General - GIT
General - GIT
General - GIT
Esophagus & stomach P50
pancreas & appendix P61
Anal canal, review subjects & pediatrics P80
361. After intraductal papilloma, unilateral bloody nipple discharge from
one duct orifice is most commonly caused by which of the following
conditions? page 396 edition 2017
A. Paget's disease of the nipple.
B. Intraductal carcinoma.
C. Inflammatory carcinoma.
D. Subareolar mastitis.
363. Which of the following are the most important and clinically useful risk
factors for breast cancer? page 399 edition 2017
A. Fibrocystic disease, age, and gender.
B. Cysts, family history in immediate relatives, and gender.
C. Age, gender, and family history in immediate relatives.
D. Obesity, nulliparity, and alcohol use.
368. The proper treatment for lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) includes which
of the following components? 403 page edition 2017
A. Close follow-up.
B. Radiation after excision.
C. Mirror-image biopsy of the opposite breast.
D. Mastectomy and regional node dissection
1.regarding thyroid gland which statement is true?
a. Is supplied by the branch of internal carotid artery
b..The isthmus lies in front of the 2 nd to 5th tracheal ring
c.Moves with deglutition because its connected to the hyoid bone
d.Is developed from a diverticulam from the floor of the mouth
answer =d
6- all of the following are early life threatening complications of thyroid operation
except ?
a- tracheomalacia and collapse of larynx
b- wound hematoma with compression of the trachea
c- hypocalcemia
d- thyroid storm
answer : c .
539. treatment of FNAC of 1cm solitary thyroid nodule that yielded the f cell
A. total thyroidectomy
B. hemithyroidectomy of the affected lobe
C. palliative radiotherapy
D. total thyroidectomy with modified radical neck dissection
544. regarding head and neck tumors, the following are true except
A. persistent unilateral otalgia may denote an underlying occult malignancy
B. recent hoarsness may be an alarming sign and needs evaluation
C. a recently discovered lump mandates incisional biopsy as a first step in evaluation
D. multiple lumps shall raise suspicion to lymphoma and hence CT neck,chest and
abdomen is
206. All of the following are tests of primary haemostasis except:
A. Platelets count.
B. Bone marrow aspiration.
C. Prothrombin time.
D. Bleeding time.
(B), page 50, Ninth edition
213. In endocrinal shock due to Addison’s crisis, patients may have all of the
following except:
A. Hypernatraemia.
B. Tachycardia.
C. hypercalaemia
D. Hypotension.
(A), page 384, Ninth edition
214. Management of shock due to Addison’s crisis is all of the following except:
A. Essentially prophylactic.
B. IV hydrocortisone.
C. Saline infusion.
D. Blood Transfusion.
(D), page 384, Ninth edition
111. Hypokalemia:
A. Can cause paralytic ileus.
B. May cause muscle paralysis.
C. May cause cardiovascular events early on ECG.
D. Is often the result of renal and gastrointestinal losses?
E. Is never seen in drowning.
278. A trauma victim is hypotensive. Any of the following can be the cause,
A. Extradural hematoma
B. Lacerations of the spleen
C. Pelvic fracture
D. Liver Lacerations.
E. Bilateral fracture of the femur shafts.
295. The oral cavity commensals do not cause harm to the oral cavity due to all of the
followings except :
A. Regular desquamation of the oral mucosa.
B. Rapid replacement of surface cells.
C. Weakness of these commensals.
D. Saliva that washes the oral cavity continuously.
E. The mild antibiotic activity of saliva.
The answer is C
Page 275 the introduction paragraph (7th edition)
