Aisha Kabir, V3
Aisha Kabir, V3
Aisha Kabir, V3
This is to certify that this report of the student industrial work experience scheme
(SIWES) program was carried out by AISHA KABIR UMAR a Student of Yusuf
Maitama Sule University department of Computer Science with Registration
Number “UG17ICT1059” at Center for Information and Communication
Technology (CIT) BUK, Kano State.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful Alhamdulillah,
all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in completing this program.
Special appreciation goes to my parent for their supervision and constant support
may Allah (SWA) reward them with Jannah. Also, my appreciation to my level
coordinator, Dr Abdulmajid Babangida for his support and awareness about the
program. I would like to express my appreciation to the Department of computer
Science Head, Dr. Sani Danjuma and also to my supervisor Dr Abubabakar M
Umaru for his support and help. Heartfelt thanks to my industrial based
supervisor, Mal Yusuf Tijjani for his vital support and advice, I pray may Allah
increase him in knowledge and make him prosper in all his endeavor. This work
will not have been possible without your contributions, May Allah reward all of
you abundantly.
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1
1.1 HISTORY OF SIWES......................................................................................................1
1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Aim of SIWES..........................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Objectives of SIWES...............................................................................................2
1.3 VISION STATEMENT....................................................................................................3
1.4 MISSION STATEMENT.................................................................................................3
1.5 IMPORTANCE OF SIWES..............................................................................................3
1.6 APPLICATION AND POSTING.....................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
2 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................5
2.1 CIT FUNCTIONS.............................................................................................................5
2.2 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE.....................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................7
3 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................7
3.1 EXPERIENCES & SKILLS ACQUIRED........................................................................7
3.1.1 PROJECT ON FIBER OPTICS.............................................................................7 Fiber Description...............................................................................................7
3.1.2 Fiber Operations I participated on........................................................................8 Fiber Splicing....................................................................................................9 Fiber Optics Termination................................................................................10
3.2 Expanding Wireless Connectivity...................................................................................10
3.3 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT USING MySQL.........................................................11
3.3.1 MySQL DBMS.......................................................................................................11
3.3.2 The Technologies we use.......................................................................................12
3.3.3 Creating a Database in MySQL...........................................................................12
3.4 Mobile App Development...............................................................................................13
3.4.1 The Technology I use.............................................................................................13 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)..............................................13 Software Development Kit (SDK).................................................................14
iv Emulator..........................................................................................................14 AVD Manager.................................................................................................14
3.4.2 Creating an AVD...................................................................................................14
3.5 COMPUTER NETWORKING.......................................................................................16
3.5.1 Crimping of Cables................................................................................................16
T568A T568B............................................................................................................17
3.5.2 Tools we use for making network cable..................................................................18 Registered Jack (RJ45)....................................................................................18 Crimper............................................................................................................19 Lan Tester........................................................................................................19
3.6 Class Practical.................................................................................................................19
3.6.1 Assigning IP Address.............................................................................................20
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................22
4 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................22
4.1 SUMMARY....................................................................................................................22
4.2 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................22
4.3 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................23
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is one of the
programs of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), implemented to give the Nigerian
students studying occupational related courses in higher institutions, the experience
that will supplement their theoretical learning. It is designed to give students the
needed practical experience in industries and other organizations so as to enable
them contribute towards the industrial and technological departments of the
The aim of this report is to give a detailed account of the student’s
performance in the Industrial training and the experience gained during the time
frame of his attachment, also to identify the problems encountered and possible
solutions during the Period of attachment.
1. To serve as a platform where students from Nigerian tertiary institutions
acquire industrial skills and experience in their fields.
7. To give students the ability to try and apply the given knowledge.
The Centre for Information Technology, formally known as “Computer
Centre” was established in 2004. The Centre has the mandate of providing
computing and other IT related services to the University community, including;
provision and maintenance of internet services, development and administration of
university websites, development and promotion of software/applications for use
by different units of the university, maintenance of ICT infrastructures, provision
of ICT consultancy services and other computing needs of the university
6. Introduction of additional industry certification courses; Oracle Database
Management, java for capacity building for the teeming youth of the host
community of the university.
7. Organizing and hosting of several local national and international seminars
and conference such as the first ever international free and open-source
Software Conference in the country, that had in Developer, Kano state
Commissioner for Science Information Technology and host of other
distinguished dignitaries in the year 2009.
