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DEATH Nobody knows about the soul before its incarnation as well as after its discarnation or physical death.

During this interval it plays a wonderful role on the stage of life. Hence both the initial and final points of its life assume unusual importance. As we have already seen the planetary conditions necessary for incarnation, we shall now take up those for its exit from the body. You are aware that the house concerned with death is the 8th. So are the planets that are connected with this house. CONDITIONS AT DEATH If the 8th house is neither occupied nor aspected by planets, then death could be expected as a result of the special nature or humour of the sign representing the 8th house, or of the Navamsa Sign occupied by the lord of the 8th. The following are the effects of the 12 houses beginning with Aries, happening to be the 8th house or the Amsa of its lord : Aries : Death will be due to fever, poison, stomach disease and biliousness. Taurus : It is due to the vitiation of all the humours, weapons or fire. Gemini: It is caused by cough, asthma, excessive heat, colic etc. Cancer : It is through rheumatism, insanity or diarrhoea. Leo : It is due to boils (tumour), poison, weapons, fever etc. Virgo : It is through stomach-complaints, diseases of the private parts, quarrel, fall from a precipice etc. Libra : It is caused by aberration of the mind, fever or typhoid. Scorpio : Through jaundice, diarrhoea, enlargement of the spleen and the like. Sagittarius :Through a tree, water, weapon or wooden piece. (The effect is sure if the concerned Sign or Amsa is occupied by a malefic). Capricorn: It is by impalement, ploughing or mental derangement. If there is a malefic in the Sign or Amsa, death is likely through wild animals like tigers, cough, fever, consumption or some unnatural cause.
Aquarius : If it is occupied by malefics, death is likely through tigers, weapons, serpents, cough, fever or consumption. Pisces : It may be due to snake-poison, exhaustion of a journey, storm, machine, ship-wreck or fall of lightning. In case the 8th house is occupied by any one of the seven planets beginning with the Sun the end may be brought about by (i) fire, (ii) water, (iii) weapon, (iv) fall, (v) fever, (vi) thirst or diabetes, and (vii) starvation, in order. On the other hand if this house is aspected by strong planets, the cause of death may be the particular humours belonging to them. Place of death. If the 8th house is a movable sign, death will take place in a foreign country; if it is a fixed one; at home; and if a dual one, on the way or near home.

cause of death, special circumstances/ yogas

(i) If the Sun and Mars occupy at birth the 10th and the 4th house respectively, one's death may be caused by a fall from the top of a mountain, (ii) If Saturn, the Moon and Mars be in the 4th, 7th and 10th houses respectively, one would die by falling into a well. (iii) If the Sun and the Moon occupying Virgo are aspected by malefics, death results from one's own kinsmen. (iv) If the luminaries occupy the ascendant which is a dual sign, the person will find a watery grave. (v) If Saturn be in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, dropsy would be the cause of death. (vi) If the Moon be in a sign owned by Mars and be hemmed in between malefics, death would be due to weapons or fire. (vii) If the Moon is in Virgo under the above condition, it is due to vitiation of blood or consumption. (viii) If the same Moon be in a sign of Saturn, it would be by hanging, fire or a fall. (ix) If there are two malefics in the 5th and 9th houses without benefic aspect, death will be in captivity. (x) If the decanate of the 8th house is Sarpa (Serpent), Pasa (Noose) or Nigada (Fetters), the result is the same as (ix). (xi) If Virgo happens to be the 7th house occupied by the Moon along with a malefic, Venus be in Aries and the Sun in tlie ascendant, one will die at home on account of a woman. (xii) If the Sun or Mars be in the 4th, Saturn in the 10th and the weak Moon conjoined with malefics in the first, 5th or 9th house, death will be by impalement. (xiii) If the Sun be in the 4th and Mars conjoined with the weak Moon in the 10th house being aspected by Saturn, one will be beaten to death with wooden clubs. (xiv) The same fate awaits one, if the four planets mentioned in (xiii) are posited in the 8th, 10th, 1st and 4th houses. (xv) If the above four planets be in the 10th, 9th, 1st and 5th houses, death would be due to suffocation by smoke, to fire, imprisonment or beating. (xvi) If Mars, the Sun and Saturn occupy in order the 4th, 7th and 10th houses, death would be brought about by a weapon, fire, or king's displeasure;

