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Construction Methedology

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Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt.

of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance



The present project is of Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02
GP of Baranga Block in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance.

The scope includes integration of proposed Water Supply Systems with the existing one, so
special measures will be adopted in order to minimize the disruption to on-going operations
and to use minimum shut down periods for the working on existing system. After signing of
contract we shall undertake through investigation of the site, surveys etc., to establish the
nature of site clearing, preparations, excavation, foundations for various components of the
project. Soil Investigations shall be done at requisite locations for structural design of various
components. Crossings such as river, canal, highway, railway etc. shall be identified and
survey and soil investigations shall be done at those locations. Encroachments, site
constraints and other hindrances shall be identified and brought to the notice of the
department for timely clearance.
Based on our site investigation and understanding we have prepared construction
methodology for the project.


The Project office will be created at suitable location, where the Chief project Manager will
be deputed who will be responsible for overall coordination with site/HO/ employees etc. He
will be overall in charge for the successful implementation of the project. He will be assisted
by various officials for smooth execution of the site construction wherever required.

A Project Schedule will be prepared keeping in mind all ground reality, material and labour
availability, environmental condition, Rainy season etc.

Manufacturing and field Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) shall be prepared considering national
and international standard along with tender / client requirement and will be implemented
and monitored at every stage of manufacturing and construction through trained & qualified

Safety of employees and workers will be given importance all through the Project execution
keeping in view the critical processes at site. Importance and due focus will be given to the
Safe Transportation, handling of materials and storage and activity shall be supervised a by a
Senior Site Engineer in charge of transportation and handling of materials/pipes/equipment.
If required, Fabrication shop will be established at project site to suit site needs and
requirement. Required workmen, both skilled and unskilled will be engaged for Trenching,
Pipe Lowering, Welding, Back filling of Trenches, allied Civil Work of Thrust Block, Fixing of
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

Appurtenances, Valve Chambers, Construction of WTP, ESRs, water retaining structures etc.
Trenching will be done by Hydraulic Excavators of suitable capacity. Wherever blasting is
permitted, controlled blasting shall be done and wherever not permitted, Hydraulic Rock
Splitters shall be used. Field Hydro testing of pipeline, water retaining structures and pipe
joint welds will be done as per standard specifications.


The scope of work will broadly include Installation of Laying of Raw water Pipeline,
Construction of Intake, WTP, Laying of Clear Water Rising mains, Construction of overhead
tanks, GSRs, laying of additional distribution pipes, Installing Raw Water & Clear Water Pumps
& Motors, providing external Power supply, Internal Electrification, installing flow meters,
Providing automation and SCADA system, House connections etc. The main activities involved
in the execution project are:

• Site Survey
• Soil investigation
• Preparation of designs & drawings and their approvals
• Site clearance along right of way
• Supply of materials
• Earth work excavation and disposal
• Laying & jointing of rising mains
• Backfilling of trenches
• Crossings – canal, river, roads, railways
• Pressure testing
• Connecting with existing network
• Construction of Reservoirs and pump house
• Construction of buildings
• Construction of Water Treatment Plant
• Construction of ESRs
• Laying & jointing of Raw water transmission mains, Clear Water transmission
mains & Distribution lines
• House Service Connections
• Electrical & mechanical Works
• Instrumentation & SCADA


Post award of the contract a dedicated Engineering In charge shall be nominated and the
Name will be circulated to concern department. A team shall form to assist lead Engineer. The
engineering management is responsible of ensuring the engineering and design work to meet
the criteria of the project quality, cost and schedule. The work flow within the engineering
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

functions is the responsibility of the Engineering In charge. The key engineering management
activities include;

Basic Engineering and Survey:

 Site Survey and Geo technical investigations
 Carry out geotechnical investigations
 Preparation of Design Report
 Process Calculation
 Hydraulic Flow Calculation & design of all piping system
 Plant Layout & HFD
 P&I Diagram
 Design Basis (Civil & Structural)

Detail Engineering Mechanical:

 Mechanical G A
 L-Section Drawings
 Data Sheets
 Design data and drawing for pumps, Crane, and all Equipment
 Mech. GA of Valves. Sluice gate etc.

Detail Engineering Civil Work:

 G A drawing of civil structure
 Structural design and drawing of civil structures
 Plans and Sections of buildings and pump houses
 Architectural drawing of buildings and pump house
 Door / window schedule and specification for all building and pump houses.
 Sanitary & Plumbing details and drawing for buildings
 Structural /Design Calculation
 GA and details of valve chamber
 GA and details of anchor block, thrust blocks etc.

Detail Engineering Electrical Work

 Single line diagram
 Design and calculation of electrical equipment (Transformer, Panel, SLD,
Earthling system, load calculation, cable sizes, lighting calculations etc.)
 Electrical Layout
 Cable Rooting
 Scope and Conceptual development;
 Preliminary engineering;
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

 Detailed Design;
 Instrumentation and Scada Design
 Engineering/Design support during construction, start-up and commissioning;
 Final design documentation.

