BDRRMP Bantacan 2
BDRRMP Bantacan 2
BDRRMP Bantacan 2
Barangay : BANTACAN
Bayan/ Lungsod : NEW BATAAN
Lalawigan : DAVAO DE ORO
Rehiyon : XI
The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (BDRRMP) is a comprehensive plan
in preparation of the Barangay to become disaster resilient Barangay of the Municipality of New
This is a product of collective efforts of the Barangay Council and the Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Committee which anchored on the Vision, Mission and Goals of the
This BDRRM Plan 2023-2025 was formulated based on the current situation of the Barangay in
terms of the probability of the hazard that might occur. The following hazards was determined and
precautionary measures was pre- identified and formulated as a future guide in times of a sudden
occurrence of any hazard from the prevention, preparation, response and rehabilitation in order for
the quick response of the BDRRMC.
Upon crafting this plan, the welfare of each constituent in the Barangay has been addressed and
considered. Young ones, elderly, PWD, IP, pregnant and sick were being highlighted on this plan as
they are more vulnerable in times of difficulties.
I as your Barangay Captain, do hope that we should help, support and cooperate in implementing
this plan. This is for all the constituents in making them safe everytime. We must live on,
prevention is better than cure, thus we should abide this plan.
Together the Local Government of New Bataan and the Barangay Council of Barangay Bantacan
and its people, we will be partners to overcome bottlenecks to progress and to be ready to any
circumstance. Thank you and May God bless us all.
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Our mission is to strengthen a dynamic partnership with different sectors, systematic utilization of
resources, self-reliant organization in improving the quality of life, empowers communities to engage
solutions to climate change and sustain a disaster resilient community.
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
V. Socio-Economic Information
IX. List of Community or Civil Society Organizations and Number of Members in the
a. Composition
b. Transportation Team
d. Education Team
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
e. Protection Team
IV. Roles and Responsibilities of the Team under Recovery and Rehabilitation Sub-
a. Livelihood Team
v. Vulnerability Assessment
a. Flood
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
a. Flood
b. Typhoon
c. Covid-19
a. Flood
b. Typhoon
b. Covid-19
activities and other critical facilities within the barangay which may be affected by the
occurrence of hazard.
a. Flood
b. Typhoon
b. Covid-19
xi. Common issues and problem faced by the vulnerable groups or sectors such as children.
youth, women, pregnant women and lactating mothers, elderly, people with disability,
indigenous people in times of disaster or emergency.
xii. Evacuation plan of the affected population in times of disaster or emergency.
a. Flood and typhoon
b. Landslide
XIV. List of possible places or haven where the affected population be evacuated in times of
emergency or disaster.
c. COVID-19
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
b. Inventory of designated evacuation center of the barangay and city and municipal
c. Relief distribution processes or protocols for food and non-food items in the
e. Inventory of existing response equipment and materials of the BDRRMC that can
CHAPTER 4 Community – Based Early Warning System (EWS) for identified priority hazard.
III.Information flow
I. International
II. National
III. Local
II. Preparedness
III. Rehabilitation and Recovery
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Chapter 1
Basic Information about the
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
The map below shows that Barangay Bantacan is one of the 16 Barangays of the
Municipality of New Bataan, Province of Davao de Oro.
Barangay Bantacan has a total land area of 2,997.732 hectares which made it suitable for
895,6357 hectares for agricultural and 39,5895 hectares for idle land while the remaining land
area was used for residential and commercial.
The barangay has a distance of 7 kilometers from the center or town where the city hall (city
or municipal hall) of the town or city is located. Barangay Kahayag and Barangay Pagsabangan
in the East Barangay, Barangay Magsaysay and Barangay Katipunan is in the West, Barangay
San Roque is in the South and Barangay San Miguel of Compostela is in the North.
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
This table shows that the Barangay is a wide plain area which made it suitable for agriculture
and commerce.
The Barangay has three (3) major water bodies that flows from north to south all river flows to
south. The Barangay also has several contributary creeks that flows down to puroks as used them
for potable drinking water purposes two it is developed for spring development projects other is
undeveloped but the communities as using it as source of potable water, one (1) identified as
waterfall for future development.
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Barangay Bantacan has a total population of 3, 195. It consists of 814 households with 895
The total 3, 195 population of the Barangay Bantacan was composed of 1, 543 total number
of females or 49.47% of the whole population and 1, 821 total number of males or 50.53% of
the whole population.
Of the 3, 195 total populations, most of the population were from ages 18-59 with the population
of 1,917 or 60% of the total population followed by the ages from 1-17 with 880 or 27.54% of the
total population, then from ages 60 years old and above with 348 or 10.89% of the total
population while the least population is from ages 0-11 months old with 50 or 1.56% of the whole
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Of the total 814 households of the Barangay, there were 351 or 43.12% households who have
concrete houses, 287or 35.25% who have semi-concrete house and 176 or 21.62% house made of light
In the 895 families of the Barangay, 814 or 90.94% of the families owned their houses while 54
or 6.03% shared with the owner. There are 27 or 3.01% families rented.
This table shows that the working people in the barangay have a total number of 864
people. The Farming has a number of 276 or has 8.63% from the total number of the
population. This is followed by farming 217 or 6.79% and there are other occupations that
reach 2.62% such as being government employees and private employees, professionals,
Licensed driver, Poultry and livestock OFW and others. This data shows that 27.5% of the
total population of the barangay has source of employment.
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Of the total 814 households in the Barangay, 730 or 90% households have electricity and 84 or
10% has no electricity.
The table shows that most of the households in the Barangay or 406 or 49.87% of household used
faucet, while there are 118 or 14.49% used common source and 290 or % used deep well.
The table shows that most of the households in the Barangay or 724 or 88.94% of household practiced
proper waste disposal, and 37 or 4.54% recycled while 53 household 53 or 6.51% practiced buried.
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The table shows that most of the households or 812 or 97.75 of the households used water sealed toilet,
while 2 or .24% households that has no latrine.
These are the infrastructures that the Barangay has. These infrastructures are all
functional in terms of providing services.
These are the basic services that the Barangay has. The Barangay lack of medical
facilities as it only has Health Center which offers basic health care services.
These are the recognized and active organizations that served in the Barangay which
may help the Barangay and its constituents in times of calamities and disasters.
Brgy. Council of Women 220 mothers Mrs. Ramonita N/A
C. Leopoldo
Barangay Senior Citizen Association Female- 180 Mr. Jesie A. N/A
Male- 156 Manuel
Barangay Persons with Disability 55- Male Ms. Mahal C. N/A
Association 44 female Mariblanca
Barangay water works association 413 Hon. Ramelito N/A
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These are the trained personnel of the Barangay that may take part in rescue operations
during any disaster.
