Health Analysis From Horoscope
Health Analysis From Horoscope
Health Analysis From Horoscope
Medical.Astrology includes the Parts of the body effected including Types of Disease, Nature of
Disease, Part of body effected,Tentative time of the Disease occurrence
1. Parts of Body effected by Diseases :
It depends on the planets situated at different Houses that indicates different parts of our body as
per Prediction of Medical Astrology as f0llows-
1st House- Head,Forehead
2nd House- Eye, noses.face,Ear
3rd House- Throat,Shoulder, Both hand.
4th House- Lung, Chest, Heart
5th House – Abdomen,Organs inside.Abdomen,Stomach,Digestive System etc
6th House – Lower Abdomen , Colon,Deodenum
7th House – Internal Genital Organ, Uterus, Kidney etc
8th House – Rectum, External General Organ, Pelvic region,Waist.
9th House – Upper most part of the Leg, Thigh region.
10th House- Knee .
11 th House – Part of leg in between Knee and Feet.
12 th House – Feet,Toe,Ankle etc.
2. Origin Of Diseases : 6th House of the Horoscope is considered the House/ ORIGIN of Diseases
and the Planets situated in 6th House, position of 6th the Horoscope indicates what
types.of Diseases.may occur.
3. Timing of Disease in Astrology : It depends on the Dasha Antardasha of the Native as per his
Horoscope or Birth Chart. Similarly it may be Predicted following the Planetary Position of the
Present Day that is Gochar( Transit) of the Horoscope.
4. Chance of Recovery from Disease : Recovery from disease depends on the position of 6th
House Lord and aspect of Jupiter or 11th House Lord or Planets on it.Recovery may Temporary or
Permanent also depends on the Dasha Antardasha as well as the Presently Planetary position as
per the Lagna of the original Horoscope of the Native.
Remember that Astrologers are not the Doctors who are the pioneers of Medical Science. Similatly
it is also true that among the all Science & Therapeutics only Astrology can give a intervention of
the possibility of diseases throughout thr different stages of life at very early stage ( after being
birth of a child).
5. Medical Astrology Remedies : Diseases are treated by Doctors with medicines – it is the
general concept. Except medicines there are few methods to control the diseases. Such as Medical
Astrology Remedies are popular as well as useful to control the aggravation and spread of
Diseases. Astrological Remedies for Health problem are suggested by the Astrologer after
Horoscope or Kundali Analysis from Date of birth of an individual. So the Kundali Health Prediction
is essential for each and every Individual at a regular basis. The Gemstones used as Medical
Astrology Remedies are given as: A.Red Coral – Used to prevent Constipation, Gynecological
problems for female, Control of excessive bleeding.
B.Emerald- Used for any neurological problem, Dermatological Problems.
C.Ruby – Vision Problems, Any kind of Heart Diseases