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SEC - Connection Guidelines - v3 - Clean

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Sustainable Integration of Renewable Energy

Sources (solar PV) with SEC Distribution Network

Low Voltage and Medium Voltage

Guidelines for Consumers, Consultants and Contractors to

connect a small-scale solar PV system to SEC distribution

Version 3

Client: SEC – Saudi Electricity Company DNV GL – Energy

Project Name: Consulatancy for Distributed Generation Energy Advisory
Title: Guidelines for Consumers, Consultants and Burjuman Business Tower,
Contractors to connect a small-scale solar PV 14th Floor
system to SEC distribution networks Sheikh Khalifah Bin Zayed St.
No. of Pages: 50 P.O. Box 11539, Dubai, UAE
Date of issue: 3rd March 2020 Tel: +971 4 302 6300
Fax:+971 3 352 3555
Organisation unit: DNV GL AS, Dubai Branch

Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by:

Kasi, Jayachandran Mansoldo, Andrea Atif, Mohammed

Senior Engineer Principal Consulatant Market Area Manager - Middle East and

Table of contents

1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Notice to users ........................................................................................................................... 5
2 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 5
3 COMPANION DOCUMENTS....................................................................................................... 6
4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 6
5 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................ 8
6 SOLAR PV SYSTEMS – BENEFITS, TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT ................................................ 9
6.1 The sun as an energy source ...................................................................................................... 9
6.2 The PV Technology ................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 PV systems................................................................................................................................ 12
6.4 Net billing benefits ................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Solar PV systems fit for everyone............................................................................................. 13
7 CONNECTION PROCESS OF A SMALL-SCALE SOLAR PV SYSTEM ................................................ 15
7.1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Connection process details ...................................................................................................... 17
7.2.1 Selection of the Consultant / Consultant ......................................................................... 17
7.2.2 Request the source of supply and transformer capacity ................................................. 17
7.2.3 Submission of the Solar PV initial application form ......................................................... 17
7.2.4 Checking the consumer’s eligibility .................................................................................. 17
7.2.5 Payment of Initial inquiry fee ........................................................................................... 17
7.2.6 Evaluation and approval of initial application .................................................................. 17
7.2.7 Conducting the economic feasibility study ...................................................................... 18
7.2.8 Applying for design evaluation and approval ................................................................... 18
7.2.9 Notifying with the cost of the Connection Fee ................................................................ 18
7.2.10 Signing the Connection Agreement.................................................................................. 18
7.2.11 Conducting the Site Test .................................................................................................. 19
7.2.12 Applying for Inspection by SEC ......................................................................................... 19
7.2.13 Schedule and agreement on the day(s) of inspection and commissioning...................... 19
7.2.14 Site Inspection by SEC ...................................................................................................... 20
7.2.15 Commissioning Test.......................................................................................................... 20
7.2.16 Installation of meter(s) and Energization ......................................................................... 20
8 DEFINITION OF THE RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................... 21
8.1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................. 21
8.2 SEC ............................................................................................................................................ 21
8.2.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................... 21
8.2.2 Ownership Boundaries ..................................................................................................... 21
8.3 Consumer ................................................................................................................................. 22
8.3.1 Connection Agreement .................................................................................................... 22
8.3.2 Responsibility ................................................................................................................... 22
8.3.3 Disconnection ................................................................................................................... 22
8.3.4 Termination of agreement ............................................................................................... 22

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8.4 Consultant / Contractor ........................................................................................................... 22

8.4.1 Protection requirements .................................................................................................. 23
8.5 Manufacturers .......................................................................................................................... 23
ANNEX A – SOLAR PV INITIAL APPLICATION FORM ......................................................................... 24
ANNEX B – SOLAR PV DESIGN DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS .................................................. 26
1 PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ 26
1.1 All Solar PV systems.................................................................................................................. 26
1.1.1 Basic system information ................................................................................................. 26
1.1.2 System designer information ........................................................................................... 26
1.1.3 System installer information ............................................................................................ 26
1.2 Solar PV systems up to 11 kW .................................................................................................. 27
1.2.1 Wiring diagram ................................................................................................................. 27
1.2.2 Planimetry and String layout ............................................................................................ 28
1.2.3 Datasheets ........................................................................................................................ 28
1.2.4 Mechanical design information ........................................................................................ 28
1.2.5 Emergency systems .......................................................................................................... 28
1.2.6 Estimate of the yearly energy production........................................................................ 28
1.3 Solar PV systems above 11 kW................................................................................................. 28
1.3.1 Technical report ............................................................................................................... 28
1.3.2 Wiring diagram ................................................................................................................. 31
1.3.3 Planimetry and String layout ............................................................................................ 32
1.3.4 Datasheets ........................................................................................................................ 32
1.3.5 Mechanical design information ........................................................................................ 32
1.3.6 Emergency systems .......................................................................................................... 32
1.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual ....................................................................................... 33
1.4.1 Shutdown/isolation procedure ........................................................................................ 33
1.4.2 PPE and other safety equipment...................................................................................... 33
1.4.3 Spare parts management ................................................................................................. 33
1.4.4 Preventative maintenance activities ................................................................................ 33
1.4.5 Warranty documentation................................................................................................. 34
ANNEX C – SOLAR PV DESIGN DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST .......................................................... 35
C.1. ALL PV SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 35
C.2. SOLAR PV SYSTEMS WITH CAPACITY UP TO 11 KW .............................................................. 36
C.3. SOLAR PV SYSTEMS WITH CAPACITY ABOVE 11 KW ............................................................. 38
C.4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ......................................................................... 43
ANNEX D – DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WHEN APPLYING FOR INSPECTION ......................................... 45
D.1. Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................. 45
D.2. Specification of Major Equipment ....................................................................................... 46
D.3. Details of the Protection Arrangements and Settings........................................................... 48
D.4. Maintenance Program for the Small-Scale Solar PV System ................................................. 49
D.5. Clearance and Readiness for Energisation ........................................................................... 50

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These Guidelines provide information meant for KSA Consumers, Consultants and Contractors on the
essential aspects which have to be taken into consideration in order to connect a Small-Scale Solar PV
System to the Low Voltage or Medium Voltage Distribution Network of SEC.
These Guidelines apply to the planning, execution, modification, operation and maintenance of the
Small-Scale Solar PV Systems. These Guidelines comply with the Small-Scale Solar PV Systems
Regulations - Electricity & Cogeneration Regulatory Authority (ECRA) – ERD-TA-012 (V02/19) (hereinafter
referred to as “ECRA Regulations”) that set out the regulatory framework for the connection of a Small-
Scale Solar PV Systems to the Distribution System of SEC.
This document contains basic principles of small scale solar PV system along with the illustration of the
connection process as per SEC specific conditions. Thus, this guide shall serve as a basis for SEC and for
the Consumer or its appointed agent in the planning and decision-making process at all applicable stages.
The technical aspects are not treated here, but separately in the Technical Standards for the Connection
of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC (in this document
referred to as “Technical Standards”), which represents the main reference document for the definition
of the requirements that these generating facilities have to comply with in order to be connected to the
Distribution Network.
The Annexes provide the Consumers and Consultants / Contractors with a template of the Initial
Application Form, and instructions about the information and the documentation of the Solar PV system
that shall be submitted at each stage of the connection process.

1.1 Notice to users

This document is for use of employees of SEC, Consumers, Consultants and Contractors. Users of this
guideline should consult all applicable laws and regulations. Users are responsible for observing or
referring to the applicable regulatory requirements. SEC does not, by the publication of its standards,
intend to urge action that is not in compliance with applicable laws, and these documents may not be
construed as doing so.
Users should be aware that this document may be superseded at any time by the issuance of new
editions or may be amended from time to time through the issuance of amendments, corrigenda, or
errata. These Standards at any point in time consist of the current edition of the document together with
any amendments, corrigenda, or errata then in effect. All users should ensure that they have the latest
edition of this document, uploaded on SEC website.
Finally, the user shall refer to Saudi Building Code – Section 401 - Chapter 712, as well as to applicable
SASO Standards or International Standards mentioned in these SEC documents, unless differently
indicated in other SEC documents related to Small-Scale Solar PV Systems Regulations.


