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Sap Basis Imp

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What Is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external

management of information across an entire organization embracing
finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship
management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software
application. ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions inside the
organization, and manages connections to outside stakeholders.

The central feature of all ERP systems is a shared database that supports multiple
functions used by different business units. In practice, this means that employees in
different divisionsfor example, accounting and salescan rely on the same
information for their specific needs.
Elements of an ERP Solution
Since the first ERP system was designed and built over 25 years ago, ERP software
solutions have evolved to where most business activities can be captured in a single
system. The following is a review of the primary functional areas of ERP software,
but is by no means a comprehensive list. The primary functions include:

Accounting and Finance

General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
General Journals
Trial Balance and Financial Reporting
Bank Reconciliation
Cash Management and Forecasting

Purchasing, Tracking & Sales Shipments of Inventory Items
Track by Lot and/or Serial numbers
Track Quality Tests
Warehouse Management functions
Track the conversion of raw materials into finished goods
Track Labor, Overhead and Other manufacturing costs
Provide the total cost of production

ERP Vendors
Depending on your organization's size and needs there are a number of enterprise
resource planning software vendors to choose from in the large enterprise, midmarket and the small business ERP market.
Large Enterprise ERP (ERP Tier I)
The ERP market for large enterprises is dominated by three companies: SAP, Oracle
and Microsoft. (Source: EnterpriseAppsToday; Enterprise ERP Buyer's Guide: SAP,
Oracle and Microsoft; Drew Robb)
Midmarket ERP (ERP Tier II)
For the midmarket vendors include Infor, QAD, Lawson, Epicor, Sage and IFS.
(Source: EnterpriseAppsToday; Midmarket ERP Buyer's Guide; Drew Robb)
Small Business ERP (ERP Tier III)
Exact Globe, Syspro, NetSuite, Visibility, Consona, CDC Software and Activant
Solutions round out the ERP vendors for small businesses. (Source:
EnterpriseAppsToday; ERP Buyer's Guide for Small Businesses; Drew Robb)

What Is SAP Basis Administration

If you are one of the persons who is interested about the technical part of SAP systems than
you are definitely interested about what is sap basis and what is its place in the system.

SAP Basis The Administration Focus of SAP

First of all it describes the fundamentals of the administration of the SAP system. When you
say SAP Basis, you must think about the guys who will install, configure, update, patch,

migrate, troubleshoot any technical problem on your SAP system and manage all the daily
operations for that specific sap system or system landscape. Basis area emphasize the
administration of RDBMS(Relational Database Management System - or simply the
database sap system is using), client-server architecture and the SAP GUI.

Responsibilities of sap basis consultant. Installation of SAP servers and post installation activities
. Applying Support packs and Kernel Up gradation
. Generating Solution manager key for the Landscape as required
. Time based and event based Scheduling of background jobs and monitoring them
. Client Administration including client copy / export / import / delete
. User Management like User Creation, deletion of user, users locks
. Analyzing of missing authorizations and assigning Roles to users
. Profile maintenance through PFCG
. Transport setup and management
. Download and applying Support Patches and SAP Notes
. Performance monitoring and fine tuning
. Maintaining Profile parameters
. SAP spool configuration
. Analyzing short dumps
. Transports in ABAP and Java Environments(Using SDM)
. Performing Pre & Post System Refresh activities
. CUA Configuration
. Core Knowledge in DBA
. Publishing Internal ITS
. Installing WebAS Java as add-on
. Apply java patches through SDM

SAP R/3 Architecture

SAP based architecture of R/3 on a three-tier client/server model.
Presentation Server
Application Server
Database Server

What is One, Two & Three System Landscape in SAP

System Landscape
The system landscape contains all the SAP Systems that you have installed. It can consist
of several system groups, whose SAP Systems are linked by transport routes.

Three-System Landscape
SAP recommend a three-system landscape in which each of the central clients has its own
SAP System.This consists of a development system DEV, a quality assurance system QAS
and a production system PRD.
Make all changes to DEV client. When you release the corresponding change requests, they
are transported into the quality assurance client. In the quality assurance client you can test
whether the transports are complete,
If the test is successful, the change requests are transported into the production client. The
production client is completely separate from the other clients as regards cross-client data.

Two-System Landscape
The two-system landscape does not include a separate quality assurance system QAS. The
quality assurance client is also in the development system DEV.
As in the three-system landscape, the production client is completely separate from the
other clients. The disadvantage of a two-system landscape is that cross-client data is used in
both the Customizing and quality assurance clients. This means that any changes that are
made to cross-client data in the Customizing client can affect the tests in the quality
assurance client. You can also not guarantee that transports from the Customizing client will
be complete. Although all tests in the quality assurance client were successful, errors could
still occur after the transport into the production client. This problem is caused by changes
being made to cross-client data and then not being transported.

