Zivan PCCANconsole D01812
Zivan PCCANconsole D01812
Zivan PCCANconsole D01812
Zivan PcCanConsole
User Guide
ZIVAN PcCanConsole English
Index of contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 4
File Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................................. 5
Connection Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Function Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Entering the Password ............................................................................................................................. 6
Changing the Password ........................................................................................................................... 6
Command Area. ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Info Area .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Can Bus Area ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Start/Stop Buttons .................................................................................................................................... 7
Parameter Window ................................................................................................................................... 7
ZIVAN Parameter Description .................................................................................................................. 9
Tester Window ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Alarm Logbook ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Charge History Window .......................................................................................................................... 26
Datalogger Window ................................................................................................................................ 27
CanBus Monitor ..................................................................................................................................... 28
D01812-03 2
ZIVAN PcCanConsole English
This manual is meant to be a reference guide for Zivan CanConsole 0.43.
Zivan PC CanConsole uses standard ZIVAN communication protocol to connect with the most part of ZIVAN products and displays charger’s
information. To connect to the Zivan products, it is necessary to use an external CAN interface (USB-toCAN, Ethernet-to-CAN etc.).
Besides, ZIVAN PC CanConsole offers another function: the possibility to save parameter configurations to a file and restore them into the
charger memory.
Zivan CanConsole have to be installed following the below steps.
Note: during the CanConsole installing, a specific PEAK DLL named “PCAN_USB.DLL” is copied into the software installation folder. Under
particular cases It could be possible that the CanConsole software will not work properly. In this case contact Zivan at info@zivan.it to obtain
a specific PEAK DLL for your system, specifying the following information:
▪ O.S. (32BIT, 64BIT).
▪ PEAK Driver release (3.xx or different).
CanConsole installation
Install Zivan CanConsole by launching the setup file and following the guided instruction.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
The main window is composed of five menus:
▪ File
▪ Configuration
▪ Connection
▪ Function
▪ Help
Also, main window can be divided into functional groups (Info Area, Command Area, Can Bus Area). The functionalities of these menus and
groups will be described in the following pages.
Command Area
Info Area
File menu allows the user to perform the following operations on files:
❖ Open: opens a saved parameters configuration file and displays its data. This function is also present in Parameter window.
❖ Save: saves parameter's data received from the charger into a .csv (*) file. This function is also present in Parameter window
and Charge History window. Moreover, the program will add to the file a comment that the user will be prompted to enter after
choosing the file destination.
❖ Print: prints parameters names and values displayed by ZIVAN PC CanConsole on the selected printer.
❖ Exit: quits the program.
(*) Configuration file has a “.csv” extension and can be opened also with Microsoft Excel. Please do not modify this file (or at least, save a
copy) because CanConsole has been designed to recognize this files as corrupted.
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Configuration menu allows the user to change the setting of the CAN-BUS interface, enter and modifying the password (*) and select the
current language, by using the following items:
❖ Can Device: opens a window to select the serial connection to the charger. User can choose among four different USB-to-CAN
class of interfaces: IXXAT, IFAK, PEAK and SYSTEC. For each one of these, user can choose the baud rate and the protocol
of the connection, so check your charger specifications. The standard baud rate value is 125 kbps. for the baud rate and Zivan
standard protocol.
The choice of Device Protocol depends on the firmware of the charger. For CB firmware version 1.01 or higher, use CANOpen
protocol. In other case, use Standard protocol. The Force Remote Protocol checkbox is for Zivan internal usage and should not
be used.
❖ Max Speed: obsolete command.
❖ Enter / Change Password (*): only authorized users can enter/change a Password in order to allow the CanConsole to be fully
operative. Password must be composed of alphanumerical characters and has 16 characters of maximum length.
❖ Language: user can choose the following languages: English, French, German and Italian. Any modifications in the language
will take place only by restarting ZIVAN PC CanConsole.
Connection menu is made of the following commands:
❖ Set Node: allows user to choose different nodes from the net.
❖ Start: starts connection. Acts the same way as the Start button.
❖ Stop: stops connection. Acts the same way as the Stop button.
When connection is on, start function in the connection bar is temporarily disabled.
