Embedded System Design
Embedded System Design
Embedded System Design
Question Bank
1. What is an embedded system? What are the components of embedded system?
An embedded system employs a combination of hardware & software (a
"computational engine") to perform a specific function; is part of a larger system that may
not be a "computer"; works in a reactive and time-constrained environment.
The three main components of an embedded system are
Main application software
A way of doing one or more tasks according to a program.
2. What are the applications of an embedded system?
Embedded Systems: Applications:
• Consumer electronics, e.g., cameras, camcorders, etc.,
• Consumer products, e.g., washers, microwave ovens, etc.,
• Automobiles (anti-lock braking, engine control, etc.,)
• Industrial process controllers & avionics/defense applications
• Computer/Communication products, e.g., printers, FAX machines, etc.,
3. What are the main components of an embedded system?
Three main components of embedded systems:
1. The Hardware
2. Application Software
4. Define embedded microcontroller.
An embedded microcontroller is particularly suited for embedded applications to
perform dedicated task or operation.
Example: 68HC11xx, 8051, PIC, 16F877, etc.,
5. What are the various classifications of embedded systems?
1. Small scale embedded systems
2. Medium scale embedded systems
3. Sophisticated embedded systems
6. What are the two essential units of a processor on an embedded system?
1. Program flow control unit (CU)
2. Execution unit (EU)
7. Classify the processors in embedded system?
1. General purpose processor
Embedded processor
Digital signal processor
Media processor
2. Application specific system processor
3. Multiprocessor system using GPP and ASSP GPP core
8. Draw the simple view of organization of processor and memory in a system.
The interrupt latency refers to the amount of time taken by a system to respond to
an interrupt.
Following factors causes interrupt latency:
o Interrupt disabling
o Longer time taken by higher priority interrupts
o Time taken by processor for bookkeeping
o Time taken by processor for context saving
Methods for avoiding it:
Using multiple arrays for critical data’s. , Using circular queues
1. Describe in detail about the data transfer mechanism using DMA in Embedded System.
2. Explain in detail about device driver and Interrupt servicing Mechanism in an embedded
3. Write the types of timers and explain any two types of timers.
4. Explain the basic processors and hardware units in the embedded system.
5. How to select the processor based upon its architecture and applications?
6. Explain in brief about various memories used in embedded systems.
7. Explain in detail about interrupt latency and their solutions.
1. Explain the various features in USB communication protocol
2. With neat sketches explain about Bluetooth technology.
3. Describe the frame format and working of I2C Protocol with features.
4. Describe the CAN protocol bringing out the architecture, message formats and error
detection on detail.
5. Explain the encoding method, frame format, network access protocol used by Ethernet
1. What is Computational Model?
A computational Model which describes the system behaviour by providing
set of objects, rules for composing those objects and execution semantics of the
composed object.
1. Explain the design concept of an Elevator control mechanism using a sequential model.
2. Write the steps involved in describing a system’s behavior as a state Machine.
3. Write a brief note on concurrent process model and communication among the process.
4. Explain the HCFSM model in a elevator control system.
5. Explain the Synchronization among process with examples.
6. Explain in brief about the following.
a) FSM
c) HCFSM and state charts
7. Explain in brief about the following
a) PSM
b) Concurrent process model.
d) Data flow model
8. Explain in detail about Concurrent process and its implementation.
1. Define multitasking.
Multitasking is the process of scheduling and switching the CPU between several tasks. A
single CPU switches its attention between several sequential tasks.
It maximizes the utilization of the CPU and also provides modular construction of
2. What is RTOS?
A Real time operating system is a multitasking operating system for response
time controlled and event controlled process which has real time programming constrains
to solve
3. When RTOS necessary and when it is not necessary in the Embedded system?
An RTOS is necessary when scheduling of Multilpe processors
An RTOS is must to monitor the processors that are response controlled and event
controlled processors.
RTOS may not necessary in small scale Embedded system.
Non Preemptive RTOS In this type of RTOS, if any higher priority task or ISR is ready
to run, the current task is preempted (suspended) and higher task is immediately given
the control of CPU.
