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Scientific Astrological Prediction of Human Life: July 2020

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Scientific Astrological Prediction of Human Life

Article · July 2020


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1 author:

Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee

Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management West Bengal


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International Journal of Jyotish Research: 2020; 5(1): 12-16

ISSN: 2456-4427
Impact Factor: RJIF: 5.11 Scientific Astrological Prediction of Human Life
Jyotish 2020; 5(1): 12-16
© 2020 Jyotish
www.jyotishajournal.com Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee
Received: 07-11-2019
Accepted: 09-12-2019 Abstract
Generally people think that astrology is not a scientific subject and astrological prediction of human life
Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee or anything has not been explained by logic or practical scientific experiment with natural behavior. It is
Department of Electronics & assumed that it is bogus or unjustified area for approaching conclusion of any fact which causes much
Communication Engineering, harm to our society. In this paper, it is proved that “astrology” is quite scientific, and human life or
Camellia Institute of Technology anything is strictly followed by mathematical pattern like sinusoidal (sine) diagram with alternately up
& Management, Bainchi, (positive cycle or good time) and down (negative cycle or bad time) having time period nine years.
Hooghly, West Bengal, India Hence simple scientific method for astrological prediction of human life or anything is enlightened.

Keywords: Astrology, Veda, Planets, Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Horoscope or Zodiac, Ascendant
or Lagna, Rashi, Stars or Nakshatras, Gana, Sinusoidal diagram, Time period.

Now-a-days it is a burning question whether astrology has any relation with science. Most of
the people are declaring astrology as an unimportant or bogus subject and not having any
scientific value. They are trying to stop the study of astrology and the practice of astrologers.
They say that it cannot predict correctly the future and past of a human being or any
happenings. Therefore, it has no effect for any type of welfare for mankind and nature.
Considering all these demands from so called scientific minded people, it is emphasized in this
article whether we should stick to study astrology or not. First it is seen that the study of
astrology has started from very ancient years, just when man became to be civilized like 5000
B.C. or before. In Rome and Egyptian civilization, we have the prove that the people at that
time were well aware of this subject and used its well-directed path for human and nature
development. They invented so many systems and branches under astrology. Subsequently
when the religious leaders like Ram, Krishna, Christ, Mahabir, Buddha, Mohammad, Guru
Nanak etc. have come, they also utilized the very effect of this subject for human and nature
welfare. When Arians came to India and Asian countries, they brought the knowledge of
astrology which was gradually spread out all over the country. In China, Russia, Europe,
Australia, America and all over the world, the crude form of astrology was widely circulated
under different names and patterns. Indian Saints and Acharyas were having good knowledge
of astrology, and Indian oldest literature “Veda” was formed on the basis of astrological
inventions and theories. Every line or sloke (consisting of two or more lines) in the Veda was
constructed from the pure knowledge of natural forces, energy, solar system, controllers etc.
which governs human life and nature. Those are derived from the study of astrology. Under
the Rig and Atharva Veda, Ayurveda was developed. Ayurveda assures the study of diseases,
surgery, trees, herbs, minerals, chemicals, bacterias, viruses, parasites etc. to treat patients and
makes cure within a suitable time. Further this “Ayurveda” gives birth to our present day’s
medical treatment under different categories as Ayurvedic, Allopathic, Homeopathic, Unani.
Therefore, it is seen that the basic mother subject in human civilization is astrology only.
As civilization progress, astrology is divided in numerous parts and branches like natural,
philosophical, physical, mathematical, chemical, biochemical, medical, radiological,
Corresponding Author: psychological, engineering− civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, communication,
Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee computer, and others etc. If we deeply think the very essence of any invention, we can find
Department of Electronics & that basic idea comes from the astrological concept, for example, in Indian old mythological
Communication Engineering, literature “Ramayana” it was told that Ravana’s son Indranil was fighting with Ram in the air
Camellia Institute of Technology
& Management, Bainchi,
under the sight of clouds, accordingly Wright brothers were able to invent aeroplane. Since our
Hooghly, West Bengal, India study becomes complex and some specific purpose oriented, we divert or divide the mother