[1] Small-Scale Solar PV Systems Regulations - Electricity & Cogeneration Regulatory Authority
(ECRA) – ERD-TA-012 (v.02/19)
[2] Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC
[3] The Saudi Building Code Electrical Requirements (SBC401) – 2007
[4] Inspection and Testing Guidelines
[5] Inspection and Testing Checklists
[6] Safety related to the installation of rooftop solar PV systems
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[7] PV on buildings and safety

[8] Best Practice for Designing a PV system
[9] Manual for the Maintenance of the PV Systems
[10] Technical Assessment Guidelines


The documents listed hereinafter have to be considered a compendium of the current document.
Therefore, they should be carefully read in addition to this.
a) Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC
b) Inspection and Testing Guidelines
c) Inspection and Testing Checklists
d) Safety related to the installation of the Solar PV systems
e) PV on buildings and safety
f) Best practice for designing a PV system
g) Manual for the maintenance of the Solar PV Systems


Building-Attached Photovoltaic Modules (BAPV modules) – Photovoltaic modules are considered to be

building-attached, if the PV modules are mounted on a building envelope and the integrity of the building
functionality is independent of the existence of a building-attached photovoltaic module.
Building Attached Photovoltaic system (BAPV system) – Photovoltaic systems are considered to be
building attached, if the PV modules they utilize do not fulfil the criteria for BIPV modules.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic modules (BIPV modules) – Photovoltaic modules are considered to be
building-integrated, if the PV modules form a construction product providing a function. Thus, the BIPV
module is a prerequisite for the integrity of the building’s functionality. If the integrated PV module is
dismounted (in the case of structurally bonded modules, dismounting includes the adjacent construction
product), the PV module would have to be replaced by an appropriate construction product.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaic system (BIPV system) – Photovoltaic systems are considered to be
building-integrated, if the PV modules they utilize fulfil the criteria for BIPV modules.
Consultant / Contractor - An entity that is registered with Habilitation Committee (Qualification
Committee) to carry out design and Electrical Installations work specific to solar photovoltaic (PV)
systems as a consultant or contractor.
Exit/Connection Point - The joint point of delivery of electricity supply by SEC & export of surplus
generation by Eligible Consumer linked to one single meter in a Premises.
Data sheet – Basic product description and specification (Note: Typically, one or two pages, not a full
product manual).
Eligible Consumer/Consumer – A person who has an Exit Point that meets the requirements of these
Regulations and the Connection Conditions between the Distribution System and the Consumer’s
Premises as defined in the Distribution Code.
Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) – Direct plus diffuse irradiance incident on a horizontal surface
expressed in W/m2 .
Inspection – Examination of an electrical installation using all the senses in order to ascertain correct
selection and proper erection of electrical equipment.

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In-plane irradiance (Gi or POA) – The sum of direct, diffuse, and ground-reflected irradiance incident
upon an inclined surface parallel to the plane of the modules in the PV array, also known as plane-of-
array (POA) irradiance. It is expressed in W/m2.
Interface Protection (IP) - The electrical protection required to ensure that either the generating plant
and/or any generating unit is disconnected for any event that could impair the integrity or degrade the
safety and reliability of the distribution network.
Inverter – Electric energy converter that changes direct electric current to single-phase or polyphase
alternating current.
Irradiance (G) – Incident flux of radiant power per unit area expressed in W/m2.
Irradiation (H) – Irradiance integrated over a specified time interval expressed in kWh/m2.
Net billing: Energy exchange and financial clearance arrangements between a consumer & a distribution
service provider at one exit point in facility.
PV array – Assembly of electrically interconnected PV modules, PV strings or PV sub-arrays.
PV cell – Most elementary device that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, i.e. the direct non-thermal
conversion of radiant energy into electrical energy.
PV module – PV modules consists of electrically connected PV cells and packaged to protect it from the
environment and the users from electrical shock.
PV string – PV string consists of two or more series-connected PV modules.
PV string combiner box – Junction box where PV strings are connected which may also contain
overcurrent protection devices, electronics and/or switch-disconnectors.
PV sub-array – A subset of a PV array formed by parallel-connected PV strings.
Standard test conditions (STC) – Reference values of in-plane irradiance (1 000 W/m2), PV cell junction
temperature (25 °C), and the reference spectral irradiance defined in SASO IEC 60904-3.
Switch – Mechanical device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents in normal circuit
conditions and, when specified, in given operating overload conditions. In addition, it is able to carry, for
a specified time, currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as short-circuit conditions.
Testing – Implementation of measures in an electrical installation by means of which its effectiveness is
proved (Note: It includes ascertaining values by means of appropriate measuring instruments, said
values not being detectable by inspection).
The computer program – It is an electronic calculator to analyze the financial aspects hosted by ECRA
on its website. The calculator will carry out an economic feasibility study to calculate the cost of installing
small solar PV systems, and estimate revenue and savings based on the energy produced from the solar
system and the Consumer’s consumption rates. Also indicate the expected time period for cost recovery,
and includes information and data necessary to educate the consumer.
Verification – All measures by means of which compliance of the electrical installation to the relevant
standards are checked

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The following acronyms and symbols are used throughout the document:
AC Alternating Current
AFCI Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BAPV Building-Attached Photovoltaic Modules
BIPV Building-Integrated Photovoltaic modules
DC Direct Current
ECRA Electricity and Co-Generation Regulatory Authority
GHI Global horizontal irradiance
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP (or I.P.) Interface Protection
IR Infrared
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker
NEC National Electrical Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
P Active power
PELV Protected Extra Low Voltage
Pnom Nominal active power of equipment
POA Plane of Array
PPE Personal protective equipment
PR Performance Ratio
PV (Solar) Photovoltaic
Q Reactive Power
RCD Residual Current Device
S/Sn Apparent Power
SASO Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization
SBC Saudi Building Code
SEC Saudi Electricity Company
SELV Safety extra low voltage
SPD Surge Protection Device
SR Soiling Ratio
STC Standard Test Condition
UL Underwriters Laboratories
UV Ultraviolet
V Voltage
Vnom Nominal Voltage
Wp Watt peak rating

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6.1 The sun as an energy source

Every day we receive from the Sun thousands of times the energy we consume but the solar energy is
distributed on the Earth’s surface, and thus large collection surfaces are required to exploit it.
Furthermore, if we consider a given area, the sun energy is discontinuous, mainly for the following
− Variability during the day from sunrise to sunset and complete absence in the night periods
− Seasonal variations
− Meteorological conditions (clouds, fog, sandstorms, etc.)
The daily variability is due to the Earth rotation, which is the spinning of the Earth around its own axis.
One rotation takes 24 hours and is called a solar day.

The seasonal variation is due to the orbit of the Earth around the sun, is called Earth revolution and takes
365 1/4 days to complete one cycle. The Earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical, thus the Earth's distance
from the Sun varies at different times of the year.

Outside the Earth atmosphere, the solar irradiation has an average value of 1367 W/m2 ±3%, called Solar
constant. The variation of ±3% is due to the seasonal variation of the Earth's distance from the Sun.

From Figure 1, we can understand the effect of the Earth atmosphere on incoming solar radiation :
− A portion of the solar energy arrives directly to the ground (Beam or Direct radiation)
− A portion is diffused due to cloud and water molecules present in the atmosphere (Diffused
− The remaining portion is lost by reflection and absorption by various constituents of atmosphere

Figure 1 – Effect of the atmosphere on the sunlight

As a consequence, the trend of the solar radiation received at the ground level is partially unpredictable,
because it depends on the local weather conditions. However, if we consider historical data collected by
meteorological stations it is possible to have time-averaged data on an hourly interval for daily or

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monthly or yearly basis. Figure 2 shows average annual solar radiation received in KSA referred from
Solargis database, a third-party service meteo data service provider.

Figure 2 – Example of a yearly solar map for the Saudi Arabia

There are several databases on solar radiation and climate data that cover all the world or specific
regions. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is possible to refer to the monitoring network developed by
the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE).

The solar databases contain the Global horizontal, Direct solar radiation and the Diffuse solar radiation
on a horizontal surface expressed in kWh/m2day. These data are normally available on hourly interval
for daily, monthly and on a yearly basis or as a long-term average.

6.2 The PV Technology

The solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is undoubtedly the easiest way to produce electric energy from
sunlight. It can be used for many purposes in households and in all sectors that need power as
commercial activities, factories, office buildings and many others.
Solar systems are based on devices that transform sunlight into electricity, the PV cells, which perform
the photovoltaic conversion. PV cells are composed of semiconductors purposely designed to be
exposed to the sun light and collect as much energy as possible. Not surprisingly their shape is thin and
The most widely used PV cells are made up of crystalline silicon (mono or poly-crystalline), whose shape
is normally square or a pseudo square with edges trimmed, as the example in Figure 3, and whose
thickness usually is no more than 0.2 mm. Solar cells are therefore very fragile and must be purposely
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protected in a rigid structure, namely a PV module, where a number of PV cells is assembled and
connected together in a single body with a transparent front glass.

Figure 3 – Examples of a crystalline PV cell

The structure of a PV module resembles sandwich, because many layers tightly packed are necessary to
protect the PV cells and give the necessary mechanical and electrical characteristics (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 – Typical structure of a PV module

Presently the crystalline silicon PV modules available in the market has a nominal power typically in the
range of 300Wp to 400Wp (sometimes more than 400 Wp), measured at specific irradiance and
temperature called as Standard Test Conditions or STC (1000 W/m2, 25 °C, AM 1.5).