Function menu is made of the following commands:
❖ Parameter: in this window user can receive and transmit data from charger or read and store from a file. Six parameters tabs
are displayed: Parameter Change, Set Options, Set Model, Adjustments, Special Adjust, Hardware Settings. Every tab displays
a different type of parameters (this menu is not available in ZIVAN PC CanConsole “Read version”).
❖ Tester: handles tester signals. It's possible to display 8 variables a time.
❖ Alarm Logbook: displays information about the alarms occurred during the charge.
❖ Program Vacc / Motor Data: obsolete commands.
❖ Monitor Canbus: opens the built-in CanBus monitor.
❖ RAM function (*): allows user to read or write RAM memory.
❖ EEPROM function (*): allows user to read or write EEPROM memory.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
In order to make the console fully operative, only authorized users can digit password inside the edit window. Password maximum length is
16 characters.
Click Ok button to confirm password.
Cancel button exits the window without evaluating the password.
To be Authorized user please contact Zivan
▪ Change password
▪ RAM function
▪ EEPROM function
▪ Editing parameters
▪ Storing the parameters
This area is made of a series of buttons through the which you can access the main functions of the program, as shown in the image below:
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
1) Open parameters
2) Save parameters
3) CAN Device
4) Password
5) Set Node
6) Parameters menu
7) Tester menu
8) Alarm logbook
9) Help
10) Charge history
11) Charge Datalogger
12) Start/Stop Charger
Each command will be discussed in detail in the following pages, as well as the command bar menus.
Info area shows information about the connected charger and connection status:
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This area is shown only if using an IXXAT USB-to-CAN interface and shows a series of information about the status of the Can Bus. In
particular, this area is provided with:
▪ A Bus Load gauge, indicating an approximate value usage of the communication channel.
▪ A “Show Error Frames” tick box. This option can be enabled or disabled only as long as ZIVAN PC CanConsole is not
connected to the charger.
▪ Total frames: shows the total number of error frames, if Show Error Frames is enabled.
▪ Frames/s: shows the number of error frames per second, if Show Error Frames is enabled.
Also, this area features four LEDs, each one with its own functionality. If the communication to the charger has been successfully
established, these LEDs should be normally green. A red light will be used instead to highlight the following warnings:
Click Start button to start communication with ZIVAN charger (you need to
configure the Can Bus communication first – see Configuration Menu).
Click Stop button to stop communication with ZIVAN charger.
When the Start button is pressed, ZnCanConsole will start scanning the Can
Bus and show the list of all the Zivan chargers connected, each with its own
Node Number. Once the scanning procedure has ended, the desired node can
be selected. Alternatively, it is also possible to manually insert the node
number to connect to and force the connection by clicking the OK button.
Please note that sometimes ZnCanConsole will show no result, even if a
charger is correctly connected to the bus. This is because the identification
message is send periodically with a period of several seconds. In this case,
you can retry to click Start or you can also manually insert the node number
you would like to connect to and click OK.
Parameter window acts as control panel which displays the charger’s parameter data, divided into tabs.
There can be up to 6 tabs (depending on the model): Parameter Change, Set Options, Set Model, Adjustment, Special Adjust and Hardware
Settings. Each page contains:
- a grid, with parameter names and their values
- an Acquire button to acquire special teaching parameters (which is the blue triangle shape button – used by Zivan)
- a Receive button and an ActRec button to acquire all parameters. User normally has to use the Receive button. The ActRec
button is compatible only with CB 1.03 firmware or higher, and is mainly for Zivan internal usage. For a detailed description of
the differences between these commands please refer to D01847 (Curve CB multilogic revision index)
- a Store Button to save parameters into a *.csv file (password only)
- a Close button to close the window without deleting the received parameters
A menu is present to perform all operations on data; menu items are:
❖ File, with the following sub-items:
- Open: user can display the contents of a .csv file, without affecting the charger’s RAM memory. Data are only displayed on the
screen. Every subsequent modification will affect the charger’s RAM memory. This item is enabled only if connection is on.
- Save: user can select a file where parameter data, actually present on the laptop display, will be stored. This item is enabled
only if connection is on and parameter data were formerly acquired (with Receive or Open).
- Save as: actually not enabled.
