34 Samss 628
34 Samss 628
34 Samss 628
1 Scope ............................................................2
2 Conflicts and Deviations..................................2
3 References ....................................................2
4 Definitions ......................................................5
5 Environmental Conditions ...............................6
6 General .........................................................8
7 Mechanical Requirements ............................. 11
8 Identification Tagging.................................... 17
9 Inspection and Testing .................................. 18
10 Packing and Shipping ................................... 19
11 Documentation ............................................. 20
12 Notes to Purchaser ....................................... 21
Revision Summary............................................... 22
Appendix ............................................................. 23
1 Scope
1.1 This specification defines the minimum mandatory requirements for a shop
fabricated skid assembly containing all necessary equipment to provide an onshore
wellhead High Integrity Protection System (HIPS) in onshore crude oil service.
1.2 The HIPS skid covered by this specification is self-contained, modular wellhead
HIPS design that is independent from any other control or safety system and will
be designed for outdoor unsheltered onshore installation.
1.3 The HIPS skid includes but is not limited to the following system components:
HIPS gate valves integrated with hydraulic actuators, HIPS pressure pilots, HIPS
hydraulic controls and instrumentation, spool pieces and skid structural elements.
1.4 The HIPS skid shall be limited to installations downstream of the wellhead
production choke valve and upstream of the well pad piping specification break.
2.1 If there are any conflicts between this specification and associated purchasing,
project, or engineering documents, this specification shall take precedence.
2.2 Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the
EK&RD Coordinator.
2.3 Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.
3 References
The following is a summary of all the documents referenced within this specification.
Material or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition of
the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
4 Definitions
1oo2: One out of two voting; if one out of two devices reaches a trip setpoint, a trip is
Crude Oil Service: Directly producing crude oil or producing water in support of
crude oil production.
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT): Done at the skid manufacturer’s shop and consists
of functional test of all components using actual or simulated signals.
High Integrity Protection System (HIPS): High availability, fail safe SIL-3 system
that consists of sensors, logic solvers, and final control elements used to prevent over-
pressurization and loss of containment on process and equipment by shutting off the
source of high pressure before exceeding the process design pressure. A HIPS system
is designed as an independent and separate safety protection layer separate from the
ESD system. A HIPS system must be in compliance throughout the systems lifecycle to
the strict conditions of approval resulting from a quantitative risk assessment, dynamic
process simulations, and other specific design considerations.
Offshore: Overwater.
Site Acceptance Test (SAT): Done at the field location and consists of functional test
of all components using actual field parameters.
Shut in Pressure: The pressure at the wellhead when the well is completely shut in,
also referred to as Shut in Wellhead Pressure (SIWP).
Safety Integrity Level (SIL): The level of overall safety availability for the safety
instrumented function or an Emergency Shutdown system component calculated as one
minus the sum of the average probability of dangerous failures on demand.
Skid: When referenced in this document, the term skid may refer to the structural steel
frame and associated supports and braces specifically manufactured to support the HIPS
Valves and spool pieces or the fully assembled HIPS system inclusive of the structural
steel frame.
Specification: The main body of this document. Does not include the information
contained within the Appendices.
Stainless Steel: Either 316 series or 317 series stainless steel material for the purpose
of this specification.
5 Environmental Conditions
5.1 Temperature
The equipment shall operate continuously under the following ambient air
temperatures without any degradation of the manufacturer's guaranteed
Outdoor Outdoor
Sheltered (1)(2)(3) Unsheltered (2)(3)
55°C 65°C
(131°F) (149°F)
0°C 0°C
(32°F) (32°F)
(1) “Sheltered” refers to permanent, ventilated enclosures or buildings, or permanently fixed
sunshades with a top and three sides.
(2) For instruments which dissipate internal heat and are installed in custom engineered
enclosures (e.g., enclosures not included in the original manufacturer's temperature
certification), an additional 15°C shall be added to the above maximum temperatures.
An example, for “indoor air conditioned” installation, the equipment must perform at 35 + 15
= 50°C. Similarly, for the “outdoor unsheltered” case, the equipment shall be designed for a
maximum operating temperature of 65 + 15 = 80°C.