301. All the followings are precancerous lesions of the tongue except:300
A. Syphilis.
B. Candida fungus infection.
C. Dental ulcer.
D. Leukoplakia.
E. Erythroplakia.
302. Regarding the TNM staging system of tongue carcinoma, all of the followings are
correct except:302
A. T0 is referred to carcinoma in situ.
B. T4 means involvement of the tongue base.
C. N0 states for no lymph node metastasis.
D. N2 means ipsilateral or contralateral lymph nodes < 6 cm.
E. M1 is distant metastasis.
303. Which of the following modalities is a treatment of the tongue cancer? :302
A. Surgical excision with safety margin.
B. Radiotherapy.
C. Adjuvant chemotherapy.
D. a & b only.
E. a, b & c.
383. In the management of pulp space infection page 235 edition 2017
A. Rapid drainage without waiting for fluctuation
B. Do not perform surgical drainage until pointing of an abscess is seen
C. Oral antibiotics are enough
D. Topical antibiotics are enough
386. Long flexor tendons of the hand page 231 edition 2017
A. Flexor digitorumsuperficialis tendon is inserted at the base of the proximal phalanx
B. Flexor digitorumprofundus tendon splits into two parts near its insertion
C. Flexor digitorumprofundus is responsible for flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint
D. Flexor digitorumsuperficialis is partly supplied by the ulnar nerve
387. Ulnar nerve in the hand supplies all the following muscles except (page 254 edition
A. Hypothenar muscles
B. Interossei
C. Adductor pollicis
D. 1st and 2ndlumbricals
388. Median nerve in the hand supplies page 252 edition 2017
A. Sensation to the little finger
B. Opponenspollicis
C. All the lumbrical muscles
D. Adductor pollicis longus
392. A 65 years old woman, presented with a nodule in the tongue for the last 6
months. On examination it was found to be 1cm of size, situated on the anterior 2/3 on
the left side of tongue. It was ptovisionally diagnosed as malignancy, which group of
lymph nodes would be involved first? Page 301 edition 2017
A. Left inferior deep cervical
B. Right inferior deep cervical
C. Left superior deep cervical
D. Right superior deep cervical
E. Submental
393. Patient Unable to taste sugar in the anterior part of the tongue which nerve is
involved? Page 247 edition 2017
A. Vagus Nerve
B. Accessory Nerve
C. Maxillary Nerve
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve
E. Facial Nerve
394. Tongue Deviation to the right side on protrusion, which of the following nerve is
A. Vagus Nerve
B. Right Hypoglossal Nerve
C. Left hypoglossal Nerve
D. Lingual
E. Glossopharyngeal
396. Facial Paralysis and loss of sensation of anterior 2/3 of the tongue at which level of
facial nerve is damaged. Page 247 edition 2017
A. Facial Nerve Nucleus
B. Parotid Gland
C. Styloid Foramen
D. Internal Acoustic Meatus
E. Facial Canal
523. Causes of poor wound healing are all of the following except:
A. Old age
B. Smoking
C. Salicylates therapy
D. Steroids therapy
525. Which of the following syndromes is associated with poor wound healing
A. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
B. Down Syndrome
C. MEN syndrome
D. All of the above
526. All of the following are causes for metabolic acidosis except
A. Loss of bicarbonate
B. Narcotics
C. GI losses
D. Renal failure
570. Which of the following statements about the coagulation cascade is/are
A. The intrinsic pathway of coagulation is the predominant pathway in vivo for
hemostasis and coagulation.
B. The intrinsic pathway beginning with the activation of factor XII is the
predominant in vivo mechanism for activation of the coagulation cascade.
C. Deficiencies of factor VIII and IX cause highly significant coagulation
D. Deficiencies of factor XII cause severe clinical bleeding syndromes.
43. All of the following complications may com monly follow lower
extremity angiography ExCEPT
A. renal failure
B. dehydration
C. arterial occlusion
D. pseudoaneurysm formation
E. intracerebral hemorrhage
44. Foot ulcers secondary to arterial insufficiency are successfully
treated by all of the following techniques EXCEPT
A. debridement of devitalized tissue
B. elevation of the affected extremity
C. antibiotic administration
D. bed rest
E. avoidance of pressure on the heel
20) A 60-years old male has been operated for carcinoma of caecum and right
hemicolectomy has been done. On the fourth post – oprative day, the patient
develops fever and pain in the legs. The most important clinical entity one should
look for is –
a)Urinary tract infection
b)Intravenous line infection
c)Chest infection
d)Deep vein thrombosis
21) All of following may be predisposing factors for deep vein thrombosis except
a) Oral contrceptives
b) Nephrotic syndrome
c) Sickle cell anemia
d) Thrombocytosis
438. Clinical sequaele for vascular injury following shot gun to femoral
triangle include all of the following except:
A. Lymphorrehea
B. Lost adduction of the thigh
C. Pulseless limb
D. Arterio-venous fistula
398. The Parotid Duct opens at the Level of ? page 313 edition 2017
A. Mandibular second molar
B. Mandibular second premolar
C. Upper second incisor
D. Upper second Molar
E. Upper second premolar
399. Which of the following is not true about Stenson Duct? Page 313 edition
A. It arises from the deep lobe of parotid gland
B. It runs over masseter muscle
C. Opens opposite to the second molar tooth
D. It pierces buccinators muscle
E. It arises from the superior lobe of parotid gland
401. Due to multiple salivary calculi (stones) in the submandibular duct, the
gland of a 45-year-old individual was surgically removed. What major artery directly
related to
the gland was of special concern to the surgeon? P291 Seventh edition
A. lingual
B. superior thyroid
C. facial
D. ascending pharyngeal
E. maxillary
2. Benign tumors of superfical lobe of parotid gland takes a very long time to project
outwards because
a.The external surface of the parotid gland is covered by tough parotid fascia
b.Slow rate of tumor growth
c.The styloid process stops the progression of tumor
d. Ramus of the mandible stops tumor progression
5. The parotid gland is divided into superficial and deep portions by:
a.Cartilagenous portion of external auditory canal
b.Facial nerve branches
d.Internal maxillary artery
6. Sublingual salivary gland is situated
a.Under the palatopharyngeous muscle
b.Posterior to the mylohyoid muscle
c.Below the mylohyoid muscle
d.Above the mylohyoid
10. Multiple cystic lesions inside both the parotid glands in a patient should alert the
clinician for a possible diagnosis of
a.Measles infection
c.HIV infection
13. In parotid surgeries the most reliable way of identifying the facial nerve is
a.By tracing it from the mastoid cavity
b.By removing the styloid process
c.Searching at the tympanomastoid sulcus
d.By using the tragal pointer
22. In submandibular salivary gland surgery, the branch of facial nerve at risk is
a.Lower zygomatic nerve
b.Upper zygomatic nerve
c.Marginal mandibular nerve
d.Buccal nerve
33. Submandibular salivary gland is separated into superficial and deep portions by
a.Buccinator muscle
b.Mylohyoid muscle
c.Digastric muscle
d.Sternomastoid muscle
34. Tumors arising from deep lobe of parotid gland extending across the
parapharyngeal space is covered on their anterior aspect by
a.Stretched out fibers of middle constrictor muscle
b.Stretched out fibers of lateral pterygoid muscle
c.Stretched out fibers of medial pterygoid muscle
d.Stretched out fibers of superior constrictor muscles
1) Which of the following applies to branchial cysts?
a) They usually present in the neonatal period.
b) They present in the midline of the neck.
c) Infection of the cyst leads to an increase in size, facilitating surgical
d) They are found at the junction of the upper and middle third of
the sternomastoid muscle.
