Iot Based Smart Parking System 1
Iot Based Smart Parking System 1
Iot Based Smart Parking System 1
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All content following this page was uploaded by Saidur Rahman on 15 December 2018.
Poly Bhoumik
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Daffodil Institute of IT, Dhaka Bangladesh
Abstract: Nowadays congestion of traffic level increases with the increasing development of population
rapidly. With respect to the amount of population, the utilization of personal vehicles also increased. Due to
more use of cars the traffic congestion occurred on the road. Most of the people chooses personal vehicles than
public transportation. It is very difficult and time consuming to find parking space in most metropolitan areas,
commercial areas, especially during the rush hours. It is often costly in almost every big city in all over the
world to find proper and secure parking space. The proposed project is a smart parking system that delivers
information to people finding a parking space online. It overcomes unnecessary time consuming for finding the
problem of parking space in parking areas. Hence, the website is provided by this project based system where
users can view various parking areas and choose the space from available slots.
parking and the Slot allocation with the web applica- 4.3 Circuit Diagram
tion. Below we show a circuit diagram of our system
that will be clarifying the system very well. 12
ISSN: 2456 - 3935
The hardware realization of the proposed IoT
based smart parking system using LAN Server and
Arduino is detailed below. 13
ISSN: 2456 - 3935
Different cases have been explained and showed
through the pictures in the following sections. All
those two pictures correspondent to each other while
occurring an event. For example, when a car is on slot
one the web is showing slot one is busy.
Case One
This case shows that all the parking slots are empty
and therefore, the system will allow a car to enter into
the parking lot. 14
ISSN: 2456 - 3935
This case shows that only one car is parked inside the
garage and rest of the slots are empty. Therefore, the
system will allow a car to enter into the parking lot.
Case Three
This case shows that two cars are parked inside the
garage and rest of the slots are empty. Therefore, the
system will allow a car to enter into the parking lot.
Case Five
Case Four
This case shows that three cars are parked inside the
garage and only one slot is remained empty. There-
fore, the system will allow a car to enter into the
parking lot. Figure 8.5 Test Case Two 15
ISSN: 2456 - 3935
This case shows that four cars are parked inside the Available at:
garage and there is no empty slot. Therefore, the sys-
tem will not allow a car to enter into the parking lot.
Authors Biography
9. CONCLUSION Saidur Rahman, is a
After doing study on smart parking project it is Lecturer of the Computer
found that this system can be introduced in our coun- Science and Engineering
try and it will be beneficiary in the context of our Department in Daffodil
country. The main benefits are time and fuel saving. It Institute of IT. He
can also provide sustainable parking management in completed his
an eco-friendly manner. There is less maintenance department Electrical and
cost for this system so it is helps the property devel- Electronics Engineering
oper in cost saving. It provides security to the parking (EEE) at American
International University of
ground. It reduces the hassle in parking grounds and Bangladeshn (AIUB),
traffic jam. It will also encourage Automation Engi- M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
neering in our country which will make advancement (ETE) at Daffodil International University. His research
in increasing usage of technology. Therefore, we interests are Computer Network,artificial intelligence,
should implement this project and help to develop our communication systems, IoT.
[5] Geng Y. and Cassandras C. G, “A new smart parking Saidur Rahman, Poly Bhoumik, “IoT Based Smart Parking
system based on optimal resource allocation and System”, International Journal of Advances in Computer and
reservations,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Intell. Transp. Syst. pp. Electronics Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-16, January
979–984, July 2011. 2019. 16