(3) For the outdoor installations only, the designer can take credit for forced or passive cooling
to eliminate or reduce the 15°C heat rise. For example, if vortex coolers are used, the heat
removal capacity of the coolers may be subtracted from the generated heat. No more than
15°C reduction in temperature will be given as credit. The designer shall substantiate his
claim by providing the support data and calculations.
5.2 Contaminants
5.2.2 Other pollutants present in the atmosphere under the most extreme
conditions are:
H2S 20 ppm (Vol/Vol)
Hydrocarbon 150 ppm (Vol/Vol)
SO2 10 ppm (Vol/Vol)
CO 100 ppm (Vol/Vol)
NOx 5 ppm (Vol/Vol)
O3 1 ppm (Vol/Vol)
5.3 Offshore and Nearshore Environment
the shoreline of the Arabian Gulf or within three kilometers from the shoreline
of the Red Sea.
5.4 Humidity
5.5 Noise
Instruments shall not generate noise exceeding the permissible noise exposure
levels of 85 dBA at a distance of 1 meter radius and shall be rated to operate
continuously at this level.
6 General
6.2 All components shall be of high grade industrial standard varieties rated for
environmental conditions listed in Section 5.
6.3 The following components shall be sourced from the applicable Regulated
Vendor Lists (RVL).
a. HIPS Skid Integrator – 9COM 6000015901 - SKID; WELLHEAD HIPS,
b. Instrument Valves/Manifolds - 9COM 6000002768 – MANIFOLD;
c. Hydraulic Stainless Tubing - 9COM 6000000068 – TUBING; METALLIC;
d. Hydraulic Tubing Fittings - 9COM 6000000208 – FITTING; TUBING;
e. Instrument Root Valves - 9COM 6000000314 - VALVE: GATE; API 6A,
10,000 PSI
f. HIPS Valves Bare-stem - 9COM 6000015611 – Valve: Gate;
HIPS 1- 13/16 IN & UP, API 6A
g. Actuators - 9COM 6000002902 – ACTUATOR; VALVE; HYDRAULIC
& ELECTRO ROTAR) or 9COM 6000003729 – ACTUATOR:
6.4 The specific location(s) and environment in which the skids will be installed
shall be specified within the purchasing documents.
The HIPS function shall be designed to protect all piping and equipment located
downstream of the HIPS to the inlet of the plant with a pressure class less than
the well shut in pressure by detecting high pressure and reliably and quickly
isolating the high pressure through closure of shutdown valves.
6.5.1 The wellhead HIPS shall provide a 1oo2, fail-safe design via two, series
connected safety valves and hydraulic opening/spring-to-close actuators
that move from the fully open to the fully closed position when actuated
by 1oo2, redundant pressure pilots (process sensors).
The additional set of 1oo2 redundant pressure pilots able to trip on low
pressure set point is only required when the ESD system/layer is not
equipped with low pressure trip point.
A single set of 1oo2 pressure pilots combining both high and low
pressure set points is acceptable.
6.5.4 The skid shall be installed downstream of the wellhead production choke
valve and independent self-contained ESD valve in fully rated piping and
upstream of the well pad piping specification break.
6.5.5 All wetted components of the pressure boundary parts shall be Alloy 625,
or Alloy 625 cladded, or functionally equivalent alloy, and comply to
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156. Functionally equivalents are Alloy C276,
Alloy 718, Alloy 725, Alloy 825, and Alloy 925.
6.5.6 The skid shall be completely self-contained, without the need for
external electric or hydraulic power.
6.5.7 The HIPS shall be designed and implemented as a factory assembled, Safety
Integrity Level (SIL) 3 compliant and fail safe system (safety availability of
0.9999). Verification of compliance shall be per SAEP-250.
6.5.8 The Vendor shall verify and document the SIL compliance and safety
availability using their assigned engineer(s) or third party consultant.
The responsible individual for the verification of the HIPS shall be a
certified functional safety engineer/expert, qualified to meet the
competency requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.