International Journal of Jyotish Research http://www.jyotishajournal.com

subject astrology in several areas. Different branches of or grahas indicate nine members such as Sun, Moon,
present astrology are palmistry, forehead or head or finger Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
analysis, horoscope or zodiac, numerology, vastu and so on. In a horoscope or zodiac [1, 5], the house occupied by the
Now astrologers (Jotishers) are engaging in the study of ascendant or lagna (i.e., the position of the sun on birth time
astrology for human development by application of different at date in place of a person) is the first house, then one has to
things like metals, stones, tree products, mantras, colours, count anticlockwise from the ascendant up to 12th house,
music, songs, yoga, meditation etc. such that human’s health, because all the planets and satellites are rotating around the
mind, body, spirit, senses and emotions are brought in a state sun anticlockwise as seen from North. Initially each house is
of perfect balance, and it is named as ‘astro-therapy’. having an owner planet as shown in Fig. 1, like owner of
Aries and Scorpio is Mars, owner of Taurus and Libra is
Horoscope Preparation and Prediction of Human Life Venus, owner of Gemini and Virgo is Mercury, owner of
For predicting the human life happenings (facts) like health, Cancer is Moon, owner of Leo is Sun, owner of Sagittarius
and Pisces is Jupiter, owner of Capricorn and Aquarius is
mind, house, marriage etc., astrologer firstly prepares the
Saturn. Also 27 Stars (Nakshatras) are spread over 360 0 in 12
horoscope [1, 5]. In 3000 B.C., the Greeks first defined the
houses, each star is having a span of 130 (degree) 20'
Zodiac (‘Circle of Animals’ in Greek language) as a 12 stage
(minute), e.g., (i) Ashwini (from 0S 00 0' to 0S 130 20'),
of lunar cycle with the sun passing through each of the 12
(ii) Bharani, (iii) Krittika, (iv) Rohini, (v) Mrigashirsha,
constellations (houses) from 0S (zero sign) to 11S. Actually (vi) Ardra, (vii) Punarvasu, (viii) Pushya, (ix) Ashlesha,
horoscope or zodiac is the birth chart of a person on birth time (x) Magha, (xi) Purva Phalguni, (xii) Uttara Phalguni,
at date in place which shows astronomical positions of the (xiii) Hasta, (xiv) Chitra, (xv) Swati, (xvi) Vishakha,
Sun (star) and its planets and one satellite, i.e., grahas and (xvii) Anuradha, (xviii) Jyeshtha, (xix) Moola, (xx) Purva
upa-graha in the solar system like Moon, Mercury, Mars, Ashadha, (xxi) Uttara Ashadha, (xxii) Shravana,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. (xxiii) Dhanishtha, (xxiv) Shatabhisha, (xxv) Purva
When this horoscope was invented, we did not know about Bhadrapada, (xxvi) Uttara Bhadrapada, (xxvii) Revati.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto planets in the solar system, but the The starting of any star is calculated by the formula like,
astrologers felt about the other two planets which had impact (Star Number – 1) × 0S 130 20', e.g., Uttara Phalguni starts at,
on horoscope calculation. They gave name Uranus as Rahu (12 – 1) × 0S 130 20' = 11 × 0S 130 20' = 4S 260 40',
and Neptune as Ketu, since the effect of Pluto is quite feeble; Therefore, Uttara Phalguni starts at 4S 260 40' and ends at
they ignored Pluto and all satellites except Moon in the solar 5S 100; since, 300 = 1S, 10 = 60', 1' = 60''.
system. Hence in the Vedic Astrology or Jyotish, planets

Fig 1: Horoscope or Zodiac prepared by twelve houses with the name of their house owners.