The Engineering Team will be responsible for the following works:

 Detailed Design & Engineering of Civil works, Mechanical works, Piping

works, Electrical & Instrumentation works;
 Construction / Fabrication Engineering;
 Issue of Indent represents requirement of Equipment/ specification of the
same and Quantity.
 Technical Evaluation of Vendor’s offers;
 Construction Drawings and Specifications; and
 Coordination between disciplines is the responsibility of the Engineering
Manager to ensure continuous communication and timely exchange of data.
This co-ordination shall, in particular, cover the following:
 Interdisciplinary exchange of information.
 Crosschecking by concerned disciplines of areas of potential interference.
 Implementation and follow-up of corrective actions involving more than one

Co-ordination meetings shall be held by the Engineering Manager to verify that correct
information is being exchanged between the design teams and other groups, to ensure that
the various detailed designs being developed in parallel by the different disciplines are
consistent and complement each other, and to resolve any conflicts. On the completion of
Design Report same shall be submitted to client for the approval and after the approval of
Design Report site construction activities will commence.

Survey and Mapping:
A detailed topographical survey of the area shall be carried out using Total Station equipment
and the spot levels and the contour. Contractor will survey and mark on GIS based maps by
linking with geo referenced points.

Consumer Survey
A complete door to door consumer survey to ground truth the footprints and the properties
in the subproject area shall be carried out. The Contractor shall undertake a door-to-door
survey of all properties whether connected to the network or un-connected and obtain the
details in regard to name, address, number of resident members, categories of general
residential households (independent housing, group housing connections and apartments),
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

urban poor households, government housing, non-domestic, commercial, institutional,

religious places, industrial and fire services and any other category of resident, consumers
income status in the Service Area availability of water connection, metering status, estimated
consumption levels, alternate water supply arrangements, existing sewerage system , method
of disposal of wastewater, willingness to pay, etc. The contractor shall get the data from
Department about the authorized water connection and their location of properties. The data
collected from household survey shall be geocoded.

Preparation of Design Report

During the Initial Stage, the Contractor will

• Be Familiar with the project site condition after required consultation
• Collect data and maps etc. and review designs
• Conform/ conduct topographic survey to ascertain the levels, road width, existing
services etc.
• Surveys and GIS based maps by linking with geo referenced points,
• Conduct door to door survey and prepare data base of the existing properties with
service connections details on GIS platform, by linking with geo referenced points
• Prepare Design Report in water supply sector
• Prepare an asset inventory report, baseline water balance and strategy for improving
services with a focus on improving Consumer services.


A Detailed Schedule chart shall be prepared which will spell out the total plan for the project
completion. This Detailed Schedule Chart will be regularly updated indicating the actual
progress achieved vis-à-vis targeted plan both graphically as well as quantity wise and
slippages if any will be identified, highlighted and monitored and controlled. We will ensure
that all targets / milestone are continuously monitored and controlled.

Our planning team will plan the future activities, procurement of specialized materials,
allocating the specialized agencies and overall synchronizing of the various activities. This
planning shall be done in consultation with site management. Schedule vs. actual progress
will be monitored on a Weekly basis and corrective action along with deployment of resources
shall be taken up to improve these gaps.

Manpower mobilization Schedule along with Machinery mobilization chart will be prepared
at the start of the project and this will be continuously monitored and controlled to perform
as planned. Man/Material/Machinery shall be made available to site in time as per the
schedule and shall ensure the continuous work load for all the time. Special contingency plan
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

will be prepared during rainy season so that the activities which can be undertaken in spite of
rain shall continue.

Based on the detailed survey report and in discussion with the department, we shall finalize
the co-ordinates and decide route for laying of pipeline, location and design of water
treatment plant, ESRs etc. as per approved hydraulic design. While designing the pipe
gradient major focus will be given on minimizing the losses by avoiding the number of bends
and providing the smooth gradient to the pipe rout. Wherever required, transient analysis
will be done to determine the surge protection devices for smooth operation.


Preconstruction and mobilization activities will be required to support the construction

workforce, provide storage for materials and allow the works to be constructed in a safe and
efficient manner, with reference to the local environments.
The preconstruction and mobilization activities will likely include:
• Mobilization of compounds, offices and welfare facilities;
• Provision of works accesses and delineation of the site boundaries;
• Works to identify hazards and environmental constraints; and
• Site clearance
We will open the project office at a suitable location at Banki for the co-ordination with the
department and various authorities. This office will also be responsible for local Engineering,
Procurement and construction work. Site offices will be constructed at suitable locations for
carrying out the necessary works and better monitoring the daily activities.
Strategic aim of various pre-construction activities will be:
• To engage effectively with local communities and directly affected landowners to
explain the planned works.
• To mobilize the site efficiently, and provide early mitigation measures, where
• To mobilize the site so that disruption is minimized, safe access is provided, and
adequate security provided to keep the public safe.
• To complete as much site clearance as is possible.