6.5.9 The HIPS SIL verification shall be certified by a Saudi Aramco approved
third party functional safety entity (such as TUV, Exida, or Lloyd’s)
independent of the entity who performed the vendor’s SIL verification.
6.5.10 Skid shall be designed to be transported to, and installed at the site as
one complete unit without requiring field assembly.
6.5.11 The HIPS shall respond to a demand (from sensing to valve full closed)
in less than 10 seconds at or above the set point (high trip process
pressure). The vendor shall provide a table of response times at
pressures below the high trip pressure.
Commentary Note:
Actual valve stroke time will increase at process pressures below the trip
6.5.12 Vendor compliance with the provisions of this SAMSS does not relieve
Vendor from the responsibility to furnish equipment of proper design to
meet the specified environment, application, service, and operating
7 Mechanical Requirements
7.1.1 Steel design shall be in accordance with the AISC, “Steel Construction
Manual” requirements.
7.1.3 HIPS Skid and associated pipe and equipment support and braces shall
be designed to resist, without damage to associated equipment, all loads
and stresses resulting from lifting, handling, transporting, operating and
hydro-testing. Maximum deflection of the base during lifting and
transporting shall not exceed the Length divided by 240.
7.1.4 HIPS Skid shall be of welded construction, rigidly braced with welded
cross members and integral permanent provisions for multiple point
lifting. Jacking facilities shall be provided for base leveling.
7.1.6 Stainless steel hardware shall be used for the assembly of the complete
skid and for the attachment of any accessories.
7.1.7 Where dissimilar metals are in contact, the contact points shall be
suitably protected to prevent corrosion due to galvanic action.
7.1.8 Skid design must comply with ASME BTH-1 “Design of below the
Hook Lifting Devices”.
7.1.9 The design shall consider the worst case of 100% of the load distributed
between only 2 diagonal/opposing slings/lifting lugs.
7.2.1 Each valve and actuator that make-up the HIPS redundant final elements
shall be supplied as an integrated assembly as specified by the buyer on
SA-6233-1 and SA-8020-717. Refer to Appendix for example data
sheets with minimum requirements. Valves shall be sourced from the
Regulated Vendor Lists (RVL) approved for HIPS.
7.2.3 HIPS valve and actuator assemblies shall have a closing stroke time of
less than10 seconds.
7.2.4 The valve and actuator assemblies shall be fully integrated and tested at
the facility approved for manufacturing the valve.
7.2.5 The HIPS bare valve shall be certified per API 6A Annex F Design
Validation, PR2, requirements.
7.2.8 A limited number of actuator lock open caps shall be supplied for
testing. The lock open cap shall be manufactured per API 6A for heat-
sensitive lock-open devices. The cap shall not be left in place during
normal operations. Buyer shall specify the number of sets otherwise one
set of two caps per ten skids.
7.3.1 The hydraulic controls for the HIPS shall be contained within the
skid without external connections. Controls shall use clean hydraulic
fluids as an operating media isolated from the produced well fluid.
The operating and control hydraulic circuits shall be closed, leak tight
and allow no produced fluid fugitive emissions to the environment.
7.3.2 Process root valves shall be provided for all instrument connections
(pressure pilots and pressure gauge) to the spool pieces and meet API 6A,
PSL-3 Material Class HH, Temperature Class U, PR2, API-6FA.
Refer to Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification 04-SAMSS-035,
04-SAMSS-049 and 04-SAMSS-055 for the bare-stem valves (9COM
6000000314), see Appendix. All instrument connections shall be of a
double block and bleed configuration per Figure 2. A monoflange or top
hat style manifold may be used to facilitate the double block and bleed.
The Calibration Test Valve may be located between or downstream of
the second block valve. The Calibration and Bleed valves shall be
needle valves. Valves shall be oriented to allow easy access for
operators during routine function testing and maintenance.
7.3.4 The process connections for the hydraulic sensors (pilots) shall be on the
piping spool provided on the HIPS skid downstream of the redundant
final elements. Each pilot sensing connection shall have a pressure
gauge see Appendix “D”. Close coupling of the hydraulic sensor to the
associated instrument connection valves see Appendix “E” is required.
