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FORM R.1 Recognition Application Form Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

FORM R.1 Professional Development Program/Course Recognition Application Form


Learning Service Provider Department of Education – Lapu-Lapu City Division
Complete Office Address B. M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City
Contact Person Herminia N. Leyson Mobile No. 09999726528
Telephone No. Email Address herminia.leyson001@deped.gov.ph
NEAP Authorization Number For Authorized Learning Service Provider only.

Version April 2021 Page 1


1 Division Seminar Workshop of Filipino Teachers on the Utilization of Assessment Strategies, Reading
Interventions, and Positive Use of ICT, thus Ensuring the Dignity of Teaching as a Profession
Rationale The development of this training is a form of technical assistance that the Division provides to support
the implementation of the basic education curriculum, thus ensuring the effective delivery of the basic
education services, making quality teaching and high hopes of quality learning. Quality learners are offshoots
of quality teaching. It is therefore a prerogative that teachers being the mentors and molders of the learners
shall ensure themselves in the furtherance of upskilling and reskilling themselves in order to keep abreast to
the fast changing of times. This will support the idea that teachers cannot teach of what they do not have,
therefore they have to acquire learning that necessitates and support their personal and professional being so
they are well capable of delivering the effective services to the learners. Furthermore, it will address the school-
based professional development of teachers. This initiative is intended to support and complement the other
INSET initiatives of the DepEd.
Its target outcome is to make the learners able to demonstrate improved mastery of basic education
curriculum competencies in Filipino, to free the learners from the bonds of learning poverty and for DepEd-
Division of Lapu-Lapu City to deliver the basic education services at their utmost best with greater
accountability to the field offices and schools.
It focuses on improving the teaching-learning processes and addresses the needs of learners, teachers,
school and school heads. Strategies and activities under this component are directly linked to increasing
access and improving the quality of learning.
It further envisions for the enhancement of the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of teachers in
Filipino. Implementation of the PD intervention will be monitored for its effects on teacher practices and
learners’ performance. This training is grounded on Republic Act 10533 or Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 Section 7 which states that DepEd and the Commission of Higher Education (CHED), in collaboration
with relevant partners in government, academe, industry, and non-government organizations (NGOs), shall
conduct teacher education and training programs to ensure that the enhanced basic education curriculum
meets the demand for quality teachers and school leaders. Learning is a growth process, in this drastic and
fast changing times and even if we stop for a while, we will be left behind. We therefore continue learning, for
the learnings of today might as well be obsolete by tomorrow.
Teachers and education leaders want our learners to be dependent on their own, and to let them interact
with the things our teachers are using. It’s the same on respective schools that our DepEd leaders like us to
motivate our own selves, do things that interest us, and look for current favorable juncture and means of
doing things. The more the teachers put their hearts and minds into it, whether it’s learning online or working
in their respective classes, the more they succeed.
Teachers must learn to work with others as well in a virtual environment, in a sense these can make
them more effective teachers. Engaging our learners in online platforms provide them a wider range and

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 2

capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance, the opportunity to network with their
learners and peers, and broaden their views to become more aware in our culture.
The online learning platforms, the ability to view things critically about what we do every day, and to
deepen our understanding in our role at work, mastering all these skills, are what will set us apart as
educators. Furthermore, this helps teachers develop their critical thinking skills in ways that we might not
have practiced in a classroom setting. Teachers who shall learn these online platforms and use these in their
respective classes equates to strong technical skills, a distinct plus for any educators. As part of our course
design, we will likely utilize digital platforms in addition to all the skills and competencies that had been
mentioned. After this program’s worth of technical hurdles, big and small, the Department of Education could
trust and ensure that our teachers and participants are well versed in common collaboration tools, content
expertise and a wholesome self-mastered educator. DepEd Order No. 42, s, 2017-National Adoption and
Implementation of PPST.
At the end of the activity the trained teachers will be able to adopt the programs and projects of
DepEd, align to its mission, vision, and goals, implement and put into practice the different skills and
competencies for the betterment of basic education services thus ensuring quality teachers and quality
Program Description • Gain content knowledge on crafting and making of classroom assessment strategies, applying its rules
and guidelines.
• Identify and apply the steps and procedures in teaching beginning reading using the Marungko
Approach as a reading intervention
• Equip themselves with the skills and competencies in teaching using the online platforms, such as
google meet, google classroom, class point, kahoot, and menti meter to keep pace in technology.
• Deepen the understanding and ensuring the dignity of teaching as a profession
Professional Development Priorities Pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 001, s. 2020 titled Guidelines for NEAP Recognition of Professional
Development Programs and Courses for Teachers and School Leaders, the Department of Education (DepEd),
through the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), issues the DepEd Professional
Development (PD) Priorities for Teachers and School Leaders for SY 2020-2023, the PD Priorities shall support
the realization of the Department’s goal of continuous upskilling and reskilling of teachers and school leaders
that will result in better learning outcomes.