The procurement of the equipment will be done in such a way that long lead items and
equipment tools and tackles required at site for initial activities shall be given priority. The
equipment will be finalized as per the approved drawings and documents only.

Material dispatch plan will be prepared based on the requirement of material at site as per
the schedule. The material will be dispatched in lots through reputed freight carrier duly
taking insurance for all the risk and will be stored at warehouse which will be constructed by
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

us near to site location. The electro mechanical and instrumentation shall be packaged and
dispatched as per the manufacturer recommendation.

We will keep our own vehicles at site for local transportation of our employees, labors and
material for smooth operations.

The pipe storage yards will be located at suitable places. The pipe will be delivered from the
pipe manufacturer to the pipe storage yards prior to construction. Pipe sections will then be
delivered to their final location along the working width where they are placed on wooden
supports or skids along a line parallel to the trench line in preparation for welding and
lowering into the trench.


Our Project team will be provided with latest communication system for communication
within the team and with various site locations as well as with the customer, vendors, and
sub-contractors. The offices will be connected through broad band connectivity for on line
communication with various agencies.

We will identify various agencies to whom we need to co-ordinate for the necessary approvals
and permission and study in advance the procedure and time frame for each clearances such
as road crossing , rail crossing, river crossing , grid line crossing , electrical connection , work
permits , statutory clearances etc. We will keep dedicated skilled and experienced work force
to focus on these activities so that we comply the entire requirement as per existing
regulations and avoid delay in getting clearances and approvals.


The measures proposed for managing and constructing the main element of the project are
set out in this section. These works will be carried out within the following framework:
• Senior Project Manager will inspect all working areas each working day to ensure that
work is being carried out to plan, and that risks to the health and safety of the
workforce, the general public and any other who may be affected are minimized.
• The Project management plan will be followed in full assessment of the effectiveness of
the signage guiding the general public and any requirement to vary it will be carried out
on a daily basis at the start of each day and as the need arises during the day.
• The Project Manager will review the Health and Safety Plan to ensure it remains fully
relevant and that all arrangements are being followed.
• Site Manager and Project Manager will liaise on regular basis to review all active and
planned working procedures.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

• All construction Schedule and equipment schedule will be regularly inspected and
maintained to statutory and manufacturers specifications. All plant and machinery will
be checked for fuel and lubricant leaks prior to operating each day, and regularly
throughout a working day. Any leaks shall be immediately fixed. Only competent and
trained persons shall operate plant.
• Plant and machinery will be re-fueled on hard standing / prefabricated “drip” trays at
recognized re-fueling points.
• In the event of a spill operations will cease, and the spill will be treated in accordance
with an agreed spill response procedure. Operators will be briefed in the form of a
toolbox talk on this Method Statement, Risk Assessment and the spill response
• Small equipment’s i.e. generators and pumps to be kept in an impervious drip tray of
adequate capacity.
• In the event of adverse weather, i.e. period of heavy rainfall, the Site Manager and
Project Manager will determine which, if any, active operations shall be permitted to
• No river-related construction activities at the intakes and crossings will attempted if
high flows are present or imminent.


We have gone through the details specification of the project requirement along with ground
condition along pipe line route, crossings, water treatment plant and ESRs. We have also
studied the requirement of services for civil work and repair and refurbishment of the existing

Immediately upon receipt of award to us, we will depute our technical team along with the
project head for detailed survey of intake site, pipe route, other locations and present system
to identify the critical area and ensure the inputs taken during the preliminary site visit are in
line so that it can be taken care while doing final design.

The site or location where the working condition are stringent due to the high ground water
levels, water logged area will be identified and special action plan for dewatering and
requisite tools and tackles to address this issue will be done in initial phase so that we do not
loose time on organizing the resources when the problem arise. The total planning will be
done considering the rainy season so that rest of the activity shall be completed during rain
and resources shall be utilized to avoid laps of time.

We understand that at some locations contractor is required to undertake bush cutting, land
levelling and preparing site, all will be undertaken by us. We shall deploy suitable machinery
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

and men for the work in phased manner. Adequate steps would be taken for disposal of

Depending on the site accessibility the detailed plan of making of access road, where required
shall be made in consultation with various authorities. We shall carry out Reconnaissance
Survey, Detailed Route Survey, Soil Investigation, and Resistivity Survey as detailed below:


Reconnaissance survey shall be carried out for fixing the pipeline alignment. Alternatives will
be studied for ascertaining shortest feasible route selection. A comprehensive report shall be
submitted describing progressively the general topography of the area, land use pattern,
terrain details, potentially unstable and “difficult to construct” areas, such as water logged,
areas of unstable soils, congested areas (urban / rural) etc. All such areas shall be identified
in the report with respect to pipeline chainage. The route reconnaissance survey report shall
as a minimum comprise of the following:

Route Map in scale 1:50,000 and key map on scale 1: 50,000.

