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Iot Based Smart Parking System 1

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IoT Based Smart Parking System

Article · January 2019


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2 authors:

Saidur Rahman Poly Bhoumik

Daffodil International University Daffodil Institution of IT


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www.ijaceeonline.com ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

IoT Based Smart Parking System

Saidur Rahman
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Daffodil Institute of IT, Dhaka Bangladesh
Email: saidur_nu@diit.info

Poly Bhoumik
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Daffodil Institute of IT, Dhaka Bangladesh
Email: poly_nu@diit.info

Abstract: Nowadays congestion of traffic level increases with the increasing development of population
rapidly. With respect to the amount of population, the utilization of personal vehicles also increased. Due to
more use of cars the traffic congestion occurred on the road. Most of the people chooses personal vehicles than
public transportation. It is very difficult and time consuming to find parking space in most metropolitan areas,
commercial areas, especially during the rush hours. It is often costly in almost every big city in all over the
world to find proper and secure parking space. The proposed project is a smart parking system that delivers
information to people finding a parking space online. It overcomes unnecessary time consuming for finding the
problem of parking space in parking areas. Hence, the website is provided by this project based system where
users can view various parking areas and choose the space from available slots.

Keyword: Arduino; IoT; Parking Lot; Traffic Congestion; Ultrasonic Sensor.

1. INTRODUCTION along with automated robotic system, which auto-

The recent growth in economy and due to the matically takes car to a particular parking spot as soon
availability of low price cars in the market, an every as the car enters on a platform. This system can not be
average middle-class individual can afford a car, installed by medium scale shopping malls, movie the-
which is good thing, however the consequences of atres as it can cost them a huge amount. At many
heavy traffic jams, pollution, less availability of roads public places, the system only shows the availability
and spot to drive the motor car. One of the important but it cannot show the exact slot and path to the slot
concerns, which is to be taken in accounting, is that available. Hence, there is the need to smartly find the
problem of parking those vehicles [1].Though, if there path to the vacant spot [2],[3].
is space for parking the vehicle but so much time is
squandered in finding that exact parking slot resulting 3. MOTIVATION OF THIS PROJECT
in more fuel intake and not also environment friendly. The main motivation of this project is to reduce the
It will be great deal if in some way we find out that traffic jam that occurs in the urban areas which are
the parking itself can provide the precise vacant posi- caused by vehicles searching for parking. In the
tion of parking slot then it'll be helpful not limited to newspapers, we saw many articles regarding the
the drivers also for the environment. Therefore, many parking problem all over Dhaka City.
innovations are created to find solution [2]. In Bangladesh we are still using the manual vehicle
parking system that why we are facing problems like
2. EXISTING SOLUTIONS wastage of time and energy finding free space across
At present some countries have portals which users the parking surface when we need to park our car
can gain information about parking areas via the in- which requires a good amount of fuel. We proposed
ternet. This system can give user the information an automated system where the parking ground will
about parking space, but it won’t be able to give only open if it has free slots for parking. The user can
which parking slot is vacant and occupied. Hence,
also check it before arriving there by a website. It will
such system cannot smartly handle the issue. Car lifts
save the time as well as reduce the gathering in front
of parking area.
Cite this paper:
Saidur Rahman, Poly Bhoumik, “IoT Based Smart Parking
System”, International Journal of Advances in Computer and
Electronics Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-16, January 2019. 4.1 Block Diagram
The proposed system is the combination of smart
ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

parking and the Slot allocation with the web applica- 4.3 Circuit Diagram
tion. Below we show a circuit diagram of our system
that will be clarifying the system very well.

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of Automated Car Parking Lot

Above diagram shows the modular representation

of the automated car parking lot. Here four (this num-
ber can be changed according to the demand of the
parking slots.) parking slots have been showed where
ultrasonic sensors are placed. A DC servo motor is
connected with the main gate to make it opened or
closed. Outside the main entrance there is an ultra-
sonic sensor to sense to presence of a car which is
trying to make entrance inside the parking lot. The
Arduino circuit is placed in a suitable place to which
all the components are connected, and it is powered
through a battery.
Figure 4.3 Circuit diagram of Automated Car Parking Lot
4.2 Flowchart
Below we show a flowchart of our proposed sys-
Arduino is the brain for the whole system. It con-
tem that will be clarifying the system very well.
trols and watches over all the components. The ultra-
sonic sensors will be placed in the parking slots that
will encounter the presence of the cars inside the
parking slots. One sensor will be placed beside the
main entrance of the parking lot.
As soon as the sensors get the presence of a car in
front of the entrance, it will send signal to the Arduino
chip to check if there is an empty slot inside the
parking lot. When Arduino chip acknowledges that
there is an empty slot or more then it will send signal
to the dc servo motor which will open the main en-
trance. On the other hand if Arduino chip encounter
no empty slots at the time of a car trying to make en-
trance, the gate will just not open. In addition, there
will be a website linked with the Arduino board to
show the number of parking slots remaining empty.
The Ethernet shield can be placed on the Arduino
circuit board. A 9v dc battery will provide power to
the circuit. The connection between an ultrasonic sen-
sor & Arduino board will be provided through 3 wire
and the dc servo motor can be operated through 2
connections. Pin configuration of the Arduino circuit
board will be done through the simple programming
language which will be written and implemented
through the Arduino IDE [4],[5],[6].
Figure 4.2 Flowchart of Automated Car Parking Lot The system will be connected through a LAN cable

www.ijaceeonline.com 12
ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

with the internet to send status of the system to the

website. It can be easily viewed through mobile phone
or any computers.