The effect of stars or nakshatras is considered in the actual Manushya (Naro) Gana (Rajo Guna); Krittika, Ashlesha,
position of the planets on the birth time at birth date in birth Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanishtha,
place of a person. Moon falling under the star or nakshatra Shatabhisha are under Rakshasa or Devari Gana (Tamo Guna)
[1, 5]
determins Gana of a person and accordingly Vimsottari Dasa .
of the person is computed, e.g., Ashwini, Mrigashirsha, Why the astrologer prepares horoscope? We know that any
Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravana, Revati point or place in the world or universe can be divided into
are under Dev Gana (Satvo Guna); Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, 3600 (degrees). In horoscope or zodiac, the birth place of the
Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Purva Ashadha, Uttara person having altogether 3600 is divided into 12 constellations
Ashadha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada are under or houses, each constellation or house is having

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span 300, since 300 × 12 = 3600. Then the position of nine like disease, less confidence, unhappiness, melancholy etc.
planets or grahas of the solar system is calculated by Finally the horoscope or zodiac of a person is analyzed by the
astronomical method on the birth time at date in place of the actual position of the planets (i.e., radiation available) on the
person, and those are placed in the houses as derived in sign, birth time at date of the person in birth place counting
degree, minute, second. Thereafter, the astrologer determines anticlockwise from the ascendant or lagna with the owner of
the location or house occupied by the sun on the birth time the houses and stars, and the planets’ relation with the
considering the sun’s (actually earth) daily motion, i.e., the ascendant. Accordingly upgrading or downgrading (scaling)
sun rotates one complete revolution 3600 in 24 hours (day), the particular wavelength radiation, i.e., for changing the
that means, 300 in two hours. The house occupied by the sun power of the planets, are done by different methods like
on the birth time at date in place of a person is called the suggesting to use metals, stones, tree products, mantras,
Ascendant or Lagna or First House or Rising Sign of the colours, yoga, music, songs, and change of place etc. After
person. For example, if date of birth of a person is 18-02-2016 implying the proper ‘astro-therapy’, the person is immensely
on 11.45 AM in New Delhi, India, the sun’s position 5.30 AM feel the betterment of life, and causes physical and mental
is at 10S (Aquarius) 40 56' 37'' (from Ephemeris), then on development in due time. This ‘astro-therapy’ is applied not
11.45 AM the sun comes at 1S 80 27' 53'', thus the ascendant only on human beings, but can be adhered to any kind of
or lagna of the person is 1 S (Taurus) 80 27' 53''. Moon of the living and non living beings for smooth development and
person is at 2S 110 56' 42'' falling under star Ardra in 2nd longevity. In the earth, everything is mainly controlled and
house from the ascendant. The house occupied by moon is governed by the radiation, i.e., energy imparted by the sun
called the Rashi of the person, so the rashi of this person is and its planets and satellites. If we able to gather full energy
Gemini. Thereafter, all nine planets on the birth time at date in the form of radiation from the solar system for any kind of
in place of the person identify the prediction of his/her life. In things either living or non living, it gives more longevity and
solar system, the maximum energy is supplied by the sun and healthy service, e.g., life of human being, animal’s life, house
the moon to the earth, so these two have a great impact on buildings (by vastu shastra), agricultures, manufacturing
each and every particle on the earth, for that ascendant and goods, applied technologies etc. It is proved that human and
rashi of a person are two important houses for considering animal’s physical with mind behavior can be changed by the
astrological prediction. Generally the ascendant or lagna application of radiation having suitable wavelengths which
controls the physical health and overall appearance, whereas are available by metals, stones, tree products, mantras,
moon or rashi controls the mind of the person. The astrologer colours, music, songs, yoga, change of place etc.
counts houses from the ascendant or lagna of the person in This preparation of horoscope for a person or thing is quite
anticlockwise direction from 1st to 12th house. Each house in cumbersome and not so accurate due to different practical
the horoscope of the person indicates some specific purpose problems such as not knowing the correct date of birth with
like health, mind, relation with others, job, marriage etc. time and place, human error, incorrect planets’ actual position
First House or Ascendant (Lagna) – Health, Head, (supplied by Ephemeris) etc. Therefore, people are not
