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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2019-2020

The Disaster Risk Management Office at the Region, Division, District and School Levels shall also be organized which
shall have the following functions:

 Identify, assess and manage the hazards and risks that may occur in their locality;
 Communicate about those hazards and risks, their nature, effects, early warning signs and countermeasures;
 Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures or strategies;
 Take all necessary steps on an ongoing basis to maintain, provide or arrange the provision of trained and
competent personnel for effective and efficient disaster risk management in their areas of jurisdiction;
 Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies in their area of jurisdictions;
 Carry out recovery activities;
 Promote and raise public awareness of and compliance with policies and directives issued by the Chairman of
DRRMO relative to disaster risk management;
 Develop, approve, implement and monitor School Disaster Risk Management Plans and regularly review and test
the plan consistent with other national and local planning programs;
 Establish linkage and network with other local government units for disaster risk reduction and emergency
response purposes;
 Formulate, prepare and issue Orders, Memoranda and Issuances consistent with the requirements of the National
Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC);
 Integrate risk reduction into school development plans, programs and budgets as a strategy in schools’ sustainable
development and improvement plans;
 Establish an operating facility to be known as the Region/Division/District and School Disaster Operations
Center; and
 Prepare and submit to the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, National Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Office and the National Disaster Coordinating Council damage and needs assessment reports;
 Include as part of the School Improvement Plan disaster risk reduction measures to ensure safety, and security of
all teaching, non-teaching and school children.

Terms of Reference for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Chairman

 The Chairman shall advise the President and the Chairman of the National Disaster Coordinating Council,
Directors, Heads of DepED Offices and other institutions on the current status of disaster/crisis as well as on the
programs and operations being undertaken by the Department to reduce the impact of the emergency situation;
 Establishes policy guidelines and sets priorities in the allocation of resources and services;
 Advises the leaders of the different action teams in accordance with the information/advisory given by warning
agencies like PAGASA and PHIVOLCS of an impending occurrence of hazards and activates the operationalization of
the contingency plans;
 Announces the suspension of offices/and or classes on the basis of advisories given by the warning agencies;
 Provides assistance to the National Disaster Coordinating Council on advocacy and information dissemination
campaigns on disaster risk reduction and management through integration in the basic education curriculum;
 Ensures that disaster risk reduction concepts are being mainstreamed in the education system and integrated in the
basic education curricula;
 Ensures the provision of safe learning environment, child friendly spaces, alternative learning activities to
displaces families/individuals/schoolchildren housed in schools as temporary holding centers;
 Activates the Disaster Operations Center and authorizes the 24/7 services of pre-designated officers and members
of the concerned team;
 Convene and presides over meetings and conferences.

The Vice-Chairman

 Assists the Chairman in all his functions;

 Performs the functions of the Chairman in case of absence/leave or incapacity of the latter;
 Develops a disaster preparedness plan for the Department;
 Organizes and supervises the Disaster Operations Center;
 Ensures that appropriate trainings and capability building be set up for teachers, school administrators, non-
teaching personnel, and school children;
 Maintains cooperative and collaborative efforts with principal officers of other government agencies and arranges
for obtaining assistance relative to disaster risk reduction activities;
 Serves as overseer and evaluator during emergency/evacuation drills and exercises; and
 Does related work as may be assigned by the Chairman.

The DepED DRRMO shall serve as the central command and control for resource mobilization, response coordination and
information management. During emergency situations, the DepED Disaster Operations Center shall be activated by the
Secretary of the Department of Education as an Emergency Operations Center (DRRMO-EOC). As a matter of standard
operations procedure and as may be required by the DepED Secretary, through the Chairman of the DRRMO, pre-
designated members of the DRRMO shall render 24/7 duty at the EOC.

Main Functions

1. Operational Coordination

 Coordinate pre-defined pre and post disaster operational activities being undertaken by relevant agencies and
ensure that all key actors are taken on board;
 Initiate and lead the conduct of a multi-agency damage and needs assessment mission as the post disaster situation
 Provide operational updates to the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) and Office of the President
and all cluster members, making sure that they are all in the loop and keep abreast of the unfolding situation;
 Facilitate the conduct of a multi-agency debriefing of past disaster situations to look into areas of strength and
areas for improvement;
 Allocate working stations for pre-identified cluster members who will be working at the EOC during disaster
 Promote a synergistic multi-agency approach in managing the potential consequences of disasters in the country;
 Facilitate the provision of support to areas affected as well as to operational Disaster Risk Reduction Offices in
schools being mobilized for response operations and schools being used as evacuation centers.