- Print: prints displayed parameters names and values on the selected printer.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
NOTE: When trying to open a file of a different charger (so with different parameters), parameter window shows a warning message. If user
wants to continue, ZIVAN PC CanConsole will display only those parameters that are present both in the charger and the file.
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After acquisition (click on the receive button), ZIVAN PC CanConsole displays parameter names and values in the grid.
User must select parameter's name by clicking on the name’s or value’s cell in the grid.
User can change values by pushing the plus/minus buttons or directly writing in the edit window. Some parameters do not have the plus and
minus buttons but have an option box (usually made of ON, OFF, PRESENT, ABSENT, etc. options).
Please note that these parameters cannot be modified by the customer unless the correct password is provided.
When user changes parameter values in Parameters Window, these modifications will not take place until the user presses the Store button.
When this happens, these new values will be stored in charger’s memory.
Use Save command or button to save the actual configuration of your parameters on a file (.csv extension).
All data stored in .csv files can be written in charger’s memory. To do this, first open a .csv file with the Open command or button and then
click on the TxFile button.
When trying to open a file of a different charger (so with different parameters), parameter window shows a warning message. If user wants to
continue, ZIVAN PC CanConsole will display only those parameters that are present both in the charger and the file.
When storing the parameters by pressing the TxFile button, some of the parameters may be highlighted in red. This is because these are
protected parameters that cannot be modified.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
Parameter that determines the type of battery connected to the charger. LEVEL=0 (LEVEL=1 for SG6, QE6, CB, CB9) means
Lead-Acid; LEVEL=1 (LEVEL=2 for SG6, QE6, CB, CB9) means Gel battery; LEVEL=3 means special IUo Ion-Li battery (SG6,
QE6). In CB products with firmware version 0.26 or higher, please be aware that changing this parameter strongly affects the
charging profile of the battery, and a wrong setting may result in battery damage. For further information, refer to the following
parameter CURVE TYPE. Any changes to this parameter will take place only after the reboot of the charger.
10 D01812-03
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Time phase 2 3h 3h 3h 3h 0 0 0
Current phase 3 4% · C 1% · C 0 0 0 0 0
Time phase 3 4h 4h 0 0 0 0 0
Current phase 4 0 0 8% · C 8% · C 0 0 0
Time phase 4 12 h 0 ∞ ∞ 0 0 0
Ton phase 5 6h 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toff phase 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Current phase 6 1% · C 0 0 0 0 0 0
Time phase 6 ∞ 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tab. 2: Fixed parameter table for CB products, firmware version 1.01 or higher
All voltages are expressed as Volt per cell - Currents are expressed as Ampere - C is the battery capacity C5 [Ah]
Values calculated per minimum charging time: Current phase 1 in CU1 and CU2 varies accordingly to:
Curr. ph.1 = 100 - 3· (CHARGE TIME - Tmin) [ % · I1]
The minimum charging time Tmin depends on the selected CAPACITY. Cmin is the lowest possible CAPACITY selection for a
given charger
(*) in CB 1.01 and following firmware versions, these values depend on the global timeout according to the following formula: “CHARGE
TIME” – 2h.
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determines the management of the AUX contact when the charger is set to work in Curve 3 with a Ion-Li battery. If LEVEL=0,
AUX1 will be controlled when the received PWM modulo equals zero; otherwise AUX1 will be controlled. LEVEL=1 means
temperature threshold (over 40 degrees AUX controlled). LEVEL=2 means mains presence (AUX always controlled).
T1 + T2 < 96 min
T3 4h 96 min < T1 + T2 < 384 min
(T 1 T 2) 5
12 D01812-03
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OPTION #2 instead uses the following linear equation and is not dependant on the capacity:
▪ A19 DIAGNOSIS (QL only – Note: for technical reasons, A19 DIAGNOSIS refers to the A21 DIAGNOSIS):
ABSENT: A21 diagnosis will not be performed by the charger; PRESENT: A21 diagnosis will be performed by the charger. A21
is Overvoltage alarm that checks every second if the measured voltage exceeds a threshold. For further information, please
refer to A21 (QL) in the alarm description section.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
NOTE: in firmware release 1.01 cold compensation is +60mV/(cell*°C).
