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Angular POC Project

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Angular POC Project



Kamal Jeet Singh(151262)
Jatin Kapil
(Technical Lead, Project Development Department, Click Labs)



Jaypee University of Information Technology Waknaghat, Solan-173234,

Himachal Pradesh

Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “Angular POC
Project” submitted in the department of Computer Science & Engineering and
Information Technology, Jaypee University of Information Technology,
Waknaghat is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the
supervision of Mr. Jatin Kapil (Technical Lead, Project Development
Department, Click Labs). The matter embodied in the report has not been
submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Aviral Saini (151452)

Kamal Jeet Singh (151262)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the best
of my knowledge.

Mr. Jatin Kapil

Technical Lead-Project Development Department
Click Labs, Chandigarh
Date: May,2019


I would like to extend my deep gratitude to my project mentor Mr. Jatin Kapil
Tech.Lead at Click Labs, Chandigarh who gave me a golden opportunity to get a
hands on experience in Frontend Development as as Software Engineer, which
helped me to develop many new skills in technologies as well as enhanced our
self-development skills that will help build my career ahead. We get to know
about working in team and had a great IT industry exposure.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all the faculty and staff of the
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology of Jaypee
University of information and Technology for all the support and motivation
provided by them.



Figure 1.1 8 https://jungleworks.com

Figure 1.2 9 https://jungleworks.com/

Figure 2.1 14 Project Screenshot

Figure 2.2 15 Project Screenshot

Figure 2.3 16 Project Screenshot

Figure 2.4 17 Project Screenshot

Figure 2.5 19 Project Screenshot

Figure 3.1 22 https://nativescript.org/core-


Figure 3.2 25 Project Screenshot

Figure 3.3 26 Project Screenshot

Figure 3.4 27 Project Screenshot

Figure 3.5 27 Project Screenshot


Certificate ……………………………………………… 2
Acknowledgment ………………………………………. 3
List of Figures …………………………………………... 4
Abstract …………………………………………………. 7

1. Chapter-1 About the Company

1.1 Jgunoo ………………………………………. 8
1.2 Jungle Works…………………………………. 9
1.3 Inter Front-End Development………………… 10
1.4 Responsibilities……………………………....... 10

2. Chapter-2 Angular POC

2.1 Introduction…………………………………..... 11
2.2 Objective……………………………………...... 12
2.3 Tools & Frameworks
2.3.1 HTML………………………………………. 12
2.3.2 CSS………………………………………..... 13
2.3.3 Angular 2+………………………………….. 13
2.4 Application Designing
2.4.1 Registration Page…………………………….. 14
2.4.2 Login Page………………………………….. 15
2.4.3 Profile Page………………………………… 16
2.4.4 Booking Page………………………………. 17
2.4.5 FAQ’s Page………………………………… 18
2.4.6 Auth Guards………………………………... 19
2.4.7 Services…………………………………….. 20
2.5 Commands…………………………………….. 21

3. Chapter-3 Native Script

3.1 Introduction………………………………….. 22
3.2 Core Modules……………………………….. 23
3.3 Layouts…………………………………….... 23
3.4 Objectives…………………………………… 24
3.5 Application Designing
3.5.1 Login Page……………………………….. 25
3.5.2 Dashboard………………………………... 26
3.5.3 Add Team………………………………… 27
3.5.4 Update Team……………………………… 28
3.6 Commands …………………………………... 28
3.7 Code Splitting………………………………… 29

4 Chapter-4 Result and Performance Analysis ……… 30

5 Conclusion ………………………………………… 32



A front-end web developer is probably what most people think of as a “web

developer”. A front-end web developer is responsible for implementing visual
elements that users see and interact with in a web application. They are usually
supported by back-end web developers, who are responsible for server-side
application logic and integration of the work front-end developers do. The Logics
for UI are implemented by Front End Developer with the help of different
frameworks present in the market.

As for now NativeScript is getting the market to its corner but still ANGULAR
plays a Vibrant Role.



Click Labs is Chandigarh based company that provide high grade

generation answer with a focal point on mobility. Thae company grants
mobility solutions to marketers and organizations trying to provide an Omni
channel to their customers with a goal to engineer & maximize mobile ROI.
company’s commercial enterprise approach is to increase on call for custom
enterprise solutions on pinnacle of proprietary core IP merchandise for mobile
paintings force control.