10) A 9-year-old boy complains of a swelling on the left side of his neck in the
supraclavicular region. The swelling is translucent; a diagnosis of cystic
hygroma is established. What is true of cystic hygroma?
a) It arises from sweat glands in the neck.
b) It is usuallyan anterior midline structure.
c) It may occur in the mediastinum.
d) Its lesions are usually easy to enucleate.
e) It is premalignant
11) The classic complete neck dissection for palpable adenopathy in the posterior
triangle of the neck includes removal of which of the following?
a) The transverse process,C2-C4 d) The trapezius.
b) The spinal accessory nerve. e) The vagus.
c) Both thyroid lobes.
13) In children, the most common malignant tumor of the neck is:
a) Lymphoma. d) Angioblastoma.
b) Neuroblastoma. e) Rhabdomyosarcoma
c) Thyroid carcinoma.
15) In radical block dissection of malignant cervical glands, the following structures
are preserved except the:
a) Carotid arteries
b) Internal jugular vein.
c) Vagus, phrenic and hypoglossal nerves.
d) Sympathetic trunk.
e) Scalene muscles
18) The following statements about scalene syndrome are correct except that it:
a) Results from compression of the lower trunk of the brachial
plexus and the subclavian artery in the scalene triangle
b) Is particularly common in females.
c) May be associated with a cervical rib.
d) May not be associated with any abnormalities in the plain X-ray.
·.e) There are usually neural, arterial and venous symptoms
◘ Comment: Venous manifestations are rare in the form of DVT
20) Among the following statements about branchial cyst, it is untrue that it:
a) Is a congenital cyst presenting at birth
b) Forms a globular swelling below the angle of the jaw.
c) Is opaque on transillumination.
d) Is lined with squamous epithelium.
e) Contains mucoid fluid rich in cholesterol crystals
21) Among the following statements about congenital branchial fistula, the following
incorrect one is that it:
a) Commonly results from rupture of a branchial cyst.
b) Usually opens externally at the lower third of the anterior border of the
Sternomastoid muscle.
c) May be bilateral.
d) Discharges clear mucoid fluid.
e) Requires removal of the whole track by the "step-ladder" operation
23) True statements about Ludwig's angina do not include that it:
a) Is a virulent cellulitis of the floor of the mouth.
b) Usually results from infection with staphylococci.
c) Causes marked swelling in the submandibular region with severe
edema of the tongue.
d) May cause suffocation.
e) May require urgent operation
24) Which one among the following statements about cystic hygroma is
a) Affects infants and young children
b) Occurs chiefly in the neck, AXILLA AND groin.
c) Presents as a large soft fluctuant translucent swelling.
d) Is localized to the subcutaneous tissues.
e) Spontaneous cure is recorded in rare cases
33) Which of the following swellings will be present in the midline of the
a) Carotid body tumor
b) Lower deep cervical lymph nodes
c) Cystic hygroma
d) Submental lymph nodes
36) About carotid body tumor, all the following are true except :
a) Chemodectoma
b) Presents by mass in carotid triangle
c) Mass is pulsatile
d) Majority are benign
e) Biopsy needed
37) Baby was born with Lt Posterior Triangle swelling, the swelling is
subcutaneous, partially compressed and translucent, clinical diagnosis is:
a) Sternomastoid tumor. d) Dermoid cyst.
b) Branchial cyst. e) Cystic hygroma.
c) Hemangioma
38) About branchial cyst and fistula, all are true except:
a) Is observed in neonates.
b) Is partially covered by sternomastoid muscle. Main DD to branchial
cyst is cold abscess.
c) Contains cholesterol crystals.
d) Before excision.
39) About thoracic outlet syndrome, all the following are true, except:
a) In all cases cervical rib present.
b) Commonest manifestation caused by compression on lower trunk of
brachial plexus.
c) May be hypoesthesia of medial side of forearm.
d) One cause of Reynaud's phenomenon
e) There may be chronic heaviness and edema of upper limb.
41) Which the following muscles share in the boundaries of the posterior
a) Anterior belly of digastric
b) Posterior belly of digastric
c) Inferior belly of omohyoid
d) Trapezius
42) An18-year-old girl came complaining of a neck sinus. She had a swelling at the
same site that became painful and red then ruptured spontaneously 2 years ago
leaving this opening. On examination there was a crescentic opening in the
midline of the neck a little towards the Lt Side. The best management is:
a)Injection with ethanolamine oleate.
b) Antibiotics.
c) Excision up to the base of the tongue.
d) Excision up to pharynx
46) Concerning basal-cell carcinoma, the false statement is that they are:
a) Much less common than Squamous-cell carcinoma
b) Very rare in oriental and black races
c) Particularly common in tropical regions
d) Characterized histologically by dark-staining solid masses of cells arising from
basal layer of the epidermis
e) Commonest on the exposed skin of blonde subjects and outdoor workers
51) A farmer presented with a 2 cm firm rounded reddish nodule with a central crust
that enlarged rapidly over the past few weeks:
a) Basal cell carcinoma.