One-System Landscape
SAP does not recommend a one-system landscape containing all central clients in a single
SAP System. Joint usage of hardware resources and cross-client data places serious
restrictions on how a single system operates. In particular, once the system is used
productively, you can no longer develop in it, unless you stop productive operation for the
development and test phases.

What is the logon process flow in SAP?

What are Work processes in SAP

The SAP work process is a component of the application server that executes an ABAP
application. SAP work processes are started as operating system processes, each with its
own process ID (PID) when the system is started. The majority of the processing of the
application is performed by the SAP work processes.

It is only the process which communicates interactively with the users. There
should be atleast 2 Dialogue work process per instance. Dialogue work
process initiates Update, Background and Spool.

It is used to update the transactions in the database. It is initiated by Dialogue
process. There should be atleast 1 Update in the entire system. It is also
recommended to have an update process for every 5 Dialogue. 26

It is used to provide locks for the records that are going to be updated. It ensures
consistency for updates. There will be only 1 Enqueue configured in the

systemduring the installation. It is possible to have more than

one enqueue provided they are installed or configured on the central instance.

The tasks which are expensive or time consuming are scheduled to run in the
background mode non-interactively. There should be at least 2 background
work process in the system


There should be only 1 message server in the entire R/3 system. It is used
to manage all the dispatchers. It is used to load balance the requests to identify
the least loaded dispatcher.
It is also used to provide locks to the request that are coming from Dialogue

It is used to provide a means of communication with SAP and NON-SAP systems.
There will be only 1 gateway for each instance.

7. SPOOL 'S'
It is used to print the documents to a printer or output to a fax machine etc.
There should be atleast 1 Spool process in the entire system. It is also
possible to configure more spool process depending on the print/ spool volume
Work process status are -status : Waiting, Stopper, Running

What does mean by Object Swapping (SWAP) in SAP

Swapping occurs when the buffer is full, and the SAP System has to load additional
objects into the buffer. Objects in the buffer that were used the least recently are
removed. In this context, the term swap means the objects removed from the buffer
are lost and cannot be replaced until a new database access is performed
In simple language,
the accessed data seats on the buffer, If someone is trying to access the same data,
that will be retrieved fastly from the buffer.
If the buffer is full and some one is retrieving the data which is not there in the buffer
that data will be placed in the buffer and the oldest data in the buffer will be swapped
(Removed) for this.
More number of swaps means more DB hits.

There are two possible reasons for swapping--- There is no space left in the buffer data area
The buffer is too small. You should increase the buffer size.

There are no directory entries left

Although there is enough space left in the buffer, no further objects can be loaded
because the number of directory entries is limited.
For the Repository buffers (nametab buffers), the number of directory entries is
determined by the number of entry counts, all other buffers have there own
parameter for entries.

What is Dispatcher in SAP?

Memory Management in SAP

What is Client in SAP?

A client is organizational and legal entity in the SAP system. All the business management data is
protected here because other clients can not access them. The main objective of the client is to keep
the data isolated. The data in a client can be only visible within that client; it can not be displayed or
changed from another client. In a physical SAP system there can be multiple clients
SAP R3 comes with 3 inbuilt standard client,

SAP Clients
Client 000 Client 000 is a special client in SAP since it has client independent settings. Client 000 in
SAP R/3 comes with a simple organizational structure. It is a sort of test company. Client 000 contains
all standard configurations, parameters, standard transactions, etc that are normally used in the SAP
R/3 business environment.
Client 001 Client 001 is a copy of client 000. Client 001 also includes a test company. Client 001
can be customized to prepare it to move it into the production environment. However, once client 001
is customized, it does not behave like client 000.
Client 066 Client 066 is used to perform Early Watch service for customer systems. One
important thing to remember is that during SAP R/3 implementation, once SAP is installed, the first
thing to be done is copy a standard client included in SAP R/3 package. With the help of this, SAP
users can start using SAP for creating tests, training, or even start using it for customization.

Within one SAP instance, a number of Clients can be created. No need to install separate softwares
for each and every customer.It provides isolation ,one client cannot see the data of other client.

As depicted above 100 and 200 clients exist under one roof. We can create a number of clients in
SAP Application (from 000 to 999)

What is Client Specific & Cross Client Data?

What is golden client in SAP?

The Development Client is also the Golden Client because it has all the correct
configuration settings which have been tested and are error free. The Golden Client
is taken as reference while performing some other configuration settings. You cannot
change any settings in the golden client.