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 3

The three-year PD Priorities shall be drawn from the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST),
while the PD Priorities for school leaders—school heads and supervisors—shall be drawn from the Philippine
Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH), and the Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors
(PPSS), respectively.
Based on the School Human Resource Development Plan, the PD priorities is to provide opportunities to
enhance professional competencies of the target personnel in the domains of content knowledge and pedagogy,
development of strategies on providing timely & constructive feedback to improve learner performance and in
curriculum and planning.
For Phase I: (For Non-DepEd
The target participants are selected Elementary Grades 1-3 LSPs)
Teachers handling Filipino subject. Preferably those with the least
number of experiences in the service, 5 years and below and those 6
PRC Program
5 who preferably possessed T-I or T-III item position.
Target Participant Accreditation
For Phase II:
The target participants are selected Secondary Teachers handling
Filipino subject. Preferably those with the least number of experiences
in the service, 5 years and below and those who preferably possessed
T-I or T-III item position.
Face to Face July 25-27, 2023 For Phase 1: 95
Participants-this includes the selected
Grades 1-3 Elementary Teachers, Resource
Speakers/Facilitators and/ TWG Chair and
7 8
Delivery Platform Indicative Date of Implementation
August 1-3, 2023 For Phase II: 95
Participants-this includes the selected
Secondary Teachers Handling Filipino,
Resource Speakers/Facilitators and/ TWG
Chair and Members


9 10 11 12 13
Course Title Professional Standards Covered Schedule Modality

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 4

1 Division Seminar Workshop PPST: Phase 1: Face to Face: Lecture
of Filipino Teachers on the Session 1: Management of Classroom Structure and July 25- and
Utilization of Assessment Activities 27, 2023 Workshop
Strategies, Reading This session is aligned to the PPST Domain 2,
Interventions, and Positive Learning Environment,
Use of ICT, thus Ensuring the Strand 3. Management of classroom structure and
Dignity of Teaching as a activities
Profession Domain 2 highlights the role of teachers to provide Phase II:
learning environments that are safe, secure, August 1-
fair and supportive in order to promote learner 3, 2023
responsibility and achievement. This Domain
centers on creating an environment that is learning-
focused and in which teachers efficiently
manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual
space. It highlights the need for teachers to
utilize a range of resources and provide
intellectually challenging and stimulating activities
encourage constructive classroom interactions
geared towards the attainment of high standards
of learning.
Phase 1:
July 25-
27, 2023
Face to Face: Lecture and
Phase II:
August 1-
3, 2023

Session 2: Positive Use of ICT

This session is aligned to Domain 1: Content
Knowledge and Pedagogy, Strand 3:
Positive Use of ICT. This will allow teachers to show
their skills in the selection,
development and use of a variety of teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 5
Session 3: The Use of Marungko Approach sa
Pagtuturo ng Filipino
This session is based on Domain 1: Content
Knowledge and Pedagogy:
Domain 1 recognizes the importance of teachers’
mastery of content knowledge and its
interconnectedness within and across curriculum
areas, coupled with a sound and critical
understanding of the application of theories and
principles of teaching and learning. This
Domain encompasses teachers’ ability to apply
developmentally appropriate and
meaningful pedagogy grounded on content
knowledge and current research

