153 7513
165 5281
Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
VITROS ALT Slides quantitatively measure alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity in serum and plasma.
Reaction Sequence
alanine + α-ketoglutarate pyruvate + glutamate
+ LDH +
pyruvate + NADH + H lactate + NAD
Slide Diagram
Slide Ingredients 1. Upper slide mount
2 2. Spreading layer (BaSO4)
Reactive ingredients per cm • sodium α–ketoglutarate
• L-alanine
Lactate dehydrogenase (porcine muscle, E.C. 0.12 U; 3. Reagent layer
L-alanine 0.86 mg; sodium α-ketoglutarate 54 µg; nicotinamide adenine • buffer, pH 8.0
dinucleotide, reduced 35 µg; and sodium pyridoxal-5-phosphate 11 µg. • lactate dehydrogenase
Other ingredients • pyridoxal-5-phosphate
4. Support layer
Pigment, binders, buffer, surfactants, cross-linking agent and stabilizer. 5. Lower slide mount
Cartridge Handling
CAUTION: Do not use slide cartridges with damaged or incompletely sealed packaging.
Cartridge Preparation
IMPORTANT: The slide cartridge must reach room temperature, 18°–28°C (64°–82°F), before it is
unwrapped and loaded into the slide supply.
Specimen Requirements
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
Specimens Recommended
• Serum
• Plasma: EDTA
IMPORTANT: Certain collection devices have been reported to affect other analytes and tests. 3
Confirm that your collection devices are compatible with this test.
Patient Preparation
• No special patient preparation is necessary.
Special Precautions
• Centrifuge specimens and remove the serum or plasma from the cellular material within 3 days of collection. 7
Specimen Handling and Storage
WARNING: Handle specimens as biohazardous material.
• Handle and store specimens in stoppered containers to avoid contamination and evaporation.
• Mix samples by gentle inversion and bring to room temperature, 18°–28°C (64°–82°F), prior to analysis.
IMPORTANT: Do not freeze the specimen.
Testing Procedure
Materials Provided
• VITROS Chemistry Products ALT Slides
Operating Instructions
• Check reagent inventories at least daily to ensure that quantities are sufficient for the planned workload.
• For additional information, refer to the operating instructions for your VITROS Chemistry System.
IMPORTANT: Bring all fluids and samples to room temperature, 18°–28°C (64°–82°F), prior to
Sample Dilution
Serum and Plasma
If alanine aminotransferase activities exceed the system’s reportable (dynamic) range:
Manual Sample Dilution
1. Dilute the sample with VITROS 7% BSA.
2. Reanalyze.
3. Multiply the results by the dilution factor to obtain an estimate of the original sample’s alanine aminotransferase activity.
On-Analyzer Sample Dilution (VITROS 5,1 FS and VITROS 250 only)
Refer to the VITROS Chemistry System operating instructions for more information on the On-Analyzer Dilution Procedure. For
VITROS 5,1 FS, use VITROS Chemistry Products FS Diluent Pack 2 for the dilution.
Required Calibrators
VITROS Chemistry Products Calibrator Kit 3
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the operating instructions for your VITROS Chemistry System.
When to Calibrate
• When the slide lot number changes.
• When critical system parts are replaced due to service or maintenance.
• When government regulations require.
– For example, in the USA, CLIA regulations require calibration or calibration verification at least once every six months.
The VITROS ALT test may also need to be calibrated:
• If quality control results are consistently outside acceptable range.
• After certain service procedures have been performed.
For additional information, refer to the operating instructions for your VITROS Chemistry System.
Based on sequential readings of the slide’s reflectance at 340 nm over the defined incubation period, a rate of change in
reflectance is determined. This rate is used in the software-resident multi-point rate calibration model to compute enzyme
activity. Once a calibration has been performed for each slide lot, alanine aminotransferase activity in unknown samples can be
determined from the rate of change in reflectance measured for each unknown test slide.
Validity of a Calibration
Calibration parameters are automatically assessed by the VITROS Chemistry System against a set of quality parameters
detailed in the Coefficients and Limits screen (for VITROS 5,1 FS, see the Review Assay Data screen). Failure to meet any of
the pre-defined quality parameters results in a failed calibration. The calibration report should be used in conjunction with
quality control results to determine the validity of a calibration.
Quality Control
Procedure Recommendations
WARNING: Handle quality control materials as biohazardous material.
