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T0694 /16 102020 Technical Committee Meeting : 694/16.10.2020 * SUMMARY RECORD OF DECISIONS * 694" Meeting of the Technical Committee of Rajasthan Water Supply & Sewerage ‘Management Board was held on 16" October’2020 wherein following were present: 4. Sh, Dinesh Goel 2. Sh Lalit Verma 3. Sh CM Chauhan 4, Sh RK Meena 6. Sh. HC Verma Chief Engineer (Tech) & TM, RWSSMB Chairman (Ga. Charge) FA & CAO, RWSSMB, Jaipur Member CE(SP), PHED, Jaipur and Addl. Charge of Member CE(U&NRW), Jaipur CE(Rural), PHED, Jaipur Member Secretary, RWSSMB, Jaipur Member Secretary Following were also present in the meeting:- Sh KD Gupta, ACE, PHED Region, Kota Sh AK Jain, ACE, PHED Region, Ajmer Sh Amitabh Sharma, Director, WSSO Sh Bharat Meena, SE, Project Circle, PHED, Jaipur ‘Sh Mukesh Goyal, SE, TM Cell, PHED, Jaipur ‘Sh MP Soni, SE Project Circle, Tonk ‘Sh Manish Bhatt, EE PHED Project Div., Baran ‘Sh JR Chaudhary, EE, PHED Project Div.-I, Barmer Smt. Alpana Kulshrestha, EE (D&S), PHED, Jaipur 40, Sh NP Gupta, EE, Project Div..PHED, Phagi 11.Sh Rajeev Kumar, EE City Div.-l, Ajmer 42. Sh Sanjay Agarwal, EE, Bisalpur-Tonk-Uniyara Project, Tonk Following decisions were taken in the meeting:= Agenda item n0.1: Confirmation of minutes of T0693/16-17.09.2020 nda Technical clearance of ‘inking water supply projet for coverage of 58 vilages of 10 Gram Panchayat of Tesi Soja, Dist Pall under IMEC RS. 148.85 Cr) ‘Summary record of decisions of T693/16-17.09,2020 issued vide Secretary (Board) letter no. No. F.4( TC 693/RWSSMBI2020- 21/7713-7753 dated 21.09.2020 were confirmed as no ‘observations from any of the member on the same were received in Board Office. 2: The agenda item was considered in light of the comments of TM ‘and FA&CAO and contents of the agenda note. During presentation, following were informed: (i) Instant proposal for an estimated cost of Rs. 146.85 Cris for technical clearance for the work of drinking water supply project for coverage of 34 villages of 10 Gram Panchayats of Tehsil Sojat, Distt. Pali under JJM. (ii) A&F sanction amounting to Rs. 26.00 lacs was accorded in FC759 dated 04,09.2019 for preparation of DPR for coverage of these 57 habitations (34MH+230H) from RGLC. (ii) As per 2011 census, population of 34 MH +23 OH of Sojat a Page 1 of 28‘T0594 6.102020 tehsil is 40956 souls and are presently fed from the existing fiter plant (4.5 MLD) at Shivpura headwork through Jawai water supply system (v)Proposal has been framed for coverage of 34 villages+23 other habitations of 10 Gram Panchayats of Tehsil Sojat, Distt. Pali from Rajiv Gandhi Lift Canal in view of announcement made by Hon'ble Chief Minister. Following announcement was made in budget speech of 2019-20 by Hon'ble Chief Minister: 2 alae \GNP are Beara arerera «Peel aft (ae et retire Wee Gea oF al eT 1 Ga swear ara is Rana er re ar har aT ge OPRaTe art (¥) Demand of these 57 habitations (34MH+230H) for the intermediate design year 2037 is 4.1 MLD which shall be met out ftom Dantwara WTP by increasing pumping hours from 16 to 22 hrs. without laying additional pipeline (i) There is need of this proposal as existing 400mm AC class- 10 pipeline trom Gol Nimbri offake point of Jawai water supply system is very old, damaged and leaking/bursting frequently. Moreover availabilty of water in Jawai dam becomes in-sufficient during summer season in case of deficit rain fll. (uil) Water from RGLC shall be available for coverage of these 57 habitations (34 MH+230H) after execution of RGLC PH- IIL ie likely to year 2025. Therefore to ensure adequate water supply to these proposed 34 villages and balance 21 villages, provision for replacement of existing 400mm AC polluted and defective pipeline from Gol Nimbri to Shivpura headworks has been taken (vill) In order to provide Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every household with service level of 55 Ipod, project has been designed @ 55 Ipcd for the design year 2052, (i) The proposal mainly includes construction of WTP capacity 4.1 MLD at Dantiwara, raw water reservoir capacity-800 KL at dantiwara, gravity pipeline dia. 450mm DI K-7 in length of 18.430 Km. from RD193 to manaklao, rising main & distribution main pipelines of cifferent dia. of DI K-7/K-9 and HOPE PN-6, FHTC 8287 nos., PLC SCADA ete. Provision of 10 years O8M is also included in the proposal In view of above, CE(P), Jodhpur recommended to issue technical clearance of the project for an estimated amount of Rs. 146.85 Cr which includes JJM fund (Gol) of Rs. 66.67 Cr., State Plan Rural Rs. 78.15 Cr and public contribution Rs. 2.03 Cr. ‘The agenda item was deliberated in detail, During deliberations, various parameters and principles adopted in design, basis of estimation and provisions included in the project were discussed in detail and it was noted that type of pipes for the project have been selected as per the pipe policy of department. After deliberations, it j Pane 2ot20Tos94 116 10.2020 ‘was decided to accord technical clearance to the project for Rs. 146 85 Cr having components of JJM, State Plan Rural and public contribution as Rs.66.67 Cr. Rs.78.15 Cr and Rs.2.03Cr respectively (Annex.-1/AL-2/TC 694/16.10.2020) subject to Following ‘© Proposal for technical sanction shall be submitted for ‘consideration of Technical Committee after obtaining A&F ssanection of the project. ‘+ Reservation of water under RGLC Ph-lIl shall be ensured for coverage of these 57 habitations, ‘+ Synchronization of proposed works with RGLC PH-IIl works. shall be ensured so that none of the executed work remain idle ‘+ Dovetalling of proposed works with already executed works and ongoing works shall be ensured in order to avoid any duplicity, It was also decided that action may be initiated by CE (P) Jodhpur in anticipation of issuance of minutes of meeting, {Action by: GE(P), Jodhpur} ‘Agenda Item No.3: The agenda item in reference to agenda notes submitted by ACE, To issue oveular on PHED Region, Udaipur and ACE, Project Region, PHED, Bharapur ‘Seammendatons of was considered in light of the comments of TM and FABCAO, 78:10) RWSSMB and presentation made by CE(SP), PHED, Jaipur. During presentation folowing were informed (i) Instant proposal is for issuance of circular in reference to recommendations of PAC in order to submit compliances of the recommendations of PAC. (iy Audit wing of AG carried out audit of 8 nos water supply projects and raised some audit paras in its section 3.2 of report for the year 2015-16 regarding avoidable additional expenditure of Rs. 132.88 Cr on 8 nos. water supply project due to approval of bids on higher rates. (ii)PAC 2018-19 in its 261% report at para 3.2 (S.N. 18 3) recommended to make reforms in the present system of project estimation and implementation in. order to avoid Fecurrence of such additional expenditure. Following recommendations have been made by PAC: () aR Renee are A 3 hte