The hardware realization of the proposed IoT
based smart parking system using LAN Server and
Arduino is detailed below.

6.1. Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino MEGA 2560 is designed for projects
that want more I/O llines, more sketch memory and
more RAM. With 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs
and a more substantial space for sketch .It is the sug-
Figure 6.2 Ethernet Shield
gested panel for 3D printers and robotics tasks. It in-
cludes everything had a need to support the micro- 6.3. Ultrasonic sensor
controller; simply connect it to a pc with an USB ca- A great ultrasonic sensor is a device that measures
ble or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or electric the length for an object using ultrasonic sound waves.
battery to get started [7]. An ultrasonic sensor runs on the transducer to receive
and send ultrasonic pulses that relay back again in-
formation about an object’s proximity. High-fre-
quency audio waves reveal from boundaries to create
unique echo patterns.

Figure 6.3. Implemented view of system [10]

Figure 6.1 Arduino MEGA 2560 [7]
6.2. Ethernet Shield The picture shows the miniature model of the Au-
Ethernet Shield allows internet connectivity for tomated Car Parking Lot.
Arduino projects instantly. An on-board Wiz5100
ethernet controller holders up to four UDP and TCP
connections, just stack it onto an Arduino to make
own networked devices. Check connection status with
up to speed indicator lighting easily. Extend design
further with two extra rows of pin header that connect
to shields and prototyping. Utilize the Ethernet library
to create sketches which sketch up to the internet us-
ing the protect. The ethernet shield connects to an
Arduino board using long wire-wrap headers which
extend through the shield.
Arduino Ethernet Shield consist of W5100 IC, in
built SD card slot, reset switch and RJ45 jack. The
Mac address of board is randomly assigned. The Mac
Address is represented in Hexadecimal form. If more
than one Ethernet shield is used, then use different
Mac address. IP address of board is assigned based
on LAN. Arduino Ethernet Shield is shown in Fig. 6.2
[8], [9].

www.ijaceeonline.com 13
ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

Different cases have been explained and showed
through the pictures in the following sections. All
those two pictures correspondent to each other while
occurring an event. For example, when a car is on slot
one the web is showing slot one is busy.

Case One
This case shows that all the parking slots are empty
and therefore, the system will allow a car to enter into
the parking lot.

Figure 7.1. Implemented view of system

This model has the capacity of containing four cars.

There are two sensors at the entrance to detect the
presence of car before going inside or outside of the
parking lot. The other four sensors are plotted inside
the parking lot to detect the car individually for each
parking slot. A DC Servo motor has been used at the
entrance to open and close the gate according to the
signals sent by the sensors through Arduino.

Figure 8.1 Test Case One

Case Two

Figure 7.2. Online view of system

The projection on the screen corresponds to the

system model parking slots. This is a real time display
regarding the status of the parking lot. As this is a
web-based representation, anyone will be able to get
the status of the parking lot by visiting the website on
the URL through their cell phones, laptops, desktops
and other internet supporting device. The model of the
parking lot has four parking slots. Thus, we can park
maximum number of four cars through the system.
Right now, the system is showing that the parking
slots 1, 3 are available as there is no car on the slots
and rest of the slots are busy as there is car on slots.

www.ijaceeonline.com 14
ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

Figure 8.2 Test Case Two

This case shows that only one car is parked inside the
garage and rest of the slots are empty. Therefore, the
system will allow a car to enter into the parking lot.

Case Three
This case shows that two cars are parked inside the
garage and rest of the slots are empty. Therefore, the
system will allow a car to enter into the parking lot.

Figure 8.4 Test Case Two

Case Five

Figure 8.3 Test Case Two

Case Four
This case shows that three cars are parked inside the
garage and only one slot is remained empty. There-
fore, the system will allow a car to enter into the
parking lot. Figure 8.5 Test Case Two

www.ijaceeonline.com 15
ISSN: 2456 - 3935

International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 11–16

This case shows that four cars are parked inside the Available at: https://components101.com/ultrasonic-sensor-
garage and there is no empty slot. Therefore, the sys-
tem will not allow a car to enter into the parking lot.
Authors Biography
9. CONCLUSION Saidur Rahman, is a
After doing study on smart parking project it is Lecturer of the Computer
found that this system can be introduced in our coun- Science and Engineering
try and it will be beneficiary in the context of our Department in Daffodil
country. The main benefits are time and fuel saving. It Institute of IT. He
can also provide sustainable parking management in completed his B.Sc.in
an eco-friendly manner. There is less maintenance department Electrical and
cost for this system so it is helps the property devel- Electronics Engineering
oper in cost saving. It provides security to the parking (EEE) at American
International University of
ground. It reduces the hassle in parking grounds and Bangladeshn (AIUB),
traffic jam. It will also encourage Automation Engi- M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
neering in our country which will make advancement (ETE) at Daffodil International University. His research
in increasing usage of technology. Therefore, we interests are Computer Network,artificial intelligence,
should implement this project and help to develop our communication systems, IoT.

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