43. The best method of intraoperative 48.relative indications for surgical treatment
monitoring the completeness of peptic ulcer disease are set at:
vagotomiipriznana: 1) pyloric stenosis
1) intraventricular pH meter PH-specific 2) recurrent ulcer haemorrhage after
probe endoscopic
2) endoscopic pH meter 3) low of bulbous ulcer
3)c hromo gastroscopy with Congo 4) malignant degeneration of ulcers
4) identification of intraventricular RN 5) antitypic of perforate ulcer
through gastrotomic hole
49.the best functional results at low
duodenal stenosis obtained by: 55. The characteristic changes in blood
1) pyloroplasty for Heineken-mikulichu- vessels in diabetes mellitus include:
combined with selective vagotomy 1. Sclerosis arterioles
2) combined with DBS 2. looped arterial thrombosis
gastroduodenoanastomosis on dzhabuleyu 3. Development of Leriche syndrome
3) The combination of SPV with 4. femoral artery thrombosis
duodenoplasty 5. Acrocyanosis
4) gastroenteroanastomosis stem vagotomy
5) economical gastrectomy selective 56. during presence of gangrenous abscess
vagotomy with the size of 6x6 cm in the lower lobe of
the right lung is most expedient:
50. In duodenal ulcer complicated by 1. hospitalize in therapeutic department
stenosis, selective proximal vagotomy can 2. Start treatment with antibiotics, vitamin
apply the following operations: therapy and so.
1) ideal antrumectomy 3. Immediately make a bronchoscopy
2) duodenoplasty 4. Bronchography
3) pyloroplasty 5. Intensive treatment in the surgical
4) gastroduodenoanastomosis on department for two weeks, followed by
Dzhabuleyu radical surgery
5. gastroentroanastomosis
57. If you suspect a tumor of the
51. Secretin is produced: mediastinum the most informative method
1. In the duodenum for diagnosis is:
2. Liver 1. Pnevmomediastenoscopy
3. In the pancreas 2. Bronchography
4. In the distal parts of the small intestine 3. Bronchoscopy
5. In the hypothalamus 4. Pnevmomediastenotomography
5. false l pneumothorax
52. during treatment of chronic callous
fissure is the most effective: 58. The anterior mediastinum is a favorite
1. sacral blockade with solution of place of localization:
Novocain 1. enterogenous cyst of the
2. The introduction of Novocain with mediastinum
alcohol under the fissure 2. bronchogenic cysts of the mediastinum
3. Finger extension the sphincter by 3. ceolomic pericardium
Recome 4. megacaryoblastoma mediastinum
4. Excision fissure 5. Thymoma
5. Excision fissure with dosed
sphincterotomy 59. The most informative diagnostic
methods in detecting early stage cancer of
53. The length of the anal canal is equal to: the esophagus is:
1. 1-2 cm 1. Cytology survey rinse of esophagus
2. 2-3 cm 2. X-ray examination
3. 3-4 cm 3. Monometric examination of the
4. 4-5 cm esophagus
5. 5-6 cm 4. Endoscopic examination of the
54. Posterior dosed sphincterotomy is
shown for the treatment : 60. For acute paraprocitit necessary
1. Hemorrhoid , with increased tone of treatments are next principle:
the sphincter and anal fissure 1) early surgery
2 . coccyalgia 2) an adequate autopsy and sanitation of
3. Chronic paraproctitis , purulent focus
4. hemorrhoid, prolapse of internal 3) excision of internal hole
hemorrhoids 4) adequate drainage
5) all answers are correct 4. Closure of wounds duodenum and
61.substance of Oppel sample is: 5. Gastro duodenum anastomosis by
1) tiredness of feet Finney
2) reactive hyperemia
3) blanching the plantar surface of the 67. Continuing the hemorrhage is
foot determined by test :
4) blanching of fingers 1. by Kerr
5) a pain in the calf muscles 2. by Abrikosov
3. by Petrov
62.none characteristic of peptic ulcer 4. by Voskresno
disease 12 duodenal is:
1) The high prevalence of the disease 68. The emergence of anal fissure
2) frequent development of among men contribute:
3) frequent development of young age 1. Long-term constipation
4) more stubborn. than with gastric ulcers 2. Hemorrhoid
during 3. Acute paraproctitis and proctitis
5) extremely rare malignant 4. Injury of rectum and anal canal