Appearance, Quality, Activity, Foreign etc. satisfying by the astrological prediction of horoscope method
Second House – Wealth, Face and Throat, Eyes, Speech, Near and sometimes they are badly affected by wrong suggested
Relatives, Sale Business etc. ‘astro-therapy’.
Third House – Brother and Sister, Chest, Servant, Travel,
Play, Courage, Fight, Dress etc. Scientific Simple Method for Astrological Prediction of
Fourth House – Mother, Heart, Mind, Education, Friend, Human Life
Property, Kingdom, House, Car etc. The development of astrology is going through a long process
Fifth House – Son and Daughter, Father, Student, Belly, and the astrologers are focusing in various areas like
Love, Expectation, Intelligence etc. palmistry, body, i.e., forehead, head, foot, finger analysis,
Sixth House – Enemy, Disease, Anxiety, Poison, Bone, Uncle horoscope, numerology etc., but none of the methods is either
and Aunt, Brother’s enmity etc. accurate or simple. In this paper, a very simple and precise
Seventh House – Marriage, Lower Portion, Sexual Organ, astrological prediction method for human life or anything is
Food, Promotion, Purchase etc. invented. It is completely based on scientific phenomenon. It
Eighth House – Death, Death Place, Accident, Longevity, is shown that every incident in human life is controlled by
Long Quarrel, Wife’s Property etc. mathematics or logical explanation. If we guess the
Ninth House – Luck, Religion, Travel Religious Place, Father, mathematics behind our life spanning, we can easily find the
Teacher, Dedication, Car etc. past, present and future in our life. The destiny of human life
Tenth House – Work or Job, Respect, Power, Education, High is achieved by continuing life under mathematically guided
Position, Dress, Sleep etc. path. Therefore, life is like a river in which water
Eleventh House – Income, Property, Gain, Luck, Father-in- (happenings) is flowing from upper to lower region and vice
law or Teacher’s Property etc. versa (water is vaporized going to upper region forming
Twelfth House – Expenditure, Sufferings, Long Travel, Uncle cloud, then falling by rains to lower region or earth).
and Aunt, Jail, Attack etc. Human life is undergoing alternately ups and downs
In our vaccine invention, we see that most of the vaccines are happenings, i.e., good and bad times. In good time running of
to be introduced within a short period of birth, because the a human being, all things like health, mind, family, education,
vaccines can well gather in all cells of the body. Again in a social prestige, marriage, service or job, business, promotion,
raw film, when light is exposed first time, the film catches property etc. will be upgraded or uplifted, whereas in bad
that light as an image, further imposing light on the film has time, all things will decline. It is quite necessary that in good
no effect. Likewise, when a person is just born, the rays come time one has to speed up, i.e., doing more work, risk, prompt
from the solar system are captured or received by the body decision etc., and in bad time one has to slow down, i.e., less
cells, accordingly his/her psycho-somatic (mind and work, no risk, careful decision etc. The period of good time is
physique) is developed. In this case, any lack or shortage of the same as that of bad time; mathematically it is like an
rays having particular wavelengths give obstruction to the alternating current or sinusoidal signal type. The total time
developments and can cause so many hazards in his/her life period (T) consisting of one good time or positive cycle and

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one bad time or negative cycle is nine (9) years, because nine gradually rising to the highest position (positive peak), then
planets control all things in the earth. Therefore, half time turning down (less good) to reach zero state; thereafter
period (T/2) [either for good time or bad time] is 9/2 years, starting bad time or negative (−) cycle, gradually falling to
i.e., 4.5 years or 54 months. This one half time period for maximum negative value (negative peak) as same value of
good time or bad time is divided into six parts, in which one positive peak, then increasing (less bad) value to reach zero,
part is having duration 54/6 months or 9 months, as shown by and vice versa. The highest amplitude (peak) of the bad time
colour in Fig. 2. This small duration nine (9) months shown or negative cycle is same as that of the good time or positive
by a particular colour in Fig. 2 identifies that one person is cycle, but this highest amplitude or peak value may change to
spending almost same and certain condition or state in this next time period (T). It means that time period (or frequency)
nine months duration. of the human life cycle is constant, i.e., 9 years or 108
The life of a person is undergoing sinusoidal diagram (curve) months, but highest amplitude may vary one period to another
such as for good time or positive (+) cycle, starting from zero, period which is clearly delineated in Fig. 3.