7.3.5 Each HIPS final element (valve and actuator) shall be equipped with a
double acting manual hand pump to open the associated valve following
a system trip. The pump control shall have a manual override to
7.3.6 A pressure gauge (see Appendix “C”) shall be provided on the spool
piece between the two, HIPS final elements. For connection details see
details on Appendix “E”.
Fusible valves (one for each HIPS valve) shall be included within each
HIPS valve actuator per 34-SAMSS-717 to ensure fail-safe action in the
event of fire.
7.3.11 The configuration of the pressure pilots shall be 1oo2 and both HIPS
valves shall close simultaneously when a trip condition is sensed by
either pilot.
7.3.12 The pump control manual overrides, one per HIPS valve, shall be free
from obstruction, easily accessible, and facilitate the closing of the
associated valve with a single movement (depressing, pulling, or
rotating). As an alternative, a local ESD button shall be included on the
skid, free from obstruction, easily accessible, and pull to initiate.
7.3.13 Hydraulic tattletale trip indicators in 316 Stainless Steel shall be installed
to indicate if system tripped on high or low pressure condition.
7.3.17 Hydraulic pumps shall have a check valve in the discharge line of the
pump to the header or other mating component. They shall be double
acting type pumps.
7.3.18 Relief valves shall be installed within the hydraulic system to prevent
over pressuring within high and low pressure systems. These relief
valves shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
maintenance manual.
7.3.20 Hydraulic system pressure gauges (high pressure and low pressure) shall
be supplied on the control unit. The hydraulic system pressure gauges
shall be per the hydraulic manufacturer standard.
7.4 Spools
7.4.1 Spools shall be machined from a single piece of forged material, NDE
and tested in accordance with API 6A PSL 3. All wetted surfaces of the
spool pieces shall be cladded with Alloy 625 per 02-SAMSS-012 and
related inspection form 175-026600.
7.4.2 The flanged end-connections and pipe spool ID shall match the HIPS
7.4.4 Spools shall be hydro-tested per API 6A PSL 3. The water shall not
exceed 30 ppm by mass chlorides.
7.5 Painting/Coating
7.5.2 HIPS valves, actuators, pipe, piping components, and flanges shall be
externally coated per SAES-H-001 and 09-SAMSS-069 Paint System
7.6.1 Dimension A is maximum distance from center line of pipe to skid edge
including lifting eyes. Skid should be minimum size to meet the
7.6.3 Dimension C shall not exceed inlet/outlet flange face by more than
152.4 mm (6 inches). Skid should be minimum size to meet the
7.6.4 Dimension D is the skid face to face (from inlet flange face to outlet
flange face).
8 Identification Tagging
8.1 An identification tag or name plate made of 316 stainless steel (3 mm minimum
thickness) shall be attached to the equipment securely with stainless steel or
Monel fasteners. The tag or nameplate shall be located so that the information is
clearly visible and legible after the equipment is installed. The tag shall be
marked by raised letters or die stamping with the following information:
a) Purchase Order Number
b) Manufacturer Name and Location
c) Part/Model Number
d) Serial Number
e) Date of Manufacture
f) Mark/Tag Number
g) Total Weight
8.2 The tagging system for all instruments, control devices, enclosures, terminal
blocks, cables, and valves, shall be in compliance with SAES-A-202.
8.3 The direction of flow shall be marked on the skid piping in a highly visible and
permanent manner.
9.1 General
9.2 Inspection
9.2.2 Major components (HIPS valve, actuator, piping, and piping flanges) and
coatings shall be manufactured and are subject to the following
minimum Inspection Requirements of the associated specifications:
a) HIPS Valves 175-043600
b) HIPS Valve Actuators 175-341001
c) Spools API 6A PSL 3 and 175-026600
d) Process Root Valves 175-045600
e) Coatings of HIPS Valve and Actuator Assemblies, Pipe, and
Flanges 175-091900
f) Skid Structural Elements and Steel Coating 175-120100
9.3 Testing
9.3.1 The assembled skid (valves and piping) shall pass a 30 minute shell
pressure test at 1.5 times the rated pressure. The water shall not exceed
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Page 18 of 28
Document Responsibility: High Integrity Protection Systems Standards Committee 34-SAMSS-628
Issue Date: 1 January 2018 Self-Contained Wellhead
Next Planned Update: 10 August 2018 High Integrity Protection System - Onshore Oil Service
9.3.2 The completed skid shall undergo a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) per
the manufacturer’s approved test procedure. Manufacturer shall submit
FAT procedure for Saudi Aramco approval. The FAT shall be witnessed
and accepted by a qualified Saudi Aramco Representative at the
Vendor’s facility.