degeneration 5. correct 1 and 4
63.begining process of ulceration associated 69. Symptom "drum daddies" and "time
with: windows":
1) with reverse diffusion of hydrogen ion 1. the characteristic only for bronchiectasis
2) with decompensation antral acid 2. It can be observed in other suppurative
neutralization function lung disease and pleural
3) with contravention of the acid neutraliz 3. A more typical for heart disease
-function of duodenal ulcer 4. Characteristic for actinomycosis
4) the mechanisms contravention of the 5. Characteristic for tuberculosis
balance between protection and
aggression factors of gastro duodenal 70.during of hospitalization and after
5) with decreased pancreatic secretory decrease in acute inflammation to the patient
function is shown:
1. Sclerotherapy
64. The anterior mediastinum is a favorite 2. sacral Novocain blockade
place of localization: 3. bandaging of hemorrhoid
1. enterogeousis cyst of the mediastinum 4. Hemorrhoidectomy
2. bronchogenic cysts of the mediastinum
3. ceolomic pericardium 71. The clinical picture is characterized by
4. megacaryoblastoma mediastinum rectal fistula:
5. Thymoma 1. fear from bathroom ( stool)
2. hemorrhage during defecation
65. The barium enema in inflammatory of 3. recurrence paraprotiisis with
the colon wall usually reveals: liberation pus from fistula
1. for bowls Kloybera 4. liberation of mucus during defecation
2. Change the intestinal mucosa relief
3. similarly Diverticul protrusion 72. Among of the complications associated
4. Segmental spasm with the production of pleural puncture and
5. total obturation of clear introduction of antibiotics, to the
instantaneous death can result:
66. When fresh injuries of the duodenum 1. Intra pleural hemorrhage
shows: 2. Air cerebral embolism
1. Closure of wounds, duodenal 3. Anaphylaxis
intubation 4. Pleural pulmonal shock
2. Resection of 2/3 of the stomach 5. correct 2 and 3
3. gastro entero anastomosis
73. An anal fissure is established:
1. Examine the anal region 5) all above are right
2. The digital examination of the rectum
3. rectoroscopy 80.Metastasis shniptsler localized:
4. irrigoscopy 1) in iver
5. colonoscopy 2) in recto-vesical fold
3) in the ovaries
74. Once the diagnosis of acute purulent 4) between the stem of the
mediastenisis a primarily needed: sternocleidomastoid muscle
1. Massive antibiotic therapy 5) in the navel
2. Immunotherapy
3. Detoxification Therapy 81.most common histological form
4. Surgery ampullar colorectal cancer is:
5.hemo transfusion 1) undifferentiated
2) squamous
75.Diverticulosis usually localized: 3) mucosal
1. In esophagus 4) adenocarcinoma
2. In stomach 5) solid
3. In duodenum
4. In ileum 82. approach of the Appendectomy is : colon 1. by Kocher
2. According to Fedorov
76.Limph deflux from Sigma via the lymph 3. by Volkovich-Dyakonovu
nodes: 4. Mayo
1.upper mesenteric 5. all above are none correct
2.inferior mesenteric
3.Paraaortic 83.which symptom is characteristic of acute
4.None of the following groups cholecystitis
5. all of these lymph nodes 1. Resurrection symptom ( voskresensc)
2. Ortner- symptom
77. colon polyps has the highest tendency to 3. symptom Bartome-Michelson
malignancy . 4. Kerte symptom
1.hyperplastic 5. Obukhov - symptom
3.Adenomatous 84. Acute cholecystitis differentiate with the
4.Multiple adenomatus following diseases, except :
5.Index for malignancy is the same in all 1. a perforated ulcer of the stomach and
cases duodenum
2. acute pancreatitis
78.what feature of the clinical 3. right-side of pleuropneumonia
manifestations of cancer recto-sigmoid 4. with acute appendicitis
rectum? 5. all are above
1.intestinal obturation
2.heamorrhege 85. during umbilical hernia techniques
3.Tenesmus used .
4.loose weight 1. Plastic by Kukuzjanov
5.pain during defecation 2. Plastic by Mayo
3. plastic by Bassin
79.during gangrene affecting one of the 4. Plastic by Gu
lobes of the lung is recommended: 5. None of them
1) daily sanitation of the bronchial tree
through a bronchoscope 86.Diverticulosis is usually localized:
