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Submitted By: Submitted To:

Abhishek Chauhan - 1813213008 Ms. Kusum Mehta
Piyush saini – 1813213061 Department of IT
Sarthak – 1813213077

Greater Noida Institute of Technology

Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University , Lucknow

December 2021

Page 1

In the accomplishment of completion of my project on Weather Application. I would like to convey

my special gratitude to Mr/Mrs Kusum Mehta, of IT department and as well as H.O.D. Mr
Ramveer Singh of Greater Noida institute of technology.

Your valuable guidance and suggestions helped me in various phases of the completion of this
project. I will always be thankful to you in this regard.

I am ensuring that this project was finished by me and not copied.





Page 2


1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Problem Definition 5
1.3 Scope 6
1.4 Purpose 6


2.1 Platform Requirement 7
2.2 Module Description 8


3.1 Existing system 9
3.2 Propose system 10
3.3 Feasibility study 11
3.3.1 Economical Feasibility 11
3.3.2 Technical Feasibility 12
3.3.3 Operational Feasibility 12



5.1 Algorithm 18
5.2 Pseudo Code 19
5.3 Flow of the System 21
5.4 Modules 22




Page 3

Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict

the conditions of the atmosphere for a given location and time. Human beings have
attempted to predict the weather informally for millennia and formally since the
19th century. Weather forecasts are made by collecting quantitative data about the
current state of the atmosphere at a given place and using meteorology to project
how the atmosphere will change

Here this system will predict weather based on parameters such as

temperature, humidity and wind. User will enter current temperature; humidity and
wind, System will take this parameter and will predict weather(rainfall in inches)
from previous data in database(dataset). The role of the admin is to add previous
weather data in database, so that system will calculate weather(estimated rainfall in
inches) based on these data. Weather forecasting system takes parameters such as
temperature, humidity, and wind and will forecast weather based on previous
record therefore this prediction will prove reliable. This system can be used in Air
Traffic, Marine, Agriculture, Forestry, Military, and Navy etc.

Page 4

.1.1. Introduction

Rainfall Prediction is the application of science and technology to predict the

amount of rainfall over a region. It is important to exactly determine the rainfall for
effective use of water resources, crop productivity and pre-planning of water

In this project, Weather applications continuously update their forecasts, whether it

is by the day, hour or minute, so it always takes us one step ahead. The best
weather apps for Android are like pocket weather channels, and they do not just
tell anyone when the sun is going to shine and the rain is going to fall, these apps
tell us the wind speed, the UV level, humidity levels.

So, if you are in an area where weather frequently changes from sunny to torrential
rain in a matter of minutes, then what is the easiest way to make sure to be
prepared for. A suitable answer is a weather application.

1.2 Problem Definition

It is important to exactly determine the rainfall for effective use of water resources,
crop productivity and pre-planning of water structures

Page 5
1.3 Scope
It tells us how many inches of rainfall we can expect.
1.4 Purpose
The purpose of developing weather app is to fetch the data in the need of taking
information about weather worldwide. Another purpose for developing this
software is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session or in the
between of the session

1. Helps people prepare for how to dress (i.e. warm weather, cold weather, windy
weather, rainy weather)
2. Helps businesses and people plan for power production and how much power to
use (i.e. power companies, where to set thermostat)
3. Helps people prepare if they need to take extra gear to prepare for the weather
(i.e. umbrella, rain coat, sun screen)
4. Helps people plan outdoor activities (i.e. to see if rain/storms/cold weather will
impact outdoor event)
5. Helps curious people to know what sort of weather can be expected (i.e. a snow
on the way, severe storms)
6. Helps businesses plan for transportation hazards that can result from the weather
(i.e. fog, snow, ice, storms, clouds as it relates to driving and flying for example)
7. Helps people with health related issues to plan the day (i.e. allergies, asthma,
heat stress)
8. Helps businesses and people plan for severe weather and other weather hazards
(lightning, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms)
9. Helps farmers and gardeners plan for crop irrigation and protection (irrigation
scheduling, freeze protection)

Page 6

2.1. Platform Requirements

e/Softwa Hardware / Software element Specification /version

Hardwar Processor i3

Hard Disk 250GB

Software OS Windows,Linux.