*Using a range of teaching strategies that enhance

learners’ achievement in literacy skills
*Applying a range of teaching strategies, to develop
critical and creative thinking as well
as other higher order thinking skills.
Session 4: TEACHERS: Save the Non-Readers:
Reading Innovations and
This session is based on Domain 1: Content
Knowledge and Pedagogy
Module 4: Teaching Approaches and Reading
The use of varied teaching approaches that are
appropriate to the needs of the
learners is vital in achieving the desired objectives
of the lesson. Teachers
engaged in inclusive learning environments have
used variety of pedagogical
approaches and methodologies in carrying out their
This session is designed to guide teachers on

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 6

pedagogical approaches, which
are aligned on basic principles of inclusive pedagogy
such as explicit teaching,
adult learning approach, and differentiated
Session 5: Dignity of Teaching as a Profession
This session is anchored on Domain 7: Personal
Growth and Professional
Development, Strand No. 2: Dignity of Teaching as a
Domain 7 focuses on teachers’ personal growth and
professional development. It
accentuates teachers’ proper and high personal
regard for the profession by maintaining
qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity.
This Domain values personal and professional
reflection and learning to improve practice.
It recognizes the importance of teachers’ assuming
responsibility for personal growth and
professional development for lifelong learning.
Session 6: Utilization of Assessment Strategies
This session is based on Domain 5 Assessment and
Reporting that relates to processes
associated with a variety of assessment tools and
strategies used by teachers in
monitoring, evaluating, documenting and reporting
learners’ needs, progress and
achievement. This Domain concerns the use of
assessment data in a variety of ways to
inform and enhance the teaching and learning
process and programs. It concerns teachers
providing learners with the necessary feedback
about learning outcomes. This feedback
informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to
select, organize and use sound
assessment processes.

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 7

➢ Designing, selecting, organizing and using
diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent with curriculum
Session 7: Planning and Management of Teaching
and Learning Process
This session is anchored on Domain 4: Curriculum
and Planning which addresses
teachers’ knowledge of and interaction with the
national and local curriculum
requirements. This Domain encompasses their
ability to translate curriculum content into
learning activities that are relevant to learners and
based on the principles of effective
teaching and learning. It expects teachers to apply
their professional knowledge to plan
and design, individually or in collaboration with
colleagues, well-structured and
sequenced lessons. These lesson sequences and
associated learning programs should be
contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs
and incorporate a range of teaching
and learning resources. The Domain expects
teachers to communicate learning goals to
support learner participation, understanding and
Session 8: Contextualization: Indigenization &
Localization of Filipino Lessons
This session is anchored on Section 5 of RA 10533
or the Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013 stated that K to 12 Curriculum shall be
learner-centered, inclusive and
developmentally appropriate, relevant,
contextualized, global and flexible enough the
same based on their respective educational and
social context. K to 12 teachers are
allowed to use contextualization strategies in their

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 8

By contextualization, we mean the process of
relating the curriculum to a particular
setting, situation or area of application to make the
competencies relevant, meaningful and
useful to all learners.
When you make activities that are related to the
actual situation in the community using
materials that are available in the locality, you are
already contextualizing.

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 9


Division Seminar Workshop of Filipino Teachers on the Utilization of Assessment Strategies, Reading Interventions, and
14 Positive Use of
Course Title
ICT, thus Ensuring the Dignity of Teaching as a Profession

This is a 3-Day Seminar Workshop for Selected Grades 1 -3 Teachers on Phase 1, and Selected Secondary Teachers
on Phase II handling Filipino in enhancing their quality that become of utmost importance for long-term and
15 sustainable nation building which are vital to raising student achievement.
Course Description
The set of standards included in this seminar-workshop makes explicit what teachers should know, be able to do
and value to achieve competence, improved student learning outcomes, and eventually quality education.