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Chapter 2
Structure and
Activities of
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
The BDRRMC under the Barangay Development Council has duties that must be done and
implemented as stated in RA 10121. These are as follows:
1. Approve monitor and assess the implementation of the barangay disaster risk reduction
management plan and ensure that it is reviewed and tested in accordance with national
and local programs and plans;
2. Ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are included and
included in local plans activities programs and funds as a strategy for continuous
development and reduction of poverty in the community;
3. Recommend the implementation of mandatory or voluntary evacuation before the threat
of danger to people living in the community especially in dangerous areas if necessary;
4. Congregate once in three months or whenever necessary.
● Farmer sector
● Fishermen’s sector
● Women’s sector
● Youth and student sector Children’s sector
● Professionals sector
● Elderly or senior citizen sector
● Church sector
● Disabled sector
● Private sector
● Barangay Police Sector or Community Police Precinct Representatives
● Indigenous Peoples
● Cooperatives
● And other legitimate sectors in the barangay
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Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
MEMBERS: Evacuation/ Camp
1.) William G. Sabado Jr. Management Team
2.) Jovy J. Sabado Prevy J. Mamigo
Mitigation and Prevention SUB- MEMBERS:
3.) Rambert E. Mangay Preparedness
Hon. Robert S. Inongan ANNBELE R. VILORIA
Jesie A. Manuel
Infra/ shelter Team 1.) Mae Gardoque Cornelio B. Vargas
Godofredo G. Riños 2.) Florencia Melliza Elmer D. Gemoya
Relief and Distribution Team
Felife Langawas
Mr. Zaldy Viloria
Romeo Jacinto MEMBERS:
Recovery and Rehabilitation SUB- COMMITTEE MADILYN MARIBONG
Social Services Team SUB COMMITTEE Renato Udtohan
Celio G. Barrientos MEMBER: Health and First Aide Team
Hon. Aubrey M. Mangay
1.) Juanito Puerin Ramsey Sobrado ANNABELLE L. SUMAOY
1.) PTR. Wilmer Falcon
2.) Checil C. Beldua 2.) Diego M. Morta Jovito Brigoli JULIET E. SORO
3.) Erlinda G. Sabado Den Edward Carmelotes LIEZEL ENTERINA
The BDRRMC’s overall leadership (Chairmanship) is the responsibility of the Punong Barangay with
the heads of the different sub-committees (Vice-Chairmanship from the four thematic areas) with the
support of the Operations and Admin Unit.
Every sub-committee will be headed by the Vice-Chairperson with the support of team leaders.
Each sub-committee will be led by the member of the Sangguniang Barangay while the Teams will be
chaired by the sectoral organizations or groups representatives. The Chairperson or Team leader of the
Teams will perform the tasks as required by the team. (For example, the Education Team will be
Chaired by the education representative (School DRR Focal or the Principal) in the committee).
⮚ Recommend measures on the implementation of environmental laws, such as but not limited to
RA 10121, RA, 10821, RA 9729 and RA 9003;
⮚ Assists in the implementation of laws, programs, projects and activities to prevent or mitigate
the impact of natural or human-induced hazards;
⮚ Initiates forest and mangrove planting and rehabilitation; and
⮚ Provides support in the conduct of disaster preparedness activities such as training of response
volunteers, orientation, seminar or any DRRM related activities;
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
⮚ Initiates the conduct of simulation exercise or drill to identified priority hazard in the
community; and
⮚ Disseminates disaster preparedness information to public especially the high risk areas.
Response / Operations
⮚ Initiates the implementation of programs, projects and activities related to disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation;
⮚ Establish appropriate community early warning system linked to the city/municipality and
other higher level government agencies;
⮚ Initiates implementation of the forced and preemptive evacuation activities of families living
in a high risk area;
⮚ Ensures that warning signals are received by the affected population people especially those
who are living in a high risk or danger zones on time with corresponding recommendation of
what to do per level of warning or alert.
⮚ Monitors water level of the river, creek, dam or any water ways and the installed warning
devices/instruments that provide information for possible flooding or landslide in the
community and report immediately to BDRRMC or the Punong Barangay about the condition
to make appropriate decision or action of the BDRRMC;
⮚ Provides accurate and timely information or warning for an early and prompt decision of the
BDRRMC if the people living in a high risk zones will be evacuated to a safe area;
⮚ Ensures that early warning system and protocol are in place and properly disseminated to the
families likely to be affected by hazards
⮚ Ensures that the communication protocols are in place and tested regularly; and
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Transportation Team
⮚ Ensures that there is a readily available functional transportation system in the barangay that
can be used before, during and after emergency or disaster;
⮚ Conducts regular inventory of available transportation vehicle and its capacity to transport
population from high risk to safe areas;
⮚ Coordinates private or business sectors for possible use of their vehicle especially during
evacuation movement or any disaster related activities within the barangay;
⮚ Ensures that the private or business sectors are agreed to use their vehicle in times of
emergency or disaster through a Memorandum of Agreement or Understanding.
⮚ Ensures that every members of the community are safe especially in time of emergency or
⮚ Ensures that all facilities, equipment, supplies and materials of the BDRRMC are safe and free
from any form of theft;
⮚ Provides security to the responders and the affected population during relief distribution in
times of emergency or disaster;
⮚ Ensures that the evacuation centers or areas are safe from any intruders during emergency or
disaster; and
⮚ Initiates in developing mechanisms for relief distribution and service delivery to the affected
Education Team
⮚ Ensures that children and youth are included in community-based disaster risk reduction and
management and climate change adaptation activities in the community;
⮚ Ensures that the private and public organizations and agencies are involved in DRR and CCA
⮚ Educates people especially the most vulnerable groups in the community on disaster risk
reduction and management and climate change adaptation;
⮚ Develops information education campaign materials on DRR and CCA and share these to the
public; and
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
⮚ Coordinates regularly to education sectors in the community for possible partnership on DRR
and CCA advocacy and project implementation.
Protection Team
⮚ Ensures that all disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation
programs, projects and activities did not violate the rights of the people especially children,
women, persons with disability, elderly and other vulnerable sectors or groups in the
⮚ Ensures that the vulnerable groups or sectors such as children, youth, women, pregnant and
lactating mother, elderly, people with disability, indigenous people are protected and free from
any harm before, during and after emergency or disaster; and
⮚ Assures compliance with the legal procedures for the implementation of disaster risk reduction
and management and climate change adaptation laws in the barangay and other protocols,
policies and guidelines related to DRRM.
⮚ Assists research and planning team in the conduct of rapid damaged assessment and needs
analysis (RDANA) and post damaged assessment and needs analysis (PDNA);
⮚ Ensures that all affected structures, livelihood and other critical facilities brought by hazards
are reported to BDRRMC and other concerned agency or organization for immediate and long
term intervention;
⮚ Initiates inventory of all possible damages to infrastructure, houses, evacuation center,
livelihood and other critical facilities in the barangays that can be impacted by the identified
⮚ Facilitates and supports risk assessment and contingency planning activities of the BDRRMC
and other groups in the community;
⮚ Conduct research and development initiatives on barangays disaster risk reduction and
management and climate change adaptation;
⮚ Initiates development of plans with appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of
the plan’s implementation;
⮚ Ensures that all vulnerable groups or sectors such as children, youth, women, pregnant and
lactating mothers, elderly, people with disability, indigenous people in the community are
involve and participate actively in risk assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation processes.
⮚ Conducts Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) using the simplified
assessment template provided by the local governments and submit the report to BDRRMC or
Punong Barangay;
⮚ Lists all affected population or families who need immediate assistance or support especially
the vulnerable groups or sectors;
⮚ Submits complete and easy to understand RDANA reports to BDRRMC or Punong Barangay
right after the event to decide if the committee ask immediate support from the higher level
local government units or private organizations.
