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Ft3 Iflash

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FT3 iFlash

Immunoassay Analyzer
REF C86018 2×50 Tests Reagent kit, 100 tests, 2 packs, 50 tests/pack
Streptavidin coated microparticles, 3.5
mL/pack, 0.05% ProClin 300.
The iFlash-FT3 assay is a paramagnetic particle Anti-FT3 acridinium-ester-labeled conjugate;
chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) for the 4.0 mL/pack; 0.05% ProClin 300.
quantitative determination of free triiodothyronine (FT3) in
human serum and plasma using the iFlash Immunoassay Biotinylated FT3, 4.0 mL/pack, Phosphate
Analyzer. buffer, 0.05% ProClin 300.

SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION Calibrator 1, 1 bottle, 1.0 mL, Phosphate

CAL1 buffer with protein stabilizers, 0.05% ProClin
Triiodothyronine (T3) is one of the thyroid hormones 300, concentration value see the label.
present in serum. In healthy people, thyroid gland
secretes approx 5-10 μg T3 per day. Circulating T3 is Calibrator 2, 1 bottle, 1.0 mL, Phosphate
mainlyt produced by peripheral deiodination of T4 so total buffer with FT3 protein, protein stabilizers and
daily secretion total T3 can reach 20 μg. In serum, 0.05% ProClin 300, concentration value see
99.7% T3 is reversibly binding to the transport protein the label.
(TBG, prealbumin, albumin) and only their free fraction is
Calibrator 3, 1 bottle, 1.0 mL, Phosphate
physiologically active. buffer with FT3 protein, protein stabilizers and
Free T3 is elevated to a greater degree than free thyroxine 0.05% ProClin 300, concentration value see
(T4) in Graves’disease and in toxic adenomas. the label.
Occasionally, free T3 alone is elevated (T3 thyrotoxicosis)
Calibrator 4, 1 bottle, 1.0 mL, Phosphate
in about 5% of the hyperthyroid population. In contrast,
buffer with FT3 protein, protein stabilizers and
levels of free T4 are elevated to a greater degree than free CAL4
0.05% ProClin 300, concentration value see
T3 in toxic multinodular goiter and excessive T4 therapy. the label.
Serum free T3 is useful in distinguishing these forms of
hyperthyroidism. Free T3 may also be important in
monitoring patients on anti-thyroid therapy where
treatment is focused on reducing the T3 production and REF C89999/C89959/C89949, iFlash Pre-Trigger
the T4 conversion to T3. Serum free T3 may also be Solution: hydrogen peroxide solution.
useful in assessing the severity of the thyrotoxic state. REF C89998/ C89958/ C89948, iFlash Trigger Solution:
sodium hydroxide solution.
REF C89997, iFlash Wash Buffer: phosphate buffered
The iFlash-FT3 assay is a competitive immunoassay. saline solution with 0.05% ProClin 300.
 First incubation: FT3 in the sample, anti-FT3 REF C80001, iFlash Wash Buffer (10×): phosphate
acridinium-ester-labeled antibody react to form an buffered saline solution with 0.05% ProClin 300.
antibody - antigen complex.
REF C89996, reaction vessels.
 Second incubation: add biotinylated FT3 conjugate
Controls: Commercial controls could be used.
and streptavidin coated paramagnetic microparticles,
biotinylated FT3 bind to the remaining site on the WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
antibody after reacted with the FT3 in sample. IVD For in vitro diagnostic use
 Wash: The unbound materials are washed away from  No known test method can offer the complete
the solid phase in a magnetic field. assurance that products derived from human sources
 Trigger of signal: The Pre-Trigger and Trigger will not transmit infection. Therefore, all humanized
Solutions are added to the reaction mixture. The materials should be considered potentially infectious.
resulting chemiluminescent reaction is measured as  Exercise the normal precautions required for handling
relative light units (RLUs). all laboratory reagents.
 An inverse relationship exists between the amount of  Disposal of all waste material should be in accordance
FT3 in the sample and the RLUs detected by the with local guidelines.
iFlash optical system.
 Wear gloves when handling specimens or reagents.
 Results are determined via a calibration curve, which
 Clean and disinfect all spills of specimens or reagents
is instrument-specifically generated by 4-point
using a suitable disinfectant.
calibration and a master curve provided via the
reagent QR code.  iFlash Trigger solution contains sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) and should be avoided contact with eyes.