b) Squamous cell carcinoma.
c) Keratoacanthoma.
d) Melanoma
53) In melanoma, which of the following factors is most predictive of the patient's long-
term prognosis?
a) Circumference of lesion.
b) Darkness of lesion.
c) Depth of lesion.
d) Sharpness of border between lesion and adjacent skin
55) A 45-year-old male developed an ulcerative nodule lesion of 1.5 cm near the right
ala of the nodes for 6 months duration, your diagnosis is:
a) Squamous cell carcinoma.
b) Actinic keratosis
c) Sebaceous cyst.
d) basal cell carcinoma
58) Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding skin squamous cell
a) Xerodermia pigmentosa is one of the predisposing factors.
b) Microscopic appearance is characterized by the presence of cell nests
c) Blood spread is early.
d) Surgery is indicated for a Marjolin’s ulcer.
e) It has everted edges.
73) The BEST management of a hemangioma affecting the whole ear in an infant is:
a) Reassurance and follow up
b) Laser photocoagulation
c) Embolization
d) Surgical excision
74) A 25-year female presented with a 1-cm pigmented lesion of the shoulder region.
The definitive diagnosis should be established by:
a) Aspiration biopsy.
b) Incision biopsy.
c) Exfoliative cytology.
d) Excisional biopsy.
e) Frozen-section biopsy.
75) A 63-year-old male presented to you with a 7 mm ulcer in the center of the lower
lip. On examination, the ulcer had a hard base not fixed to the mandible, with elevated
edges. The submental lymph node was felt hard in consistency. A biopsy showed
malignant cells with formation of cell nests. Neck MRI showed no other lymph node
affection. The best management is:
a) V-shaped excision alone.
b) V-shaped excision with suprahyoid block neck dissection.
c) V-shaped excision with bilateral complete block neck dissection.
d) Intra-arterial chemotherapy.
77) your brother had a long-standing sebaceous cyst on his back. He complained to you
at it had recently enlarged and become painful. On examination it was reddish in color,
surrounded by an area of erythema. The best management is:
a) Squeeze out the contents.
b) Incision and drainage.
c) Excision of the sebaceous cyst.
d) YAG laser.
78) This type of melanoma can occur beneath the nail bed and has a bad prognosis:
a) Superficial spreading
b) Nodular
c) Lentigo maligna
d) Acral lentiginous
79) A 23-year-old female presented to you with a painful swelling in the left axilla of 4
days duration following removal of axillary hair. She has no fever, but the pain is
throbbing. On examination, the swelling is reddish, 2*3 cm bulging around 1 cm and
the center of the swelling is softer than the edges. The best management in this case
would be:
a) Ultrasound imaging
b) Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
c) Incision and drainage
d) Excision and delayed primary suture.
80) A 62-year-old fair lady presented to you with a 1 cm hard nodule fixed to nasal
cartilage. A biopsy done revealed the cells arranged in nest, the outer layer giving a
palisade arrangement and inner layers are polyhedral with large basophilic nuclei
with minimal mitosis and no attempt at keratinization. The best management is:
a) Surgery
b) Radiotherapy
c) UF (fluorouracil) ointment
d) Cryotherapy
81) You were consulted on a 72-year-old bedridden lady who had a 5 cm bed sore on
the sacral region with necrotic floor. The best management is:
a) Use betadine occlusive dressing
b) Use semi-occlusive dressing like hydrocolloid sheets.
c) Use osmotic agents like honey
d) Regular debridement followed by closure.
82) A father brought his 6 months old child with a 1 cm reddish patch on his right
cheek. After interrogation he said it appeared shortly after birth but is growing slowly.
The best management in this case is:
a) Reassurance
b) Steroid injection
c) Pulsed dye laser
d) Excision
83) The most common skin tumor found in the nasolabial fold is :
a) Basal cell carcinoma
b) Squamous cell carcinoma
c) Melanoma
d) Kaposi's sarcoma
86) Which of the following lipomas can kill the patient even if it remains benign?
a) Subfascial
b) Submucous
c) Intermuscular
d) Intra-articular
92) A 52-year-old male came complaining of a painless slowly enlarging mass in the
right thigh. On examination there was a firm 20x15 cm affecting the front of the thigh
with normal overlying skin. The best management is:
a) Reassurance and follow-up
b) Fine needle biopsy
c) Incision and drainage
d) Excision
93) You saw your aunt who had a 5mm mobile ulcerated mass on the left nasolabial
fold with a beaded rolled in edge. there were no palpable ipsilateral submandibular
nodes, you should:
a) Check for cathepsen-D
b) Do a PET -CT scan
c) Send her to the radiotherapist
d) Excise the lesion with 5mm safety margin
94) Punctum is present in:
a) Sebaceous cyst
b) Lipoma
c) Fibroma
d) Melanoma
413. Which of the following statements about diffuse esophageal spasm is true?
P.418, Seventh edition
A. Chest pain due to esophageal spasm is easily differentiated from angina
pectoris of cardiac origin.
B. Bouts of esophageal obstruction and regurgitation of food are characteristic.
C. During manometric assessment, unless the patient is having pain there may
be no detectable multiphasic, high-amplitude, simultaneous esophageal
D. The treatment of choice is a long esophagomyotomy from the aortic arch to
the esophagogastric junction.