Click Labs has two major subsidiaries named JUGNOO and


1.1 Jugnoo

Jugnoo, a wonder that was

begun as an auto-aggregator, is
presently one stage answer for
every nearby need. The
beginning is to provide
comfortable & bother free life
by conveying the finest of each
metropolitan to its occupants.
Started in November 2014 by
pack of IITians, Jugnoo pushed
toward getting to be as Country's

primary auto rickshaw aggregator with the impartial of constructing each day
drive simple and solid. In the wake of convey the on-interest insurgency to
day by day drive, we extended our vision and dream of contacting regular day
to day existences in a lot greater way. With 10lac exchanges every month
crosswise over 45+ urban areas, however started as a little organization in
2014 is presently pear forwarding the development of nearby Indian
commercial centre into advanced. Jugnoo now stretches a extensive
possibility of neighbourhood profits on interest auto rides, basic supplies,
wherewithal transport, dinners, coordination and even a range based adjoining
informal community. It gives on-request transportation and coordination
benefits crosswise over 38 urban areas in India through their portable tender
that can be moved in Android, iOS and Windows based telephones.

1.2 Jungle Works

Wilderness Works is a suite of upsetting items that centres around each

progression of an on-request business venture. Our central goal is to make the
best client involvement with each progression. It has different item that has
truly give new client experience to both end client and just as the business
people. It gives different items that has altered the creation and has acquired
a major modification the world itself.

The different ventures of the JungleWorks are:

Figure 1.2 Jungleworks Products

1.3 Intern-Front End Developer

A front-end web designer is likely what a great many folks consider as a "web
engineer". A front-end web designer is in charge of actualizing pictorial
elements that clients can view & communicate with in a web application.
They are normally bolstered by back-end web engineers, who are in charge of
server-side application rationale and joining of the work front-end designers
do.The Logics for UI are executed by Front End Developer with the assistance
of various systems present in the market. Concerning now NativeScript is
getting the market to its corner yet at the same time ANGULAR assumes a
Vibrant Role

1.4 Responsibilities

• Develop new client confronting highlight.

• Build reusable code and libraries for some time later
• Ensure the specialized attainability if UI/UX plan.
• Optimize application for greatest speed and versatility
• Assure that all client input is approved before submitting to back end
• Collaborate with other colleague and partners

I chipped away at Angular-7 CLI and aided in Companies Projects, the name
for such Projects can't be uncovered according to organizations Norms. Front
End Development is as much significant as Backend Developer as UI
Implementation is the primary thing a User gain admittance to.



AngularJS used to be the "prodigy" among JavaScript structures, as it was at

first presented by Google partnership in 2012. It was worked in light of the
Model-View-Controller idea, however creators of the structure regularly
called it "Model-View-*" or even "Model-View-Whatever".

The structure, written in unadulterated JavaScript, was expected to decouple

an application's rationale from DOM control, and went for dynamic page
refreshes. In any case, it wasn't exceptionally meddlesome: you could have
just a piece of the page constrained by AngularJS. This structure presented
numerous ground-breaking highlights enabling the designer to make rich,
single-page applications effectively.

AngularJS ended up famous in all respects rapidly and got a great deal of
footing. All things considered, its maintainers chose to make another stride
further and continued to build up another rendition which was at first named
Angular 2 (later, basically Angular without the "JS" part). It's no fortuitous
event the structure got another name: really, it was completely re-composed
and overhauled, while numerous ideas were re-examined.

It's JavaScript, yet better. Precise is worked with TypeScript, which thusly
depends on JS ES6. You don't have to become familiar with an absolutely
new dialect, yet despite everything you get highlights like static composing,
interfaces, classes, namespaces, decorators and so on.

The AngularJS structure includes the Hypertext Mark-up Language also

known as HTML for pages visible to the user. AngularJS also include Java

Script variables to bind the input supplied by the user and formulate the


Precise POC Project was implemented using Angular Framework with

rendition 7. The Project was supplied by the tutor to highlight the structure of
the framework so that new interns can be adjusted on different live Projects
of the organization. The main goal was to get us familiar with logics, for

● User Authentication

● Auth Guards

● Client Services

● Controllers.