Python IDE Vs code

Microsoft Azure Node.js,


Page 7
2.2. Modules Description

In this project we have Two modules

1) Data gathering and pre - processing.

2) Applying Algorithm for prediction .

1) In this module we first gather the data(dataset) for our prediction model.Data
comes in all forms, most of it being very messy and unstructured. They rarely
come ready to use. Datasets, large and small, come with a variety of issues- invalid
fields, missing and additional values, and values that are in forms different from
the one we require. In order to bring it to workable or structured form, we need to
“clean” our data, and make it ready to use. Some common cleaning includes
parsing, converting to one-hot, removing unnecessary data, etc.

In our case, our data has some days where some factors weren’t recorded. And the
rainfall in cm was marked as T if there was trace precipitation. Our algorithm
requires numbers, so we can’t work with alphabets popping up in our data. so we
need to clean the data before applying it on our model.

2)Once the data is cleaned, In this module that cleaned data can be used as an input
to our Linear regression model. Linear regression is a linear approach to form a
relationship between a dependent variable and many independent explanatory
variables. This is done by plotting a line that fits our scatter plot the best, ie, with
the least errors. This gives value predictions, ie, how much, by substituting the
independent values in the line equation.

Page 8
We will use Scikit-learn’s linear regression model to train our dataset. Once the
model is trained, we can give our own inputs for the various columns such as
temperature, dew point, pressure, etc. to predict the weather based on these

Module Outcomes:
1) By the end of the first module the fully cleaned and useful data is available for
the apply the algorithm for the prediction.
1) By the end of the second module the actual prediction will be happen the
outcome is the amount of rainfall in inches based upon the users input.

Page 9
3. System Analysis

3.2 Problem and Existing Technology

The traditional forecast process employed by most NMHSs involves forecasters

producing text-based, sensible, weather-element forecast products (e.g.
maximum/minimum temperature, cloud cover) using numerical weather prediction
(NWP) output as guidance. The process is typically schedule-driven, product-
oriented and labour-intensive. Over the last decade, technological advances and
scientific breakthroughs have allowed NMHSs’ hydrometeorological forecasts and
warnings to become much more specific and accurate.

As computer technology and high-speed dissemination systems evolved (e.g.

Internet), National Weather Service (NWS) customers/partners were demanding
detailed forecasts in gridded, digital and graphic formats. Traditional NWS text
forecast products limit the amount of additional information that can be conveyed
to the user community. The concept of digital database forecasting provides the
capability to meet customer/partner demands for more accurate, detailed
hydrometeorological forecasts. Digital database forecasting also offers one of the
most exciting opportunities to integrate PWS forecast dissemination and service
delivery, which most effectively serves the user community.

3.2 Proposed System

User will enter current temperature; humidity and wind, System will take this
parameter and will predict weather from previous data in database. The role of the
admin is to add previous weather data in database, so that system will calculate
weather based on these data. Weather forecasting system takes parameters such as
temperature, humidity, and wind and will forecast weather based on previous

Page 10
record therefore this prediction will prove reliable


Feasibility analysis begins once the goals are defined. It starts by generating broad

possible solutions, which are possible to give an indication of what the new system

should look lime. This is where creativity and imagination are used. Analysts must
think up new ways of doing things- generate new ideas. There is no need to go into
the detailed system operation yet. The solution should provide enough information
to make reasonable estimates about project cost and give users an indication of
how the new system will fit into the organization. It is important not to exert
considerable effort at this stage only to find out that the project is not worthwhile
or that there is a need significantly change the original goal. Feasibility of a new
system means ensuring that the new system, which we are going to implement, is
efficient and affordable. There are various types of feasibility to be determined.
They are,

3.3.1 Economically Feasibility:

Development of this application is highly economically feasible. The only thing to

be done is making an environment with an effective supervision.

It is cost effective in the sense that has eliminated the paper work completely. The

system is also time effective because the calculations are automated which are
made at the end of the month or as per the user requirement.