fama vet ge ofterd ara a gregh at eh, Rewer gal gear araeer Patter we he referer ROT RT ‘aR a MAH meTeaTO arafera By eT wet ZT (ip RAR Frener arch & RE srqeae vfRatoraH eT ee fora an tana wt ftawr ed oe eter et are A rene arava aH areata aA mf fare Ue aRarrat & gr a A sue wT a SAT ee ard mercer @rafera wt seer wert aA Gin ain Fermi wet A Ron Retort aT fear we fearent owt Ree # GaN ardent a2 fore onze wa arm ed Prelit wa raft we gel eT e_ ge wee A Barer vd PPT al geen aren gfitac at mg wrearél @ ure after oneTo894 /16.10.2020 ‘after aM Ce HET meTeraTo raft ew ste RT em (iv)For compliance of recommendations of PAC, CE(SP) has proposed to issue circular to make reforms in the present system of project estimation and implementation in order to avoid recurrence of such additional expenditure. In view of above, CE(SP) requested to approve draft circular for compliance of recommendations of PAC so that PAC and AAG may be informed accordingly, The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, it was informed by CE(SP). Jaipur that estimation of the project/scheme is now being done as per latest BSR issued by CE(Tech.) & TM and due care shall be taken while considering the tender wherein tender premium received is high w.rt to estimated cost. After deliberations, it was decided to approve the proposed draft circular as per annex (Annex-2/Al 3/TC884/16. 10.2020) for strict compliance of recommendations fof PAG in order to avoid recurrence of additional expenditure due to high tender premium and accordingly to inform PAC and AAG. [Action by: CE(SPYCE(Toch)&TM)] Agenda tem No.4: The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and ‘Approval ofexcess FA&CAO and presentation made by EE, PHED Project Div.-ll, quantities forthe work Barmer. During presentation, following were informed: related to BLWSP Pht Part KKD-Sheoo- “Bhackha-Barmor ‘king water supply project of 286 viloges of istic! Barmer on SPR basis (i) Instant proposal is for prior approval of tentative deviation for the works related to BLWSP Phrll Part 'C’ 'KKD-Sheo- Bhadkha-Barmer drinking water supply project of 286 villages of District Barmer. (il) Work order for the works related to water supply to 286 villages of District Barmer under Ph-ll Part 'C’ 'KKD-Sheo- Bhadkha-Barmer drinking water supply project with 10 years O&M on SPR basis was awarded to M/s VPRPL-WABAG JV for Rs, §95.3372 Cr (capital work Rs. 550.3372 Cr + (O&M part for 10 years Rs. 45.00 Cr) on 24.01.2017 with stipulated date of commencement and completion as 26.05.2017 and 25.05.2020 respectively. (ii) The work is under progress and work amounting to Rs. 248.17Crie. about 45% has been completed tll now. (iv) Against 2050KL single ESR originally taken at Barmer Magra village, 2 nos, of 700 KL and 1 no. 650 KL ESRs has. been taken as population in village Barmer Magra and Barmer (Rural) is scattered so as to avoid higher size and longer lengths of pipeline and to provide FHTC to each household as per JJM guidelines (W) Tentative deviation statement has been prepared looking to likely variation in different items of BOQ and for prior permission for execution of additional quantities. (Wi) The contract agreement provides following provisions regarding deviation in quantities of BOQ items of the work: ‘a) Preamble to price schedule volume Iv (Clause 1.1): a Page 4 of 29T0694 /16 10.2020 ‘These lump sum rates quoted shall be adjusted for the variation in the executed work of pipeline, boundary wall, single phase electric line, road, number of valves, valve chambers, control rooms, boundary gates, solar panels, VTCs, number of flow meters, SRs by logical addition or deduction in these lump sum rates. ) Preamble to price schedule iv (Clause 1.5): In consideration to the fact that the lengths of pipeline / road / boundary wall! power line mentioned in the tender are the lengths based on the survey and the actual length in work may vary, itis intended that the variation in lengths or nos. observed during execution shall be suitably adjusted at the end of the contract. For this purpose the rates payable / deductable for increased / decreased lengths as compared to those given in schedule A. For other items in respective schedule viz. A5, AG, AT & AB, (vil) AS per actual survey and design of net work for laying of Pipelines, actual availability of land for construction of off take, ESRs and VTCs and approved hydraulics, following Variations in 80 items likely to occur: @. Increase of more than 50% from its original quantities in 10 nos. BOG items like DI K-9 dia. 350mm (126%) ‘and 200mm (91%), Air Valves dia. 100mm(450%), ‘8Omm (453%), 50mm (534%), Flow meters dia 50mm (63%), Scour valve chambers (63%), Earth work in dia. 360mm DI K-9(126%), dia. 200mm (91%), Sluice Valve dia, 50mm (132%), etc. . Increase of upto 50% from the original quantities in 29 nos, BOQ items like in the length & earth work of DI K-89 pipeline dia. 450mm (45.0%), 800mm (37%) etc (ull There is excess of Rs. 28,54,90,225/- (4.80%) and saving of Rs. 21,58,45,055/-(3.70%) hence overall excess is Rs. 6,02,20,17,670/- (1.10%) due to likely variations. (0x) There is no change in the standing of L-1 contractor due to above change (%) There is no change in scope of the contract due to the proposed deviation and the proposed variations are necessary to complete the work as per scope of the contract In view of above, CE(P), Jodhpur recommended for prior approval of provisional deviation statement for the variation in the BoQ items of the contract. ‘The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, it was confirmed by EE, PHED Project Div.-lI, Barmer that proposed deviations are essential to complete the specified scope of work as per the contract agreement without affecting the performance of the project system and also confirmed that there wil not be any further major deviation in completion of the project and prior approval is required for execution of additional quantities. The Committee rena‘Agende item no. 5: ‘Approval of use of Polypropytone-Random ‘Copahymer (PPR-C) ipes for consumer ‘cannoctions in PHED Rajasthan ‘T0894 /16.10.2020, observed that there is overall excess of Rs. 6.02 Cr which is 1.10% Of original contract amount of capital work and also there are 10 BoA items having excess of more than 50%, for which case shall be referred to AD for its approval EE, PHED Project Div.