SAP BASIS OS Level (UNIX) Commands

dpmon d
Sapdba (up to SAP R/3 -4.7)/

Dispatcher queue monitor

database administration


Running work process

ps -eaf|grep dw

process overview

ps -eaf|grep ora

check oracle service is running

Ps eaf | grep dw kill -9

Kill work process

msmon pf=profile path name=sid

to check the message server status

gwmon pf=profile path nr=num

to check the gateway status

Ps eaf | grep lsnrctl

Listener status

Rslgview pf =-r ft | pg

System logs

Disp + work v

to check the version of r3 kernel

R3trans d ,tnsping

Checking the connection with database

Df k

File system monitor

Du k

Display all directories and size of current



SQL prompt and database connection

/as sysdba (new versions)

Saplicence -get

to get hardware key

saplicense -install

to install license

sappfpar all pf=profile path

display all profile parameters

sappfpar check path=profile path

checks the required space for memory


to check the available space for heap and

swap memory


Remote system login


to check the remote sap system is up and



file transfer protocol


remote copy of files

Start/stop sap

Start / stop Sap instance


check destination host reachable


check connection between server and a client

by transferring packets

check the configuration of system

Ps -aef

Processes status

lsps -a

Swap space



Client Administration in SAP

Client Creation (SCC4) & Logical system(BD54) in SAP

Step1... Create Logical system for new client

What is logical System in SAP ?
Logical system enables the system to recognize the target system as an RFC
destination. Logical system is required for communication between systems within
the landscape. You need a logical system when you create a new client in SAP
T-Code to create Logical System in SAP is BD54
Logical System is transportable.
How to create Logical System in SAP ?
1. Run transaction code BD54. Click on pencil icon to covert from display to
change view. Then, click on New Entries.

2. Use the following naming convention for the logical system names, <System
ID>CLNT<Client>. Save your entries, which are included in a transport request.
Create the logical system name for the central system in all child systems.

for ex. if your new client no is 500 and SID(System ID) if P10 then logical system
will be,

Step2... Create New client in SCC4

How to create a new SAP client
You have finished your SAP Installation and want to use your SAP system as your
users work area.

Before you are able to use it you have to create a client in your SAP system. It's
part of SAP Basis tasks to create SAP client.
A SAP client is and independently accountable business unit. Each client is
identified by a three-figure number. In the standard system, SAP delivers the
following pre-configured clients:

000 : for administration purposes and as a template for additional clients

001: for test purposes and as a template for additional clients.
066: for SAP Remote Services
Users and their configurations can only work in their configuration's assigned
client. Creating your own clients is one of the first steps in customizing a SAP
A client is created in two steps:
1. Make the new client known to the SAP system, and make important basic
2. Fills the client with data.
After that you can use your SAP client.
1. To make a new client from SAP Menu -> Tools -> Administration -> Administration
-> Client Administration or SAP Transaction code SCC4 - Client Maintenance.

SAP Client Maintenance - SCC4

2. It will bring you to initial screen of SAP Client Maintenance. Click New Entry to
make new SAP Client, choose Continue

Create new SAP Client

3. Enter your Client Data & logical system which we have created in step1

Client Option
4. Save and make sure your new client is created.

New SAP Client created

NOTE: If the client role is production then the settings should be as


i. No changes allowed
ii. No changes to repository and cross client
iii. Protection level -1 No overwriting
iv. eCATT & CATT Not Allowed
T000 Table stores all the list of created clients
Step3... Make login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0

Step-by-step procedure:
Login to the SAP system using client 000 or 001
Hit the transaction code RZ10
Click Utilities and click import profiles
Click back (F3)
Place the cursor at profile and click f4
Double click on Default profile
Select the Extended maintenance and click change
Click Parameter (Create F5)
Place the cursor at parameter name and click F4
Click a small triangle shape which is available on top of the box
Type *login* and hit enter
Double click on login/no_automatic_user_sapstar parameter
Type the parameter value as 0
Click Copy Tab and click back (F3)
Click Copy Tab again to transfer The changed profile

Click Back (F3)

Click Save, Click back and Click Yes to activate the profile
Log out from the SAP system
Stop the SAP System
Start the SAP System
Now try to login as sap* and Password as pass
Now you should be able to login to newly created client using virtual user
temporarily before doing client copy

How to Delete SAP Client (SCC5)

Deleting a Client
From the SAP login screen, login as any super user in any existing client (which
you want to delete)
Access the menu path Tools -> Administration -> Client admin.-> Special
functions -> Delete client. Alternately run transaction SCC5.
In the resulting screen select the option Delete from T000 and click on
Online pushbutton in order to run the client delete in the foreground.
Alternately administrator can also run this in the background by clicking the
pushbutton Background

How to check the size of the client in SAP

1. Execute report RSSPACECHECK in transaction code SE38.

Put the client number and execute.

It can take 2-3 hour to calculate size, Result will be as below :

How to Define Default Client in SAP?

You can set the SAP to default client login via parameter "login/system_client" means
every time when you are going to login in SAP you will find 100 as client as shown in
below image
This can be done using transaction code RZ10 . As an example, you can set the
parameter to client 100 in transaction code RZ10. A restart is needed to make the
changes activated.

