CAS Verimatrix
CAS Verimatrix
CAS Verimatrix
Conditional Access system setup starts by configuring Verimatrix VCAS server that, among others,
generates ECMs and EMMs. Verimatrix VCAS server setup is not covered in this guide.
Setup at headend side is started from Maintenance → CAS Settings. Tables described in the next
chapters must be configured according to SCTV requirements and Verimatrix VCAS UI setup. But
example values are given for very basic setup.
2) CAS list
Name: Verimatrix (This value is only to map CAS ids to human readable names in the next tables)
CAS ID: 0x5604
Sub ID: 0x0000
3) Scrambling Control Groups (SCG)
This table lists all scramblers used in the device. Services connected to the same SCG are scrambled at
the same time with the same control word (encryption key). Each SCG can contain one or more
services. Services are connected to SCGs at page Phase2 (explained more detail below in chapter #7).
- Name: Only used in web interface to easily identify the scrambling groups. Therefore groups should
have descriptive names to enable easy identification at Phase2 when connecting services to SCGs.
- Algorithm: DVB-CSA-1
- Scrambling Policy: All ECMGs
- Fallback: Keep last CW
- (Min) Crypto Period: 15 (or other valid value)
4) ECM Generators
- Name: Verimatrix (only used in web interface to easily identify separate ECMG servers)
- Channel ID: 1 (or value configured for Verimatrix server)
- Remote IP: IP address of the Verimatrix ECMG server.
- Port: Port of the Verimatrix ECMG server accepting headend connection.
- CAS: Verimatrix (name from the CAS table)
5) ECM List
ECM contains CAS supplier private information which carries the control word (encryption key) in a
secure manner and private entitlement information. Each ECM entry corresponds to one generated
ECM stream. Each SCG requires at least one ECM stream, otherwise nobody is able to
- SCG: Scrambling Control Group whose control words are transmitted by this ECM (value from SCG
EMM contains Verimatrix private information which for example specifies the authorization levels of
subscribers or groups of subscribers. EMM generator is an external server from Verimatrix which
produces EMM messages and repeatedly sends them to the headend.
EMM configuration is divided to two tables: EMM Generators and list of generated EMMs.
- IP filter: Leave empty (By default different EMM generators are separated by Client ID and this cell
can be left empty. But if IP address is entered, only connections from this address are allowed.)
After saving the changes encryption status column shows scrambling status for each service selected
for scrambling.
8) Scrambling status monitoring
Web interface contains multiple Simulcrypt status traffic lights and they all give different level of
1) Phase2 → Service scrambling status: This is the most important status. If all scrambled services
have green light, system is working without problems. But if any service has red light, Maintenance →
CAS page gives more details.
2) SCG table status: Once SCG status is green, services connected to this SCG are scrambled and
status must be green also at related rows in ECMG and ECM tables. If SCG status is red, please check
status columns at ECMG and ECM tables.
3) ECM table status: Status of each ECM stream. Re-check access criteria value if status is red.
4) ECMG table status: Server connection status. The least important item but indicates some network
setup problem if status color is red. Check that e.g. network cable is properly connected to the device.
All the other status items stay red until ECMG status becomes green.
Maintenance → View Logs gives overview about scrambling status in long-term. All SCG errors are
reported here.
SNMP traps give the most detailed immediate information for studying e.g. CAS server connection
problems. One good tool for collecting SNMP traps is iReasoning MIB Browser. SNMP traps must first
be enabled at Maintenance page.