2. Response and Resource Mobilization

 Maintain an updated database of all available response resources in the Department that can provide capacities to
the schools like airlift operations, fire suppression, emergency health services, ambulance service/emergency
evacuation, security, emergency social services, environmental emergencies, hazardous materials emergencies, search
and rescue, engineering and basic utilities in coordination with the different DRRMO Teams;
 Assist in the formulation of mobilization SOPs for those response resources and operational support and
arrangements like MOA and MOUs with partner agencies and cluster members and rehearse them as far as practicable;
 Facilitate the conduct of a post mobilization debriefing for all units deployed and utilized to look into areas of
strength and areas for improvement.

3. Information Management

 Maintain an updated database of relevant baseline information on school population, demography in the different
regions, hospitals, school facilities, etc.
 Collate, validate and analyze information and undertake the appropriate steps to be taken based on pre-delegated
tasks and responsibilities, otherwise recommend to the NDCC
 Executive Officer or the NDCC Chairman the necessary steps to be taken based on processed information for an
enhanced decision-making process.
 Document all past disaster situations to include a review of the pre and post disaster activities undertaken by all
key actors, and maintain a database of these documents;
 Development and integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the curriculum.
 As a matter of standard operations procedure, all concerned shall take into consideration the reporting and flow of
activities during and after a disaster as stated in Figure 13 (below), to ensure timely, accurate, and reliable data
gathering and reporting.

4.Coordination for Operational Capability

 Maintain active linkages with OPCENs of other NDCC member agencies and cluster members the
synchronization of programs for operational capability upgrade;
 Explore possibilities of cross fertilization with other OPCENs in the area of staffing skills and competencies,
equipment operations and maintenance, in house systems and procedures, database management and granting of
 Provide operational guidelines on the management of the School DRRMO.

Personnel Requirements
1. Intelligence and Disaster Analysis Officer

Under the supervision of the Intelligence and Disaster Analysis Officer will be the Communications and Warning,
Disaster and Needs Assessment, and the Security and Police Teams.
a. Communications and Warning Team shall have the following functions:

 Provide warning in close coordination with National warning agencies and through all available means, to areas
threatened by slow onset disasters like storms, typhoons and consequent flooding, providing school officials, teaching
and nonteaching personnel, and schoolchildren a clear understanding of what to expect and advises on appropriate
precautionary measures to be undertaken;
 Alert available response agencies/unites at the national level and closely monitor the conduct of disaster response
operations, mobilizing additional resources available as may be needed in the field; and
 Monitor the transition from emergency response and relief to recovery phase as may be required by the Secretary
of the Department and or the Office of the President of the Philippines.

b. Damage Analysis Needs Analysis Team

 Evaluates crisis situations and determines courses of actions to be followed, and formulates guidelines in
assessing the situation;
 Assesses information and advises the Chairman of DRRMO on possible measures to be undertaken in order to
lessen the impact of the crisis;
 Submits recommendation for allocation of needed resource;
 Coordinates the plans and actions of the Group with the proper authorities whenever a crisis occurs;
 Monitor the probable consequences of potential, ongoing and past disasters or emergency situation around the
country in close coordination with internal and external stakeholders in education;
 Coordinate pre-defined pre and post disaster operational activities being undertaken by relevant agencies and
ensure that all key actors are taken on board;
 Initiate and lead the conduct of a multi-agency damage and needs assessment mission as the post disaster situation
 Facilitate the conduct of a multi-agency debriefing of past disaster situation to look into areas of strength and
areas for improvement;
 Allocate working stations for pre-identifi ed cluster members who will be working at the Disaster Operations
Center during emergency situations;
 Promote synergistic multi-agency approach in managing the potential consequences of disasters in the country;
 Does related work.

c. Police and Security Team

 Calls the local police of any bomb threat received through telephone or any other means of communication and
reports the matter to the DRRMO Chairman;
 Assists the police in conducting bomb search operations;
 Secures the area and the entire DepED premises;
 Provides for personnel and vehicle movement control and open all exit routes;
 In case of fire, assigns a sub-group to the fire scene and coordinate with the fire suppression team to prevent
looting and apprehend looters;
 Assigns a sub-group to the evacuation area to secure the properties and individuals evacuated.
 Systematically stores properties brought to the evacuation area and safeguard their release to their respective
owners after the fire. Sees to it that all evacuated equipment and documents are returned to their respective
 Maintains a guarding system for personnel, materials and other installations;
 Makes an inventory of the returned documents/equipment and submits a report of losses/damages to the Vice
Chairman, who shall in turn submit the same to the Office of the Secretary being the Chairman.