1/4 V2.0 English Ed.2018-02-01

FT3 iFlash
Immunoassay Analyzer
REAGENT HANDLING prevent cross-contamination.
 The reagents may not be used after the stated  Do not use heat-inactivated samples.
expiration date.
 Ensure that the patient samples, calibrators and
 Avoid the formation of foam with all reagents. controls are at ambient temperature (20–25°C) before
 The reagents in the pack and calibrators are ready for
use. Close the bottles of calibrator right after  Due to the possible evaporation, specimens and
calibration and store at 2–8°C. calibrators on the analyzers should be measured
within 2 hours.
 Do not pool reagents within a reagent kit or between
reagent kits. ASSAY PROCEDURE
 Prior to loading the iFlash-FT3 reagent pack on the  Refer to the system operating instruction or the online
system for the first time, resuspend the microparticles help system for detailed information on preparing the
by inverting the reagent pack slightly. system.

 For further information on reagent handling  The test-specific parameters stored in barcode on the
precautions during system operation, refer to the reagent pack are read in. In case the barcode cannot
iFlash system operating instruction. be read, enter the sequence numbers.

STORAGE AND STABILITY  Carry out calibration, if necessary.

Storage:  Place the calibrators CAL1, CAL2, CAL3 and CAL4 in

the calibrator rack in the sample zone. Only keep
 Store at 2–8°C in an upright position.
calibrators open during calibration.
 The kit may be used immediately after removal from  Test application.
2-8°C storage.
 Load samples (Use 30 μL of sample for each
Stability: determination in addition to the sample container and
 Unopened at 2–8°C: up to the stated expiration date. system dead volumes).

 Opened at 2–8°C: 28 days.  Click RUN, the iFlash System performs all the
functions automatically and calculates the results.
 Store on-board: 28 days.
Alternate Result Unit
 Serum or plasma (lithium heparin, sodium heparin Conversion formula:
potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate) are the
recommended samples. Other anticoagulants have (Concentration in YHLO Unit) x (Conversion Factor) =
not been validated for use with the iFlash-FT3 assay.
(Concentration in Standard Unit)
 Ensure that serum specimens to form complete clot
prior to centrifugation. YHLO Unit Conversion Factor Standard Unit
 Centrifuge the specimens.
pg/mL 1.536 pmol/L
 Store specimens at room temperature (20 to 25°C) for
no longer than 8 hours.

 If the testing will not be completed within 8 hours, CALIBRATION

refrigerate the samples at 2 to 8°C.  Traceability: This assay is traceable to a commercial
available kit.
 If the testing will not be completed within 14 days, or
for shipment of samples, freeze at -20°C or colder.  Every iFlash-FT3 reagent kit has a QR code label
containing the specific information for calibration of the
 Frozen specimens must be mixed thoroughly after particular reagent lot.
 To perform an iFlash-FT3 calibration, test CAL1, CAL2,
 The samples may be frozen for maximum 3 times. CAL3 and CAL4 in duplicate, and the predefined
master curve is adapted to the analyzer.
 Centrifuge specimens with a lipid layer on the top, and
transfer only the clarified specimen without the lipemic  Once an iFlash-FT3 calibration is accepted and stored,
material. all subsequent samples may be tested without further
calibration unless:
 Ensure that residual fibrin and cellular matter have
been removed prior to analysis.  After 28 days when using the same reagent lot.
 Use with caution in handling patient specimens to  A reagent kit with a new lot number is used.
2/4 V2.0 English Ed.2018-02-01
FT3 iFlash
Immunoassay Analyzer
 Controls are out of range. (Intralipid < 2,000 mg/dL).

