff members
of the Computer Science Department for their encouragement and providing valuable
requirements. With a deep sense of indebtedness, we convey our heartiest thanks to our parents
who have taken efforts and given us such an opportunity . Their love and blessings have given
us to acquire knowledge and gain experience in life. As well as our friends who helped us
accomplish this task.
Our project is an online orphanage management system, where users can login and search for
different orphanages worldwide also users can view different orphans belonging to particular
orphanage and their corresponding details. There is facility for adopting orphans of
corresponding orphanage for that user have to login with their ID and password. If they are
interested in adopting the child a request is sent automatically to the staff of particular
orphanage along with the details of user such that staff can contact them.
There is also a provision for document submission online, so that users don’t have to go the
orphanage and submit all the documents manually since the document submission is made
online .
Staff have separate control panel which allows them to carry out tasks like adding orphans of
the orphanage, viewing adopter requests, viewing the adopter list and so on.
A user once logged in can search different orphanages around them if they want to search
through state basis or district basis . So, when a user enters the state name or district name all
the orphanages belonging to the particular district or state appears in the web page, allowing
users to navigate further. This is actually an integrated website where all the details of
orphanages are stored so if a person want to get details of any orphanages, they can enter our
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
List of Tables v
List of abbreviations vi
List of Figures vii
1. Introduction 1
2. System Analysis 3
2.1 Existing System 3
2.2 Proposed System 4
2.3 Software Tools Used 4
3. System Requirements 6
3.1 System Model 6
3.2 Functional Requirements 6
3.3 Hardware Requirements 7
3.4 Software Requirements 8
4. Design Specification 9
4.1 Architectural Design 9
4.2 Database Design 10
4.2.1 Table Design 10
4.2.2 Data Flow Diagrams 13
4.2.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams 14
4.2.4 Use Case Diagrams 15
5. Implementation 18
5.1 Source Code 18
5.2 Screen shots 42
6. Testing 46
6.1 Test Reports 46
7. Conclusion 51
7.1 Advantages 51
7.2 Future Enhancement 51
8. References 52
4.3 Orphans 17
4.4 Orphanages 17
4.5 Staff 18
2.1 Existing System
The existing system is a manual system and there are many difficulties in maintaining and
handling it .The drawbacks of the manual system are:
• Ledger books should be maintained for each entry.
• Each time, to make a new entry the previous records has to be referred.
• Lack of security because the data is handled manually.
Draw backs of existing system
The existing system is a manual system. & here the employees need to save the information in
the form of excel sheets.
• Sharing is not possible if the data is in the form of paper.
• The manual system gives us very less security for saving data (some data may be
lost due to mismanagement) .
• It is a limited system and less user friendly.
• searching of a particular information is very time consuming.
• It is very difficult to maintain manually call records of customers, because call center
receives huge no of calls per a day. Every employee having different rosters,
different shift timings,manually handle this roster is tough work.
Data stored in this website’s database must be protected from being accessed by unauthorized
users. In this system, users are provided with password that allows the assignment of access
rights to the specific authorized users. Password is usually enforced at log in time.
This is the website where users can login and search for different orphanages worldwide also
users can view different orphans belonging to particular orphanage and their corresponding
details. People can register online and view the orphanage details. Those who are willing to
donate for the orphanage can donate amount by providing their details.
Facilitating desire information display, very quickly, by retrieving information from users.
Updating and deleting huge number of data will be easier. The staffs can delete , update and
add the data easily. Staff have separate control panel which allows them to carry out tasks like
adding orphans of the orphanage, viewing adopter requests, viewing the adopter list and so on.
A user once logged in can search different orphanages around them if they want to search
through state basis or district basis . So, when a user enters the state name or district name all
the orphanages belonging to the particular district or state appears in the web page, allowing
users to navigate further. This is actually an integrated website where all the details of
orphanages are stored so if a person want to get details of any orphanages, they can enter our
Aims are providing medical facilities for orphans which can includes medical check-ups.
Documents can be made online which saves time and make it convenient to the users.
This website also provides free online education systems for orphans .
3.1 System Model
System modeling is the process of developing abstract models of a system, with each model
presenting a different view or perspective of that system. System modeling has generally
come to mean representing the system using some kind of graphical notation, which is now
almost always based on notations in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, it
is also possible to develop formal (mathematical) models of a system, usually as a detailed
system specification.