-II, Barmer presented detailed justification for variation in original quantities of BOQ items for requirement of prior approval as work is under progress and confirmed that individual item having excess of more than 50% from its original quantity has not been executed yet now. After deliberations, it was decided to technically clear the proposal for consideration by Finance Committee for its approval of tentative deviation statement prior to ‘execution of additional quantities up to 50% and more than 50% ‘case shall be referred to AD for its approval. CE (P), jodhpur shall ‘submit separate agenda note with above clearance of Technical Committee for approval of tentative deviation statement by FC as per SoP of the Department. [Action by: CE(P), Jodhpur] ‘The agenda item was considered in light of comments of CE(Rural) ‘and FA&CAO and presentation made by SE(D8S), TM Cell, PHED, Jaipur. During presentation, following were informed: (Instant proposal is for approval of use of Polypropylene- Random Copolymer (PPR-C) pipes for consumer ‘connections in PHED Rajasthan. (ii) A technical presentation was made by M/s Kanha Plastics Lid., New Delhi regarding technical specifications and advantages of PPR-C pipes over traditional plastic pipes Used for drinking water supply in Rural & Urban areas. (ii) PPR-C are designated by Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) and are available in SDR-5, 6 7.4 and 11 for nominal sizes ranges from 16mm OD to 200mm OD. PPR.C pipes are suitable for hot and cold water conveyance for inside and outside buildings and are manufactured as per IS 15801: 2008. (¥)_ For house hold connections under JJM, BSR of Department has provision for GI pipes and MDPE pipes for over ground laying and underground laying respectively. (vi) PPR-C pipes are having high impact strength and UV stabilized outer layer. The innermost white layer (anti- bacterial) shall not support any type of microbial growth, taste, colour & odour hence make it suitable for drinking water application. Therefore, these pipes are suitable for ‘over ground laying and underground laying and are techno- economically suitable w.rt combination of Gl and MDPE pipes for household connections. (vil) PPR-C pipes are connected by melting and fusion technique which results in continuous/homogeneous body making the joint permanent, seamless and hence leak proof (vii)PPR-C pipes are approved by Water Regulatory Advisory ‘Scheme (WRAS) UK and tested by CIPET, central Food Technology Research Institute (FTRI), Mysore etc. f Page Sof w‘Agenda item No. 6 ‘Approval ofthe lncepton report and ‘design bass report ‘submit by Ms WAPCOS in respect of preparation of Standard ‘T0884 116.10.2020 (ix) PPR-C pipes are being currently used by numerous Central/State Government Departments and are specifically ‘approved by PHED Assam for household connections, (W) Use of PPR-C pipes(three layer) and fittings in PHED, Rajasthan as an altemative to PE and uPVC pipes on techno-economic base was approved in the 517" meeting of Technical Committee held on 21.04.2011 In view of above, following recommendations have been made by CE(Tech.)& TM (i) To approve use of ISI mark PPR-C pipes PN 16(SDR 7.4) for the size 16mm to 40mm OD for household connections. (i) Manufacturer should have valid BIS licence as per 1$:15801:2008, valid ISO:9001 and should have been evaluated, tested and approved by central Building Research & Institute (CBRI), Roorkee. ‘The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, ‘SE(D&S) informed various merits of PPR-C (3 layered) pipes over other plastic pipes and techno-economic aspect in household connections. During deliberations, CE(Rural) pointed out that being less thickness of PPR-C pipe in comparison to HOPE/MDPE, rigidity and impact resistance is less due to which these pipes may damage easily. Further life of these pipes may reduce in uncovered position when exposed to atmosphere. CE(Tech.)&TM informed that PPR-C pipes have higher wall thickness (with the same outside diameter) compared to PVC/HDPE/MDPE pipes which will impart long life and higher strength. Moreover these pipes are tripled layered pipes consisting of outer green layer, inner white layer and middle biack layer. The outer layer (green for drinking water pipes) is UV stabilized with minimum 0.2% of a hindered ‘amine light stabilizer (HALS) which makes it ideal for exposed ‘sunlight applications. Hence, these are suitable for drinking water purpose having long life and higher strength even if exposed to ‘atmosphere. It was the view of the Committee that manufacturer of PPR-C should possess valid BIS license as per !S:15801:2008 and should have test report from any reputed test laboratory such as Shriram Institute, CIPET etc. After deliberations it was decided to approve use of ISI marked PPR-C pipes PN 16(SDR 7.4) for the sizes 16mm to 40mm OD for household connections provided manufacturer of PPR-C should possess valid BIS license as per 1S:18801:2008 and should have test report from any reputed test laboratory and shall submit performance report wherever these pipes have been used. It was view of the Committee that inclusion of PPR-C pipe may be considered for house connections after obtaining approval of AD. [Botion by: CE(Tech. &TM)] ‘The agenda item was considered in light of comments FA&CAO and presentation made by SE (D&S), TM Cell, PHED, Jaipur. During presentation, following were informed: (i) Instant proposal is for approval of inception report and design basis report submitted by M/s WAPCOS in respect SpeeTossa /16 10.2020 Design and Drawings of preparation of Standard Design and Drawings for water forwatr surly supply schemes, (ii) Work order for preparation of Standard Designs and Drawings for RCC OHSRs, CWRs, Valve Chambers, Thrust Block, Pump Houses, GLSRs was awarded to Mis WAPCOS by Director WSSO vide no. 2420-26 dated 97.08.2020. (ii) The inception report and design basis report submitted by Mis WAPCOS vide dated 29.09.2020 were considered on 18.09.2020 and 05.10.2020 by the Designated Committee constituted for approval of standard design & drawings. The Committee recommended for approval of the inception report and design basis report to Technical Committee. (iv) Double flanged GI pipes class B has been proposed at inlet, outlet, overflow and washout pipe upto dia. 80mm in place of Di double flanged K-9 pipes which will result in Considerable savings. (¥) Cost comparison between square & circular shaped CWR shows that circular shaped CWRs are more economical than rectangular CWRs. Hence, it is recommended that standard designs for CWRs be prepared for circular shaped with flat slab for installation of solar panels. But in case of GLSRs circular shaped structure with dome have been proposed being more economical (vi) Capacity of small capacity OHSRs and GLSRs have been proposed for standardization purpose. (vil) Pump houses for small single village schemes shall be of single room with load bearing walls and for large sized Pump house structure would be of RCC structure with brickistone masonary in superstructure. (viSome other parameters for construction of reservoirs have been recommended regarding ventilator, ladder, manhole, foundations depth for OHSRs, floor depth for underground CUR et. (ix) In place of RCC stair case to be started at 4.5 mtr. height from plinth level with provision of foldable portable aluminum ladder, RCC stairs from ground level with MS cage upto 2/3" landing with lockable