Although the crystalline PV technology is the most widely used, there are also other technologies that
are based on the deposition of a thin layer of semiconductor on a front glass. The resulting thickness of
this deposit is a few μm and for this reason the resulting products are called Thin-film PV modules.
Commercially available thin film PV modules technologies use CdTe (Cadmium Telluride), CIS (Copper
Indium Selenide) or CIGS modules (Copper Indium Gallium Selenide) or Amorphous silicon can be used.
The higher costs of these expensive materials are largely compensated by the much lower quantities
needed to obtain the photovoltaic conversion. Conversely, the efficiency of thin film technology modules

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is normally lower than their silicon wafer-based crystalline counterpart (except CdTe technologies, which
has similar efficiency level as that of Crystalline Silicon).

Recent technology developments have led to bi-facial PV modules. These convert light captured on both
the front and back side of the module into electrical power and can therefore (substantially) increase
the electric yield of PV power plants depending on the specifics of the installation. The additional yield
for bi-facial power plants depends on the tilt, height, and spacing of the modules, as well as the
reflectivity of the ground: e.g. white foil, different soils or vegetation. (further details available in “Best
practice for designing a PV system” document)

6.3 PV systems
PV modules are mechanically assembled and electrically connected is series and parallel to form a PV
array. The PV array provides all the power coming from the solar conversion, but we cannot use it directly
since it generates DC electricity which is not directly compatible with the electric appliances and the
electric grid as these are based on AC electricity.

The DC power coming from the PV array is thus converted to AC power to be fully compatible with the
public distribution networks. This function is operated by means of specific electronic equipment called
Inverter. The inverter performs several functions: mainly it optimizes the electrical operation of the PV
array and transforms the DC power into AC power that can be used by the electric appliances or injected
into the distribution network when necessary.

Figure 5 shows the general configuration of a Small-Scale Solar PV System. Beside the inverter there are
other equipment aimed to safeguard the distribution network (Interface Protection - IP), to measure the
energy produced and exchanged with the distribution network (Meters) and to sort the power (AC
switchgear). Such PV systems are called Grid-connected PV systems or Grid-tied PV systems.

Figure 5 – General configuration of a Small-Scale Solar PV System

The environmental benefits of a grid-connected PV system are evident:

− The energy produced is 100% renewable and comes from the sun
− The plant does not produce any pollutant
− The energy produced can fully replace energy generated through fossil fuels, thus reduces
emissions of pollutants and in particular greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
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Recent technology developments have led to bi-facial PV modules. These convert light captured on both
the front and back side of the module into electrical power and can therefore (substantially) increase
the electric yield of PV power plants depending on the specifics of the installation. The additional yield
for bi-facial power plants depends on the tilt, height, and spacing of the modules, as well as the
reflectivity of the ground: e.g. white foil, different soils or vegetation.

6.4 Net billing benefits

It has been illustrated that grid-connected PV systems converts solar irradiation coming from the sun to
make it available for consumption using the grid. This power changes during the day, normally it reaches
a maximum at noon and is zero from sunset to dawn. The production is also influenced by a seasonal

However, from a technical point of view, shortfall between solar PV production and internal
consumption may be easily managed by the presence of the public grid. When the solar PV production
exceeds the internal consumption, the difference is sent to the distribution network and, conversely,
when the solar PV production is less than consumption or is null (evening, night) the difference is taken
from the distribution network.

Therefore, at the end of a billing cycle the energy meter at the Connection Point registers an amount of
kWh that has been taken from the distribution network and an amount of kWh that has been injected
to the distribution network. The net billing mechanism in its simplest version makes the monetary
difference between input and output. In case of any surplus energy produced by the solar PV system and
injected to the grid, a financial valuation will take place and the amount will be transferred and deducted
from the next billing cycle.

6.5 Solar PV systems fit for everyone

The possibilities offered by Small-Scale Solar PV Systems are countless. A few examples are shown in
Figure 6. Sizes range from 1 kW to 2 MW and, depending on the rooftop and the area available, PV
systems may have simple flat rooftop structures or canopies where PV modules are also used to create
shading from sunshine. Other possibilities are represented by sloped roofs, sheds or facades.
Furthermore, especially in new buildings, Building Integrated PV (BIPV) represent an excellent use of this
technology and allow achieving results of great aesthetic impact.

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Figure 6 – Examples of PV installations

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7.1 Overview
According to Figure 7, the overall connection process involving the Consumer and SEC is divided into
three main stages, namely:
− Selection of Solar PV Contractor / Consultant
− Solar PV Initial Enquiry
− Economic Feasibility of Installing A Small Solar PV System
− Design Evaluation and Approval
− Inspection and Energization

Figure 7 – Solar PV connection process overview

From the point the consumer selects the Consultant / Contractor the complete process is shown in
Figure 8.

The Consumer starts and completes the connection process via the Solar PV Web Portal. The web portal
also provides the Consumer, as well as the Consultants / Contractors, with the information and the
documents required going through each step of the process, and in particular:
− Safety recommendations for the designing and installation of the PV system.
− Guidelines and Checklists to carry out the inspection and testing in the frame of the Site Test
and of the Commissioning Test, as it is required by the ECRA Regulations.

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Figure 8 – Solar PV Connection stages for the Consumer

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7.2 Connection process details

The details of the steps indicated in Figure 8 are described hereinafter.

7.2.1 Selection of the Consultant / Consultant

The Consumer shall register on the SEC website then select one of the approved Consultant/Contractor
from the list available in SEC’s web portal (provided by the Habilitation/Qualification Committee). This
represents the first step in the process.

7.2.2 Request the source of supply and transformer capacity

The selected Consultant / Contractor logs into the SEC web portal and selects the received request from
the Consumer. The consultant/Contractor requests SEC through the portal to provide the Transformer
capacity (KVA), Peller Number, remaining capacity to connect solar System and SEC provide the data

7.2.3 Submission of the Solar PV initial application form

The selected Consultant/Contractor shall complete and submit the Initial Application Form “ANNEX A –
SOLAR PV INITIAL APPLICATION FORM” which specifies the data and information that the Consultant /
Contractor shall submit when applying.

7.2.4 Checking the consumer’s eligibility

The application and the documents submitted are then reviewed by SEC in order to check the followings:
• formal errors
• inconsistencies among information and documents
• requests that are out of scope in some parts
Then the eligibility of the Consumer is checked with respect to the requirements of the ECRA Regulations.
These requirements are related to the capacity of the PV system in one premise or different premises
owned by the same Consumer, the Small-Scale Solar PV Systems aggregated capacity allowed in parallel
with SEC with reference to the peak load of the preceding year (3%), the maximum PV capacity as a
percentage of the rated capacity of the transformer from which the load of the Consumer is fed (15%).
The priority of connection will be given for the residential consumers.

7.2.5 Payment of Initial inquiry fee

If the Consumer is eligible, then SEC confirms the cost of the initial application and the Consumer pays.
In case of any inadequacies or missing documentation SEC will notify the Consumer and the
Consultant/Contractor with the needed action.

7.2.6 Evaluation and approval of initial application

SEC shall finalize the evaluation process and notify the Consultant / Contractor and Consumer within a
maximum of 20 working days from the application date of the initial application form.

The connection of a new solar PV System to the SEC distribution network can have an impact on network
integrity, operation and safety. This impact must therefore be accurately assessed in advance, by means
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of the Technical Assessment of the network hosting capacity, in order to be able to mitigate possible
negative implications. According to the ECRA Regulations (V02/19), this Technical Assessment is
mandatory in case the capacity of the PV system exceeds 50 kW.

The results are then communicated with the Consumer and Consultant / Contractor as follows:
- If the evaluation is positive, the Consumer and Consultant / Contractor receives a formal enquiry
approval from SEC. The validity of this approval is 180 days (6 months) from the day of SEC’s
- In case of non-positive result, the Consumer and Consultant / Contractor will be notified with the
reason of rejection and will be given 60 days to review and resubmit the application without extra

7.2.7 Conducting the economic feasibility study

After the Solar PV initial enquiry approval, the Consultant / Contractor has to conduct a feasibility study
by entering the necessary information in the computer program (available in ECRA’s website) which
shows the economic feasibility of installing the small solar PV system. After reviewing the results, the
Consumer has to sign the “Feasibility Study Acceptance Form” provided by ECRA.

7.2.8 Applying for design evaluation and approval

When applying for the Design Evaluation and Approval the Consultant / Contractor shall upload the final
design of the Small-Scale Solar PV System on SEC web portal alongside the signed feasibility study and
all other needed documents. The minimum requirements for the solar PV System design depend on the
size of the system and are specified in the “ANNEX B – SOLAR PV DESIGN DOCUMENTATION

SEC will check the documents submitted by the Consultant / Contractor in order to assure that the final
design is complete and complies with the requirements of the Technical Standards before allowing the
construction of the Small-scale Solar PV system. For the benefit of SEC as well as of the Consultant /
Contractor, the evaluation checklist is provided in “ANNEX C – SOLAR PV DESIGN DOCUMENTATION

If the design contains some details that conflict with SEC standards or other standards in KSA, a note is
sent to the Consultant / Contractor who is asked to fix these inadequacies within a period of 30 working
days. Once the modifications have been made, the design can be submitted again to SEC for further

7.2.9 Notifying with the cost of the Connection Fee

SEC notifies the Consumer with the cost of the connection necessary to proceed with the connection
process, and the means of payment.