⮚ Provides immediate assistance to population or families that need to evacuate or transfer from
high risk to safe areas;
⮚ Leads in the conduct of search, rescue and retrieval operations during emergency or disaster;
⮚ Assists higher level government units or responders in the conduct of search, rescue and
retrieval operations during emergency or disaster.
⮚ Ensures that the information of each evacuee inside and outside evacuation center or
evacuation area / site are complete and updated;
⮚ Ensures that all evacuation centers/sites are assessed and prepared before the occurrence of the
⮚ Makes sure that all evacuation centers/sites facilities and materials are available ready to use
during evacuation.
⮚ Ensures that all persons or staff involved in evacuation and camp management are trained or at
least have knowledge on camp management.
⮚ Ensures that relief management such as receiving, packaging, distribution and other aspect of
handling goods either food or non-food items are in accordance to relief procedure and
protocol of the barangay;
⮚ Makes sure everyone involved in relief distribution are trained or at least know how to
properly handle and distribute the goods to affected population; and
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
⮚ Ensures that all affected population especially the vulnerable groups or sectors received
sufficient amount of goods.
⮚ Makes sure that there is an available basic medicine in the evacuation that can be used by the
evacuees especially for children, youth, women, pregnant and lactating mother, elderly, people
with disability and indigenous people;
⮚ Provides appropriate health and psychosocial intervention to affected population especially the
vulnerable groups or sectors such as children, youth, women, pregnant and lactating mother,
elderly, people with disability and indigenous people;
⮚ Ensures that health facility and material are readily available at the evacuation centers / sites
and health centers.
⮚ Provides immediate response to affected area or population and coordinates with the nearest
fire stations as necessary
⮚ Initiates conduct of training on basic firefighting and management using the available
materials within the barangay;
⮚ Requests necessary materials and equipment for fire suppression and safety paraphernalia for
responders and volunteers to BDRRMC or Punong Barangay for outside fund sourcing;
⮚ Prepares map showing the available safe routes for fire trucks and responders going to the
affected area.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Team under Recovery and Rehabilitation Sub-Committee:
Livelihood Team
⮚ Conducts study together with other groups or sectors in the barangay on the economic impacts
brought about by the hazards or disaster;
⮚ Provides recommendations or solution about what they have learned and what long term
solutions people can make in collaboration with higher government offices or agencies that
people’s recovered or rehabilitated their livelihood.
⮚ Conducts comprehensive studies about the total damages caused by the hazards or disaster in the
barangay for a long-term recommendations and solutions;
⮚ Records major damages to property, infrastructure and environment because of the hazards or
disaster events; and
⮚ Submits consolidated result of the assessments and analysis to BDRRMC or Punong Barangay.
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Chapter 3
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Community Risk Assessment (CRA) is a method of determining risks or hazards that may be experienced, and to know the strength and extent
that the risk or danger may cause to the community. By collectively knowing the strengths and opportunities that exist in the barangay environment to
help reduce risk or danger.
In the past years, Covid-19, flood and typhoon greatly affect the Barangay. The unexpected Covid-19 affected all of the constituents
because of its effect in health and the sudden lockdowns which greatly affect livelihood. Last 2012, when typhoon Pablo suddenly enter our
Province all of the constituents in the Barangay were greatly affected of its damages especially in infrastructures and property. Many
families suffered and some lost their houses.
Flooding was considered main hazard in the Barangay because of the presence of the Aguibawa River and Cabanbanan River. 15 Purok
might be affected in times of flood especially its property. During the rainy season, many families near the riverbank were worried of the
possible flash flood in which the Barangay was preparing.
Dead 1 0 3 1
Injured/Affected 5 (positive) 0 2 44 families
Missing 0 0 0 0
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Separated from the family 0 0 0 0
Lost Houses 0 0 106 0
Partially Damaged 0 10 Has. Corn/ 2 has. 97 0
Banana/ and
Totally Damaged 0 113 0
Damaged 0 1 72 0
Missing 0 0 10 0
Slightly Damaged 0 0 0
Moderately Damaged 0 Box Culvert 21 0
Totally Damaged 0 Water System/ 22 0
Slightly Damaged 0 0 0 0
Moderately Damaged 0 0 304 0
Totally Damaged 0 0 69 0
Damaged 0 0 0 0
Lost Communication 0 0 2 weeks 0
Lost Power Supply 0 0 2 Weeks 0
Damaged 0 0 108 0
Lost Water 0 0 106 0
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Partially Damaged 0 0 1 0
Totally Damaged 0 0 0 0
Partially Damaged 0 0 3 0
Totally Damaged 0 0 0 0
This table shows the four disasters that greatly affect the Barangay in the previous years. The Typhoon Pablo which was so unexpected made a
massive effect especially in the infrastructures and property. In 2020, the unexpected Covid-19 affected the lives of many especially in labor and
livelihood of everyone because of the lockdown. While the flood will likely to occur during rainy days which made it the major disaster of the
Barangay because of the presence of the Aguibawa River and Cabanbanan River.
C. Hazard Ranking & Prioritization These are the identified hazards that possible to occur in the Barangay.
FLOOD 2 3 2.5 2
LANDSLIDE 2 1 1.5 3
The presence of
Aguibawa River and
Cabanbanan River
made it possible to
happen during rainy
days. It has moderate
effect to human in
FLOOD 5 3 3 3 3 4 1
terms of properties,
livelihood and
infrastructures as only
some of the areas of
Purok 4, 5, 3, 2and
Purok 12 ,13,14,15
will be affected.
it might not directly
affect human but
slightly affect
DROUGHT 3 2 2 1 1.67 2.36 4 properties and
livelihood especially
in farming
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Check (√)
the box if
Reasons Why the Barangay is Vulnerable to
Aspect appropriate
Emergency or Disaster
in your
Physical and Material x Near the sea or shorelines
/ Located along river banks (Purok-4 & 13)
Physical Characteristic / Near the mountains
of the place x Near or along the fault line
x Near the volcano
/ There is no proper drainage system
x Soft soil in the residential areas
/ Deforested mountains
x Presence of sinkholes
/ Blocked canals or waterways
/ No proper waste disposal
x Majority of the buildings have no ramps
x There are many rocks on the edge of the
mountain near the houses
x Majority of the buildings have no fire exits
/ 22(%) of houses are made up of light materials
x Majority of the building and houses have no
circuit breakers
/ Majority of the buildings have no fire
/ Lack of response equipment and materials
x Others (please specify)
Check (√)
the box if
Reasons Why the Barangay is Vulnerable to
Aspect appropriate
Emergency or Disaster
in your
/ No electricity (Purok4)
/ 36% of the population are rely on level 1 water
supply (deep well)
x Others (Please specify)
Early Warning System NO available EWS signage in the designated
(EWS) areas for a particular hazard
/ Lack of early warning devices or materials that
provide real time warnings or signs to the
/ No available early warning or sign for people
with disability (PWD)
x No specific early warning system for specific
Barangay Disaster No designated Barangay Disaster Operation
Operation Center Center (BDOC)
/ Lack of facilities in the Barangay Disaster
Operation Center (BDOC)
Barangay Disaster Operation Center (BDOC) has
no standby generator
Check (√)
the box if
Reasons Why the Barangay is Vulnerable to
Aspect appropriate
Emergency or Disaster
in your
Organization no knowledge on DRRM or CCA
/ There is an existing community organizations but
they don’t have specific programs, projects and
activities on DRRM or CCA (except SWIP 1
x There is an existing organizations but they don’t
participate in barangay activities specifically on
Attitudinal or Motivational
People think and feel People didn’t respect the barangay officials and
other leaders in the community
Majority of the population in the community are
x not following the government instructions
especially during evacuation activities
Majority of the community leaders or officials
x didn’t motivate people to participate in
community development activities
Initiative to help others x Others do not care about their neighbors
Check (√)
the box if
Reasons Why the Barangay is Vulnerable to
Aspect appropriate
Emergency or Disaster
in your
Community organizations are actively participating
Social and
x in all community development activities especially
on DRRM and CCA
Community organizations or sectors are activity
participating in problem identification and
assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation related to disaster
x The spirit of “BAYANIHAN SYSTEM” is still exist
Majority of the people in the community are listening
Attitudinal/ to barangay officials and they follow the protocols
Motivational / that the barangay officials are implemented
especially for the protection and safety on the
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Identification and inventory of families and individual that are likely to be affected of the identified priority hazard in the community. The generated
information is segregated by sex, gender, status of the population and others .