gate at the entry to prevent unauthorized intruders have been recommended, In view of above, CE(Tech. & TM) recommended for approval of inception report_and design basis report submitted by M/s WAPCOS in respect of preparation of Standard Design and Drawings pertaining to RCC OHSRs, CWRs, Pump Houses, GLSRs for water supply schemes. The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, SE(O&S) informed that Standard Design and Drawings pertaining of RCC OHSRs, CWRs, Pump Houses, GLSRs will enable in cost curtailas. well as time saving while designing water supply schemes. Moreover there will be uniformity in design and estimation of a schemelproject which will assist in cost comparison and finding the reasons for higher tender premium. During aezi Approval of tentative deviation statement for excess ems forthe work of Sonwa water supply project on SPR bass with 1 year defect ‘ibity perod folowed by 10 yoars O&M, Dist. ‘daran (EC cos Rs. 8386 63 las) ‘Tos94 116.10 2020 deliberations, it was the view of the Committee that various alternative options regarding safety arrangements to safeguard and to avoid unauthorized use of OHSR by intruders, merits & demerits ‘of various options were discussed in detail in TC 612 dated 18.03.2016. After deliberations it was decided to approve inception report and design basis report submitted by M/s WAPCOS in respect of preparation of Standard Design and Drawings of RCC OHSRs, CWRs, Pump Houses, GLSRs and valve chambers for water supply schemes subject to inclusion of following technical suggestions: = To start RCC stairs from 1 staging (about 3.5 mtr height from plinth level) with provision of either portable aluminum ladder or Iran ladder. ‘+ Top Ring beam of OHSR's/CWR's should not be considered in free board of the container but shall however be designed taking into account water pressure, + 2 nos, Resilient soft seated Sluice Valves should be installed on outlet pipe of OHSR. ‘+ Outlet pipe and suction header pipe of CWR should be 100 ‘mm above from floor level rather than underground piping. ‘= Inlet pipe should be installed horizontally just below ring beam of CWR. ‘+ Its preferred that partition wall arrangement shall be kept for ‘CWR's having capacity more than 1000 KL, ‘+ Roof of CWR upto 300 kL capacity may be flat slab but for more than 300 KL capacity CWRs it shall be dome root. Live load on flat slab of CWR shall take into account load of solar panels, ‘+ M-35 grade concrete should be kept while designing mix for reinforced concrete for container considering very sever exposure conditions. © Minimum vertical wall thickness in case of OHSR having capacity upto 150kL shall be minimum150mm or as per approved design whichever is more and minimum 160 mm thickness in case of CWR having capacity upto 200kL. + Size of overflow pipe shall be equal to that of inlet pipe, [Aetion by: CE(Tech. ATM)] ‘The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and FA&CAO and presentation made by CE (SP), PHED, Jaipur and ACE, PHED Region, Kota. During presentation, following were informed: (i) Instant proposal is for prior approval of tentative deviation for the work of Sonwa water supply project on SPR basis with 1 year defect liability period followed by 10 years O&M, Distt. Baran on SPR basis against NIT no. 08/2017-18, (il) Work order for the work of Sonwa water supply project on SPR basis with 1 year defect liability period followed by 10 years O&M, Dist. Baran on SPR basis against NIT no. 08/2017-18 was awarded to M/s Vishnu Prakash R. Punglia Lid,, Jodhpur for Rs. 8396.63 lacs (Execution Part Rs. 7436.05 lacs + O&M part Rs, 960.57 lacs) on 09.12.2017 age 2“T0894 16.10.2020 with stipulated date of commencement and completion as 19.12.2047 and 18.06.2020 respectively. (ii) The “financial progress achieved til now is S.3788.79 lacs ie. 65% (iv) Tentative deviation statement has been prepared looking to likely variation in different items of BOQ and for prior permission for execution and payment of additional quantities. (wv) The contract agreement provides for following provisions regarding deviation in quantities of various items of the work a) Clause 1.5 of preamble to price schedule: In consideration to the fact that the pipe lengths mentioned in the tender are the lengths based on survey and the actual length in work may vary, it is intended that the variation in lengths observed during execution shall be suitably adjusted at the end of the execution period. For this purpose, the amount payable / deductable for increased / decreased lengths as compared to those given in price schedule, shall be same rates as quoted for the respective items schedule, Similar provision shall be applicable for water reservoirs, boundary wall and quantified items of ancillary civil work also. (vi) As per actual survey and design of net work for laying of pipelines with available shortest feasible route to connect the pipeline with headwork’s, actual availability of land for construction of ESRs and approved hydraulics, following variations in BOQ items are likely to occcur: 1. There is increase of upto 50% from original quantities, in 18 nos. BOQ items like Di K-9 pipeline dia ‘250mm(32.99%), MS pipeline dia. 200mm(44.00%), dia. 100mm(44.00%)and HDPE dia. 140mm(27.19%, 38.47%), 160mm (40.36%), dia. 200mm(46.67%), RCC road(48,00%) ete (vii) There will be excess of Rs. 2,96,53,311/- (3.99%) and there Js no saving hence overall excess in the contract amount due to above variations is about 3.99% ie. Rs. 2,96,53,311/- (vill There is no change in the standing of L-1 contractor due to above change. (ix) There is no change in scope of the contract due to the Proposed deviation and the proposed variations are necessary to complete the work as per scope of the contract. In view of above, CE(SP), Jaipur recommended for approval of provisional deviation statement for the variation in the BOQ items of the contract The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, it was confirmed by ACE, PHED Region, Kota that proposed deviations are essential to complete the specified scope of work as Page 10 of 29,‘Agenda item No.6 Revised technical sanction of Pkg-1V of isafpur-Tonk-Uniyara water supply project to carry out rtrofing works fr providing ‘unctonal nousehold tap ‘connections(FHTC) of 464 vilages under Jat seovan Mission (iM) (EC Rs 174.40 Cy Toss 16.10.2020 per the contract agreement without affecting the performance of the project system and also confirmed that there will not be any further ‘major deviation in completion of the project and prior approval is required for execution and payment of additional quantities. The Committee observed that there is overall excess of Re. 2,96,53.311/- which is 3.99% w.rt original contract amount of capital work and also there are 18 BoQ items having excess upto '50% and no item having excess of more than 50% from its original quantity, CE (SP) and ACE, PHED Region, Kota