List of Road and Railway crossings
List of canal, streams


All the survey work shall be performed by qualified land surveyor and having requited
experience of handling the sophisticated survey and measuring equipment / instruments.
All measurements shall be in metric units.


A preliminary survey for locating the center-line of pipeline alignment on the ground shall be
carried out as follows:
 Based on the Recce Survey report, mark the best possible alignment.
 Make a preliminary survey along the route of the proposed pipeline to establish flag
control points.
 Locate and identify the existing features or obstructions along the route.

Where it becomes apparent that a better route could be followed, Department shall be
consulted to authorize the change. Turning Points (TPs) shall be located in consultation with
Department considering the following:
 To avoid obstruction along the line, by ranging on ground and shifting the Turning
Points if need be.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

 Ensure proper angle of crossing by keeping as nearly right angle (to road / rail /
streams, etc.) as possible. The right angle may be laid on ground by using a chain or
string lengths in ratio of 3, 4 & 5.
 Check from construction point of view and avoid objects like power, telephone and
telegraph poles, wells, tube wells or such other structures falling on the trench
alignment. Also structures like boundary walls, houses, etc. should be at a sufficient
distance so as not to get damaged during construction.


Permanent Bench Marks (BMs) approximately every 5 km, preferably on permanent

structures on or off the right of way shall be established.

Location of Bench Marks shall be established in the field by using marker stones or on
permanent structures. Exact position of BM shall be marked by a cross inside at the center and
shall be put centrally inside an engraved circle, to indicate the exact position. The reduced level
of the BM shall be paint marked on the BM stone. Letters “BM” shall precede the reduced level
of bench mark recorded to the second place of decimal.


We shall perform mapping and drawing work so as to contain all relevant data consistent with
the survey notes & observations. The drawings shall also contain details of roads, streets,
highway, structures, all type of crossings, terrain, surface vegetation and all other details which
will be required for the purpose of engineering design. Following types of detailed route
survey drawings will be made:
1:10,000 Horizontal
Ground Profile :
1:1000 Vertical
Crossing Details 1:100 Horizontal
(Road and Railway Crossings) :
1:100 Vertical
Crossing Details 1:100 Horizontal
(River/Stream/Nala/ Canal/Crossings) :
1:100 Vertical
Detailed Route Map : 1:25000

Survey drawings shall contain the following data as a minimum requirement. Pipeline route
map shall show all features including, but not limited to road and railroads, Canals, streams,
lakes, rivers; habitation that are located within a distance of 50 m from the pipeline center-
line on either side of it.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

In case of all road, river, stream and canal crossings wider than 10m, the distances at the start
and at the end of the crossing from the nearest IP shall also be mentioned. For crossings less
than 10m, the distance of the center line of crossing from the nearest IP shall be given.
For all river, stream and nalo crossings, the level of water at the time of survey and the
approximate surface velocity of the flowing stream shall be observed and recorded and reported
in the survey drawings. Also, the general nature of the surface soil (soft/ hard, normal soil or
rock/boulders) at the bed banks of the river/stream/nala shall be observed and mentioned in the



The maximum distance between two consecutive boreholes along the pipeline route shall
be 500 m. These pits will also locate the underground utilities coming on the pipe alignment.


The following field test as well as laboratory tests shall be carried out during soil investigation
on soil samples collected from boreholes. Plate Load test shall be conducted at the pipeline
bottom level only to find out modulus of subgrade reaction. The following laboratory test
shall be carried out on the samples collected.
a) Natural Moisture Contents
b) Bulk and dry density
c) Grain size analysis
d) Tri-axial shear

All tests, as listed above, shall be conducted as per latest edition of BIS (Bureau of Indian
Standards), Standards as applicable. In addition, following soil data along the route at
different depths shall also be reported in the survey report for each borehole.
a) Type of soil (sand, silt, clay etc.)
b) Total unit weight / effective unit weight of soil
c) Passive earth pressure coefficient.
d) Angle of Internal friction of soil.
e) Un-drained shear strength of clay.
f) Maximum level of water table.
g) Subgrade modulus of elasticity.


The report shall include proper visual engineering classification of soils encountered in bore
log form. Depth of ground water table below NGL shall also be mentioned if the same is
encountered. Soil profile shall also be prepared and attached with the report. Regions where
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

special excavation techniques like blasting etc. needs to be adopted for excavation of pipeline
trenches shall be clearly indicated in the report.



The benchmark shall be 20 cm x 20 cm x 60 cm with 40 cm embedded underground and 20

cm above ground. The top surface of the benchmark shall be truly horizontal and plane. The
works B.M. with RL shall be conspicuously carved and painted on the benchmark. The
reference line shall be comprised of a base line properly marked on the ground by number of
masonry pillars suitably spaced. The check profiles shall be of such materials and shall be
located at such places as to ensure execution of all slopes. Steps and elevation to the profiles
or profiles indicated in the approved drawings as directed by the Project Manager.


