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Effects of Excessive Drinking Alcoholic Beverages To The Academic Performance of The Grade 10 Students in Benhs

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Effects of Excessive Drinking Alcoholic Beverages to the Academic performance of the

Grade 10 students in BeNHS

Submitted to the Senior High School Academics Department

Benguet National High School-Main

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 1

Agayao, Crystal jane D.

Dulas, Freshamagne P.

Mercoles, Nephtali M.

Nonog, Christine joy D.

March 2018

The researchers greatly acknowledge the following whose continous support and

valuable efforts have contributed a lot in the realization of this study:

Ms.Lea Olante , the Practical Research teacher , for her continous encouragement and

guidance which motivates the researchers to finish and for her effort in checking the

preliminary version of the paper;

The grade 10 students for their special participation for being respondents to the


The families of the researchers for their inspiration, financial and extended support ;


The Almighty God for the gift of life , wisdom , patience , good health and the

guidance that He gave to the researchers from the start up to the finish of this study.

Research title: Effects of Excessive Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages to the Academic

Performance of the Grade 10 Students in BeNHS - Main.

Authors : Crystal Jane D. Agayao

Freshamagne P. Dulas

Nephtali M. Mercoles

Christine Joy D. Nonog

Research Teacher : Lea C. Olante

Date : March 2018

The Qualitative method is used in the study, in which excessive drinking of

alcoholic beverages affects the academic performance of grade 10 students of BeNHS-Main.

For this study, the researchers designed a survey questionnaire for the data gathering process

to achieve the main objective of the study. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to

determine the respondents profile according to the factors which affect the academic

performance of grade 10 students. Results imply that most of the respondents believe that

their study habits are affected by their time management .Another important finding shows

that Grade 10 students escape to their subjects because of hangover which greatly influenced

by their academic performances. Generally, all of the said factors tend to significantly affect

the academic performance of the respondents.


Title page ______________________________________________________ 1

Acknowledgements __________________________________________ 2

Abstract ______________________________________________________ 3

Table of contents ________________________________________________ 4

List of figures ________________________________________________ 5

figure 1 ____________________________________________________ 8

figure 2 _____________________________________________________ 12

figure 3 _____________________________________________________ 13

figure 4 ______________________________________________________ 14

figure 5 _______________________________________________________ 14

Chapter 1

Background of the study ____________________________________ 6

Statement of the problem ____________________________________ 9

Significance of the study ____________________________________ 9

Chapter 2

Research Design __________________________________________ 10

Population and Locale of the Study ________________________ 10

Data Collection Procedure ______________________________ 11

Data Collection Instruments ______________________________ 11

Data Analysis __________________________________________ 11

Chapter 3 : Results and Discussions ______________________________ 12

Chapter 4 : Conclusion and recommendations

Summary of findings ____________________________________ 15

Conclusions __________________________________________ 15
Recommendations ____________________________________ 16

References _________________________________________ 16


Letter to respondents ______________________________________ 17

Questionnaire ____________________________________________ 18

Background of the study

As a Grade 11 student , We observed that some of the Grade 10 students are drinking

excessive Alcoholic Beverages. We chose this topic to help lessen the number of the students

that are having an excessive drinking of Alcoholic Beverages.

Based on our observation, some of the Grade 10 students of BeNHS attend the class

drunk. As a consequence they will be sent to the Guidance office and will be punished by the

Guidance councilor.

This research can helped us know the reasons why some of the Grade 10 students of

BeNHS are drinking excessive Alcoholic Beverages. Therefore, the results helped us have

idea on how can we help lessen this situation.

This is mainly for the purpose of letting the students feel that excessive drinking of

Alcoholic Beverages can have negative result to their studies. It enables them to balance their

study and their wants.

Conceptual Framework

According to Substance abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (2015) kids

who starts drinking before age fifteen are five times more likely to become alcoholic or abuse

to alcohol than are people who want until adulthood for their first sip. Alcohol is a drug.