presented detailed justification for variation in original quantities of BOQ items for requirement of prior approval as work is under progress. After deliberations, it was decided to technically clear the proposal for consideration by Finance Committee for approval of tentative deviation statement prior to execution of additional quantities. CE (SP) shall submit separate agenda note with above clearance of ‘Technical Committee for approval of tentative deviation statement by FC as per SOP of the Department, [Action by: CE(SP)) ‘The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and FA&CAO and presentation made by CE(SP), PHED, Jaipur and ACE, Project Region, PHED, Jaipur. During presentation, following were informed (i) Instant proposal is for revised technical sanction of package 1V of Bisalpur-Tonk-Uniyara water supply project to carry out retrofiting works for providing functional household tap connections(FHTC) of 464 villages under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). (i) ABF sanction of Bisalpur-Tonk-Uniyara-Deoll water supply project amounting to Rs. 54212 Cr was accorded in PPC186/26.08.12 for benefitting 436 villages. of tehsil Tonk, Uniyara & Deoli and 03 urban town of District Tonk. Break up_of work into 03 packages was approved in ‘TC555/06.06.2012. (ii) Work of package! has been completed and work of ackage-II is under progress and 413 villages have been ‘commissioned upto 28.9,2020. (Revised A&F sanction for the work of Bisalpur-Tonk- Uniyara-Deoli water supply project for providing functional household tape connections (FHTCs) under Jal Jeevan Mission was accorded on file by Pr. Secretary and Chairman SLSSC for Rs. 742.40 Cr which was confirmed in the 19° meeting of SLSSC held on 26.12.2019. The revise ASF sanction includes the component of JJM amounting to Rs. 200.29 Cr. (v) Original technical sanction of package-IV for carrying out the work of pipelines from ESRs to VTCs and ESRs, pipeline Network inside the villages with 10 years O&M after 1 year defect liability period under Bisalpur-Tonk-Uniyara-Deoli water supply project as per JJM guidelines was issued in page 1428e894 16.10.2020 T1C686/03.04,2020 for Rs.168.81 Cr. (vi). Revised technical sanction of the package IV amounting to Rs, 105.26 Cr for carrying out the work of pipelines from ESRs to VICs and construction of ESRs with10 years O&M after 1 year defect liability period was issued in TC691 dated 23.07.2020, (vid) Following break up of packages have been approved ‘on file’ by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman FC vide 1D no, 2479 dated 09.10.2020 as per revised A&F sanction of Rs, 742.40 Cr including additional sanction amounting to Rs, 200.29 Cr under JJM works: 8. ck Proposed Est Cost No peda (Gainer | Werk of eising wai supe projec Pig ‘saat 2 | Revefting works of RVSS 464 viloges and 16728 to poe FHTC unde JIM and comecing | feistrg. and now iocal sources 0 | CGWRsfesR fr 'prviing addtional water Pag 2) = 3 | Proving Wave Roussel connacbone 08 ineudng Geo tagging. ADHAR inking In Tone Beck (Pkg 3 | Proving itusl househou_ connectors | 700 Ireuding! Geo tagging ADHAR tng In Dect Bick (Pkg 38) | Preiaing naveusl househou connecions os Ineuding Geo tagging ADHAR tng In | Uniara Bek (Peg 30) | Provision fer recharge of groundwater and To Fas ast: harvesting (ui) Revised technical sanction is required in view of revision in estimates as per latest BSR issued by CE(Tech )&TM and break up of packages as approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee as per revised ‘A&F sanction including additional sanction amounting to Rs. 200.29 Cr under JJM works. ((%) Designed demand of 83,89 MLD for the year 2041 shall be met out from surface source (74MLD) and 10.6 MLD from local sources, In view of above, CE(SP) recommended for revised technical sanction amounting to Rs. 17439,80 lacs of package II in context of breakup of packages approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee. The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, CE(SP) informed that as per approved breakup of packages, works upto VTC, inside village infrastructure including FHTCs and works to connect existing & new local sources for conjunctive use has been clubbed in a single package. Therefore revised technical sanction is required. CE (SP) also informed various design Parameters and provisions included in the project in brief and Confirmed that the provisions taken in the proposal are in accordance with the guidelines / policies of the department including pipe policy and JJM guidelines and recommended to issue revised technical sanction of package Il amounting to Rs. gee‘Agenda item No. 9: Tectnical sanction of ‘package! forthe ‘adkstional warks related fo WIP/CWR ESR’ ising /custer distribution system ‘incluing pipetine upto 'ESRS from ESRS10 vies vilage Tose4 116.10.2020 1743080 lacs. After deliberations, it was decided to accord revised technical sanction of package for Rs. 17439,80 lacs (Annex-3 / AB TC694 / 16.10.2020), Technical sanction of other packages shall be issued by the competent authority as per SoP of the Department subject to folowing (0) Reliabilty/sustainabiliy of surface water from Bisalpur dam {or the scheme/project as well as from local ground sources shall be ensured before taking up execution of the scheme. )) Works of the new local ground water sources shall be taken after obtaining report from Hydro-geologist ensuring sustainabilty, reliability, quality & quantity of water. (i) Availabilty of budget shall be ensured during current FY and subsequent execution period (iv) Selection of pipes shall be ensured as per approved policy ‘of Department (¥)_ Norms iguidelines laid down by the department vide circular no, D&S/2017-18/1195-1225 dated 08.09.2017 shall be followed / complied strictly at the time of tendering’ execution of works. (Ww) Synchronization of execution of various works/packages of project shall be ensured in such a way that none of the executed work remains idle for longer period and benefit of the work is available to the public in the shortest time. Interfacing of the various works /packages shal also be ensured. (ui) The proposed works under the project shall be dovetailed with the ongoing / already sanctioned works on this scheme, if any, and also with the various components of the existing scheme including O&M of runninglexisting contracts (uiiRoad cutting charges should be as per actual estimates and repairing of road shall be carried out as per latest guidelinesicircular of the department. (%) Required clearances from all the agencies shall be obtained well in time, so as to avoid any hindrance during execution of the work. (©) Compliance of all general limitations/conditions. of SOP issued by Finance Department vide dated 08.03.2017 shall be ensured. (i) Contribution of VWSC as per WJM guidelines shall be ensured before taking up execution ofthe work (ai) Guidelines