▪ ADJUST YEAR (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in
CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ ADJUST MONTH (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in
CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ ADJUST DAY (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in CB
firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ ADJUST WEEK (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in
CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ ADJUST HOUR (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in
CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ ADJUST MINUTE (CB for reduced logic only, QE for reduced logic only): setting of the real time clock. Used by Zivan. NOTE: in
CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in HARDWARE SETTING area.
▪ TEMP. OFFSET (CB, QL) – ADJ. BATT. TEMP (Q9): offset to be added or subtracted at the themperature reading.
▪ OVERCHARGE (CB, CB9, QE6, QL) – OVERCH. FACTOR (Q9): overcharge factor percentage. The overcharge factor
percentage can be calculated with the following expression:
AhPH 3
AhPH1 AhPH 2
Where AhPH1, AhPH2, AhPH3 are the charged ampere hour in their respective phases. Normally, when a charge is being
performed, phase 3 can be terminated by a timeout event or a dV/dt event (see DV/DT parameter in SET OPTION section). If
OVERCHARGE is greater than zero, phase 3 can also be terminated when the desired OVERCHARGE level is reached, that
means that:
▪ ADJUSTMENT #1: ZIVAN reserved parameter. NOTE: in CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in
▪ ADJUSTMENT #2: ZIVAN reserved parameter. NOTE: in CB firmware 1.01 and following, this parameter is located in
▪ ADJUSTMENT #3 (CB, Q9, QE, QE6, QE9, QL): cable compensation voltage, from 0.00V to 2.55V. In QE firmware, it’s a fine-
voltage regulation parameter
this parameter is used only with CURVE TYPE level = 3. If the current falls below this threshold value, the charger stops and
enters a waiting state (see next parameter description). Setting this parameter to 0 will produce no effects, that is, the charger
will never stop and enter the waiting state.
this parameter is used only with CURVE TYPE level = 3. When the charger has reached the waiting state (see previous
parameter description), if the voltage raises above this threshold level the charge restarts.
Battery voltage detection threshold, expressed in V/cell, for CURVE TYPE level = 4.
▪ CAN NODE (CB, Q9, QE, QE6): charger’s programmed node.
▪ ADJ. BATT. TEMP. (QE6 only): offset to be added at the battery temperature reading.
14 D01812-03
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▪ STOP BATT. TEMP. (Q9, QE6) – ALARM TEMP (CB, CB9): maximum battery temperature allowed. Crossing this temperature
will make the charger go into standby mode. The charger restarts from the point it was interrupted only if the battery
temperature is 10 degrees below the value set for this parameter.
▪ TEMP. WAR LEVEL (Q9, QE6): internal charger temperature over which the charger starts the power reduction.
▪ TEMP. ALL LEVEL (Q9, QE6): internal charger temperature over which the charger stops. The charger restarts when the
internal temperature is 9 °C under the temperature indicated by the parameter TEMP. WAR LEVEL.
This is the list of the special adjustments parameters that will be display in QE, QE9 firmware versions:
NOTE 1: when the time of one the 6 phases is set to 65535 (or -0,01 for Q9), it means that the time of the related phase is endless.
NOTE 2: phase three can terminate by timeout, dV/dt (< 18mV/el in 45') or by overcharge.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
Tester window allow a real-time monitoring of some of the variables stored in the charger.
The left grid contains all the available items names, while the right one contains names and values of the items actually tested.
Only 8 items can be evaluated simultaneously.
When connection hang up items names are lost.
User can selects items to evaluate by clicking over their name, in the left column.
To delete signals from the right grid, user must click again on the left grid over the signal name.
Buttons Advanced, Start Rec., Stop Rec., and Save Rec. allows the user to record data:
- Advanced allows the user to select the sampling time (min. 100 ms) and the number of samples to record (max. 50000
- Start Rec. begins recording data.
- Stop Rec. allows the user to stop the recording before the number of samples has been reached.
- Save Rec. allows the user to save recorded data on file. Format file will be .csv (readable by Microsoft Excel).