● Database

● Functionality Module


2.3.1 HTML:

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for

making website pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) and JavaScript, it frames a set of three of foundation advancements for
the World Wide Web.

Internet browsers get HTML archives from a web server or from
neighbourhood stockpiling and render the records into sight and sound website
pages. HTML depicts the structure of a website page semantically and initially
included signs for the presence of the record.

2.3.2 CSS:

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a template language utilized for adding

elements of graphic appeal to the website that makes it more user friendly by
improving the interface for user interaction. CSS can be integrated into an
HTML page in three ways

• External Style Sheet

• Inline Style Sheet
• Embedded CSS

2.3.3 ANGULAR (web framework):

Angular (ordinarily alluded to as "Angular 2+" or "Angular v2 or more") is a

TypeScript-based open-source web application system driven by the Angular
Team at Google and by a network of people and companies. Angular is a
finished rework from a similar group that fabricated AngularJS. Due to its
popularity, it has been in use extensively as a client-side framework. Google
announced AngularJS in 2012.AngularJS is an adaptation of the mainstream
Model-View-Controller design (Model-View-*).

The AngularJS system, was based over JavaScript with the mean to decouple
the business rationale of an application from the low dimension DOM control
and make dynamic sites.



The Registration Page incorporated into project so that the new client can
provide the data and store it in the Database with the help of a Post Service.
The Post API assembles entire of the data and store it in the database which
was made by the use of JSON-SERVER. This Page is a Part of Public

Fig 2.1 Registration Form

If anyone is registered, they can choose to be re-directed to the login page.

This Page incorporates label elements and distinctive input fields. The input
of Password and Password recheck are associated with Custom Validator.
The register button will appear only once all the field are valid, i.e. for each
input field obeys the set validation.


The Login Page incorporated into application uses HTML’s GET Method to
fetch the details from the API and then validates them in backend to verify if
credentials are correct. In the credentials are correct the system will fetch all
data associated with the concerned credentials. This page is included under
public module since it is accessible publicly.

Fig 2.2 Login Page.

The Login Button Will be incapacitated till it get the required certifications.
In the event that and New User get straightforwardly to Login Page the
connection to enlist, is likewise given in the format. In the event that any
client isn't enrolled and attempts to login The Alert concocts message "You
are not enlisted".


Once the user has successfully logged in he will be redirected to his profile
view that displays all his personal information. This information is editable as
per user’s requirement. When the user makes an update to his profile the patch
is escalated to carry out the change in the database.

Fig 2.3 Profile Page

The profile also includes a display for the name of the currently logged in
user. This is made functional by the use of two-way binding.

The Navigation-bar includes a dropdown list that includes options namely My

Bookings, FAQ, Log out. Each of this option is backed by a link that re-directs
a user to an action on page of concern. Since all of these options should be
accessible upon login therefore, to ensure their restricted access these have
been included in the private module. The detailed working of options My
Booking and FAQ has been described below


This page allows the user to access all the booking with his credentials these
include both past as well as up-coming bookings. To fetch these details the
modules involves the use of Get Service to fetch the Json Object which
contains all the Booking information.

Bookings Page comprises of two Hyperlinks:

1. Past
2. Upcoming

Since Past and Upcoming bookings are distinct of each other thus both them
are associated with different views.

Fig 2.4 Booking Page

2.4.5 FAQ’s PAGE :

FAQ Page depends on Accordion Structure.The Accordion columns clicked

once hit the Get Service get the information from the database.The Accordion
include gains admittance to one line at any given moment.

Inquiries incorporated into with various inquiries posed often.

Fig 2.5 FAQ’s


Rakish course protects are interfaces which can tell the switch whether it
ought to enable route to a mentioned course. They settle on this choice by
searching for a genuine or false return an incentive from a class which
executes the given gatekeeper interface.