Number of families and people who may be affected by any type of danger Purok or Sitio.
No. of person 60 Years Old and Persons with
Family 0-11 Months 1-17 Years Old 18-59 Years Old SICKNESS
SITIO/ Above Disability (PWD) PREGNANT
(All Ages)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
2 7 8 12 0 0 2 3 5 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
3 16 53 29 2 2 18 4 29 19 3 3 0 0 1 0 1
4 35 66 63 2 1 8 9 45 43 9 9 2 1 0 0 0
5 38 101 89 1 2 34 28 49 45 5 1 7 7 5 3 3
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 12 20 20 1 0 4 7 13 9 0 2 0 0 2 2 0
8 9 13 7 1 0 2 1 8 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 1
9 42 87 59 1 3 26 11 52 35 6 9 0 0 2 0 1
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 12 26 31 1 1 7 12 13 13 3 2 0 1 2 2 0
12 79 134 114 7 3 41 37 66 53 11 11 4 2 5 3 5
13 44 99 80 1 3 21 24 66 42 4 7 2 1 5 1 2
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
14 13 27 29 1 1 7 12 13 13 3 2 1 0 2 1 0
15 52 86 88 3 1 26 23 45 53 10 8 0 0 2 1 2
No. of person 60 Years Old and Persons with
Family 0-11 Months 1-17 Years Old 18-59 Years Old SICKNESS
SITIO/ Above Disability (PWD) PREGNANT
(All Ages)
82 4 0 27 21 60 51 6 10 0 0 0 0 0
1 56 97
2 61 106 99 1 1 38 21 59 61 8 16 0 0 0 0 1
3 59 106 107 2 2 28 29 64 64 11 12 0 0 1 0
4 53 86 77 2 1 24 21 49 47 9 7 2 1 0 0
6 65 112 137 3 1 25 36 75 87 9 13 0 0 0 0 0
7 52 78 82 1 0 17 21 43 44 15 15 0 0 2 2
8 54 89 67 1 0 26 11 51 50 9 5 0 1 2 0
9 72 166 147 1 3 52 37 97 90 14 17 0 0 2 0
10 58 91 93 2 0 17 22 61 55 11 16 0 0 0 0 0
11 42 111 102 1 1 33 29 64 60 11 9 0 1 2 2
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
12 79 134 114 7 3 36 42 71 55 11 9 4 2 5 3
13 72 137 126 1 3 38 33 79 72 12 16 2 1 5 1 0
14 41 64 54 1 1 21 23 31 21 8 9 1 0 2 1
15 52 90 85 3 1 24 27 53 46 8 10 0 0 2 1
TOTAL 895 1,652 1,543 31 19 465 420 958 900 154 179
16 13 28 13
No. of person 60 Years Old and Persons with
Family 0-11 Months 1-17 Years Old 18-59 Years Old SICKNESS
SITIO/ Above Disability (PWD) PREGNANT
(All Ages)
82 4 0 27 21 60 51 6 10 0 0 0 0 0
1 56 97
2 61 106 99 1 1 38 21 59 61 8 16 0 0 0 0 1
3 59 106 107 2 2 28 29 64 64 11 12 0 0 1 0 1
4 53 86 77 2 1 24 21 49 47 9 7 2 1 0 0 0
6 65 112 137 3 1 25 36 75 87 9 13 0 0 0 0 1
7 52 78 82 1 0 17 21 43 44 15 15 0 0 2 2 0
8 54 89 67 1 0 26 11 51 50 9 5 0 1 2 0 1
9 72 166 147 1 3 52 37 97 90 14 17 0 0 2 0 1
10 58 91 93 2 0 17 22 61 55 11 16 0 0 0 0 2
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
11 42 111 102 1 1 33 29 64 60 11 9 0 1 2 2 0
12 79 134 114 7 3 36 42 71 55 11 9 4 2 5 3 5
13 72 137 126 1 3 38 33 79 72 12 16 2 1 5 1 2
14 41 64 54 1 1 21 23 31 21 8 9 1 0 2 1 0
15 52 90 85 3 1 24 27 53 46 8 10 0 0 2 1 1
TOTAL 895 1,652 1,543 31 19 465 420 958 900 154 179
16 13 28 13 16
● Bridge 1 100%
● Barangay Hall 1 0%
● Multi-purpose Building 2 0%
● House 895 (359) 40.11%
● Purok 15 55%
● School 3 0%
● Day Care Center, 3 0%
Tanod Post 1
Covered Court 1 0%
● Store 35 (11) 31.42%
● Coffee Shop 0 0
● Bakery 3 0
● Computer Shop 4 0
● Water Level 1 (290) 5%
● Level 2 15%
● Level 3 12 %
● Electricity 203 (Electric Post) 17%
● Telephone/Cellphone 0 0
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
● Roads 500 Meters 50%
(Barangay Road
purok )
● Hospital 0
● Barangay Health Center 1
● Watertub 0
0 0%
● Rice
0 20%
● vegetable
0 0
● Banca
0 0
● Fish Cages
● Fish Ponds
0 0
● Mountain
● Mangroves
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Designate breastfeeding
No spaces for breastfeeding mothers at the area in all identified
x evacuation centers evacuation of the
Nursing Mother / Barangay
Lactating Mother Identify personnel to
No available trained community personnel
x assist nursing mother
which can provide counseling to nursing
and provide training for
Construct ramp in the
temporary evacuation
x No ramp at the evacuation center
center (school) and other
barangay facilities.
Purchase EWS and post
People with No specific early warning system for people all over the Barangay
Disability with disability such as deaf and mute especially in a crowded
and vulnerable areas.
Purchase wheelchairs
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
This table shows the vulnerable families identified by the Barangay and the evacuation center they will be relocated when there is a need to relocate due to flood.