7.2.10 Signing the Connection Agreement

After the design approval and payment of the connection fees, SEC sends a message to the Consumer
that includes a link to SEC website where the Consumer is asked to sign the Connection agreement.

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SEC signs two copies of the Connection agreement within ten (10) business days from the date of
payment of the connection fee.

The Consumer shall selects/confirms the Consultant/Contractor from the SEC approved list to start with
the solar PV Construction.

7.2.11 Conducting the Site Test

After the construction of the PV system, a Site Test is conducted by the Consultant / Contractor. The Site
Test consists of the tests before the interconnection aimed to ensure that the installation and the grid
connection comply with the relevant SEC standards as well as with the laws and rules in force in KSA. Its
main purpose is to verify the solar PV System’s connection viability.

After the Site Test, the Consultant / Contractor prepares the Site Test Report 1 and uploads all relevant
documents to initiate the Inspection request.

7.2.12 Applying for Inspection by SEC

After the performing the site test of the solar PV System, the Consultant / Contractor makes the Request
of inspection after uploading all the needed documents.

When applying for inspection, the Consultant / Contractor is required to upload the Declaration of
Conformity * issued and signed by the Consultant / Contractor that states the following:
− Under the Consultant / Contractor’s responsibility the plant has been made in a workmanlike
− The plant has been constructed according to the design documents approved by SEC and minor
changes (if any) do not worsen the compatibility with the distribution network, the
performances and the safety. Any minor changes are duly reported in an as-built design attached
to the Declaration of Conformity.
− All the materials, components and equipment used in the solar PV System have been chosen
according to the design and to the laws and rules in force in the KSA.
Besides the civil mechanical work completion letter, the Consultant / Contractor uploads the Site Test
Report and the following documents as required by ECRA Regulations:
− Specification of the Major Equipment *
− Details of the protection arrangement and settings referred to in the Distribution Code *
− Copies of all Safety Rules and instructions applicable to the Consumer's Equipment at the Exit
− Electrical Diagram of the Consumer's Equipment at the Exit Point
− Clearance and Readiness for Energization of the proposed Exit Point and Equipment *
− Proposed Maintenance Program for a small-scale solar PV Systems with capacity exceeding
100kW *
(*): Information and templates for the preparation of these documents are provided in the ANNEX D –

7.2.13 Schedule and agreement on the day(s) of inspection and commissioning

See the Inspection and Testing Guidelines and the Inspection and Testing Checklists
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In case of no comments on the uploaded documents, SEC schedule day(s) of inspection and inform the
Consumer and the Consultant/Contractor. The Consumer and Consultant/Contractor agree on the dates
propose by SEC.

7.2.14 Site Inspection by SEC

During the Site Inspection SEC verifies the Small-scale Solar PV system, at least in those parts that SEC
deems to be relevant to it. SEC may also witness the Site Test, if the capacity of the PV System exceeds
50 kW, in this case either some or all the tests undertaken by the Consultant / Contractor may have to
be repeated at the presence of the SEC Inspector if deemed necessary. The site inspection is described
in the documents Inspection and Testing Guidelines and Inspection and Testing Checklists.

7.2.15 Commissioning Test

The Consultant / Contractor makes the Commissioning Test with SEC inspector witnessing the tests, in
particular as regards the inspection and test of the Interface Protection (IP).

At the completion of the test, the Consultant / Contractor uploads the Commissioning Test report to SEC
portal. The Commissioning Test is described in the documents Inspection and Testing Guidelines and
Inspection and Testing Checklists.

7.2.16 Installation of meter(s) and Energization

In case SEC has no remarks on the Commissioning Test Report submitted by the Consultant / Contractor,
SEC complete the installation of the meter(s) and update the billing system.
At this stage the Small-scale Solar PV System is connected to the Distribution Network of SEC.

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8.1 Foreword
The purpose of this Section is to define a list of obligations and entitlements that each one of the parties
involved in the construction and in the connection to the network of the Small-Scale Solar PV System has
to comply with.
The limits of responsibility of the below are outlined:
− SEC;
− the Consumer (as owner of the PV System); and
− the Consultant / Contractor (appointed by the Consumer).

8.2 SEC
8.2.1 Responsibility
SEC shall be responsible for:
− Operating and maintaining a secure, reliable and efficient electric distribution network, in order
to be able to receive the power produced by the PV system;
− Connecting Consumers to the distribution network;
− Conducting the site and PV system inspections as defined above;
− Undertaking any possible provisions to clear a fault in the distribution network in the shortest
time. SEC shall not be liable for the loss of production that the Small-Scale Solar PV Systems
connected to the Distribution Network will undergo in case of disconnection following the
intervention of the Interface Protection.
− If there is a risk for either the safety or the security of the system and the public electricity
network, SEC is entitled to disconnect the DG System from the distribution network
SEC claims no liability for any personal injury, property or other damage, of any nature whatsoever,
whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the
connection point.

It is not the responsibility of SEC to check nor to approve the mechanical design of the PV systems, the
mechanical and fire safety of the building without or with the PV systems, as well as any issues that
regard the compatibility of the PV systems with the aesthetic rules or regulations in force, shall be the
role of the Municipality or of any other governmental institutions deputed to manage the above
mentioned duties and responsibilities.

8.2.2 Ownership Boundaries

The boundary between Consumer and SEC are regulated as follows:
− The boundary between SEC and the Consumer is the Connection Point as indicated in the
connection schemes in the document
− Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC
− The respective ownership of Plant or equipment shall be recorded in the Connection Agreement
between SEC and the Consumer in the form of a diagram.

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8.3 Consumer
8.3.1 Connection Agreement
− The Consumer must enter into a Connection Agreement with SEC. The Connection Agreement
encompasses both the technical and commercial aspects of the connection, addresses the
Standards and Minimum Technical requirements and specifies the terms and conditions
including the connection fee, net billing criteria, use of system and quality of supply in
accordance with SEC Standards.
− The Consumer shall indemnify SEC and accept liability for safety and supply quality issues that
occur when the Solar PV System is operating.
− The term of Agreement between the Consumer and SEC shall be valid for 20 years effective from
the date of signing the Connection Agreement. 2

8.3.2 Responsibility
The Consumer shall be responsible for:
− Selecting the Consultant / Contractor.
− Coordinate with the Consultant / Contractor with all information needed as relevant.
− Signing the Financial Feasibility Study and all other relevant agreements as applicable.
− All costs associated with the connection of a DG system to SEC system shall be borne by the

8.3.3 Disconnection
SEC may limit the operation and/or disconnect or require the disconnection of a Solar PV System from
distribution network at any time, with or without notice, in the event of fault. SEC may also limit the
operation and/or disconnect or require the disconnection of PV system from the distribution network
upon the provision of notice for the following conditions:
− To allow for routine maintenance, repairs or modifications to the distribution networks.
− Upon SEC’s determination that the Solar PV System is not in compliance with its Regulations.
− Upon termination of the Connection Agreement.

8.3.4 Termination of agreement

The Consumer may terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice if the Consumer
decides to discontinue the export of electricity to SEC. All rights and obligations accrued up to
termination shall continue in force upon termination.

8.4 Consultant / Contractor

Consultant’s responsibility and liability are defined by the laws in force. In particular, the Consultant shall
be responsible for:
− Carrying out the application process on behalf of the Consumer as described above.
− Carrying out the design according to the technical requirements and specifications of SEC and
Saudi distribution code 3.
− The installation, operation and maintenance of all the equipment forming the PV system. (if
agreed with the Consumer on)

As per ECRA regulation (ERD – TA -012 v09 - 19), Annex 2
The Contractor shall deliver a Declaration of Conformity of the Solar PV System based on the template included
in the Annex.
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− Ensuring that there is a safe system of work for all representatives that are involved in the Small-
Scale Solar PV System construction, in compliance with all applicable standards and statutory
− The protection and safety of the generating units.
− The reliable protection of the PV system (e.g. short-circuit, earth-fault and overload protection).
− Applying a safe system of work during the construction of a Small-Scale Solar PV System, in
compliance with all applicable standards, regulations and statutory requirements.
− Appointing a Test Engineer to perform inspection and testing on the plant.
− Arrange all necessary requirements and systems to connect a Small-Scale Solar PV System to SEC
distribution networks, including compliance with security and safety requirements, and
providing the necessary equipment.
− Terms and conditions of offer to connection, connection agreement, connection conditions, and
any other relevant requirement adopted by SEC 4.
− Not to exceed the authorized maximum generation capacity for exporting toward SEC system.
− Not to conduct any action impacting the safety and efficiency of SEC system.
− Cooperate with SEC staff in all matters related to electricity exported to the system.
As stated above, the limits of liability as specified for the Consultants apply also for the Contractors when
their services extend to include consultancy services and the design of the plant.