2) introduction of antibiotics into the 1. in the esophagus
pulmonary artery 2. stomach
3) lobectomy 3. duodenum
4) intensive therapy with endobronchial 4. ileum
introduction of antibiotics 5. colon
3. vagotomy without drainage operation
87. Treatment of boils(fruncle) comprises: 4. Resection
1. Antibiotics 5. Imposition of gastroentero anastomosis.
2. All of the mentioned answers
3. Processing 70% s spirit 93. residual gastro duodenal bleeding is
4. Opening the boil most likely due to:
5. physiotherapy 1 due to . calcosus ulcer
2. penetrating ulcer
88. The perforation of any organ of of the 3. mucosal surface erosion
abdominal cavity is characterized by: 4. thrombosed vessel in the bottom of the
1. Appearance of sharp pain ulcer diameter greater than 0.1 cm
2. Stresses the muscles of the anterior 5. due to scarring ulcer
abdominal wall
3. Bradycardia 94. With fresh wounds of the colon shows:
4. frenikus-symptom 1. Wound Closureby suture.
5. All of the above 2. Wound Closure and drainage of the
abdominal cavity
89. Signs of damageof retroperitoneal 3. hemicolectomy
duodenum at laparotomy are: 4. Operation Lakhiya.
1. Swelling(edema) hepatoduodenal 5. colostomy
2. Swelling(edema) of the root of the 95. hemorrhoidectomy by Milligan-Morgan
mesentery of the small intestine implies:
3. reabsorption of blood lesser omentum 1. Circular excision of the mucosa of anal
4. The reflux of bile into the stomach canal.
5. reabsorption of bile and the emergence 2. Excision of hemorrhoids at 2, 5 and 8o
of air in the retroperitoneal fat in the clock position of .
descending part of the duodenum 3. excision of hemorrhoids at 3, 7, 11 ‘O
clock position .
90. The most characteristic for acute 4. Excision of prolapsed haemmoridal
duodenal ulcer are: nodes .
1. An elderly patient's age 5. Excision of hemorrhoids at 3, 7, 11’o
2. The history of aspirin or cortico- clock position with the restoration of the
steroids mucosa of the anal canal.
3. Strong seasonal paroxysmal epigastric
pain 96. For the diagnosis of colorectal cancer in
4. Vomiting food that brings relief from the first place it is necessary to carry out
symptoms following investigations:
5. splashing sound in the stomach 1. A digital rectal examination and
91. barium enema in inflammatory changes 2. Fecal occult blood
in the colon usually reveals: 3. Laparoscopy
1. bowls Kloybera 4. Ultrasound examination of pelvic organs
2. Change the intestinal mucosa relief
3. Diverticular type protrusion 97. For the occurrence of an acute
4. Segmental spasm paraproctitis mandatory etiological factors
5. complete obstruction of lumen. are:
1. Bleeding from the rectum
92. A patient with an ulcer duodenal bulb in 2. Diarrhea
the study of gastric secretion revealed: 3. The tendency to constipation
highest secretion and acidity in the basement 4. Obstruction of the output of the anal
and the cephalic phase and normal acidity in and its duct inflammation
the stomach phase. The most efficient 5. Defect of rectal mucosa
operation in this case is:
1. Subtotal gastrectomy 98. For the diagnosis of extra sphincter
2. vagotomy with pyloroplasty fistula of rectum shows:
1. Irrigoscopy 1. Failure osteal valve with varicose veins
2. Colonoscopy 2. Acute thrombosis of deep vein femoral
3. Anoscopy and fistulography vein.
4. Passage of barium in the intestines 3. Leriche Syndrome
4. The post-thrombotic phlebitic disease
99. The most rare complication of primary 5. Buerger’s disease
varicosal veins are:
1. eczematous dermatitis 105.during ulcerative colitis most often
2. Deep vein thrombosis of the fibula affects the gut:
rvein 1.upward part of colon
3. Painless gap of dilated veins 2.colon
4. Ulceration of the lower third of the limb 3.descending part of colon
5. Hypertrophic nails and atrophic skin 4.secum
5.rectum ,
100. Anticoagulation therapy in the
treatment of thrombosis is used to: 106.specify most frequently applied
1. The dissolution of fibrin surgical procedure in chronic lung abscess
2. Suspension of thrombus growth of 1-2 segments:
3. Increase of thickness of blood. 1) segmental resection of lung
4. Changes in the inner lining of blood 2) drainage of the abscess cavity
vessels 3) pulmono ectomy
5. Reduction of DNA activity 4) excision of the abscess cavity
5) lobectomy
101. In what period of time develops
stomach and duodenal ulcer ? 107.due to gangrene affecting one of the
1. summer lobes of the lungs is recommended:
2. winter 1) Daily lavage of the bronchial tree through
3. The autumn and spring a bronchoscope
4. night 2) introduction of antibiotics into the
5. daytime pulmonary artery
3) lobectomy
102. Cretinism and myxoedema is caused 4) intensive therapy with endobronchial
by which of followig : administration of antibiotics
1. The failure of the pituitary 5) all above
2. internal secretory insufficiency of the
adrenal cortex 108. Pancoast tumor it is -
3. internal secretory insufficiency of 1) central cancer of the middle lobe of the
thyroid gland lung
4. endocrine insufficiency APUD-system 2) peripheral cancer lower lobe of the lung