CAN-ACTIVATE auth watch is utilized in the application with a condition

that if a client is signed in, navbar part and profile segment get render on the
screen. In the event that anybody endeavors to get into the Application
without logging, the individual ought not have the option to enter in
application. Auth Guards spares the application from the unauthentic
client.Many Different Auth Guards are there in angular for different
authentication purposes:

• CanActivate
• CanActivateChild
• CanDeactivate
• CanLoad
• Resolve

2.4.7 SERVICES :

Service is a general classification enveloping any esteem, capacity, or

highlight that an application needs. A service is commonly a class with a
restricted, well-characterized reason. It ought to accomplish something
explicit and do it well. Angular recognizes segments from services to expand
measured quality and reusability. By isolating a part's view-related usefulness
from different sorts of preparing, you can make your segment classes lean and

In a perfect world, a part's main responsibility is to empower the client

experience and nothing more. A part should exhibit properties and strategies
for information official, so as to intervene between the view (rendered by the
layout) and the application rationale (which frequently incorporates some idea
of a model).

A segment can designate certain assignments to services, for example,

bringing information from the server, approving client information, or logging
straightforwardly to the comfort. By characterizing such handling
assignments in an injectable service class, you make those undertakings
accessible to any segment. You can likewise make your application
progressively versatile by infusing various suppliers of a similar sort of
service, as suitable in various conditions.

Precise doesn't uphold these standards. Precise helps you pursue these
standards by making it simple to consider your application rationale services
and make those services accessible to segments through reliance infusion.

There are so different commands in Microsoft Visual Studio Code for Angular
CLI in order to generating different modules of project like feature-module ,
components , services , authguards , and even to run an application we have
to run a particular command so that it can run on web-browser. These
commands also inject the dependency itself in application module whenever
we run “generate” command.

The list command used in this Application with their purpose are given below:

• Command for generating a Feature Module:

ng generate module module_name

• Command for creating Component:

ng generate component component_name

• Command for creating Services:

ng generate service service_name

• Command to run an app:

ng serve –open


NativeScript is an open-source structure used to create applications that runs
successfuly on both the Android and iOS. It is also use for developing web
application simultaneously with mobile application. It was initially visualised
and formulated step by step. This Script’s applications are written in
JavaScript, or languages equivalent to JavaScript, for example TypeScript.
This Script is compatible with both Angular as well as Vue JavaScript
systems. The Portable mobile applications delevoped using NativeScript
result in entirely local applications, similar to the APIs developed using Xcode
or Android Studio. It allows programer to use additional programming
libraries from portalssuch as npm.js, Android Arsenal, CocoaPods or others
elimanating the wrappers. The NativeScript includes modules like - CLI,
Runtimes, Plugins Core Modules.


application: Gives the application deliberation every related strategy.

console: Lets you print messages to the gadget comfort.

application-settings: Gives you a chance to spare and reestablish any data

identified with your application.

http: Gives you a chance to send web demands and get the reactions.

image-source: Gives the ImageSource class which typifies the basic

reflection behind a stage explicit item that is utilized as a hotspot for pictures
(ordinarily a Bitmap).

timer: Lets you make, begin, stop and respond to clocks.

trace: Gives you a chance to follow and print explicit data dependent on

ui/image-cache: Gives the Cache class which handles picture download

demands and stores the as of now downloaded pictures.

connectivity: Gives you a chance to check the sort of Internet association and
screen its state changes


ui/layouts/stack-layout: Gives the StackLayout class which gives you a

chance to orchestrate the offspring of the design in a solitary line.

ui/layouts/grid-layout: Gives the GridLayout class which gives you a chance

to mastermind the offspring of the format in an adaptable matrix region with
segments and columns.

ui/layouts/absolute-layout: Gives the AbsoluteLayout class which gives you

a chance to mastermind the offspring of the format at discretionary positions
or attract them numerous layers.

ui/layouts/wrap-layout: Gives the WrapLayout class which gives you a

chance to mastermind the offspring of the format at consecutive positions
from left to right and after that wrap the lines of youngsters through and

ui/layouts/dock-layout: Gives the DockLayout class which gives you a

chance to orchestrate the offspring of the design at top, base, left and right of
the format.


The basic objective of this project is similar to one highlighted before in the
report earlier, i.e. to build an application on angular framework version 7. In
this project the application was build to track the sales of each and every team
in the sales department. After successful login the portal, this application
presents a list of the teams along with their total sale of the individual team as
well the company consideration. It is to be noticed that the admin has the
additional rights to manage the teams. The features included are add , update
and delete team details.