How to change profile parameter in SAP (RZ10) and (RZ11)

Step-by-step procedure: (Profile Parameter Change RZ10)

Login to the SAP system

Hit the transaction code RZ10

Click Utilities and click import profiles

Click back (F3)

Place the cursor at profile and click f4

Double click on Default profile

Select the Extended maintenance and click change

Click Parameter (Create F5)

Place the cursor at parameter name and click F4

Click a small triangle shape which is available on top of the box

Type *login* and hit enter

Double click on login/no_automatic_user_sapstar parameter or search for parameter

which you want to change

Type the NEW parameter value

Click Copy Tab and click back (F3)

Click Copy Tab again to transfer The changed profile

Click Back (F3)

Click Save, Click back and Click Yes to activate the profile

Log out from the SAP system

Stop the SAP System (Server)

Start the SAP System (Server)

I think I have covered all the steps related to changing a profile parameter; you can validate
changes in parameter value through T-Code RZ11 after system restart.

What is the main difference between remote client copy

and client export in SAP
Remote Client copy :This is one step process
RFC connection is required.
CC can be used with multiple parallel processes
Remote CC is better if you have small data to be copied.
Remote CC might be little bit slower than the export due to its network constraints.
Need to check Network, Database ( generation of archive logs, table space usage )
through out the CC.

Export-Import :This is 3 step process ( export- import-post processing).

RFC connection is not required between systems.
Multiple parallel processes cannot be used.
Export-import is generally used for copying larger amount of data.

Export-import is relatively faster than the remote CC.

Need to check DB constraints at the import process.

Daily Monitoring in SAP ECC

Work Processed Overview (SM51)
Over many years I have been working alongside ABAP developers and functional consultants. During
this time I have been asked many times if a certain job is still running because it seems like it has
been running for ever and the programmer or consultant need it to complete asap. So instead of
repeating the process of checking for them I will show them how to check the issue for themselves.
This is what I want to share with you too. A good start is to check the work processes activity in
your SAP system.
Checking the Work Processes

First of all, you have you need to determine if your SAP system in a single server system or makes
use of multiple application servers. In case of any doubt, simply start the transaction SM51.
The following screen will be displayed: (Or something similar)

In this example the SAP system only has 1 application server. (See the indication at the bottom ***
1 active servers ***) It doesnt mean there is only one server configured on this system, but that
only one is up and running for now, and because we want to check the work processes, thats the
only information we need to know.

So here you have two options, which are in this case doing exactly the same thing. Either go to the
SM50 transaction and double-click the Server Name. Please note, if you had more than one server
being displayed then the only option left would be to double-click the Server Name to open the
SM50 transaction on the targeted server.

By Double-Clicking or going to SM50 you have a screen similar to the one below:

Lets go through the different columns of data and determine what each column means:

No: The is the work process number. Each work process is numbered in SAP, and this
number is used to identify the associated logs.
Type: This is the type of Work Process:
DIA stands for Dialog.
BGD for Background.
UPD for Update.
ENQ Enqueue server.
UP2 Update 2.
SPO for Spool.

PID: This is the Process Id at the OS level. This could be useful if you need to kill a work
process directly from the operating system.

Running its actually doing something.

Waiting The system is waiting for a task to process.
On Hold The system is waiting on an external process to finish before proceeding. In
this example the process is frozen.

Reason: Contains the reason for a process to be On Hold (see above); SLEEP waits for a
server request to be processed, RFC (remote function call) was initiated, and it waits for
its completion.

Restart: Indicates if the process would restart automatically after it died.

Err: The number of times the work process died. This should usually report 0.

Sem: A number in this column would indicate the system is waiting for a Semaphore to be
completed. For example: This is like a table lock where 2 programs are executing something against
the same table.

CPU: In order to populate this info, you have to click on the clock button at the top of the
screen. Then it would give you the time spent processing this process. Its common to find some
work processes with 0 in the CPU time value column, in fact from an optimal point of view, you
should have 1 Dialog work process with a 0 value or close to it. This would indicate the system is
not overloaded by the number of requests.

Time: Indicates the number of seconds spent in the current execution; typically background
processes will have a high value.

Report: As the name suggests, its the report being executed.

Client: The client where the process is being executed.

User Names: The User Name of the person that is executing the report?

Action: Would contain the actions against the database, for example, a Sequential Read
would indicate the report is currently scanning a table.

Table: It gives you the name of the table being read if an action is indicated in the previous
As you can see, from this screen you can quickly check the global work process activity on your
The screen is not auto refreshed as most of the SAP screens, so make use of the Refresh button or
press F5 on a regular basis, as this screen is only a snapshot.
Detailed View Of The SAP Work Process Activity

Now, lets imagine you wanted to see more details on what the report using the work process
numbered 2 is doing. Double click the row to generate the following screen:

You can now see a detailed view of what the work process is actually doing.
We have access to a detail report of the Database activity, number of records, number of accesses
as well as a detailed report on the Memory consumption. From here, you can often find all

you need to know about your running job and decide if everything is running as it
should or if something has gone a miss.