(xvii) If Saturn, the Moon and Mars be in II, IV and X houses respectively, it would be caused by wounds or worms. ' (xviii) If the Sun be in X house and Mars in IV, it would be by a fall from a vehicle. (xix) Mars in VII and the Sun, Moon and Saturn in 1st house bring about death by a machine. (xx) Mars in Libra, Saturn in Aries and the Moon in a sign owned by Saturn cause death in the midst of filth and night-soil. The effect will be the same if the weak Moon be in the X, Sun in VII and Mars in IV house. (xxi) If the weak Moon be aspected by Mars possessed of strength and Saturn be in VIII house, death would be caused by worms (or tumour), instruments or fire in the wake of some disease of private parts. (xxii) If the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon should occupy in order I, VIII, V and IX houses, it would be by a fall from a precipice, by the fall of thunderbolt or of a wall. You are aware that the 22nd decanate trom lagna which falls in the 8th liouse from the Ascendant is called Khara.. This has great influence on a person's death. The characteristics of this decanate or of its lord would point to the way the soul exits from the body. This method should be applied in the absence of the aforesaid special conditions. The following Table gives the effects of all these Note : The effects will come to pass

especially when the concerned decanate sign is conjoined with or aspected by malefics.
Signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn First Decanate Water, Snake-poison, Bile. Elephant, Horse, Ass, Camel. Cough, Asthma. Crocodile, Liquor, Thorns, Sleep. Water, Poison, Disease of the feet. Head or Brain Disease, Wind. Young Woman, Animal, Fall. Poison, Weapon, Woman, Food. Anus, Wind-complaints. Torture at the hands of the King, Tiger, Breaking of thighs, Aquatic animals. Poison, Snake, Animal of uncloven hoofs. Women, Water, Stomach complaints, Savages. Tumour, Diarrhoea, Diabetes, Young Women, Disease of the Shanks ,Elephants, Evil Spirits. Second Decanate Water, Worms, Snow, Forest. Bile. Fire, Wind, Thieves. Buffalo, Poison, Typhoid Fever. Blows, Drinking poison. Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Forest. Wild Elephant, Snake, Forest, Mountain, Prince's Displeasure. Stomach Diseases. Clothes, Load, Fall, Disease. Poison, Wind-Diseases. Fire, Weapons, Piercing by a non-human agency. Women, Venereal Diseases. Ship-Wreck. Third Decanate Falling into a tank or well. Fall from a vehicle, seat or horse or through weapons in battle. Wild animals, Mountain, Snakes or Elephants, Foresters or Forests. Birds, Diabetes Tumour, Blood vitiation, Sleepiness. Poison, Instruments/weapons, (Operation), Curse, Chasm, Food Drink, Woman, Weapon, Donkey, Elephant. Snake, Water Pain caused by chunks or stones, Fracture of the Shank. In water or water-complaints, Stomach diseases. Women.

Aquarius Pisces

Sexual Excess, Quadrupeds, Facial Diseases. Fell Diseases.

Note : The above effects will come to pass especially when the concerned decanate sign is conjoined with or aspected by malefics.
place where death takes place. It is indicated by the planet occupying the ascendant or by the one owning the rising Navamsa. In case there is no planet in the Lagna, it will be indicated by the ruler of the sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna or of the rising Navamsa. If the lord of the Lagna or of its Navamsa is conjoined with or aspected by any planet, that planet too will have its say in modifying the place of death. [For the places assigned to the planets vide Chapter II page-19]. According to another authority the place of death should be read from the sign or Amsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house. You are aware of the directions and characteristics such as watery, dry etc, represented by the 12 signs of the zodiac. If the ascendant is a Nocturnal sign, death will occur at night, and if Diurnal at daytime. It is understood that if there are planets in the Lagna, they would influence the effects. One dies with many others, if there are many planets in the 4th, and the lord of the ascendant is conjoined with that of the 8th house. One would die along with one's wife or son, if the lords of the ascendant and the 8th house, are conjoined with that of the 7th or 5th house, as the case may be. If fhe lord of the Lagna be in a watery sign or Amsa being aspected by the Moon and Venus, and if the 8th and 12tl houses are occupied by malefics, death will be in water. If the birth takes place during the period of Visa Ghati and if the 8th house be occupied by a malefic, death would be through poison, fire or weapons. If the Moon be in the Fatal degree in the ascendant, 8th or 12th house, it would be through water or machinery.

