Solar PV System
Solar PV System
Solar PV System
Indirectly by CSPs.
Converting solar energy directly into electrical energy .
Devices used are called solar panels.
Solar panel is a group of solar cells.
Solar cells work on the principle of photovoltaic effect.
The photovoltaic effect is the generation of voltage and electric current
in a material upon exposure to light. It is a physical and chemical
The first demonstration of the photovoltaic effect, by Edmond
Becquerel in 1839
Photovoltaic Cell
1954 -Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson and
Daryl Chaplin of Bell Laboratories invented
the use of silicon as a semi-conductor, which
led to the construction of a solar cell with an
efficiency rate of 6%.
1958- Vanguard I the first satellite was
launched that used solar energy
Structure of a Photovoltaic Cell
A typical solar cell is a multi-layered unit consisting of
Cover - a clear glass or plastic layer that provides outer
protection from the elements. Transparent Adhesive -
holds the glass to the rest of the solar cell.
Anti-reflective Coating - this substance is designed to
prevent the light that strikes the cell from bouncing off
so that the maximum energy is absorbed into the cell.
Front Contact - transmits the electric current.
N-Type Semiconductor Layer - This is a thin layer of
silicon which has been mixed (process called doping)
with phosphorous.
P-Type Semiconductor Layer - This is a thin layer of
silicon which has been mixed or doped with boron.
Back Contact - transmits the electric current.
Working of Photovoltaic Cell
Working of Photovoltaic Cell
When a light of certain frequency falls on the surface of
a metal electrons will absorb the energy
If incident light energy is greater than the work
function(minimum energy required to remove the
loosely bound valence electrons)of the metal then the
photo electrons will be emitted and the excess energy is
converted to the kinetic energy of electron.
When solar panels are placed in the sunlight, photons
will strike the surface and emits electrons.
As a result electron hole pair is created in the solar
When external circuit is connected to the solar cell ,
electrons flow in the circuit and the current is
Solar Electric – Basic Components
1. Modules – solar electric collectors. 3 basic types
in the marketplace: Mono crystalline, poly
crystalline, thin film
Thin film panels
Thin film panels are made by depositing a
photovoltaic substance onto a solid surface like
Examples of the most common photovoltaic
substances used are Amorphous Silicon,
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), Copper indium
gallium selenide (CGIS) and Dye- sensitized
solar cell (DSC).
Thin film solar panels have efficiency about
Comparing mono-crystalline, polycrystalline & thin film
solar panels
Aspect Mono- Polycrystalline Thin film
Efficiency More efficient. Less efficient. Less efficient.
Space Less space More space More space
requirement needed needed needed
Efficiency in
Better Low efficiency Better.
warm low
Life Longer life. Shorter life Shorter life