How to apply SQL Trace for expensive SQL statements (ST05)

In ST05, click the "Activate Trace with Filter" button:

Enter your user id and the name of the report/transaction. This is so that we can try to limit
the records in the trace. If you want to trace another user, simply enter their user id:

Click Execute to start the trace:

Now in a separate session (preferably) run the transaction/program with the performance
Once you have experienced the problem, you can go back into ST05 and click "Disable
Trace" (by default it will remember the trace details and disable the running trace, you won't
need to re-enter all the details):

Still within ST05, click "Display Trace":

The system remembers the last trace recorded and should automatically populate the details,
but you can always enter them for date/time, user id etc:

The SQL trace records are displayed.

The poor performing SQL has it's time (duration) in microseconds (millionths of a second)
highlighted in red if it exceeds 10000 microseconds, 10 milliseconds or 0.01 seconds:
(1 second = 1000 milliseconds = 1000000 microseconds)

Common ABAP Dumps (ST22) and troubleshooting in SAP

Top ABAP Dumps (ST22)
ABAP short dumps are something which trouble any SAP user (sometimes help the user to
understand the system needs better). We normally do a search for SAP notes or contact SAP to solve
these dumps. But hardly takes any chance to understand the meaning of the dumps. Here I am
listing some famous ABAP dumps and trying to explain what are they. Please note that the
solutions provided here may different from case to case. These should be used just as a first aid.
The problems with the dump STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET are mainly related to the general
restrictions of the 32bit OS. You can address up to 4GB of virtual memory. Each process in OS is
running in its own context and can address max. 4GB. the parameters which are related to heap
memory ie- abap/heap_area_dia, abap/heap_area_nondia, abap/heap_area_total are should be
set to 2 GB. Common approaches which we can take for this dump are:
a) Please use in the boot.ini file the switch /3GB and restart your whole computer as described
in the below SAP Notes:
SAP Note 552209 Maximum memory utilization for processes on NT/Win 2000
SAP Note 313347 Windows NT, 2000, 2003: Editions and memory usage.
b) Another way to avoid this problem is to try to add more criteria to your
report/program/transaction so that there will be fewer entries that need to be retrieved from your
database or buffers. This way, the system would not need to use up much resource to complete the
transaction. The query may have been quite big already and the load cannot be accommodated. So
please do add more criteria or options so that there will less data to fetch.
c) To decrease the value of the parameters: rdisp/ROLL_SHM, rdisp/PG_SHM
d) Migrate to 64-bit OS (as per SAP Note 931024 and SAP Note 996600)
The error TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED means that more memory was requested by the system
because the program needed to expand an internal table, but not is available. When Extended
Memory is completely used up, the process will go into PRIV mode and it will start using Heap
Memory in case of Windows or vice versa in case of UNIX. Once this enters into PRIV mode, no other
user will be able to use the corresponding work process. If there is enough memory for it to finish,
you will not see the error.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
SAP Note 649327 Analysis of memory consumption.
SAP Note 20527 - Runtime error TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED
SAP Note 185185 Application: Analysis of memory bottlenecks

The dump TSV_TNEW_BLOCKS_NO_ROLL_MEMORY usually means that the roll buffer has been
exhausted. Please check the usage of your roll buffer with ST02->History->Page. Near the bottom of
the screen you can see ROLL BUFFER history. If the roll buffer has been exhausted, you can increase
the size with parameter rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS, but make sure you have sufficient disk space to handle
the additional size of this buffer if it writes to disk.
Please refer the following SAP note:
SAP Note 185185 - Application: Analysis of memory bottlenecks
The LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST error can occur when there are two or more versions of a given program
loaded into the buffer at any given time. This happens when the program is changed by one user
while it is still in use by another user. When a user gets to the program that is having this problem
and R/3 attempts to load the generated version from the buffer, it sees that the version is not the
most current and tries to swap it out for the most current, but the load was lost from the PXA
buffer, hence it throws the dump of LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST. LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST are the result of
the combination of not enough PXA space + changes of programs which are in use currently. A