Figure 2.1 CIT Structure
This chapter describes the practical knowledge and experience I acquired during
the five months of my SIWES training at CIT/BUK. During this period, I was able
to acquire relatively much.
much higher than the speed at which standard electronics could load the fiber. This
mismatch between fiber speed and nodal electronics speed has been called the
“electronic bottleneck.” There are two major types of fiber: multi-mode and single
mode. The cable we used in this project is a 96core cable which consists of 8
buffers with 12 cores each.
fortunately, the break core did not receive the signal, because there is no visible
Light. Fiber Splicing
After we locate it, we use Stripper to cut the end. We did the splice inside a rubber
tool called fiber optic closure, which provides space and protection for the fiber
optic cable splicing. After splicing the fiber, we then used a stripper to peel out the
bare fiber, we clean the fiber using a tissue which we pour spirit on it to remove all
dirt. Then place it on the splicing machine to terminate the ends using a fusion
splicing method. Fusion splice is when the ends of two fibers are fused together to
become one single cable to become just as strong as the natural fiber. The place is
covered by a heat-shrink plastic sleeve which protects the joint point. Finally, we
use Fiber ranger again to send signal from the core we operated on and we check
the other end where we see the light showing that, the signal travels through it.
outgoing cables. A pigtail is an optic cable that is used to terminate an incoming
fiber cable. The patch panel is installed inside a network rack, for the purpose of
connecting it to a switch. The main purpose of a patch panel is to provide
protection against external physical attacks for the cables, which contributes to
ensure the cables performance in the whole network, because if one cable bend
somewhere along the way where it will be difficult to locate, it will surely affect
the network. Therefore, patch panel helps in protecting the delicacy of the cables.
It improves working efficiency and workflow because the technicians can connect
or disconnect services to the actual locations simply by managing the patch panel
We use straight through STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) Network Cable to connect
between the Nano station and the Switch and also to connect between the Switch
and the Radio Station.
MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems currently in use.
MySQL focuses on the features most people need. In other words, MySQL has
fewer features than the other competitors, but has a small-sized and faster
implementation being able to run modest desktop systems. It is easy to install
without a lot of difficult and sophisticated configuration which is attractive to
beginners of RDBMS (Relational DMBS) [2].
3.3.2 The Technologies we use
Step 4: In the space provided, name your Database and press Create.
Figure 3.5
3.4 Mobile App Development
During My Free Time at the center, I use the opportunity to learn Mobile App
development. Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile
app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise
digital assistants or mobile phones. These software applications are designed to run
on mobile devices, such as a smartphone or tablet computer.
3.4.1 The Technology I use
I use Android studio for Leaning the mobile applications, and I use xml
(Extensible Markup Language) for the designing the layout and Java Programming
Language for the code.
During this period, I know how to create a project in android studio and also, I
know how to configure the Android development IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), AVD (Android Virtual Device), SDK (Software Development Kit)
and the Emulator. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
An integrated development environment (IDE) is software for building
applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user
interface (GUI).
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for
Android application development. It is based on the IntelliJ IDEA,
a Java integrated development environment for software, and incorporates its code
editing and developer tools. To support application development within the
Android operating system, Android Studio uses a Gradle-based build system,
emulator, code templates, and Github integration. Every project in Android Studio
has one or more modalities with source code and resource files. These modalities
include Android app modules, Library modules, and Google App Engine modules.
13 Software Development Kit (SDK)
The SDK includes sample projects with source code, development tools, an
emulator, and of course all the libraries you’ll need to build an Android
application.[4] Emulator
The emulator is essentially meant to test your Android applications. It resides
under the ‘tools/’ directory. AVD Manager
The Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager allows you to create Android
Virtual Devices (AVD), which you can then run to emulate a device on your
With emulation, however, your computer sets aside a block of memory to
reproduce the environment found on the device that the emulator is emulating.
Android Studio uses emulation, which means the Android Virtual Device Manager
launches a sandboxed version of the Linux kernel and the entire Android stack in
order to emulate the environment found on the physical Android device.[5]
3.4.2 Creating an AVD
Click the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager icon encircled in Figure 3.6 On
the first screen of the Android Virtual Device Manager Wizard, click the Create
Virtual Device button shown in figure 3.7 On the next screen, shown in Figure 3.8
choose Galaxy Nexus and click Next. The next screen, shown in Figure 3.9 allows
you to select a system image. Select the first option for Marshmallow (or the latest
API) with an ABI of x86_64. Click Next. On the next screen, click the Finish
button to verify your AVD settings. Congratulations, you just created a new AVD.