Name of Number not
Total Number of Number of Populations at Risk (or Number that can be Number of Unable to Name of Evacuation
Evacuation Center accommodated by Remarks
Population may be affected by the Hazard) accommodated accommodate Center (Plan B)
Purok (Plan A) Plan A and B
Owned by a Private
No. Government
Person, family or
Family Person Family Person Property Family Person Family Person Family Person
Inventory of designated evacuation center of the barangay and city and municipal level (government and private owned)
Relief distribution processes or protocols for food and non-food items in the designated evacuation centers or places.
Type of Places where they come
Name of Number of Number of Number of families
Relief Number of Number of from
Evacuation Center Non-food Hygiene or Individual who
Goods (food Food Items Shelter Kits (name of
or Place items Kits will Receive Goods
or non-food) purok/sitio/street/etc.)
Bantacan Elementary F, NF, HK & 40 40 40 40 40 Purok 13
School SK
Bantacan Multi- F, NF, HK & 60 60 60 60 60 Purok 11
purpose Hall SK
Bantacan Natl. High F, NF, HK & 20 20 20 20 20 Purok 8
School SK
International One F, NF, HK & 20 20 20 20 20 Purok 5
Way Outreach SK
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Agency or
Check () if Duration of the Organization Date of the Number of
Title of the Training or Orientation Have and (x) if Training or that provides activity Attended
None Orientation Training or conducted Participants
Orientation on RA 10821 (Children’s Emergency Relief
and Protection Act)
Orientation on RA 10121 (Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act) /
Agency or
Check () if Duration of the Organization Date of the Number of
Title of the Training or Orientation Have and (x) if Training or that provides activity Attended
None Orientation Training or conducted Participants
Early Warning System (EWS) Training/Workshop
Inventory of existing response equipment and materials of the BDRRMC that can be used during emergency or disaster.
Iandam ang GO BAG
Pahibaloon nga naay sulid nga Padayun nga
Early Warning Team, Communicatin
ang mga purok mga sanina, tambal, pagmonitor
chairman gamit pagkaon, kwarta
ang handheld ug flashlight
Hinay hinay na
nga mo-brown
ang kolor
Motuyok ang Icharge ang mga Paglista sa
sa tubig
mga Cellphone ug mga
sa kasapaan uban
purok leader Powerbank
sa mga gapnod pamilya nga Evacuation and Camp Management
sa mga
una ug Team
delikado sa
Mag andam para sa mubakwet
posibilidad nga pagbakwet
Pagpatingog sa
2 hangtud 4 ka Sirena
sa Megaphone ug
oras nga pag-ulan isa ka minuto tulo
sa tanan
pamilya nga
ka beses
kada 30 minutos
sa Sapa
Pagpwagayway Evacuation Team, Transportation team,
sa yellow flag Medical Team, Camp Management
Ang kolor sa tubig Team ug Security team
Purok Leader
sa sapa kolor lapok
ibalita ang Ang mga pamilya
na ug medyo kusog
pagtaas sa ngaadunay PWD ug
ang bul-og sa tubig, Siguraduhon sa BDRRMC nga andam na
warning signal anaa sa
mo-over flow na ang Evacuation Center para atimanon ang
ngdtu bahaonong lugar
sa lebel sa sapa mga mubakwet
sa No.2 moadtu na sa
(Orange) Evacuation Center
Barangay Captain, Tanan Kagawad,
Tanod ug Kapulisan
Mopahigayon ug assessment o
survey sa epekto sa kalamidad
Security Team Barangay Captain, RDANA Team ug
Mohatag ug clearance kung pwede Security Team
E-announce sulod sa evacuation Manghipos sa mga kagamitan
na o luwas na makabalik sa ilang
center nga luwas na ang palibut ug Manglimpyo sa evacuation center ug
Hayag na ang palibut panimalay
pwede na mobalik siguruon nga maayo ang sitwasyon sa
Niundang na ang ulan ug nibalik na sa normal nga level ang
tubig sapa dili pa mohawa
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Info Barangay Bantacan Time Frame
MEGAPHONE 30 minutes
CELLPHONE 30 minutes
households. The yellow arrow represents the flow of feedbacks in every family or household to the MDRRMO.
There are different ways to channel the information and warnings, like the use of cellphone to send text messages, calls and the use of
handheld radio. These things are most likely used by the MDRRMO, Mayor, PNP, DOH and other agencies in the municipality to disseminate
information in the barangay level. It is expected that in the span of 3 hours the information’s will be relayed to the barangay.
Starting from BDRRMC to the various purok leaders they can use cellphone to text and call, radio, megaphone and face to face meeting in
order to disseminate information and warnings. Within 2 hours the information should be given to every barangay chairperson, like BDRRM Focal
Person/Operations, Barangay Tanod, Early Warning Team, BHW President, School Head and other related persons.
1 hour before the disaster the information should be disseminated in every individual and family in the community using different ways of
early warning system.
During a disaster, children and teachers are expected to be in the safe holding area while waiting for help from the barangay and municipality.
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Part 5
Legal Basis
SENDAI FRAMEWORK Paragraph 33, Priority of the Framework “National and local government shall prepare or review and
periodically update disaster preparedness and contingency policies, plans and programs”
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
RA 10121, Rule 6, Sec 4 (3) IRR “The Provincial City and Municipal DRRMO’s or BDRRMC’s in coordination with concerned national
agencies and instrumentalities, shall facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the local level”
NDRRMC_NSC JNC No 1, 2016 “All DRRMC’s at all levels and individual government departments, bureaus, agencies, offices, units
and instrumentalities shall formulate contingency plans for natural and/or human-induced hazards appropriate to their areas in accordance
with the prescribed Contingency Planning handbook”
RA 10821, Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act
RA 9729 (Climate Change Act)
RA 1074 (People Survival Fund)
All DILG Memorandum Circular or Joint Memorandum Circular with other Government Agencies and NDRRMC in relation to all
Executive Order No. ___ series ____ (year): Creation of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC)
Barangay Resolution Adopting the BDRRM Plan
Barangay Ordinance Approving the Utilization of the LDRRM Fund
Others (Please specify)
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Chapter 6
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Key Areas Existing Conditions Issues & Gaps Solutions (PPAs)
tion Peoples’ (women, In Purok 8 & 7 they already Conduct Orientation & IEC on
Not everyone knows about
children, know about DRRM because of DRRM including farmers and
DRRM especially the farmers
Farmers, PWDs, etc.) the announcement made in the vulnerable groups
awareness on DRR Barangay
Peoples’ access to There is an early warning device Early Warning devices were Create a new Early Warning
information (warning in the affected areas stolen Protocol and purchase new early
signals and actions) and
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Farm lots or farmer sand Not everyone availed Assist farmers in applying
fishing because they did not PCIC, PCA Insurance and other
Boats are covered of apply due to lack of micro-insurance
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Schools, health centers, multi- Needs Minor Repairs Rehabilitation of the Health
purpose bldg., roads, bridges, There is a Health Center, Center, roads and Evacuation
water, electricity, communication Roads Other structures need to Center
have structural assessments and and Evacuation Center be inspected by MEO &
safe for residents MDRRMO Conduct an annual structural
Facilities are covered by insurance Critical facilities are not Make a resolution to insure the
Critical and disability-friendly insured Critical Facilities
facilitie The Evacuation Center
s needs Minor Repairs
&Infra especially the door knobs,
structu Evacuation Centers are safe, Make a resolution to request the
The Barangay has an ceiling & faucet,
complete with facilities and can help of MLGU/PLGU to repair
res Evacuation Center
withstand during disasters the Evacuation Center
Also needs additional
equipment such as electric
fan and kitchen equipment
Early Warning Systems are No early warning devices
functional have been installed New Early Warning Purchase new EWDs and
And use by the barangay (protocol, Devices need to be installed installation in strategic locations