Page 11
3.3.2 Technical feasibility:

The technical requirement for the system is economic and it does not use any

other additional Hardware and software. Technical evaluation must also assess
whether the existing systems can be upgraded to use the new technology and
whether the organization has the expertise to use it. Install all upgrades framework
into the node.js package supported widows based application.

3.3.3 Operational Feasibility:

The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive

interface. User requires no special training for operating the system. Technical

performance include issues such as determining whether the system can provide
the right information for the Department personnel student details, and whether the
system can be organized so that it always delivers this information at the right
place and on time using intranet services. Acceptance revolves around the current
system and its personnel.

Page 12

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Page 13
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Page 14
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Page 15
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Page 16

3.1 Algorithms:
Linear Regression:
Module-1 :Data gathering and pre - processing.

Module-2: Applying Algorithm for prediction .

3.2Source Code
const path = require('path')
const express = require('express');
const hbs = require('hbs');
const geocode = require('./utlis/geocode');
const weatherquery= require('./utlis/weatherquery');

const app = express();

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

//Paths for the Express config

const pathDirection = path.join( dirname, 'public');
const viewPath = path.join( dirname, 'templates/views');
const partialPath = path.join( dirname, 'templates/partials')

Page 17
app.set('view engine', 'hbs')
app.set('views', viewPath)

//setup static directory to serve


app.get('/', (req, res) => {

res.render('index', {
title: 'Weather App',
name: 'Abhishek '


app.get('/about', (req, res) => {

res.render('about', {
title:'About me',
name :'Abhishek',

app.get('/help', (req, res) => {

Page 18
res.render('help', {
title:'Help !',
name : 'Abhishek '


app.get('/weather', (req, res) => {

if(!req.query.address) {
return res.send({
error: 'You need to provide some location to fetch weather..!!'
} else {

geocode(req.query.address, (error, {longitude, latitude, location} = {}) =>{

return res.send({error})

weatherquery(longitude, latitude, (error, weatherquerydata) =>{

return res.send({error})
} else {


Page 19
weatherquery : weatherquerydata,
address : req.query.address,





app.get('/help/*' , (req, res) => {

res.render('404', {
errormessage : 'Help desk not found',
name : 'Abhishek '

Page 20

app.get('*' , (req, res) => {

res.render('404', {
errormessage : '404 page not found',
name : 'Abhishek '

app.listen(port, () =>{
console.log('server is ruuning on port 3000')

5.3) Flow of the System

1. Install the app.

2. Click on app icon and start the app.

3. Select a language.

4. Click on search icon to select location or detect location

Page 21
5.4 Modules

 INTEGRATION OF GPS & Open Weather Map online library : We can know the weather
through GPS in our mobile app. We’ve used Open Weather Map online library for real time
data and we are supposed to insert the data into the database only once and after that all the
data related to weather prediction is updated automatically that means there is no need to
update data or make any changes in weather data manually.

 LOCATION SEARCHING: We can search for any location and know the weather of
searched locations. To provide the ease of searching cities/ states to user, we’ve integrated
open map library and worldwide map and with the use of this user can easily search weather
of anywhere.

 WEATHER FORECASTING PREDICTION REPORTS: In this application, user is able

to see the updated weather record of 5 days in a loop, with all the weather parameters like
Humidity, Wind, CO2, sunset & sunrise time, Temperature, Pressure, Rain, Status of Cloud,
and also with all this services we’ve also included a graph section individually from which
user can easily check the current and recently updated status of weather parameters in the
form of graph.

Page 22

Page 23
Page 24

By this system weather forecasting report generation becomes easy. Less

chances of malfunctioning are there. The system has reached a steady
state but still improvements are to be made. The system is operated at a
high level of efficiency and all the work and user associated with the
system understand its advantage. It was intended to solve as requirement
specification. In future this system can be implemented to all over the world
and will be designed for cross platform.

Page 25



1) https://towardsdatascience.com/introduction-to-machine-learning-algorithms-

2) https://www.kaggle.com/grubenm/austin-weather

3) https://weatherstack.com/

4) https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/make-a-web-based-weather-report-of-your-location-

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