415. The following statements about the influence of diet and lifestyle on lower
esophageal sphincter (LES) function are true except one. Identify the incorrect
statement. P.419, Seventh edition
A. A high-protein diet increases LES pressure.
B. A fat meal results in sustained decrease in LES pressure.
C. Chocolate ingestion causes a decrease in LES pressure.
D. Peppermint produces a transient decrease in LES values.
E. Cigarette smoking produces no significant changes in LES pressures.
418. Which of the following is a goal of treatment for patients with GERD?
P.419, P.420 Seventh edition
A. Healing of erosive lesions, if present
B. Symptom control
C. Avoidance of complications, e.g. strictures
D. All of the above
452. Esophageal Atresia cases that FAIL will require this surgery when the baby
grows up
A. Colon bypass
B. Coronary bypass
C. Cranial bypass
458. Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (CHPS) occurs at which age
A. At birth
B. After 2-3 weeks from birth
C. After 2-3 years from birth
465. One of the curative operations for carcinoma of the oesophagus is called
A. Whipple’s operation
B. Anderson–Hynes operation
C. Heller’s operation
D. Ivor–Lewis operation
E. Hartmann’s operation
466. Which of the following are importantin the causation of gastric cancer?
A. H. pylori infection
B. Gastric atrophy
C. Pernicious anaemia
D. Previous gastric surgery
E. Smoking.
F. all of the above
468. Which of the following are associated with the molecular pathology of
gastric cancer?
A. Mutation or loss of heterozygosity in
B. APC gene
C. Mutation in gene coding for beta-catenin
D. Mutations in gene coding for E-cadherin
E. Inactivation of p53
F. all of the above
469. Which of the following are true with regard to spread of gastric cancer?
A. Tumour reaching the serosa usually indicates incurability.
B. Blood-borne metastases commonly occur in the absence of lymph node
C. Krukenberg’stumours are always associated with other areas of
transcoelomic spread.
D. Sister Joseph’s nodule is diagnostic of gastric cancer.
E. The lymphatic vessels related to thecardia have no relation to the
471. Which of the following are true regarding the treatment of gastric cancer?
A. D1 resection is superior to a D2 resection.
B. The 5-year survival in the UK is between 50 and 75 per cent.
C. There is a definite role for neoadjuvantchemotherapy.
D. Radiotherapy to the gastric bed is a useful adjunct.
473. All the following are the risk factors for gastric cancer except one:
A. Helicobacter pylori infection
B. Atrophic gastritis ????? ALL
C. Pernicious anaemia
D. Alcohol abuse
E. Smoking
250. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial test for the evaluation
of obstructive jaundice?
A. CT scanning.
C. HIDA scanning.
E. Ultrasound imaging
253. An 85-year-old man has 2-day history of nausea and vomiting. He has not
passed gas or moved his bowels for the last 5 days. Abdominal films show dilated
small bowel, no air in the rectum and air in the biliary tree. Which of the following
statements is TRUE?
A. Air in the biliary tree associated with small-bowel obstruction suggests a
diagnosis of gallstone ileus.
B. An enterotomy should be distal to the site of obstruction and the stone
should be removed.
C. Gallstone ileus is more common in the young adults.
D. Cholecystectomy should be performed during exploration.
E. Small-bowel obstruction usually occurs in the distal jejunum.
Answer in A
Page 407,
259. A 15-year-old female presents with RUQ abdominal pain. Workup reveals a
choledochal cyst. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Choledochal cysts are more common in men.
B. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the recommended treatment.
C. Patient with a choledochal cyst have an increased risk of
D. All patients with a choledochal cyst have abdominal pain, a RUQ mass, and
E. The etiology is infectious.
The answer is C
Page 405 Choledocal cyst (6th edition)
Page 416 Risk Factors (6th edition)408 Gall stone ileus (6th edition)
265. Following recovery in the hospital from a fracture of the femur, a 70-yearold
female patient develops RUQ abdominal pain and fever. She has tenderness in
the right subcostal region. There is evidence of progressive sepsis and
hemodynamic instability The WBC count is 24,000. A bedside sonogram confirms
the presence of acalculous cholecystitis. What should treatment involve?
A. Intravenous antibiotics alone
C. Percutaneous drainage of the gallbladder
D. Urgent cholecystectomy
E. Elective cholecystectomy after 3 months
The answer is D
Page 411 Acute non calcular cholecystitis (6th edition)
279. Regarding diagnostic peritoneal lavage after blunt abdominal trauma, all
are true except;
A. It is good in diagnosing intestinal injuries.
B. It is good in diagnosing renal injuries.
C. It is good in diagnosing intra-peritoneal bleeding.
D. There is no need for it in shocked who has abdominal tenderness and
E. It could be replaced by FAST scan or CT scan.
The answer is B
Page 588 Pathology (6th edition)
280. Regarding traumatic rupture of the diaphragm, all the following statements
are true except:
A. It mainly affects left side.
B. Plain chest X-ray can be diagnostic.
C. It is very easy to diagnose.
D. It is likely to be associated with abdominal and thoracic injuries
E. The only treatment is surgical repair
The answer is C
Page 390 Diaphragmatic injuries (7th edition)
200. What is the name of the ligament that related to the spleen and prevents its
enlargement vertically downwards :
A. Colicphrenic
B. Coliccolic
C. Phrenicocolic
D. phreniccolon
247. A 35-year-old female patient presented by dull aching pain in the right
hypochondrium. CT scan revealed a well-defined cyst in the right lobe of the liver.
Immunological tests excluded the presence of hydatid disease. What is the most
appropriate treatment for this patient?