Finally, Tester window is provided with a built-in graph that shows the behaviour of the selected items over time. This graph is capable of
recording data up to 100 seconds. There are two buttons related to graphic menu:
With extended graph mode, you can change the background colour (BG Color button), the foreground colour (FG Color button), as well as
changing the axes settings and saving to .bmp or printing the window (Save and Print buttons respectively).
16 D01812-03
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Note: QE, QE9 products will show only phase 1 (except the exception listed above)
▪ CHARGE STATUS (CB, Q9, QE, QE6): charger’s internal variable, used by Zivan. No use for the customer.
▪ THERMAL SENSOR (CB, QE, QL): shows the status of the connection to the thermal sensor (ON/OFF).
▪ TEMPERATURE (CB, QE6, QL): shows the measured temperature in °C. This variable will show only if the thermal sensor is
▪ IMS TEMPERATURE (Q9, QE6): shows the temperature of the IMS (Insulated Metal Substrate) in °C
▪ PUMP PRESENCE (CB, QE, QL): shows the status of the connection to the pump (ON/OFF).
▪ PRESSURE STATE (CB, QE, QL): shows the status of the pressure of the pump (ON/OFF). ON means that the pressure is
within the proper limits (50 mbar – 250 mbar).
▪ STARTSTOP (Q9, QE6): shows the status of the hardware start/stop input. ZIVAN PC CanConsole displays ON (switch in
STOP position) or OFF (switch in START position) plus the voltage at the related input of the microprocessor.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
▪ HW STARTSTOP (CB, QE, QL): shows the status of the hardware start/stop input. ON means the switch is in the START
position, while OFF means that the switch is in the STOP position. Please note that if the hardware start/stop is not enabled,
HW STARTSTOP will display OFF.
▪ CAPACITY (CB, QE, QL): shows the programmed capacity value, expressed in Ah.
▪ CHARGE FACTOR (CB, CB9, QE, QL): shows the charge factor.
▪ CURVE SELECTION (CB, QE): shows the status of the part of the DIPSWITCH that chooses the curve (DIP1÷4, bit1=MSB). To
determine which is curve is selected, refer to the following table (NOTE: this table refers only to CB1.03 firmware or following
versions). Remember that, in CB 1.03 firmware or following versions, the DIPSWITCHES are read only on transition. This
means that the CURVE SELECTION value may not coincide with the actual setting of the charger (in case, for example, that the
parameter has been successively changed with the MODE button):
Selection Curve description Capacity or Lithium Voltage
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
0 CU1 50% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
1 CU1 60% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
2 CU1 70% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
3 CU1 80% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
4 CU1 90% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
5 CU1 100% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
6 CU1 110% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
7 CU1 120% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
8 CU1 130% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
IUIa + Weekend Equalization (Acid)
9 CU1 140% N.C.
or IUIa (Gel)
10 CU2 IU1U2ob 80% N.C.
11 CU2 IU1U2ob 90% N.C.
12 CU2 IU1U2ob 100% N.C.
13 CU2 IU1U2ob 120% N.C.
14 CU3 IUo -
15 CU5 Desulphation (**) -
▪ YEAR (only for CB with 0.26 firmware or higher, with Clock Calendar): year stored in the clock calendar
▪ MONTH (only for CB with 0.26 firmware or higher, with Clock Calendar): month stored in the clock calendar
▪ DAY (only for CB with 0.26 firmware or higher, with Clock Calendar): day of the month stored in the clock calendar
▪ TIME (only for CB with 0.26 firmware or higher, with Clock Calendar): time stored in the clock calendar in the hour,min format.
This variable is updated within a time range of 1-4 min.
▪ OPTION SELECTION (CB, QE): shows the status of the part of the DIPSWITCH that chooses the charge options (DIP5÷8,
bit5=MSB). To determine which options are selected, refer to the following table:. Remember that, in CB 1.03 firmware or
following versions, the DIPSWITCHES are read only on transition. This means that the OPTION SELECTION value may not
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coincide with the actual setting of the charger (in case, for example, that the parameter has been successively changed with the
MODE button)
(*) NOTE: some parameters could not be present in all firmware version.
This window displays the actual alarm, if present, and the former alarms stored in the charger.
A maximum of 20 alarms are stored into the charger. For every alarm are stored the following information:
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- Clear: user can clear alarm logbook on charger EEPROM.