devices, early actions, etc)
Call a meeting with the PWD,
elders to check the exact EWDs
Early Warning Systems can reach Early warning devices or Purchase and install Inclusive
Install EWDs for PWDs
most vulnerable groups (PWDs, signages are not disability- Early Warning Devices
and other vulnerable sectors
children, women & Elderly) inclusive
Conduct training or awareness
sessions for PWDs, elderly and
other vulnerable groups
There are DRRM
Corners in School Board More strengthening of the
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and of Management
SDRRM to the
Plan 2023-2025
Regularly conduct BDRRM Committee
School Drills (Fire/EQ
Drill) No tents/emergency
Emergency kits including It is necessary to strengthen More trainingMake a resolution
for the school suchfor as
DRRM programs temporary
of School shelters
the BDRRM Committee and MLGU/PLGU for additional
basic orientation on first-aid or
included in BDRRMP
tents and SIP
are available, complete,Membership of SDRRM volunteers financial support for the purchase
Institutio Focal in BDRRM Responders lack emergency implementation of the School
functional and sufficient of emergency
Comprehensive DRRM kits/tents/shelters
nal Committee kits
Making MOA for private car
Add a Rescue Vehicle for
Emergency vehicles are available The school
There has
is aarescue vehicle Strengthening
Contingency Plan Pre-Emptive Evacuation
and available butfor
it can only hold System in the school rescue
Purchase of additional
Earthquake that can easily
can cater residents 20 people vehicle for evacuation and rescue
BDRRMC & SDRRMC structure accommodate 76 families
committees in place and A BDRRM Committee There is no regular meeting Additional Capacity Building for
functional has been formed of BDRRMC BDRRM Committee regarding on
BDRRMC, SDRRMC & DRRM Law, Roles/Functions and
responders Knowledge & skills
Operations before, during and after
on roles & functions, & basic
emergency preparedness disaster
BDRRMC & SDRRMC have The school has a first-aid Need to repair and process Procurement of additional
equipment and facilities to use kit the registration of hand-held emergency equipment like life
during emergencies radios buoys, ropes, life vests, hard hats,
BDRRMC has a spine and more
board, med kit and life School lacks equipment
vest during rescue operations
Additional purchase of
emergency equipment such
as life buy, ropes for
efficient rescue operation
List of available
● Conduc EWs, DRR
equipment and
t assessment materials of the
review on the barangay
existing updated every 6
recording/stocki months using
ng system of the the agreed
barangay accountability
including forms
and/or inventory
of appropriate
accountability No. of identified
Prevention forms a designated
& safe stocking
Training and - Budget
Training Prevention Mitigation ● Regul area for its 3rd
Seminars for
and & Chairpers ar inventory, available Quar 300, 000.00 BDRRMF
Conducted/ supplies
Seminar Mitigation on, care and DRR/EWS ter
Attended -
BDRRMC management equipment and
, BDC of available materials
equipment, list of available
materials of DRR/EWS
the barangay. equipment and
provided by the
● Improv MDRRMC
e the stocking,
storage of these
available EWs cost for care,
equipment, maintenance,
materials of the renewal of
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Conduct of
Preparedness Conducted 4 Budget
Regular Meeting Chairperson, regular // / / for BDRRMF
quarterly Preparedness / / 20, 000.00
conducted BDRRMC, meeting in a // // // Snacks
BDC year
Presence of
Purchase of Purchased of Purchased of / / /
First Aid Kit Preparedness First Aid kit / / 30,000.00 BDRRMF
First Aid Kit First Aid Kit // // //
in every office
Purchase of Purchased of Chairperson, Purchased of / / /
Preparedness / / 50,000.00 BDRRMF
Medicine Medicine BDRRMC, Medicine // // //
Purchase of Preparedness Purchased 1 For
1 unit Computer
Desktop Preparedness Chairperson, unit Computer / / DRR
Computer & Desktop w/ 50,000.00 BDRRMF
BDRRMC, Desktop w/ Data
Printer Printer
BDC Pinter base
Formulation of
Chairperson, 10,000.00
Emergency Preparedness / / / / / BDRRMF
Preparedness Purchased 2
Purchase of Budget
Purchased of Chairperson, units /
Megaphone with Preparedness / / / / for 30,000.00 BDRRMF
Megaphone BDRRMC, Megaphone
siren supplies
BDC with siren
Purchased 4 Budget
Purchase of fire Purchased Fire Chairperson, /
Preparedness units of Fire / / / / for 50,000.00 BDRRMF
Extinguisher Extinguisher BDRRMC,
Extinguisher supplies
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Purchased of 2 Budget
Purchase of Steel Purchase of Steel Chairperson, /
Preparedness unit Steel / / / / for 30,000.00 BDDRMF
Ladder Ladder BDRRMC,
Ladder supplies
Conducted 1
Conduct Conducted Preparedness Budget
Functionality of Functionality of Chairperson, / for Meals
Preparedness Training & / / / / 30,000.00 BDRRMF
1 unit For MLGU/
Purchase of Dump Purchased of Chairperson,
Preparedness Dumptruck / Transport 4,000,000.00 PLGU,
truck Dumptruck BDRRMC,
purchased ation NATIONAL
Acquired 1 For BLGU/
Acquire of Pay Acquired Pay Chairperson, /
Preparedness unit Pay / / / / Transport 3,000,000.00 MLGU/
Loader Loader BDRRMC,
Loader ation PLGU FUND
Purchase of Purchased Chairperson, Acquired 1 /
Preparedness / / / / Transport 10,000,000.00 PLGU,
Backhoe Backhoe BDRRMC, unit Backhoe
Purchased 1 For
Purchase Rescue Purchased Rescue Chairperson, / LGU/ PLGU,
Preparedness unit Rescue / / / / Transport 1,500,000.00
Vehicle Vehicle BDRRMC, NATIONAL
Vehicle ation
Constructed 1
Construction of BDRRM Office Chairperson, /
Preparedness unit BDRRM / / / /
BDRRM Office Constructed BDRRMC,
Incident Preparedness Copy of Incident Preparedness No. of posted / / / / / -Budget 30, 000.00 BDRRMF
Chairperson, ● Draft copy of
Command Command BDRRMC, Incident for NGOs
System System (to BDC Incident Command Command Supplies
(ICS) include ICS System (to include System
Structure and ICS response
response structure &
Protocols structure and
structure and protocol
protocol of the protocol of the
barangay based barangay based on
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
on their
their prioritized
● Formulate &
submit letter request to
● N
MDRRMC for the
conduct of orientation o. of drills
Drills and ● Cond and
ucted drills simulation Budget
and ● Disseminate exercises for
simulation invitation of to Meals &
conducted Preparedness
exercises to participants members Snacks, MDRRMF
to members Chairperson,
Preparedness members of of the / / / / / Tarp, 20, 000 BDRRMF
of the BDRRMC,
the Barangay Barangay transporta NGOs
Barangay BDC ● Conduct
Response Response tion, &
Team and drills and simulation Team and other
Team and
community exercises to communit supplies
members of the y
Barangay Response conducted
Team and
the CP of
● Com
munity CP adoption of CP for
implementation by ● N
the members of the o. of
Barangay Council Communi
ty CP drill
● CP ● CP Drill and ly
plan enhancement of CP conducted
enhanced based on lessons
based on learned from the
drill ● N
o. of CP
of the drill
based on
of the drill
● Acqui
sition of the
equipment Budget
listed below; ● Regular, for
1. 27 units extensive lobbying, Materials
Handheld resource No. of &
Purchase of Radio Preparedness mobilization from acquired Supplies,
DRR 2. 30 pcs MDRRMF
Chairperson, local to national DRR / -
Materials Preparedness triangular / / / / 250, 000.00 BDRRMF
BDRRMC, level (both Materials Transport
and bandage NGOs
BDC government, NGO, and ation
equipment 3. 100 meters private, business Equipment -Letter
rescue rope sectors request
4. 1 units -Bid
generator Forms
set or solar
5. Rubber Boat
• Disseminate invitation
Development to
for the participants
all DRRM member
• Conduct training on
Contingency Planning
Preparedness Conducted 1
Conduct Fire Conducted Fire Budget for
Chairperson, Conducted Fire Fire /
Suppression Preparedness Suppression / / / / mobilizati 30,000.00 BDRRMF
BDRRMC, Suppression Training Suppression
Training Training on
BDC Training
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
-Budget for
relief goods
&meals of
Volunteers /
100% of
Chair- request ect F
families No.of
Transportatio for relief goods ed (30%)
provided families provided
n to Response Relief Committee Members- / / / / / fa 118, 800.00 MDRRM
withrelie with relief
Evacuation Distribute relief mil O
f assistance
assistance ies PDRRM
-Budget for O
relief cash
for work or
food for
work &
meals of
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
-Budget for