2. Education, Advocacy and Information Officer

The Education Information Officer shall have the following functions and shall organize under his supervision alternative
learning, advocacy and public information, education and training, and health and sanitation teams:

a. Alternative Learning Team

 Coordinates with the Bureau of Alternative Learning System, Bureau of Secondary and Elementary Education,
Commission on Higher Education (CHED and State Universities and Colleges on matters relative to the
integration/mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) concepts in the courses offered;
 Provides alternative learning activities to schoolchildren in the evacuation centers and ensure continuity of
academic instruction;
 Prepares modules and disaster preparedness materials as reference and support materials to teaching-learning
 Provides alternative learning materials and keeps an inventory of available resource materials on DRR; and
 Does related work

b. Education and Training Team

 Trains and maintains pool of trainers on DRR;

 Initiates programs and projects to enhance skills and capabilities of teaching and non-teaching personnel on
disaster risk reduction;
 Conducts researches and studies on disaster risk reduction, the impact/effects of integration/mainstreaming
programs and projects in the curriculum and the impact of disasters in the education sector;
 Conducts capability training of teachers and non-teaching personnel on disaster risk management;

c. Advocacy and Public Information Team

 Conducts information dissemination campaign on DRR concepts and what to do before, during and after the
occurrence of hazards;
 Serves as resource person during trainings, seminars and for a relative to disaster risk management;
 Provides learning modules and DRR materials to schools and the public;
 Publishes information on emergency situations, reports disaster damages and rehabilitation efforts to the National
Disaster Coordinating Council and to the Office of the President;
 Coordinates with media and the Public Information Agency (PIA) on matters relative to advocacy and public
information activities;
 Conducts studies and researches on DRR and disseminates results and recommends appropriate action.

d. Emergency Health and Medical Service Team

 Arrange with government health agencies like Department of Health, PNRC or other sources for first aid and
medical self-help training;
 Supervise the selection of fi rst aid or medical treatment areas in evacuation centers;
 Directs first aid or medical self-help operations and control the access to medical supplies;
 Establishes policies and rules governing the emergency treatment of badly injured persons;
 Maintains an adequate sanitation and hygienic standards and deals with matters related to emergency services;
 Monitors the storage and handling of medicines, goods, food and drinking water in evacuation in coordination
with concerned agencies;
 Does related work as the need arises.

3. Plans and Operations Officer

The Plans and Operations Officer shall organize and supervise the evacuation, search and rescue, fire suppression,
rehabilitation and engineering teams and shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

 Determines courses of action to be taken based on the recommendations of the Intelligence and Disaster Analysis
 Determines the type of action units to be utilized whenever there is a crisis;
 Maintains and/or supervises programs of operations and determines the necessity of utilizing additional action
 Coordinates with the Intelligence and Analysis Offi cer the operations being undertaken and those to be

a. Relief and Evacuation Team

 Systematically evacuates personnel, students and properties during emergency situations;

 Upon receipt of information from the Communication and Warning Team on the need to evacuate, the team shall
immediately establish an evacuation area and take charge of evacuation in the following order of priority:
 Occupants of the building, especially the injured;
 Valuable documents and records of the office;
 Personal belongings of personnel;
 Office equipment and other movable facilities;
 Receives evacuees/victims from the evacuation service leader;
 Provides housing for displaced persons/evacuees during emergency;
 Organizes evacuees into work brigades/committees;
 Ensure proper camp management of resources guided by the Minimum Standards on Education in Emergencies;
 Conducts inventory and stockpile of available resources.

b. Search and Rescue Team

 Locates/Removes injured or trapped persons in the area in coordination with SAR skilled agencies/groups;
 Organizes and trains the search and rescue teams provided for in the emergency plan, in cooperation with NDCC
member agencies;
 Obtains appropriate equipment for search and rescue operations;
 Coordinates with PNRC and other response agencies on matters relative to search and rescue operations; and
 Coordinates with agencies/organizations/with specialized skills on search and rescue for possible deployment to
affected areas during emergency situation.

c. Fire Suppression

 Organizes fire-fighting teams/brigades for initial fire fighting deployment;