The various works shall be done true to level and grade. The periodical checking of these by
the department shall not absolve the contractor or his responsibility regarding the accuracy.
In case of any
deviation or discrepancy in line, level and grade the contractor shall make good the
discrepancy at his own cost and without any extra compensation for the additional work


Prior to the beginning of the work, cross section of the ground level at suitable intervals
normal to the axis of the proposed Anicut and its components shall be taken over the base
and seating of the proposed Anicut abutment, protection work etc. for sufficient distance
outside the limits.
These cross sections shall be taken and plotted in indelible ink, If so desired and, shall be
binding on the parties after they are signed both by the contractor and the Project Manager.
These cross sections shall form the basis of all future measurements and payments on the


The contractor shall construct and maintain all necessary temporary Diversion arrangements
and other protection works. The contractor shall also furnish maintain and operate all
necessary pumping and other equipment for dewatering the various parts of the work and
for maintaining the foundation pump, drainage system, grouting system and other parts of
the work and as required for inspection and safety
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

installation by the Project Manager even after any part of the work is completed. The
contractor shall pump all water from foundation and other apartment works and shall keep
the foundation free of water while excavating, preparing the foundations and while placing
concrete, laying reinforcement or as otherwise, required for completing the work. The
contractor shall be entitled to no claim for damages or additional compensation or payment
by reason of any amount of water that may leak through under or around cofferdams or other
diversion and protective works. The general plan and arrangements of the diversion as
required for work implementation above shall be prepared beforehand. The contractor shall
submit within one month of the issue of the work order or such period as may be specified by
Project Manager. His plans for the temporary diversion care and maintenance during the
construction for approval of the Project Manager and once they are approved he shall follow
the same. Approval of the plans for the temporary diversion works by the Project Manager
shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy and efficiency thereof
and pumping plant or from furnishing all equipment, labor and materials necessary for
dewatering the foundations and keeping the work areas free of water at all times necessary
within the scope of the contract. Any changes, modifications or alterations required to suit
the conditions during construction shall be borne by the contractor without extra charge. Any
damage cause by failure or partial failure of his temporary diversion works during
construction period shall be repaired by the contractor at his own expenses without extra
charge on the department. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain all his
diversion work in good order. He shall also be responsible for providing and maintaining
necessary barriers, fencing, lighting, warning signs, signals and boards, watching and patrolling
and all other safe guards necessary to ensure safety of human and animal lives and vehicular,
pedestrian and animal traffic.


It shall be carried out to enable inspection, final preparation of surfaces providing anchor bars,
grouting, laying of foundation concrete, laying of reinforced concrete, laying of reinforcement
and all other construction activities. Electric driven pumps of requisite capacity shall be
installed in order to handle the dewatering. The switchgears and pumping sets shall be
maintained in satisfactory condition to avoid loss of energy. Circuits for pumping set shall be
isolated from any other electric installation.


The Following activities are to be adopted while Handling, Stacking & Transportation.


 All pipes shall always be stored in the yard in stacks physically separated by order
/job to ensure complete traceability at any stage of processing. It shall always be
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

ensured that Pipe identification numbers mentioned in the identification markings

shall match with the information provided in the documents.
 During stacking and storage operations, care and attention shall be given to ensure
that the identification markings are visible at all times.
 Prior to stacking and storage, a visual inspection shall be carried out to identify
visually apparent defects on the external and/or internal surface of the Pipe. Defects,
if any, found on any pipe shall be marked and such pipes shall not be stacked and
stored. Such pipes shall be treated as a non-conforming product and shall be dealt
with in accordance with the resolution of non-conformities procedure.


 Bare pipes shall be stored in the stacks either on sand rows / wooden sleepers. In
any case, the pipes shall always be stacked completed clear from the ground so that
the bottom row of pipes remains free from any contact with surface ground water
and at a slope so that driving rain water does not collect inside the pipe.
 In case of sand rows each sand row shall be covered with LOPE / Plastic sheets before
stacking the bare pipes.
 The number of times a pipe is handled shall be kept to a minimum in order to reduce
the risk of handling damages.
 Stacks shall always consist of pipes having identical diameter, thickness and grade
and belonging to a single order/contract. Mixing of pipes of either different diameter,
thickness, grade or order is not permitted.
 Stack shall be prepared in a way to ensure stability and prevent "fall off". Stack
extremities shall be duly wedged to prevent pipe rolling off and the stack falling apart.
 The number of tiers in a stack shall be as per standard specifications. Multi-
tiered stacks shall be prepared using vacuum cranes or hydraulic cranes lifting the
pipes from both ends with proper padded hooks and properly branded slings or with
nylon belts.
 Pipes shall be placed side by side to endure the stack stability.
 During stacking of the second tier of pipes, it shall be ensured that no foreign matter
is entrapped in the contact area between the two tiers, which may lead to a surface
dent or defect. This is applicable if bare pipes are stacked in the yard.


