REED notes
REED notes
REED notes
It is in the mystery of the Word made flesh that LESSON 1 THEOLOGY AND THE
the mystery of what it is to be human truly SEARCH FOR MEANING
becomes clear. Without religious education,
pupils would be deprived of an essential element The world is surrounded by skepticism and
of their formation and personal development, indifferences. This has been worsened by trends
which helps them attain a vital harmony between in this so-called “POST-TRUTH ERA”
faith and culture." (Religious Education
Curriculum Directory p4).
As a response, theology presents a way to search shaping public opinion than appeals to emotions
for the meaning and purpose that is grounded on and personal beliefs. In other words, it's a
the certainty of God. The theological enterprise situation where truth is less important than what
is an opportunity for people, especially the people want to believe.
youth, to understand life, faith, and reality.
Theology can provide a powerful framework for 1. Misinformation and disinformation: The
students seeking meaning and purpose in their spread of false or misleading information, often
lives. By grounding their search in the belief of a through social media and other digital platforms.
higher power, students can find: 2. Polarization: The increasing division of
society into opposing groups with strongly held
A sense of direction: Theology often offers a beliefs.
clear understanding of life's purpose and
direction. This can be particularly helpful for The rise of the “post-truth” era is just one of the
students navigating the uncertainties of higher many signs of the current brokenness pervading
education and career choices. the world and the Philippines of today... the
growing trend of INDIVIDUALISM and
A sense of belonging: Religious communities EXCLUSIVISM that has poisoned our society.
can provide a strong sense of belonging and Both individualism and exclusivism are signs of
support, helping students feel connected to the trend for more privatistic tendencies that can
something larger than themselves. become hindrances to an authentic search for
meaning and purpose in the world.
A source of hope: In times of difficulty or
uncertainty, faith in a higher power can provide Interiority
a sense of hope and resilience. Introspection and self-understanding will be an
avenue to witness the presence of the Divine in
A moral compass: Theological principles can our lives.
offer guidance on ethical decisionmaking,
helping students to live a meaningful and THEOLOGY as an Endeavor for ALL People
fulfilling life. 1. For believers, theology acts as faith seeking
understanding (Latin: Fides quaerens
A framework for understanding life's intellectum).
challenges: Theology can provide a way to
make sense of life's challenges and suffering, “For I do not seek to understand in order to
offering comfort and perspective believe; I believe in order to understand, For I
also believe that ‘Unless I believe, I shall not
THE CONTEXT OF OUR SEARCH understand.” The International Theological
The world is immersed in the mystery of God, Commission describes theology as scientia Dei
every search for meaning, truth, clarity, and (Science of Faith): Theology is therefore scientia
depth today is in its way a part of the human Dei as much as it is a rational participation in the
being’s quest to engage that very mystery. knowledge that God has of himself and all
things. As scientia Dei, theology aims to
The post-truth era is a term that has gained understand in arational and systematic manner
prominence in recent years to describe a time the saving truth of God.
when objective facts are less influential in
2. For nonbelievers, theology is a form of The Three Principles of Augustinian
appreciation of the capacity of human beings to Spirituality:
acquire faith. It is by no means a form of 1. Veritas (Truth)
indoctrination, and in no way is it an attempt to 2. Unitas (Unity)
convert people to Christianity or Catholicism. 3. Caritas (Love)