Evs Manual LSM Content Tutorial
Evs Manual LSM Content Tutorial
Evs Manual LSM Content Tutorial
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................2
2. LSM CONNECT ARCHITECTURE .........................................................................2
3. STARTING THE APPLICATION .............................................................................2
4. USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................3
5. CLIP MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................4
5.1. CLIP INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 4
5.2. SDTI (XNET) FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 5
5.3. CLIP MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 5
5.4. SEARCHING FOR CLIPS ........................................................................................................ 6
5.5. CLIP CREATION ...................................................................................................................... 6
6. PLAYLIST MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................6
6.1. PLAYLIST INFORMATION....................................................................................................... 6
6.2. PLAYLIST CREATION ............................................................................................................. 7
6.3. MERGE PLAYLISTS ................................................................................................................ 8
7. LSM CONNECT PARAMETERS.............................................................................8
1. Introduction
To start the LSM Connect application, tap the icon located on the main screen.
In the Connection menu, tap 'XT and remote connection'.
A dialog box opens. In this box, we can select the LSM Remote we want to connect our tablet with. Once this is done,
the LSM Connect will retrieve the information from the server and we are ready to start using LSM Connect.
4. User Interface
By default the interface will look like this and we can identify 4 different areas.
1. The Clip area displays the clips stored on the EVS Server.
The clips can be displayed in grid or in list view.
In the grid view, we can find a bank selection area in the left column where we can switch from one bank to
the other.
In the bottom area of the window, we can do the same with the pages.
2. The Playlist area displays the list of visible playlists stored on the EVS Server.
We can remove from or add playlists to this list by tapping the icon on the bottom area.
3. The Toolbar area displays metadata information of the clip or playlist we have selected in the 2 previous
To select a clip, we simply have to tap it in the grid.
5. Clip Management
Having a closer look to the Clip area, we can see different elements.
Every small block represents a clip and displays its LSM ID and primary or secondary clip indication.
Selecting a clip will display its associated information and metadata in the toolbar area.
This can be:
• the clip name,
• its type (primary or secondary),
• the codec used,
• the keywords associated,
• an icon, color and rating.
This information can be changed or completed at any time and will help us to retrieve the
media much faster afterwards.
When, on the other side, the clip is used as an Aux clip in a playlist, an AUX indication will be displayed in the
clip element.
We can also find a small icon representing a lock to indicate that clips have been protected.
When clips have been archived - to an XFile for instance - a blue folder icon will be displayed.
When they are scheduled to be archived, the folder icon will be white.
Keywords, icons, and colors can also be added by selecting the clip and changing the values in the toolbar
area. Let's tap the keyword field, select a keyword from the grid, select another one and press OK.
Both keywords have been associated to the clip.
We can also select an icon and give the clip a color and ranking.
From the Clip tab, we can also access distant EVS Servers on the SDTI network.
Let's tap the network icon.
When we copy or cut a clip from a certain location, and we press an empty position, we can paste it on that
It is also possible to select multiple clips by using the multi-selection icon . Once activated, this function
will stay active until you deactivate it again.
When we have to search for clips, we can perform a free text search on the clip metadata.
Tap the Magnifier icon in the upper right area of the window.
From here we can type some text.
The application will suggest through the autocomplete feature some metadata that matches the text typed.
These can be clip names or keywords.
It is also possible to filter the database by selecting other elements of the metadata on the right side of the
window, in the toolbar area.
For instance, we can search on a color or icon.
When a clip is being created from the LSM Remote, a window will pop up as soon as the IN point or the OUT
point has been defined.
From this window, it is possible to add metadata even before the clip is created.
We can type a name by using the keyboard so when the clip is saved the name will automatically be allocated.
The keyword list is coming from the server itself.
6. Playlist Management
An interesting thing to notice refers to the position 15. This position is not empty but it is
taken by a timeline.
The difference is that a timeline cannot be accessed from the LSM Connect, and the
system simply indicates that this position is already used.
As already explained, on the bottom of the window we can manage the playlists that need to be visible for us.
We can select or deselect some playlists if needed.
The function will not delete the playlists, it will just hide them. This can be useful when multiple operators are
working on the same machine. Each operator will then only select his own playlists.
When the playlist is loaded on an output channel, the light grey indication between
the clips refers to the current position of the playlist on the output channel.
If we tap the Clip Details button, we can see which keywords have been assigned
to the clips in the playlist. Tap the icon again to hide the clip details.
A playlist element can be selected and its information can be changed in the
toolbar area on the right.
If we want to be sure that the clips in the playlist are sorted from the oldest to the
most recent timecode we can tap the Sort by TC IN button which will reorganize the
clips if needed.
When creating a new playlist, the first thing we have to do is select one or multiple
clips in the Clips area.
The order of clip selection is important and will be reflected in the playlist we will
Select multiple clips and tap the plus icon next to an empty playlist location.
When tapping the plus icon of an existing playlist, we add the selected clips at the
end of this playlist.
The operations that we performed do not impact what's happening on the output
channel. This means that we can for instance create and edit playlists while we
are playing out another one.
If we go into the Detail view of the playlist, we can find the clips that we have just
If we now select an element of the playlist, we can simply move it around and drop
it to a new position.
It is also possible to insert a clip from the Clips area between 2 playlist elements.
We can also edit playlists from here, such as naming them to make their retrieve easier.
Or we can select one or multiple elements from the playlist and change
some of their parameters all at once.
For instance change the Video or Audio transition.
The merging function of playlists enables to combine two playlists into one.
If we want to use this function, we need to enable the Multi-selection tool.
Select the first playlist …. Then the second one and tap the merge button.
The first playlist will be added at the end of the second one.
We can note that if we would have selected an empty playlist as the second playlist, this would just have copied
playlist one into that empty position.
In the Parameters menu of the LSM Connect, we can find settings related to the LSM remote and tablet operations.
During this tutorial, all these features were enabled.