running program cant run with two different versions of one program. Ask the users restart their
transactions (/nST22). By the way, if the PXA would be big enough then the user who does not leave
their transaction for weeks will not see the changes to this application until they restart the
Other way to correct the error is you need to run transaction SAMT & regenerate the program(s)
that are listed in the dump. You can then do a $SYNC in the command field in the affected
application server, but make sure that the other application servers are not running at that time.
After the $SYNC, the other app servers can be brought up and the buffers should then be in sync.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
SAP Note 24824 Inconsistencies in a Program Load
SAP Note 10367 Termination LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST
The short dump CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL is typical of an RFC-Call with incorrect or
missing logon-data. So, we have to find out where the call is coming from.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
SAP Note 171805 - Determining RFC client when sign-on problems occur.
SAP Note 684788 - Possible reason for CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL.
This error mostly appears with the user SAPSYS. The user SAPSYS is an internal user, it is not a
personally used ID in the R/3 system. However, all system errors and ABAP programs are run via this
user id. As per note 93254, since release 4.0 the parameter auth/rfc_authority_check is set on 1
per default. This means, as long as you did not set it explicitly to value 0, any incoming RFC call is
checked as described in the mentioned note.
The common approaches which we can take on this dump are:
1. Deactivate RFC authority Check: set auth/rfc_authority_check to value 0 (zero) in your profile
and restart the server. (This is the least secure option as any authorization checks are disabled for
all RFC requests).
2. Assign full RFC authorities to the users who need to connect to your system via RFC.
Please also check the user id provided in RFC connection (check from SM59) which cause the dump
RFC_NO_AUTHORITY. Make sure that this user has sufficient authorizations.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
SAP Note 171805 Determining RFC client when sign-on problems
SAP Note 93254 - RFC short dump RFC_NO_AUTHORITY
SAP Note 91980 Missing output of RFC short dump after login errors
For this error, please go to service market to download the latest patch for your SAP Application
release and apply the patch. The latest patch would be useful for the problem. The
SYSTEM_NO_TASK_STORAGE is a known problem and related to limitation of 32bit OS. Please see
notes 110172, 552209, 546361 for details. As long term solution you have to use 64bit Windows
(Note 996600).The cause for the dump SYSTEM_NO_TASK_STORAGE could also be an old sap
collector. SAP recommends using the updated collector version always.
The common approaches which we can take on this dump are:
1. Check your settings match the recommendations mentioned in SAP Note 146289.
2. Are limits set according to SAP Note 323816? (Referenced in SAP Note 146289)
3. If there is no additional instances on same host then it should be possible to increase
EM/TOTAL_SIZE_MB from 4096 MB towards the RAM and even higher so that ztta/roll_extension can
be reached. Also the swap space should be set according to SAP Note 153641 for this.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
SAP note 789477 Large extended memory on AIX (64-bit) as of Kernel
SAP note 191801 - AIX 64-bit with a lot of Extended Memory
SAP note 445533 - Lots of extended memory on AIX (64-bit)
SAP note 581319 - Signal 33 on AIX (64-bit only)

SAP note 153641 Swap space requirement for R/3 64-bit kernel
The error CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND is due to the fact that the program called the function
which doesnt exist in the library. Means the requested function module is not found in table TFDIR.
Also you may get this error if the buffered version of the TFDIR contains errors. The error needs to
attention based on the function module. You may take a general approach mentioned in the SAP
Note 98458.
Please refer the following SAP note:
This error usually comes when you dont have sufficient authorization to login to the trusted
system. This dump accompanies with 4 different error codes:
0 Incorrect logon data for valid security ID.
1 Calling system is not a Trusted System or security ID is invalid.
2 Either user does not have RFC authorization (authorization object S_RFCACL), or a logon was
performed using one of the protected users DDIC or SAP*.
3 Time stamp of the logon data is invalid.
Please refer the following SAP notes:
Note 986707 No authorization to log on as a trusted system (RC=1)
SAP Note 128447 Trusted/Trusting Systems
SAP Note 204039 Authorization check in trusted system
Generally, SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED is related to R/3 system kernel. Upgrade the kernel patch to the
latest may solve the issue. But without a detail analysis of the core dump at the Kernel, we cannot
conclude the reason behind the dump. I would recommend contacting SAP for this dump.
SAP Note 19466 Downloading SAP kernel patches
In most situations where the ST22 DUMP PXA_NO_SHARED_MEMORY occurs there is not enough
contiguous address space to create the buffer of size
xMB Approx (where x is size in mega bytes).
The SAP note 129813 may be relevant as some DLLs may be positioned that are stopping the
creation of this large buffer on Windows platforms.
Also SAP note 307976 gives information about this dump type PXA_NO_SHARED_MEMORY.
Is a GUI related error. Go for latest GUI version to avoid this error.
How to check patch level of GUI-open GUI-F10-about SAP logon
You will get a File Version similar to:
7100.2.9.10397100 means SAPGUI 7.10..2 means Compilation 2.9 means Patch
level.1039 is a build number (it is of no use for us)
Message_Type_X Dump also occurs when proper date format is not maintained in SU01 transaction
of the user who have faced this dump.
Incase you have received a complaint from customer that he is receiving this dump while running
some transactions, please go to SU01 and check the date format in the defaults tab. If there is any
date format other than DD.MM.YYYY, please change that to this format to avoid this error
Memory bottleneck encountered by the program while sorting.
Not enough memory for user context.

Not enough SAP Paging Memory. Set rdisp/pg_maxfs to sufficiently large value ( say 32,000 ).If
the problem exists even after assigning this value then there could be a fault in the program itself.
Not enough memory for SET/GET Parameter (Otherwise known as SPA/GPA Memory ).Try extending
the memory area with SAP profile ztta/parameter_area.
Number range problem, likely document number exists.
Is related to disk space. There is not enough disk space for the external sorting process in the sort
directory. To avoid this move either the extract files (DIR_EXTRACT) or the sort files (DIR_SORTTMP)
to a separate directory with enough space.

