DLP Mapeh
DLP Mapeh
DLP Mapeh
Physical Education
(Grand Demonstration Teaching)
Submitted by:
Benjie C. Caranto
Student Teacher, BPED
Submitted to:
B. References
MAPEH for You and Me; Grade 7
Curriculum Guide Grade VII MAPEH
C. Instructional Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Announcements
C. Lesson Proper
Let’s Start
(Shows A Parol)
Our first festival is all about Giant Lantern Festival.
Let us define what Giant Lantern Festival is. Let’s
V. Assignment/ Agreement
Tomorrow, I need you all to prepare a 5 minutes dance piece based on the festival that
you have chosen.