9.3.3 The vendor shall provide all necessary personnel, tools, and test
equipment required for the FAT. Test equipment shall be calibrated with
valid certificates if applicable. Test equipment calibration frequency
shall not be more than one year.
9.3.4 Functional checks during the FAT shall include witness of Fail Safe
Operation, all trip and reset functions, Stroking Speed, full opening and
closing of valves and operation of all accessories under simulated
operating conditions.
9.3.6 The completed skid shall undergo a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) per the
manufacturer’s approved test procedure. Manufacturer shall submit SAT
procedure for Saudi Aramco approval. The SAT shall be witnessed and
accepted by a qualified Saudi Aramco Representative at the site after
10.1 Before packing, all foreign bodies and traces shall be removed from the skid.
Skid shall be packed and protected against mechanical and corrosive damage.
A non-toxic vapor phase corrosion inhibitor shall be applied to the internal
surfaces of the assembled HIPS equipment. Following application of the
inhibitor, equipment openings shall be sealed vapor tight. The faces of open,
flanged connections shall be coated with a temporary protective coating
(MIL C16173, Grade IV, or equivalent), each connection shall be fitted with a
neoprene gasket, and vapor tight steel cover held in place by a minimum of four
equally spaced bolts.
10.2 Valves must be shipped in the closed position, labelled, and supplied complete
with all required accessories.
10.3 Open tubing fittings and ports shall be capped and / or plugged with metal and /
or plastic caps / plugs.
10.4 All equipment and materials shall be supplied suitably protected from corrosion
during transit, storage, after installation.
10.5 The supplier shall advise any requirements for preservation of equipment and
materials should they require long term (greater than 6 months) storage after
delivery. The supplier shall provide all materials required for preservation and
protection during shipment and storage on site prior to installation.
10.6 All bolts and nuts shall be coated with a temporary protective coating
(MIL C16173, Grade IV, or equivalent).
11 Documentation
11.1.4 Cross Sectional Drawing with Bill of Materials and As Built Drawing
11.1.9 Valve Pressure Test, Functional Test and Calibration Procedures and
Record Sheets
11.3 Skid General Assembly Drawing with Bill of Materials and overall weight
11.8 Inspection and Testing Reports including Hydraulic Oil Cleanliness Report
11.12 Lifting Procedure and Drawing with certified lifting points and Center of Gravity
11.13 Failure Modes Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Report or a Failure Modes
Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) for the HIPS (HIPS Valves, Actuators,
Hydraulic Controls, and Pilots)
11.14 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the Hydraulic Oil
11.15 Certified SIL Verification Report including Reliability Block Diagram or Fault
Tree Analysis
12 Notes to Purchaser
12.1 The following information and documents must be completed and provided to
the supplier:
12.1.1 Tag Numbers for the system per SAEP-375 and instrument components
12.2 In production service with carbon steel piping systems, provisions shall be made
in the piping system to prevent galvanic corrosion due to the cladding of the
HIPS valves and piping.
Revision Summary
10 August 2015 Major revision based on Value Engineering. In addition, prescriptive requirements for
cladding of pipe and valves were included to ensure compatibility of wetted surfaces with
process requirements.
1 January 2018 Editorial revision to delete “(approved by CSD/Material Engineering & Corrosion Control
Division and the original equipment manufacturer of the valves)” from paragraph 10.1.
Attached data sheets provide minimum requirements. Buyer shall complete with project
specific requirements. Data sheets are based on 4-1/16” valve size as an example.