SEC standards are indispensable for the solar PV application. All equipment in an installation connected
to SEC system shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in accordance with all applicable
statutory obligations and shall be conform to the relevant SEC standards in force at the time of the
connection of the installation to SEC system.

8.4.1 Protection requirements

The PV system’s protection and control diagrams for the interconnection shall be in accordance with the
provisions of the Distribution Code and approved by SEC prior to the commissioning of the proposed
interconnection facilities. The Consultant / Contractor will install a manual disconnecting device to
isolate the PV system from the distribution network as also required in the Saudi Building Code (Section

8.5 Manufacturers
Manufacturers’ responsibility and liability are defined by the laws in force. The manufacturers shall in
particular be liable in case of delivery of false certificates of compliance for the PV products (PV modules,
inverters, cables, protections and so forth).

Terms and conditions, including the Connection Agreement, available for consultation on the Solar PV Web Portal
of SEC
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The following form is used by the Consultant / Contractor, as already available in the SEC website.
Small-scale Solar PV – Initial Enquiry Application
Consumer Personal Details
Personal name
Father name
Grandfather name
Family name
ID Number
Mobile Number
Consumer case Rental Owner

Contact Details
Home phone number
Office phone number
P.O. Box
Fax Number

Address Details
Region To be chosen in a list
City To be chosen in a list
District To be chosen in a list
Nearest district (in case a District cannot be specified)

Documents to be uploaded
Personal ID copy or resident visa and passport copy for Upload
expats (non-Saudis)
Mandate or delegation (for the Consultant/Contractor) Upload
Approved Building Document by the responsible Upload
Municipality (Can be Drawings, Tenancy Permit…)

Account details
Account number
Meter Number
Type of premises Apartment Building Single Floor
Office Villa Shop
Premises number
Voltage LV 127/220 V LV 220/380V
LV 230/400 V MV 13.8 kV
MV 33 kV
Meter size From 20A to 800A

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Meter Data
Number of meters in the premises
Category Residential Commercial
Service Meter Educational
Agricultural Industrial
Number of meters for each category

Sequence of settlements in case the Consumer has several accounts (in the same area of supply at
one Electricity Department)
1st Account details
Account number
Meter Number
2nd Account details
Account number
Meter Number

Source of Supply - informative 5

Substation Number Automatically retrieved
Feeder Number Automatically retrieved
Circuit Number Automatically retrieved
Pillar Circuit Number Automatically retrieved
Substation Transformer
Transformer size (kVA)
PV system
PV Capacity (kW)
PV module installation On building Ground
Other structure (e.g. canopy)
Approximated area available for PV installation (m2)
Building installation (if applicable) Flat rooftop Roof flap Façade
Information on Consultant / Contractor
Name of the company Automatically retrieved
Eligibility Certification ID Automatically retrieved
Name of the Automatically retrieved Designation Automatically retrieved
responsible person
P.O.BOX Automatically retrievedMobile number Automatically retrieved
E-mail Automatically retrievedOffice phone Automatically retrieved
City Automatically retrieved/select from a drop list

This section is under implementation and may be not available at the time of issue of this Guidelines
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In this section the minimum documentation that should be provided in the frame of the process for the
installation of a grid connected PV system is listed. This information will ensure key system data is readily
available also to a consumer, inspector or maintenance engineer. The documentation includes basic
system data and the information expected to be provided in the operation and maintenance manual.

The list reported hereinafter is based on the SASO IEC 62446-1 but depending on the size of the PV
system that is up to 11 kW or above, the design documentation required, and its organization is different.
Check lists are also provided in Annex C to assure all the required documentation is shared during the

1.1 All Solar PV systems

1.1.1 Basic system information
As a minimum, the following basic system information shall be provided. This “nameplate” information
shall be presented on the cover page of the system documentation pack:
a) Project identification reference (where applicable)
b) Rated (nameplate) system power (kW DC and kVA AC)
c) PV modules and inverters – manufacturer, model and quantity
d) Installation date
e) Commissioning date
f) Consumer name
g) Site address

1.1.2 System designer information

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided for all bodies responsible for the design of
the system. Where more than one company has responsibility for the design of the system, the following
information should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in the project.
a) System designer, company.
b) System designer, contact person.
c) System designer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.

1.1.3 System installer information

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided for all bodies responsible for the installation
of the system. Where more than one company has responsibility for the installation of the system, the
following information should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in
the project.
a) System installer, company.
b) System installer, contact person.
c) System installer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.

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1.2 Solar PV systems up to 11 kW

1.2.1 Wiring diagram
As a minimum, a single line wiring diagram in a suitable and readable format shall be provided.
In general, it is expected that this information will be presented as annotations to the single line wiring
diagram. In some circumstances, typically for larger systems where space on the diagram may be limited,
this information may be presented in table form. Array – General specifications

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array design information.
a) PV module type(s).
b) Total number of PV modules.
c) Number of strings.
d) Number of PV modules per string.
e) Identify which strings connect to which inverter.
Where an array is split into sub-arrays, the wiring diagram shall show the array – sub-array design and
include all of the above information for each sub-array. PV string information

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following PV string information.
a) String cable specifications – size and type.
b) String overcurrent protective device specifications (where fitted) – type and voltage/current
c) Blocking diode type (if relevant). PV array electrical details

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array electrical information (where
a) Array main cable specifications: Size, type manufacturer and model.
b) Array junction boxes / combiner boxes: Locations, manufacturer, model and internal electric
c) DC switch disconnector: Location and rating (voltage / current), manufacturer and model.
d) Array overcurrent protective devices: Type, location, rating (voltage / current), manufacturer
and model.
e) Other array electronic protective circuitry (such as arc fault detection), if applicable: Type,
location, rating, manufacturers and models. AC system
The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following AC system information.
a) AC isolator location: Type, rating, manufacturer and model.
b) AC overcurrent protective device: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and model.
c) Residual current (where fitted): Device location, type and rating.
d) Interface protection: Type, manufacturing and model
e) Interface switch (and backup switch if applicable): Location, type, rating, manufacturer and

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CONNECTION GUIDELINES Earthing and overvoltage protection

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following earthing and overvoltage
protection information.
a) Details of all earth / bonding conductors – size and type. Including details of array frame
equipotential bonding cable where fitted.
b) Details of any connections to an existing Lightning Protection System (LPS).
c) Details of any surge protection device installed (both on AC and DC lines) to include location,
type and rating.

1.2.2 Planimetry and String layout

Planimetry of the PV array has to include information about the tilt and orientation. Possible sources of
shading shall be clearly indicated.
For systems with three or more strings, a layout drawing of the PV system showing how the array is split
and connected into strings shall be provided.
This is particularly useful for finding faults in larger systems and on building mounted arrays where access
to the rear of the modules is difficult.

1.2.3 Datasheets
As a minimum, datasheets shall be provided for the following system components:
a) PV module datasheet for all types of modules used in system
b) Inverter datasheet for all types of inverters used in system.
c) Interface protection datasheet
The provision of datasheets for other significant system components should also be considered.

1.2.4 Mechanical design information

A data sheet for the array mounting system shall be provided. If the mounting structure was custom
engineered, include the relevant documentation.

1.2.5 Emergency systems

Documentation of any emergency systems associated with the PV system (fire alarms, smoke alarms,
etc.). This information shall include both operation and design details.

1.2.6 Estimate of the yearly energy production

An estimate of the yearly energy production shall be calculated using solar energy simulation software
like PVsyst or SAM.

1.3 Solar PV systems above 11 kW

1.3.1 Technical report
Here below the structure of the Technical report is described along with a list of the minimum
information to be included. Further information might be required, depending on the type and size of
the PV system, and the document might be organized differently. For example, in case of MV connection,
a further section dedicated to MV shall be included.
Although the organization of the Technical report as described below is recommended, it might be
possible to adopt a different structure, provided the general criteria be fulfilled (e.g. separation of the
input data from the information elaborated during the design) and no information are missing.

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CONNECTION GUIDELINES Preliminary information

As a minimum, the following basic system information shall be provided. This “nameplate” information
preferably shall be presented on the cover page of the system documentation pack:
a) Project identification reference or name
b) Rated (nameplate) system power (kW DC and kVA AC)
c) PV modules and inverters – manufacturer, model and quantity
d) Installation date
e) Commissioning date
f) Consumer name
g) Site address Chapter 1 – Foreword (or Introductory section, or Preface, etc.…)

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− Type of solar system (rooftop, ground mounted, façade, etc.…), integration if relevant (BAPV,
BIPV, etc.…), fixed mounting or tracking, technology (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin-film,
− A short description of the purpose of the project, also referring to the benefits for the client, for
the environment, for the electric system, for the Nation, etc.…
− System designer information for all bodies responsible for the design of the system. Where more
than one company has responsibility for the design of the system, the following information
should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in the project.
a. System designer, company.
b. System designer, contact person.
c. System designer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.
− System installer information for all bodies responsible for the installation of the system. Where
more than one company has responsibility for the installation of the system, the following
information should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in the
a. System installer, company.
b. System installer, contact person.
c. System installer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address. Chapter 2 – Input data

It is important to dedicate a chapter for the input data used for the design (environment, local laws and
rules, constraints, relevant grid characteristics, etc.) listed here below, whereas the information
elaborated at design stage will be detailed in the upcoming paragraphs.
As a minimum, the following input data and information shall be provided:
− Definitions (recommended)
− Laws and standards applicable (the most relevant ones)
− Solar and environmental data on the site (monthly averages of direct and diffuse solar radiation,
wind speed, average and maximum temperatures, etc.…)
− Geological and environmental constraints (if any) as type of soil, inclination, need of stabilization
or other treatment, shading, presence of vegetation, animals, etc.…)
− Characteristics of the distribution network at POC: voltage, frequency, No. of phases, type of
earthing system (TT, TN, IT, etc.…), short circuit current, any further available information on
power supply.