- Print: prints alarm logbook data on the selected printer.
- Close: closes the window.
This section discusses the various alarms that may occur. These are divided into three categories:
- Blocking: alarms that cause to charger to stop immediately and irreversibly (until the turn off)
- Non-blocking: alarms that do not cause the charger to stop
- Temporary: alarms that stop the charger just as long as the alarm is detected
In the description that follows, alarms are named with the corresponding alarm number (shown by the display, where present) and the related
message that will be shown in ZIVAN PC CanConsole.
- CB, QE, QE9:
Temporary alarm. This error may be detected in a MASTER-SLAVE connection if the MASTER does not receive any message from
the SLAVES for a certain period of time (around 8 seconds) or, likewise, if a SLAVE no longer receives any messages from the
MASTER. Moreover, QE, QE9 products may detect this error if they do not receive any message from the external device. When this
alarm is shown in ZIVAN PC CanConsole, it is also followed by a number or an acronym that is used by Zivan to understand how the
alarm was generated. If the display is present, this alarm will be shown in the data roll, after the charged amperehours (or eventually
the number of slave devices, if there are any). When the error clears, the charger resumes the charge from the point it wa interrupted.
- Q9, QE6:
Temporary alarm. This alarm may be detected only in some products designed to work in conjunction with a PLC when the charger
does not receive any message from it.
Troubleshooting: make sure that the CANBUS wiring is done properly and that the relative connectors are tightly connected together.
Blocking alarm. This error occurs whenever the microprocessor of the logic board fails to complete properly its internal tasks within a
certain period of time, typically because it has encountered an unpredictable state.
Troubleshooting: try to turn off and turn on the charger. If the problem persists, the problem is in the logic board. Change the product
or contact Zivan.
▪ A04: OPEN OUTPUT (SG6, QE6) – obsolete alarm: no longer implemented in latest firmware versions
Temporary alarm.
- CB:
Temporary alarm. This error occurs whenever the battery temperature exceeds 55 °C. This control is performed by a MASTER or
STANDALONE charger only. When this alarm is reached, the charger stops and waits for the temperature to drop below 50 °C before
resuming the charge from the point it was interrupted.
- Q9, QE6:
Temporary alarm. This error occurs whenever the battery temperature falls below -20°C or when it exceeds the temperature set by
the STOP BATT. TEMP. parameter. In this case, the charger stops and waits for the temperature to below the temperature given by
STOP BATT. TEMP – 10 °C. When this happens, the charger resumes the charge from the point it was interrupted.
Troubleshooting: if the problem persists even when the battery temperature is below the threshold temperature, the sensor may have
some defects. You may try (at your own risk) to remove the temperature sensor and turn off and turn on the battery charger. Contact
20 D01812-03
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Temporary alarm. This error occurs whenever the charger detects an anomalous current absorption in the primary section. When this
happens, the charger stops and waits for the primary current for drop below a safety threshold. After that, the charger waits for
another 2.5 seconds (the fan will restart in 1.5 seconds), then it clears the alarm and tries to resume the charge from the point it was
Troubleshooting: wait for the charger to try the restarting procedure. If the problem persists, the problem may be in the primary
section. Change the product or contact Zivan.
- CB, QE, QE9, QL:
Blocking alarm. This error occurs whenever the internal temperature of the battery charger, in the power components section, is too
high. When this happens, ZIVAN PC CanConsole will show also which PTC sensor has detected the problem (identified by a number
– note: some products have only one PTC sensor).
- Q9, QE6:
Temporary alarm. The alarm is detected in the same way as above, except the user can manually control this alarm through TEMP.
WAR LEVEL and TEMP. ALL LEVEL. The alarm is detected with temperatures above TEMP. ALL LEVEL and it causes the charger
to stop. The alarm is cleared when the temperature falls below the temperature given by TEMP. WAR LEVEL – 9°C. In this case, the
charger resumes the charge from the point it was interrupted.
Troubleshooting: check the fans to work properly (if your product is ventilated). Turn off the charger and remove any obstruction in
the grid of the cover. If the problem persists, the problem may be in the power section. Change the product or contact Zivan.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
Temporary alarm. This error may be detected at the turn on if the battery has a voltage included in the 1.5 – 1.7 V/cell range. When
this happens, the charger waits for the pressure of the MODE button. Once the button is pressed the charger starts a 72 hours
reduced current state (employing 1/12 th of the nominal current), at the end of the which the programmed charging curve finally starts.