 In order to prevent any damage to the coating, the coated pipes shall be cooled
to the ambient temperature prior to any handling and care shall be taken to ensure
that damages the pipe body and /or beveled ends do not take place during
 The stacking of coated pipes shall be carried out by the procedure identical to the
Bare Pipes. However, a separator of suitable thickness (heavy rope) shall be placed
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

between two successive tiers (at least two numbers, equidistant) to ensure that
the Coating of the Pipes do not touch each other.


The process of laying of pipeline has been explained with reference to MS pipes. The process
of laying DI pipes will be similar.
• Right-of Way Staking: Right-of-way limits will be staked prior to clearing. All work will
take place between those limits. The approved cross sectional and L/S drawings shall
be considered for laying pipeline. This is to ensure that the pipeline will be built at its
proper location. Detailed examination of route is done at this point since any problems
would be easier to correct at this time.
• Clearing and Grading: The ROW is cleared of all trees, shrubs, etc. Some grading of
high spots may be done to minimize over bends in the line, or steep side slopes may
be leveled. To the possible manner, the pipeline route shall be leveled for vehicular
traffic of construction equipment and additionally as far as possible the movement of
machinery and vehicles shall be limited to the marked route of the pipeline.
• Centerline Staking: Route centerline is staked along cleared ROW. At this time it should
be verified that the route is correctly marked. The benchmarks shall be fixed on the
existing permanent structures along the route. The position of Bends, Fittings, Scour
Valves, Air valves, Butterfly valves etc. shall be marked on route.
• Trenching: Trench shall be excavated by using mechanized excavators of adequate
capacity to the required depth, line, level and alignment as per approved drawing. The
excavated trench shall be of such dimensions ensuring that sufficient clear place is
available on both sides of the pipeline and activities such as compaction using plate
compactor or ramming etc. is facilitated.
• In case of hard rock encountered during the trenching operation, rock breaker shall
be used and controlled blasting (if required) will be done. All care shall be taken to
ensure safe blasting and proper safety measures shall be taken.
• Prior to the lowering and laying of the Pipe, measurements shall be made for each
pipe segment to be lowered and a Pit of suitable size shall be excavated along the
Pipe-to Pipe joint area to provide access for the joint.
• Bedding: Bedding shall be laid as per tender conditions. In case of rocky/ hard surface
at the bottom of the trench, trimming of the trench bed will be done.
Mild watering if required and application of compactor over the granular bedding
layer for pipe shall be executed to ensure a fairly stable, leveled gradient bed layer for
the pipes to be laid.
• Lowering & Laying in Trenches: Pipes shall be unloaded from local transporting trailers
/ trucks and placed near the excavated trench by hydraulic lifting and handling
equipment of the requisite capacity.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

Lifting and handling of the pipes shall be with required tools and tackles, such as Lifting
Beams, Nylon Belts etc. in order to ensure that damage to external and / or internal
surface of the pipe or Pipe edges does not occur. Lifting hooks coming in direct contact
with Pipe ends (if required) shall be padded with a softer sacrificial material like HDPE.

The lowered pipe shall be alignment to the preceding pipe and rested on the trench
bed. It will be ensured that the pipe line is either buried with sufficient cover or
otherwise, wherever it is above ground it shall be properly protected from damage by


The spacing of valves and other devices capable of isolating any given segment of a pipeline
are provided by two principal concerns:
• Maintaining the design operating conditions of the pipeline with respect to
throughput and flexibility and,
• Facilitate maintenance or repairs without undue disruption to pipeline operation and
rapid shutdown of pipeline operations during abnormal conditions.
Minimum number of valves as specified intender document shall be provided. Surge analysis
will be done to select the type of anticipating surge protection devices and location of their


• The New Pipeline shall be completed up to a location as close as possible to

Existing Live Pipeline without causing any stoppage of live Pipeline.
• Accurate measurements shall be taken between the New Pipeline and the Existing
Live Pipeline and the End Piece Connection (part of the New Pipeline) shall be
made ready-to- hook-up.
• The Existing Live Pipeline shall be isolated from the nearest available isolation
point and all water upstream of the isolation point shall be drained off.
• In case the connection is in the form of a "Tee" joint, the existing live pipeline shall
be required to be isolated on either end and the section containing the new "Tee"
joint shall be drained off.
• In case of the New Pipeline required to be connected to a "live" water body, such
as a Reservoir, the Water Level of the reservoir shall be reduced to below the
alignment of the New Pipeline, to enable erection of the connection.
• The End Piece Connection shall be placed and aligned properly with the respect to
the existing pipeline and the particular section of the existing pipeline shall be
marked for creating an opening of the required dimensions.
• The End Piece Connection shall be fitted up according to the alignment and either
ends shall be welded according to the welding procedure explained above.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance


• Prior to commencement of Hydrostatic test, preliminary backfilling and

construction of thrust block (wherever applicable) shall be completed.
• All Joints along the section of the Pipeline selected for Hydrostatic shall be free of
earth and any other debris, so as to allow free access for a visual examination of
the weld joint during hydro static test.
• The selected section of the Pipeline shall be capped on either ends including the
ends of any branch connections to the Pipeline.
• Water, which is free of Sand, Silt, Grit or any other debris, shall be pumped in to
the Pipeline section under hydrostatic testing.
• Air Vent connections shall be provided on suitable locations to ensure that venting
of all entrapped air takes place as the water is being filled in to the pipeline section.
• Pressure Gauges shall be installed on the Pump discharge and also on suitable
location of the pipeline section.
• The Hydrostatic test pressure, rate of increasing the pressure to the hydrostatic
test pressure, holding time and acceptance / rejection criteria shall be according
to the specifications.


Special crews will be established for operations such as crossings (e.g. road, rail, river, and
canal). These activities will be carried out independently of the normal sequence of works.
Typical methods of construction fall into two categories, open cut and non-open cut (or
trenchless). The adopted methods of construction will depend on topography, existing
services, and site investigation information and on the requirements specified in tender
Most minor watercourse / nallah crossings / minor roads will be carried out using a dry open
cut trench methodology. In dry open cut methods water flow is maintained by temporary
diversion, over pumping or using temporary flume pipes installed in the bed of the
watercourse. Where high velocities are indicated along erodible bed materials, additional
geotechnical investigations for scour depth will be conducted and the pipe will be buried
deeper according to the findings. Unstable or eroding banks at the crossing locations will also
require geotechnical investigation prior to design and construction. The crossing method to
be used at each sensitive area crossed by the pipeline will be determined using the
information available, including field observations and engineering design will be got
approved from the Dep’t. The pipe line crossing under the drain/culvert/nallah will be
encased with RCC (M20) all around the pipe line for as given in tender document. The
following general construction guidelines will apply to smaller streams:
• Construction will be performed during periods of lowest sensitivity,
• Trenching will be done perpendicular to the stream,
• The construction time will be minimized,
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

• Standard erosion and sediment control measures will be used, and best
management practices will be followed during construction,
• Blasting around and within streams will be limited as much as possible,
• Debris accidentally introduced into streams will be promptly removed,
• Stream banks, vegetation, and streambeds will be restored immediately after
construction. (Bank restoration is particularly important in shallowly incised
streams with low banks, to prevent channel migration).

Crossing of minor roads will require a temporary road closure during the crossing works.
Where required traffic lights or signals may be used to allow work on alternate halves of the
road while maintaining the flow of traffic. Appropriate traffic management plan will be
followed in consultation with Authority’s Engineer.

Trenchless methods will be used to cross the major roads, National Highways and Railway
crossings. Actual design will be submitted to the appropriate body for approval prior to

Guidelines on pipe line crossings under railway track prepared by RDSO will be followed for
Railway Crossings. The alignment of pipeline shall be so decided that it crosses railway track
preferably nearest to right angle. The length of casing pipe should be up to the end of railway
land boundary to accommodate laying of railway tracks in future. The MS Encasing Pipe of
recommended diameter and thickness (as per RDSO guidelines) is required to be laid across
railway tracks. This MS Pipe shall be pushed at the recommended depth beneath the tracks
using Hydraulic Jacks of suitable capacities. Once the MS Encasing Pipe is pushed to its
location beneath the Road, all the remaining earth and sand shall be removed from inside
concrete pipe to enable insertion of the transmission main pipeline.



Intake well (if applicable in the scope) to be single well type RCC structure with pump house
located on top of the intake well. The following factors will be considered in siting and
designing an intake to ensure that it should provide purer water so that its treatment may
become less exhaustive and also that sufficient quantity of water remains available under all
the circumstances:

Water Availability
Sediment Transport
Environmental Regulation
Climatic Conditions
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

Initial and Maintenance Dredging

Operation and Maintenance

Construction of the intake shall be carried out during a period of low to moderate flow. To
facilitate the construction of the intake structure, a temporary cofferdam may have to be
constructed upstream of the proposed intake works structure using sandbags in
polypropylene sacks. The base rock will be exposed and prepared for the foundation slab on
which the intake structure is to be built. This preparation will include the removal of any loose
material and some rock excavation may be required. This will be achieved by use of an
excavator and rock hammer and smaller hand held tools. Based on the final structural design,
well foundation may be provided for intake well. After the construction of foundation,
construction of superstructure will be taken up.