How to remove locked entries in SAP (SM12)

In a system whenever a user performs any update on any table for that period of
time a lock on that particular field of that table is created so that no other user can
update that table as user one is doing update on that table and suppose during the
update user session get terminated due to some error then this lock entry remains
on that field.

SM12: Remove locked entries [TCODE]

I am sure many of you have faced this problem:

This occurs when the report/program is locked by the actions of certain user. One
can surely ask the user to come out from that program or revoke the locked entries
To remove the lock entries, one must use Tcode SM12.

Just specify the username if you want to see all locked entries of a particular user
and execute. All the lock entries corresponding to the particular user is displayed.

Now you can delete any lock entry created.

How to lock/unlock transactions in SAP (SM01)

SM01 is a very useful transaction. Not only can you lock transactions from being
used at all in the system, but as a general SAP use it can also be used to look up
transaction codes, whether for functional information or simply because you forgot
which code you need!
1. In SM01, Type the TCode which u want to lock (for example here, ST03) and
press Enter do not select the Tick box, Directly click on the tcode and
press Lock/Unlock button.

How to post system message in SAP (SM02)

Occasionally, SAP system will be shut down due to various maintenance activities
like kernel upgrade, offline backup, client copy etc. Before doing any of these
activities it is best practice to communicate to SAP users that system wont be
available during that time so that users will plan their work accordingly. This system
message can be posted using SM02 transaction code in SAP.
A message likes R3 system wont be accessible between 4:00am to 5:00am due to
planned kernel upgrade activity. Please plan your work accordingly can be posted to
keep the customers informed about the downtime of the system.
Go to Transaction SM02 and click on create button as shown below :

This pops up another window as shown below. In this window, you can compose the
message that is to be published. In that window, you will have to provide details like
client number, server name, logon language, expires on, delete on fields as shown

If specific client is specified in the above window, only users of that client can view
the system message posted. If an SAP system consists of more than one application
server, you need to select application server on which this message should appear.
Specify expires on field to mention the system when this message should expire so
that message won't be visible to users after that.
The delete on field is used to mention the date and time on which the posted
message should be deleted from the system.

In-case you would like to delete the system message manually, you can even do so,
by selecting the system message and clicking on delete icon as shown below.

System prompts to confirm deletion as below. Message gets deleted if confirmed by

pressing Yes button in the below screen.

How to send popup / individual message to a specific user in

SAP (SE37)
There is a very interesting function module, with the help of which you can send the
pop up messages to the users/friends who are logged into the SAP system.
The interesting function module name is TH_POPUP.
For this you and your friend should be logged on into the SAP system and you must
know the SAP user id of your friend to whom you are going to send the message.
1. Go to transaction SE37 and enter the function module name TH_POPUP.

2. Pass the client, user name and the message which you want to send and execute
the function module.

The pop up will appear to the user/friends SAP system

Note - if user has logged on multiple systems then the message will be sent to multiple systems.

How to close/terminate a user session in SAP (SM04)

In most implementations a client can close his own sessions. This is especially
helpful when dealing with problematic transactions or RFCs that hang and do not
release the session.
GO to SM04 then user list will appear, Double-clicking on the User will bring up the
sessions he has open. To close a session, select it and then click the "End Session"

Sometimes there will be a requirement to terminate a user session. For example:
An user has run a report or program with inappropriate selection criteria, which
leads work process going to PRIV mode occupying so much memory impacting
performance of the system. In those cases, you will have to check with the user and
terminate his session or logoff user system wide if he is no longer working.

SAP Directories (AL11)

How to Lock/Unlock Client in SAP?

Procedure to client lock/unlock in SAP
A) Client Lock in SAP

Login to any client using username and password.

Run transaction SE37 (See slide -> 1)
Enter the function module as SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT (See slide -> 2)
Press F8 or test run (single run).
Specify the client and execute(F8). (See slide -> 3)
Check client lock by login. (See slide -> 4)

B) Client Unlock in SAP


Run transaction SE37 (See slide -> 1)

Enter the function module as SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT (See slide -> 5)
Press F8 or test run (single run).
Specify the client and execute(F8). (See slide -> 3)
Check client unlock by login.

SAP system is full what to do as Basis consultant

This article answers the following queries:


If file systems in SAP server is full, what need to be done?

How to avoid file system full in SAP?
How to delete un necessary files in file systems of SAP?
How to delete core files in SAP?
How to delete trace files in SAP?
How to delete stat files manually in SAP?
What is the transaction code used to delete stat files manually in SAP?
What are various reports to be run to cleanup when file system is full?
How to prune the file systems in SAP?
How to delete old archive files in SAP?
What is the location of work and data directories in SAP?
What is the location of global directory in SAP?
Can we delete old page file and role files when the SAP system is online?
What is the sap parameter to set the trace level in SAP?
Sometimes, a basis consultant will get alerts or information from customers that the file
systems are full. To avoid system issues and to increase uptime of the SAP system, In those
cases, we have 2 options.
Delete un-necessary files in the file system
In case you found file system is defined as too small then increase the size of them.
In this article, am covering the option 1 mentioned above.