If the lord of the 8th house be posited in a Navamsa which is termed Visa, and be conjoined with a malefic, death would be by snake-poison, by vultures or by wild boars according the name of the particular Navamsa.(The first
Navamsa of Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius the mid of Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, and the last of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are respectively called Snake-Poison, Vulture-Poison Boar-Poison.)

more special combinations for death : (i) Note the Navamsa occupied by Mandi at birth. If there are malefics in the 8th from that sign one meets with unnatural death, otherwise peaceful. (ii) If the Sun and Mars are in each other's sign and also in angular positions (Kendras) from the lord of the 8th house, he will die by impalement and the like on account of the king's wrath. [If Mars and Saturn are in each other's sign or Amsa, in the sign or Amsa of the 8th house (or in the Fatal degree) and at the same time in Kendras. (iii) If the Moon be in I, the Sun devoid of strength in VIII, Jupiter in XII and a malefic in IV house, death will be caused by a fall from the couch or being attacked by hunters at night. (iv) If the lord of the ascendant is posited in the Navamsa of the 8th house, is eclipsed or in the 6th house, he will die of hunger in a place far away from his kith and kin. (v) If the lords of the 1st and 8th houses be weak, and Mars in conjunction with the lord of the 6th house, he will die in battle or through a weapon. (vi) If the lord of the Lagna or of the 7th house be in conjunction with the lords of the 2nd and 4th houses, death will be due to indigestion. (vii) If the lord of the Navamsa of the 4th house be conjoined with Saturn or be in a Dusthana, death will be due to drinking poison. (viii) If the above lord be together with Rahu or Ketu, it will be by hanging. (ix) If the weak Moon conjoined with Mars, Saturn or Rahu be in the 8th house, death will be due to the trouble of ghosts, to fire or water; if it is in any other Dusthana, by epilepsy. (x) If the Sun or Mars devoid of strength occupy the 8th house, and malefics the 2nd house, death would result from a bilious disease. (xi) If the Moon or Jupiter be in the 8th house which is a watery sign and aspected by a malefic, it would be from consumption. (xii) If Venus aspected by a malefic be posited in the 8th Bhava, it would be due to rheumatism, consumption or diabetes. (xiii) If Rahu be in the 8th being aspected by malefics, heat-blisters, snake-bite, small-pox or mental disease would be its cause.

(xiv) If the lord of the 8th house be aspected by Venus, and if the Sun or Saturn conjoined with Rahu be posited in a malefic 60th part of a sign, the subject's head would be chopped off. (xv) If the Moon occupying a Dusthana be aspected by the lord of the Lagna and conjoined with Saturn, Mandi and Rahu, violent death will follow. (xvi) If benefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses or the 1st and 8th, and be aspected by malefics, one would die by the fall of a spear. (xvii) If malefics occupy triangular houses (Konas) from the Lagna or the Moon, and Mars the 8th house, if would be in captivity or by hanging. (xviii) If the Sun and Mars be in the 12th house, Rahu and the Moon in the 7th, Jupiter in any Kendra, one would die far away from home in a temple garden. Time of Death The time of demise can be broadly ascertained from the Dasa one is running. Transits of planets too help us in pinpointing the time. You know that Saturn who moves exceedingly slowly takes about 30 months to cover a sign. So first of all you can see which sign of the zodiac is harmful for the subject as far as Saturn's transit is concerned. For this you will consider the following four planets viz. : The lord of the 8th house, Mandi, Saturn and lord of the 22nd decanate. Note the signs as well as Amsas occupied by these planets. When Saturn in transit passes through any one of these Signs or Amsas or their triangular positions, death may occur. It may also happen when Jupiter passes through the sign or Amsa (or its trine) occupied by any one of the three planets viz. (1) the lord of the rising decanate, (2) lord of the 8th house and (3) that of the 22nd decanate. Thus Jupiter's transit will provide you with a period of about 12 months. Thereafter the month is got by means of the Sun's transit. For this, note the Sun's Dvadasamsa and the Navamsas of the lords of the 8th house and the, ascendant. When the Sun passes in transit through any one of ^ these signs or their trines, the event may take place. After this you may find out the lunar sign of death. It is well known to you that the Moon takes roughly 1\ days for covering a sign. Now note the sign and Navamsa occupied by the Sun as well as the lord of the 8th house. When the Moon passes through any one of these signs or their trines, death may take place. Remember that counting may be done either from the ascendant or from the natal Moon. The following are some other methods to arrive at the same result : (i) Subtract the longitude of Yamakantaka from that of the lord of the Lagna. Note the resultant Sign and Amsa. (ii) Substract that of the Moon from that of Saturn. Note also the resultant sign and Amsa.