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CONNECTION GUIDELINES Chapter 3 – Characteristics of the main devices and equipment

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− PV modules (Manufacturer, model, technology, type of PV cells, Pn, Vm, Im, Voc, Isc,
Temperature coefficients, NOCT, dimensions and weight, certifications, etc.…)
− Inverters (manufacturer, model, Pn, Max input current, Max input voltage, MPPT range, output
voltage and frequency range, Max temperature, IP enclosure, dimensions, weight, certifications,
− DC combiner boxes – if present – (Manufacturer, model, No. of inputs, protection on inputs,
switch/disconnector, PV string monitoring if any, IP enclosure, dimensions, weight,
certifications, etc.…)
− Interface protection – if external to the inverters – (Manufacturer, model, functions, standards
compliance, certifications, etc.…)
− Monitoring system – if present – (manufacturer, model, solar and meteorological inputs, DC
inputs, AC inputs, data line exchange, storage, data display, certifications if any, etc.…) Chapter 4 – System architecture and dimensioning

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− DC and AC capacity and how is obtained from PV modules and inverters
− General architecture of the system from PV modules to the POC (this should include a very
simple block diagram with PV modules, inverters, main switches and protections, meters, POC,
energy flows, etc.…)
− Characteristics of the PV strings and PV array(s) (Vm, Im, Voc, Isc, inclination(s), orientation(s))
− Verification of compliance for PV strings/array(s) and inverters (MPPT range, max volt ages, max
currents, etc.…)
− Description of the distribution network connection and power delivery (protection, grid services,
capability, etc.…) Chapter 5 – DC section

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− Verification of compliance for DC cables (current, voltage drops)
− Measures to prevent overcurrent in parallel PV strings Chapter 6 – AC section

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− Measures to prevent electric shocks from direct contacts (class II insulations, tubes and channels,
− Measures to prevent electric shocks from indirect contacts (earthing, RCDs, etc.…)
− Characteristics of the main AC devices (Manufacturer, model, type of device, No. of poles, aux
contacts, nominal current, short-circuit current, characteristics of the protection, etc.…)
− AC calculations (verification of compliance for AC devices and cables) Chapter 7 – Civil and mechanical installation

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− Description of the mounting structures

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− Design philosophy
− Structural calculations and analysis
− Civil drawings Chapter 8 – Performance calculation

As a minimum, the following information shall be provided:
− Calculation of the solar radiation on the PV system
− Energy Yield (monthly and yearly)
− CO2 saved

1.3.2 Wiring diagram

As a minimum, a multiple line wiring diagram in a suitable and readable format shall be provided. If
necessary, the diagram may be distributed in more than one sheet.
In addition, a single line diagram, which contains the most relevant information and gives an overview
of the PV system, is recommended, especially in case of large systems.
The information listed below is also required. In general, it is expected that this information will be
presented as annotations to the single line wiring diagram. In some circumstances, typically for larger
systems where space on the diagram may be limited, this information may be presented in table form. Array – General specifications

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array design information.
a) PV module type(s).
b) Total number of PV modules.
c) Number of strings.
d) Number of PV modules per string.
e) Identify which strings connect to which inverter.
Where an array is split into sub-arrays, the wiring diagram shall show the array – sub-array design and
include all of the above information for each sub-array. PV string information

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following PV string information.
a) String cable specifications – size and type.
b) String overcurrent protective device specifications (where fitted) – type and voltage/current
c) Blocking diode type (if relevant). PV array electrical details

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array electrical information (where
a) Array main cable specifications: Size, type manufacturer and model.
b) Array junction boxes / combiner boxes: Locations, manufacturer, model and internal electric
c) DC switch disconnector: Location and rating (voltage / current), manufacturer and model.
d) Array overcurrent protective devices: Type, location, rating (voltage / current), manufacturer
and model.

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e) Other array electronic protective circuitry (such as arc fault detection), if applicable: Type,
location, rating, manufacturers and models. AC system
The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following AC system information.
a) AC isolator location: Type, rating, manufacturer and model.
b) AC overcurrent protective device: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and model.
c) Residual current (where fitted): Device location, type and rating.
d) Interface protection: Type, manufacturing and model
e) Interface switch (and backup switch if applicable): Location, type, rating, manufacturer and
model. Earthing and overvoltage protection

The wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following earthing and overvoltage
protection information.
a) Details of all earth / bonding conductors – size and type. Including details of array frame
equipotential bonding cable where fitted.
b) Details of any connections to an existing Lightning Protection System (LPS).
c) Details of any surge protection device installed (both on AC and DC lines) to include location,
type and rating.

1.3.3 Planimetry and String layout

Planimetry of the PV array must include information about the tilt and orientation. Possible sources of
shading shall be clearly indicated.
For systems with three or more strings, a layout drawing of the PV system showing how the array is split
and connected into strings shall be provided.
This is particularly useful for finding faults in larger systems and on building mounted arrays where access
to the rear of the modules is difficult.

1.3.4 Datasheets
As a minimum, datasheets shall be provided for the following system components:
a) PV module datasheet for all types of modules used in system
b) Inverter datasheet for all types of inverters used in system.
c) Interface protection datasheet
The provision of datasheets for other significant system components should also be considered.

1.3.5 Mechanical design information

A data sheet for the array mounting system shall be provided. If the mounting structure was custom
engineered, the relevant documentation should be included.

1.3.6 Emergency systems

Documentation of any emergency systems associated with the PV system (fire alarms, smoke alarms,
etc.). This information shall include both operation and design details.

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1.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual

The Operation and Maintenance manual shall contain at least the basic information that can be used in
order to operate and maintain the Small-Scale Solar PV System in a safe and efficient manner.
Here below the minimum content of the Operation and Maintenance Manual is reported.

1.4.1 Shutdown/isolation procedure

Shutdown and isolation procedures are designed to ensure safe working practices and must be strictly
followed whenever systems are de-energized prior to servicing.
Shutdown and isolation are required when energized equipment is serviced or maintained, safety guards
are removed or bypassed, a worker has to place any part of his or her body in the equipment’s point of
operation, or hazardous energy sources are present. The procedures shall include:
− A list and description, where necessary, of the steps to be done for system shutdown and
isolation achievement
− Safe operation of electrical disconnects
− Labelling of the equipment switched off (where necessary)
Care should be taken to observe and follow warning labels reading “DO NOT DISCONNECT UNDER LOAD”
or having the similar meaning located on module connections, combiner boxes, disconnects, and some
inverter switches not designed as a load-break switch. Failure to heed these warning labels can lead to
instrument malfunction, arcing, fires, and personnel injuries.

1.4.2 PPE and other safety equipment

Service personnel must know what kind of PPE is required for a specific task and wear it while completing
the task. PPE includes fall protection, arc flash protection, fire-rated clothing, hot gloves, boots, and
protective eyewear, among other items. PPE is designed to help minimize exposure to inherent system
hazards. Identification of potential hazards is crucial to the process of selecting the appropriate PPE for
the task at hand.

1.4.3 Spare parts management

Spare Parts Management is an inherent and substantial part of O&M, especially for PV systems with a
power capacity larger than 100 kW. It should ensure that spare parts are available in a timely manner
for corrective maintenance in order to minimize the downtime of (a part of) a solar PV plant. As regards
to spare part management, the following considerations have to be made:
− Ownership and responsibility of insurance.
− Stocking level.
− Location of storage (Proximity to the plant, Security, Environmental conditions).

1.4.4 Preventative maintenance activities

A provisional list of the preventative maintenance activities shall be produced. When required, it shall
be integrated and refined later according to the specific needs of the Small-Scale Solar PV System to be
The list shall contain a short description of the activities and their interval (months, years, etc.).
Additionally, the list shall include at least the following sub-systems:
− PV modules.
− PV array and DC wirings.
− Inverters.
− AC section and wirings.

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1.4.5 Warranty documentation

The warranty documentation shall concern at least PV modules and inverters. It shall include starting
date of warranty and period of warranty.

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The following pages contain the checklists used to validate the documentation at “Design Evaluation and

The Consultant or Contractor can use these checklists in order to check the completeness of documents
and information required at “Design Evaluation Approval”.