Any pumping necessary to control seepage through the sandbagged cofferdam or during
times of rain will be carried out using electric sump pumps (which will be available at all
times), these being run by a small generator which shall be located in a position clear of the
river and in a bunded area. Strict control of fueling and operation will be employed to mitigate
fuel leakage/spillage.

The pump house for raw water shall be constructed above Intake well. The raw water pump
house shall accommodate the vertical turbine pumps, pipes, fittings and accessories. It shall
be designed so that the pumps and motors can be removed from their bases and transported
to an off-site for maintenance facility. Suitable EOT cranes and gantries for proper operation
and maintenance of the pumping system shall be provided. The pump house walls shall be
out of brick masonry and RCC beams and column shall be provided to support the load. The
pump house floor shall be designed as an RCC slab to carry both static and dynamic loads of
pumps and valves.


The Water Treatment Plant will be designed and constructed for given capacity. The plant
shall be designed to permit gravity flow from the Cascade Aerator up to Clear Water
Reservoir. The current project consists of Construction of 1 Nos Water Treatment Plant.



Excavation shall be done by using hydraulic excavators. Wherever hard rock is available
control blasting method will be adopted. After completing the excavation to the required
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance

depth, the final dressing will be carried out manually and put forward to the client for
necessary approval.


Adequate number of de-watering pumps will be kept ready if sub soil ground water is
encountered. All excavations will be kept free of water, for which required number of de-
watering pumps will be engaged to suit to the site conditions.

When pumping water directly onto vegetation, when de-watering, it will be ensured that the
outlet pipe is regularly moved in order to prevent saturating the ground.


The bars will be cut into required sizes and given the required shape. The reinforcement will
be placed into its location and properly tied with by using binding wires. Necessary overlaps
will be ensured at the joints. Joint inspection of reinforcement will be carried out with Client
/ Consultant before concreting. The shuttering plates of proper sizes with proper finish will
be used along with scaffolding pipes and clamps.

All concreting works will be carried out as per the Mix Design hence required materials such
as course sand; stone aggregates and cement will be sent to the design laboratories. After
receipt of design mix from approved labs, all concrete works will be taken up accordingly.
Only one type of cement will be used in one mix. The quality of cement will generally confirm
the required International specification.

At the time of placing concrete the pin vibrators will be invariably used to ensure the better
quality of concrete. Necessary line and level will be thoroughly checked by our Engineers. At
the time of placing concrete at every stage required test cubes will be taken and it will be kept
under proper curing. These cubes will be tested in the Site laboratory in Sampling and testing
shall be as per respective specification under the supervision of our experts and engineers.

Our quality control & quality Assurance Engineers will ensure that right quality materials are
used in the work. After getting the test results necessary records will be maintained. All
materials incorporated in the work will be as per specifications.


Proper care will be taken for curing of concrete by making arrangement for spreading or
sprinkling of water over the fresh concrete. The concrete surface will be covered by wet gunny
bags. Raft or slab concrete will be cured by ponding of water over it.
Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department, RWS&S Organization, Govt. of Odisha
Bid Identification No.: EIC, RWSS-09/21-22
Name of the Work: Execution of Mega PWS to 13 GPs of Banki,17GPs Dampada & 02 GP of Baranga Block
in Cuttack district including 05 (five) years of Operation & Maintenance


Once the structure reaches above the ground level, immediately necessary backfilling activity
will be carried out layer by layer with proper consolidation. For proper consolidation,
necessary watering and ramming work will be carried out as per the technical requirements.
Then the further super structure works will be taken up immediately.


Construction of the Project would cause a degree of disruption to the local environment, local
people and to users of the local highway network. Such disruption is unavoidable, although
measures would be implemented to minimize the adverse effects. The strategic aim is to
eliminate the sources of disruption and implement measures to minimize any unavoidable
disruption where reasonably practicable. Prior to construction the detail of these measures
would be further developed, and where appropriate would be location specific.

The majority of construction works will normally take place between 07:30 - 18:00. There may
be exceptions to these hours for junction tie-ins etc. or for traffic management reasons. Also
there are likely to be extended working hours in the summer months for the earthworks to
take advantage of the weather / daylight.
Due to traffic management restrictions, safety and operational constraints, some operations
would need to be carried out at night. The relevant Local Authorities would be liaised with
where notable operations are to be carried out at night.

Temporary traffic management and restrictions would be needed to provide safe access and
working areas for the construction workforce and their vehicles, plant and equipment, and to
permit safe passage of vehicles and non-motorized users, such as pedestrians and cyclists,
through and adjacent to the works.

These traffic restrictions will be carefully planned and managed and would include a variety
of measures, from separating works areas from public access areas to full closures of certain
roads for short durations, speed restrictions and temporary traffic signals. Strategic aims for
traffic management will be:

• To minimize disruption to road users during the works.

• To minimize disruption to local communities and businesses and emergency
services during the works, providing access throughout.
• To provide a safe working area for the construction workforce.
• To provide safe and clearly signed traffic routes through the works.

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