18 20 Resource
16 17 Session 19 Assessment 21
Duration Topic Methodology Outputs Person/ Learning
Objectives Strategies
1 8:15- 1.Management a. Illustrate and The presenter will facilitate the After learning Dr. Herminia N.
12:00 of Classroom share the session and how the strategies on Leyson
225 Structure and classroom participants will engage with classroom
min. Activities management the content and meet the management in See Attached CV
challenges you domain/s, strand/s and Use of Pre- this
have indicator/s in the selected Post Test session, the
experienced Professional Standards using and Reflection teachers will
during the first- the 4 As of Adult Learning and Journal make
year or a Reflection
week/month/ Malcolm Knowles’ Five Chart
year of your Principles of Andragogy of based on the
teaching Adult Learning: following:
b. List down 1. I will stop
observed best 1. The learning is self – ….
practices directed(provide 2. I will
of seasoned independent activities continue …
teachers that for them to learn) 3 I need my
show 2. The learning is immediate
positive and experiential and utilize superior/coach
non-violent background knowledge. to
discipline in (The moments of help me in…….
managing authenticity and

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 10

learner behavior Use of Pre-Post Test
c. Discusses and Reflection
which of the best Journal
practices could After learning
be easily strategies on
adapted by a classroom
beginning management in this
teacher session, the
d. Design/Craft teachers will make
Classroom Rules a Reflection Chart
to based on the
ensure positive following:
teaching- 1. I will stop ….
learning 2. I will continue …
environment 3 I need my
superior/coach to
help me in…….
Dr. Herminia N.
See Attached CV
spontaneity that come
from sharing with each
other will prove to be
some of the most
3. The learning is relevant
to current roles
4. The instruction is
5. The
are motivated to learn/
2 1:00- 2. Positive Use Show skills in Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Actual Make their Dr. Jonathan D.
4:45 of ICT in the selection, Five Principles of Andragogy enrolment in own google Kilantang
225 Teaching development and of Adult Learning the google classroom for
min. Filipino use of a variety classroom their respective See Attached CV

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 11

of Upload classes
teaching and activity sheets
learning in the google
resources, classroom
including ICT, to
address learning
3 8:15- 3. In Depth a. Identify the Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Pre-tests A semi-detailed Type here.
10:30 Discussion on different steps Five Principles of Andragogy identifying plan using
135 the Use of and of Adult Learning: the strategies Marungko
min. Marungko procedures of used in Approach in
Approach in Marungko teaching Reading
Teaching Approach beginning
Reading in in Teaching reading
Filipino Beginning
Reading in
b. Apply the
skills and
learn in teaching
4 10:45- 4. Teaching a. Demonstrate Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Pre-Post Tests Sample activity Dr. Grace O.
12:00 Approaches knowledge and Five Principles of Andragogy on the applying one of Parantar
and Reading understanding of of Adult Learning: different the
75 Interventions the principles strategies teaching See Attached CV
min. TEACHERS: on learner- used in the strategies
Save the Non centered class learned
Readers learning;
b. Design a
activity by
approaches and

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 12

c. Apply learner-
centered activity
through lesson
5 1:00- 5. Dignity of a. Understand Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Pre-Post Tests Reflection Dr. Herminia N.
2:00 Teaching as a personal Five Principles of Andragogy Journal Leyson
Profession awareness, of Adult Learning: See Attached CV
60 self-mastery,
min. and teacher
agency in
relation to
b. Identify your
and weaknesses
to improve
practice; and
c. Apply the
results of your
selfinventory to
and track
progress of your
6 2:00- 6.Utilization of a. Demonstrate Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Pre-Post Tests Sample Test Jestoni Potot
4:45 Assessment knowledge Five Principles of Andragogy questions on See Attached CV
165 Strategies of the design, of Adult Learning: Formative and
min. selection, Summative
organization and Assessments

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 13

use of
formative and
consistent with
a. Design, select,
and use
and summative
consistent with
7 8:15- 7.Planning and a.re-orient and Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Identifying the Make a Dr. Liezl R.
10:00 Management deepen the Five Principles of Andragogy skills detailed Borlasa
105 of Teaching understanding of of Adult Learning: and lesson plan for See Attached CV
min. and Learning: the competencies a
Making of competencies in particular
Contextualized embedded in each of the competency
Lesson Plan in MELC given and
Filipino apply and deliver quarter applying the
such contextualized
competencies lessons
in teaching
learning process
8 10:15 8. a. Explain the Using the Malcolm Knowles’ Giving of Making of Dr. Marilyn T.
- Contextualizati importance of Five Principles of Andragogy Samples of Contextualized Ompad
12:00 on: contextualization of Adult Learning: Contextualize Instructional
Indigenization in the d Material (short
& Localization teachinglearning Materials story for See Attached CV