The Shared Application in discussion includes different modules like Login,
Personal/Admin Dashboard, in addition to feature that includes features for
team management


The login page includes two text fields one for username and one for
password that are used to validate user’s credentials to re-direct him to
designated dashboard. Given below is a screenshot that establishes the view
presented to user for login

Fig 3.2 Login Profile


The dashboard exclusively designed for the admin presents a list of all the
enrolled teams along with the sales figure that correspond with them. All
these details are fetched using get method to hit the database. In order to
establish a sense of independence the database is accessed through API’s and
not directly, thereby using the API as the service layer. In order to provide
extended management of the enrolled teams, the application includes a delete
view that allows the admin to analyse and remove a team as per his own

3.5.3 ADD TEAM:

Another API is involved to insert validated inputs into the database i.e. name
of the team along with the projected revenue.

Fig 3.4 Add Team


Once the record has been inserted, there are chances that admin might feel
the necessities to update the credentials based on the login module supplied
within the application. In order to facilitate this functionality, an update view
has been included to update the details as per requirements.

Fig 3.5 Update Team

In this project we have to run different commands in order to achieve
successfully what we really want in our SHARED APPLICATION . Since we
have to also run the web app too so we have to run some commands which
we used in above project.

The list of commands are :

• In order to create a new shared project through command we can use the
command under @nativescript/schematics as follows
ng new --collection=@nativescript/schematics project-name --shared

• Web Build builds a web app from the code-sharing project and opens it in
default browser
ng serve -o

• Mobile Build
tns run ios --bundle
tns run android --bundle


Re-usability of code is important principle of coding that allows similar

modules to be dependent and in relation of correspondence. This also enables
the programmer to reuse the code for multiple platforms. However this reuse
might cause some errors due to incompatibility among the platforms, so in
order to facilitate successful execution multiple copies of the same have to
maintained as per the correspondence of the platform.

These are the files which are created for mobile app.

file.tns.ts : File for logics to be written

file.tns.html : File for document to be shown on screen

file.tns.css : File for designing



4.1 Description of Work Performed :

The major technology of application involved in this project is Angular. The

choice of the use of this technology is its ability of reliable yet simple
integration. This also involves dependency injection, template in order to
solve development challenges. Angular bridges the gap between the platforms
enabling the developer to develop a unified application available across all
platforms namely web, mobile and desktop. The project work has empowered
me to understand the basic outline of MVC, Angular in order to formulate a
website successfully able to function as per the proposal presented to the
developer by the client.

4.2 Major Challenges :

One of the main challenges observed by me as a developer was introduction

to angular for MVC. The major challenge was my ability to establish an
efficient front end that shall stand successful in appeal as well as simplicity to
interacting user. The extension of the application through use of CSS to add
further more appeal as well as adaptability to the web site was further more a
challenge. Another challenge for as a newbie was the ability to make my code
as much community friendly as possible to follow the company guidelines
which shall improve induction of new team by making it simpler for them to
understand the code and to understand the project in order to scale it up.

However, the project motivated me to push myself against my limit and
improve my output inch-by-inch.

4.3 Key Learnings:

The key learning not only included the knowledge of the technology involved
but also the integration of cross desktop development through GIT that
facilitated developers to merge their contribution into a single unified project.



In general, I would portray my entry level position as a positive and

informational experience. There were a few issues amid the principal week,
as it was an entirely different field for me. Along these lines, it set aside some
effort to make sense of first and foremost lastly begin with it. It was
motivating to perceive how a portion of the engineers had the option to for
the most part freely complete their interests and pla and play out their very
own analyses. It was likewise fascinating to encounter a totally different IT
condition, where numerous engineers were contributing their best and
helping each other out to accomplish long and transient objectives set by the
organization. Then again, getting an opportunity to chip away at a live
venture was another energizing and testing knowledge. In the event that I
need to total up my entry level position in one line, I would state this was a
strong beginning of my profession.


The material that we have referred that helped us with the development of our
Angular POC project are as follows:

1. https://angular.io/guide/quickstart

2. https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial

3. https://material.angular.io/

4. https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide

5. https://docs.nativescript.org/

6. https://docs.nativescript.org/angular/start/introduction


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