A. Aspiration and injection of absolute alcohol.
B. Hepatic artery embolization.
C. Limited hepatic resection.
D. Marsupilisation.
E. Observation.
262. A 43-year-old female patient had an abdominal CT scan which showed a 4-cm
lesion in the periphery of the left lobe of the liver. The lesion enhances on the arterial
phase of the CT scan and has a central scar. Which of the following is the
recommended treatment of
this lesion?
A. Wedge resection of the lesion
B. Formal left hepatectomy
C. Intra- arterial embolization of the lesion
D. Radiofrequency ablation of the liver lesion
E. Stop the intake of oral contraceptive.
The answer is E
Page 396 FNH (6th edition)
274. A 25-years old man presents following blunt abdominal trauma, CT scan shows
splenic lacerations. His HR is 110, RR 23 and mildly anxious. What percentage of his
volume do you estimate he has lost?
A. <15%
B. 15-30%
C. 30-35%
D. 35-40%
E. >40%
The answer is B
Page 34 Class II haemorrhage (7th edition)
1. A 16 years old female patient with pigment gall bladder stone may
be subjected to have :
A. Hereditary spherocytosis
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Thalassemia major
D. Elliptocytosis
E. Hereditary haemolytic anemia
586. Which of the following statements about pyogenic abscess of the liver are true?
A. The right lobe is more commonly involved than the left lobe.
B. Appendicitis with perforation and abscess is the most common underlying cause of
hepatic abscess.
C. Mortality is largely determined by the underlying disease.
D. Mortality from hepatic abscess is currently greater than 40%.
587. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the current therapy
for pyogenic hepatic abscess?
A. Antibiotics alone are adequate for the treatment of most cases.
B. All patients require open surgical drainage for optimal management.
C. Optimal treatment involves treatment of not only the abscess but the underlying
source as well.
D. Percutaneous drainage is more successful for multiple lesions than for solitary ones.
589. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about benign lesions of the liver?
A. Adenomas are true neoplasms with a predisposition for complications and should
usually be resected.
B. Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a neoplasm related to birth control pills (BCPs) and
usually requires
C. Hemangiomas are the most common benign lesions of the liver that come to the
surgeon’s attention.
D. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia does not usually accompany cirrhosis.
590. Which of the following statement(s) about malignant neoplasms of the liver is/are
A. Hepatocellular carcinoma is probably the number 1 cause of death from cancers
B. The most common resectable hepatic malignant neoplasm in the United States is
C. Hepatoma has at least one variant that has a much more benign course than
hepatomas in general.
D. Hepatomas are generally slower growing than was formerly believed.
591. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about bile duct cancers?
A. If resected, proximal lesions are usually curable.
B. The more proximal the lesion, the more likely is resection to be curative.
C. Radiation clearly prolongs survival.
D. Transplantation is usually successful if the lesion seems confined to the liver.
E. None of the above is true.
. Ligation of all of the following arteries usually causes significant
exc hepatic enzyme abnormalities
595. Which of the following is the most common acid-base disturbance in patients with
cirrhosis and portal hypertension?
A. Metabolic acidosis.
B. Respiratory alkalosis.
C. Metabolic alkalosis.
D. Respiratory acidosis.
597. Which of the following is the most effective definitive therapy for both prevention
of recurrent variceal hemorrhage and control of ascites?
A. Endoscopic sclerotherapy.
B. Distal splenorenal shunt.
C. Esophagogastricdevascularization (Sugiura procedure).
D. Side-to-side portacaval shunt.
E. End-to-side portacaval shunt.
2. With regard to the location of the appendix which of the following is/are true: 681
A. The base of the appendix can always be found at the confluence of the cecaltaenia.
B. In the majority of cases, the tip of the appendix found in the pelvis.
C. The appendix is often retrocecal and extraperitoneal.
D. The position of the tip of the appendix in appendicitis does not determine the symptoms
of the patient.
5. In acute appendicitis :
A. Normal total and differential white blood cell count excludes the diagnosis of
B. The presence of white and red blood cells in urine is not compatible with the diagnosis
of appendicitis.
C. The degree of abnormality in the total and differential WBC count is correlated to the
degree of appendiceal abnormality.
D. Symptoms of appendicitis and finding of anemia sould raise suspicion of cecal cancer.
8. During evaluation of male patient with right lower quadrant abdominal pain,
which of
the following should be included in differential diagnosis? 685
A. Acute mesenteric adenitis.
B. Gastroenteritis.
C. Diverticulitis.
D. Intussusceptions.
E. All of the above.
12.Which of the Following is the most common neoplasm of the appendix? 689
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Carcinoid
C. Malignant mucocele
D. Lymphoma
E. Lymphosarcoma.
15.All of the following are true regarding acute appendicitis EXCEPT: 683
A. The luminal capacity of the appendix is 0.1 mL
B. The initial periumbilical pain is due to stimulation of the visceral afferent nerve fibres
C. Hyperperistalsis is a feature of early appendicitis
D. Chronic appendicitis does not occur
E. Children younger than 5 years have a higher perforation rate
16.Which of the following is the most reliable in confirming the diagnosis of acute
appendicitis ?