of JJM should be followed strictly [hetion by: CE(SP)] ‘The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and FA&CAO and presentation made by CE(SP), PHED. Jaipur and ACE, PHED Region, Kota. During presentation, folowing were informed (0) Instant proposal is for technical sanction of package-tI for carrying out addtional works related to WTP / CWR /ESR/ rising main J cluster distribution system including pipeline upto ESRS, trom ESRs to VTCs, village cstriouton system f) Pose 1828dlistnbution system including work of indiueual househotd connections (FHTC) under Sanwa water supply projec, Dist ‘Baran uncer Jal Jeevan ission (EC Rs. 8717.83 acs) “70594 /16.10:2020 ‘and work of individual household connections (FHTC) under Sonwa water supply project as per JJM guidelines. (ii) A&F sanction of Sonwa water supply project amounting to Rs. 105.18 Cr for providing potable water to 47 villages & their 07 dhanies of Anta & Mangrol blocks of District Baran was accorded on file which was later on confirmed in PPC199 /28.06.2017, (ii) The work of Sonwa water supply project for providing potable water to 47 villages & their 07 dhanies of Anta & Mangrol blocks of district Baran is under progress and physically 65% work has been completed till now. (iv) Revised A&F sanction for the work of Sonwa water supply project for providing functional household tap connections (FHTC) under Jal Jeevan Mission was issued in the 19" meeting of SLSSC held on 26.12.2019 for Rs.154.96 Cr including amount of additional work under JJM. (¥). Revised technical sanction of Sonwa WSP amounting to Rs. 151.16 Cr lacs including JJM works was issued in the 686” meeting of technical committee held on 03.04.2020, (wi) Following break up of packages have been approved ‘on file by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman FC vide ID no, 2479 dated 09.10.2020 as per revised A&F sanction of Rs. 154.96 Cr. including additional sanction under JJM works: A Package Propovod Estt Cost No (fs Intaes) 1 Wie of exsing water supe praia Pig sores 2” | Assist wens of WIPICWRIESRRInng | S18171 Mmaneuster strbulon system incudeg Ppelnes upto ESRa. trom ESRs to Vics, Vilage lstnbulen system and FHTCs to seach household [Provision for recharge. of ground” wator and 15H rainwater arvestingPig (vi) Storage capacity of anicut constructed by WRD_on Kalisindh river is 6.64 MCum which includes 0.84 MCum and 6.00 MCum as dead storage and live storage respectively. Raw water demand for the proposed project, for providing water @ §5 Ipcd including 30% evaporation losses is 4.19 MCum against total available capacity of 6 64MCum, (vilThe proposed source of the project is sustainable as in Kalisindh River at the existing location of anicut, flow remains for 5 month in a year ie. from July to November but considering flow for 4 months in a year, yearly demand of raw water for 08 months, including 30% evaporation losses, comes to 419 MCum against available capacity of anicut as 6,64MCum, (0) Revised technical sanction is required in view of revision in estimates as per latest BSR issued by CE(Tech &TM and, break up of packages as approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee as per revised peT0894 16 10.2020 ‘ARF sanction including additional sanction under JJM works, (%) There are 13651 households under the project which are to be provided FHTCs under JJM. In view of above, CE(SP) recommended for revised technical sanction amounting to Rs. 5445.81 lacs of package Il against the amount of Rs.5191.71 lacs under the breakup of packages approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, CE(SP) reiterated that proposed source is sustainable and demand of the vilages benefitted under the project @ 55 Iped shall be fulfilled. CE(SP) further informed that as per approved breakup of packages, works of WTP/CWRIESRIRising main/cluster distribution system including pipelines upto ESRs, from ESRs to VICs, village distibution system and FHTCs to each household has been taken separately under Pkg.Il, Therefore, revised technical is required CE (SP) also informed various design parameters and provisions included in the project in brief and confirmed that the provisions taken in the proposal are in accordance with the guidelines / policies of the department including pipe policy and JJM guidelines and recommended to issue technical sanction of the package-II amounting to Rs. 5445.81 lacs. During deliberations, it was ‘observed by the Committee that total cost of both the proposed Packages under JJM works become Rs, 5853.34 lacs (after including proposed amount of Pkg.-lI) which is 1.64% (Rs. 254,10 lacs) more than the available total A&F sanction of Rs. 154.96 Cr, therefore, it would be prudent that revised A&F sanction shall be sought from SLSSC for carrying out additional works under JJM After deliberations, it was decided to accord revised technical sanction of package-| for Rs. 5445.81 lacs (Annex-4/Al- 9/TC694/16 10.2020). Technical sanction of other packages shall be issued by the competent authority as per SoP of the Department subject to following: () Reliability/sustainability of water from anicut for the scheme/project shall be ensured before taking up execution of the scheme, (il) Availability of budget shall be ensured during current FY land subsequent execution period. (li). Norms /guidelines laid down by the department vide circular no. D&S/2017-18/1195-1225 dated 08.09.2017 shall be followed / complied strictly at the time of tendering/ execution of works. (iv) Synchronization of execution of various works/packages of project shall be ensured in such a way that none of the ‘executed work remains idle for longer period and benefit of the work is available to the public in the shortest time. Interfacing of the various works /packages shall also be ensured. (¥) The proposed works under the project shall be dovetailed with the ongoing / already sanctioned works on this scheme, Page 18 of 28 i“70884 /16.10:2020 if any, and also with the various components of the existing scheme, (vi) Road cutting charges should be as per actual estimates and repairing of road shall be carried out as per latest uidelines/circular of the department. (vil) Required clearances from all the agencies shall be obtained well in time, s0 as to avoid any hindrance during execution of the work. (vi)Compliance of all_ general limitations/conditions of SoP issued by Finance Department vide dated 08.03.2017 shall be ensured (x) Contribution of VWSC as per JUM guidelines shall be censured before taking up execution of the work (¥) Guidelines of JJM should be followed strictly, [hetion by: CE(SP)) ‘Agenda tem No.10: The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and Technical sanction of FA&CAO and presentation made by CE(SP), PHED, Jaipur and package-forth® ACE. PHED Region, Kota. During presentation, following were adkstional works related fo WIP/CWR ESR’ Rising cluster (y distribution