Solar PV Design Check-list – All PV Systems

Documents received and complete

Basic System Information Yes No
Information on Solar PV System Designer Yes No
Information on Solar PV System Installer Yes No
Technical Report (only PV systems above 11 kW, including Yes No
estimate of yearly energy production)
Wiring Diagrams (Single Line and Multi Line) Yes No
Planimetry and string layout Yes No
PV module datasheet Yes No
Inverter datasheet Yes No
Interface Protection datasheet (only for Solar PV Systems above Yes No
11 kW or with external IP)
Mechanical design information Yes No
Emergency systems Yes No
Operation and Maintenance Manual Yes No
Estimate of the yearly energy production (only PV systems up to Yes No
11 kW)
Civil Work approval from MOMRA/responsible Municipality Yes No
Expected date of installation/energization Yes No
Signed Economic Feasibility Report from ECRA website Yes No

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Solar PV Design Check-list – Pn ≤ 11 kW

Wiring Diagram – General Contents

Field Result / Value Notes
Inclusion of the Solar PV System in the existing installation is Yes No
clearly indicated in the wiring diagrams
Single line diagram, with details of metering and protection Yes No
system (relays, CTs and VTs when adopted, e.g. for MV network

Wiring diagram
Field Result / Value Notes
Type of PV modules Yes No
Tot. number of PV modules Yes No
Number of strings Yes No
Number of PV modules per string Yes No
Connection strings / inverters Yes No
Not applicable
String cable size and type Yes No
String overcurrent protective device – type and voltage/current Yes No
ratings Not applicable
Blocking diode type Yes No
Not applicable
Array main cable: Size, type manufacturer and model Yes No
Not applicable
Combiner boxes: Locations, manufacturer, model and internal Yes No
electric diagram Not applicable
DC switch disconnector: Location and rating (V/A), manufacturer Yes No
and model Not applicable
Other array electronic protective circuitry: Type, location, rating, Yes No
manufacturers and models Not applicable
AC isolator location: Type, rating, manufacturer and model Yes No
AC overcurrent protective device: Location, type, rating, Yes No
manufacturer and model
Residual current (where fitted): Device location, type and rating Yes No
Not applicable
Interface protection: Type, manufacturing and model Yes No
Not applicable
Interface switch: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and model Yes No
Not applicable
Backup switch: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and model Yes No
Not applicable
Details of all earth/bonding conductors – size and type Yes No
Details of array frame equipotential bonding cable Yes No
Not applicable

Page 36/50

Details of any connections to an existing LPS Yes No

Not applicable
Details of any surge protection device installed Yes No

Check of Connection Requirements

Is the proposed diagram compliant with SEC applicable rules, in Yes No
particular the Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-
Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of
In case three-phase inverters are not used, is the maximum Yes No
power imbalance limited to the values specified in the Technical
Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to
the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC ?

Planimetry and String layout

Site setting out plan showing details of proposed works, PV Yes No
modules layout, meter location(s), etc.
Indication of tilt and orientation Yes No
Sources of shading are clearly indicated Yes No
Not applicable
Layout drawing showing how the array is split and connected into Yes No
strings Not applicable

Sizing of the Solar PV System

Is the compatibility between the strings and the inverter checked Yes No
Is the sizing of the PV system elements (inverters, solar cables, Yes No
cables, panels, etc...) correct ?

Sizing of the Solar PV System

In case of installation on buildings, is the maximum string voltage Yes No
≤ 1000 Vdc ?
In case of ground mounted installation, is the maximum string Yes No
voltage ≤ 1500 Vdc ?
Protection against overcurrent: have suitable provisions in Yes No
agreement with Building Code Section 407 been taken in the
installation ?
In case of use of transformer less inverters, has an RCD (Residual Yes No
Current Device) of Class B (Class A is sufficient in case of inverters
which cannot inject DC currents) been considered on AC side ?
Lightning protection: has the need of LPS been evaluated and, if Yes No
required, relative provisions taken ?

Datasheets and Certification

Page 37/50

Details on PV modules, for each kind employed in the plant Yes No

(Manufacturer, Model reference, Efficiency, Warranty years for
manufacturing defects, Peak capacity per single PV module [Wp],
Surface per single PV module [m²], Orientation (South= 0°, East= -
90°, West=90°), Tilt angle (inclination with respect to horizontal),
Number of modules of this type)
Compliance (to applicable Standard) certificate of the modules Yes No
Details on Inverters, for each kind employed in the plant (Number Yes No
of inverters of each type, Manufacturer, Model reference,
Compliance with the Inverters approved by SEC, Warranty years,
Rated AC power, Nominal power factor and adjustable range,
Maximum DC input voltage, AC output voltage, Connection
phases, Total Current Harmonic Distortion, Synchronization
method with SEC network, Environmental protection rating (IP),
Means to avoid dust penetration in the installation room (if any)
The Inverter AC Output Voltage is compatible with the LV Yes No
Distribution Networks of SEC with which the Solar PV System is
connected to
The Inverters are compliant with Technical Standards for the Yes No
Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC and with SASO Standards ( 6)
Degree of Protection IP of the Inverter compatible with the Yes No
location of installation (Indoor min IP41 ; Outdoor IP54)

Ground Floor and / or Typical Floor Layout indicating Location of Yes No
Electrical rooms, MDB / SMDB, DB, Inverters, etc.
Dimensional layout of electrical RMU rooms, LV switch rooms Yes No
with arrangement of the panels, metering rooms or enclosures Not applicable
Array mounting system documentation Yes No
Documentation of any emergency systems Yes No
Not applicable
Other drawings/technical specification as applicable complete Yes No

Final result Passed Not passed


Solar PV Design Check-list – Pn > 11 kW

Field Result / Value Notes

Technical report – Foreword

Type of solar system, integration if relevant, fixed mounting or Yes No
tracking, technology

In future the proposed inverters shall be included in the list of those approved by SEC.
Page 38/50

Short description of the purpose of the project Yes No

information for all bodies responsible of the design Yes No
information for all bodies responsible of the installation Yes No

Technical report – Input data

Definitions Yes No
Most relevant laws and standards applicable Yes No
Solar and environmental data of the site Yes No
Geological and environmental constraints Yes No
Not applicable
Characteristics of the distribution network at POC Yes No

Technical report – Characteristics of the main devices and equipment

PV modules Yes No
Inverters Yes No
DC combiner boxes Yes No
Not applicable
Interface protection Yes No
Not applicable
Monitoring system Yes No
Not applicable

Technical report – System architecture and dimensioning

DC and AC capacity and how is obtained Yes No
General architecture of the system Yes No
Characteristics of the PV strings and PV array(s) Yes No
Not applicable
Verification of compliance for PV strings/array(s) and inverters Yes No
Not applicable
Description of the grid connection and power delivery Yes No

Technical report – DC section

Verification of compliance for DC cables Yes No
Not applicable
Measures to prevent overcurrent in parallel PV strings Yes No
Not applicable

Technical report – AC section

Description of measures to prevent electric shocks from direct Yes No
Description of measures to prevent electric shocks from Yes No
indirect contacts
Characteristics of the main AC devices Yes No
AC calculations (verification of compliance for AC devices and Yes No

Technical report – Civil and mechanical installation

Page 39/50

Description of the mounting structures Yes No

Structural calculations Yes No
Not applicable

Technical report – Performance calculations

Calculation of the solar radiation on the PV system Yes No
Energy Yield (monthly and yearly) Yes No
CO2 saved Yes No

Wiring Diagram – General Contents

Inclusion of the Solar PV System in the existing installation Yes No
clearly indicated in the wiring diagrams
Single line diagram, with details of metering and protection Yes No
system (relays, CTs and VTs when adopted, e.g. for MV network

Wiring diagram
Type of PV modules Yes No
Tot. number of PV modules Yes No
Number of strings Yes No
Number of PV modules per string Yes No
Connection strings / inverters Yes No
Not applicable
String cable size and type
String overcurrent protective device – type and voltage/current Yes No
ratings Not applicable
Blocking diode type Yes No
Not applicable
Array main cable: Size, type manufacturer and model Yes No
Not applicable
Combiner boxes: Locations, manufacturer, model and internal Yes No
electric diagram Not applicable
DC switch disconnector: Location and rating (V/A), Yes No
manufacturer and model Not applicable
Other array electronic protective circuitry: Type, location, Yes No
rating, manufacturers and models Not applicable
AC isolator location: Type, rating, manufacturer and model Yes No
AC overcurrent protective device: Location, type, rating, Yes No
manufacturer and model
Residual current (where fitted): Device location, type and rating Yes No
Not applicable
Interface protection: Type, manufacturing and model Yes No
Not applicable
Interface switch: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and Yes Internal
model No
Backup switch: Location, type, rating, manufacturer and model Yes No
Not applicable

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Details of all earth/bonding conductors – size and type Yes No

Details of array frame equipotential bonding cable Yes No
Not applicable
Details of any connections to an existing LPS Yes No
Not applicable
Details of any surge protection device installed Yes No

Fulfilment of the Connection Requirements

Is the proposed diagram compliant with SEC applicable rules, in Yes No
particular the Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-
Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks
of SEC?
Solar PV System > 11kW:
− is the Interface Protection external to the inverter ? Yes No
− does the Interface Protection act on a specific Interface Yes No
Switch ?
− is the Interface Switch a motorized circuit breaker or a Yes No
contactor ?
− is the Interface Switch opening coil an undervoltage Yes No
release ?
− are the Interface Protection and the undervoltage Yes No
release fed via a UPS with at least an autonomy of 5s ?
In case the size of the Solar PV System > 20kW:
− is there a backup switch which can receive the opening Yes No
command in case the Interface Switch fails ?
In case the size of the Solar PV System > 100kW:
− is there a backup switch which can receive the opening Yes No
command in case the Interface Switch fails ?
Does the external Interface Protection include all the needed Yes No
protection functions (27,59, 81<, 81>)
Does either the external Interface Protection or the protection Yes No
built in the inverter include an Anti-Islanding protection
function ?
Is the Interface Protection correctly connected (line voltages Yes No
sensed) ?
In case three-phase inverters are not used, is the maximum Yes No
power imbalance limited to the values specified in the
Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV
Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC ?

