Lesson Plan - (3 Prong) : I. Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan - (3 Prong) : I. Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan - (3 Prong) : I. Learning Objectives
I. Learning Objectives
a. Recognize that nouns are names of persons, places, animals, places and things
III. Materials
IV. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
o The teacher will recall about their past discussions connecting to
the story “The Ugly Duckling”.
o The teacher will ask the students about their homework of listing
all the animals in the story “The Ugly Duckling” and will mention
them in class.
1. Engagement Activities
The teacher will let the children read the following excerpt sentences from
the story “The Ugly Duckling”.
o The herons picked on the duckling.
o Swans are the most beautiful birds.
o The geese were mean as the herons.
o The duckling looked into the water.
C. Teacher Modeling
The teacher will let the students answer the following questions based on
the sentences the students have read (which are posted on the board).
o Who picked on the duckling?
o Who are the most beautiful birds?
o Who were as mean as the herons?
o Where did the duckling looked?
The teacher will post the answers of the questions on the board and let
the children read them again.
The teacher will discuss that the words on the board which are the
answers to the questions are called Nouns and that nouns are names of
persons, animals, places and things.
The teacher will review the nouns on the board.
D. Guided Practice
The teacher will post the following incomplete sentences on the board
and let the students complete them with the correct nouns.
5. I go to ___________ everyday.
E. Practice Exercises
The teacher will let the students play “Roll a Noun” game.
In this game, students will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will have
a “Roll a Noun” board and a dice.
The numbers in the dice will have corresponding nouns on the Noun
Board which would be:
o 1 – Free Pass
o 2 – Names of Places
o 3 – Names of Things
o 4 – Names of Animals
o 5 – Names of Persons
o 6 – Free Pass
Each student in the group will roll the dice and if for example a student
gets number 2 from the dice, he/she will think of a noun naming a thing,
and will have to use this noun in a sentence.
C. Generalization
The teacher will recap the definition of noun – names of person, places,
things, and animals.
V. Evaluation
Instruction: Encircle the nouns in the sentence and write them down in the correct circle.
1. My bag is small.
2. She played the guitar.
3. The ugly duckling went away.
4. I go to school every day.
5. The geese were very mean.
6. The glass was broken.
7. Hailey brought her bag.
8. The swans are the most beautiful birds.
9. There was a cat in the cabinet.
10. My family went to church yesterday.
Names of Names
Names of
Animals of Place
Name of
VI. Assignment
The teacher will assign the students to list 5 nouns of each category.
Persons Places Things Animals