Rehabilitation & Materials and BDRRMF
Formulation of Rehabilitation & Recovery Plan ● Formulated Recovery / technology
Recovery / / / / 50, 000 MDRRMF
Recovery Plan Recovery Formulated Plan -Documentation
BDRRMC, BDC -Request letter
Objective (Prevention & Mitigation): Barangay Bantacan is capable to prevent & mitigate for the negative impact of hazards/ disasters.
Who is Frequency Data Source & Who will Whom to Breakdown of target vis-à-vis Performance
responsibl of Data Methodology prepare the Submit the
e in doing Collection report? report?
Expected M&E?
Prevention Monitoring
Solutions (PPAs) Results with Unit & Indicators
& Team
Target in Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2
Mitigation Chairperson
Figures (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026) (2027)
Tree Planting
Activity Along Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Landslide Conduct
Creeks, Water BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy
ways and
prevented in the monitoring and
Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo
Dionisio B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
future reporting Leopoldo
Mountainous Meeting) Meeting
Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Rippraping of drainage canals Conduct
BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy
Canals Purok 8 minimize monitoring and
Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo
Dionisio B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
to Purok 2 flooding report Leopoldo
Meeting) Meeting
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
There is enough
Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Acquisition of space to relocate Conduct
BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
Lot another the affected monitoring and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Relocation Site houses during report
Meeting) Meeting
Review Organized
Make sure to
Comprehensive Comprehensive Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
include this activity
Land Use Plan Land Use Plan BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
in the Annual ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
and and Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Budget of the
Mainstreamed Mainstreamed Meeting) Meeting
Formulate a DRR/CCA
Make sure to
DRR/ CCA Mainstreamed Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
include this activity
Mainstreamed Comprehensive BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
in the Annual ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Comprehensive Development Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Budget of the
Development Plan is Meeting) Meeting
Plan Formulated
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Make sure to
Conduct Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
include this activity
Community The People are BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
in the Annual ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Base CBDRRM aware of DRRM Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Budget of the
Training Meeting) Meeting
Attend Training
on Conduct
The committee Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Establishment Monitoring and
can identify the BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
Data base of reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Risk area at the Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Elements at Risk program
Brgy. level Meeting) Meeting
at the Brgy. implementation
Attended Conduct
Attend Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Community base Monitoring and
Community base BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
Training on reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
training on Early Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Early Warning program
warning system Meeting) Meeting
System implementation
Installed Early
Installation of warning device Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Monitoring and
Early warning for various BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Device for Hazards allows Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
various hazard people to be Meeting) Meeting
The committee
can ensure that Conduct
Ensure Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
equipment and Monitoring and
equipment / BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
facilities are safe reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Insurance for Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
and serviceable program
facilities Meeting) Meeting
during implementation
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Disseminate People are more Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Monitoring and
weather Update updated of the BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
to Purok One a daily weather Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
Day condition Meeting) Meeting
Adopt a Policy Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Strengthen the Monitoring and
and Ordinance to BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
policies of the reporting of the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Support Member BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo Leopoldo
barangay program
BDRRM/ PPAs Meeting) Meeting
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Objective (Preparedness): Barangay Bantacan including its population has the capacity, knowledge and skills in preparing and in responding for the impacts and effects of
Who is Frequency Data Source & Who will Whom to Breakdown of target vis-à-vis Performance
responsible of Data Methodology prepare the Submit the
in doing Collection report? report?
Expected M&E?
Prevention Monitoring
Solutions (PPAs) Results with Unit & Indicators
& Team
Target in Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2
Mitigation Chairperson
Figures (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026) (2027)
Orientation on
basic disaster Conducted
Preparedness orientation on Preparednes
including the basic disaster Attendance s
Preparedness Admin and
familiarization preparedness to No. of sheet Activity Chairperson
Chairperson, training,
of the Early all 4Ps orientation Quarterly report , parent ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Warning Signs beneficiaries conducted leader,
through 4Ps FDS through FDS & Municipal
&Barangay/Puro Barangay link
k Assemblies Assemblies
training for
responders Conducted
orientation/ No. of Preparedness
team on how to Attendance and Preparednes Admin and
training to orientations/ Chairperson,
use, operate, Annual Activity report, s training,
members of the trainings BDRRMC, ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
maintain, repair minutes Chairperson MDRRMO
existing DRR barangay rescue conducted BDC
materials/EWS team
of the barangay
Provide Conducted basic No. of basic Preparedness Annual Activity report/ Preparednes Admin and
adequate and training, ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
DRR/CCA roll- DRR/CCA roll- Chairperson, Minutes of s
correct out Training out Training BDRRMC, activity with Chairperson MDRRMO
knowledge on conducted BDC photos&attenda
DRR nce sheet
Provide the
with basic
coping skills on
how to deal
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
with the
impacts of a
especially in
foundations of
their dwellings
(Build Back
Orientation of
the BDRRMC ● No. of
officers and ● BDRRMC BDRRMC re-
members on their re-orientation orientation Activity report/
designations, Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
session conducted session Minutes of
assigned task Chairperson, s training,
per year conducted per Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
units, including BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
year photos&attenda
their respective BDC ,
Copies (in tarp) nce sheet
roles and
functions posted No. of copies in
tarp posted
● Conduct No. of
Training/ ed Training/
workshop on workshop on Activity report/
Training/worksh Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
Basic Rescue Basic Rescue Minutes of
op on Basic Chairperson, s training,
and Standard and Standard Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Rescue and BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
First Aid First Aid photos&attenda
Standard First BDC ,
conducted nce sheet
● No.