Planimetry and String layout

Site setting out plan showing details of proposed works, PV Yes No
modules layout, meter location(s), etc.
Indication of tilt and orientation Yes No
Sources of shading are clearly indicated Yes No
Not applicable
Layout drawing showing how the array is split and connected Yes No
into strings Not applicable

Page 41/50

Sizing of the Solar PV System

Is the compatibility between the strings and the inverter Yes No
checked ?
Is the sizing of the PV system elements (inverters, solar cables, Yes No
cables, panels, etc...) correct ?

Sizing of the Solar PV System

In case of installation on buildings, is the maximum string Yes No
voltage ≤ 1000 Vdc ?
In case of ground mounted installation, is the maximum string Yes No
voltage ≤ 1500 Vdc ?
Protection against overcurrent: have suitable provisions in Yes No
agreement with Building Code Section 407 been taken in the
installation ?
In case of use of transformer less inverters, has an RCD Yes No
(Residual Current Device) of Class B (Class A is sufficient in case
of inverters which cannot inject DC currents) been considered
on AC side ?
Lightning protection: has the need of LPS been evaluated and, if Yes No
required, relative provisions taken ?

Datasheets and Certification

Details on PV modules, for each kind employed in the plant Yes No
(Manufacturer, Model reference, Efficiency, Warranty years for
manufacturing defects, Peak capacity per single PV module
[Wp], Surface per single PV module [m²], Orientation (South=
0°, East= -90°, West=90°), Tilt angle (inclination with respect to
horizontal), Number of modules of this type)
Compliance (to applicable Standard) certificate of the modules Yes No
Details on Inverters, for each kind employed in the plant Yes No
(Number of inverters of each type, Manufacturer, Model
reference, Compliance with the Inverters approved by SEC,
Warranty years, Rated AC power, Nominal power factor and
adjustable range, Maximum DC input voltage, AC output
voltage, Connection phases, Total Current Harmonic Distortion,
Synchronization method with SEC network, Environmental
protection rating (IP), Means to avoid dust penetration in the
installation room (if any)
The Inverter AC Output Voltage is compatible with the LV Yes No
Distribution Networks of SEC with which the Solar PV System is
connected to
The Inverters are compliant with Technical Standards for the Yes No
Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC and with SASO Standards 7

In future the proposed inverters shall be included in the list of those approved by SEC.
Page 42/50

Are the Harmonic Currents generated by the inverters

retrievable from the received datasheets ? (Solar PV Systems >
Degree of Protection IP of the Inverter compatible with the Yes No
location of installation (Indoor min IP41 ; Outdoor IP54)
Details of external Interface Protections (Number, Yes No
Manufacturer, Model reference, Compliance with the
protections approved by SEC)
Compliance to SEC and International Standard certificate of the Yes No
external interface protection (if not in the list of the already
approved ones) (until transitional rules are no more in force)

Plan of substation location (in case of MV connection) Yes No
Ground Floor and / or Typical Floor Layout indicating Location Yes No
of Electrical rooms, MDB / SMDB, DB, Inverters, etc.
Dimensional layout of electrical RMU rooms, LV switch rooms Yes No
with arrangement of the panels, metering rooms or enclosures Not applicable
Array mounting system documentation clear and complete Yes No
Documentation of any emergency systems Yes No
Not applicable
Other drawings/technical specification as applicable complete Yes No
Operation and Maintenance criteria and main planned actions Yes No
in agreement with SEC recommendations (see Operation and
Maintenance Manual)

Final result Passed Not passed


Operation and Maintenance Manual

Shutdown/isolation procedure
Field Result / Value Notes
Steps to be done for shutdown/isolation Yes No
Safe operation of electrical disconnects Yes No
Labelling of the equipment switched off Yes No Not applicable

PPE and other safety equipment

Description Yes No

Spare parts management

Description Yes No Not applicable

Preventative maintenance activities

Page 43/50

PV modules Yes No
PV array and DC wirings Yes No
Inverters Yes No
AC section and wirings Yes No

Warranty documentation
PV modules Yes No
Inverters Yes No

Final result Passed Not passed

Page 44/50


This Annex provides templates and information regarding some of the documents required when
applying for inspection.
D.1. Declaration of Conformity


The Consultant/Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Postal address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Telephone and e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reference person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Under his responsibility


That the Small-Scale Solar PV System described hereinafter

Type of installation On building Other structure (e.g. canopy) Ground
Address of the site
Region / City / (nearest) District
GIS - Latitude, Longitude ___________° N ; _________° E
PV System Maximum Capacity @ AC kW

− has been made in a workmanlike manner.

− has been made according to the design approved by SEC and minor changes (if any) do not
worsen the grid compatibility, the performances and the safety. Any minor changes are duly
reported in an as-built design attached to the Declaration of Conformity.
− All the materials, components and equipment used in the solar PV System have been chosen
according to the design and to the laws and rules in force in KSA.

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 45/50

D.2. Specification of Major Equipment

Small-Scale PV Systems


Type of installation On building Other structure (e.g. canopy) Ground
Address of the site
Region / City / (nearest) District
GIS - Latitude, Longitude ___________° N ; _________° E
PV System Maximum Capacity @ AC kW

PV Modules
TYPE 1 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pn (STC) [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 2 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pn (STC) [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 3 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pn (STC) [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 1 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 46/50

Small-Scale PV Systems


Maximum capacity @ AC [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 2 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maximum capacity @ AC [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 3 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maximum capacity @ AC [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 4 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maximum capacity @ AC [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 5 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maximum capacity @ AC [W] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Interface protection (when present)

Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* Filename where the serial numbers of equipment are recorded. The number of values shall be
equal to the number specified for the given type of equipment. The format of the file is Text (TXT)

Page 47/50

D.3. Details of the Protection Arrangements and Settings

Small-Scale PV Systems



Type of installation On building Other structure (e.g. canopy) Ground
Address of the site
Region / City / (nearest) District
GIS - Latitude, Longitude ___________° N ; _________° E
PV System Maximum Capacity @ AC kW

Main Switch
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rated current [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Interface Switch
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rated current [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Solar PV Unit Switch

TYPE 1 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 48/50

Small-Scale PV Systems



Rated current [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 2 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rated current [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TYPE 3 (Number . . . . . . . )
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operating voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rated current [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* Depending on the voltage we may have different devices. In MV e.g. Vacuum switch + TA. In LV
e.g. Circuit-Breaker with magneto-thermic curve or Circuit-Breaker + Fuses. Contactors are allowed
only for Interface Switch.

D.4. Maintenance Program for the Small-Scale Solar PV System

The Consultant / Contractor shall upload the proposed Maintenance Program for the Small-scale Solar
PV System. This document is:
− additional to the Operation and Maintenance information provided with the Final Design
submitted for Design Evaluation and Approval
− required when the PV capacity exceeds 100 kW
Recommendations for compiling a proper Maintenance Program when the capacity of the PV system
exceeds 100 kW are available from the document Manual for the Maintenance of the PV Systems.

Page 49/50

D.5. Clearance and Readiness for Energisation

Small-Scale PV Systems


The Consultant/Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Postal address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Telephone and e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reference person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Under his responsibility


That the Small-Scale Solar PV System described hereinafter

Type of installation On building Other structure (e.g. canopy) Ground
Address of the site
Region / City / (nearest) District
GIS - Latitude, Longitude ___________° N ; _________° E
PV System Maximum Capacity @ AC kW

− The protection details are those indicated in the document DETAILS OF THE PROTECTION
− All the equipment and all associated apparatus related to the service connection are compliant
with the applicable standards and in particular with the Technical Standards for the Connection
of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC
− The electric circuit is compliant with the applicable standards and in particular with the Technical
Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution
Networks of SEC

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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