Dr. Ramos EPI TP
Dr. Ramos EPI TP
Dr. Ramos EPI TP
Multiple Choices: Write the letter on the space provided (Dr. Ramos set)
1. BCG
a. Live attenuated vaccine from bovine strain of tubercle bacilli
b. Killed vaccine from human strain of tubercle bacilli
c. Live vaccine from human strain tubercle bacilli
d. None of the above
2. Standard site for BCG vaccination is on:
a. Forearm
b. Gluteal region
c. Lateral aspect of the thigh
d. Middle of the deltoid over the left arm
e. Middle of the deltoid of right arm
3. The following statements in respect of BCG are correct except:
a. The route is intradermal
b. BCG should never be given without prior PPD test
c. Dose id 0.05 to0.1 ml
d. None of the above
4. DPT should not be given after the age of:
a. 2 yrs
b. 3 yrs
c. 4 yrs
d. 5 yrs
e. 6yrs
5. The recommended age for giving the measles vaccine is
a. 5 yrs
b. 3 yrs
c. 4 yrs
d. 2 yrs
e. 9-12 months
6. Which of the following corresponds to an accelerated reaction to BCG
a. An indurations of 5 mm or more within 48-72 hrs
b. Pustule on the 5th to the 7th day after vaccination
c. Healing within 2-3 weeks
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
7. A fully immunized child is a child who received:
a. BCG at birth, 3 doses of DPT and OPV given at 1 month interval before the patient
reaches 1 yr, and measles vaccine at 15 months.
b. BCG at 1 month, 1 yr dose of DPT and OPV started at 8 weeks with succeeding 2 doses
given at 4 wks interval, measles vaccine given at 1 yr
c. BCG at birth, DPT, OPV at 6 wks of life, then at monthly intervals with the 3 rd dose
given at 4th month, measles vaccine given at 9 months.
d. B and C
e. None of the above
8. The following statements are true of the preschool child expect:
a. There is an increased rate of growth
b. Development of useful skills is rapid
c. Social activities increase enormously
d. The toddler’s newly gained independence and aulty feeding habits contribute towards a
decreased food intake
e. Child may acquire one or more forms of intestinal parasitism
9. Morbidity and mortality are lowest in:
a. Infance
b. Neonates
c. Preschool
d. School age
e. Adolescents
10. The following are true. Except
a. The presence of minor febrile is a contraindication to immunization
b. The presence of malnutrition is not contraindication to investigation
c. Live vaccine are generally contraindicated in individuals with immunodeficiency disease
d. By polyvalent means that 2 or more strains of a particular species are incorporated in one
11. The DPT was launched as a policy in the Philippines in;
a. 1970
b. 1972
c. 1974
d. 1976
12. Which of the following statements is correct? Except
a. It is advisable not to give further pertussis vaccine to a child who develops seizures
following administration of DPT
b. Even mild respiratory infection is a contraindication for OPV and DPT vaccination
c. During acute fulminate infections it is advisable to postpone immunizations temporarily
d. That breastfeeding should be withheld for a couple of hours before and after OPV
administration is no longer advocated
13. The adolescent age group is least affected by which of the following
a. Homicide
b. Poisoning
c. Suicide
d. Substance abuse
e. Pregnancy
14. Which of the following statements is true concerning the frequency and timing of well child visit
a. The 1st check up after discharge from the nursery of a neonate who is thriving well is
about 1 month
b. Each visit during the 1st yr is accompanied by an immunization
c. Once the child is school aged well visit should occur every 3 years
d. The adolescent should preferable be accompanied by their parents during health visits
15. The micro nutrition of which deficiency is suffered by many Filipinos child and adult except
a. Iron
b. Calcium
c. Iodine
d. Vit a.
e. None of the above
16. Babies with mothers with HEp B virus, that is HBs Ag or HBe Ag (+) should received the following
A. HBIG during 1st 2 days of life
B. HBIG during 12 hrs of life
C. 1st dose of HEp b vaccine within 7 days
D. B and C
E. All of the above
17. The following are forms of active immunizations except;
a. BCG immunizations
b. Tetanus toxoid immunizations
c. Oral polio immunizations
d. Anti tetanus serum immunization
e. Varicella vaccine immunization
18. The following are forms of passive immunizations
a. Hap B vaccine immunizations
b. Placental transfer of measles ab
c. Tetanus toxoid
d. B and C
e. None of the above
19. Iron supplementation includes the following population
a. Pregnant women
b. All infants 6-11 months
c. Low birthweight infants who are 2 months of age
d. All of the above
e. A only
20. Host exposure prophylaxis for a person who was bitten by rabid animal includes the following
a. Thorough cleansing of bite wound with soap and water
b. Administration of human rabies immediately after being bitten
c. Administration of human diploid cell rabies vaccine together with human rabies Ig
d. Aand B
e. All of the above
21. Immunity after typhoid fever vaccinations lasts for:
a. 3 yrs
b. 6 yrs
c. 10 years
d. Lifelong immunity
e. None of the above
22. The following are true of hemophilus influenza vaccine except
a. Control o invasive hemophilus influenza infection became effective
b. Protein conjugate HIB vaccine are effective for patients
c. HIB capsular polysaccharide vaccine is effective for patients 18 months
d. If conjugate vaccine is started at 2 months of life the next dose can be given after 2
23. Components of EPI program includes the following
a. Coverage
b. Surveillance
c. Cold chain
d. A and B only
24. The normal reaction to BCG includes
A. Appearance of small red tender swelling 2-3 wks after vaccination
B. Appearance of pustule 4 to 6 wks after vaccination
C. Healing within 2- weeks after vaccination
D. A and b
E. Aota
25. The following statements are true of immunizations except TIM answer ngadi A/F
a. Attainment of effective antibody level in active immunization takes some time
b. Live attenuated vaccines evoke more effective and longer lasting immunologic response
than inactivated ones
c. Interruption of schedule with a delay between doses does not interfere with
achievement of final immunity
d. A and B only