 Required by pertinent regulations.  No interference was observed from rheumatoid factors

up to a concentration of 2,000 IU/mL.
 No interference was observed from anti-nuclear
 0.880 – 30 pg/mL
antibodies up to a concentration of 500 U/mL.
 No interference was observed from HAMA up to a
Quality control materials should be run as single concentration of 600 ng/mL.
determinations at least once every 24 hours when the test
is in use, once per reagent kit and after every calibration.
Include commercially available quality control materials PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
that cover at least two levels of analyte. Follow Below are the representative performance data, and the
manufacturer’s instructions for reconstitution and storage. results obtained in individual laboratories may differ.
Each laboratory should establish mean values and
acceptable ranges to assure proper performance. Quality Precision
control results that do not fall within acceptable ranges The precision of iFlash-FT3 was determined using FT3
may indicate invalid test results. reagents and controls. Controls, consisting low, and
median concentration of FT3 were assayed.
The within run precision was determined by testing each
Calculation: sample in replicates of 10 (n = 10), and calculating percent
The iFlash system automatically calculates the analyte coefficient of variation (%CV). The results of the study are
concentration of each sample. The results are given in shown below:
Sample Mean (pg/mL) SD %CV
Expected Values:
A study of iFlash-FT3 assay on samples from 300 1 1.97 0.08 4.06
apparently healthy people yielded the following result:
2 4.26 0.24 5.61
2.30-4.20 pg/ml(2.5-97.5 percentile)
3 10.39 0.48 4.58
It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own
expected reference range for the specific population.
The between run precision was determined by testing
each sample in duplicate, two separate runs daily for 20
LIMITATIONS days (n = 80), and calculating percent coefficient of
 The iFlash-FT3 assay is limited to the determination of variation (%CV). The results of the study are shown
FT3 in human serum or plasma (lithium heparin, below:
sodium heparin, potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate).
It has not been validated for use with other types of Sample Mean (pg/mL) SD %CV
1 1.93 0.07 3.63
 The use of serum separator (gel) blood collection
tubes has been validated for use with this assay. 2 10.44 0.53 5.08
However, it is not possible to survey all manufacturers
or tube types.
Analytical Sensitivity
 The upper limit of the measuring range of this assay is The detection limit representing the lowest measurable
30 pg/mL, can’t be diluted. analyte level is 0.880 pg/mL, which can be distinguished
from zero. It is calculated as the value lying two standard
 If the results are inconsistent with clinical evidence, deviations above that of the lowest standard of the master
additional testing is suggested to confirm the result. curve (standard 1 + 2 SD, n = 20).
 For diagnostic purposes, the results should be
Method Comparison
interpreted in light of the total clinical presentation of
the patient, including symptoms, clinical history results. A comparison of the iFlash-FT3 assay (y) with a
commercially available FT3 assay (x) using clinical
 Specimens from heparinized patients may be partially samples was performed, and the curve is fitted with Linear
coagulated and erroneous results could occur due to regression)
the presence of fibrin.
y = 1.001x+0.328
 The results from an alternative assays (i.e. EIA or RIA)
may not be equivalent and cannot be used r = 0.9950
interchangeably. Sample concentration: 1.14 –26.35 pg/mL
 The assay is unaffected by icterus (bilirubin < 20 Number of samples measured: 88
mg/dL), hemolysis (Hb < 500 mg/dL) and lipemia

3/4 V2.0 English Ed.2018-02-01

FT3 iFlash
Immunoassay Analyzer
1. Fernandez-Ulloa M, Maxon HR. Thyroid. In: Kaplan LA, Explanation of abbreviation
Pesce AJ, editors. Clinical chemistry: theory, analysis,
and correlation. 2nd ed. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1989. p. Abbreviation Explanation

2. Liewendahl, K, Majuri, H, Helenius, T. Thyroid function Product No.

tests in patients on long-term treatment with
variousanticonvulsant drugs. Clinical Endocrinology,
1978; 8: 187-191. Calibrator

3. Wenzel, KW. Pharmacological interference with in vitro

tests of thyroid function. Metabolis. 1981; 30 (7): Reagent

4. Wilke, TJ. Estimation of free thyroid hormone Number of tests

concentrations in the clinical laboratory. Clinical
Chemistry. 1986; 32 (4): 585-592.
Manufactured by
5. Guideline-Measurement of Free Thyroid Hormones,
C45A. 2004. National Committee for Clinical
Laboratory Standards. EU Representative

EC Declaration of Conformity

1st-4th Floor, No.5 Building, Lishan Industrial Caution

Area, Xinghai Road, Nanshan District,
Shenzhen 518054, P.R. China
Instructions for use

In vitro diagnostic medical

Wellkang Ltd (www.CE-marking.eu)
Suite B, 29 Harley St., London W1G 9QR, UK
Lot No.

Date of manufacture

Expiry date

Biohazard Symbol

Pictograms for Caution

Pictograms for Hazardous to the

aquatic environment

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