• For general quality control recommendations, refer to Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles
and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition 9 or other published guidelines.
• For additional information, refer to the operating instructions for your VITROS Chemistry System.
• Control materials other than VITROS Performance Verifiers may show a difference when compared with other alanine
aminotransferase methods if they:
– Depart from a true human matrix.
– Contain high concentrations of preservatives, stabilizers, or other nonphysiological additives.
• Enzyme activity might also vary with enzyme source, diluent temperature, and activation time during reconstitution.
• Do not use control materials stabilized with ethylene glycol.
Each laboratory should confirm the validity of these intervals for the population it serves.
Other Limitations
Certain drugs and clinical conditions are known to alter alanine aminotransferase activity in vivo. For additional information,
refer to one of the published summaries. 10, 11
Performance Characteristics
Method Comparison
The plot and table show the results of a comparison of samples analyzed on the VITROS 750 System with those analyzed
using the IFCC comparative method, 8 adapted to a centrifugal analyzer at 37°C. Testing followed NCCLS Protocol EP9. 12
The table also shows the results of comparisons of the VITROS 250 and 950 Systems with the VITROS 750 System, and
comparisons of the 5,1 FS System with the 950 System.
Comparative Method: Modified IFCC at 37°C Comparative Method: Modified IFCC at 37°C
(U/L) (µkat/L)
Precision was evaluated with quality control materials on VITROS 250, 750, 950, and 5,1 FS Systems following NCCLS
Protocol EP5. 13
The data presented are a representation of test performance and are provided as a guideline. Variables such as sample
handling and storage, reagent handling and storage, laboratory environment, and system maintenance can affect
reproducibility of test results.
Substances That Do Not Interfere
The substances listed in the table were tested with VITROS ALT Slides following NCCLS Protocol EP7 14 and found not to
interfere, bias <5.5 U/L, at the concentration shown.
1. Tietz NW (ed). Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry. ed. 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 369–371; 1987.
2. NCCLS. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Instrument Biohazards and Infectious Diseases Transmitted by Blood, Body Fluids and
Tissue; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document M29 (ISBN 1-56238). NCCLS, Wayne, PA 19087; 1997.
3. Calam RR. Specimen Processing Separator Gels: An Update. J Clin Immunoassay. 11:86–90; 1988.
4. Young DS. Effects of Preanalytical Variables on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 3–7; 1993.
5. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture. NCCLS Document H3. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
6. NCCLS. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture. NCCLS Document H4. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
7. Clinical Laboratory Handbook for Patient Preparation and Specimen Handling. Fascicle VI: Chemistry/Clinical Microscopy. Northfield,
IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992.
8. Bergmeyer HU, Horder M, Rej R. Approved Recommendation (1985) on IFCC Methods for the Measurement of Catalytic Concentration
of Enzymes. Part 3. IFCC Method for Alanine Aminotransferase. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 24:481; 1986.
9. NCCLS. Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and Definitions; Approved Guideline-Second Edition.
NCCLS Document C24. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1999.
10. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests. ed. 4. Washington D.C.: AACC Press; 1995.
11. Friedman RB, Young DS. Effects of Disease on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press; 1990.
12. NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline. NCCLS Document EP9. Wayne, PA:
NCCLS; 1995.
13. NCCLS. User Evaluation of Precision Performance with Clinical Chemistry Devices. NCCLS Document EP5. Wayne, PA: NCCLS;
14. NCCLS. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry. NCCLS Document EP7. Wayne, PA: NCCLS; 1986.
Glossary of Symbols
Revision History
Date of
Revision Version Description of Technical Changes*
2004-09-13 3.0 • Added VITROS 5,1 FS Chemistry System
• Specificity – added Intralipid; updated Bilirubin
• Glossary of Symbols – updated data
2003-07-28 2.0 • New organization and sections consistent with IVD Directive
• Reference Interval – adult: corrected values
• Limitations of the Procedure – removed statements regarding elevated total
• Method Comparison – updated comparisons for 750 System and plots
• Precision – updated data for the 750 System
• References – added 2, 3, 12, 13, 14
2002APR19 1.0 – English only New format, technically equivalent to 11/96.
* The change bars indicate the position of a technical amendment to the text with respect to the previous version of the document.
When this Instructions For Use is replaced, sign and date below and retain as specified by local regulations or laboratory
policies, as appropriate.
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