 Provides fire-fighting instructions through locally available sources (Local Fire Department);
 Ensures that fire fighters know their stations and locations of fire-fighting equipment in the area;
 Deploys fire fighting personnel to fire affected areas;
 Coordinates with the Bureau of Fire Department on matters related to fire suppression; and
 Maintains network with fire suppression agencies and organizations for joint trainings and fire suppression skills;
 Sets on the fire alarm in case of fire;
 Assesses the nature of fire and suppress it by using the appropriate fire extinguishers available or by practical
means of putting it off such as wet jute sacks;
 Prevents the spread of fire by shutting off all ventilators and witching off all electrical breakers in the building;
 Alerts all office personnel in case evacuation is necessary;
 Maintains order and take control of FIRE EXITS to avoid crowding and confusion of occupants. Fast and orderly
movement towards the fire exit must be achieved;
 Assists firemen in clearing safe routes/roads for fire trucks and fire hoses;
 After the fire, perform the following work:
 Repair/replace all damaged fire-fighting equipment;
 Return and make an inventory of all fire-fighting equipment;
 Refill all fire exhausted fire extinguishers;
 Assess the extent of damage, and
 Prepare a report of fire damages.

d. Engineering and Rehabilitation Team

 Conducts monitoring and damage assessment of school properties and reports the same to the Chairman;
 Validates reports and determines cost of damages for budget allocation;
 Repairs and rehabilitate damaged structures;
 Provides technical assistance, maintenance procedures and precautionary measures to schools relative to the
repair and rehabilitation of school buildings damaged by typhoons and calamities;
 Undertakes rapid assessment of damages caused by typhoons, floods and all other causes, in coordination with
local DCCs and the R/DPFC and reports results to concerned offices;
 Assess structural integrity and stability of structures before occupying the same; and
 Recommends appropriate interventions for damaged structures.

4. Resources and Logistics Officer

The Resource and Logistics Officer shall take charge of resource mobilization, allocation and logistics support for the
DRRMO. Under the Resource and Logistics Officer shall be the Fund Sourcing Team, Transportation Team and Supplies
and Relief Team.

a. Fund Sourcing Team

 The team shall take charge of fund sourcing activities both from internal and external stakeholders of education;
 Coordinates and maintains an effective networking system with donor communities to complement, harmonize
and synchronize humanitarian assistance and support during emergency situation;
 Determines the extent and kind of assistance to be provided to displaced families and individuals in the
evacuation centers and source funding assistance;
 Facilitate release of financial humanitarian assistance during emergency situation and ensures its transparency,
accountability and timeliness;
 Provides accounting and auditing rules and regulations relative to fund utilization in coordination with concerned
agencies; and
 Does related work.

b. Transportation Team

 Takes charge of all mobilization procedures, provision of vehicles and transport facilities as deemed necessary;
 Determines the transportation needs and requirements;
 Assigns all available vehicles and transport units to the monitoring and damage assessment teams;
 Coordinates with counterpart transport team leaders and local transport groups for resource sharing; and
 Does related work.

c. Supply and Relief Team

 Coordinates with concerned agencies on the provision of supplies and relief goods to displaced families and
 Supervises relief operation, establishes relief and supply areas in the affected areas and consolidates list of
recipients and supplies/relief goods still needed by evacuees;
 Maintains an inventory of non perishable goods and makes these available during emergency situation; and
 Does related work.

5. Database Management Team

The Database Management shall be taken charged by a Programmer as the head of the team and shall be assisted by five
(5) encorders.

a. Programmer

 The main function of the database management team is to gather, consolidate, validate and analyze data caused by
emergencies/calamities, and present its qualitative and quantitative impact on the education sector.
 Establish/Maintain a website for repository and retrieval of data on disasters/calamities which can be used for
information dissemination, policy formulation, resource allocation and decision-making.
 Designs worksheet/formats to be used in processing data caused by disasters;
 Monitors the utilization of disaster databases installed in the websites of the Regional/Division and updates the
same whenever necessary;
 Provides technical assistance to the Offi cers of the DRRMO relative to the computerization of disaster related
data; and
 Reviews/Evaluates submitted data/reports from the field.

b. Encoders

 Assists the programmer and officers of the DRRMO in processing disaster related data;
 Assists in the preparation of office orders, memoranda, communications and powerpoint presentations;
 Performs liaison work with other offices, follow-up on disposition of important documents;
 Coordinates with line government agencies on matters pertaining to data gathering, analysis, and presentation;
 Assists in the preparation of reports, checks, classifies official communications and maintains files of disaster
related data; and
 Performs other tasks that may be assigned by the immediate supervisor or head of office.

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