● Conduct
Evacuation of Training/
ed Training/
Center and workshop on
workshop on Activity report/
Camp Evacuation Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
Evacuation Minutes of
Coordination Center and Chairperson, s training,
Center and Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Management Camp BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
Camp photos&attenda
Training Coordination BDC ,
Coordination nce sheet
the barangay
based on their
prioritized hazard & protocol nce sheet
● No.
Drills and ● Conduct of drills and
simulation ed drills and simulation
exercises simulation exercises to Activity report/
conducted to Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
exercises to members of Minutes of
members of Chairperson, s training,
members of the the Barangay Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
the Barangay BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
Barangay Response photos&attenda
response BDC ,
Response Team Team and nce sheet
Team and
community and community community
No. of CP plan
enhanced based
on results,
assessment of
the drill
Acquisition of the
materials, equipment
listed below;
● 27 units
Handheld Radio
● 2 units
● 30 pcs triangular
● 100 meters
rescue rope
Purchase of Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
DRR ● 2 set complete No. of acquired Attendance and
Chairperson, s training,
Materials and DRR Materials Annual Activity report, ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
first aid kits BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
equipment and Equipment minutes
● 1 unit spine
boards with
splints and straps
● 1 units generator
set or solar panel
● 1 units fire
● 50 Tents for
● Cop ● No of
y of approved approved BC Activity report/
Integration of Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
BC resolution, resolution, Minutes of
DRRM/CCA Chairperson, s training,
DepED DepED Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
in schools BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
Division, Division, photos&attenda
provided copy provided copy
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
of the of the
resolution resolution
indicated by the
● Regular
meeting with
agenda with at
Strengthening least 70% of Activity report/
of the Presence of Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
members attended Minutes of
Barangay strengthen and Chairperson, s training,
organizational Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
DRRMC functional BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
meeting photos&attenda
nce sheet
● Presence
of Minutes of
M Plan annually
● Available ● No. of
transportation available
(mobility, rescue) transportation
during disaster/ (mobility,
emergency rescue) during
Partnership disaster/
agreement with ● Identified Activity report/
Emergency Preparedness Preparednes
other sectors at least two (2) Minutes of Admin and
(provision of additional Chairperson, s training,
Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
transport and private/public, ● No. of BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
food items) business sector MoU/ BDC ,
nce sheet
willing to enter Partnership
into formal agreement
contract with the signed
BLGU to the end
of Year 3
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
● No. of
provided Copy
of approved
● LGU/ DRR response
MDRRMC protocols (eg
provided Copy of EWS, EPCM,
approved DRR Relief, ICS, etc),
response protocols and other
(eg EWS, EPCM, concerned
Relief, ICS, etc), agencies, project
and other partners
concerned agencies,
project partners
● No. of
copy of
Provision of ● Copy of enhanced/approv Activity report/
written disaster Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
enhanced/approved ed DRR Minutes of
response Chairperson, s training,
DRR response response Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
management BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
protocols posted in protocols posted photos&attenda
protocols BDC ,
strategic public in strategic nce sheet
places also posted public places
the DRR corner also posted the
within the barangay DRR corner
hall within the
barangay hall
response protocols ● No. of
with copy of DRR response
approved barangay protocols with
resolution copy of
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
● No. of
● Approve legislated
d/legislated DRR DRR response
response management
management protocols
protocols supported with
supported with barangay
Provision of barangay resolution; and Activity report/
coordinated Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
resolution; and is is being Minutes of
Disaster Chairperson, s training,
being reviewed reviewed Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
response/ BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
annually annually photos&attenda
protocols BDC ,
nce sheet
● Protocols ● No. of
reviewed and need Protocols
be enhanced reviewed and
annually need be
Activity report/
Stock filling of Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
Relief goods Available Relief Minutes of
relief goods for Chairperson, s training,
available during for 45 HH on Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
barangay BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
emergencies standby photos&attenda
nce sheet
additional Activity report/
1 unit rescue Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
rescue vehicle Minutes of
vehicle 1 unit rescue Chairperson, s training,
for evacuation Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
purchased vehicle Acquired BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
and rescue photos&attenda
/acquired BDC ,
operation nce sheet
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Resolution on Approved EO on Activity report/
CSO and P.O are Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
CSOs and Pos BDRRM Minutes of
recognized as Chairperson, s training,
as members of Committee with Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
members of the BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
BDRRM CSO and P.O as photos&attenda
Committee members nce sheet
Minor Repairs in
the Evac Center Activity report/
Repair of completed Percentage of Preparedness Preparednes Admin and
Minutes of
Evacuation particularly the repairs Chairperson, s training,
Annual activity with ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Center door knobs, ceiling completed in the BDRRMC, Chairperson MDRRMO
& faucet Evac Center BDC ,
nce sheet
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Objective (Response): Barangay Bantacan able to provide the basic needs of affected families and manage the response efforts well.
Who is Frequency Data Source & Who will Whom to Breakdown of target vis-à-vis Performance
responsible of Data Methodology prepare the Submit the
in doing Collection report? report?
Expected M&E?
Prevention Monitoring
Solutions (PPAs) Results with Unit & Indicators
& Team
Target in Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2
Mitigation Chairperson
Figures (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026) (2027)
IMT activated and
all necessary DRR
Activation of IMT activated
response Liquidation/ Hon.
Incident and responders Response Hon. Prevy J.
teams/task units Annual Accomplishm Dionisio B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Management and committee Team Leader Mamigo
deployed in a ent report Leopoldo
Team are deployed
coordinated and
timely manner
Conduct of
Rapid Damage RDANA No.of RDANA Hon.
Response Team Hon. Prevy J.
Assessment and conducted after the conducted after Annual Dionisio B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Leader Mamigo
Needs Analysis impact the impact Leopoldo
100% of
100% of
affected Liquidation/ Hon.
Transportation families Response Team Hon. Prevy J.
families provided Annual Accomplishm Dionisio B. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
to Evacuation provided Leader Mamigo
withrelief ent report Leopoldo
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025
Objective (Rehabilitation & Recovery): Barangay Bantacan is able to rest or lifeline utilities and rehabilitate all affected basic services and facilities.
Who is Frequency Data Source & Who will Whom to Breakdown of target vis-à-vis Performance
responsible of Data Methodology prepare the Submit the
in doing Collection report? report?
Expected M&E?
Prevention Monitoring
Solutions (PPAs) Results with Unit & Indicators
& Team
Target in Year1 Year2 Year3 Year1 Year2
Mitigation Chairperson
Figures (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026) (2027)
Provision of population Conduct Four times a Reports pictures Hon.
Alternate received Monitoring and BDRRMC year (Every and minutes of Hon. Prevy Dionisio B.
Members BDRRMC BDRRMC J. Mamigo ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Livelihood alternate Reporting Leopoldo
livelihood Meeting) Meeting
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan 2023-2025