The RTOS provides a collection of functions that track can call to tell the scheduler what
events they wait for and to signals that event has happened.
29. What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?
The various scheduling criteria are
CPU utilization
Turnaround time
Response time
36. What is IPC? Mention the two different ways available for it.
The process of a task or ISR to communicate information to another task is called inter
process or inter task communication. It can be done in two ways.
1. Data sharing
2. Message passing
37. What is Task scheduler?
A part of the RTOS called the scheduler keeps the track the state of which one task
should go into the running state.
38. How does the scheduler know when a task has become blocked or unblocked?
The RTOS provides a collection of functions that track can call to tell the scheduler what
events they wait for and to signals that event has happened.
39. What is shared data problem?
If a variable is used in two different processes and if another task interrupts before the
operation on that data completed then the shared data problem arises.
40. What is reentrant function? Write the rules that decide whether the given
function is reentrant or not.
Definition: A function that works properly even if it is called by more than one task is
called reentrant function.
Rules: 1. a reentrant function may not use variables in non atomic way.
2. A reentrant function may not call any other functions that are not themselves
3. It may not use hardware’s in non atomic way.
44. What are the task states? Draw the state diagram of task?
Running state – Microprocessor is executing the instruction that make up this task.
Ready state- ready to execute the task.
Blocked state- Task hasn’t got anything to do right now, even if the microprocessor
become available.
45. What are the consequences of task states?
A task should be running just before it is blocked.
All tasks are blocked and scheduler idles forever (not desirable!)
Two or more tasks with same priority levels in Ready state (time-slice, FIFO)
The shuffling of tasks between the ready and running state is entirely work of the
46. What are the features of the task?
Task has unique ID.
Task has a process structure called task control block saves at the memory
Multitasking operations are by context switching between the various tasks.
1. Explain the cooperative scheduling and round robin scheduling with a suitable diagram.
2. Explain any three types of inter process communication functions between the tasks.
3. Explain in detail about semaphores and its applications.
4. Explain in detail about shared data problem and its possible solutions.
5. Explain in detail about semaphores and its applications.
6. List out various problems associated with semaphores. Discuss with suitable examples
about priority inversion and dead lock situations.
7. What is IPC? Mention the two methods available for it. Explain in detail about message
8. Discuss in detail about the following.
1. Timer function events.
2. Memory management functions.
3. What are the major Previacy and Security Issues in case of Internet Of Things
Answer: Cyberattacks may also compromise privacy, resulting in access to and
exfiltration of identifying or other sensitive information about an individual. For example,
an intrusion into a wearable device might permit exfiltration of information about the
location, activities, or even the health of the wearer.
In addition to the question of whether security measures are adequate to prevent such
intrusions, privacy concerns also include questions about the ownership, processing, and
use of such data. With an increasing number of IoT objects being deployed, large amounts
of information about individuals and organizations may be created and stored by both
private entities and governments.
With respect to government data collection, the U.S. Supreme Court has been reticent
about making broad pronouncements concerning society?s expectations of privacy under
the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution while new technologies are in flux, as reflected
in opinions over the last five years.
6. What is the difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to
Machine (M2M)?
Answer: Generally speaking, M2M could be considered a subset of IoT. M2M is like a line
connecting 2 points, and IoT is like a network, a system composed of lots of M2M and
triggering lots of interactions/activities.
Giving a simple definition to M2M which is transferring data from one machine to another
one. It’s been used everywhere in our daily life. For example, entrance security. Just like
using your employee card to unlock a door. When the security detector receives the ID
from the employee card and then unlock the door once the ID is approved. This is M2M.
8. What is IoT?
Answer: IoT stands for Internet of Things. It is basically a network using which things can
communicate with each other using internet as means of communication between them.
All the things should be IP protocol enabled in order to have this concept possible. Not one
but multiple technologies are involved to make IoT a great success.
1. Explain the Physical Design of IoT and Logical Design of IoT with function block
2. Write the case study on IoT based Weather monitoring with examples.
3. Write the case study on IoT based Smart Irrigation with examples.