system ‘cluding pipeline upto ERS, from ESRS 10 Vics, vilage distribution system including work of ‘nahiouel housenold Connections (FHTC) under Shaygarh water (i) supply projec, Dist. Bran under Ja Jeevan ‘Mission (EC Rs. 4628.79 lacs) iy w “ informed Instant proposal is for technical sanction of package-II for carrying out additional works related to WTP / CWR /ESR/ rising main / cluster distribution system including pipeline upto ESRs, from ESRs to VTCs, village distribution system ‘and. work of individual household connections (FHTC) under Shaygarh water supply project, Distt. Baran under Jal Jeevan Mission. ‘A&F sanction of Shaygarh water supply project amounting to Rs. 69.76 Cr for providing potable water to 50 villages & their 16 dhanies of Anta & Baran blocks of District Baran was accorded in 190" meeting of PPC held on 30.05.2013 and revised A&F sanction amounting to Rs. 76.76 Cr was issued in PPC197 dated 25.04.2016, ‘The work of Shaygarh water supply project for providing potable water to 60 vilages & their 16 dhanies of Anta & Baran blocks of District Baran is under progress and physically about 96% work has been completed till now. All the 47 villages and 16 OH have been benefitted and water Is being supplied through PSPs. Revised ASF sanction for the work of Shaygarh water supply project for providing functional household tap ‘connections (FHTC) under Jal Jeevan Mission was issued in the 19" meeting of SLSSC held on 26.12.2019 for Rs. 188.29 Cr including amount of additional work under UM. Revised technical sanction of Sonwa WSP amounting to Rs, 145.63 Cr lacs including JJM works was issued in the 686" meeting of technical committee held on 03.04.2020. Following break up of packages have been approved ‘on file’ by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman FC vide ID no. 2479 dated 09.10.2020 as per revised A&F sanction of Rs. 158.29 Cr. including additional sanction under JJM Page 128 aTos94 /16.10.2020 works: . —Pekage Proposed Est Coat Le. (ena) | Wer ot waa water supply pee i ‘O55 2 | Additonal wens of WIPCCWRIESRRing | 553685 manieuster dsiuton system including panes upto ESRs, from ESRs to VICs Vilage distteuton system and FHTCs to ooh hosel (Pkg) [2 iional works of wilege dsbuton & 25000 HTC inside vilage though Seperate rate ont Pag. an | | Provision for rechrge of ground” water and wae ran water harvestngiPag 1) = (vil) Raw water demand for the proposed project for providing water @ 56 Iped including 30% evaporation losses is 2.7 MCum against total available capacity of 3.50MCum. (vil The source of the project is sustainable as total 3.5Mcum water is available through Shaygarh Deh and anicut constructed on the downstream of Deh on Parwati river against the demand of 3.24 MCum including evaporation losses. In Parwati River at the existing location of anicut, fiow remains for § month in a year ie. from July to November but considering flow for 4 months in a year, demand of raw water for 4 months and 8 months shall be met out through flowing water and stored water respectively. (ix) Revised technical sanction is required in view of revision in estimates as per latest BSR issued by CE(Tech]&TM and break up of packages as approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee as per revised ‘A&F sanction including additional sanction under JJM works. (x) ‘There are 9344 households under the project which are to be provided FHTCs under JJM. In view of above, CE(SP) recommended for revised technical sanction amounting to Rs. 4408.58 lacs of package II against the amount of Rs.6538.55 lacs under the breakup of packages approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee, The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, CE(SP) reiterated that proposed source is sustainable and demand Of the villages benefitted under the project @ 55 Ipcd shall be fulfled. CE(SP) further informed that as per approved breakup of packages, works of WTPICWRIESRIRising main/cluster distribution system including pipelines upto ESRs, from ESRs to VTCs, village distribution system and FHTCs to each household has been taken separately under Pkg.-ll, therefore, revised technical is required CE (SP) also informed various design parameters and provisions included in the project in brief and confirmed that the provisions taken in the proposal are in accordance with the guidelines / Policies of the department including pipe policy and JUM guidelines and recommended to issue technical sanction of the package-lI Page 17 of28 eo‘Agenda item No. 11: ‘Reviged technical sanction of Bisalpur- Pag) water supaly projec! to carryout retrofting works for ‘providing functional household tap connections(FHTC) in 161 vilages under Jab sleovann Mission (iM) (EC Rs. 7834.80 lacs) ‘Te804 /16.10.2020 ‘amounting to Rs. 4408.58 lacs. After deliberations, it was decided to accord revised technical sanction of package-II for Rs. 4408.58 lacs (Annex-5{AI-10/TC694/16.10.2020). Technical sanction of other packages shall be issued by the competent authority as per SoP of the Department subject to following: (0) Reliabilty/sustainabilty of water from anicut/deh for the schemelproject shall be ensured before taking up execution of the scheme. (i) Availabilty of budget shall be ensured during current FY and subsequent execution period (i) Norms /guidelines laid down by the department vide circular no. D&SI2017-18/1195-1225 dated 08.09.2017 shall be followed / complied sticly at the time of tendering’ execution of works. (iv) Synchronization of execution of various works/packages of project shall be ensured in such a way that none of the executed work remains idle for longer period and benefit of the work is available to the public in the shortest time. Interfacing of the various works /packages shall also be ensured (¥) The proposed works under the project shall be dovetailed with the ongoing / already sanctioned works on this scheme, if any, and also with the various components of the existing scheme. (vi) Road cutting charges should be as per actual estimates and tepaiing of road shall be carried out as per latest {uidelines/circular of the department. (vi) Required clearances from al the agencies shall be obtained well in time, 50 a8 to avoid any hindrance during execution of the work (vii)Compliance of all_ general limitations/condtions of SoP issued by Finance Department vide dated 08.03.2017 shall be ensured. (x) Contribution of VWSC as per JJM guidelines shall be ensured before taking up execution of the work (0) Guidelines of JUM should be folowed strictly {Action by: CEP) The agenda item was considered in light of comments of TM and FA&CAO and presentation made by CE(SP), PHED, Jaipur and ACE, Project Region, PHED, Jaipur. During presentation, following were informed (i) _ Instant proposal is for revised technical sanction of package IN to carry out works of providing functional household tap ‘connection under