IRS3E Course Guide Cycle 1 (First Semester, AY 2021-2022)
IRS3E Course Guide Cycle 1 (First Semester, AY 2021-2022)
IRS3E Course Guide Cycle 1 (First Semester, AY 2021-2022)
Course Description: This course seeks to provide La Sallian learners with a systematic,
comprehensive, and clearer knowledge of the concepts of Religions, Religious Experiences,
and Spirituality. Anchored in the fundamental teachings and Tradition of the Catholic Church,
students will be formed in their ability to understand and appreciate various forms of religious
experiences, beliefs and expressions in a more globalized community, making them genuine
agents of positive social transformation. Students shall be equipped with the knowledge,
skills and proper attitude as they engage in dialogue with other religious-ethnic communities
and peoples, in a climate of respect, openness, and mutual support. The course will also be a
space for mutually enriching discussions and sharing of lived faith experiences among the
learners, which is vital in the formation of their mental and psycho-spiritual resilience in the
face of life’s many challenges.
Course Outcomes:
CO2. Joyfully and freely acts and makes choices/decisions that are nurtured by a deepened
relationship with God in Jesus Christ, through prayers and the reading the Sacred Scriptures
CO3. Honestly and clearly articulates thoughts, feelings, insights, and reflections related to
one’s experience of God, in different settings and audiences with tact and respect.
CO4. Engages in wholesome interaction with persons and communities with different
religious/cultural orientation with respect, flexibility, sensitivity without compromising one’s
Christian beliefs and values.
CO5. Adopts with faith, hope, courage, and resilience to the constantly unfolding
uncertainties of life, knowing that one does not journey alone but has a God Who serves as a
constant companion and source of strength.
Learning Evidence: At the end of the semestral course, students shall have completed the
portfolio that contains all the tasks and assignments provided in all the modules, following
the 5E Model Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. (Refer to each module
for details and references)
Module 2: The Catholic Religion and At the end of the module, student learners
Interreligious Dialogue: Christianity Defined; are expected to
Brief History of the Catholic Christian Tradition
and Spirituality; Engaging in Interreligious 1. articulate their knowledge,
Dialogue as a Way of Life understanding and appreciation of their
own Religion in words and actions; and
Duration: Approximately 6-9 hours be able to share its gift to others through
service and mutual respect.
Duration: Approximately 6-9 hours 2. discern, judge, and choose wisely the
kind of calling God is preparing for
her/him to embrace as a lifetime
Module 4: Holiness in the Ordinary At the end of this module, the student
Experience of Life (Prayer in the Context of learners are expected to:
Daily Experience; Spirituality in the Work Place)
1. differentiate the varied types of prayer
Duration: Approximately 6-9 hours in the Catholic Christian Tradition, as a
way to holiness and a means through
which God communicates to man.
Module 5: Purification of Awareness (The At the end of this module, the student
Mystical Tradition) Contemplation as learners are expected to:
Respecting the Holiness of God (The Protestant
Contemplative Tradition); Recovering the 1. identify, name, and appreciate their
Ancient Instinct for Astonishment: Three own spiritual experience as a dynamic,
Contemplative Traditions Within Western life-long journey that needs to be
Thought According to St. John of the Cross) constantly nurtured.
Course Meetings: For this subject, we shall adopt a weekly synchronous class meeting
(Via Zoom, Google Meet, or FB Messenger Chat room), which shall be conducted twice a
week, from August 16 to October 15. Each virtual meeting via Zoom shall last for one
hour approximately.
The rest of the week shall be utilized asynchronously, wherein the teacher/mentor in charge
shall attend to the individual concerns of students outside of the synchronous meeting,
utilizing CANVAS application as the main platform for answering online assignments. Other
means of communication, like the USLS email accounts, FB Messengers/Group Chats and,
SMS via cellular phones may be utilized if deemed necessary in facilitating the attainment of
the goals and objectives of the course.
Fridays shall be declared an academic free day, wherein there will be NO SYNCHRONOUS
CLASSES or SCHEDULED ASSIGNMENTS to be submitted, to give both students and
teachers a break and attend to their personal well-being.
Students are strongly encouraged to join the synchronous meetings to enhance and enrich
their learning and to be in the know regarding the on-going topics being covered and their
corresponding tasks. The attendance policy shall also be implemented as prescribed in
the Student Handbook. Students are allowed a maximum of 9 absences from the
synchronous meetings, beyond which the student may be dropped from the course.
Module 2: The Catholic Religion and Interreligious Dialogue: (Aug 16- September 17,
Christianity Defined; Brief History of the Catholic Christian 2021)
Tradition and Spirituality; Engaging in Interreligious Dialogue as
a Way of Life
Grading System:
For this semester (Second Semester, AY 2020-2021), we shall have only 2 (two) terms-
☀ Assignments/Tasks/Projects: 70%
☀ Term Learning Evidence: 30%
☀ Midterm- 50 %
☀ Endterm- 50%
Bacani, Teodoro C., D.D. (1988). The Filipino Laity: Called to be Holy. QB Trades, Manila, Philippines
Flannery, Austin, OP, Editor (2008). Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Postconciliar Documents.
Galilea, Segundo (1981). Following Jesus. Translated by Helen Phillips. Orbis Books. University of Virginia,
Hughes, Gerard W. (1993). God of Surprises. St. Pauls Publication, Bandra Bombay, India.
John Paul II (1988). (Christifideles Laici: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness John Paul II on
the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World. Catholic Truth Society,
Vatican City.
Rolheiser, Ronald (2003). The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering A Felt Presence of God (Originally
published in 1995, Crossroads Books). Jesuits Communication Foundation. Quezon City, Philippines
Rolheiser, Ronald (2014). The Holy Longing: The Search for A Christian Spirituality. (Image, Crown
Publishing Group, USA)
Schmidt, Joseph F. (1984). Praying Our Experiences. Saint Mary’s Press, Christian Brothers Publication,
WInonia, Minnesota.
Trese, Leo J (1999). Human But Holy: Getting to Know God, Yourself, and Your God. Sinag-tala Publishers,
Inc. Manila