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 14

of Filipino process and presenting a
Lessons development of particular
materials; lesson
b. Develop
n; and
c. Display self-
confidence in
actual teaching
9 1:00- Demonstration a. Conduct Conduct of Actual Assessing as Successful Demonstrators:
2:00 Teaching: demonstration Demonstration Teaching to the conduct
Application of teaching parts of the of For Phase 1:
the Reading to capitalize lesson are Demonstration Elementary:
Strategies and teaching and being applied Teaching Jestoni Potot
Contextualized learning in the (Basak ES)
Lessons in process Demonstratio
Teaching Grade b. Apply the n For Phase 2:
-3 Pupils) learned skills to Teaching Secondary:
classroom Dr. Liezl R.
setting Borlasa
1 2:00- Demonstration a. Conduct Conduct of Actual Assessing as Successful Demonstrators:
0 3:00 Teaching; The demonstration Demonstration Teaching to the conduct
Use of teaching parts of the of For Phase 1:
Marungko to capitalize lesson are Demonstration Elementary:Chaq
Approach/Clave teaching and being applied Teaching uel L. Tampus
ria Approach in learning in the (Mactan ES)
Teaching process Demonstratio
Reading in b. Apply the n For Phase 2:
Filipino learned skills to Teaching Secondary:
classroom Dr. Mildred G.

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 15

setting Bareńo
Add more rows to add sessions.


23 24
Funding Source Budget Phase 1: Phase 2:
Requirements Elementary Secondary
July 25 , August 1 , 2023-
2023- Tuesday Tuesday
Day 1: No. of Day 1: No. of
Participants:9 Participants:95
5 95 pax x 95 pax x 350.00
350.00 per per day
day (1 lunch (1 lunch and 2
and 2 snacks ) snacks ) =
= P 33, 250.00
P 33, 250.00

July 26, 2022- August 2, 2023-

Wednesday Wednesday
Day 2: No. of Day 2: No. of
Participants: Participants: 95
95 95 pax x 350.00
95 pax x per day
350.00 per (1 lunch and 2
day snacks ) =
(1 lunch and 2 P 33, 250.00
snacks ) =
P 33, 250.00

July 27, 2023 August 3, 2023

Thursday Thursday
Day 3: No. of Day 3: No. of
Participants: Participants: 95
95 95 pax x 350.00
95 pax x per day
350.00 per (1 lunch and 2
day snacks ) =

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 16

(1 lunch and 2 P 33, 250.00
snacks ) =
P 33, 250.00

Total Budget: Total Budget:

Php 99, Php 99, 750.00


(for the 2 Phases/Schedules)

Php 199, 500.00

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

This is a sample M and E Plan following the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model, if you have an existing M and E Plan you may use that inste

Levels of M and Methods and Schedule of User o

Indicators Data Sources Person/s Responsible Resources
E Tools M and E
Results What will What Who and/or When will M Who will be What resources Who w
be methods/tool what and E accountable for are needed to data ga
measured? s will be used documents activities be ensuring that M and E implement M
to collect will provide undertaken activities are done? and E
data? data or ? activities?
evidence on
Behavior Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type h
Learning Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type h
Reaction Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type h

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 17
I hereby declare the information provided in this application is true and correct and there have been no misleading statements,
omission of any relevant facts nor any misinterpretation made.

I agree that the DepEd-National Educators Academy of the Philippines to be the co-owner of all the data gathered and the
copyright of any publication of the use of these data.

Sign off by the Program/Course Manager or its equivalent

Program Manager HERMINIA N. LEYSON. EdD
This Form R.1 is not valid if not signed.

Required Attached Documents:

Detailed Course Design
Sample Learning Resources (Modules, Worksheets, etc.)
Sample Session Guides
Sample Assessment Tools
CVs of Primary, Secondary, or Alternate Resource Persons
Budget Estimate Form
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Professional Development Programs/Courses Recognition Application Form Page 18

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