(iii) Add the longitudes of the ascendant. Sun and Mandi. Find the sign occupied by the lord of the sign represented by this sum. When Jupiter in transit passes through any one of these places mentioned above or their trines, death may take place. The following are some other methods for arriving at the same result : (i) Subtract the longitude of Saturn from that of Mandi, and find out the resulting Sign and Navamsa. The event may occur when Saturn passes through any one of these or their trines. (ii) Add the longitudes of the five Upagrahas (subsidiary planets) headed by Dhuma, and note the decanate of the resulting sign. When Saturn arrives at this decanate of the sign, the exit may be expected. (iii) Add the longitudes of Mandi and Saturn. Multiply the sum by 9. Note the resulting sign and Navamsa. When Saturn arrives at this Sign and Amsa, the event may take place. (i-) Add the longtitudes of the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses. The call may come when Saturn comes to this resulting Sign or its trine (v) Find out the weakest of the three sets of planets, viz. (1) lords of the 8th houses counted from the ascendant and the Moon, (2) lords of the 22nd decanates, and (3) the Moon and Mandi. Note the Navamsa occupied by that planet. When Saturn arrives at this Amsa or its trine, the call is likely to come. Note the Sign which happens to be the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the ascendant. See how far it is removed from Aries. Count so many signs from the one occupied by the lord of the 8th house. When Saturn comes to this sign during transit, death may overtake the subject. [Suppose Cancer to, be the Lagna whose lord, the Moon, is in Leo Amsa. This is the 5th Sign from Aries. If the lord of the 8th house i.e. Saturn, is in Aquarius itself, count five signs from it. You get Gemini as the required sign]. (vii) The month of demise is got from the Sign which is the sum of the longitudes of Mandi and the ascendant. The idea is that when the Sun comes in transit to this sign and Amsa, it will occur. The Amsa will indicate what part of the solar month it is. (viii) The Moon will occupy at death that sign which is represented by the sum of the longitudes of Mandi and the Moon. (ix) The time of death or the ascendant of demise will be the sign represented by the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant,: : Nandi and the Moon. (x) Find out the Navamsa, Dvadasamsa and decanate occupied by Mandi. When Jupiter arrives at the Navamsa,, Saturn at the Dvadasamsa and the Sun at a trine to the decanate, it will take place. The ascendant at death may also be the sigp occupied by the lord of the sign represented by the sum of the longitudes of the three viz. the ascendant, the Moon and Mand| (xi) Death may overtake a person when the Moon in transit passes through the following signs : 3 (1) The sign occupied by the lord of the 22nd decanate counte from that of the natal Moon, or its trine; (2) the sign representin the natal ascendant; (3) the 8th house from that; (4) the 121 house from the ascendant; (5) the sign occupied by the sun i birth; (6) the asterism occupied by the lord of the 8th house. (xii) The solar month of death would be identical with tt sign occupied by the lord of the 8th house. (xiii) For a night birth death is likely during the transit Saturn through a trine of the Sign occupied by Mandi at birt and for a day birth it is the 7th house from the above. (xiv) Again for a night birth the event may occur wh Saturn passes through the sign and Amsa occupied by the Mo or Mandi; and for a day birth, when he passes through the sign and Amsa occupied
by the Sun or the 5th, 7th or 9th from that. (xv) Count the distance of Mandi in Signs from the position taken by the lord of the 8th house. Count so many signs from the place of Mandi. When Saturn arrives at that sign, death may happen. (xvi) When Jupiter passes through the sign indicated by the sum of the longitudes of Rahu and Jupiter, or through its trine it may be expected. (xvii) Note the sign occupied by Venus at birth. When the Sun arrives in transit at the 6th, 7th or 12th place therefrom, it may occur. In conclusion we may say that the transit of Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon through the houses occupied by (1) the lords of the Dusthanas, (2) the lord of the 22nd decanate, and (3) Mandi, or their Amsas or their trines, may help us in fixing the time of death. Some persons die without much suffering, while others otherwise. We have seen now the various conditions leading to all kinds of miserable death. To find out if a person's end will be happy proceed thus : Note the Navamsa sign of Mandi. If there be a strong benefic unafflicted in the 7th house from that sign, death would be happy. Similarly if the 8th house is occupied by a strong benefic, the same effect will follow. It is usual with many persons to lose consciousness sometime before they breathe their last. We can find out this period of unconsciousness from the Navamsas of the Lagna that are yet to rise. This can be calculated with the aid of the rules already explained in Chapter III. If the rising sign be aspected by its lord, the period is to be doubled. If