● System: PC or Laptop
● Server: Xampp
4.1 Architectural Design
This table has all the unique columns and values so it is in 1NF and also all are functionally
dependent so they are in 2NF and also there is no transitive dependency so it is in 3NF
This table has all the unique columns and values so it is in 1NF and also all are functionally
dependent so they are in 2NF and also there is no transitive dependency so it is in 3NF
4.2.3 ER Diagram
The context diagram also called as the Level 1 DFD (Fig 4.3 level 0 DFD) depicts the
overall data flow in the system. The Figure (Fig 4.3 level 1 DFD) depicts the operations
on the system and the more detailed details of the data flow has been included in the
Figure (Fig 4.4 level 2 DFD). These figures constitute the data flow representation in the
Dfd-0 and 1
Dfd-2 – 2
Use case diagram is the primary form of system/software requirements for a new software
program underdeveloped. Use cases specify the expected behavior , and not the exact method
of making it happen . Use cases once specified can be denoted both textual and visual
representation. A key concept of use case modeling is that it helps us design a system from
the end user's perspective. In figure 4.5 it shows use case based on the staffs.
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<h3>Branch 1</h3>
<p> No. 3, Swami Vivekananda Rd, Sadanandanagar, Bennigana Halli,
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<p>KG Road, Near District Registrar Office Ambedkar
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with Central and State governments. It advocates for elder friendly policies and their
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5.2 Screenshots
The main motive of our project is giving a provision for browsing all the orphanages around
the world , get to know about different orphan details and if interested the person can proceed
with the adoption process. Instead of going out and visiting each orphanage, the user has the
provision of browsing the orphanage he or she wants, also get to know the details of different
If the user is interested to become an adopter then he or she can submit the documents by filling
the form, in order to avoid the tiring job of manual document submission easing the life of
common person. There is also provision for donation where user can donate any desired amount
as charity or for a particular program.Also different orphanages will have different staffs to
manage the information of the orphans of a corresponding orphanage. Staffs will be able to
add, update and delete orphan information.
Software testing is an activity performed to check whether the actual results match the
expected results and to ensure that the system is defect free. We have used both functional as
well as non-functional testing methods for our project. Given below is a list of various testing
carried out and a table of test cases illustrating the same.
Functional testing:
● System testing - 3, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17
● Unit testing - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
● Integration testing - 7, 11, 12, 15, 18
● Black box testing - 4, 5, 9, 14
● Smoke testing - almost all test cases
Non-Functional testing:
● Installation testing - 2
● Availability testing – 2
1 Navbar/Men Visit the website and Clicking on logo Pages open up when Pass
u click on the logo and should redirect to their respective links
all the links on the the homepage and are clicked on the
navigation bar clicking on all the navbar
links should redirect
to their respective
3 Login page Click on the Login Username, All the mentioned Pass
button on the navbar password fields and components are
and go to the Login login, signup loaded successfully.
page. buttons are loaded
7 Clickable In the login page, The user should be The user is redirected Pass
signup click on the signup redirected to the to the signup page
button on button. signup page
login page
8 Signup page Click on the signup Username, email All the signup Pass
button in the login address, password, components are
page and go to the confirm password loaded successfully
signup page fields and signup
button should be
loaded successfully.
11 Redirect to Insert registration After signing up, After signing up, user Pass
login page details in the given user should be is redirected back to
after signing fields and click on redirected back to the login page and is
the signup button the login page and able to login with his
should be able to credentials
login with his Id
13 Search page Search for the If the orphanage If such an orphanage Pass
of orphanage name doesn’t exist it must does not exist then it
orphanage which is not existing show an error will display message
in the database. message “Orphanage not
15 Search page Click the search It should display all It displays all the Pass
of orphans. orphans’ button for a the orphans of the orphans of the
particular orphanage. corresponding corresponding
orphanage. orphanage.
17 Staff login Fill the incorrect It should cause an Incorrect credentials Pass
page. details and click the error message to message pop ups.
login button. popup asking to
enter correct
credentials .
18 Staff panel. Click on the login Redirects to staff When the user login
button after entering control panel. as staff then it will Pass
correct details. redirect to staff
7.1 Advantages
⚫ users can login and search for different orphanages worldwide also users can view different
orphans belonging to particular orphanage and their corresponding details.
⚫ There is facility for adopting orphans of corresponding orphanage for that user have to
login with their ID and password.
⚫ Staff have separate control panel which allows them to carry out tasks like adding orphans
of the orphanage, viewing adopter requests, viewing the adopter list and so on.
⚫ here is also a provision for document submission online, so that users don’t have to go the
orphanage and submit all the documents manually since the document submission is made
7.2 Limitations
• https://www.orphansinneed.org.uk/what-we-do/orphan-village/
• https://indianorphanage.com/
• https://www.giveindia.org/nonprofit/helpage