A. Classic history of initial periumbilical pain shifting to the right iliac fossa
B. Localized tenderness at McBurney point
C. Rebound tenderness
D. Presence of obturator sign
E. Rovsing sign
257. A 25-year-old female presents with episodes of bizarre behaviour, memory lapse,
and unconsciousness. She also demonstrated previously episodes of extreme hunger,
sweating, and tachycardia. During one of these episodes, her blood sugar was tested
was found to be 40 mg/dL. Which of the following would most appropriately indicate
A. Demonstration of insulin antibodies in blood
B. Abnormal glucagon level
C. CT of the pancreas showing a mass
D. Hypoglycemia during a symptomatic episode with relief of symptoms by
E. Decreased circulating C peptide in the blood
The answer is D
Page 433 the Whipple triad (6th edition)
290. Which is the single best enzyme for diagnosing acute pancreatitis?
A. Lipase
B. Serum amylase
C. Amylase isoenzymes
D. Renal clearance of amylase
E. Alkaline phosphatase
8. During evaluation of male patient with right lower quadrant abdominal
pain, which of the following should be included in differential diagnosis? 685
A. Acute mesenteric adenitis.
B. Gastroenteritis.
C. Diverticulitis.
D. Intussusceptions.
E. All of the above.
54. The lamina propria between the intestinal epithelium and the muscularis
mucosae contains: 485
A. Blood and lymph vessels.
B. Undifferentiated epithelial cells.
C. Nerve fibers.
D. Enterochromaffin cells.
E. Macrophages.
F. Connective tissue.
59. During the paralytic ileus, all signs those are common except one, which
one? 491
A. Abdominal distension,
B. Iincreased-fluid noises on auscultation,
C. Abdominal pain discrete
D. Radiological small bowel distention and colon
E. Low fluid levels .
62. Before a bowel obstruction which (s) is (are) on (the) item (s) for a small
bowel obstruction due to strangulation? 551
A - The gradual onset of pain.
B - The existence of an abdominal scar.
C - No matter the digital rectal examination.
D - The permanent nature of the pain.
E - The absence of fluid levels on radiographs of the abdomen without reparation.
69. In paralytic ileus, all the signs that are common but one. Which one? 491
A - Abdominal distension.
B - Increase in noise-fluid for the inspection.
C - Abdominal pain discreet.
D - Radiological small bowel distention and bowel.
E - Low fluid levels.
71. One definition is the following gallstone ileus. Which one? 407
A - A choledochal gravel gallstones. (empierrement)
B - A peritonitis by gallbladder perforation.
C - Inflammatory bowel obstruction in contact with acute cholecystitis.
D - A small bowel obstruction by migration of gallstones.
E - None of the above is correct.
77. What are the signs accompanying occlusion by volvulus of the small
intestine? 490
A - Sudden onset.
B – Bloat immobile.
C - Minor abdominal pain.
D - Auscultation Abdominal silent.
E - Early vomiting.
79. In strangulation obstruction of the small intestine, bloating is: 551, 486
A. Sudden onset.
B. Central.
C. Noise with air-fluid on auscultation.
D. Animated peristaltic waves.
E. Sound on percussion.
87. Among the various claims about the cecal volvulus include one (s) is (are)
true (s): 490
A - There may be secondary to an absence of apposition of the cecum.
B - He was a frequent early clinical brutal.
C - Vomiting is often hemorrhagic.
D - The cessation of materials and gas net.
E - The pain is often intense.
88. The occlusion of the sigmoid colon cancer is characterized by: 481
A - Early progressive.
B - Abdominal distension important.
C - High intensity of abdominal colic.
D - A large number of air-fluid level.
E - The air-fluid level higher than wide.
94. Of the following characters, which ones can not (usually) apply to the
sigmoid volvulus? 490
A. Sudden onset.
B. Early vomiting.
C. Central bloat.
D. Many fluid levels.
E. Endoscopic treatment.
99. Complete mechanical small bowel obstruction can cause dehydration by:
A. Interfering with oral intake of water.
B. Inducing vomiting.
C. Decreasing intestinal absorption of water.
D. Causing secretion of water into the intestinal lumen.
E. Causing edema of the intestinal wall.
100. A 45-year-old man with a history of previous right hemicolectomy for colon
cancer presents with colicky abdominal pain which has become constant over the
last few hours. He has marked abdominal distension and has had only minimal
vomiting of a feculent material. His abdomen is diffusely tender. Abdominal x-ray
shows multiple air fluid levels with dilatation of some loops to greater than 3 cm
in diameter. The most likely diagnosis is: 486
A. Proximal small bowel obstruction.
B. Distal small bowel obstruction.
C. Acute appendicitis.
D. Closed-loop small bowel obstruction.
169. What (s) is (are) among the following radiological signs, that (those) which
reflect a gallstone ileus:
A - Ascending clear subdiaphragmatic gas.
B - Images-fluid of the small intestine.
C - Pneumobilie (pneumobilia).
D - Enlargement of the paracolic gutters.
E - Image parietography gaseous small bowel loops.
170. One definition is the following gallstone ileus. Which one?
A - A choledochal gravel gallstones. (empierrement)
B - A gallbladder perforation peritonitis.
C - Inflammatory bowel obstruction in contact with acute cholecystitis.
D - A small bowel obstruction by migration of gallstones.
E - None of the above is correct.