it is aspected by a single benefic, it is to be trebled, and if by two benefics, it would be six times the original period and so on. The method of disposal of the dead body is inferred from the nature of the 22nd decanate. If it is Krura (malefic), the body will be cremated; ifJalacara (Aquatic), it will be consigned to the waters; if Saumya (Benefic), it will be buried; and if Misra (Mixed), it will be dried up being exposed to the Sun and wind.1 (For reference see p. 234) However, the above results may be read also from the nature of the planet occupying or owning the 22nd decanate. If the same decanate be Serpent (Sarpa), the dead body would be eaten by vultures, dogs etc.

Next World If Jupiter occupies (or owns) the ascendant at death, the departed soul goes to Heaven; if the Sun or Mars, to the world of mortals; if the Moon or Venus, to that of the Manes; and if Mercury or Saturn, to the infernal regions. The 12 Signs of the zodiac are allotted for this purpose to the three worlds viz. Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka, at the rate of 4 signs for each. One goes to hell, if the lord of the 12th house is aspected by malefics and is posited in a malefic Sastyamsa (60th part of sign); or if Rahu occupies the 12th along with Mandi and the lord of the 8th house and is aspected by the lord of the 6th house. If an exalted benefic planet occupies benefic Vargas in the 12th house and is aspected by both benefics and malefics, the departed soul will enjoy celestial happiness. If Jupiter owning the 10th house occupies the 12th and is aspected by benefics, he will attain immortality. If Jupiter possessed of strength be in the Sagittarius Navams. of Cancer ascendant, and if three or four planets be in Kendra the soul will attain Brahman (Absolute). The result will be same if Jupiter occupies Aries Navamsa in Sagittarius ascendant, Venus in the 7th house, and the strong Moon in Virgo. Similarly you can deduce the world from which a person comes from the owner of the decanate occupied by the strong of the two viz. the Sun and the Moon, in the natal chart. TJ status too in the previous life can be determined through strength of the planet concerned.
1. For decanates see Chapter IV, page 40 and Chapter XVIII. they are subdivided into four groups. KrOra Malefic Jalacara Aquatic Saumya Benefic Misra Mixed Leo I Aries I Aquarius I Scorpio I Capricorn I PiscesIII Scorpio III Leo III Libra III Cancer II Scorpio II Cancer I Pisces 1 DoII Virgo II Taurus III Gemini 111 Aries II Sagittarius II Taurus II Aquarius II Capricorn Libra I VirgoI Gemini I Sagittarius III Virgo III Aquarius III Capricorn -t AriesHI Cancer 11 Taurus Sagittarius; Gemini 1 Libra IK Leo11 |

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