Let us assume that the system id(SID) of the sap system is DP1. Then the

work directory in (Unix, WindowsNT operating system) is

/usr/sap/DP1/DVEBMGSnn/work (where nn is the instance number)
data directory in (Unix, WindowsNT) is
/usr/sap/DP1/DVEBMGSnn/data (where nn is the instance number)
Global directory (i.e. for all instances) is
/sapmnt/DP1/global (for UNIX )
\\<sapglobalhost>\sapmnt\DP1\sys\global (for WindowsNT)
Please follow below steps to avoid this issue :
1) Delete core files from work directory
Work directory in Unix often contains old core files which were generated due to previous
program terminations. These core files need to be deleted
2) Delete old log files and spool files
Under global directory there will be many log files which can be deleted regularly.
Those files are
Log file type
Spool requests
Job logs
Batch input logs

Naming Convention
nnnSPOOL ( where nnn=client)

Following reports can be run using SE38 or through background job for selective deletion of
the files mentioned above.
RSPO0041 - This report is used for deletion of old spool files
RSBTCDEL Used for deletion of old job logs
RSBDCREO - Report can be used for deletion of batch input log files and reorganization.
3) Deletion of old ABAP/4 trace files
Some trace files with the name AT<instance number>nnnn will be in the data directory. Old
files of this type can be deleted. The maximum available space for all files is defined by the
parameter abap/atrasizequota. Also transaction SE30 can be used to delete the files.
4) Deletion of old archiving files
When old data is archived, some files are written to the global directory. The naming
convention of those files is Rxxmmddn (xx= application, mm= month, dd=day, n=number).
For example, RMM11056
If these files are already saved on tape and these data is no longer required for productive
operation, then these files can be deleted from the disk
5) Deletion of old output requests
Output requests are normally stored on the data directory. Naming convention will be like
SP*. Under normal scenarios, they are deleted automatically when the output is completed.
In case you see they are not getting deleted, you can delete the same

6) Page file and Roll file

Under the data directory, normally page files and roll files are stored. Naming convention will
be like PAGFILnn and ROLLFLnn. Please note that page file and roll files can only be
deleted when the corresponding SAP instance is offline.
Deleting these files hardly makes any sense because these files will start growing to the
allowed maximum extent during the R/3 system start up. However in some special
scenarios (during or after client copy), the required space can be retrieved by deleting these
files. As mentioned earlier, please note that this can be done only when the instance is
The maximum size of the roll file is given by
(rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS rdisp/ROLL_SHM) * 8 Kbytes
A similar formula applies to the paging file also.
In some scenarios, to avoid the file system full issue, we can even move these page and roll
files to a different file system by defining alternate values for R/3 parameters DIR_ROLL and
7) Deletion of Old sort and Extract files
By the ABAP commands SORT and EXTRACT, temporary files are created. The location of
these files are set using profile parameter DIR_SORT or DIR_EXTRACT.
The temporary files for sort are named S+++++++<Extension> (On Windows NT .dat is used
as extension and on Unix there is no extension). Similarly for Extract, E++++++
+<Extension> will be the file naming convention.
These files will be automatically deleted after the execution of these SORT and EXTRACT
commands. However, in some scenarios, an abrupt termination can happen and these files
wont get deleted automatically. Those old files can be deleted by an administrator.
The exact file names for these are stored in the profile parameters FN_SORT or
8) Deletion of trace files
Trace files are created during a new system startup and they can be deleted. They are
contained in the work directory
9) Deletion of stat file or moving to different location
Please check whether the stat file which consists the work load statistics, has not been
reorganized for some time and has therefore become too large. In emergency cases, this file
can be either deleted manually or can be moved to different location.
To delete the stat file manually, please proceed as follows:
Goto ST03 transaction , call the delete function on the relevant instance by choosing :
Workload -> Reorganize -> Delete seq.stat.file

To change the location of stat file, change the value of system parameter stat/file to a new
10) Deletion of job logs at operating system level
In some emergency cases, where you cannot start the R/3 system at all, the measure is to
delete the job logs at operating system level and run RSBTCDEL report in forced mode.
Note: How to delete job logs at operating system level will be covered in a separate article
11) Changing the trace level
If the trace files (dev_*) in the work directory are very large(normal size 0.1 to 20Kbyte), it is
likely that the trace level is set to very high value. In SAP, rdisp/TRACE parameter is used to
set the trace level. Normal value for trace is 1.
Please cross check this SAP parameter and reset to 1 if the value is maintained as 2 or
higher. If this value is set to high, much more detailed trace will be collected and trace file
sizes are likely to increase. Therefore recommending to decrease or set the trace level to 1.
Please refer below link to know, how to set the trace level in SAP.
Iam sure, if you duly follow the steps mentioned above, file system full issues can be
addressed. However, if after carrying out all the above steps there is no improvement, then
please consider to increase the file system size by requesting space to the relevant team.

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