282. All the following regarding Rectal prolapse are true except:
A. It is one of the causes of the obstructed defecation syndrome.
B. It can be associated with excessive straining.
C. It is most common among elderly women.
D. It can be treated with perineal or abdominal surgical approaches.
E. Its treatment is only surgical.
The answer is E
Page 493 Treatment (6th edition)
283. To see the complete rectal prolapse, The best position to put the patient is:
A. Squatting position.
B. Supine position.
C. Lithotomy position.
D. Knee-elbow position.
E. Prone position.
The answer is A Page 492 signs (6th edition)
325. Duodenal obstruction is associated with the following except :640
A. Bilious vomiting
B. Mild abdominal distention.
C. Double bubble sign in abdominal x ray.
D. Marked abdominal distention.
374. Maligenancy of Right colon may present 633 edition 2017.
A. anemia
B. weakness
C. weight loss
D. all of the above
375. cancer of the colon is characterized by the following except that it : page
633 edition 2017
A. Has ahigh incidence in western countries
B. Is commonest in the pelvic colon
C. often develops on top of aprecancerous lesion
D. may present acutely by massive colonic hemorrhage
E. causes arise in the carcinoembryonic antigen in the serum
376. which statement among the following is untrue about cancer of the right
colon? page 633 edition 2017
A. is commonest in the ceum
B. rarely presents with intestinal obstruction
C. May present with anemia of obsecure origin
D. Is rarely palpable on abdominal examiation
E. Is best treated by extended right colectomy
378. Carcioma of the left colon differs from the right colon in the following exept 633 edition 2017
A. Is usually stenosing scirrhous lesion
B. Frequently presents with intestinal obstruction
C. Rarely causes diarrhea
D. Is usually impalpable on abdominal exaamination
E. Carries abetter prognosis of radical resection
379. The site of the colonic maligenancy is more common in 631 edition
A. caecum
B. transfer colon
C. segmoid and rectal cancer
164. How (s) review (s) may be appealed to explore first-line acute abdominal
pain in children?
A - Small bowel transit,
B - Chest x-ray,
C - CT abdominal
D - Abdominopelvic ultrasound,
E – GI Barium.
(page 642-643)
327. The initial management of high imperforate anus in male newborn is : 672
A. Colostomy.
B. Anoplasty.
C. Intestinal resection and anastomosis.
D. Non of the above.
328. The initial management of Low imperforate anus in male newborn is :672
A. Colostomy.
B. Anoplasty.
C. Intestinal resection and anastomosis .
D. None of the above
330. The following anomalies can be found in the male newborn with high
anorectal malformation 670
A. Bucket handle anomaly.
B. Rectovesical fistula.
C. Anal stenosis.
D. Anocutaneous fistula.
422. All are symptom of anal fissures except: P.635, 636, Seventh edition
A. pain
B. bleeding
C. constipation
D. infected discharge
423. Treatment option of 3rd degree piles include all except: P.640, 641,
Seventh edition
A. band ligation
D. Harmonic and ligasure heamorrhoidectomy
424. Etiology of piles include all except: P.637, 638, Seventh edition
A. straining
B. weak msenchyme
C. Genitic
D. prolonged recumbancy in bed
428. All can cause painful anal condition except: P.635, 636, Seventh edition
A. anal fissure
B. prolapsed piles
C. carcinoma of the anus
D. anal fistulas
449. Esophageal Atresia has many types, which is the COMMONEST P.608
Seventh edition
A. Esophageal Atresia without Tracheo-esophageal Fistula
B. Esophageal Atresia with Tracheo-esophageal Fistula
C. Tracheo-esophageal Fistula without Esophageal Atresia
356. The following statement(s) is/are true concerning the indications for
treatment of an inguinal hernia.page741- edition 2017
A. Most adult hernias will remain stable in size, therefore delay seldom affects
the technical aspects of a surgical repair
B. There is a direct correlation between the length of time that a hernia is
present and the risk of major complications
C. The morbidity and mortality associated with emergent operation due to
hernia complications is significantly greater than for elective repair of the
identical hernia
D. A truss maintains a hernia in the reduced state, therefore, minimizing the
risk of incarceration and strangulation
443. The Age for Repair of Inguinal Hernia P.685 Seventh edition
A. After 1 year
B. Any Age
C. After 25 years
354. The following statements about the repair of inguinal hernias are true
A. The conjoined tendon is sutured to Cooper's ligament in the Bassini hernia
B. The McVay repair is a suitable option for the repair of femoral hernias.
C. The Shouldice repair involves a multilayer, imbricated repair of the floor of
the inguinal canal.
D. The Lichtenstein repair is accomplished by prosthetic mesh repair of the
inguinal canal floor in a tension-free manner.
E. The laparoscopic transabdominalpreperitoneal (TAPP) and totally
extraperitoneal approach (TEPA) repairs are based on the preperitoneal repairs of
Cheattle, Henry, Nyhus, and Stoppa.
356. The following statement(s) is/are true concerning the indications for
treatment of an inguinal hernia. B & C
A. Most adult hernias will remain stable in size, therefore delay seldom affects
the technical aspects of a surgical repair
B. There is a direct correlation between the length of time that a hernia is
present and the risk of major complications
C. The morbidity and mortality associated with emergent operation due to
hernia complications is significantly greater than for elective repair of the
identical hernia
D. A truss maintains a hernia in the reduced state, therefore, minimizing the
risk of incarceration and strangulation
357. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning the diagnosis
and management of epigastric hernias?
A. A large peritoneal sac containing abdominal viscera is common
B. At the time of surgical repair, a careful search for other defects should be
C. Recurrent epigastric hernias after simple closure is uncommon
D. Patients with symptoms of a painful midline abdominal mass frequently will
contain incarcerated small bowel