Bisalpur-Dudu-Phagi water supply project, as per JJM guidelines. (i) A&F sanction of Bisalpur-Dudu-Phagl water supply project amounting to Rs. 217.24 Cr. was issued in PPC190 130.05.2013. The project was also sanctioned by SLSSC in its 10” meeting held on 17.04.2013 under NRDWWP. (ii) The work is under progress and physically 95% work has ‘been completed upto 30.08.2020 and an expenditure of Rs. pee“T0584 /16 10.2020 480.36 Cr. has been incurred upto 31.05.2020 against the available A8F sanction of Rs. 217.24 Cr. Moreover all the targeted 161 vilages and 166 dhanies (out of 256 dhanies) have been commissioned and water supply s being made through PSPs. (iv) Revised A&F sanction for the work of Bisalpur Phagi water supply project for providing functional household. tap connections (FHTC) under Jal Jeevan Mission was issued in the 19” meeting of SLSSC held on 28.12.2019 for Rs.282.16 Cr including Rs.64.82 Cr for additional work of JJM. The breakup of revised ABF sanction and its sharing to Sate & Gol issued is as under (Amounts. in cr ‘Signa AEF | —Aaatinal wore Favisod ASF Sanaion vier JI a sae [sar 27m ome vasat_| 13878 | (v) Technical sanction of package -Il amounting to Rs, 6007.22 lacs was issued in the 690" meeting of technical committee held on 10.07.2020. (wi) Following break up of packages has been approved ‘on file! by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman FC vide ID no, 2479 dated 09.10.2020 as per revised A&F sanction of Rs, 282.16 Cr. including additional sanction amounting to Rs, 72.61 Cr under JJM works: [| —Pastage Proposed Eat Coat) No. (Gscince | Waco exiing wate eipaiy REATPIQT 2055 2 Paratal ppeine fom ESR fo Vics, ESR: Tit India household connectors ineusing Geo tagging, ADHAR ting and | Connecting new local” sauces to | CWRSESRS wih CWRs.& ESAS of the | Bisapur project fo conunetive se (Pg I) 3 | Provision for recharge of gourd water 3d 050 ‘an water harvestngl Pig), Provang ius! household comnechors 050 Ineuding) Geo tagging, ADHAR ink Phagh Block (Peg 1 Providing inaiedss “housoREE connecons 080 ‘eluding Geo tagging, ADHAR Taking In Masherapura Blog (PAV) (vil) Carrying capacity of transmission-II shall be enhanced so that 10.50 MLD water may be made available for Phagi Package. For meeting the design demand of the year 2038, it has been proposed to take 7.09 MLD water from existing ‘2s well as new local sources and connect these local Sources to CWRS/ESRS constructed under the project through conjunctive use of ground water sources. Thus, 10.50 MLD water from Bisalpur dam and 7.08 MLD water from local sources totaling to 17.569 MLD water shall be available to fulfil the design demand of these villages upto year 2038 as per JJM guidelines,‘To884 /16.10:2020 (vii)RRevised technical sanction is required in view of revision in estimates as per latest BSR issued by CE(Tech.)&TM and break up of packages as approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee as per revised ‘A&F sanction including additional sanction amounting to Rs. 72.61 Cr under JUM works. In view of above, CE(SP) recommended for revised technical sanction amounting to Rs, 7834.50 lacs of package Il in context of breakup of packages approved by Principal Secretary, PHED and Chairman Finance Committee, The agenda item was deliberated in detail. During deliberations, CE(SP) reiterated that demand of the villages benefitted under the project @ 55 Ipcd shall be met out through conjunctive use of local sources with 10.60 MLD Bisalpur water upto the year 2038. CE(SP) further informed that as per approved breakup of packages, works Upto VTC, inside village infrastructure including FHTCs and works to connect existing & new local sources for conjunctive use has been clubbed in a single package, therefore revise technical is required, CE (SP) also informed various designed parameters and provisions included in the project in brief and confirmed that the provisions taken in the proposal are in accordance with the guidelines / policies of the department including pipe policy and JJM guidelines and recommended to issue revise technical sanction of the package-! amounting to Rs. 7834.50 lacs. During deliberations, it was observed by the Committee that total cost of all the proposed 4 packages under JJM works become Rs. 78.36 Cr (after including proposed amount of Pkg-II) which is 20.70% and 4.76% more than the available A8F sanction of Rs. 64.92 Cr. for JJM works and total A&F sanction of Rs. 282.16 Cr respectively, therefore, it would be prudent that revised A&F sanction shall be sought from SLSSC for carrying out additional works under JJM. ‘After deliberations, it was decided to accord revised technical sanction of package-I for Rs. 7834.50 lacs (Annex-6i/Al- 11/TC694/16, 10.2020). Technical sanction of other packages shall bbe issued by the competent authority as per SoP of the Department Subject to following (i) Reliabilty/sustainability of water from Bisalpur dam for the scheme/project as well as from local sources shall be ensured before taking up execution of the scheme. (i) Works of the new local ground water sources shall be taken after obtaining report from Hydro-geologist ensuring sustainability, reliability, quality & quantity of water. (ii) Availability of budget shall be ensured during current FY land subsequent execution period. (iv) Norms /guidelines laid down by the department vide circular no. D&S/2017-18/1195-1225 dated 08.09.2017 shall be followed / complied strictly at the time of tendering! execution of works. (¥) Synchronization of execution of various works/packages of project shall be ensured in such a way that none of the ‘executed work remains idle for longer period and benefit of gp nmnen‘To894 116 10.2020 the work is available to the public in the shortest time. Interfacing of the various works Jpackages shall also be ensured. (vi) The proposed works under the project shall be dovetailed with the ongoing / already sanctioned works on this scheme, if any, and also with the various components of the existing scheme (vid) Road cutting charges should be as per actual estimates and repairing of road shall be carried out as per latest {uidelines/circular of the department (villRequired clearances from all the agencies shall be obtained well in time, so as to avoid any hindrance during execution of the work. (ix) Compliance of all_general limitationsiconditions of SOP issued by Finance Department vide dated 08.03.2017 shall be ensured. (x) Contribution of VWSC as per JJM guidelines shall be teneured before taking up execution of the work. (xi) Guidelines of JJM should be followed strictly, [Action by: CE(SP)) ‘The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. ‘This bears approval of Chief Engineer(Tech.) &TM vide their office 1n0.402 dated 22.10.2020. SECRETARY RWSSMB, JAIPUR Page 21 of 28Tos94 116102020 of 24 tgs of 19 Gra fener ng men | 686 te 4.1. 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