Figure 3.6 AVD Icon
Figure 3.9 System Image
T568A T568B
- White Green - White Orange.
- Green - Orange
- White Orange - White Green
- Blue - Blue
- White Blue - White Blue
- Orange - Green
- White Brown - White Brown
- Brown - Brown
We have two ways for connecting the cables, straight through and cross over.
Straight Through – For connecting unlike networking devices. Examples are
Router-Switch, Switch-Computer, and Router-Computer. The arrangement of
the wires at both ends of the cable connector must be the same that is, either
T568A and T568A or T568B and T568B.
Figure 3.9.2 Cross Over
18 Crimper
A crimper is a device used to conjoin two pieces of metal by deforming one
or both of them to hold each other. The result of the tool's work is called
a crimp. An example of crimping is affixing a connector to the end of a
3.6.1 Assigning IP Address
We set all the IP addresses of the computers including the servers and the
clients. The steps we used to assign the addresses are:
Step 1: Open network and sharing center
Step 2: Click change adapter settings
Step 3: Select Ethernet
Step 4: Select internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Step 5: Select Use the following IP address radio button
Step 6: Fill in the IP address, subnet mask, and the default gateway (IP address of
the server)
Other skills that I acquire at CIT includes, using mail-merge to write Letter, the use
of Google Scholar, the use Mendeley Software for citation and References. I also
know how to prepare slides using Microsoft power point.
This chapter covers the overview of the report, the summary of the report,
conclusion as well as the recommendations based on my experience gained
through the SIWES program.
The Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a practical
oriented scheme designed to improve scientific and technological skills and ideas
to students in order to acquire the practical experience of the theoretical knowledge
achieved in the lecture processes. This SIWES report is divided into four distinct
chapters, the first chapter briefly talks about the introduction of SIWES, historical
development of SIWES, Aims and objectives of SIWES. The second chapter gives
the brief history of the place or industry of attachment. The next chapter talks
about the SIWES experience, the practical knowledge acquired through the
duration of the industrial exercise. And the last chapter is the summary, conclusion
and recommendations.
The knowledge acquired as contained in this report is mainly of networking
essentials; how to set up a simple network of connected computers in order to
share resources; the physical methods of transmitting data (twisted pair cables and
optics), Android development seeand a lot of exposure and projects that we have
participated in, in the vast site of the Federal University.
The importance of student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) to
both students and industries at large cannot be over emphasized. I think that the
program is a great aid to students and it enhances learning and help in bridging the
theoretical and practical gap as a result of much theoretical work in the school,
especially to those of us that sincerely did the industrial training, not just to fill the
academic demand but to get the required knowledge and skills in the field. I was
not left out of this great opportunity that is provided by the SIWES program as
mentioned in previous chapters, with this I say I have learned a great deal.
The following are some of the recommendations made, due to the experience
gained at the course of the industrial training:
1. Students should be encouraged to choose a place of attachment whose
activities are related to their fields of study, with a little guidance from the
2. There should be proper and strict supervision by the body (ITF) and various
institutions concerned to ensure that the students acquire the required
knowledge just as proposed by the scheme.
3. The institutions should ensure the regular supervisions of the students by the
assigned supervisors (teachers).
4. There should be a strict attendance in the place or organizations of
attachment to ensure the determination of the students.
[1] “ITF :: Industrial Training Fund, Nigeria.” (accessed
Sep. 13, 2021).
[2] K. Y. Koo, N. De Battista, and J. M. W. Brownjohn, “SHM data
management system using MySQL database with MATLAB and web
interfaces,” SHMII-5 2011 - 5th Int. Conf. Struct. Heal. Monit. Intell.
Infrastruct., no. December, pp. 2015–2019, 2011.
[3] L. Ma, L. Gu, J. W.-I. journal of multimedia and ubiquitous, and undefined
2014, “Research and development of mobile application for android
platform,”, Accessed: Sep. 11, 2021. [Online]. Available:
[4] M. J. Minasi, “First look at HPFS,” Byte, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 137–138, 140,
[5] A. Gerber and C. Craig, Build Android Apps Quickly and Effectively. .