Troubleshooting: push the mode button to enter the reduced current mode. If the charge doesn’t start, the problem may be in the
MODE button, so check if it is actually working by trying to program the charger at the turn on via the button. Change the product or
contact Zivan.
Once the alarm is detected the charger waits for 10 seconds, after which it checks if the voltage has dropped below 1 Volt/cell. After
that this condition is satisfied for 1 second, the charger is ready for the connection of a new battery, which will be detected above 1.5
Volt/cell. During all this time, the display (where present) will show A13.
CB – firmware version 0.25, CB9 – firmware version 0.44 (or higher)
The detection algorithm is unchanged. What actually differs is the behaviour of the charger once the alarm is detected. The charger
do not have the 10 seconds timeout, thus as soon as the voltage drops below 1 Volt/cell (which requires some seconds due to the
capacitor discharge) the charger recognizes a complete disconnection. At this point the display (if present) will stop showing A13 and
will show just three red dots, meaning that the charger is ready to detect a new battery. In this perspective, the A13 alarm is no longer
a “battery disconnected” alarm, but rather a “bad connection” alarm. Also, through the display it is possible to understand when a new
battery can be connected.
- Q9
Temporary alarm. Differently from the CB, CB9 and QL version, the battery disconnection detection algorithm does not depend on the
charging phase. A disconnection is detected if the measured voltage is below 1.4 V/cell and the voltage had decrease of at least 1/10
in the last 2 seconds. Once the disconnection has been detected the charger stops and after 7 seconds waits for the battery voltage
to raise above 1.7 Volt/cell before being able to restart a new charge.
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ZIVAN PcCanConsole English
The figure below summarizes what happens (independently from the firmware versions), from the charger’s point of view, in a valid
battery disconnection procedure. (Note: the threshold voltages vary depending on firmware version – the values shown are valid only
for CB)
It’s very important to understand the difference between a correct battery disconnection, and a bad connection situation, whi ch may
lead to a blocking state. The figure below shows what happens, from the charger’s point of view, in a bad connection situation.
T1 T2 T3 t
In this case, due to some problem in the connection, the voltage drops enough to determine a battery disconnection but not enough
to pass the 1 Vpc voltage check. What happens in this case is that, both with the new or old firmware versions, the charger remains
locked in A13 in order to letting know the customer that the connection does not appear to be reliable. What you need to do in this
case is physically disconnecting the charger, let the voltage drop, and connect again the battery, as shown below.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 t
Troubleshooting: A13 usually appears at the end of a charge. This alarm may also spawn when connecting a battery which is
completely charged or with a nominal value that is greater than the charger’s one. Follow the instruction above to recover from this
alarm (basically, disconnect the battery, let the charger’s capacitors discharge, and connect again a new battery). If the charger
remains locked in A13 alarm, besides connection problems, you may also have connected the new battery too early. Disconnect the
battery and then wait for at least 7 seconds, 10 seconds or wait for the alarm to clear (depending on the firmware versions).
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
Blocking alarm. This alarm occurs when the charger detects a significant current and a low voltage (< 1.05 V/cell) for 10 consecutive
seconds. In this case the charger stops.
Troubleshooting: the output of the charger has probably a short circuit. Check for short circuits in the connection cable and make sure
that the connectors are not in touch with metallic parts. If the problem persists, the charger may be damaged. Change the product or
contact Zivan.
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ZIVAN PcCanConsole English
▪ A29: CLK BATTERY OFF (CB for reduced logic only, Q9 products with Clock Calendar logics and firmware versions 0.24, 0.16 -
respectively - or higher)
Non-blocking alarm. This error occurs whenever the Year indication of the Clock Calendar is zero. This happens when the button cell
battery in the logic board is discharged or removed, or there are communications problem between the microprocessor and the Clock
Calendar. The control algorithm or this alarm is performed only once at the turn on of the charger. If the display is present, this alarm
will be shown in the data roll, after the charged ampere hours (or eventually the number of slave devices, if there are any). The
battery supplied with the charger has an expected service life of 5 years.