Every day, more than 4,750 teenagers aged 15 and younger take their first full drink to this


According to Haelle (2015) there is also another problem for students who

experimented with this drugs that they are more likely than adults are too consume too much

alcohol over a short period of time and this is known as Binge Drinking. The addiction of the

teenagers to this drug will make them a binge drinkers. Binge drinking may harm teenager’s


According to Chaterji and De Simone (2005), In the U.S. one of our individuals

between the ages 12 and 20 drinks alcohol on a monthly basis and similar affects educational

attainment by decreasing the number of years of schooling and the like hood of completing

school oportion of 12 graders consumes 5 or more drinks in a row at least once every 2

weeks. Several studies have reported that alcohol use during adolesence.
Paradigm of the Study

Input Process Output

*Profile of Grade 10 *Analysis of data through *Better time management

students Questionnaires skill on studies and
-Age ‘wants’ by the Grade
-sex 10students.
*Grade 10 students that *Perceptions of students
are engaging to on Excessive Drinking of
excessive drinking of Alcoholic Beverages
alcoholic beverages.
*Academic performances
of Grade 10 students
*Factors that causes
them to drink excessive

Figure 1

The figure shows the IPO of the study. In input, researchers include the profile of the

Grade 10 students in terms of the following: a) age and b) sex. The researchers want to know

who are the students engaged in drinking alcoholic beverages, the effect on their academic

performance and the factors that causes them to drink excessive alcohol.

In process, researchers analyzed the gathered data through the questionnaires given.

Lastly, in output the expected outcome of this study is to understand how the students

manage their time on their studies and on their wants and also to know the perceptions of

students and on drinking alcoholic beverages.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explain the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages to the academic

performance of the Grade 10 students in BeNHS.

Specifically, this aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the perceptions of the Grade 10 students in drinking alcoholic beverages?

2. How will drinking alcoholic beverages affect the academic performance of the students

as perceived by the Grade 10 students?

3. How will drinking alcoholic beverages affect the social behavior of the Grade 10


4. What are the things you can do to stop drinking alcoholic beverages?

Significance of the study

The findings of the study may inform us about the effect of excessive drinking of alcoholic

beverages in studying.

To the students, the results may help them balance their time in studying and their wants.

It can also motivate them to do their best in school,

To the parents, the results may serve as a tool to help them guide their children and to

push them to do good in school.

To the teachers, the results will help them know that drinking alcoholic beverages is one

of the reason for the students to get absent, and to help them how to lessen the situation. It

can help them to encourage the students and prioritize their studies.

Qualitative research approach for this study was chosen because qualitative methods

are useful in determining that alcohol can rewire the teenage brain. (Haelle, 2015) also stated

that binge drinking may harm a teenage’s brain- how- and forever- a mouse study suggested.

The study used phenomenological design. Survey competition type of survey questionnaires

are included for data collection and data analysis procedures.


This study focuses on the effects of excessive drinking of alcohol beverages to the

academic performance of Grade 10 students in BeNHS-Main. Using survey questionnaire,

the researchers were able to gather data needed for the study.

For this study to have respondents, researchers made use of non-probability sampling

which convenience sampling because it is most convenience and fastest way. There were 100

respondents that are Grade 10 students. The researchers are confident that the chosen sample

is truly representative of the entire population of Grade 10 students.

After knowing the sample size. They will be given a survey questionnaire wherein

they will answer it and serve as the data collection of the study.

Data Collection Procedure

Prior to actual data collection, the researchers drafted the survey questionnaire

submitted to the teacher for approval. A letter to the respondents was also prepared.

During the actual data collection, the letter was read by the researchers to the
respondents asking for informed consent and also informing them of the study. The purpose

of the study was explained in general terms. Assurances on anonymity and confidentiality of

results were given upon the data collection.

The respondents were asked to answer 12 questions about the effects of excessive

drinking of alcoholic beverages to their academic performance, social behavior and the

effects that lie ahead.

After gathering the data, the researchers expressed their gratitude to the respondents

for their answers.

Data Collection Instrument

For this study, the researchers design a self-administered questionnaire for the data

gathering process to achieve the main objective of the study. The primary aim of the

questionnaire is to determine the respondents profile according to: (1) Age (2) sex. this

researchers will use a mixture of closed questionnaire and open comments in the

questionnaire. A closed question is one that has pre-coded answers. The simplest is the

dichotomous question to which the respondent must answer yes or no. Through close

questions, the researchers will be able to limit responses that are within the scope of the


Data Analysis

In here the researchers gathered data from the Grade 10 students through surveyed

questionnaires. The researchers highlighted the main focus of the study which is effects of

drinking of alcoholic beverages to the academic performance of the Grade 10 students. The

researchers brought together the answered questionnaires and field notes then look for

relationships within and across the data sources. The researchers find out the reasons why

Grade 10 students engage to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.

