Pre-Check LSMW: To-Do-List Before Using The Tool
Pre-Check LSMW: To-Do-List Before Using The Tool
Pre-Check LSMW: To-Do-List Before Using The Tool
The LSM Workbench is a tool that supports the transfer of data from non-SAP systems to R/3. Basic
functionality of the LSM Workbench:
1. Import old data from spreadsheet tables or sequential files.
2. Convert the data from source format into target format.
3. Import the data into R/3.
Before using the LSM Workbench, you need a concept for data migration. In particular, note the
following items:
Analyze the data existing in the legacy system to determine which data will be needed in the
future (also from a business-operational point of view).
Consider whether usage of the tool makes sense with regard to the data volumes to be
transferred. In case of very small data quantities, it may be easier to carry out the transfer
manually. With very large data volumes, however, batch input technology may lead to excessively
long runtimes. Rough estimate for the required time: 10000 records per hour; this value, however,
may vary strongly depending on the hardware.
Identify the transaction(s) in R/3 you want to use for bringing the data into the SAP System. Here,
it may also be relevant whether the data is required for statistical (evaluation) purposes or for
further processing in the system.
Test the relevant transaction in R/3 manually with test data from the old system and make sure
that all required fields are filled. There may be required fields that do not correspond to any data
window in the legacy system. In such a case, assigning a fixed value or defining the field as
optional for data transfer may be appropriate.
Check the interfaces provided by the application. Is there a batch input program and an IDoc (for
example)? Which method should be used in your project?
Develop a mapping plan in written form: Assign the legacy system fields to the R/3 fields.
Determine the form (e.g. via „MOVE“ or assigned according to a rule) in which the legacy system
data shall be transferred to the SAP System.
Define the way for extracting the data from the legacy system. (Note: LSMW does not extract
Describe the form in which the old data are available: Will the host or the spreadsheet interface of
the LSMW have to be used?
If only a part of your legacy system will be replaced by R/3, define the functionalities to be
provided by the SAP System and those to be provided by the legacy system. If required, create a
concept of the data flows and interface architecture.
These questions can only be answered individually for every customer; as a matter of course, this
should be done before the tool is used!