Troubleshooting: Battery needs to be replaced. Contact Zivan.
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English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
In this window is shown the charging history of the charger. On top of the window, there is a text box that shows the total number of recorded
charges (CB, CB9 firmware version 1.03 or higher). This menu shows up to 255 charges, and each charge is provided with a wide number of
parameters, which are:
▪ NUMBER: number of the registered charge. Latest charges have the highest number.
▪ INITIAL VOLTAGE [V]: first measured battery voltage.
▪ MAX VOLTAGE [V]: last measured battery voltage (QE6, Q9, QE9) or maximum measured battery voltage (CB, QE, QL).
▪ INITIAL TEMPERATURE [°C]: initial temperature of the battery (CB, CB9, QE, QL) or last temperature of the battery (QE9). If
no thermal probe was connected, “-128” will be displayed (CB revision index 1.01 or higher).
▪ LAST CURRENT [A]: last significant current measured by the charger.
▪ AMPEREHOUR [Ah]: amperehour totally charged.
▪ AMPEREHOUR PHASE 3 [Ah]: amperehour charged in phase 3. This parameter is available in CB, Q9, CB9, QE, QE6, QE and
QL products, thus QE9 will always show zero.
▪ MAX. TEMPERATURE [°C]: maximum temperature of the battery (if thermal probe is connected). If no thermal probe was
connected, “-128” will be displayed (CB revision index 1.01 or higher).
▪ OVERCHARGE FACTOR [%]: overcharge factor. This parameter is available in CB, Q9, CB9, QE, QE6, QE and QL products,
thus QE9 will always show zero.
▪ TOTAL TIME [min]: charging time in phases #1 + #2 + #3.
▪ END STATUS: shows the last registered status of the charger or how the charge ended. The values shown are coded as follows
(CB firmware revision 1.03 or higher):
▪ END PHASE 3: shows how phase 3 has been concluded. The values shown are coded as follows (CB, CB9 firmware revision
1.03 or higher):
26 D01812-03
ZIVAN PcCanConsole English
- Save: allows the user to save data on a .csv file (readable by Microsoft Excel).
- Print: prints history logbook data on the selected printer.
- Clear (password only): clears history logbook. You need to stop and restart the charger in order for to clearing process to take
place (for example by using the S/S Ch. Button in the main window).
- Close: closes the window.
When opening Charge History Window, please keep in mind that ZIVAN PC CanConsole reads:
- A number of charges equal to the recorded charge counter (CB, CB9 firmware revision 1.03 or higher)
- all the possible charges stored in the EEPROM memory of the charger (up to 256 charges), even if these data are blank (all
other firmware versions).
These operations may take a very long time. If you close this window before the operation has been completed and you try to open another
window that requires to read the EEPROM memory (for example, Tester Window), you will need to wait first to the Charge History operations
to be completed.
In this case, you can abort this data transmission by closing and restarting ZIVAN PC CanConsole. Anyway, you don’t need to wait for the
Charge History to be completely loaded to be able to use the Save button.
The Datalogger saves some of the most relevant information about the
charge currently being performed in 5-minutes steps.
The saved data are current, voltage and internal temperature.
The Datalogger saves up to 255 samples. Similarly to the Charge
History, ZIVAN PC CanConsole reads all the 255 samples stored in the
EEPROM memory of the charger, so If you close this window before the
operation has been completed and you try to open another window that
requires to read the EEPROM memory (for example, Tester Window),
you will need to wait first to the Datalogger operations to be completed.
D01812-03 27
English ZIVAN PcCanConsole
ZIVAN PC CanConsole has a built-in CanBus monitor that
can be accessed though the Function menu/Monitor Canbus.
This monitor has an 11-bit ID filter displayed on the right of
the window, while the centre of the window shows the data
transmitted and received by the ZIVAN PC CanConsole.
CanBus Monitor Window has six buttons:
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ZIVAN S.r.l.
Via Bertona, 63/1
42028 Poviglio (RE) ITALIA
Tel. +39 0522 960593
Fax +39 0522 967417
E-mail: info@zivan.it
Web: www.zivan.it