5. All answers are correct 3) central cancer of the upper lobe of the
103. Among the inflammatory thyroid 4) peripheral lung cancer of apex .
diseases distinguish all of these forms, 5) abdominal form of peripheral lung cancer
1. Acute thyroiditis (purulent and non 109.most frequent localization is the
purulent) following colorectal cancer:
2. chronic thyroditis (goiter Riedel) 1) anal
3. Subacute thyroiditis (de Quervain's 2) lower ampular
thyroiditis, Crile) 3) medium ampular
4. Hashimoto thyroditis. 4) upper ampular
5. Rare inflammation (tuberculosis, 5) rectosigmoid
syphilis), fungal and parasitic diseases
(actinomycosis, echinococcus) 110. Which of the following measures are
essential for the prevention of acute abscess:
104. Symptom Troyanova-Trendelenburg is 1) cleansing enemas
used for diagnostics: 2) medicinal enema
3) The saline laxatives
4) treatment of opportunistic infectious 117. puncture biopsy of the thyroid gland is
disease. advantageously carried out with the aim of
5) refusal to use the toilet paper after all the above, except:
defecation in favor of washing the 1. Differential diagnosis of various thyroid
perineum. diseases
2. Definitions degree turn radiofar-drug in
111. thrombosis of thevein of lower thyroid tissue
extremities most often leads to 3. determine the nature of the pathological
thromboembolism of : process
1. vessels in the brain 4. The definitions of the location and extent
2. Systems of coronary arteries and veins of the pathological process
3. Pulmonary artery 5. Prescribing the duration of the disease
4. pulmonary veins
5. The arteries of the kidneys and liver 118. The most effective method of
conservative treatment of lung abscess is:
112. The most likely source of pulmonary 1. Intra-arterial administration of antibiotics
embolism is: 2. Therapeutic bronchoscopy
1. Deep vein shin 3. Intramuscular administration of
2. iliofemoral plelebotrombosis antibiotics
3. upper limb veins 4. Restorative treatment and immunotherapy
4. The right atrium 5. The combination of all of the above
5. inferior vena cava methods
113.To the early symptoms of mesenteric 119. With a large posseted hemothorax 5
vessel thrombosis is related one of days ago must be perform :
following: 1. Wide thoracotomy, removal of
1. Loose stools mixed with blood hemothorax
2. Vomiting 2. Drainage of the pleural cavity
3. Abdominal pain, radiating to the back 3. Introduction stripteases or other enzymes
4. flaccid anterior abdominal wall to hemothorax
5. All of the above 4. Repeated pleural puncture
5. The introduction of antibiotics in the zone
114. Malignacy of thyroid is more common of coagulated hemothorax
in the presence of:
1. Solitary nonfunctioning node 120. With autopsy of the abscess space
2. Follicular adenoma Pirogov incision depth extends to:
3. Hoshimoto’s goiter 1. subcutaneous tissue
4. De Quervain’s goiter 2. The superficial fascia of the forearm
5. Riedel’s goiter 3. pronator quadratus muscle
4. The superficial digital flexor
115. In the surgical treatment of goiter, both 5. Deep digital flexor
recurrent nerves were damaged. Further
strategy involves: 121. choice of operation for obstructive
1. Continue mechanical ventilation jaundice:
2. Suturing the damaged nerve 1. cholecystectomy
3. Imposition of tracheostomy 2. cholecystectomy + biliodegestiv
4. additional measures are not necessary . anastomosis
5. tube feeding patient 3. cholecystectomy + papillo
116. The inferior thyroid artery arises: 4. cholecystectomy- +bile duct drainage
1. From the external carotid artery 5. cholecystostomy
2. From the internal carotid artery
3. From the subclavian artery 122. Secretin is produced:
4. From the common carotid artery 1. In duodenum
5. From thyro-cervical trunk 2. In Liver
3. In the pancreas 4. The fight against intestinal paresis
4. In the distal parts of the small intestine 5. Removal of the causes leading to
5. In the hypothalamus violation of external respiration