CHAPTER III Results and Discussion

figure 2:Respondents who drink alcoholic beverages

YES- 62%

N0- 38%

figure 2 shows that most of the students drink alcoholic beverages.

figure 2 A: How often they drink alcoholic beverages

5- once a week

43- during occasions only

5- everyday


figure 2 A shows how often does students drink

figure 2 B: Number of times they drink

20% - 2 Hours

9%- 4 Hours

33%- 5 or more hours

figure 2 B Shows the numbers of times they drink.

figure 3:Alcohoic Beverages Affect your Academic Performance


a. Drink to feel goo d 7 0 3 0

b. Skipping or missing class 3 2 6 8

c. Got into trouble at school 2 0 8 0

70 Students said Yes that they drink to feel good and 30 students said No

32 students said Yes that they skip and 68 said No

20 students said Yes that they got into trouble at school and 80 said No

figure 3 shows the academic performance of students affect because of drinking of alcoholic


figure 4: Effects of drinking alcoholic beverages to social behaivours


a. Causes proems at home 4 0 6 0

b.Can escape the pain (emotional/physical) 4 2 5 8

c. Got into trouble while drinking 2 8 7 2

figure 4 shows the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages to the social behaivours of the


figure 5:Think to stop it

65%- YES

35%- NO

figure 5 shows that students think that they

want to stop drinking alcoholic beverages




This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of excessive drinking of

alcohol to the academic performance of Grade 10 students of BeNHS-Main. The descriptive

method of research was utilized and the normative survey technique was used for gathering

data. The questionnaires served as the instrument for collecting data. Some of the students of

grade 10 were given a survey questionnaire.

Of the 100 students, 62 students were drinking alcoholic beverages the rest of the 38

students are not drinkers. Of the 62 students , 53.22% spends 5 or more hours , 14.51%

spends four hours and 32.25% spends two hours in drinking alcohol.

Of 100 students, 52.37% drinks alcohol to feel better , at school 26.32% escapes

classes and 16.39% were gotten into trouble at school.

Of the 100 students, 36.36% causes problems at home, 38.18% drink alcohol to escape

the pain(emotional/physical) and 25.45% gotten into trouble while drinking.


The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in number one under the summary of

findings is :

Majority of the grade 10 students are drinking alcoholic beverages and they spend a lot of

time on drinking alcoholic beverages.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings of number two under the summary of

findings is :

Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages gives negative and positive effect to the

academic performance and social behaviour of the students.


The recommendation are as follows:

* The teachers must be aware on the students behavior inside or outside the campus.

*Students must focus on what they suppose to do like studying.

*Students must not bring their problem at their home to the school.


1. Drinkware(2014) Monitor Young People Report. https://www.drinkware.co.uk/knowledge-


2. Health & Social Care Information Centre, Smoking and drug use among young people in



3. Public Health EnglandLocalalcoholProfiles forEnglang(2015). http://lape.org.uk/


Dear respondents (Grade 10)

As a requirement to our subject Practical Research 1, we are conducting a research

entitled "Effects of Excessive Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages to the Academic Performance

of Grade 10 students of Benguet National High School Main".

In relationship to this, we are asking you to become our respondents on the said study.

Please answer the questions honestly rest assured that your answer will be for the researchers

and the respondents only.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely yours
The respondents



Directions: Please answer the following questions honestly.


1. a) Do you Drink alcohol Beverages? YES_____NO______

b) If Yes, How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?

Once a week ______ During occasions only ______Everyday______


Estimate the number of hours you drank the last time you socialized.


2. How does drinking alcoholic beverages affect your academic performance?


3. Do you drink to feel good/ to function better? YES______NO______

If Yes, describe it in detail. ______________________________________

4.Have you ever skipped or missed class because of Drinking? YES______NO______

If Yes what subjects are these?______________________________________

5. Have you ever gotten into trouble at school because of drinking? YES______NO______

If Yes, please describe the scenario? ___________________________________

6. Whataretheeffectsofdrinkingalcoholicbeveragestoyoursocialbehaviors?

7.Has drinking caused problems at home? YES______NO______

If Yes, How?_______________________________________

8. Do you drink escape the pain, either physical or emotional? YES______NO______

9.Do you ever get into any fight while drinking? YES______NO______

If Yes, Please describe the situation? _____________________________

10.In those times that you drink excessive alcoholic beverages, have you ever think of
stopping it?


If Yes, what are the thing that you did to stop it? __________________________________

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