DSWD SMAW NC Training Budget: Total Amount P147,050.00
DSWD SMAW NC Training Budget: Total Amount P147,050.00
DSWD SMAW NC Training Budget: Total Amount P147,050.00
Training Duration: 20 days
Estimated List of materials/consumables and PPE’s needed per trainee in 20 days of training
A. PPE’s/Starter Kit per trainee
Qty. Unit Item Unit cost Total cost
1 set Welding Helmet (Manual) heavy duty Php 300.00 Php 300.00
1 pair Clear goggles 60.00 60.00
1 pair Welding Gloves ( soft leather) 290.00 290.00
1 unit Angle Grinder 1,200.00 1,200.00
Sub-Total Php1,850.00
B. Consumable materials
Qty. Unit Description Unit Price Total Price
8 Kilo Welding rod 6011 (NIHHON ) 3.5mm Php 120.00 Php960.00
30 Kilo Welding rod 6013 ( NIHHON )3.5 mm 120.00 3,600.00
2 Kilo Welding rod 6013 ( NIHHON )2.5 mm 120.00 240.00
5 Pieces Steel Plate 5/16” X 2” X 20’ 1,850.00 9,250.00
10 Pieces Square tube 1”x 1” x 20’ ( G.I ) 320.00.00 3,200.00
3 box Grinding disc 4” 850.00 2,550.00
7 Box Cutting disc 1mm 270.00 1,890.00
Sub-Total Php21,690.00
- Is the training materials/consumables are enough for the trainees as reflected on the previously approved
training activity?
- The school may help process the accidental insurance however, will not assume the budget for payment.
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