Fig 2: Human life one Time Period (T) having one good time or positive cycle and one bad time or negative cycle.

Fig 3: Human life cycle having different time periods, each time period (T) with good time or positive cycle and bad time or negative cycle.

This colouring of a time period (T or 9 years) spent by a This is the practical example of sinusoidal electric current
human being as shown in Fig. 2 are done in a meaningful signals passing through a resistive conductor. Therefore, same
way, i.e., Blue is for hard work, study, education, dedication, types of happenings or facts are repeated after 9 years in a
sorrow overcoming, high intelligence etc.; human life. After born, a person remains first half period (0 to
Red and Brown are for achievement, energy, success, respect, 4.5 years) either good time (positive cycle) or bad time
power, authority, top position, good health and mind, (negative cycle), and it is confirmed by his/her past
peaceful, happiness and so on; happenings or after first time period.
Yellow is for enjoyment, leisure, sex, unhappiness, fall, Example-1. A person having age 29 years 5 months wants to
poverty, sorrow etc.; know about his/her life prediction (happenings or foretell).
Green is for fighting, creation, education, innovation, spirit, Answer. Since he/she crosses 18−27 years (multiple of 9
friend, relation, path, heaven etc. years), the astrologer asks him/her to compare 18 years to
Simply it is told that a person is undergone good time 22.5 years with 22.5 years to 27 years (which was known to
(positive cycle) duration 4.5 years and bad time (negative him/her) and which period was good? If he/she answers that
cycle) having span 4.5 years alternately in a nine years time 22.5 years to 27 years was good, then the astrologer plots this
period (T), but the maximum amount of the good happenings period under positive cycle or good time (positive peak 24.75
are equally same as that of the bad happenings, this maximum years), and obviously 18 years to 22.5 years is under negative
amount can change for the next time period. cycle or bad time (negative peak 20.25 years), and

International Journal of Jyotish Research http://www.jyotishajournal.com

accordingly all life time is set under sinusoidal diagram

bearing time period nine years, i.e., 27 years − 31.5 years will
run under bad time, 31.5 years − 36 years go under good time
and so on. Then the astrologer can easily forecast his/her life
happenings correctly in a swift time.

The study of astrology is not yet started in full swing all over
the world. It is not taught in the recognized institute at
government level. There are no specific course materials and
guidelines available for this subject. Only few people learn
this subject at their own will. There is no laboratory where the
astrological concepts and theories can be tested, and further
developed with modern scientific method. Present
astrological predictions are superficial and not scientific.
Therefore, scientific astrological prediction for human life or
anything (living or non living thing) is explored which
computes very accurate result within a twinkle of time by
asking a single past question to the person or about thing.
Thus human kind can enjoy life in a natural beautiful way
with knowing the full life prediction by this noble scientific

1. G. Bhattacharjee and N. Bhattacharjee, Kosthi Bichar
Siksha, Rajendra Library, Kolkata, 2003.
2. N. C. Lahiri, Condensed Ephemeris of Planet’s Positions,
Astro-Research Bureau, Kolkata, 2018.
3. K. Bhattacharjee, Jatak Koumudi, Sanskrit Book Dipo
Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, 1991.
4. Bhrigu and Jaimini, Four in One- Palmistry, Horoscope,
Stone Remedy, Numerology, Raju Sachdev Publishers,
Kolkata, 1995.
5. Haridas Jyotisarnab, Karokosthi Bichar, United
Publishers, Kolkata, 1990.

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